Knee pain after running: causes, prevention

After running, the knees can hurt both for natural and pathological reasons. The appearance of uncomfortable sensations in the joints is provoked by uncomfortable sneakers, incorrect technique of movements, and an unsuccessful choice of terrain for sports training. But pain after running often signals a developing:,. Therefore, a thorough examination is necessary, and, if necessary, a conduct.

Causes of pain

Uncomfortable sensations in the knee appear for various reasons. Pain can be provoked by damage not only to cartilage or bone structures, but also to muscles, ligamentous tendon apparatus. If the soreness is accompanied by a slight burning sensation, quickly disappears after a short rest, then with a high degree of probability such symptoms are caused by the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscle fibers. But the appearance even after a decrease in load, and especially an increase in their intensity, indicates an ongoing or destructive-degenerative process in the joint.

Poorly chosen terrain

Running on rough terrain with hills, gravel is a common cause of knee pain. During a run, the load on the legs is distributed incorrectly. A person has to take steps of various widths, bending around bumps. He does not concentrate on proper breathing, gets tired quickly, strains his muscles too much, so there is no health benefit from such a run.

But the damage to the articular structures is serious. There is a constant microtrauma of the cartilaginous layer, the further destruction of which leads to the development of severe pathology -.

flat feet

This is the name of the change in the shape of the arches of the foot, which is accompanied by the loss of its shock-absorbing functions. In 45% of adults, various degrees of severity are detected. If a person with such a pathology is engaged in running, then due to concussions, there is a constant overload of the knee, ankle joint, as well as the lumbosacral spine. A few years later, he may be diagnosed with posture disorders.

Heel strike while running

With incorrect running technique, the main loads fall on the heel with simultaneous eversion of the lateral surfaces of the foot. This significantly increases the likelihood of injury to the ligaments, muscles, tendons, premature destruction of the cartilaginous tissues of the ankle and knee joint. After a run, pain in the legs is felt for a long time due to severe muscle strain. If the technique is not corrected, then running will soon become impossible due to irreversible damage to the cartilage lining of the ankle and knee.

Choice of shoes

Knee pain is often caused by the wrong choice of running shoes. It should not unduly fit the leg or slide off the foot. In such cases, a person does not concentrate on deep breathing and the rhythm of movements, but constantly tenses the muscles of the feet to eliminate the inconvenience that arises. Ideal for jogging - sneakers with a non-rigid arch support and a lightweight, shock-absorbing sole with lacing or Velcro fasteners.

running surface

Sports doctors strongly recommend not to run on the asphalt because of the serious shock loads on the joints of the legs and spine. To minimize the discomfort that occurs in the feet, a person has to tighten the muscles of the hips, knees, and ankle more strongly. This also happens when the sole is lifted off a hard surface and then lowered. The risk of microtrauma of cartilaginous tissues also increases while jogging on grass, sand, gravel.

Associated symptoms

You should be wary if pain in the knee joint occurs after almost every run, and their severity slowly but steadily increases. Such symptoms are characteristic of almost all inflammatory diseases -,. Weak pain can be a sign of both still minor microtrauma of cartilage and bones, and chronic sluggish pathology.

Even minor damage to muscles, ligaments or tendons cannot be overlooked. There is a sharp pain, radiating,. A few hours later, edema forms, and after 5 days an extensive hematoma forms. If the victim does not seek medical help, then the ligaments and tendons are fused incorrectly. While running, they do not stabilize the knee well, which causes pain.

Diagnostic methods

The basis for the initial diagnosis is the results of an external examination of the patient, his complaints, and anamnesis data. The doctor conducts a series of functional tests to assess muscle strength, tendon reflexes. Since the clinical manifestations of various diseases of the knee joint are similar, one or more instrumental studies are prescribed:

  • radiography. Allows you to detect fractures, cracks in the bone, deformation of bone structures. X-rays are especially informative for gonarthrosis and severity. On the images obtained in 2 projections, bone outgrowths, a narrowed joint space are visualized;
  • , CT. Studies are carried out to assess the condition of cartilage and bone tissues, ligaments, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, nerve trunks;
  • . It is used according to indications for examination of the inner surface of the joint. During arthroscopy, the doctor can perform the necessary medical manipulations, take materials for biochemical studies.

In the image on the right, fusion of the joint space is visible.

To diagnose injuries or gonarthrosis, the results of instrumental studies are usually sufficient. But it is often possible to establish the type of inflammatory disease with the determination of the levels of ESR, C-reactive protein, sialic acids, and uric acid.

First aid

Severe pain during or after a run usually occurs in response to damage to the muscles, patella, ligaments, tendons,. The sooner the first aid is provided to the victim, the sooner recovery will come. What to do:

  • lay the person on a hard, flat surface, fix the joint with an elastic bandage or medical splint;
  • raise the injured leg with a roller or a thick pillow so that it is slightly above body level;
  • attach to the knee - a plastic bag with ice wrapped in a thick cloth. Repeat the procedure for 10 minutes every hour. If the injury is received in an open area, you can use a cloth moistened with cold water;
  • give the victim a pill - Ibuprofen, Nise, Ketorol,. Traumatologists also recommend taking an antihistamine, such as Loratadine or Suprastin.

Often the victim does not realize the severity of the injury and refuses. This can lead to deterioration in the functioning of the knee joint in the future.

How to treat knee pain after running

If the pain after jogging does not disappear for a long time, and no pathologies were found during the examination, then pharmacological preparations can be used. Usually external means are used - creams, balms, gels,:

  • NSAIDs - Artrozilen, Ketoprofen, Dolgit, Finalgel;
  • - Finalgon, Apizartron, Viprosal, Kapsikam.

Medicines are not intended for long-term use due to severe side effects. Therefore, it is better to use bioactive supplements in which the main ingredients are in low concentrations. This, Sophia, gels


Knee pain after running is a leading symptom of inflammatory and degenerative pathologies. In the absence of medical intervention, they progress with the involvement of healthy tissues. At the final stage of the development of gonarthrosis or arthritis, irreversible changes in bone structures and the complete destruction of the cartilage layer occur. Bone outgrowths are formed (), when displaced, traumatic soft tissues. The joint space is fused, which leads to - partial or complete immobilization. In such cases, conservative therapy is ineffective, therefore, it is performed.

Prevention of pain

To prevent pain after a run, you need to eliminate all the factors that provoke their appearance. It is necessary for sports training to choose the right shoes, correct the technique, practice in the stadium or in other places intended for running. It is recommended to use orthopedic devices - elastic. They do not hinder movement, but at the same time reliably stabilize the joint. Wearing knee pads is an excellent prevention of injury during falls.

Sports doctors recommend not to run early in the morning, when the body is not yet ready for the upcoming stress. If there is no other time for training, then you should first perform a warm-up. These are walking with high knees, squats, jumps, turns and tilts of the body.

Joint damage often occurs with an excessively sharp start due to increased load. Therefore, running should be preceded by brisk walking. The appearance of even mild discomfort should be a signal to stop training.

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