Injection lipolysis drugs. Injection lipolysis: the essence of the procedure and its effectiveness

A cosmetic procedure aimed at combating fat deposits on the patient's body. The formation of fatty deposits is directly related to the violation of the course of metabolic processes, malnutrition, chronic diseases of the thyroid gland. The correct functioning of the endocrine system is closely related to the functioning of all body systems. There are many reasons for the appearance of excess weight, in contrast to effective methods of dealing with such a cosmetic defect.

Today, plastic surgeons in aesthetic medicine centers are ready to offer patients an operative solution to the problem. However, not all clients agree to surgery, fearing complications and a long recovery period. How to look slim without surgery? Cosmetologists offer patients alternative methods of body shaping, including injection lipolysis of the abdomen, which implies the removal of excess fat using special injections.

Excessive everything causes significant harm to the body:

  • violation of the heart;
  • vascular diseases;
  • dyspnea;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • increased load on the spine.

In addition, extra pounds can be a significant reason for the development of serious psychological complexes. Therefore, injection lipolysis of the face and body is popular among patients as a highly effective method of combating fat deposits.

The principle of the method is to activate the natural processes of fat breakdown. In the breakdown of fat in the body, a person participates in the substance lycetin, which is formed in the liver. At first glance, everything is simple - it is enough to increase the production of lycetin by the body and finally get rid of the annoying kilograms. But numerous medical studies have shown that lycetin removes only destroyed fat cells. This is due to the fact that fat cells have a dense structure and are difficult to destroy, especially if metabolic processes in the body are disturbed in general.

The first attempts of cosmetologists in the fight against overweight were aimed at creating products that can effectively dissolve the membrane of fat cells. The technique now known as injection lipolysis was invented over 20 years ago. Modern cosmetologists have made constructive changes in the technology of the procedure, increasing the effectiveness of injection treatment several times. The composition that specialists inject under the skin in problem areas contains all the necessary substances that not only slow down the absorption of fatty deposits by cells, but destroy existing compounds.

Cosmetologists recommend injectable abdominal lipolysis for patients with low body fat. Much more aggressive methods are required to tackle global overweight problems. Therefore, before deciding on an injection lipolysis, the cosmetologist examines the patient, examines the anamnesis for chronic diseases. Obese patients will have to look for an alternative method of dealing with excess pounds.

Indications for injecting abdominal lipolysis are considered to be:

  • small amounts of fat on the chin, abdomen, or thighs
  • fat folds in the spine;
  • hernia in the eye area;
  • cellulite that cannot be eliminated through the use of other methods to combat such an aesthetic defect.

The procedure has no age restrictions and can be prescribed for both men and women. The mechanism of action of the solution injected under the skin by injection is based on the cleavage of the cell membrane of fat cells. If the procedure has had the desired effect, experts recommend fixing it with a set of sports exercises and making adjustments to the diet. If necessary, injection abdominal lipolysis can be repeated after a few months.

Features and differences of the technique from other methods of fighting overweight

  1. One course of injection lipolysis consists of several sessions, the number of which is determined by the cosmetologist individually for each patient. The client of the center of aesthetic medicine should understand that 1-2 sessions will not give even the slightest result.
  2. The course will have to be repeated in a few weeks to consolidate the result.
  3. After a full course of injection lipolysis, experts recommend that the patient drink several liters of purified water per day, increase physical activity, and make changes to the diet. This is necessary in order to increase and consolidate the results of treatment.
  4. To accelerate the elimination of toxins and toxins in the intervals between injection lipolysis sessions, cosmetologists advise clients to visit the lymphatic drainage procedure.

The specialist must warn patients wishing to use the injection lipolysis service that wen and various benign neoplasms cannot be removed through such a procedure. Such symptomatology, rather, is a direct contraindication for performing injection treatment.

Benefits of the procedure

More and more patients decide in favor of an alternative method of dealing with excess personal weight. Injection lipolysis has several significant advantages over other procedures aimed at weight loss:

  • the procedure allows you to effectively eliminate local fat deposits, which the patient could not get rid of through diets and special physical exercises;
  • the time of one session varies within half an hour;
  • to carry out manipulations on the patient's body, no incisions are made, therefore, the risk of scars and scars is completely excluded;
  • the influence of the injection technique lends itself to fat deposits on any part of the body;
  • positive effect of injections on skin elasticity and turgor;
  • the procedure is well accepted by patients, does not require the use of analgesics;
  • the cost of the average duration of the course of treatment remains affordable for most clients of beauty parlors.


When will you have to abandon the injection technique for fighting excess weight?

Despite the minimum of contraindications and side effects, there are a number of cases when the patient will have to look for an alternative to injection lipolysis. There are temporary and permanent contraindications for the procedure. It:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • dermatological diseases in active form;
  • acute infections accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • chronic diseases of the endocrine system in the acute stage.

For people who are obese, there is the classic liposuction - a surgery to remove fat. But how to remove minor fatty deposits that do not require surgery and are still noticeable enough? For such cases, injection liposuction (injection lipolysis, chemical liposuction) is provided - an uncomplicated weight loss technique based on injections of drugs that dissolve fat.

Everything lends itself to injection correction: problematic buttocks, double chin, cellulite on the thighs and other places of fat deposits.

The essence of the injection liposuction method

Injection lipolysis was developed back in 1980 in Italy, and soon became widespread in beauty salons in the USA and Europe. To date, many drugs have been produced for injections, and classic injection lipolysis has been "overgrown" with similar varieties.

Injection liposuction involves injecting lipolytic substances into adipose tissue. The procedure is carried out using a thin needle, the task of which is to penetrate at least 2 cm deep, bypassing the dermal layer. The solution for injection, which gets into the fiber, weakens the membranes of fat cells. As a result, they soften and transform into an emulsion. Then this emulsion enters the liver and is excreted by the endocrine system.

Preparations for the procedure

With the evolution of cosmetology, preparations for injectable lipolysis have also improved. In the beginning it was a hypotonic aqueous solution. By the way, this drug is used now - as an independent means and in conjunction with other drugs. The mechanism of action consisted in pressure drops between the molecules of the solution and the fat cells. The drug contains very little salt, which is why the pressure in it is less than in the cells. As a result, fat cells absorb excess water and burst.

Sodium deoxylate

Sodium deoxylate, a secondary fatty acid, is more commonly used today. This substance does not have a direct and aggressive effect on cells. It simply weakens the fat cell membrane, making it vulnerable to other drugs.

Sodium deoxylate is produced by the body, therefore it is not a foreign element. No allergic reactions or complications occur. Deoxylate is usually not used alone. Along with it, more aggressive chemicals are included in the injection solution.


Phosphatidylcholine is also a lipid that is produced by our body. It dissolves fat cells, accelerates their emulsification and excretion from the body. It also does not apply on its own, because it cannot penetrate the cell membrane without sodium deoxylate.

These drugs complement each other and fulfill the purpose of liposuction, but injection liposuction involves the use of richer drugs that contain:

  • peptides - to accelerate metabolic processes in cells;
  • l-kartinin, which emulsifies destroyed fat cells and promotes their excretion into the organs of the endocrine system;
  • benzopyrone to prevent swelling and inflammatory reactions;
  • plant extracts;
  • lidocaine, which has anesthetic effect;
  • amino acids to stimulate intracellular processes;
  • procaine - antimicrobial drug;
  • hyaluronic acid to restore skin elasticity;
  • vitamin complexes, etc.

This composition is characteristic of the newest drugs developed for injection lipolysis. There are many of them, and most of them bear the names of world famous cosmetic brands. You can read more about them in the article about.

Chemical liposuction concept

Since the fat burning effect in the procedure occurs only due to chemicals, another name that injection liposuction bears is chemical liposuction.

Chemical liposuction is also based on the destruction of fat cells by exposing them to certain substances - amino acids, antioxidants, caffeine, enzymes, plant extracts, etc.

Chemical liposuction gives visible results with a full course of 6-8 procedures carried out at weekly intervals. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of the technique, but also indicate cases of some complications. And that the result of therapy depends on individual factors in the same way as on the chemical composition of the substance.

What should not be done after injection lipolysis?

To prevent the occurrence of unaesthetic phenomena in the field of injection lipolysis, it is enough to adhere to some measures. In many cases, the procedure is accompanied by an itching or burning sensation, and over time, a hematoma or slight edema may appear. After injection liposuction:

  • you can not perform physical activity;
  • it is advisable not to drink alcohol for the first 1-2 days after the session;
  • do not visit saunas, baths, beaches;
  • use local anti-inflammatory agents (for example, treat the lipolysis zone with ice cubes);
  • massage the skin where chemical liposuction was performed;
  • it is advisable to undergo a course of lymphatic drainage massage to accelerate the removal of cellular debris.

A slight increase in temperature, as well as symptoms of food poisoning, are normal on the first day after the session. Over time, the body gets used to it, and the patient does not experience the same discomfort.

Before and after photos

Photos before and after injection liposuction of the buttocks and thighs

Photos before and after injection thigh liposuction

Photos before and after injection liposuction of the sides and abdomen

The lipolysis procedure (liposuction without surgery) has been successfully performed in many European and Asian clinics for over 20 years. Injection liposuction is one of the areas of plastic surgery, a modern way to remove fat by injection. Lipolysis is not a universal remedy, therefore the procedure should be applied in a health complex.

Liposuction without surgery allows you to eliminate small excess fatty tissue if diet and exercise are impotent; Most often, lipolysis removes fat from the thighs, calves, chin and arms.

Non-surgical liposuction involves the subcutaneous injection of a special substance into the adipose tissue that accelerates the fat burning process. In liposuction without surgery, the split fat is absorbed into the bloodstream and excreted through the liver. That is why lipolysis is contraindicated in people with a diseased liver. Research shows in 80% of patients, the effect becomes visible after 3 procedures liposuction without surgery. In our clinic, an effective and completely safe procedure is performed, you can sign up for which you can call us. Our experts will answer your questions in detail and tell you what non-surgical liposuction is - you can also check the prices at the first visit.


- lipomas.


- allergies;
- severe chronic diseases;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Non-surgical liposuction involves the subcutaneous injection of a special substance into the adipose tissue that accelerates the fat burning process. In liposuction without surgery, the split fat is absorbed into the bloodstream and excreted through the liver. That is why lipolysis is contraindicated in people with a diseased liver.

Benefits of injection liposuction

  • Safety. Using only certified products: Aqualyx, Michelangelo's lipolytic cocktail.
  • Non-toxic.
  • High efficiency.
  • Low trauma. 1.2 injections with a special needle, and the drug is evenly distributed over the problem area.
  • Lack of rehabilitation period.

Liposuction without surgery, the price of which you can find on our website, is carried out using the latest techniques. They allow you to achieve the most effective results. In places with a large accumulation of fat, a special drug is introduced that destroys the membranes of living cells in the body, which leads to the splitting and elimination of toxins and toxins. If you want to achieve a positive effect, injection lipolysis should be performed with an interval of 2-3 weeks ... The managers of our clinic will select a convenient schedule for you, if you need reusable non-surgical liposuction - the price of the entire course will also be calculated in advance for you.

The lipolysis procedure has already proven its effectiveness more than once. Like most non-surgical methods for improving the body, everything should be carried out in conjunction with other procedures. After the sessions, you will have to give up fatty foods for a while. Lymphatic drainage, a procedure that is also performed in our clinic, will help speed up the rehabilitation process.

Injection liposuction in Moscow is one of the most popular procedures today

The formation of excess fat deposits is associated with metabolic disorders, and the work of the endocrine system directly depends on the well-coordinated work of all body systems. Therefore, there are more than enough reasons for the formation of fat folds on the body - these are stress, and an improper diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and much more.

Not everyone agrees to operative liposuction, fearing postoperative complications. But how to look slim and fit without surgery? Alternative methods of body correction come to the rescue, one of which is injection liposuction or fat removal using special injections.

What is injection lipolysis?

The method is based on the mechanism of natural lipolysis or the breakdown of fat from the outside with food. The main substance that participates in fat metabolism is the well-known lecithin, which is normally formed in the liver and removes adipocytes from the body.

It would seem that everything is simple - eat lecithin and lose weight! But it turned out that lecithin can only remove destroyed adipocytes. Fat cells, in turn, have a dense membrane and do not lend themselves well to destruction processes if fat metabolism is disturbed. That is why the first attempts to dissolve local fat deposits were associated with the introduction of special substances that have the ability to dissolve the membranes of fat cells.

The technique was discovered more than 20 years ago and received the name or injection lipolysis. With the introduction of a composition in which all the necessary chemicals are present, the destruction occurs first, and then the emulsified (dissolved) fat is excreted through the lymphatic system.

The mechanism of action and features of the application of the technique

I must say that injection liposuction is indicated for those who have minor fat deposits. For those of the patients who are obese, this procedure will not have a tangible effect. Therefore, before doing, you should carefully read the indications, which include:

  • Small fat traps located in the chin, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, shoulders and neck.
  • Fat deposits in the joints and back.
  • Hernias under the eyes and other areas of the face.
  • The presence of cellulite, which does not lend itself to other methods of correction (read more about the methods of cellulite therapy).

The mechanism of action is based on the breakdown of complex triglyceride molecules that make up adipocytes into 1 glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acid molecules. When receiving a result after a course of lipolysis, it is necessary to fix it with diet and exercise.

Features of the technique are as follows:

  • It is necessary to receive several sessions per course, the number of which is determined by the cosmetologist. 1-2 injections do not give a tangible result.
  • The course must be repeated after a few weeks to consolidate the effect.
  • After carrying out, you need to drink 2 liters of clean water per day and move more. A sensible diet will also help to maintain the result for a long time.
  • In the interval between injections, lymphatic drainage massage can be performed to improve the removal of toxins and toxins.

It should also be said that adipose or benign fatty tumors cannot be removed by injections of lipolytics, since the dense connective membrane outside the atheroma prevents fat from entering the intercellular space.


If we compare the method of injection lipolysis with other cosmetic procedures, then we can highlight several of its advantages, which include:

  • The procedure is a simple and effective method to remove localized fat deposits that cannot be eliminated with diet and fitness.
  • A session of lipolytic administration does not take more than 20-30 minutes.
  • During the manipulation, no incisions are made, and no scars or scars remain on the skin.
  • In this way, you can remove small areas of fat in any part of the body and face.
  • The skin after the introduction of lipolytics becomes fresh and taut.
  • When combined with diet and proper nutrition, the effectiveness of the procedures increases.
  • The technique goes well with other procedures and methods for losing weight.
  • The manipulation does not require pain relief and is well tolerated by patients.
  • For the price, even the full course is affordable and affordable.

Preparations for administration

Injection lipolysis is carried out with a composition of two main drugs, each of which has its own tasks and functions. Only in pairs can these substances cope with local fat deposits. These include:

  1. - carries out complete or partial dissolution of the membrane of fat cells and the release of the contents of adipocytes into the intercellular space. The drug is obtained from a plant product (soybeans).
  2. - ensures the dissolution of fat in an aqueous medium and obtaining an emulsion, which is well absorbed by macrophage cells and excreted from the body naturally.

In addition to these basic preparations, the cocktail may contain plant enzymes, vitamins, lipid acids, extracts of some medicinal plants, which accelerate the dissolution and elimination of adipose tissue residues.

Procedure progress

Injection liposuction is performed without anesthesia, since the procedure is comfortable and usually does not give the patient any unpleasant sensations or discomfort. The skin at the injection site is treated with an antiseptic, and then a cocktail is injected into the local areas of fat.

After the injection, the patient should lie down for 20-30 minutes and drink 300-500 ml of pure water. On the skin at the injection site, there may be slight itching, swelling and redness, which disappear on their own after a few days. It is not required to wear a bandage or compression garments after the sessions, as the skin tightens gradually due to the reduction in the amount of adipose tissue.

It is not required to go on a sick leave or restrict yourself in movements after manipulation. Patients are not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time for 2-3 weeks, visit the solarium, sauna or swimming pool. It is also worth giving up heavy physical exertion and exercise for a while.

For a video of the procedure, see the article about the drug "Phosphatidylcholine", the link to which is given above.

Contraindications to injection lipolysis

  • Pregnancy period (breastfeeding)
  • Oncopathology
  • Acute infections and chronic skin inflammation
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage
  • Allergy to drugs
  • Changes in blood clotting processes


Is there a difference between injection lipolysis and mesotherapy?

The procedure for administering drugs with the help has some differences from injection lipolysis. With injection liposuction, the active substance is injected at a depth of 12 mm, while mesotherapeutic cocktails are injected at a depth of only 5-6 mm. In addition, mesotherapy cocktails contain all the necessary substances for skin nutrition (vitamins, amino acids, enzymes), and lipolysis cocktails contain substances whose main task is to destroy and remove small fat deposits.

How long does the effect of the procedure last?

When receiving a full course, the result may persist for a long time. To fix it, it is enough to repeat 3-5 sessions in 6 months and observe a healthy lifestyle.

What techniques can be combined with injection lipolysis?

Are complications possible after the sessions?

Immediately after the introduction, redness and swelling may appear on the body, which eventually disappear. In the first few months, patches of increased pigmentation or hard nodules may remain on the skin. To improve the splitting and removal of fat, it is necessary to do lymphatic drainage massage 2-3 weeks after the procedures, which improves the removal of residues.

Can the method replace classical liposuction?

No, only minor fat deposits can be removed with it.

Course duration and frequency?

The course consists of 6-10 procedures with an interval of 1-2 weeks, which can be repeated in 5-6 months.

Improper nutrition, stress, hormonal and age-related changes, metabolic disorders - these and other reasons lead to the appearance of fat folds and deposits on the body, as well as cellulite. When newfangled diets, intense training, expensive creams do not give the desired result, modern cosmetology and medicine offer help.

One of the most popular body shaping techniques is injection liposuction, which is a modern alternative to classic surgical liposuction.

What is injection liposuction and how does it work

Injection liposuction (injection lipolysis, mesodissolution) is a non-surgical injection technique for body shaping and shaping. Lipolysis was developed in 1980 in Italy, underwent long-term clinical studies and is widely used in clinics in Europe and the USA.

The essence of the procedure is that special drugs are injected under the patient's skin.They accelerate the metabolism of adipose tissue, cause the destruction of fat cells and the transformation of their contents into an emulsion, which is absorbed into the bloodstream. The fat emulsion is neutralized in the liver and excreted from the body naturally.

Lipolysis preparations

For injection liposuction, special drugs are used, which are called lipolytics. The composition of drugs for lipolysis usually contains the following components:

  • Phosphatidylcholine: a plant-derived substance (from soybeans) that partially or completely dissolves the membrane of fat cells, facilitates the release of decay products into the intercellular space.
  • Sodium deoxycholate: dissolves fat in an aqueous medium and provides a fat emulsion.
  • L-carnitine: binds fatty acids released from fat cells and transports them to mitochondria for oxidation.
  • Insulin-like growth factors: improve tissue blood supply, increase the activity of fatty tissue breakdown.
  • Extracts of medicinal plants: for example, dandelion - improves microcirculation, which leads to the rapid elimination of decay products of fat cells.
  • Benzopyrone: reduces inflammation and relieves swelling.
  • Lidocaine: Has anesthetic effect.
  • Procaine: has antimicrobial and anesthetic effects.
  • Amino acids.
  • Vitamin complexes.
  • Hyaluronic acid: tightens and moisturizes the skin.
  • Plant enzymes.

The most commonly used drugs for injection liposuction are:

  • Dermaheal LL.
  • Aminomix.
  • MPX-lipolytic complex.
  • Aqualyx.

Benefits of injection liposuction

If we compare injection lipolysis with other medical and cosmetic procedures, we can highlight the following advantages:

  • Absence of scars and scars, since the procedure is carried out without the use of a scalpel.
  • High efficiency.
  • Long lasting effect.
  • The ability to conduct control, supporting procedures over time.
  • Combines well with other medical and cosmetic treatments.
  • Lack of a long period of preparation, rehabilitation and recovery. After lipolysis, you do not need to go on vacation or sick leave, the next day you can return to your daily life.
  • Democratic cost.
  • Safety. The procedure is not traumatic, there is no risk of blood loss.
  • Painlessness. General anesthesia is not required; in rare cases, local anesthesia is performed for patients with particularly sensitive skin.
  • There is no need to suture or wear special compression garments after the procedure.
  • Lipolysis can be performed on any part of the body or face, even on the most delicate and hard-to-reach areas (for example, on the eyelids).
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