How is it written "to how many" or "how many"? What should include the right dinner.

Ecology of consumption. We often strive to choose a more balanced ration, but for one reason or another cease to follow it

We often strive to choose a more balanced ration, but for one or another reasons cease to follow it. However, every meal during the day: be it breakfast, lunch or dinner is important and must obey certain rules. Only it is possible to avoid liver disorders, insomnia, obesity and other problems.

In our article, we will explain the key points of the right dinner And tell me how to make it useful for health and beauty. We will also offer you several options for such a dinner to choose which you can take note.

Pros and cons dinner

Dinner is the last eating throughout the day, and its goal is that we do not go to bed with an empty stomach, but enjoyed a full-fledged holiday. But, of course, dinner should not be as nutritious as breakfast or lunch, as we will not be able to spend energy at night and calories will move into fat deposits. Therefore, it is important to dinner in the right time and the right set of products.

Abundant, too late dinner, which includes a low-oxygen food, can provoke a number of problems, namely:

  • insomnia, feeling fatigue and breaking in the morning
  • bags and swelling under the eyes
  • fluid delay
  • intestinal constipation
  • muscle spasms
  • disorders of the liver and digestion, increased acidity of the stomach, bloating, etc.
  • obesity and overweight.

In which the hour needs to be dinner?

As soon as we go to bed, our body goes into rest mode, launching cell regeneration process. According to traditional Chinese medicine, every hour overnight is devoted to the restoration of a certain body of our body:

  • From 23.00 to 1.00: gallbladder
  • From 1.00 to 3.00: liver
  • From 3.00 to 5.00: lungs
  • From 5.00 to 7.00: a fat intestine
  • From 7.00 to 9.00: stomach.

If we respect the biological rhythms of our body and let it complete the digestive process by 23.00 (given that on average it takes 2-3 hours), we will significantly help the body to fully relax at night. Therefore, it is best to finish dinner for 8 o'clock in the evening.

What should include the right dinner?

Balanced dinner must be included:

  • Vegetables, preferably boiled, or fresh, if digestion allows.
  • Low fat proteins: eggs, fish, fresh cheese or yogurt, dried fruits and nuts, mushrooms
  • Small amount of cereals or flour: whole grain bread, pasta, solid rice, potatoes, bananas
  • A small amount of useful fats: cold spin vegetable oil, egg yolk, natural yogurt, avocado.

What should I exclude?

  • Abundance of flour and cereals
  • Sugar
  • Sweet fruits that provoke excess weight
  • Citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines
  • Fruits with great water content: watermelon, melon - they delay digestion
  • Saturated fats: margarine, fried, red meat, etc. Such products load the liver and gallbladder.
  • A large amount of salt - it provokes fluid delay.
  • Stimulants and energy: coffee, tea, coca-cola, etc.

Sample plan for a healthy dinner

  • Vegetable cream soup, little oatmeal, boiled egg
  • Sophie from vegetables with mushrooms, toast from whole grain bread
  • Natural yogurt and a half banana and handful of nuts
  • Vegetable and thin noodle soup and fish on the grill
  • Vegetable cocktail or gaspacho and casserole
  • Vegetable cream soup and baked pears
  • Vegetables, little potatoes and baked chicken
  • Green salad with fresh cheese and seeds
  • Cornpings with Guacamole
  • Salad of beans, fresh carrots and a small number of homemade mayonnaise.

And finally ..

If you have to dinner in any of the days, or you are going to do after that sport, increase the amount of flour and cereals, for example, allow yourself solid flour pizza with vegetables and mushrooms or sandwich with leaf salad, tomato and cheese.

On weekends, you can also make a small exception, the next day you will become clear how correct was your dinner, and you can make the necessary amendments. Published

Pavlotsky's respondents, a linguist morphologist, an expert of the Institute of Philology, Mass Media and the Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

Correctly, incorrectly, permissible, the recommended option, is not taken, not accepted- The language has a large number of statuses for what we say. What is right may not be accepted, but what is accepted is not to be the norm. This is exactly what the only and dry answer is dishonest. Reporting "This is the norm and a point", we definitely undermine.

For example: how much does the pharmacy work? What time is it? These issues accompany our communication constantly and rare to the gossip of language norms cut the rumor, and they are outside the strict norm.

If in live communication your question to how many Almost notice, any text editor will immediately emphasize the error of the red line. The fact is that the prisoner adverb, how much in the case system is simply no form how many:

Nominative how much
Genitive how many
Dative how many
Accusative how many times
Instrumental how many
Prepositional how many

It turns out that the correct option to how many . Not before how manywith an emphasis on the last syllable, as we used to, and to how many. However, neither who call themselves grammar-Natsu people nor ordinary mortals use this form. Before us is the case when the norm is not equal to how to talk accepted. Scientists call this phenomenon uzus - established language practice. The peculiarity of this phenomenon is that even those who know about the norm, people seemed to be shy to talk correctly - to how many- And try to find another wording. The same situation is observed in the use of the word pass. We know what is right, but still say eating.

Alternative norm at what time,which could save the situation, is also not very loved by native speakers. In which a package opens a pharmacy? - Despite the fact that the design is a strict norm, a modern Russian-speaking person consciously or unconsciously determines it as outdated. The language itself rejects this rate than can be explained and constrained by the norm, and its avoidance.

Well, that while there is where to run - design in what time cuts out. As far as it opens / closes the pharmacy is a convenient and regulatory question. Another thing is that the shades of the value in the design " how many " It turns out to be more popular, every time pushing us on an error. We rather wonder if we have time to do in the pharmacy and how time she is still works. The moment in which she closes, as such is not interested in us - except in a certain situation when the fact of closure is important, the end of something.

That's right - in what time and in which hour / to which the hour.

According to the already described reason, the difficulty causes the issue of current time. Correctly ask "what time is it now?". Once spoken option "what time is it?"it is used much more often, but it is mistaken until now considered to be conversational. But time goes, and today it is already possible to say that questions which chawith I. what time is it are equal options. The only problem is that the creation of dictionaries is a time-consuming business and long. Alas, this process does not sleep over the dynamics of the language. As a result - a misconception: it is not in the dictionary, and therefore it is incorrect.

The only one from the deflected options among all possible in this matter is the design how much time. Even in the conversational style, this option is unacceptable, and the fault of this is not rule-making activity, but the laws of the language itself. Such a combination system will not miss itself.

Norm: how much time, what time, in which the hour, which is hourand to how many.

How many or how many

How is it written?

According to the rules of the Russian language, the word "how many" is written incorrectly in the first one, in the second case, it is more correct to say - how many .

The word writing rule

Both presented options are erroneous for regulatory written speech because in Russian there is no word in the word " how manyยป.

Therefore, to ask how much you need to come, it is better to say: to which Horsu or to what time.

As for the use of prepositions " to" or " ko"Here it is necessary to remember the law of ascending calm, which is adhered to, both modern Russian, and its ancestor - ancient Russian language. According to this law, in Russian pronunciation does not tend to pronounce in a row somewhat consonant. Based on this, it is better to use the pretext of the word for the consonant letter " ko"Moreover, if one or two consonants are coming for the first consonant. Although both options are allowed in spelling.


Do you know..

Which of the options is correct?
(according to statistics last week only 60% answered correctly)

Good afternoon, dear student! Today I would like to pay attention to such an important aspect as phrases "to how many" or "to how many". The fact is that teaching students, we again faced a rather complicated topic, not only for foreigners, but also for Russian-speaking people themselves, how to use this phrase properly, because we are practically every day we recognize the work hours of this or that store, cafe And even by a person, we can ask about when he finishes his working day, and learn, for example, information, how much time it will take place, it turns out, it is not so simple. The thing is that the forms "up to how many", in Russian, does not exist in Russian, it is common in colloquial speech, but in fact, the phrase is wrong, just few people pay attention to this. What is really talking to and how to understand you correctly?

According to the rules of the Russian language in speech, it is always necessary to use the phrase: "Up to how many?", At the same time, please pay attention to the emphasis, it should fall to the letter -O:

To SC. ABOUTAre you working? How Many Hours Do You Work?

I do not even know, I think, up to 4 hours of the day [Dazhe Ne Znayu, Dumayu, Do Chetyryokh Chasov Dnya] Actually, I Don "T Know, I Think Until 4 p.m.

If you doubt it is difficult for you to remember this phrase, or you are afraid that you may not be misunderstood, because Not all Russian-speaking people know this rule, then you will be easier to remember the following phrase: "To which the hour?"

Which hour does this store work? To What Hour Does This Store / Shop Work? / What time do you close?

We close the store at 10 pm WE ARE Open Until 10 p.m.

There are also variations of the phrase "to how many", here is the only rule, the emphasis falls on the letter.

In / in sk ABOUTliquors in how many states there is snow? In How Many Statees IT IS Snowing There?

S / s ABOUTliquors from how many starts your office? From What Time Does Your Office Start Its Work?

Ko / kk ABOUTi feel how much to drive to you? WHEN SHOULD I COME?

On SC. ABOUTflat on how many people are designed dish? How Many People Could Try This Meal?

Why is such a confusion and how to understand the correctness of this phrase from the point of view of grammar? Let's turn to our favorite decline process. "How much" is a numerical pronoun, which can be inclined by cases and is very dependent on the noun, which is used.

In Russian, there are the following forms of pronoun "how much":

I.P. how much
R.P. how many
V.P. how many
D.P. how many
T.P. how many
P.P. about how many

Therefore, the phrase "how much" we use precisely in the form of which it was written above.

In the story of Stephen King, "This bus is another world" the mother of the main character of Wilson worst his son: "In the morning orange - gold, in the evening - lead." People's American wisdom under which many nutritionists could subscribe. Have you ever wondered why Orange Fresh is a traditional attribute of continental breakfasts, but no waiter will never offer this drink for dinner? The fact is that most fruits really have their own "schedule" - the time in which they are saturated with the body, prevent diseases, move old age, and at the same time (oh, miracle!) Do not fell. So, "mode of operation" for citrus: from 06.00 to 12.00. Because of the increased acidity, the Poaken couple may turn out heartburn, indispensable and insomnia.

Photo Gettyimages.

In the new report of the World Health Organization, a specific figure appears - at least 400 grams of fruit (or from 3 to 5 pieces) daily. Ideally, they must be seasonal - it guarantees complete harmony of nutrient elements. But in which hour need to fill this vital minimum?

Before or after eating

Photo Gettyimages.

The average man on the planet eats fruit after eating. Nevertheless, as a brilliant anthropologist and a nutritionist Alan Walker in New York Times, it is necessary to do it strictly on an empty stomach! It's all about the features of digestion: fruits are not digested in the stomach, and there are just 15-20 minutes. Splitting and absorption of all vitamins and antioxidants occurs strictly in the intestine. If apples, plums, peaches and ko fall into the already full stomach, then under the influence of chemical reactions begin to ferment, losing all the most valuable and causing a feeling of discomfort (for example, the bloating). In this chain, Pineapple is especially allocated: it is believed that it burns calories, therefore the restaurants menu often acts as dessert. In fact, it is necessary at the very beginning of the meal - with this situation, you will substantially alleviate the digestion of the next dish.

Another option is fruits between the main techniques. Food fibers give a feeling of satiety, keep appetite under control, allow you to maintain active metabolism and suppress the desire to eat something more calorie and less useful. "Fruits with small seeds, such as kiwi and strawberries, have an excellent saturation property," said the doctor Iris de Luna, an expert on endocrinology and nutritiology at the Kiron research clinic in Madrid. - In addition, the consumption of insoluble fibers helps prevent problems such as colon cancer. And the apple and pear (after the removal of the peel) enrich the body with a soluble tissue, which helps, if necessary, slow down the digestion. "

So, formula for Alan Waller: Fruits can be served two hours after fresh vegetables; Three - after food without meat; Four - after lunch with meat.

In the morning or after 19.00

Photo Gettyimages.

Start the day with fruit salad \u003d to provide cells a powerful charge of energy. And all due to local carbohydrates, the gradual flow of which makes us vigorous. Therefore, it is recommended to have them or breakfast, or a maximum of afternoon. But the evening - the moment is the most inappropriate. In the afternoon, the level of physical activity decreases, and fructose, which does not burn in the body, has the property of accumulating in the form of fat. Otherwise, after 19.00, the metabolism is very slow down, and hence the pieces of fruit do not have time to digest and simply donate.

the Forbidden fruit

Photo Gettyimages.

Alas, but even praised superfids and the most fashionable ingredients for salad are useful not for everyone. For example, avocado and coconut - copies with a high fat content, so they must be seriously limited to people with cholesterol problems. Grapes, banana and cherry - "happy owners" of sugars, who are instantly absorbed (they did not have time to look around, and the weights already increase); Those who are on a diet or suffer from diabetes, they need to be replaced in the diet. But Orange and Mango are two optimal options before and after workout: they are super beyond! Melon (but not more than 350 Gy at a time) will help maintain optimal hydration and fill the loss of mineral salts after physical exertion. Do not write off the same fact that this is the "average hospital" data, and a truly balanced diet is calculated by the nutritionists individually, depending on the needs and habits of each person. And do not forget that the main thing in this process is a variety.

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