As a simple pencil draw a gradually swan. How to draw a swan pencil stages

How to draw a princess - swan gradually for children

Creation of training, exhibition or competitive works
Paper A 4 Watercolor, simple pencil, gouache, brushes.
Training swan painting, fill the background in different ways.
Develop curiosity, fantasy, imagination.
Improve the skills of composite leaf construction.
Educational: Expand knowledge of waterfowl birds
About the features of the appearance, lifestyle.
Fine tasks: To acquaint with the adoption of the background (color stretch and drawing by strokes),
Learning to draw a swan by passing the magnitude and proportion of the body parts of the bird and various movements.
Technical tasks: Develop an idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of colors and shades, teach the creation of flowers and shades, mixing them on the palette; Continue forming thin lines drawing skills with the end of the brush.
Educational challenges: Sweep the ability to see excellent in the surrounding reality, to educate accuracy and love for creativity, develop memory and visual control, independence, waving fantasy and imagination, patience.
Preliminary work:
Reading a fairy tale A.S. Pushkin "Tale of Tsar Saltan, about his son's nice and mighty bogatyr Prince Gwidone Saltanovic and about the beautiful princess swans", conversations about waterfowl, viewing illustrations.

The most beautiful birds are not only among waterfowl, but among all others, swans are considered right. These birds often become heroes of epic, fairy tales and songs. And the ancient astronomers gave one of the constellations the name of the swan.

In early spring, when reservoirs are just beginning to be released from ice cover, swans return to their homeland from warm countries. Swans are waterfowl, they will settle there, where lakes and swamps are arranged their nests on the islands, away from people and predatory animals.
Among the waterfowl swans are the largest. Their wings in a swing reaches two meters, and the weight can reach the fifteen kilograms. But, despite such a big weight, swans are very well held in the air and can fly thousands of kilometers during seasonal migrations.

These birds usually eat grassy plants, which they mined both on land and in water. Their long neck helps to get feed from the bottom of the reservoirs. In addition to various grass, swans still eaten insect larvae, as well as small racks and mollusks.
In family life, swans are distinguished by consistency. Once the formed pair never breaks up. Well remembers swans and their nests that use several seasons in a row. Every year they improve and extend their home, which can reach in diameter of two meters.

After about forty days after the start of sitting in the nest, chicks appear covered with gray down. The chick is not at all similar to its snow-white parents, but really resembles a nasty duckling from the famous Stretch of Andersen ..
Late in the fall, when the first snow falls on the ground, the swans gather in flocks and the beautiful wedge fly into warm countries until the next spring.
All types of swans are listed in the Red Book and the hunt for these majestic birds strictly forbidden. Lion beltnaya

1. War down the horizon line.

2. In the center of the leaf, we draw a semicircle. This is a swan torso.

3. Now draw your head and with the help of a long neck together with a torso.

4. Now we need paints. On the palette we mix white with purple. And paint half the sky.

5. Now mix scars with white. And paint the lower half of the sky.

6. Rinse a tassel well, and a wet brush make a color stretching, i.e. Smooth transition from lilac to pink. Longitudinal brush movements.

7. Now draw waves in the sea. We mix blue with white and draw small stripes (waves)

8. We continue to draw waves. Mix purple with white add waves. And now scarlet with white. Fill our sea with multi-colored waves.

9. Now color our swan. In white paint add a drop of yellow. And by this color to the swan.

10. Mix green with blue and draw the roots on the far shore. Bruster moves from water up.

11. Draw a reflection of the swan in the water.

12. Now green roots that grow closer to us.

13. Add to green yellow paint and draw the leaves of the roaming.

14. Now the reeds themselves.

15. Draw the beak and eye swan.

16. Now we start drawing the wing.

17. Add more feathers.

18. We draw the second wing.

19. Draw a tail. If this is our princess - swan, you will draw her a crown. Here, our princess is ready - swan.

The beauty of nature is perfect. And although much passes by our eyes unnoticed, something necessarily enters long. But there are also excellent phenomena that remain in our memory and the heart forever. Today we learn how to draw a swan, bird-symbol of loyalty, tenderness and purity.

Swans are very beautiful and graceful birds, their body consists of elegant bends and smooth forms. Clean, white plumage gives them a special noble charm. The word "swan" itself matters: white, shiny, sparkling. The winch image is well recognizable in different parts of the world.

Compound forms

In order to draw a swan pencil correctly, it is important, observing the proportion, to emphasize the simple forms of his body.

The main distinguishing feature of this bird from others is a long neck, it is much longer than the ducks.

Let's look at the bird and try to determine the main forms of which is his body. Here everything is simple: head, neck, torso, wings. The legs are very short in relation to a fairly large body, and in most cases they are very difficult to see, so we will miss them.

Schematically depict this bird will help ovals and beautiful bends.

  • head - oval,
  • neck - two elongated curves,
  • torso - big oval,
  • wings - triangles or trapezes with smooth lines and rounded edges

In a quiet position, on the water, these creatures resemble bright white clouds.


The main details in the guise of this bird are in the area of \u200b\u200bthe head. More precisely, it is a bright beak and eyes. Since in nature there are several varieties of these birds, then the form and color of the beak differ in them.

Head in all types of simple oval shape, only some more than a hubber over the beak, and other less.


More often, swans are painted in profile, so we will start from this angle.

The illustration below shows how to draw a swan's head in different positions (on an elongated and curved neck).

Nose eye and ear

All birds are nostrils, eyes and ear (concave inside a small strip near the eye) are on the same line. This is very important to create a plausible pattern. On the illustration below you see what we are talking about. From the nostrils, a straight line was conducted to the center of the eye and further, to the ear of the bird, and then all the details are drawn.

A little attention to turn the eye of the swan, because here it is well worked. Eye black, framed by thin eyelids, which are a little lighter by tone.

In this picture, it is shown what kinds of beaks come from swans.


Draw anathery a little more difficult, as it is unusual to look at these birds in such angle.


In the world there are seven types of swans, therefore, between them there is some small differences, the most noticeable, it is a color: white - black. They also differ in size. Some types of neck are longer and thinner, in others, on the contrary - a thicker neck, and a decent weight up to 15 kg. Despite the habitat, color and sizes, the swan is always easy to find out, it gives a long neck.

Neck length is approximately four heads (do not take into account the beak). In some provisions, it seems shorter. For example, when it is curved as a question mark, part of it hides in the body and among the lush plumage. On the contrary, when the bird flies rapidly, and simply in flight, the neck seems longer than usual. Take into account these features.

Bird in motion

Draw a swan with folded wings simply, since its torso has a simple oval shape, it will be enough for truthfulness to be outlawed with a few strokes of feathers and pull out a small tail.

It is a little more difficult to draw a bird with straightened wings, as they are very large and powerful and in motion reaches 2 meters.

In flight

Standing on the legs

One of the characteristic provisions in which - sometimes depict these birds is in a profile with disclosed and rejected wings.

  • In order to draw a bird in this position, you need a curve to show his body bending from the head to the tail. Around the curve we build forms: head, neck, torso, you also need to designate the shape of the wings.
  • At the second stage we specify all forms, draw the beak, eyes, tail and legs.

Special attention will have to pay lush wings. On the tips of the wing of long and strong flying feathers, over them, the crumbling feathers are white short and rounded. The closer the pen to the wing housing, the smaller it is size.

Pairing wings

In order to draw a bird floating on us with straightened wings, you need:

Video Tutorial

Watch the video tutorial how to draw a swan in a phased pencil:

Work for inspiration

It is confident that in the network you will find a huge number of plots for inspiration. Here are the ones who especially liked me:

Coles Phillips, early XIX century
A. A. Rylov, 1918. "In the blue space"

Master class on drawing a gouache "Swan Lake" for children from 5 years

Non-traditional drawing techniques. Master class with step-by-step photos

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, teacher, Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education of children "Children's Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov", Great Luki, Pskov region.

Description: The master class is designed for children from 5 years and their parents, educators, teachers of additional education and creative people.
Purpose: Interior decoration, gift, drawing for exhibitions and contests.
Purpose: Creating a landscape in the technique of gouache.
- to know with new techniques and drawing methods (cards, hand stand)
- to strengthen the skill of work in the technique of gouache;
- Ensure the skills of work with a brush using different pressure, different position and direction of brush with a brush, exercise in the work of the brush and its tip;
- Amplifier, patience, accuracy in work.
- Love love for beautiful and native nature in children.
Hello, dear guests!
Probably every person is more or less in heard about the deepest and old lake on our planet. Baikal is an amazing lake overhasty legends and fairy tales. It is said that Lake Baikal has a younger brother and he appeared in a long-standing time.
Sometime lived on the shores of the glorious Lake Baikal Youth named Tour. The guy was a deleancy, kind and all sort of eye. But he did not like to sit still and went on the road. And where only he was not, which he just did not see, well, he really missed the native shores of Baikal. On the way home, the tour went to the sunrise, through the Ural Mountains, through rivers and gorges. In one of them, the cliff sat girl and cried. He came up and asked: "What is your name?". The girl raised her face and the young man saw her beautiful. "Goyak!" - she replied, yes so loud that the name flew high in the mountains and responded with repeated echo. "Why are you crying?" - asked the tour. And the goyake replied: "I used to have fun and happy, but the evil sorcerer had envied my beauty and youth and blinded me. I will transcel down, if I only remember the water clean and transparent as a tear"
The tour, having been in Europe, already knew that in his native Lake Baikal Water was the cleanest in the world. And hurried home. Alpopped water from Baikal and rather back, without stopping for a minute. My girl washed with healing water. And simplified. Again sank her laughter. Forever stayed together tour and pigeon. And droplets of water, while the goyak washed, fell to the ground and the lake was formed, with the same clean water like Baikal. People called His Turgoyak - in memory of the glorious young man tour and beauty Goyak.

They call the turgoyak younger brother Baikal. About the purity and transparency of tourgoyak water is known everywhere. Turgoyak takes the second after Baikal in the purity of water in Russia. Like Baikal has a flat base vessel. The area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface is 26 square kilometers. Maximum depth of 32 meters. Transparency up to 18 meters. Nature retained its virgin beauty, untouched corners of wildlife. There are many animals and birds listed in the International Red Book.
On the east coast of the lake is the mouth of the River Noyne-goal with small picturesque sand dunes. In the wetland, the river forms sleeves with a slow flow, which were chosen for the duck and swans for nestings.
On Baikal, Swans arrive in early May, fly away in September. Watching wild swarses can be in coastal lakes. They laugh loudly, welcoming each other, beat the wings on the water and take off, breaking on the surface of the lake with their paws. Swan - a buggy bird and flies immediately how to feel a threat.

Graceful snow-white swans are the main characters of many legends and fairy tales of two brothers, Lake Baikal and Lake Turgoyak. Buryats worship swans, splash after milk or tea, and call the heavenly swan.

In Buryat and Mongols, there are several options for the legend about the totem bird - the Swan, from which the Hori tribes and honodorov occurred. In the Buryat version, it tells how the Horide hunter saw the three swans flying to the shore, who, throwing off the plumage, turned into beautiful girls. Wragged by the beauty of one of them, the choride imperceptibly kidnapped her plumage and hid. Oakdating, two girls got dressed and again turned into swans, and one did not find her clothes and was forced to stay with Horido. They had children who gave the beginning of Horinsky (in another version - Hondororsky, Mongolian) tribe. The people are considered to be favorable dreams, in which they see peacefully floating white swans, since such a dream promises prosperity and well-being.

Materials and tools:
Still paper A3.
-Guchi (contestation of a coarse sour cream, the dry gouache should be twisted)
-Bust (elastic, but not hard)
- Bloxt card (silhouette of a swan neck)
Strip for brushes

Plastic cards I cut out of thin plastic boards for modeling.

This is a stencil for the manufacture of the desired form of the card, the drawing is applied to the board and cut out with scissors.

Master class move:

We start working with the background, the more the size of our drawing, the greater will be our brush. This will help us create a smooth and beautiful background. Muses make big and smooth, horizontal.

The background is not completely apart, we use the blue gouache.

Then the wet background with a blue wave lines with a blue background.

My brush and green also in a horizontal direction, paint the rest of the pattern. The smears should be big, with a scope from one edge to another.

Then the smaller brush is drawing vertical lines on the green surface of the pattern. At the tip of the brush, we recruit a little white guasy, mix the paints immediately in the picture. We need a light difference in color is the surface plants of the coastline.

Green color draw reflection of vegetation on wet water background, it turns out a reflection of a blue-green color. At the top of the reflection again draw big waves.

Now it's time for working more painstaking, we will draw a thin brush, the most tip. Create a cane outline. We will draw in blue from yourself, starting from the tip gradually pressing on the whole pile of brushes, create thin twisted triangles. Draw from bottom up.
To this stage, the drawing could be approached much easier, but my main goal so that the kids worked, worked out. The skill of possession of the brush is very important, and you can only get it through the repetition. Brush - This is the continuation of the artist's hand and children should learn to feel it.

We coped with this task, then a new exercise. Now draw thin line contours of the leaves. The surface of the drawing is large, the hand is on weight, it is difficult and uncomfortable. And, here we get acquainted with the reception of the work of people's masters. Left hand (bent at the elbow) put under the right as a stand. The right hand gets an excellent support and freedom of movements, the task becomes light, we just need to be patient.

Then black thin wavy lines on the water.

Now we draw the white contours of grass and waves, we use the same reception "hands-stand". And our lake is ready.

On our lake there is not enough beautiful and proud birds. For children, this is a surprise and a new technique of non-traditional drawing. For children, the most difficult is to create the right shape of the neck and the head of the swan, the cards will help here. On the curved side of the card, we apply a white or black paint strip and make an imprint, torso and wing will not be difficult to draw a brush. This method of drawing a swan is very simple, not complicated, and most importantly interesting for children.

You can draw a swan lake and easier way. Spit blue background. Then when the entire surface of the background is painted again, we pass through it with a brush so that the background is smooth and without paint clots. The background is applied from top to bottom with horizontal strokes, a large brush.

Then we enter the blue color, make smooth long wave brine.

We introduce the shades of white color, between blue.

Now we work with cards, draw a black swan. We apply paint to the card and imprinted in the picture.

Swan torso draw too with a card. We put paint on its semicircular half and make prints in the right place.

First, it is better to draw white swans, and then black, then you do not need to wash the card. Do not forget to draw the reflection of birds in the water.

With the help of cards you can draw lilies in the foreground of work, their silhouettes.

You can also draw the leaves of lilies, and the forest in the distance. Brush draw the leaves of the root.

Then draw trunks birch on the beach, and their reflection. Dark-green gouache draw the crowns of birches (we take a brush in the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe pattern). Draw crank and eyes.

Dark green painting the silhouette of the coast, the contours of the foreground leaves, the legs of the lilies. Dark brown trunks of trees in the background Beres, Komans.

That's what we did, welcome to the exhibition!

First you need to portray the contour shape of the body of the bird and wings. I depict the oval bent, which will appear as a swan body. Top add a arc long with a small circle at the end. It will be a head and neck in the near future of your drawing. These lines are necessary to navigate in the subsequent episodes of the image.

Now it is necessary to add curved outlines on the sides of the curved contours for huge wings of the swan. From the bottom of oval depiction circles with dashs (at the ends) on the two sides of the oval. They will be in the image of birds in the poultry.

Next, you should portray excellent and long neck bird. To do this, it is necessary to circulate the original line of the neck of the bird's neck on the sides, depicting two parallel contours, clearly on bending the first. At the very end, add a triangle to origin.

Shipping stage drawing

Next follows the last swan lines to portray the Pieces for the wings. But it is not recommended to draw full features at this stage, now we need only their outlines. Add an eye image on your head and clarify the shape of a bird's beak.

For the correct image of the winch feathers, it is necessary the correct location is. First, we depict small feathers that are closest to the base of the wings, and gradually begin to move to the longest sticks that are farther from the body of the bird.

Pain the area of \u200b\u200bthe beak with a black tint almost to the arrangement of the eyes. Position on the tail and tummy swan a small amount of fluff. And the ordinary pencil make the hatching of the swan legs. Do not perform "Juicy" pencil shadingSo in the natural environment swan white. In order to revive the picture as much as possible, it is recommended to depict a few more swans, because in nature they live in pairs.

A little about the swan

Swan is a wonderful view of the bird. His beautiful wide wings and especially a thin sophisticated neck attached an excellence and famous grace of this bird. Depict it as you already understood not difficult. His body is based on a huge round belly, a rather long neck stretched and wings.

The most important thing in the process of drawing is to pay attention to the image of the neck and wings as possible, as they are important and most excellent parts from the bird. Paws at the swan short, and draw them easily. I remember all these small rules, and your swan drawing surprise many With his love and viability.

Swans are, of course, one of the most beautiful and elegant representatives of the feathers. Perhaps that is why most novice artists dream to understand how to draw a swan. If you draw a swan with a pencil well, you can create an attractive greeting card from the drawing, which will be an excellent gift to almost any celebration.
Before drawing a swan, it is necessary to take care that the following stationery supplies are at hand:
one). Liner;
2). Pencil;
3). Erasing gum;
four). Multicolored pencils;
five). Paper.

Then go to the study of how to draw a swan pencil in stages:
1. Next, making light pencil touches, the outlines of the bird's head. Then paint the neck to your head, which is similar to a question mark in shape. Note that the neck should not be too thick or thin, it should almost coincide with your head;
2. To the neck of the swan. Turn the wing and tail. Swan - Bird Waterfowl, Therefore, we denote the thin lines;
3. To the head, paint is not too big beak. Then depict your eyes and a kind of "mask", as if connecting the beak and eye;
4. Draw feathers on the wing and tail of the birds;
5. Knowing how to draw a swan gradually with the help of the most ordinary pencil, you can stay on the achieved. But still, if the drawing is finished, coloring it with colored pencils, he will eventually look much better. Therefore, you first need to circulate the sketch of the swan with a black liner;
6. Using the erasing gum, carefully remove the pencil sketch;
7. Bird's eye color brown pencils, and "mask" - black. Beak swan coloring burgundy and orange shades;
8. Fees swan in places a bit of a pencil with a dark gray tone with a pencil;
9. Water squeeze blue and blue shades.
Figure Swan ready! Graceful swan gradually drawn will be an excellent motive for creating a bright and attractive greeting card. By the way, to color the outline it is not necessary to use multicolored pencils. After all, paints are well fit for this purpose, for example, such widespread as watercolor or gouache. You can also draw this beautiful bird using markers that always have bright and extremely saturated colors.

Our video tutorial "How to draw a swan"! Enjoy your viewing to the meeting in the next drawing lesson!

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