Camphor alcohol 10 percent. How to apply camphor alcohol in the ear for otitis media, for acne, for joints, for coughing? Camphor alcohol - use for the ears

Camphor alcohol is a commonly available drug that can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy kiosk. Due to its good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it is widely used in medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

The drug is a clear liquid with a persistent specific aroma. It is often called simply "Camphor" among the people. This alcohol solution in therapy is known as an effective antiseptic, which includes:

  • 10% camphor;
  • more than 70% - ethyl alcohol.

The drug is intended exclusively for external use. ATX drug classification - MO2AX10.

Alcohol-based camphor is often used to treat inflammatory reactions. It is successfully used in medicine, since when applied to the affected areas, camphor has a number of effective therapeutic actions:

  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • increases the sensitivity of nerve endings;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • improves the processes of cellular nutrition of tissues and organs;
  • relieves pain in muscles and joints.

Alcohol camphor has the ability to oxidize when applied to areas of the skin. Part of the product is absorbed, and the elements obtained as a result of the oxidative reaction are excreted through the kidneys with the help of glucuronic acid. The remains of the drug go out with bile and through the respiratory system.

Camphor oil is available in glass bottles in various portions. You can buy it at a pharmacy at an affordable price. The medicinal product is intended for the treatment of:

  • arthritis;
  • inflammation and pain in muscle tissues and joints;
  • exacerbations of the inflammatory reaction of the sciatic nerve.

The solution is used for rubbing and compresses. Camphor alcohol is effectively used to eliminate bedsores.

The drug can be used for otitis media and other inflammatory diseases.

Alcoholic camphor solution helps well to cope with inflammatory processes in the ear, which are accompanied by swelling. The drug in combination with the complex treatment of otitis media significantly improves the patient's condition.

Treatment of ear inflammation with camphor based on ethyl alcohol is performed with the help of warming compresses. The drug is used only in a diluted form, since the alcohol included in the composition of the product in large quantities can damage the skin. To relieve the symptoms of the disease without causing harm to health, you should dilute an alcohol solution of camphor with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Making a compress for otitis media is completely simple:

  • pre-lubricate the skin around the ear with an emollient - cream or petroleum jelly;
  • dilute camphor alcohol with water;
  • heat the mixture to a temperature of thirty-six degrees
  • soak a piece of soft gauze or cotton cloth in this solution;
  • apply a wet cut to the area around the inflamed ear;
  • put compress paper on top;
  • evenly cover the paper sheet with cotton wool.

The warming compress is fixed to the ear with a handkerchief or gauze bandage. The duration of the procedure should be at least an hour. The main thing is that such a compress warmed. Do this local therapy twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime.

Children should be especially careful to treat otitis media with camphor alcohol so as not to damage delicate skin. It is very dangerous to self-medicate a child and therefore warming compresses from camphor are made only after consulting a doctor.

In addition to warm lotions for inflammatory processes in the ear, baths are made from an alcoholic solution of camphor. For such a procedure, you must:

  • dilute alcohol with water - one to one;
  • slightly warm the solution - to body temperature;
  • lie on your side with the affected ear on top;
  • drip six drops of the finished product into the affected auricle;
  • lie on your side for at least fifteen minutes.

Before getting up it is necessary to close the passage in the ear with the medicine with a cotton swab. This will help keep warm and prevent the camphor solution from leaking out. Any treatment should be carried out with the permission of the doctor.

In folk medicine, the treatment of joints with camphor alcohol is successfully practiced. Such a remedy is generally available and effective in inflammatory processes and injuries. Camphor relieves pain in muscles and joints and enhances the effect of complex therapy. Lotions, compresses are made from the drug, it is added to ointments and creams.

At home, rubbing camphor with analgin is most popular in the treatment of various diseases of the joints. There are several options for its preparation. The simplest recipe is considered:

  • five milliliters of camphor alcohol;
  • five crushed tablets of analgin;
  • one hundred and fifty milliliters of medical seventy percent alcohol.

To prepare the medicinal mixture, all components must be thoroughly mixed. The finished preparation is rubbed with sore spots before going to bed for ten days. Immediately after rubbing, the affected area is wrapped in a warm cloth to keep it warm.

This remedy is used for such diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • entrapment of the sciatic nerve;
  • hernia on the vertebra;
  • myositis;
  • arthritis;
  • radiculitis.

Analgin perfectly relieves pain, and camphor alcohol fights against harmful microorganisms and has a local irritating effect. Thanks to this, painful sensations pass, and the inflammatory response of the body decreases. Also, with the help of camphor, the vessels expand, and the cellular nutrition of the tissues in the area of \u200b\u200bthe joints improves.

You can add five milliliters of iodine to a mixture of alcohol, camphor and analgin, which has a good distracting and antiseptic effect. Store the prepared grout in a cool place.

The camphor compress with ammonia also relieves pain in the joints. Its recipe is simple:

  • two teaspoons of salt;
  • liter of clean water;
  • twenty milligrams of an alcoholic solution of camphor;
  • one hundred milligrams of ammonia.

This mixture is shaken well and applied to a gauze cut, which is applied to the sore spot. A plastic wrap and warm cloth are applied on top. Before the procedure, the code is smeared with petroleum jelly. Such a compress is kept for two hours.

Treatment of joints with folk remedies: video

An alcoholic solution of camphor is intended for the treatment of inflammatory processes for external use only. Also, the drug should not be applied to damaged skin, since camphor enhances the irritating effect, while increasing pain and reducing the rate of wound healing.

You can not use camphor alcohol for such diseases:

  • the presence of convulsive reactions;
  • dermatitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • eczema.

Do not use this drug for women during pregnancy and lactation. You can not resort to treatment with camphor alcohol for children under twelve years of age.

Alcoholic camphor is a herbal remedy. But still, during its use, side symptoms may occur:

  • allergic reaction;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in the head.

If there is an individual intolerance to the drug, the therapeutic actions of camphor should be discontinued. When treating diseases with this alcohol solution, the recommended dosages must be observed. When using larger portions of the drug, side reactions may develop:

  • convulsions;
  • overexcitation of a nervous nature;
  • tachycardia.

All therapeutic actions using camphor alcohol must be agreed with the doctor.

Camphor-based preparations - oil and alcohol solution are very popular in folk medicine. Due to their antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, they are used in recipes for the treatment of various diseases:

  1. Bruises... For the treatment of the disease, a mixture of fifty milliliters of alcohol, twenty-five milligrams of camphor, twenty grams of dry mustard and separately beaten egg white is used. All components are well mixed, and the finished ointment is rubbed into the affected area once a day.
  2. Radiculitis... Camphor oil combines with powdered horse chestnut. This tool is preliminarily smeared over an evenly cut slice of bread and applied to the sore spot overnight. A warm cloth is applied on top.
  3. Pleurisy... Mix twenty-five grams of camphor oil with two grams of eucalyptus oils and the same amount of lavender. Such a solution is rubbed three times a day into the problem area. After each rubbing, it is imperative to wrap a sore spot with a warming cloth to maintain the thermal regime.
  4. Arthritis. A solution of camphor in alcohol is combined with birch buds in a 2: 1 ratio. The mixture is placed in a glass container and placed in a shaded place for a day for infusion. This ointment is rubbed on the affected areas before bedtime for two and a half weeks.
  5. Heel spur... Fifty milligrams of camphor alcohol is mixed with two milligrams of ammonia, four milligrams of vinegar, two milligrams of salicylic acid, and one hundred milligrams of rubbing alcohol. A ready-made, well-mixed solution is lubricated with a spur on the heel several times a day.
  6. Pain in the legs. To eliminate pain, a tincture is prepared from components taken in equal portions - camphor alcohol, vegetable oil, turpentine, ammonia solution and kerosene. All components are poured into a glass container. The mixture is left for a week in a cool, dark place. During this period, the container should be shaken periodically. They rub their feet with such an infused medicinal liquid, and then wrap them well for the night. The duration of treatment is two weeks.

Before using camphor oil, you should check for allergic reactions to the drug. If, after applying the solution to a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, redness, itching or other side reaction appears, then it is prohibited to carry out therapeutic procedures using camphor.

This alcohol solution has found its application not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. It is effectively used to treat acne on the body, including the face.

Alcohol-rich camphor is good at eliminating skin rashes. But still, the solution should be used with extreme caution so as not to cause burns to the skin. The drug is applied only pointwise. Camphor alcohol should not be smeared on the skin. The procedure for treating inflamed bumps on the skin is performed in several stages:

  • a cotton swab is moistened in camphor alcohol;
  • the drug is applied to each pimple separately, without touching healthy areas of the skin around.

Treatment is recommended to be performed several times a day. Acne on the skin dries up after two days of application. They are smeared with iodine for final healing. When the first improvements appear after applying camphor, treatment with this drug is discontinued.

Camphor alcohol in the treatment of inflammatory acne is used only as a cauterizing agent in the first stages of treatment. It is impossible to use the agent for preventive purposes. A talker from an alcoholic camphor solution helps well with purulent boils. You can cook it yourself:

  • fifty milligrams of camphor alcohol;
  • twenty milligrams of boric alcohol;
  • twenty milligrams of salicylic alcohol.

Mix the ingredients. The mixture is shaken well before each use. With this solution, wipe the affected areas on the skin a couple of times a day.

There is also a second version of talkers from inflammatory processes on the skin:

  • fifty milligrams of an alcoholic solution of camphor;
  • fifteen milligrams of salicylic alcohol;
  • two crushed tablets of chloramphenicol;
  • six tablets of streptocide tablets crushed into powder.

The ready-made, well-mixed composition is applied to the affected areas before bedtime. The solution is shaken before use.




  • camphor,
  • vaseline medically,
  • paraffin wax medically,
  • lanolin anhydrous.


  • 10% camphor solution in sunflower oil.

Alcohol solution:

  • camphor,
  • alcohol 90,
  • water.


  • 20% camphor solution in peach or olive oil.


Astrakhan Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Virion NPO (Russia), Volgograd Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Dalkhimpharm (Russia), Ivanovskaya Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Kaliningrad Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Krasnodar Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Kurskpharmacy (Russia), Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Omsk Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Permpharmacy (Russia), Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Rostov Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Rudolf and Semya (Russia), Samaramedprom (Russia), Tatkhimpharmpreparations (Russia), Tver Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Tula Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Pharmaceutical Factory in Saint Petersburg (Russia), Pharmacy (Kursk) (Russia), Fitofarm-NN (Russia), Ecolab (Russia), Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia) )

pharmachologic effect

Antiseptic, irritating, analeptic, enhancing metabolic processes in the myocardium.

Side effect

Allergic reactions, headache, dizziness, agitation, delirium, convulsions.

Indications for use

Muscle pains, inflammation, rheumatism, arthritis, prevention and prevention of pressure ulcers, heart failure, collapse, pneumonia, purulent pleurisy, poisoning with hypnotics and narcotic drugs.


Tendency to convulsive reactions, epilepsy, insufficient lactation, acute endocarditis, aneurysm of large vessels.

Method of administration and dosage

Outwardly in the form of rubbing.


No data.


No data.

special instructions

Instructions for use

Active ingredients

Release form


Active ingredient: racemic camphor Excipient: ethyl alcohol 70% Active ingredient concentration (mg): 100 mg

Pharmacological effect

Herbal remedy. When applied externally, it has antimicrobial, local irritating, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect; with parenteral administration - analeptic, cardiotonic, vasoconstrictor and expectorant action. By stimulating the sensitive nerve endings of the skin, it reflexively improves the trophism of organs and tissues. When administered subcutaneously, it stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the medulla oblongata. Strengthens metabolic processes in the myocardium, increasing its sensitivity to the influence of sympathetic nerves. Increases the tone of venous vessels, increases blood flow to the heart, coronary blood flow, blood supply to the brain and lungs. Excreted from the body through the respiratory tract, it promotes the separation of sputum.


After subcutaneous administration, camphor well penetrates the BBB and the placental barrier, is excreted in breast milk. It is excreted by the kidneys (70%), as well as through the lungs (20%) and bile (10%).


Arthralgia, myalgia, sciatica, radiculitis, itching of the skin, prevention of pressure sores.


Hypersensitivity, violation of the integrity of the skin, eczema, dermatitis, inflammatory skin diseases at the site of the intended application; tendency to convulsive reactions. With caution. Pregnancy, lactation, childhood.


Application during pregnancy and lactation

Given the high permeability of camphor through the BBB, the placental barrier and into breast milk, the use of camphor during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) should be done with caution.

Method of administration and dosage

Outwardly, camphor alcohol is applied to the affected and painful areas in the form of compresses, rubbing 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days. Prevention of the formation of pressure ulcers: treatment of the skin 2-3 times a day.

**** * MOSCOW FARM. FACTORY * * ECOLAB, CJSC * * Ecoline Co., Ltd * Dongguan Weihang Electrical Product Co., Ltd. BARNAULSKAYA PHARMFABRIKA Borisov plant of medical preparations, RUE Dalkhimpharm OJSC IRBITSKY CHEMFARMZAVOD, OJSC IODINE TECHNOLOGIES AND MARKETING, LLC Microgen NPO FGUP Ministry of Health and Social Development Russia / PharmV MOSCOW PHARM. FACTORY, CJSC NOVOSIBIRSKAYA FARM. FACTORY Novosibkhimpharm OJSC OMSKAYA PHARM. FACTORY Permpharmacia, JSC Rostov Pharmaceutical Factory, JSC Samaramedprom, JSC SAINT-PETERSBURG BAKPREDPRIYATIE Synthesis AKO JSC Tatkhimpharmaceuticals JSC TVERSKAYA PHARM. FACTORY, JSC Tula Pharmaceutical Factory, LLC Pharm. factory of St. Petersburg, JSC FITOFARM-NN EKOlab (JSC) UNIFARM Yaroslavl pharmaceutical factory, JSC

Country of origin


Product group

Dermatological preparations

Local irritant of plant origin

Release forms

  • 40 ml - dark glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs. bottle 40 ml

Description of the dosage form

  • Solution for external use, alcoholic 10% Solution for external use, alcoholic 10% transparent with a camphor smell

pharmachologic effect

Herbal medicinal product. It has analeptic, cardiotonic, vasoconstrictor and expectorant effects. Stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the medulla oblongata. Strengthens metabolic processes in the myocardium, increasing its sensitivity to the influence of sympathetic nerves. Increases the tone of venous vessels, increases blood flow to the heart, coronary blood flow, blood supply to the brain and lungs. Suppresses platelet aggregation. Excreted through the respiratory tract, it promotes the separation of sputum.


Permeability through the BBB and the placental barrier is high; secretion with breast milk - high. It is excreted by the kidneys - 70%, through the lungs - 20%, with bile - 10%.


  • 100 ml camphor 10 g, ethanol 70% to 100 ml camphor 10 g

Camphor alcohol 10% indications for use

  • - chronic heart failure; - collapse; - oppression of the respiratory center in case of pneumonia and other infectious diseases, in case of poisoning with sleeping pills and narcotic analgesics.
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