Legendary notable worlds that are still looking for. Legendary Lost Cities that have not yet found the lost cities in the world

How much of our planet has lost cities, no one knows exactly. But those that archaeologists manage to detect are invariably cause great interest, both in historical specialists and ordinary lovers of all unusual. Here are some of the largest losing cities.

1. Tikal, Guatemala

Tikal is one of the largest city-states of the Maya Indians. It was built in the VII century BC, and during the heyday, his population reached 200 thousand people. The history of Tikal was full of dramatic moments, and after numerous wars and uprisings, people finally left him. It happened at the end of the century, and since then the Tikal remains a ghost city.

2. KTesifon, Iraq

In the period from the II to the VII century, the Kteclip was the capital first of the Parthian kingdom, and then Sasanidsky. The brick buildings of the kteisifone came to our time and today are affected by their magnificence and sizes.

3. Great Zimbabwe

Large or great Zimbabwe call the ruins of an ancient city in the territory of the South African state Zimbabwe. According to archaeologists estimates, this city appeared in 1130 and for three centuries was considered the main shrine of the seam's people. About 18,000 people could live at the high stone walls of the city. Today, urban walls are one of the most amazing monuments of the Great Zimbabwe. They are built without the use of any mortar solution, and their height reaches five meters.

4. Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan

The city with the gloomy name of Mohenjo Daro referring to Indian civilization (which translates as the "Hill of the Dead) appeared in the Indus valley on the territory of modern Pakistan more than four and a half thousand years ago. He is a contemporary of Egyptian pyramids and one of the first cities of South Asia. The city flourished for almost a thousand years, but still, in the end, the inhabitants left him. Archaeologists express the assumption that the invasion of Arya was failing.

5. Baherta, Bangladesh

This city, standing at the confluence of the Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers, was built in the XV century. During his heyday, 360 mosques operated here. But after the death of the founder, Baherta fell into decay, and he was almost completely absorbed by the jungle. Today, part of the city is cleared, and there are excursions for tourists.

6. Mesa Verde National Park, United States

In the National Park Mesa Verde (Colorado) there are many ruins of old towns, which built anasazi tribe Indians in the VI-XIII centuries. The largest "Rock Palace" is considered the largest building in the park, which attracts more than 700 thousand tourists every year. The city was abandoned by the inhabitants of approximately 1300. The reasons why people threw their homes are still unclear, but suggests that there is a continuous drought in this.

Once, Vijayanagar was the capital of the powerful empire, which occupied the entire south of the Indian subcontinent. Today on the site of the city of Victory (the name Vyjayanagar translates the name) is the village of Hampi. True, here and today, in addition to the majestic ruins, there are also many existing Hindu temples, and including the famous temple of Pampapatha, who is even older than Vijayanagara.

Ani is the capital of the ancient Armenian kingdom, standing in the territory of modern Turkey. Once the population of this ancient city exceeded 100 thousand people, and thanks to the abundance of temples, he was known as the city of 1001 churches. The ruins of many Armenian churches of the XI-XIII centuries and the Palace of Seldjucidov lived to this day. But all these monuments are in a terrible state - homeless people live in them, and picnics are arranged at their territory. The authorities do not show proper attention to the protection of this monument of history.

The first settlements of people in this city belong to 3200 g BC. In 2000 BC About 40,000 people lived in the phi residence, which made them the largest city of that time. The status of the largest city in the world of the hair preserved up to 1000 BC. Even today, the ruins remaining from the former magnificence amazing imagination. The most famous monuments of FIV are the Luxor temple, the Karnak temple (which is the largest temple complex of ancient Egypt) and the tomb of Tutankhamon.

Throughout his long history, Carthage was the capital of different states. At first it was the Phoenician state, which was also called Carthage. In 146 BC BC. Both the state and the city were completely destroyed by the Romans, but rather soon they rebuilt the Carthage rebuild. After the fall of Rome, Carthage became the capital of the Kingdom of Vandals. The final fall of the Great City happened in the VII century, when the city was destroyed by the Arabs. But still, a lot of ruins lived to our time, a lot of Roman period survived.

The founder of the magnificent city Persepol was the Persian King Kir Great. The city was founded about 560 BC. For centuries, the city passed from hand to hand, while maintaining the status of the capital and the Grand City. But during the Arabic conquest, Persepol was completely turned into ruins. The most famous monument of the city is the huge Palace of Apadan.

It is in this city in the VI century BC. The legendary temple of Artemis, who was one of the seven wonders of the world. The city flourished until the sea was near. But when it was far retreated from the city walls, trade gradually faded, and with her disappeared and a magnificent city, leaving after himself some ruins.

In the III-VIII century, Palenka had a large political and cultural significance for the Mayan civilization. Until our time, there were a lot of magnificent stone buildings belonging to 600-800 GG, among which the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Cross and the Temple of the inscriptions. The city came to the launch long before the arrival of Columbus, probably as a result of intergovernmental wars.

These two died as a result of the eruption of the volcano. Cities are probably among the most famous disappeared cities. When August 24 79 AD. The catastrophic eruption of Vesuviya began, most of the inhabitants of Pompeii the death of the nutlared suddenly, and then the city was completely buried under the multi-meter layer of volcanic ash. The inhabitants of Herculaneum were more lucky - many of them managed to leave the city before he disappeared under the hot ashes.

In ancient times, the city of Peter stood at the crossroads of important trade routes, which brought unable wealth to him. But over time, the Romans mastered the waterway, severely weakened the land trade. Gradually, the inhabitants left the city, and he was absorbed by the sands of the Arabian desert. Today, here you can see perfectly preserved magnificent ancient buildings.

Angkor was the capital of the Khmer Empire with IX to the XV century. Today, it is one of the most ambitious in its sizes of historical sights of the world. The area of \u200b\u200bthis city is the temple exceeds 400 sq. Km, and the splendor of the sculptures of its Hindu temples is completely amazing.

The name of Ciudad Piddid is translated from Spanish as the "Lost City". This city is almost 700 years older than the famous Machu Picchu. In 1972, Ciudad Piddid was accidentally discovered by local tombs. When the trade in archaeological values \u200b\u200bfrom this city has acquired a large scale, Colombia's authorities finally became interested, and the city was discovered after a full-scale study. In the area there are constantly fighting between government troops and various armed groups, so tourists are quite risking, going even on officially proposed routes that are protected by Colombian military. The road itself in Ciudad Pidy is also heavy enough and requires good physical training.

The ancient city of Machu Picchu in 2007 received the title of a new world miracle. The city appeared about 1440 g and flourished until the mysterious and sudden disappearance of all its inhabitants in 1532, the city escaped the attacks of conquistadors and destruction, but for some reason the residents left him.

Chichen Itza is one of the largest cities of the Mayan civilization. It was founded in the VII century, and in 1194, the inhabitants left him for unknown reasons. Spanish conquerors destroyed a huge number of Maya manuscripts, so archaeologists cannot find out the true cause of the decline of the Grand City.
Today, crowds of tourists are attracted to the superbly preserved pyramids and chichen-itts temples.

Zanada is the summer residence of the legendary Mongolian Khan Khubilan, which in the West is more famous under the name of the Kubl Khan. In 1275, Marco Polo described this place as a magnificent marble palace, decorated with gold. But the ruins reached our days.

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How much of our planet has lost cities, no one knows exactly. But those that archaeologists manage to detect are invariably cause great interest, both in historical specialists and ordinary lovers of all unusual. Here are some of the largest losing cities.

1. Tikal, Guatemala

Tikal is one of the largest city-states of the Maya Indians. It was built in the VII century BC, and during the heyday, his population reached 200 thousand people. The history of Tikal was full of dramatic moments, and after numerous wars and uprisings, people finally left him. It happened at the end of the century, and since then the Tikal remains a ghost city.

2. KTesifon, Iraq

In the period from the II to the VII century, the Kteclip was the capital first of the Parthian kingdom, and then Sasanidsky. The brick buildings of the kteisifone came to our time and today are affected by their magnificence and sizes.

3. Great Zimbabwe

Large or great Zimbabwe call the ruins of an ancient city in the territory of the South African state Zimbabwe. According to archaeologists estimates, this city appeared in 1130 and for three centuries was considered the main shrine of the seam's people. About 18,000 people could live at the high stone walls of the city. Today, urban walls are one of the most amazing monuments of the Great Zimbabwe. They are built without the use of any mortar solution, and their height reaches five meters.

4. Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan

The city with the gloomy name of Mohenjo Daro referring to Indian civilization (which translates as the "Hill of the Dead) appeared in the Indus valley on the territory of modern Pakistan more than four and a half thousand years ago. He is a contemporary of Egyptian pyramids and one of the first cities of South Asia. The city flourished for almost a thousand years, but still, in the end, the inhabitants left him. Archaeologists express the assumption that the invasion of Arya was failing.

5. Baherta, Bangladesh

This city, standing at the confluence of the Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers, was built in the XV century. During his heyday, 360 mosques operated here. But after the death of the founder, Baherta fell into decay, and he was almost completely absorbed by the jungle. Today, part of the city is cleared, and there are excursions for tourists.

6. Mesa Verde National Park, United States

In the National Park Mesa Verde (Colorado) there are many ruins of old towns, which built anasazi tribe Indians in the VI-XIII centuries. The largest "Rock Palace" is considered the largest building in the park, which attracts more than 700 thousand tourists every year. The city was abandoned by the inhabitants of approximately 1300. The reasons why people threw their homes are still unclear, but suggests that there is a continuous drought in this.

7. Vijayanagar, India

Once, Vijayanagar was the capital of the powerful empire, which occupied the entire south of the Indian subcontinent. Today on the site of the city of Victory (the name Vyjayanagar translates the name) is the village of Hampi. True, here and today, in addition to the majestic ruins, there are also many existing Hindu temples, and including the famous temple of Pampapatha, who is even older than Vijayanagara.

8. City Ani, Turkey

Ani is the capital of the ancient Armenian kingdom, standing in the territory of modern Turkey. Once the population of this ancient city exceeded 100 thousand people, and thanks to the abundance of temples, he was known as the city of 1001 churches. The ruins of many Armenian churches of the XI-XIII centuries and the Palace of Seldjucidov lived to this day. But all these monuments are in a terrible state - homeless people live in them, and picnics are arranged at their territory. The authorities do not show proper attention to the protection of this monument of history.

9. Files, Egypt

The first settlements of people in this city belong to 3200 g BC. In 2000 BC About 40,000 people lived in the phi residence, which made them the largest city of that time. The status of the largest city in the world of the hair preserved up to 1000 BC. Even today, the ruins remaining from the former magnificence amazing imagination. The most famous monuments of FIV are the Luxor temple, the Karnak temple (which is the largest temple complex of ancient Egypt) and the tomb of Tutankhamon.

10. Carthage, Tunisia

Throughout his long history, Carthage was the capital of different states. At first it was the Phoenician state, which was also called Carthage. In 146 BC BC. Both the state and the city were completely destroyed by the Romans, but rather soon they rebuilt the Carthage rebuild. After the fall of Rome, Carthage became the capital of the Kingdom of Vandals. The final fall of the Great City happened in the VII century, when the city was destroyed by the Arabs. But still, a lot of ruins lived to our time, a lot of Roman period survived.

The settlement becomes lost when residents leave him. This can occur in a number of reasons - war, natural migration or natural disasters, but in each case the time in these cities freezes, immersing it in the endless waiting for the moment of exposure. Many of them were found, others were not and acquired the status of the mythical. Regardless of the actual or mythical, we made a list of ten lost cities that most excitement of the imagination of historians, archaeologists and adventurers.

Caesone City is also known as the city of Patagonia, the eternal city is a mythical city, which is believed to be in South America in the region known as Patagonia in the Andy's Valley between Chile and Argentina. According to the legend, the lost city of Caessees founded Spanish travelers to the shipwreck. Although it was not found, it is described as a rich, prosperous city full of gold, silver and diamonds. Sometimes described as a enchanted city, which appears only at certain points.


On the ninth place in the list of ten lost cities is the Troy - the legendary city described in the epic poem of Homer "Iliad". It was located on the territory of modern Turkey off the coast of the Aegean Sea, not far from the entrance to the Strait of Dardanelles. This well-strengthened city has been considered a myth for a long time, while in 1870 his remains found the historian Henry Schliman.

The lost city Z is a city with a complex network of bridges, roads and temples, presumably existing deep in the jungle in the field of Mata Grosu in Brazil. This mysterious Lost City is mentioned in a document known as "Manuscript 512", which is stored in the National Library of Rio de Janeiro. The document has 10 pages and describes very detail how the Portuguese Zhuuan da Silva Himaraesus visited the lost city of Z in 1753, but the specific location in the manuscript is not mentioned. In 1925, researcher Fotette, his son Jack and the role of Romell went to his searches, and disappeared, like a few more groups looking for this city.


Peter is an ancient city, the capital of the Nabatoe kingdom, located on the territory of modern Jordan in a narrow Canyon Sik. He is known for his amazing architecture and at her time was considered an important shopping center. Hundreds of years of prosperity, the city took a decline after the earthquake, which partially destroyed the infrastructure of the city, as well as after the conquest of the Romans in 363 N. e. As a result, he became an abandoned city, stood for many years in the desert, until he was found in 1812 by the Swiss researcher Johann Ludwig Burkhardt.

El Dorado

Eldorado is a mythical country of precious stones and gold, allegedly located in the Jungle of South America. The first attempt to find the lost city of Eldorado was undertaken in 1535 by Sebastian de Bellyaksar, the latter - Nikolai Rodriguez in 1775 - 1780. All attempts to find Eldorado were of great importance, since many expeditions laid new ways in South America.


Memphis - ancient Egyptian city on the left bank of the Nile. Founded in 3100 BC. E, he was the capital, as well as the residence of Pharaohs, a large religious, cultural, political and craft center of ancient Egypt for many hundreds of years. And she kept his status before the appearance and heyday, Alexandria and Five, after the decline came and gradually collapsed. Now the Lost City Memphis is an open-air museum.


Angkor - an area in Southeast Asia, which was the center of the Khmer Empire who flourishing approximately from IX to the XV century. It was left, after the invasion of the Thai army in 1431. Until 1800s, he did not find a group of French archaeologists, the city of Angkor existed in the launch. The Ruins of the Angkor are located on the territory of the modern kingdom of Cambodia among forests in the northern part of Tonlesia, near the current city of Siem Rip. Each year of the Ruins of Angcard attend 80,000 - 200,000 tourists, and the Angkor Wat temple is considered one of the largest religious monuments in the world.


Pompeii is a large ancient Roman city buried under a layer of volcanic ash after the eruption of Vesuvia on August 24, 79. According to estimates, Pompei inhabited 20,000 inhabitants and at that time, he was considered one of the main places of recreation of the highest Roman society. It was discovered in 1748, after the archaeological excavations conducted at the foot of the volcano. Known as the most well-preserved ancient city. It annually visits about 2.5 million tourists.

Atlantis - allegedly legendary island (archipelago or even continent) and, perhaps, ancient civilization, the location and existence of which was not found. Atlantis was described by the Greek philosopher Plato, as an island-state destroyed as a result of a natural disaster (probably an earthquake or tsunami) about 9,000 years before the epoch in which he lived - that is, about 9500 BC. e. However, numerous expeditions in attempts to detect the lost city did not lead to any results.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is the name of the architectural complex in the southern part of the modern state of Peru, built by the Incas in the XV century. Of all the lost cities that were discovered and studied, perhaps no one is more mysterious than Machu Picchu. In 1532, all its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared. Machu-Picchu was forgotten and stayed in the launch of almost 400 years. While it was not found on July 24, 1911, the American researcher Hairam Bingham did not find. Spanish conquistadors did not get to Machu Picchu. This city was not destroyed. The number of its population, neither the purpose of construction, nor even its real name remains unknown.

The legend of Atlantis talks about the lost land, without a trace disappeared in the naval depths. In the cultures of many nations there are similar legends about the cities that were disappeared under water, in the sands of the desert or thickets by forests. Consider five lost cities that did not find it. /Epochtimes.ru/

Percy Fotette and the Lost City Z

Since Europeans arrived for the first time in a new light, rumors about the gold city in the jungle, which is sometimes called Eldorado. Spanish Conquistor Francisco Orelian is the first one who ventured to go along the Rio-Negro River in search of the city-legend. In 1925, 58 years old researcher Perse Fosette deepened in the Brazil jungle in order to find the mysteriously lost city, which he called Z. Fostut team and he himself disappeared without a trace, and this story became a reason for numerous publications. Rescue operations failed - Fosset did not find.

In 1906, the Royal Geographical Society of England, sponsoring scientific expeditions invited Fosette to examine the border of Brazil with Bolivia. He spent 18 months in Mata Grosu, and during his expeditions, Fosette became an idea of \u200b\u200blost civilizations in this region.

In 1920, in the National Library of Rio de Janeiro, Fosette came across a document called "Manuscript 512". He wrote him in 1753 by the Portuguese researcher. He argued that in the region of Mata Grosu, in the rainforest Amazon, he found a fortress city that resembles ancient Greek. The manuscript described the lost city with multi-storey buildings, raising stone arches, wide streets leading to the lake, on which the researcher saw two white Indians in Canoe.

In 1921, Fosette was started in the first of his expeditions in search of the lost city Z. His team had a lot of difficulties in the jungle, surrounded by dangerous animals, people were severely diseased.

In April 1925, he was last tried to find Z. This time he was thoroughly prepared and received more funding from newspapers and communities, including the Royal Geographical Society and Rockefellers. In the last letter of home made by a member of his team, Fotette wrote a message to his wife Nina: "We hope to go through this area in a few days ... Do not be afraid of failures." It turned out to be his last message to his wife and the world.

Although the Fosette Lost City Z was not found, in recent years in the jungle of Guatemala, Brazil, Bolivia and Honduras discovered the ancient cities and traces of religious places. New scanning technologies give new hopes that the city Z will be found.

The Lost City of Acetlan - Motherland of Aztec

Aztecs - the powerful Empire of Ancient America - lived on the territory of today's Mexico City. It is considered to be the epicenter of the culture of Aztecs the missing island of ACTlan, where they created a civilization to their migration to the Valley of Mexico City.

Skeptics consider the hypothesis about ACTLAN myth, similar to Atlantis or Camelot. Thanks to the legends, the images of ancient cities live, but it is unlikely that they will find them. Optimists are cut by coursing from the find of the city legends. The search for the island of Aztlan extends from Western Mexico to the Utah desert. However, these searches are unsuccessful, because the location of the ACTLAN remains a mystery.

According to the Naidel Legend, seven tribes lived in the Chickestock - "place of seven caves." These tribes were represented by seven groups of NASA: ACCUA, CHALCH, MEXICA, TEPPETEKH, Tlauika, Tlaskalan and Sochimilk (sources call names). Seven tribes with a similar language left the caves and settled together near Acetlan.

The word ACTLAN means "Earth to North; Earth from which the Aztecs came. " According to one theory, the residents of the Aztlan became known as Aztec, later they migrated from Acetlan to the Valley of Mexico City. The migration of Aztecs from Aztlan to Tetochtitlan is a turning point of Aztec history. It began on May 24, 1064, the first solar year of the Aztecs.

The Motherland of Aztecs, hoping to find the truth, made a lot of expeditions. But the ancient Mexico is not in a hurry to reveal the secrets of ACTLAN.

Lyondous land Lioness - city at the bottom of the sea

According to the legend of King Arthur, Lioness is the birthplace of the main character from history about Tristan and Isolde. This mythical land is now called "Lost Lyoness". It is believed that she plunged into the sea. Although Lioness is mentioned in the legends and myths, there is an opinion that he sank in the sea many years ago. It is difficult to determine the line between the fiction and the reality of hypotheses and legends.

Lioness is a major city surrounded by a hundred forty villages. He disappeared on November 11, 1099 (although in some stories is 1089, and some speak of the VI century). Suddenly, the land flooded the sea, people drowned.

Although the story of the King of Arthur - Legend, Lioness is considered a real place to be adjusted to the Isles of Silly in Cornwall (England). In those days, the sea level was lower.

Sili is the most western and southernmost point of England, as well as the southernmost point of the United Kingdom. Photo: NASA / Wikipedia / Public Domain

Fishermen from the islands of Silly is told that they took pieces of buildings and other structures from their fishing nets. Their words are not confirmed by evidence and are criticized.

Stories about Tristan and Isolde, the final battle of Arthur with Mordered, the legend about the city, which swallowed the sea, the stories about Lioness are encouraged to find a ghost city.

Searches for Eldorado - Lost Gold

Hundreds of years, treasure hunters and historians were looking for the losing golden city of Eldorado. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe city, filled with gold and other wealth, tempting people from different countries. The number of people willing to find the greatest treasure and an ancient miracle does not decrease. Despite numerous expeditions in Latin America, the golden city remains a legend. Traces of its existence were not found.

El Dorado in the middle of the lake. Photo: Andrew Bertram / Wikipedia / CC BY-SA 1.0

The origins of Eldorado are originated in the stories of the Music tribe. After two migrations - one in 1270 BC. And the other between 800 and 500. BC. - The Much's tribe took areas of Kundaddamarka and Falic Colombia. According to the legend in El Koreloo, Juan Rodriguez Freile, Music for each new king performed rituals using gold dust and other treasures.

The new king was led to Lake Gitavita and Nazhogo covered with golden dust. The retinue led by the king on a raft with gold and precious stones was sent to the center of the lake. The king was washed off the golden dust from the body, and the retinue threw the pieces of gold and precious stones in the lake. The meaning of this ritual was to bring the victim to the Music God. For Music Eldorado is not a city, but the king, whom they called "the one who is gilded."

Although the meaning of the "El Dorado" is an invalid, the name has become synonymous with the lost Golden city.

In 1545, Conquistadors Lasar Font and Hern Perez de Kesada wanted to dry Lake Gitavita. Gold found along the shores that he was attempted to have suspicion of presence in the lake Treasure. They worked for three months. The workers in the chain were passed by water, but did not dry the lake to the end. They did not get to the bottom.

In 1580, she took another attempt by Antonio de Sepulved. And again on the shores found gold products, but the treasures were hidden in the depths of the lake. Other searches were held at Lake Giatavit. It is estimated that the lake contains gold by $ 300 million.

"Mana, or Eldorado" on the shore of Lake Paris. Map of Hessel Gerrich (1625). Eldorado applied to the cards next to Paris since Walter Rieli (1595) to Alexander Humboldt (1804). Photo: Hessel Gerritsz / Wikipedia / Public Domain

However, the searches stopped in 1965. The Colombian government announced a lake to the protected area. However, the searches of Eldorado continue. The legends of the Music tribe and a ritual victim in the form of treasures over time turned into the current history about Eldorado - a lost city of gold.

Lost in the desert of the city of Dubai: Buried Story

Dubai supports the image of an ultramodern city with an amazing imagination with architecture and light wealth. However, the forgotten cities are hidden in the deserts. History shows how early sand residents adapted and overcame a sharp change in climate in the past.

The Lost City is the legend of Arabia - Medieval Julfar. Historians knew about his existence from written evidence, but could not find it. The Motherland of the Arab Sailor Ahmed Ibn Majid and allegedly for fictional Sinbada Morleod, Julfar flourished for a thousand years, until he turned into ruins and did not disappear from human memory for two centuries.

Ahmed Ibn Majid comes from Julfar. Photo: Wikipedia / Public Domain

Julfar walked in the Middle Ages, the prosperous city-port - the center of commerce in the southern part of the Persian Gulf. He was located on the coast of the Persian Gulf, north of Dubai, but his real location archaeologists found in the 1960s. Traces found at this place are dated to the VI century. Residents of the port led regular trade with India and the Far East.

Simbad. Photo: René Bull / Wikipedia / Public Domain

The X-XIV century became the golden age for the Julfar and Arab trading for long distances, when the Arabic navigators regularly overcame half the path around the world.

The Arabs were swimming in European waters long before the Europeans managed to twist the Indian Ocean and get to the Persian Bay. Julfar played in the sea adventures of the Persian Gulf an important role of more than a thousand years. The Arab merchants considered the usual archwateled 18-month sea travel to China. The product range will surprise modern merchants.

Julfar attracted constant attention of competing powers. In the XVI century, the portuguese monitored over the port. Already 70 thousand people lived in Julfar.

Explanations of Oman and UAE Oman Abu Dhabi (UAE) Dubai (UAE) Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) Ajman (United Arab Emirates) Umm El Caivine (UAE) Ras El Jaima (UAE) Fujairah (UAE) Photo: Jolle and Nickpo / Wikipedia / CC By 3.0

Century later, the city captured the Persians, but in 1750 they lost it. Then he fell into the hands of Cavazimov's tribe from Sharjah, who secured next door, to Ras Al-Heim, which they continue to rule to this day. And Old Julfar gradually descended, while his ruins located among the coastal sand dunes were not forgotten.

Today, most of the Julfar, in all likelihood, still remains hidden under the sands north of Ras Al-Heim.

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Throughout the long history of our planet, countless civilizations rose and fell. They left a mark in history, building incredible cities that challenge our own understanding of history.

In this article we will look at some of the most amazing ancient, lost cities that you most likely have never heard.

Angamuku - Lost, not documented city

Angamuko - Lost still in ancient times the city in Mexico, which, as they believed, had so many buildings as Manhattan. The city was discovered using laser geodesic equipment in Western Mexico.

It is believed that at the very beginning in Angamuko there were about 40,000 buildings located on an area of \u200b\u200babout 25 square meters. Km that approximately the same number of buildings as Manhattan, but on a much smaller land.

Terminoshos - An ancient city who could not conquer Alexander the Great

The city, which Alexander Macedonsky wanted to conquer, but could not.

Termessos was founded on a natural platform at the top of Guljuk Dagi, not far from Antalya in modern Turkey, at a height of 1665 meters.

The city hidden in the mountains in 333 D.N.E. I tried to take the assault Alexander the Great but I could not take it.

The city has a theater in the style of a Roman theater, which holds up to five thousand spectators.

The city of Termesos was abandoned in 200 AD. After a series of strong earthquakes that destroyed everything necessary for the life support of the city of communication, including its main aqueduct.

Bayia - Lost Las Vegas in Rome

Bayei was an ancient city called Las Vegas Experts ancient Roman Empire. After all the inhabitants left him, the sea was swallowed under Naples. Today, the city is visited only by divers who admire the incredibly well-preserved buildings and statues.

Ruins GED.

Located not far from the Indian Ocean, east of Kenya. The ancient city of Gedi included a massive wall that defended the city. Ruins Gedi were first discovered by colonialists in 1884 after the British resident of Zanzibar Sir John Kirk visited this site. Most archaeologists agree that the city has a big commercial value. The city was one of the most modern ancient places in the region. His inhabitants had a flow toilets hundreds of years ago!

The legendary city of Troy

I thought it was a simple myth, the ancient city of Troy was actually found in modern Turkey. According to the epic poem of Homer "Iliad", it was here that the Trojan War occurred.

Today in the archaeological district of Troy is a storage room of historical artifacts. The city contains several layers of ruins. Modern place is known as Gisarlyc.

Timgad-lost city of the Roman Empire

Founded by Emperor Trianta about 100 AD, Timgad was a Roman military colonial city located in modern Algeria.

The ancient city is famous for which it is one of the most preserved examples of the grid plan used in the Roman urban planning.

Chan Chan - little-known diamond Peru

Peru is homeland for many incredible archaeological monuments. One of them is Chan Chan. This ancient city is considered archaeologists as the largest city that existed in Decolumba America.

The city is surrounded by a number of fortress walls, which are believed to place ceremonial rooms, burial cameras, as well as temples.

More than 30,000 people lived in the city.

Buildings Chan Chan were built using globite bricks and were treated with mud, which was decorated with patterned embossed Arabesque.

Vijayanaagara - one of the largest ancient cities in the world

The ancient city of Vijayanagar was one of the largest cities in the world where more than 500,000 inhabitants lived. The ancient Hindu city flourished between the XIV and the XVI centuries. The city was the capital of the empire of Vijayanagara. The name is translated as "City of Victory".

KTesifon. - one of the largest cities of Mesopotamia

The ancient city of Ktesihon was one of the largest cities on the planet, as well as one of the most impressive cities in ancient Mesopotamia.

KTesifon was conquered by Rome and the Byzantine Empire five times. The city is located on the eastern shore of the tiger. It is believed that the kteesphone was founded in the late 120s to our era. The most noticeable structure remaining today is also a Casra, sometimes called the arch of KtesiFon.

Ciudad Pididy- Theater city of Colombia

Located in Sierra Nevada, Colombia is the ruins of the lost city. It is believed that it was founded about 800 g. There are many endless terraces carved in ancient times in the Colombian mountain slopes.

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