Message Autumn forest. Essay on the autumn forest

The subject of the essay is " Autumn in the forest

My friends and I love bikes. Outside the city there is a small fishing line and once on the weekend, we decided to go there. It was our first walk to the forest without adults, so everyone was a little worried. Having ordered in advance, everyone took sandwiches and water, and in my backpack placed bedspread. We went to the campaign early in the morning, and the autumn breeze was still warm.

In the forest we found a big glade, and left there bikes went for a walk. Autumn in the forest very beautiful. Over the summer, warm weather pleased with the sun, and it was possible to wander among the trees. Much of them have already begun yellowing and even reset leaves. Autumn painted them unevenly. If you carefully look at, you can see the red and orange leaves, the small trees have already become yellow. The paths were still well visible, but many were already covered with a carpet of soft and fragrant leaves.

What else to happen in the forest at the autumn time?

In the fall in the forest hear rustling of leaves and birds singing. We really wanted to meet a hare or fox. But the animals were preparing for autumn, and probably scared our noisy laughter. When my friend and I separated from the company and went to a small clearing, decided to rest on it. Disseminating the bedspread, we lay down on the back and admired the solar rays through the multicolored foliage. There were no clouds in the sky. Until I viewed the maple a celon on the bottom branch of Maple, several leaves fell on me. As soon as I reached out to be removed to be removed by a quiet crackling branches. Among the branches of a huge oak flashed red shadow. We carefully followed her, trying to behave very quietly. It turned out to be a fluffy squirrel, she quickly overwhelmed from a branch on a branch, looking for ripe acorns. Then another couple of forest beauties joined it. The proteins were very small, with fluffy tails.

We decided not to interfere with the squirrel family, and leaving under the oak gathered on the road, the big acorns went away from the clearing. On the way back, my friend found next to the path two large mushrooms with brown hats. These were Boroviki, they grew near the pines. We did not tear them, let it be a delicious delicacy for residents of the autumn forest. Although pines, these are evergreen trees, the earth around them was covered with old needles. Through them, even in the summer, the grass does not grow.

Returning to the big glade to bikes, we waited for friends. Extras on soft grass covered, everyone pulled out his lunch, it was very tasty. We shared impressions. And on the way back we drove to the forest stream and looked at how his flow would carry small leaflets and twigs, fallen from trees.

We got home in the evening, because in the fall he darkens early. I showed mom pictures autumn forest, And we talked for a long time, I talked about our adventures in the forest. It was very interesting, and we will definitely return to this glade in the winter.

Mini Essay "Autumn in the Forest" (Var 1)

Once my friends and I decided to go to the forest. The first month of autumn stood on the courtyard - September. As soon as the day off day, we collected things and went to our campaign, taking a compass with them so that it would not be wrong. Grandmother gathered us on the road to eat. The guys and I never went to the forest alone, without accompanying adults and therefore worried a little.

September like an autumn month, but this is not particularly visible in this weather. On the street is still warm and sunny. And literally only by the end of September, the yellow leafles on the trees will begin, but not at all. In the city it is especially imperceptible, but in the forest especially visual. Watch around, and it becomes interesting. One tree is still quite in a summer green, and another is already quite gold or orange, the leaves begin to slowly fall, covering the ground with a luxurious colored carpet.
We went through the forest and enjoyed a quiet pleasant rustle of the leaves under our legs. We agreed that when we decide to return home, then each of us will gather a large bouquet of leaves and will give it to his mother.
In autumn, the forest is unusually transformed. There are so many beauty, smells and sounds. Light clean air, which is incredibly easy to breathe. The singing of birds is heard everywhere.
Walking through the forest, we came across a small glade. There were a lot of mushrooms of chanterelles. Grandma taught me to distinguish edible and poisonous mushrooms, so I told the guys that these mushrooms can be collected. We enjoyed this interesting business.

Mini Essay "Autumn in the Forest" (Var 2)

It is often possible to hear that autumn is called fading sometimes. However, how many charm in this moment! Many poets and prosaiki melted all her beauty in their works. In autumn there is some extraordinary romance, with light notes of sadness, who encourages us to long reflections. But it is not necessary to assume that autumn is just a cold, wet and slush time of longing. After all, except for dampness and rains, it brings to the world a wise beauty and gold luxury of nature.

In order to completely feel all the delights of the wise beauty of the autumn and enjoy all its magnificence, you must definitely go to the forest. Autumn forest is an unforgettable spectacle! Once there, you understand that autumn is one of the talented artists who skillfully owns his skill. Having at its disposal the paint of only two colors - red and yellow, autumn deactivates nature in the most incredible shades!
Autumn forest is a real magic! Trees, not quite quite sprinkling with their luxurious outfit, bang in the rays of the setting sun. Under the legs lies a luxurious carpet, which could envy the kings and emperors. In addition to the rustling of leaves under his feet, in the forest it is possible to hear thousands of other magic sounds. These are birds trills, and the slight rustle of the fussy bugs, and the blow of a light autumn breeze. Nature is preparing for a long winter sleep, to gain strength before the handsaws - Spring.

Sunday walk in the forest in the fall (essay)

Autumn - beautiful and very amazing season! Trees are around with yellowed and half pasturic leaves, and under their feet is a huge carpet, a mad variety of all bright and rich shades. And even better, if such wonderful landscapes are accompanied by the autumn sun, which no longer takes place as in the summer, but only slightly caresses and heats.

In such weather, it will be unforgivable to sit at home, it is best to walk. And the best day for a walk will be Sunday. Weekend, when you do not need to hurry anywhere and hurry, and you can steal and step by the autumn forest.

Such a walk seizes romantic images and suit for both the child and for the old man. It will be best to walk alone to think about life, think about your worldview and admire the beauty of nature falling asleep for the winter. It is still warm, no cold and frosts, but the light chill has already forced people to wear jackets and scarves. A walk is very cursed and will remember for a long time. The sky may not be tightened with clouds, but to delight with their blue and small clouds. Frame birds are already flying south with their jambs.

What deep reflections about life imposes autumn nature painted by different colors. What are the divine shades here not! Here and yellow, both orange, and red, and even the remains of the green. And all this abundance of flowers, the riot of paints surrounds us from all sides. Such, cozy walks in silence and loneliness will help relieve stress, focuses on something important for themselves, relax from the bustle of the big city and retire.

Sunday walks in the forest, of course, can be carried out at any other time of the year, but autumn gives them a special charm and magnificence, because autumn is a sunset of nature, following its long winter sleep.

Overall afternoon.

Forest in autumn is especially beautiful. For some reason, many people think that the most colorful time of the year is summer. They are not right. Autumn - the most beautiful time of year. It is in the forest that you can watch many paints that you will never see in the summer. Even the smell of the autumn forest is completely different.

When you go on paths, you will never get lost. Walking deep into the forest, you can accidentally get on the clearing and detect a sweet surprise for yourself. Many berries grow in the forest, and they are a thousand times tastier other berries. When you approach the glade you can already feel their sweet fragrance. You feel in a special way in the forest, even the air that breathe air, first time seems so heavy, all this is due to the fact that people used to breathe dirty air.

The autumn forest will also help and creative people find their inspiration, it is worth only to go into it, go to the ground and look up. Before your eyes will fill different colors: red, orange, yellow, green. Such colors are able to warm the soul of even the saddest man on the ground, give the strength and free their heads from the extra thoughts. When everyone in his head gets rid of extra thoughts, a person will be able to calmly reflect on his ideas, it is at such moments that they come and are correct.

There is still anything in the autumn forest something fascinating, something that can make you come to him again and again. It seems to me that people go there to just be ourselves, because the forest will take you as you are and do not need to wear masks in front of the trees with whom you can talk like with friends.

Writing reasoning forest in autumn

In one of the rainy autumn days, when I was bored with social networks and computer games, I decided to walk through the woods. Fortunately, in the suburbs of forests it was plentifully, and one of them was a few kilometers from my house.

After the grandmother has equipped me with a lot of unnecessary, in my opinion things, I still came out of the house. I did not pass and halfway, as the rain frost. The last rays of the sun hid behind the clouds and became very sad.

When I reached the right place, the world as if changed. The forest played with different colors. Green changed to colors from gold to ruby. Trees have become similar to Jeweler's work, each unique and irresistible. Having passed on the path, I seemed like mushrooms that are hiding under fallen foliage. Some of them, I neatly cut off with a folding knife and laid in the package. Suddenly something went through my feet.

Holding his head, I saw a little hedgehog. Probably? Hunger forced him to approach man. I got the cutlet and lowered it to the floor. The hedgehog grabbed her teeth with a catlet and disappeared behind the trees. I still wander around the path, I headed for the house.

Returning, I brewed tea home, sat down at the table and hurried to write down, all that happened in one of the rainy spring days ...

Grade 6, 5 and 4th grade, 3 class. Forest in autumn description, 10-12 sentences

Essay on the topic of autumn forest

The forest is beautiful at all porams of the year! But the trees fall in autumn can boast of special.

Bright multicolored leaves are made unrecognizable and unusual most, it would seem familiar to us from childhood trees and shrubs. White beauty birch leaves become yellow. Giant - Klyon turns his robe in red raincoat. Try, not pay attention to such handsome! The oak is covered with brown foliage and becomes like an ancient elder. Elm unites the beauty of all trees. Its leaves are shimmer by all colors: yellow, red and brown. Well, isn't it a miracle!

Going to the edge of the forest, the eyes themselves find a delightful spectacle - Ryabinka! The leaves of these thin trees in the fall are red, and the berries and that brighter. As if they burn fire, but do not burn. And only the Christmas tree and pine do not change in the winter or summer. There are proud loudshes in their green robe and scare away non-crumbling guests.

Autumn forest is very generous to the one who loves slowly walking around him and carefully look around and under the feet. Each tree is ready to make you a special gift. Ploy under the birch, you will find a detail, under Osinka - the Boostinovik. Do not be lazy to walk on a young pine landing, and the oils themselves will ask you in the cat.

But not only mushrooms will share the autumn forest with you. It can find a lot of treasures! If you break into the hazel, stockpen for the winter with delicious and healthy nuts. Rowan berries and viburnum will not be superfluous in your home first aid kit. Many herbs will be delicious and fragrant tea.

And how cool to go on a family trip to the forest! Fresh air and silence will fill you and clean from problems and worries. The forest will seem a little empty to you compared to summer time. The infinite twitter of birds is not heard in the forest, there is no huge abundance of insects who have sinks under your feet in the summer, does not feel the aroma of flowering herbs. The forest is preparing for winter, and therefore he put on his best outfit to remember us for a long time.

The beauty of the autumn forest poets is not inhabited, the paintings are written and composers composers write music. Only the most indifferent person will be able to pass by such a beauty given to us by Mother - Nature.

  • Category: Works on a free topic

How beautiful in the autumn forest! Trees and bushes dressed up in multicolored outfits: golden yellow, cherry-red, dark green. Among the motley leaves, pure-black or dazzling and white trunks are clearly distinguished. Each tree has its own special outfit, its unique shades of colors. It all depends on its breed: ash this or birch and the like.

On a sunny day, autumn leaves literally glow in the rays! The sun is still heating, but the air is already cold, fresh and clean. And somehow unusually quietly autumn in the afternoon in the forest. Only you can hear under your feet: "Shur-shur." This fond of foliage gently covers the spring and stretch grass until spring. Or another sheet will break away from the branch and almost without sound drops down, to other leaves.

In the fall in the forest calmly. Beasts are hidden: preparing for winter. Birds are already screaming somewhere high in the sky. They are going to flock to fly south. On such days, a walk through the forest very soothes and brings an outstanding pleasure. It is possible to be inserted on a luxury deciduous layer, it seems to be on the carpet, and even the clothes will remain clean.

And if the rain passed, or he also freezes, he would still go well to the forest. Just need to get dressed, wear rubber boots, so as not to frozen and do not wash your feet. And of course, it is worth taking a basket with you, and in the travelers - a person who disassembled in mushrooms. After all, autumn in the forest is a mushroom. These silent, edible and nutritious forest inhabitants need to look for - they are hiding under fallen leaves, in Moss.

\u003e Writings on topics

Autumn forest

In the autumn forest, trees wear their festive outfit, and sometimes it seems that they are so accustomed to summer. Bright yellow, lemon, crimson, cherry - which only there is no coloring in this rich forest decoration. In some places there are still long trees and bushes with green, probably, even even a little delaying summer care. My brother and I love with our parents to go for mushrooms, there we rest and admire nature.

On this warm day, the sun was still shining, the rain recently passed, so at the very time to go beyond the oils, thickens, chanterelles and white mushrooms. We all took with you along a huge basket in the hope of a large "harvest" of mushrooms, but ... apparently, they have not yet been jammed. But not to leave with empty hands, there are still many other gifts in the autumn forest. They decided to give wild forest nuts and bright red berries of rosehip. Mom will be brewing them in the winter, and we all the family are cold, long evenings will drink delicious and very useful tea and remember our trip to the autumn forest. In the forest we have "our own" Polyanka, on which we always rest. Mom, as always, takes a thermos with tea, delicious pie and we, having arrived in the forest, tired, but satisfied, sitting on hemp, we fly all this with great pleasure. Here everything seems very tasty. In the glade, a wild pear grows and on fallen fruits, we saw OS, probably, somewhere near their nest. It's great to watch spiders that weave the web all that is possible, so it is still stuck to our faces.

Soon the autumn will enter their rights, with protracted rains and drooping cold air, then in the autumn forest it will not be so cozy and comfortable. But it is still possible to enjoy the last warm autumnen days, admire everything with the autumn forest, we will just once we go here at the weekend. My brother and I love to look at the autumn forest with a hillock and photograph this miracle of nature. The forest, as if he was praised by fire with bright yellow-orange glare, simply fascinates. From this place are very clearly visible islands of fir trees and pines, which their greens stand out among the bright, red and yellow colors of other trees. The whole fading grass is covered with sparkling sputum threads, they are like silver, and in some places are similar to pearl pearl brilliance. Of course, such beauty cannot leave indifferent artists or poets. Probably, therefore, in Russian literature, there are so many works that describe exactly the autumn forest and paintings of great artists, on which we can see the beauty of autumn nature captured by the hand of the wizard on the canvases.

The writing "What can be seen in the autumn forest? .."

Once the autumn day, the guys and I gathered in the forest just walk, breathe fresh air, chat, in general, relax. Standing sunny weather. It was a summer heat. We walked with a feeling of calm, lightness, with a sense of duty, behind the shoulders of the Labor Week. We caught a quiet and warm breeze. He gently ran on our cheeks. And we rushed into the forest, wanting to see a miracle.

And indeed, in the forest in the fall you can see so much interesting. Here on our way the glade of bright red amansorov met. On the silent autumn grass, they seemed bright lights that were racing our hearts. In addition, all these mushrooms were of different shapes: one looks like a pink saucer with a burgundy driven, the other - on a bright and juicy tomato (ah, so I would like to eat it!), The third stepped in a red hat on the ears and sits, will not get drowned . And which on the immaculate white legs of the skirt - just a look! Leave the clearing with a sense of regret. Rustic beauty! Suddenly we came across a transparent web, which simply "hung" in the air and did not hold out. She glistened in the sun, and her thin strings were overflowing with different colors. There was no spider on it, but many small flies were forever left in this Western. Such a deadly beauty also happens in the fall! Quiet in the forest. It is heard only the rustling of leaves, whisper blades and suddenly a shrill cry. Who is it? Beast, Bird, Chelch? Looked around. There is not anyone. Only green firows are guarding, guarding the peace of forest inhabitants, high pines about something they whisper there, on SA-I am aspira, Budzina bushes are mounted by crimson clouds. Our view attracted a smack of lizard. The whole is black. Quickly ran away to hide from us. We laughing and slightly jealously envy her, because she can run everywhere, where she wants. And the small rippers are seen. Who planted them here? Trunks are thin. The tree bends from the wind, and from the neighborhood with more adult trees. But do not surrender: tilt - they will stand again. The leaflets are blushing, and somewhere else and green. True mosaic! Yes, if near and the birch is growing! This is just a miracle! Our attention was attracted by the latest flowers as the echo of the past summer. They seemed to us with cute and relatives. I wanted to approach, stroke, talk. Here is a purple bell launched in more often. And these raspberry watchs bowed their heads to the ground. One burdock is firmly on the legs and clings to all passing by.

We did not notice how two hours have passed. Rested in the autumn forest with soul and body. I didn't want to go home from this fabulous kingdom. All the way back again, all the wonders of autumn nature recalled again, the meeting with which will remain in our hearts and in photos.

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