The World Thematic Forum of Compatriots was for unity for the sake of the future. Resolution of the World Thematic Conference of Compatriots "Century of the Russian Revolution: Unity for the Future

Presidium Conference made up: Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Government Commission for Compatriots Abroad S.V. Laurels; Rector of MGIMO (U), Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and conduct of events related to the 100th anniversary of the 1917 revolution in Russia A.V. Torkunov; Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs G. B. Karasin, Director of the Department of Foreign Ministry of Russia for work with compatriots abroad O.S. Malginov, Chairman of the World Coordination Council of Russian compatriots living abroad M.V. Drozdov.

Among the visited The opening of the conference was the Old Believers Metropolitan Moskovsky and All Russia Kornilius (Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church), Archbishop Berlin and German Mark (ROCZ), employee of the OSDS secretariat on foreign countries, Ierodicacon Roman (Kiselev)

In the hall also present: Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation of the so-called. Moskalkova, President of the Foundation of the historical perspective N.A. Darnitskaya, Prince D.M. Shakhovskaya, Prince A.A. Trubetskaya, President of the RGGU and Chairman of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on theology of E.I. Brewer.

Turning to the participants of the Forum, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S.V. Lavrov, in particular, notedthat the 1917 revolution became a turning point "In the history of not only our state, but also mankind in general.". In his opinion, the appeal to the lessons of events of century limitations is necessary, first of all, to strengthen the reconciliation and civil consent achieved in the society.

One of the consequences of the tragic 1917 was the emergence of numerous Russian communities abroad, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry was stated.

"Once outside the Motherland, our compatriots in the overwhelming majority not only have become worthy members of the societies of their states, but also introduced a significant, very important contribution to their development,- Stressed S.V. Lavrov. - Wherein they managed to preserve their national identity, language, culture, values \u200b\u200band faith. In the call of heart, they united, discovered schools, built churches, published newspapers and magazines, created museums, thereby maintaining a close spiritual connection with the historic homeland, enriching the treasury of domestic and world culture. "

Turning to compatriots living abroad, he noted:

"We highly appreciate your concern to everything that happens in Russia, constant readiness to promote her success and prosperity. "

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation also witnessed:

"The deepest respect deserves close fruitful cooperation between compatriots and the Russian Orthodox Church. Many of your organizations include clergymen, and temples are becoming a venue for numerous events that fure our community abroad. "

Next sounded speech by A.V. Torkunovawho spoke about the importance of the 1917 revolution for the history of Russia and the world, on scientific approaches to the study of revolutionary events, on the contribution of Russian abroad to world culture.

Participants in the ceremonial meeting also heard the word Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion. The Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate conveyed the greeting of the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill.

Turning to the topic of the forum vladyka Hilarion remindedthat the revolution of 1917 was preceded by more than a two-century stage in the history of the country, which was characterized by the refusal of the foundations of the life of the Russian people.

"The gradual waste of the intelligentsia from the church in the XIX century, the hobby of educated classes by nihilism and atheism inexorably attracted Russia into the abyss. By the beginning of the 20th century, there was no strength while holding Russia. According to the Savior Christ, "any kingdom, divided by itself, will empty; And every city or house, divided by itself, will not stand "(MK. 12. 25). So happened with our fatherland, divided into conservatives and liberals, and then on red and white, "

Stressed the archpastor.

He also recalled that one of the most important tasks of the new Bolshevik authorities was the fight against religion: immediately after the victory of the October Revolution, severe persecution began to church, arrests and murders of clergymen.

Dramatic events in the country gave rise to such a phenomenon as Russian emigration, Metropolitan Hilarion said:

"Living on a foreign trade, emigrants sought to use experience gained in the Fatherland, showing all their best qualities and talents, invariably keeping faith and original culture. Russian emigration managed to achieve high achievements in the field of science, literature, painting, music, theater, movie and ballet. Russian scattering introduced a foreign public with outstanding theologians and philosophers, whose works entered the treasury not only Russian, but also by world thought. Representatives of Russian scattering saved the centuries-old spiritual and cultural heritage, which was destroyed in Russia of Soviet. "

In everyday life, in communicating with the new neighbors, they became preachers of the spiritual culture of their people, Vladyka testified, stressing that the greatest "immunity" to assimilation, dissolving in someone else's society, possess believers who build their lives around religious values, the center of spiritual life which is the temple of God, church sacraments.

"Today Russia is no longer Soviet. But how deep and fully returned to the consciousness of her citizens the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof Russian Christianity? Where Russia is in the original, pristine and pure form: in the consciousness and worldview of modern citizens of the Russian Federation or in memory and carefully protected the tradition of emigrants? These difficult and extremely sensitive questions need to be understood. Comprehend seriously, deep and, most importantly, honestly. Without this, it is hardly possible to preserve and revive the Holy Rus and the true spiritual and national identity of the Russian people, "

Heerarch said, wishing the participants of the conference of fruitful discussions and encourage God's blessings on their works.

IN program Forum - holding plenary sessions, panel discussions on the topics "Revolution and Russian Peace" and "Compatriots in the Contemporary World", as well as Sections "Russian Revolution and Russian Community Abroad", "The contribution of a young generation of compatriots in the preservation of the Russian language, Russian culture and Russia's historical heritage abroad, "media compatriots in the world of modern technologies."

October 31, 2017 in Moscow in the conference hall of the hotel " Azimuth»The solemn discovery of the World Thematic Conference of Compatriots Resisting Abroad" Century of the Russian Revolution: Unity for the Future" The conference was attended by more 150 Delegates from 90 countries of the world, as well as heads of state authorities of the Russian Federation, experts and public figures.

The presidium of the Conference includes: Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Government Commission for Compatriots Abroad S.V. Lavrov; Rector of MGIMO (U), Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and conduct of events related to 100 -Relation of the 1917 revolution in Russia A.V. Torkunov; Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion.; Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs GB Karasin; Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia for work with compatriots abroad O.S. Malginov; Chairman of the World Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots living abroad M.V. Drozdov. Among those who visited the opening of the conference were Metropolitan Moscow and All Russia RSSC (Titov), \u200b\u200bArchbishop Berlin and German ROCZ Mark, employee of the OSDS secretariat for foreign countries Ierodicacon Novel (Kiselev).

The hall was also attended by: the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation So-called Moskalkova, President of the Foundation of the Historical Perspective ON THE. NaragnitskayaPrince D.M. ShakhovskayaPrince A.A. Trubetskoy, President of RGGU and Chairman of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on theology E.I. Brewer. Turning to the forum participants, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S.V. Lavrov, in particular, noted that the 1917 revolution became a turning point in the history of not only our state, but also humanity as a whole. In his opinion, the appeal to the lessons of events of century limitations is necessary, first of all, to strengthen the reconciliation and civil consent achieved in the society. One of the consequences of the tragic 1917 was the emergence of numerous Russian communities abroad, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry was stated.

Once outside the Motherland, our compatriots in the overwhelming majority not only have become worthy members of the societies of their states, but also contributed a significant, very important contribution to their development. At the same time, they managed to preserve their national identity, language, culture, values \u200b\u200band faith. In the call of heart, they united, discovered schools, built churches, published newspapers and magazines, created museums, thereby supporting a close spiritual relationship with a historical homeland, enriching the treasury of domestic and world culture, - said S.V. Lavrov.

Next sounded the performance of A.V. Torkunova, who spoke about the meaning of the 1917 revolution for the history of Russia and the world, on scientific approaches to the study of revolutionary events, on the contribution of Russian abroad to world culture.

Metropolitan of Cornelius in his speech on the subject of the conference appealed to labor A.I. SolzhenitsynWho wrote that the 17th century gave rise to the 17th year, and that in Russia the old-handed revolution would be impossible. Vladyka Korniliy called on remembering the lessons of history so that the sad events of the 17th year would never repeat. Also Metropolitan shared his impressions from visiting Far East and meetings with the Old Believers Migrants, a few years ago we moved there from South America. Vladyka Kornilius spoke about the positive shifts in the implementation of the state program for the resettlement of the Old Believers to the Far East, which occurred largely due to the attention of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

Participants in the ceremonial meeting also heard the word Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion. Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate conveyed to those present greeting Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia RSC Kirill. Turning to the topic of the Forum, Metropolitan Hilarion reminded that the 1917 revolution was preceded by more than a two-century stage in the history of the country, which was characterized by the refusal of the foundations of the life of the Russian people.

The gradual waste of the intelligentsia from the church in the XIX century, the passion for educated classes by nihilism and atheism inexorably attracted Russia into the abyss. By the beginning of the 20th century there was no strength holding Russia from the crash. According to the Savior Christ, "any kingdom, divided by itself, will empty; And every city or house, divided by itself, will not stand "(MK. 12; 25). So it happened with our fatherland, divided into conservatives and liberals, and then on red and white, - Metropolitan Hilarion stressed.

He also recalled that one of the most important tasks of the new Bolshevik authorities was the fight against religion: immediately after the victory of the October Revolution, severe persecution began to church, arrests and murders of clergymen.

Member of the Conference, Representative of the Support and Protection Fund and the Protection of Compatriots living abroad S.I. Nikolaev Noted:

Here is this assessment and must win in the minds of people who will calmly and soberly understandandextract the lessons of history so that those events of one hundred years ago could not even repeat the episode. The souls of those events killed in the fire should find calmness. Soothing should be found and now living in their assessments of history, not allowing confrontations in society. If this is what is meant in reconciliation, then let it be so.

The program of the forum held several panel discussions on the topics " Revolution and Russian world"And" Compatriots in the modern world", As well as sections" Russian revolution and Russian community abroad"," The contribution of the younger generation of compatriots in the preservation of the Russian language, Russian culture and historical heritage of Russia abroad "," Media compatriots in the world of modern technologies».

October 31 - November 1, 2017, the World Thematic Conference of Compatriots "Century of the Russian Revolution: Unity for the Future" took place in Moscow. The event was held under the auspices of the Government Commission for Compatriots Abroad (PKDSR) and the World Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots. The conference was attended by 155 managers and activists of public organizations of compatriots from 92 countries of the world. According to the results of the forum, the resolution was adopted.

Resolution of the World Thematic Conference of Compatriots Resisting Abroad, "Century of the Russian Revolution: Unity for the Former Future"

Recalling today years of the revolution of 1917 in Russia and the Civil War of Central Assets,

The conference notes that those dramatic events have had a significant impact on the global history of the 20th century and laid the formation of the Foreign Russian world;

The conference emphasizes that the chief lesson of the revolution of 1917 in Russia, the current and in our time, is to prevent new splits and an irreconcilable civil opposition, fraught with the scholarship and disunity of the Russian people;

The conference confirms that the important task of the movement of compatriots is to promote the processes of collecting nation and the consolidation of the multinational Russian people on the basis of basic values, the preservation of the Russian language, multinational Russian culture and traditional religions of Russia;

The conference appreciates the contribution of organizations of Russian compatriots living abroad to the development of relations between the Russian Federation and other states and emphasizes that the comprehensive movement should contribute to the dissemination of the truthful information about the Russian Federation, to counteract slander and Russophobia campaigns;

The conference notes the importance of the continuity of generations for the development of the movement of Russian foreign compatriots and considers the youth to engage in wider wider in this work.

Delegates to the worldwide thematic conference of Russian compatriots living abroad, "100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution: Unity for the Former Future":

1. Express the Government Commission on Compatriots Abroad (PKDSR), operating under the leadership of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, S.V. Lavrov, for the successful holding of the World Thematic Conference, during which representatives of Russian communities from 92 countries had the opportunity in a practical veneer Discuss actual issues of the activities of organizations of Russian compatriots with representatives of the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and to reach agreed solutions;

2. Mark progress in the implementation of the provisions of the resolution adopted by the Conference "Together with Russia" (Moscow, November 1-2, 2016);

3. Call on to expand the practice of conducting activities aimed at preserving the memory and dissemination of knowledge about the iconic pages of Russian history, prominent representatives of the foreign Russian community, the contribution of compatriots to the culture and science of foreign countries;

4. Approve the constructive role of organizations and the media of compatriots who give a powerful impetus to the fight against modern forms of Russophobia, to curb the incessant attempts to falsify the history, heroization of Nazism and fascism;

5. Call on the organizations of Russian compatriots to provide active support for volunteers and organizers of the Izmortal Regiment procession, shares "Georgievskaya Ribbon", "Candle of Memory" and other events dedicated to the preservation of memory of the Great Patriotic War;

6. Note a key importance for consolidating the community of careful attitude to the preservation of memorial objects of the first and second world wars, including those located on the territory of foreign countries of the burial of the Red Army soldiers who liberated Europe from Nazism; take effective measures to counter the acts of vandalism in their respect; Search works related to the preservation of historical memory;

7. Call on the organization of compatriots to promote knowledge about the huge contribution of the historic homeland in the protection of peace on earth;

8. Express the appreciation to the support and protection of the rights of compatriots living abroad for a great job to assist in foreign Russians, which provided in a difficult life situation;

9. Recommend Rossotrudnia, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Russian World Foundation, together with the organizations of compatriots, is more actively promoting the conservation of the Russian language in foreign countries, as well as Russian schools abroad, to take place participation in the implementation of the concepts "Russian School abroad" and "State support and Promotion of Russian abroad. "

10. Call on due attention to their work in its work to preserve national, linguistic, religious identity in the environment of compatriots, above all, its youth wing; Take all possible measures to preserve the continuity of generations, including support for pre-school education abroad in Russian.

11. Organize sports competitions among young compatriots, paying special attention to the international aspect of this activity, including worldwide games of young compatriots;

12. Activate the active establishment of media compatriots in the conditions of the rapid development of modern digital technologies; Wider use the possibilities of the most popular social networks based on innovative and non-standard approaches; Additional attention is paid to those activists who, on their own initiative, develop the positive image of Russia blogs, sites, accounts, information newsletters, etc.;

13. During various events, all possible attention is paid to the union of the community and mutual support in the context of modern international relations and the current information atmosphere;

14. Greet the opening of the Museum of Russian abroad in Moscow and urge to assist in the transfer of family archives to him;

15. Support the implementation of the State Program to promote voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad, and also recommend intensifying the exchange of information between organizations of compatriots with those Russians who returned to Russia within this program; simplify administrative requirements for the receipt of Russian citizenship;

16. Continuate to improve the organizational structure of the coordination councils of organizations of Russian compatriots living abroad, in order to attract their activities as much as possible members of the Russian overseas community, first of all, young people;

17. Recommend the World Coordination Council of Russian compatriots living abroad, to prepare proposals for the semantic filling of the VI World Congress of Compatriots and until early December 2017, send them in writing to country coordination councils of compatriots for further elaboration;

18. It is appreciated by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the development and implementation of work programs with compatriots abroad: first of all - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Altai Territory, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District;

19. Notes the great contribution of the Russian Orthodox Church, other traditional Russian religious denominations to the consolidation of Russian communities in various countries of the world, to strengthen the relations of compatriots with historical homeland;

20. Express the gratitude of the Government Commission on Compatriots Abroad (PKDSR) for active cooperation with compatriots' organizations;

21. Recommended when planning the activities of Russian science and culture centers in foreign countries, more widely focus on cultural and educational requests and the needs of compatriots, pay attention to the development of creative potential in the youth environment of the Russian community;

22. Apply to the PKDSR for assisting in the execution of this decision, and the Chairman of the World Coordination Council of Russian compatriots living abroad, propose to report on the implementation of the decisions of worldwide thematic conferences 2016 and 2017 on the VI World Congress of Compatriots;

From October 31 to November 1, 2017, the Conference of Compatriots is held in Moscow, dedicated to the topic "Century of the Russian Revolution: Unity for the Future." At the opening of the Forum, the Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion was made.

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Dear brothers and sisters!

First of all, I would like to transfer the high assembly of the word greetings of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill.

The current forum, assembled compatriots from many countries of the world, takes place in the year of the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution, which has changed the course of not only domestic, but also world history.

The 1917 revolution was preceded by more than a two-century stage in the history of the country, which was characterized by refusal from the foundations of the life of the Russian people. The gradual waste of the intelligentsia from the church in the XIX century, the passion for educated classes by nihilism and atheism inexorably attracted Russia into the abyss.

By the beginning of the 20th century there was no strength holding Russia from the crash. According to the Savior Christ, "any kingdom, divided by itself, will empty; And every city or house, divided by itself, will not stand "(MK. 12. 25). So it happened with our fatherland, divided into conservatives and liberals, and then on red and white.

Metropolitan Anastasius (Gribanovsky) spoke about the revolution: "It always originates in the minds and gradually electrifests different public layers, starting, rather, from the top. Thus, the Ideas sphere, spiritual and in this case, the determining value, and socio-economic prerequisites only accelerate or slow down the processes occurring in the minds. The main spring is a vicious idea that penetrates the crowd of society and striking the tops in the first place. "

The February revolution is called bourgeois-democratic, but it is necessary to pay attention to its fruits: the bourgeois system ceased to exist, and democracy was destroyed. Those who stood behind the February Revolution could not hold the powers received, and in October 1917, the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia, who did not spare their predecessors, destroying them or driven out of the country.

One of the most important tasks of the new Bolshevik authority was the fight against religion. Immediately after the victory of the October Revolution, violent persecution of the church, arrests and murders of clergymen began. On the very first day after the seizure of power, the Bolsheviks issued "Decree of Earth", who announced the nationalization of all church and monastic lands. The following decisions were followed by a church marriage, and then formally separable church from the state and school from the church.

Arrests and clergy executions have become massive. In 1918, several archipers were killed, hundreds of clergymen, many laity. The sovereign Emperor Nicholas II, renounced the throne, was shot from the throne, together with his wife, children and servants. The next day, near Alapaevsk, the Grand Princess Elizaveta Feodorovna was buried alive, the founder of the Marfo-Mariinsky monastery of Sisters of Mercy.

Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) wrote these days: "You can destroy Russia for a long time, it is impossible to destroy Russia. And if I had to choose one of two, then the Russia would die, but Russia will be preserved, Petrograd will die, but the abode of St. Sergius will die, the Russian capital will die, but the Russian village will die, Russian universities will die<…> But they will not be perished in the memory of People's Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Vasnetsov and Seraphim Sarovsky. "

All these dramatic events in the country gave rise to such a phenomenon as Russian emigration. Departure from the native country is always associated with pain, nostalgia, regret, thoughts. The feeling of the loss of the Motherland, the soil under the legs, which is getting out of the usual life, its protectedness and landscaping inevitably imposes a heavy imprint on the human person.

Russian emigration of post-revolutionary pore - the emigration of a special kind, which has its own specifics. Emigrants of this time were people who have forced to be outside of their country. The need to leave Russia determined the current system of belief, the loss of the usual living conditions, the rejection of the revolution and the transformations associated with it, the expropriation of property and destruction at all levels. This was added to the persecution by the new authority of dissent, arrests, prisons and, finally, violent expulsion from the country of intelligentsia.

The limits of the Fatherland left, in different estimates, from two to five million people. It has become a tragedy, and a test, and a historical challenge for our people. The whirlwind of terror scattered throughout the world of various representatives of Russian society - intelligentsia, nobility, clergy, military, entrepreneurs, civil servants, as well as members of their families.

Living on a foreign land, emigrants sought to use experience gained in the Fatherland, showing all their best qualities and talents, invariably keeping faith and distinctive culture. Russian emigration managed to achieve high achievements in the field of science, literature, painting, music, theater, movie and ballet. Russian scattering introduced a foreign public with outstanding theologians and philosophers, whose works entered the treasury not only Russian, but also by world thought. Representatives of Russian scattering saved the centuries-old spiritual and cultural heritage, which was destroyed in Russia of Soviet.

The main characteristic feature of Russian post-revolutionary emigration lies in the ability to oppose the threat of assimilation and maintain civilizational identity. Russian emigrants have never become American, French, the British, Germans and others. They always remained Russian, Orthodox, believed in the revival of Russia, kept hope for a return to their native land. In everyday life, in communicating with the new neighbors, our compatriots became preachers of the spiritual culture of their people.

It is important to note that the greatest "immunity" to assimilation, dissolving in someone else's society, have people believers who build their lives around religious values, whose spiritual life center is the temple of God, church sacraments. The church from generation to generation transmits increditative values \u200b\u200bthat cannot be outrageous, losing relevance depending on the external circumstances and the level of technical progress. The people can lose their national identity, may lose spiritual and cultural guidelines, but then he will become either another people, having accepted a new value system, or turn into the "population", losing old identity and not finding new.

Today, Russia is no longer Soviet. But how deep and fully returned to the consciousness of her citizens the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof Russian Christianity? Where Russia is in the original, pristine and pure form: in the consciousness and worldview of modern citizens of the Russian Federation or in memory and carefully protected the tradition of emigrants? These difficult and extremely sensitive questions need to be understood. To comprehend seriously, deeply and, most importantly, honestly. Without this, it is hardly possible to preserve and revive the holy Russia and the true spiritual and national identity of the Russian people.

I wish the participants of the conference of success and fruitful discussions. I call for your works God's blessing.

Dedicated to the topic "Century of the Russian Revolution: Unity for the Future". At the opening of the Forum, the Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion was made.

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
Dear brothers and sisters!

First of all, I would like to transfer the high assembly of the word greetings of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill.

The current forum, assembled compatriots from many countries of the world, takes place in the year of the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution, which has changed the course of not only domestic, but also world history.

The 1917 revolution was preceded by more than a two-century stage in the history of the country, which was characterized by refusal from the foundations of the life of the Russian people. The gradual waste of the intelligentsia from the church in the XIX century, the passion for educated classes by nihilism and atheism inexorably attracted Russia into the abyss.

By the beginning of the 20th century there was no strength holding Russia from the crash. According to the Savior Christ, "any kingdom, divided by itself, will empty; And every city or house, divided by itself, will not stand "(MK. 12. 25). So it happened with our fatherland, divided into conservatives and liberals, and then on red and white.

Metropolitan Anastasius (Gribanovsky) spoke about the revolution: "It always originates in the minds and gradually electrifests different public layers, starting, rather, from the top. Thus, the Ideas sphere, spiritual and in this case, the determining value, and socio-economic prerequisites only accelerate or slow down the processes occurring in the minds. The main spring is a vicious idea that penetrates the crowd of society and striking the tops in the first place. "

The February revolution is called bourgeois-democratic, but it is necessary to pay attention to its fruits: the bourgeois system ceased to exist, and democracy was destroyed. Those who stood behind the February Revolution could not hold the powers received, and in October 1917, the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia, who did not spare their predecessors, destroying them or driven out of the country.

One of the most important tasks of the new Bolshevik authority was the fight against religion. Immediately after the victory of the October Revolution, violent persecution of the church, arrests and murders of clergymen began. On the very first day after the seizure of power, the Bolsheviks issued "Decree of Earth", who announced the nationalization of all church and monastic lands. The following decisions were followed by a church marriage, and then formally separable church from the state and school from the church.

Arrests and clergy executions have become massive. In 1918, several archipers were killed, hundreds of clergymen, many laity. The sovereign Emperor Nicholas II, renounced the throne, was shot from the throne, together with his wife, children and servants. The next day, near Alapaevsk, the Grand Princess Elizaveta Feodorovna was buried alive, the founder of the Marfo-Mariinsky monastery of Sisters of Mercy.

Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) wrote these days: "You can destroy Russia for a long time, it is impossible to destroy Russia. And if I had to choose one of two, then the Russia would die, but Russia will be preserved, Petrograd will die, but the abode of St. Sergius will die, the Russian capital will die, but the Russian village will die, Russian universities will die<…> But they will not be perished in the memory of People's Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Vasnetsov and Seraphim Sarovsky. "

All these dramatic events in the country gave rise to such a phenomenon as Russian emigration. Departure from the native country is always associated with pain, nostalgia, regret, thoughts. The feeling of the loss of the Motherland, the soil under the legs, which is getting out of the usual life, its protectedness and landscaping inevitably imposes a heavy imprint on the human person.

Russian emigration of post-revolutionary pore - the emigration of a special kind, which has its own specifics. Emigrants of this time were people who have forced to be outside of their country. The need to leave Russia determined the current system of belief, the loss of the usual living conditions, the rejection of the revolution and the transformations associated with it, the expropriation of property and destruction at all levels. This was added to the persecution by the new authority of dissent, arrests, prisons and, finally, violent expulsion from the country of intelligentsia.

The limits of the Fatherland left, in different estimates, from two to five million people. It has become a tragedy, and a test, and a historical challenge for our people. The whirlwind of terror scattered throughout the world of various representatives of Russian society - intelligentsia, nobility, clergy, military, entrepreneurs, civil servants, as well as members of their families.

Living on a foreign land, emigrants sought to use experience gained in the Fatherland, showing all their best qualities and talents, invariably keeping faith and distinctive culture. Russian emigration managed to achieve high achievements in the field of science, literature, painting, music, theater, movie and ballet. Russian scattering introduced a foreign public with outstanding theologians and philosophers, whose works entered the treasury not only Russian, but also by world thought. Representatives of Russian scattering saved the centuries-old spiritual and cultural heritage, which was destroyed in Russia of Soviet.

The main characteristic feature of Russian post-revolutionary emigration lies in the ability to oppose the threat of assimilation and maintain civilizational identity. Russian emigrants have never become American, French, the British, Germans and others. They always remained Russian, Orthodox, believed in the revival of Russia, kept hope for a return to their native land. In everyday life, in communicating with the new neighbors, our compatriots became preachers of the spiritual culture of their people.

It is important to note that the greatest "immunity" to assimilation, dissolving in someone else's society, have people believers who build their lives around religious values, whose spiritual life center is the temple of God, church sacraments. The church from generation to generation transmits increditative values \u200b\u200bthat cannot be outrageous, losing relevance depending on the external circumstances and the level of technical progress. The people can lose their national identity, may lose spiritual and cultural guidelines, but then he will become either another people, having accepted a new value system, or turn into the "population", losing old identity and not finding new.

Today, Russia is no longer Soviet. But how deep and fully returned to the consciousness of her citizens the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof Russian Christianity? Where Russia is in the original, pristine and pure form: in the consciousness and worldview of modern citizens of the Russian Federation or in memory and carefully protected the tradition of emigrants? These difficult and extremely sensitive questions need to be understood. To comprehend seriously, deeply and, most importantly, honestly. Without this, it is hardly possible to preserve and revive the holy Russia and the true spiritual and national identity of the Russian people.

I wish the participants of the conference of success and fruitful discussions. I call for your works God's blessing.

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