Jelly from black rowan rowan. Tips on what can be made from black rowan

Berries are very diverse and differ not only externally, but also properties. Each of their appearance is useful in its own way and helps one or another to function better organs. Ripe black rowan rowan is collected in the middle of autumn, it is represented by dark purple round fruits. The scope of its application is very wide: starting from a variety of billets for the winter and ending with desserts, dishes and drugs.

Fruits are used frozen, dried, cooked, they are baked, they are left to come, mix with other fruits, fruits and many others.

Beneficial features

The black-like rowan is popular, which is actually called Aria, which means "help" in translating, is obliged to their therapeutic properties. Despite the similarity with rowan berries (from where it got a black-like rowan, its second name) is two inconsistent in the components of the berry. Berries are tart, combining sweet and sour tastes. Thanks to what Aronia loves to use pastry cooks to the manufacture of a variety of desserts. Among the usual people, the black rowan is only gaining popularity.

As part of berries, in particular in its peel, there are many beneficial substances, such as:

  • vitamins class P and PP.Vitamin P is an ascorbic acid, it is in all the fruits of the citrus family and well strengthens the immunity. PP is nicotine acid, which is contained in some parts of the body, is necessary for the normalization of cholesterol in the blood;
  • for a sweet taste answer Sorbittewhich are replaced with sugar berries, which are not hazardous for people who are ill with diabetes. And this substance has a slight property of the laxative, which will help to clean the body from harmful slags;

  • as in all dark berries, in the composition of the black rowan iodine. This substance plays a very important role for the body, because it increases brain activity, reduces stress, makes more flexible vessels, is responsible for hair health, teeth, nails, skin and growth;
  • substance pectin responsible for the removal of various poisons from the body, even radioactive elements and does not violate the total balance;
  • high content potassium Which is responsible for adjusting pressure, kidney health and much more.

Arony berries are very rich in substances and are useful, in many pharmacies they are sold as a drug in the form of tinctures, powders, tablets and syrups, which are produced without a recipe. It is important to remember that only fresh berries retain more active substances.

Black-flow rowan is treated from diseases such as:

  • high blood pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • gastritis with zero acidity;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • frequent diarrhea.

The use of arony will also help in the prevention of many diseases or to strengthen the body, namely:

  • regulates arterial and heart pressure. Scientists have proven that ten bodies of Arony a day are able to normalize the pressure in people suffering from increased arterial pressure, as well as improve vision;
  • strengthens vessels, in particular, sugar diabetics. As you know, people suffering from diabetes mellitus come across complications due to fragile vessel walls, which can be strengthened due to the useful substances of rowan berries;
  • increases the level of acidity of juice in the stomach. Some forms of gastritis are formed at zero acidity of the gastric juice (poor development of food). Berries normalize the amount of active acid and help cope with pain in the stomach;
  • removes cholesterol from the body.As you know, the problem of cholesterol affects mostly older people. It can cause atherosclerosis - accumulation of cholesterol in the joints, which contributes to painful sensations with muscle activity. Arony berries connect cholesterol cells and remove them from the body;

  • helps in the work of the thyroid glands Thanks to the content of iodine;
  • displays toxins. Pectin, as already mentioned, removes all malicious substances from the body, berries, and also helps with accumulated mucous membranes in the lungs and in the throat;
  • the ability to hold water in the body. But for people who are prone to Ottkam should not be abused by aronia in the evening.

With such a large list of beneficial properties and substances contained, the black-like rowan still has the following contraindications:

  • low pressure;
  • high level of acidity of gastric juice;
  • gastritis and ulcers, intestinal problems;
  • frequent constipation.

What can be prepared?

From the black rowan rowan, you can prepare a huge number of dishes, drinks and tinctures. Despite the tart taste, the black-like rowan chopped confectioners and often use fruits as a filling for rolls and piers or make marshmallows from them. In addition, the fruits of the arony are added to lean dishes.

Baking and other desserts


The most common dessert from the arony are different jams. To prepare jam, there will be only such three simple components as:

  • kilogram of berries;
  • half a kilogram of sugar;
  • 0.5 liter of water.

The process of cooking jam includes the following steps:

  • first, a syrup using half a kilogram of sugar and 0.5 liters of water is prepared in a specially selected container;
  • berries are poured into this syrup;
  • all the mass must be thoroughly mixed for 5 minutes;
  • the capacity is removed from the fire and is left for 8-10 hours, so that the berries are carefully soaked with syrup;
  • the syrup with the fruits is raised on fire and the remaining kilogram of sugar is added;
  • all this mass is boiled until the drops will preserve their shape;
  • after readiness, the jam is better to close in the jars with a hermetic lid.

There are also simpler desserts for which the cooking process is not needed. For example, you can take the arony berries, wash and dry them, add sugar to them in proportions 2: 1, for example, a 500 grams of sugar are used per kilogram of berries. Everything needs to be mixed in a blender to the porridge mass. Delicious and useful jam is ready for tea ready.

All hostesses know the recipe for classic quarreling. In principle, this dessert is universal, it can be prepared using different fruits and berries and the black-like rowan is not an exception to the rule.


There is a simple recipe for a cake from a black chock, which is called the "Ring" cake. For the preparation of the test, two glasses of flour will be required, one cup of kefir, prostruck or ripples (who loves more). Further is added a glass of sugar, blackboard and fresh berries jam.

It is thoroughly mixed, 2 eggs and a teaspoon of soda are added further, it is thoroughly stirred. The dough must be left half an hour to stand out. It is further poured into any shape, in advance with oil, preferably butter, and baked in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of +180 degrees. The cake is done quickly and is very tasty.

If you make a cream and bake to the cake and bake two biscuits, connecting them later with cream and decorate with fresh fruits of blackcloth, then a pretty homemade cake can be.


Arony makes many tinctures and syrups, very useful for health, which are used for medicinal purposes. But it can also be used for the preparation of homemade wine, liqueurs, compotes, juices, hills, syrups, eggs, tea, and even add to milkshakes. It is worth considering some recipes from black-flow rowan.


Califle from the Mokelock is very popular and prepared relatively simple. To preserve the beneficial properties of the arony, make tincture using alcohol or vodka. In such recipes, fruits and vodka should be an equal amount, after cooking, a drink should be defended for about two weeks, sugar syrup is added further, you can bring to the liqueur consistency or leaving more liquid.

Optionally, various seasonings can be added to such a tincture (for example, carnation), lemon zest or other tastes.

Ingredients at the classic emphasis are only two: fruits and sugar. The proportion is three to one (three kilograms of a berry one kilogram of sugar). Berries first need to be brought together with the addition of sugar, make a puree mass of them. Next, you need to add the mixture to the glass container, to tie the top of the gauze and leave to roam in a warm place for one and a half hours. After the mixture is filtered and defended in a cool place for three months. Unfortunately, such a tasty liquor is deprived of the beneficial properties of Arone.

Home wine

Cooking homemade wine will take a lot of time, but will not spend a lot of effort. Only 200 milliliters of wine drink will help to normalize pressure, improve the work of the intestines and have a positive effect on the skin condition. In order to prepare wine, you will need a 10-liter bottle, the bank will fit. Falling asleep 2 kg of crushed berries and 1.5 kg of sugar. It is worth noting that in order to obtain a more saturated taste, the number of berries can be increased to 5-6 kg.

To activate trembling, you can add some brown rice and raisins.

Then the bottle is closed as a lid with a rubber glove, on which a small hole is made, at the end of the middle finger gloves. After 10 days, one cup of sugar and two liters of hot water is added to the container. This procedure is repeated every 10 days until 40 days go. The wines will be a glove, it should not be filled with gases. The filtering process begins, you need to pour the resulting mixture into another container, trying not to cover the sediment, leave for 2-3 days. When the fluid becomes homogeneous and transparent, the wine will be ready for use.

With the addition of other berries and fruits

Given the tart taste of Arone, other ingredients add to many dishes to improve taste properties. The black rowan is perfectly combined with hawthorn and apples, but the use of other ingredients is also popular, for example, raisins or sea buckthorn.


It is worth paying attention to a great recipe for quarreling from berries rowan, apples and raisins. Ingredients for this simple, but tasty dessert are the following:

  • apples;
  • butter;
  • eggs;
  • flour;
  • sugar;
  • raisins;
  • aria.

The process of cooking charlotics includes actions such as:

  • you need to beat eggs well;
  • add sugar and mix again;
  • add flour, apples, raisins;
  • the dough must keep the form, after it obtained the necessary form, you need to pour on top of the black rowan rowan and sugar;
  • it is necessary to put all this yummy in the oven for 35 minutes at a temperature of +200 degrees. Dessert is ready!


Other ingredients often add other ingredients in drinks. The recipe for a delicious Morse from the Mokeal and Honey is easy to execute. It can be served in warm or cold. The following ingredients will be required:

  • two glasses of fresh berries;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 1l clean water;
  • one lemon;
  • halfcan of honey;
  • optionally, you can decorate a glass with a sprig and berries of red rowan.

Morse preparation includes the following actions:

  • berries need to be frozen, fall asleep with sugar and leave for several hours;
  • add lemon juice, To do this, first need to be removed from the lemon zest;
  • put the resulting mixture on the sieve, and the sieve above the container and thus squeeze juice;
  • pour the resulting juice with water and add a zest;

  • put on a small fire and bring the mixture to a boil;
  • after boiling, you need to leave the mixture for 20 minutes;
  • add honey.


With the addition of a hawthorn, you can make a compote that is perfect for cold evenings and warm companies. To do this, you will need such ingredients as:

  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • half handful;
  • kuraga - 8 pcs.;
  • prunes - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3-4 tablespoons, but you can navigate to taste;
  • water - 3-4 liters.

From the black-flow rowan billet for the winter possess many useful properties. Rowan berries were used by our ancestors very widely: not only as food, but also as decoration and medicine. Today Rowan is not so popular, but the billets do not lose their relevance from it.

Mint (Aria) - a fruit tree with sour-sweet black berries, has a specific tart flavor. The crop falls on September, October.

In rowan berries there are vitamins A, B, C, E. It is also rich in iron, magnesium, iodine, fluorine and other microelements. Caloric content of berries does not exceed 50 kcal per 100 g

Useful for the body properties of the blacklod

  1. It has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Helps with gastritis, spasms, problems of the gallbladder.
  2. Due to the high content of iodine useful for diseases of the thyroid gland and the endocrine system.
  3. Reduces the amount of blood sugar. Suitable for diabetics.
  4. Displays salts of heavy metals, radionuclides.
  5. Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
  6. Strengthens vessels, increases their elasticity.
  7. Reduces high blood pressure. Useful for hypertensive.
  8. Enhances and strengthens immunity.

There are also contraindications to the use of berries of black-rowed rowan:

  • constipation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • hypotension;
  • increased blood clotting.

Arony berries can be on wood branches for a long time. The best time to collect berries is the end of September or the beginning of October. During this period, they are already quite mature and perfectly suitable for billets. Billets from chokeberries are diverse a winter table and help to defeat various diseases. What can be prepared from rowanfish berries?

Billets from berries Mistress in kind

  1. The easiest and most popular type of blanks - freezing. You just need to collect berries, rinse them in running water and freeze in the refrigeration chamber. Do not freeze one big portion of berries. It is better to divide them into small parts, then do not have to engage in secondary frost.
  2. You can save berries in the latest form if you place them in a cool and dry place. Collect berries together with branches and collapse them in the basement or in the attic, where the sun's rays do not fall. Storage temperature for this variant of the workpiece - 5 ° C.
  3. Another option is to put the berries of the Mokeal. Just spread the fruits with a smooth layer on the counter or pallet and leave in the sun until the dry dryer. You must not forget to turn the berries. The oven for drying is not suitable - the useful microelements of the black mills are lost.

Compote from rowan blackfold

Compote from the Markotod is well suited as a beverage in the winter. It is delicious and very useful.

Cooking from the black-flow rowan compote will not be difficult. Rowan berries need to be cleaned, rinse and fall asleep in pre-sterilized banks by a third. Sugar and water are taken in the ratio of 1: 2. Sugar syrup is boiled for 10-15 minutes, then poured into jars with berries.

Running banks follow only sterile covers. After the twist, turn the banks down the covers, cover the blanket and leave overnight. In the morning of the next day, check for the tightness of the lid and transfer the banks to the cool place for storage.

You can cook syrup together with berries, but then many useful properties and vitamins contained in the blacklodes are lost. You can also add various fruits: apples, oranges, lemons, cherry.

Jam is one of the most common billets for the winter. Before you cook the jam from the blackcloth, the berries need to be thermally handled. Put the berries in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, and then cold. Let cool. After that, you can cook.

Rowan jams can be prepared in different ways, even without sugar. This recipe will be more difficult than usual, but several times more useful!

For the preparation of delicious jam from the Mokelodchka, you will need a large container in which banks will fit. At the bottom of this container it is better to put a rag to prevent burning.
Water in the container is to boil, put banks there, filled to edges with berries. Boiling water should not fall into banks, but to reach only to the neck. The cooking process lasts about 30-40 minutes. After that, we ride banks with sterile covers. You can also improvise and add various fruits and even vegetables.

You can make jam in traditional way - with sugar. This will require berries, sugar, water (in proportion 1: 1). All ingredients are mixed and boiled on a slow heat of 35-45 minutes. Fragrant jam pour into sterile jars and sunk with covers (not metallic).

Multicooker is better not to use - the process can delay for a long time. You can simply overnour the berries of rowan black, add a double portion of sugar and pour into banks in the cheese. Sprinkle with an extra layer of sugar from above to avoid the appearance of mold. Such jam is stored less, but it is stored in it all vitamins.

Califle from Markotodki.

The recipe for alcoholic beverage is simple. In the jar (3 l), fall asleep rowan black and sugar. The total number of berries and sugar should be 2/3 banks or more. To pour this mixture with vodka, leaving 2 cm to the edge. It will take about 1.5 liters of alcohol.

After that, it is liquor to block a simple lid or parchment and put in a dark, dry place for 2 months. After the time of time, the finished liquor to drain into the bottles and clog. Powered by this way is stored in the basement or other suitable place.

In order for the berries after eating, they do not die in vain, they can be used for baking cake. Delicious and savory cake will decorate and diversifies your table.

Wall wine and juice

What else can still be prepared from chokebaines? Wine - delicious and moderately useful drink. The main thing is not to abuse them. A glass of wine per day will help you to get a whole complex of vitamins, leads to normal blood pressure, improve the activities of the gastrointestinal tract.

In a bottle (10 l), fall asleep 4 kg of crushed berries and 2 kg of sugar. If you wish to add raisins, it contributes to fermentation of wine yeast. On the neck to install a rubber medical glove and pierce one finger in it. Every day the bottle shake well. It's often not necessary to open without need.

After 3 days, open the container and add a glass of sugar and 2 liters of cold boiled water. Leave another 10 days and then repeat the procedure. 10 days later (a total of 33 days should pass) the wine can already be merged.

If the glove sneaked with gas marks, then the wine is not ready yet. Wait another 2 days.

Drain the wine into another container and let it brew 2 days. Then overripe the wine into another bottle, not asking the sediment, leave another day. Do this procedure 1-2 times until the fluid becomes clean.

Store wine drink follows in a cool place, clogging with a lid. It is possible to experiment and add to the ripper of the black-like various berries and fruits. Wine from assorted berries will be even tastier and rich.

Favorite drink for children can be juice from blackcloth. It can be drunk in fresh form without sugar or prepare for the winter in banks.

Rowan berries Skip through a juicer or a meat grinder that separates bones from the pulp. The resulting juice is diluted with a small amount of water. Add sugar to taste and cook for 10-15 minutes. Ready juice pour over sterile banks and roll with boiled covers.

These are just a few options for billets from rowan blackfold. Applying fantasy, you can come up with many other recipes. Winter billets from berries Mistakes will become a favorite dishes on your desk.

The billets from the draft rowan row for the winter were still our ancestors. This is a very useful berry that is capable of cleaning blood, raise immunity, as well as restore pressure. How to make compote, jam, jam from black rowan read further.

Blanks made of black rowan on the winter

Many years ago, the chokebank was the most sought-after berry. Now its popularity has decreased significantly, but despite this, she continues to take a high place in traditional medicine. Berries should be collected from September to October. It is at this time that the rowan is most suitable for preservation.

The most delicious and useful berry is the one that is assembled immediately after the first frosts.

Black-flowed rowan jam without sugar

The recipe is perfect for people suffering from diabetes. Prepare such jam is somewhat more complicated than what without sugar.

For cooking you need:

  • half-liters;
  • fresh rowan berries;
  • big saucepan;
  • boiling water.

Preparation steps:

Since the fruits of the black-like rowan, during the boiling, there is a little respectful, the formed space must be filled with fresh berries.

Cook rowan for 20-30 minutes. Then get banks and roll them with metal covers.

This is the most popular recipe. Berries prepared in this method retain all useful vitamins and trace elements. Cooking such jam does not need to save time and money will save.

The carbon black bed with sugar is obtained very fragrant and tasty. Berries lose their tartness and unpleasant mustard.

To prepare such a delicacy:

  • 1 kg of fresh black rowan berries;
  • 500 kg of white sugar.

The first thing to be done is to separate all twigs from fruits. Then rinse berries in cold water and leave at room temperature so that they sound well.

Once all the water evaporates, rowan, along with sugar to grind in. If there is no such technique in the house, then the meat grinder will be an excellent option.

Banks wash and sterilize. In yet hot tanks, add a homogeneous mixture. Jam cool and cover with plastic covers. Store a delicacy in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

Popular braillets made of black rowan on the winter

In addition to the classic jam with black rowan, the Jam, Marmalade is also prepared. These are incredibly tasty and useful delicacies, from which they will not be able to refuse both babies and adults.

For the preparation of such sweets, the minimum of ingredients and time will be required. Only a few hours and your child will enjoy fragrant delicacies.

  • 1 kg of ripe berries;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar (can be brown);
  • package Vanillina.

Ryabin thoroughly go through. Damaged and dry berries remove, they are not suitable for this recipe. Then the fruit is moved in water and put it in a colander.

Berries shifting into a metal bowl or pan and pour the glass of water. Capacity put on a small fire. Cook the mixture until the rowan is soft.

Then berries shifting into a sieve, and with the help of a wooden spoon to roll. The resulting homogeneous mass is combined with sugar, mix thoroughly. Cooking syrup to full thickening, stirring constantly.

While the berry mixture is brewed, it is necessary to prepare a baking sheet. The bottom of the pallet is to send to parchment paper, and from above to abundantly lubricate the oil refined vegetable oil. To do this, it is recommended to use a brush or a cotton disk.

Finished the mixture evenly lay on the baking sheet. Top to carefully disperse with silicone blade.

Then in the heated oven to 170 0 with put a baking sheet. In order for the air correctly circulated, it is recommended to place match boxes between the doors and the case.

Keep in the oven marmalade before the formation of a thin crust. As soon as the layer gets dry a little, it is necessary to pull it out and put on the table. Keep at room temperature to a complete cooling.

Then cut the marmalade into small pieces. Sprinkle vaniline from above each portion.

No less useful is from rowan and apples. Thanks to this combination of fruits, sweetness acquires an incredible aroma and a pleasant aftertaste.

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg of ripe berries rowan;
  • 400 g of sweet apples;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 400 ml of cold filtered water.

Fruits and berries well wash. Cut on half, remove the core and peel.

All chop with a blender, and then combine with sugar. The mixture is shifted into a saucepan and peel on a small fire until complete readiness.
Store jam in the refrigerator.

Fast recipe for black rowan juice

In order to make delicious, fragrant and very useful juice, you can use several methods. All recipe options are quite simple and fast.

With juicer


  • 2 kg berries in black block;
  • sugar;
  • lemon acid.

All fruits squeeze with juicer. The resulting juice to pour into the jar, close the lid and put in a cold place.

It should be remembered that the black-like rowan is dry enough and it will not be able to give a lot of juice.

Put in the pan and pour water. From above, cover the container with gauze and leave on the table at room temperature for 3 hours. At the end of this time, the mixture is strain and combine it with juice.

Capacity with juice to put on the gas stove and add sugar. On each liter of fluid should be 100 g of sand and ¼ h. L. citric acid. Boil juice within 5 minutes, and then pour into bottles or banks. Keep the tank only in the refrigerator.

With the help of Sita

This method is suitable for those who have no juicer or shortcut. Despite this, the juice is obtained very fragrant, beautiful and incredibly tasty.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1.5 kg of fresh berries (preferably only torn);
  • 400 ml of boiling water;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • little citric acid.

Rowan fruits wash and put in a saucepan, pour from above with water.
Put the container on slow fire and tomorrow for 5-10 minutes. It is necessary to remove the saucepan from the gas only after the rowan becomes soft.

The mixture is shifted to a metal sieve and throat the wooden spoon thoroughly. The resulting cake pour with water and leave in such a state for 3 hours. At the end of this time, the fluid will need to be proceeded.

In the resulting juice, put sugar, a pinch of citric acid and mix everything thoroughly. The container with the liquid to put on fire and boil for 5 minutes.

Banks and lids wash and sterilize. Hot juice to pour into prepared containers and roll. The first day to keep at room temperature, and then put in a cold place.

Jelly from the berries of the black rowan

To prepare this recipe, you will need a minimum of ingredients and time. If you do everything right, then this delicacy will be the best that you have ever tried.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 1.2 kg of ripe berries in black rowan;
  • 800 g of apples (sour-sweet);
  • 1.5 kg of sugar (can be brown);
  • 1.2 l of filtered water.

Rowan berries go through and wash. Put them in an enameled pan and remember a bit with a spoon.

Clear apples from the peel and cut into small slices. Connect them with rowan and mix everything thoroughly.

Berry-fruit mixture pour boiling water and put on a small fire. Cook for 10-15 minutes, then strain through the sieve. Cake shift to gauze and squeeze well.

Add sugar to the resulting liquid. All cook on low heat, stirring constantly, for 18 minutes. Pour a hot mixture in tanks and leave up to full pouring.

Billets made of black rowan - this is a real storehouse of vitamins. If you do everything according to the recipe, then you have incredibly tasty and useful delicacy.

Adzhika from black rowan - video

The black-water rowan is rich in various vitamins, minerals and is very useful for the human body. Therefore, many hostesses are trying to prepare these fruits for the winter in fresh or canned form.

Aria is part of the jams, jams, juices, candies, marmalade, and even excellent sauces for meat dishes. Berries can be dried and freeze to increase the storage period, and if necessary, put them in business.

Broken rowan fruits are harvested for winter in different ways. At home, it is possible to maintain berries in natural form using freezing or drying.


The easiest way to maintain delicious and useful fruits is to send them to freezing. Rowan need to go through, remove the leaves with the fruits, rinse and dry. Then put the berries with a thin layer on a flat surface and put in the freezer. It takes about two hours. It remains to shift the berry through containers or special packages and remove the freezer in the box.


In second place is the drying of the black rowan. To do this, use a special dryer, oven or apply a natural berry drying method.

In the dryer, a temperature of 50 degrees is installed and berries are laid 2.5 - 3 hours. Then you need to lower the power up to 45 ° C and wait for the completion of cooking. Readiness is determined by najm on berries, they should not give juice.

When using the oven Rowan is unfolded by a thin layer on the baking sheet, the temperature of 40 degrees and berries are sent to the oven. After 30 minutes, increase the power up to 60 and bring the process to the end.

Natural way Drying the longest, it takes several days. Berries laid out on a flat surface and put out on the street, in the sun. For the night, trays are cleaned into the room, and in the morning the procedure is repeated and so before getting the desired result.

Another option Billets of berries do not apply to very complex processes, but to attach some effort still. With the help of a needle rowan rolling on the threads and hang such "beads" in a dry room. Readiness is determined by pressing fruit, juice should not be allocated.


There is a huge number of remarkable methods for the preparation of useful jam from black rowan. Let us dwell on the most popular recipes.

From the black rowan rowan dessert, it turns out a pleasant taste with a beautiful dark ruby \u200b\u200bcolor. Vitamins in it are practically not destroyed. And one tablespoon of such a dessert satisfies the daily need in Vitamin R.


  1. Rinse fresh berries (1 kg) and boil to softening for 3-5 minutes. Then cool in cold water, put it in a sieve and give a track of excess fluid. After shifting into the cooking container.
  2. Cooking the syrup of 1 glasses of water and 500 g of sugar. To pour rowan berries with hot syrup, boil and cook for 3-5 minutes with constant stirring. After that, remove the container to the complete cooling.
  3. Then add sugar residues (800 g), stir and cook until ready on slow heat.
  4. Decay the cooled jam on clean jars, it is hermetically closed, and rearranged in a permanent storage location.

For the preparation of jam in the number of two liters, the following products will be needed:

  • ripe apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar sand - ½ kg;
  • black-tree rowan - 0.3 kg;
  • cinnamon - 1-2 sticks, or a few pinch.

Culinary process:

In the tank of suitable size pour water in the amount of 2 glasses and put sugar for the preparation of syrup. Put a saucepan on fire, boil and add cinnamon;

After boiling, put apples. Previously, the fruits purify from the skins, cut out the core and grind to pieces. Fruits are cooking half an hour;

As soon as the apples soften and darken can be added rowan.All together boil 20 minutes with periodic stirring;

Jam to remove from the stove, shift along the sterilized jars, tighten with the lids. Capacities flip over and leave for a day in warm plaid;

Arrange the workpiece in a storage place.

Cook note. So that the arony berries become softer and gentle, they are recommended to quiet several times. For jam, it is better to use apples of solid and latebed varieties, without broken places.

With orange

To cook a delicious citrus dessert, you need to make sure that the following products are available:

  • malnodka - 1.3 kg;
  • orange - 1 piece;
  • sand Sugar - 1.1 kg;
  • water - 0.9 liters.

Preparation steps:

Lay out, pre-moved, rowan in colander and rinse in running water;

Sleep the aronium into a spacious saucepan and pour water in such a quantity so that it covers the berries. Put on the cooking surface, bring to a boil and cook about 7-minutes, add sugar and continue the process as much as much;

Remove the saucepan and put in a cool place for 4 hours;

Orange cleaned from the skins, divide on lobes and grind in a blender or finely cut;

Put jam on the fire, and as soon as the sweet mass starts to throw add prepared orange;

Cooking for about 6 minutes, after removing the pan and pour the dessert on sterilized cans, close the lids and leave to the cooling, put it in a suitable place for storage.

With cranberries

Before you start cooking, you need to check the presence of the following products:

  • mine-flow rowan - ½ kg;
  • cranberry - 0.1 kg;
  • apple juice - 0.1 l;
  • sand Sugar - ½ kg;
  • lemon juice - 1 spoon dining room.

How to cook:

Ryabina to go through, and to lower in boiling water for 5 minutes, give a stroke of the liquid and, if necessary, dry the aronium with paper towels;

In the saucepan of the appropriate volume add juice of apples and lemon, as well as sugar. Syrup is heated to the complete dissolution of sweet crystals;

Add rowabine and cranberry berry syrup, bring to a boil and continue to cook for another 15 minutes, turn off the plate and make the mass to cool under the lid;

Repeat the previous paragraph 2 more times. For the third time after boiling, jam, in a hot form, declined at the prepared containers.

Such a delicacy will have to do with people who comply with various diets or those who are contraindicated sugar. Instead, fructose is added instead. Get a jam with a thick consistency will help gelatin, which is added during cooking.

Required products:

  • rowan black-free - 1 kg;
  • fructose - 0.65 kg;
  • water - ½ liter.

Culinary process:

Rowan rinse, lay out in colander and get boiling water, give liquid to drain;

Pour water into a saucepan of suitable size, add fructose, bring to a boil and put berries;

After boiling to continue cooking for 7 minutes;

Give the jam to cool, add gelatin and bring it to a boil;

Remove from the slab a little cool, pour over sterile banks.

How to cook the jam

In addition to jam from the black rowan rowan, many hostesses to prepare very tasty jams. We offer several options.

Get the edible product with an unusual taste is quite simple. All you need for cooking it:

  • fruits rowan 1 kg;
  • water -1.5 st.;
  • sugar sand - 1.2 kg.

Stages of preparation

  1. Berries go through, get rid of the cuffs and leaves, thoroughly wash and give a drain of water.
  2. Fruits crushed in a blender in such a way that small pieces of rowan remained.
  3. In the appropriate capacity, pour water and put the berries, the resulting mixture is brewed for 7 minutes.
  4. Pour sugar sand, turn on the maximum power for another 7 minutes, and then at minimum power, cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. The entire cooking process passes with constant stirring. Jama density consistency should be more than that of jam, but less than the jam. The resulting product shift into the prepared banks that have passed sterilization, wait until they are cool and put on storage.

Jam from apples and black-like rowan is obtained fragrant, gentle and very tasty. And it is preparing very simple.

Required components:

  • the fruits of arony - 1.5 kg;
  • apples - 0.6 kg;
  • sugar sand - 2.3 kg;
  • water is 0.3 liters.

How to cook:

Apples wash, cut the core and divide into pieces;

Put in the tank of the appropriate size, add a small amount, put on the stove, close the lid and peak to the soft state;

The same actions are performed with the black rowan rowan (it is not necessary to cut);

After softening fruits and berries to connect, wipe through the sieve and add sugar sand;

Puree boil on low heat before receiving a dense of the desired consistency;

It is hot to decompose on sterilized cans, close, flip, wrap in the blanket and after 24 hours put in the place selected for storage.

Syrup made from black rowan, is not only delicious, but also useful, and also serves as an excellent billet for the winter. It can be served to various desserts or just add to tea.

The following ingredients must be prepared:

  • black rowan - 2.5 kg;
  • water - 4 liter;
  • granulated sugar;
  • lemon acid - 25 grams.

Preparation steps:

Aronia washed all the amount, put into the tank of suitable size and pour boiling water - 4 liters;

Pour citric acid and stir up to its dissolution;

Pan to cover with a lid, shit a warm towel;

After 24 hours, the berries straighten through several layers of gauze;

The resulting juice is measured by liter capacity. One liter of the branch is used 1 kg of sugar;

Mix sugar with juice, put on the stove and warm up for 10 minutes;

The resulting syrup is pouring into banks, roll.

Useful advice. If the berries are blackcloth squeeze when polling, then the juice will be more saturated. By the way, the rowan used can not be thrown away, but to put on the preparation of jam.

Cooking home paste is quite troublesome, but it is worth it. In the recipe below, not only the black-like rowan, but also apples, and for culinary feats the following products will be needed:

  • malname - 1 kg;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar sand - 1 kg.

Machinery cooking

  1. Rowan without leaves and fruits rinse, lay out in the tray and put in the freezer for 2 hours. Clean and cut apples on small pieces so that they cooked faster;
  2. Mix fruits, berries and sugar sand in the pelvis;
  3. Cover the capacitance with a lid and put for 5 hours to a warm place, to thaw rowan berries;
  4. Shift the mixture into a saucepan, put on fire, cook after boiling for 20 minutes, put it cold;
  5. With the help of a blender to crush the mixture, boil, peck and cool. The procedure is repeated until the berry mass acquires the leaf of the journey, and it will be easy to separate from the walls;
  6. Drying pastes is carried out in the kitchen, if there is enough space. It is necessary to spread the food film, baking paper on the selected surface, lay out a thin layer of grasses and leave for drying;
  7. In this form, the dessert will prepare for several days. To accelerate the process, an oven or electric dryer is used;
  8. Put the baking paper on the baking sheet, lubricate with oil (vegetable) and put a fruit-berry mass;
  9. Install the minimum temperature in the oven, put a grazing and with an open door to dry until full preparation;
  10. You can check the readiness in a simple way, it is enough to touch the central part of the dessert, it should not put to the fingers;
  11. Fastille twist with a roll and put in a clean dry jar for further storage.

Culinary trick. If grazing sticks to paper, it will be very difficult to separate it. Here you need to flip the workpiece and spray a sheet with water, and a minute later, the paper will move perfectly, without damaging the leaf.

Prepare raisins from Arony's berries at home is not difficult. In addition, this product contains a large number of vitamins and trace elements. Apply the dessert can be used for cooking compotes, feeding for baking or use as an independent dish.

Required components:

  • black-tree rowan - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar sand - 1 kg;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • lemon acid - 1 spoon tea.

Cooking process

Make syrup, mixing water, sugar and citric acid. Add an aronium and cook after boiling for 20 minutes;

Berries to push into a colander, give a track of syrup;

Shift the rowan thin layer on a suitable flat container and put in a drying room;

The drying process takes several days, and while it goes berries to occur periodically;

The finished product is decomposed by banks, close the lids and put on storage.

Syrup should not be poured, they are spilled by banks and put it in a cool place. It can serve as an excellent base for jelly, compote, also a concentrate is bred by water and are used as a drink.

The drinks

Production of the black-flow rowan in the form of compotes and juices for the winter is an excellent option to save the beneficial properties of berries. After all, at home, drinks are always more useful and tastier.


In the presence of a hooker, it is necessary to pour water into the lower part of the machine on ¾ and put on the stove. On top it is set to the grid, collecting juice, on it a bowl with rowan. Berries in the amount of 2 kg are mixed with sugar sand (2 glasses). Cover with a saucepan, the hose feed juice should be blocked.

After boiling water downstairs, the heating power decreases to the minimum value, after 50 minutes, juice can be spilled by sterile bottles, cover with covers. It remains to warm the containers for a period of 24 hours.

A delicious drink made of autumn apples and fresh fruits of black-flow rowan is being prepared. You need to prepare in advance:

  • apples in the amount of 1 kg;
  • rowan - 400 g;
  • sugar sand - 800 g;
  • water is 1 liter.

Cooking process:

  1. Apples wash, cut into medium slices and remove the core. Then omit for 3 minutes to boiling water.
  2. Wallowed rowan washed to go through and put together with apples into the cans to the level of the shoulders. Then pour hot syrup and sterilize 25 minutes in boiling water - liter banks and 45 minutes - three-liter banks.
  3. Tighten with covers, cool and remove storage in the pantry.

This compote is ideal for a festive table.

Not only sweet desserts, but also wonderful sauces to meat dishes can be prepared from the blackfold row.


  • arony berries - ½ kg;
  • lemon - 1 piece (big);
  • garlic - 0.05 kg;
  • basil - 0.1 kg;
  • sugar sand - 0.1 kg;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon.

How to cook

  • rowan, garlic and lemon skip through a meat grinder. Citrus must be left in the peel, but pull out seeds;
  • chop the greens;
  • add basil and sugar to sauce and stir carefully;
  • put it for 30 minutes;
  • use for destination.

Tsukati from blackfold rowan - video


The fruits of black rowan rowan are widely used in culinary recipes for the preparation of various desserts, delicious drinks and delicacy sauces to meat dishes. The main thing is to prepare with a good mood and then the workpiece will turn out to be the most delicious and helpful.

We wish you successful blanks and pleasant appetite!

Many gardeners grow in their sections with black-flow rowan, but they do not find proper use. Do not everyone know about the beneficial properties of this wonderful berry and what can be made from black rowan. Nevertheless, it can bring a huge benefit, a large number of different vitamins and minerals is impressive in its composition. If it is used regularly in food, then you can not only prevent many diseases of the body, but also to cure those that are considered rather complex and even in some cases running.

It is famous for the fact that it is capable of accumulating in the fruits of iodine in more than raspberries or strawberries. And iodine, as you know, gives beauty and health. Its astringent taste also speaks of the content of organic acids, pectins and tanning substances, which means that it will benefit and the digestive system. In addition, the berry is able to bring out of the body to kill some types of microbes. Oh can speak for a long time, but it is impossible not to remember it as a plant from which there are many wonderful billets.

What can be made from black rowan row?

From this wonderful and useful berries you can prepare a lot of goodies: wine, liquor, juice, compote, raisins. Consider the recipe for the original dessert, which like both children and adults. For the preparation of raisins, we take sugar (700 g), rowan berries (1 kg), water (0.5 liters), citric acid (1 spoon tea). First you need to prepare syrup. Next to it I lower Ryabin and after boiling, cook for about 25 minutes. From the cooled syrup, we get the berries, throwing into the colander. When the excess liquid leaves, the berries in one layer declare and enjoy several days in the room. Ready raisins can be stored in banks. The remaining syrup can also be used to make cooks, compotes, lycles.

Very useful and tasty is the juice of black rowan. This is a wonderful alternative to shop juice. In addition, it is widely used in folk medicine.

Sweet tech, which at least once tried (the second name of the berry), will never have the question of what can be made from black rowan. This dessert to taste is very reminded to use it in any form, but most often this delicacy serves as a baking filling. Cold in winter tea with an unusually fragrant jam pleasantly pleased your home and brings great benefits, strengthening the immunity of the whole family.

Channel Rowan Wine Recipe

What wonderful wine gets out of the Markovka! It is thick, heavy, rich ruby \u200b\u200bcolor and reminds dry good quality. How to cook such an exquisite drink? It is necessary to take on a kilogram of the berry of 100 g of raisin and 1 kg of sugar. In a three-liter bank, we fall asleep the unwashed berries. There we put raisins, sugar and pour water (approximately 2/3 banks). We close with a lid with a small hole and a week - in a dark place. The future of wine must be mixed daily, rotating, but not scolding off. A week later, we add more than about grams of 300 sugar in wine, after another week it is necessary to add the last 200. Next, we give the blame to stand in a dark place about a month, sometimes mixing the contents. After this time, you can still add Sugar Gram 200. Once the berries will be devastated to the bottom of the banks, ready wine. Now it needs to be strain and pour bottled.

After reading the article and learning about the beneficial properties of this wonderful berry, the question of what can be made from black-like rowan, you can be considered closed for yourself.

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