What do gallets eat. Haltage cookies - composition and calorie, step-by-step cooking recipes at home

  • 125 g of butter
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 150 g almonds
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour
  • 1 tbsp. l. Any almond liqueur
  • 1 Dry Bob or Special Figure
  • Step-by-step cooking recipe

    Make a stuffing: almond shredt in a coffee grinder or combine into powder. Mix the creamy oil with sugar in the bowl. Wheel 2 eggs, add almond powder, flour and liquor. Stir.
    Distribute dough into 2 parts, one slightly more. Each part roll in the circle. Put the circle of larger on the parchment sheet. Put on it the stuffing, not reaching the edge of 1.5 cm.

    "Zarrow" in the filling of the Bob or a special feature. Cross.

    On the circle of a smaller diameter, make the surface cuts with a knife (carefully, do not ride the dough through!) In the form of spokes of the wheel. Put a smaller circle to the stuffing, carefully hide the edges so that the filling does not flow. Place the parchment sheet with a cake in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
    Heat the oven, putting inside with a lubricated baking tray, up to 200 ° C. The remaining egg lubricate the surface of the cake. Gently put the cake on a piece of parchment on a hot baking sheet. Bake 30 min.
    Completely cool and serve, putting on top of the Galet paper crown.

    Council of Gastronomom
    If you make this cake for a children's holiday, together with children. Manufacturing a crown of dense gold paper can be a beautiful "preface" to the cake. Be sure to make teeth in the form of royal lilies!

    Galets - what is it? At the given question you will receive an exhaustive answer in the submitted article. In addition, we will tell you how you can independently prepare a delicious dessert, from which neither the child nor an adult will never refuse.


    Galets - what is it? This word was formed from StaroFronzuz "GAL", which in a literal sense means "Voon" or "naked". Thus, the galley constitutes a crispy light puff pastry, which takes particular demand from modern consumers. The popularity of this dessert is due primarily to keep it very convenient and transport.

    Composition and types of cookies

    Galets - what is it? Having answered the question left, it should be said that such a dessert is prepared only from high-grade wheat flour with the addition of ordinary water, salt, baking powder, sugar and yeast (sometimes). Today you can purchase two main types of gallets. They differ among themselves. So, confectionery factories produce simple dry gallets (that is, crackers) and fat, in which margarine or butter are added.

    Shelf life

    Galets - what is it? It is dry cookies that retains its food quality up to 24 months. That is why they are quite widely popular on the fleet, in the army, expeditions, as well as among tourists, climbers and speleologists.

    It should be noted that dry salted gallets (or crackers) are very often served to beer. By the way, for this it is ideal for fatty gallets, their properties are preserved about 6 months. According to culinary culinary, any kind of such dessert should have only a puff structure, it is easy to breathe and quickly wet in water.

    Army Galets: Cooking Recipe

    For the preparation of dry products, we need the following ingredients:

    • high-grade flour - 4 glasses;
    • food soda - pinch;
    • water drinking room temperature - 1-2 glasses;
    • salt small cooking - 1 large spoon;
    • any filler (for example, ground seeds of cumin) - to taste.

    Zam dough

    Before you bake dry biscuits galley, you should thoroughly knead the base. This requires to connect high-grade flour, fine and small amount of filler in one world. Next, we must gradually pour water and knead the tight dough that does not stick to the hands.

    Process of formation and baking

    After the framework is involved, it is necessary to roll it into a thin layer (3 mm) and cut into small squares. Each product is recommended to pierce a fork several times, and then lay out on a dry baking sheet that you need to fastened in advance.

    Bake the army gallets in the oven should be about half an hour. After that, cookies are required to flip and withstand the same amount of time. Finished salty crackers should have a brownish shade. If they dry them well, they will save their food qualities for a long time.

    Preparing greasy galley

    To prepare calorie cookies, you need to purchase the following products:

    • eggs are large - 2 pcs.;
    • sugar sand - ½ cup;
    • margarine for baking - 160 g;
    • soda dining room - a small pinch;
    • wheat flour high-grade - about 3 glasses.

    Preparation of dough

    To make the basis for fatty gallets, you should beat the chicken eggs strongly, and then add sugar to them and mix thoroughly. Next you need to melt it slightly cool and pour into the egg mass. There you also need to add a dining room soda and gradually pour high-grade flour. As a result of such actions, you must get an elastic and pretty thick dough, which turns very well from the fingers. To make it convenient to roll out, it is recommended to put it in the bag and leave in the freezer for 25 minutes.

    Formation and thermal processing

    After the specified time, the mixed base should be removed from the freezer and thinly roll into the sheet, pre-sprinkled with the flour dough. The resulting reservoir is required to cut into a mug with a glass, and then lay out onto the bakery paper and send to the preheated oven. Bake such products should be about 50 minutes.

    Correct feed to the table

    Dry hats cooked at home is recommended to serve on the table in the cooled condition. But fat gallets can be presented and immediately after baking. By the way, the dessert on Margarine turns out a little softer and tastier than ordinary crackers. But such cookies will not get in a long trip, as it retains its foods for a short time.

    If you want to make galley yourself, it is not necessary to stick to the prescriptions described above. After all, today such cookies do differently. Someone adds nuts and zucats into it, and someone uses the sunflower kernels and ground cinnamon.

    351 kcal / 1467 KJ

    Proteins .............................. 11 g

    Fats .............................. 9 g

    Carbohydrates ......................... 60 g

    Shelf life of 90 days.

    Store in a dry place + 18c

    Galets with sesame.


    Wheat flour fine grinding bio, water, sesame, oil mustard cold spin, sugar, salt sea.

    Galets with sesame are the most popular. All of them love: both children and their moms, and dads. The aroma of fried sesame, will not let you stay indifferent.


    Contains a record amount of vitamin E, as well as many mineral substances, in particular - zinc. In the vintage times, the sesame seriously was considered one of the components of the legendary elixir of immortality. In the sesame contain all the useful substances to preserve the youth of a woman. A spoon of sesame a day - just needed!

    Galets with flax.


    Wheat flour wholegrain bio, water, flax seed, mustard cold spin, sugar, sea salt.

    Energy value by 100 g:

    352 kcal / 1474 kj

    Proteins ........................ 11 g

    Fats ........................ 10 g

    Carbohydrates .................... 58 g

    Shelf life of 90 days.

    Store in a dry place + 18c

    Galets with flax is whole grain wheat flour and flax. Such a combination is the greatest benefit for the body! Tolik sugar, (sweetness is not completely felt) gives galetam soft taste. At the "Healthy" composition is very tasty. Excellent go like independent snack, they are very loved by children, tasty with honey.

    The reputation of the super-product Seed flax has deserved thanks to the three components: Omega-3 fatty acids, lignans and fiber. The soluble and insoluble fiber causes a saturation sense and helps to bring slags from the body. In the seed of flax, potassium, magnesium and manganese, vitamin E, gluten, indispensable amino acids and minerals, phytochemical substances, antioxidants are contained.

    Gaoles are simple.


    Flour rye all-paw bio, flour wheat especially fine grinding bio, water, creened cold oil, salt sea salt

    Energy value by 100 g:

    318 kcal / 1319 kj

    Proteins ......................... 9 g

    Shelf life of 90 days.

    Store in a dry place + 18c

    This is a mixture of rye all-milk flour and wheat flour 50/50. In them minimum salt. These gallets fully respond to their name: simple and useful.

    Rye flour

    Rye flour people used impediment of centuries. It contains an extremely important amino acid lysine, necessary to restore fabrics, a large amount of fiber, as well as vitamins A, B, E, manganese, zinc. It has two times more magnesium and potassium than in wheat flour, as well as 30% more iron.

    Galets with poppy.


    Flour wheat especially fine grinding bio, water, poppy, mustard cold spin, sea salt, sugar.

    All love poppy in confectionery. We are no exception!


    The main component of fatty acids poppies are linoleic (omega-6) and oleic acid (from Omega-9). The poppy is also a rich source of protein, vitamins (A, D, E, B3), and minerals - especially calcium, which is an important mineral for bones and teeth and is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Mac also contains valuable fibers that improve digestion and reduces cholesterol levels.

    332 Kcal / 1390 KJ

    Proteins ......................... 10 g

    Fats ........................ 6 g

    Shelf life of 90 days.

    Store in a dry place + 18c

    Galets chili cinnamon.Powered.


    Flour wheat particularly thin bio grinding, water, oil mustard cold spin, chili pepper, cinnamon, sugar, salt.

    Energy value by 100 g:

    332 Kcal / 1390 KJ

    Proteins .............................. 10 g

    Fats ............................. 4 g

    Carbohydrates ........................ 65 g

    Shelf life of 90 days.

    Store in a dry place + 18c

    First, the taste and aroma of cinnamon is revealed. But after the second-third gallets, you feel the aftertaste: a little invigorating, tart notes of red pepper. Crispy galley. Baked from the flour "Black Bread" certified bio from the Tula region. On mustard oil. Without flavors and preservatives, yeast, transgins


    This is an excellent antioxidant, able to counteract cholesterol. The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of cinnamon are widely known. Recent studies show that cinnamon is able to deal with diabetes. It can also be considered a real panacea from the problems with digestion.


    Improves metabolism, thereby led weight reduction. Capsacin, giving peppers acute taste, contributes to the production of gastric juice and prevents the reproduction of harmful bacteria in the stomach and intestines.


    Energy value by 100 g:

    315 kcal / 1319 kj

    Fats ........................ 5 g

    Carbohydrates ................... 64 g

    Shelf life of 90 days.

    Store in a dry place + 18c


    Classic combination of cumin and rye flour. Wholemeal flour. These gallets are the rest, for lovers of craft beer - these gallets are a real find

    Tin has just a huge number of useful properties:improves blood circulation, helps the food digestion process, refreshes breathing, has the properties of the antidepressant - relieves irritation and fights with insomnia.

    Gaoles with Tmin.Salted.


    Rye wholemeal bio flour, flour wheat thin bio grinding, water, cumin, mustard cold spin, sea salt.

    Gaoles with paprika.


    Wheat flour fine grinding bio, water, creened cold oil, paprika, sea salt.

    Gaoles with paprika belt a thin aroma and beautiful appearance. Color gently orange. The fragrance of paprika in combination with wheat flour give exquisite taste. For example, they fit well to white guilt, combined well with cheeses and patests.

    Red sweet pepper boasts a high content of vitamin C, it is even greater than in lemon. With this seasoning, it is possible to establish blood circulation, improve your appetite, put the digestion and state of the pancreas in order. The red paprika contains a stratification of luteyoline. Even in small doses, Lutheolin is constrained by the development of cancer, protects against cardiovascular diseases and age problems.

    Energy value by 100 g:

    319 kcal / 1336 kj

    Fats ........................ 4 g

    Carbohydrates .................... 65 g

    Shelf life of 90 days.

    Store in a dry place + 18c

    Galets with black pepper.Sharp.


    Flour rye wholegrain bio, wheat flour thin grinding bio, water, oil mustard cold pressed, sea salt, black crushed pepper.

    Energy value by 100 g:

    320 kcal / 1340 kj

    Proteins ........................ 10 g

    Fats ........................ 4 g

    Carbohydrates ................... 65 g

    Shelf life of 90 days.

    Store in a dry place + 18c

    The aroma of black pepper is supported by unexpected rare enclosures of burning black peppers. Wholemeal flour. Of all our gallets, these possess the brightest taste. After all, we do not use pepper powder, we use crushed peppers.

    Black pepper:

    Black pepper increases the production of energy in the human body, being natural and innocuous energy. Black pepper strengthens the stomach and liver, improves appetite and digestion, dilutes thick and dense food substances, as well as thick matter. It can be safely considered as a dietary supplement to a daily diet, because it normalizes metabolism. The pepper is absorbed and cleans, the body is hot, dissolves lymph, it has antidigid properties, strengthens the memory is very useful for nervous diseases.

    Thyme fine fragrance and wheat flour. Children love these galley and call them - pizza. :) Walk to cheeses, patentam and even to Jams!

    Thyme, known to many as a chamber, with ancient times he was revered as a divine grass, capable of returning to man not only health, but also life. The thyme grass contains essential oil, tanning and bitter substances, gum, resin, flavonoids, organic, mineral salts. Thyme helps digesting fatty products. It has substantial assistance in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, is a choleretic, blood purified, diuretic. It was noted by the indisputable effect of the Castobus under insomnia.

    Energy value by 100 g:

    324 kcal / 1357 kj

    Proteins ........................ 10 g

    Fats ........................ 4 g

    Carbohydrates .................... 67 g

    Shelf life of 90 days.

    Store in a dry place + 18c

    Galets with thyme.


    Wheat flour fine grinding bio, water, creened cold spin oil, thyme, sea salt, sugar.

    Galets with garlic.Solonish.


    Flour rye wholegrain bio, flour wheat thin grinding bio, water, oil mustard cold spin, sea salt.

    Energy value by 100 g:

    311 kcal / 1302kj

    Proteins ........................ 9 g

    Carbohydrates ................. 64 g

    Shelf life of 90 days.

    Store in a dry place + 18c

    Slightly more salty than ordinary our galley. Nobody will stand before the appetizing aroma of fried garlic!

    Garlic increases the productivity of brain cells, strengthens immunity, reduces pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood, and also helps dissolve the clomes in the vessels. Garlic promotes fast bringing out the conclusion from the body of slags and toxins,lowers blood sugar levels slows down the aging processes.

    Galets with dill.


    Rye wholecale bio flour, wheat flour thin grinding, water mustard cold spin, dill seed, dill dried, sea salt.

    Energy value by 100 g:

    306 Kcal / 1281 KJ

    Proteins ........................ 9 g

    Fats ....................... 4 g

    Carbohydrates .................. 63 g

    Shelf life of 90 days.

    Store in a dry place + 18c

    In dill ganets, there is no expected characteristic smell of fresh dill. This is an aroma of rye flour. Therefore, we added more seeds of dill, which immediately talks about the benefits of these gallets. Dill seeds give thin, slightly bitter refreshing taste

    In dill, there is a lot of fiber, it is able to clean the intestines scored by starch food and other fast food.Dill is useful for cardiovascular, excretory, hematopoietic and digestive systems of the body, for an optical eye system. Soothes the central nervous system, removes insomnia and elevated blood pressure in hypertension. One teaspoon of dried duck powder removes cramps and colic, sharp abdominal pain.

    Crispy, bright gallets. Bright aroma rosemary. The dough is mixed on the present white wine from the Krasnodar Territory. Baked from the flour "Black Bread" certified bio from the Tula region. On mustard oil. Without flavors and preservatives, yeast, transgins. Wine is added as an oxidizing agent for soda, which would be more air. We do not want to use tremors, so use the soda for airiness test. And instead of vinegar - dry wine. :) We love your galley very much! We bake them on mustard oil, which increases the taste quality of products. Salt use only marine. Sugar do not add. All alcohol is evaporated with heat treatment, of course.

    Rosemary and tomato.


    Flour wheat particularly thin bio grinding, water, white dry, tomato, mustard, rosemary, paprika, sea salt, soda

    Energy value by 100 g: 3O5 kcal

    Proteins .............................. 9 g

    Fats ............................. 5 g

    Carbohydrates ........................ 64 g

    Shelf life of 90 days.

    Store in a dry place + 18c

    300 g


    Galets on Italian recipes on white wine.


    Wheat flour especially fine grinding bio, water, white dry wine, mustard oil, basil, sea salt, soda.

    Thin fragrance Basilica. Crispy. The dough is mixed on the present white wine from the Krasnodar Territory. Baked from the flour "Black Bread" certified bio from the Tula region. On the mustard oil of cold pressed from under Volgograd. Without flavors and preservatives, yeast, transgins. Wine is added as an oxidizing agent for soda, which would be more air. We do not want to use tremors, so use the soda for airiness test. And instead of vinegar - dry wine. :) We love your galley very much! We bake them on mustard oil, which increases the taste quality of products. Salt use only marine. Sugar do not add. All alcohol is certainly evaporated during heat treatment.

    Onions and dill.

    Galets on Italian recipes on white fault of rude flour.


    Wheat Wheat Flour Beep, Water, Wheat Flour Wholecrees Bio, Cold Cold Pressing Oil, White dry wine, Dried onions, salt, dill Seed, dill dried, soda.

    Light salty taste with onions, on time a refreshing shade of dill in the aftertaste. In our packaging gallets, a glass of coarse grinding flour from the Tula region grown without pesticides and chemicals. White dry wine from Krasnodar Territory, Cold pressed oil oil from the Volgograd region. Made manually. Minimum mechanization.

    Energy 100 g value: 252 kcal

    Proteins ......................... 7.1 g

    Fats ........................ 5.2 g

    Carbohydrates ................... 43.3 g

    Shelf life 60 days.

    Store in a dry place + 18c

    Galley harm and benefit

    Galets: Recipe with photos, composition, calorie, benefits and harm - recipes

    Galets are lightweight cookies, which is prepared from flour, salt and water. It may well replace bread and suitable for dietary food. We offer a galet recipe with a photo. We also consider the useful qualities of such a cookie, contraindications to its use, learn about its calories.

    Cook a gallery will help the recipe with a photo

    It is believed that the more simpler product composition, the less harm it is capable of applying the body. His positive qualities, on the contrary, are revealed most brightly. As mentioned above, Gaoles have low calorie and simple composition. For their preparation, only three ingredients are used, and the energy value of such a cookie is 60 kcal per 1 pc. (approximately 20 g). It quickly gives a sense of saturation, but does not bring extra kilograms with it.

    What else is the benefit of such baking? Since its recipe is extremely simple, the fragrances, dyes and other harmful substances do not apply during preparation. So, the galotes do not cause allergies, and small children and nursing mothers can eat them into food. In addition, they are allowed to eat people with problems in the work of the GCT and the excretory system. However, those who are diagnosed with gastritis, it is still not necessary to abuse Ganets, since they can provoke exacerbation.

    How to cook gallets at home

    The easiest recipe will require the presence of such a number of ingredients:

    · Flour - 4 glasses;

    · Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;

    · Water - as much as "take" the dough.

    For a start, connect the salt and flour. Then gradually add water and smear the dough. It should turn out to be enough elastic, not sticking to the hands.

    Preheat up to 180 degrees oven and roll the dough. Make it thin, about 0.5 cm thick. After that, make the dough on the smooth squares. Put them on a lubricated small amount of vegetable oil bastard and pour each fork in several places. It is necessary that the gallets do not swear under the influence of high temperatures. Bake them is recommended before the formation of a golden crust on both sides.

    This recipe can be transformed a bit if you add vanillin, cinnamon or even spicy spices to the list of ingredients in the ingredients. As a result, the galley becomes dessert or, on the contrary, snackborn. And at the same time, in any case, they diversify your diet and become a good addition to the main dishes.


    Galets Lyubovato classic

    Gaoles Lyubovatovo Classic are fresh bread cookies capable of keeping freshness and primary quality up to 2 years. They are good to take on the road, hiking (calorizer). Gaoles are an excellent bread substitute.

    Calorie Gallet Lyubovatovo classic

    Caloriciness classic Galet Lyubovo is 365 kcal per 100 grams of product.

    Composition gallets Lyubovatovo classic

    Ingredients: Wheat flour in / s, sugar-sand, bakery crafts pressed, cooking food, baking powder (coal salt, food), acidity regulator (milk food acid), flour improverifier (sodium pyrosulfite).

    Useful properties gallets Lyubovatovo classic

    The benefits of Galet Lyubovato classic lies in their rich chemical composition. They contain in large quantities of proteins and carbohydrates that are the main energy supplier for humans (Calorizator). Also, Galets are rich in Calcium, which is responsible for the fortress of bone tissue, as well as important for the normal operation of the nervous system.

    The product also includes other useful chemical elements: potassium, magnesium, iron, which are responsible for the operation of the cardiovascular system, contribute to normal blood formation.


    Low-calorie sweets: what useful galete cookies

    On the diet always want to eat something tasty. As it came out when baking is prohibited, a particularly sharp appetite wakes up. But you can find a way out of the situation, low-calorie and useful gallery cookies come to the rescue. What is the benefit of gallery cookies, read in our article.

    No wonder this kind of cookie is called dietary. But, like any flour product, the cookie has its own characteristics. It's time to deal more in more detail with all the advantages and disadvantages of such a snack.

    The benefits of gallery cookies

    There are no contraindications from the gallery cookie prepared according to the standard recipe. It can be nursing moms and even add the kids extid gallery cookies into milk. In such a cookie contains vitamins capable of improving immunity. Gallery cookies can also be taken to people with liver diseases and gastrointestinal tract. This cookie is almost always included in the list of allowed products. His main charm is that it has a good taste and has little calories (an average of 400 kilocalories per 100 grams). It is also rather satisfying, so it will not work it a lot. This is a huge advantage for those who lose weight or sits on a diet for other reasons. For example, biscuit cookies have a smaller calorieness, but it will not give the saturation, so there is a risk that you will eat more than you need.

    The harmlessness of the gallery cookie is its composition. Water, salt, sugar, flour and yeast. These are the basic components for any baking, but then, as a rule, a baking agent, all kinds of preservatives and flavors add to the pasting. In the gallery cookies there is nothing like that, so this is the healthiest option for the sweet snack (not counting, of course, fruits and berries). It is still convenient to transport. Thanks to its solid consistency, it rarely crumble, therefore, to spare it on the road very convenient.

    READ ALSO: What sweets can not be used by pregnant

    The benefits of gallery cookies are not only in its dietary and sonar, but also in the elevated content of vitamins and other biologically active components. For example, flour in a gallery cookie contains a large amount of fiber that improves the intestinal operation. You should also not forget about the whole complex of useful trace elements: magnesium, calcium, zinc, iodine, phosphorus. All of these components establish the optimal work of your body.

    It can be concluded that the gallery cookies are useful for the body. Nevertheless, you need to know that this seemingly harmless product, there is its own contraindications.

    See also: Why do you want sweet and how to overcome it

    Harbor cookie harm

    No matter how much use in the product, you still need to observe the measure. Therefore, add gallery cookies into your diet, but do not get carried away with these delicacy. Despite its low-calorility, this cookie still contains fats and carbohydrates that can cause extra grams. So limit yourself if possible.

    It is worth noting that, despite the favor of the gallery cookie, it cannot replace the main meal. In large quantities, it can cause a bloating and other problems with digestion. Only as a snack.

    Before buying a gallery cookie, be sure to check its composition specified on the package. Some manufacturers wish to significantly save, therefore can use palm oil and other harmful components in the manufacture of cookies. This needs to be carefully monitored.

    To eliminate the risk of adding to the harmful components, you can easily prepare it at home. And at the same time you will definitely know the composition of cookies, that is, confident in its benefits. If you want to experiment, you can add berries, honey or nuts. But at the same time, consider that its calorie can still increase. And if you have a diet due to health problems, then you will definitely consult your doctor before starting your culinary experiments.


    Calorie cookie

    Cookies, pastries, snob - in our understanding these are products that can hardly be recommended when weakness. And, nevertheless, there are types of cookies that nutritionists allow consuming even when the diet is observed.

    Calorie cookies are not always high - the peculiarities of the preparation of some products from the dough make them not just delicious baking, but even a useful diet product. How many calories in cookies? What cookie can be all, but what better to refuse? And finally, what carries with them this delicious product - harm or favor? This will be discussed in our article.

    How many calories in cookies?

    Calorie cookies depends on several factors:

    • Test type - than more and sweeter the dough, the more fats (margarine, oil) in it, the higher the calorieness of the cookies;
    • The variety and type of flour - the highest eloric baking is obtained from white wheat flour of the highest grade, less calorie - from rye, buckwheat, oatmeal and wheat flour of coarse grinding;
    • Stuffing - Calorie Cookies with filling, naturally, will be higher than simple classic cookies without different fillers (marmalade, jam, pastes, glaze, etc.).

    Now let's try to analyze several of the most popular types of cookies in detail - we learn their caloric content, composition and possible benefits or harm for our body.

    Caloriciness of oatmeal cookies and its composition

    The calorieness of oatmeal cookies is large - in 100g of the product contains420-437 kcal. High calorie content is due primarily for the fat component of oatmeal biscuits. In industrial conditions, it is prepared with the addition of margarine or confectionery fats, as well as wheat flour and white sugar. In addition, it significantly increases the caloric content of oatmeal cookies, margarines may contain harmful hydrogenated fats that are harmful to humans.

    Buying oatmeal cookies in the store, instead of serving the useful substances, we get chemical additives harmful to the body: stabilizers, preservatives, oxidizing agents, etc., which significantly increase product storage period, but make it dangerous for our health.

    To get a really useful product, oatmeal is better cooking at home. This will provide you with natural composition and low calorie cookie, which you yourself can adjust (adding dried fruits, honey, nuts, etc.).

    So, for the preparation of useful oatmeal cookies, such products will be needed:

    • Glass of oat flakes;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of rye flour;
    • 2 tbsp. honey spoons;
    • 2 raw eggs protein;
    • A pinch of salt.

    All ingredients mix, itching the baking sheet with rugged parchment paper and lay out a spoon small round cakes. Posses to them the shape of a flat cookie and bake in the oven at a temperature of 190 ° C 10-15 minutes.

    The caloric content of oatmeal cookies will be 347 kcal / 100. If a raisins are replaced in the honey recipe, the caloric content of oatmeal will decrease to 329 kcal / 100 g, and the addition of nuts will increase the calorie amount to 369.2 kcal / 100 g.

    "Jubilee" cookies, calorie and recipe features

    The classical "Jubilee" Cookie, released by even confectioner Adolf SIU at the end of the 19th century, consisted of wheat flour, sugar powder, corn starch, milk, margarine and eggs. In Soviet times (in the mid-50x), invert syrup, soda, food essence and ammonium added to the recipe for cookies.

    But all these ingredients look harmless culinary tricks compared to the fact that they are added to the anniversary cookies today: palm oil (cheap vegetable fat), flavors ("Vanilla-milk", etc.), soy lecithin (emulsifier) \u200b\u200band preservatives. The natural ingredients remained in the distant past, the chemical substitutes who are harmful to them are harmful to them.

    To date, several species of jubilee, caloric consumers are characterized dependent on the components included in their composition:

    • Calorie cookie "Jubilee" classic - 433.8 kcal / 100 g;
    • Cookies "Jubilee Morning" - 455.5 kcal / 100 g;
    • Cookies "Jubilee with cocoa" - 447 kcal / 100 g;
    • Cookies "Jubilee with fruits and berries" - 460 kcal / 100 g;
    • Calorie of the "Jubilee" cookie Sandwich with cocoa and yoghurt filling - 465 kcal / 100 g.

    Calorie Galetny Cookies, Composition and Use

    Halbage cookies are one of the few confectionery, which nutritionists can safely recommend to eat all people. Even observing a diet for weight loss, you can permanently afford several gallery "cookie" per day (naturally, without jam and honey).

    The calorieness of the gallery cookie varies within 350-395 kcal / 100 g and depends on the components included in it. It may be part of oatmeal, rye or corn flour, interpretation, various taste additives (cumin, vanilla, etc.), confectionery fats. Naturally, with different formulations, the caloric content of the galetny cookies will be somewhat different - first of all it depends on the manufacturer.

    But the benefits of gallery cookies are not in comparatively low calorie content, but in its chemical composition: there are a large amount of vitamins B9 (20.9 mg / 100 g) and PP (3.98 mg / 100 g), as well as micro and macroelements (copper, zinc, selenium, silicon and sodium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine).

    Sand cookie calorie

    Shortbread is loved by many - it is soft, it has a pronounced sweet taste and perfectly combined with various fillings (condensed milk, jam, chocolate, cocoa, honey, etc.). Modern sweets are represented in a wide range and caloric content of sand dough cookies directly depends on the components and the filling (if it is).

    Classic sandy dough is prepared from flour, eggs, oil or margarine, soda and sugar. Some recipes are sour cream, in others, part of the oil is replaced with pork foam fat (Sberry).

    Sand cookie caloric content of some species (per 100 g of product):

    • Classic shortbread (without sour cream) - 383 kcal;
    • Shortbread with cocoa - 397 kcal;
    • Calorie sandy cookie with nuts - 407 kcal;
    • Shortbread with apple joke - 411 kcal.

    Sand cookie caloric content is large enough, in addition, shopping sweets often exceed the number of calories due to the introduction of various flavoring additives. Such cookies are not recommended for frequent use, as it contains a lot of fats and simple carbohydrates, which cannot be useful for the body.

    This dessert differs from the other maximum health benefits and minimum cash costs. Halbage cookies made at home is a dietary product: Gaoles are suitable even for a menu of small children, pregnant women, people with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetics. Such baking can be eaten even to those who seek to lose weight.

    What is a gallery cookie

    If you briefly answer the question "What is a galota?", Then the dish can be described as dry cookies. The word happened from the French "Galets", which means "naked". Halbage cookies began to prepare for a very long time, which prove the finds of Swiss archaeologists. The researchers discovered dry cakes and extractive grains with vegetables and herbs that ancient people were dried on a hot stone. Ganets took Christopher Columbus in swimming, this product was in the diet of soldiers, as he could be kept for a long time. Crisp cookies ate separately or crumbled into soup, coffee.


    Failure cookies consists of dry ingredient (wheat flour) and water. Different recipe options can provide for the addition of the main components with various seasonings, baking powder, soda, starch, vegetable oil, etc. The classic composition of the gallery cookie has minimal calorie content, so such a baking is ideal for those who observe the diet.


    If you add sugar, eggs, fats in the dough, then the energy value of the dish will be high - 350-550 kcal. The calorie content of the gallery cookie cooked according to the classical recipe will be significantly less calorie - up to 290 kcal. Since such baking is dry and easy, even 100 g will be misses. By the fact that the product is eating in small quantities, you should not worry about your figure. In addition, homemade gallery cookies are the optimal flour option for people sitting on a diet.

    How to cook gallery cookies

    The recipe for dishes is very simple, so you can easily prepare it at home. For pastries to get tasty, follow these tips:

    • if you wish, the cookies come out with a layered, roll out and fold the dough several times;
    • you can adjust the amount of sugar specified in the recipe, eliminate the oil ,;
    • rolling the base for baking is better on the silicone mat (it does not stick to the dough);
    • a baking sheet must be put in a hot oven for a short time or dry longer with an average temperature mode;
    • before sending to the furnace, it is worth a fork in the oven so that in the process of baking they do not bubble;
    • the thickness of the dough should not be big, otherwise the crackers will not crunch;
    • before baking, the base should hold an hour in the refrigerator;
    • optionally, you can add any spices to the recipe, citrus zest, finely chopped greens, nuts, seeds, etc.

    Recipes gallery cookies

    From the diversity of recipes, you can choose the one that matches your taste preference as much as possible, taking into account their caloric content and the complexity of cooking. Classic gallets are obtained by crispy, very light and weakly sweet. Optionally, you can adjust the recipe by refusing to alone and add other components to the dish. Below is described several ways to make galley at home.

    Classic recipe

    • Time: 60 minutes.
    • Number of portions: for 10 persons.
    • Calorie dish: 580 kcal / 100 g
    • Kitchen: French.
    • Difficulty: Easy.

    Galets are the most useful and safe baking, according to nutritionists. Cooking dishes at home will require a minimum of time, products and culinary skills. Cut the soft dough cookies with special molds or a conventional glass, the edges of which should be pre-grated with flour so that the dough does not stick to them. Below in detail and with the photo describes the process of making a confectionery product.


    • soda - ½ tsp;
    • flour - 130 g;
    • vegetable oil - 10 ml;
    • water - 60 ml;
    • corn starch - 20 g;
    • sugar - 30 g

    Cooking method:

    1. Dissolve salt, sugar in warm water, add butter, starch, flour, soda.
    2. Check the ingredients with a steep dough that will not stick to the hands. Send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.
    3. Roll the base, having achieved a thickness of 2-3 mm, fold several times and roll out again.
    4. Cut the gallets of arbitrary shape, place on the baking sheet, styled with parchment.
    5. Bake the dish of half an hour at 140 degrees.

    Cookies Maria

    • Time: 30 minutes.
    • Number of portions: for 12 persons.
    • Purpose: breakfast, dessert.
    • Kitchen: French.
    • Difficulty: Easy.

    This dessert is perfectly combined with tea, coffee, cocoa and hot chocolate. Prepare it at home just even for inexperienced cooks. If you did not have time to eat fresh gallets, you can make a delicious cake, connecting with a condensed milk cream. Such a dessert is not ashamed to serve even guests. With the intolerance of milk, the product can be replaced by the same amount of water. Below in detail and with the photo describes the process of cooking Mary's gallery cookie.


    • flour - 160 g;
    • creamy oil - 100 g;
    • soda - 0.5 hp;
    • corn starch - 0.3 kg;
    • milk - 150 ml;
    • sugar - 150 g

    Cooking method:

    1. Softening and boil the butter, add salt, starch, sugar to it.
    2. Beat a lot again.
    3. Pour the same milk here and work a mixer for a couple more minutes.
    4. Severe flour add in parts, continuing to beat the mass. When the dough becomes thick, place it with your hands. It is necessary to achieve a plasticity when the base of the galley cookie will stop sticking to the hands.
    5. Send the dough for a couple of hours in the cold, after rolling the layer with a thickness of 2-3 mm and cut the circles out of it.
    6. Plug the biscuit for a fork and send it to the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

    With bran

    • Time: 20 minutes.
    • Number of portions: for 5 persons.
    • Calorie dishes: 350 kcal / 100 g
    • Kitchen: French.
    • Difficulty: Easy.

    To prepare a gallery liver, you can mix different types of flour, for example wheat, corn and wholegrain. In addition, to make baking useful, bran add it to it. On the basis of such crisp and in the measure of salted breads, you can prepare a variety of snacks with homemade pate or cottage cheese. Below is described in detail the recipe for gallery cookies at home.


    • salt - 1 tsp;
    • wheat flour - 75 g;
    • bustyer - 1 tsp;
    • whole grain flour - 75 g;
    • water hot boiled - 50 ml;
    • potato starch - 15 g;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • vegetable oil - 3.5 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method:

    1. Mix dry components.
    2. Add vegetable oil to them, after slowly pour hot water and knead the dough.
    3. The base should turn out to be soft that does not stick to hand.
    4. Roll it on parchment a very thin layer (1-2 mm).
    5. Cut the figures using the stencil and the usual knife.
    6. Cut the biscuit for a fork and send to the oven for 7 minutes at 200 degrees.

    With butter

    • Time: 45 minutes.
    • Number of portions: for 11 persons.
    • Calorie dishes: 1800 kcal / 100 g
    • Purpose: for breakfast / dessert.
    • Kitchen: French.
    • Difficulty: Easy.

    This galet recipe is one of the very calories, so it will not fit losing weight. Nevertheless, since there are no eggs in the list of ingredients, a delicious dessert can eat people suffering from allergies. If desired, it is possible to reduce the energy value of the dish by reducing the amount of fat (oil) in the recipe. To make the taste of cookies more interesting, add a citrus zest to the dough.


    • milk - 30 ml;
    • wheat flour - 100 g;
    • salt (to taste);
    • lemon zest;
    • potato starch - 5 g;
    • creamy oil - 100 g;
    • sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
    • basin - ½ tsp.

    Cooking method:

    1. Mix flour with other dry components, mix the mass.
    2. Sattail on the shallow grater of the zest, send to the mixture.
    3. Scroll through the creamy oil by turning the product into the crumb, add to other cookie ingredients.
    4. Slowly pour the milk, mix the dough with a spoon, after your hands.
    5. When the base for baking is plastic and soft, put it for 20 minutes in the refrigerator, covered with a napkin.
    6. Roll down the thin dough layer, cut the arbitrary shape cookies.
    7. Accept it to the toothpick, put the oven to the oven heated to 200 degrees.
    8. Gaoles will be ready after 7-8 minutes, when you are twisted as in the photo.

    • Time: 15 minutes.
    • Number of portions: for 15 persons.
    • Calorie dish:
    • Kitchen: French.
    • Difficulty: Easy.

    Classic sandy or oatmeal cookies are not suitable for use during the post, while habeans, for the preparation of which eggs and dairy products were not used, are an excellent dessert option for this period. Make such pastries on water and with a minimum amount of sugar, so the product is dietary and hypoallergenic, which is also important for a diet of a nursing woman. Below is described how to cook lean gallery cookies.


    • water - 60 ml;
    • flour - 200 g;
    • salt (to taste);
    • bustyer - 1 tsp;
    • sugar - 1-2 Art. l.;
    • vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method:

    1. Connect sugar, salt, water, oil, baking powder.
    2. Whipping components of a mixer, gradually enter flour.
    3. The base for the gallets should go into measure densely, while elastic.
    4. Roll the dough with a reservoir of 0.5 cm wide, cut the figures from it, score them with a fork.
    5. Bake the dessert of 10 minutes in the stove heated to 210 degrees.
    6. Do not hold the dish in the oven longer, otherwise the cookies will turn out overly dry.


    • Time: 75 minutes.
    • Number of portions: for 6 persons.
    • Calorie dish: 360 kcal / 100 g.
    • Purpose: breakfast / dessert.
    • Kitchen: French.
    • Difficulty: Easy.

    Large stress for most people sitting on a diet is a sharp refusal of sweets. It entails the deterioration of mood, the appearance of nervousness and irritability. The optimal solution to the problem is to replace the usual sweets on the useful, low-calorie homemade hangeal cookies. Below is described in detail how to prepare dietary baking.


    • corn starch - 40 g;
    • milk (or water) - 100 ml;
    • soda - ¼ h. l.;
    • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • sugar - 40 g;
    • coarse flour wheat - 40 g;
    • sunflower oil - 30 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. Dissolve sugar in milk / water, add vegetable oil here.
    2. Pass into the container with flour liquid, mixing a thoroughly mass.
    3. Here send the soda and starch haled by lemon juice.
    4. Well, by becoming the foundation, leave it for an hour to stand.
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