What is the name of the day when you can eat. What is the name of the day when you can eat everything you want on a diet? What exactly can i eat and how much

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National day when you can eat what you want is a real holiday for the stomach. This is an informal holiday, marked on May 11th annually. When and who came up with such an ordinary holiday, today is unknown. According to one of the most popular versions, Thomas Roy has come up with, which is known as a successful radio officer and televotector, as well as one of the founders of Wellcat Holidays & Herbs.

National day when you can eat what I want, a holiday in which is allowed to forget about a beautiful figure and diets, on this day it should be eating a lot and tasty. This is the only one day in a year, when it is allowed to officially abandon any restrictions in food and enjoy your favorite dishes, even be harmful and high-calorie. You can not remember the list of forbidden food and allow yourself that the delicacy that you definitely would not have decided to try on another day due to its caloriethiness or exoticity.

True, despite all the holidays, including the National Day, when you can eat what I want, it is not necessary because of the goodies to lose common sense and risk your health even health, rushing to a risky tasting of unknown or knowing harmful delicacies. You do not need to rush to extremes and eat chips with packs or order your most exotic dish in a restaurant, not knowing how your body can react to it.

This holiday and one more positive side. Everyone knows that obesity is one of the main problems of modern humanity. It is relevant for Americans, so most of them are trying to stick to a variety of diets, and limit themselves in food. Of course, a long abstinence can negatively affect the mood and well-being. Therefore, sometimes to arrange a kind of "discharge" and abandon tough restrictions is very useful.

Although, there are also people who believe that such relaxation can shake the will and make a diet abandon, so it is impossible to allow it. It is possible that they are right, the number of people suffering from obesity, as well as concomitant diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are growing catastrophically. It is especially much noticeable how rapidly the number of people with overweight of the body is growing, in the last 20 years. Therefore, people who have mentioned above the problems are not worth noting such a holiday.
If we take into account the popular body mass index, which can show how much your mass matches the norm, then it can be noted that the averages of Americans are much higher than the norm. Only in one state - Colorado, the average body mass index corresponds to the norm.

Do you sit on a diet, but dream about to enjoy a hamburger in McDonalds or "Meld" Salom and Mayonnaise sandwich? At night, you will shoot patties fried in oil, chips and potatoes? Do not register yourself - let yourself sometimes a few of these desired (but such non-optical) dishes.

True, it's not necessary to do such relaxation to yourself, but today you can! Why today? Yes, because it was May 11, an informal holiday is celebrated - a day when you can eat everything that wants. "I registered" this holiday is still only in the United States, but nothing prevents you once to join this rather funny American tradition. Or interferes? .. Let's get acquainted closer with this date and learn "for" and "against" her celebration.

How did the date appear?

Day when you can arrange the real holiday to your stomach - the date, accurate history and the date of the occurrence of which we do not know. According to one of the many versions, the day of the vigorous audience and Teleacter Thomas Roy came up. It is he who is believed to be the first to "go to all grave" in terms of food, and soon the date has acquired a massive character in America.

It must be said that in American society the date was accepted ambiguously. As you know, America is a country where the problem of obesity is very acute, and therefore supporters of all sorts of diets and members of organizations related to health care (and expressed so far) against the discrepancing, in their opinion, the dates. It would still be: because it is so easy to move away, and here still such an incentive day came up with - of course, a person who makes his first (and not even the first) in a healthy diet, very easily torn after a similar cross. And besides, every day of the curd - "coin" in the "piggy bank" of various diseases, ranging from diabetes and ending with cardiovascular problems.

The other party approves the opposite: periodicals only contribute to the development of willpower, and small joys in the form of delicious, but harmful or calorie foods are simply necessary for a person sitting on a diet, not burned away from constant restrictions.

For the sake of justice, it should be said that more supporters turned out to have the second party - the lion's share of the inhabitants of the United States, adhere to healthy nutrition, happily responded to the opportunity at least one day to pamper themselves with cakes or favorite fast food. And some went even further: "Why is there any familiar hot dogs in such a wonderful holiday? We will better please yourself with some exquisite delicacy, expensive for frequent use! " Yes, you need to say, such a holiday will be remembered for sure!

A little digit

If we are talking about and healthy diet, I want to give some numbers for clarity. So how relevant is this problem for the US and other countries mentioned?

one). In the world in the world over the past thirty-tails, the number of people with overweight and obesity have grown almost 3 times, from 857 million in 1980 to 2.1 billion in 2013.

2). According to studies, the most "noisy" country of the world is Mexico, where almost 33% of the population suffer from this problem. In second place - the United States from 31.8% of the obese population, the third place, not far from the state, ranked Syria with the indicator 31.6. The fourth place with a number of 30.8% was divided by Venezuela and Libya, and on the fifth (30%), the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, island state, which is located near Venezuela. Russia on this list takes the 19th place, dividing it with the UK (24.9% of obese people).

3). More from Russian statistics: Another study was held among men and women older than 20 years. It turns out that in Russia excess weight is available in 59% of women (including 28.5% of them suffer obesity) and 54% of men (including 15% with obesity).

four). The level of obesity is directly related to the amount of sugar consumed. So, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the sugar rate per day is no more than 50 grams. Meanwhile, the average resident of the United States is eaten as much as 241 grams of sugar per day!

five). Interesting pattern: Fat people have pets as a rule, they are also distinguished by strong fatness. Why? Scientists are confident: the thing is that fat people broadcast their food habits and lovers.

6). Driving a car is one of the factors affecting obesity. Of course, this does not mean that everyone who drives the car is automatically written to the rows of obese people. Just the presence of a personal vehicle strongly reduces physical activity, which is a straight road to overweight.

7). One of the most popular taste amplifiers is another reason for obesity. Studies conducted on mice have shown that rodents that "sat down" on products with sodium glutamate were strongly greased and almost lost the opportunity to return to the initial weight. Where does this ill-fated component contain? In most semi-finished products, in chips, crackers, dry seasonings, broth cubes.

8). Bad sleep provokes overweight and obesity. What is the mechanism? The fact is that Hormones arenexin and hypocretin responsible for appetite are produced in our body exclusively during sleep. If you suffer insomnia, the chain is simple: bad sleep - insufficient hormone production - weight accumulation - obesity. And it is necessary to straw strongly, as sleep becomes even worse. It turns out the most real closed circle, break out of which oh how difficult! There is a way out - take measures until the insomnia has become your permanent state.

And what is your opinion - is it possible to arrange periodic "belly holidays" or better adhere to constant healthy nutrition?

Today, the exceptional day when each resident of the United States can arrange a true holiday to his stomach.

Today is the National Day when you can eat what I want, or, in other words, "Eat what you want" (Eat What You Want Day).

It is definitely unknown who and when he came up to celebrate this day, one of the versions of the founder of this holiday permitted gluttony was Thomas Roy (Thomas Roy), a former radio officer, telectiver and co-founder Wellcat Holidays & Herbs.

The holiday became known, and soon the firm conviction was completely used that it is completely not suitable for complying with any diets. Just the opposite - today that is the only day in a year, when you can break all the laws taken to maintain (or acquiring) a fine waist, and enjoy the food that you really adore.

Today is the day when you can not look into the list of forbidden food diet, today you can afford a delicacy or then a dish that you would never try under normal circumstances.

But, on the other hand, it is this day that it should be remembered that it should not risk their health, well-being and mood to challenge unknown delicacies. This unusual holiday has one more party.

For example, many Americans, in recent years, convinced of various diets in recent years, believe that such an opposite event only creates and relaxes the power of a person fighting with obesity.

Today, the only day of the year, when you can break all the laws taken to maintain (or acquire) a thin waist

And this opinion is no coincidence: for America, obesity is one of the serious health problems. The last 20 years in the United States there is a literally dramatic increase in the number of people suffering from obesity. Obesity, as is well known, is one of the main risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, certain types of cancer and diabetes.

As is known, various degrees of obesity are determined by the body mass index (Body Mass Index - BMI): the numbers 25-29.99 speak of an overpressure of the body (s), 30-34.99 - on the obesity of the first degree.

According to the 2009 statistics, only the inhabitants of Colorado BMI had less than 20%, which indicates normal weight. The inhabitants of 33 states of BMI were equal to or exceeded 25, and in residents of 9 of these states (Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahomsi, Tennessee and Western Virginia) BMI was equal or exceeded 30%. The Russian "answer" to the American holiday is the day of refusal of frills in food (day of healthy nutrition), which is celebrated annually on June 2.

Table of contents [show]

Probably, almost every person who ever adhered to a strict diet, "broke out," and then heared himself for a weak power of will. Today, disruptions came up with a scientific name - reading (booting day) when you can afford to forget about the diet and there is everything that the soul wishes. And the most pleasant thing is after that you do not need to suffer from conscience remorse, because even nutritionists appride such days.

The word "chickening" (Cheating) translates from English as fraud, scam. That is, a kind of deceived day for the body, which is on a diet. It is simply necessary with strict and monotonous power modes. Duty eating on boot days need to be perceived as a method that helps to keep the power of the Spirit and easily withstand further difficulties of restrictions in food. In addition, such a cunning allows you to "push" metabolism and may even move the weight from the dead point.

"Life is too short to chew celery!" - Marissa Lippert nutritionist.

The shaky framework of dietary freedom and self-control can break, and instead of use you will receive only disappointment from chiting in the diet. What dangers of you lie?

  • Advocability in food can "disrupt the roof", and you will not be able to return to the former dietary diet after chiting. How to avoid this? Rise up the power of the will and strength of the Spirit!
  • If you perceive the idea of \u200b\u200bchiting is incorrect, then you can eat so much calories for 1 day as then you will discharge until the next boot day. And this is a vicious circle! What to do? Do not confuse the period of sending on the day of the increment!

It would seem that you eat yourself. What rules may be? However, everything is not so simple here. In order for the boot day not to turn into a "belly festival", after which the next week you will have to drop 1-2 extra kilograms that you get for reading, better adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is impossible to carry out boot days too often. Not more than 1 time per week. Dietrooms are advised to limit ourselves to 1 time in 2-3 weeks.
  • It is categorically not recommended to extend the reading by more than 1 day.
  • Cheat-days are permissible only during strict long diet with a limited diet (more than 1 month).
  • "Loading" is not recommended for people with a large amount of excess weight (more than 15 kg.).
  • It is impossible to engage in gluttony these days. You can easily increase the portion half, but there are 2 or 3 times more than normal.
  • Although the idea of \u200b\u200bchining-days is that you have the right to afford everything, try to avoid too fat, fried and very salted dishes. Here it is not even so much in their calories, but in the dangers of this food for your stomach. Such a meal (especially after strict restrictions) can lead to heartburn, swollen and pain in the abdomen, problems with the intestines.

It is important that Cheat Day does not turn into the "overload" day of your body. Otherwise, you, unfortunately, will not see the positive effect.

In the days of chiting, get pleasure from eating! It is for that that they are intended. Only then will benefit the boot period.

Celebrities, which all the time in sight, very often have to limit themselves in nutrition and "sit" on the strictest diets to look stunning on the screens of televisions and covers of magazines. But they are also people with their weaknesses and desires. What prefer to "load" stars?

Scarlett Johanson, annually present in the ranking of the 10 sexiest women in the world, pleases its fans with an excellent figure, over which she has to work very carefully. However, from time to time, the actress pampers himself with a beloved dish - Burito (wrecked meat, rice, avocado, tomatoes and cheese with acute Mexican sauce).

The famous singer who took weight after pregnancy, now "sits" again on the diet. The only dish in which she cannot refuse themselves is the Italian pizza.

The beauty-actress, constantly holding his own menu drawd up for her a nutritionist, and a lot of time dedicating training, periodically allows themselves to favorite delicacies - chocolate candies and cookies, as well as potato chips with sour cream and onions.

The singer constantly struggles with overweight with the help of diets, sports and dancing. But without small weaknesses, it is impossible to withstand such a heavy regime. Therefore, Britney reading includes cheeseburgers, chips and a popsicle.

The actress, who manages to stunningly look at any age, admits that during filming loses a lot of energy. To replenish it, it can afford any fat and calorie food. Penelope adores pizza and pasta.

The famous model loves Fast Food. Therefore, it often makes himself lunch from Bigmak and Potatoes Friend in McDonalds.

Actress is a terrible sweet tooth. She knows how to limit himself in any food, except chocolate. In chining-days, Denise can eat a whole box of chocolate chocolates without remorse.

To maintain the perfect figure of the singer trains a lot. But even she sometimes pokes himself fast food, which loves. For each eaten piece, the girl then "holds the answer" in the gym.

If we talk about a set of muscle mass, then boot days are used in bodybuilding. However, the concept should not be confused. Chitting in sports has 2 values.

The first is the principle of the founder of bodybuilding - Joe Wider. It consists in a conscious violation of the correct technique for performing any exercise in order to increase the number of repetitions and the growth of muscle mass. This is such a special trick for advanced athletes.

However, we will talk about the second value of this word - "download" by food. This reception in bodybuilding is relevant when an athlete adheres to a special diet with a certain caliper and the number of proteins used, fats, carbohydrates. Of course, athletes need to come to the chitting more seriously than people wishing to lose weight. After all, in addition to the dump of fat, there is a goal to gain muscle mass. Bodybidlers should not load their body "garbage". These days, they need to eat more calories that will charge the body of energy and help make training more productive.

Reviews about boot days are usually positive, even if they bring only emotional satisfaction and do not have a positive influence on the figure.



The idea of \u200b\u200bchiting is simple. Rightly planned and spent with the mind of the boot day charges you with positive emotions and will help the metabolism "accelerate", which will make the weight loss process much more efficiently.

More recently, the inclusion in the diet days, when it was possible to eat everything, caused the indignation of fitness connoisseurs. The idea is to periodically deviate from the power mode, perceived very skeptical. Then research and practice confirmed that a violation of a diet for one day can actually even speed up the loss of fat deposits.

The idea of \u200b\u200binclusion in the dietary mode of "fraudulent" days is widely known in our time and continues to find support among lovers and professionals. Of course, popularity is not an indicator of utility, but the universal refusal to apply "fraudulent" days would be a hasty decision. It becomes obvious when you understand that some arguments against fraudulent days do not have a logical substantiation or are based on deliberately "sensational" statements.

In this article we will try to consider the advantages of "fraudulent" days. Of course, it would be possible to show a bunch of photos "before and after" or good feedback confirming the effectiveness of the methodology, but I would better consider the most common arguments against inclusion in the power plan of fraudulent days and determine whether these arguments are reasonable.

Violation of a strict diet on certain days has the following positive points:

Increases the production of thyroid hormones . When the body does not receive a sufficient calorie, reduced the production of hormones T-3 and T-4. These hormones play an extremely important role in regulating the metabolic rate (metabolism). Days when you can break the diet are needed to increase the production of these hormones.

2. Increased energy consumption. Excess calorie, which emerged as a result of deviation from a standard power plan, forces the body to adapt to this and increase the speed of the main metabolism (OOD). Studies recorded the growth of OOD by 9% compared with the initial level. It can be assumed that in some cases this increase may be more significant.

3. Increased blood leptin. Weighing argument that cannot be mentioned. If the calorie deficit is observed for 72 hours or more, the level of leptin drops. The use of sufficient calorie leads to the fact that the level of leptin increases. This jump, in turn, causes an increased production of thyroid hormones and an increase in energy consumption.

4. Positive psychological effect. We have already listed the advantages of systematic "overeating" for the flow of physiological processes and the production of hormones. The ability to relax the day from the diet has a positive effect on the mental state of a person. You can eat absolutely everything and nothing to worry about, knowing that burning excess fat will still continue. Determine how useful this relaxing effect is quite difficult. Most people who have decided to include in the diet "fraudulent days" consider psychological comfort by one of the most important points! Agree to go through a long way easier when you do small respite.

1. The slightest decrease in the intensity of metabolism is unacceptable. It is known that reducing the metabolic rate on 6% It may slow down the speed of loss of excess fat to a level that is absolutely unacceptable for effective fat burning. Athletes seeking to achieve maximum results should be treated very carefully. Especially before the competition or when the deadlines are pressed.

2. Many losing weights incorrectly take into account calories of nutrition and get too large calories during a diet. The highest fat combustion efficiency is ensured. If there is also fraudulent days to add to this mode, then no weight loss and speech can be. It will look like a step forward, step back.

For instance: " Say a person who sits on a diet that he can sometimes break her, it's like to say an alcoholic that getting drunk once a week normally».

In fact, it is not so!

This argument may sound convincingly only if you assume the following:

Foods that are consumed in "fraudulent days" are addictive.

People who consume prohibited products are dependent on them.

Indeed, for someone use some products can get into the habit. For example, someone does not represent their lives without hamburgers. Theoretically, this is possible. But this dependence is extremely psychological.

Questions begin to arise when we move to the second assumption: most people develop dependence on products that are not included in the allowed diet. Those. As soon as you eaten a hamburger, you will at least again and again ... And this is a complete absurdity!

Based the proof on such an assumption means to conclude a false logical conclusion that is known as the "vicious circle" (approval of the result).

Probable evidence would be such a conclusion: " People depending on unhealthy food eat unhealthy food. Therefore, anyone who eats unhealthy food depends on her" It is clear that it is not!

We give an example with alcohol: " Alcoholics use alcoholic beverages. So anyone who drinks alcohol is an alcoholic».

As they say, not all rectangles are squares. Not everyone who drinks, suffers from alcoholism. If you enjoy pizza once a week, it does not mean that you have a dependence on pizza.

This argument also implies great assumption. He suggests that supporters of "fraudulent" days recommend excessive use of poor-quality food as a single or even primary power supply. It's a delusion!

First of all, nowhere in the recommendations of "fraudulent" days there is no recommendation that a person should have a solid fast food. If you get the required amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and calories, it does not matter, they were made from oatmeal with an egg or oat biscuits and sandwiches.

Sitting on a diet these days is allowed and it should be all that they wish. Many people want to enjoy the wrong food, and this is normal. However, if you buy a huge cake and eat it entirely, it is no longer a deceived day, and the present is intense!

The frequency of fraudulent days depends on the daily caloric content of your diet. For example, if you have a shortage of only 50-100 calories per day, then on fraudulent days you just did not "earned"! If deficiency is more than 500. Calories, then you can make 1 deceived day per week. In addition to the daily deficit of calories, it is still possible to take into account the degree of obesity:

The smaller you have excess fat, the more often you can pampel yourself. If the adipose tissue is 10% (it is very small), you can make 1 trial day for 5-7 days; 10-12% - every 7-9 days; more than 12% - every two weeks.

How about those who obesity is significantly higher (for example, 16% fat) or who needs to lose more

20 kg ? Perhaps in this case it is better not to break the power mode at all with fraudulent days. Much more benefits will bring an increase in calorie content due to the right products (complex carbohydrates) once every two weeks. Those. As soon as the fat burning process began to slip, you can make a high calorie day.

If you are prone from nature to excess weight, do not disturb the course of the diet while the weight loss process is successful.

In fraudulent days or in days with an increased calorie number, it is very important not to skip the moment of saturation. Do not argue to abdominal pain.

What exactly can I eat and how much?

1. Decide in advance when you have a deceived day.

2. Think exactly what you would like to eat: marshmallow, ice cream, chips, convers, Baton smeared chocolate paste, etc.

3. Browse the composition and calorie content of these harmful, but "delicious" products. Clean how much you can eat, not to go out for the level of your daily caloric content. Calorie take full, excluding the calorie deficit required for weight loss. If you are usually on a diet you have a deficit of 500 calories and every day you eat 1500 calories, then in a deception day you can absorb "yummy" at 1500 + 500 \u003d 2000 calories.

4. Try to eat all the most harmful in the morning, and then if you can spend active training - power or cardio.

5. Match about the portions of prohibited products. Maybe you need only 1 candy to feel a gastronomic orgasm?

6. Do not eat everything in a hurry. Since this is a forbidden fruit, try to enjoy it. Think, do you really have great pleasure? Maybe you should make just high-calorie days from useful products?

Friend days work if they are applied with the mind. Perhaps the acceleration of fat burning process and will not be obviously tangible. However, in the forums and in sports halls, people tell themselves enough of their own stories confirming that a period of a diet does not slow down the grease burning process. And if fraudulent days do not harm and, perhaps, even help, then why not try them?

P.S. Tell me about your fraudulent days. What do you shove there?

"There is or not there, this is what the question is ... It is harmful, I will save, it's expensive, I'm not a child ..." Forget for one day about all prohibitions. Today you can eat everything! All that you want.

The mischievous informal holiday is a kind of "day of increasing", which appeared in the United States, was clearly invented by a man cheerful and socially active. The name of the "Day, when you can eat what I want" enough protest and causing. The name of the author-ward is unknown, there are different versions, and this is not so important. The main thing is that one day of the year you can forget about diet, prohibitions and the laws of proper nutrition and with your head to dive into the ocean of gastronomic pleasures.

May 11, you can afford any food fantasy. Diets are resting! At first glance it seems that this is a great holiday that can be noted more often, but not so simple. In the United States, public opinion was divided into 2 camps. The "Day of the Czechodia" there was a lot of opponents. Americans are increasingly diagnosed with "obesity", this is a national level problem. The state takes serious measures to promote a healthy lifestyle. Sport, proper nutrition - this is what should attract people. And the days, when "you can eat what I want," get folded. Such temptation often leads to breakdowns, failure of diets. Abundant overeating can provoke chronic diseases, it is a serious load on the cardiovascular system.

Proponents of the taper holiday claim that small glands - just 1 day! - On the contrary, help those who adhere to a certain diet. This is a peculiar counterpart, allowing you not to fall into depression from constant food prohibitions and starvations. Little joys give strength in the fight against overweight and produce willpower. Massed - I'll be able to stop the next time.

And in order for the "Day of Czechoda" not overgrown a week, month, year, life, remember simple rules:

  • Try to consume less sugar. The daily rate for the child is 30-40 g, for an adult 50-80 g (elderly less). Teaspoon sugar \u003d 8-10 g, candy \u003d 10-15 g
  • Do not get drunk. Less buns - more vegetables and fruits.
  • Move! Do not sit all day at the computer. Find a useful (or pleasant) reason for a walk. Rise on your floor on foot at least once a week. Do not go to the store around the corner by car. Health is more expensive!
  • Raughty! Yes Yes! Healthy strong sleep is the key to the development of special Hormones of Orcecin and Hypopretin, they are responsible for appetite. I did not sleep - the hormones are not enough - eat a lot - gain weight.

Mark "Day, when you can eat what I want" or not, your choice. The main thing is not to overdo it in any case. By the way, on June 2 in Russia, the "counterperm" is celebrated - the day of refusal of frills in food. Maybe wait until June?!

What can be done on this day?

  • just affect what you have long dreamed of. Do not go to heart attack. But after all, it is possible to eat a couple of freshest cakes with cream or 1 ordinary, such a hamburger once a year ... and drink a bottle of cola. Or buy 2 kilo strawberries, pour them with whipped cream and there is a big spoon ... And someone, maybe, many years dream of the Irisok eat, but everything was not the reason to buy. Today there is a reason;
  • convene friends to the Grezecode Party. Let everyone bring with them that he had long wanted to eat. That will be fun!
  • just think about what you would like to eat. What gastronomic dreams visit you? And is there any such dreams? Maybe the taste of life stuck and stands to regret it ... How? Yes, easier than simple: Polyce recipes on our site and prepare anything for yourself. Not to eat, but to feel this taste of life!

Eat what I want! And have fun!


Cooking is the originally creative process.

The secret of the success of culinary is often in an unusual combination of products, in a spectacular design of the dish. In addition, the recipes of traditional Königsberg dishes are considerable interest. Marzipans, Cles ... Fantasy Where to turn around!

The content of the article: Recipes of effective weight loss are necessarily present in the arsenal of each woman. Diet for losing weight "Favorite" - one of the ways to quickly return weight to normal, clean the body. What are the power options? How do the doctors relate to the diet? What results can be achieved if you use different ways of weight loss? We will try to figure out the article.

The power system is composed for a week so that each subsequent day to eat products of a particular group. There is an alternation of drinking days with days when you need to eat hard food. To change the days in no case cannot be changed. And when receiving positive results, it is recommended to repeat no earlier than in 10-12 weeks.

If you focus on feedback, Diet "Favorite" 7 days allows you to lose weight by 6-10 kg. If you consider that the menu does not come, it is quite easy to carry the diet.

Diseases of the kidneys.

Cardiovascular diseases.

Liver disease.



Diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

There are several variants of the diet, but the most common is a seven-day power method. Prepare the body to the diet must be in advance. Start in a couple of days: gradually reduce the number of servings, refuse fat, fried food, eat less flour. Teach yourself to drink water, use fresh vegetables and fruits. Prepared an organism? Then begin to actively lose weight!

The first day of the diet, as well as the third and sixth, are designed to use a large amount of fluid. Moreover, not only water is allowed to drink. It can be herbal champs, milk and fermented milk products (kefir, natural yogurt), broths (welded independently), vegetable juices, green tea without sugar and ordinary water without gas.

It is forbidden to use sweet carbonated drinks, industrial juices, alcoholic beverages. It is possible to solit meat broths, but only a little.

Clean water perfectly dissolves toxins and derives them from the body, so it should be preferred in drinking days. Natural juices are better to dilute with water, and fervent foods choose low-calorie. On such days, the diet better limit physical exertion, more relax, since dizziness, weakness is possible.

On the second day, diet you will have to become a vegetarian. On the second day, a diet can eat various vegetables, and in one reception you need to eat about 300 g of products. Vegetables can be boiled, stew, bake or eat in raw form. Be sure to use cabbage (better, broccoli), carrots. As a refueling, you can choose vegetable oil and lemon juice.

Immediately make a reservation that on this day it is impossible to cook juices and compotes from fruits, but you can drink clean water without limitation. Recommended to eat no more than 3 kg of fruits. If a diet "Favorite" is interested, the approximate menu on this day may include any kind of fruit. An exception is grapes and a banana - they are quite calories and nutritious in order to be considered dietary.

Finally, you can eat a piece of meat, to enjoy shrimp or fish. Today it is also permissible to eat cottage cheese or egg protein, beans or peas. True, it is necessary to observe the measure. During the day, it is recommended to use 5 portions of protein food to 150-200 g. This is quite enough for the body to get the necessary energy and restored the strength. However, so far not time to start full physical exertion.

Transitional stage from dietary diet to full nutrition. On this day, it is recommended to make a diet of those vegetables and fruits that were used in a vegetable and fruit day. You can drink kefir, there are eggs, meat and fish.

Those who are going to use a diet for the first time will help our tips and recommendations with specific dishes that can be prepared during the week. So,

8.00 - Failure tea + cup of kefir.

11.00 - Washed chicken broth.

14.00 - Natural yoghurt (250 ml).

18.00 - kefir or milk (no more glasses).

8.00 - Tomatoes (2 pcs.).

11.00 - Cucumber-cabbage salad with greens.

14.00 - Cucumbers or Bulgarian peppers (1-2 pieces).

18.00 - Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and greens.

8.00 - tea without sugar and 200 ml of milk.

10.00 - milk (250 ml).

13.00 - Low-fat chicken broth (150 ml).

15.00 - low fat kefir (250 ml).

18.00 - Milk (200 ml).

8.00 - Orange and Grapefruit.

10.00 - avocado.

13.00 - Fruit salad from plums, kiwi and apples or from kiwi, grapefruit and apples.

15.00 - Apple and Pear.

18.00 - grapefruit or kiwi.

8.00 - boiled chicken eggs (better protein without yolk), 2 pieces.

10.00 - boiled fish (150-200 g).

13.00 - boiled chicken fillet (150 g).

15.00 - Cottage cheese (150 g).

18.00 - solid cheese (100 g).

8.00 - Tea + kefir (250 ml).

10.00 - a glass of carrot-pumpkin juice.

13.00 - Chicken broth (250 ml).

15.00 - Yoghurt (200 ml).

18.00 - Milk (200 ml).

At the final day of the diet "Favorite" diet can consist of the following dishes:

8.00 - boiled chicken eggs, 2 pieces.

10.00 - Fresh apple or grapefruit.

13.00 - stew from vegetables + boiled meat (70 g) or vegetable soup.

15.00 - Orange or avocado.

18.00 - Salad of fresh vegetables and greenery, seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice.

20.00 - a glass of skim kefir.

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This method of nutrition will suit absolutely healthy people. Use such a system for weight loss is permitted no more than 1 time in 4 months. Change the sequence of days and recommended products is strictly prohibited. In this embodiment, the "favorite" menu diet is as follows:

First and second day. You can drink kefir (1%) in any quantity. Purchase dairy products only proven brands or prepare a dairy product yourself.

The third day is an apple mondue. The day you need to eat about 2 kg of green apples (their caloric content is slightly smaller than the calorie content of the "color" varieties).

From the fourth on the sixth day eat exclusively chicken meat. Boil the chicken with a small amount of salt, after removing the skin. On the day is allowed 700 g - 1000 g of meat.

Seventh day. The unusual menu consists of dry red wine and solid cheese. Despite the fact that the amount of wine is strictly not regulated, you should not be too abused by this drink. Each wine glass is covered with a piece of cheese (40-50 g). It is important to note that this version of the diet is the exception of the rules, since in most cases the diet "Favorite" and alcohol is incompatible. But if you consider that dry red wine effects perfectly on the metabolism and improves the composition of the blood, its use in moderate quantities will only benefit.

It is nothing but a short-range seven-day diet. It will be necessary to exclude the sixth and seventh day, and the rest are repeated in the usual sequence: drinking, vegetable, drinking, fruit and protein. It is also necessary to leave the diet gradually, including in the diet products very carefully.

The power option consists of 12 monodis, each of which lasts 1 day. Upon respecting the diet "Favorite" 12 days, the menu is sufficiently rigid and to withstand this method of nutrition may not all. But even absolutely healthy people are not recommended to use a slimming option more often than 1 time per year.

This option will like the diet for 12 days, because here the menu is interesting and quite tasty.

1st day - kefir. During the day, about 2 liters of degrees kefir drink.

2nd day - fruit. The total number of fruits does not exceed 2 kg per day. Preferred is grapefruits and avocado, lemon.

3rd day - cottage cheese. The menu consists of 0.5 kg of medium fat curd.

4th day - zucchini. Prepare a zucchini caviar with the addition of onions, carrots and vegetable oil. On this day, you can eat about 800 g of product.

5th day - chocolate. Black chocolate tiles - diet for a whole day.

6th day - apple. The amount of green apples does not exceed 1.5 kg.

7th day - cheerful. Menu for all day - about 400 g of solid low-fat cheese.

8th day - tomato-vegetable. 1 l tomato juice + cabbage-cucumber salad with greens.

9th day - meat. A day eaten up to 500 g boiled beef, chicken and turkey meat.

10th day - vegetable. Throughout the day, you can cook salads from tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots, cabbage and spicy herbs.

11th day - cottage cheese day. A day eaten up to 500 g of skimmed cottage cheese.

12th day - fruit. The second day menu is repeated.

The power supply involves the separation of the diet for 4 three-day phases (total 12 days). And the last two days (13th and 14th) are considered transitional and allow you to adjust the body to the familiar diet.

The first phase is kefir. For three days they drink exclusively kefir of any fat content. The amount of ferocular drink is unlimited. You can also drink boiled purified water, but from tea and coffee will have to abandon.

The second phase is apple. Any number of apples needed over the next three days. They can be baked or cooking juice.

The third phase is protein. For three days (7, 8, 9) eating boiled chicken meat. It can be cooked, prepare on the grill without skins. Salt and spices when cooking is not used. A day is recommended to eat no more than 1 kg of meat. Only clean water is allowed.

The fourth phase is a cheese. Solid cheese, in the amount of 40 g, wash with red dry wine (about 200 g). You need to adjust the amount of wine yourself. Additionally, it is allowed to drink clean water.

The last two days can be prepared vegetable soups, stew from vegetables, there are boiled meat and eggs. The diet is designed so that the calorie content does not exceed 1300-1400 calories. You can calculate calories on a free online calculator or read useful ready-made recipes with calculated calories on our website.

Since the power system is composed of various monodis, it immediately after its completion is a rapid weight gain. But this risk appears if you move to a conventional diet immediately. There are several important tips to help preserve the result achieved for a long time.

Be sure to lead the diary of the products used in order to constantly count the caloric content of the power supply, which should not exceed 1800 kcal per day. Adhere to this diet 10-14 days, in parallel increasing physical exertion.

Within 30 days after exiting a diet, you should not use more than 100 g of protein per day.

Diet products after diet replenish gradually.

Use once a week unloading days. Focus on personal preferences. If some day liked a diet and did not cause any negative reaction, it can be practiced to maintain optimal weight.

1. Vegetable stew. It will take 1 bulbs, carrots, Bulgarian pepper and tomato. Clean the bulb and carrots from the skins, pepper - from the seed box. Bulbs Cut into rings and extinguish in a small amount of oil. Add outer carrots, tomatoes and chopped peppers. Add a couple of asparagus pods, sliced \u200b\u200bgreens. Cooking time is 25-30 minutes. The dish can be prepared without salt.

2. Carrot salad with garlic and oil. 1 Large carrots Clean the skins and soda on the ecker. Add the grated garlic tooth and fill with vegetable oil. Salt is not needed. Thanks to the combination of carrots and the presence of garlic, the taste of salad is a piquant.

3. Boiled asparagus with soy sauce. 150 g of asparagus boil about 20 minutes without salt. When filing, sprinkle with chopped greenery and pour soy sauce.

4. Fruit salad. For the preparation of a dietary dish, take one kiwi, grapefruit and apple, cut them into pieces, mix. You can sprinkle with lemon juice or add a zest.

The diet "Favorite" is very similar to a diet of 6 petals, which also consists of monodis. In general, the diet "Favorite" is easily transferred easily, and special impressions are related to the fact that when the power rules are observed after a diet, the weight is not refundable and the result is maintained for a long time. The results of the diet "beloved" are impressive. Some succeeds to lose weight by 5 kg, although on average weight loss range from 8 kg to 10 kg. The menu is easy to make up so to eat favorite and delicious foods, which means that the diet name is fully true.

Reviews about the diet "Favorite" say that such a nutrition system really allows you to get rid of excess weight, although some is quite difficult in drinking days to completely refuse hard food. Do not exclude meat broths, because they are nutritious and allow not to break. But in a fruit day, you should divide the menu for the day in such a way that the breaks between food acceptances did not exceed three hours. In addition to unnecessary kilograms, with this version of the diet you can get rid of 2% adipose tissue, which is very important when weight loss.

The diet "Favorite" and sports are also incompatible if we are talking about serious loads. The diet is limited, and the body is working to get rid of unnecessary toxins as much as possible. It is not worth loading with physical exercises. It is better to stick to the calm day of the day, more rest, walking out in the fresh air, less nervous. You should not sit on a diet on days when you require serious results at work, when you need to be particularly focused and attentive. It is best to leave a pleasant weight loss at the time of vacation when planning your day is much easier.

Before starting a diet, it would be nice to familiarize yourself with the opinion of doctors about this. Any nutritionist will tell you that serious work on yourself lasts not a week and not two. The diet is rebuilt gradually, you learn to properly combine products, reduce the number of calories consumed. At the same time, the best results are achieved by those who manage to actively play sports and eat healthy food.

Diet "Favorite" for weight loss has its pros and cons. If, for example, it will soon be shone at an important event, the loss system can be used to get rid of extra kilograms. The results of weight loss will be obvious, but it is quite difficult to cope with the feeling of hunger. Among the advantages of the diet should be noted that extra kilograms go quickly, and the body gets the necessary shake. But we should not forget that such a nutrition restriction is a serious load for the body. In order not to suffer from the shortage of nutrients, vitamins should be used.

By the way, the sharp limitation of nutrition "slows down" the metabolism, since the body accumulates energy. In the future, it is required to spend a lot of strength to force the metabolism to work with the previous intensity. By and large, nutritionists advise using such diet options as much as possible in order not to harm the body.

Tags: Slimming

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Why diet is called Favorite - everything is perplexed. It is difficult to imagine that someone may be crazy from her, because it is very hard and the feeling of hunger is constantly present. However, its huge advantage that overlaps all flaws is real efficiency. Consisting of consecutive mini-aligning duration of one day, it really helps to lose weight.

How slimming occurs

Since the diet includes two nutrition systems - separate and drinking, it works immediately in two directions:

  1. Separate nutrition eliminates fatty foods and carbohydrates from diet. The stomach does not mix products of different food categories, which improves its work.
  2. Drinking unloading days are removed from the tissues of the liquid and give the feeling of lightness.

At first glance, the combination of two such efficient systems within one diet should give excellent results. However, it is precisely it becomes a stumbling block in scientific circles. Many experts argue that such an alternation can adversely affect the work of the stomach, to restore which will be very difficult.

For each individual day, a favorite diet has a special list of products allowed. The table will prompt that you can eat at different stages:

Daily servings are not specified, since not limited to the framework. But it is not worth the whole day to argue with permitted food. In the process of slimming should always be lung hunger.

Even before sitting on it, it is advisable to take into account all the pros and cons.


  • It is effective, as it allows to lose daily from 700 grams to 1 kg of weight;
  • no need to draw calorie counting;
  • allowed products can eat as much as you want;
  • there are no bad well-being, fatigue, lethargy, hunger, psychological discomfort (very controversial statement);
  • the intensity of weight loss;
  • you can choose the minimum duration (6 days), and this is not long;
  • the menu can be adjusted according to its taste preferences;
  • thanks to drinking days, it is not bad to clean the body;
  • among the advantages are also called the balance of the diet, but usually the mondetes are not different in this characteristic.


  • It's hard tolerated;
  • leads to serious intestinal disorders;
  • not always effective;
  • provokes blood pressure jumps;
  • when choosing a long time (more than 2 more circles), it will make it necessary to know the deficit of minerals and vitamins.

These are not generally accepted postulates. Here a lot depends on individual characteristics. For some, it will be effective, and someone will receive only unpleasant consequences in the form of gastric disorder.

For a diet, there are special contraindications:

  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal;
  • kidney disease;
  • simultaneous drug treatment;
  • disorders in the work of the endocrine system;
  • rehabilitation period.

In order not to disappoint, if you have any health problems, you will definitely consult with doctors. If the bouts of gastritis, dizziness, constipation began during the slimming process, do not sacrifice something more gentle.

The menu includes only permitted products for a specific setting.

Classic menu for a week

A detailed menu for a favorite diet will make it possible to navigate with the selection of products and dishes. If the size of the portions in the table is not specified, it means that there are no restrictions, but still you should not overeat.

Estimated results that the 7-day favorite diet can issue is minus 7 kg.

Hard menu for 2 weeks

Not everyone is withstanding 6 days alone, so the honor and praise those who are resolved for 14 days of such a hunger strike. The menu should be more carefully planned for it, as it assumes additional products with vitamin composition to maintain forces.

7 and 14 days are called balanced. They are designed to exit the diet to be smooth - it will ensure that the weight does not return. Eat small portions so as not to stretch the stomach. Dinner - for 3 hours and sleep.

If you remove from this menu 7 and 14 days, the diet is a diet for 12 days, but it's hard to get out of it without typing again. This is a fairly harsh version, but it can give up to 10 kg of lost weight at the exit.

So that the diet does not seem scarce, do not eat only raw vegetables or simply fruit. Discover the recipes of delicious dishes that will harmoniously fit into the diet.

Dietary cocktail

Drinking diet diet beloved always seem the most boring and hard. But who forbids diluting this boredom with delicious cocktails? Yes, vegetables and fruits will be present in them, but in a purricated, liquid form, which allows this system of weight loss. The only limitation is to please yourself with no more than 250 ml beverage per day.


  • 2 inflorescences of broccoli;
  • 2 slices of pineapple;
  • 2 Cauliflower Breasury;
  • green cold tea - up to the maximum mark in a bowl of the blender.


  1. Cut pineapple and cabbage.
  2. Fold all the ingredients in the blender.
  3. Pour them tea.
  4. Mix 30 sec.

This green cocktail will fit perfectly in a vegetable day if instead of pineapple add some celery or asparagus.

The vinaigrette

Judging by the reviews, the second day is very hard - vegetable. It happens most often because everyone eats the products with raw and do not bother on delicious dishes, which it is worth spending their time to not break. This recipe will have to be likewise. This is a dietary vinaigrette, because it is prepared without starch-containing potatoes.


  • 3 pcs. Swarms;
  • 2 pcs. carrots;
  • bulb;
  • 2 pcs. salty cucumbers;
  • handful of sauerkraut;
  • handful of fresh green peas;
  • some vegetable oil;
  • 10 g of grainy mustard;
  • 10 ml of apple vinegar;
  • salt, sugar;
  • green bow.


  1. Swim, carrot boil to a soft state, cool, clean.
  2. Leek crush, sprinkle with vinegar, add sugar, save. Stir, leave in the marinade.
  3. Swarm cut into small cubes.
  4. In the salad bowl put marinated onions and bed. Hiding them with marinade, mix.
  5. Cut carrots with cubes - larger than the coat.
  6. Grind salted cucumbers.
  7. Rinse green polka dots, add to Salat.
  8. The latter is added sprayed sauer cabbage.
  9. Separately refueling: Mixed oil with mustard.
  10. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

Dietary fruit salad

Everyone is looking forward to a fruit day, but it does not bring relief, since the juicy pulp provokes the selection of gastric juice and want to eat infinitely. Dietary fruit salads will help to cope with insatiable hunger.


  • 1 grapefruit;
  • 2 green apples;
  • 2 mandarin;
  • 2 kiwi;
  • 1 pear;
  • half of lemon.


  1. Rinse fruits.
  2. Clear skin, seeds, core.
  3. Cut into small cubes.
  4. Square with a juice from halves lemon.
  5. Mix.
  6. Eat for 15 minutes, otherwise the salad will turn into porridge.

Fish protein soup

A truly true in the diet is a beloved - a protein day. The body finally gets meat, fish, seafood, dairy products. From all this variety you can easily prepare a variety of dishes.


  • 1 l of water;
  • 300 grams of fish canned in its own juice;
  • bulb;
  • dill, pepper, salt;
  • bay leaf.


  1. Grind onions.
  2. Fork, pour canned food, do not merge juice.
  3. Pump onions, pepper, bay leaf in boiling water.
  4. Put fish. Cook for 5 min.
  5. Sweet.
  6. When applying, sprinkled with dill.

If you decide for several diet circles, be sure to select different recipes for each day so that the body is saturated with everything necessary.

Favorite diet is very popular, as it promotes separate food. And it is known, very effective for weight loss. However, in the process of training and the hunger strike itself there are different issues, and a nutritionist may not be a nutritional. We will help you solve some of them.

  • What is better: diet favorite or buckwheat?

Buckwheat should choose who truly adores this product and is not afraid of the monotony of the diet. In terms of efficiency, both diet is about the same (loss of 700 grams per day), both perfectly clean the body from slags, both strict and tolerated hard. Still, buckwheat, according to many, more hard, since the set of permitted products is minimal.

  • What diet is more effective: love or 6 petals?

The authorship of the beloved diet is unknown, but a slimming system for 6 petals developed a well-known nutritionist, so it feels a professional approach. It is more carefully balanced. It is scientifically substantiated and supported by many nutritionists, which you can't tell you about your beloved. Still, alternate the alignment with unloading days on fluids can be dangerous to health.

  • What can eat in a vegetable day?

Salads from any vegetables and legumes, except corn and potatoes.

  • How much can you throw off?

For 6 days you can reset 6 kg, but it is rare. It is better to count on 3-4 kg. If such a power system is written for a month, the results will surely be impressive, but then you can stand 5 circles morally and physically - a big question. The abundance of drinking days and the shortage of carbohydrates with fats will provoke emotional breakdowns and stomach disorders. Therefore, nutritionists do not recommend such a long time. Maximum option - 2 circles for 2 weeks.

  • What can be drunk in drinking day?

Compote, Kissel (not always recommended), juices without pulp, clean water, low-fat kefir and milk, herbal teas, coffee without additives, black and green tea. For lunch - meat, fish, vegetable broths, but not too concentrated and low-fat. If there is a risk of breakdown, you can swee yourself with a glass of smoothie or cocktail.

  • Is the weight return?

Despite the promises that the weight is not returning, the majority of reviews indicate the opposite. The only thing that can slow down the process is the right way out of this system. But he always works for a while. If on the 8th or 15th day to return to the usual diet of oily and fried dishes, the results of the exhausted weight loss will disappear very soon.

  • How not to break?

In fact, in each alone there is a loophole, which can be used at the moments of a breakdown when it seems that there is no longer forces for further weight loss. In drinking day are delicious cocktails. In vegetable - 1 small potato in uniform, seasoned with greens, garlic and several droplets of olive oil. Fruit can be diversified by a beloved, albeit forbidden Banana. In a protein day, just make a chicken kebab on a dry frying pan with a loaf - and there will be no trace from depression.

  • What time can you repeat?

According to experts, if it was 1 or 2 times, - six months later. If more - only a year later. The most correct option is to consult with a nutritionist, how often you can sit on your favorite diet. Due to individual indicators, the intervals can be significantly reduced.

  • How to eat after a diet?

If you liked the slimming on separate nutrition, you can get acquainted with its principles closer, take them to weapons and implement further into life. This will make a positive effect not only on your figure (then lost kilograms will not return to), but also in health. And as for 1-2 weeks after the diet, it is necessary to have hot soups for lunch, and fat and fried dishes are turned on in the menu gradually and in small quantities.

  • Is it possible to eat canned peas?

It is undesirable - it is better to eat fresh. But if you really want a little bit - nothing terrible will not happen.

Will your favorite rescue diet in your case, depends only on you. We will have to gain patience, tighten the lines at most and follow a clearly prescribed scheme. Feeling that we take up, look for delicious dishes that fit into today's alignment, please yourself with new recipes, find support in the face of home. Only the desire to transform will cope with this difficult technique.

    In essence, the diet, which in the people everyone is called not otherwise as a "favorite diet," consists of a chain of unloading days. It includes vegetable days, protein, and fruit.

Favorite diet: one will not help one, there will be another!

Diet "Favorite" - a weekly chain of one-day monodi. Probably the name of her name was because he combined all popular discharge days on one product in a universal plan. This is the advantage of this, and the main minus of the beloved diet - on the one hand, its menu is characterized by a certain variety, and on the other - the diet remains strict and unbalanced.

The very idea of \u200b\u200bunloading days, during which a single product is used, not new - including in such well-known slimming plans, as a diet of Dr. Kovalkov or Diet Margarita Queen used this mechanism. His sense is to raise the metabolism by exposing the body to a controlled stress. Having obtained in large numbers one of the macronutrients, the body coincides its approach to the processing of nutrients, and as a result, the energy facilities accumulated as glycogen and fat quickly burns.

Favorite diet for 7 days is best possible at the time when you do not have urgent deeds, negotiations, the need for long-term beams - most of the days involves an increase in the intestinal peristals and the burden of the kidney.

Diet favorite builds this effect into the seventh degree, building unloading days one after the week. The body seems to be sent to the show dedicated to survival in extreme conditions: every day it is offered a stressful diet, and every time a new one! However, the result probably pays off all efforts and suffering: the reviews claim that in seven days this diet, loved by many, allows you to lose 5 and even 10 kg.

Weekly Diet Favorite

Days 1, 3 and 6 - Drinking

These days (if you start the diet "Favorite" from a new week, the corresponding menu is waiting for you on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday) Only liquid food is allowed. The amount is not limited, and in the composition of the following recommendations: the main emphasis should be made on simple non-carbonated water, you can also have tea without additives, low-fat original kefir, broth without seasonings and salts, fruit and vegetable juices without adding sugar (carrot and pumpkin preferred ). It is better not to lean on the juices: the views of nutrition specialists differ on them, some consider pressing from fresh fruits rather than drinking. Therefore, limit the daily dose of juices in drinking days 400 ml.

Hazing, lemonades, drinking yogurts with additives and any alcohol - of course, under the ban.

Day 2 - Vegetable

Become a right of vegetarian! This day is allowed to eat any vegetables in cheese, boiled, steam or grilled without oil. The number of food meals is limited to five, the recommended portion of 300 gr.

It is impossible to use salt and salt-containing seasonings, but the usual spices without additives are permitted. You can refuel dishes with vegetable oil (no more than 2 centuries per day) and lemon juice. Mayonnaise and similar sauces on this day do not pass "Face control". In a vegetable day, diet is also needed to drink at least 1.5 liters of simple water without gas.

Day 4 - fruit

Grapes and bananas are not in honor of any diet due to the proven sugar content. Favorite diet is no exception - you can eat 3 kilos of any fruit, except for these. It's time to remember the grapefruit diet and its magical effect in the fight against overweight, as well as to get on pineapples and apples, in which there is a lot of pectin, successfully copes with a feeling of hunger. Do not eat fruit on which you are allergic. And do not forget to drink simple water!

Day 5 - protein

Finally "True Food"! Try to cope with the joy about its appearance and measure the portions, trying to eat less, but more often. In a protein day, 6-7 meals are allowed on your favorite diet. Excellent sources of well-digestible protein - boiled chicken breasts without leather, seafood, eggs, marine fish, low-fat curd. All food must be consumed without sauces and other additives. Recommendations for the drinking regime former - 1.5 liters of simple water, no sugar, gas and alcohol.

Day 7 - day off

The menu of the last day combines all the products that you ate from Monday to Sunday, in the "normal" menu, where all the dishes are prepared without additives by boiling or baking without oil. For example, breakfast - 2 boiled eggs, afternooner - cottage cheese with kefir, lunch - vegetable soup with chicken breast, afternooner - 2 apples, dinner - fresh salad. Just like other days, it is necessary to drink at least one and a half liters of water.

Did you decide on your favorite diet? Take three councils:

  • 1 Do not try to improve the effect of your favorite diet for 7 days by sports - on such a poor diet, the training takes a lot of strength, but will bring little benefit. To support a full fitness load requires special balanced nutrition!
  • 2 Simple water is a good way to deal with hunger, however, it is even more harmful to suffer from dehydration. Do not drink water immediately before meals and immediately after it - it does not affect the concentration of the gastric juice and can cause indigestion. It is best to drink in the interruptions between meals by small portions, 30-50 ml at a time, evenly during the day.
  • 3 In order not to gain back everything, with such work lost during the diet of your favorite, focus on the diet of the seventh day for another week, and then gradually go to a variety of healthy menu. Never pass your favorite seven-day diet twice in a row, even if you have moved it easy!

Favorite diet of Star Hollywood: Do not change your life, only the ass!

People from the world of cinema and show business it is important to maintain awareness, so the kinodys are watching not only for flawless hairstyle and make-up, but, and of course, behind their forms. Starfaliics and exercise plans are developed by responsible and experienced specialists, however, each of the colebritis-persons is "in the sleeve" their own diet, which can be said to "Favorite".

Favorite diet Julia Roberts

A burning look, shiny soft brown curls, a smile at the limit of cheerfulness - who does not recognize Julia Roberts? Actress, Hindu religion, calmly refers to the standard female problem of "excess body". In general, she is always pleased with themselves, stating that good genetics allows it not to be broken, but if excess weight appears, her favorite diet comes to help the kinization. "I do not want to change my life," says Julia. - Only the ass! ".

Roberts with skepticism refers to "trend" diet, trusting with their own, beloved: if necessary, to lose weight, it refuses carbohydrates, eats a lot of leafy vegetables and sea fish. And if the weight should be discarded quickly and give the body relief, Julia Roberts enjoys a diet, her beloved coach Katy Keler. In this regard, part of food meals is replaced with a dietary neck with a low glycemic index and a high content of fiber. The official weight of Julia Roberts -58 kg with a height of 175 cm.

Favorite diet Kate Blanchett

The sophisticated Kate Blanchett, Blond Australian, the same famous and in the cinema, and on theatrical stage, it seems, every year it becomes slimmer and more attractive. Even the alternate appearance of three children could not break this tendency. Diet Kate Blanchett provides for almost complete refusal of products containing gluten.

No, the kinodiv does not suffer from celiac disease or allergies to gluten, in which people are forced to stick to a rather strict gluten-free diet - just she is convinced that this protein contained in most common cereals provides the body by unnecessary load and ultimately does not only affect the weight , but also on health. In the diet, the favorite Kate Blanchett, there is no place for bread, baking, porridge. Moreover, the actress does not eat anything that was industrially refined or enriched with any chemical and synthetic additives. With youth, she starts the morning from a glass of warm water with lemon juice and invariably weighs 59 kg with a height of 174 cm.

Favorite diet Meryl Streep

Each role of Meryl Strip becomes an event - it seems, in its sixty-four years she will give odds to young colleagues not only in terms of acting skills, but also in matters of spectacular appearance. The mother of four adult children personifies the joy of life and optimism, and also remains truly the rarest example of preserving natural beauty without the participation of plastic surgeons.

Meril Streep tells that in his youth tried different diets, including fast, but to the onset of maturity, I finally understood that after forty, a woman had to decide what she would like to concentrate on her face or on the body. Favorite diet Meryl Streep, sets its goal not to preserve the thin waist at all costs, but maintaining the skin of the skin.

Therefore, the actress has been eating only organic products for more than ten years, choosing the most useful of them. In its menu, fresh vegetables are necessarily present as a source of vitamins and fiber and resources to ensure the need for unsaturated fatty acids - sea fish, high-quality vegetable oil, nuts. In recent years, Maryl Strip weighs about 70 kg with a height of 168 cm.

Favorite Diet Penelope Cruz

The "Spanish charm" Penelope Cruz in the past few years little glad the fans with new roles, but did not lose the interest of tabloids: the actress became a mother of two kids. Of course, the issue of excess weight did not bypass Penelope, from nature distinguished by seductive bends. She really nailed extra, fighting for two, but rather quickly and effectively coped with the "children's" add.

Diet, beloved Penelope Cruz, has always been and remains a Mediterranean diet: a nutrition plan, providing for the use of a large number of vegetables, fruits, complex food, olive oil and dairy products against the background of extremely moderate participation in the meat, eggs and sweets menu. Such a variety, and, most importantly, genetically suitable beauty-actress food helped not only get rid of the extra kilos, but also to keep the beauty of the skin and hair. Penelope Cruz weighs about 60 kg with a height of 168 cm. Her favorite diet can seem to be sufficiently strict anyone, but it works!

Diet lasts 7 days, during this time you can lose up to 10 kg and several centimeters in volumes. The restrictions are transferred quite easily, as the diet is quite diverse, and among the allowed products you can choose those that love.

Favorite diet continues exactly 7 days, each of which is dedicated to a certain group of products. Change the diet, it is categorically prohibited to change the days - it will affect the effectiveness of the diet.

If you follow the instructions of the diet exactly, then slags, toxins will come together with fat. There are no expensive and exotic ingredients in the menu, most of the recommended products will be in your refrigerator.

The diet involves the alternation of a low-calorie and nutritional diet, due to the intestinal cleansing. There will be enough vitamins in the body, therefore it is not necessary to worry about the fact that the restrictions will affect the appearance.

Moreover, after cleansing from slags, you will be better to feel, notice the favorable changes in the hair, leather and nails.

The first, third and sixth day is drinking. Diet with drinking days allows you to clean the body. The second day is vegetable, fourth - fruit, fifth - protein. The seventh day is the final.

Before starting a diet, you need to make sure that you do not have such contraindications:

  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • liver or kidney disease;
  • problems with heart and vessels;
  • disorders of food behavior (bulimia, etc.);
  • pregnancy or lactation.

This version of the diet is far from all, but the results are simply amazed: in 7 days at least 5 kg takes place, and with a large excess weight - and more than 10 kg. But nutrition is unbalanced, so you need to drink multivitamins.

The first and second days are drinking. You can drink only water and kefir.

The third day is fruit. You can eat apples, grapefruits or oranges.

The fourth, fifth, sixth days - chicken. You can eat boiled chicken without peel.

Seventh day - wine. On this day it is allowed to drink only wine and eat cheese.

Each wine glass can be seated 30 g of cheese. Wine is permissible to replace with pomegranate juice, but the result of the diet can change.

In the first, third and sixth day, the diet should be present in the diet only liquid food. Fine vegetable juices, low-fat milk, kefir, herbal and green tea, chicken broth, ordinary non-carbonated water are recommended.

To purify the body, you need to consume a sufficient amount of water - not less than 2 liters. It is categorically not suitable for slimming store juices in packages - sugar is present in them. But even if you drink fresh juice, dilute it in half with water, because it is quite caloriene.

Typically, 1-2 kg of extra liquid takes place on the first day, swelling disappear, the intestinal operation is improved. Because in drinking day the body is devoid of hard food, weakness is possible, dizziness. Therefore, it is worth abandoning drinking days from physical exertion.

On this day, only vegetarian food will have to consume. Vegetables you can eat any. They can be eaten not only fresh, but also boiled, baked, cooked for a couple. You can prepare salads, winegreets. It is recommended to use a white cabbage - it burns fat.

To improve taste, dishes in them are allowed to add low-fat yogurt, soy sauce, lemon juice, vegetable oil (no more than 2 cent. L. Per day). It is unacceptable to add fatty sauces into salads, sour cream.

On this day, the body will receive proteins that are necessary for tonus of muscles. But be sure to me in a meal: divide products for five small portions. Despite the admission to the protein body, the power training and significant physical exertion should be abandoned - they can cause attacks of strong hunger, and avoid overeating will be problematic.

You can eat any fruits that you like, except high-calorie bananas and grapes. It is recommended to eat grapefruits and pineapples - they are excellent fat burners. On the day you can eat up to 3 kg of fruit.

You can also drink fruit juices, half-diluted with water. But consider: Freasha Caloric, so that one or two glasses will be enough. If you wish, you can prepare a fruit salad refilled by low-fat yogurt.

First day (drinking)

  • Breakfast: green tea.
  • Lunch: a glass of kefir.
  • Lunch: Chicken broth without salt, you can add greens.
  • Half date: cup of kefir.
  • Dinner: Mug of milk.

Second day (vegetable)

  • Breakfast: tomato and cucumber salad, seasoned with yogurt, a cup of herbal tea.
  • Lunch: carrot salad with beets.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup.
  • Soon: Salad of cabbage, cucumbers, with olive oil and green onions.
  • Dinner: stew from vegetables.

Third day (drinking)

  • Breakfast: a cup of herbal tea.
  • Lunch: a glass of kefir.
  • Lunch: Chicken broth.
  • Afternoon: Natural drinking yogurt without additives.
  • Dinner: Mug of milk.

Fourth Day (Fruit)

  • Breakfast: orange, tea cup.
  • Lunch: Half grapefruit.
  • Lunch: Fruit salad with a spoon of low-fat yogurt.
  • Half date: a glass of fresh juice.
  • Dinner: a pair of baked apples (without sugar).

Fifth day (protein)

  • Breakfast: Two boiled eggs.
  • Lunch: Boiled shrimps.
  • Lunch: Chicken broth, breast.
  • Afternoon school: cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: Baked with Greens and Lemon Mixtai.

Sixth Day (Drinking)

  • Breakfast: green tea.
  • Lunch: a glass of kefir.
  • Lunch: a glass of vegetable juice.
  • Half date: a glass of ragger rosehip.
  • Dinner: Mug of milk.

Seventh day (final)

  • Breakfast: dairy oatmeal.
  • Lunch: boiled breast.
  • Lunch: Vegetable soup.
  • Afternoon person: Cottage cheese fruit.
  • Dinner: Baked fish.

It is not necessary to follow the above menu exactly - you can use any allowed products. It is desirable to eat five times a day, in small portions that do not exceed the size of your fist - according to nutritionists, such fractional nutrition does not allow to gain weight and improves the operation of the digestive system.

In order not to recruit the dropped kilograms again, it is worth avoiding fried and greasy dishes, flour, confectionery. If you do not want to recover, try to eat healthy food. Repeat the diet is allowed in a few months.

For a week, you can reset up to 10 kg, depending on the initial weight. In addition, health improves due to the cleansing of the body from slags. Many women mark the improvement of the condition of hair, skin and nails.
Favorite diet is perfect for cleansing the body and emergency weight loss. But if you do not start watching your power, dropped kilograms will soon return.

More recently, the inclusion in the diet days, when it was possible to eat everything, caused the indignation of fitness connoisseurs. The idea is to periodically deviate from the power mode, perceived very skeptical. Then research and practice confirmed that a violation of a diet for one day can actually even speed up the loss of fat deposits.

The idea of \u200b\u200binclusion in the dietary mode of "fraudulent" days is widely known in our time and continues to find support among lovers and professionals. Of course, popularity is not an indicator of utility, but the universal refusal to apply "fraudulent" days would be a hasty decision. It becomes obvious when you understand that some arguments against fraudulent days do not have a logical substantiation or are based on deliberately "sensational" statements.

In this article we will try to consider the advantages of "fraudulent" days. Of course, it would be possible to show a bunch of photos "before and after" or good feedback confirming the effectiveness of the methodology, but I would better consider the most common arguments against inclusion in the power plan of fraudulent days and determine whether these arguments are reasonable.

Why violate a diet?

First, we will discuss theoretical foundations and the reasons why the days of permissiveness are included in the diet of many losing weight.

Violation of a strict diet on certain days has the following positive points:
1. Increases the production of thyroid hormones. When the body does not receive a sufficient calorie, reduced the production of hormones T-3 and T-4. These hormones play an extremely important role in regulating the metabolic rate (metabolism). Days when you can break the diet are needed to increase the production of these hormones.

2. Increased energy consumption. Excess calorie, which emerged as a result of deviation from a standard power plan, forces the body to adapt to this and increase the speed of the main metabolism (OOD). Studies recorded the growth of OOD by 9% compared with the initial level. It can be assumed that in some cases this increase may be more significant.

3. Increased blood leptin. Weighing argument that cannot be mentioned. If the calorie deficit is observed for 72 hours or more, the level of leptin drops. The use of sufficient calorie leads to the fact that the level of leptin increases. This jump, in turn, causes an increased production of thyroid hormones and an increase in energy consumption.

4. Positive psychological effect. We have already listed the advantages of systematic "overeating" for the flow of physiological processes and the production of hormones. The ability to relax the day from the diet has a positive effect on the mental state of a person. You can eat absolutely everything and nothing to worry about, knowing that burning excess fat will still continue. Determine how useful this relaxing effect is quite difficult. Most people who have decided to include in the diet "fraudulent days" consider psychological comfort by one of the most important points! Agree to go through a long way easier when you do small respite.

Problem number 1.

From a research point of view, the theoretical provisions of this concept are quite contradictory. In essence, the whole process is to increase the level of leptin in people with a depleted margin of this protein. But the error is that very often people who apply fraudulent days, the reserve of leptin is not exhausted. Skeptics could take on the basis of their arguments something like that. And we suggest you think over the next moments.

1. The slightest decrease in the intensity of metabolism is unacceptable. It is known that reducing the metabolic rate on 6% It may slow down the speed of loss of excess fat to a level that is absolutely unacceptable for effective fat burning. Athletes seeking to achieve maximum results should be treated very carefully. Especially before the competition or when the deadlines are pressed.
2. Many losing weights incorrectly take into account calories of nutrition and get too large calories during a diet. The highest fat combustion efficiency is ensured. If there is also fraudulent days to add to this mode, then no weight loss and speech can be. It will look like a step forward, step back.

Problem number 2.

Among the opponents of "fraudulent" days there is a tendency to argue its point of view not with physiological, but from a psychological point of view. Dieting violation is equated with detrimental habits, weakness.

For instance: " Say a person who sits on a diet that he can sometimes break her, it's like to say an alcoholic that getting drunk once a week normally».

In fact, it is not so!

This argument may sound convincingly only if you assume the following:
Foods that are consumed in "fraudulent days" are addictive.
People who consume prohibited products are dependent on them.

Indeed, for someone use some products can get into the habit. For example, someone does not represent their lives without hamburgers. Theoretically, this is possible. But this dependence is extremely psychological.

Questions begin to arise when we move to the second assumption: most people develop dependence on products that are not included in the allowed diet. Those. As soon as you eaten a hamburger, you will at least again and again ... And this is a complete absurdity!

Based the proof on such an assumption means to conclude a false logical conclusion that is known as the "vicious circle" (approval of the result).

Probable evidence would be such a conclusion: " People depending on unhealthy food eat unhealthy food. Therefore, anyone who eats unhealthy food depends on her" It is clear that it is not!

We give an example with alcohol: " Alcoholics use alcoholic beverages. So anyone who drinks alcohol is an alcoholic».

As they say, not all rectangles are squares. Not everyone who drinks, suffers from alcoholism. If you enjoy pizza once a week, it does not mean that you have a dependence on pizza.

Problem number 3.

Another argument, which leads as evidence (again, equating food to alcohol), such: " Even if a person is not an alcoholic, is it worth giving him a reason to get drunk for pleasure once a week?»

This argument also implies great assumption. He suggests that supporters of "fraudulent" days recommend excessive use of poor-quality food as a single or even primary power supply. It's a delusion!

First of all, nowhere in the recommendations of "fraudulent" days there is no recommendation that a person should have a solid fast food. If you get the required amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and calories, it does not matter, they were made from oatmeal with an egg or oat biscuits and sandwiches.

Sitting on a diet these days is allowed and it should be all that they wish. Many people want to enjoy the wrong food, and this is normal. However, if you buy a huge cake and eat it entirely, it is no longer a deceived day, and the present is intense!

How and when to break the diet?

So, we convinced you to include fraudulent days on your mode. Do not hurry to fool all what I got! It is important to know how much the mode can be broken. You have a moral right not to follow the instructions of a diet one day, but the battle for the beautiful body continues!

The frequency of fraudulent days depends on the daily caloric content of your diet. For example, if you have a shortage of only 50-100 calories per day, then on fraudulent days you just did not "earned"! If deficiency is more than 500. Calories, then you can make 1 deceived day per week. In addition to the daily deficit of calories, it is still possible to take into account the degree of obesity:
The smaller you have excess fat, the more often you can pampel yourself. If the adipose tissue is 10% (it is very small), you can make 1 trial day for 5-7 days; 10-12% - every 7-9 days; more than 12% - every two weeks.
How about those who obesity is significantly higher (for example, 16% fat) or who needs to lose more 20 kg? Perhaps in this case it is better not to break the power mode at all with fraudulent days. Much more benefits will bring an increase in calorie content due to the right products (complex carbohydrates) once every two weeks. Those. As soon as the fat burning process began to slip, you can make a high calorie day.
If you are prone from nature to excess weight, do not disturb the course of the diet while the weight loss process is successful.
In fraudulent days or in days with an increased calorie number, it is very important not to skip the moment of saturation. Do not argue to abdominal pain.

What exactly can I eat and how much?

Here are some recommendations on this subject:
1. Decide in advance when you have a deceived day.
2. Think exactly what you would like to eat: marshmallow, ice cream, chips, convers, Baton smeared chocolate paste, etc.
3. Browse the composition and calorie content of these harmful, but "delicious" products. Clean how much you can eat, not to go out for the level of your daily caloric content. Calorie take full, excluding the calorie deficit required for weight loss. If you are usually on a diet you have a deficit of 500 calories and every day you eat 1500 calories, then in a deception day you can absorb "yummy" at 1500 + 500 \u003d 2000 calories.
4. Try to eat all the most harmful in the morning, and then if you can spend active training - power or cardio.
5. Match about the portions of prohibited products. Maybe you need only 1 candy to feel a gastronomic orgasm?
6. Do not eat everything in a hurry. Since this is a forbidden fruit, try to enjoy it. Think, do you really have great pleasure? Maybe you should make just high-calorie days from useful products?

Friend days work if they are applied with the mind. Perhaps the acceleration of fat burning process and will not be obviously tangible. However, in the forums and in sports halls, people tell themselves enough of their own stories confirming that a period of a diet does not slow down the grease burning process. And if fraudulent days do not harm and, perhaps, even help, then why not try them?

P.S. Tell me about your fraudulent days. What do you shove there?

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