Filatova (former Sofia). The house church of the Holy Martyrs Sofia and Tatiana with a children's clinical hospital

Priest Andrei Kolganov,
and. about. Abbot of the Church of the Holy Martyr Sofia and Tatiana

when DGKB №13 them. N. F. Filatova,
Lecturer of the Nicho-Ugreshkaya Spiritual Seminary

Moscow is widely known, only one church dedicated to Holy Tatiana is the fact that at Moscow University. But in the capital there is another Tatiana temple, too, houses. This temple, founded in the XIX century, is one of the creativity of a talented architect A. S. Kaminsky that have reached the monument to us.

Modern children's city clinical hospital number 13. N. F. Filatova is located at Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street House No. 15. Now there are many children's medicinal institutions in Moscow, but the first one was the present.

The idea of \u200b\u200bestablishing a children's hospital in Moscow belonged to the Moscow Military Governor-General, the bright prince Dmitry Vladimirovich Golitsyn (1771-1844). It was a brilliantly educated person who served under the start of A.V. Suvorov, a participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, from 1819 to 1843. Military general governor of Moscow. Contemporaries remembered him: "All Moscow loved him very much and it is obliged to many. He first drew attention to the poor lighting of the streets, for the fire team, on the lack of water and invented the device of fountains, since before that it was taken water from the Moscow River ... "," Golitsyn was generally a decent person ... ". Thanks to the prince D.V. Golitsyn in Moscow appeared eye hospital (1826), 1st Gradskaya and Novo-Ekaterininskaya hospitals (1833), housework of hard work, Alexandrovsky Institute, a number of educational institutions. It was at Golitsyn that the bookmark of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior took place. Among those established by him - and Moscow.

In November 1812 in St. Petersburg, under the auspices of the wife of Alexander I Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, a female patriotic society was created. The members of the Society were the wife of G.R. Daria Daria Alekseevna, daughter Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov Praskovya Fat, daughter A.V. Suvorov Countess Natalya Zudova, Zinaida Volkonskaya, Princess Tatyana Vasilyevna Golitsyn. Tatyana Vasilyevna did not stop doing mercy, even being seriously ill.

In January 1841, Princess Tatyana Vasilyevna died, her husband Dmitry Vladimirovich wanted to honor her memory by the establishment of a children's hospital, which had long been a need for a long time. In 1832, the first in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg, named by Nikolaev in honor of the emperor. Muscovites wanted to have the same, and works by Dmitry Golitsyn, the case was crowned with success.

For the hospital, the estate of Anna Nezludova was acquired on a small armor, preserved after the invasion of Napoleon, and the bunch signed Nikolai Andreyevich Nersin, the civilian governor of Moscow and the owner of the very building in which it is placed. He became her first honorary guardian when she was still placed on the armor. The famous architect MD was invited to restructure the estate under the hospital. Bykovsky. Personnel and servants, games for games, infectious compartment, even bathrooms with water supply were arranged. In the center of the building on the third floor, the church was placed in the name of the Holy Martyr Tatiana - the Heavenly patronage of the late princess of Tatiana Vasilyevna Golitsyn.

On December 5, 1842, the hospital and church was consecrated by the Saint Philaret, Metropolitan Moskovsky, and the next day the hospital received the first patients.

Muscovites called her just a bright hospital. At first, she existed sides, thanks to Golitsyn, who could provide donations. But in June 1843, he retired on illness and in a year died in Paris. The hospital was transferred to the educational house and ranked in the department of institutions of Empress Mary. Her financial situation was very difficult. From the closure of the hospital saved Prince A.A. Scherbatov, who had a distant relative to the late governor D.V. Golitsin. With the name of the princes of Shcherbatov, a new period of charity was connected, and the second page of the history of the children's hospital and her house church.

In the 1840s, possession of Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, owned by Count AF. Massatcher, with a large house and park passed by Governor General of Moscow Prince A.G. Scherbatov. His son Prince A.A. Shcherbatov was in 1863-1869 the first Moscow city head in the city Duma. His spouse of the Princess Sofya Stepanovna (nee Apraksina) was the chairman of the "Ladiesky Committee of Assistance to Poor" founded by it. This Committee laid the beginning of the late Moscow City Trustees on the poor. About Princess S.S. Shcherbatov remained good, grateful memories. Many were obliged to her a piece of bread and the "awakening of morality", but most importantly, she introduced organized charity, discovering new perspectives "inacond compassion of the rich to the poor."

Before the death of the princess, she took the estate on the Garden-Kudrinskaya his children.

On April 30, 1885, Prince Alexander Alekseevich Shcherbatov on behalf of all the heirs asked for a gift to the city of possession to accommodate a children's hospital, on the following conditions:

1) The sacrifice house should be occupied by the hospital directly, and the main house must be adapted exclusively for the premises of patients and the necessary servants for them.

2) It is not allowed to be temporary or continuously extracting any income from houses or land, with them consisting by hiring.

3) In memory of Princess Sofia Stepanovna Shcherbatova Children's Hospital, placed in her house, is assigned the name "Sofia".

4) If the church will be arranged at the children's hospital, then it should be in the name of Holy Tatiana, as on the Bronnaya, but, in addition, in the name of Hagia Sophia.

For the full placement of the Sofia Hospital to her attached the next ownership of ON. Clean.

On June 10, 1896, the Charter of the Sofia Children's Hospital was approved. On the script, his own imperial majesty hand is drawn: "To be in this".

In the charter, the hospital was named "Moscow agencies of the institutions of Empress Mary, referred to as Sofia" (paragraph 1 of the Charter). The Charter notes the presence of a church in the name of the saints of Sofia and Tatiana, "built for funds donated to the unknown." From the note to the Charter: "Three times a year: February 3, December 15 and 30, the Church at the hospital are committed by the Outfit Liturgy on Prince Alexei Grigorievich Shcherbatov and Princess Sofia Stepanovna Shcherbatova and Olga Alekseevna Golitsyn."

To accommodate a manor house and territory to the needs of the hospital, a famous architect was invited, the ray of the Tretyakov brothers, the actual Stat Counselor Alexander Stepanovich Kaminsky (1829-1897), who was an expert in the ancient Russian architecture, which was reflected in the architectural solution of the hospital church.

A.S. Kaminsky invited General Engineer V.I. Ahsharumov, who was entrusted with the design of the ownership of Shcherbatov. It was taken into account that the Kaminsky was already engaged in the design of hospitals and churches: built the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral in the Nicholo-Ugreshsky Monastery and took part in the construction of the Church of St. Alexander Nevsky in Yegoryevsk. Known one of the variants of the SWV temple. Sofia and Tatiana, sketch dated 1890 year. The picture is the vertical composition of the 5th Church of the Church: in the center of the tent with a bully master, in the corners - false brick drums with bulbous masters. The characteristic drawing of Kokoshnikov, three-fourth semi-colonels in the corners, a smooth line of transition from Kokoshnikov to the roof - in all the character and mood, corresponding to the Yeetsk Church of the Mother of God (also the authorship of A.S. Kaminsky). Now the existing church was erected by another project, which in turn elasticates with the chapel, erected in 1882 on the project of architect A.S. Kaminsky in memory of the emperor Alexandre II, killed by the Peace, in Lipetsk. The chapel is located in the complex of the buildings of the so-called cerebral pectorist.

In 1873, the Commission of the Moscow Merchant Society on the construction of the Society Alexander Hospital proposed the chief doctor of the temporary urban hospital P.I. Pokrovsky together with architect A.S. Kaminsky "Go abroad for inspecting hospital institutions and reviews introduced in foreign hospitals of a lamb system for patients facilitating the opportunity to strengthen the reception of the latter." In the project of the Sofia Hospital, these principles were implemented.

The main house of the estate on both sides was attached to the hulls in three and four floors, which significantly increased the useful area of \u200b\u200bhospital premises. All architectural and construction work was led by A.S. Kaminsky. According to his projects, in addition to alterations of the main house, a church, an ambulatory and fence were re-built.

A relatively small church of Saints Sofia and Tatiana was performed in the Russian-Byzantine style. The most bright, memorable, large forms of the temple are carried out in the Byzantine style. These include, above all, the southern facade with a huge three-part window. On the other hand, the walked bell tower is typical for the Old Russian architecture. Western entrance with a massive portal in the form of an arche, based on massive pillars, is crowned with the same massive fronton. The composition of the church included a chapel located in the lower tier. The interiors of each tier have vaulted overlaps.

This is how the temple is described in the act of acceptance on January 15, 1896: "Stone building, two-story bellows, and the bells of three floors. The foundations from the butt plate ..., and the base and walls of the brick ... At the Earth's horizon in the basement there is a white mealkkovsky stone two rows. In the second floor of the meadow and altar, the walls and vaults are decorated with picturesque ornaments and wall sacred images of St. Trinity, the resurrection of the son of the Naine Widow, four evangelists ... Popper, refectory and altar: Paul cement mosaic patterned tiles on an artificial base. Windows 15 with winter and summer bindings ... Entrance to the saline from the tusk plate. Iconostasis, pollos and coats oak, carved, with rich ornaments "

In 1896, the priest of the Sofia Church was Urov John Semenovich, who lived at the hospital; He served here 27 years old.

12 (24) November 1897, the solemn discovery of the hospital was held: "On this occasion, the Archimandrite Tovieus was committed in the main hospital corps, before especially honored by the miraculous icons of the Savior of the Husband and the Iversion of Our Lady. Singer singer. The mulabrat ended with the proclamation of multi-formations ... After the mulabrata, the People's Anthem was performed by the peopling. On the prayer and a ceremonial meeting were attended by the Mariinsky Office General Adjutant Graph N.A. Protasov-Bakhmetev, reading the telegram of Empress Mary Fedorovna and Governor General of the Grand Prince Sergey Alexandrovich; Heirs S.S. Shcherbatova, Main Doctors of Moscow Hospitals, Professor University N.F. Filatov and V.D. Shervinsky, all medical staff of the Sofia Hospital, headed by Chief Dr. N.V. Apple.

The standing standing listened to the telegram of the Empress Empress Mary Fedorovna: "On the day of the opening of the Sofia Children's Hospital, I am glad to remember the generous donation to the princes of Shcherbatov, who gave the opportunity to create it extremely necessary for Moscow institution. Thank you heartily and send wishes to the wide development of the hospital for the benefit of the suffering children. Maria".

In his speech, Prince A.A. Scherbatov said: "... We handed our family shrine into strong and reliable hands ... For holiness of the local place dedicated to the affairs of love for neighbor, did not take only the church. And the church is built as a diligence not known to me ... God bless the Lord God of God for the benefit of all of us dear Moscow, so in it in need. "

The temple turned out to be very beautiful, the contemporaries described it like this: "The church in the name of the SVV is grandiose. Sofia and Tatiana. The means for the construction of this temple are donated through the priest of Assumption unknown: 20 thousand, except for the addition of the bells, utensils and some vehicles. The temple is built in a new-visant style, with a carved wooden iconostasis and walls painted in a stencil. Paul in the temple from the Metlah tiles. Heating brass. Each holiday in it, a beautiful choir (connected male and female) sings in it (United Male and Women's) from the head of the head of the temple of S.N. Shustova. At the temple, the party consisting of a priest and a deacon. "

In Hime (Department of the ISO), Albomes A.S. The kaminsky stores a remarkable drawing of a brown carcass of the church iconostasis at the hospital. Over the royal gates, the inscription - "Sie Create in my memoil." A lot of objects of church utensils and pleasures were sacrificed to the temple, among the sacrifices of hospital doctors and their relatives, such as the Widow of the N. V. Yablokov Hospital, or relatives of the hospital of the hospital E. V. Raevsky.

The Sofia Hospital has become "Red and Pride" agencies of the department of Empress Mary. The treatment fee was 4 rubles by silver per month, but the children of the poor received assistance for free on providing a certificate of poverty. Doctors were famous for high qualifications. True, even N.F. Filatov could not save the youngest and beloved son of the Lion of Tolstoy Vanechka. The writer knew well the chief doctor E.I. Pokrovsky.

One month after the opening of the hospital, December 17, 1897, A.S. Kaminsky died. All structures and extensions to the main house designed by the architect are used by the hospital and to this day.

After 1918, the hospital was assigned the name of Dr. N.F. Filatova, who worked in it and the greasy love of Muscovites.

On April 4, 1922, 20 pounds of gold and silver products seized from the hospital church.

In the mid-1970s, a new hospital body decided to build a new hospital building on the site of the temple, and demolished, but at that moment the antiquity defenders managed to defend the creation of A.S. Kaminsky. From 1979 in the former church there was a pathological name of the hospital. The bell tower and the head on the temple were absent, the inner space was distorted by partitions, the appearance was launched: the falling plaster, coarse extensions, trees growled on the cornily. Inside there were a buffet, a library, a pharmacy and a seating hospital.

Since 2007, on the initiative of doctors and patients, the hospital is restored. Since 2010, prayers are regularly performed in the premises of the former chapel. The temple itself needs a speedy restoration.

The temple is open daily from 9.00 -18.00

Dear brethren and sisters! Visitors to our site.

Appeal of the abbot and community of the temple!

Our temple is in dire need of financial assistance, it is necessary to conduct expensive work on the replacement of plaster and removal of water from the foundations of the temple, as well as there are not enough funds to maintain life in our temple, please help who can.

Details of the temple

Religious organization "Patriarch of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia at the hospital church of the Holy Martyrs of Sofia and Tatiana of Moscow of the Russian Orthodox Church"

Card Sberbank

4276 3801 0733 6393

Disaster card holder from the community of the temple: Yuri Alekseevich P.

Voluntary donation for the restoration of the church of the Holy Martyr Sofia and Tatiana at a pediatric hospital number 13. N.F. Filatova

Church of the Holy Martyrs Sofia and Tatiana at a pediatric hospital. N. F. Filatova

Schedule Services



Vigil vigil


6th week for Easter,

about blind.

Mchch. Falaley, Alexander and Asteria (approx. 284). The acquisition of the relics of SVT. Alexia, Mitr. Kiev, Moscow and All Russia, the Wonderworker (1431).

Divine Liturgy


Easter celebration.

Divine Liturgy

Vigil vigil


Ascension of the Lord

PS Nikita, Pereyaslavsky Strip (1186). BLI. Ksenia Petersburg

Divine Liturgy


Vigil vigil

Week 7th for Easter, Holy Fathers of the Republic of the Universal Cathedral (325).

Right. John Russian, Sp. (1730).

Divine Liturgy

Prayer with Akathist Saint John Russian


(in the chapel, on the first floor)

Prayer with akathist

SVT. John Shanghai


Evening, Morning,



Troitskaya Parental Saturday.

Memory commit all of the centuries of the deceased Orthodox Christians, father and our brethren.

Divine Liturgy


Vigil vigil


Day of the Holy Trinity. Pentecost

Divine Liturgy

Evening with reading kneeling prayers


Prayer with akathist Prev Icon of Our Lady "Relief from the misfortunes"


Vigil vigil


Week 1st Pentecost, all saints

Icons of Our Lady "Getting rid of the misfortunes"

Divine Liturgy

The congestion of prayer with akathist


Prayer with an Akathist Prev Icon of Our Lady "Iversion"


BLI. Augustine

eP. Ipponian


Divine Liturgy

Akathist SVT. Feofan Navnik Vyshnsky


Vigil vigil

Week 2st Pentecost, all saints, in the land of Russian people who satisfy.

All reverend and governoking fathers, in the Holy Mountain of the Afonov

Divine Liturgy

Rector priest Andrei Kolganov

Church of the Holy Martyrs Sofia and Tatiana at the Children's Clinical Hospital No. 13. N. F. Filatova is the Orthodox Church of the Central Degree of the Moscow Diocese.

The first children's hospital in Moscow was established by the prince of January 1841.

On December 5, 1842, the hospital and church on the small armor consecrated the saint Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow. The first house church was consecrated in honor of St. Tatiana in memory of the deceased spouse Golitsyn, Tatiana Vasilyevna, nee Vasilchikova. The princess was engaged in a lot of charity.

Temple before the destruction, 1930s Basileo T., CC0 1.0

Muscovites called her just a bright hospital. Here served remarkable doctors. One of them was N.A. Tolsky, who began teaching pediatrics at Moscow University and organized an independent department of childhood diseases.

Meanwhile, the structure of the armor hospital slowly collapsed. The first fire happened in 1848, and the doctors appeased to the city authorities about the construction of a new building. In 1883, after another fire, the hospital, except for the outpatient office, was closed. It caused a lot of protests, but the city authorities did not have facilitates. Assistance came unexpectedly. From full elimination hospital saved Prince A.A. Scherbatov.

April 30, 1885, Prince Alexander Alekseevich Shcherbatov donated the city of His mother of Princess Sofya Shcherbatov to accommodate the children's hospital, but with a number of conditions: the hospital is called Sofia in memory of the late princess and the house church to sanctify in the name of the saints of Sofia and Tatiana to restore the dedication of the throne Old Bronnaya Hospital. For the restructuring of the estate and the device of the church, the famous architect A.S. was invited Kaminsky, son-in-law brothers Tretyakov. In December 1897, the temple was consecrated.

Church of the Sofia Hospital Two-storey, Western facade was crowned with a belfry. The lower floor was set up a chapel for the funeral.

In the 1920s, the hospital was assigned the name of Dr. N. F. Filatov, who worked in it and the greasy love of Muscovites.

In the 1930s, the temple of the Sofia hospital was closed, the cross was removed. It was withdrawn by weight of 20 pounds of gold and silver (approx. 10 kg.). Later in the temple was located morgue, hostel, buffet, library, etc. The building was worn and launched. Completion is lost, the bell is destroyed, the inner space is distorted by partitions, one more floor is arranged, the windows are increased.

In the mid-1970s, the temple was decided to demolish, and began to be broken down, but at that moment the defenders of the old days managed to defend the creation of the hands of A.S. Kaminsky.

Since 2007, on the initiative of doctors and patients, the hospital is restored. Since 2010, regular worships are committed in the premises of the former chapel. The first abbot of the temple was the delicious central distortion district.

unknown, CC0 1.0

On June 3, 2013, the High Engineering committed Prayer and consecrated the crosses that were raised and installed on the domes of the temple.

This text was written after N. Lviv asked me about this, the person I deeply respect. He created, in my opinion, the best site dedicated to the hospital. N.F. Filatova, and for several years, on a public basis, makes a lot of work for the interests of the hospital, for which, as I understand it, no one speaks to him even "Thank you." On his site there is a section "", and when I noticed to him that this section was not there, got up: "And why, actually?" I will try to answer this article.

It must be said that the temples were initially not just temples in Russia.

There is a small "lyrical retreat." It is necessary to clearly understand that the mentality of human dramatically changes even throughout one life. How many convinced Communists in my memory are completely comprehensively with faithful Christians (should, by the way, notice that, fortunately, I could not be any other)! But this is just one small detail. There can not be a person who got used to take a shower daily and there is a sausage for breakfast, "to fit into the skin" of his peer, which is washed once a week, in a trough in the kitchen of a communal apartment, and for which the chicken is a dish that is sometimes prepared for holidays. The change in mentality concerns all areas of mental activity: perception, analysis, synthesis, emotions, etc.

The consequence of this is the understanding that the entire image system that we live does not correspond to such even our parents, while maintaining the same names that are denoted. "Road", "School", and then - "time", "honor", and a huge number of other concepts for me and my grandson are filled with different semantics. The same rule works not only in time, but also in space.

Here is the simplest example of this series. In the understanding of the indigenous Leningrads "Bull" - white bread. It seems to me that this word emphasizes special respect for the subject. The consequence of the foregoing, by the way, is that it is impossible to try to judge (and even more so condemn!) From our positions, what happened even half a century ago.
So "" in Russia, in understanding our ancestors, something is not exactly what we understand under this word we. It is not only a place where they pray, but also the club, and the library, and the school, and the place of storage of the most valuable and much more. For example, the Trinity in Nicnics is a wonderful sample of the Russian pattern, the XVII century. It is standing on a high focus.

Slot cut. In the old Russian architecture: the bottom (usually non-residential) floor of a wooden
or stone house; Lower floor of the temple (dump). Holiday with tweet. Church fence.
Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949.

The scene was called essentially the first floor of the building. The temple was originally built so that the soil was intended for storing the goods of the most Yaroslavl merchants who built this temple. But the big ascension in Kolomensky. 1535 year. There is a very tall and capacious dump. After all, sovereign yard! What was there? All historical data indicate that the treasury was stored there - that is, the most valuable (sovereign the yard was wooden!). Or the Pokrovsky monastery in Suzdal. One of the most important functional destinations was: a prison for privileged, grand permanent kind, Uznitz. And the tomb for them is in the batch of the cathedral.

So the temple, which was built in the 90s of the XIX century in the territory of the Sofia hospital was not a temple in our current understanding from any point of view of "anatomy", that is, architecture and engineering, nor from the point of view of "physiology", that is, principles functioning.

The history of the construction of the Temple of Tatiana and Sofia is worthy of special consideration.

Start with the fact that at the moment when the ownership of Shcherbatov in Garden-Kudrinskaya was transferred to Knyaze Alexander Alekseevich to create, and rather, there was no continuation of the existence of a children's hospital, the temple on its territory was not. Shcherbatov house - a typical suburban estate of the late XVIII - beginning of the XIXVEK, with one main structure - the Barsky house, and a number of economic buildings. The household churches of individuals were then tremendous rare, as a rule, the privilege of the Imperial House. Another thing is public buildings.

See how the oldest hospitals of Moscow look like - Pavlovskaya (4th Gradskaya), Golitsyn (1st Gradskaya), Mariinskaya (Institute of Phthisiopulmonology), Sheremetyevskaya (Institute. N.V. Sklifosovsky). The dome in the central part of each of these buildings is nothing more than vaults over the temples.

Photo: City Clinical Hospital № 4 (Pavlovskaya Hospital)

Photo: Golitsyn Hospital (1st Gradskaya)

There was a temple and in our forerunner, Filatovskaya, in a Bronnaya hospital, there was a church in the name of the Holy Martyr Tatiana - the Heavenly Patron of the Princess Tatiana Vasilyevna Golitsyna - Spouses of the Chief Creator of the Hospital, Prince Dmitry Vladimirovich Golitsyn. Hospitals without temples did not exist then, because in those days all residents of Moscow were not only Orthodox, but also incendants. That is, their mentality did not allow existence outside the church, the ruffling was an integral part of everyday life. And the non-Christian in Moscow was practically not. The first wave of "Muslim" immigration is the emergence of the Volga Tatars at the end of the 20th century - the result of a sharp increase in the need for cheap labor, due to the rapid development of capitalism. It was then that the typical image appears - the janitor-Tatar.

Thus, the need to create a temple in the hospital was determined by the mentality of that time. That is why A.A. Scherbatov in their gift wrote:

"... if the church will be arranged at a pediatric hospital, then it should be in the name of Holy Tatiana, as in the armor, but, in addition, and in the name of Hagia Sophia."

But the construction needs funds. And then there is something that in the Orthodox tradition may well be called a miracle, and atheists call the natural course of events. Here is what writes in his report Nikolay Vikentievich Appleov:

"... Having entered into his new lucky period of life, in 1892 he received through the priest of Assumption from the person of an unknown donor 20 thousand rubles. to the construction of the church. By connecting the construction of this church with the designed buildings for the latechnit and sectional, honorary guardian of V.I. Ahsharumov got the opportunity to decorate the hospital ownership of a gracefully concerned in the depths of the wedding courtyard temple, attracting attention to its beautiful architecture. "

Let's pay attention to the phrase: "By connecting the construction of this church with the designed buildings of the latechnit and sectional ..." that is, at the time of design, the temple was intended not only for worship services.
All the reconstruction of the estate of the Shcherbatov and the adaptation of it for the needs of the children's hospital was led by V.I. Ahsharumov, General Engineer, Member of the Crimean War. After the retirement, he continued to actively act, was the honorary guardian of the Moscow Guardian Council of Empress Mary (in our mentality this is something like the post of Deputy Head of the Health Department of the City). It must be assumed that it was he who invited to reconstruct the hospital and the construction of the temple of architect A.S. Kaminsky.

What kind of person was Alexander Stepanovich Kaminsky, who was entrusted to the construction of a building for the temple of the hospital? It was a hereditary nobleman, his father and his brother were also architects, that is, in our current understanding - a representative of the intelligentsia. Its greatest activity falls on 60-80. XIX century - a period of fantastic, jump-shaking capitalist jerk Russia. It is important to note the fact that A.S. Kaminsky consisted of a merchant society architect. The merchant estate has huge passionation. Construction was massive: plants, factories, station buildings, water towers and much more - all this required architects of a special warehouse, which could not only solve classical architectural tasks ("benefits, strength, beauty" in Vitruvia), but also do it Quickly and cheap. However, not only the buildings that brought income, built these "merchant" architects. For example, it is known that the Morozov hospital has emerged thanks to the merchant Vicule Eliseevich Morozov. So the Kaminsky remained in the memory of generations not as the creator of a huge number of structures, B? The more expensive part of which "works" to the present, but first of all as the builder of the wonderful building of the Gallery P.M. Tretyakova.

Kaminsky built not only the temple, he belonged to architectural solutions and other new buildings on the territory of the hospital. Also now in the building number 2 there is a piece of the first, one-story built by A.S. Kaminsky outpatient building. Those windows, through which are now looking at the world of the chamber of the microsurgery, at one time (hospital veterans are still remembered) covered a large recreation - an ambulance waiting room.

I must say that contemporaries wrote about her with delight, as much reaching:

"... the reception of coming patients with medical meetings was decided to remove from the hospital building, a separate building of the ambulance in the extensiveness of the expected hall and the number of medical sites (8) is an outstanding phenomenon among such premises of other hospitals not only in Moscow, but also of European cities."

So for the "Temple" built by A.S. Kaminsky in the territory of the Sofia Hospital?

Let's look at the building at the beginning from an engineering and functional point of view.
On the first floor there are 3 rooms. To the left of the entrance is a small room, the main hall in the central part of the building (now it is divided by partitions into several rooms), behind it is another small room. How were they used?

We quote the report to D.E. Gorokhov:

"... For the opening of the corpses section, adjacent to the latechnitsky, is located under the Church; It is equipped with sufficient appliance tools, has a metal table with pipes carried out in it in a closed ladder (in this case, the dad is understood as a water-driven device - approx. author); The floor in this room from cemented tiles, water is carried out from the water pipeline. The sectional has a room for the path-anatomical museum, from year to year of replenishing drugs. Preparations are preserved in a 5% solution of formaldehyde solution, some of the Melnikov-Customer's method (a curious reader may be interested to know that Nikolai Fedorovich Melnikov-Dissocations created ways to preserve the anatomical drugs that were used in embalming the body V.I. Lenin - approx. the author), bone - dry. "

It is quite clear that the central hall of the 1st floor is a sectional. It was divided into two halves, B? The more of which served directly for the openings. This confirms the huge light window from the northern side of the building, and the availability of the door - with south. The pathoanatomy museum and "Pocoynitskaya" - rooms for sectional (under the altar) and to the left of the entrance to the building. Nearby - a staircase, for which the deceased raised to the second floor, in the temple, for funeral. Look, what is the perfect combination! Everything is provided! I can not imagine how it would be better to conport all these functionals. We draw attention to the fact that the utilitarian purpose of the premises of the 1st floor, a lined, forced A.S. Kaminsky abandon the traditional semiconductor completion of the apse of the eastern part of the building, and make the altar part in the plan - rectangular, that is, the church tradition gave way to pragmatics.

I am not an architect, and not art historian, and I will not decide to analyze the artistic advantages of the building, but anyone, little friendly friend with the history of architecture will see that the building created by the Kaminsky is a typical eclectic pattern. It uses the elements of the Romanesque style, and traditional Russian kokoshniki, and the rustic. And all this is connected very harmoniously. The building was modest and at the same time elegant. And it is quite fair, it is considered an architectural monument to be protected.

Now we talked about the architectural side of the temple. But the temple is also spiritual, and economic activity. I would like to emphasize that these areas in those times when the temple was built and functioned the first two decades of its existence, were also not like now. Here, for example, a curious fact. The temple priest was the staff of the hospital! That is, it was subordinate (it is difficult for me to say to what extent, because now another mentality!) The management of the hospital. And he lived on the territory of the hospital, in the housing for staff (this is the most building that is currently in a state of capital repairs). At the temple was the arrival, which headed the headman, who was elected by the parishioners and on which the concern for the acquisition, storage and use of temple property was taken. associated with the content of the temple, clerics, as well as concerning the election of coming officials, was solved at the parish meetings, and permanently operating parish councils. Thus, the Church that occupied the second floor of the building, performed certain functions in the general process of assisting the sick children and did not have the status of an independent economic entity. She not only was located on the territory of the hospital, but also managed by it, as well as to a certain extent (rather democratic!) Parishivans.

What is the temple on the territory of the hospital. N.F. Filatova now?

You can, of course, try to analyze, which religion belongs to the parents of children who are on the treatment in the hospital. N.F. Filatova. But it is so clear that there are among them a large number of and atheists, and Jews, and Muslims, and representatives of other denominations. If I lived in a Muslim country and my child was hospitalized in a children's hospital, probably, I would calmly looked at the fact that a cry of Muzzin was broken into the chamber window. Although, by setting himself to the place of the churches of Orthodox, I can assume that I would be a bell ringing. So maybe someone from the parents of our children does not allow the pleasure of the bell ringing, tearing into the windows of our chambers? It should be understood that the contingent of patients (parents) and their mentality have changed dramatically. Surroundless Orthodox, for which the ritualness is an urgent need, make up a minority of our patients. Moreover, for many, the Orthodox Temple is the personification of the mentality of the Inoverts, which still enhances the psychological tension from the fact that their child is placed in a hospital on a foreign land. And this also needs to be understood.

Someone may accuse me in the fact that, since I am not a Christian, I'm trying to defam the Christian. Although the author of these lines in their worldview is an atheist, but I have no rejection of Orthodoxy as a whole. Moreover, the ethical system of Orthodoxy is my system (with the exception of individual provisions). I am ready to adopt a significant part of what is implemented in the practical activity of the Russian Orthodox Church. However, I can not accept neither aggressive-concrete policy of the ROC, nor the assistance of the state to this process. There is no law on the restitution of church property in our country, but in recent years, the policy of the sewn transfer of buildings, etc. The church is in full swing. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that this is the policy of the state and in relation to other confessions. Although our state is positioned as secular, but things disagree with the words!

Sincerely, I treat the abbot of our temple Andrei Anatolyevich Kolganov.

This person is undoubtedly worthy of making great educational work. But it should state that he, I hope, involuntarily, allows for distortions of facts. Here, for example, on the Temple website contains information:

"In the mid-1970s, a new hospital building decided on the site of the temple, and demolition began, but at that moment defenders of the antiquity managed to defend the creation of the hands of A.S. Kaminsky. From 1979 in the former church there was a pathological name of the hospital. The bell tower and chapter on the temple were absent, the inner space was distorted by partitions, the appearance was launched: the falling plaster, coarse extensions, trees growled on the cornily. "

I can say with all the responsibility (I work in the hospital since 1974, and "Mid 1970s" is my time) that attempts to demolish at that time did not work. Moreover, in the late 1970s (or early 80s, I definitely do not remember) the temple was renovated by the brigade of Bulgarian builders. Of course, it was a repairs cosmetic, but the fact that the temple was destroyed is impossible to say. The pathological department of our hospital until the construction of the nine-storey building was located in a small separately worthy building, which was demolished. With this moment of the openings of the deceased on the territory of the hospital, it is not produced. Our pathologists operated first on the basis of the Morna hospital number 67, then - the Botkin Hospital. By the way, in my opinion, the transclose of the Picture has become an extremely negative factor for separation and for the hospital as a whole. Indeed, in the late 80s, a buffet worked in the first floor of the temple. And, I must say, there was a good buffet. Eating there you could have been tasty and relatively cheap. What is so lacking now in our hospital! True, his absence to some extent is compensated by the active commercial activities of the Orthodox Church. Kiosk next to the temple, though not boasting low prices, but feeds the staff and visitors to the hospital very successfully.

My relationship to the existing situation is determined by the fact that, in my opinion, the transfer of the temple in 2008 to use the Russian Orthodox Church was an act of unfair. I admit that our, at the time - the chief doctor V.V. Popov did not know what was worked, or at all acted not in his will, when he signed a petition for the transfer of the Temple of the ROC, on the basis of which Alexy II appealed to Yu.M. Luzhkov with an appropriate request. But Tatyana Sergeyevna Borisova - the author of the project restoration of the monument, which, by the way, received for this work the Prize of the Moscow government, was obliged to know that the first floor of the building was never "the temple" was not. However, she also performed the order, and the customer was the religious organization "Patriarch of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia at the hospital church of the Holy Martyrs of Sofia and Tatiana of Moscow of the Russian Orthodox Church."

In my opinion, it would be more correct to restore the worship service on the second floor of the temple, giving these premises to use the ROC. It would be an act of respect for our history and spiritual support for many employees and parents of our patients. On the first floor of the temple, it would be quite possible to place a museum or library. Places where you could work, catastrophically lacks our doctors. Previously, this place was an archive. There was a few tables, and a rare day there was less than two to three people. An excellent place would be a scene of the temple and for any public organization. But, unfortunately, "After the fight, fists are not masted" and back the temple will not be back.

In conclusion, I will try to formulate your attitude to the concept of "the temple of the hospital. N.F. Filatova ":

The temple was built and functioned not purely as a worship site, but as a functional division of the hospital, performing a number of functions inherent in the medical institution in it.

The depression of property from the children's institution, hospitals and the transfer of its clerkal institution was an act of illegal, not relevant to the state declared policy.

Functioning of the Orthodox Church on the territory of the N.F. hospital Filatova is reasonable, it is a tribute to the national tradition and the manifestation of respect for the acts of our ancestors, but should be limited to a strict framework, due to the multicon confessionality of the contingent of our patients and the secrecy of our institution.

author of Shastin Nikolai Pavlovich

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Svetlana Leontevna

Good day!
According to this my opinion, this is:
I believe that there should be a temple on the territory of hospitals, it is the temple, because I still confess to Orthodoxy. Patients of other faith can contact their god being in their chambers. And from absolutely should not embarrass or annoy the ringing of bells.
Our country has become too hospitable (I do not speak about hospitals, it's completely different, different people come to us for receiving medical assistance), we are trying to please everyone, understand everyone, and they (guests of the capital), for the most part, use it. It all is said to what exactly the temple should be in the territories of hospitals. People need hope ...
About the reorganization of the temple (the creation of a museum and library, the work and recreation of doctors) I fully support the author of this article.

Kladeovshchikova Svetlana

With great interest I read the article "The temple of the hospital named after N.F. Filatova's eyes of a atheist doctor."!
Honestly, the name itself, I alert me a little ...
In my understanding, write about the temple, without investing in this word nothing except history (as the author of the doctor - an atheist), this is probably not quite right ... But this is my purely personal opinion, and I ask me to strictly not judge. ...
Fully agree with the author that this site is the best "manual" to the Filatovskaya hospital, which is constantly updated with important information for both patients and employees!
And now more about my feeling after reading the article ...
In some moments, I disagree with the author, for example, in the fact that the section "Temple" on the site does not have a place to be. Both on the territory of the hospital and on the website, the temple is of great importance for patients! And believe me, for us, it doesn't matter to whom it will treat, to the ROC or the hospital!
For me personally, as for the patient Filatovskaya, it is important that the temple is there !!! Very important!!! And I'm not alone !!!
I can declare this with confidence, because during the operation and rehabilitation of my child, I was located in the walls of this hospital, and I happened to communicate with many moms of small patients.
As for the patient's religions, I can argue here again ... I'm sorry ... to be clear, I will give one small example that says about many things! During the rehabilitation of my daughter, I watched many moms, which, literally, went crazy, waiting for the end of the operation of their children ... And, just, in one of these moments, I suggested that a mother, his icon with a face Holy Luke ... She took her, and moreover, she went to the temple, ask for his child's health. What is the example here? Yes, that this woman was completely different, and she herself told me about it ... I think further comments on this story are not needed ...
Despite some moments controversial for me, the article seemed to me very interesting and meaningful!
There are a lot of historical facts that I did not even know about. For this, thanks to the author!
Special thanks I want to express the creator of the site !!! Nikolay Vasilyevich, huge, you, thank you !!! For your work in the hospital walls and on your site! You are amazing, clean and kind man! You put the soul in everything you do! This is truly warless! Take care of yourself!

Yours faithfully,

Happy mom,
Kladeovshchikova Svetlana.

Alexey Lvovich

Completely raced to your article, unfamiliar, but deeply respected Nikolai Pavlovich, and I use the case to express your full support to you. As they say, from Atheist - Atheist :)

Respect for someone else's convictions - this is exactly what is missing today. More precisely, it is present, but works mainly in one direction. Unbelievers are almost always ready to respect the feelings and needs of believers. But on the contrary ... somehow it does not always work. Well, yes it's not to fix it with you. Maybe children or grandchildren ...

If you allow, only I would like to correct one inaccuracy. Moscow, the centuries were not homogeneously Orthodox, or even a homogeneously Christian (which is absolutely obvious - the German Sloboda of the centuries had his temples). The first wave of immigrants - non-obeys to the Moscow principality dates back to the first half of the XIV century. These were Tatars (so as not to be confused - that ethnos, which in our textbooks is called "Tatar-Mongols"). And they were by no means magomethas; Moreover, in the Moscow principality they (with the permission of the prince - not as conquerors) moved, escaped just from violent Islamization, which Khan Uzbek started. And at the same time, it was from the prince to preserve their faith - steppe law, Iasu. So in Moscow, the tradition of violence is quite ancient.

Yours faithfully,

In the 1840s. Owning Count A.F. Rostopina with a large house inside and a huge park passed to the Governor-General of Moscow Prince A.G. Scherbatov. Son His, Prince A.A. Scherbatov, was in 1863-1869. The first Moscow city head in the city Duma. His wife, the princess Sophia Stepanovna (nee Apraksin), was the chairman of the "Ladies' Help Committee founded by it." This Committee laid the beginning of the late Moscow City Trustees on the poor. In the second half of the XIX century. The Sofia Children's Hospital is located in the princes of Shcherbatov (now the Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 13. N.F. Filatova). Before the hospital was placed on a small armor, he moved here in the 1800s. And it became known as S. Shcherbatova "Sofia".

The name of the temple was received by the Heavenly Angel of Princess Sofia Shcherbatova, who donated his hospital, and on the church of the house on the armor, from where the hospital was translated. The temple is consecrated on November 12, 1897. After 1917, the Church of the Sofia Hospital was closed. In 1979, the patrol and anatomical department of the children's hospital (Morg) was located in the building of the former church (Morg), later inside the buffet, library, pharmacy and sector of the same children's hospital.

In 2007, for the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Alexy II was established by the Patriarch of Sofia and Tatiana of the Filatovskaya Children's Hospital. Nowadays, the temple is restored.

Sofia and Tatiana, martyrs, at a pediatric hospital number 13 named after N.F. Filatova Church (Garden-Kudrinskaya Street, House No. 15).

The household church of the Holy Martyrs Sofia and Tatiana was consecrated in the name of the Heavenly Guardian Angels of the famous benevolence Princess Sophia Stepanovna Shcherbatova and Tatiana Vasilyevna Golitsyn. The church was originally sanctified only in the name of Tatiana. At first, she was located in the hospital building on a small armor street, from where she was transferred later to the present place. The first children's hospital in Moscow was opened on December 6, 1842 at the initiative of the Moscow Governor General Prince D.V. Golitsyn. In 1845, the hospital has passed the institutions of Empress Mary and was named after a children's hospital in the Moscow educational house. After the fire of 1883, the hospital was closed, and she was reopened on Garden-Kudrinskaya Street. The land plot for her presented the city of Prince A.A. Scherbatov, Son Knyagini S.S. Shcherbatova, who died on February 3, 1885, on April 30, 1885, on behalf of his brothers and sisters, he turned to the guardian council with a request to accept the plot as a gift. "Wanting to honor and keep the memory of our Mother of Russia, we are all, bowlings in her house, came to an agreement on addressing it on the affairs of public benefits and charity." Conditioners were delivered by the Conditions: possession of directly occupy hospital, not allowing neither temporary nor permanent extraction of income from the Earth, the hospital to call Sofia, to build a church in the name of Holy Tatiana, as in the hospital on the Small Bronnaya, and Hagia Sophia.

Hospital buildings and the church of Martynets Sofia and Tatiana were built on the project of architect A.S. Kaminsky. On the day of the consecration of the temple, November 12, 1897, the hospital again began to take patients. During the years of Soviet power, the crosses were removed from the temple, destroyed the dome. The building was re-posted. Now the efforts of the hospital staff in the building of the temple, a chapel is arranged, ascribed to the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bratsev.

Mikhail Vostorshev "Moscow Orthodox. All temples and chapels."

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