Is it possible to give donor blood for the body. Is it useful to donate blood? The benefits and harm of donation

Donation is practiced in different countries. In Russia, the volunteer movement is gaining all the big turns. He has many supporters and opponents. Supporters argue that if you donate blood with a certain periodicity, it will allow to extend life for several years. And opponents argue that blood delivery is a huge stress for the body, and even when the procedure of blood collection can be infected, almost HIV. Let us try to figure it out, it is useful to donate blood or harmful.

Who can donate blood?

Donate blood is allowed to men and women from 18 to 60 years, who have permanent registration in the Russian Federation. There are certain contraindications, in the presence of which it is impossible to donate blood:

  • HIV, hepatitis or other infectious disease;
  • , lactation;
  • Diabetes;
  • Weight less than 50 kg;
  • Anemia;
  • 6 - monthly postoperative period;
  • Low pressure.

Always before surrendering the blood, you need a doctor inspection. And only he decides who to allow blood delivery, and who does not. In any case, when making blood, it is necessary to refuse to improve the condition.

How to prepare for blood delivery?

Delivery of blood is a simple process on the one hand, but with incorrect preparation and behavior, the donor can feel bad or reduced blood quality. After all, the main task of the donor to give good blood, which will help another person. It is impossible to make money on it, material compensation is very modest. And most donors act from highly oral motivations. A couple of days before the procedure should absolutely exclude alcohol, drug intake. The day before is not.

It is not recommended to take blood, sitting on a strict diet from kefir and apples. This is especially true for women. Since in case of insufficient nutrition, when the body lacks some nutrients and vitamins, weakness, fatigue, driers are felt. And when blood fence, the state may worsen up to the loss of consciousness. But the contamination in the opposite side is also not needed, it is not necessary to combine fast food, salted, fatty food. It is better to focus on fish, chicken, vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, kefir, porridge. On the eve of the procedure, you need to sleep well, that on the day of delivery to feel rested and full forces. Psychological training is also important. Calm, calm and nothing more. If a person is panicing the type of blood, injections, then the donation is most likely not it. Blood delivery is a matter of personal choice.

Order of blood delivery

Blood takes a professional officer with medical education using disposable sterile tools. Therefore, the risk of obtaining an infection after the procedure is practically no.

During this procedure, 450 ml of blood is usually carried out. It is about 10% of the whole blood, which is located in the human body. Therefore, there is no threat or no health. Women are advised to donate blood not more than 4 times a year, but men -5. This is explained by the concern for the health of the donor. Otherwise, hemoglobin in the blood can decrease, or the body will not be able to fully recover. As a result, the immune system may decrease, the level of sugar will increase. After the procedure, you need to drink warm tea with sugar and eat well. On this day, small weakness, fatigue can be felt. Therefore, on this day you need to eat often, but by little, do not work, in a day, physically and early to go to bed.

Influence of blood delivery on the body

The fence of a small blood volume has a stimulating effect on the entire body. Previously, even bleeding was treated with increased pressure. Now there are more effective means to normalize pressure. But the positive effect of the blood delivery cannot be dedicted. In particular, such aspects can be noted as:

Advantages for donors

Donors have the right to receive specific benefits. Allocate conventional and honorary donors. Honorary donors include people who were able to pass blood at least 40 times, or a plasma for at least 60 times. The status of the honorary donor guarantees a greater number of benefits. In any case, a person who passed blood can count on the following advantages:

  1. Two outstands that are paid. The first is given on the day of the procedure, the second on any day at the request of the donor. You can even join this day for vacation;
  2. Food for the state account on the day of the procedure or compensation in cash;
  3. In the event of blood donated in the amount of the double rate in one year the donor has the right to receive a preferential ticket to sanitary and resort treatment in the first place.

Honorary donors, in addition to the above, relies:

  1. Rendering out of the queue of medical care in state medical institutions;
  2. Obtaining material remuneration every year;
  3. Getting every year vacation at the desired time;
  4. The right to receive a preferential ticket to sanitary and resort treatment in the first place.

So we got the answer to the question: is it useful to donate blood? They learned about the positive impact of the procedure for handling the blood to the human body, but under the condition of proper training, as well as when complying with the normal regime after passing the procedure. In addition, it should be understood that by passing blood on a regular basis, you will have to carefully follow your health. And in the coupe with positive effects that give blood to the whole organism, good health, the youth of longevity is provided.

Video about donation

In this video you will learn why donate blood:

According to physicians, is it useful to donate blood? How does this procedure affect the well-being of a person? What should you take into account those who plan to become a donor?

Is such a procedure hard harms

About whether it is harmful to donate blood, hot disputes are underway. Driving colleges can not determine whether it is worth agreeing on the setting of donation and transfusion in the event of a heavy accident.

If we talk only about the health of the donor, then the delivery of biomaterial is considered a secure procedure. An exception may be cases when the event is not carried out by the rules, too often or at the same time, too much biological fluid is closed.

It is harmful to donate blood, if at a person at 500 ml of donor fluid from 5 times. In this case, the procedure can adversely affect the body.

To the question, it is useful to hand over women, the answer is ambiguous. It is important to take into account several nuances. It is worth noting that the law is regulated by the frequency of commissioning of the blood fluid to donation. A woman should not agree on this procedure more often than four times a year.

Is it useful to donate the blood of men? In order not to damage the body, it is important to prevent the intake of the biomaterial more often than 5 times a year and donate did not get the volume at a time.

When recovery occurs

Some people do not know whether it is possible to donate blood, and how such a procedure is reflected in well-being. Although in the first few hours or even days a person sometimes feels noticeable weakness and fatigue, soon this state passes. What is it connected with?

The body of any person is able to recover. If no more than 450 ml is taken at times, this amount is filled in about 2-4 weeks. For the procedure, the biomaterial from the vein is taken.


Before determining whether it is useful for the body to donate blood, it is important to take into account some pitfalls and understand when it should be careful with this procedure.

If you agree to the carrying of biomaterial when the procedure is contraindicated, it is possible to cause serious damage to health. Take blood: useful or harmful? It all depends on the state of human health to the procedure.

If a person who wants to pass blood, recently took alcohol in large quantities or for a long time abuses them, it is worth refrangic from the procedure. If there is a suspicion of hepatitis, donor fluid becomes a source of infection for the future recipient.

Important! In recent years, the infection of the hepatitis virus often occurs through donor blood. No laboratory equipment capable of 100% accurately determine the absence of this virus. The danger of infection can be reduced to zero only under the condition of refusal of blood transfusion or human plasma.

If a woman has begun climax, the biomaterial is also better not to pass. Why? During this period, its body is weakened, so some negative process may be provoked by the depletion of protective forces caused by blood flow to donation.

Cold is another contraindication to conducting manipulations. With caution to the process should be athletes. To rent a biomaterial, of course, they can. However, after that, to withstand high physical exertion will not work for some time.

Any colds are considered to be contraindicated. All the time, while the person will hurt, the constant risk of transmitting infection through blood recipient is preserved.

Allergies should also be careful. Specific antibodies can pass through blood. As a result, what was an allergen for a donor will affect the well-being recipient.

The deficiency of iron is also considered a contraindication to the collection of biomaterial to donation. The person already lacks the formation of new erythrocyte cells, which is why anemia develops. Blood fence can only aggravate well-being.

Other contraindications

There are other situations when the procedure is prohibited. Do I need to donate blood, and why do it? Sometimes the reason for infection with severe diseases lies in the contact of the causative agent into the body through donor blood. Even a healthy person may not be suspected that he is a carrier of severe infections. This blood will be for someone or fatal disease, no one can predict.

Pregnancy is considered separate contraindication. The procedure is not carried out both in the first and second and third trimester. If screening did not show pathologies, the blood fence is still contraindicated. At this time, a woman should think about the well-being of his future child, and not about the delivery of biomaterial to donation. During the feeding period, the infants from such manipulations should also be refused.

Even those who have previously transfered the blood pressure may sooner or later encounter complications. For example, men may notice that after the procedure, the potency is reduced for some time.


At the same time, the procedure is practically painless. The injection performed during the fence of the blood fluid is not more pain than the usual mosquito bite. According to some doctors, the donor blood fluid fence is good prophylaxis from some diseases of the blood formation.

The advantages include the fact that various fractions are made from several grams of donor blood, highlighting proteins capable of fighting different diseases, for example, immunoglobulins.

For details on what benefit and harm is brutecha, you can learn from the video:

Blood donation: benefit or harm?

Already a long time ago there are disputes about the benefits of the loss of some amount of blood. But doctors hurry to calm everyone and confidently claim to be useful to donate blood at a certain time and with some restrictions. In this case, we are talking about the fact that blood is surrendered by certain rules, after the donor survey.

The main thing is to spend all the preparatory activities that will allow a fence with benefit for a person, and without having hurting him. This is especially true of female, because women need to take blood a little less often, since their loss is taken into account due to the monthly menstruation.

Before passing

Since it was noted above, preliminary preparation is needed before the analysis of the analysis. Be sure to check for the rhesus factor and determine the group. It is also useful to make a general blood test for the possible content of viral cells. It may be HIV infection, hepatitis B and C, syphilis and others. No matter who needs this help, age does not matter. Therefore, the elderly people can take blood for children. Our plasma has no age.

Why can not be given blood without additional examinations? This is explained by the fact that in our body they may contain hazardous cells for the patient's health and the donor thus can harm. Therefore, a preliminary examination and testing is simply necessary. You will also need to undergo a general inspection of the doctor, to determine the overall state of health, it may be that you can not take blood collection due to certain indicators. This is especially true of those who had operations, there are tattoos on the body, piercing.

In order to become a donor, a certain weight is not less than 50 kilograms. In particular, this concerns children with a low weight, tests for the donor. Also who else needs to be attentive - it is pregnant women and nursing. In some cases, it is still useful to make a fence, but not in large quantities.

Useful or harmful influence blood fence on the body

This question is interested in many, and some are even indignant - why not? It must be said that this information has long been confirmed that the blood periodically donate is useful. Also in more serious situations, many do not even think about their health, because someone this blood is much more important. Therefore, the question is that it is harmful to donate blood, it is completely absent.

And so we define exactly which pluses of periodic surrender exist:

  • it is stimulated by the general restoration of the body and the blood circulation is normalized;
  • the prevention of cardiovascular diseases occurs;
  • there is independent activation of the body, the immune system develops, because in this case, the reception of special preparations will be harmful, compared with transfusion;
  • the liver is independently unloaded and preventing the work of the spleen - why not do without medication;
  • if it periodically donates blood, the body independently opposes subsequent excessive bleeding.

Why still you can not often donate blood?

Despite the many advantages of such a procedure, there are some limitations:

  • it is not recommended to donate the blood for men more than 5 times a year, and women are more than 4;
  • you can not load yourself with physical exertion two days before the procedure;
  • there are some restrictions in nutrition - do not eat fat and fried food, alcohol, eggs. It is better to donate blood after a diet;
  • after the fence, it is harmful to lead an active lifestyle, in particular we are talking about to relax and do not go to long-distance travel.

Take blood - paid or for free?

It is worth noting that today (2.03.2014) all such procedures should be done free. In mandatory, this should occur in certain transfusion places with a preliminary examination of the doctor. Thus, the doctor must define harmful for you to donate blood or not. It is not recommended to agree on a fence without analyzes and surveys.

With confidence, it can be said that today to donate blood for free, especially since after the procedure you yourself should receive remuneration and additional weekends for rehabilitation. As for the size of the remuneration, this is already a matter of local government. Therefore, do not be afraid, if necessary, and the opportunity, go boldly to donate blood in order to help people who really need donation. The doctor should warn you about the rehabilitation period, balanced nutrition and other features.

Now you can make a conclusion about whether it is useful to donate blood periodically, in order not only to help the patient, but also to its body with rehabilitation. You will become an indispensable donor, because it happens that there is a rare group and requires a careful selection of a suitable person. It also concerns their own health, because in this way, you help to clean the blood vessels, increase immunity and restore the overall balance of your body.

Please note that quite often people themselves call for a fence and it really helps. After all, not everyone just wants to go to the hospital and make a transfusion. This requires weighty reasons. And the search for donor is exactly what you need. You get a double benefit from this - help the patient and your body. In just half an hour you can become a little healthier, and the patient has a chance for life.

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The material is published solely for informational purposes and under no circumstances can be considered a replacement for medical consultation with a specialist in a medical institution. For the results of using posted information, the site administration is not responsible. For the diagnosis and treatment, as well as the appointment of medical drugs and determining the scheme of their reception, we recommend contacting the doctor.

Is it dangerous to be a donor?

A new study confirmed that blood donation does not harm health and does not cause cancer. "You should not be afraid that if you often donate blood, you will have cancer," the head of the study of Gustave Etgarne from Stockholm said. "Moreover, blood delivery may even be useful." A new study confirmed that blood donation does not harm health and does not cause cancer. "You should not be afraid that if you often donate blood, you will have cancer," the head of the study of Gustave Etgarne from Stockholm said. "Moreover, blood delivery may even be useful."

"In those people who often surrender blood, the oncological diseases arise in comparison with those who are not donors," said Dr. Egarne and his colleagues in a message published in Journal of The National Cancer Institute.

However, due to the fact that general health from donors is usually better, then frequent blood delivery may disguise the emerging diseases. The scientist in his interview also said that there are certain prerequisites that blood delivery can affect health.

The loss of blood from the body leads to the activation of bone marrow, which stimulates the active products of blood cells. More intensive cell division, the so-called "mitotic stress" may increase the likelihood of a malignant disease of the hematopoietic system. The loss of blood causes immune shifts in the body of the donor, and this can provoke cancer.

The positive side of the donation is the fact that iron reserves are reduced in the body. Surplus Iron can cause various diseases, so people who often give up blood can improve their health, reducing these unnecessary reserves.

Dr. Egarne with colleagues decided to make sure the donation actually affects the human body. They studied archival data from the Swedish and Danish blood banks, which contained data on more than 1 million donors for the period from 1968 to 2002. Researchers concluded that there is no connection between frequent blood delivery and risk of cancer. Moreover, the men's donors have observed a decrease in such cancer as a liver cancer, lungs, colon, stomach and larynx cancer. The risk of getting cancer declined the more, the more often the men handed their blood. As already mentioned, the decline in the risk of cancer scholars explain to a decrease in iron reserve in the body.

However, among the donors more often than the ordinary people met non-Khzhkinskaya lymphoma (malignant blood illness). However, this disease was recorded only from those donors that handed over blood until 1986. Therefore, this data should be taken care of caution, Dr. Egarne said.

It is now required to further study the causes of lymphoma development from donors. Since many people pass their blood, the message that it may be at least much dangerous should be seriously studied. And yet Dr. Egar believes that "our study clearly showed that donors do not increase the risk of developing malignant diseases."

The Moscow Main Territorial Administration (MSTU) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation encouraged banks to strengthen control over the state of banknotes and coins entering cash regulations. On this occasion, a circular was sent out, which refers to the detection of signs of radioactive pollution of banknotes in packages, which banks pass in the MSTU branch, write "New Izvestia".

The victims of the outbreak of cholera in Nigeria this year were more than 1,500 people, reports Reuters. This is more than four times higher than the data on the dead, published by the Government of the country in August, the UN reports distributed on Monday.


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According to the studies held in Finland and the United States, people who regularly rent donor blood are susceptible to atherosclerosis and heart attacks to a much lesser extent. Also, on observations of foreign researchers, blood donors live for 5-8 years longer than the average person.

Delivery of blood in a significant amount for the body is a kind of training. With a car accident or other incident associated with large blood loss, the donor has a greater chance to survive.

Donor's blood is tested for various infections (for example, HIV, hepatitis and syphilis) and such indicators as hemoglobin, leukocytes, red blood cells, etc. For six months, blood is in quarantine, after which infectious diseases may also be discovered. Therefore, one who is a donor on a regular basis may not worry about his health.

Immediately after blood fence, the body proceeds to its recovery. The bone marrow begins to develop new red blood cells - erythrocytes. These are cells that deliver oxygen to all organs. In addition, stem cells are formed in the bone marrow, of which our body fabrics are formed. Thus, blood updates the entire human body.

And finally, donate blood is useful, because the donor feels the joy of his good deed, because thanks to him may be saved by someone's life.

Safety of donation

Delivery of blood today is a completely safe procedure. At the blood transfusion stations, disposable medical systems (needle, tubes and bag) are used, which are sterile and opened with donor. Therefore, contrary to fears, there is no chance to get infected.

The loss of blood, which the donor is experiencing is also not a threat. Usually take about 450 ml of blood at once, which is not more than 10% of its total volume. Almost immediately after this procedure, a person can get up, drink a cup of tea and go home. After a day or two, the amount of blood in the body of the donor will be replenished.

Requirements and contraindications

A blood applicant should be healthy, permissible age - from 18 to 60 years. Men are recommended to donate blood no more than once every two months, women - every three months. It will not be possible to become a donor if your weight is less than 50 kg.

A person who has recently had flu or Orz, will be able to pass blood only a month later, and after the transferred operation - no earlier than six months. From the donation are removed by those who have surpassed viral hepatitis and other infectious diseases (there are more than forty). Medical institutions need only high-quality blood, so it is extremely important that there are no problems with the health of the donor.

Today, blood donation and its components are widespread. This is one of the ways to help people who suffered a greater blood loss as a result of complications during operations or in case of accidents. There are a lot of such people. Since an increasing number of volunteers respond to the call to become donors, the question arises - is it useful to donate blood to the donation to men and women? What changes occur in the body, if several times a year to give part of their own blood to other people? Let's figure out.

Regular inspection on infection

If you often provide yourself as a blood donor, then before each material fence, your blood is checked for infections. This allows the donor to constantly monitor its own health, and in case of detection of deviations immediately begin treatment. Most people do not have such an opportunity because they rarely appeal to the hospital for testing, so they learn about their illnesses only when the disease is manifested at the physical level and progresses. This is one of the positive points, indicating why it is useful to be a donor. But this is not all, passing blood, a person literally heals his body.

What benefit to the health of the body brings donation?

It is believed that bloodletting has a healing effect, if produced in small volumes. When a volunteer sacrifice his blood for the patient, he gives about 450 g of a vasserving fluid. The loss of such a volume is insignificant and can not harm the donor.

Delivery to donation allows you to teach your body to small blood loss. In the event of a situation, for example, an accident or heavy operation, the human body has repeatedly surrendered blood, it will be like a familiar situation. It activates the processes that allow you to quickly fill the loss of erythrocytes.

Small blood loss contribute to the rejuvenation of the body, its self-cleaning and renewal of cells. This process makes it possible to relax a bit of the liver, which usually processes the red blood cells. The bone marrow, on the contrary, works hard to produce new blood cells to replenish lost. A good effect of moderate blood loss has a cardiovascular system.

Blood delivery for the organism of the donor is a small stress, thanks to which its protective functions are activated. The immune system comes to "combat readiness", thanks to which the donors are less likely to become colds and viral diseases.

According to American doctors, people passing blood regularly are less subject to the development of atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, since their veins are constantly cleaned of excessive cholesterol. According to the results of several studies, the donation extends the life of at least 5 years.

The blood delivery to donation is also useful from a psychological point of view. Helping another, you get joy and satisfaction, and such emotions are needed to every person. As you know, they contribute to good well-being. Well, for the patient who will need your blood, the benefits are obvious - you will save him life.

Rules for blood delivery for donation

If you want to participate in the donation program, you should familiarize yourself with the rules, recommendations and restrictions on this. A person who has no infectious diseases may become a donor, aged 18 years. Restriction of the upper age threshold not so long ago removed, therefore, even people after 60 years, subject to good well-being, can become blood donors or plasma. Volunteer weight should not be below 50 kg, however, the faces of this weight category can become donors in the absence of contraindications. Such people take no more than 300 ml of blood.

You can donate the blood of men not more than 5 times a year, while women are allowed to do 4 times for 12 months. It is no longer possible to donate blood for women. Such a limit for them makes sense, since their organism loses a small amount of blood during menstruation. A break between the fences should be at least two months. During this time, the body of a healthy person is completely restored.

Preparation for the collection of blood or its fractions includes a full-fledged useful nutrition (refusal of oily food, smoked, roasted) within 2-3 days before the procedure. During this period, no medical preparations cannot be taken, as well as refrain from alcohol. Immediately before the procedure, the donor is examined and it takes tests for various infections. If everything is in order, a person is allowed to this procedure, it allows him to become a donor. After the procedure, the donor is recommended to rest. It is impossible to engage in severe physical labor, carry out long trips. During the recovery period, it is desirable to include a liver, grenade, cranberry in the bean.

Blood delivery to donation is not only useful, but the honorable procedure allows you to do good one way to other people, giving them a part of yourself so that they can live. For such actions, the state rewards donors, which passed this procedure more than 40 times in their lives, benefits and annual payments, provides them with additional extensions and beads in a sanatorium.

There are a lot of discussion on the topic of harm from donation. Doctors can resolve the dispute. In one voice, they argue that the donation does not bother any harm to health. Moreover, this process even benefits the human body. But doctors believe far from everyone.

Some people are confused by the fact that together with has to give a completely unfamiliar person a part of his soul. In addition, the soul, we give almost free, because payment for the broken blood is purely symbolic. One who over the course of several years has blood, can firmly name this lesson noble.

But how is this process is safe? Of course, the benefits of donation is dubious, but harming the blood delivery is not accurate. True, do not forget about contraindications.

Many modern people wonder whether it is useful to donate blood and only then decide on donation. But it is worth noting that not every person can become a donor without harm to his health. To prohibitions, it is necessary to take the most responsible, they may concern both the health of the donor and the receiving blood.

There are a number of diseases that put donation under the ban:

  1. First of all, it is a heavy stage of myopia, high or low pressure.
  2. Also you can not donate blood if you recently removed the tooth. In this case, you have to wait about two weeks, and only then go to donate blood.
  3. Contraindication is the recently made vaccination. In some cases, we will have to wait for a whole month and only, then return to the question of donation.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding - taboo

In the question of donation, it is also worth considering truly Women's Moments:

  • Or a girl who wishes to become a donor, you need to look at your menstrual calendar. The fact is that during menstruation and immediately after it, it is impossible to donate blood.
  • Also, the prohibition for donation is both breastfeeding. Especially careful should be during an interesting position, the blood delivery at this time deteriorates to lead to very unpleasant consequences, in no case should risk. We'll have to wait at least one year after childbirth.
  • If you are breastfeeding, it should go through for more than three months after the cessation of feeding and only after that return to the question of donation.

This list is far from complete, there are other contraindications. Consider them below.

Who shouldn't risk?

Many people are not allowed to donation. There are a number of diseases that prevent donation:

  1. First of all, it is HIV. Even if the exact diagnosis has not yet been delivered, but there is a suspicion of HIV, to donate blood, in no case cannot.
  2. Also, there is hepatitis banned for blood. Do not hurry to be a donor to people who behave messy sex life. Such people often have diseases that have not yet had time to diagnose.
  3. Also contraindications are citizens who abuse alcohol. Do not take blood to citizens who use drugs or tried them at least once.

Temporary prohibition

In some situations, blood delivery is not prohibitive. But it needs to be prepared and wait a bit:

  • If a person suffered surgery, you have to wait for one year and only then return to donation.
  • Do not take blood if you have triggered. Wait full cure, after which you can go to the donor point.
  • If during the disease you had to take antibiotics, you will have to wait one month.
  • Carefully treat the procedure is necessary in the event that you have made a tattoo or piercing. Immediately run into the donor point in this case, you should have to wait from six months to a year. The waiting period largely depends not only on the patient's health state, but also from the conditions of the center.

What is the perfect donor?

The ideal donor must, first of all, please be excellent health and excellent well-being. Also, to become a donor, you need to be an adult, do not suffer overweight or hush. Going to the blood transfusion center, do not forget to take a passport with you. In some cases, local regulation is required, although often this item does not play any role.

As you can see, the requirements for the donor are quite simple. If you are a relatively healthy lifestyle, you can safely go to the center and share your blood. Perhaps someone will save life. The list of contraindications demonstrates how harmful or useful for the body is this procedure.

How to pass blood to donation?

Filling a questionnaire for donation

First of all, the donor must fill out the questionnaire. Questions in it tend to contain quite simple, but at the same time very important. Do not attempt to lie or embellish information, you must answer extremely fair. Questions in the questionnaire relate to bad habits, sexual relations, drug addiction, personal data.

It is important not to forget that a person who hides his diseases will respond to the law. After all, such an act can negatively affect the health of other people. Even a small nuance may be very important for other people. When you specify a question, whether it is useful to donate blood, think about people who will be blurred by your blood. Should I hide health problems? In no case, such a lie is deadly.

Medical checkup

Before passing blood, you will have to go through a medical examination. You will take blood from your finger, check the group and rhesus, will look at the level of hemoglobin and other nuances. Many modern people only thanks to donation learned their blood group and the Rh.

In addition to passing blood analysis, you will also have to visit the therapist. There, the donor is measured by pressure, pulse, are interested in health and complaints. If controversial issues arose in the questionnaire, the therapist clarifies them. This makes it possible to eliminate errors in the questionnaire. After all, the donor could misunderstand the question, respectively, incorrectly answer him.

In order to document the understanding of questionnaire issues and the honesty of answers to them, the donor puts the signature. After these procedures, the patient will be sent to the Chamber directly to the procedure.

Blood procedure. Sitting or lying?

Each blood transfusion station has its own characteristics and nuances. That is why the process of blood delivery is different. You can donate blood like sitting and lying. Often, novice donors are offered to undergo this procedure in a lying position. Thus, the risk of unpleasant sensations and dizziness is minimized.

Also during blood commissioning can be observed heat, to such moments you need to be ready. Experienced donors practically do not complain about dizziness, they cut blood without any problems in a sitting position. Much depends on both the preferences of the donor and the prescriptions of the therapist. Each case is individual.

Important minutes

The process of handing blood itself is relatively short, it takes about ten minutes. Medic pinch his hand, lubricates it with alcohol and pierces the needle. After that, blood begins to enter the plastic bag. Often, the donor takes 450 milliliters of blood.

Also, specialists take a small amount of blood for additional analyzes. After blood fence, the vein closes with cotton and bandaged. Medical workers advise not to rush to take this bandage. It is desirable to pass with her at least two hours.

Rehabilitation process after blood delivery

After you have come out of the blood transfusion center, you need to pamper yourself with tasty, fragrant tea and cookies. This will make it possible to avoid dizziness. It is also desirable to eat several fruits. It can be like citrus and peaches, melons, plums, bananas. Choose the fruits that you love. It is important that they are juicy, tasty and sweet. Fruits and delicious, warm tea will give an opportunity easier to cope with blood loss.

In most cases, doctors give a lot of advice after donor blood. Many donors these tips ignore. It is better not to do this, because the advice really turn out to be very useful and important.

First of all, a person needs to sit for a minimum of ten minutes, it is not necessary to run somewhere. The body needs to be renewed, he is not ready to immediately run and perform feats. And in general, the remainder of the day after the blood is needed in a calm pace, without a rush and nervous. If you need, doctors will provide you with first aid or prompt how to behave if it becomes bad.

If the doctors are not near ...

But do not all donors listen to doctors. Some people hurry to escape from the center that sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences. The most frequent symptom after the delivery of donor blood is dizziness.

What if the physician is not near:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to squat or sit on the bench. The head needs to be omitted between the knees. If possible, you can lie on the back. Most likely, this will allow you to quickly come into the form. Most likely, after five minutes you can forget about dizziness and you can continue the usual day.
  2. Behind the place of the puncture, you need to follow the most accurately. If possible, try not to wet this place for several days. If you notice that the prolque place has flushed, be sure to consult a physician.
  3. Also on the day of blood delivery, you need to abandon physical exertion and sports.
  4. Often after visiting the blood transfusion station, a person wants to eat. It is not necessary to limit yourself. It is important that these days carefully listen to your body, he will ask those products and substances that it is required.
  5. In any case, the donor needs to drink a lot. But from alcohol, it is necessary to categorically refuse at least a few days after blood.
  6. In the matter of driving, there are no contraindications, you can sit behind the wheel immediately.
  7. If you need to make vaccination, do not rush. We will have to wait at least ten days, but only then return to this issue.

Should I prepare for the procedure?

In order for your blood to bring the maximum benefit to people, to the process of blood delivery, you need to carefully prepare:

  • First of all, the donor must refuse to eat alcohol a few days before blood delivery. Even low alcohol drinks and beer is categorically impossible.
  • Also worth abandoning smoking. If you are difficult to abandon the cigarette, do not smoke, at least for two hours before the procedure. You must understand that your blood can fill a pregnant woman or a small child.
  • Very carefully needed to receive the reception of medical drugs. It is better to completely abandon them a few days before blood delivery.
  • Do not forget to have a tight breakfast delicious, healthy food on the day of blood delivery. Also, do not forget to drink water or compote a few minutes before blood delivery. Thus, you will feel much better during the procedure, minimize the risk of dizziness.
  • From harmful meals it is better to abandon a few days before blood delivery. Food should be as clean, simple and healthy as possible. Wear fruits, vegetables, cereals, fish, chicken.
  • Do not forget to drink plenty of water, juices, horses, compotes. From oily, fried, smoked, sweet is better to refuse. Discloser products are also prohibited.

Is there any benefit from the procedure?

First of all, donation allows for free to pass tests for many diseases. In addition, blood transfusion station boasts new, powerful equipment, so tests are as accurate as possible. Thus, donors do not just make a noble thing, but also control their health. The result of the tests in a few days will be on the hands of the donor.

In addition, donation allows us to prepare a human body to extreme situations. During injury or blood loss at the donor, there will be much more chances to survive than a person who never passed blood. In addition, donors are less likely heart attacks. The loss of blood efficiently trains human immunity, allows him to become more enduring and mobilized.

Safety of donation

Despite the confirmed utility of the procedure, the issue of donation security remains relevant. Many people continue to think about the fact that this process is dangerous to health.

First, not all doctors take blood carefully and carefully. Sometimes there are unforeseen situations with unpleasant consequences. For example, during the puncture of the vein, it can be slightly damaged. But, as practice shows, such situations happen very rarely. In most cases, everything ends just perfectly. Scary myths about blood infection turn out to be more than myths and nothing to do with the real position of things.

Another negative consequence is unpleasant sensations during blood. Some donors are practically losing consciousness in the process of blood delivery. The fact is that during blood delivery, the level of hemoglobin is reduced, this leads to such consequences. Pressure may also decrease. But in most cases, the symptoms are held very quickly. If, before surrendering blood, it is very easy to sleep and eat, there are practically no such symptoms.

Painful sensations, as a rule, does not happen. Most people argue that blood from the finger is much longer to take.

Infectness of the process?

There is a myth that blood delivery is an infectious process. There is nothing to do this statement with the truth. After all, all tools are disposable and always open only at donor. Use them on the second donor no medic.

Frequency of donation

To the question of donation should be treated without fanaticism, too often donate blood too:

  • Men can donate blood 4-5 times a year. You can do it no more than once every two months. But if the blood urgently needs a close person, you can make an exception to the rules. If the life of a person depends on your blood, you can sacrifice your condition.
  • Women can visit blood transfusions even less often. They can not donate blood more often than three months. Blood must have time to recover until the initial state.

Why donate blood? (Video)

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