Amazing predictions of mother Alipia (from the book “Acquisition of the Spirit of the Way”). Why is mother Alipia called the Kyiv Matrona of Moscow? Mother alipiya instructions

The miracle worker, afraid of passports and registration, lived a long and difficult life, praying for humanity and helping people. Find out which prophecies of mother Alipia have already come true and what awaits us next.

In Christian culture, you can find a huge number of saints and ascetics who are worshiped and turned to them with prayers for help or healing. But not each of them was given to predict the future, like mother Alipia. Saved from prison by the Apostle Peter, she became a blessed miracle worker, who told the secrets of the future to ordinary people.

Amazing events in the life of mother Alipia

All her life, the modest Alipiya tried not to attract attention to herself. The exact date of her birth is still unknown: according to some sources, she was born in 1905 in the village of Goloseevo, but most eyewitnesses call the year of her birth 1910. During her lifetime, she was called Agapia - with that name she lived until 1918, when her parents were shot. At night, the girl herself read the Psalter for the dead, and then went to wander around the monasteries and church parishes. From childhood to old age, Alipia avoided obtaining documents: she never had a passport and a residence permit. The blessed one also categorically refused to be photographed: after her death, only a few random pictures and video footage survived.

Talking about herself, mother always spoke in the masculine gender:

“I was everywhere: in Pochaev, in Pyukhtitsa, in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. I have been to Siberia three times. I went to all the churches, lived for a long time, I was accepted everywhere.

Then came the time of persecution of religion, which also affected Alipia. She ended up in a prison in which many priests were kept besides her. The prison was located on the coast, not far from Novorossiysk, on one of the sheer cliffs. One night, Alipia disappeared from her under strange circumstances: not a single guard could tell how she managed to escape. Mother herself said that the apostle Peter became her savior.

“They pushed me, beat me, did interrogations… They put me in a common cell. There were many priests in that prison, I spent ten years there. Every night 5-6 people were taken away irrevocably. Finally, only three remained in the cell: one priest, his son, and myself. The priest said that he and his son needed to serve a memorial service on their own, because he knew that they would be killed in the morning. And he told me that I would get out of here alive. At night, Peter opened the door and led past all the guards through the back door, ordered them to go along the sea. He walked without deviating from the coastline, without food and water for eleven days. He climbed steep cliffs, broke off, fell, rose, crawled again, tearing his elbows to the bone. Then I had deep scars on my hands.”

Then she managed to meet the respected elder hieroschemamonk Theodosius, who lived near Novorossiysk. The miracle worker Theodosius was so delighted with her love for God and vitality that he blessed her for the feat of foolishness. In the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, she became a monk, but settled in a hut near Goloseevo. There she had spiritual children and religious followers.

During the war, my mother was taken to forced labor in Germany. While in the camp, the prisoners who lived with her witnessed miracles every day. The place of confinement, from which it was impossible to escape, seemed to favor Alipia: as soon as she began to pray, the German guards seemed to become blind and deaf. Reading the Psalter, she daily led women out from under the barbed wire, saving their lives, but remaining unnoticed.

The frightening accuracy of mother's predictions

Returning to her modest hut after the war, she focused on helping the afflicted and praying. She made life easier for someone with wise advice, helped someone overcome the disease by reading the Psalter and spiritual books. With age, the gift of foresight came to mother. On the eve of 1986, she became restless, constantly telling the novices about terrible fires and human suffering awaiting Ukraine. In early April, a few weeks before the Chernobyl disaster, she, previously distinguished by reclusiveness, left her home and went to a city that was destined to die in one day. Alipiya spent ten days walking around the perimeter of Chernobyl with a staff in an attempt to ward off trouble from its inhabitants with prayer.

One of the novices of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, during a meeting with the blessed prophetess, was surprised:

“One day, young boys came to my mother, skeptical about her ability to see the future. Alipia looked at everyone, and then told one of them that marrying a man is a terrible sodomy sin, for which the soul goes to hell. It turns out that the young man was indeed a homosexual. A month after the meeting, he unexpectedly died for everyone.

Mother Alipia learned about the upcoming Filaret schism in the church several years before. She was worried that the youth would be confused and not know which church could be considered true. She clearly saw how many hardships those who want to create the Ukrainian Orthodox Church will endure. The nuns who lived with her at that time said:

“When she saw a photograph of Filaret, she said: “He is not ours.” We began to explain to Matushka that this was our Metropolitan, thinking that she did not know him, but she again firmly repeated: "He is not ours." Then we did not understand the meaning of her words, and now we are surprised how many years ahead Mother foresaw everything.

In the predictions of the blessed one, one can discern both the Chechen war and the international economic crisis that occurred in 2008. Alipia spoke about the wars that forced most of the Russian-speaking population of Chechnya to leave their homes:

“I live in the pain of others. There will be a war in the Caucasus in which they will suffer for the Orthodox faith.”

A few years after the end of the wars, she promised a famine caused by the fact that "states differ in money." She seemed to know that the crisis could be dealt with, but she predicted that he would not be the only one. She advised looking for salvation from severe hunger in Kyiv:

“Don’t leave Kyiv – there will be famine everywhere, but there is bread in Kyiv. The Lord will not allow his people, believers, to die, the faithful will keep on one bread and water, but they will survive.

Of course, she felt the terrible breath of the approaching World War III. Before her death, in 1988, she told what kind of apocalypse people will have to endure when it begins:

“This will not be a war, but the execution of peoples for their rotten state. Dead bodies will lie in mountains, no one will undertake to bury them. Mountains, hills will disintegrate, will be razed to the ground. People will run from place to place. There will be many bloodless martyrs who will suffer for the Orthodox Faith. The war will begin on Peter and Paul - on July 12, on the Day of the Chief Apostles.

After the war, mother predicted another wave of famine, from which only a few could escape:

“Here you quarrel, swear for an apartment, disperse ... And there will be a time when there will be a lot of empty apartments, but there will be no one to live in them. Livestock cannot be sold - after the Apocalypse, it will help, provide food.

Matushka Alipia, even before her death, surprised everyone with her gift of foresight: six months before her death, she announced that she would die on Sunday. One of the followers. wrote in her memoirs about the life of Alipia:

“I asked to see what day October 30 would be. I looked and said: "Sunday." She somehow pointedly repeated: "Sunday." After her death, we realized that then, in April, Matushka revealed to us the day of her death - more than six months before her.

Can one doubt the words of such a pious and sincere man?

The foolish nun Alipia (Agafya Tikhonovna Avdeeva) is a famous ascetic, healer and soothsayer. In terms of strength and holiness, it can be compared with Motrona of Moscow. Mother Alipia was a native of Mordovia. In Holy Baptism she was named Agathia. Out of a feeling of reverent love for the heavenly patroness, mother carried her icon on her back all her life.

From childhood, she experienced incredible sorrows and hardships. Her parents were shot and at the age of seven she was left an orphan. Such a baby, and she herself read the Psalter according to her parents. From her youth, her wandering life began, accompanied by hard work, persecution and poverty. She lived by what God would send, spent the night under the open sky; often hired for day work in order to have a piece of bread and a roof over her head. She survived persecution, prison, military hard times and persecution by the authorities.

Shortly before the Great Patriotic War, the pilgrim Agathia came to Kyiv. They say that during the occupation she led many people out of the concentration camp. Small, imperceptible, she could penetrate there, to whom the entrance would be closed to someone else, and, apparently, the apostle Peter himself helped her to penetrate into dungeons and save people. During the war, the Caves shrine was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church, and Archimandrite Kronid clothed the servant of God Agathia in a small schema with the name Alipia in honor of the first Russian icon painter. All her life she remained devoted to the Pechersky fathers: "I am a Lavra nun." The spiritual father blessed mother to asceticize in the hollow of a tree, following the example of the ancient ascetics. At the foot of the nearby caves stood a gigantic oak tree, in which mother Alipia now settled. When Archimandrite Kronid reposed in the Lord, schemamonk Damian blessed mother to move closer to the people.

Alipia settled in an earthen cave, lived on alms. And here again she was taken to prison - for refusing to work on Easter. The memory of this prison was a toothless mouth and a hunched back. Mother was released when the stronghold of Pechersk had already been dispersed. Mother Alipia settled on Demeevka (in a quiet area of ​​Kyiv, where there was an unclosed Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross). The boys teased her, threw stones, but she endured everything and prayed. And then, with the blessing from above, she moved to the Goloseevsky forest. It is located on the outskirts of Kyiv, Lavra sketes were arranged here - deserts. Hieromonk Alexy (Shepelev), a comforting elder, and also Hieroschemamonk Parthenius of Kyiv labored here. Mother settled in an abandoned dilapidated house and lived there until her death, having neither a residence permit nor a passport. The police repeatedly tried to "deal" with Matushka, but the Lord protected her, and they failed to evict her from Goloseevo.

At this time, mother Alipia went to the service of people in the feat of foolishness. She walked in a plush blouse, in a children's bonnet or in a hat with earflaps, carried a sandbag on her back, and on her chest - a large bunch of keys: the sins of spiritual children, which the mother took upon herself, hanging a new key as a sign of this.

Mother saved her city, prayerfully protected it from harm, walked around, as she performed the procession. Before Chernobyl explosion for several days she shouted: "Father, do not need fire. Father, why fire? Put out for the sake of animals, for the sake of small children." She poured some water: "Girls, the earth is on fire." She fell into the west and prayed: "Mother of God, deliver us from the gas." People could not understand her phrase: "It's burning underground, grief is coming." She probably did not know such words as "reactor" and "radiation accident". She began to talk about the fact that “woe is coming” back in the winter, long before Chernobyl on April 26th. And the day before the accident, she walked down the street, crying out in prayer: “Lord! Have pity on the babies, have mercy on the people!” She advised people who came to her that day: “Close the doors and windows tightly, there will be a lot of gas.” When the accident happened, they asked: to leave? She said no. When asked how to deal with food, she taught: “Wash, read the Our Father and the Mother of God, cross and eat and you will be healthy” ...

Shortly before the Chernobyl disaster, mother Alipia began to offer "Goloseevsky feasts" (on the street there were wooden tables that gathered ten to fifteen people daily). All the refreshments of the Goloseevskaya ascetic were prayed for. For the old woman, it was important who brought the food, whose hands touched the food, through whose heart the offering passed. She didn't accept everyone. “You need to get even in spirit,” mother used to say, sink to her knees, sing her “I Believe”, “Our Father”, “Have mercy on me, God” in a strong voice. She crosses the table: "Eat", and she lies down on the bench, rests. Portions were blessed huge, and everything had to be eaten by all means. “As much as you can, I can help you,” and people with severe illnesses were healed at her table.

Mother accepted everyone: fornicators, liars, robbers, she only denounced the wicked, she could not stand wickedness. She grasped even the shadow of a thought. One woman spoke. She went to her mother with her "ascetic husband" with the thought: to ask mother if she would let him go to the monastery, especially since they had no children. She could not ask this question in public, but she thought about it all the time. And so they began to leave, and each mother asked his name. So her husband comes up and calls his name: "Sergius." And his mother corrected him: "You are not Sergius, but Sergey." So that woman received an answer to a question she had not asked.

Another story: a priest's wife came to see mother, who all her life and even before her marriage dreamed of a monastery, now that all her children have grown up (and three of them have already become priests), thoughts of a monastery have returned to her again. And so she went to Kyiv to ask Matushka Alipia about this. When she and her daughter came to Goloseevskaya Hermitage and entered the yard, they saw matushka Alipiya dozing in the yard of the house. They were waiting for her to wake up. They waited a long time, decided to leave already, and now, when they had already approached the gate, the old woman suddenly jumped up, blocked the way for her guests, and in front of the one who was choosing a new way of life for herself, lowered a long pole on the gate - this was a silent answer to her questioning: there is no way for her to the monastery. Although so many people received a blessing for monasticism from Mother Alipia, and the sisters of the Florovsky Monastery took turns spending whole days in her hut, and Mother called them "relatives."

Most often, people did not even suspect that their relief of the burden falls on the mother. Hugs, kisses, - it would seem, blesses, and she takes them upon herself. "Do you think I cook ointment? I crucify myself for you," she once admitted. She gave Cahors drink to one patient to heal her soul and body, and while she drank, she fell unconscious.

Mother gave predictions in parables, in holy foolish deeds, and sometimes explicitly, simply, without allegories - whichever is more salutary. Once, in the midst of a feast, she sent a nun into a ravine with a candle to read the Psalter. Then it turned out that at that very hour her brother had almost been killed. A nun, who had previously labored in the Gornensky monastery, came for advice on whether to return back? "You will be taller here," mother did not bless. Now she is the abbess of one of the ancient Russian monasteries.

Servant of God Olga, a psychiatrist, first came to my mother. The hostess showed her where to sit, she left. Suddenly they shouted at Olga: "How dare she?" It turns out that she sat down in her mother's place. Frightened, I got up. Returning from the yard, mother Alipia said sternly: "Why are you standing, sit down where you are told." Everyone understood that such was the will of the mother. Now this servant of God is ascetic in Jerusalem, in the Gornensky monastery.

One singing woman came to mother with her fiancé, and all the while they were sitting at the table, mother pointed at them with her hand and said: "And the girl is singing the boy's funeral, and the girl is singing the boy's funeral." Soon he drowned before her eyes, and she really sang a memorial service for him.

Once, as it were, a veil was removed from my mother, and she became different, not a holy fool - a concentrated, sad person. “A confessor is scary,” the mother opened up. “We need to pray for him, so that the Lord would give him help in the fight against the demons fighting against him and protect him from all evil, because the sins of the father fall on the child. It is necessary to build the spiritual foundation of communication with him. the faith of the child, the Lord reveals to the confessor His will for him ... "

More than once she publicly spoke negatively about M. Denisenko ( Filaret), at that time the Metropolitan of Kiev. Seeing the photo of Filaret, she said: “He is not ours.” They began to explain to her that this was the Metropolitan, thinking that she did not know him, but she again firmly repeated: "He is not ours." Then the priests did not understand the meaning of her words, and now they are surprised how many years ahead Mother foresaw everything. Once, in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord, on Demeevka, of which she was a parishioner, during the bishop's service, she suddenly exclaimed, foreseeing the future: "Glorious, glorious, but you will die a peasant." At that time, she was kicked out of the temple. once again she saw a magazine with a large photograph of Filaret. Matushka grabbed the magazine, poked him in the eyes with two fingers and shouted: “Oooh, enemy, how much grief you will bring to people, how much evil you will do. A wolf in sheep's clothing! Into his oven, into the oven! She crumpled up the magazine and threw it into the oven. At the same time, those present were at a loss from surprise and sat silently, listening to the magazine buzzing in the stove, burning out. Mother was then asked: “What will happen?” Mother smiled her wide childish smile and said: “Vladimir will be, Vladimir!” And when a split occurred in our church, without any doubt or hesitation, we followed the one whom Matushka pointed out to us a year and a half before her death and almost five years before the events.

Like many blessed ones, matushka Alipia was surrounded by animals, with whom she spoke, whom she pitied. Mother's cats and chickens were all kind of sick, starved, frail - with pustules, with dry paws. "Why are your animals so sick?" - once asked the mother. - "People live fornication, they commit incest, everything is reflected in the creatures of the earth."

Shortly before her death, mother Alipia had twelve kittens. Blind, they lay in a box, then they began to grow up, they left one by one. Mother rejoiced every time: "Gone, gone!" Finally she said: "Almost everyone is free." The last, the strongest, who clung to his mother most of all, remained. After the death of the old woman, he lay down on her chest, stretched out and died.

A year before her death, Matushka Alipia began to live according to the number known to her alone. She called this calendar the Jerusalem calendar. Then it happened war prediction:

“The war will begin on the apostles Peter and Paul (the day of Saints Peter and Paul is June 29 or July 12, according to a new style). This will happen when the corpse is taken out .... You will lie: there is an arm, there is a leg .... This will not be a war, but the execution of peoples for their rotten state. Dead bodies will lie in mountains, no one will undertake to bury them. Mountains and hills will fall apart, razed to the ground. People will run from place to place. There will be many bloodless martyrs who will suffer for the Orthodox faith.”

"The Lord will not allow His people to die; He will keep the faithful on one prosphora."

The predicted date of the beginning of the war may not correspond to the generally accepted chronology, since a year before her death in 1988, mother Alipia began to live according to one of her well-known calendars, which she called Jerusalem. The day of Peter and Paul is marked in her calendar in the fall.

It is also curious that, since 2000, the church has been celebrating November 2 as the day of remembrance of the New Martyrs Peter and Deacon Paul, who were killed during the Stalinist repressions in 1937.

It is noteworthy that Nostradamus also mentions this episode in his quatrains: “when they take out the corpse”, which will serve as a pretext for unleashing the third world war.
She also taught: “When you drive along Khreshchatyk in Kyiv, pray, because it will fail.”

From the memoirs of nun Marina about mother Alipia: “We cross the street, there are cars in three rows. Mother threatened them with her fist - and the column stumbled, but she could have crushed us like insects. We go across the road without crossing, the cars are standing in their tracks. “These turtles will die out soon,” said the mother; “Don’t leave Kyiv,” mother punished, “there will be famine everywhere, but there is bread in Kyiv.”

The question is when will this terrible time come? Matushka Alipia showed half a finger and said: “That’s how much time is left, and if we don’t repent, it won’t happen either ...”.

In the year of the millennium of the Baptism of Russia, 1988, the blessed old woman schema-nun Alipia passed away to the Lord. Once she dropped that Florovsky Monastery would bury her. And so it happened. After the first litia, the panikhida was taken to the monastery, where a funeral service was held in the church. The burial took place on November 2. "As soon as the first snow falls, so bury me." And, indeed, the first snowflakes swirled that day.

After the death of mother, her house in the Goloseevsky forest was demolished, but in its place a marvelous miraculous spring appeared. Mother's enemies filled this source completely and hammered a stake, so that it was impossible to pull it out. The nuns of the Florovsky Monastery tried to pull out the stake, but, alas, nothing worked. And suddenly, one day, the fountain rushed three meters into the air. So mother Alipia, even after her death, assured her faithful children that she had found favor with the Lord, and "rivers of living water" flow through prayers to her.

On May 18, 2006, with the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir of Kyiv and All Ukraine, the honest remains of the nun Alipia were reburied in the Holy Intercession Goloseevskaya hermitage, in a tomb under the church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called the Life-Giving Spring.

When the coffin with the remains of the ascetic was brought into the church, a cross appeared above the temple. On the same day, there were two healings of seriously ill patients from cancer. Since the transfer of the relics of the blessed one to the Goloseevsky Monastery, many testimonies of healing from serious illnesses have been collected.

Hundreds of people come to the grave of nun Alipia every day. Every 30th, and especially on October 30, the day of the blessed one's repose, thousands of admirers of her memory come to Goloseevskaya Hermitage. To an empty well, as folk wisdom says, people do not go.

How to get to the Holy Intercession Monastery (Goloseevskaya Hermitage) in Kyiv.

To the left of the main entrance to the monastery is the bell tower, to the right is the "Shop", where you can buy candles, icons, the biography of Mother Alipia. For example, such a picture of her in a frame costs 20 UAH:

We move to the temple, on the right at the temple there will be steps down to the tomb in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called the "Life-Giving Spring". There you can pray to Mother Agapia, write a note to her asking her to put food on the table so that they are sanctified.


I met Mother Alipia about 5 years ago. My friend's mother gave me the book "Acquired Love" with the words: read it, you will understand everything yourself. My husband and I don't have kids. I came home, put the book on the window, and so it lay for several months, and then one day I became interested. I started reading it, but it became so interesting that I already bought and read all 4 volumes. These books inspire, make you believe in a miracle! Support and strengthen in faith! Thank you, Mother, for knowing you, because it was possible to live and not even guess about such a Miracle Worker, such a prayer book, such a helper!
After reading the first book, I really wanted to go to Matushkin Alipiya in the Goloseevsky Monastery, but it didn’t work out financially, for me it’s a different city. And then my mother was sent on a business trip to Kyiv, she doubted whether to go or not, I immediately decided that we were going, I was going with her, and while she coped with the working moments, I would go to the monastery. And it turned out even better, we were able to get together on November 30th. There was a queue, but we managed to bow to Mother's relics, put little notes, and immediately hurried to work. And the ambulance, a real Miracle, did not take long, my stepfather was ill with alcoholism, and after our petition from Matushka, already in December, he himself went to the hospital, received medical treatment, rethought his life and has not been drinking since that moment! This is a real miracle for our family, my mother and I know that Mother Alipia helped us, for which we bow to her and eternal thanksgiving! Thank God for hearing Mother's prayers for us!
The second time my husband and friend and I got together to go to Matushka, and I sat and thought about whether to go or not, instead of tickets, another city, expenses, I really want and have a little doubt, and then such a fragrance of incense began, at work, in the office, where him to take? It was Mother who called us to her place, I understood for sure, and quickly bought tickets. Even now I'm sitting on the bus, writing this review, and such a smell goes ... baby milk, babies smell like that ... Mother is nearby, I believe, I feel it!
We visited Mother Alipia on October 30, that day there were more than 70,000 people there, I have never seen so many people in the temple, they say the truth: A holy place is never empty!
Pray, our beloved Mother, the Lord for us sinners!
Mother Alipia gave us a lot of first aid in everyday petty matters, you can’t even remember everything. But she is always there, always hears us. She didn’t help with the baby, but apparently God wants it that way, but for the first time I confessed with her help. And it became so easy in my soul, I wanted to do this for a long time, but I found some excuses, and then the problems began, my husband left, in this state, with the help of Mother’s prayers, everything came out of me, and from that such joy in my soul !
Mother, my dear, beloved, pray to the Lord God for the preservation of my family, I love my husband very much, and I believe that he does me too, he just got confused, tired, his heart froze like ice, Mother Alipia, save us from sin, from divorce, save our family, loyalty and love for each other! Return him to the true path, let him come to his senses and return home, we love him very much and are waiting for him! I am grateful to God for such a lesson, it is very difficult, it is very painful, but it is so necessary, I was so able to overestimate the values ​​in life and understand that the family is more precious than anything in the world, the health of loved ones is most valuable, and when there is no peace in the soul, pleases nothing. Even if you go to the end of the world, you can’t run away from yourself! And it will be bad everywhere where there are no loved ones nearby. Pray, Reverend Mother Alipia, God for us, create for me another great miracle, a true miracle! Bring my husband back to the family! And then I dream of taking marriage not only before people, but also before God, I dream of getting married, living together in sorrow and in joy, in health and illness, to be one, to love each other, maybe then God will give a child! Pray, dear mother Alipia of the merciful God, for us sinners, your servants Sergei and Marina! Amen

In the middle of the 80s, two Kievans heard from the elder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra: "Why did you come to me when you have such a pillar in Goloseevo, in Kyiv!" Matushka Alipia belongs to the ascetics of piety during the mournful period in the history of our fatherland, when the depth of the feat of the faithful lay in their hearts. She carried her cross in silence, but what we need to know about her difficult life, about her exploits, she revealed. How many feats she carried: the feat of prayer - from childhood she read the Psalter, until old age she knew almost all the psalms by heart; the feat of wandering - on foot she passed many holy places; the feat of confession - 10 years in prison for the Orthodox faith; the feat of pilgrimage - lived in the hollow of a tree; and, like a crown, the feat of foolishness in Christ. The Spirit of God created a new person in her, and he was affirmed by great gifts: mother had the gift of insight into other people's thoughts, the gift of revelation about what happened in the distance and about the future, the gift of healing.

Mother Alipia was a native of Mordovia, her parents were Tikhon and Vassa Avdeev. In Holy Baptism she was named Agathia.
At the age of seven, she was left an orphan. Such a baby, and she herself read the Psalter according to her parents. Since then, her wandering lot began. In the roar of this age she heard a quiet voice: "Go along the earthly roads to the Heavenly path." The pilgrim Agathia then visited many shrines, she saw many saints of God. And she especially fell in love with the shrines of Kyiv - the great Lavra, the third inheritance of the Mother of God on earth. Fierce persecution fell upon our land at that time. "The granary of grain and the granary of the holy martyrs" is called Ukraine in the "Akathist to the Russian Martyrs". In the south, "near Odessa," as Alipia's mother used to say, she too had to suffer. She was thrown into a cell with criminals. She told them: "Don't come near!" and began to pray fervently. And no one dared to approach her. The guard clung to the peephole and froze: a prisoner was standing, crossing herself, and she had a halo above her head.

Many priests languished in the dungeons. They were taken to torment without return. Only three remained: the old archpriest, his son, and Agathia. "In the morning we will not be alive, we will serve a memorial service for ourselves." - "And about me," - asked the mother. "You will leave," the priest consoled.

In that prison there was a torture called "machine". The victim was led into a room with two doors. One led to freedom, the other to the basement, it was necessary to choose the right one.

It is not known whether mother overcame the test, whether she pushed the happy door, but she found herself free. Mother revered the Apostle Peter as a "liberator from bonds" and especially revered him all her life.

Shortly before the Great Patriotic War, the pilgrim Agathia came to the God-saved city of Kyiv. They say that during the occupation she led many people out of the concentration camp. Small, imperceptible, she could penetrate there, to whom the entrance would be closed to someone else, and, apparently, the apostle Peter himself helped her to penetrate into dungeons and save people.

During the war, the Caves shrine was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church, and Archimandrite Kronid clothed the servant of God Agathia in a small schema with the name Alipia in honor of the first Russian icon painter. All her life she remained devoted to the Pechersky fathers: "I am a Lavra nun."

The spiritual father blessed mother to asceticize in the hollow of a tree, following the example of the ancient ascetics. At the foot of the nearby caves stood a gigantic oak tree, in which mother Alipia now settled. Enduring hunger and cold in the woody cave for the sake of Christ, she extended a living thread to Holy Russia. She didn't have anything of her own. Father Kronid came, brought crackers in robes. He pours out at the hollow and leaves - he was strict, he did not give concessions. If it was difficult, he blessed me to read "Alive in Help" forty times.

“When it gets covered with snow, it’s cold, you don’t get a tooth on a tooth,” recalls mother. “You go to the monks, which one will give you bread, and which one will kick you out.” In severe frosts, shiigumen Agapit let her into the senets. "Have you warmed up? Now go save yourself," and she left. When Archimandrite Kronid reposed in the Lord, schemamonk Damian blessed mother to move closer to the people.

Mother Alipia settled in an earthen cave, lived on alms. And now she was taken to prison again - for refusing to work on Easter. The memory of this prison was a toothless mouth and a bent back. Mother was released when the stronghold of Pechersk had already been dispersed. Mother Alipia settled on Demeevka (in a quiet area of ​​Kyiv, where there was an unclosed Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross). The boys teased her, threw stones, but she endured everything and prayed. And then, with the blessing from above, she moved to the Goloseevsky forest. It is located on the outskirts of Kyiv, Lavra sketes were arranged here - deserts. These places are consecrated by the names of the old maiden Dositheus, who blessed the monk Seraphim, blessed Paisios and Theophilus for monasticism. Hieromonk Alexy (Shepelev), a comforting elder, and also Hieroschemamonk Parthenius of Kyiv labored here. Mother settled in an abandoned dilapidated house and lived there until her death, having neither a residence permit nor a passport. The police repeatedly tried to "deal" with Matushka, but the Lord protected her, and they failed to evict her from Goloseevo.

At this time, mother Alipia went to the service of people in the feat of foolishness. She walked in a plush blouse, in a children's bonnet or in a hat with earflaps, carried a sandbag on her back, and a large bunch of keys on her chest: the sins of spiritual children, which the mother took upon herself, hanging a new key as a sign of this.

Mother saved her city, prayerfully protected it from harm, walked around, as she performed the procession. Before the Chernobyl explosion, she shouted for several days: "Father, do not need fire. Father, why fire? Put out for the sake of animals, for the sake of small children." She poured some water: "Girls, the earth is on fire." She fell into the west and prayed: "Mother of God, deliver us from the gas."

Wasn't she the righteous one for whom the Lord saved Kyiv from the radiation cloud, having determined a different direction for it? Shortly before the Chernobyl disaster, mother Alipia began to offer Cahors with Pepsi-Cola to the table. The famous Goloseevsky feasts (there were wooden tables on the street, gathering ten to fifteen people every day) became, as it were, protection from the destruction spilled in the air. All the refreshments of the Goloseevskaya ascetic were prayed for. For the old woman, it was important who brought the food, whose hands touched the food, through whose heart the offering passed. She didn't accept everyone. “You need to get even in spirit,” mother would say, sink to her knees, sing her “I Believe”, “Our Father”, “Have mercy on me, God” in a strong voice. She crosses the table: "Eat", and she lies down on the bench, rests. Portions were blessed huge, and everything had to be eaten by all means. “As much as you can, I can help you,” and people with severe illnesses were healed at her table.

Mother accepted everyone: fornicators, liars, robbers, she only denounced the wicked, she could not stand wickedness. She grasped even the shadow of a thought. One woman told me. She went to her mother with her "ascetic husband" with the thought: to ask mother if she would let him go to the monastery, especially since they had no children. She could not ask this question in public, but she thought about it all the time. And so they began to leave, and each mother asked his name. So her husband comes up and calls his name: "Sergius." And his mother corrected him: "You are not Sergius, but Sergey." So that woman received an answer to a question she had not asked.

I remember another story: a priest’s wife came to see my mother, who all her life and even before her marriage dreamed of a monastery, now that all her children have grown up (and three of them have already become priests), thoughts about the monastery have returned to her again. And so she went to Kyiv to ask Matushka Alipia about this. When she and her daughter came to Goloseevskaya Hermitage and entered the yard, they saw matushka Alipiya dozing in the yard of the house. They were waiting for her to wake up. They waited a long time, they decided to leave already, and now, when they had already approached the gate, the old woman suddenly jumped up, blocked the way for her guests, and in front of the one who was choosing a new way of life for herself, lowered a long pole on the gate - this was a silent answer to her questioning: there is no way for her to the monastery. Although so many people received a blessing for monasticism from Mother Alipia, and the sisters of the Florovsky Monastery took turns spending whole days in her hut, and Mother called them "relatives."

At that time, Father Roman (Matyushin) was also ascetic in the Lavra, the beloved father of all, whose repentant chants we listened with bated breath. Mother, meeting the dear guest in her hermitage, called him "twice an angel." A monk is an angelic rank, and a singing monk performs the angelic service of singing at the Throne of the Most High. But the enemy of the human race rises up against those who especially zealously serve God, and through people he annoys them. Matushka Alipia predicted to Father Roman: "You will drink the cup and you will be at the parish again." And so it happened: having drunk his cup of bitterness, he again left for the Pskov region. It was Hieromonk Roman who served the first Litiya over the coffin of Matushka for the repose of her newly-departed soul.

Most often, people did not even suspect that their relief of the burden falls on the mother. Hugs, kisses, - it would seem, blesses, and she takes them upon herself. "Do you think I cook ointment? I crucify myself for you," she once admitted. She gave Cahors drink to one patient to heal her soul and body, and while she drank, she fell unconscious.

Mother gave predictions in parables, in holy foolish deeds, and sometimes explicitly, simply, without allegories - whichever is more salutary. Once, in the midst of a feast, she sent a nun into a ravine with a candle to read the Psalter. Then it turned out that at that very hour her brother had almost been killed. A nun, who had previously labored in the Gornensky monastery, came for advice on whether to return back? “You will be taller here,” mother did not bless. Now she is the abbess of one of the ancient Russian monasteries. Servant of God Olga, a psychiatrist, first came to my mother. The hostess showed her where to sit, she left. Suddenly they shouted at Olga: "How dare she?" It turns out that she sat down in her mother's place. Frightened, I got up. Returning from the yard, mother Alipia said sternly: "Why are you standing, sit down where you are told." Everyone understood that such was the will of the mother. Now this servant of God is ascetic in Jerusalem, in the Gornensky monastery. One singing woman came to mother with her fiancé, and all the while they were sitting at the table, mother pointed at them with her hand and said: "And the girl is singing the boy's funeral, and the girl is singing the boy's funeral." Soon he drowned before her eyes, and she really sang a memorial service for him.

One day, as it were, a veil was removed from my mother, and she became different, not a holy fool - a concentrated, sad person. “A confessor is scary,” the mother opened up. “We need to pray for him, so that the Lord would give him help in the fight against the demons fighting against him and protect him from all evil, because the sins of the father fall on the child. It is necessary to build the spiritual foundation of communication with him. the faith of the child, the Lord reveals to the confessor His will for him ... "

Like many blessed ones, matushka Alipia was surrounded by animals, with whom she spoke, whom she pitied. Mother's cats and chickens were all kind of sick, starved, frail - with pustules, with dry paws. "Why are your animals so sick?" - once asked the mother. - "People live fornication, they commit incest, everything is reflected in the creatures of the earth."

Shortly before her death, mother Alipia had twelve kittens. Blind, they lay in a box, then they began to grow up, they left one by one. Mother rejoiced every time: "Gone, gone!" Finally she said: "Almost everyone is free." The last, the strongest, who clung to his mother most of all, remained. After the death of the old woman, he lay down on her chest, stretched out and died.

A year before her death, Matushka Alipia began to live according to the number known to her alone. She called this calendar the Jerusalem calendar. “States will differ in terms of money. It will not be a war, but the execution of peoples for their rotten state,” the old woman prophesied. “The Lord will not allow His people to die, He will keep the faithful on one prosphora.” At this time (a year before her death), mother announced: "That's it, girls, I'm leaving you." Those in tears. Mother gathered on the table, blessed: "Eat." I counted those present - there were twelve. “Worthy,” the old woman said with pleasure.

Shortly before her death, mother Alipia put a candle in a jar of rice and pushed it out into the hallway. Nun Marina came in - in the dark the candle was flickering, it had never happened before. "The light bulb has burned out," mother excused herself and blessed: "Read the Psalter for your mother." - "What with her?". The old woman did not answer. She was talking about herself. “I leave you orphans, others will console you, but you will no longer have a mother,” she said to the sisters before the end.

On Sunday, October 30, 1988, there were especially many people in the Goloseevsky House. Mother sent those who came to the grave of Father Alexy (Shepelev), now glorified in the saints: "Go, bow, the priest is serving there." Wasn’t the old comforter Goloseevsky himself giving her parting words on the outcome of her soul?

After the meal, the mother lay down. Everyone dispersed, leaving one married couple to clear the table. To the servant of God Marina, mother held out a candle with an order to put tomorrow to the icon of "All Saints": "Just don't light it until morning." Bread and honey ordered to be placed on the requiem table. "All right, don't come back." She thought - today, it turned out - never ...

At that moment, the belated nun Marina, now nun Sergius, ran onto the porch. A few days before, her mother warned her: "Don't go to Vespers on Sunday." With a visit to services in the monastery, she was strict, but did not dare to disobey the old woman.

Mother Alipia was lying on the board. She was delighted to see Marina: "Wave me a handkerchief, I'm dying!" She thought: an allegory. "Read the Psalter". When Marina came to the words: "My King and my God," mother said: "Enough." At parting, she blessed Marina - she gave an unusually significant blessing. And then the man and woman who were clearing the table looked, and the lifeless mother was lying with her face shining with the glory of Heaven. The Lord called His servant from the vale into endless joy. Her death was quiet, peaceful and shameless. The couple got into the car and drove to a pay phone. When they returned, a dead kitten stretched out on the mother’s chest, the very last of the twelve, warm, warm.

In the year of the millennium of the Baptism of Russia, 1988, the blessed old woman schema-nun Alipia passed away to the Lord. Once she dropped that Florovsky Monastery would bury her. And so it happened. After the first litia, the panikhida was taken to the monastery, where a funeral service was held in the church. The burial took place on November 2. "As soon as the first snow falls, so bury me." And, indeed, the first snowflakes swirled that day. With the blessing of the Abbess of the Florovsky Monastery, Abbess Antonia, the laborious body of the 90-year-old old woman Alipia was buried in the Florovsky section of the Forest Cemetery.

After the death of mother, her house in the Goloseevsky forest was demolished, but in its place a marvelous miraculous spring appeared. Mother's enemies filled this source completely and hammered a stake, so that it was impossible to pull it out. The nuns of the Florovsky Monastery tried to pull out the stake, but, alas, nothing worked. And suddenly, one day, the fountain rushed three meters into the air. So mother Alipia, even after her death, assured her faithful children that she had found favor with the Lord, and "rivers of living water" flow through prayers to her.

Bless me Lord

On this morning,

For the first moment, for the first breath,

For a day - good or bad.

bless me again

For all things during the day,

For every hour, for every step,

So that the enemy does not overpower me,

At the crossroads of all paths

In the wilderness, among the people...

And finally, at the end of the day

Bless me for the night!

Mother Alipia...

She is our contemporary.

Matushka Alipiya passed away on October 30, 1988. She predicted the Chernobyl disaster, the Filaret schism (five years before the event) and the times, it seems, of new monstrous trials; predicted war.

Mother Alipia belongs to the ascetics of piety, when the depth of the feat of the faithful was in their hearts.

She modestly carried her cross, but what you need to know about her difficult life, about her exploits, she revealed to the world.

The feat of prayer - from childhood she read the Psalter, until old age she knew almost all the psalms by heart;

the feat of wandering - walked many holy places;

the feat of confession - 10 years in prison for the Orthodox faith;

the feat of pilgrimage - lived in the hollow of a tree; and,

like a crown - the feat of foolishness in Christ.

The Spirit of God revealed to Mother the gift of insight, the gift of revelation about the future, the gift of healing. No one will know about the fullness of the exploits of the blessed one.

Those who saw her during her lifetime thought she had a hump. In fact, she wore on her shoulders the icon of her heavenly patroness - the martyr Agathia ...

Even during her lifetime, the holy fool renounced everything worldly, having gone through the most severe path of deprivation, bequeathed to come to her for help and tell everything “as if alive”: “Come and shout! I will hear! Put three candles, and tell everything like a living one!Amazing and inexplicable facts of healings through prayers to Mother Alipia were both during the life of the ascetic and after her death.
Viral infections, bleeding, tumors, and even fractures and burns, and today pass in a mysterious way for medicine through prayers to this God-pleaser.

"... In case of illness of the head, pray to John the Baptist ..."

"... Eyes hurt - pray to the Kazan Mother of God ..."

“... She constantly said the Jesus Prayer and strongly assured that through this prayer no misfortune could happen on the road ...”

“... If one of the warring enters (on health) the name of his ill-wisher in a note next to his name, and the enmity stops ...”

“... Prayer for a child

Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David.

Lord, have mercy on us and our children, may they not be carried away by the spirit of the times, the temptations of this world, may they not succumb to any passion or vice. Make our children useful here on earth, so that later they will be rewarded with bliss in heaven. Amen…"

“... Falling asleep, she always said in a whisper: - Glory to Thee, Lord. And thanks for everything!...”

“... In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, may the servant of God (name) Lord bless you, this hour and the future ...”

“... Each church has its own Guardian Angel assigned to it. And even if the church is destroyed, the Angel remains until the second coming, until the days of judgment ... "

“... When you can’t improve, you need to do this: - Lord, I want to, but I can’t. Help me, Lord! ... "

“... When we go to bed, in the evening prayers we read “May God rise again ...”, then you need to take out your cross and kiss it ... "

“... It is very useful in the morning, crossing oneself with the words “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen,” to baptize everything that surrounds us ...”

“…Praying should be started in the morning. The Holy Fathers advise to pray before we eat…”

“... Orthodox Christians do not eat anything until 12 noon

(At this time they crucified Jesus Christ) ... "

“... On the day of the Angel, one should especially turn in prayer to his patron. The night before, you should be at the service, confess your sins, and in the morning come to the liturgy and partake of the Holy Mysteries ... "

“... It’s good to order a prayer service to your patron on the day of the Angel ...”

“… There is nothing higher in life than to mention the name at the Divine Liturgy…”

“... If a person was not on 3 Sundays in a row, without a good reason, in the service, then he is excommunicated from the Church and is outside the church fence. The demons already have power over him…”

“... Night prayer is especially valuable. This prayer is, as it were, paid for in gold. But in order to pray at night, you need to take a blessing from the priest. Through the blessing, the Lord will protect this man…”

"... Prayer without bows is a premature fetus ..."

“…The grace of God is taken away from those who are baptized with gloves…”

“...-If you write sins on a piece of paper, then what to do with it?

If the name of God is not written there, tear it up and throw it away, and if it is written, put it on fire ... "

“…Pray in solitude…”

"..." Virgin Mother of God rejoice ... "brought from heaven by the Archangel in greeting to the Blessed Virgin..."

"... Our Father" is the word of the Lord himself ... "

"... The symbol of faith" - includes all the dogmas of the Christian faith ... "

“…Pray with constancy, with tirelessness. Today, tomorrow, a year, two years, etc. - until finally you get it, if not for virtue, then for your perseverance ... "

(Bishop Paul)

"... So as not to burn in hell:" Lord, deliver us eternal torment, unquenchable fire ... "

“... In the Holy Spring: “I believe, Lord! “And three times he gave this water to pour all over himself and sick members ...”

“…-Peace to your house!

To the glory of God…”

“... May the Mother of God overshadow you with Her cover!

May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you and may He cover you from every net of the devil, and may He grant you to walk in the right paths and pass unstumblingly to His Saints…”

"...God's mercy be with you..."

“Into Your hands, O God, I commit my spirit…”

“... You go somewhere, kneel down, but so that no one sees, and ask ...”

“... Every day, put 3 bows:

1. Lord Jesus.

2. Mother of God.

3. All Saints ... "

“... Having entered the elder, pray and bow to him to the ground ...”

"... Kiss your cross - be sanctified by the rays of grace ..."

"... It is impossible to sanctify water on boiled water!..."

“…Ask the Lord to reveal his will to you…”

“... Everything that you ask the Lord God for, accept everything, if only it was for the Glory of God (or for the benefit of your neighbor) ...”

“... A prayer of repentance, like a prayer of thanksgiving, must always precede a prayer of supplication ...”

“... The longer we ask God, the more generous He is, the longer He does not give, the more He will give ...”

“... A girl for 5 years prayed to St. Nicholas: she read the “Rule of Faith” 12 times with tears and her petition was fulfilled ...”

“... Applying to the icons to kiss:

Leg Savior

With a half-length image, in the handle,

Mother of God and Saints - in the hand,

The miraculous image of the Savior - in the braid of Vlasov,

The beheading of the Head of John the Baptist - in the Vlasov braid ... "

“…Night prayer has a special power…”

“... From You, Lord, victory ... And Yours is the glory, but I’m just Your servant ...”

“... To you, Lord, majesty, and strength, and glory, and overcoming, and confession, and strength, now and forever and ever. Amen…"

“... If the myrrh is left in your hands, collect it with a crumb of bread (burn it) ...”

"... To the consecration of water - the Epiphany candle ..."

"... Pray three times and then, wherever your heart inclines, then do it..."

"... Sinful Nina, when you pray, call your name ..."

“... She taught not only to pray for them, but on behalf of them, or instead of them, or simply for them ...”

“... It is convenient to pray with the Jesus Prayer everywhere and always, it is good to keep it during church services, and when it is not possible to go to the temple, then divine services are replaced by it ...”

“... Inwardly renounces all his knowledge, thoughts, desires, plans, and free from everything “his own”, he carefully prays to God in his heart, and accepts the first thing that is born in the soul after this prayer as an indication from above ... "

“... Sometimes he faithfully and definitely told the person being asked that it was God's will for him to do this, and sometimes he answered that we did not know God's will about him (since the one who turned turned with an unfaithful and deceitful heart) ... "

“…He knew that through the Jesus Prayer the grace of the Holy Spirit comes into the heart, sanctifies the whole person…”

"...Those who truly confess the peace of Christ, let them never forget about Golgotha..."

“... And if you have bewilderment, then make 3 bows and say:

“Lord, You see, merciful one, my soul is perplexed and I am afraid to sin. Understand me, Lord." And the Lord will enlighten ... "

“... Whoever asks me for prayers, for those tearfully I ask the Lord: “Lord, give them Your Holy Spirit, that they may know You by the Holy Spirit” ... "

“... In the evening, go out into the courtyard and pray 100 times to Jesus, 100 times to the Lady, and don’t tell anyone, and you pray so that no one sees ...”

“... When longing:

Then stand up without words with an empty, maybe heart and heavy head under the icon of Christ in the crown of thorns, in silence, and wait for what the image of the tormented God-man will say to your soul ... "

"... Elder Seraphim:" Bless the beginning of this day, stay with me all this day, encourage me to do good, stop me from unclean movements, help me and cover me "..."

“... On Monday, all the Angels need to keep a fast ...”

“... When fasting, then bread and water are used ...”

"... Pray either in body or in spirit in secret, and not in front of people, although they are sleeping ..."

“... Every day, at least out of need, read one kathisma from the Psalter ...”

“... Either stand with attention in church, or pray at home during the service ...”

“...-Bless the rosary and teach how to pray?

Across the rosary, for each bump on the ground: the radiant believe 1000 of these per day ... "

“... Without preparation for Communion, one should not eat antidoron ...”

“... Ask the priest to confess according to the Trebnik, it is very useful ...”

“... I committed my mental sin in the evening, and in the morning I began to feel that the Lord was leaving me.

Suddenly there was a feeling of incredible emptiness, a bottomless abyss, cold and darkness: almost all feelings, the purpose and meaning of life, all desires disappeared. It was as if my soul had gone somewhere, and only my body and consciousness remained. The world no longer touched me, I was, as it were, excluded from the number of people. That neither God nor people need me anymore. Boundless despair seized me ... "

“... The saints say that if the heart doubts something, do not accept it - from the evil one. God’s is always firm and certain…”

“... From singing the “Symbol of Faith” to “Our Father” - at this time one should refrain from lighting candles and kissing icons ...”

“... If a person does not fast, then he can read “Our Father” 3-4 or 10 times a day, “Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice ...”. You need to ask the Lord for forgiveness for not having the strength to fast bodily ... "

“…When we feel compunction while reading spiritual books, we will stop reading and begin to engage in the Jesus Prayer…”

"... You pray for them during the removal of the Chalice..."

“… It’s good when three people pray together…”

"... When you read prayers of repentance, sins are forgiven ..."

“... Father, tell me, is it the will of God to become a monk for me or not? So I will put you three fans, as if alive and open your "life" and where my eyes fall, let it be my answer. (All this out loud) ... "

“... Reading the lives of the Saints, you very often notice that they especially generously distributed the grace-filled gifts of their grace on their day ...”

“... Bad thoughts must be driven away by prayer: “Lord, have mercy on me, for I am weak ...”

"... To every thought that comes to you, say:" Are you ours or from our adversary? - And it will certainly affect ... "

“... Going to confess thoughts to your spiritual father or ask him about something, first pray in your heart and say:

“Lord, whatever is pleasing to You, put it in my father’s mouth, so that he will tell me what is from Your mouth, I will accept his word. Establish him in Thy truth, so that I may always hear Thy Holy will from him.

And then keep faithfully and with fear what he will tell you ... "

“... If you accept an evil thought or passion in your heart, sympathize with it and vilify it in your soul for some time and defile your soul with it, then read the penitential canon or the 50th psalm with a few bows, if it doesn’t help, then repeat until your soul calms down ... »

“…. If you cannot fast much and stand in prayer (bodily), practice more in smart and heartfelt prayer…”

“... When demons surround me with lustful thoughts, then cry out to the Lord with tears: “Those who cast me out bypassed me. My joys. Deliver me from those who have bypassed me" - and you will be delivered ... "

“... An amazing cross. You just have to put it on your forehead and hold it for a while so that your head freshens up, and the Lord sends new thoughts ... "

“…”… When they find vague thoughts:

1. "Let God rise again..." -bow.

2. "Our Lady of the Virgin ..." - 3 times with bows.

3. "It is worthy to eat ..." -bow ... "

“... When you promise, put 7 bows ...”

"…O. John brought me into communion with two particles of the Body of the Lord. This, in his opinion, was an indication of his monasticism ... "

“…Lord, help me to speak a word for the benefit of those who listen…”

“... After communion: “Peace be with you, I congratulate you ...”

“... Lord, Jesus Christ, Son and Word of God, for the sake of the Theotokos, have mercy on me” (perfect prayer) ... "

“... Prayer torment. Uare (November 1) about the relief of the dead, who were not worthy of Holy Baptism and babies who died in the womb or during childbirth ... "

“... I forgot You, Lord! Alas for me! Do not forget me, Lord, who forgets You…”

“... Notes on health

For your family and relatives, enter the names of your benefactors (so as not to remain indebted to them) ... "

“… Carefully pray for people at home. If a severe mental condition has arisen, gradually eliminate one person at a time until you determine which person it is because of ... "

“... A special burden is to pray for drunkards. Only with a blessing! ... "

“... You, Lord, know what is good for me. Do with me according to Your will…”

“... You need to pray more often.

"-God! Give me patience here, absolution there ... "

“... Only for the sake of Christ, the done virtue brings the fruit of the Holy Spirit ...”

“... Lord, show You on him and on me, the poor, obviously and tangibly, how Your servants are when You pour out Your gifts on them in the fullness of the impregnable glory of Your majesty ...”

“... A Christian, approaching with prayer to the Lord or His Most Pure Mother, or ... Should become like the Lord Himself or the Mother of God, or an Angel or Saints. And this is precisely the secret of the approach and speedy hearing of our prayers ... "

“...Cry out to the Lord before starting a business:

“Jesus, help me!

Jesus, enlighten me!..."

“... Father Panfutius read a prayer after dinner:

“Be Thy womb, a holy meal, having the heavenly bread-Christ, from Him no one who eats dies, as the speech of all the Mother of God, Feeder” ... "

“... The record of the blessed one: “I gave up my mind, of course, for the Glory of God, having submitted all my will to Him, I brought my life as a gift to God ...”

And God grants man the grace-filled gift of higher reasoning and insight. The revelation of God is received through prayer.

“When I gave my mind to the Lord, my heart became wide, wide…”

“... Like this in the morning 12 times and in the evening 12 times - bows of the waist according to the hours of the day and night. "Like for every time and for every hour" ... "

“... Lord, guide my steps according to Your word, so that no iniquity possesses me. Enlighten Your face on Your servant and teach me Your justifications…”

“... Slavosovie

“Praise Thee, bless Thee, bow Thys I, glorify Thee, thank Thee, great for the sake of Thy Glory!...”

“... Mother said this:

- “Here are 10 icons hanging, read 10 troparia for sure! This is not an exhibition…”

“... She blessed people like this:

She clearly put her fingers to my forehead, stomach, shoulders.

“Put, O Lord, the root of the good, your fear in our hearts…”

“... After the evening rule, you should not eat anymore ...”

“... Lord, make my heart burn for You!...”

“... In the morning, the Psalter, the Gospel, in the afternoon, Akathists ...”

"... Prayer and work for the glory of God is his daily work ..."

“... The last week of Maslenitsa-naz. Forgiveness Sunday ... "

“... In response, say:

"God will forgive and I forgive you..."

“... When we forgive the offender, then God either punishes him, or forgives our sins ...”

“…Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, pray to God for us…”

“…Always pray to the Almighty Cross of the Lord….I command you. The cross will save you in this terrible time. For only the Cross of all is the Resurrection, the Cross of the fallen correction, the mortification of passions and the nailing of the flesh, the Cross of souls glory and eternal light ... ”(Nikolai Guryanov).

“... Whoever needs inner soul sanctification, read with attention the 17th kathisma. And his inner eyes will be opened...

“...-Great is my sin. I have no forgiveness!

“...-Does he go to the Temple of God?


Your note will not be of any use, the nun said with pity, “pray for him at home…”

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