What to say when you enter the hut. How to enter the camera correctly (what a beginner needs to know)

If there is a need to take advantage of someone else's, it is imperative to obtain permission, and you need to be interested in a polite manner. But this rule also applies to your own things: you have every right to protect their integrity. Prisoners rarely treat each other with real respect, and there is no compelling reason to treat a newcomer well. Because of this, services in prison are never provided out of the kindness of the soul - it is always expected to receive something in return for them. The ban on discussing oral sex with prisoners is widely known. But it is undesirable to spread about other sexual aspects and other topics related to personal life. You should not touch upon sensitive issues related to the field of crime. In prisons, it is customary to answer for every word. You shouldn't voice your opinion on issues that you don't understand.

How to enter the hut on the zone the first day?

It is imperative to ask for permission to use the bed, as it may be occupied. Places for first-timers are usually located in the corners of the room. Help: they do not greet the newcomer by the hand until the prisoners are convinced (through their channels and the behavior of the newcomer) that he is not involved in a rooster suit. Even if bodily contact with a rooster happens "through ignorance", its consequences in the prison community can be unpredictable, this is what causes such alertness.
If the first acquaintance with the prisoners passed without incident, then in the future you should not relax. In the first days of being in places of deprivation of liberty, you should be especially careful and monitor your every action.

Note to the first: how to survive and spend time with benefit in prison for a beginner

It is better to immediately let know about the lack of experience in prison life. "Unknowingly" prisoners can forgive many mistakes. But there are some rules that should not be broken even by beginners:

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In some cases, it was possible to pay off large sums of money from staying in a common cell. 6. "Registration" can be avoided by elderly people who are sick, who, upon entering, declare that they undertake to pay "to the common fund" and work as they should. What is "registration"? If the cell with the criminals could not be avoided, there will be "registration" and accommodation on generally accepted conditions. Initially, no one is determined to harm a newcomer, but no one is indifferent to which person they have to serve time with, communicate and interact with for a long time.

Therefore, formally, registration is a test in the form of intricate questions, as a quick way to find out a cellmate, to understand what kind of attitude he deserves. "Registration" has become a kind of provocative ritual that takes on various shades. Therefore, the knowledge of how to enter the hut in the zone will help a beginner with no experience.

How do they say hello in prison?

And this is fraught with trouble for the authorities. When "registering" - and indeed in a cell - there is one main rule: you need to tell the truth. If a person committed a rape, and said that he was slandered, they can believe him. But if it turns out that he nevertheless deceived his inmates, then he will not be forgiven.
"Registration" is a ritual. Its decades-old rules for the first time in the camera can make a terrifying impression. They may shout at you, hit you several times, and provoke you. But no one sets a goal to inflict serious bodily harm, rather, this is done as a preventive measure.

Athletes entering the camera for the first time sometimes take it all seriously and have a real fight. There were cases when such people received grievous bodily harm. Formally, "registration" means that you are asked questions, and you are obliged to answer.

How to enter the hut in the zone correctly

It is important to remember that in prison it is not customary to shake hands with strangers. When you meet, it is enough just to verbally say hello. In the prison sense, "roosters" are not even considered people, they are treated as subhuman, therefore no one ever touches them with their hands, does not take anything from their hands, do not smoke cigarettes after them, do not drink or eat with them from one utensils.

Anyone who breaks this rule runs the risk of becoming "finished" as well. And if you get into this caste, then you will not be able to get out of it until the end of your life. Having drunk, for example, according to the "ignorant" from the circle of "rooster", of course, they may not omit the newcomer, but an hostile attitude towards him will form right there.

Also, in prison they do not greet the "goats", that is, with those who "knock" the administration on their cellmates. If you are noticed shaking hands with a goat, you may also be suspected of involvement in snitching.

How to enter the hut in the video zone correctly


The godfather looked at the dead rat and said: - You are a thief, I am a thief, the rat stole bread - that means he is also a thief. So that means you are like ... I give you a time until the morning if you can think of an excuse - let's omit. The man thought, he thought, he didn’t sleep all night, and in the morning he answered: “Yes, I’m a thief and you’re a thief, a rat stole bread — that means he’s also a thief, so she’s got it wrong to sit with us or something ...

Secondly, you can go on a hunger strike. Do not be afraid - a hunger strike for several days has not harmed anyone yet. All actions of this kind must be documented, signed by officials. And the higher the position of the person who signs up on your application, the better. The minimum is a supervising prosecutor. But it will not hurt to send such a statement even higher - up to the Prosecutor General. You need to act through a lawyer. Many operas, having signed your statement on hunger strike, will send it "in a parasha". Do not go on a "dry" hunger strike (refusing food and water).

How to enter the hut on the video zone correctly

Pay attention It is necessary to understand that only you yourself are able to help yourself. First of all, there is no need to despair. Even in prison, you can improve relationships with others and slightly smooth out the negative aspects of imprisonment. Keep in touch with loved ones. It is often very difficult for a person who finds himself in a prison cell for the first time to get used to the specific atmosphere of a place of deprivation of liberty.

Try to build friendships with your cellmates and other prisoners. Be discreet and tactful. Useful advice We need to discard the prejudices brought up by the TV that convicts are stupid lawless people, and understand one thing: the same people are in prison, as elsewhere, only they were imprisoned before you. They are also called the veins of the prison, because with the help of them many important issues are resolved, business is done, accomplices agree on how to behave in court, etc.

How to enter the hut in the video zone


To the question: "Who are you?" the answers are assumed - "a vagabond" - an authority who has found himself behind bars not for the first time, "a man" - a person who does not have "mistakes" in the wild, or - "a lowered person". Do not go to seemingly free bunks. For pioneers, most often there are sleeping places located in the corners. The newcomer may be invited to the table (common fund) to drink tea, and again they will be asked to tell in more detail what he was convicted of and who he is.

If you have not had the experience of imprisonment, it is better to say so - the experienced in any case will figure out your real essence. Not knowing the rules of life in a cell, it is worth saying about it as it is, and expressing consent regarding their observance. Better to keep silent about the financial situation or give the impression of a person of average income. A nickname is a necessity that you can choose at your own discretion, or it will be appropriated by society according to the characteristics or behavior of the prisoner.

How to enter the hut in the zone

If you answer incorrectly, most likely the maximum that you face is a few hits. But those who persist in delusions may receive an offer to decide - to go to the "roosters" or to the "sixes". Here it is already very difficult to “work back”. But you can: in some cases, if you apologize, you will be beaten, perhaps you will pay, but you will “get rid of”. The last option is to sit for long enough. There is no point in going on a hunger strike here. Tune in to life in a cell, to "registration" and communication with criminals. Try to cause your neighbors as little trouble as possible and you can get rid of many problems. For example, if you spoil the air in the cell, you may be “shown” and beaten. The "godfather" will not answer for snoring in the cell, but you will. Don't sit down to play cards.

How to enter the hut in the zone

If you turn to a person who is below you in the chamber hierarchy, then you risk losing your authority in the eyes of your inmates. With questions about the arrangement of life, it is best to turn to those who are lying next to you - just like you, who were recently imprisoned. It is from these people that you can learn about the presence of "goats" and "roosters" in the cell, with whom you cannot greet.

It should also be borne in mind that prisons are fairly democratic, and between prisoners it is customary to address each other on "you". It is considered quite normal here when an eighteen-year-old drug addict addresses a fifty-year-old deputy of the City Council on “you”. Entering the cell for the first time, newcomers, as a rule, do not face outright aggression, however, one should not count on the warmth from inmates.

This is considered normal - after all, each prisoner has his own personal misfortune and his own term.


The first thing to do after crossing the threshold of the camera is to say hello. The optimal wording for this is "great, lads."
By doing this you show respect for those who are already behind bars and will become your closest neighbors in this limited space for at least weeks (all newcomers hope to be free in a few days, but, unfortunately, it is such that these aspirations rarely come true ).
You can immediately name the name and article of the Criminal Code for which you are accused. You can stipulate that you "sew" it.
It is also customary to answer the question “what got it for”, which is traditional in these places, with the number of the article.

Be prepared to also answer a series of questions. Most likely, you will be invited to a conversation with the beholder (this is the name of the prisoner responsible for the observance in the cell ("hut") of the unwritten prison laws, called "concepts") and other prisoners who enjoy authority in the criminal community.
You need to answer the questions, not play around, not try to pretend to be an expert on prison rules (even if you have read a lot about them and heard from experienced people, this does not replace personal experience).
But financial well-being is not particularly better. It is optimal to show yourself as a middle peasant in this regard or a poor person, especially if you are.

The camera elite (usually the viewer himself, if he is present and awake) will voice you the main prohibitions related to behavior in the camera. Listen carefully and try to follow these rules: unfortunately, the situation with the principle of inevitability of punishment for deviating from prison rules is much stricter than in a state with laws.

However, do not hope that you will be taught all the intricacies of "concepts": a certain calculation is always made to catch an inexperienced beginner on their insufficient knowledge. Therefore, in the early days, carefully look at what is happening and draw conclusions.
Although it is not forbidden to ask more knowledgeable prisoners to clarify points of interest (as they say in these places, “it’s not zapadlo to be interested”). By the way, the word "ask" (and many others, seemingly innocent) behind bars should be used very carefully. It is preferable to say "interested".

Separately, it should be said about the so-called "Common" (the criminal world has its own spelling, and this word, according to "concepts", should be written with a capital letter) - a kind of chamber "mutual aid fund". If you have something to "give" (for example, there is some supply of cigarettes, groceries, you managed to bring in cash), it is better to immediately offer your participation. This will definitely add points to your inmates.
Participation in the "General" is voluntary, and everyone who "pays" decides how much. In practice, it is optimal to contribute to this fund a third of the available stocks or content of the transmission.

After a successful first acquaintance with inmates, one should not forget that everything is just beginning, and not relax until the very release.
While you are in captivity, you should constantly be on the alert and expect surprises, often not the most pleasant ones, both from the prison administration and from other prisoners.

Do not renounce the prison and the bag. And if fate has turned its back on you and the stars have developed in such a way that you will have to go to the state house for a period determined by the court, then for beginners in this business we will give some tips that will help you to "correctly" behave in an unfamiliar environment.

It is no secret that the framework of behavior “in the wild” and in prison has a number of significant differences, which should be paid close attention to, so as not to violate with your actions or words, God forbid, through ignorance of the unwritten rules of the “hut”.

Hello, I say hello to you!

When entering the cell for the first time, one should not greet its inhabitants with the words: "Great, guys!" (in response, one can hear “Where did you see the boys?) or“ Great, people! (“Whom did you call phraers?”).

The correct greeting could be "Good afternoon / evening or just hello, good health." While you are new, there is little demand from you, but this does not eliminate the consequences of breaking the unwritten prison rules.

It is worth asking right away "Who is the senior here?" Usually the bunk of the authority is located by the window or in the corner, in the farthest place from the bathroom, because the stench from the parasha is incredible, and fresh air is available only to the “proprietors”.

Immediately it is necessary to warn inmates about their diseases - psoriasis, syphilis, hepatitis, tuberculosis or skin diseases. If you are diabetic or have any other drug-dependent disease, this must be said.

Sometimes the godfather (by the way, the godfather is an old Fenya, you have to say “senior or looking at ... (camera, detachment, zone)”), sits with his back to the newcomer, and turns only when he is granted an audience. It is not recommended to take an interest in his behavior!

You should not hide your lack of experience in prison affairs and pretend to be a seasoned authority - the lack of experience will still make itself felt, but your arrogance will no longer be forgiven. Even if you are a deep admirer of prison folklore and have watched many crime series, on the basis of which you consider yourself “in the subject” - leave your illusions outside the cell door. Everything flows, everything changes - if some “concepts” of the zone were relevant at one time, then today the rules of conduct in a particular prison could have undergone some changes, for example, today grandmothers decide a lot - and the camera will be as clean as in a resort with a telecom and a refrigerator, and the work will be easy and the walks will be long. Therefore, we return to the first advice - instruction on the laws of the "hut" is mandatory.
Sometimes a beginner is given a ritual with a towel thrown on the threshold - not only to wipe his feet on it, but also not worth lifting it, it is believed that the towel just needs to be stepped over.

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Basically, there is a high probability that the newcomer will find himself in the “right hut” or to the same first-movers. There is such a thief, an authority, keeping order in here. He does not allow "lawlessness", unregulated showdowns, facts of theft from inmates, lawlessness.

For a beginner who is under stress from past events, it is important to pull yourself together and hold back, answering the questions of the lads. Experienced sitters know that at the initial stage of adaptation, you can get the most complete and useful information about a beginner by asking the “right” questions. With their help, you can bring the mishandled snitch to clean water.

It is important for a newcomer here not to blurt out too much - keep your mouth shut if you were previously an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, worked in a state structure, go under the "vile" articles of rape or pedophilia. But lying about yourself is also fraught with consequences - the world is small and undermined trust will not play into your hands later.

If you want to earn respect from inmates, know that intelligence, cunning, cruelty, responsibility and self-control in prisons are in demand like nowhere else.

In the early days, you can be cruelly joked and mocked - it is difficult to give advice, it is recommended to get out, try to "pin up" your opponent even more without turning to violence.

  • Do not greet an unfamiliar audience with the words "Hello, guys!" Quite harmless in the wild, the concept of "men" in the zone denotes a certain caste of inmates - "suit", for obvious reasons, it is not worth calling all those present. The correct first greeting could be “Good afternoon / evening” or simply “Hello” or “Good health”.
  • The issued mattress should not be placed on the floor; you can casually put it on a bag or hold it in your hands. Do not rush to greet those present by the hand - there are castes whose representatives should shake hands “in a zapadlo”.
  • You should not show excessive politeness in a conversation - although friendliness and benevolence are appreciated, “sweet intelligentsia” is not celebrated in these places, ingratiating themselves here will be mistaken for a weakness worthy of contempt. The generally accepted attributes of politeness - the words "thank you" and "please" should be replaced by "thank you" and "if possible."
  • It is generally not worth using swear words in speech - at least until the beginner has mastered the vocabulary that has developed in the "hut". For the redefinition of values ​​in the zone also affected profanity. Swearing in prison or in the camp is a signal of aggression and in everyday conversations swear words are used extremely rarely, and the imposing and swaggering expression “filter the bazaar” circulated in films and the press is a banal request to the prisoner to reduce the amount of swearing in his speech.
  • Do not use words such as “ask” - in prison jargon, “I want to ask” will mean “to prosecute for violating the rules of a thief’s life,” which in itself is already a serious insult. In the zone and in the prison, one must exclusively “take an interest” or “want to inquire for oneself”.
  • Do not beg and do not borrow with the wording “On Monday, mine will come and bring - I’ll give you back”, because anything can happen, a person will not come to you that day, and you will instantly receive the mark of “fuflogon” - a person, whose word is worth little.
  • In cells with decent inmates (“travel huts”) there is always a certain supply of money, food, medicine, drugs and cigarettes, which the elder manages, distributing it at the request of the rest of the inhabitants. This is a "small common fund", which is at the same time a part of the general prison or camp "large common fund". For the safety of the "small common fund" the senior in the cell / detachment is responsible to the senior in the corps / barracks. It is impossible to take something from the common fund secretly - without publicity or permission (“without showing”) it is impossible. This is what "rats" do - morally depressed convicts, "pulling from their own." Usually such scoundrels are severely punished and create such unbearable conditions for them in the “correct” cell that the “unlucky chushkan” has to cooperate with the administration in exchange for changing the cell (“break out of the house” and “put on the horns”). It is not customary to pay off debts, except for game debts, therefore, repeatedly trying to borrow condensed milk, tea, cigarettes or money, you can lose your good reputation (“get greasy”) and be known as “bullshit” or “feldikos”.
  • Under the “correct” pretext (“I don’t want to” or “not in the mood”), refuse the offer to play cards or other games for fun - they will make you lose seriously and for real, because you are not yet aware of the local gaming jargon. Play "for fun" is a bet on any desire of the winner. Remember - behind the thorn, deceptions in gambling are only welcome and it is hardly possible to catch a hardened cheat. Even if you succeed, the accusation can be regarded as a pretext and this will lead to even more trouble. Curb your passion, greed and stupidity so as not to fall into bondage. If the convict cannot pay off the gaming debt on time, he automatically goes into the “lost” caste, ie. actually turns into a completely powerless creature. To pay off such a debt, a prisoner may be required to perform absolutely any action - from very harmless self-harm (“slap a finger”) to the murder of another prisoner or a representative of the administration. The return of a prison debt “from free” also has its own peculiarities - the rate of the game prison “currency” to ordinary money is 1:10, i.e. if you lose 500 rubles in the zone - in the wild this amount will be 10 times more and equal to 5000. This also applies to bacon, drugs, sugar, cigarettes, medicines and even T-shirts, shorts and socks.
  • One should be careful when accepting gifts from other inmates - “take a cigarette”, “drink some tea”, “grab a stone”. At any time, a “friendly friend” can unexpectedly demand from you or return to him what he has eaten / smoked / drunk or fulfill his request - for example, wash his socks, clean the cell or wash the dishes. Before you take something “just like that” - clarify why you are given “heating”, in order to avoid misunderstandings. Such "nudges" can mean an attempt to "six" you or make you a "horse" - a servant for others. The rest of the inmates in this situation show thieves collectivism and happily support the version of the "warmer" - another "horse in the hut" will not bother anyone.

How to win over people and make friends in prison?

Excessive curiosity can also play a cruel joke with the newcomer. Do not ask your new neighbors about what articles they have to serve time and what their tattoos mean.

Trying to arouse your favor by providing someone with a service, by serving, you can accidentally only drop your status. You should not rush to "gear up" on your own initiative.

For the same reason, you should not voluntarily give your parcels from the "mainland" to one of the new neighbors at the direction of inmates - all things in the "hut" have their owner, be it a rusty mug or seemingly unnecessary newspaper. This means that you can use them only with the permission of the owner. You should defend your property completely without fear. You can give your rations only by the decision of the meeting of the lads, obeying the opinion of the majority, but also “warm up the lads” by allocating a pack of cigarettes or “moonstone” (so jokingly called halva) to the common fund - this is an approved affair.

It is very important to understand that personal hygiene is the paramount parameter when compiling your overall profile. They will not stand on ceremony with an untidy prisoner who does not follow his cleanliness - such a person will most likely fall into the category of "chushkans" outright. Keeping clothes in general, nails, teeth, feet and hands clean (especially after visiting a latrine) is a sacred act in prison. To touch with unwashed hands after your genitals to any object is to irretrievably “grind” it. A dirty person (“chushka”) who has forgotten to wash his hands after “dyuchka” may be denied access to a “general” or a descent to seriously “fill his throat” as a primary educational prophylaxis.

Daily washing and washing of feet before going to bed is considered a must. Foul-smelling socks or dirty things ("lakhs") will be the subject of extreme contempt, disgust and disrespect.

As you know, the toilet in a prison cell is often located in a common space, separated from the living area only by curtains. According to unwritten rules, when someone is in the toilet, none of the inmates should eat, drink tea or cook anything. Conversely, while eating, it is strictly forbidden to “go to the toilet”.
In any case, a person who is in prison for the first time will not learn all the rules in advance. But it is necessary to understand that ignorance of any unwritten regulations is not the most terrible enemy of the newly-made convict. His life can be spoiled, first of all, by his opposition to the new team, the rejection of these very laws and concepts, a rebellion against the "thieves" foundations.

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