Is detritus in feces normal or pathological, reasons for deviation. Coprology and decoding of feces coprogram in children Mucus detritus

Detritus is small particles of processed dietary fiber, dead cellular structures of bacteria, which are formed due to the action of digestive system enzymes. Normally, in humans, feces are excreted in the form of a dense mass with a high content of detritus.

In itself, the presence of this substance cannot indicate the presence of any pathology in the patient, but if the composition of the feces contains unacceptable impurities such as blood, leukocytes, mucus, then this indicates the presence of a pathology.

With a multiple magnification of the microscope, detritus looks like granular and various-sized, amorphous formations of unknown origin. If the patient's digestive processes are normal, then a significant amount of detritus will always be released with feces.

This substance is formed under the influence of digestive enzymatic components and beneficial intestinal microflora. The detritus also contains remnants of the superficial epithelial layers of the intestine.

The substance contains red blood cells, a mucous component, leukocytes and other components, but they are so modified that it is impossible to differentiate them from each other; they appear as a single detrital mass.

Too much detritus is present in soft feces, but formed as a result of a rational and healthy diet. There is too much detritus in solid feces, and a deficiency in liquid feces.

Norm of indicators

A clear amount of detritus is not determined in the coprogram results. In the analyses, the laboratory technician notes one or more advantages.

  • If there is a lot of detritus – (+++++);
  • With minimum content – ​​(+);
  • If there is very little detritus - (+/-).

When the doctor interprets the scatological examination, he takes into account the presence of pathological symptoms in the stool, instrumental diagnostic data, the patient’s complaints and his general well-being. Therefore, it is impossible for an ignorant specialist to independently decipher the results.

Reasons for rejection

In order for food to be digested normally, the pancreas produces special enzymatic substances, and the liver produces bile secretions.

If the organs function with deviations or some pathological process develops in them, then the food masses stagnate in the cavity of the duodenum and cannot be fully broken down and absorbed. As a result, the detritus content increases or decreases.

  1. gastritis or character;
  2. Increase in pathogenic microorganisms in the intestinal cavity;
  3. The presence of an infectious process;
  4. in the stomach or intestinal sections;
  5. Pathological weakness of the immune system;
  6. Excessively rapid evacuation of feces from the colon;
  7. Insufficiency of gastric secretion;
  8. Intolerance to certain foods by the body;
  9. Pathologies such as cholecystitis, or, and, malignant processes in the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

In general, the presence of detritus in feces is not considered a pathology; on the contrary, it indicates the normal functioning of the digestive processes. The presence of gastrointestinal abnormalities can be detected by detecting mucus in the stool, a change in the pH of the reaction or the presence of purulent masses in the feces, with a high content of bacteria, leukocyte cells or undigested fiber.

Why might the analysis be inaccurate?

As has already been clarified, the presence of large amounts of detritus in feces is not a pathological manifestation. For primary diagnosis, auxiliary symptoms and clinical data from scatological studies are of great importance.

If the patient’s decoding results reveal a sign of an inflammatory or any other pathological process, the final diagnosis can only be established after a comprehensive diagnostic examination.

Sometimes the research results may not be entirely accurate or unreliable due to certain factors. The reliability of the analysis can be affected by physical overload and stress, psycho-emotional stress or smoking, taking medications.

Of great importance for the reliability of the results is the diet of the patient before the study.

Some products have the ability to thin faeces due to their high water content. These include soups, dairy products, homemade sauces, watery vegetables like cucumbers, zucchini or eggplant.

If the patient consumes more liquid the day before, the results of scatological diagnostics will be distorted. Products like prunes and other dried fruits can have a laxative effect, so it is better to refuse to use them before the study, then the analysis will show a reliable picture.

Detritus in the feces of a child

In infants, coprological diagnosis is deciphered conditionally, since the infantile digestive system completes its formation by about 6-8 months of age.

Such babies periodically experience diarrhea and constipation, which is considered normal if the baby is normal, fully nourished, gains weight according to age and feels great.

When detecting high or low detritus concentrations, one should not worry if there are no additional deviations in other analyzes.

After six months of age, scatological studies become more informative; with their help, it becomes possible to diagnose intestinal pathologies.

The concentration of detritus in children's feces can be affected by a variety of factors, such as:

  • Type of feeding (breast or artificial);
  • Age at which complementary foods were introduced;
  • The quantity and sequence of new dishes introduced into the baby’s diet;
  • Compliance with the mode of wakefulness, sleep, nutrition, etc .;
  • Weaning, etc.

For the research to be reliable, you must stop taking vitamins, supplements, and new foods or drinks. When breastfeeding, if the baby is less than 6 months old, you should not give the baby juices, purees and other complementary foods.


In order to normalize the content of detritus, it is necessary to know for sure the reasons for its deviation.

  1. First you need to completely change the principles of nutrition, lifestyle. The menu should contain as many dishes of plant origin as possible, which help food to be fully digested.
  2. If any gastrointestinal pathologies are detected, the doctor may prescribe diet therapy with the avoidance of unhealthy and high-calorie foods.
  3. Food should be natural, freshly prepared yourself, not fast food or semi-finished products. It is necessary to exclude fatty meat, milk, heavy side dishes.
  4. Do not neglect physical exercise to normalize digestive activity. Such gymnastics will have a positive effect on the overall functionality of the patient’s body.
  5. In case of pathological origin of deviations in the content of detritus, patients are prescribed drug therapy, which involves taking herbal preparations.

Scatological examinations help detect various gastrointestinal pathologies. The content of detritus, assessed during the study, will also help to obtain information about the state of the patient’s digestive system.

The presence of detritus in feces is regarded as a completely normal phenomenon, but it is only necessary to consider this indicator in conjunction with other components of feces.

If, against the background of deviations in detritus, there are pathological changes in other indicators, pathology can be suspected, but only a doctor can do this.

– small particles of food that have been digested by the body. This is a completely normal phenomenon and does not indicate any pathology.

The less detritus in the feces, the better the digestive system copes with its duties. A study of the amount of these fractions in the coprogram allows us to determine how well the gastrointestinal tract works.

The amount of detritus in feces reflects the state of not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also human health in general. Violation of this parameter can tell the doctor about a number of abnormalities.

It should be noted, that at the moment there is no benchmark that would indicate normality. All indicators in this case are relative: they will depend on the person’s age, diet, lifestyle, and the presence of certain diseases.

The absolute norm will be the following qualitative factor: detritus is present in the feces, a small content of fatty fibers and acids.

The following indicators may indicate a bad coprogram:

  1. Abundant detritus with the same amount of undigested fiber indicates constipation and other problems with the removal of feces from the colon.
  2. With white detritus, a high content of undigested fiber, elevated white blood cells and the presence of mucus, the doctor makes a conclusion about the inflammatory process in the intestines.
  3. With abundant detritus and bacteria in the stool, we can conclude that there is serious inflammation in the body.
  4. The low content of such fibers indicates that digestion is proceeding normally.
  5. If the stool is too liquid and the content of detritus is low, the doctor concludes that there is an infectious process in the intestines. In such cases, the body begins to store fluid to remove pathogenic microorganisms.
  6. There is a high content of fatty detritus in the stool - this indicates a serious abnormality in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver or biliary tract.

The content of detritus in feces itself does not provide any information. When assessing the functioning of the body, it is necessary to take into account related parameters. In the feces of a healthy person, detritus makes up the bulk.

Reasons for changes in detritus in feces

If any abnormalities occur in the digestive system, the incoming food cannot be completely digested. For this reason, food waste appears in the feces in its original form. In addition, if you consume meat or organ meats, muscle fibers or fat clumps may appear in your stool.

They can be recognized without any tests: they look like oblong cylindrical clots. If food products are not completely digested, they can be recognized in the feces by thin threads.

Compared to fat particles, detritus has a smoother surface. Normal lumps should be the same size with a homogeneous structure.

Most often, deviations from the norm occur due to a lack of pancreatic juice or inflammatory processes in the body. Detritus signals that the body can not cope with its tasks.

Deviations in the body of an adult

When diagnosing detritus in the body of an adult, it is necessary to determine the amount of juice produced by the pancreas.

It is necessary for normal bowel movements and is present in the stool of every person. If the body works normally, then all food entering it will be digested. The less detritus, the better digestion works.

To provoke the appearance of deviations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract can:

  • Infectious or bacterial damage to the body.
  • Decreased immune abilities.
  • Too rapid passage of stool through the rectum.
  • Intestinal failure to accept a number of foods.
  • Insufficient production of gastric juice.

Methods for determining detritus

Coprogram and general - studies that are carried out in any medical institution. When determining detritus, it is very important to identify its exact amount, as well as:

  • Acidity indicator.
  • Consistency, volume, color and smell of stool.
  • The presence of mucus, blood, leukocytes and soluble protein.
  • Contents of chemical components.
  • The presence of fatty and neutral fats, soap.

Also, when determining the amount of detritus in potassium, it is important to know what the percentage of muscle fibers, connective tissue, plant fiber and feces is. If there is a deviation in these indicators, it is important to continue the diagnosis and determine its exact cause.

It should be noted that for each of this indicator there is its own norm. It is calculated based on the person’s age, gender and weight.

Special rules apply: from newborns to teenagers. It is also necessary to take into account the nutritional characteristics of each person: the ratio of plant and animal foods.

Treatment methods

To bring the amount of detritus back to normal, it is necessary to clearly know the pathology that provoked the change in this indicator in the feces. First of all, to recover, you will have to completely reconsider your lifestyle and diversify your diet.

Make sure your diet includes as many plant foods as possible. It is she who contributes to a more complete digestion of food.

If any pathologies are detected, your doctor may advise you to follow a special diet. It includes a complete rejection of harmful, high-calorie foods.

It is very important to ensure that all food is exclusively natural, without harmful components. Also try to determine which food causes difficulty in digestion. Most often it is milk, fatty meat, various side dishes.

Also, don't forget the importance of exercise. There are special complexes that can restore normal digestion.

In case of a serious violation, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole.

In rare cases, medical treatment is carried out. Most often, it consists of taking herbal preparations that have a positive effect on digestion and protect the gastrointestinal tract from pathogenic influences.

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If a disease of the gastrointestinal tract is suspected, the doctor, as a rule, immediately prescribes a coprogram to the patient - a study of physical, biochemical and microscopic indicators of feces. Any deviations from the norm allow us to identify serious disorders of the digestive tract. This study requires special preparation, which will ensure high accuracy of the result.

Collecting feces for analysis must follow specific instructions.

What is a coprogram and why is it made?

A coprogram is a laboratory diagnosis of feces, which is carried out to study its properties, physical and chemical composition, including color, smell, and the presence of modified substances. Feces are the result of food processing. This long process begins in the mouth and ends in the large intestine. In each department, complex reactions occur, the disruption of which manifests itself in the form of changes in the basic parameters of feces.

Excrement may contain undigested food debris, fibers, enzymes, coloring pigments, bacteria and epithelial debris from different parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Diagnosis of these indicators makes it possible to identify disorders of the digestive tract even in an infant.

The main indications for performing a general stool analysis:

  • acute and chronic form of gastric diseases;
  • dysfunction of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas;
  • neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intestinal pathologies;
  • helminthiasis;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process;
  • disorders of the intestinal microflora, including intestinal colic.

The analysis is repeated after the baby has completed the appropriate course of treatment. If the diagnosis is confirmed a second time, the doctor should not limit himself to the coprogram and prescribe additional diagnostic methods.

How to properly collect biomaterial?

In children from 1.5-2 years old

The algorithm for collecting stool in children is determined by age. For a child who goes to the toilet to use the potty, it will not be difficult to collect biomaterial. The main rule is that the pot must be clean. It must be thoroughly washed with baby soap and then doused with boiling water. Any chemicals for cleaning the pot are an absolute taboo. Secondly, the child must be washed after each bowel movement. Parents cannot always predict when they will be able to collect biomaterial, so the baby should always be prepared for this.

The collection of feces is carried out with a special stick. The approximate amount of biomaterial required is 10-15 grams. The excrement is placed in a sterile jar and tightly closed, after which the analysis should be sent to the laboratory within a few hours. The maximum delivery time is 8-9 hours, provided that the stool is stored at all times at a temperature not exceeding 5 degrees. Biomaterial for the presence of helminths must be brought to the laboratory within 30-60 minutes.

When taking feces for analysis, it is necessary to take care of the sterile cleanliness of the pot

In infants

Particular attention should be paid to the issue of fecal sampling in infants. If the baby is breastfed, before the analysis the mother must go on a strict diet that excludes the following foods:

  • fried, fatty and pickled foods;
  • citrus;
  • chocolate and its derivatives.

Excrement in this case is collected from the diaper. If your baby has loose stools, it is best to place a disposable absorbent diaper under his bottom. In infants with constipation, the use of a gas outlet tube is allowed (more details in the article:). A coprogram in an infant is most often performed to confirm dysbacteriosis.

Rules for passing the analysis

Passing a scatological analysis requires careful preparation; the main activities are aimed at maintaining diet. Following a few simple rules will ensure high accuracy of the result, allow you to correctly determine indicators and identify problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Before undergoing coprogram, the child needs to follow a light diet for a couple of days.

A patient who is going to have a coprogram a few days before the test must follow one of two diets:

  • Pevzner diet. According to her, children are allowed to consume no more than 3,000 kilocalories per day. The diet should be limited to black and white bread, fried or boiled meat, rice/buckwheat, potatoes, butter and fresh apples.
  • Schmidt's diet. The permissible norm of kilocalories per day is 2400. Allowed foods are dairy products, butter, eggs, meat products, potatoes and oatmeal.

If your baby needs to take a stool test for occult blood, it is recommended to stop eating green vegetables and fruits, tomatoes, meat, fish and eggs (we recommend reading:). Before coprogram, you should also avoid medications that contain iron.

Preparation for stool analysis provides for an exception:

  • laxative medications, including rectal suppositories;
  • drugs that can change the color of stool (for example, barium sulfate);
  • antibiotics and enzymes;
  • performing enemas;
  • drinking coffee drinks.

If a newborn has problems with bowel regularity and is unable to go to the toilet, the parent needs to give him a massage (see also:). It is performed to stimulate the colon.

Table with norms for children

Doctors, when assessing the results of a stool analysis, rely on generally accepted norms. Interestingly, most of the normal indicators in children of different ages differ significantly from each other. For example, the color of feces in a newborn cannot be the same as a one-year-old baby. The norms of physical, biochemical and macroscopic indicators of feces in infants and children older than a year are displayed in the table:

ParameterNorm for babies under 1 yearNorm for children from 1 year
ColorYellow, green, brown, black (when using iron supplements)Brown
Quantity20-60 grams per day90-300 grams per day
SmellSour and putridOrdinary
Consistencymushy or viscousDecorated, sausage-shaped
Impurities (mucus, blood)Up to 3 months, mucus may be released in stoolNo
Ph4,8-7,5 7-7,5
BilirubinPossible positive reactionNegative reaction
Stercobilin75-150 mg per day75-350 mg per day
Fatty acid saltsNoNo
Red blood cellsNoNo
LeukocytesMaximum allowed quantity 1-2Up to 2-4
Muscle fibersNoSingle
Presence of detritusEatEat

The accuracy of the results of the coprogram will depend on the quality of the tests performed.

Decoding indicators

Deviations of physical, biochemical and microscopic parameters in the coprogram may indicate a certain violation of the digestive tract:

  • Changes in the consistency of stool. In infants, unformed loose stools are considered the norm (for more details, see the article:). Dense fecal masses in the form of lumps may indicate constipation, the same symptom is also characteristic of children older than a year old. Loose stools in a baby over 1 year old show diarrhea, and frothy stools indicate the presence of an intestinal infection in the body.
  • The presence of impurities in the feces. According to the transcript, in infants up to three months of age, the presence of mucus in the feces can be considered the norm. Fear in babies older than a year should be caused by the remnants of undigested food, indicating violations of the pancreas, as well as blood, which is a sign of possible bleeding in one of the intestines.
  • Violation of the acid-base environment. Doctors can decipher this indicator as follows. Exceeding ph occurs when protein rots, resulting from excessive consumption of meat. If the pH is below normal, then there is reason to talk about impaired absorption of fatty acids and intolerance to dairy products.
  • Presence of bilirubin. Bilirubin can only be detected in the analysis of an infant who is on breastfeeding. In all other cases, the reaction should be negative. If an older child has bilirubin in his stool, this indicates diarrhea, gastroenteritis or dysbacteriosis (see also:).

The attending physician is engaged in deciphering the coprogram
  • Presence of stercobilin. Stercobilin is a breakdown product of bilirubin, so it is present in the feces of children in small quantities. Its excess is an indicator of dysfunction of the spleen, and its decrease indicates hepatitis, pancreatitis or cholangitis in acute form.
  • Presence of muscle fibers. These inclusions are the remains of undigested meat food. Their presence is a sign of pancreatic dysfunction.
  • Presence of starch. Normally, starch in the body of a healthy child is completely processed. If starch grains are found in the excrement, the doctor may diagnose acute pancreatitis or gastritis.
  • The presence of erythrocytes and leukocytes. Exceeding the norm of leukocytes occurs with helminthiasis, ulcers, polyps or tumor formation.
  • Decoding the coprogram also includes a study of fatty acid salts in the child’s stool. Their presence signals the need for additional diagnostics of the pancreas.
  • Availability of soap. Soaps are processed fat residues, so a small amount of them in the feces of children of different age categories is considered normal.
  • Lack of detritus. Detritus is small particles of digested food. Its presence in feces indicates proper nutrition, while the absence of detritus is an indicator of the body’s failure to accept certain foods or the development of intestinal infections.
  • Presence of protein. Doctors unanimously decipher a positive reaction to protein with the following diagnosis - an inflammatory process in the intestines.

What does a change in the color and smell of stool indicate?

Interpretation of stool analysis results includes determining changes in the color and odor of the biomaterial. Normally, infants' stool is yellow, brown or gray.

Since breastfed babies produce bilirubin for up to six months, stool may turn green. When taking iron supplements, the excrement is black. The stool of the older child is predominantly brown. Deviations from the norm indicate the development of pathology:

  • black color is a sign of bleeding in the stomach or duodenum;
  • yellow color - a symptom of fermentation in one of the intestines, sometimes due to excessive consumption of dairy products;
  • discolored, white - manifestations of viral hepatitis, disorders of the duodenum or cholelithiasis.

The smell of excrement can also indicate dysfunction of the digestive tract:

  • too fetid odor helps to identify rotting processes in one of the intestinal sections, as well as microflora disorders;
  • a sour odor, unless aged up to one year, indicates excessive fat content;
  • too weak odor is observed with constipation.

Cost of the procedure

Stool analysis is now carried out in all public and private diagnostic centers. The cost depends on the city in which the research is carried out, as well as on the completion time. As a rule, the result of the coprogram can be obtained in 5-6 working days. In medical centers, if necessary, they do urgent tests, which cost a little more. The average cost of research in the capital is approximately 400-600 rubles. In Kazan, the test can be done for 300-400 rubles, and in Samara for 200-250.

The scary word “detritus” actually means nothing more than small particles of food found in feces. Their presence in the coprogram in some cases is a normal phenomenon that should not be a cause for panic. Moreover, these particles can be present in the feces of both adults and children. However, sometimes a certain content of a substance such as detritus in a coprogram can signal the presence of certain health problems. How to understand the indicators obtained as a result of the analysis?

Detritus refers to small particles of food digested by the human body, as well as a certain amount of bacteria killed as a result of the action of digestive enzymes. And in fact, the more detritus in the stool, the better. That is, the presence of this substance in the proper amount is a signal about the normal functioning of the digestive system. By the amount of detritus in the coprogram, one can judge the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the human body as a whole.

On a note! The feces of a healthy person (child or adult) have a fairly dense consistency, and when carrying out tests, a large amount of detritus can be detected in it. And this is the norm.

If you examine detritus under a microscope, its structure will be generally shapeless; the particles, vaguely reminiscent of grains, have different sizes. Its formation largely depends on what foods a person consumed, on the composition of gastric juice, on the amount of digestive enzymes and much more. Also in detritus, in addition to dead bacteria and dietary fiber, pieces of dead epithelium of the intestinal walls, dead blood cells and other components may be present. During the digestion process, they change their structure so much that it becomes very difficult to distinguish them from each other.

What is a coprogram?

Attention! Excessively large or low concentrations of detritus indicate problems with the stomach and the digestive system as a whole. Thus, indicators deviate from the norm in the presence of inflammatory processes, diarrhea, diseases of the pancreas or gall bladder, etc.

Analysis of stool is carried out using a microscope. The test specimen is prepared by placing a small piece of stool between two glass slides. Next, the drug is studied for structure and composition assessment. Laboratory assistants may add a little water or sodium chloride solution to the feces if the feces are too dense. Feces prepared for examination have a soft structure and uniform consistency.

Also, before testing, stool may be centrifuged. In this case, everything that will be in the liquid fraction is considered detritus. Large elements will be classified as other impurities.

On a note! During the test, various staining agents may be used to help identify the presence of certain impurities or microorganisms in feces.

Detritus in the coprogram is the main background. A sufficient amount of it signals a normal digestion process. In the sheet with the analysis results, detritus is marked with “+” signs. With its maximum quantity, 5 “+” signs are placed, with a minimum – 1. The designation “±” is also sometimes found, indicating an excessively small amount of detritus in the feces.

On a note! If detritus in the feces is completely absent, the mass will have a crumbly or rocky dry structure.

Detritus in coprogram - what is it

Various factors in a person’s life can significantly affect the results of a coprogram. That is why, before conducting an analysis, it is important to notify the doctor about taking various medications, undergoing prior medical procedures, etc.

When is detritus normal?

There are no specific standards for the content of detritus in feces. Its amount greatly depends on many factors (for example, on the state of health or age of a person) and will be individual for each case. But, nevertheless, based on the concentration of this substance and its structure, doctors are able to obtain certain data about the functioning of the body. By the way, it is not the quantity, but the quality of detritus that will be subject to careful assessment. For example, a good indicator is a large amount of detritus with low levels of fatty acid salts and muscle fibers.

Attention! In a “bad” coprogram you can also see a considerable content of detritus, but at the same time it also contains a lot of fiber, mucus, altered leukocytes, etc.

Table. Indicators indicating the presence of pathologies.

IndexWhat does it testify to?
Undigested fiber and detritus Problems with bowel movements, constipation
Mucus, altered white blood cells and a lot of detritus Dysbacteriosis, inflammatory processes in the intestines
Particles of epithelium and dead bacteria in large quantities and detritus The course of inflammatory processes in organs
Loose stools and low amounts of detritus Digestive problems, absorption processes in the small intestine are not going well
Liquid stool with plenty of water Intestinal infection
fatty detritus Problems with your pancreas, liver, or gallbladder

On a note! Parents of young children, seeing one of their baby's first coprograms, often begin to worry after reading the line “fecal detritus.” But detritus is not a terrible diagnosis; on the contrary, the presence of this indicator indicates that everything is in order with the baby’s health. It is interesting that detritus in the feces of a baby will contain components included in the diet of the nursing mother and the child itself.

In any case, in order to identify the presence of some pathology associated with a change in the amount of detritus in the feces, the doctor must take into account all the indicators of the coprogram, the patient’s complaints, his general condition and many other aspects. Only a specialist can determine any violations in the coprogram.

Reasons for changes in detritus indicators

Deviations in detritus levels in feces can result from:

  • production of gastric juice in insufficient quantities;
  • introducing unusual foods into the diet;
  • decreased immunity;
  • an increase in the population of pathogenic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diarrhea;
  • infectious diseases;
  • constipation;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract.

The amount of detritus may change due to the development of diseases such as pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis and gastric ulcers, cholecystitis, the presence of gallstones, enteritis, Crohn's disease, gastritis or dysbiosis.

How to take feces for analysis?

To conduct a stool test, you will need to collect it for analysis and submit it to the clinic. The process is unpleasant, but necessary - a coprogram will allow the doctor to determine the condition of the body, and will also make it possible to make the most accurate diagnosis in a number of cases. In order to collect stool for analysis, you will need special containers, a small spoon and determination.

Step 1. Stool collection can occur in a clinic or at home. Typically, in a hospital, doctors themselves provide patients with the necessary equipment for collecting feces. For home collection, you will have to buy everything you need at the pharmacy yourself. These will be special plastic containers with a screw cap, containers for installation in the toilet, resembling a white hat in shape. It’s easier to collect baby’s feces directly from a clean potty.

Step 2. Usually, everything needed to collect feces is accompanied by instructions for use. If there is none, then you can focus on this material so as not to spoil the sample.

Step 3. In the toilet, you need to place a large container-“hat” in the toilet and sit on top, and then simply go through the process of defecation.

Step 4. Next you need to open the lid of one of the containers. Typically, the sample collection paddle is attached directly to the lid, but can also be placed separately. Use this spatula to scoop up a small piece of feces and place it in a container. Usually there is a mark on the container to which level you need to fill it. It is best to take stool from each edge of the fecal mass and from its middle.

Step 5. The container lid must be screwed on tightly. It is important to follow the instructions exactly, otherwise the sample may be damaged.

Step 6. The contents of the “hat” container must be poured into the toilet and flushed. The container itself is rolled up tightly and thrown into the trash. You cannot flush it (the container) down the drain.

Step 7 If going to the doctor and giving him samples is not an immediate matter, then the container should be placed in a brown bag, wrapped and refrigerated.

Step 8 You need to submit your stool to a specialist for analysis as quickly as possible. Then you just have to wait for the results.

Video - Fecal analysis

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Thus, detritus is not the name of any pathology, but only a designation of substances that are normally present in the feces of any person, be it an adult or an infant. Moreover, they are there in fairly large quantities. Stool analysis is not as commonly used a research method as many others, but sometimes it is necessary so that the doctor can accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment. Don’t worry if the volume of detritus, according to a specialist, is somewhat deviated from the norm - it is important to remember that its amount depends on very, very many factors. read our article.

Good day! Let me start with the fact that when my youngest child was 2 years old (this is a year ago), we encountered trouble with the gastrointestinal tract - constipation (week-long, feces like plasticine, it seems all red from pushing, but nothing comes out - sorry for the details), abdominal pain, refusal to eat. We were almost admitted to the hospital on suspicion of intestinal obstruction. It seems that we were seen by a professional (pediatric gastroenterologist), who prescribed Duphalac (we drank liters of it), mezim, bifidum, corn columns with...

Deciphering the coprogram

Good afternoon. Please tell me the tactics. Boy 9 months old I have been on Frisopepe for a month due to an allergy to BCM. Liquid green stool several times a day, the rash does not go away. Due to the increased frequency of bowel movements, they began to give Baktisubtil. Al became yellow on the day of treatment, twice a day with a normal smell, the rash suddenly began to go away. But on the 6th day of treatment, the nature and frequency of bowel movements changed, heterogeneity, mucus and a pungent odor appeared. Bactisubtil was discontinued. The feces immediately became angry again, homogeneous in the morning, in the evening (until...

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