Influenza - reasons, first signs, symptoms, treatment, complications of influenza virus and prevention. What are the symptoms of influenza in children and its treatment, is it possible to get influenza several times

In this article, you will learn about the main symptoms and types of complications, the features of the flow and treatment of illness in children.

What is flu, and what are his symptoms?

The flu is infected with infectious diseases, which is caused by viruses and mutates from year to year. Seasonal epidemics are sent to thousands of people to hospital beds, and complications may worsen their condition and even lead to death.

  • General decay of strength and weakness. This symptom occurs, both in adults and in children. The state of helplessness and weakness is explained by the fact that the body is trying to overcome the virus, from which it spends many energy. Interestingly, the state of weakness may not leave a person some time after he recovered.
  • Cough. It is referred to as the main feature indicating the influenza disease. Therapists fix it almost in 90% of patients. In the absence of a protracted course, the cough may continue for no more than a week. It is one of the reasons why bacterial infection can develop in the body.
  • Pain in the head area. This symptom is manifested due to the fact that the body is poisoned by toxins secreted by microorganisms. Pain can focus in the eyes and temples, pointing to intoxication. Also, the headache can go in a complex with a fever expanding the vessels.
  • Inflammation of the nasopharynx or throat. Fixed redness and inflammation. Inside the nose can feed and disperse. After a couple of days, regardless of the decrease in temperature, abundant discharge begins from the nose. From the throat there is a sputum of sputum. As a rule, all the symptoms must save no later than 10 days later.
  • Heat. The appearance of high temperature, above the indicator 38 degrees, is considered an explicit indication of the infection. With an increase of up to 39.5 degrees, vomiting may be observed if it is without blood, this is due to the fact that the body is hard to carry the increase and the temperature must be knocked down as soon as possible.
  • Muscle pain.

What is dangerous complications?

Infectiousists and therapists in one voice say that the flu is not a hazard for a person, and its complications. During the disease, the epithelium is affected, which is responsible for cleaning the respiratory tract from the bacteria. It is destroyed from infection with infection, which causes the weakening of the body and the emergence of secondary diseases. That is why there are complications after influenza.

The unpredictability of the disease is that it affects all system systems, and, therefore, complications after influenza may affect any areas or to sharpen old ailments. Complications after influenza are two species: related directly with the flow of the disease and with the addition of secondary bacterial infection.

The second case is fixed most often when a person has not fully cured a sharp respiratory disease. Treating negligently to his health, the patient ceases to take medicine, feeling that the main symptoms retreated. As a result, the treatment of complications after influenza and a long rehabilitation process will be required.

Night of complications

The flu gives the following complications that manifest themselves as:

  • Rhinitis - inflammatory process in the nasal cavity.
  • Sinusitis - inflammatory process in the apparent sinuses of the nose.
  • Schimorite - inflammatory process in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hymorrheal sinuses of the nose.
  • Otita - inflammation of the middle ear.
  • Bronchitis - inflammation in the sharp form of the mucosa of the bronchi.
  • Pneumonia is a secondary bacterial infection, which is more often found in therapeutic practice.
  • Ray's syndrome is fixed in young children after the parents gave them aspirin tablets. Accompanied by abundant vomiting and can end the child's shift in a comatose state, due to the strongest brain edema.
  • Meningitis - the inflammation of the shell of the spinal and brain of a person is recorded.
  • Exacerbations of chronic ailments. Against the background of improper or not complete treatment, chronic diseases can also be reminded, such as bronchitis, bronchial asthma, heart and kidney disease.

Noticing any possible complications after influenza need to immediately apply for medical care, because in some cases it is not timely assistance and ignoring the hospital is fraught with a fatal outcome.

How to find out the complication?

Before considering concrete symptoms of complications after influenza, we note that the most vulnerable categories of citizens are:

  • Children from half a year to four years;
  • Elderly people;
  • Pregnant women;
  • Teenagers with heart and lung problems;
  • People with a damaged immune system, possibly suffering from HIV and AIDS.

Some complications of influenza show symptoms at the stage of primary disease. Therefore, if with the disease you have the following states, immediately consult medical care:

  • Cough with impurities of mucus or blood;
  • Fever and strong chills;
  • Breathing problems;
  • Rapid breathing or sword;
  • Whistling sounds of lungs with breathing;
  • Strong pain in the chest area.

It is hard to independently understand that the flu has given complications, however, a quick response and in time rendered assistance will be able to prevent exacerbation of the situation. Remember that ambulance doctors must come if your life is threatened with danger due to poor well-being. It is impossible to systematize the exact symptoms of complications after influenza in adults, due to the complexity of the disease and the individuality of the manifestation of them in the patient.

Recognize complications after influenza can handle blood and urine tests. If necessary, the therapist will send a patient for additional studies, such as X-ray. Today there are many methods for premature identification of secondary diseases and their elimination.

Complications after influenza can manifest itself in the form of pain, concentrating in the most dangerous points: ears, legs, throat and heart. Possible vomiting with blood impurities. It is almost impossible to give a final conclusion.

Features of complications

Complications from influenza can be in the form of otitis. The disease is characterized by severe pain in the ears, which will turn into a chronic disease without the necessary treatment and may result in patient hearing impairment. Therefore, when signs of complications after influenza are manifested in the form of a strong headache, painful sensations in the ear or any other pain that concentrates in the ear, immediately call the doctor.

Therapists note that such complications for influenza in adults are very difficult to determine independently. The pain can spread to the jaw, the population, to create a feeling of abandonment of the ears, from the ear holes can be frozen, to form corks from sulfur.

The exact diagnosis of complications after influenza in adults can only put a doctor. It will be done on the basis of analyzes and surveys by special devices. Self-treatment, without medical intervention, can be exclusively negative, aggravating the disease.

Medical events

Before talking about the treatment of influenza complications, we will pay attention to the prevention. In order not to get complications after influenza, it is necessary to come to a reception to the therapist or cause a doctor home no later than two days from the moment of the disease. On the second day after the influenza complications appear brighter everything, but their development can be prevented. Next, you need to follow all recommendations of the attending physician and fulfill them to fully, without interrupting treatment due to a tangible decline in symptoms.

In order not to treat complications after influenza, it is recommended to undergo the vaccination procedure every year. Thus, the flu will be held for you in a soft form without serious complications. The danger of influenza and its complications are that they can manifest themselves, both in the first days of illness, and after weeks to its allegedly completion.

Speaking about the treatment after influenza, it is worth noting that it may pass inpatient or at home. It is important to notice that here you need to follow all the instructions of the therapist and try to keep the bed mode. The human problem is often that he hurries to work, barely passed the first painful symptoms.

Complications on women's health

Many representatives of the beautiful sex worries whether influenza can give complications in female. The transfer of influenza implies problems with the immune system, so the woman will feel some, albeit minor changes.

First of all, we note that complications after influenza may adversely affect the state of a pregnant woman. In this case, you need to consult with a gynecologist as to which drugs to take, not to harm the baby and rather to come back.

There are other complications for flu, for example, a change in the nature of the selection during menstruation, their delay, or, in rare cases, the cycle failure. Many girls are frightened when after influenza with high temperatures their monthly delayed or looks not as usual. However, gynecologists insist that this is normal, given the stress and changes in the mucous membranes that have passed due to illness.

Therefore, the list of common complications in the form of meningitis or otitis remains unchanged, no ug cannot cause serious pathologies about women's health.

Prevention and treatment of complications in children

It is very important not to miss the complications after the influenza in children, because according to statistics, it is because of them, many kids do not live up to five years. In the case of the children of the doctor, it is necessary to call in the first stage of the disease, if there is a complete list of symptoms:

  • Temperatures above 38 degrees;
  • Fever;
  • Fatigue;
  • Lobby in the body;
  • Severe headache;
  • Cough;
  • Dry throat;
  • Sore throat;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Vomiting.

Determine complications after influenza are very difficult. Having medical education, parents most often can put the wrong diagnosis to their child. To engage in the patient's inspection and diagnosis should be a pediatrician who will make the right conclusion, based not only on symptoms, but also on the analysis.

Bacterial pneumonia is more often found in children. Such a disease may cause damage to the surface of the lungs and problems with breathing. The cause of the aggravated flow is considered to get into the respiratory tract of the child bacteria. After that, edema and cluster of fluid begins, air bags are inflated.

After the lungs are filled with liquid, the baby will appear the first symptoms in the form of difficulty with breathing, pain in the chest of a stitching character, cough, temperature above the norm and sidewash. By the way, this ailment may represent a greater danger for older people who suffer from heart disease and lungs.

Rare, but meeting consequences is encephalitis. The cause of its occurrence can be inflammation of the brain with influenza and ingestion of infection. The immune system excessively works to protect the body from infection. The first signs are fever and severe pain in the head area.

It is noteworthy that each may suffer from such consequences, but it is fixed most often in children of preschool age and citizens over 55 years. The condition may be accompanied by convulsions, full or partial loss of understanding what is happening, the desire to sleep, comatose.

In order for the consequences not to be more serious, you should immediately consult a doctor and fulfill all its recommendations on treatment. If there is no vomiting in the symptoms with blood particles, abdominal pain and ears area, but you are seriously concerned and do not want to allow problems, then call the doctor in two days from the moment of raising the temperature.

Complications after influenza than treat

During the influenza epidemic of 2016, people worked not only the prevention of the disease, but also its complications. The flu is not terrible with temperature and cough, but the risk of developing a secondary bacterial infection. Apparently, therefore, still doctors ask the question of which antibiotics need to take with flu to avoid pneumonia. Although doctors and even journalists in one voice say - antibiotics with influenza are useless, they do not act on viruses. It is necessary to be treated with antibiotics only if the development of the complication is confirmed. And then much depends on what complication, which organs are amazed.

Although often an antibiotic is a first choice drug with a secondary infection after influenza, only a doctor should be assigned it. First, you may have contraindications, and their seriousness is also determined by the doctor. For example, not all antibiotics can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Some drugs cannot be used with severe liver lesions. And in no case cannot independently "write out" these drugs to children - even if the doctor has already prescribed an antibiotic child before that. Secondly, the causative agent of the disease may be resistant to the selected medicine, and in this case the doctor selects a replacement, sometimes based on the analysis of the sensitivity of the microbes to the antibiotic.

In addition to antibiotics, depending on the type of infection, additional treatment is carried out. If the temperature, cough, runny nose, respectively, is prescribed symptomatic therapy, broutine. Since the body was poisoned by products of microorganisms, the patient often marked the symptoms of intoxication - headache, weakness, poor sleep, decreased appetite. In this case, infusion therapy is carried out: droppers with saline or ringer mortar. In sinusitis - it is possible to appoint antiallergenic drugs to remove swells. If the complication is otitis, respectively, ear drops will be discharged.

From complications on the heart after influenza often occurs myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle. With timely prescribed treatment, the patient recovers, but in the absence of treatment there is a fatal outcome. Symptoms of myocarditis: persisting fatigue and elevated temperature, cardiac rhythm failure, shortness of breath, even with a minor physical activity, pain in the chest area, swelling. In this case, you need to turn to the cardiologist as soon as possible.

In addition to secondary bacterial complications, viral-bacterial infections are possible - they are also often with influenza. Then the doctor prescribes immunostimulating and antiviral drugs. Frequently use physiotherapy methods: massage, electrophoresis and magnetophoresis, inhalation, UHF therapy. However, despite the seeming simplicity and accessibility, physiotherapy has a number of contraindications: some diseases of the cardiovascular system, malignant neoplasms, cranial and brain injury or epilepsy, hemophilia and some others. In addition, it is possible to conduct it only when the disease has already retreated, and the patient went on amendment.

What antibiotics are used in complications after influenza

Even relatively recently, the risk to die from cold and flu was very large. More precisely, from complications after a cold, mainly from pneumonia. .

Who destroys the influenza virus in the body?

Interferons, T-helpers, phagocytes ... What kind of organism cells are performing what role is performed than immunoglobulin differs from interferon, and what makes macrophages ,.

Whether physiotherapy is effective in cold

One of the methods of treatment of colds is physiotherapy. Sometimes this method is considered non-serious, and completely undeservedly. Warming up and inhalation are indispensable.

Learn the truth about medicines

And you knew that:

The compress is called a bandage that is used with therapeutic goals. Compressus is coming from the Latin word compressus, which is translated as "compressed". Easy.

The enemy is accumulating in certain places of body tissue fluid. With edema, the volume of the skin cavity increases, and the organs exposed to the elders could not.

Blood test occupies one of the most important places in medicine among laboratory and diagnostic procedures. With it, the presence is determined.

Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid is a drug that is capable of providing an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and.

The infection is the danger of infection of living organisms by microorganisms - bacteria, mushrooms, simplest, viruses and others. Infection can beten.

Physiotherapy is a completely special section of clinical medicine, which studies therapeutic effect of natural or artificial physical factors.

Phlegmosic angina, or acute paratrozillitis - acute purulent inflammation of the osindal fiber. Develops primary and secondary - as complicated.

The diagnosis in essence presents the conclusion of the doctor about the essence of the disease, about the state of the patient. It is expressed in the generally accepted medical terminology.

Chronic tonsillitis is called regularly repeated inflammation of small almonds, which is characterized by a constant presence of bacterial inf.

What complications can cause incorrect treatment of influenza

The flu is caused by viruses like A, B and C. The most dangerous viruses of type A. Type B causes flu with a smoother course. Type C causes a condition similar to a cold, and meets less frequently.

After infection, the viruses quickly master the respiratory tract epithelium (nose, throat, trachea and bronchi) and there intensively multiply. This process takes 4-6 hours. During this time, they are damaged (in children almost completely destroyed) cells of the epithelium, which opens the path to microbes (most often a pneumococcal infection, hemophilic infection, as well as golden staphylococcus). And this leads to secondary bacterial infections.

Model of influenza virus.

The flu virus can get into the lungs and cause inflammation, which leads to necrotic changes and hemorrhages. Sometimes it strikes the nervous system, causing inflammation of the brain shells or brain.

When fun complications may occur

The period of development of the disease lasts from 2 to 3 days. The treatment of influenza without complications lasts about 7 days, but weakness can be felt even a few weeks.

If, despite the treatment, the symptoms of flu are not passing, additional disorders are enhanced or arise, consult your doctor. Perhaps it has already reached the complications that, most often, make themselves felt on the 1-2 week of the disease.

Flu complications are most susceptible to children, elderly, chronically sick, faces with weakened resistance.

Sinusitis as a complication after influenza

Inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the apparent sinuses of the nose are the most common complication of influenza.

  • pain in the forehead and nose, which is especially strong in the morning and intensifies when moving the head;
  • feeling of tightness in the cheek area;
  • nasal congestion;
  • rising body temperature.

If a bacterial attack has joined the viral infection, then purulent runny nose, chronic headaches, incomprehensible origin fever can persist for months!

Treatment: Excellent effect give inhalation with cooking salt and dry warm compresses (hot towel attach to forehead or chests, then clean the nose). Drink the infusion of Mayoran (a teaspoon on a glass of water), and the nose will unlock itself. If bacteria joined viral infection, the doctor will appoint an antibiotic. The course of treatment is longer.

Otitis as a complication after influenza

The inflammation of the middle ear leads to the swelling of the mucous membrane, which makes it difficult to the outflow of the mucous membrane (for viral infection) or mucous-purulent discharges (with a bacterial infection), as a result, it accumulates in the middle ear.

The pain appears, the high temperature of the body, the patient is worse hears, sometimes it comes to perforation of the eardrum and the output of the pus outward. Neglecting infection leads to weakness, inflammation of the face nerve or brain.

Treatment: Viral infection is treated symptomatic (anesthetic and anti-inflammatory means). The pain relieve warm dry compresses (hot towel, heater). If bacteria penetrate into the ear in the virus in the ear, you need to take an antibiotic. Sometimes the incision of the eardrum is required so that the pus can find.

Bronchitis as a complication after influenza

  • the attacks of painful cough, first dry, then wet, associated with the release of sputum (transparent in viral inflammation, yellow or greenish with bacterial);
  • fever.

Treatment: With a viral infection, it is enough just to lie in bed, drink a lot and lower the temperature if it exceeds 38ºC. It is worth moisturizing the bedroom - dry air exacerbates the course of the disease and can lead to pneumonia. While the cough is dry, helps syrup, braking cough reflex, then it needs to be changed on an expectorant. When bacteria are attached (increase in temperature, cough with purulent wet, shortness of breath), you need to take an antibiotic.

Pneumonia as a complication after influenza

Disease is life-threatening, especially for children, older people with reduced immunity.

Treatment: Inflammation of the lungs caused by influenza viruses, mainly like A and B, is treated symptomatically (cough syrup, antipyretic drugs). However, since viruses can open the path for bacteria, in particular, dangerous pneumococci, sometimes antibiotics are used.

In the initial phase of the disease, medical banks may be useful (they mobilize the immune system, thereby slowing down the development of infection and accelerate recovery).

You need to drink a lot to avoid dehydration of the body. The developing inflammatory process disrupts gas exchange processes and can lead to very formidable hypoxia organism. To improve the ventilation of the lungs and the work of the heart, and also prevent the accumulation of fluid in the lungs, doctors recommend blowing through the tube into a glass with water.

If the disease has a difficult course, it is necessary for inpatient treatment. The course of treatment lasts up to several days, but weakness can be maintained for several weeks.

Myocarditis as a complication after influenza

  • weakness
  • subfebrile temperature
  • surface breathing, shortness of breath
  • accelerated heartbeat, rapid and disturbed rhythm of heart work, sometimes combined with fainting and even loss of consciousness
  • sharp, stitching pains located deep in the chest characteristic of coronary pain

Sometimes postgrippose myocarditis proceeds asymptomatic and recognized only after a time after influenza.

Most often, the infection extends to the entire heart muscle together with the shells surrounding the heart (postgrippose pericarditis). Because of this complication, not only the elderly, but also young people between 20 and 40 years old are dying!

Treatment: Cardiovascular complications of influenza require treatment in the hospital. The patient should relax and avoid stress. In more severe cases, unnecessary anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids and immunosuppressants are introduced. If a bacterial infection has joined - an antibiotic. In case of violations of the rhythm of the heart, drugs with potassium and magnesium help, these drugs are also recommended in the treatment of arrhythmia. In the event of a heart stop - medicines that expand blood vessels and improving the heart of the heart. In the case of some patients, blood circulation is required with the help of special equipment, and sometimes the rescue is only a heart transplant.

Meningitis and other neurological complications

Of the various kinds of inflammation of the peripheral nerves, the spinal cord, the brain shells, the brain belong to rare complications after the influenza. High temperature, strong headaches, nausea and rigidity of the occipital muscles (lying on the back it is not possible to raise the heads) may indicate that the flu virus got into the brain. The disease is confirmed through the study of the spinal fluid.

Treatment: Serious neurological complications require inpatient treatment.

How to prevent influenza complications

Influenza is not a cold! It refers to those diseases that cannot be cured independently, you need to call a doctor as soon as possible. It is better not to leave the house, because the cold with flu increases the risk of complications. So, if the doctor gives exemption from work and makes you lie in bed, then you need to do so.

The body requires rest and time to defeat the disease. Close in bed and cover the blanket - an increase in body temperature blocks the ability of viruses to reproduction.

Home methods will also help: fruit teas, milk with butter and honey, hot chicken soup - they warm up the body and mobilize the immune system to action, prevent the body's dehydration and eliminate discomfort.

Even who is in the high risk of infection with influenza, should be vaccinated! Vaccines largely reduce the risk of infection with flu, and in the case of the disease, the course of the disease is facilitated and protected from complications.

Complications and effects of influenza

Without timely treatment of complications and the effects of influenza can be the most unpredictable, right up to death.

Influenza is a heavy acute viral respiratory disease. Flu viruses are susceptible to people of any age. This disease is very contagious and periodically acquires the nature of the epidemic or pandemic.

Influenza can cause dangerous complications. According to WHO statistics, during seasonal epidemics every year umiyertty. The man in the world, in some years - about 1 million but even without the deadly outcome of the effect of influenza for the health and life of the patient may be severe.

Than dangerous influenza viruses

Influenz viruses can have a toxic effect on any organ and system of the human body. Depending on this, the following complications and effects of influenza are distinguished:

  • Pulmonary: Pneumonia, Empire Pleverra, Light Abscess
  • Cardiovascular: Pericarditis, myocardits
  • From the ENT organs: sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis, tracheitis
  • From the nervous system: meningitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, neuritis, neuralgia, polyradiculoneuritis
  • Muscular: Mositi.
  • Ray's syndrome, glomerulonephritis, toxico-allergic shock and others.

The consequence of the disease may be the exacerbation of neurological and vascular diseases, which proceeded asymptomatic.

Consider complications and effects of influenza more.


Pneumonia refers to the most frequent complications of influenza. Usually this is a secondary bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus or Haemophilus Influenzae. It is less common to combine pneumonia caused by both viruses and bacteria.

An even more rare complication is primary viral pneumonia, it is characterized by high mortality. It causes a high degree of pathogenic virus. Most often, such pneumonia occurs in people with chronic heart and lung diseases and develops in 3-4 days. Violation of the integrity and permeability of the walls of pulmonary vessels, as a result of which pulmonary bleeding occurs, leads to death.

Cardiovascular complications

Cardiovascular complications may cause infectious-toxic shock. At extremely intoxication, heart abbreviations are rapidly, arterial pressure critically falls. Especially often these complications are found in the elderly.

Less often there are complications of influenza as myocarditis and pericarditis. The latter can lead to heart failure.

Complications from the ENT organ

Spinning in the respiratory tract, the influenza virus disrupts the process of cleansing the respiratory tract from dust and bacteria.

After influenza, such secondary bacterial infections often arise as rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, otitis. In turn, arising as a complication of sinusitis or otitis can provoke inflammatory diseases of the brain.

Complications from the nervous system

The flu aggravates the neurological diseases that previously leaked asymptomatic. Therefore, on his background, the first hypertensive or hypotonic crisis can develop, for the first time to declare itself a radiculitis or neuropsychiatric disorders.

Since the influenza virus is able to penetrate the hematorecephalic barrier, it may hit the walls of the brain vessels and brain shells. Especially this is subject to people who have previously suffered a concussion or a crank and brain injury, as well as those who abuse alcohol. As a result, meningitis, encephalitis, arachnoiditis can develop.

Muscle museums and violation of kidney function

One of the symptoms of influenza is the lubrication in the muscles. This condition may continue for some time after recovery and is the manifestation of myositis - inflammation of skeletal muscles. Myozit and other muscle diseases are muscle complications after influenza type B, and more often in children. At the same time, the concentration of globular protein of myoglobin increases in the urine, which is fraught with a sharp impaired of the kidney function.

Syndrome Rey.

This rare complication is usually found in children (more often - after influenza type C) as a result of irregular treatment with drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid. The Reee Syndrome is an acute encephalopathy with an edema of the brain and fatty infiltration of the liver. To avoid this complication, to reduce high temperatures in children use preparations based on paracetamol.

How to avoid influenza complications

So that flu is over without complications and consequences, never engage in the self-medication of this disease. In addition, it is impossible to carry the flu on the legs - it is important to observe the bed mode. Do not shoot down the temperature below 39 degrees if you carry it normally. Ask attending a doctor to recommend you good antipyretic (teraflu, Coldrels, Fluucal) antiviral and immunomodulatory agent (arbidol or its analogues, Kagole): This will increase the resistance to infections.

Another important condition - during a disease to drink a lot of fluids to accelerate the withdrawal of the toxins and decomposition products of the virus and immunity protector cells.

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Complications after influenza: what should be fear

First of all, it is worth noting - and the flu itself is an extremely dangerous viral disease, which is not so rarely completed with a fatal outcome. Every year hundreds of thousands of people die in the world. Last year, 27 died in Russia.

The greatest problem is that there are a huge number of different strains that are easy enough to adapt to new conditions. It is this circumstance that does not give humanity to end once and for all with this disease.

However, this is not all - the flu is fraught as serious complications, if it is not properly treated. Most risk are citizens who prefer to endure the infection, which is called on the legs.

In 2016, the surge surgery is expected at the end of November.

A little about influenza

As a rule, the greatest spread infection gets in the cold season - the end of autumn and winter. The disease is transmitted mainly from man to man with air-droplet. Infection occurs extremely quickly. Moreover, the disease is often affecting the respiratory authorities, which in turn leads to:

To reduce the risk to a minimum, you must first make vaccinations. In suspected influenza, you must call a doctor to the house.

  • persons aged 50 years and older;
  • children, starting with breast age, up to 4 years;
  • citizens, suffering from various pathologies of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs;
  • pregnant women;
  • all who have too weak immune system.

Basic symptoms of the disease

The most often infection shows itself as follows:

  • temperature above 39 degrees;
  • severe headache;
  • weakness and total fatigue;
  • cough;
  • sore throat;
  • scrap in the joints;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit.

If there are all the above symptoms, it is necessary to contact a specialist who, according to the results of the inspection, make a conclusion about the seriousness of the infection, and will prescribe the appropriate therapy.

In addition, the flu manifests itself in some difficult cases and:

  • fever accompanied by chills;
  • a cough with a wet and sometimes with blood;
  • severe frequent breathing;
  • breath;
  • poles in the chest area.

Most common complications

Often the flu leads to such dangerous disorders:

  • bacterial or viral inflammation of the lungs;
  • myositis;
  • various CNS diseases.

In addition, he can also give complications and on the heart, as a result of which the patient increases the risk of development:

  • heart attack;
  • myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation);
  • pericarditis (heart shell affects).

At the same time, quite often people who have undergone flu are subsequently faced with infections affecting ears and nasal sinuses. The latter most often discover in children.

In adults, on the basis of dehydration, existing chronic pathologies are exacerbated, among which it is worth mentioning:

  • asthma;
  • cardiac insufficiency of a stagnant nature;
  • diabetes.

Methods of treating influenza

As a rule, therapy is carried out at home, with the exception of individual cases, when hospitalization is suitable for the following testimony:

  • epidemiological;
  • social;
  • clinical.

The first is the cases when the patient is in a closed institution (boarding school, camp, etc.).

Social factors are the inability to organize normal patient care for various reasons (for example, a person does not have a permanent place of residence).

Clinical reasons include:

  • flu in severe, and including hyperstoxic form;
  • the presence of concomitant complications (encephalitis, pneumonia, meningitis);
  • infection of newborn or children who are in breast age.

Patients need bed regime for the entire period of acute flow of illness. Feed them best in vegetable food and dairy products. Additionally, it is necessary to take care of increasing the share of vitamins in the diet. Drinking should be abundant and hot. Suitable:

  • tea with lemon;
  • various fruits (cranberry or cruising better);
  • alkali type mineral water.

At temperatures above 38 degrees, anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken, as well as antipyretic agents.

Children are safer than to give paracetamol. At a higher temperature, the patient is wiping with vodka. It is strictly forbidden to give patient aspirin - this medicine can provoke Rea Syndrome, which, in turn, often leads to death.

With a strong cough, accompanied by thick wets, you need to drink:

Extracts are prescribed for lighter expectoration of mucus:


Depending on the accompanying diseases of the symptoms, appropriate medicines are prescribed. In particular, antihistamine drugs are shown if available:

The contiguous drugs are prescribed when the patient feels:

  • discomfort in the nasopharynk;
  • embossing in the ears;
  • squeezing the head.

Analgesics allow you to remove pain in the joints and muscles.

Antipyretic - reduce the temperature.

Ethiotropic drugs are fighting directly with the virus itself. At the same time, taking only such funds is insufficient for full-fledged treatment. Almunodulators are accepted with them.

As a rule, treat the flu effectively helped such drugs:

The effectiveness of treatment

If therapy is proceeded during the first 36 hours after infection, the duration of the disease is significantly reduced. It allows you to reduce the risk of getting a complication to minimum values. It should be remembered that antigrippose therapy is most effective with an integrated approach.

It is important to avoid dehydration - for this you need to drink as much liquid as possible. It will correctly use disposable scarves. The room where the patient is, you need to regularly venture.

Flu protection methods

First of all, it has been proven in practice that influenza vaccinations are a very effective way to avoid illness. Their cost is not so great. In any case, the costs of treatment directly infections, much exceed the price of vaccination.

After the flu is cured, it is extremely important to closely relate to their health and at first suspicions of complication, immediately apply for medical help. If the problem is noticed in time, then the danger will decrease significantly.

In Moscow, the peak of the influenza epidemic, according to Rospotrebnadzor, is falling in January-February 2019.

Throughout Russia, the forecast for the spread of the virus is exactly the same.

In recent years, Hong Kong flu is dominated in the epidemic.

Flu epidemic 2018-2019 in Russia:

great concern of specialists is the fact that the flu virus overcomed the interspecific barrier. It quickly adapts to vaccines and can change its appearance. Previously, this was not observed.

If the first signs of influenza are found: high body temperature, sorrow and weakness can not be engaged in self-medication, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

At the epidemic, the flu virus is most dangerous with its complications for respiratory and cardiovascular system.

  1. With the influenza epidemic, the only source of virus spread is a sick person.
  2. Infection of others can occur through cough, sneezing and communication with patients.
  3. Also, the virus can be transmitted through dishes, personal hygiene objects, dirty hands.
  4. When the virus enters the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, it penetrates the epithelium and blood, which leads to intoxication.
  5. Soil appears to form their own bacterial flora and hitting other malicious microbes. They can provoke secondary disease - bronchitis, otitis, pneumonia, aggravation of chronic diseases, heart disease and joints.
  6. Man's hands more than two hundred times a day touch the nose and eyes. Through door handles, handshakes and other household items, the virus easily passes into healthy people.
  7. Man touching the face, brings the virus into his body.

Symptoms of Hong Kong flu H3N2:

  • Body temperature above 39 ° C;
  • Vomit urge;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Strong headache;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Pain in the limbs and lower back;
  • Dry cough;
  • Chills;
  • Dizziness;
  • Pain in the eyeballs and muscles;
  • Taming and rubbed in the eyes.

After the first symptoms are found, you should consult a doctor. Patient man isolate from healthy people in separate room. It is necessary to comply with the bed and follow the recommendations of the doctor.

It is impossible to engage in self-medication - the flu is very dangerous, and the course of the disease is difficult to predict, as well as its complications. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose and draw conclusions about the patient's condition.

Treatment of Hong Kong flu

In case of Hong Kong flu, the doctor does not always appoint antiviral drugs - some disease passes without complications, since their body itself copes with infection.

In protracted and severe cases, the patient prescribe active drugs to help in the fight against the groups of group A is Ozheletavimir and Rimantadine. Also prescribe preparations that stimulate the production of interferon in the body - Viferon, cycloferon, Methenamine Acid and others.

These drugs can be bought freely in pharmacies in Moscow and other cities of Russia.
Special attention is paid to the symptomatic treatment of H3N2 influenza. Patients can assign:

  1. Preparations lowering the heat - paracetamol, ibuprofen. First, the temperature may not be reduced, but also to increase the dose of medication is prohibited. Syrups, candles are prescribed for the treatment of a child - they help knock down a high temperature. It is forbidden to shoot down aspirin's temperature, both adults and children.
  2. Preparations, rollen sore throat - rinsing products, dragee for resorption, sprays.
  3. Cough medicines.
  4. Sorbents who are able to remove intoxication the first day of the disease.
  5. Antihistamine medicines from the swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs.
  6. Vitamin complexes. It is useful to take ascorbic acid.

If a person fell ill with such a strain of influenza, it needs:

  • Observe bed regime.
  • Children should not attend kindergarten or school.
  • If you do not want to eat - then you need to eat a small amount of fruits and vegetables, broth, abundant drink - tea, compote, roshovnik, fruit juice.
  • If the child has a very laid nose, salt solutions can be used - Quix, Aquamaris, Salin. It is not recommended to use drops that narrow the vessels - they provoke a slowdown in the exit of the virus from the respiratory organs.

Do not look for a medicine from Hong Kong flu yourself, folk remedies may not cope with the treatment of the virus. This is a serious disease that should be struggling with the help of a doctor.

Risk groups at flu epidemic

Basic risk groups among the population:

  • Children under the age of two years;
  • Older people aged after 65 years;
  • People suffering from chronic diseases;
  • Pregnant women.

The H3N2 influenza is very hard with young children (up to 2 years old) and elderly people. It is their disease that can end with a fatal outcome. They fall into a risk group due to a weakened immune system and the overall weakness of the organism. The flu provokes complications, becoming the cause of the disorder of the nervous, endocrine, respiratory and cardiovascular system.

In addition to the kids and older people, Hong Kong flu is dangerous for pregnant women, patients with chronic diseases of vessels, hearts, respiratory system. Complications may appear and exacerbation of the disease. During pregnancy, the body of a woman is not able to cope with the virus. In the early time, the infection can provoke complications and malformations of the fetus.

Prevention of influenza

  1. To protect yourself from the influenza virus, you need to do physical education, harden, improve the diet (there are fresh fruits and vegetables, drink juices, use meat or fish once a day), to rest in a timely manner.
  2. For the purpose of the doctor you need to take vitamin and mineral additives. It is advisable for prevention to be in the fresh air, eat with a high content of vitamin C.
  3. It is also recommended to limit contacts with people during the epidemic period, thoroughly wash your hands with soap, to air the room on schedule, make wet cleaning, using disinfectants to handle computer gadgets and mobile phones.

Video - flu epidemic in Moscow - 2018-2019

The history of the emergence of Hong Kong flu

Pandemic group A (H3N2) first appeared in 1968-69. This virus was discovered in Hong Kong in early 1968 and spread to other countries of the globe. In the same year, the cause of a million deaths in the world was caused, which made it one of the most terrible epidemics in the twentieth century. Also found under the name "Hong Kong flu."

Why is the strain so hard tolerated by the body? First, Hong Kong flu is similar to the Asian influenza virus in symptoms (Asian flu has been distributed in 1957-68). Earlier forms of Asian virus have developed immunity in humans, but there are few people against the H3N2 virus. This was the cause of severe disease.

Secondly, it reaches the maximum epidemiological threshold in the winter months. In 2018-2019 The peak of the flu epidemic is predicted for January-February 2019 in Moscow and in all cities of Russia. During the educational process, when the hypotherological and weakening of immunity is possible, the incidence rate among schoolchildren increases.

Third, the level of medical care, the presence of effective antibiotics are key treatment factors. If they are not available, the pandemic becomes a massive threat.

Graft from Hong Kong Flu

Each year in the world, influenza viruses of different combinations appear, with different composition of the strain. Every year, these viruses change and mutate. A new vaccine is required for the renewed strain composition of the flu.

Who can make a free vaccination from Hong Kong flu:

  • Children aged 6 months;
  • Schoolchildren of all ages;
  • Students of higher educational institutions, technical schools, schools;
  • Doctors, teachers, teachers, vehicle workers, utilities;
  • Pregnant women;
  • People of retirement age;
  • Soldiers-conscripts;
  • Persons with chronic diseases.

They are sent to vaccination to the clinic at the place of residence. The remaining categories of civilians can be vaccinated for their own money. The cost of vaccines is different, depending on the country of the manufacturer. It is advisable to conduct immunization to the first day of winter. The optimal period of vaccination is in the fall, before the beginning of the epidemic.

Cannot be vaccinated during the early epidemic of the flu.

Before each autumn-winter season, scientists study in detail viruses and flu strains that will prevail in the current year. The flu itself is not a dangerous disease, but its consequences can be extremely heavy. Complications after this disease can lead to disability, some cases end with a fatal outcome.

What is flu?

The flu is a viral disease that flows in acute form. The virus, regardless of the strain, is striking the upper respiratory tract. The disease affects the upper respiratory tract, hitting the trachea, larynx, the nasopharynk. The virus amazes the same often both men and women. The greatest risk of getting sick - in people aged 20 to 50 years, especially those who have chronic pathologies, as well as immunodeficiency. The most dangerous disease for children, pregnant women, elderly people.

Flare epidemic or pandemic influenza usually falls on the autumn-winter period, less often - on early spring. Complications arise from each fifth patient person. A total of influenza dies about 500 thousand people per year. That is why it is important to know the signs and symptoms of the influenza of 2016.

Ways of infection

Influenza in adults is transmitted by air-droplet, as well as during household contacts. Respiratory path the most common. After sneezing or cough of a sick person, the influenza causidifier enters the air that inhales a healthy person. More rare cases when the virus is settled on the hands of surrounding objects and is transmitted through them. This applies to viruses of type B and C. However, there is still a type of influenza type A, which also affects pets and birds, so you can become infected from them.

In the conditions of the external environment, any of the types of virus lives no more than eight hours. It remains the longest at low air temperatures. The influenza virus penetrates the body through the mucous membranes on the face - it's eyes, nose and mouth.


The flu can be classified by expressions of symptoms:

  • A light shape of the disease is characterized by an increase in temperature to a maximum of 38 degrees and insignificant intoxication in the body.
  • The shape of the fluity of medium severity involves an increase in temperature to 39.5 degrees and pronounced signs of intoxication.
  • In severe flu, the flu is developing almost lightning and is distinguished by fever up to 40 degrees and above, sleep disorders are observed, strong headaches.

Important! With any form of influenza, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Sometimes signs of influenza in adults may be absent, such a form of the disease is called atypical and more difficult to diagnose.

Basic influenza symptoms:

  • Headache
  • No cold, dryness in the nasopharynk
  • Pain and lubrication in muscles, joints, general weakness
  • Tear
  • If there is cough, then dry, throat
  • Appetite is absent
  • There is an increased sweating
  • Breastache pain
  • Photophobia

How to distinguish flu freaks

Treatment from influenza and colds are assigned differently. But often the patient does not understand the whole danger of the situation and confuses one disease with another. In fact, these diseases are very different from each other in many characteristics.

  • The flu begins sharply, the very first signs are very bright, there is a sharp type of disease. The cold is developing gradually.
  • The flu is high temperatures up to 40 degrees, with a cold such a strong fever is observed. How much the temperature in the flu is held, depends on timely and competent treatment.
  • In the influenza, adults there is no runny nose and sneezing, whereas with a cold it is one of the most painful symptoms.
  • Weakness and fatigue exists with both diseases, but with influenza, it is more pronounced. The overall condition for influenza is bad.

Important! It is better not to risk and at the first sign of the disease to consult a doctor. It will determine the symptoms and treatment of influenza or colds.

Flu strains in 2016

In 2016, virologists predict the outbreak of influenza disease, therefore they are advised to be vaccinated on time. Predicted strains:

  1. Swine flu, H1N is a viral influenza type A, which is transmitted not only between people, but also from animals to people. Different with large-scale epidemics, severe complications in humans and high mortality. In addition to the traditional methods of transmitting the disease, the H1N1 virus is also transmitted by a passive way, that is, when eating meat of infected pets and birds.
  2. Asian influenza, H2N cyclicity of flu virus is 60 years old, which is why scientists predict the appearance of this strain now. For the first time, the virus appeared in 1957 in China. The epidemic raged two years, coming to the USSR. Since 1968, the H2N2 strain was supplanted, since then they have ceased to make the influenza vaccination of this type.
  3. Hong Kong Influenza, H3N Distinctive features of the disease are similar to swine flu, but H3N2 is considered less dangerous. Most often he amazes people with a reduced immunity. In the risk group - children under two years and older people over 65, pregnant women, HIV-infected people.

Attention! To determine what kind of strain of influenza is infected with a person, it is possible only after passing the appropriate analyzes.


Before prescribing any medications for influenza, it is necessary to diagnose to make sure in the viral nature of the disease:

  1. Collect anamnesis. The doctor listens to the patient's complaints, asks the relevant questions.
  2. Inspection of the patient. The influenza in an adult is characterized by a white tongue on the tongue, redness of the sky, almonds, the rear wall of the pharynx and other signs.
  3. Listening to the lungs, since sometimes pneumonia occurs during flu.
  4. Laboratory research. Include general and biochemical blood test, urine tests and feces.
  5. Specific surveys. This includes an express test for the definition of a virus serotype with special tester strips. The PCR method is also actively used when the stroke of the nasophacks are taken. This is the most informative and accurate way to determine the type of virus. Other special studies include immunoassay analysis, RSK analysis, RTGA analysis. Virological infection is determined by sowing sputum.

Important! Details of the type and strain allows you to assign competent treatment against influenza.


Timely and competent influenza treatment in adults helps to avoid complications and serious consequences.

Important! How to treat flu, only a doctor knows! It is very important to accurately fulfill all his prescriptions: stick to the regime, take medicines strictly according to the schedule.

The flu, depending on the degree of gravity and the form of its flow, can be treated at home or in the hospital. The reasons for hospitalization may be complications, aggravation of chronic diseases, lack of proper care for patients at home.

When treating, it is important to comply with the following recommendations:

  1. Bed regime
  2. Contraindications for physical activity
  3. Abundant drink
  4. Full nutrition
  5. Applying physical body cooling methods at high temperature, for example, wiping, or cold bubble on the forehead

Medical therapy

After the examination, the doctor will select suitable drugs for the treatment of influenza. Usually prescribed medicines of the following groups:

  • Antiviral agents. Effectively fight the flu virus, killing it. These include remantadine, arbidol, tamiflu, inhabin, flu and others.
  • The antibiotic is prescribed only when bacterial complications occur or for their prevention. Directly on the virus, antibacterial drugs do not act.
  • Antipyretic means. We are needed with an increase in temperature above 38.5 degrees.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs of local action. When inflammation in the throat, it is necessary to rinse it with a solution of salt, soda and iodine, yox, a solution of lugol. It is well helped to remove inflammation Miramistin, Spray Orosept. From the tablets most effective Lizobakt, Faringosept, Lollipops, Strepsils.
  • Beneficule preparations are needed if the flu is accompanied by a cough. ACC, Lazolyvan and other medicines are suitable.
  • Nasal sprays and drops. Roda with flu is rarely found, when it appears, you can use any drugs to remove the symptom.
  • Disinfecting therapy. It is carried out intravenously with pronounced intoxication of the body.
  • Antihistamines are prescribed to reduce inflammation and desensitization of the body.


The prevention of influenza and ARVI in adults includes the following actions:

  1. Strengthening immunity.
  2. Avoiding large clusters of people during the period of virus activity.
  3. Exception of contact with sick.

At the very first symptoms of the flu, you need to consult a doctor and do not engage in self-treatment, as this can lead to serious complications. Often, when signs of cold or influenza appear, people start taking an antibiotic, which is useless in this case.


Everyone knows that the most common prevention of influenza in adults is vaccination. Discussions should be vaccinated and there will be an unfavorable influenza vaccination reaction, arise before each autumn-winter season.

A vaccine that contains surface antigens of flu strains is introduced into the organism of a healthy person. The question of whether to make a vaccination should be solved long before the epidemic. The effect of vaccination will be, if you make it in September-October, since the immunity to flu viruses is generated within 2-4 weeks.

If there are contraindications and a negative reaction is assumed, then adult vaccinations can not be vaccinated with influenza. Another prevention option is offered: the reception of immunomodulating drugs, compliance with personal hygiene rules.

In anticipation of the cold winter, doctors with double activity are studying the epidemiological situation in the country and in the world. This is done in order to prevent the population with respect to potentially possible viruses and in time to create conditions that do not allow single outbreaks of the disease to turn into a global pandemic.

Epidemiologists suggest that ORVI and seasonal viral flu 2016-2017 are activated in November-December of the current year. Symptoms and signs of strains A will manifest in adults and children a little later (presumably, in early January 2017). However, doctors are confident that the incidence will not exceed the last year's indicators and medical assistance and the necessary services for treatment and early recovery will be provided in a timely manner.

The only thing about what doctors ask is not to engage in self-medication, and immediately contact the specialists, especially in case of exacerbation of primary symptoms. This will help in time to localize the focus of infection and will prevent viruses spread further. Therefore, if you suddenly felt bad, began to cough and sneeze, felt sharp pains in the chest and the strongest weakness, do not delay the treatment in a long box, and immediately go to the doctor. According to the primary symptoms, it will be able to determine the nature of the disease, even flowing without temperature, and immediately prescribe the right treatment. Only then the virus will be able to quickly defeat and he will not give any unpleasant and dangerous complications to the body of adults and children.

Influenza 2016-2017: The forecast of virologists about which flu is expected

On the autumn-winter period of 2016-2017, virologists make a disappointing forecast: not only traditional colds and ORVI are awaited, but several types of influenza, each of which is dangerous in their own way for both children and adults. The epidemic season will begin from the end of October and will last almost until the spring. The most actively will circulate such strains of the influenza virus, as:

  • H1N1 or swine flu. It is the subtype of the influenza virus A, which is considered one of the most common on the planet and causes the largest epidemics, accompanied by a large number of fatal victims. Approaches both among people and among animals and birds. WHO for the first time registered major foci of this disease in June 2009. The virus is transmitted by several paths: aerogenic - from the carrier to the victim in the process of sneezing or cough; Contact-domestic - with non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene (hand washing) after touching subjects to which the elements of the virus that spreads the disease has fallen; Passive - when eating an infected pork, cooked without proper heat treatment.
  • H2N2 or Asian flu. For the first time, he shown himself in February 1957 in the south of China and caused an epidemic in its scale there. During the year from the deadly virus, 1 to 4 million people died. At the beginning of the spring, the disease swung in Singapore, and already in May, the blow of the influenza virus felt the border territories of the Soviet Union. By the end of 1957 in the USSR, the number of patients affected by the Asian influenza ranged from 30 to 50 percent of the entire population. A small decline in the disease around the world was outlined only in the fall of 1958, but in December, the pandemic passed into the second active phase and covered the Middle and Middle East. It was possible to curb the virus only by December 1959, however, as a result of his procession, the world was overcome from 1.5 to 2 billion people, and more than 1 million inhabitants of different countries died as a result of a pandemic. By 1968, the strain of this virus was finally "ousted" and since then the vaccination of adults and children from H2N2 is not conducted and immunity in modern people born after 1969, there is no to this disease. WHO warns all about the possible H2N2 epidemic, since the cyclicity of viral manifestations of this kind is 60 years and 2017, it may well be the beginning of a new pandemic turn.
  • H3N2 or Hong Kong flu. One of the rather old viruses, who killed many people around the 60s in the late 1960s of the last century. Similar to symptoms with swine flu, but is considered somewhat less dangerous for people. Most often affects not an active, workable population up to 60 years old, and children who have a immune system have not yet managed to fully form, and the elderly citizens who have a weakened age-related organism and all sorts of chronic diseases of varying severity. The disease is a great danger for pregnant women, diabetics, avid smokers, HIV-infected and individuals, in large numbers of alcoholic beverages. The highest mortality from Hong Kong flu is observed among children under 2 years old and old men and more years.

Classic and specific (dangerous) symptoms of flu 2017 in adults

The bulk of the symptoms of the above strains manifests itself in adults as well as the usual seasonal virus flu or ORVI. Almost in all cases the temperature rises, the pain is in the throat, sharpens a permanent cough, and the nose is annoying a rich runny nose. The body is leaving muscular pain, and sharply rolling weakness causes a desire to lie down, instead of going to work or engage in familiar household chores. Such an unpleasant condition is accompanied by strong headaches, constant chills and tachycardia.

Dangerous symptoms of flu strains A in adults

If you get into the body of various flu strains, classical manifestations are exacerbated and complicated by additional symptoms. The patient should, without losing a single minute, contact a profile doctor for treating or cause an ambulance carriage if:

  1. The temperature during the day is consistently held at a mark of 39-40 degrees and it cannot be confused by any antipyretic means. Or if within 4-5 days the temperature does not fall below 38 degrees, despite the active treatment, regular reception of appropriate preparations, vitamins and tablets.
  2. Strong, still pain, lubrication and weakness are felt in the whole body. Nausea approaches the throat, there are sudden unpretentious urges on vomiting, pulls the bottom of the abdomen, the diarrhea occurs periodically, and when urination, difficulties are observed or there are no urges and are missing for a long time. All this is accompanied by a shortness of breath, difficult breathing, the imagination of the lips, signs of dehydration, the convulsion limbs, confusion of consciousness and the general disorientation.
  3. The disease is very actively progressing and the patient's condition deteriorates, literally, in the eyes, sometimes within a few hours. The incubation period of flu strains is very short and is usually from 2 to 4 days, so it is very important to identify the type of influenza as soon as possible and create a person all the conditions for high-quality disease treatment.
  4. Intensive inflammatory processes that are immediately followed by increasing temperature. With a conventional seasonal flu, this is expressed only in a cold and cough. With the defeat of the body, the strains often inflates the mucous membrane, and in severe cases, viral pneumonia is insensitive to classic antibiotics. This is the most dangerous moment, since the complication quickly progresses and in the absence of timely and proper treatment, it may cause fatal outcome, and, in just a day after observing the first symptoms of complications.

Influenza: characteristic signs and symptoms in children

Symptoms characteristic of influenza and signs in children are very similar to the manifestation of the disease in adults. Similarly, the kids are sharply rummaged, rolling the weakness and lethargy, in the throat, tricks and fear cough with a runny nose. Influenza strains affect small patients even tougher than adult people. To some of their symptoms, children are particularly vulnerable, and according to individual indicators, even in a risk group, subject to lethal outcomes in the absence of timely and qualified treatment.

  • With viral flu in preschool and school children, the region of the larynx, large bronchi and trachea are affected primarily. It is there that the most global changes in the morphological plan occur. In the pulmonary fabric, blood circulation is disturbed, and small hemorrhages arise in Plever. The less the age of the child, the higher the risk of formation in the light of the focus of serous inflammation and the subsequent development of pneumonia.
  • Symptoms of category Strains are manifested in children for 2 days, flu in 3-4 days. The most acute phase is the beginning of the disease. At this point, the temperature "takes off" to 39-40 ° C and it is not always able to bring it down quickly. The most bad children feel at the end of the first day and sometimes a difficult condition (weakness, articular and muscular pain, increased lethargy) passes the second day of the disease.
  • Almost always the flu in children is accompanied by such a symptom as a sharp decline in appetite, and in particularly difficult cases a complete refusal of food. Nausea and vomiting are likely, severe headache, insomnia, less often nonsense and hallucinations.
  • The following symptoms are most characteristic of the active flow of the disease: cough, mucous membranes from the nose, sharp throat pain, complications when swallowing, segmental swelling of the lungs, pallor of skin and increased sweating. In difficult cases, meningeal symptoms, short fainting, fossers of the limbs and bleeding from the nose are possible.

Influenza 2016-2017 - Prevention and treatment in adults and children

Among preventive procedures, helping adults and children to protect against the symptoms of flu 2016-2017 and ARVI, timely vaccination is considered the most effective. It is carried out at the beginning of autumn (from September to October). This is done in order to start a potentially possible epidemic of viral infections, the body has become stronger and managed to develop immunity. The vaccination of children and adults is carried out with the help of medical drugs with surface antigen antigens of flu strains. After 14-30 days, the vaccination enters into the active phase and the person becomes almost invulnerable to diseases.

For adults and children, for personal reasons who are not able to undergo flu vaccination, a special version of the prevention and treatment of primary symptoms is proposed: regular intake of immunomodulators, a clear observance of personal hygiene rules, restriction on finding public places, the use of personal protective equipment, etc.

If, despite all precautions, children or adults showed primary signs and symptoms of the disease, they will immediately appeal to the doctor for receiving qualified drug treatment. When all the necessary drugs are prescribed, they will need to be taken in strict accordance with the instructions of the doctor. In addition, it is necessary to reduce to a minimum contact with people, limit (or cancel at all) any physical exertion, observe the bed regime (even when the disease passes without temperature), to eat and take vitamins. These rules are equally relevant for both adults and children and are mandatory.

There is nothing to place hopes for the immune forces of the body and wait. We are required by reception of the antipyretic. Theories one, in fact differently. Only rotting against the background of the temperature drop, you can get rid of the lobes in the body.

This pain creates intoxication. That is, the products of vital activity of viruses and bacteria that fall into the blood! Paracetamol or ibuprofen is usually taken for anesthesia. But to eliminate the emergence of symptoms, it is necessary to drink more, more and even sleep (in a dream the body produces antibodies better), it is possible to receive diuretic brazers from rosehip, cranberries, lingers, currants, viburnum, rowan. Some helps to go sweat. That is, to go under a few blankets to get a hot tea with lemon and wait or sleep. But this is not recommended at elevated temperatures above 38, as it can get overheating and even greater complications of the disease.

Influenza is a cunning disease. It is accompanied by muscle pain - it is the main sign of infection for the influenza, and not an ordinary cold.

Almost all muscles in the body of the body.

Acceptance of painkillers (nonsteroid drugs are considered the most effective) - a method that eliminates the consequences, but not attending the cause of their occurrence.

The cause of muscle pain is infected with the influenza virus - you need to treat, struggling with the disease itself, and for this, the following actions will be suitable:

  • abundant warm drink (tea, morse, milk with honey),
  • temperature cutting (paracetamol),
  • the use of means facilitating cough symptoms,
  • steam inhalation with medicinal anti-inflammatory herbs
  • support for the body's immune system with vitamins.

And the influenza disease should not be treated independently. Be sure to need to frighten the doctor. Doctor's help is needed in cases:

Why do muscles hurt with flu and leaving joints?

Why with flu so heavy symptoms arise: leaving the joints, muscles hurt, head. What are the dangerous signs of signs and is it possible to quickly get rid of them with reservoirs and medicines.

Each symptom of influenza is a consequence of the effects of viruses on the body. To find out the mechanism of reproduction and distribution of pathogenic microorganisms, you need to learn more in more detail what flu is and how it occurs.

About terrible epidemics who have taken millions of human lives, we know since school years. In the lessons of biology, telling about the opening of the type A virus, B, C, the teachers reminded the Spaniard of the 30s of the last century. Because of the influenza pandemic, about 50 million people died. Then other flashes arose, but thanks to the creation of a vaccine, the disease can be survived in a light form or bypass by a large number of people. However, there is a problem, the virus is quickly adapted to new types of vaccines, so scientists work every year over the development of another drug. And those who did not have time to vaccinate can easily catch the influenza infection.

Symptoms of influenza

In order not to confuse with a cold, you need to know that the flu begins with a throat, dry mucous membranes. The reason for this is the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms through the respiratory tract with air-drip infection. The virus is settled on the mucous membrane and multiplies, then embedded in the cell epithelium, destroys them and penetrates the blood circuit system. There is no inxication that causes:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • lethargy, fast fatigue;
  • pallor skin;
  • sonya in the nasolabial triangle.

In advanced cases, the flu may cause nausea, vomiting. If the symptoms have joined the rash, convulsions, hallucinations, possibly a complication in the form of meningitis, pneumonia, encephalitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, and T.L.

Why arises in the flupent?

With ORVI, another familiar symptom is to increase the temperature, fever, chills. The problem is due to the collection in the brainstorm - hypothalamus, which gives the team for thermoregulation and heat exchange in the body. Violation occurs due to intoxication after successful reproduction on the mucous membranes of pathogens of microorganisms. Viruses penetrate the blood and the lymphatic system and in the course of their "travel" on our body, are striking, violate the work of the organs. Nociceptors, or as they are also called pain - pain cells immediately sign up to our nervous system of failures, and signals at the physiological level are perceived by that fragile itself. Sometimes the patient complains of pain throughout the body, and muscles and joints suffer. The character of pain can reach a peak at which it is impossible to perform any movements, it does not matter whether there is a high temperature or not.

With influenza bone lomit: what to do

Despite the fact that this symptom often accompanies the flu, still tolerate the unpleasant sensations, few people want. There are several ways to alleviate uncomfortable condition:

  • Take an anesthetic drug: ibuprofen, paracetamol, tilenol, acetaminophen. You can also make a light massage with camphor oil, warming ointment. The means will remove the pain, and will also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

IMPORTANT: In cases where the pain arise from kids - urgently contact the pediatrician. In no case do not give children under 18 aspirin and derivatives from acetylsalicylates, since there is a risk of developing syndrome Ray - abundant bleeding and mucous permeability.

  • Drink as much liquid as possible. Only water, compote, morse, herbal teas are able to clean the body from the enzymes of the decay of viruses and cells. And dehydration, on the contrary, enhances inflammatory processes and pain.
  • Peace. To combat viruses, the body requires the energy that can be accumulated when compliance with the bed mode. Additionally, immunity is strengthened and protective forces are strengthened.

Pain in muscles with flu: treatment

To get rid of this symptom, the complex treatment of influenza is necessary. First of all, the doctor collects history and, if necessary, examines blood test, urine to establish a type of virus.

  • Appointed antiviral agents, overwhelming and distribution of pathogens of microorganisms: remantadine, amantadine.

Important: It makes no sense to treat flu antibiotics. They are prescribed in the event of complications in the form of inflammation of lungs, bronchitis, frontitis, sinusitis, meningitis, etc.

  • To stimulate the production of own interferon, drugs such as Viferon, Keeferon, Afluuba, Amizon, Kagelin are prescribed.
  • Paracetamol, ibuprofen, prescribed as an antipyretic. The means also have an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory property.
  • Depending on the type of cough, the reception of bronchodilitics or mucolithics is provided.
  • For accelerated cleansing of the body from toxins, sorbents should be taken: athoxyl, activated carbon, white coal, enterosgel.

Muscle pain with ORVI: When to beat the alarm

Lomotic in muscles and joints is a natural phenomenon for ARVI, but at certain features a doctor's intervention requires. In what cases you need to visit the clinic:

  1. A red stain arose around the muscle or joint.
  2. Even a week after ORVI, muscles and joints hurt
  3. There was a shortness of breath, difficulty breathing.
  4. Feeling numbness in the inflamed joint or muscle.
  5. Weakness, loss of forces, fast fatigue.
  6. A vomiting joined the symptom, the numbness of the muscles on the back of the head, chills, fever.

Malgia, Slabs in the joints may be evidence of not only acute respiratory viral disease, but also other, very serious pathologies. To preserve health, it is necessary to comply with simple rules in which immunity will increase and no infection will be dangerous:

  1. Refuse bad habits - smoking, alcohol. Tobacco, alcohol is striking internal organs, including light, kidneys, liver. Because of this, poisonous substances penetrate into blood, causing serious autoimmune, oncological, infectious pathologies.
  2. To live an active lifestyle. Running in the morning, sports walking, swimming, and even light chips will enhance the blood circulation, nourish cells and capillaries with oxygen.
  3. Eat right. Loading the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys conservation, oily, fried, smoked food, is no less dangerous than alcohol intake. There is a failure in the endocrine, urinary, nervous, cardiovascular system, the level of harmful cholesterol is growing, which will certainly lead to inflammatory and autoimmune processes in the joints and muscles.

Even with an influenza state in the absence of high temperature, physiotesters can be applied at home. Warm baths with dry mustard, walking on warm stones. Excellent effect from simple yoga exercises for body warming. It is enough to make several squats, bending hands in the elbows, slopes by the case, as the condition immediately ease.

muscle pain flu

Headache temperature pain in muscles

muscle pain

Pain in the muscles shoulders, neck, lower and upper extremities, backs are of different character and is often complemented by the scob. Depending on the disease, also arise:

Pain in the leg muscles proceeds against the background of gravity, ripple, burning, cold in feet, swelling, fast fatigue, increase temperature. Also, heavy, purulent inflammation, seals in the tissues can also be celebrated. This occurs due to the disease of the vessels, the ailments of the spine, flat-painting, damage to the peripheral nerves, inflammation and much more.

The pain in the calf muscle is accompanied by burning, thumbs, gravity. More often occurs due to vascular diseases with a blood flow impaired. It is found in people who spend on legs for a long time or, on the contrary, sitting.

Pain in the muscles and joints wears twisting character. She is very intense and as if breaking his legs. May occur: fever, morning stiffness, rash on the skin, redness, oversight and stretching articular bags, hematoma. In certain cases, kidney and heart lesions are noted. The most frequent causes of such pains are injured, dysfunction of metabolic processes, systemic diseases.

Pain in muscles when walking is combined with chromota, stiffness of movements, the inability to get on a complete foot, ripple and weight in the legs. Such is observed in various damage, inflammation of muscle tissues, flatfoot, metabolic disorders and blood supply, and so on.

Pain in muscles and convulsions (spasms) are frequent phenomena with long-term voltage and overwork, lack of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D. Also arise due to reception of some drugs. They can localize anywhere: in hand, shoulder belt, legs. For the most part, not accompanied by

Pain in muscles and hyperthermia

Various pain in the pain in the muscles and temperature is a common symptom with which every person, both in adulthood and in childhood, faces at least once in his life. Muscular pain (Malgy) is very often associated with the development of the spasm of muscles and the clamping of nerve endings. Such pains are observed in a calm state, and when loading, they increase.

Muscle hypertonus arises due to physical overvoltage, long-term static load, injuries, in draft, penetration into the body of infection, toxic shock and even stress.

Often pain in the muscles is manifested as a complication after influenza and other diseases. If the pain is accompanied by inflammation of muscle tissues (myiositis), the patient rises temperatures up to 37 - 39 ° C.

When pregnancy, especially in untranslated women, the smooth muscles of the uterus and other organs, abdominal muscles, pelvis and backs. However, the temperature should not be increased or other signs (bleeding, nausea, headache).

In any case, long-term strong pain in the muscles and the temperature of 38 ° C and above is a dangerous signal indicating the infectious process and inflammation of a common or local nature.

Etiology and Localization

According to symptoms of pain in the muscles, it is often problematic to establish their exact cause. Sometimes such pains are diagnosed as the pathology of the internal organs, besides, pain impulse often radiates from nerve roots, so it is independently difficult to determine where it was pain and why. The presence of a temperature complicates the diagnosis, since the pain in the muscles caused by, for example, a strengthened training in the gym can be avoided in parallel the inflammatory process. And in other cases, as with influenza, muscle pain and temperature are interrelated.

Influenza - Frequent cause of pain

Influenza in Moscow January 2017

January - month is not only a series of holidays and winter holidays, but also influenza. At this time, it is usually the beginning or peak of the epidemic. As "behaves" the flu in Moscow in January 2017 and how to protect against the virus, we will tell below.

Dry cough, muscle pain and high temperature - classic disease triad. In addition, patients are bothering headaches, weakness. Unlike its "brothers" - ORZ and ORVI, the flu begins sharply, the incubation period is minimal: 1-2 days or a few hours. The familiar "colds" symptoms appear later or may be absent.

Treatment is symptomatic. The main thing is to stay at home, so as not to infect others and do not risk complications yourself. Abundant warm drink: fruit, compotes, lemon tea plus prescribed medicines and bed rest helps to cope with flu in the week. Antiviral drugs (Tamiflu, Releza) should be taken only in the first day of the disease. But those of these drugs nearby these drugs will help avoid infection. How to treat high temperature? Doctors believe that T to 39 does not knock down - it helps to cope with the virus. If the numbers are higher, they are prescribed antipyretic: preparations with paracetamol or ordinary aspirin. Important: Acetylsalicylic acid can not be taken to children and patients with gastritis / ulcer of the stomach. If necessary, prescribe drops into the nose, Pastille "from the throat", tablets "from the head". In the case of complications and detection of bacterial infection, the doctor discharges antibiotics.

Nothing better than vaccination has not yet come up. You needed to get in the fall, as a last time a couple of weeks before the epidemic. Now, in the period of raising morbidity, the vaccination is ineffective, since it will take 14-20 days to generate immunity.

Wash your hands more often. The virus is transmitted not only by air-droplet, but also contact: through the handles

Headache and muscle pain - Causes and consequences

Headache and muscle pain - common symptoms of infectious and toxic diseases. They may appear suddenly or increase with a general deterioration of well-being. What is dangerous combination of these two symptoms? And at what other states may cause pain in the head and accompanying her pain in the muscles?

Muscular and headaches for intoxication

The cause of muscular pain is in cell intoxication. Inxication (or poisoning) occurs at the following pathological conditions:

Blood impairment and vascular diseases associated with blood flow impaired (vascular dystonia, atherosclerosis). Breasting violation causes intoxication of those cells that are located in the blood current deceleration zone. Due to intoxication, pain appear.

Violation of the work of the organs of the discharge system - the kidneys, intestines, the bladder. This state occurs with renal failure or intestinal obstruction, constipation. The manifestation of headaches (strong or weak sensations) depend on the number of accumulated toxins. The more intoxication, the stronger the headache.

Chronic inflammation (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cystitis, arthritis), as well as acute inflammations (appendicitis) are accompanied by periodic weak headache.

The listed states are pathological, that is, abnormal, painful. They cause cell poisoning, the feeling of pain in the muscles, body, head. At the same time, the temperature often rises. Cell intoxication becomes the cause of subsequent symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms intoxication

The two main manifestations of intoxication are headache and lubrication in the body. With a cold or flu, it seems to be a person that everything hurts: back, hands, legs, neck, head. Among other symptoms of toxicosis &


Influenza is an acute infectious respiratory disease of viral nature. The flu virus is very contagious ("contagious") - i.e. His hips in the human body in a large percentage of cases leads to the development of the disease.

Characteristic features The disease is very fast - for 3-4 hours - the increase in the symptoms of intoxication: the temperature rise to 39 ° C and above, which is accompanied by a strong chill, weakness, brushes in muscles, joints, strong headache, as well as a torment in the eyes, Tearing, light-in-friendly. In parallel with intoxication, respiratory symptoms appear: pain in the throat, dry, often - exhausting, cough, abundant runny nose. Sometimes there are stomach pain and liquid chair. High temperature with influenza can be maintained up to several days, quite often it is badly influenced by antipyretic drugs. In the absence of complications, the disease lasts 7-10 days. During this time, his symptoms gradually go, although the general weakness can persist for even two weeks.

Influenza, like other sharp respiratory viral infections, can flow in lightweight, moderate, severe and very heavy forms. In addition, uncomplicated and complicated forms of the disease are isolated.

The cause of the disease is influenza viruses that affect the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. The source of infection is a sick person. The main route of the transfer is air-drip: when coughing, sneezing, conversation and even ordinary breathing. But it is possible to transfer viruses from the patient and a contact-in every way - through its headscarves, dishes, bed linen. The flu virus is very contagious ("contagious") - i.e. His hips in the human body in a large percentage of cases leads to the development of the disease.

Walled diseases are transferred to adults and children are pretty hard, so it is desirable to know how many days of the order of ARVI. In this article, you can find out how many days a person is infected with ORVI and when it comes full of

The diagnosis of influenza is based on a typical clinical picture. In the case of a sharp rise in temperature, you need as fast

What if the baby has influenza? Signs, treatment and prevention of the disease

Influenza in children are not uncommon, it is one of the most common seasonal diseases. Baby sick influenza 5 times more often than adults, and for them this disease is much more dangerous due to the high risk of complications. The flu is impossible to be allowed on samothek, to be treated only by folk remedies and, especially, to wait for the disease "by itself." Each parent should know what the symptoms of influenza in children, which doctors to contact and what preventive measures should be taken.

To prepare the children's body to counter the viruses, doctors recommend regular hardifying procedures. Learn how to do it right.

You can put a vaccination or undergo treatment not only in state clinics, but also in private. They offer a convenient schedule, lack of queues and moderate prices. Read more about the service. View rates.

A sharp rise in temperature to high marks, head and muscular pain, chills, cough, but without sore throat - obvious signs of influenza. How to protect the child from influenza and what to do with the disease.

Causes of influenza in children

No matter how common is the disaster myth about the cold, first of all, it should be clarified that the flu is sick not from walking without caps and shielded legs. The supercooling as such does not provoke the disease, however increases the chances to infected: the cold causes the spasm of small vessels and does not most affect the work of the immune system.

Most people in 7-10 days after infection with influenza comes full recovery. But in some cases complications are developing, and at epidemic, 0.2% of patients die. That is why all infected experiencing

The flu is a viral disease, and the influenza virus spreads quickly, having a high degree of virulence (variability). Influenza virus Mutira

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Muscular pain with flu: how dangerous how to treat

One of the most pronounced influenza symptoms are severe pain in the body. For most people, muscle pains for influenza differ from typical discomfort sensations that accompany other diseases - your muscles during influenza will feel so painful and unhealthy that you will hurt not just actively move, but even move.

Some people (usually children) may experience very painful cramps in the legs when they receive flu. Pain in the muscles with flu is so serious that walking becomes difficult, you can notice how your child is lame when it goes. If your child complains about muscle pain with flu in the legs in the caviar area or it refuses to walk, contact your pediatrician to determine if your child needs in an additional inspection and discuss treatment options.

What can you do if you have pain in the muscles with influenza?

As you already understood, pain in the muscles with influenza is the norm, the usual symptom of this viral infection, but what can be done to alleviate an unpleasant condition?

In fact, everything is quite simple - the most common painkillers from the nearest pharmacy are able to learn pain in the muscles with flu and help make your condition more comfortable. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), usually faster solve problems with pain than other painkillers like acetaminophen (Tylenol).

Examples of NSAIDs that remove muscle pain with influenza: ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil), aspirin, and naproxen (aleve). If you can not accept any of these painkillers for your muscles due to kidney problems, problems with stomach or other medical conditions, talk to your doctor that it picked up the most useful option for you

Why do muscles hurt in the event of influenza?

The flu is characterized by many symptoms and flows in a sharp form. Why the muscles hurt with the flu, it is impossible to unambiguously answer this question, although this manifestation is one of the main signs of influenza.

The disease itself is caused by a flu virus, proceeds quite hard. The effects of influenza are often all sorts of complications that represent a certain threat to the lives of people.

According to statistics, about 300 thousand people are delivered annually from influenza, mostly older age categories. The offensive of death usually comes from intoxication or brain hemorrhages, as well as complications, such as inflammation of light different shapes and complexity; Cardiac attacks arising both during the course of the disease and after it. In addition, complications can be expressed in the form of meningitis, encephalitis, rhinitis, purulent otitis, diseases of the bronchi and exacerbations of existing chronic diseases.

The emergence of pain in the muscles with flu

Muscular pain in a sharp respiratory disease explicitly indicates the presence of influenza. It is its fundamental symptom and covers almost the entire muscular system of the body. Moreover, the sensations can be distributed on the joints and in combination with weakness become so pronounced that the patient is hard to get up and move.

Many patients have frequent non-verifying convulsions in the limbs. And the pain in the muscles gives additional difficulties when moving. The nature of discomfort in pain significantly differs from the state of general fatigue after physical exertion, it is expressed to such an extent that there is no strength to move normally.

What to do during the appearance of muscle pain with flu

So, the flu is the main cause of pain in the muscles. Anesthetic means are able to improve the health of the patient largely. It is recommended to immediately switch to nonsteroidal drugs, as they will be much more efficient to cope with the task due to the acetaminophene contained in it.

In the case when due to problems with the kidneys, heart or the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, some tablets are contraindicated, you should consult the attending physician, which will select the complex of the necessary drugs for removing muscle pain and treating the flu. To the doctor you need to contact both the following manifestations:

  • during redness or edema muscles, the localization of inflammation around one area;
  • with insufficient circulation of the functions of the circulatory system, as a result, the muscles of the legs hurt;
  • if the inhydration acquires a persistent nature;
  • muscular pain with flu does not pass after three days;
  • after movements, breathing makes it difficult and shortness of breath appears;
  • muscular pains limit the movement of a certain part of the body or limb;
  • positive appeared, the state worsened, the situation was aggravated.

In some cases, it is impossible to delay and need to cause ambulance. Given the above moments, you need to be aware of the fact that with influenza, these symptoms are common, which distinguishes the disease from other viral infections and colds.

In order to stop muscle pain with influenza, it is necessary to treat primarily the disease itself, since the reception of painkillers, such as ibuprofen or aspirin, is capable of removing painfully sophisticated for some time. In addition to pain in the muscles, the patient increases the temperature, the throat is inflamed, cough appears and the head often hurts.

Usually the patient is assigned abundant warm drink, milk with honey, morse and hot tea. In addition, the complex necessarily includes means to bring down the body temperature: paracetamol, Panadol, and so on. To relieve difficulty with their breath, vasodilators are shown. The appointment of expectorant means is needed for the dispersion and dishellment of wet allocations from the nasopharynx. In this case, the root of licorice and mucaltine will fit. It is necessary to use funds against cough: resolveing \u200b\u200btablets, bronchoditin, chest collection.

Chamomile suites, sage, calendula, St. John's wort, young pine buds and bumps. Treatment includes vitaminotherapy and the use of antihistamine preparations, as well as additional reception of funds, adjusting the work of the immune system. In particular, it is enough to appoint such a drug as interferon. It is especially well suited to small children and does not adversely affect.

The development of Mizolit after the transferred influenza

Another serious pathology is such a disease as my sum. The development of the disease can occur due to different reasons, one of which is most often the influenza.

With myositis, muscles hurt, they weaken and tend to atrophy. A few muscle groups may be affected: the cervical, chest muscles and the lumbar region. In this case, the disease passes into a different form and in medical terminology has the name of the polyimosit.

The disease is classified for acute, chronic, professional and cold, resulting from influenza. The most dangerous view of the disease is cervical myozit.

Muscular pains for the mositis, as well as with the flu, are mostly local in nature, intensifying when driving and physical exertion. Reduction of muscle tissue contributes to its further defeat. The development of the disease provokes the appearance of pain in the joints and limits the movement. Gradually increases weakness, and the muscles can to some extent completely atrophy.

Preventive measures

The immunization of the body can be attributed to the prophylactic measures to combat influenza using the introduction of the virus vaccine into the body. It begins to actively stimulate the production of antibodies, which, in turn, block the reproduction of the virus itself and infection of the cell cells. In this case, there is a prevention of the disease.

Typically, vaccination is carried out during the flu epidemic, this period falls on autumn, and the effect of vaccination disappears in about six months. For this reason, it is not necessary too early to conduct it. In order to avoid infection with air drip, you can use a bandage.

Additional use of vitamins and ascorbic acid is allowed in order to increase the body's ability to resist. The diet should include as much as possible cabbage, carrots, red meat, lemons, oranges, mandarins, grapefruits, cranberries, milk, cocoa products, onions and garlic. Full and balanced nutrition will provide the body with all vitamins, minerals and protein, and it will not be possible to develop avitaminosis and strengthen the body.

One of the important points is the elementary observance of the rules of personal hygiene. The nose can be flushed twice a day with the use of economic soap: it does not give the possibility of entering into infection and viruses, removing them and binding reproduction on the mucous membrane.

Such measures will not only not allow infection with influenza and the presence of strong muscle pain in the process of the disease, but also to largely increase performance, the result will enshrine and to some extent will be to help updates and rehabilitate the entire body.

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