How to find an approach to the girlfriend Scorpio. How to communicate with a male scorpion

When the woman faces the question of how to win the location of the men who liked her, there are a variety of different and proven ways. The most successful of them is the study of characteristic features and preferences reflected in the horoscope. If a man who fell your choice was born under the sign of Scorpio, then reading this article, you will know exactly how to conquer a man - Scorpio?

Such people too selectively go to the selection of a partner, look long, assessed, evaluate, decide, so a man - Scorpio must always think that it is he who conquers a woman, and not the opposite. Despite its high demands, he does not spend his whole life in search of the ideal, regularly and frivolous novels arise regularly in his life. Only to a woman who can conquer the heart of Scorpio, he will be serious, to show respect and take care.

How to charm a man - scorpion?

Solving what needs to be done, and how to like a man - scorpion of any woman should remember that this sign is simply suspended on all mysterious and supernatural things, so it is more often to imagine a halo of mysteriousness, thanks to which the chances of charm a partner will increase very much. The game and changeability will also help to interest a man - Scorpio, an alternation of increased attention and interest with cold indifference will cause him increased interest.

But, if nevertheless, all the acts made hooked a man - Scorpio and he is ready for the conquest of the partner, the main thing is not to forget that a light victory will cool his dust. The stronger the woman will resist, the greater the desire to conquer it will arise from a partner. In order for the man to experience sincere feelings and respected his partner, it will have to make a lot of effort, because next to him he wants to see the faithful and devoted girlfriend, which will divide all joys and failures with him and never betray.

Worth the question of how to captivate a man - Scorpio should also remember that he will never tolerate deception and hypocrisy. Any manifestation of insincerity will negatively affect its attitude to a partner, his interest in it may not disappear in it, and all the efforts of the partner on his conquest will come to no.

A man - Scorpio entails the desire to solve any mystery, to understanding its essence. To preserve elevated interest on his part, even being in a relationship, a woman should not immediately open a partner. His interest and attention will be maintained while it will attract mysteriousness and the unwitted secrets of his companions.

If you initially do not want a serious relationship with a man - scorpion, then it is worth it to tell him directly, most likely, he will agree and go to your conditions. But, if the lungs and nothing without obliging relationships, the woman is not enough, then she will have to become inaccessible, monolithic and unrealistic fortress, which will reflect the desire to break her inaccessibility in a partner. The most important condition that will have to be observed at this stage is that a man should not guess that he himself acts as an object of conquest. The longer and more difficult to be the conquest of companions, the more in the future the scorpion will appreciate these relationships.

Trying to conquer a man - Scorpio, a woman should pay great attention to his appearance. In the wardrobe, his companions should be outfits, which emphasize all the possible advantages of the figure, will demonstrate its elegance and style. It is also worth using a variety of decorations, and an important aspect when conquering a man - scorpion will be the use of perfume. The smell emanating from the companion must disturb its imagination and drive crazy.

But wonderful appearance is not enough to fall in love with a guy - Scorpio in yourself. Only the presence of a woman of erudition and acute and an inquisitive mind will cause sincere feelings in it, because in her face he will acquire a great interlocutor, with whom he can talk for hours, while getting real pleasure.

Most of all he likes to argue with a smart woman, while she must have his clear look at everything that they argue about, and the woman should defend their position. When a man - Scorpio clearly argues his position, proving his right point, he strongly appreciates that his partner, taking his arguments and agreeing with them, does not lose its own dignity. In everything, the man is interested in the Scorpio, a woman should figure out perfectly to be able to support the conversation at any time and demonstrate their own opinion regarding this subject. All the accompanying efforts and expectations of a woman who wants to like the guy - Scorpio, will be rewarded in dignity.

In the event that suddenly a woman was not able to become an impregnable fortress, which is taken by storming, it can become the partner with the best girlfriend, which he will entrust all his experiences, at any time will be able to seek advice or just take a walk. Very often, a strong and happy relationship is obtained from such friendship.

In the event that the relationship began, you should not give a man - scorpion not the slightest reason to doubt the loyalty of his companion. He is very jealous, so even a fleeting smile facing another man can cause a fucked rage attack in it, and everything will end with a serious scandal. Consequently, the woman should not sow his man suspicion, behaving in an inappropriate way.

Sometimes too violent reaction to a slight flirting happens at those men who once already experienced the infidelity of the partner. Therefore, if his companion suddenly decides to play with him, in order to strengthen his feelings with the help of jealousy, then in the end it will be a loser. In addition, the offended partner will never forget the offense, and will try to take revenge.

Knowing the wiping of a man with secrets and hoarseness, his companion is worth knowing that he will be interested in his free time to devote to reading detectives or view various kinds of scientific films. Also, much time he will be carried out at the computer, and when choosing a game, preference will give strategies.

Many representatives of this sign respect the sport, prefer such species like football, tennis and basketball. From inactive sports, they like checkers and chess.

Thus, knowing about all its habits and preferences, and observing certain rules, - Scorpion will not be much labor.

Men's behavior - Scorpio

The representative of this sign is very hidden in love, sometimes it is impossible to understand if he has at least some feelings in the shower. It can only be easned in the case of a favorable attitude when he is immersed in his favorite occupation.

If a question arises, how to understand that a man is in love with scorpion, it is worth carefully to watch his behavior. So people in a state of love tend to change. They are easy to concessions, adapt to their partner, just to give the joy to their beloved woman.

In order to conquer the woman who is pretty him, he will not stop before, can make an unexpected and risky act, will go ahead, just to conquer the heart of an impregnable beauty.

All sharp corners inherent in the behavior of the in love of the scorpion are smoothed, he becomes gentle and caring. He will fall asleep his favorite woman, never spare any money to deliver her great pleasure. When he understands that he almost gained the subject of adoration, he would not stop before, sometimes he could even reach the threats to the representative of the fine sex.

Sometimes, the man behaves in love - Scorpio is strange, then mysteriously smiles his companion, then there is a complete calm, which he is completely different. In order for the woman to whom he experiencing the most sincere feelings was happy, he will work on himself, will change his habits, if necessary, even will change the work, just not to upset his beloved.

Sometimes to representatives of this sign it is very difficult to approach, it is difficult to find a common language, and if it succeeds in a woman, she will achieve respect from his part that can grow into love.

Every woman who is a relationship with a man - scorpion does not prevent you from knowing what things do not accept her partner. So, for example, he never for anything will forgive infidelity, no matter how he loved, he will collect his will in his fist, he will converge, but the relationship will break. Also, none of the representatives of this sign can take the friendship of his companion with a man. Therefore, any communication with male friends will have to stop not to annoy their partner.

Do not make him negative comments, it will be very offended by a man - scorpion. And in no case should not compare it with other men. Such a comparison will be perceived for them too painfully, and it is important for him that his partner perceives him as it is. Do not plan something without his knowledge. Even if some things do not concern him, it is better that he is aware of them in advance.

Since in relations with a man - the scorpion will always dominate, it will not be necessary to drag the blanket for itself and try on the role of the leader. Such behavior can significantly reduce its self-esteem and spoil its internal installations.

His attitude to sex is not a metering. In order for he to achieve the highest pleasure of his intimate meeting with his beloved girl, should pass in a comfortable atmosphere so that nothing prevents both partners to focus on each other.

And, the last thing you should remember about the man - Scorpio is that the offended representative of this sign behaves completely unpredictable, it is impossible to understand how deep his resentment, as he reacts to her. Forgive or tear the relationship. Therefore, to preserve the relationship, it is better not to do what can upset and offend it.

Lovers scorpions behave completely differently. Some behave too intrusive, thereby causing cooling from a partner. Some behave completely unpredictable. At first they are soft, white and fluffy, but after the girl meets consent, become unbearable. But there are those who, after finding their halves, begin to change for the better, correct all the sides of their character.

Having studied the horoscope and knowing what to do and how to conquer a man - Scorpio, it is worth remembering that love is a great value, and only she is able to give a man true joy and only this feeling is to be guided by building relationships. The horoscope always carries only a recommendation.

The stories of our readers

The purposeful and volitional male Scorpio has an amazing attractiveness. Have you already become a victim of his strange charm, solved firmly to conquer a scorpion man? You will need to call for help all the composure and delve into the nuances of his character. It is with a scorpion that needs to be doubly careful. He can hurt much, make a novel only for entertainment, but to achieve his proposal of hands and hearts is very difficult. Explore the opponent and gradually turn your hostilities to capture.

Male Scorpio: Who is he?
A deep penetrating glance, unusual hypnotism, confidence and authority ... And now you are already bitten by scorpion. Yes, getting into its network is very easy, but break out - the task for an extraordinary woman. Of course, the best is to turn the male-scorpion men in real arms, and the struggle in love. Before entering the conquest of Scorpion in all the rules, you need to understand it, understand the features of its character.
  1. Self-sufficient. Male Scorpio is really a real "thing in itself." He never doubts his qualities or decisions. He does not need to listen to someone's assessments or tips. Praise this man, make him compliments, you will not have to encourage you. Scorpio is indifferent to other people's opinions. He is quite sure that he himself knows everything. Of course, it can be annoyed by criticism, comments, but seriously he will not be perceived.
  2. Volga realist. Male Scorpio always adheres to his line of behavior, moves to the goal rapidly: to reject it from the course almost impossible. If he sees obstacles, interference on the way, it will definitely find a way to overcome them. This man will not seek salvation in the illusory world, the defeat will not disappoint him and will not be depressed. He will just put a new task, thinks over the next tactics and improves the strategy. The problems of scorpion are not frightened, but make us act more active and rigid.
  3. Feelings under the mask. Scorpio will not demonstrate your feelings, even if you are interested in your interest. He will decide: start a novel, or not. You will not be able to immediately solve his true intentions, learn about his feelings.
  4. Passionate. Externally, male scorpion seems indifferent to women balanced. At first glance, he gives the impression of a person for whom intimate relationships is in the last place. In fact, under the mask of scorpion they boil serious passions. He can get carried away by a woman instantly, quickly achieve its location, amazing his temperament.
  5. Notault in love. Male Scorpio Passion is needed: it feeds on this energy, makes love experiences with sublimation in work and work. But also fade his feelings too quickly. Unfortunately, you may not have time to look back, as it turns out that the scorpion's companion is another woman. He is capable of flirting, shift the partner. His passionate recognition and actions do not at all indicate serious intentions.
  6. The desired husband, but very harmonious. Many women want to be close to the scorpion, despite his rigidity, the ability to wander. For him fight: it is very good, he achieves his goals and conquers the peaks, and the ladies love the winners. But it is extremely difficult to become a scorpion wife. He will be long and reasonably choosing a bride, carefully analyze its character, weigh all the advantages and disadvantages.
  7. Always free. Is your favorite scorpion married? Do not be mistaken! Yes, this man can easily divorce and create a new union. True, it means only one thing: becoming his chosen, legitimate wife, you will have to diligently hold your position ...
  8. Fearless. Men scorpion is almost impossible to scare. This wrestler is ready to overcome any difficulties, he never complains and does not shy away from duties. Problems do not stop it - only stimulate further development. He needs to win in everything.
    With a male scorpion will definitely never be bored, he is ready to support at a difficult moment. Strict and sometimes cruel, it is able to become gentle and caring. It is important to catch his direction, comply with its requests.
What woman can be a scorpion companion?
How to win a scorpion man, which women attract him? Let's discern in its preferences.
  1. Throw and unusual. Scorpio attracts a woman dramatically released from the crowd. He needs an extraordination, unpredictability. Care for yourself, emphasize your individuality.
  2. Stranger. The fall of mysteriousness will also give you a special value and temptation in his eyes. Do not rush to share with him all your secrets and feelings: leave something behind the scenes, be stranger. Scorpio is more interesting to open you gradually, to see that you trust it more.
  3. Sensual, but not easily accessible. Male Scorpio is important to lead, he does not like aggressively beautiful women. In this case, it attracts seductivity. It is important to demonstrate restraint, modesty, but at the same time show your potential, hidden temperament.
  4. Reasonable and good advice, an interesting interlocutor. Male Scorpio values \u200b\u200bsmart women. He would like to see the intellectual and wise companion next to him, which will be able to give a valuable advice, suggest a good solution at the right moment. At the same time, it should be flexible, in no case to insist on its opinion and do not attempt to manage scorpion. She needs him only as an assistant, reliable and reasonable girlfriend.
  5. Faithful and independent. A woman who will be able to successfully combine pride, independence and independence with the belief of the scorpion itself, will certainly conquer his heart. You can argue with a male scorpion, but to bring real arguments and behave restrained. He will appreciate you, admire the mind and recognizes your rightness if it really is. But the loyalty he needs one hundred percent. Scorpio is insanely jealous, give him reasons to suspect in treason it is impossible.
What needs to be done to conquer a scorpion man?
Scorpio is a real individualist. Land your relationship with double caution and get ready for its aggression. He is passionate, unpredict, sometimes cruel. Are you ready to play with him, come down with the infinite wounds, and then continue the battle? Then - Forward! Then you will be able to enjoy life with a devotee, a reliable person with an amazing power of will and courageous.
  1. Take an extraordinary and memorable. The scorpion itself is simply impossible to forget. He immediately produces an indelible impression: either scares unnecessary passionism, unusual behavior, or cares. Be the same. Its manites non-standard, hypnotism, the ability to leave a vivid impression after a couple of minutes of conversation. His chosen must be exceptional.
  2. Forget about falsehood, women's games. Scorpio needs a sincere and honest woman who will not be sick, deceive, weave intrigue.
  3. Do not discover immediately, save the riddle. It is not worth opening a male scorpion. Do not rush to tell everything about yourself, admitted in your feelings. He should be a researcher with you, feel that he recognizes you and decreases gradually.
  4. Keep composure in any situations. Peephism, tears and reproaches immediately remove scorpion from themselves. He is convinced of his own exclusivity, sincerely thinks that he must forgive everything. Scorpio will not surprise you with strange behavior, rude comments, perhaps in the presence of other people. He said at a party that you in the morning surprisingly bad look or demonstrate the wonders of nonsense? Hold your emotions, you can afford only a grin. Obviously, he sincerely thinks. Complete.
  5. Live his affairs, hobbies. The favorite companion must support scorpion in everything, sincerely delve into his care and classes. Excellent if you can become a useful partner.
  6. Be a true woman. Show softness, let me take care of yourself. Always recognize the leadership of Scorpio, even if you have made a major contribution to the next victory. After all, you need him, right? Calit harmony of the moment when you, strong and smart, completely obey this inborn fighter and the winner.
Go through the scorpion the path of defeats and victories in the case of his seduction. The award is beautiful: Male Scorpio keeps loyalty to his wife, becomes a caring father, he is a great lover. You do not have to console him, praise, withdraw from depression. With him you will be reliably protected from all adversity.

Uniquely, a scorpion man is a free, incredibly targeted, and in addition, an extraordinary and quite stubborn. Literally all its solutions, this person takes exclusively independently, often, even at all in this with the negative opinion of others. This man leader in all of he is also a warrior who can rush in a second in a second even when the rest of this battle may seem obviously losing.

Absolutely all Men Scorpions will never suffer damage to anything. As a rule, it is very passionate, and even people inclined to excesses, among other things, capable and on the manifestations of cruelty. Nevertheless, these men are very sensual, and therefore no less often can use incredible success in weak to such manifestations of the opposite sex. Note that many young ladies are trying to simply felt with the males of the Scorpio sign, not even understanding that thereby playing with the fire. Such an interesting fact should certainly consider if you think to win a man in the sign of Scorpio. But what he can be so dangerous, and as it would be more correct to behave with such a man, so that he herself would not burn and do not even burn out further.

How to attract the attention of the male liked if his zodiac sign - Scorpio?

Initially, I would like to notice that in general the male Scorpio purely externally, it may fall falsely completely impassive, and even few interested in the emotional and sensual side of our life individual. Do not believe it is just a removable mask that has nothing to do with a person. In fact, this man is very and very impressive and attract. It would be possible to even say that men-scorpions somewhere inside the essence of their extraordinary honey, and they can be very violent, but, unfortunately, a speedless passion. So men can just like the opposite sex in general. And this means that for too long to give its preference for some one of the representatives of the very weak floor of Scorpions simply not in the power. These men are ready to love absolutely everyone. However, such men are trying to associate their fate only with the young lady, which, according to Scorpio, will be the most worthy.

Male Scorpio sometimes may even seem too passionate about a certain young lady, he may be given to her maximum attention, and maybe even speak in colors about his incredibly strong stunning feelings for the lady. But at the same time, all these words will not mean at all that it is this young lady, he dreams of seeing his companion for life. Simply, at the current time, specifically this girl can be somewhat stand out against the background of all other ladies. And stand out in such a way that you would notice the scorpion, it is completely easy. It will be enough for you to give to understand the concrete man of the sign of Scorpio that you are interested in. No, we did not say that for this you will not need to look good, you will definitely need to seem well-groomed, very stylish, and preferably erudite. As a rule, the "blue stockings" of guys of this sign will not be able to attract.

The guaranteed can not be able to bribe such a man and those girls who, without the end of Taldych, about their limitless love for them and every second one-eyed all the advantages of the chosen one. After all, the man Scorpio himself and himself highly appreciates himself, he does not need this kind of diffirable, which perceive mostly, as a certain attempt to be latter. But flattering in all its manifestations, oddly enough, this pretty self-breathable type of men can not tolerate. This man prefers to always deal with truly honest and even principal women who are able to defend the right of one's own opinion if necessary. Similar characteristics and qualities in the lady to such an extent can start scorpions that they may even lose control over their own emotions and feelings.

Thinking about how to conquer a male sign scorpion, it will be necessary to take into account that this type of incredibly tempement. And this means that if the lady came to this slate to taste, he is unlikely to wait for some best times, most likely he will immediately drag her in bed perhaps even immediately after the first acquaintance. Nevertheless, too aggressively sexual young ladies, which are not required to conquer, scorpion is also not attracted. These men need a girl and very seductive, and no less modest at the same time. It will be more correct to say, they are looking for a young lady, in which a completely irrepressible, and even beating a female nature and sensuality can be guessed for a purely external virtue.

In other words, to be able to seriously and for a long time to interest a male scorpion, it is necessary to look quite impressive. But at the same time, it does not look defiantly, a woman should be able to provide a timely to support the conversation in the company and be extremely sexually attractive at the same time. And believe me, by such a young lady, no male scorpion will be able to pass. The same lady in such a situation will remain only the smallest - shortness to demonstrate to the Male Scorpio and the master class directly in bed. And then, this man will immediately decide, and will feel well at least in the seventh heaven. Although feeling, of course, it will feel, however, to confess in love and, accordingly, make the proposals of your hand and the heart will definitely not hurry. This is happening, because even if the male is scorpion and will lose his head from the young lady, he soon finds it enough, and quickly hoists at the initial place. Such a man quickly comes to himself and begins to rather coolly evaluate the situation and the ladies itself. And here everything is logical Roman Roman, but such a man is always convinced that the family exclusively on a stunning sex and a certain emotional burst will definitely create. Indeed, the male Scorpio in this regard can be considered a man as sensible as possible. And of course it will be necessary to conquer the heart of this type of type and very diligently.

How to conquer a man of scorpion finally?

Important information - if the male Scorpion begins to spend a concrete girl over a long time, all this itself speaks of its significant interest in this person. Such a man is looking for a long time, it appreciates a lot and analyzes, letters literally all even the smallest advantages and disadvantages and believe me sooner or later he will definitely make his conclusion. But this conclusion is in your favor, you must carefully correct the behavior and thoroughly build the correct image. Male Scorpio, as a rule, very picky can evaluate the qualities of each candidate in his wife. And in order to be able to disappoint this man, it should be constantly taken into account that he, for example, insanely jealous. So it is necessary for him to notice that the lady with someone even superfits flirts or worse than the killers, he can immediately put a cross on it. Moreover, in spite of the fact that he himself can afford almost once to care for several other ladies. Scorpio is sure - that was allowed to any man, completely unacceptable for his woman! It is like this is the position of the male of scorpions and believe it is not changed.

This sufficiently eater and uncompromising in relation to some character traits for the future companion in life is usually looking for a woman with an extremely faithful heart. This man can almost constantly start lightly insignificant intrigues for him literally with anyone, but seriously and for a long time will never consider it possible to contact the frivolous, frivolous and unreliable beauty, surrounded by a huge number of fans. The male Scorpio, as the actual and the vast majority of all other men, essentially his hunter, but he is a hunter who does not intend to compete with anyone, rather this is such a lone wolf that independently gets sacrifice. After all, in his silk, it is usually a lot of mining.

As a rule, this type, a man should always be fully convinced that it is his favorite woman that will always be 100% honest with him. With that, he can always rely on his own woman, and in any even controversial in all parameters. Actually, therefore, never, even at any life of life and circumstances, we would not advise you, a man of scorpion to deceive, and even in trifles. After all, as soon as such a man notices in his woman at least a proportion of pretending or some incomprehensible secretion himself, he will immediately be able to lose all confidence in it. And believe me, it will not be difficult to return that it would be difficult, but almost even impossible. But without trusting from his side, serious family relationships with scorpion in principle are impossible.

Remember with this man always it is necessary to be the most sincere real and still simultaneously at least a bit of mysterious and mysterious. This man needs to be constantly intrigued, as if awakening his desire to unravel your secret, which is hidden somewhere very deeply. To do this, you only need to periodically open the very curtain that is available on this mystery, say, casually mentioned about it in the usual conversation. Scorpions are curious and will certainly want to know what exactly, for this veil, was hidden. In general, it is this behavior of the young lady who want to link lives with scorpion, it would be desirable to adhere to always in any life situations. And then the almost constant interest of the scorpion of her beloved will be provided.

The lady, intending to conquer the heart of explosive scorpion, and for long married years, should initially understand that this man is looking for a woman not, only a loving wife, but also an adequate pleasant interlocutor and even a girlfriend. As a rule, all men of this sign need a woman who is able to divide them not always logical hobbies or inclinations. And if they still do not divide, at least at least make a minimum effort to learn, a little bit in these hobbies to understand. And so we try to initially find out what exactly our alleged groom is fond of, and we try to study this object as soon as possible, and as much as possible and better. And be it common breeding rabbits or nutria, political economy or say nuclear physics.

Moreover even if you are not at all interested in the fact that this man catches such a buzz, try to be diligent and learn about this lesson maximum. If you at least be able to support with a male scorpion, an adequate conversation on such a beloved topic yourself, believe me, it will be yours, because it just flies from such joy. Still would! After all, it turns out, his beautiful sexual girlfriend is also not stupid, since it is interested in the same nuclear physics, but not just superficially interested, but it works well in the question!

In fact, the girl who decided to strive for what would be next to the male sign Scorpio, should also essentially to be natural enough and somewhere extraordinary. With such a man, you will have to brake more than once, and agree that a man would not be boring in this to be a worthy opponent. Nevertheless, do not bend the stick too cold, and the rational form of men of this sign unambiguously does not attract. Scorpio needs absolute femininity, maximum spiritual heat, female sensitivity and immense attention. Be sure all these qualities Male Scorpio will certainly appreciate. The truth is to say, it may be appreciated, but it will not give any like. After all, the male Scorpio is not used to it too demonstratively to show anyone that he likes or does not like, impreams or not.

In addition, in order to be able to conquer the love and devotion of a man with this zodiac sign, a woman should be a very peculiar person. At least, because this man is firmly convinced of some kind of self-correctness and exclusivity, which means that they will never connect their lives with a woman mediocre. As a result, the girl will have to be non-standard thinking, maybe she will be unusually conducted in ordinary situations, wish in this life of something nontrivial of the same exclusive as its partner. A woman for scorpion should not be afraid of several, shock all those surrounding with their non-standard and specificity. As a rule, a male Scorpion is absolutely indifferent to everything that he is right, and other people think about him and think about his lady. Actually, this is exactly what he requires his choice. A scorpion girl should be literally innocent to other women. Let her actions, or statements in some way amaze the public, maybe even puzzled, or knock everyone. Believe me, but the scorpion itself all this will deliver a lot of pleasure.

Let us sum up - as a rule, in order to be able to completely conquer a man of scorpion, it is necessary:

  • Sincerely consider that sex is the most amazing occupation, requiring otherwise creative an extraordinary approach.
  • Never afraid with your head to rush into the water, not even knowing where the ferrod is.
  • It is precisely able to overcome all the life obstacles and obstacles.
  • To be able to heroically defend your own opinion, and so that this opinion would be adequate.
  • Never depend on any (positive or negative) the opinions of people around you.
  • Be always individual unlike any other women.

So, if you are the expensive young lady agree with all the items described above, then you can safely be done for the work! Although it should still be borne in mind that further your life with a male sign Scorpio will uniquely cannot be too easy. It will not work for this man, you will have to take it only as it, in general, is, and with all the detrimental habits and with all the requirements for you. And besides, the male Scorpio is also a scandalist, sincerely considers that true love and no less severe hatred is practically inseparable. This man will rather be lit up to you than, for example, a long-awaited compliment will say. As a rule, the Union with such a man happens, full of some turbulent, and sometimes even painful emotional experiences.

Remember completely unpredictable events and facts, now and the matter is radically changing your plans, some completely wild situations are all believe me, with such a man you have to survive. Although we cannot disagree with the fact that real love can not be scared by a smooth account no storm! Indeed for real love you can go on a lot.

Scorpio refers to one of the three watermarks. However, in contrast to crayfish and fish, the water of stinging creatures is standing, mysterious and mounted. Scorpions are full of dangers, puffy and carefully select people who are literally allowed to be nearby.

Girls scorpions are distinguished by bright appearance. At first, they may seem cute and quiet, but the interpretation of their imperceptible behavior is completely different: Scorpions simply look at a person, try to paint his weaknesses. To "stole" there, if necessary.

With all the tricks and cunning, Scorpions rarely go to the attack. It is easier for them to forget the offender, ignore it, rather than join the open conflict. However, scorpions have love for ridicule.

Emotions Scorpio prefer to hide from others. Only if you deserve trust, the girl will be frank with you. Around the beauties-scorpions is always hot: their natural charm and charisma attract a lot of men. But the girls of this sign prefer to restrain their sexual energy and are not exchanged on trifles.

Scorpio Woman: How to conquer her location?

To find an approach to the scorpion woman first should attract her attention. You must be a cheerful, charming person who can interest her with their conversations and actions. You must have an excellent sense of humor and be able to laugh at yourself.

Scorpions Thoroughly "check" those whom they plan to let me. Get ready to dive permanent mockery and caustic remarks. However, do not go to the rustic: in this case, you can not see the girls.

Remember: the lasty of a scorpion woman does not attract. She is very sensitive and instantly feel a lie in words. Another thing is sincere compliments, little concern for its appearance. Mark her merit, professional successes acquired skills.

Girls scorpions are not indifferent to a certain type of gifts. Standard flowers / plush bears they consider cute miseption. But quite differently belong to high-quality needlework products from leather, wood, stones, etc. Also beauties adore souvenir products with ethnic motifs and interesting erotic things.

Women scorpions are the following. It concerns this as a relationship and friendship. They will try to "catch up" in every way, throwing compromising issues. The best tactics of behavior in this case: do not give the girl the reason not to trust you.

Girls scorpions are characterized by increased sexuality. Some jokes say that all the available bed "perversion" were invented by this sign. Do not prescribe, if about bed. But when she sends his desire itself - do not lose and do not pull. You will know amazingly high-quality and spectacular sex.

Each person himself is unique with himself, everyone needs to look for his words. Some are too complicated, that is why it is recommended to get ready to familiarize yourself in advance how to find an approach to a man Scorpio. Having learned the features of his character, you can pick up the key to the heart.

Scorpions are very jealous. To any pillar simply. Their language can sometimes be as sharp as a sting for scorpion. Often, friends are lost because of this. Their insight is amazing. They will solve all your simple plans instantly. If they find your "weaknesses", then they can put on them constantly. Only "strongly characteristic" will be able to continue to communicate with scorpions.

But you should not take everything more written as instructions. Each person is so unique that even 2 born in one day or the time of men can be absolutely different. Of course, there is something in common. But for each person you will need to look for your "passage card".

Features of communicating with scorpion

1. If you want to just relax with a person, communicate without some serious background, it is enough to behave as you used. No special approach will be required. However, if you count on serious and long relations, you will have to understand and take a person. Start with the study of the inner world. Ask, what a scorpion like. Be sure to learn the entire sphere. And when talking, try to gently insert a couple of interesting facts in the conversation, unobtrusively, and, most importantly, in the topic.

2. Pay attention to his behavior. Try to behave in a similar way that the man becomes comfortable next to you. Quiet and quiet life is not for them.

3. Do not try to make him jealous. They will not be able to understand. Gather and leave. Passion in the life of passions, but the woman should belong only to Scorpio. However, leave a part of yourself for yourself. You must have your own opinion. This is appreciated.

4. If you need not only sex from a young man, then try to keep his interest in you, as a person. Do not forget to periodically intrigue it. Try to join his team. Detish his interests, hobbies.

5. Never deceive. Some men will simulate, but not scorpions.

How to behave with a male scorpion

Now knowing all the features of the character of such a complex sign, you can easily answer the question of how to find a hike to a man Scorpio.

1. Start with your own appearance and sensations. From you should come confidence. Straighten your back. Osanka speaks a lot of man. In addition, remember that you are also a person. Do not forget about your dignity. Do not let "walk" for you, wiping my legs. Scorpions - Strong Nature. They like when they seek themselves. You can beat everything so thin by turning the situation in the other side that you need. But, the main thing is that Scorpion has the impression that he chose you. No boring and gray appearance. Brightness - that's what is welcome. Everything that looks outstanding and unusually will surely attract the attention of this man.

2. Remember about your hobbies. If the hobby is not, come up with it. The extravagant it is, the more the attention of the chosen man will attract the attention. Even some bright and exclusive accessory will turn out of the scorpion.

3. Do not argue with them. Any attack will be reflected. You will be losing. Do not forget about the "poison". In anger, they can strongly "horrid", the robes are most painful. Such behavior will clearly push away from you the selected young man. But it is impossible to "ride" on you. Respect for itself should be above all the desire to conquer the opposite sex.

4. Do not give in to their provocations. They will specifically check in this way, because they themselves are prone to self-dispersion. If he is "horrid," it does not mean that you need to endure it. Scorpio will be revived, as nothing has happened, but you will stay on the ruins of your own soul.

5. The main rule working with all the signs of the zodiac and the sexes: Do not change a person. Or take it with all its negative and positive parties, or leave. First, a modified person is not the one you noticed and who noticed you. Secondly, Scorpios will not suffer interference in their inner world. Disorder you get sure. Show patience.

6. Watch out for its behavior. Do not let "sculpt" from you what is needed by a man. Stay personality. But in no case insult. Even in a joke. Otherwise, his rage will burn you.

7. Consider a person in it. In a man, there are probably interesting traits of character.

8. Have a goal and strive for her. Get everything you want. Such a dedication will not remain unnoticed by any man, especially scorpion.

9. Self-improvement. Grow over yourself. Intellectual property is very important for this sign of the zodiac. They themselves sometimes leave the head in the study of something.

10. Become a support for it for a man in any difficult situations. Anyone needs support. But it should not be obsessive. Scorpio should not feel the weak and that you regret it. It will insult any man.

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