Lunar health calendar. The influence of the moon on health and treatment of diseases When to start treatment according to the lunar calendar

How to properly plan the beginning of the course of treatment according to the lunar calendar? The energy of the Moon has a huge impact on all life on Earth, therefore astrologers are advised to check the Lunar health calendar before going to the doctor.

It is quite easy to choose a good date, because there are many days in the lunar cycle, suitable for starting a course of taking medications, vitamin preparations and carrying out medical procedures. It is enough to know the basic rules, which are based on changing the phases of the moon, and also to exclude unfavorable lunar days in advance.

Unfavorable days of the lunar cycle for starting treatment

You have probably heard about the unfavorable, so-called “satanic” days in the lunar calendar. For the most part, these days are at the junction of the moon's phase change and are considered emotionally difficult due to the unusually powerful flow of energy from the Earth's satellite. Not all people can cope with it, hence - conflict situations, moments in which "everything falls out of hand." Astrologers recommend not to forget that doctors are people too, and advise to postpone the start of the course of treatment for another date.

So, days unfavorable for treatment: 9, 19, 29 lunar days.

The beginning of the course of treatment according to the lunar calendar - favorable days

Having excluded unfavorable lunar days, let's move on to choosing the most successful date. And here the main rule of the lunar phases works. All undertakings are best planned for the growing moon, which, in the course of its own growth, contributes to the growth and development of all life on Earth. The most positive period of the lunar cycle for starting the intake of medicinal and vitamin preparations, as well as the course of medical procedures, is second lunar quarter... Namely: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 lunar days.

Our physical health and emotional state largely depend on the lunar impact, which changes in accordance with the change of lunar cycles.

Lunar health calendar for the year will help you understand these relationships, as well as tell you what is best to avoid on a given day, which organs to pay special attention to, and how to plan wellness procedures.

In each of its phases, the Moon has a different effect on our body, at the beginning of its cycle it contributes to the accumulation of strength and energy reserves, in the middle it helps us to feel as active as possible, these are the best days for health. Closer to the full moon, our emotional overstrain increases, nervous breakdowns are possible, against which health complications can be observed, rather unfavorable days for health come.

When the Moon is waning, then we also feel a certain loss of strength, a slight malaise. Lunar health calendar for 2019 will help you navigate these processes so that you can perform wellness procedures as efficiently as possible and not expose your body to undue stress.

For example, at the beginning of the lunar cycle, it is advisable to engage in cleansing procedures, carry out fasting days and therapeutic fasting, and visit the sauna. When the phase of active growth of the moon comes, this publication recommends more thorough procedures to improve and strengthen the body, actively engage in sports exercises. And on the waning moon, it is best to do meditative practices, relaxation, herbal and aromatherapy.

But these are only general guidelines, you should use the detailed information for each day. She talks not only about what kind of health procedures you need to do, but even advise when it is better to visit the dental office or prescribe a surgical operation so that it will be extremely beneficial, and the body recovers as quickly as possible.

The influence of the moon on all spheres of human life has been discussed for a long time. And it has been proven that the state of the individual, her mood and physical condition also depend on the phases of the moon. The young Moon gives the best time to replenish reserves of strength and accumulate energy. Therefore, astrologers do not recommend at all to bother with business. At the time of the new moon, a person gets tired much more than on other days.

Dental treatment according to the lunar calendar for 2019 says that during the waning moon, a person's physical condition becomes much better, because he managed to accumulate strength during the young moon. Therefore, people can cope with an operation or a disease much easier. Mystical and mysterious coincidences await during the full moon. At this time, any treatment, extraction or prosthetics of teeth is highly undesirable. And in general, no operations should be done during this period.

The tidal period of the moon affects the distribution of blood to the organs and tissues of the body. Experts say that for a period, the organs may be more strongly washed with blood or less. Choosing the wrong day for a serious event, you can face complications and various diseases. As a result, instead of one visit to the dentist, you will have to perform several.

Fillings, crowns and bridges - favorable times

  • All days of the waning or new moon are auspicious, except for those days when the moon is in Taurus or Aries;
  • Unfavorable time to do something with your teeth on the growing moon, these days she is in Taurus or Aries;
  • All manipulations should be excluded during the full moon;

Removal of tartar

  • wait for the waning moon, which is in Capricorn, this period is ideal;
  • the new moon is also considered an auspicious time;
  • it is not recommended to carry out these manipulations during the full moon.

Extraction of teeth and operations on the moon

  • For surgery and tooth extraction, it is better to choose the last week before the new moon, however, you need to choose a time so that she is not in Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius;
  • The waning moon is also favorable for manipulation, except for the days of Aries, Taurus and Cancer;
  • It is strongly not recommended to remove teeth on a full moon and three days before it;
  • The stay of the earthly satellite in Capricorn, bones and teeth are considered the most vulnerable. An inappropriate time is considered to be the stay of the Moon in Aries and Taurus. Therefore, it is better to postpone the procedure. This does not apply to a situation when you urgently need to see a dentist;

Winter lunar dental treatment calendar 2019


Dental treatment is an extremely unfavorable time for various manipulations and serious procedures.

In the first days of 2019, teeth cannot be treated, and not only because this is the period of the holidays. Planning an important event should start from the 3rd to the 14th. If the festive bustle has not made it possible to take care of the health of the oral cavity, you should go to the doctor on January 29 and 30. Dental prosthetics cannot be performed on other days. Unfavorable days are 1, 2, from 15 to 28.


The period from February 11, 2019 is the most favorable. You can also make an appointment with a doctor on the 14th and 15th. 25 and 26 will be suitable. This time is most favorable for any manipulations associated with dental treatment, since at this time the protective forces are activated. The most inappropriate will be 12, 13, 16 to 24 and 27.

Spring lunar dental treatment calendar 2019


In the first month of spring, you should see your dentist from March 3rd to 10th. In addition, it is worth planning the event during the period 13-16, 15, 25, 26. Given these days, crowns and fillings will last a long time. Unsuitable are 1,2, 11,12, 14 from 17 to 24, 27 and 30.


The most favorable days when you should plan the most difficult events are considered from 1 to 6 and the last six days of the month. Astrologers also advise to contact the clinic on April 21, 22, from 9 to 15 April. These days, the pain will be mild, and the operations will be successful ..


Having decided to go to the dentist in May, you should not choose the 4th, 5th and 6th day. The period from May 15 to May 17, 29 will also be unfavorable for this purpose. It is not advisable to plan a serious surgical intervention on May 20, 21 and 23. This is the time when the moon negatively affects human health.

Summer lunar dental treatment calendar 2019


It is not advisable to treat diseases of the oral cavity in the first two days of summer. But the time from 3 to 12, you can safely contact the specialists. For transactions, the period from 3 to 12, from 21 to 24 and 30 is considered excellent.


This month is also marked by a certain position of the earth's satellite and it is impossible to plan a visit to the clinic from the 13th to the 17th and from the 23rd to the 27th. On other days, various manipulations to take care of the health of the gums and teeth are welcome. Taking into account fluctuations in the geomagnetic situation, treatment is performed on the first twelve days of the month, from 18 to 22 and the last couple of days of July.


Unfavorable days in this month should be allocated from 11 to 13 and from 19 to 26. In particular, you should not risk it if you plan to perform complex manipulations such as operations on soft tissues or implantation. It is better to postpone the event to the first 10 days of August, from 14 to 18 and in the last three days of the month.

Autumn lunar calendar for dental treatment 2019


For those wishing to cope with dental problems, September is not the most suitable month. For the period from 15 to 25, the number of the satellite negatively affects human health, reducing immunity. Therefore, it is not advisable to plan a visit to the dentist for this period. 9 and 10 are considered unfavorable. It is better to do this in the first eight days of September and from 11 to 14, 26-30.


In the second month of autumn, the period from 13 to 24, 9 will become unfavorable. You can transfer an important action to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 25, 30, 31.


The first six days of the month will be ideal for visiting a doctor and performing any oral manipulations. November 7 is an unfavorable day. It is also important not to plan operations and prosthetics from the 9th to the 23rd. Otherwise, the wounds will heal for a long time, and the material used for the treatment will not take root. 8, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 will become favorable.


It is better to make an appointment in the first week of the month, when the night star is most favorably located. The period from December 7 to December 22 will be bad. It is better to devote the end of the month to pleasant pre-New Year's chores.

If you take a closer look at the lunar calendar, then any trip to the dentist will be the most effective and will delight you for a long time.

The calendar will help you plan your visit to the dentist at the best time. If, of course, something urgent happens to you, then, of course, you should not delay the visit.

Cosmic energy will be well absorbed. Perform anti-aging treatment, clear the upper respiratory tract, bronchi.

It is advisable to take a stimulating bath. It is beneficial to take dietary supplements for your health promotion.

Meditation for Today

House cleaning, transforming negative thoughts

If the Moon is not in the water sign of the zodiac, a cold foot bath is recommended. Keep your feet in cold water for no more than 10 minutes. Water will cleanse you of all negative energy. Next, keep the water at a comfortable temperature. Anything negative will be washed off with water.

If you feel unwell that day, light a candle in your left hand. On this day, it is recommended to clean the room using incense sticks or juniper. Smoke drives away evil.

During the 29th lunar day, the Muladhara chakra is active.

About dreams

on the 29 lunar day

The energy of this lunar day is complex, and it leaves its mark on dreams.

Light a candle before bed. During the 29 lunar day, try to maintain harmony with yourself and a good mood. Analyze the dreams that you have, if possible, with a psychologist.

These dreams can be difficult, unpleasant, and intimidating. In this case, it is a reflection of your subconscious, which it has accumulated and from which you must free yourself.

Gardening Today

Moon in Sagittarius

The days of Sagittarius are the days of the Fruit.


  • planting fruit trees, fast-growing vegetables.
  • pruning trees and shrubs (during the waxing moon).
  • sowing cereals.
  • control of underground pests.

Hello readers of my blog. I am starting a series of publications about cleansing the body on lunar days for anyone interested in how to cleanse the body at home.
The moon causes tidal waves to form in all fluids on Earth. Millions of cubic meters of the world's oceans move, and micron droplets of liquid media inside each cell of the body. It turns out that it can be used to treat a person. Our task is to use knowledge of the laws of physics to cleanse and heal the body. I will try not only to give a methodology, but also to explain in detail the essence and mechanisms of these influences. For what? You are a modern - a rational person who does not believe in mysticism, esotericism; skeptical about "auras and charms" ... As he said, in one of his roles Mashkov: "Well, that's okay." Healthy skepticism and caution have not prevented anyone yet. Most of us find it difficult to believe that the Moon can heal if - and here is the key phrase - if you do not understand the mechanisms the influence of the moon on the body... And I will explain these mechanisms, describe in detail the influence of the moon. For what? To increase your motivation? No. The motivation you have is health problems. Then what for? In order to increase the level of confidence in the method, the level of acceptance. In the future, this knowledge will help you not only to use the Moon for recovery, but also for planting in the garden, for making important decisions in life, for moving up the career ladder and, in general, in life.

(This is your "humble" on the first channel with his course and books))

Cleansing by the Moon

Before starting the course, to provide you with the necessary tools - procedures and exercises, I want to give you the most important tool - UNDERSTANDING. Understanding of the processes that are amplified in the body under the influence of tidal waves. In any new subject it is necessary, first of all, to define the terms. What are tidal waves?
- ............ -, here some of your answer is supposed. I agree with him to one degree or another. And I ask:
- Is it shorter?
- ............ -, here you continue to answer with interjections, and I come to the rescue:
- Can we say that all this, ultimately, a change in gravity?
- Well, yes, you sigh with relief.

If the first paragraph of my first blog article did not cause you any significant discomfort, feelings of contradiction, indignation and indignation, then continue reading, mastering the material, using all the secrets and discoveries that await you. But, if already now, from the first lines, and after my first maxim, you have a desire to argue, debate, be smart, then this blog is not for you. You can close it and find something more specific about cleansing - a list of emetics, laxatives, rinsing and enemas ... feel free to close this page - my blog and open another - the next one in the search engine. If you want to blow off some steam goodbye, be smart in the comments.

We continue with those who remained. Gravity is a universal cosmic force. Due to gravity, the Earth is tied (on a long leash) to the Sun. Due to gravity, we are tied to the Earth on a short leash and to the Sun on a long one. The sun causes a flow of biological fields in our body in its direction. Everything living on Earth experiences this power on itself. The force of attraction to the Sun can be conventionally called antigravity.
- Why - you ask.
- Because it is opposite to the main gravity that pulls us to the surface of the Earth.
- How strong is she? -, you ask.
“Strong enough. All life on Earth experiences this power. Thanks to her, the juices in plants move upward from the roots - to the Sun. Juices are liquids, minerals, vitamins, humus microparticles from the ground move upward and build the body of the plant. From the leaves down to the roots go some other healing juices and trace elements that help build roots. This is how grasses and trees grow. In the same way, the fluids inside a person - blood and nutrients move from the bottom up - this is how a person grows. And from top to bottom slags are squeezed out - this is how a person is cleansed. So, the power of antigravity helps us to grow and develop. The force of gravity helps us cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

With age, when the plant can no longer overcome gravity, its growth ends. Microtubules feeding the plant - longitudinal canals in plants - become clogged and dry out. The plant does not have enough anti-gravity forces to deliver food to each leaf ... The plant turns yellow, grows old and dies. Likewise, a person - in his youth, internal energy potentials - driving forces - easily overcome gravity and he is easy to climb, easy to walk, easy to run ... Blood comes to every organ, to every cell in sufficient volume. With age, the anti-gravitational potential is less and less. Vessels and energy channels become clogged, slagged - a person is aging; he is ill for a long time, after which he dies. Diseases are just stages of development - they increase the rate of death. If diseases are treated, then the energy increases and the rate of dying decreases. If you learn to increase the forces of anti-gravity in the body, then you can heal diseases and prolong life.

The simplest and most graphic example of this is again given by plants. If you take two seeds from one fruit and grow one in the suburbs (even better in the subtropics)), and the second in the tundra, then two different plants will grow - one large and strong, the second small and crooked. Remember what birch and dwarf birch look like. So are people. The average life expectancy in a favorable climate is higher than in the tundra. In the 70s of the last century, the Soviet government commissioned the Siberian branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences to study the validity of the northern allowance. The results were terrifying: from the very first months of the move, people who came “for a long ruble” experienced a catastrophic deterioration in the vitality of all organs and systems. You can easily find these works. Theses themselves are closed with a stamp “for official use”, but some of the materials were published in the open press by V.P. Kaznacheev. - President of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.

Smart people knew this even without experiments: A person should not live where grapes do not grow!

And why did you write this for so long? What does the North have to do with it? -, you ask. I answer:
- The further from the equator to the poles, the higher the gravity and the weaker the anti-gravity. This is obvious - remember the shape of the globe.
- And here is the cleansing on lunar days - you ask.
- The moon affects the change in gravity and antigravity. It can be used to cleanse the main channels of a person and increase their activity.

The moon is tied to the earth by the earth's gravity. And revolves around her. But the Moon, in itself, is a rather heavy cosmic body. Do you remember that? As a very heavy space body, it (like the Sun) attracts masses of water in the world's oceans of the planet Earth (Newton called it tidal waves) and flows of liquid in plants and any living organisms. Moreover, even stronger than the Sun.
- Why? -, you ask - because the Sun is heavier than the Moon!
- Have you forgotten about the square of the distance? How far the sun is from us than the moon. The total force of attraction of the moon on terrestrial objects is 2.2 times greater than the influence of the sun.

If the forces of gravity and antigravity from the Sun remain almost constant, then the ratio of the amount of gravity and antigravity from the Moon changes in very high ranges as it rotates around the Earth. This happens constantly, regularly, most importantly, CYCLING. Lunar cycles give an oscillation - a change in the potentials of gravity and antigravity. You can adapt to them, you can select complexes of techniques, make up programs to adapt to them in order to carry out [B] cleansing on lunar days, and adjust the body's healing according to lunar cycles.

Every day we will analyze the change in these influences and select complexes of techniques not only for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins at home, but also for cleansing energy channels, general recovery, rejuvenation and strengthening of the body. To prolong a full healthy life.

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