The name of the herb is ant. Why is ant herb useful and how to use it in folk medicine

Or Bird's knotweed (Latin: Polygonum aviculare), buckwheat family. Common names: sparrow tongues, bird buckwheat, conotope, goose grass, goose grass, gosling grass, trampling grass, wasteland grass, ant grass, chicken beetle; Belarusian: drasyon ptushyny, sparish; Ukrainian: sporish zvichainy, girchak zvichainy, girchak ptashiny. The scientific name of the genus comes from the Greek. polys "many" + gony "knee", due to the presence of a knotted stem in the plant. The specific scientific name aviculare comes from lat. avicularis is “bird-like”, since the fruits of the plant are a favorite autumn delicacy for many birds.

The Russian names bird knotweed, chicken beetle, and bird buckwheat are also associated with the fact that birds peck knotweed seeds. Geese that eat knotweed quickly get fat - hence the popular names: goose grass, goose grass, goose grass. The name "knotweed" was obtained by the plant because of its ability to "spore", i.e. quickly, restore damaged shoots. The word "sporo" also had another meaning - "abundantly, richly." Apparently, this name was given to the plant because it grows on fertile soil, covering the ground with a rich, continuous carpet. Sporysh in East Slavic mythology was the god of harvest and fertility. And the name trampling grass indicates the plant’s resistance to trampling and its ability to grow well on trampled soil.

In addition to the fact that knotweed has long been used for various bleeding, it was previously also prescribed for internal diseases and inflammation, even for cholera. At the end of the 19th century. it was also found that it has a positive effect on the condition of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and asthma.


An annual low herbaceous plant. The root is taproot, weakly branched. The stems are creeping or ascending, highly branched from the base, knotty, green, 10–40 cm high, densely covered with leaves. After flowering they become tough.

The leaves are small, elliptical or linear-lanceolate, alternate, up to 2 cm long and up to 1.5 cm wide, on short petioles (practically sessile), entire, without punctate glands, green or grayish-green. Where the leaves join the stem there are whitish filmy dissected bells.

The flowers are very small, with five petals, inconspicuous, greenish, pinkish or white, located in the axils of the leaves in 1–5 pieces. Stamens 5-8, ovary superior. Knotweed blooms from May to September. The fruits are black or dark brown, matte, triangular, small (2-3 mm in length) nuts, almost equal in length to the perianth. Ripen from July to October. Knotweed reproduces by seeds.

The plant is extremely unpretentious, due to which it is distributed on almost all continents, excluding Antarctica. Often found in the territories of Belarus, Ukraine, Russia (excluding only high mountain areas and the northernmost regions). It grows, as a rule, along roads and paths, in pastures, in vegetable gardens and orchards, as a weed in fields, along river banks, near residential buildings, in stadiums, vacant lots, and weedy open areas. Knotweed grows well in clay and sandy soils. On fertilized soils it grows quickly, forming a continuous carpet and suppressing other plants. Recovers well even after repeated mowing. Resistant to trampling, renews itself by self-seeding.


For treatment, use the herb common knotweed (stems, leaves, flowers). It is harvested in dry weather during the flowering phase (from June to September), until the stems become stiff. Shoots 30-40 cm long are cut with a sickle or knife. To collect large quantities, it is worth preparing special small two-pronged forks with pointed teeth. With your left hand you need to grab one of the stems, pull and find out where the middle is. With your right hand, use these forks to cut the grass. Although the grass is harvested far from clogged areas and roads, the raw material must be thoroughly shaken off immediately - creeping plants usually have a lot of dust or stuck earth and clay, especially after rain.

In the same area, knotweed can be harvested annually. But to regenerate thickets, it is advisable to leave at least 25% of adult plants intact. Cut knotweed grass is dried in a ventilated room or in the shade outside, spread out in a thin layer, or with artificial heat at temperatures up to 45 ° C. It is important that the natural color of the plants does not change during drying. Knotweed grass will be dried out enough when its stems become brittle. The raw materials are odorless, the taste is slightly astringent. Shelf life – up to 3 years.

Beneficial properties of knotweed (knotweed)

Knotweed grass contains flavonoids (quercetin, hyperin, isorhamnetin, luteolin, myricetin, kaempferol), tannins and mucous substances, flavone glycoside avicularin, coumarins (scopoletin, umbelliferone), alkaloids, saponins, carotene, vitamins C, K, E, pectin, soluble silicic acid and its salts, organic acids (coumaric, chlorogenic, gallic), traces of essential oil, bitterness, sugar, resin. Anthraquinone was found in the roots of knotweed.


In medicine:
Knotweed has experimentally proven expectorant, diuretic, hemostatic, blood purifying, wound healing, astringent, choleretic, diaphoretic, tonic and restorative effects.

Knotweed preparations improve blood clotting, the functioning of the gonads, lower blood pressure, have antimicrobial, antitoxic, antipyretic, analgesic, antitumor, antiseptic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. They are used for gastritis and gastroenteritis, diarrhea, duodenal or stomach ulcers (low acidity), dysentery, liver diseases, cholelithiasis (cholelithiasis); for polyarthritis, excess weight, cough, bronchitis, respiratory diseases, tuberculosis (kidneys and lungs), malaria.

Bird knotweed preparations enhance uterine contractions; they are used for uterine bleeding (after abortion or for gynecological diseases), for pulmonary and hemorrhoidal bleeding. A positive effect can be achieved by using knotweed preparations for secondary iron deficiency anemia due to bleeding.

The use of knotweed is especially effective for chronic diseases of the bladder and kidneys, and salt metabolism disorders. The biologically active substances of the herb slow down the formation and promote the removal of urinary stones and excess sodium and chlorine ions (the effect of silicic acid), increase filtration in the renal glomeruli and reduce reverse resorption in the renal tubules, reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels.

Externally, knotweed is used for lotions and washes; fresh grass mashed into a pulp is applied to skin diseases (dermatitis), long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers and bruises, burns, angular cheilitis (seeds). To get rid of dandruff, wash your hair with a decoction of the plant. Children with skin diseases are prescribed baths with knotweed.

Knotweed is included in various medicinal preparations, including Zdrenko's collection, used as a symptomatic remedy for.

In other areas:
Young leaves of knotweed are added to soups, salads, and pie fillings. Dyes for fabrics and leather were previously obtained from knotweed. Knotweed produces excellent lawns and can be used for landscaping large areas of soil. A good forage plant, especially valuable for poultry and cattle. Improves milk yield and its taste. Hay from knotweed grass is not inferior in nutritional value to clover, alfalfa, and china.

Traditional medicine recipes with knotweed (knotweed)

  • Infusion of knotweed for infertility. 3 table. l. Knotweed herbs are poured into a thermos, and 0.5 liters are poured into it. boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain, squeeze. Drink ½ glass. 4 p. per day in 20 minutes. before meals.
  • Infusion of knotweed herb for bleeding, kidney disease, urolithiasis (in the absence of large urinary stones), pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough. 1 table. l. Pour knotweed herbs into an enamel saucepan, pour 200 ml into it. boiling water, cover with a lid and heat in a boiling steam bath for 15 minutes. Cool for 45 minutes, filter, squeeze out the remainder. Add boiled water, bringing to the original volume. The medicine must be shaken before use. Take warm 2-3 r. per day min. 20 before meals: adults 1/3–½ cup, children over 14 years old – ¼ cup, children from 12 to 14 years old – 2 tablespoons. l., children 7-12 years old - 1 table. l. Treatment takes 20-25 days. Treatment with knotweed can be repeated after a break of at least 10-14 days, but not more than 4 times a year.
  • Infusion of knotweed herb for tuberculosis or pneumonia. To 1 tbsp. l. Pour 1 cup of knotweed herb. boiling water, heat for 5–10 minutes. in a steam bath, leave for 1–2 hours, filter. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3–4 r. per day.
  • Infusion of knotweed herb for kidney disease, hypoacid gastritis, loss of strength, duodenal or stomach ulcer (with low acidity), pulmonary tuberculosis, bleeding (uterine, intestinal, hemorrhoidal, pulmonary). To 20 gr. (2 tablespoons) herbs are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and heated by placing in a pan of boiling water for 15-20 minutes, removed and left for 45 minutes, then filtered. The remainder is squeezed out. The volume is added with warm boiled water to 200 ml. The infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days. Drink the infusion 2 tables at a time. l., usually 3-4 r. per day before meals for 21 days.
  • Infusion of knotweed herb for loss of strength, anemia due to blood loss, and salt metabolism disorders. 5 gr. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over knotweed herbs, let it brew for 2 hours, filter. Drink 100 ml 3 times. per day for 15–20 minutes. before meals.
  • Tea made from knotweed herb for bleeding (uterine, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal) or diarrhea. 2-3 teas. spoons of herbs pour 2 tbsp. boiling water, insist, drink a day.
  • A decoction of knotweed herb for diseases of the liver, bladder, and kidneys. 20 gr. Boil knotweed herbs and add 200 ml. water, 15 minutes, let stand for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 p. a day before meals. With this decoction you can make compresses and lotions for wounds and ulcers. It can be used to wash your hair to improve hair growth and condition, strengthen its roots and get rid of dandruff, or to soothe your feet for bruises.
  • A decoction of knotweed herb for loss of strength, gastrointestinal diseases, dysentery. 10 gr. herbs (1 tablespoon) boil knotweed herbs in 500 ml of water for 20 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain. Drink 100 ml 3-4 times. per day for 15–20 minutes. before meals.
  • Tincture of knotweed herb for liver diseases, jaundice and gallstones (if there are no large stones). 2 tsp. spoons of bird knotweed herb pour 200 ml of alcohol. Leave to infuse for 10 days, strain. Take 15–20 drops. by ½ stack. water 3 r. per day as a choleretic agent.
  • Polygonum juice for neuroses, hypertension, convulsive syndromes, urolithiasis. The juice is squeezed from freshly cut flowering plants. Take 100 ml of knotweed juice, mixing it from 1 table. lie , 2-3 r. a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Fresh knotweed grass. Fresh knotweed grass, mashed into a paste, is applied to accelerate healing on ulcers, burns, wounds, as well as boils, acne, and applied to the skin for...
  • A bath with knotweed for arthritis, skin rashes in children, with a calming and metabolism-improving effect. 300 gr. herbs, brew 5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, filter and pour into a bath of water. Take baths with water at 32–34 °C every other day for 15–20 minutes.
  • Collection with common knotweed (knotweed) for the treatment of chronic cystitis. Mix, after crushing, 2 tbsp. l. knotweed and wintergreen herbs; 1 table. l. marginal flowers. 1 table. lie collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water, 40 min. infused, strained. Drink the mixture in 1/3 tbsp. three times a day. Used to treat an increased number of leukocytes in the urine. If red blood cells or red blood cells and white blood cells are found in the urine, then instead of wintergreen, take the grass of Canadian goldenrod or goldenrod (golden rod). If urine is alkaline, wintergreen is replaced with bearberry leaves. Take 1 month, then 1 month. break. The infusion should not be used during an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Collection for liver cirrhosis. Mix thoroughly, first chopping, 1 table at a time. lodge: knotweed grass, ; leaves, ; chamomile flowers; berries and viburnum; rhizomes. Pour 1 table. l. mixture 2 tbsp. boiling water, 15 min. heat in a steam bath, leave, wrapped, for 4 hours, filter. Drink 4-5 doses per day, taking the medicine 20 minutes before. before meals. Treatment can last up to 6 months.
  • Collection with knotweed for hypoacid gastritis. Grind and mix well: 8 tablespoons. l. cudweed grass and plantain leaves, 4 tablespoons each. l. herbs and knotweed; 3 table. l. blueberry leaves; 2 tables each. l. rhizomes of calamus and peppermint leaves; 1 table. l. cumin seeds. 2 table. lie pour the collection into a thermos, pour in 1 liter of boiling water, leave overnight, strain. Drink 1 glass. in the morning on an empty stomach, divide the remaining medicine into 4 doses and drink during the day.
  • For chronic pancreatitis. Mix thoroughly, first crushing, 1 table at a time. lie herbs knotweed, St. John's wort, wormwood; peppermint leaves, nettles, ; rhizomes; flowers and chamomile. Fill 1 table. lie composition 2 stacks. boiling water, 15 min. heat in a steam bath, leave for 4 hours, strain. Drink per day, divided into 4-5 doses. Drink within 20 minutes. before meals. Treatment should last 45-60 days.
  • For urethritis. Mix thoroughly, first chopping 1 tablespoon at a time. l. herbs knotweed, shepherd's purse; leaves of watch trifoliate; tansy flowers. Pour 1 tbsp. l. composition 2 stacks. boiling water, 15 min. heat, place in a bowl with boiling water, let sit for 4 hours, drain. Drink a day, dividing into 4-5 servings. Drink within 20 minutes. before meals up to 1 month.
  • Collection with knotweed for pyelonephritis. Mix well, first chopping, 1 tablespoon at a time. l.: knotweed grasses and; white jasmine flowers; oat straw; leaves of sage and bearberry; juniper fruits; root Brew 1 tbsp. l. composition 400 ml. boiling water, 15 min. heated in a steam bath, infused for 4 hours, decanted. Drink a day, dividing the medicine into 4-5 servings. Drink within 20 minutes. before meals. Treatment lasts 45–60 days.
  • Collection with knotweed for prostatitis. Mix thoroughly, first chopping 1 tablespoon at a time. l. herbs knotweed, toadflax, shepherd's purse, ; rhizomes; calendula flowers; roots Pour 1 tbsp. l. collection 2 cup. boiling water, 15 min. heat in a water bath, let it brew for 4 hours, filter. Drink a day, dividing into 4-5 equal servings. Drink within 20 minutes. before meals 45–60 days.
  • With enuresis. Grind and mix thoroughly 1 table at a time. lodge: herbs knotweed, yarrow, St. John's wort; flowers; blackberry leaves. Pour 1 table. l. collection 250 ml. boiling water, let it brew, strain. Drink a day, dividing into 4-5 equal parts, drink the last portion no later than 1 hour before bedtime. Drink within 20 minutes. before meals. Treatment lasts up to 3 months.
  • A bath collection with knotweed for kidney stones (if there are no large stones) and other chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. Grind and mix 5 tablespoons at a time. l. herbs knotweed and, as well as chamomile flowers; 4 tables each. l. black currant leaves, celandine grass, viburnum branches, burdock root and 3 tbsp. l. birch leaves and stinging nettle. 200 gr. pour 5 liters of water into the composition, let it boil, turn it off, wrap it up and leave for 1 hour, filter, pour into the bath. Take baths with a water temperature of 38°C 1-2 times. in Week.
  • Collection with common knotweed at. Grind and mix: 1 table. l. herbs knotweed and horsetail, add 3 tablespoons. l. centaury herbs and 5 table. l. cinquefoil herb. 1 tables. l. collection pour 1 cup. boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour, strain. Drink in small portions throughout the day.
  • With heavy menstruation. Take, crushed, 1 table. a spoonful of knotweed herbs, shepherd's purse, white mistletoe. 2 tables. lie pour 2 cups of composition. boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 cup. 2 p. per day 3–5 days before the start and throughout the entire period of the menstrual cycle.


The use of knotweed is contraindicated during pregnancy (it has an abortifacient effect!) and in children under 7 years of age with increased sensitivity to the biologically active components of the drug. Contraindications also include thrombophlebitis, a tendency to thrombosis, acute kidney and bladder diseases, and the presence of large stones (6 mm or more) in the urinary tract.

It is not advisable to take plant preparations for people with increased blood clotting, hypotension, or high acidity of gastric juice.

Considering that plant preparations help remove stones from the kidneys and urinary tract, before taking medicines based on knotweed, it is imperative to consult a doctor and conduct an ultrasound to exclude the presence of large stones. If knotweed preparations are taken for a long period of time, it is necessary to periodically conduct a blood clotting test (coagulogram).

Side effects. When taking knotweed preparations, in some cases allergic reactions may occur (including itching, rash, swelling of the skin); renal colic. Long-term use can damage tooth enamel and disrupt the structure of bone tissue (osteoporosis).

Necessary safety measures when using. It is advisable to drink the herbal infusion through a straw to prevent it from getting on your teeth (the infusion can dissolve tooth enamel).

Do you like to walk on the grass barefoot? When going out into nature, adults and children enjoy this pleasant activity, as long as the grass is softer and thicker. It is precisely these properties that the grass-ant possesses, the poetic name of which is familiar to us from childhood. We will talk about what the plant is and whether it is difficult to grow a soft grass carpet from it in a summer cottage.

So colorfully the people called the herbaceous plant knotweed from the Buckwheat family (other names are knotweed, i.e. fast-growing, goose grass or goose grass, goose grass). It was believed that knotweed absorbs the power of the earth and transmits it to everyone who walks on it barefoot. The grass began to be called ant (ant) for its rich green color, which in Rus' was called ant.

Grass-ant - a herbaceous plant from the Buckwheat family

This is a weed that gets along well in places where other vegetation is uncomfortable. The avian knotweed settles on city lawns, breaks through cracks in asphalt, grows near human settlements and in distant pastures, along river banks and on roadsides. Ant is resistant to trampling and is able to grow densely on depleted lands, quickly restoring cover.

To distinguish the culture from other representatives of the Buckwheat family, we give its detailed description:

  1. Herbaceous annual, the root system is not expressed, its role is played by lying shoots with short rooting shoots.
  2. The stem is branched, creeping or slightly raised, with knees characteristic of the species.
  3. The foliage is miniature, lancet-shaped, elongated, rich green.
  4. The flowers are small, white, sometimes with pink outlines. They are grouped in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces, hiding in the axils of the leaves.
  5. The fruits are triangular nuts, black or brown. Edible for birds, hence another name for the crop - bird buckwheat.

How does a plant reproduce

Like any weed crop, ant grass settles in favorable places at random. In some agricultural farms it is bred purposefully as feed for livestock and poultry. Many summer residents plant grass for decorative purposes, forming pleasant lawns on infertile areas or decorating garden paths.

For self-propagation, it is easier to find a suitable area with already growing grass, dig it up and replant it in the desired place. Another option is to wait for the seeds to appear, collect and sow on a selected plot of land.

Growing abundantly, culture captures new areas. This can be counteracted in two ways:

  • organizing mulched strips along the edge of the garden;
  • weeding out weeds that appeared on the site from stray seeds.

Ant grass is a fast-growing plant.

The plant does not need any care; natural conditions are sufficient. However, to enhance the density and juiciness, to make it more pleasant to walk barefoot, on hot days the planted grass is irrigated with water in the evenings.

About diseases and pests

Nature has endowed the plant with extraordinary vitality. He is not afraid of any diseases, insects or pests. But thanks to its pleasant aroma and edible fruits, the grass attracts birds and animals. But whatever the invasion, the vegetation cover is quickly restored.

Chemical composition of knotweed

To understand why the ant has long been famous for its beneficial properties, you need to know its chemical composition. It includes the following components:

  • tannins and resins;
  • organic acids and fats;
  • carotene;
  • minerals - iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium;
  • Sahara;
  • vitamins A, E, K, C;
  • flavone glycosides.

Video “Benefits and uses of knotweed”

This video presents the properties of a medicinal plant and describes how to use it.

Useful and medicinal properties

Knotweed is harvested and used as a medicinal plant. Decoctions are made from the collection and juices are pressed, it is dried, and later used as finished raw materials for potions.

Let's list the areas of application of knotweed:

  1. Fighting stones in the kidneys, urinary and choleretic bladders.
  2. Catarrh of the stomach, inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  3. Relief from gallbladder ailments and liver diseases.
  4. Pulmonary diseases (including tuberculosis).
  5. Hypertension.
  6. Nervous disorders.
  7. Swelling of the legs.
  8. Hemorrhoidal manifestations and ulcers.
  9. Seborrhea.
  10. Cuts, wounds and bruises.
  11. Skin diseases.

Beneficial properties of medicinal culture

Collection and preparation of medicinal raw materials

All parts of the crop are used for medicinal purposes - stems, shoots, foliage and flowers. The latter are especially valuable; they are collected during the flowering period of the crop (from May to September), the remaining parts are harvested in the second half of July. They go out for collection on dry, windless days, after the morning dew has dried. You need to choose herbs that grow away from residential areas, roads and industrial facilities.

The collected material is sorted, getting rid of debris, and then dried. The grass is hung under cover or in the shade, but not in direct sunlight. The finished raw materials are placed in bags or glass jars. Shelf life - 2 years.

Freshly collected material can be used for juice. It is advisable to use it fresh in potions, but to prepare it you need to boil it and roll it under iron lids. To store canned material, use a cool place (cellar, refrigerator), where it will last until the next season.

The use of knotweed in folk medicine

The list of ailments for which ant weed can help is impressive. Medicines prepared on its basis are used internally (infusion, decoction, juice, tea) and externally (lotions, compresses).

Viral and infectious diseases

The components contained in the plant stop putrefactive processes and inhibit the development of viral and bacterial diseases. Knotweed is used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, disinfect and heal cuts and wounds. Doctors often prescribe gargling with a decoction of herbs for sore throat, laryngitis, and dental diseases.

If the body is attacked by a viral or bacterial infection, a remedy based on knotweed is used as an antipyretic to reduce the temperature, and also as a diaphoretic to quickly remove harmful substances. A herbal preparation based on knotweed can also be used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis.

Decoction and infusion of knotweed is used for viruses and infections

Treatment of the cardiovascular and nervous system

Due to the ability of the herb to lower blood pressure, it is used for hypertension. By taking decoctions, it is possible to strengthen the immune system, increase the overall tone of the body, which improves well-being during nervous exhaustion.

If you take the composition for a long time, you can improve your performance and get rid of the effects of stress.

Problems with the circulatory system

Vitamin K present in knotweed increases blood clotting. Mouth rinse helps with bleeding from the gums, lotions help with heavy menstruation and blood loss after abortion, intestinal and pulmonary bleeding, as well as hemorrhoids.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

If small stones appear in the kidneys, knotweed promotes their rapid fragmentation and removal from the body. An important aid in this is silicic acid, which acts on calcium deposits, crushing and destroying their structure.

You can take decoctions based on knotweed for prophylactic purposes in old age to prevent the formation of sand in the urinary canals.

Decoctions and infusions improve the condition with:

  • inflammation of the bladder and kidneys;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis.

The plant will also help men experiencing problems with potency.

Gastrointestinal diseases

An infusion of murava is prepared on a water basis, then used for intestinal diseases such as:

  • pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • salt deposits;
  • cholelithiasis.

Bird's knotweed helps with kidney stones

Hair and skin treatment

Plant-based lotions help in the treatment of:

  • dermatitis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • eczema.

Highlander infusion is used to rinse hair in case of severe hair loss.

Medicine recipes

Since different types of drugs are prepared from the plant, you should know the basic recipe.

Dried knotweed is actively used in folk medicine


The recipe is simple:

  • a tablespoon of dry raw materials is poured with a liter of boiling water;
  • infuses for 2 hours;
  • the composition is filtered.

Take 50 ml 3 times a day before meals. The course lasts 3 weeks.


The degree of effect depends on the concentration. It is prepared as follows.

  • one measure of dry raw materials is filled with 10 measures of water;
  • turn on low heat and simmer for 30 minutes;
  • let cool.

Take 50 ml 3 times a day. If the decoction is prepared for external use, the concentration is increased (1 measure of raw material per 5 measures of water).


For this you will need freshly picked herbs. The recipe is as follows.

  1. The collection is washed in running water.
  2. Grind in a blender or through a meat grinder.
  3. Juice is squeezed from the green mass and diluted with boiling water in a concentration of 1:10.

Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. If the juice is required for external use, the concentration is increased.


Has a general strengthening effect. To prepare, pour 2 teaspoons of raw material into a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Take before meals 3 times a day.

Prepared drugs have a diverse effect, however, while curing one, they can harm something else. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before turning to folk remedies for help.

For example:

  • for hypertension, knotweed is consumed in small doses and under the supervision of a specialist, since blood pressure can drop sharply;
  • when treating diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, spicy foods, garlic and onions must be removed from the patient’s menu, otherwise there is a risk of tissue irritation;
  • if blood clotting is increased, the drug can be harmful, the same applies to the increased content of androgens.
  • during pregnancy;
  • with polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • people who have had a heart attack or stroke.

The use of weed-ant is not limited to the medical field. Having planted the plant on the site, owners will be able to use it as a filling for pies or as a component of salads. In addition, it is possible to prepare yellow and green paint from the foliage, and blue from the shoots.

Everyone knows the expression “ant grass” from children’s fairy tales, but not everyone knows what it can look like, although this grass is found everywhere. It has been used in folk medicine for several centuries and has an official name - knotweed (can also be called knotweed).

Description of culture

The townspeople are not even aware that they encounter knotweed grass practically under their feet. Knotweed settles not only on lawns, but also in crevices of asphalt paths, in landfills, near homes, in pastures, etc. Where other plants are uncomfortable, the ant grass easily takes root.

In order not to confuse a representative of the Buckwheat family with other plants, you need to find out what the knotweed looks like.

Grass seeds

Description of the herb:

Plant partSigns
StemBranched, recumbent or slightly raised, with typical “knees” for the species
LeavesVery small, lanceolate, elliptical in shape, dark green in color
FlowersMiniature, whitish in color, sometimes with pinkish edges. They hide 3-5 pieces. in leaf axils
RootThere is no clearly defined one - it is replaced by a lodging stem with small rooting branches
FetusNut on 3 sides, black or brown

Varieties of mountaineers:

There are other representatives of the Buckwheat family with a similar name, but outwardly they differ from each other.

Plant partsKnotweed (goose grass)Snake knotweed (cancer neck)
StemGlabrous, erect, branched, reddish in color, height from 0.2 to 2 mReaches a height of up to 1 m, but is practically invisible behind the large, sparse foliage
LeavesPointed, with entire edges, oblong lanceolate, on short petioles. The surface of the leaf blade is shiny, there is a brown spot on the upper sideLinear sessile, growing from one point. Basal oblong, with long petioles - “wings”
FlowersSmall, pink in color, collected in cylindrical brushes at the tops of the stemsPinkish or white, up to 10 mm long and the same width. Collected into cylindrical spikelets at the top of the stem
FetusA shiny, black, egg-shaped nut. Can be flat or one-sided convex, sometimes triangularShiny achene-nut on 3 sides of dark brown color
RootWeakly branched rod· Up to 2 cm thick, slightly flattened. Covered with numerous scars left by dead leaves and stems;

· Outwardly resembles the curved body of a snake up to 10 cm long;

· Brown on the outside, pinkish at the break

Other FeaturesAnnual blooming from June to September· Perennial plant blooming in July-August;

· All parts of the plant have a tart taste

HabitatsEverywhere on moist soils, meadows, along the banks of ponds and riversLoves damp places - along ponds, in water meadows, in thickets of bushes

On a note! The varieties described are also used in folk medicine to treat various diseases.

If you are interested in murava grass, what kind of plant it is, you can already understand from the above description.

How does a plant reproduce

Ant grass can appear on the site spontaneously if there are clumps of it somewhere in the immediate vicinity. Some farmers specially breed knotweed - this is a very nutritious raw material that can mean a lot when breeding livestock and poultry.

Sometimes gardeners use knotweed for decorative purposes, using it to create a lawn in nondescript, infertile areas, as well as framing garden paths.

Interesting! The grass is resistant to trampling and very quickly restores its green cover even on poor soils.

To start knotweed in your dacha, you just need to dig up one clump and move it to the plot, or collect the seeds and simply scatter them over the surface of the ground. The highlander will grow quickly enough and fill the entire territory allotted to it. But the owner will have to worry about restrictions so that knotweed does not penetrate the beds.

The demarcation can be done using a strip of mulch along the edge of the garden. True, this will not save you from stray seeds. Grass sprouted on vegetable plantations and in berry gardens must be constantly weeded out.

Highlander bird

If a farmer decides to breed knotweed on his land, he won’t have to waste time caring for it. The plant has enough natural conditions for development. But if you want to get juicier grass, it is advisable to periodically irrigate the area during the hot season.

Properties of culture

It is necessary to use the above-ground part of the plant in folk recipes. The medicinal composition includes a large amount of silicic acid. There are also tannins and resins, organic acids, fats, carotene, sugars, vitamins and other useful components. Ascorbic acid alone is 3 times more than in lemons.

The flavone glycoside avicularin, present in the herb, is used by pharmacology in the production of the drug “Avicularen”. It is prescribed to increase blood clotting and for women to contract the uterine muscles.

In folk medicine, decoctions are made from knotweed, the juice is squeezed out, and dry raw materials are ground into powders. These drugs are credited with anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and tonic properties. Therefore, the herb has targeted uses:

  • drugs help crush and expel any stones from the kidneys, urinary and choleretic bladders;
  • decoctions are used to treat catarrh of the stomach and inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • expel bile from the body and treat the liver;
  • knotweed is effective for lung diseases, incl. tuberculosis;
  • grass is useful for hypertensive patients and the elderly;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • decoctions are good for eliminating swelling in the legs;
  • useful for treating hemorrhoids and ulcers;
  • the juice of the herb is rubbed into the head for seborrhea;
  • Steamed stems are used externally and lotions of crushed herbs are used for cuts, wounds, bruises and in the treatment of skin diseases.

Knotweed in the form of teas is recommended to increase immunity during long-term illnesses and exhaustion. The herb is present in weight loss products, as it has a good effect on metabolic processes. But the most valuable use of the knotweed herb is in the treatment of cancer.

For your information! Ant is included in herbal preparations, along with other plants that have similar effects.


  • In a decoction, take 10 g of herbs in 2 glasses of water and boil for 20 minutes; leave for 2 hours, filter and drink 100 g three times a day;
  • the infusion is made with water, pouring boiling water (300 ml) over 5 g of raw materials; stand for 3-5 hours and filter; take 1 tbsp. before eating;
  • to stop heavy menstruation, a herbal mixture is recommended - 3 parts each of knotweed and shepherd's purse, 4 parts of mistletoe; 1 tbsp. The mixture is steamed with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. Take ¾ cup every evening, not forgetting to strain.

Important! For each problem, a different recipe is selected, which should be agreed upon with the attending physician. Self-medication may cause side effects.


The powerful composition of medicinal plants is not beneficial to everyone. There is a category of people who can be harmed by knotweed:

  • the drug can provoke the development of thrombosis and an attack of angina;
  • lead to heart attack and stroke;
  • a serious contraindication is pregnancy, since knotweed has abortifacient properties.

It is necessary to take into account that when treating one disease there is a risk of aggravating another. For example, in the treatment of hypertension, an exacerbation of cholelithiasis can be provoked.

Handmade hair masks

Use the herb with caution to loosen the stones. If one does not respond to the action of the drug, it can block the bile duct.

About diseases and pests

The knotweed is a fairly tenacious plant. He is not bothered by diseases or pests. But the ant attracts animals and birds with its pleasant aroma and taste. Although after such an invasion the plant quickly recovers.

Harvesting grass

It is recommended to harvest raw materials at the beginning of flowering, but many prefer to harvest throughout the summer. In this case, you should take only twigs that have not had time to bear fruit. The stems are cut carefully, at the very base.

Collection sites are chosen away from roads, industrial enterprises, and livestock pastures. They are sent for harvesting in dry, windless weather.

Having brought the raw material home, they carefully sort it out and remove random parts of the stem with roots, as well as browned leaves.

Advice! The grass can be dried in twigs or chopped, spread on clean paper in an even layer. Do this under a canopy or in a well-ventilated attic. If you have a dryer, then the weed is kept until ready at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. During the process, the raw materials are periodically mixed.

The product is stored in sealed jars, fabric bags or paper bags in a dry, dark place. It is advisable to use knotweed in the first 2 years. The maximum shelf life is up to 3 years.

If it is not possible to grow knotweed at your dacha, you can periodically go to harvest grass. Its presence in a home medicine cabinet will never hurt. In addition, bird knotweed tolerates freezing well without losing its properties. This is a good raw material for pies fillings.

In summer, it is advisable to introduce young grass into salads. It will turn out tasty and healthy. You can wash your hair with a decoction of the herb, which will make your hair healthy and silky. Our ancestors made dye for fabrics from the plant: yellow and green from the leaves, blue from the roots.

Where did the name of the grass-ant, which often appears in epics, folk tales and songs, come from, which gently spreads and gives strength to good fellows and does it really exist? Bird's buckwheat, also known as knotweed and knotweed, covers the ground with a green carpet from June to late autumn. In Latin it sounds like Polygonum aviculare and belongs to the extensive genus of the mountaineers and the buckwheat family.

The leaves of the knotweed are a rich green color. In the old days, green color in Rus' was called ant. For example, painted tiles - covered with green glaze. Knotweed begins to bloom in May or June, depending on the weather, and continues for quite a long time, until the end of October, with small flowers, white or light pink. Then triangular fruits appear, consisting of three tubercles, they are painted blood-red. Knotweed is quite unpretentious, hardy, and once it has settled somewhere, it is extremely difficult to eradicate it.

It’s not for nothing that grass-ant is famous for its medicinal qualities. It has long been recommended to run barefoot through dewy grass on a summer morning. For swelling of the legs, make compresses at night using a decoction or fresh crushed herbs. The plant has a tonic effect on the nervous system, so it is used for nervous exhaustion, as a tonic after a serious illness, for weakness, loss of strength, as an antispasmodic for rheumatic pain and headaches, to lower blood pressure.

Knotweed has long established itself as a good hemostatic, wound-healing agent for internal and external bleeding, and acts as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, tonic, analgesic, and antipyretic.

Young shoots and leaves of knotweed (and other knotweed species) can be used in spring salads. They have a slightly sour taste, so you can add them to green borscht instead of sorrel or half and half with it. In addition, it contains a lot of resins and tannins that promote digestion. Washed and dried knotweed grass at the stage of fruit ripening is ground in a mortar and the resulting mixture is added to flour when baking homemade bread, pancakes, pancakes and shortcakes. Stewed young greens are used as a filling for pies, as a side dish, as an addition to sauces, cereals and various salads. Unfortunately, many of these recipes have already been forgotten and are hardly used.

Nowadays grass-ant is widely used in the form of a lawn. It grows soft and resistant to trampling. This type of lawn does not need to be mowed; it does not overgrow. You can walk on it, drive a car or bike, play football and other games - he doesn’t care about anything. All that remains is to keep the crops free of weeds. Over time, knotweed self-seeds, renewing itself every year, so that it is no longer afraid of any weeds. He himself will drown them out, preventing them from growing. On a summer day it evaporates a lot of moisture, so it is always cool on it. Its only drawback is that it is an annual plant.

Ant grass, grass - ant. Everyone has been familiar with these phrases from our fairy tales since childhood. What kind of grass is this, why is it called so tenderly and poetically, grass - ant. I’ll go and walk on the ant-grass, folk epics tell us; I’ll sway on the ant-grass.

So, the grass - ant - is knotweed (knotweed).

This grass grows, like plantain, where people walk. Mother Earth specially grew this grass for people. Where there is such grass, there are no weeds or thorns. According to popular belief, knotweed has great power and gives it to people. Therefore, it has long been recommended to run barefoot on dewy grass on a summer morning.

The grass is epic. Knotweed, bird knotweed.

Where does the name “grass-ant” come from?

In the old days, green color in Rus' was called ant. For example, painted tiles - covered with green glaze. The leaves of the knotweed are a rich green color. The plant covers the ground with a green carpet from June until late autumn, until the snow.

The grass is epic. Knotweed fills all the paths, it is very pleasant to walk on it barefoot, it is very gentle and clean. It does not grow only in ruts from machine wheels.

This ubiquitous plant has many names: knotweed, bird's buckwheat, grass-ant. Knotweed - because it grows spores, that is, quickly. In good conditions it can grow up to a meter in length. But more often it has to exist in difficult conditions: people and animals walk on it, tractors and cars drive on it, poultry feed on it, livestock eat it. But knotweed survives and branches even more abundantly. There is no place in the city or village where this plant would not settle.

The name “bird buckwheat” is quite understandable. Birds feast on small nut-shaped fruits, triangular, like buckwheat.

Highlander bird is an annual unpretentious herbaceous plant. It grows everywhere: in courtyards, on rural streets, in gardens, parks, on playgrounds, along roadsides, in young plantings, along river banks. People also call it grass-ant.

The herb is used for medicinal purposes. Harvested during the flowering period. Cut with a knife. Dry in attics, racks in the shade, spreading in a thin layer. Store in canvas and paper bags. Shelf life - up to 3 years.

Knotweed is used both independently and in collections with other plants.

Acts as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, blood purifying, tonic, analgesic, antipyretic, wound healing agent.

Knotweed preparations dissolve and remove stones from the kidneys and gall bladder, drive away sand, and improve metabolic processes in the body. You just need to take them carefully, increasing the dose gradually, starting the course of treatment with small doses.

For swelling of the legs, make compresses at night using a decoction or fresh crushed herbs.

An infusion of the plant is taken for salt metabolism disorders, gout, polyarthritis, obesity, and also as an antipyretic for pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, fever, cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough.

For inflammation of the oral mucosa and hoarseness, it is used for rinsing and taken warm orally.

The plant has an appetizing effect on gastritis, an astringent for diarrhea, gastrointestinal disorders, dysentery, it is useful for diseases of the liver and pancreas, stomach and duodenal ulcers, and diabetes.

The decoction is used internally and used for douching for leucorrhoea, externally for long-lasting ulcers, as well as wounds, bruises, tumors, abscesses, boils, and burns. From the infusion or decoction of the plant, washes and lotions are made. Fresh crushed grass is placed on the affected areas, and the decoction is used to make baths and applications for skin diseases.

The plant has a tonic effect on the nervous system, so it is used for nervous exhaustion, as a tonic after a serious illness, for weakness, loss of strength, in old age, for neurasthenia and as an antispasmodic for rheumatic pain and headaches, to lower blood pressure.

A decoction of the herb is used to wash your hair for dandruff; it strengthens the hair. The use of knotweed is contraindicated in acute inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder, and during pregnancy.

Knotweed is a valuable medicinal plant. Young greens are quite edible. It can be used raw (in salads) and added to green cabbage soup.

Infusion: 1 tbsp. spoon of raw materials per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain before use, take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

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