Position for the holiday on February 14 at school. Scenarios for the day of all lovers in school

The day of all lovers or Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries of the world on February 14. And in our country this holiday was loved by many, because another opportunity appeared to show his feelings beloved or recall them again.

There is an excellent legend of this holiday. In the ancient and dark times, the Roman Emperor Claudius II decided that a man was idling, not having family ties and children, will be bravely fighting on the battlefield. And then he forbade his warriors to go under the crown. Valentine served as Valentin, the Field Lekarem and the priest. He very much regretted the coremakers in love, the will of the fate of the opportunity to be together. Secret from all he spent marriage rites. But the Emperor's servants learned about it, and Valentine was imprisoned and sentenced to death. In the imprisonment, Valentin was inflamed with gentle feelings to the daughter of the jailer - charming Yulia. Before the day of execution, he was able to transfer a love message with his gaznob. The letter was signed by Your Valentine. Unfortunately, it reached the girl after the death of the in love. Since then, love messages have received the name "Valentine", and this day has become a holiday of triumphant love.

Holding February 14 at school

Valentine's Day is a holiday not only in love with couples, it can be fun to celebrate him in the school team. For example, it is worthwhile to come up with a funny script on February 14 for high school students, the completion of which will be the exchange of valentines with funny poems.

Day of all lovers for youth

If you plan to spend this day in a noisy company, do not hesitate to include in the script a lightweight erotic subtext, use steam contests, and later arrange karaoke with songs about love.

Traditions on February 14

In different countries, there are our traditions, for example, in England, it is customary to give lover stones painted in red and white, since the red color symbolizes love and passion, and white is innocence. Stone speaks about the fortress of feelings.

On this day, it is customary to congratulate the loved ones and give them postcards with recognition. Also give small symbolic gifts: heart pillows, key rings, suspension and other things with heart symbolism.

Young guys and girls wish to meet their second half and experience a delightful sense of love.

How to spend Valentine's Day

Of course, it is best to spend this day in a romantic atmosphere with a loved one, and under the evening to cover the festive table and light the candles. But you can and diversify this script.

If you have not managed to get "Valentines", we present to your attention a variety of scenarios for the day of all lovers.

history of the holiday

One of the legends states that many centuries ago in ancient Rome soldiers (the service lasted 25 years) was forbidden to marry, and the priests to sanctify it in the church. But, despite the ban, the servant of the Church of Valentin Thai blessed loving hearts and sanctified marriage. The priest was issued. Saint Valentine was executed on February 14, and this day was called the "Day of Lovers".

According to another legend, Valentin Christian was a doctor. He was sentenced to death. At that time, on the Roman calendar, the New Year was celebrated in the middle of February, and the guys threw him notes with congratulations and wishes. The prison wardrifier drove children. His only favorite daughter was blind. The jailer brought the daughter to the prisoner. A miracle happened: the girl began to see, and she loved Valentine. Soon he was executed. Only a small letter left for their love, which was written by a young man for the warder daughter, signing at the end: "Your Valentine".

In the XIV century, Valentine's postcards became popular. They were colorfully and decorated.

Nowadays, Valentine's time is one of the main attributes of the holiday.

"Romance: from the tragedy to madness"

Leading. Hello, dear friends! Today we celebrate the most romantic holiday - Valentine's Day. Few know the history of this holiday, but they everyone knows what is customary to give this day. Today we will learn a lot of entertaining details about the history and traditions of this holiday.

Leading. To begin with, let's move to the Roman Empire of the Board of Claudia II, where this holiday appeared. So, it was 269 years old ...

Herack. The order of the emperor of Claudia is the second all marriage in the territory of the Roman Empire is prohibited. All the hardests will be sentenced to death.

Author. Yes, it was the order that the Great Claudius was published. And he did it because I thought that marriages were the main enemy of his military conquests. His army really needed legion meters heroes. According to Claudia, married legionnaires think only about how to quickly return to your family, and not how to kill more enemies. So, to raise the military spirit, Claudius the second and published this order. But the soldiers did not stop falling in love and continued to dream of their own families. A priest from the Roman city of Terni - Valentin came to the rescue. Having learned about the criminal activities of a daring young man, the emperor ordered Valentine's arrest.

A man sitting on the scene behind the bars.

Jailer. Hey, priest, I heard that you are also a doctor. My daughter Asteria Share. Heal, please, her.

The jailer brings the girl to Valentine. He is touching her eye, and it is healed.

Asteria. I am infinitely grateful to you. What is your name?

Valentine. My name Valentine, I am a priest.

Asteria. And my name is Asteria, although you already said this is my father. He is guarded here.

Valentine. I am very happy to meet you, cute Asteria!

Asteria. I am also glad, Valentine. But how did you get in prison, did you do something bad?

Valentine. By order of the emperor, my actions really contradicted the law. I joined the hearts of lovers of people, Mirill assorted.

Asteria. You were engaged in noble deed. To combine loving people of marriage, it is very important, especially in wartime. My God, I'm sorry for me! You are the best person I have ever met. Are you probably hungry? Today I baked rice pellets. Help yourself.

Valentine. Baked? But you have not seen anything?

Asteria. Previously, yes, and now you have cured me.

Valentine. You are so kind, sweet asteria. Thank you, very tasty.

Asteria. Sorry, I need to go, and then father will be angry.

Asteria (reads a letter). Cute Asteria! If you read this letter, I was already sent to the execution. I ask you not to blame the executioners in my death. You are the most kinda girl I've ever met. From the moment I saw you, I completely conquered your beauty. You are the most beautiful thing that was in my life. Your Valentine.

Lead. Valentine's Day is not always celebrated. Only in 496, the Christian Martyr was canonized by the Catholic Church, and the Roman Papa Gelasius announced February 14 in St. Valentine's Day.

Leading. In Western Europe, it began to celebrate him only from the XIII century, in the USA from 1777. In Russia, there was a holiday in love. He was associated with the history of Love Peter and Fevronia and is dedicated to the buyment.

Lead. So, with the occurrence of the holiday we figured out. And now let's remember the main attributes. These are candies, flowers and, of course, Valentine with recognition in love.

Leading. Do you know that we are obliged to chocolate and valentina, however, is the other? If it were not for him, then we would still drink hot chocolate. But thanks to his discovery, our fantasy does not know borders.

Lead. Chocolate heart is one of the most frequent gifts for Valentine's Day.

Competition "Poet-Romantic"

The participants of the competition give sheets of paper on which there are couples of words: Flowers - Dreams, Heart - Door, Ice - Honey, She is one, flame - banner, Blood-Love. The task is to compose a love note in three minutes.

Each participant receives a sheet of paper and starts writing poetic recognition in love.

Leading. Our participants perfectly coped with the task and deserve high-profile applause. Poles, composed of newly well-known authors, are simply beautiful. And they were dedicated, of course, our excellent ladies.

Competition "First Knight"

Participants of the competition tie their eyes and issue on a piece of paper and felt-factor. They should draw the knight with closed eyes.

Leading. Each lady needs a courageous knight. Let's see how our contestants see him. Only they will have to portray him with blindfolded eyes.

Leading. Of course, everyone has his own taste, but our ladies have portrayed perfect knights. Even through drawn features, such knights as courage and nobility are traced.

Leading. As Archimedes said: "Love is the theorem that needs to be proved every day." Recognition in love is a very personal matter. Each person puts something individual into it. This is how others are recognized. Mathematics: "Without you, I zero." Officer: "You wound my heart."

Leading. Doctor: "Heal my heart wounds." Sailor: "You took me to the board."

Leading. Pilot: "You are my sky, be with me forever." Archaeologist: "You are the most valuable thing."

Lead. Chemist: "There is a reaction between us. I dissolve in your eyes. "

Leading. How beautiful their confessions. But, of course, the most romantic recognition was composed poets.

Competition "They wrote about love"

Competition participants alternately called poems, where the authors mention this bright and beautiful feeling. They take turns read lines from poems.

Lead. Flowers of love - red roses. It is them that is made to give for Valentine's Day. Do you know why they were the symbol of this feeling? It all started in the Great Antiquity, when people worshiped the pagan gods. According to the legend, the goddess of Love Aphrodite came on a white rose when she was in a hurry to his beloved. She was ordained flowers with her blood, and since then they became a symbol of love and passion. Here is another romantic story.

Competition "Failed love"

To participate in the competition you need: 2 boys and 2 girls. They should portray the most romantic couples in the history of literature, but who have not become happy (Romeo and Juliet; Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin).

Lead. The guys had to try to make you guess, and they perfectly coped with the task. Let's find it once again.

Leading. We have already dealt with the history of the holiday and the main traditions, learned how the holiday is celebrated in our country. And now let's listen, what features in other countries.

Leading. In Canada, for example, Valentine is made to give not only to people, but also animals. So, if a child under twelve years brought at least one Valentine in the zoo, then he can pass for free.

Leading. As we know, Valentine cannot be signed, but everyone really wants to know from whom he received a message with recognition in love. In England, there are special search offices in England, in which thousands of requests for the identity of the sender are coming annually after February 14. This service, of course, is expensive, but the generous British are ready to upload thousands of pounds of sterling only for finding the person who sent a postcard.

Leading. But in Japan, Valentine's Day is a truly male holiday. Representatives of strong sex get much more gifts from their lovers than give themselves.

Leading. But there are countries where the holiday is officially prohibited. This is Saudi Arabia. Here, violation of the law threatens a huge fine.

Lead. For the next competition, we will need five volunteers. Let's remember the first lessons of labor. Competition is called "DIY". You have already guessed that the task will independently make a postcard. You have paper, scissors, glue and bright markers in your girlfriends. But the case is also complicated by the fact that you are limited. Total half a minute. So, on start, attention, march!

Leading. What wonderful postcards! You can even open your shop and sell them. Surely they will differ MiG. Hand-Made now in the go.

Lead. And now we will tell you about records in Valentine's day.

Leading. In the town of Pasai for ten seconds, six thousand pairs connected in a kiss.

Leading. In 1988, 16 million Valentines days were sent in Britain.

Leading. In the same year, 24 thousand roses were bought in the USA.

Leading. In Japan, compete in the number of sweets sent. One Japanese bought chocolate for several thousand dollars.

Leading. What only madness people do not commit for love!

Lead. Love and be loved!

Despite the fact that Valentine's Day does not belong to the number of our traditional holidays, it is celebrated in many schools, especially where English is in-depth. Valentine's Day is inherent in a special romantic attitude and the difficult task of the holiday organizers is the creation of a romantic atmosphere in the walls of the official institution.

About the upcoming celebration on February 14 at school it is better to declare in advance - hang on the wall a colorful poster or a wallpaper with the announcement. If a common celebration is assumed, you can print booklets and poses and distribute them to students. In medium and younger grades will be better to tell children about the history of this holiday, about why it is celebrated, and how they do in different countries.

What Valentine can be made

On the day of lovers, it is assumed to give greetings-valentine. Personal children give Valentine's school in a row. For them, this is a fun game, and for a teacher, it can be an additional reason for development in children drawing and needlework skills. To do this, you can make Valentine in school together, right in the lesson. Valentine can be drawing, create appliques from colored paper, sew from the fabric.

High school students the idea is collectively doing and publicly donate valentine will not seem attractive. Young men and girls at this age are trying to hide their romantic feelings from adults. But they should not doubt Valentine's sympathy, they will certainly give, some will even make them alone.

How to write a confession guy

To receive written explanations in the feelings of guys is as pleasant as girls, so Valentine needs to be signed. Text can be any, in prose or verses. On how to write an explanation in love, fantasy for any girl is enough with an excess. In addition, in the literature and the Internet, you can easily find an infinite many ready-made beautiful confessions of the guy in love.

How to confess to the love girl

It is possible to confess in love in writing and orally. In writing, probably make it easier. Moreover, right on the nose such a good reason - the celebration of February 14 at school.

Write on Valentine acknowledgment in love and right in the text. Assign the girl first date. Invite to the movies, in a cafe, to the club - where it will seem appropriate to you. Give this valentine of your sympathy or if you do not decide to do it, put it slowly in her backpack, but in this case, do not forget to write your name under explanation.

Gentle sympathy, first love and love, the beginning of the relationship - most people are born in school, and many of us carry them throughout life. Therefore, the holiday of all lovers in schools is always waiting with joy and impatience and with pleasure they are celebrated.

For many years on February 14, St. Valentine's Day is celebrated in all educational institutions of Russia. In schools, class leaders come up with various contests and congratulations for their students. In the article, we collected the best original and cool contests on February 14 for schoolchildren: both small children and adolescents.

Fascinating and cool contests and games for February 14 for children at school

We offer a scenario of celebrating the day of all lovers in school for children 1-4 classes. During the classroom, the teacher tells students about the holiday, and then everyone is involved in exciting games and contests.

Words leading:

The guys and girls, until spring left quite a bit - 14 days. And today on February 14 - the holiday of all lovers and Valentine's Day! This is a very cute, cheerful and family holiday. He is not quite usual, because before we did not celebrate it. But in Europe and America, it is always celebrated: and kids, and adults. So and we now have February 14, all children can give each other beautiful valentine cards. And now let's go to the most interesting: now we will play interesting and funny games and contests!

Competitions on February 14. "My half"

All students are divided into pairs: a boy and a girl. Each couple receives half the heart. The task of the game: Find the second half of the hearts among the papers (notebooks, etc.). A couple that will quickly find half, wins.

Sweet couple

The first part of the competition: Each pair must quickly drink juice from a mug or glass through the beverage tubes. Then follow the words of the lead: the juice drink is very easy, but will the boys be able to get a candy without help for their girls from a cup with flour?

Happy face

The task of each pair: cut a huge heart of paper, and then draw eyes, mouth and nose in the form of small hearts. The authors of the funny person get a prize!

Fortune telling on love

Each participant is given by Valentine, on which he writes his name and surname. Then the presenter collects all Valentine and puts them in two boxes: "boys" and "girls", after which pulls out the postcard from each box of the postcard and calls the existing pair.


Boys and girls are distributed over couples and become back to each other. On the team, the boy must wear his companion to his companion, which the girl shoots in advance.

Interesting contests on February 14 for adolescents

For older children, the competition for the day of all lovers is also very exciting and interesting. The most cool contests on February 14 for teens can be found below in the text. They can be carried out at thematic evenings, discos and just in the circle of friends.

So that he burst!

The host presents each pair of inflated balloons. Now the couples must put a ball between themselves and dance vigorously, but so that the ball does not burst and do not fall. After dance under merry incendiary music, the presenter asks the guys to nudice stronger to his companion so that the ball burst.

Chocolate dance

Words leading: "Once a year and only for the day of all lovers! I declare a chocolate dance! ". All couples dance under slow music, and at the end the presenter adds: "And now Cavalers should give their ladies of chocolates!"


Commands for 3 people are formed. The lead announces the beginning of the competition, but does not say the name and how exactly the one who will win him will be evaluated. Everyone begins to dance or read poems, but at the end the presenter simply calculates ... the number of buttons on the shirt of each participant! That team, which will have more buttons, and is the winner.

With signs

Each participant of the competition is attached a piece of paper with the inscription (hippopotamus, donkey, bulldozer, bread cutter, cucumber, etc.). Everyone has the opportunity to read what is written on the back of other participants, but does not know its "name". The essence of the game: learn your nickname, asking questions to the rest. Answers to questions should be only "yes" or "no"! The winner is the one who rents the word on his back.

There are a huge game and competitions, but it is so important to choose good and fascinating among them, which will enjoy all students. We picked up for you the best contests on February 14th. Let Valentine's Day will be remembered for children for a long time!

MKOU Poddubenskaya Oosh

Valentine's Day (February 14) at school. Scenario game program

Ved.2. So valentines day celebrate all - both adults and children. With family, with friends. Celebrate for a long time. On this day, his chosen or chosen is made to give any gift. But the gift must necessarily be in the form of a heart, be something sofa pillow or a mustache box.

Ved.2. So, we begin our holiday and present the participants and their fans. (Team performance)

Ved.1. For all the stages of the competition, each team is gaining a certain amount of points. The team that scores the maximum number of points for the whole game is declared the winner. (Competitions are estimated on a five-point system)

Ved.1. We start our competitive program with a romantic and funny song "Love-Carrot". (Girls 6,7 classes)

Love has no age! (Game program)

Ved.2. And now about the main thing. Participants of the game will have to undergo tests in length in four rounds. Between the tours, pleasant musical pauses, all kinds of surprises and other events await us.

Ved.1. .First tour: "Who loved whom?". Participants are invited to answer the question "Who loved whom?

Who loved the tiny havel chief? (Cow.)

Who loved Gray? (Assol.)

Who loved Gerasim? (Mu Mu.)

Who loved Gerd? (Kaya.)

Who loved the resistant tin soldier? (Dancer.)

Who loved Dunno? (Sinelapse.)

Who loved the mosquito? (Muhu-Cocotuhu.)

Who loved Piero? (Malvina)

Who loved the Russian clergyman? (Dog.)

Who loved Lunatic? (Ruth.)

Who loved the prince? (Cinderella.)

Who loved Chatsky? (Sophia.)

Ved.2. -The you, respected refereeing. Please announce the results of the 1st round of our competitive program.

Ved.1. Number from grade 5. Flashmob

Ved.2. Second round: "Do you believe?".

Teams, you are distributed in two cards: "Yes" and "no". When answering questions, talking with the words "do you believe that ...", you must raise one of the two cards "yes or not." Time to think about every question - 1 minute. The correct answers are encouraged.

Homeland Holiday "Valentine's Day" is ancient Greece? (No. Ancient Rome.)

Cupid - Naughty Angel with Onion and Arrow - Son Venus and Symbol of Valentine's Day Symbol? (Yes.)

In Wales on February 14, the wooden "Spoons of Love" was beloved, decorated with hearts, keys and key wells, which meant: "You found the way to my heart." (Yes.)

Rose is a symbol of beauty and love? (Yes.)

Red chrysanthemums, tulips, carnations mean love? (Yes.)

In Germany on Valentine's Day, women give all the favorite and just familiar male chocolate? (No. This is a tradition of Japan.)

These lines about love wrote M. Yu. Lermontov:

Everything begins with love.

With love! I know it for sure.

All, even hatred - native

And the eternal sister of love.

(No. Robert Christmas.)

Ved.1. We will summarize for the 2 previous tour from our just and wise jury.

Ved.2. Number from 8th grade

Ved.1. Third tour: "Let's talk to each other compliments."

Commands come up with compliments. Then the young men of the Red Table team give a compliments to the girls of the blue table, etc. Then the girls pronounce the junior compliments. Complimentary runs two circles. And the compliments should not be repeated.

Contests for fans

Ved.2. Fourth Tour: "Smart Questions."

Ved.1. 1. In Japan, students on the board are written with a brush with color ink? (Yes)

Ved.1. 3. Does some types of color pencils add carrots extract for greater stuffiness strength? (Not)

Ved.2. 4.Mimnane worn pants? (Not)

Ved.1. 5.If the bee horrid anyone, will she die? (Yes)

Ved.2. 6. Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? (Yes)

Ved.1. 7. In one Korean circus of two crocodiles taught the waltz to dance. (Not)

Ved.2. 8. In winter, the penguins fly to the north? (Not)

Ved.1. 9.If cambal put on a chessboard, it will also become a checkered. (Yes)

Ved.2. 10. Some frogs can fly? (Yes, in the rainforest of Asia and Africa)

Ved.1. 11.The you can hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)

Ved.2. 12.Log filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with liquid)

Ved.1. 13. In some places, people still wash with olive oil? (Yes, in some hot countries where there is not enough water)

Ved.2. 14. Mice can receive radio signals? (Not)

Ved.1. 15. There can not rotate through your eyes? (Yes)

Ved.2. 16. Is it a kind of deer? (Yes)

Ved.1. 17. Lyrafa at night are found with echo leaves that feed on? (Not)

Ved.2. 18. In some countries, fireflies are used as lighting instruments? (Yes)

Ved.1. 19.Drear did selling frogs? (No, leeches)

Ved.2. 20.Mava Eskimos are dried and eating instead of bread? (Yes)

Ved.1. 21. Underwear can be seen at midnight? (Yes)

Ved.2. 22. Do you grow up in Russia? (No, in America)

Ved.1. 23. Announced the name of Hans Christian Andersen was Svensen? (No, Hans)

Ved.2. 24. What node can not be unleashed? (Railway).

Ved.1. 25. Where is the edge of the world? (Where the shadow begins).

Ved.2. 26. What's easily raise from the ground, but do not throw far? (Pooh).

Ved.1. 27.What can you cook, but you can not eat? (Lessons).

Ved.2. 28. How can you put two liters of milk into a liter bank? (It is necessary to cook condensed milk from milk).

Ved.1. 29. How many months a year have 28 days? (All months).

Ved.2. 30.What is thrown when they need it, and raise when there is no need for this? (Anchor).

Ved.1. 31. The fob was tied to a ten meter rope, and three hundred meters took place. How did she succeed? (The rope was not tied to anything).

Ved.2. 32. What can travel in the light, remaining in the same corner? (Postage Stamp).

Ved.1. 33. Is it possible to ignite the match under water? (You can, if you pour water into a glass, and keep the match below the glass).

Ved.2. 34. How can an abandoned egg fly three meters and not crash? (You need to throw an egg for four meters, then the first three meters it will fly the whole).

Ved.1. 35.Weva man played checkers. Everyone played five parties and won five times. Is it possible? (Both people played with other people).

Ved.2. 36. How jump from a ten meter staircase and do not bother? (It is necessary to jump from the bottom stage).

Veda1 In the meantime, the respected jury will sum up, we will listen to the song "Half" performed by Udovenko Inna and Muravy Eli.

At the end of the program, the presenters are handing prizes.

"Funny face"

On the Watman Sheet, it is necessary to draw a funny face, which could take on Valentine's Day. All participants (26 people) stand in line and, taking a marker, paint one face.

"One hundred to one"

Who has celebrities last name to the letter "P"?





Peter the First


The most common on the letter "A"






Which pets are most often getting?







The student at the lesson sat on the chair and shouted loudly. Why?

Sat on the buttons

Forgot home backpack

Saw ghost

This is the lesson of music. Sings

Due to control


"Two piano"

For the game you need 2 teams of 2 people. A line of a famous song is ridden. In each side of the rows closed, there are several transitions. You can call any hidden word and sing a song in which this word is found. Approximate lines:

I will not say anything to anyone (gr. "Girls")

Sings like a nightingale and knew about it ("Cool you got on TV")

Boys fly to meet life ("Other Rules" "Fly! Run!"

Well, you are terrible such ("Andryukha"

"Smart Questions"

Answer only "yes" - "no

In Japan, pupils on the board write with a tassel with color ink? (Yes)

In Australia, the use of disposable school boards is practiced? (Not)

Ballpoint handle was first used only by military pilots? (Yes)

In Africa, vitaminized pencils are available for children who are used to gnaw what? (Yes)

In some types of colored pencils add carrots extract for greater stroke strength? (Not)

Romans worn pants? (No, they wore tunics and tops)

If the bee is horrid anyone, will she die? (Yes)

Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? (Yes)

In one Korean circus of two crocodiles taught the waltz to dance. (Not)

For winter, penguins fly to the north? (No, Penguins do not know how to fly)

If the cambal is put on a chessboard, it will also become a checkered. (Yes)

Spartan soldiers before the battle sprayed their hair in perfume. (Yes, this is the only luxury that they allowed themselves)

Mice, growing, become rats? (No, these are two different squads of rodents)

Some frogs can fly? (Yes, in the rainforest of Asia and Africa)

Children can hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)

The eye is filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with liquid)

In the morning you are higher than in the evening? (Yes)

In some places, people still wash with olive oil? (Yes, in some hot countries where there is not enough water)

Bats can receive radio signals? (Not)

Owls can not rotate through eyes? (Yes)

Elk is a variety of deer? (Yes)

Giraffes at night are found with echo leaves that eat? (Not)

Dolphins are small whales? (Yes)

Rhino horn has magical power? (Not)

In some countries, firefly beetles are used as lighting devices? (Yes)

Marty is usually the size of a kitten? (Yes)

A happy coin of the Scrooge was a dignity of 10 cents? (Yes)

Doramar was engaged in selling frogs? (No, leeches)

Wasy Eskimos are dried and eating instead of bread? (Yes)

Rainbow can be seen at midnight? (Yes)

Most of the turnips are grown in Russia? (No, in America)

Elephant, meeting with unfamiliar relatives, greets as follows - puts him a trunk in his mouth? (Yes)

Is the real name of Hans Christian Andersen was Svensen? (No, Hans)

What node can not be unleashed? (Railway).

Where is the edge of the world? (Where the shadow begins).

When is a new home building, what are the first nail? (In a hat).

What is a person under his feet when he goes on the bridge? (Sole of shoes).

What's easily raise from the ground, but do not throw far? (Pooh).

How many peas can enter one glass? (None - everything must be put).

What can be prepared, but you can not eat? (Lessons).

How can you put two liters of milk into a liter bank? (It is necessary to cook condensed milk from milk).

If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how much time do you need one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes).

How many months a year have 28 days? (All months).

What is thrown when needing it, and raise when there is no need for this? (Anchor).

The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope, and three hundred meters took place. How did she succeed? (The rope was not tied to anything).

What can travel in light, staying in the same corner? (Postage Stamp).

Is it possible to light the match under water? (You can, if you pour water into a glass, and keep the match below the glass).

How can an abandoned egg fly three meters and not crash? (You need to throw an egg for four meters, then the first three meters it will fly the whole).

Two people played checkers. Everyone played five parties and won five times. Is it possible? (Both people played with other people).

What could be more elephant and at the same time weightless? (Elephant shadow).

What do all people on earth do at the same time? (Become older).

What gets more if you put upside down (number 6).

How to jump from a ten-meter staircase and do not bother? (It is necessary to jump from the bottom stage).

What does not have length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (Time, temperature).

When can the network pull the water? (When water freezes).

What does two hands, two wings, two tails, three heads, three torso and eight legs? (Horseman holding a chicken in his hands).

Outcome. As a result, it may turn out that some kind of boy and the girl often coincide in a couple and they are awarded with a "diploma" for the fact that they are the perfect couple.

Scenario of Entertainment "Valentine's Day"

Active persons: 2 leading - adults.

Attributes: Paper hearts cut in half, easels (by number of pairs), white paper, colored pencils, colored paper, glue, scissors, glasses with juice (by the number of children), cocktail tubes, plates with flour, paper napkins, bandage for eye.

(Music sounds, children enter the hall, sit in place)

Ved.1. 14 days left in spring. And tomorrow, February 14, Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day.

Ved.2. February 14 - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, a dear holiday, home, funny and unusual. It is unusual because non-Russian. But in Europe, Valentine's Day is celebrated with great pleasure. After all, Saint Valentine is a patron of lovers.

Ved.1. Well, yes, we are believed to believe that only adults have the right to fall in love, and over the child you can giggle and tease: "Tili - Tili Dough, Bride and Groom!" Only it is stupid and ugly. Because love can overtake the person even in kindergarten. And such a person can only be envied, because his life is immediately covered with this best in peace in the world.

Ved.2. So valentines day celebrate all - both adults and children. With family, with friends. Perfect for a long time. On this day, his chosen or chosen is made to give any gift. But the gift must necessarily be in the form of a heart, be something sofa pillow or a mustache box.

Ved.1. In addition, on this day, it is customary to give each other postcards - "Valentine" - with the image of the hearts.

Ved.2. So, we start our holiday and present you participants.

(To music in the hall, the couples selected in groups are in advance - participants of the competitive program).

Ved.1. For all the stages of the competition, each pair is gaining a certain amount of points. A pair that scores the maximum number of points for the whole game is declared Valentine and Valentina. (Competitions are estimated on a five-point system)

Ved.2. And now we are glad to present you the jury ... (presents members of the jury)

Ved.1. So, we begin our competitive program.

1 Competition "My Half"

(Each pair is heard to half a paper heart, on the team of the leading each pair should find its half of the heart. Wins the couple that can cope with the task speed).

It is known to all for a long time about seven wonders in the world,
But here is another big miracle there.
And I now opened the eighth miracle. it
Wonderful and better than all miracles.
Then a miracle for a long time known on the planet,
It worries us and in our veins blood.
Immortal as life - eighth miracle of light
Beautiful wizard love!

2 Competition "Arrow Amur"

(Girls with tied eyes draw a heart on a sheet of Watman attached to the easel, and the boys are "Arrow Amur". "Arrow Amur" should get into the heart).

Ved.1. While the jury estimates the results of two contests, listen to the comic song

This is for you, "words and music I. Ponomareva. The word jury (the jury declares the number of points for two contests)

Ved.2. Love has no age. But love is different: mutual, and happens and unrequited.

3 Competition "Broken Heart"

Ved.1. Please note, on the central wall, halves the hearts are "broken hearts". You need to choose one half on which the issue number will be specified. Having answered correctly to the question, you restore the "broken heart."


Liquor friend crocodile genes? (Cheburashka)

What is the name of the hare in the transmission of "good night, kids"? (Stepshka)

There is a teeth, but the mouth is not? (Saw)

What was the name of the calf cat Matroskin? (Gavrews)

What bird brings happiness? (Stork)

In the forest carved, smoothly wound, sings, poured, what is called? (Swirl)

The word jury (the jury announces the results of the 3rd competition)

Performed song "From what, from what ..", Music Y. Chichkova, Words I. Khaletsky

Ved.2. You are all, probably, well know the fairy tale Sh. Perro "Cinderella" and remember how the prince found his beloved on a crystal shoe. And each of you, boys, will have to find their Cinderella.

4 Competition "Cinderella"

(Boys participating becomes back to the girls; Each participating girl takes off one shoe, the boy must find and put on her girl's shoe as quickly as possible).

5 Competition "Happy Valentinovo Face"

(Each paper from paper cuts a big heart and with the help of small hearts draws a nose, eyes, ears, mouth. Those who will have the most interesting and funny face, and win in this competition).

Paired dance "Find your own couple", music. Spaceca

The word jury. (The jury summarizes the results of the previous 2 contests)

Ved.1. Guys, do you like sweets? Do you know that sometimes a couple is called a "sweet couple"?

6 Competition "Sweet Couple"

(Each pair should drink a glass of juice through the cocktail tubuings as quickly as possible.

Ved.2. Juice drink is not so difficult, but do you have enough boys, the courage to get candy for your girl from a plate with flour, without helping with your hands?

7 Competition "The Badde"

(Boys without assistance should get candy from a plate with flour)

Ved.1. And now we will ask our jury to summarize the last two contests and declare the results of the entire game.

The word jury (when summing up each participated pair, its nomination "The most charming couple", "the most fun couple", "the most intelligent couple", etc. by number of couples. Winners are announced by Valentin and Valentina)

Ved.2. Dear guys, thank you for participating in the game, fans - for support.

We wish everyone good luck, happiness and love.

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