During pregnancy, weakness and sleepiness. Potential Risks and Dangers of Drowsiness in Early Pregnancy

Elena Magnitskaya

During pregnancy, women often complain that they really want to sleep, and constantly, even if the night has passed quite calmly. These complaints are especially often voiced in the early and late stages.

Some women - not the first time experiencing this condition - guess about pregnancy because they begin to fall asleep on the go. Why do you really want to sleep during pregnancy and how is this explained?

Why is it sleepy in early pregnancy?

At this time, hormonal changes occur in the body, which affect absolutely all organs and systems.

Immunity decreases - otherwise the body will simply reject "Foreign body"... This leads to the fact that weakness appears and blood pressure decreases.

Avitaminosis begins - vitamins and minerals are consumed from the reserve of nutrients for the formation of a new organism. Many are exhausted by toxicosis - during it, useful substances are also washed out with vomit, anemia may appear.

There is no longer enough time for the necessary rest during pregnancy - the established regime is designed for an ordinary existence, and it is not possible to rebuild immediately. Even the calmest women expecting a pregnancy are stressed at first.

The annoying factors that affect the general state of the nervous system are the very news of a new stage in life, the need to adapt to circumstances, the desire to find out more information about your situation, thinking about how to convey the news to those around you - home and work colleagues. It is difficult to cope with the latter task - the psychological state largely depends on the attitude of colleagues.

Some women seek to hide their changed state from others, so as not to "jinx it" - this, in turn, adds to the experience.

Endocrine shifts knock out of the work rhythm, and the usual stimulants - coffee and strong tea - at this time are unsafe for health. Acceptable methods that help during pregnancy, overcome drowsiness in the early stages - good nutrition, a reasonable balance of work and rest, healthy sleep for at least 8-9 hours a day.

It is advisable to find a compromise with colleagues so that they allow short breaks in work in order to change positions, do a few exercises. It should be unpleasant for them themselves if there is a half-asleep creature nearby.

The stomach is already visible, but the eyes are still closing ...

Why do you want to sleep during pregnancy, when the stomach is already visible?

After all, the body has already adapted to its condition, a regime has been developed in which the working day and visits to consultations are planned, those around them rejoiced and resigned themselves.

The body still has to work for two - it weakens. Even in the presence of adequate nutrition, there are enough nutrients "end-to-end", while thoughts come that "You can't be so eaten up as I will look after pregnancy".

And not everyone has a smooth pregnancy. Swelling may appear, the doctor scolds for every extra pound gained, it seems that the beloved is repulsed by the change in appearance ... At this stage, depression often occurs, sleep disorder appears.

If the usual measures - walking in the fresh air, good nutrition, relaxing drugs before bed - tea or warm milk with honey - do not help, the doctor prescribes mild sedatives, and sometimes antidepressants.

Future mothers should know that if they are advised to drink soothing herbs, they should consult a doctor. During pregnancy, herbal medicine should be used with extreme caution.

The list of soothing herbs for pregnant women is limited - motherwort, mint, valerian. The dose of the decoction and the course of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Third trimester - don't get out of bed at least ...

The fact that you want to sleep at 32-38 weeks of pregnancy is explained by all the previous reasons, and another one is added - it is very difficult to sleep in this position.

The stomach gets in the way, until you find a comfortable position - it's already morning. Yes, and often have to get up to the toilet - the pregnant uterus presses on the bladder, teaching urination.

It's good if the baby is the first - but if there are already children and they need attention, won't you get enough sleep during the day?

The ability to sleep on your side should be developed from the 2nd trimester. To do this, first put a roll of a rolled blanket under the back or stomach - who is used to falling asleep - then gradually increase the height of the "roll".

It is impossible for pregnant women to fall asleep on their stomachs, but it is also undesirable to sleep on their backs. If the large vessels supplying the uterus and lower extremities with oxygen are systematically squeezed, and the reverse outflow of blood is disturbed, then the fetus develops hypoxia, and the woman herself may feel serious deterioration in health.

It is very difficult to get a full sleep at 38 weeks - the body is already preparing for childbirth, and during the night's rest, in a relaxed state, herald contractions appear. One or two minutes and they subside, the tone of the uterus is weakened, but then it is impossible to fall asleep.

Other causes of sleepiness

Fatigue and lethargy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy can be companions of adverse changes in the body: vitamin deficiency, anemia, preeclampsia. These conditions negatively affect the formation of the fetus.

Additional signs of adverse changes: nausea, pallor of the skin,
brittle hair, swelling of the limbs.

The expectant mother really needs to rest, so good sleep is important, like nothing else. She experiences stress during the day, experiences constant mood swings and hormonal surges, feels how her body is faced with colossal changes. In addition, sleepless nights await her, so getting enough sleep "in position" is a must.

The Importance of Healthy Sleep During Pregnancy

It is no secret that the expectant mother spends her strength and energy not only on her own life, but also on the growth and development of the baby. At the same time, significant changes take place in her body, which require a greater expenditure of resources.

To recover and not feel tired and overwhelmed, a pregnant woman needs to sleep 8-10 hours a day. It's even better if she naps a little during the day. Healthy sleep allows you to relax both physically and emotionally.

The uterus grows at a high speed and squeezes adjacent organs, which increases the load on the body. But at the same time, the cells need to receive all the necessary nutrients and oxygen. The maternal organism is now in charge of two.

During sleep, all vital processes slow down. At this time, the supply of energy is replenished so that a woman can live normally and continue to do her usual things. All muscles relax, organs and the circulatory system relax, the load on the lower back and the musculoskeletal system decreases. Fatigue, heaviness in the legs and back disappears.

A woman "recharges" during sleep: in the morning she gets rid of previous worries and anxieties, feels a surge of strength and a good mood. With a lack of sleep, on the contrary, apathy, mental fatigue, frequent mood swings, and increased fatigue appear. Sleepiness directly affects performance: a woman does not cope with things as needed, everything literally falls out of hand.

Weakened nervous system, poor appetite, unstable emotional background, confusion are just a few and the most obvious consequences of lack of sleep. All of them affect the development of the baby, so the importance of healthy sleep during pregnancy is undeniable.

How to choose the correct and comfortable sleeping position?

Despite the large number of rules that say how to sleep properly, the main thing is that you need to sleep in accordance with your desires and preferences, observing some precautions.

In the first trimester, sleeping positions can be done without thinking: the tummy has not yet begun to grow, so any position that is comfortable for mom is the right one. From the 13th week, certain restrictions appear in the choice of a sleeping position.

The most correct and comfortable position is on the left side. In this case, vital organs are not squeezed, the heart works well, the baby receives all the necessary nutrients and blood circulation is not disturbed.

With a transverse presentation of the fetus, it is better for mommy to sleep on the side in which the baby's head is located.

How can you not sleep during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you should not sleep a little and in the wrong position. Fortunately, the wrong postures are often uncomfortable for pregnant women, and they themselves happily fall asleep on their side.

Starting in the middle of the second trimester, you cannot sleep on your back, which can be difficult to wean. This is due to the fact that the growing uterus presses on the spine and the vessels that pass through it. Constant compression of blood vessels leads to a lack of cerebral blood supply, which is fraught with hypoxia, dizziness, fainting and general weakness. The expectant mother herself will notice that after sleeping on her back she feels "broken".

It is much easier to give up sleeping on your stomach, which is naturally prohibited during pregnancy. This poses a direct threat to the baby, so it is better to sit comfortably on your side and relax.

During pregnancy, you should not sleep in an overly stuffy, unventilated room, on synthetic bedding or pajamas made from artificial fabrics. Avoid exposure to negative stimuli (light, sound, smell). Before going to bed, it is best to ventilate the room well, close the curtains tightly, and achieve complete silence and darkness. You can use a special sleep mask and earplugs for this.

How can you fall asleep quickly during pregnancy?

Sleep during pregnancy depends on the well-being of the mother in the evening. Oddly enough, the rule of extreme fatigue and sound sleep while carrying a baby does not work: the more tired a woman feels, the worse the sleep will be, or maybe she will have to suffer from insomnia all night long.

Before going to bed, you need to take a warm shower or bath, ventilate the room and put on your favorite pajamas - made from natural fabrics. If a woman freezes while sleeping, it is best to wear warm socks. You cannot go to bed with an empty or, conversely, full stomach. Dinner should be light and take place 2 hours before bedtime. Also, don't drink a lot of water before bed.

Lying in bed, you can not overload the brain: watch the news or hard films, read detective stories or sad stories, flip through the news feed or just check social networks. It is best to end the day by watching a comedy, cartoon or humorous show, listening to your favorite music, or reading a children's book.

Mom will benefit from talking with the baby and stroking the abdomen. So, firstly, the baby calms down and falls asleep with his mother. Second, the emotional bond between parent and child is strengthened. Thirdly, mom feels real happiness and relaxes.

Before going to bed, you need to turn off the lights and the TV, take a comfortable position and completely relax. It is better to put a glass of water near the bed to drink if you feel thirsty at night. The phone must be set to "silent" mode so that no notifications interfere with the night's sleep of the expectant mother.

How to properly organize your sleep?

Lack of sleep is stressful for both the woman and her unborn child. Scientists have concluded that regular restless, poor quality sleep often leads to complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Apathy and weakness are the main signs of sleep deprivation.

You need to go to bed at a time when mom felt drowsy and tired. It can be at 8, 9, and 10 pm, and later. Sometimes owl women suddenly become larks during pregnancy, and vice versa. This is normal and you should not be afraid of this: you do not need to go to bed early if you do not want to, and you should not wait until midnight if you are drawn to sleep a few hours before the usual "lights out".

Many pregnant women have an overwhelming urge to sleep during the day. An increased load on the body, a decrease in blood pressure, and a weakening of immunity require more rest, therefore, daytime sleep is encouraged. It can last from 20 minutes to 2 hours at any time, but it is better not later than 16 hours, otherwise it will bother you with a headache and it will be difficult to fall asleep at night.

The duration of a night's sleep should vary between 8-10 hours. If you want to sleep more - you can, but less - no. It is advisable to go to bed and wake up at the same time, but if the biological clock dictates its own rhythms, it is better to listen to them.

The correct organization of sleep also lies in other features.

  • During the day, you need to walk in the fresh air and do light permissible exercises (yoga for pregnant women, special gymnastics). Physical fatigue improves sleep.
  • During daytime sleep, set the alarm, which will ring 2 hours after mom decided to rest.
  • Before going to bed, you should not drink a lot of fluids, but it is better to keep a glass of water not far from the sleeping place.
  • Shortly before going to bed, you can light special aroma sticks with essential oils that have a calming effect (for example, lavender, fir).
  • Choose the right mattress, bedding and pillow that is comfortable for sleeping. If there is a need or desire, you can buy a special pillow for pregnant women.

If sleep does not bring satisfaction to the woman and fatigue does not disappear by the morning, you need to inform the doctor about this and get advice. But what you shouldn't do is abuse sedatives and sleeping pills. In some cases, the doctor may recommend light herbal medicines (valerian, motherwort), but it is forbidden to prescribe these and other remedies for yourself.

Sleep pillows during pregnancy

Surprisingly, for some women during gestation, the previous sleeping place seems uncomfortable: the sofa, the mattress, the bed, and even the blanket cause discomfort. Particularly often, women in labor are unhappy with pillows, which interfere with good rest.

What are the features of choosing a pillow during pregnancy?

  • Expectant mothers often purchase and use additional pillows that are placed under the neck, lower back, legs, abdomen, or clamped between the knees. In this way, you can provide maximum comfort for yourself and your child.
  • The old pillow suddenly seems too soft, hard, large or small. In this case, you need not hesitate and immediately go to the store for a new one - one that turns out to be more convenient and comfortable.
  • Orthopedic pillows often save women late in gestation. They are more expensive, but their value can hardly be overestimated. If the neck lies correctly during sleep, the brain receives the required amount of oxygen, and the woman gets good sleep.
  • The find are special pillows for pregnant women, shaped like a horseshoe. This is a huge, soft pillow that can be hugged, squeezed between your legs and turned out in any way you like to get into the best sleeping position.

When choosing a pillow, the woman herself must be present. You need to touch the pillow, try to attach it to your head, lie down on it. In this case, you should not rely on your husband or girlfriends, you should not place orders on the Internet. You have to go, try, choose and make a decision on your own.

Quality sleep and pregnancy are closely related. Without proper rest, it is impossible to achieve well-being, lightness, energy and a stable emotional state. The expectant mother needs to get enough sleep and fall asleep when she wants, taking into account some features and rules. Healthy sleep guarantees a pleasant and worry-free pregnancy.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Sleepiness during early pregnancy and before childbirth is not uncommon. Many women note an obsessive desire to sleep during this period. Sometimes this alarms and even scares expectant mothers, forcing them to visit the antenatal clinic once again.


Why do you want to sleep during pregnancy? How normal is this feeling and is it connected with some kind of complication? Such questions are constantly asked by expectant mothers to the attending physicians.

The eternal desire to sleep at this time is rarely a sign of pathology. Usually it is associated with a restructuring of the body, because now a woman is hatching a new life. Her body prepares for work for two, and this can manifest itself in a variety of reactions.

Sleepiness during pregnancy can be of varying severity, depending on the trimester. And it is caused by many reasons.

First trimester

Why do you constantly want to sleep in the first trimester? Early sleepiness is considered a common symptom of pregnancy. Most expectant mothers are familiar with the sensations when at any time of the day only thoughts are about sleep. Moreover, this desire is not associated with physical activity or fatigue, it is present even after a full night's rest.

This is due to the following reasons:

  • The body's response to stress.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Changes in the work of organs and systems.

Although pregnancy is a pleasant experience, it is still stressful for the body. The emergence of a new life provokes an immune conflict between mother and child, causes intense work of all systems. And this, in turn, entails the need for rest.

During the period of carrying a baby, the exchange of a woman's hormones completely changes. In the foreground are progesterone and prolactin, which ensure the normal course of pregnancy. Progesterone has a relaxing effect on the body, and it is in most cases that it is believed to be the culprit of such excessive sleepiness.

The increasing load on the organs is no less important. During pregnancy, blood flow increases, and its volume doubles. The growing uterus shifts the center of gravity and the spinal column has to adjust to these changes. Ligaments relax, joints become more mobile, weight grows.

And, although all these processes proceed slowly and imperceptibly, the body can find it difficult to cope with the increasing load, and it signals the need for rest with a constant desire to sleep.

Second trimester

In the second trimester, drowsiness usually subsides. Although there are women who during this period do not stop wanting to sleep day and night. This may be due to their individual characteristics, but sometimes it is a manifestation of certain diseases.

If in the middle of pregnancy the desire to sleep increases and the expectant mother constantly feels tired and overwhelmed, it is imperative to inform the doctor about this. Most often, you want to sleep during pregnancy due to the following pathologies:

  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Anemia.
  • Hypothyroidism.

These conditions are easily diagnosed and effectively treated even during the period of carrying a baby, so you should not be afraid of examinations and medications. Untreated diseases can harm a woman and a child much more.

Lack of vitamins

Hypovitaminosis in modern women is not uncommon. Lack of quality fruits and vegetables, unhealthy diet, constant presence in the room leads to the fact that the body begins to lose vitamins. With the onset of pregnancy, they are spent on the needs of the growing baby and decrease twice as fast.

If a woman at the planning stage did not take special vitamin complexes, she may well face the problem of hypovitaminosis. In addition to constant drowsiness, it can manifest itself with other symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • dry and cracked skin;
  • itching;
  • a tendency to colds;
  • bleeding gums;
  • burning, paresthesias in the arms and legs.

A doctor's consultation will help to establish the correct diagnosis and quickly cope with the disease.


Anemia is a condition in which cells do not receive enough oxygen. Chronic hypoxia affects maternal health and child development.

A woman may complain about:

  • drowsiness;
  • constant fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • desire to eat chalk and other unusual substances.

Most often, anemia develops with insufficient intake of iron from food or its excessive losses. In women, this is facilitated by abundant menstruation and pregnancy, when, first of all, iron is sent to the developing fetus.

Sometimes the disease is associated with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, due to which the trace element is not able to be absorbed from food in the intestines.

Less commonly, the cause of anemia is a lack of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) and folic acid. This is a more serious disease, which is characterized by specific complications from the nervous and digestive systems. However, cyanocobalamin and folic acid are necessarily included in the vitamin complexes. In addition, they are often prescribed as a prophylactic agent, which minimizes the likelihood of illness.


Decreased thyroid (thyroid) function is called hypothyroidism. This pathology is often found in regions with a lack of iodine in the environment and food.

Hypothyroidism can be suspected by the following manifestations:

  • Excessive sleepiness.
  • Apathy and weakness.
  • The indifference of a woman, the absence of expressed emotions.
  • Memory problems.
  • Constipation tendency.
  • Obesity.
  • Dry skin.
  • Decrease in blood pressure.

Disruption of the thyroid gland is dangerous primarily for the development of the child. In severe forms of maternal hypothyroidism, the risk of developing the same pathology in a newborn is significantly increased. Reduced thyroid function in the first weeks and months of life can result in severe mental retardation and impaired physical development.

If you constantly want to sleep during pregnancy, and this desire intensifies, you must definitely exclude thyroid pathology.

With confirmed hypothyroidism, the expectant mother will definitely be prescribed hormone replacement therapy for a long period.

Third trimester

In the third trimester, pregnant women often feel sleepy too. But this rarely indicates pathology. As a rule, all existing diseases are detected in the second trimester, and the gynecologist prescribes appropriate therapy.

What is the reason for sleepiness before childbirth? As a rule, it develops due to normal fatigue. By this time, all the organs of a woman are working under conditions of double or triple load, with maximum efficiency. And it takes much longer to recover them.

In addition, before childbirth, most women gain significant weight gain - from 10 to 20 kg. This also does not add to their strength and endurance. The body is under heavy weight load every minute and needs proper rest.

There is also a psychological component to this sleepiness. It's no secret that with the birth of the baby, mom will have no time to rest. And a pregnant woman - consciously or subconsciously - is trying to sleep off "in reserve", to create a reserve of strength and energy.

But still, in rare cases, drowsiness in the third trimester may indicate pathology.

Pathological drowsiness

There is a formidable complication of the second half of pregnancy, which is called preeclampsia. Often it manifests itself closer to childbirth.

For gestosis, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • Swelling.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • The appearance of protein in the urine.

Usually, a rise in pressure - arterial hypertension - is accompanied by severe headache, sometimes with nausea or vomiting. But in some cases, it can also manifest itself as excessive drowsiness.

Also, this symptom can be a harbinger of eclampsia - an attack of seizures. Often it is preceded by a growing headache, nausea, vomiting, flashing of flies before the eyes, visual impairment. Drowsiness in the case of preeclampsia is pathological, it occurs suddenly, in the midst of complete health, for no reason. A woman or her relatives may immediately suspect something was wrong.

Occasionally, abnormal sleepiness during pregnancy is a symptom of sleep disorders. In such a situation, it can be combined with insomnia. The mom-to-be may want to sleep during the day and stay awake at night. Sometimes she has sleepwalking or somnambulism.


How to deal with sleepiness? Treatment depends on the underlying cause. If we are talking about banal hormonal changes or physical fatigue in the first or third trimester, then there is no drug treatment.

The only thing a woman can do is to rest more and more often. Naturally, in the conditions of full-fledged professional activity in the early stages, it is difficult to do this. Few employers will be delighted with the fact that the expectant mother rests in the workplace instead of work. And no doctor will issue a certificate of incapacity for work diagnosed with drowsiness.

How to be in such a situation? Fresh air and physical activity are great help to cheer up. If the work does not involve even small absences, you can simply open the window and perform an elementary charge. Any change in activity will allow the brain to switch from half-asleep to active activity.

Adds vigor and a cup of green tea. But it is important that it is not too strong. But you need to forget about coffee, black tea, energy drinks. Raising the tone of the body with their help during pregnancy is highly discouraged. The same goes for caffeine pills.

Aromatherapy also helps in the fight against drowsiness. For this purpose, you can purchase special essential oils and apply a couple of drops to furniture, clothes or curtains. The influence of smells is individual, but usually citrus and green tea aromas are used for this purpose.

With pathological drowsiness, you cannot do without drugs, but only a doctor prescribes them.

During pregnancy, a woman needs to rest and sleep as much as she wants. But if drowsiness increases and other symptoms appear, a doctor's consultation is needed.

Pregnancy is such a great time, but it can be so difficult to combine it with work. For example, you urgently need to draw up a report, write an article or send a letter, but the brain does not listen to you, it already selects cute little things in the children's department, the head bows to the keyboard, and the eyes close by themselves.

Drowsiness is one of the most common. Why you want to sleep during pregnancy during the day and how to deal with it - we will tell you everything.


Sleepiness can be caused by different reasons at different stages of pregnancy.

First trimester of pregnancy (1-14 weeks)

Many women in early pregnancy complain of feeling tired and sleepy during the day. The appearance of drowsiness can be explained by an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood of the expectant mother.

Progesterone is a pregnancy-preserving hormone that relaxes smooth muscles throughout the body. As a result, a woman may (hypotonia), she begins to feel general weakness and fatigue, she has a desire to lie down, rest.

Second trimester of pregnancy (15-28 weeks)


Sleepiness, weakness and fatigue during pregnancy are especially uncomfortable during the period when a woman is still actively working. Most likely, there is no opportunity to lie down to relax at the workplace, and it is undesirable to consume tonic drinks such as tea and coffee in unlimited quantities. How, then, can you cope with sleepiness during pregnancy?

Exercise in the morning. after sleep, it will improve blood circulation and help restore the ability to concentrate and improve attention.

Ventilate the room regularly. In the stuffy atmosphere, the supply of oxygen to the brain deteriorates, which is why drowsiness appears.

Monitor the room temperature. You will definitely start falling asleep if you get too hot or too cold. The optimum temperature in the office is 19-21 ° C.

Take frequent short breaks from work. Even if you have a lot of work, you will probably find 5 minutes to go outside and take a couple of sips of oxygen. Moreover, after that you will work more efficiently than with sticky eyes. By the way, if the weather is good in the warm season, you can take a nap in the park on a bench or on the lawn, if you are not too lazy to take a karemat or bedding with you.

Exercise. During breaks, do simple exercises: turn your head, wave your arms. Breathing exercises will also be helpful.

Keep an eye on. Do not overeat, do not eat fatty foods - after it you will immediately want to sleep. But, which contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids (this is sardine, mackerel, tuna, salmon, trout) will help to cheer up. The ideal option is a sandwich with red or black caviar. A budget option for invigorating foods - tomatoes, asparagus, bell peppers, kiwi, grapefruit and green apples.

Drink water. Drinking a glass of clean water is helpful if your eyes start to stick together.

After conceiving a child, women experience a variety of feelings. One of them is sleepiness. If this is your case, don't panic. This condition is a natural reaction to changes in the body. First of all, it is hormonal changes in all systems and organs. Plus, a woman gets a lot of new information, impressions and emotions. Obviously, such a load leads to rapid fatigue and, as a result, the woman tends to sleep.

The meaning of sleep for a woman in labor

For any healthy person, sleep is very important. He has several tasks: restoring physical strength, processing emotions, solving psychological problems. During pregnancy, all these functions take on a special role, since bearing a child requires significant expenditure of physical and mental resources. The body carries a double burden. And the brain has to perceive a large amount of very different information every day. Hence the constant change of mood, increased fatigue and irritability. Pregnancy is a serious stress for a woman. It is not surprising that she always wants to sleep, in this way the body is trying to recuperate.

Work and sleepiness

When you don't have to go to work, sleep deprivation is less of a problem. After all, there is always the opportunity to lie down and relax. And what about working women? To alleviate your condition, follow these simple tips:

  • plan your day so that daily sleep lasts at least eight hours,
  • walking in the fresh air will help to avoid drowsiness,
  • the workplace must be well ventilated,
  • try to avoid smoky and stuffy rooms, crowds of people.

Sleep in late pregnancy

Lethargy, tiredness, and a constant desire to sleep that occur during pregnancy can be a sign of anemia. Tell your doctor about your feelings, he should pay attention to the amount of hemoglobin in the blood and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. Anemia in pregnant women is also accompanied by symptoms such as numbness in the limbs, pale skin, and frequent dizziness. An intense desire to sleep can be caused by high blood pressure or protein in the urine.

What to do

Perhaps the only right decision if you want to sleep all the time is to do it as much as you need. In the evening, give up active entertainment. It is advisable to take a walk in the fresh air - such a walk facilitates easy falling asleep. For the same purpose, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm milk or take a warm shower.

Try to go to bed early whenever possible. This determines your well-being and ensures a normal pregnancy. Take care of your bed - it should not be soft or, on the contrary, too hard. It is not advisable to sleep on your stomach, the most preferred position is on your side or back. Sleep during the day if possible.

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