Service characteristic for a doctor's sample. Characteristic - submission Characteristic for the district pediatrician for rewarding

Description of the doctor from the place of work

In any organization, the selection of suitable employees is one of the most important factors that determine the efficiency and quality of the enterprise. But for some organizations, such as hospitals, this is especially important. Not only the reputation of the institution, but also the health of its patients will depend on how good a specialist the hired doctor is. Finding a good doctor is important for both government and commercial hospitals.

In addition to other documents defining and confirming the professional qualities of the future employee, the characteristics of the doctor from the place of work are of particular importance.

Such a document can be useful in different situations, but it is mainly required when applying for a new place.

The doctor's profile from the workplace contains information to help determine what qualities a particular employee has.

The characteristic is compiled by the immediate superior and contains the following information:

  • Professional skills of a doctor, his qualifications, professional level.
  • Special achievements in medical practice, availability of awards.
  • Personal qualities of an employee, positive and negative character traits that affect work and work in a team.

Thus, the document helps to obtain extensive and varied information about the doctor. About professional skills that directly affect the quality of a doctor's work, his direct supervisor has the most complete information. He can also provide reliable information about the personal qualities of an employee, which have a significant impact on work in a team, with patients and new colleagues.

Recruiting agency assistance

A recruiting agency will help you to conduct the most effective screening and find the best employee among all applicants. Agency staff will select the best applicant, conduct research and analysis of the documents provided, including characteristics from the place of work.

With the help of recruiting agents, you can easily and quickly determine how the professional and personal qualities of a potential employee meet the requirements of the hiring organization.

A job profile carefully reviewed and analyzed by professional agents can be one of the best ways to ascertain a doctor's competence.

So, how to correctly draw up a characteristic for an employee to be awarded a certificate of honor?

What is the characteristic for awarding a certificate of honor?

A guide to self-calculating profitability with examples is here.

Types of characteristics per employee

If it is necessary to mark an employee within the department, city, an internal characteristic is drawn up for the employee to be awarded with a certificate of honor. The way of writing is free, but taking into account the specific requirements for the language, structure and order of presenting thoughts.

In terms of form and content, both characteristics are service letters of recommendation of a positive nature.

What is a positive characteristic from the place of work and how to correctly draw it up, you can find out at the link.

A sample of the correct design of the characteristics.

Characteristics for awarding an honorary diploma: sample and procedure for drawing up

There is no single sample for creating an award document. The contractor is guided by the general rules of writing, the requirements for the design of business paper.

General rules for composing text

  1. The text is written in an official business style of speech. The content is presented briefly, accurately, consistently.
  2. The information is communicated in the present, past tense from a third party.
  3. The characteristic indicates:
  • document's name,
  • personal information about the employee,
  • evaluation of professional or service activities,
  • a description of the business and moral qualities of a person,
  • the purpose of writing the document, its purpose,
  • date of issue,
  • surname, initials of the officials who endorsed the document.

How do I staple documents correctly? Step-by-step instructions with a photo are contained in our new article at the link.

Requirements for paperwork

  1. The characteristic is made on A4 paper, letterhead.
  2. The recommendation is made by the lowest-ranking manager who knows the employee well. It is possible to write the text by an employee of the personnel department, by the applicant himself for the award.
  3. The document is signed by the executor of the order, the head of the organization or only the director. Certified with the seal of the enterprise.

A sample of characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor, you can download at this link.

An example of a characteristic for awarding a certificate of honor:

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An example of a reward characteristic.

What is the characteristic for awarding the Ministry of Honor?

It is created on the basis of the State Standard R 6., which gives unified rules for drawing up documents. The required details are indicated on the A4 format form.

A sample of incorrect design characteristics.

Components of the document form

  1. Certificate of the organization that issued the characteristic: postal address, email address, phone number, and more.
  2. Title of the document in capital letters, including a summary of the characteristic.
  3. Outgoing number, date of signature.
  4. Personal information about the employee.
  5. Description of career growth, employee qualities: professional, business, personal.
  6. Detailed information about the achievements in the implementation of projects, contributions to the development of production, innovative developments.
  7. Participation in symposia, conferences.

What is more profitable for a novice businessman to open: IE or LLC? A detailed answer is contained in this article.

We detail the personal data of the applicant for the award:

  • full Name;
  • year of birth;
  • education that I graduated from;
  • family situation;
  • position, production responsibilities;
  • general work experience;
  • work experience at the given enterprise;
  • previous awards, titles;
  • scientific works.

What is the primary documentation, how to maintain and store it correctly, you can read here.

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An example of a characteristic for awarding an accountant's certificate of honor.

Example of characteristics for awarding the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education




Orenburg region, Sorochinsk, st. Protsishina, 21, tel. (35, e-mail:

To the Ministry of Science and Education

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Surname, name, patronymic: Vorobyova Svetlana Pavlovna

Education: higher, graduated from the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical Institute in 1977

Specialty: Russian language and literature

Qualification: High School Teacher

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Teaching experience: 33 years

Work experience in the specified institution: 22 years

Scientific works: "Methodology of psychological and didactic support in teaching children with disabilities", "Problems of integration of children with special needs (needs and reality)", "Mechanism and means of education for children with special needs."

Awards, incentives, titles: "Specialist of the highest category", "Teacher-methodologist". (List gratitude, certificates, diplomas; for what merits were received).

Marital status: married, has a daughter

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Vorobyova Svetlana Pavlovna has been working in secondary school No. 99 since 1988. During her career, she proved herself as a teacher - innovator.

The scientific and methodological activity of the teacher is aimed at improving the psychological and pedagogical support of the training and education of students with complex developmental disorders, at solving problems in the study of the subject.

On the basis of an individually differentiated approach, the teacher draws up individual programs, develops methodological, educational and didactic materials, recommendations. Developments are published in print and electronic publications.

Fulfilling the requirements of the state policy in relation to children with special educational needs, Vorobyova S.P. directs her pedagogical activity to provide such students with opportunities to exercise their constitutional rights.

Thanks to the skillfully organized educational process, the assimilation of educational material by students in her lessons is at the proper level.

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Svetlana Pavlovna shares her experience in inclusive education during speeches at teachers' councils, at meetings of methodological commissions, pedagogical readings, and scientific conferences.

Vorobyova Svetlana Pavlovna solves social and humanitarian problems of the family in which a child with disabilities is brought up, provides counseling services to parents, awakens in them wisdom, a sense of responsibility for the upbringing and education of the child.

Svetlana Pavlovna is respected and loved by her pupils and colleagues.

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Characteristics on a doctor's sample

Characteristics of internship practice (sample)

Characteristics of the intern doctor Ivan Ivanovich Goyko, born in 1986.

Goyko Ivan Ivanovich studied in the period from 2004 to 2011 at the Minsk State Medical University at the Faculty of General Medicine. Successfully graduated from Minsk State Medical University in 2011.

Was accepted to the position of an intern doctor at the Department of Radiation Diagnostics at the Healthcare Institution "Minsk City Hospital No. 2" for the period from 1.08.2011 to 30.07.2012.

During the internship, he fully mastered practical skills in the chosen specialty. Participated in seminars and conferences on radiation diagnostics.

In everyday work, he showed curiosity and persistence in mastering new knowledge and skills. Knows how to listen and give useful advice.

Observes the basics of deontology when communicating with patients and colleagues, takes an active part in the social life of the team. She treats her work diligently and performs it at a professional level.

According to the plan, passing the internship, he passed practice at the base: City Clinical Hospital No. 2, City Clinical Hospital No. 4, Minsk TB Dispensary, Minsk Oncological Dispensary, Minsk City Polyclinic No. 3.

I am ready for certification and subsequent independent work as a radiologist. Head of the internship E.V. Epifanova __________ M.P.

An example of a doctor's characteristic

Citizen Leshch Tamara Viktorovna has been living in the city of Svatovo, Luhansk region since her birthday. Works as a pediatrician at the Children's Clinic. Has a higher medical education.

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Has a PhD in Medicine.

He treats the work diligently, performs it at a high professional level. She is always attentive to little patients, their parents.

Knows how to listen, give useful advice. She uses the latest medical technologies in her work.

Her work has been marked with many certificates of honor and government awards. He treats public assignments conscientiously.

She was repeatedly elected as a deputy of the city council. Currently, he is acting as a deputy of the regional council.

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Married. A loving and caring mother. He is raising two children - a son, born in 1995, and a daughter, born in 2000.

Tamara Viktorovna is a cheerful, sympathetic, conscious and always ready to help person. He enjoys great authority among colleagues at work, respect among the public, residents of the city of Svatovo, the region.

There were no complaints about her behavior from the governing bodies, work colleagues, residents of the city of Svatovo, or neighbors.

The characteristic is given for presentation at the place of demand

Head of RTMO (signature) S. Yu. Drozd

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The characteristic text consists of four parts:

1. Personal data of the person on whom the characteristic is added (placed in the center of the sheet or in the column to the right).

2. Information about activities or studies (from what year he works or studies, where, attitude to work, study, level of professionalism, educational achievements and mastery, or possession of educational material).

3. Assessment of business and moral qualities: information about the encouragement (collection): relationships in the team.

4. Conclusions: an indication of where the characteristic is submitted.

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For example, below we provide sample characteristics.

Sample teacher characteristics

Sample student characteristics

Sample characterization of a bad worker

An example of a doctor's characteristic

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Sample characteristics of a company employee

Characteristics of a primary school teacher

Primary School Teacher Document (2)

Characteristics of a teacher of foreign literature

Teacher work document

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Characteristics of a school graduate

High School Graduate Document (2)

High school graduate document

Document from the place of study

Characteristics per student

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Graduate characteristics 2

Graduate Document 3

Graduate characteristic 4 (sample)

Graduate Document 5 (Sample)

Graduate characteristic 6 (sample)

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Graduate characteristic 7 (sample)

Example of graduate characteristics

Samples of characteristics in Ukrainian

Characteristics (zrazok) uchnya class 10

Zrazok characteristics of the student

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Butt characteristics of class 5 scholars

Psychology - pedagogical characteristic 6th grade

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the schilny to the right-hand man

Psychological pedagogical characteristics

Psychological pedagogical characteristics of the student

Free legal advice:

Characteristics of the cob graders

Zrazok characteristics of the class

Zrazok characteristics of the scientist

Zrazok characteristics of uchnya (2)

Zrazok uchnya characteristics (3)

Characteristics of the robot reader

Look at the testimonial of a math reader

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Other sample characteristics

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Characteristics of a medical professional (briefly about the nuances and an example)

The characteristic for a medical worker, like any other characteristic from an employer, should ideally contain all the necessary and sufficient information for the organization for which this document is needed. As a rule, this information consists of three parts: personal data, an assessment of the level of professionalism and a description of personal qualities.

The questionnaire part usually contains the following information: surname, name, patronymic; date of birth; education; current place of work, and a list of previously held positions.

In the part of the characteristics describing the professional level of a health worker, basic information about his job functions is given: what they include and how successfully they are implemented in daily activities. It also makes sense to reflect the steps to improve qualifications - studies, retraining, courses.

The description of personal qualities should also be made in the context of professional and industrial relations. So, information about how much a given employee is, say, sentimental is unlikely to be necessary, but information about how a person is conflicted, sociable, disciplined, and so on is very important for making many personnel decisions.

Medicine is a special kind of professional activity in which a physician is in close interaction with people who are often in a difficult, stressful situation - patients, their relatives. In this regard, communication skills, responsiveness, and an attentive attitude towards people not only characterize a health worker as a person, but also have a professionally important significance. The characteristic may reflect information from the book of reviews or complaints of a medical institution left by patients to this employee.

The characteristics also often list professional achievements: victories in competitions, publications of scientific works, the presence of awards and incentives.

The final part of the characteristics of a medical worker, as a rule, contains a conclusion about the suitability of the position held, about the presence (or absence) of grounds for promotion, promotion.

Here is a short example of the characteristics of a paramedical worker - a hospital nurse.

Characteristics of a healthcare professional - an example

Sokolova Natalya Filippovna has been working as a nurse of the therapeutic department of the OGBUZ "Sedanovskaya City Hospital No. 1" since May 2011. Executed by transfer from a similar position from GB-2 of the city of Bratsk. The total work experience in medical institutions is 6 years.

Graduated from the Bratsk State Medical School in 2008. In 2012, she completed advanced training courses at Irkutsk State Medical University, specializing in Nursing Organization

In the process of work Sokolova N.F. took care of patients and monitored their condition, ensured the observance of the medical-protective and sanitary-epidemiological regimes in the department, received medicines, ensured their accounting and storage. Duties were fulfilled in full, medical appointments were carried out on time and accurately.

In the team of Sokolov N.F. has established itself on the positive side: takes an active part in the social life of the team, is respected by colleagues, has positive reviews of patients. The most noticeable qualities on a personal level are accuracy, responsibility, a benevolent attitude towards people, a conscious desire to improve their professional level in every possible way.

The characteristic was given to the attestation commission of ISMU for admission to the correspondence department.

Example of characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor to an employee

For the procedure for awarding an employee with any insignia, the preparation of certain documents is required, and an example of a characteristic for awarding an honorary diploma, which occupies one of the most important places in the package of documents, can help here, since it is an official recommendation for encouraging a conscientious specialist. In the characteristic, it is necessary to reflect, along with high production indicators, the impeccability of the execution of orders, and the moral character, and human qualities.

Types of characteristics

If there is a need to mark a specialist at the local level - in a department, in a city - you will need an example of a characteristic for awarding an internal diploma. The free way of writing prevails here, taking into account, however, the specific requirements for the language, for the order of presentation and the structure of the text. If the presentation of an employee is planned for a state award, then an example of a characteristic is needed for awarding an appearance certificate

Everything is strict here: general rules apply, legalized standards of office work are used. Although - both of these examples are essentially positive service letters of recommendation. There is no single sample for drawing up such a document, and therefore an example of a characteristic for awarding an honorary diploma requires only general rules of writing and design, since it is business paper.

General rules

All documents are drawn up according to the generally accepted principle. Any example of a characterization for awarding a diploma of a ministry or department, even the presidential administration, should be written in an official business style, where the content is consistently, but briefly and accurately stated. Information must be submitted from a third party in the present and past tense. In the characteristic, you must indicate the name of this document, then the personal data about the employee nominated for the award.

After that, his professional and service activities are assessed, the business and moral qualities of this person are described. The characterization ends with an indication of the purpose of writing this document and its purpose. At the bottom is the date of execution of the document with the names and initials of the officials who endorse the document. An example of a characteristic for awarding an honorary diploma from a ministry will differ significantly from any other sample that is not intended to go outside the institution where the employee works.


To register the characteristics, you need a letterhead (A4 paper). The recommendation can be created either by the direct supervisor of the awarded employee or by an employee of the HR department. It so happens that such an assignment is received by the applicant himself.

The signatures on the issued form are put by the heads of the organization, the general director, the characteristic is certified by the seal of the given enterprise. It is even easier to draw up an official description for a ministry than any other, since for documents of an external type there is a State Standard with unified registration rules and ready-made necessary details. This is almost a ready-made characteristic for awarding a certificate of honor.


Teachers, for example, are characterized as follows. The "cap" of the form is already ready, where it is indicated that the document is intended to be sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in order to award a diploma of the ministry, for example, Ivanov Petr Sidorovich. You only need to enter the last name and first name with patronymic, year or full date of birth. It must be said that this sample - a characteristic for awarding an honorary diploma - is an example that is quite suitable for many related professions: librarian, methodologist, artist, musician, etc.

This is followed by a line where education should be reflected. For example: higher, graduated with honors from Moscow State Pedagogical University in 1978 with a degree in physics with the qualification of a secondary school teacher. The general experience is thirty one years. Pedagogical - also thirty-one. Work experience in this institution, for example, twenty-five years. The following are the scientific works and methodological developments that were created by Ivanov Peter Sidorovich for many years of work. It is desirable to indicate them by the dates of publication. (In the same way, a characteristic is compiled for awarding an honorary diploma to an educator, the example is completely suitable.)

Further design

The enumeration looks like this:

1.1979 "Methodology of didactic and psychological support in teaching physics to children."

2. 1983 year. "Laboratory studies as a mechanism for introducing children to research in the field of physics."

The example librarian's characterization will be different in this regard, as the occupation is different and scholarly work has certainly been written on different topics. This also applies to any other specialization. The next item of the characteristics sent to the ministry contains data on awards, incentives and titles received.

They are probably all listed in the materials of the personal file and the work book, which must be carefully, by date, transferred to the appropriate column: teacher-methodologist, awarded the highest category, letters of gratitude, diplomas and the like. For each award, explanations should be given - for what merits it was received.

Personal data

In the column relating to marital status, it should be noted, for example: married, has four children. This is followed by a free text. The date when Ivanov Petr Sidorovich began working at school (indicate the number), at this time he proved himself to be an innovator teacher, actively conducted scientific and methodological activities, improved his pedagogical skills, enjoyed the great love of schoolchildren for the subject, which he managed to awaken. He devoted a lot of time to solving issues of teaching the exact sciences to children with developmental disabilities, constantly making individual programs, improving educational and methodological materials.

His developments were published then and there (indicate electronic and printed editions). He readily shares his knowledge and pedagogical skills at methodological and pedagogical councils, pedagogical conferences. Thanks to the responsiveness of Petr Sidorovich and other teachers, the lessons are at the proper level with good assimilation of the material. He also works a lot with parents, helping to solve all social and humanitarian problems that stand in the way of the child to knowledge.


Ivanov Pyotr Sidorovich enjoys great respect of his colleagues, love of pupils and their parents. That is why the school staff recommends P.S. Ivanov. to be awarded with a Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Education and Science. Next - signatures and seals. The key to the successful receipt of a well-deserved award by Petr Sidorovich Ivanov will be a well-written description for awarding a certificate of honor.

The example of a nurse working in a school medical center will differ from the example of a physics teacher only in the content of some points related to professional activity. The same applies to any employee in the education system.

Other professions

In almost the same way, a driver's description is drawn up for awarding a certificate of honor. The example will not contain data on methodological work, since it does not concern the school bus driver. Instead, you need to reflect the reliability of his professional skills, the desire to master new technical knowledge, the ability to communicate with children, and so on.

In the education system, any characteristic for awarding an honorary diploma will practically not differ in anything. Example: an accountant working somewhere in a city board of public education. In the same way, this person is far from the educational and educational process, does not write methodological developments. This column should indicate failure-free work and specific professional achievements.

Internal characteristic

Such characteristics are intended to reward employees within an enterprise or organization, which must be reflected in the records of the work book. The employee, whom it was decided to present for the award, has already achieved visible success during his career, which the characteristic reflects in all the details.

First of all, those personal qualities that helped the employee to go towards the set goal are indicated, then the professional achievements that it was decided to be awarded with an honorary diploma are listed by dates. The decision on the award is made by the director or head of the institution or enterprise. He himself compiles a description if the enterprise is small. If the institution has a personnel department, this is entrusted to specialists. There are no strict rules for drawing up a characteristic for internal use; a handwritten document is also quite valid here.

In jurisprudence

The characteristic for awarding a lawyer with an honorary diploma also does not have a firmly established form. An example of compilation can be taken as a basis from those suggested above. Naturally, this does not apply to award documents provided outside the institution - to the ministry or even higher, for them the form is unshakable. And for an internal characteristic, it is important to briefly talk about labor duties, about the competence of this specialist in solving legal problems at the enterprise, his role in court proceedings, if they happened.

The head of this company signs the description, then it is certified with a round seal. The name of the document, that is, the word "Characteristics" is placed at the top center of the A4 sheet. The first paragraph most often introduces the personal data of a lawyer in the same way as it is written in the description for a physics teacher: name, patronymic, surname, date of birth, education, information about labor activity. Further - a specific material about the reasons for the award, listing successes and personal qualities.


Words cannot be abbreviated in an official document. Personal data is always indicated before the description of the personal and professional qualities of the employee presented for the award. After the personal data, you should indicate the specific place of study and the advanced training courses taken - with dates, if any. The employee's activity is characterized according to the situation at the enterprise.

In the information on seniority, where the date of the employee's admission to the staff must be indicated, promotions are noted, job changes are listed, it is necessary to cover not only the activity in this enterprise, but also everything else, if it was in other places. The latest movements in the service and achievements of the employee are dominant in the characteristics, but it should reflect the entire career as fully as possible.

Business qualities

The main part of this document is an assessment of the professionalism and business qualities of a given employee. The level of skills, the application of theoretical knowledge, building relationships in a team, teamwork, commitment and other abilities of the employee - all this should be clearly positive in the description.

In addition to business qualities, it is necessary to dwell on personal ones: how well a person gets along with the team, what is the level of his stress resistance, self-control during conflicts. You can write about his responsiveness, moral qualities and desire for mutual assistance, listing all the rewards that took place.

Differences in office work

This type of representation, as a characteristic to encouragement, is widespread and is provided for in the personnel records management of a huge number of government agencies and large organizations. Therefore, such a document is by no means always compiled entirely from scratch. There are instructions for office work, and in each company they have their own, different from others, forms, like all local regulations of a particular organization.

In some institutions, the preparation of such a presentation for the award has a much longer journey, including writing letters of solicitation, filling out award sheets and much, much more. It also happens that the reward system provides for the coordination of ideas that are drawn up by immediate supervisors. They are considered by personnel services, and various committees and commissions, after which the director general endorses the presentation of the employee for the award with a certificate of honor.

Characteristics for rewarding an employee

Incentives in the professional and labor sphere involve the preparation of such a document as a characteristic for rewarding an employee. This is not quite a characteristic from the place of work, which is used for presentation to state bodies and organizations or for transfer. When drawing up a document for awarding an employee, it is necessary to take into account: the level of the award (state, municipal, departmental, local from the organization, etc.), the presence or absence of relevant requirements for the presentation of documents for awarding.

Since it is difficult to give a universal sample of characteristics for rewarding an employee, given the existence of various levels of awards and for various achievements in professional activity, the example below can be adapted to a specific situation. And if you have additional questions, you can always ask a question to the duty lawyer of our site.

Example of characteristics for rewarding an employee


chief Power Engineer of CJSC "Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant"

Konstantin Anatolyevich Cherepov began his career at the Novosibirsk Metallurgical Plant in 1984 after graduating from the Novosibirsk Technical University with a degree in Power Supply, the Faculty of Industrial Energy, and rose from an engineer at the plant's power bureau to the head of the electrical measurement group. Hired to work at CJSC "Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant" in 2002 as the head of the energy department, since 2010 he has been the chief power engineer of the CJSC.

During the period of his labor activity at the enterprise, Konstantin Anatolyevich Cherepov has established himself as a qualified specialist, high professional, proactive and highly organizational leader.

Cherepov Konstantin Anatolyevich is the initiator of the development and implementation at the enterprise of a number of technical innovations in the entrusted field of activity, including the introduction of alternative energy sources in industry. This made it possible to reduce the cost of production, which allowed the enterprise to compete with foreign suppliers, to participate in state and municipal purchases.

Over the years of his career, he has repeatedly been sent to advanced training courses in the specialty "power supply", seeks to independently improve his professional and managerial level. While working at the enterprise, he received a second higher education with a degree in Human Resources. It is distinguished by high efficiency, non-conflict, stress resistance. In the department of the chief power engineer, under his leadership, a stable team has been formed, the atmosphere in which is distinguished by initiative and hard work. Personally monitors the safety of working conditions.

During his work, Konstantin Anatolyevich Cherepov was repeatedly encouraged by departmental and municipal certificates, including awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Department of Economic Development of the city of Novosibirsk, thanks of the General Director of CJSC Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant.

General Director of CJSC "Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant"

What is the characteristic for rewarding an employee

Let's make a reservation right away that the document in question is not a presentation for an award. That is, the description only accompanies the written position of the management about the need to encourage the employee for professional contribution to the development of his business. Therefore, to include in the description of the formulation - worthy of an award or the like. - meaningless.

The characteristic for awarding an employee is an assessment document. It describes professional achievements, work experience, business and personal qualities. It is important for leaders in the document to reflect the presence of a cohesive and stable team, managerial and organizational skills.

Despite the evaluative nature, the characteristic for awarding an employee is an official document. It should reflect the employee's merits to the enterprise, organization, which are the basis for the promotion. The document is drawn up in writing in an official business style (there should be no inaccuracies, ambiguity, corrections, speech repetitions, etc.).

Characteristics structure for employee reward

For ease of use, we offer the following algorithm for filling in the characteristics for rewarding:

  1. Name "characteristic", full name, year of birth, education, position
  2. Information about the general labor activity, work experience at the enterprise, "movement" in the service
  3. Assessment of business and personal qualities, contribution to the activities of the enterprise and department, specific merits, results (examples), specific quantitative indicators of work
  4. Teamwork and leadership relationships
  5. Information about available awards, incentives

The document must be signed by the head of the enterprise. If the award implies a local character, then the immediate supervisor. The characteristic for awarding an employee must be certified by the seal of the organization.

Goyko Ivan Ivanovich studied in the period from 2004 to 2011 at the Minsk State Medical University at the Faculty of General Medicine.

Characteristics of the intern doctor Ivan Ivanovich Goyko, born in 1986.

Goyko Ivan Ivanovich studied in the period from 2004 to 2011 at the Minsk State Medical University at the Faculty of General Medicine. Successfully graduated from Minsk State Medical University in 2011. Was accepted to the position of an intern doctor at the Department of Radiation Diagnostics at the Minsk City Hospital No. 2 for the period from 1.08.2011 to 30.07.2012.

During the internship, he fully mastered the practical skills in the chosen specialty. Participated in seminars and conferences on radiation diagnostics. In everyday work, he showed curiosity and persistence in mastering new knowledge and skills. Knows how to listen and give useful advice.

Goiko Ivan Ivanovich has established himself as a sympathetic, conscious and always ready to help person. He enjoys great authority among colleagues at work. Observes the basics of deontology when communicating with patients and colleagues, takes an active part in the social life of the team. She treats her work diligently and performs it at a professional level.

According to the plan, passing the internship, he passed practice on the basis of: City Clinical Hospital No. 2, City Clinical Hospital No. 4, Minsk TB Dispensary, Minsk Oncological Dispensary, Minsk City Polyclinic No. 3.

I am ready for certification and subsequent independent work as a radiologist.

Head of the internship E.V. Epifanova __________ M.P.

An example of a doctor's characteristic

Description of the doctor Tamara Viktorovna Leshch, born on January 30, 1973, a resident of the city of Svatovo, Luhansk region

Citizen Leshch Tamara Viktorovna has been living in the city of Svatovo, Luhansk region since her birthday. Works as a pediatrician at the Children's Clinic. Has a higher medical education. Has a Doctor of Medical Science degree.

He treats the work diligently, performs it at a high professional level. She is always attentive to little patients, their parents.

Knows how to listen, give useful advice.

He uses the latest medical technologies in his work.

Her work has been marked with many certificates of honor and government awards. He treats public assignments in good faith.

She was repeatedly elected as a deputy of the city council. Currently, he is acting as a deputy of the regional council.

Married. A loving and caring mother. He is raising two children - a son, born in 1995, and a daughter, born in 2000.

Tamara Viktorovna is a cheerful, sympathetic, conscious and always ready to help person. He enjoys great authority among colleagues at work, respect among the public, residents of the city of Svatovo, the region.

There were no complaints about her behavior from the governing bodies, work colleagues, residents of the city of Svatovo, or neighbors.

The characteristic is given for presentation at the place of demand

Certification work of a bacteriologist

Date of creation: 1999

Source: found online

Service characteristic

Shagaeva Lyudmila Petrovna has been working in the bacteriological laboratory of MU YUTMO since 1996, after merging with the bacteriological laboratory of the medical and sanitary part of the production association Yurginskiy Machine Building Plant, due to economic reasons, where she works as the head of the laboratory.

Shagaeva L.P. has good theoretical and practical knowledge, the last improvement took place in March-April 1999, the certification cycle Bacteriology (GIDUV, Novokuznetsk). He is proficient in almost all types of laboratory research, participates in the implementation of new techniques into practice, carefully and competently evaluates the results of laboratory research.

He treats his work in good faith, maintains contacts with the attending physicians, instructing them, if necessary, on the interpretation of the results, the treatment of a particular patient and other questions of bacteriology.

She pays a lot of attention to individual work with laboratory assistants, the accuracy of their execution during sowing, preparation of nutrient media, etc. She devotes a lot of time to issues of intra-laboratory quality control of work, she was appointed responsible for this area of \u200b\u200bwork. He takes an active part in interlaboratory control and always successfully identifies the target crop. She carried out scientific and practical work on the introduction of economic management methods in the work of the bacteriological laboratory in the conditions of budgetary insurance medicine.

He has no remarks and penalties for the entire period of work. She is respected and fair among colleagues. She is benevolent by nature.

To the chairman of the certification commission

N. D. Melyanchenko


The Yurga Territorial Medical Association sends materials for certification of the bacteriologist Shagaeva Lyudmila Petrovna and applies for confirmation of her first qualification category. Total work experience 27.5 years. Professional experience - 20 years.

Qualification characteristics of the endoscopist

Appendix 10

to the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation


The level of an endoscopist is determined taking into account the volume and quality of the work carried out, the availability of theoretical training in the field of basic and related specialties, the regularity of training in specialized educational institutions with a special certificate.

The assessment of the practical training of the endoscopist is carried out under the guidance of the endoscopy unit and the institution at the place of work of the specialist. The general opinion is reflected in the performance characteristics from the place of work. The assessment of theoretical knowledge and the correspondence of practical skills to the modern level of development of endoscopy is carried out during certification cycles conducted by the departments of endoscopy.

In accordance with the requirements of the specialty, the endoscopist must know, be able to, own:

1. General knowledge:

Prospects for the development of endoscopy

Fundamentals of health legislation and policy documents defining the activities of health authorities and institutions in the field of endoscopy

General issues of the organization of planned and emergency endoscopic care in the country for the adult population and children, ways to improve the endoscopic service

Organization of medical care in military field conditions in case of mass defeats and disasters

Etiology and ways of spreading acutely infectious diseases and their prevention

The work of an endoscopist in the conditions of insurance medicine

Topographic anatomy of the bronchopulmonary apparatus, digestive tract, abdominal and pelvic organs, anatomical and physiological features of childhood

The causes of pathological processes that an endoscopist usually meets

Diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities of various endoscopic methods

Indications and contraindications for diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, laparoscopy, bronchoscopy

Processing, disinfection and sterilization of endoscopes and instruments

Principles, techniques and methods of pain relief in endoscopy

Clinical symptomatology of major surgical and therapeutic diseases

Principles of examination and preparation of patients for endoscopic research methods and management of patients after research

Equipment for endoscopic rooms and operating rooms, safety precautions when working with equipment

The device and principle of operation of endoscopic equipment and auxiliary instruments used in various endoscopic examinations.

2. General skills:

Collect anamnesis and compare the information obtained with the data of the available medical documentation for the patient in order to select the desired type of endoscopic examination

Self-conduct simple examination methods: digital examination of the rectum for bleeding, palpation of the abdomen, percussion and auscultation of the abdomen and lungs

Reveal the patient's allergic predisposition to anesthetics in order to correctly determine the type of anesthesia in which endoscopic examination will be performed

Determine the indications and contraindications for performing this or that endoscopic examination

Teach the patient to behave correctly during endoscopic examination

Choose the optimal type and type of endoscope (rigid, flexible, with end, end-side or just side optics) depending on the nature of the planned endoscopy

Master the methods of local infiltration anesthesia, local anesthesia of the pharyngeal ring and tracheobronchial tree

Knowledge of biopsy methods and the ability to perform them is required

Possession of preparation of medical documentation and execution of research protocols

Ability to draw up a report on the work done and analyze endoscopic activity.

3. Special knowledge and skills:

A specialist endoscopist must know prevention, clinic and treatment, be able to diagnose and provide the necessary assistance in the following conditions:

Allergic reactions



Heart failure

Intraorgan or intra-abdominal bleeding during the endoscopic examination

Hollow organ perforation

Acute heart and respiratory failure

Cessation of breathing and cardiac activity.

The specialist endoscopist should know:

Clinic, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of major lung diseases (acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, acute and chronic pneumonia, lung cancer, benign lung tumors, disseminated lung diseases)

Clinic, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of major diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (esophagitis, gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, cancer and benign tumors of the stomach, duodenum and large intestine, diseases of the operated stomach, chronic colitis, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, tumors of the hepato-pancreatoduodenal zone, acute appendicitis)

To master the technique of esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, bronchoscopy, laparoscopy, using all the techniques for a detailed examination of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum 12 with esophagogastroduodenoscopy, all parts of the large and terminal ileum - with colonoscopy

Tracheobronchial tree, up to the 5th order bronchi - with bronchoscopy, serous integuments, as well as abdominal organs of the abdominal cavity - with laparoscopy

Visually clearly define the anatomical boundaries of physiological contractions and sections of the studied organs

Correctly assess the response of the sphincter apparatus of the studied organs in response to the introduction of the endoscope and air

Under conditions of artificial lighting and some increase, it is correct to distinguish macroscopic signs of the normal structure of mucous membranes, serous integuments and parenchymal organs from pathological manifestations in them

Perform targeted biopsy from pathological foci of mucous membranes of serous integuments and abdominal organs

Orient and fix biopsy material for histological examination

Correctly make smears-prints for cytological examination

Remove and collect ascitic fluid, abdominal effusion for cytology and culture

Based on the identified microscopic signs of changes in mucous membranes, serous integuments or tissues of parenchymal organs, determine the nosological form of the disease

Clinic, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of major diseases of the pelvic organs (benign and malignant tumors of the uterus and appendages, inflammatory diseases of the appendages, ectopic pregnancy).

4. Research and manipulation:


Broncho-fibroscopy and rigid bronchoscopy





Targeted biopsy from mucous membranes, serous membranes and abdominal organs

Removal of foreign bodies from the tracheobronchial tree, upper gastrointestinal tract and colon during endoscopic examination

Local hemostasis during esophagogastroduodenoscopy

Endoscopic polypectomy

Endoscopic removal of benign tumors from the esophagus and stomach

Expansion and dissection of cicatricial and postoperative narrowing of the esophagus

Papillosphincterotomy and wirsungotomy and extraction of stones from ducts

Placing a feeding probe

Drainage of the abdominal cavity, gallbladder, retroperitoneal space

Removal of pelvic organs during laparoscopy according to indications

Removal of abdominal organs during laparoscopy if indicated

Depending on the level of knowledge, as well as on the basis of the length of service, the quantity, quality and type of diagnostic tests performed, therapeutic interventions, the certification commission decides on assigning an appropriate qualification category to an endoscopist.

Service characteristic

Service characteristic

Doctor Krichevsky Alexander Semenovich, a radiologist, has been working at the Rostov Regional Research X-ray and Radiological and Oncological Institute since June 1946 as deputy director for scientific affairs, and since October 29. 1946 Acting Director.

Doctor Krichevsky A.S. is a highly qualified specialist in the field of X-ray diagnostics and X-ray therapy, having since 1936 the academic title of associate professor, and since 1939, after defending his thesis, the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences.

Dr. Krichevsky has, since 1935, significant experience in teaching as with medical students. in-that, and with doctors on specialization courses for radiologists.

However, Dr. Krichevsky possesses organizational and administrative skills and abilities.

Head regional health department (Odamyan)

F.M. Stein - radiologist, born in 1926, Russian, non-partisan, higher education. In 1954 he graduated from the Rostov State Medical Institute, candidate of medical sciences, senior research fellow. Works at the Rostov-on-Don Research Institute of Oncology as head of the X-ray diagnostic department. Work experience in the specialty is 36 years.

After graduating from the medical institute, F.M. Stein began as the chief physician of the Usmynsk district sanitary and epidemiological station of the Usmynsk district of the Velikie Luki region, then as the head of the Usmynsk district health department. Having received a specialization in radiology in 1956, he worked as a radiologist at the Usmynsk district hospital.

Having moved in 1957 for permanent residence in Rostov-on-Don, F.M. Stein worked as a radiologist at the Bataysk city hospital.

In 1959 F.M. Stein, a radiologist, was elected by competition as a junior researcher at the X-ray diagnostic department of the Rostov-on-Don Research Oncological Institute.

In 1968 he was approved by competition as the head of the X-ray diagnostics sector of the institute.
From 1983 to the present, F.M. Stein, a radiologist, is the head of the X-ray diagnostic department at the Rostov Research Oncological Institute.

F.M. Stein is a highly qualified radiologist who is fluent in almost a large number of methods of radiological studies.

In his practical activities F.M. Stein - a radiologist, along with the use of a wide range of X-ray methods for studying malignant neoplasms of the respiratory, digestive, mammary glands, lororgan and genitourinary system, is working on the improvement and development of fundamentally new and original X-ray methods for the study of cancer patients. He developed a new X-ray method for studying soft tissue tumors using artificial contrast - pneumomyography, which made it possible for the first time to reliably recognize and diagnose tumor lesions of soft tissues, which contributed to the choice of optimal treatment tactics.

Over the years, F.M. Stein, a radiologist, deals with the early detection of stomach tumors, in particular, pneumogastrofluorography, which is a large-frame fluorography in conditions of inflation of the stomach with air using a specially designed device for probeless inflation. As a result, the preoperative diagnosis of early forms of gastric tumors increased and the possibilities of surgical treatment of gastric tumors increased.

F.M. Stein developed and successfully used an original method of X-ray examination of laryngeal tumors. Considering that the treatment of laryngeal cancer depends, first of all, on the early recognition and degree of tumor spread, primarily in the pre-epiglottis space, he developed an X-ray method for examining the larynx, based on artificial contrasting with carbon dioxide - X-ray carboxygraphy using a specially developed system for the introduction gas.

The practical value of this method lies in the correct assessment of the prognosis of the disease and the estimated volume of partial and total surgical interventions. The work was exhibited at VDNKh and was awarded a bronze medal.

Working in close contact with urologists, F.M. Stein - a radiologist has developed and successfully applies in everyday practice an effective method for diagnosing bladder tumors - pneumocystomo- and zonography, which are based on a layer-by-layer polypositional X-ray examination of the bladder with preliminary filling of it with gas in hematuria and microcyst, with deformities of the bladder or urethra. Pneumocystotomo- and zonography allows, already at the first stage of the patient's examination, to obtain reliable information about the nature of the lesion of the bladder, to judge the stage of the process, on which the rational choice of treatment tactics depends.

Paying special attention to improving methods for diagnosing lung tumors, F.M. Stein takes an active part in the development and improvement of the selective tomography method in the diagnosis of lung cancer. For this purpose, a special goniometer was created and a mathematical table was developed, with the help of which the calculation of the optimal laying of the patient is carried out. This technique allows you to obtain complete information about the pathological process throughout its entire course. In terms of information content, the method is not inferior to the bronchographic one.

F.M. Stein took an active part in the development of transvaginal pelvic phlebography, based on a new method of introducing a contrast agent into the uterine wall from the vagina, which greatly expanded the possibilities of diagnosing uterine tumors.

The undoubted merit of F.M. Stein is an active organizational, methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance to medical institutions of the Rostov region for improving the X-ray service in detecting malignant diseases. He introduces preventive X-ray fluorographic examinations of the population in order to timely detect malignant tumors and precancerous diseases of the chest and stomach organs.

She actively participates in planned trips to the Rostov region, territories and republics of the North Caucasus in order to provide methodological and practical assistance to oncological institutions. Takes part in conducting seminars and scientific-practical conferences for oncologists and radiologists.

The extensive practical experience of F.M. Stein was reflected in his Ph.D. thesis, defended in 1967, 84 publications, inventions and 8 guidelines.

In 1991 he was approved in the academic rank of senior scientific worker.

F.M. Stein pays great attention to the training of radiologists in Rostov n / D and the Rostov region, provides them with highly qualified assistance in onco-radiology, is the head of 2 defended candidate dissertations.

Over the years F.M. Stein is active in the regional society of radiologists and radiologists, being a member of the board. Elected as a delegate to the majority of the All-Union and All-Russian congresses of radiologists and radiologists.

Over the years of his practical work F.M. Stein, a radiologist, has earned the reputation of a leading specialist in X-ray diagnostics of oncological diseases, is a consultant to most medical institutions in Rostov-on-Don and the region.

F.M. Stein actively participates in the social life of the institute, is a member of the Academic Council, a member of the problem commission, a member of BRIZ, VKK.

F.M. Stein was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor". In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the badges "Excellence in Public Health" and "Inventor of the USSR", the bronze medal of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements.

Certified in 1991 as a doctor of the highest category.

The characteristics were discussed at a meeting of the trade union committee and approved. (Minutes No. 1 dated January 21, 1992)

The characteristic was sent to the award department of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR.

nand consultative and diagnostic nurse RGKP RDKB "Aksai" Skurydina Olga Borisovna, Born in 1955, Russian.

Skurydina Olga Borisovna in 1977 graduated from the Republican Medical School with a degree in nurse.

Has over 34 years of experience as a nurse.

In the RCCH "Aksai" she has been working since 1972, first as an instructor, then after graduating from the RMU she worked as a procedural nurse in the emergency room and intensive care unit. Working in difficult departments, she acquired rich nursing and organizational experience and for about 7 years was a senior nurse in the consultative and diagnostic department.

Olga Borisovna has the highest qualification category in nursing.

Skurydina Olga Borisovna, working as an ultrasound nurse in the consulting and diagnostic department, clearly fulfills all doctor's prescriptions, helps with manipulations, carries out systematic control in the office, instructs the middle and junior medical staff.

For all the time she worked in the clinic, she showed herself only on the positive side, she has such qualities as responsibility, honesty, kindness.

Olga Borisovna is systematically engaged in improving her qualifications, constantly takes advanced training courses at the Almaty and Republican medical schools, participates in nursing conferences and seminars, and takes an active part in the public life of the clinic.

Skurydina Olga Borisovna for her responsiveness and sensitive attitude to sick children is respected by parents and all staff, she is a mentor of young specialists, passing on her many years of experience to them.

The administration of the RGKP RDKB "Aksai" for conscientious work presents the candidacy of Olga Borisovna Skurydina to the Letter of thanks of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Day of the Medical Worker.

Director of the RGKP RDKB "Aksai" M.Abdibekov


Feature - presentation

nand head nurse No. 7 of the nephrology department RGKP RDKB "Aksai" Bolikova Lyudmila Egorovna, born in 1962, Russian

Bolikova Lyudmila Yegorovna graduated from the Republican Medical School in 1981.

Has experience as a nurse - over 31 years.

She has been working as a nurse at the RCCH "Aksai" since 1996.

Lyudmila Yegorovna has the highest qualification category in nursing.

Bolikova Lyudmila Yegorovna is systematically engaged in improving her qualifications, constantly taking advanced courses at the Republican Medical School.

Lyudmila Egorovna is a competent specialist, has a good command of practical work skills, is responsible, punctual, purposeful, knows how to work in a team. He is the chairman of the medicines sector. Conducts training for middle and junior management in compliance with labor protection rules, safety measures, asepsis and antiseptics. Participates in the development of programs to improve the organization and working conditions of middle and junior medical personnel.

She actively participates in the work of the Hospital Nurses' Council, participates in nursing conferences and seminars, and takes an active part in the hospital's public life.

Bolikova Lyudmila Yegorovna duly and conscientiously fulfills her functional duties, for her responsiveness and sensitive attitude she is a mentor of young specialists, passing on her many years of experience to them.

The administration of RGKP RDKB "Aksai" for conscientious work nominates Bolikova Lyudmila Yegorovna to the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Day of the medical worker.

Director of the RGKP RDKB "Aksai"E. Kaliev

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