Tramp concept on thug. Who is a vagrant


about. wandered penz. broden m. novg. brodnik sib. a vagabond, a runaway connecting rod, a wanderer, who, arbitrarily, without a right and without a written form, left the place of residence, residence, service, wandering in a foreign land. The non-remembering (kinship) vagabond or Ivan the non-remembering, hiding his name, title and homeland and often various crimes, claiming, despite his beard and common sense, that he himself does not know who and where he is from, and his age is wobbling, where is the day, where night. Non-remembering kinship is recognized by our law as a special category of vagabonds.

A drifter or brodok forging a beard, a punch, a pointed hammer, on which they beat, for punching holes. Vagrant fishing. Tramps' belongings. Vagrant manners. Strider m. -Nitsa an idle person, a parasite, staggering by the side, in people. Wander, wander, wander around the world, leaving their homeland; take refuge on the run, in a foreign land, without sight and hiding his face. Wandering, wandering, wandering, wandering cf. to be, the state, the life of a vagabond; wandering, staggering, harboring. Fermenting vat, in distilleries, in which mash wanders, mash, which is then lowered into a vat. Fermentation w. the room where the fermentation vat is. A fertile liquid, prone to fermentation, easily and quickly passing into it. Fermentation Wed hard. fishermen's leather clothes, boots sewn to trousers. Brodovnik M. arch. temporary, changeable ford, busting, roll in the river, from sediment carried by the windweed.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


vagabonds, m. An impoverished, homeless Man, staggering without any work; ragamuffin, rogue. The ruins of the house served as a lodging for vagrants.

A person hiding from persecution and forced to change their place of residence and withhold their name. The nameless vagabond. Pushkin.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    An impoverished, homeless person wandering without specific occupation.

    A person who loves to wander, live in different places (colloquial).

    About whom. surprising (simple). Again, he got out of the water dry? Well, strong (cunning) b.!

    decrease. tramp, -and, m. and f. (to 1 and 2 digits)

    adj. vagrant, -ya, -ye (to 1 and 2 meanings).

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    He who does not have his own home wanders without specific occupation.

    transfer colloquial Someone who loves to travel.


The Tramp (film, 1915)

"Tramp"(, other names - Charlie on the Farm / Charlie the Hobo / Charlie the Tramp) is a short silent film by Charles Chaplin, released on April 11, 1915.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the film was released on VHS by Kino Video, Grapevine Video and Distar, and is released on DVD by distributors Image Entertainment and others.

Tramp (1981 film)

"Tramp" is a 1981 film starring Eric Roberts and Sissy Spacek.

Tramp (Marvel Comics)

Tramp is a fictional comic book superhero from Marvel Comics. Real name Hobie Brown however, other characters also used the Tramp's identity. Brown designed a high-tech crime suit to gain prominence, however, after meeting Spider-Man, he went over to the good side.

The Tramp (1951 film)

"Tramp" (, Awaara) is an Indian drama film filmed in 1951 by actor and director Raj Kapoor. One of the most famous films in his work. In 1953, the film was nominated for the Grand Prix of the Cannes Film Festival. Magazine Time made it to the list of "10 Treasures of Indian Cinema".

The Tramp grossed 1.25 crores in blockbuster status and remained the highest grossing film in Bollywood history for a year, until the release of Pride.

In this film, Raj Kapoor first appeared in the form of a tramp, later developed in his painting "Mr. 420" (1955) and became his most famous screen mask.

Examples of the use of the word vagrant in literature.

Will I return the khanate or will I remain lonely vagrant- I am your anda forever.

The funeral took place the next day - Gowen just got to New Orleans and flew out of there by plane - and in Jefferson the path to the cemetery passes by the prison, and not only to the cemetery, passes under the upper barred windows - the general prison and cells, from where the prisoners- blacks - gamblers, moonshine traders, tramps and the murderer - they can look down and admire, even admire the funeral.

If you are hungry, so feed your neck with a rope, advised the arquebusier, tramps.

His hand grabbed the aspirator, but, strangely, the asthma attack did not stop as it did on the day he ran away from tramps with a rotten nose.

Hatcliff, a mutated Byronic scoundrel, a strange dark-haired tramp, found by a certain family on the street and uttering some kind of gibberish, until he began to live with his adoptive parents, whom he brought to the grave.

He had not disturbed Blade for a week, since he had dropped off at the porch of the white marble villa the new head of the Eastern Archipelago, purchased for one hundred and fifty gold from the four-armed tramps.

Of these, there were ten Jews, eight rogues who were called sorcerers, three bigamies, three blasphemers, one woman-hypocrite, one tramp, posing as a minister of the Inquisition, and two statues.

So, my dear, for sugrevu, - Matvey intervened and, raising vagrant, handed him a full ladle of mash honey.

Mysterious tramp appeared in all his splendor, in a long shirt, with a knapsack over his shoulders, with a little beetle in one hand and a stick in the other.

At the ministers, - said Björnsson, - I see, perishable fate, and the official needs this thing more than vagrant.

While Bel Amor was looking for the lost Restless Idea in himself, there was a storm of applause - this is tramps and the prisoners, inspectors of the Environment Protection, firefighters, orderlies and shift workers applauded in unison - ordinary people, as always, understood everything faster than any government commission: the people realized that Bel Amor decided to take advantage of his last chance: to pretend to be God himself and, under the threat of death, to force government commission to release him from this swamp.

Skinny at the chapel tramp for a quarter of an hour with little willows he tried to persuade Matryona Simanna, Sekretovskaya hanger: - I convince you, auntie, as a true Christian.

From a self-willed anemone I became a friend of a poor man: He did not take milk from the chest of a school muse Not a drop of milk And he lived tramps homeless.

Another in his place would have sent for goldsmiths, or at least would have hired for a quarter some vagrant, and this one climbed into the cesspool himself, only threw off his blue overcoat and unfastened his saber.

Did you notice, your Reverend, when we made our way through the crowd of raging tramps, poor imp, to whom your capercaillie was going to smash his head on the railing of the gallery of kings?

Tramp homeless, wanderer. The Tramp 1915 Charlie Chaplin comedy, The Tramp 1951 film with Raj Kapoor, The Tramp 1981 American film, The Tramp 1992 American thriller, The Tramp episode ... ... Wikipedia

Tramp, adventurer, adventurer, rogue, rogue, wanderer, connecting rod. The tramp is passportless, unwritten. Homeless wanderer. Not remembering kinship. Ivan is not remembered. .. Wed ... Synonym dictionary

- ·about. wandered penz. bridal husband., novg. brodnik sib. a vagabond, a runaway connecting rod, a wanderer, who, arbitrarily, without a right and without a written form, left the place of residence, residence, service, wandering in a foreign land. Nepomniachtchi (kinship) vagrant or Ivan ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

- "VANO" (Awaara), India, 1951, b / w, 193 min. Drama. In one of his best early films, The Tramp, Raj Kapoor created the image of a little man, infinitely kind and charming, who under no circumstances lost his optimism and faith ... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

tramp- VAGO, scourge, bum, tramp, book. lumpen, outdated. tramp, colloquial decrease zimogor, colloquial. decrease intake, colloquial decrease connecting rod BITCHOVKA, raz. homeless woman, colloquial. hobo VAN, hobo, hobo VAN, bivouac, bivouac, ... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms for Russian speech

TRUMP, and, husband. and wives. 1. An impoverished, homeless person wandering around without any particular occupation. 2. A person who loves to wander, live in different places (colloquial). 3. About n. surprising (simple). Again, he got out of the water dry? Well,… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

tramp- tramp, homeless P. 0066 p. 0067 p. 0068 ... New explanatory dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language

AND; m. and f. 1. An impoverished person without a permanent place of residence and certain occupations. Live among the vagabonds. To wander with vagabonds. Homeless, ragged, like b. * Tramp, cursing fate, Dragged with a bag on his shoulders (Folk song). 2. Spread. O… … encyclopedic Dictionary

tramp- and; m. and f. see also. vagabond, vagabond, vagabond, vagabond 1) An impoverished person without a permanent place of residence and certain occupations. Live among the vagabonds. Wandering with vagabonds ... Dictionary of many expressions

tramp- A VOYAGE, and, m and f A person who does not have a permanent place of residence, an impoverished person without specific occupations. // m and f a tramp, and, plural. zhek, dat. zhkam. My life is boring, hard, monotonous, because I am an artist, I am a strange person, I ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns


  • Tramp, Kruzhevsky D. He was eager for the stars, and the stars accepted him, but it didn’t bring him happiness…. From the moment our compatriot Kirill passed through the spatial gates, more than ...
  • Tramp, Khaidarali Usmanov. Who said that a person who gets into the worlds of the Commonwealth will necessarily have high moral qualities and try to save others? This is a fairytale. The reality is much scarier. The person will just ...

For most of us, the term "vagabond" in 2020 is a bit offensive. Some call that people who do not do anything in particular, constantly travel, creating their own philosophy of the meaning of life.

If we talk about the thieves' world, then there they call only selected prisoners who meet certain requirements, who are very lucky to bear such a title, a "vagrant".

In this article we will take a closer look at who is a "vagabond" in terms of what he adheres to philosophy.

Who is a "tramp" in the thieves' world? In criminal terms, a "vagrant" is a prisoner who is always guided by certain principles of prison life.

"Tramps" in the prison are always elected by the headman... He will never give in to the prison administration if it wants to somehow disrupt the usual way of life of the prisoners by definition.

The "vagabond" is a criminal with inviolable principles, he will never violate his prisoner duty.

Typically, a "vagabond" in prison is characterized by the following:

  • he stands out among other prisoners for his sociability, the "vagabond" dominates the conversation;
  • he selflessly defends the rights and interests of other prisoners;
  • other inmates turn to him with any questions.

Who are the "vagabonds" in the criminal world? Here "vagabonds" are people who are completely devoted to their brethren, even to death.

How to become a "vagabond" in prison? Any candidate for vagrant status must meet certain requirements. For example, a prisoner who previously served in the army or worked in the service sector: a social worker, a cook, a waiter, a janitor, a taxi driver, and so on, will not become a "tramp".

However, it should be admitted that recently these requirements have been simplified, and some have even been canceled. In addition, the "vagabond" does not work in the prison and does not occupy any official post in support of the administration - a library worker, a canteen (otherwise he will be automatically ranked as a "goat").

"Tramps" have the right to dispose of the rest of the prisoners - to collect money for bribes to the administration or for "heating". They also have to take care of illegally supplying the prison with various products: tea, sausage, alcohol and other goodies.

It is the "vagabond" who can resolve conflicts that often arise between prisoners. In this case, it is the unwritten criminal concepts that decide everything.

In this case, "understanding" prisoners will not turn to the prison administration in the event of a dispute that has flared up, but only to the "vagabonds" (or "thieves").

In this situation, the "vagabond" becomes a fair judge: having considered the validity of the charges, he will decide on the application of punishment or pardon the culprit.

If the "vagrant" makes an unfair decision from the point of view of other prisoners, then they can also bring him to justice.

Even without the gift of persuasion or eloquence, you can come to an agreement with every malevolent inmate by offering to make mutual concessions.

However, if the cellmate is a "vagabond", then he will not give in, violating the law of thieves. His motto is life "according to concepts" and, as a rule, he will not deviate from it, no matter what it costs him.

What does the phrase "concepts" mean? These are the established and verbally transmitted rules of life in not so distant places - in a prison.

It is extremely important to know and observe them for everyone who is in prison, using them, disputes and conflicts are resolved or not allowed, and violation of these traditions is severely punished, up to and including deprivation of life.

An interesting feature of life according to the concepts in prison: if it is right to steal in freedom, then in places of imprisonment theft is prohibited, the commandment “do not steal” works there.

Key concepts in prison boil down to the following:

  • do not be a snitch;
  • do not steal from your own;
  • do not be balabol, that is, do not let words go to waste;
  • the threat to someone else's address must be carried out, otherwise you yourself will be punished.

It is forbidden to interrupt and interfere in someone else's conversation or business, if you do not have the right to do so, keep your opinion to yourself, obscenities and lies are also not allowed.

So who is the "vagabond" in prison? His view of prison life is entirely based on the unwritten code of honor of thieves in law. The "vagabond" is always attentive to prisoners who have just entered prison for the first time.

They share their rich criminal and prison experience, explain in detail the local rules of stay, skillfully embellishing the romance of the prison walls. And this was sincere, since the "vagabond" considers the prison to be his home, a real family. In this large “family”, the “tramp” considered himself a father, who has the legal right to dictate his own rules of behavior.

It is noteworthy that the famous tattoo "I will not forget my own mother" expresses the warmth and love that prisoners feel for the prison.

Thus, the "vagabond" refused to cooperate with the administration if it was a question of any violations of prison concepts.

However, if they were not violated and it was possible in any way to improve or simply make life easier for prisoners in prison, then the "vagabonds" could make concessions to the administration.

At the same time, during the day, the "vagabonds" created the appearance that they completely obey the requirements of the administration, but at night they showed other prisoners their true attitude towards the prison authorities - they bribed prison workers and hard labor, which the latter did not oppose.

To give a simple example, the prison authorities, while awaiting the arrival of an important commission, want to give a good impression of strict adherence to the regime. Of course, this will require negotiating good behavior with the prisoners. Therefore, the selected prison officer starts a conversation about this with the supervisor.

The prisoners do not want to undergo constant checks by the commissions if any violations in the detention regime are noticed. The overseer decides to take care of the exemplary behavior of the prisoners.

For this, in the process of checking the commission, all prisoners must sit quietly in their cells, and go to the dining room only in line order. In turn, the administration of the prison promises any improvement in the conditions of detention of prisoners or fulfills some of their reasonable wishes.

As a rule, "vagabonds" will not oppose the facilitation of living conditions. Further, the authorities may decide to put a prisoner in each cell, who will report everything to them. A real "vagabond" in no way will agree to perform such a low task.

Thus, the "vagabond" is called upon to carry the thieves' law to prison. In the criminal society, he is recognized as an authority that enjoys universal respect.

"Tramps" are not beneficial to the authorities of the prisons, so they want to break them in every possible way or somehow isolate them from other prisoners. Therefore, as a rule, for their convict notions and for the corresponding way of life, "tramps" constantly suffer and lose their health.

As a result of huge responsibility and constant stress, most of the representatives of this suit have become addicted to drugs. They may be weak physically, but strong in spirit.

The history of the prison world of tsarist Russia tells us that the prisoners in places of imprisonment were divided into caste-estates. Some of them occupied a dominant position, others - a subordinate position.

There were also categories of prisoners who, for one reason or another (betrayal, denunciation, failure to fulfill their obligations to other prisoners, etc.) were persecuted by the rest of the convicts, but, at the same time, they did not unite into separate caste-estates.

The elite of the prison world of Russia in the second half of the 19th century, its ruling elite was made up of the so-called "ivans". " Ivans", According to the testimony V.M. Doroshevich, represented something like a "knightly order".

« Ivans"Held together in a special company, stood for each other and were unrestricted rulers of penal servitude; disposed of life and death; were legislators, judges and executioners; pronounced and carried out sentences - sometimes mortal, always immutable.

A common, unifying beginning for " ivanov"Was that they came from the category of so-called" tramps».

”Constituted the most professional part of the underworld. They got their nickname because, having no permanent place of residence (or hiding it during arrest) and evading registration, they were able to move around the country uncontrolled by the police, while engaging in the commission of thefts, robberies and robberies.

After being arrested and prosecuted, “ tramps"In the absence of any identifying documents, they called themselves fictitious names (" Ivanov Ivanov») And told the court that they did not remember or did not know the place of birth and relatives.

Here is how he describes his meeting with “ vagrant»Researcher of places of deprivation of liberty in Russia in the second half of the 19th century D. Kennan: "Who are you?" I asked. " I'm a vagabond", He answered calmly and seriously. "What is your name?". "", he said…".

Such a clever move made it difficult for the police to establish all criminal activity " tramps”And allowed him to be prosecuted only for the crime for which he was last detained.

The nomadic life of a “vagabond” was also very convenient for professional criminals because it allowed them not only to hide their criminal past, but also to “legalize” in society after escaping from prison.

In case of detention “ tramps»For some (sometimes insignificant) crime they got the opportunity to correct their documents for a new, invented name and change their old criminal biography to a new, more loyal and law-abiding one.

Thus, the nickname " tramps"Fully corresponded to the lifestyle of this category of criminals. It should be borne in mind that the word " tramps”Means free and independent people, which they, in fact, were. From here comes their eternal striving for a free, free life.

Prison walls and bondage weigh on the life of any prisoner, but “ tramps»More often than others dared to escape from the places of settlement, prisons and penal servitude. They did not hide their intentions to escape from other prisoners, and often from their superiors.

Here is what he writes, describing “ tramps"Their contemporary, and at the same time a comrade in misfortune, a former convict L. Melshin: “Tramps, in general, are the real punishment of every party.

These are people, predominantly spoiled, who do not have, as they say, nifoi, niloi, but they tenaciously cling to one another and constitute a real state within a state in the party.

The tramp, in their opinion, is the highest title for a prisoner: it means a person who is most dear to will, who is dexterous, knows how to dodge any punishment.

In the rogue eyes of the tramp it is written that what, they say, he is not remembering! He more than once, they say, had already been "overseas", that is, beyond Lake Baikal, in hard labor, but he did not want to submit - he left! However, he loudly asserts the same thing in the eyes of his superiors. "

Strength of spirit, unbending will, self-esteem, fearlessness, courage, unrestrained despair and daring raised such people above the crowd and made them indisputable leaders among the entire prison population.

Describing one of these leaders, L. Melshin writes that: "Semenov, for example, had a highly developed sense of some special, gloomy and, perhaps, even terrible human dignity, a sense of a kind of prisoner honor and comradeship ...".

F.M. Dostoevsky in the famous "Notes from the House of the Dead," he notes: “There were several people in hard labor who were aiming at primacy, knowledge of every business, resourcefulness, character, and intelligence. Many of these were really smart people, with character and really achieved what they were aiming for, that is, primacy and significant moral influence on their comrades. "

Having created an exceptional position for himself in prison, " tramps"Had a tremendous moral impact on other convicts. Their influence was especially great on the newcomers to prison life from among the young, inexperienced prisoners.

They introduced the prisoner to the course of prison life and psychologically reconciled the person with his new position. Any questions of prison life on their part found a competent and intelligible interpretation.

Their philosophy and rich life experience in prisons calmed and attracted people who were in prison for the first time and experienced strong emotional excitement and even despair from this.

All these qualities, as well as optimism " tramps”In their views on the future, they instilled in young and inexperienced prisoners a sense of confidence and calmness, aroused their respect and desire to imitate these people.

Speaking about such a self-name of modern leaders of the criminal world as “ legalists"," ", It should be noted that it also originates from the environment" tramps».

The phrase " legal vagabond"Used S. Maksimov when describing the life and customs of the Russian prison community of the 19th century. " Rogue Legalist"Knew well not only the laws of the Russian Empire, but also ways of avoiding them.

The thief in law was no less skilled in the laws of the prison community. " Rogue Legalist”Interpreted these laws and advised other prisoners on them.

S. Maximov wrote that: “Around his lawyers, the new prisoner, in a very short time, becomes what he should be, that is. a prisoner. "

Prison community for " tramps”And other habitual criminals was a surrogate for the family, she replaced their father and mother, sisters and brothers. Only in the prison community " tramps”And other professional criminals could realize themselves as members of society.

The proverb that exists among criminals "Prison is my home for me", as well as the mention of the prison as the House of Our Common in various kinds of modern "thieves" correspondence has deep historical roots and is not bravado.

Very common in the middle of the twentieth century. among the members of thieves' communities the tattoo "I will not forget my own mother", where the name of the mother meant " family of thieves", Once again confirms that the highest socially significant value for professional criminals who are members of thieves' communities and occupy a dominant position in them is their belonging to this community.

The more a person was alienated from society, from his relatives and friends, from his family, the longer the term of imprisonment was determined by the court, the closer and closer the prison community became to him.

Life in it allowed the prisoner to fill the social emptiness that arose in him as a result of rejection from society, from the family. And the stronger this rejection was, the more actively such a prisoner showed himself as a member of the prison community and occupied a higher position in it.

Here is what a researcher writes about the life and life of prisoners and prisons of the Russian Empire. N.G. Breitman“Then, in prison, prisoners always give priority to those comrades who are more in prison.

Such prisoners are vagabonds, "varnaks" who do not remember their kinship " ivan"Who have visited Siberia, hard labor and almost all prisons in Russia, made many escapes, and so on. They are most often " Cossacks", The rest of the indigenous population of prisons treats them with respect, they are considered the owners of prisons everywhere."

Indeed, this category of prisoners lived in the prison as at home, because outside the walls of the prison castle they did not have a certain corner, and then - they did not cherish the hope of ever parting with prison life. They looked at the prison as their rightful place, as if created specifically for their carefree existence.

The traditional, communal-patriarchal way of life of the Russian people had a significant impact on the formation of the prison community.

The majority of the prison population at that time was peasantry. The peasants sentenced to imprisonment took their wives, children and all their household belongings with them to the settlement, prison or hard labor, selling what was impossible to take away.

Those who, for whatever reason, were deprived of the opportunity to take their families with them, joined the general prison artel. “The prisoners love such an artel, and without it, not only do they not go to stages, but they also don’t live in prisons,” he wrote S.Maksimov.

The artel, communal principles, so characteristic of peasant Rus, in the conditions of places of confinement, were transformed into such a specific phenomenon as the prison community.

For an ordinary person, for society, for the authorities, it was normal, acceptable and understandable to have a communal association headed by an elected head, whether in a village, in a mine, in a prison or in another place.

Here are the words with which the prison warden of the convict prison of the second half of the nineteenth century greeted the next stage: “The artel is recognized by the law, and therefore I recognize it. Choose for yourself a common headman, four parashniks, two cooks and two bakers. As for the chamber heads and hospital attendants, I will appoint them myself. "

In the prison, each cell had its own headman, who was obliged to look after the interests of its inhabitants. In addition, a general headman was appointed over all the cells, with whom the cell heads were contacted in case of need.

The general prison warden entered into direct relations with the prison authorities, and this arrangement of the case was one of the reasons for the comparative order in the prison.

On the other hand, the elders were held accountable to the prison authorities for what was happening in their cells. The rest of the prisoners were obliged to obey them and follow their advice. As a rule, the elders were elected from among the " tramps". This state of affairs only strengthened their indisputable authority among the inhabitants of the prison world.

Investigating the personal qualities of the leaders of the prison artel N.G. Breitman comes to the conclusion that: "The elders are elected from among the experienced, intelligent, possessing strong characters, who know how to influence the" punks ", talk to her, understand her needs."

Formally, the headman- " tramps»Were subordinate to the administration. However, being by nature cunning and resourceful people, the artel elders only created the appearance of law-abiding behavior.

In fact, the elders obeyed, first of all, the informal rules of the prisoners' hostel, prison laws. The prison authorities of that and later periods have repeatedly tried to use the communal, collectivist principles among criminals to ensure control over the community of convicts, their correction and re-education.

However, these attempts invariably met with resistance from the prison community. This resistance was due to the laws of the community, prohibiting its members from any kind of cooperation with the administration of places of deprivation of liberty.

As writes I. Ya Foinitsky: “... for a prisoner there are two bosses, with different requests, with different tasks: the prison bosses and the artel bosses - the community. Submitting to the first outwardly, he must wholly belong to the second ... ".

Most researchers of the places of deprivation of liberty in Russia in the 19th century are in solidarity in their conclusions that the prison community is not only a means of self-organization of convicts, but also actively opposes the prison rules and the very purpose of the prison as a punitive correctional institution.

For example AND I. Foinitsky believed that: "... the community produces in prison only very unfavorable consequences for prison tasks, shutting down the prisoners and acting collectively against the orders and measures of the authorities ...".

According to this author, only the solitary confinement system for prisoners sentenced to imprisonment allowed: "... to destroy the prison association, which binds people together in the name of crime, giving each member new strength to commit violations on leaving prison and to fight against prison orders during imprisonment."

The same point of view on the essence and goals of the activities of the prison community was held by S. Maximov... In his opinion, the Russian person is characterized by an organized confrontation with oppression and violence, which are inevitable companions of any penal system.

"This confrontation," believes S. Maximov, is in the so-called prison artel, in the prison community. " The author believes that with all its members, the prison community opposes all undertakings aimed at the good goal of direction. A similar point of view on the prison community was held and N.M. Yadrintsev.

Recognizing the antagonism between the prison community and the administration of places of deprivation of liberty, he wrote that: "To conduct conspiracies against the authorities, to protect their benefits, they are even more closely organized, and the democratic community of prisoners in the name of the common interest completely subordinates its members to its power."

Thus, most of the researchers of the Russian prison community of that period agreed that the artel principle is desirable only among the free and law-abiding population of the Russian Empire.

Under conditions of imprisonment, the association of convicts into a community has a lot of aspects that make us negatively regard its existence outside the prison walls.

However, the communal model of organizing self-government among convicts was supported and approved, on the one hand, by the prison administration, and on the other, by the indisputable authority enjoyed by its leaders in the underworld.

At the same time, despite its external attractiveness, its main drawback was the psychology of the " tramps"Based on the moral laws of the underworld. The quintessence of their morality, their credo in life was the conviction that it was necessary to take everything from life that was possible, regardless of any prohibitions.

Here is how his contemporary describes the inner world of the "vagabond": a bridle on his rebellious will and an uncontrollable thirst for pleasure ... "Spit on the law, on faith, on the opinion of society, cut, rob and live in full" was the motto of this Stenka Razin of our times ... ".

"Tramps", being life-long criminals and in prison, remained the same. Possessing great inner strength, they continued to be depraved people who saw nothing wrong with the crimes they committed.

Depraved " tramps Were also the de facto power vested in them by the administration of places of deprivation of liberty and the prison community. Good in their understanding was personified with their personal benefit, benefit for themselves and others " tramps».

Evil was in everything that prevented them from receiving any benefits from life. In prison, the one on whose side the power was right was right. And the strength, backed by authority, was on the side " tramps". Profitable places of prison and cell elders " tramps”Used as a means of their personal enrichment and obtaining all kinds of benefits.

“Tramps are the kings of the prison world, they turn the artel as they want, because they act in concert. They occupy all grain, profitable places: they are elders and retirees, cooks, bakers, hospital attendants, Maidan residents, they are all and everywhere.

As headmen, they don’t give food, they sell places on carts; as cooks, they steal meat from a common cauldron and distribute it to their gang, and the unfortunate filly is fed with slop, which not every pig will eat; hospital attendants - " tramps»Starve their patients, steal and often send them outright if it turns out to be profitable.

Learning that someone from the filly has money sewn into " peel"(In the belt), they watch him in a secluded place, grab him by the throat in broad daylight and rob him."

"Tramps" - "Maidan people" profited from the illegal trade in food, vodka and the organization of gambling "for fun." At the same time, they actually enslaved their debtors, robbing them to the bone.

In penal servitude, this procedure was called "wedding". Often these "weddings" were planned jointly by the "employers", " Maidan" and others " vagabonds" in advance. As a result, the future victim was deliberately drunk and fraudulently played cards.

After the "wedding" convicted debtors passed into the category of so-called "crackers". “From now on, the employer is his master. If the "cracker" would take it into his head to announce a "wedding" to his superiors and sleep up the owner, he would be killed. Hard labor knows no other punishment for this. "

Immorality of behavior " tramps”Was also manifested in the fact that they, being in transit prisons, often forcibly took possession of other people's wives, who followed their husbands to hard labor. If the husband tried to resist this, then the prisoners from the inner circle " tramps”Severely beat him.

The rest of the prisoners, out of fear of revenge from the "vagabonds", preferred not to interfere in this matter. Due to its amicability and organization, " tramps"Occupied the best places in the cells of the convoy prisons, settling on bunks away from the doors and the prison" bucket "

Starosta- " tramp", According to custom, admitted to the cell before everyone else, even before the end of the roll-call check and recount of the newly arrived prisoners, he occupied warm places for his comrades, and the convict" filly "huddled mostly under the bunks, on the bare floor, in the mud, darkness and cold.

In essence, the prison artels of the period under review were robber gangs, headed by the elders- “ tramps". Due to the fact that these gangs were in prison, under the supervision of the administration, they could not harm the population of the Russian Empire.

At the same time, the administration not only did not make any efforts to neutralize and suppress the lawlessness of the "vagabonds" in relation to the rest of the convict "punks", but often indulged them. This fact is also confirmed by the studies of the Sakhalin penal servitude conducted by V.M. Doroshevich.

“Due partly to a sense of self-preservation, partly due to other motives, these morally low and illiterate guards are servants precisely for the worst elements of penal servitude:“ Ivanov ”, Maidan people, cheaters -“ gamblers ”,“ fathers ”, and we can safely say, that only thanks to the guards, these "gentlemen" of hard labor have the opportunity to keep the poor, driven "spank" in such bondage.

It must be said that bribery flourished widely in prisons of that period, mainly among junior and middle supervisors. Life in prison was divided into day and night.

Daytime life was less eventful than nightlife. During the day, the prisoners were quiet and rarely did anything serious. “In the daytime they invent and invent things that are carried out at night. In the afternoon " blatha»Sentries and warders who provide various small services to prisoners, prisoners bring tobacco, vodka, etc. to the cell.

So " discarded»Pay for services with money. " Shpane"It is necessary that the warden once took the" grandmothers ", and then he is already in their hands, the prison is provided with his services."

Counteraction to criminal manifestations in places of deprivation of liberty in the 19th century. was reduced, as a rule, to the function of guarding and monitoring the behavior of convicts. The only efforts that the state has resorted to when organizing the execution of a sentence of imprisonment is to ensure measures to prevent escapes.

On this, the mission of the state guardianship of the prison sphere was considered exhausted. The operational search process in prisons of that period was carried out mainly by conducting intelligence conversations with detained criminals, using police agents among the detainees for information purposes.

In convict prisons located far from provincial cities, police stations and gendarme offices, the operational-search process among convicts did not have any clear system, it was not legally regulated.

The heads of prisons, as a rule, were former military men, did not attach much importance to the operational-search function. In cases of any offenses on the part of the convicts, they were limited to disciplinary measures, and relied entirely on the strength of the walls, castles and bars.

The power of the "vagabonds" among the convicts was unlimited and uncontrolled by the administration. At the end of the 19th century, the situation in prisons and penal servitude began to change not in favor of the "vagabonds".

First, the convict " filly"Driven to despair by the unbearable lawlessness on the part of" tramps”, Began to raise her head. In the Tomsk transit prison, where sometimes up to three thousand prisoners gathered at the same time, terrible beatings of "vagrants" took place several times.

According to some reports, during the riots that took place there in the mid-80s of the XIX century. was killed and maimed by prisoners about fifty " tramps". In the same period, the prison administration began to actively interfere in the internal life of the prisoners, taking a position of decisive opposition to the dominance " tramps»Over the rest of the convicts.

In many prisons, "vagabonds" were forbidden to hold any artel positions. In this way, " tramps"Were deprived of official powers of authority and removed from the formal leadership of the prison community.

At the same time, the Russian legislator, realizing, apparently, the social danger that the "vagabonds" and their communities were fraught with, normatively fixed in 1878 the provision that " tramp»Was subject to compulsory sending to hard labor.

From hard labor of thousands of Russian passportless " tramps Were sent to Sakhalin, where they found their last refuge. Thus, the centuries-old ideological antagonism between the leaders of the underworld, the state and society has found its further material embodiment.

It consisted, firstly, in the development and legislative consolidation of measures of a repressive nature in relation to “ vagabonds»By the state; secondly, in the mass actions of those convicted against the inhuman policy of "vagrants" directed against their own brother, the prisoner.

Quite often these mass demonstrations ended with beating and even murder " tramps". In fairness, it should be noted that, despite this, they did not lose their dominant position in the prison community, still remaining the "princes" of the underworld, with the only difference that they began to carry out their illegal and immoral misdeeds secretly and mostly strangers hands.

For this, surrounded by "vagabonds" there were always a couple of prisoners, ready to fulfill any of their wishes for the protection provided.

This is confirmed by written evidence. L. Melshina: "However, I generally noticed that the prison guides," ivan"And" swallowing "are limited in most cases to only that they make material donations and stand on the watch," guard "of the guards, but people who play the most insignificant role in prison and even serve as the subject of general ridicule always climb into the fire of danger."

In general, the situation in the prisons of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries was characterized by the fact that the state began to allocate “ tramps»From the general mass of criminals as the most dangerous part of it and toughen up its policy towards them.

The October coup of 1917 and the subsequent deep economic and political crisis of power, a sharp drop in the standard of living of the population, the civil war, the atheistic policy pursued by the Bolsheviks, led to a massive decline in morality, a crisis in the spirituality of Russians.

Like any economic and political crisis, it has led to an unprecedented increase in crime. From prisons, penal servitude and settlements, a criminal element was released en masse.

However, the new rulers themselves, for the most part, consisted of people with a rich criminal past who knew firsthand the traditions and customs of the prison world.

So, for example, the first head of the Soviet state spent a year and two months in prison On December 9, 1895, he was arrested, spent a year and two months in prison, and then for three years was exiled to the village of Shushenskoye, Minusinsk district.

Another Soviet ruler I.V. Stalin from 1902 to 1917 he was arrested seven times by the tsarist authorities, six times was in exile, from where he fled four times.

During this period, many " tramps"Received the long-awaited freedom and immediately returned to their former criminal craft. The criminal world began to actively replenish with criminals of a new formation: speculators, bandits, counter-revolutionaries. Most of the population was deprived of a permanent job.

Thefts, speculations, robberies have become the livelihood of many, many thousands of previously law-abiding citizens. The general decline in morals led to the fact that the criminal way of life for many did not become subject to moral prohibition and became an ordinary source of income. There was a massive criminalization of the population.

”Were surprised to find that theft and robbery are no longer only their profession. In the prison world, like a drop of water, all the events taking place in the society of that period were reflected. The crisis of power has come and the old prison inmates " tramps».

New, young, daring criminals who did not recognize any laws and no power, except for the power of force, made serious competition for them. However, the "vagabonds" were not going to give up their positions to anyone. “They knew better than others in conditions of isolation from society.

They were united by the centuries-old "values" of the underworld. And most of all they were helped in this by "true faith", "old covenants." Researcher of the penitentiary system of Russia M.G. Kids writes that: “In some places of detention, the so-called“ Ivans"Who, forming close-knit groups, with their help, attempted to terrorize prisoners they disliked, to arrange a trial and reprisals against them on the basis of their" customary law. "

After the "revolutionary euphoria" passed, the state began to restore order in the country. First of all, this was expressed in the strengthening of repressive measures in relation to the criminal environment and its leaders. Professional criminals of all categories, bandits, speculators, thieves, counter-revolutionaries and other "class alien element" were isolated in newly created places of detention.

The existing prison system found it difficult to cope with the influx of prisoners that poured into it. In the central and other large cities of the Soviet Republic, "the most malicious contingent of the prison population is all sorts of bandits, robbers, thieves, repeat offenders, blackmailers and other" ists "called in prison jargon" prison punks "... where they are not at all isolated from the outside of the world, have complete and accurate information about all their brothers in arms and their activities, live their own little world ...

All of them are people of their own circle with their own rules and views on life, with their own ideology, abnormal, sick, but infectious and morally corrupting others who have not yet had time to follow this tread path. "

The situation was aggravated by the fact that practically no work, including of an operational-search character, was carried out with the prisoners. The role of the prison administration, as in the past, was limited to the protection of those arrested and convicted.

The internal prison life was universally regulated by the prisoners themselves. As before, the prison community was led by the most experienced and respected criminals, who subjugated the rest of the prisoners. The emergence of leaders of a new formation in places of imprisonment, often with a political "shade", led to the confrontation between representatives of the old and new prison orders.

According to the researcher of the thieves' environment V.M. Anisimkov: "Old « authorities "and criminals of the" new formation "were constantly in conflict - they fought for spheres of influence. The latter were often called “Zhigans”.

And if earlier " Zhigans"Played a very modest role" of the guilty", But now they not only began to quickly adopt traditions and customs" authorities", But intensively develop their own." It should be especially noted that the high degree of politicization of society also affected the criminal world. This found its expression in the fact that any illegal activity was regarded by the criminal authorities of the new formation as a form of opposition to the state of workers and peasants.

There was a politicization and criminal " laws", According to which the prison elite lived. Now every member of the community did not have the right to serve in the army, work, hold public or other administrative and administrative positions, including in places of detention.

In this way, " Zhigans"And their leaders acquired the status of" ideological "criminals. They presented their activities as an expression of disagreement and protest against Soviet power. This was especially evident in the creation of gangs. They were organized and replenished by people who suffered from the new government or were dissatisfied with it.

Political motives were instantly transformed into criminal forms of expression. Along with this, in places of deprivation of liberty, power was returned to the hands of " tramps"Who were more seasoned, experienced and united leaders of the underworld than" Zhigans "

TO " vagabonds"Other hereditary professional criminals with a rich pre-revolutionary past, who did not want to change the centuries-old prison traditions, customs and laws, also joined.

about. wandered penz. broden m. novg. brodnik sib. a vagabond, a runaway connecting rod, a wanderer, who, arbitrarily, without a right and without a written form, left the place of residence, residence, service, wandering in a foreign land. The non-remembering (kinship) vagabond or Ivan the non-remembering, hiding his name, title and homeland and often various crimes, claiming, despite his beard and common sense, that he himself does not know who and where he is from, and his age is wobbling, where is the day, where night. Non-remembering kinship is recognized by our law as a special category of vagabonds. | A drifter or brodok forging a beard, a punch, a pointed hammer, on which they beat, for punching holes. Vagrant fishing. Tramps' belongings. Vagrant manners. Strider m. -Nitsa an idle person, a parasite, staggering by the side, in people. Wander, wander, wander around the world, leaving their homeland; take refuge on the run, in a foreign land, without sight and hiding his face. Wandering, wandering, wandering, wandering cf. to be, the state, the life of a vagabond; wandering, staggering, harboring. Fermenting vat, in distilleries, in which mash wanders, mash, which is then lowered into a vat. Fermentation w. the room where the fermentation vat is. A fertile liquid, prone to fermentation, easily and quickly passing into it. Fermentation Wed hard. fishermen's leather clothes, boots sewn to trousers. Brodovnik M. arch. temporary, changeable ford, busting, roll in the river, from sediment carried by the windweed.

In the Ozhegov dictionary

TRUMP, -and, m. And f. 1. An impoverished, homeless person wandering without specific occupation. 2. A person who loves to wander, live in different places (colloquial). 3. About someone. surprising (simple). Again, he got out of the water dry? Well, strong (cunning) b.! || decrease. tramp, -and, m. and f. (to 1 and 2 digits) || adj. vagrant, -ya, -ye (to 1 and 2 meanings).

In the dictionary of Efremova

Stress: tramp m. and f.

In the dictionary of D.N. Ushakova

WANDERER, wanderers, ·husband. An impoverished, homeless person staggering without any work; ragamuffin, rogue. The ruins of the house served as a lodging for vagrants.
| A person hiding from persecution and forced to change their place of residence and withhold their name. "Nameless vagabond." Pushkin.

In the Dictionary of Synonyms

vagabond, adventurer, seeker (of happiness, adventure), explorer, rogue, rogue, wanderer, connecting rod, passportless, unwritten, homeless, podzabornik, zimogor, not remembering kinship, Ivan not remembering; cunning, tumbleweed,

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