What can not be pregnant women. Is it possible to pregnant? What to drink, what is and how to live - myths and truth to drink pregnant

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A woman in the position is changing culinary addiction, lifestyle, attitude towards others. The future mother is deliberately trying to limit himself from everything that it can harm her child. This refers to the diet, actions, harmful habits. To know that it is impossible to pregnant women on early last period, it is necessary not only to new parents, but also close to those who also want to provide a favorable pregnancy.

What is impossible during pregnancy

There are many myths and facts about this period of life Women: Some believe that it cannot cut hair, paint the nails, actively move, etc. It should be attentive to figure it out. Due to the change of the hormonal background, it is better to refrain from the curling and hair coloring procedures, as a result of which their condition may worsen. If you feel about the category of women who paint hair constantly, stop your choice on gentle options. The future mother is also prohibited by the wearing of synthetic linen. During pregnancy, it is impossible:

  • taking baths (hot);
  • visit the sauna and solarium;
  • take medicine without consulting a doctor;
  • put vaccinations from rubella, tuberculosis, pigs;
  • can conduct x-ray or fluorography;
  • clean a feline toilet (the cat is a carrier of such a disease, like toxoplasmosis).

What can not be pregnant

Conscious woman during pregnancy is reviewing its diet with special care, some even hang a list of prohibited dishes in the kitchen. During this period, food addictions or disgust for a certain food are formed. It may be so far that the useful food does not pull, and more I want to eat what it is impossible, therefore it is important to explore the list of products dangerous to the health of the body forming.

Action on the body


Fat, roasted, pepped, sharp

They influence the liver, kidney and gallbladder, which are so shifted during pregnancy.

Potatoes Free, Salo, Steak, Chile, Korean Salads, Adzhika

Always act on the entire human body, for example, carcinogenic additive E211 can contribute to the development of cancer.

Chewing gum, candy, pastry, chips, crackers, seasoning, sauce

Canned products

Affect the synthesis of proteins that are the main building material of the developing organism

Canned fish

Some seafood

Tuna, mackerel, shark, crab, shrimp, fish-sword.

Raw eggs

May cause salmonellosis infection

In early terms

The first trimester of pregnancy will be held, the development and health of the baby depends, so the future mother should be searched to approach his nutrition. It is desirable to give preference only by natural products prepared in compliance with all sanitary standards. At this time, there is no significant change in the woman, but still need to limit or eliminate the following products:

  • Sweets and flour products. They contribute to a rapid weight gain, so in the early time it is important to adjust your diet so that at the end of pregnancy feel good and not suffer from edema. This category includes all sorts of confectionery and refined sugar, which do not contain vitamins, but are filled with carbohydrates.
  • Products that can cause allergies, the consequence of which the incorrect development of a child or even miscarriage can be. These include red vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits, honey.
  • Beans, beans, peas can cause increased gas formation, which will result in an increased tone.
  • Chocolate, being a powerful stimulant, has a detrimental effect on the mental and nervous system of a small little man. Here, a measure is important, a couple of pieces will not hurt anyone, so it is allowed to allow itself such a treat once a week.

That categorically impossible to eat pregnant

The diet of the future milf should not harm the emerging organism. Some dishes can be limited to this important period of life, their use will not lead to negative consequences. However, there are products that need to be blacklisted for a period of tooling the child and breast feeding. It is impossible to eat pregnant women:

What is better not to drink

If a cup of morning coffee for you has become a daily ritual, it is worth abandoning this pleasure for the sake of the health of your future child. This drink has adverse effects: enhances blood pressure, provokes a threat to miscarriage, causes vitamins and trace elements from the body. It is necessary to remove from your menu and products with caffeine content, do not drink energy and cola.

Fans of black tea is permissible to use this drink that should be impossible. The reason for this is all the same caffeine, which penetrates through the placenta is able to harm the baby. From carbonated water, it is necessary to refuse due to the content of chemistry and dyes.

Any drinks containing alcohol have a burden on the kidney, which and so work during pregnancy in reinforced mode. Even if you decide to pamper yourself with a beer with a circling, it can negatively affect the intellectual abilities and the formation of the future kid, especially in the first trimester. Therefore, drink alcohol is prohibited. Kvass, too, at this time is better not to drink. These tips for pregnant women in the early stages will help to avoid many unpleasant moments.

What can not be done pregnant

In this particular period of life, new habits appear, the rules and the perception of the surrounding world appear. Sometimes a woman thinks that it is capable of turning the world, and sometimes she has no strength even to brush his teeth. It is important to refer to this condescendingly and comply with a set of measures that will ensure your safety. According to these rules, it is prohibited:

  • Conduct general cleaning with household chemicals. As a last resort, you need to secure yourself as much as possible, putting the gloves and checking the room.
  • Sit in a fixed position at a computer or beloved work. By embroidering or other creative process, do not forget to make active physical 15-minute.
  • Walk on high heels (more than 4 cm). If you do not want you to have a varicose veins or flatfoot, it is impossible to do.
  • Sit down, putting my leg. In this posture, the veins are in the popered fossa, and blood circulation slows down in the organs of the small pelvis. The result can be hypoxia of the fetus.
  • Smoking. This leads to a weak blood supply to the placenta due to its vasoconstrictor. There is a possibility that the baby will be born premature or with a small weight.
  • Forget about parties and discos. The smell of cigarette smoke, alcohol and loud music do not contribute to the beneficial flow of pregnancy.
  • Lost with extreme sports. Adrenaline adversely affects the mental activity of the kid, so it is worth avoiding stress, experiences and less nervous. The future mother should secure a calm and positive environment.

In early terms

In the first trimester, it is not recommended to sleep on the stomach. In this position, pressure is carried out on the uterus, which can damage the embryo. You can be in this posture in rare cases, but in no one do not enter it into the habit. However, when the tummy increases significantly, it is desirable to listen to the recommendations of the doctors and eliminate rest on the back. Circulation may break due to the fact that the grudge belly will have a load on the deep veins.

In the first trimester, the girl changes the hormonal background, which is the consequence of the mood change and emotional bursts. During this period, for some intimate relationships are a necessity, and for others they are undesirable. According to doctors, a pregnant woman is allowed to have sex, moreover, it also has a positive result, as endorphin is produced. A pleasant bonus is the training of pelvic muscles.

However, there is also contraindications in cases where the uterus tone is increased, there is a risk of miscarriage or the presence of infection with a partner. From intimate relationships it is better to abandon not the interruption of pregnancy. In other cases, the future mother is allowed to have sex throughout the entire period of pregnancy, the main thing is to avoid deep penetration, pressure on the stomach and too long an act.

What movements can not be done during pregnancy

Being in anticipation of the baby, a woman should exclude the work that involves raising heavy items (more than 3 kg). The permissible weight, in exceptional cases, is 5 kg. It is also contraindicated with pregnant women in the early deadlines to engage in the permutation of furniture in the apartment, perform sharp and impustary movements. This can lead to premature birth. It is impossible to repair and hard physical work. Wall painting, knocking out carpets, wash windows charge someone else or deposit for a certain time.


During pregnancy, a woman needs to drink a lot of liquid, at least in the first half of the term. However, empty water is very rapidly annoying. The question appears: Is it possible to drink something else? For example, is tea for pregnant women? What concentration is allowed to drink it? Is it possible to drink a cup of coffee for cheerful in the morning? Is this not dangerous - a glass of wine before dinner? We will try to answer these and many other questions now.


Drinking water to a woman and need during pregnancy. It is desirable to choose a liquid of industrial production. That is, water in bottles scored from wells, for example, artesian. Avoid mineral waters: there are many different elements in them, including salts that you can only harm.

Try daily drinking about 2 liters of liquid. At least in the first two trimesters. A few months before delivery, reduce the level of drinking water twice to avoid edema. Drink in small portions, but often. Enter so with any drinks, just drink and tea.

The juice

Try not to buy in the store juice, if you are not sure about his percentage component. It is best to acquire fruit and squeeze the juice of the house in the juicer. Then dilute the resulting mass, boldly drink - useful vitamins are provided to you. And no danger.

At the same time, the juice from the store may contain many preservatives and a lot of sugar. It is better to exclude this from your diet during pregnancy. And, of course, before drinking juice, make sure you have no allergies or contraindications regarding this fruit.


If you think that drinking during pregnancy so that it is absolutely safe, the output is simple - you can drink compote. It is desirable that he is her own preparation: so you can avoid preservatives.


Although this drink and moves gradually in the past, it displaces juice, tea and coffee. However, there are still people who are loving Kissel. It is made of juice, starch and pectin. There is nothing harmful during pregnancy. It can be boldly to drink if you prepare it yourself.

The soluble kissel is better to leave for later: its composition contains many items, which are better for pregnant.


Lemonade and other carbonated drinks are not immediately. First, there are many food additives, stimulants, dyes, preservatives, contraindicated pregnant women. Secondly, carbonated drinks stimulate gas formation, as a result of which it becomes redundant.

In addition, in Lemonade and other effervescent drinks, there is a lot of sugar, the dose of which during pregnancy is so desirable to reduce. Well, another reason not to drink pops: it stimulates premature birth.

Tea for pregnant women is the safest drink, except for water. Yes, tea contains some caffeine, dangerous during pregnancy. But in the diluted form, its share is extremely small.

If you still worry, can you drink tea, brew tea on herbs. For example, on horseback, chamomile or rowan. It is also tasty to make tea from raspberry leaves or viburnum. Change herbs often, try not to mix somewhat at a time, and everything will be fine: and delicious, and safely.


As everyone knows, coffee contains a horse dose of caffeine. And the excess of this substance is extremely dangerous during pregnancy. Therefore, no matter how you love to drink a cup of coffee in the morning, it is better to refuse this habit: the risk is too great.

Also, coffee excites the body, stimulates the activity of the nervous system, affects the nervous system of the fetus. If you drink a drink too often, internal bleeding can happen, because coffee also stimulates blood circulation, and pressure. Therefore, be careful: if you can forget about coffee, and do it.


Usually women during pregnancy calmly drink a cup of cocoa. Of particular danger, it does not bear pregnant. However, there are several pitfalls.

First, like coffee, cocoa contains caffeine. Little, but still.

Secondly, which stimulates the flushing from the blood of pregnant calcium. And now the building material, the necessary fruit, is undesirable.

Thirdly, cocoa is a strong allergen. Allergic to this drink is even more common that allergies to citrus. So it's better not to drink cocoa if you are not sure that it is safe for you. Better brew tea.

Milk and kefir

Drinking with pregnancy milk can be. It is absolutely safe if you do not have allergies. This drink contains such useful substances such as proteins, amino acids, iron, calcium, lactose and many others.

But it is better not to use natural cow's milk. Many adults since childhood is allergic to lactose from natural milk or proteins. But the drink from the store does not cause any reaction.

Kefir is useful to everyone, not only pregnant. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. In addition, kefir helps with constipation, a big problem during pregnancy. And, which is important, in this drink there are very few calories: it is difficult to dial overweight. The main thing is not to drink it too often. Best of all - 1-2 times a week.

In general, you can safely drink no tea with cookies in the evening, but a glass of kefir.

Wine and other alcohol

Alcohol pregnant is a ban. Refuse even from champagne if a significant date falls on the pregnancy.

The only exception is wine. This does not mean that it can be drunk in any quantity: a strict dosage, no more. Red wine increases the level of hemoglobin, and dry wine outputs toxins from the body. Therefore, you can drink no more than half the gland of good wine no more than once a month.

Remember: alcohol harms your child. I wanted to drink: go drink tea.


Energy, like alcohol, only harm you, and baby. First, there are a lot of caffeine here. Secondly, the composition is selected to stimulate the emission of adrenaline. Simply put, you create a splash of energy. And you take these forces from our own reserves that go to the development of the fetus. Do not risk in vain, give up energy.

Other drinks

Very common drink - kvass. Here it is for sure, whether he is dangerous, difficult. On the one hand, its action looks like a kefir: a lot of benefits. On the other, the kvass may contain alcohol, which is unsafe. Even experts will not give you an accurate assessment, decide for yourself.

Many women love fruit tea very much for pregnant women. Of course, it is more useful than ordinary black or green tea. But it is impossible to say exactly what is still contained in the bag.

In general, the safest drink during pregnancy is water. And if you get tired of the absence of taste, just add a lemon or orange there.

During pregnancy, women are important to drink water in sufficient quantities. So the body actively spares water to prevent its deficit after childbirth. As childbirth approaches, the need for water increases, because it is necessary for filling the airbag bubble, and to build the body of the fetus, and on the loss of blood, which occurs during the delivery. But you can drink not only water. What else? We learn from this article.

What can be drunk during pregnancy in the early stages?

Please note that the excess fluid of the body is also harmful. It is not able to proceed correctly. As a result, the pregnant women and swelling appear, sometimes strong enough. To avoid this phenomenon, starting with the second half of pregnancy, the specialists recommend limiting salt intake, which causes a feeling of thirst, and also delays in the body of excess fluid.

What drinks can be drinking pregnant?

  1. The most useful for pregnant drink will be the usual drinking water. Of course, it is better to use it not from under the tap, but to buy purified, bottled. Such water does not load the kidneys, perfectly contributes to quenching thirst. It does not have side unwanted effects or some contraindications. As a rule, starting from the middle of the second trimester, pregnant women are permanent thirst. This is due to the activation of the sharing of salts in the body. So drink water, how much you want, except when water consumption is limited to medical testimony.
  2. Based on clean water, you can prepare different compotes or frosts, breed water with jam, make herbal teas and decoctions. You can prepare drinks from homemade jam or jam. All of them enrich your body with useful substances: microelements and vitamins.
  3. Of course, pregnant is very useful to drink all sorts of juices, and it is desirable that they are freshly squeezed, that is, they did not contain preservatives.
  4. For lover of coffee, we strongly recommend replacing it with chicory. This drink with a mild taste, reminiscent of coffee, only not containing caffeine, pregnant women not only can be drunk, but even useful. Chicory reassuringly acts on the nervous system and improves metabolism in the body, and in addition, it contains a large number of vitamins and trace elements.

Herbal teas during pregnancy

Herbal teas are a separate conversation. The fact is that it is impossible to predict in advance what kind of grass on you does, among them there are many such that can cause allergies from you. However, there are many herbs that really have great benefit in some cases. For example, ginger tea will help with toxicosis, mother-in-law and hawthorn will remove swelling, rhubarb is a soft laxative effect. But it is not necessary to engage in self-medication, herbs are the same drugs, so which of them can be drunk, and what you can not in your case can only say the doctor.

What can not be drunk during pregnancy?

Not all the liquid consumed may be useful for your body, so you from the very beginning of pregnancy to understand what should be done to drink to be really fully recycled, and did not depend in your tissues meaningless and harmful eductions.

Is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy?

Everyone knows that in coffee is not at all useful during pregnancy caffeine. Instant coffee in this sense is even worse than the natural, in addition, it includes a variety of chemical additives, which make it soluble.

Coffee not only does not replenisy liquid reserves in the body, but it still has a pronounced diuretic action, which means that it also displays the liquid you need. Thus, if you drank only one cup of coffee, you will have to fill it with several additional glasses of water. Well, in addition, caffeine, which is contained in coffee leads to the acceleration of the heart and increase blood pressure, which does not benefit the future mother.

Caffeine is a drug, only weak, so during pregnancy is not recommended to drink more than 1 cup of coffee per day. Otherwise, you risk developing caffeine addiction in a still born baby.

If a person drinks more than 5 cups of this drink somewhere, then you can already talk about drug addiction, as well as, for example, from tobacco.

Is it possible to drink tea during pregnancy?

A strong tea contains a large amount of caffeine, so it should be drunk in a diluted form and not particularly get involved. This fully applies to green tea, which in the fortress and content in it caffeine is not inferior to black. On the other hand, there are also quite a few whole beneficiaries, microelements and bioflavonoids in green tea. Therefore, if you can't drink very weak black tea, give preference to green. Of course, it contains a large number of useful substances, but drinking green tea during pregnancy follows with a fairing share of caution, diluting with clean boiled water from the kettle.

Is it possible to drink cocoa during pregnancy?

Such a useful and beloved by many of the childhood drink at the same time is a strong allergen. And cases of an allergic reaction to it are even more common than on citrus. Therefore, you need to drink it with caution, even if before that you have no allergies on it - after all, pregnant women take a perestroika hormonally background. And, in addition, you need to know that Cocoa contributes to the withdrawal of calcium from the body. So if you want to pamper yourself with this delicious drink, limit yourself with one cup, let's say, in the morning or at night.

Is it possible to drink carbonated drinks during pregnancy?

All sorts of carbonated drinks, synthetic lemonade and tonic, especially sweet, containing chemical dyes, from the diet of a pregnant woman need and exclude at all. You yourself will understand why - it's worth drinking only a little bit of this drink. You will immediately have a feeling of fermentation in the stomach, the inhibitory intake, the gas formation will increase, heartburn will appear.

But these are not the most unpleasant consequences to which the use of carbonated water is pregnant. Those chemical dyes and supplements that are contained in such drinks are much worse and much more dangerous. After all, it is clear that no one will do a cheap lemonade based on natural fruit-berry syrup. And it means that everything you drink, its color, taste and smell, all this is solid chemistry. Want to put an experiment, how can this affect your future child?

Is it possible to drink carbonated water pregnant?

Even absolutely colorless transparent carbonated water containing a dye contains a chemical sweetener and an artificial flavor, even a minor dose of which is completely able to penetrate the fetus and damage to its unprotected kidneys or nervous system. Therefore, pregnant carbonated water strictly-setting is contraindicated. However, the gas production should not be consumed in the usual state. Harm from her can be a lot, and the benefit is quite exactly no.

Attention! Under the unconditional ban for pregnant women are all sorts of alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, alcohol tinctures, including dosage, such as valerian or hawthorn.

What will happen if you drink too much? And is it really necessary to follow the rules of the drinking regime?

Water balance during pregnancy

Water is at least 60?% Of human body weight and participates in all the processes occurring in our body - starting with a molecular level and ending with the work of entire systems. No cage - be it neuron (nerve cell) of the brain, myofibrilla of the heart muscle (the component of the heart muscles cells, providing their reduction) or the epithelial cell of the skin, cannot exist without water. Moreover, for the normal operation of the body, it is important not just the flow of fluid, but also its presence in a certain amount: excess water, as well as its disadvantage, can adversely affect human health. Especially important water balanceduring the period of pregnancy, when the growth and development of the fetus depends on the normal exchange of fluid in the body of the future mother.

During pregnancy in the body, a liquid consumption increases. Such waste in relation to water resources is simply due to: the future mother increases the mass of the body, the number of blood vessels due to the placenta vessels and the strengthened blood supply to the uterus, the volume of circulating blood. In addition, during pregnancy, the permanent formation of oily water waters occurs, the composition of which is constantly updated and by the end of pregnancy is about 1.5 liters, and this is an "additional expense article" in Water balance Mother. Water is needed and for life processes in the developing body of the kid. As with an adult, the fetal liquid has an important component of metabolism. Obviously, with such a fluid flow rate on the internal needs of the body of a future mother, it is necessary to especially carefully comply with the water balance - i.e. The ratio of water entered into the body, and water standing out of it.

The increase in the volume of circulating blood in the body of a pregnant woman affects the operation of cardiovascular and urinary systems. The load on the heart, vessels and kidneys increase in proportion to the increase in the period of pregnancy, the mass of the body of a woman and the volume of fluid in the body. In addition, on the background of hormonal restructuring, all pregnant women have a tendency to a fluid delay in the body; The pregnancy hormone is guilty of this, increasing the production of aldosterone - substance controlling the distribution of fluid in the body. Due to the increased development of this hormone, the future mother increases the permeability of the vessels, and part of the water contained in the blood plasma (liquid part of blood), leaves the blood vessels into the surrounding tissues, as a result, swelling occurs.

It turns out that an excess of fluid flow into the body of a pregnant woman is, as well as its drawback, adversely affects the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. Therefore, in the process of observing the course of pregnancy, doctors obstetric gynecologists constantly control water balancethe future mother, observing weight gain, viscosity and biochemical composition of blood (according to such analyzes, as a coagulogram and biochemical blood test) and the indicators of the overall analysis of urine, for which the kidney work is judged.

Why do you want to drink

The need for fluid is felt in the form of a feeling of thirst - a special signal of the central nervous system. During the thirst, a feeling of dry mouth, a small shortness of breath and a rapid heartbeat appear. These signals clearly indicate the need of the body in the additional flow of fluid. The thirst signal occurs when irritating the drinking center of the brain, which is a cluster of active neurons. Its problem includes control of the amount of fluid in cells, the intercellular space and the bloodstream, as well as the protection of the body from dehydration.

The feeling of thirst depends on the set of external and internal factors acting on the body. The need for fluid may increase with a significant use of salt, smoked, sharp or too sweet food: glucose and salt bind water, and it begins to linger in tissues, reducing the participation of water in the overall metabolism. It increases thirst and after exercise, at which there is always a loss of fluid with then and rapid breathing. Thirst with an increase in body temperature due to the increased need of the body in water for "leaching" from the blood of an infection pathogen and a decrease in temperature due to increased sweating.

There is another reason for thirst - high ambient temperature, or simply heat. The feeling of thirst for most people is associated with the exhausting summer heat. Why, when an air temperature increases, the need for the body in water increases? The answer is simple: additional liquid when heat occurs is necessary to maintain normal body temperature. Overheating is extremely dangerous for the human body, therefore, with an increase in the external temperature, it includes its own cooling system, evaporating fluid from the body surface, which is released from then. Already at air temperature + 25 ° C, the daily sweating reaches 500 ml, and with a further increase in temperature, each degree increases by another 100-150 ml.

At ambient temperature above + 30 ° C, the loss of fluid from then in a pregnant woman can be up to 2 liters per day. Thus, in hot weather with an increase in sweating, water consumption increases, which, in turn, leads to an increase in drinking need. However, the excessive flow of water, as well as the lack of fluid, can serve a pregnant service. In the heat, the load on the cardiovascular system and the work of the kidneys, and the uncontrolled fluid consumption during this period is fraught with the appearance of edema during this period. Therefore, in the summer of a future mother, it is especially important to comply with the right drinking regime.

Thirst for pregnancy

The average daily need for liquid to pregnancy is 1.5 liters per day. During the waiting period, the baby changes the need for the body in water: at the beginning of pregnancy, the fluid flow increases, and closer to the end - it is reduced due to the formation of internal water reserves. For each period of pregnancy, there is its own liquid consumption rate. Up to 20 weeks, when the main laying and the formation of organs and fetal systems and the metabolism in the body is particularly intense, the pregnant woman needs to use the daily to use at least 2-2.5 liters. After the 20th week, the volume of circulating blood and blood flow rate increases sharply; This leads to an increase in the burdens, heart and vessels. Therefore, since the 21st week, the future mother should gradually reduce the amount of fluid consumed, bringing it to 30 weeks to 1.5 liters.

Reduce the daily fluid intake less than 1.5 liters can not be - even when swelling! This is the minimum required amount of incoming fluid, providing normal bloodstream and metabolism. With a decrease in fluid intake, blood viscosity may increase and the electrolyte balance is disturbed, which will immediately affect the deterioration of placental blood flow and the increase in the tone of the uterus. The result of such an unreasonable limitation of the fluid can be a violation of the intake of oxygen and nutrients, and even the threat of interrupting pregnancy.

With suspected delay in the body of the fluid (determined by overpressure of the weight, which from the second half of the pregnancy should be 300-350 g per week) or when visible edema appears, it is necessary first of all to exclude from everyday diet, causing thirst and contributing to water delay in organism. This is all without exception marinated, pickles, sauer and uroin vegetables and fruits, smoked meals, dishes with spice and sharp seasonings, fatty and highly fried food, salt snacks (nuts, popcorn, vobla, chips), as well as sweets. When increasing edema, it is necessary to completely eliminate the salt from the diet, without adding it to food even in the process of preparation. But the liquid should not be too limited; Moreover, it is possible to fight edema with the help of "right" drinks!

Drinks: What can I do and what can not

Let's start with the "black list" - drinks, from which the future mother should refuse:

coffee more than 1-2 cups per day and alcohol - contraindicated during pregnancy, regardless of the time of year and ambient temperature, and they do not contribute to quenching thirst;
Sweet carbonated drinks, industrial juices - may contain adversary harmful mom for future mother and increase thirst even more;
Citrus-based drinks - are the main cause of allergies and heartburn during pregnancy;
Sylopic drinks - increased carbon dioxide content can cause disorders of the intestine and meteorism (bloating).

There are useful drinks that really contribute to quenching thirst and have a common beneficial effect on the exchange of substances of the future mother.

The most correct drink for pregnant women is considered mineral water With low carbon dioxide. Nutritionists recommend that future mothers give preference to mineral water with weak mineralization (1 g of microelements per 1 liter of water) or low mineralization (no more than 5 g of trace elements per 1 liter of water). Data on the degree of mineralization must be indicated on the beverage label. Cool mineral water is perfectly quenched thirst and allows you to control the drinking mode: it is impossible to drink a lot at once. Unlike most popular drinks, mineral water is absolutely safe: it does not contain harmful additives, taste amplifiers, artificial sweeteners and dyes, as well as products that can provoke an allergic reaction. In addition, mineral water contains a large number of useful minerals and microelements required by the body of pregnant for normal electrolyte metabolism. Such important components regulating the exchange of water in the body of a pregnant woman include potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine ions, their salts (for example, carbonates, sulfates) and alkali. Useful substances dissolved in drinking water are already balanced and ready for assimilation, therefore, the body does not have to spend additional energy for recycling. Regular use of mineral water has a positive effect on the work of the heart, kidney and intestines of the future mother, and also helps in the prevention of gastritis, constipation, gallbladder diseases and pancreas.

In addition to mineral you can drink purified drinking water Without gas recommended for baby food. To improve taste and reduce the feeling of thirst in drinking water, you can add a slice of lemon or lime, as well as a couple of green mint leaves. Both mineral, and simple drinking water it is better to acquire in pharmacies or children's and dietary dietary departments - the most rigorous control standards are presented to this list of goods.

The following option of the drinking menu is especially relevant in the summer - juices, Mors and Compote Homemade cooking. To cope with the thirst, and at the same time and get rid of edema - unpleasant heat satellites - drinks from acid berries are particularly well helped: red and black currant, lingers, cranberries, kitchens, cherries, cherries and rosehip. All listed berries improve the filtration function of the kidneys and contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body. Such useful qualities have apples, plums, pears, apricots and quince. You can prepare delicious and healthy drinks from silk fruits (mulberry), Irgi and black rowan; They also help to quench thirst. Cooking summer drinks is needed without adding sugar - in all berries and fruits already contains the amount of glucose required for the body; In addition, sweet drink is much worse quenched thirst.

Summer recipes for pregnant women

Prepare drinks is quite simple, it does not require special culinary talents and does not take much time. For cooking juice Pre-washed berries need to be skipped through the juicer; If this beneficial unit is not at hand, you can wrap the berries in gauze, put on a colander, delivered to a clean enameled pan or a bowl, and put pressure on the berries. The role of the press successfully will perform any heavy item from the kitchen utensils, supplied on the cover from the pan or a clean cutting board. The whole operation on squeezing juice together with pre-cooking will not take more than 5 minutes! For better assimilation and thickening thirst, the resulting juice is recommended to dilute with drinking water in proportion 2: 1 or 1: 1 (pure fresh juice can provoke the aggravation of chronic gastroenteritis - inflammation of the stomach and intestines).

Cook compote From berries, fruits or dried fruits is even easier. To do this, you will need about 250-300 g of the main product and 1 liter of drinking water. Fruits, dried fruits or berries need to rinse, put in a saucepan, pour cold drinking water and put on a slow fire. As soon as the beverage starts to pour and the first air bubbles will appear on the surface, it is necessary to turn off the fire, cover the compote with a lid and give it to launch at least 30 minutes. This method of preparation makes it possible to preserve not only the taste and aroma of berries, but also most of the vitamins and trace elements contained in them.

To do berry Morsealso easy; For this drink you just need to wipe the pre-washed berries. A conventional food processor is suitable, you can grind berries with a blender or mixer. The resulting berry mass is filled with hot (but not boiling - to preserve vitamins, the water temperature should be a maximum of 70-80 ° C) drinking water, stirred and insisted under the lid for 20-40 minutes. The ideal ratio of whole berries and water for marshing is the same as for a compote - 250 g of berries per 1 liter of water. Before use, Morse should be shaking.

In addition to berries and fruits for cooking summer drinks You can use fresh vegetables - carrots, tomatoes, beets and pumpkin. Freshly squeezed vegetable juices are rich in minerals and microelements; In undiluted form, they are recommended to drink on an empty stomach. You can dilute juice with water in proportion 1: 2 or 1: 3 and use as a drink throughout the day. Vegetable juices can be mixed together for a variety and improve taste.

Perfect drink for pregnant women It is green tea or risks of diuretic herbs - classic natural means to combat edema. Green tea makes a thirst for a feeling of thirst - the tannin contained in it actively moisturizes the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, stimulating the activity of the salivary glands. In addition, green tea is pleasant to taste, it has a tonic action (which is important in the hot season, because at the expense of the heat there is an extension of vessels, a decrease in blood pressure and, as a result, drowsiness increases), stimulates the intestinal work and has a pronounced diuretic effect. No wonder this drink is so popular in countries with a hot climate: it practically does not have contraindications and is useful at any time of pregnancy.

TO healing beams, having a diuretic effect and reduce the feeling of thirst, refers to the decoction of leaf lingers, black currant, mint and rose hips. Cooking ragger takes a few minutes: 5 tbsp. Spoons of dry raw materials are placed in a thermos and poured 1 liters of non-boiling water. Then the thermos is tightly closed with a lid and insist the healing drink for 1 hour. After polling the decoction is ready to use; Like all summer drinks, it is better to drink it chilled.

There is another right way of thickening thirst during pregnancy- Equipment use.

In hot countries, for example, in the Caucasus and in Asia, it is customary to quench the thirst with fermented milk drinks: Ayran, Tanan, various types of prostrochashi, yogurt, kefir or ryazhki. These drinks really help to fill the water balance, besides, they are nutritious and useful for the intestinal operation. The only thing that must be taken into account when using dairy products on a hot summer day is a sharp decrease in the shelf life of "Milk" at high ambient temperatures. Equality drinks in the summer must be stored in the refrigerator no longer than a day, and before use, be sure to check the shelf life of the product.

Water balance in summer

In the summer, compliance with the right drinking mode becomes especially relevant. High air temperature contributes to the increase in thirst; I want to drink almost all the time, and excessive use of fluid can turn into a future mother by the appearance of edema. In order to avoid these complications and effectively quench your thirst on a summer day, you need to use the following simple rules:

You should not use a large amount of liquid for 1 time. It does not contribute to a faster saturation, but only leads to the emergence of a feeling of gravity in the stomach. It is better to drink small portions of 100 ml, slowly and fractionally (through small intervals), evenly distributing fluid during the day.

In no case do not need to cool the drinks to cool the almonds located in the Rotohlotka, leads to the development of angina, laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx) and pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx), as well as a general decrease in immunity and secondary respiratory infection. It is for the summer period that the main peak of these diseases occurs, by the way, is extremely unwanted for the future mother. In addition, ice water slows down the process of digestion and irritates the walls of the digestive tract. It is best to quench your thirst not ice, but soft drinks, the temperature of which ranges within +15 ... + 18 ° C.
In addition to drinking, it is necessary to use additional means of dealing with the dehydration of the body - take a warm or cool shower (the optimal water temperature on a hot day +25 ... + 35 ° C) at least 3 times a day, irrigate the face and open areas of the body thermal sprays , rinse your mouth with water with the addition of mint or lemon juice. These methods will help the future mom to support the water balance at the required level and reduce the overall need of the body in fluid.

Perhaps you will be interested in the articles "Food in the summer during pregnancy" and "Balanced food during pregnancy" on MamaExpert.ru

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Everyone knows that the way of life of the future mother is radically different from her familiar - from a lot of people have to refuse, and something, on the contrary, add to the diet. As for - this is said and written a lot (more vitamins, less than acute, etc.), but not everyone knows about drinks.

So, what can you drink future mothers, and what is categorically prohibited?

Is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy?

Coffeeman inherent in many modern women. Without a cup of coffee, it is difficult to start work and focus, but do not have to speak about the pleasure of this drink. In modest doses of coffee, of course, there is no big danger. But, given the content in it caffeine, the future mothers should be ingraded. Why?

  • Caffeine is provided exciting action on the nervous system.
  • Enhances blood circulation.
  • Significantly increases pressure (for mammies hypertensive - dangerous).
  • It has a diuretic effect.
  • Causes heartburn.
  • It is prohibited by coffee and the one who the map is diagnosed - gestosis.

The rest of the future mothers are quite a small cup of fastening, only natural custard coffee per day. And even better - the coffee drink (one that is without caffeine). And, of course, not an empty stomach. As for soluble coffee and "three in one" bags - they should be excluded at all, categorically.

Is it possible to pregnant tea?

Tea with future mothers is not contraindicated. But something about its use during pregnancy you need to know:

  • Preference - herbal, fruit, green tea.
  • Black tea for harmful can be equated to coffee. It strongly tones and increases pressure. Preferably refuse it.
  • Do not brew tea too hard. Especially green. It contributes to the increase in urinary and raising heartbeat.
  • Do not use tea bags (Discard him in favor of loose, high-quality tea).
  • Ideal option - Tea of \u200b\u200bherbs dried fruits, leaves . Naturally, in advance to consult a doctor - whether you can one or another grass. Chamomile tea, for example, can cause premature birth. And the carcade and tea with mint, on the contrary, will be useful: the first, thanks to the vitamin C, will help in the fight against the cold, and the mint will calm down and relieve insomnia. Tea of \u200b\u200braspberry leaves and rosehip fruits are also useful.
  • Alternate chai (Natural) - Let Different Vitamins come to the body. And do not drink more than three cups of tea per day. And the night of tea is generally better excluded.

If we talk about ginger tea - In small quantities, it is very useful and mom, and crumb. But caution with a miracle root does not hurt. If there were cases of miscarriage, then ginger on pregnancy should be excluded. And also to exclude it in the last trimester, in order to avoid trouble.

One of the most useful drinks is kvass. But as for his consumption by future mothers - here experts divided into two camps.
First you need to figure out what kvass is? First, this drink may contain alcohol (about 1.5 percent). Secondly, its action on the body is similar to the action of kefir - stimulation of metabolism, regulation of the gastrointestinal processes, etc. Kvass is also an indispensable amino acids and other valuable trace elements. And still It is not recommended to drink it during pregnancy. . Why?

  • Kvass in bottles. Such kvass is not worth drinking a future mother. The bottled product is gases obtained not by fermentation, but by artificially. That is, kvass from the bottle will be the cause of increased gas formation, and this is fraught not just discomfort in the stomach, but also miscarriages.
  • Kvass from barrel on the street. The biggest problem is that the equipment is subjected to due sink very rarely. That is, on the tubes / cranes, and in the very barrel they successfully live and thrive bacteria. Yes, and the composition of raw materials is not known to anyone. Therefore, you should not risk.

And what then kvass drink? Make kvass ourselves. Recipes Today there is a huge amount for its preparation. But in his quality you will not doubt. Again, the gas content in it will be minimal, and the laxative effect will help with constipation that is tormented by many future mothers. But remember that the content of yeast in kvass is stimulation of appetite with a drink. And as a result, extra calories and, hands, face when it is consumed in large quantities. So try to drink it moderately. Replacing them teas, compotes and juices should not.

  • Caffeine and theobromin As part of the beverage (that is, an exciting effect on the nervous system).
  • A large number of shanelic acid .
  • Allergic reaction. Cocoa - no less strong allergen than citrus.
  • Preventing calcium absorption.

Is it possible to drink mineral water carbonated and non-carbonated?

Mineral water is, first of all, the healing agent, and only then the drink for quenching thirst. It is carbonated / non-carbonated, and its composition is gases, mineral salts, biologically active substances.

  • Mineral dining water. For the future mother - no more glasses per day (not systematically). Such water, at eats in a pregnant woman or salt in the urine, will be a serious burden burden.
  • Roasted mineral water. Not recommended.

Clean simple water, without impurities, without gases - the main drink for the future mother. Water should be two thirds of the entire fluid that consumes mom per day.

Juices during pregnancy - what are useful, and from which you should refuse?

Are juice useful for future mom? Certainly yes! But - only freshly squeezed. And no more than 0.2-0.3 l per day. The more juice - the more active the kidneys work. But the factory juices are better to bypass - due to preservatives and a large amount of sugar. So, what juices can be, and what - you can not make future mothers?

  • Apple.
    With exacerbation of gastritis or pancreatitis - refuse. With elevated acidity - to breed with water 1: 1. In other cases - solid benefits.
  • Pear.
    Starting from the 2nd half of pregnancy - to refuse. Pear can cause constipation, and the intestinal operation is so difficult due to increasing the uterus.
  • Tomato.
    With elevated pressure and swelling - not to abuse this juice (it contains salt). Otherwise, its properties are advantageous (improvement of blood circulation, facilitating the state with toxicosis, etc.).
  • Orange.
    Allergic juice - you need to drink with caution. A significant minus is the removal of calcium, which is needed by a child for normal development.
  • Cherry.
    Increases the acidity in the stomach, has a laxative effect. When gastritis / heartburn should not be knitted. Positive properties: folic acid content, improving the level of sugar and appetite.
  • Grapefruit.
    This drink can neutralize the effect of some drugs. The benefits of juice - with nervous exhaustion and varicose veins, to improve sleep and digestion, as well as pressure reduction.
  • Carrot.
    In large quantities, contraindicated due to beta-carotene content (no more than 0.1 ml twice per week).
  • Beet.
    You can drink a future mother only in a diluted form, a couple of times a week and exclusively 2-3 hours after the juice is cooked. Substances that contain fresh juice are able to cause headache and nausea.
  • Birch.
    It is useful only in the absence of allergies to pollen - especially, with severe toxicosis. Given the content in the juice of glucose, it is not necessary to abuse.

Is it possible to pregnant wine?

Experts strongly recommend future mothers refuse categorically from all types of alcohol - especially in the first two trimesters. There is no "light" drinks. There may be no benefit from wine, considering that the baby develops inside you. As for the harm - it is better not to risk that those 1-2 glasses of wine will not cause trouble, up to premature birth.

Is it possible to drink Kola, Phanto, sprite pregnant?

According to statistics, pregnant women who are fond of gazirovka, Give ahead of time . When eating more than 2-4 glasses of soda per day, such a risk rises twice. Moreover, this refers to any kind of carbonated lemonade. What is the danger of such drinks?

  • The risk of developing hypertension, obesity ,.
  • The presence of phosphoric acidNegative affecting the density of bone tissue. Simply put, it prevents the normal development of the bone-cartoile system from the fetus.
  • Caffeine In Coca-Cola, harm when developing the brain of the fetus and contributes to the risk of miscarriage.
  • Also a carbonated drink is The cause of fermentation in the intestineWhat, in turn, can lead to a reduction in the uterus.
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