What does Vombat look like. Wombat photo, lifestyle than feeding on, reproduction

Vombatidae (Lat. Vombatidae) - a family of dvurren stembed, inhabitants in Australia. WURNING - VERY NORS Herbivores, externally reminiscent of young bears.
The harvesters reaches length from 70 to 120 cm and weight from 20 to 40 kg. Their body is built compact, limbs are short and strong. On each of them five fingers, of which external four are crowned with large claws adapted for the digging of the Earth. The tail is short, the big head gives the impression of a slightly flattened, the eyes are small.

It is curious that the jaws and teeth of Vombata show similarities with rodents. In the upper and lower row, Vombates are available on the pair of front cutting teeth. Chewing teeth are built very simple, the angular teeth are absent. Vombates have the least amount of teeth among the samples.

The womb is the largest of modern mammals engaged in the ruin and conducting most of their lives under the ground. With their sharp claws, they break small residential caves in the ground, which sometimes form complex tunnel systems.

An adult wombata has almost no natural enemies. One of the few is the Dingo imported by man. The rear of the bombate body is extremely firm due to thick skin, cartilage and bones. In case of danger, they can, turning back, block their hole and reflect most of the strikers, or crush their limbs about the walls of their residential cave. In the back of the back, on the pelvic bones, Vombata has something like a shield that protects it when attacing from behind. It also causes strong heads head - comes like a ram or goat. If the dog climbs into his hole, he waits for her, without going off the place, and then tries to drive into the corner, to the wall of the hole, and strangle there. Much more often in the death of Vombata, a person is to blame, first of all cars. In areas where the impact of man is small, the number of wombats is determined by the presence of nutrient plants.

At short distances, the womb can develop speeds up to 42 km / h, as well as to leave the danger to the blade or climbing on the trees.

Womb eating young feces of herbs. Sometimes the roots, moss and mushrooms are also used. The exchange of substances in Vombates is very slow and effective. To digest food, they need 14 days. Womb - the most effective consumers of water from all mammals, which made an evolution. They are enough 22 ml of water to kg of body weight per day. Even such a kangaroo adapted to the Australian conditions is consumed four times more water.

There are five extinct clans of Vombatov. The womb appeared about 18 million years ago in Miocene. The closest relatives of Vombatov are representatives of the family of sampling bears (Koal). With them, Wombats have numerous similarities in the structure of teeth, skull and spermatozoa. Nevertheless, there are a number of morphological differences pointing to the fact that the evolutionary lines of Koal and Wombats diverged about 36 million years ago. Diprotodon, a gigantic representative of the sizes-sized rhino, extinct about 40 thousand years ago was a closer relative of Vombates.

After the settlement of Australia, the European citizens of the Vombates had significantly reduced. The reasons for this were the destruction of their habitats, competition with brought species and hunting for Vombates. From Queensland Vombata today there are only 118 copies living in a small reserve in Queensland. Other two species occur more often and are still under threat of disappearance (text - Wikipedia).

Animal Vombat lives in Australia. It is very similar to a little bear and is a short animal.

Cuties wings

Vombat - Summer Rodzun, inhabitants in Australia

These herbivore animals, living on the territory of the smallest mainland, called Australia, do something resemble bears, only much smaller. The harvested are scientists to the family of dvaryss-sized.

Description of appearance

In length, animals reach approximately 71-121 centimeters. At the same time, weighing wombat can from 21 to 44 kilograms. The head has a large animal, a little flattened sides, two small glazes are located on the head. Paws are five-plated and very strong, though short. Each finger is equipped with claws, quite large for this size of the animal. Nature awarded a "little bear" with such limbs so that he could easiness to eliminate her shelter and housing in the soil. The harvesters have a short, inconspicuous tail. This animal is a short animal.

Habitat Vombatov

As already mentioned, the territory of the spread of Vombat is considered the Australian continent. Especially densely populated by Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Queensland and New South Wales. For the construction of housing, animals choose the territory on which the soil is suitable in order to escape the hole.

What are breeding

In order to saturate your body by all substances necessary for life, the womb is used to eat young grass. As a meal, they are suitable for other parts of plants, for example, roots. In addition, animals feed on fruits of berry shrubs, mushrooms and moss. The special structure of the mouth and very sharp smell gives wombat the opportunity to selectively use only the part of the plant that he needs.

It is noteworthy that food in the body in the animal is digested for a very long time: sometimes this process is getting already up to two weeks! And in the water, the wombids almost do not need, well, just like camels!

Lifestyle Vombatov

Most of its existence, these mammals are carried out underground, in their nonorah. It is worth saying that, often, the housing of the wombata is a complex multiple tunnel. An animal can dug a hole with a depth of almost four meters, and the length of the "underground structures" reaches twenty meters!

For the extraction of food intake, womb prefer to go out at night, during the day, they spend time in their "house", giving the body to relax. As for temperature modes, the cold is very detrimentable for these animals. And even the wobbies are well keen on the water and can even swim, they can also climb on trees. Well, it's not worth talking about the ability to go over and not at all - in this wombam, with their agile paws, there are almost no equal. The life of these mammals continues until 15 years of age, although there are cases when the animals have lived in captivity to 25, and even up to 34 years.

The process of removing offspring

The reproduction of this type of mammals is held year-round. However, the homes living in the territory where precipitation rarely falls out, they produce offspring only within certain seasons. One female is able to carry out only one young in her bag. Malysh Vombat is in the mother of "shelter" until six months, and sometimes up to eight months. After he gets out of the bag, prefers not too far from the mother.

The content of the article:

Vombat is a very pretty and cute creature of nature. His homeland is Australia. Like many animals of this country, Vombat is also a silent animal, but the place designed for the reassembly of the cub is not in front, and behind. Therefore, the bag resembles, rather, a backpack. This location is not accidental. After all, Vombat is a norny animal that builds long moves underground, helping himself to dig a soil with clawed paws. If the bag was on the stomach, the soil and dirt would come there.

Description Gryzun Vombat

Externally, Vombat resembles a fluffy bear, but his face slightly suited. The weight of the animal is 20-45 kilograms, and growth ranges from 70 cm to 120. The animal is compact in the animal.

Short native strong limbs help wombat digging tunnels at a depth of 3 meters, the length of which is an average of 20 meters. Help it and big claws. Each lapse of the animal has five fingers. Wombat has gray-brown wool and thick skin.

Two small eyes are banging on a pretty face, the tail is short, the teeth give out its similarity with rodents. If we compare the teeth of Vombata and the Australian silent, then the wombates are less than 12.

Three modern types of wombats are distinguished: short-haired, quislen, long-haired wigs. Once there were another 5 species of these animals, but they died out. Wombings have a long history, as they began to populate the earth another 18 million years ago. More than 36 million years ago, the ancestors of Vombatov and Koal had one evolutionary line, but then each went his way. Since then, these are different types of animals that are closest relatives.

About 40 thousand years ago, an even closer relative of Wombats, who was called the diprotodone. These animals had more enabarits, the largest representatives were about two meters in the withers and 3 meters in length.

Of course, such major animals are unlikely someone would want to keep at home, and the Vombates are pleased with pleasure. It is easy to do so, since the animals are easy to come to contact and become pretty good-natured. Wombats are nice to hold on their hands, if they blow them on the nose - animals can fall asleep.

They can be taught to open the doors that the womb will be happy to do. The animal has a good hearing and scent, but sees badly. There were cases when these animals were patiently sitting near their owner's clothes, thinking that he was near. In fact, the owner of the house was not.

Despite the fact that the animal gets good in captivity and even can even live here instead of fifteen to 20-25 years old, the animal is considered stupid. Therefore, it may be dangerous for their homemade pets and people. If the animal is scared or threatened, it may even bite, defending.

Interestingly, in the wild, he has almost no enemies, the exception is only the wild dog Dingo and the Tasmansky Devil. But Vombata is not so easy to win, because at the back of the body he has a strong shield.

If the enemy wants to climb to the wombat in a mink, he closes it with his rear limbs, not letting go to the unborn guest. If it was still possible, Vombat begins to close it to the wall, presses her shield to it and stifled. If this fails to do this, the animal is desperately coming like a ram.

He can scare the aggressor, publishing sounds, similar to a washed or grind. Usually such a measure helps, and the unclee guest goes away. If the enemy turns out to be stronger, wombat runs away, developing speeds up to 40 km / h. But for a long time to flee the beastly will not be able.

In a meal, this rodent is not picky. It grows up with young escapes of grass, mushrooms, berries, mkami, roots of plants. They take digestion from them for 14 days, so it is consumed very economically. The same applies to water. Per 1 kg of animal mass is enough of only 20 milliliters of water.

These features help Wombat to survive in the years of irregular and drought, to be an economical animal in the content of the house, in the zoo. Perhaps the only thing that represents the danger in captivity for them - cold, low temperatures animal transfers badly.

Lifestyle and breeding of Vombatov

Womb - single animals, they do not live by flocks. However, the holes are close to each other. Sometimes the moves of the Vombates intersect, but the animals will make their territory with their feces of square shape, so that the neighbor does not enjoy it.

Lifestyle in Wombat - Night, during the day they sleep or relax in their minks, with sunset they go fed and stroll. But in the winter they lack warmth, so they sometimes come out at this time of the year during the day in time to warm up in the rays of the sun.

The womb, unlike many other animals, multiply all year, the exception is only arid regions where it is seasonal. The female has 2 nipples, but only 1 cub are born at the same time. His female shelters around 21 days, then the baby is in the maternal bag of 6-8 months, but, even choosing from it, remains near the mother another year.

The sexual maturity of these rodents occurs in a biennium in males and in 3 years in females. As mentioned above, in captivity of the harvesting sometimes spend up to 25 years, but the case has registered when Vombat lived in a zoo up to 34 years.

Externally similar to a tiny bear and hamster at the same time. They live underground, wearing a young in a bag and are able to defeat even the dog.

Description Vombata

Wombat has a body up to 130 centimeters and weighing up to 45 kilograms. There are several types of wombats, of which the largest is wide. The ancient times of species had even more and proved the existence of an animal weighing up to 200 kg who lived about 11,000 years ago. In general, Vombatovy appeared about 18 million years ago and had many species, among which was a giant, sizes from a rhino.

Modern breeding seems to be thick and enough in vague. In fact, this is not quite so. Torchish Wombata has a compact addition and allows him not only to run great, but also to climb on the trees, and swim. During run, Vombat can develop speed up to 60 km / h!

The color of this animal strongly depends on the specific species. However, all representatives prevail gray or brown shades. The wool is thick, smooth, evenly covering almost the whole body. The overwhelming majority of wombates are even covered with her nose.

The harvesters have very strong legs with five fingers and powerful claws. Their form is fully adapted to effectively dig earth.

Lifestyle Vombata.

The harvesters live in nonorah, which they themselves dig. The structure of the hole is characterized by complexity and often represents a whole system of moves. With habitat in a small section of two or more wombats, their holes can cross. In this case, they enjoy all the "hosts". Noras are used by wombami as permanent residence and asylum from possible danger.

Historically, it happened that Vombat's natural enemies have practically no. The threat comes only from the Dingo dog-Dingo and Tasmanian dealers - a strong local predator. Despite the small dimensions, the homes are capable of going to defend well, and they do it quite non-standard.

In the back of the body of all Wombats there is a very hard "substrate" of thick skin, cartilage and bones. It is very difficult to damage it to your teeth or claws, so the wombat closes the back of the body in the cave and overlaps the input for the overwhelming majority of uninvited guests. If the penetration in the dwelling happened, then the guest may not exit. Vombat is able to push the corner and strangle even the Dingo's dog. In addition to the pressure by the rear "shield", he knows how to apply strong shots of the forehead, acting as a cattle.

Vombat - Animal roaring. Like other silent, it feeds on grass, leaves and roots. Also, the diet includes various mushrooms, berries and moss. For full-fledged life, wombat requires a record small amount of water.

Homes and man

Despite its battle qualities, the harvest is characterized by a good-natured temper. The tamed animals love affection and stroking, it is quite easy to do with a person. Locals often contain wombats as pets. With a certain diligence, this beast can even be trained! At the same time, it is not recommended to enter tight contact with wild animals. Heavy and strong wombat, armed with claws, can be danger even for an adult.

The population of Vombatov, in general, is not reduced. However, with an increase in the presence of a person on the Australian mainland, a separate look - Queensland, almost disappeared. Now there are about a hundred of his representatives living in a specialized reserve in Queensland.

The inhabitant of Australian expanses, Vombat - an animal, immediately relating to himself an incredibly movable emotional face and appearance resembling a bear.

This representative of the family of the Dwariest Communion appeared on Earth almost 18 million years ago and survived to today's time, practically did not undergo any radical changes. We learn the details about the existence of these unique herbivores.

Vombat: photo. Animal and its features

Inhabited in the south and east of Australia are harvested in many states of the continent, where there is a suitable nor to dig. The silent bears - Koal, these animals are very similar to them, but their evolutionary lines have separated, according to scientists, long before the emergence of the known species today.

These cute "bearish" reaches a length of 0.7 to 1.2 m and weigh from 20 to 40 kg. Nature thoughtfully arranged their compact torso, supplying short and strong flat limbs ending with five fingers crowned with strong claws adapted to dig holes. Complements the description of a short undeveloped tail, an impressive head, producing the impression a bit flattened from the sides, and small eyes.


The uniqueness of these animals is emphasized by the few of their species. Vombat - Animal of Australia, not yet occurring anywhere in the world. There are only four types of this silent:

  • Ordinary, or big. The main features are rigid wool, rounded short ears and lack of wool on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe muzzle. The jaw and teeth have this species similar to the structure with rodents. The center of the upper and lower row is located along a pair of classic long incisors.

  • Tasmanian. The kind of thermal-loving and rare, although it used to be very common. It is found on Tasmania and the island of Flinders.
  • Broad. Also a rare species that is distributed only in South Australia. Exterminated due to soft silky wool.
  • Small Vombat is a view that lives in Queensland.


The Bumbish Animal Vombat is the largest of mammals engaged in the ruin of nor and conductive a significant part of life. Perhaps this lifestyle allowed us to preserve this unique population to the present.

Strong and sharp claws, they are able to break through complex moves in the ground, small caves and tunnels. The holes that are digging Vombat are similar to Barcutim: Vitious corridors of various lengths (from 3 to 30 meters) lead to a room used by wombat as housing. There he suits himself a cozy nest.

Vombat - Night Animal. Activity increases with the onset of the night when it starts searching for food, quickly moving quickly. Sometimes these amazing "Australians" develop high speed - up to 40 km / h, though, only at short distances. The day to see them is difficult, as they rest in their cave.

What do Smite Bears eat?

Vombat - Animal Gourmet. He picks up and looking tracks of young gentle feces of herbs, the sweet roots of some plants, and the upper lip, divided into two parts, allows the wombam to choose exactly the feed that they like, because the front teeth of the animal can freely reach the smallest german or root. Not the last role in finding food in Wombats plays the smell.

These unique animals have the same incredible, but effective metabolism. Food digestion at Vombata lasts 14 days.

And on water consumption, these "Australians" are leaders among mammals after a camel: for the normal functioning of the body, there is a 0.5-0.7 liter of water for one kg of body mass per day.

Enemies Vombata and Ways to Protection

The Australian "Bear" in nature has practically no natural enemies. The main opponents can be considered a Dingo and Tasmanian Devil. Nature took care of the protection of Vombata, creating a kind of shell from the rear inventing an unusual combination of bones and cartilage covered with extremely hard leather. Having had a danger, they unfold as a back, blocking the entrance to Noura, and successfully reflect attacks of the attackers. If the unreliable guest climbs into Noura, Vombat skillfully drives it into the angle and seeks to strangle with the same protective "device".

He is able to apply head, acting as a goat, which also leads to the escape or death of the victim.


Wombats have no pronounced periods for breeding. This process can occur at any time and anywhere. Vombat - animal monogamous. Mother touchingly cares about the young and leaves no concerns about him until he reaches puberty - two-year-old age. The offspring up to 6-8 months is in the maternal bag, and when leaving "in the light", remains next to the mother. The life expectancy of this interesting beast in nature reaches 15 years, and the individuals in captivity can live and up to 25.

I must say that for the Australians Vombat (photo) - an animal is almost homemade, because it often lives next to people, falling into them for various reasons, sometimes tragic.

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