Unusual shellfish. What does marine damn look like? What is the name of the mollusk feed on with marine missions

Maybe not in vain say that "devils are Mutyat"? And, what does the sea damn look like? You know - and not really scary!

Damik - Food Angel?

If you look at our earthly fauna, you can see that our nature is a big duty! It must be said that the researchers do not lag behind nature, inventing unimaginable names for some animals. For example, among sea mollusks there is an sea angel and sea damn. Although there is a fish. Well, if the appearance of the maritime angel at least somehow comes to the title, then this is why the other mollusk was called the hell - completely incomprehensible. Pretty cute creation. Yes, and his behavior is completely for the damn ...

Another name of the sea dealer is Limazin. This is the type of small-sided clam belonging to thecosomata squad. Sea Damn is a representative of the Limazin family, the genus Limazin.

The appearance of this animal is absolutely harmless. This is a very small mollusk - the body length, often, does not exceed 1.5 centimeters. Rarely meet specimens growing up to three centimeters. The diameter of the shell sink is only 4 millimeters. It is not entirely clear - why do I need a limacin sink, because it does not perform a protective function. It is completely fragile and thin.

The body of the animal has a black feature - purple shade, which sometimes overflows purple. Animal wings have a lighter tone than the rest of the body. The sink is painted in a drowned hue and has 5 revolutions.

Where does the sea damn dwell?

For comfortable accommodation, these mollusks need very cold water, so the water of the Atlantic (northern zones) and the Northern Ocean Oceans are the area of \u200b\u200btheir habitat.

Lifestyle Mollusk Dami

Perhaps the only thing that the naval delicate relatives with his name is his predatory nature. Mollusk has special glands that distinguish a sticky substance resembling mucus. With this limacin mucus, just like a spider, weave the network in which production comes across. It is she who becomes a "lunch" of the army.

In addition, such a network holds the animal itself afloat. If it were not for this device, then the weight of the shell would pull the mollusk to the bottom. And you know how fast the animal will fly down in this case? As many as 25 km / h! With this speed, the adult man is quickly riding a bike! Wings help at a certain depth of mollusk. By adding or reducing the frequency of the waist, Limazin regulates the immersion.

When darkness comes, the sea devil rises closer to the surface of the ocean. An animal does it in order to nourish the plankton going into large flocks in the upper layers of water at night. But the rest of the time his life passes at a depth of no more than 100 meters.

In case Limazin feels danger, it drops sharply to the bottom. But it does not always have to get away from the persecution of the predator, and it becomes someone's "dinner dish."

What does Limazin eat?

Sanging its underwater networks, sea devils are waiting until the food is gathered in them: larvae, small crustaceans, plankton, bacteria.

How is the breeding of sea hell?

And this is the sea angel - the devourer of sea devils.

This process is poorly studied by the researchers of oceanic depths. It is only known that Limacins make eggmarkets, numbering hundreds of eggs. Between themselves, eggs are connected by a jelly substance and represent a certain similarity of the plates.

There are many amazing living beings in the world, one of which are mollusks. Changage, living in the depths of the World Ocean, have appearance of both alien creatures. Separate class representatives can become excellent "exhibits" for fantastic films.


"Mollusca" translated from Latin means "soft". Soft-water animals belong to the group of invertebrates - primary. The fact is that their oral hole is formed at the site of blastopore - the mouth generated by the embryo, and the mesoderma from which the data organs develops, consists of 2 mesosoblasts. These amazing creatures belong to the section of the multicellular - Protostomia, and the bilateral-symmetric subsection - Bilateria.

There are 2 scientific facts of the origin of mollusks:

  • from the ringed worms. If briefly, the arguments of the supporters of the theory are: in some lower forms of this class there is a nervous system of flight type, spiral crushing and characteristic features of the organization, characteristic of the worms;
  • from flat worms. In confirmation of the theory, scientists consider the presence in the nervous system of soft-flowed 4 nerve trunks (both lateral and abdominal).

Note! The first hypothesis of the origin of Mollusca looks more convincing, but at present it has not been presented with evidence of its unambiguity.

Or as it is also called - North Clion, on the Latin "CLIONE LIMACINA", the stunning beauty of the buchenogo "Angel". This is a predatory sea snail living in the icy waters of both hemispheres. Adults are confidently feeling at a depth of 500 m, while the larvae is held within 200 m. The body of north clion is almost transparent, has a torpedo-shaped form. In length, the animal reaches only 2-2.5 cm. The greatest individuals achieve only 4 cm.

As the representative of Gymnosomata is deprived of the shell, the gills, and from the "legs" in the process of reduction, only a small formation of the back of the head and a couple of locomotor processes - "wings of an angel" remains. It is powered by Limazines - "sea hells". The specified subtype is very popular in Japanese culture and reflected as a character of fairy tales and anime, for example, in Pokemones, Characters of Manaph and Phione are considered the "Angel" prototypes.

The Peltospiridae buccular representative of the Peltospiridae family, named as Crysomallon Squamiferum, lives near the thermal mineral springs.

In the title there are 2 words:

  • Crysomallon with Greek translates as "having golden hair." The fact is that a pyrite is present in the sink of the armadire - a mineral, which in the people called "gold fools";
  • Squamiferum from Latin "Bring Cup."

This is the most amazing mollusk in the world, as it is, in fact, the only organism, in the formation of the skeleton of which the sulfides of iron are involved in the skeleton, which gives the battery of the armadire, the extraordinary strength of the metal. This unique composition of the organism is connected with its habitat: water with minerals, zinc, copper and iron.

It was first discovered in 2001 in the Indian Ocean at a depth of 2430 m. The sink size of the armadire can reach 4.5 cm, but on average is 3.2 cm, and has a ribbed surface and the form wrapped in 3 turns. Outside, the sink is covered with iron sulphides, the middle layer consists of a protein element. On the head of the representatives of this species, there are tentacles, and the leg of the red color completely cannot hide in the sink. It feeds on the battleship in the main bacteria.

Crysomallon Squamiferum is of great interest to science: even the study of the subtype is also dealing with the US Armed Forces, who plan to use the results of their research in the development of the most durable material in the world for the production of body armor and military helmets.

An amazing animal of the world gave us another unique being - "hellish vampire", VampyrTeuthis Infernalis. The cullet vampire dwells exclusively in the waters of the world's ocean located in a temperate and tropical belt.

These unusual clams are the only class representatives in the world, conducting their lives in water with low oxygen content at a depth of 400 to 1000 m. They are very similar to squid and octopuses, reach a length of up to 30 cm. Depending on the intensity of lighting, their body takes coloring from black to bright red and even purple. Eyes are also able to change the color on red or blue, reach 2.5 cm and are recognized as the gigantic, if we take into account the proportion to the body. Another unusual fact: the body of the pinches is covered with spots - photoforms that allow it to glow under water up to a few minutes. Mollusk is able to control the brightness of the glow and the size of the heels formed.

Another representative of the most unusual mollusks is "Digital Thick", in Latin - Cyphoma Gibbosa. The Pukhonogo creature lives in the waters of the Caribbean. Its body size is from 2 to 4.4 cm. It has an oval shell of an interesting color: there are individuals with a bright cream, gentle brown and yellow tint of the shell. It is noteworthy that soft snail fabrics are covered with characteristic stains, and the shell is inconspicuous. Diggers live on lime algae, or on coral reefs. Feed along with gorgonaries - polyps.

The habitat medium Stauroteuthis Syrtensis is the Atlantic Ocean. A luminous representative of the champion class at a depth of 500 to 4000 m lives. The dimensions of its body with tentacles reach 10 cm. The suckers of the bioluminescent octopus are capable of bioluminescence, a simple language is shined due to the presence in their composition of the photo reference. Use the "light show" as a bait for small crustaceans, which are their main food.

Eashable octopus

The deep-water octopus Grimpoteutis, otherwise, the Dumbo, Grimpoteuthis, lives mainly in the ocean waters of the mid-Atlantic ridge, at a depth of 100 to 7000 m. It is a gain of in-depth habitat. The fins of GrimMotevtis are reminiscent of the form of the ears and help him move into the thickness of the water. It has a half-breeding body. Reaches 20 cm long. The record size was 1.8 m at a weight of 6 kg. There are about 37 species of octicors Dumbo and 4 families. Its diet make up crustaceans, worms and small plankton. Swallows its prey completely.

Golden lace

The connoisseurs will be wonderful will name the naked champion the most unusual molluste in the world due to their bright and unusual colors. Even in the title there is a hint for the presence of gills, which look like soft grows on the body. But some subspecies have no such growths. Halgerda TerraMtuentiss looks like snail without sink, dwells mainly in warm waters near the Hawaiian Islands. They are gourmets among representatives of their class: feed on plant and animal food, including corals, crustaceans and even their fellow. Five-minded things are hermaphroditis.

Dangerous snail

Alviniconcha Strummeri dwells at a depth of 1000 m near hydrothermal sources and in its appearance resembles a seabed or cactus. Its shell has a rounded shape, the size of the ball for golf is covered with small needles. Surprisingly the name of the Mollusk: Named in honor of Joe Strammer, vocalist from "The Clash" and part-time of the Yellow Defender of Nature. Therefore, some Rock fans call this representative of the Mollusca class "Punk Rock Sail".

Studying the amazing world of mollusks, it is impossible not to stumble upon an unusual pink, similar to the head of Jellyfish Gorgon. A similar animal dwells near the island of lizards, located near the Australian coast.

The most mysterious being from the list presented can be rightfully called Histioteuthis Bonnellii. Uconcoury subspecies live in the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 1.2 to 1.5 km. Due to the fact that the habitat is in impressive depths, this creature is not fully studied to the end. Extract the "umbrella" to the surface - an unbearable task.

Of course, there are still such unusual species as a giant Australian trumpeter, which reaches a length of up to 30 meters, or dwarf-like snails - creatures subjected to convergent evolution. In order to learn the numerous class of cipaths, only a desire and a lot of free time is needed.

Marine Angel (Lat. CLIONE LIMACINA) - Gymnosomata's buccular mollusk feeds on the "sea hells" - the glooping mollusks of Limacines from the genus Limacina, in turn, as food for the toothless whales and seabirds. Sea angels inhabit cold water of the northern hemisphere, Barents, the White Sea and the Arctic Water.
Its translucent in the light of the spotlights (because the animal lives at great depths) the elongated body 2 (2.5 cm or 4 cm) and small wings create the impression that he is unearthly origin. The head-degraded head carries two pairs of supreets. Theory angels are deprived of shells, mantle cavity and gills.
Having found a sacrifice, the mollusk swims against it, captures three pairs of the outward outwards of the buccular cones and with their help turns the sacrifice to the mouth of the sink to their mouth. After that, the predator embroils the soft fabrics, putting forward and pulling the beams of chitin hooks located in paired bags in the oral cavity. Switching of incoming food is carried out due to the movements of another element of the oral apparatus - Radules. Processing one victim takes from 2 to 45 minutes, after which the empty shell is discarded.
Marine angels are hermaphrodites with cross-fertilization, laid eggs. The yolota rises to the upper layers of water feeding 3-4 days by zooplankton, then becomes the same predators as adults.
The activity of marine angels during a storm drops sharply and giving up the will of the attraction forces they are lowered to the depth of 350-400 m, using the accumulated fat forces hungry in this way sometimes up to the month, although their favorite delicacy hidden in its shell falls on his face "angler".

Marine Angel, Clion Limacine (Clione Limacine)

Angelfish. Throw to goal.

Limacine Helicine. Sailing of an sea line in the thickness of the water resembles a butterfly flight, from where and another name, secured in the US and Europe - " sea butterfly".


Limacina or sea devils (lat. Limacina) - the genus of the brochogih mollusks from the detachment of shells of shells (Thecosomata). Small inhabitants of pelagic having a spiral swirling lime sink. The largest instances of the animal are found in cold waters, where the mollusk reaches 1.5 cm. In the warmer seas, the length of the Limazin does not exceed 3 mm. Limazines lead a predatory lifestyle, collecting plankton using tracked mucus networks. Representatives of this kind feed some cetaceans and maritime angels. Supported limacines have a spiral aragonitic shell. Two parapodies are put forward from her mouth - the wingid gear processes that mollusk uses for vertical movements. With the parapodies folded together, the mollusk begins to quickly immerse (up to 25 cm / s), their horizontal position provides neutral buoyancy, and the lumps allow you to climb up. The size of the cellular network significantly exceeds the size of the mollusk sink. The mucus for its construction produces the cells of the epithelium of mantle and mantle glasses, and the speed of the selection and retracting network is quite high. Limacine (Limacina) is thin, almost transparent sink spirally spinled on the left side. Sink can be closed with a cap, which lies on the back blade of the leg. Eggs are postponed among several hundred, connected by a cunty substance in thin plates. The only thing that counts the sea damn when attacking him is to hide inside his sink, so that you fall on the bottom and merge with stones, pebbles and sand. Of the small number of types of Limacin in our northern waters, there are two. Limacina Helicina refers to the number of cold-water forms and meets both in the Arctic and in Antarctica, and L. Reverse can be considered in the Barents Sea by a guest, which brings the Nordsk region from the Atlantic Ocean.

Sea damn or marine scorpion, from the detachment of riot-shaped, has repulsive appearance. He has a huge head, which makes up half the length of the whole fish, with a large mouthpiece, ruthlessly swallowing prey: sea eel, drum, even small sharks and thousands and thousands of seabirds. The sea damn occurs at depths of 600 m. Length: up to 200 cm, weight: 30 - 40 kg. Sea damn grows up to one and a half - two meters, weigh an average of 20 kg. Its the body is falling on top, and it is all covered with leathery growths, similar to algae, pieces of corping and stones. On the head, behind the eyes, the sea flashes there is a growing with a luminous "flashlight" at the end.

With a monster's head fishermen spread quickly. From the fish there remains almost one edible tail coming on sale purified from the skin. Therefore, an army is often called "tail" fish, whose white, dense, devoid of bones and extremely gentle meat can make the honor of any festive table. As a master of disguise, maritime damns, with its dark, often spotted, the upper part of the body, is almost impaired against the background of the bottom of small coastal reservoirs, among the stones, pebbles and Fukus. There, he usually loves to lie down, raging prey. Signal feature is found in many seas, mainly in the Atlantic and in the North Sea, right up to Iceland.

Sometimes during the hunt, the sea damn moves very unusual: it jumps along the bottom, pushing the chest fins. For this, they called it "ligender". Merging with the bottom, thanks to the protective color and leathery grooves, the seaside damn loves to her prey with a blade-shaped bait, fluttering at the end of the rod-irollization - the seventh beam of the dorsal fin, which is on the head. Fish lies on the bottom stationary. Sea feature is able to hold the breath for a few minutes. When the mining sails to the hunter, a flint in a fraction of a second opens the mouth and sucks the water along with the victim.

Traditionally, on Saturdays, we publish for you answers to the quiz in the "Question - Answer" format. We have the most different questions, both quite complicated. Quiz is very interesting and quite popular, we simply help you test your knowledge and make sure that you have chosen the right answer option, out of four offered. And we have another question in the quiz - What is the name of the mollusk eating with other mollusks - sea hell?

  • A. Marine Angel
  • B. Sea Devil
  • C. Sea Wolf
  • D. Marine Vampire

Right answer A. Marine Angel

Sea angels

Round mollusk - Marine Angel (CLIONE LIMACINA). Predator, he has 6 tentacles with sharp hooks. It feeds the sea angel, of course, marine hells. If you consider the World of Moloys, the marine angel is a very voracious predator and feeds in the main marine. The devil has a fragile transparent sink, in which he is drawn, feeling danger, and slowly falls on the bottom. Only this does not help him: the marine angel attacks him, throwing his tentacles, pulls his prey to his mouth, destroys the fragile shell - and here in the transparent body of the predator can already be considered the remains of the victim.
Only in one case, sea angels are not touched during the storm.

When the sea is restless, both those and other clams are lowered in depth, and there the angels behave peacefully, although they are starving at the same time. CLIONE LIMACINA, or the sea angel is a mollusk's chicken-legged, essentially a snail shell, which went to free swimming. The sea angel is one of the most beautiful swimmers I have seen. The movements of the wings that he performs most of all resemble strongly slow stirmers of the butterfly wings. Watch how the sea angel is slowly floating, and smoothly firmingly, changes its course, you can by hours. It is predominantly the inhabitants of the cold seas, in warm types of small and unbroken, and the two largest, CLIONE LIMACINA and CLIONE Antarctica, reach as much as 5cm. We can not meet the maritime angel every day, but in general, they come across. It also happens that they form gigantic clusters - calculated today record - about 300 individuals in a cubic meter of water. I would like to look at it) But the juice is that the maritime angels feed on other glooping mollusks - the sea helles (Thecosomata subvercarma), which do not look as cool). With the hunt of the angel on the line, the first of the tank is put forward by the clarity of the tentacles (in folded form - orange tubercles in the photo), which he, as in the trap, catches the devil. Moreover, all his slowness of the WMIG disappears and the angel shows such speed records, which did not dream of other mollusks (not counting the charts, of course :)). Nobody eats especially the angel itself, as they produce some special molecule that makes them inedible. Such a curious beast.

The depths of the World Ocean became a refuge for thousands of amazing and unusual creatures. Science today is known only small part of them. And one of them is a unique creation - Mollusk "Marine Angel". And how can you see yourself, after reading this article, the angels live not only in heaven.

Mollusk "Marine Angel": appearance

The Latin name of this mollusk - CLIONE LIMACINA, and it is one of the most unusual creatures inhabiting the cold water of such oceans as: north-ice, Atlantic and quiet. Previously, scientists believed that these clams were inhabited by both hemispheres, but later it turned out that in the Antarctic they are a completely different look, or rather Clione Antarctica.

A translucent miniature creature is a graceful swimmer, watching him, it seems that he performs a wonderful dance with a leisurely waving wings, as if wings in the air.

Adopting this fascinating flight, it is difficult to assume that the Mollusk "Marine Angel" - is an evolving ancient snail, her relatives - slugs and ordinary snails, which can be found in their garden.

It is noteworthy that the embryos of these mollusks, as well as the snails, have a real spiral shell, which in the early stages of development simply falls off. And the wings of an angel - just an enhanced with an evolution of a crawling leg, allowing this unusual challenium creatures to successfully master a completely new habitat area - the collapse of the ocean.

Angels make squeamy with their wings, like butterflies, along the same trajectory - in the eight. A similar complex type of its movement clearly demonstrates a very high level of development of the nervous system. For swimming, the accumulations of nerve cells are responsible - pedal ganglia, forming a certain "body" like the brain. It is he who allows the maritime angel to virtuoso and quickly move in the thickness of water, which contributes to an effective hunting.


Despite its deceptive angelic appearance, this chicken-legged mollusk is a merciless predator that applies sophisticated tactics in the hunt. The diet of adult mollusks, as well as their later larvae, constitute "sea devils" - shells of mollusks (Lat. Limacina Helicina). The devils are close relatives of the angels, representing tiny five-millimeter animals with a fragile shell. These eared floating snails are for sea angels welcome prey.

The process of hunting for devices is an exciting sight, which is worthy of exciting imagination of horror films. Nature equipped these creatures perfect tool murder. In the head of the angels there are 6 hooked supreets - buccal cones, huge sizes, dyed with small spikes with a very sticky secret. When the Mollusk "Marine Angel" turns out to be near the potential victim, his head "splits" into two parts, of which gigantic hook-tentacles appear lightning.

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