Dreams and dreams Skolnikova and their meaning in the novel F. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment

Dostoevsky called his novel "Crime and Punishment", and the reader has the right to expect it to be a litagon, where the author will show the history of crime and criminal punishment. In the novel, there is definitely killing of the old woman by the anniversary student of Raskolnikov, his mental torment for nine days (it is so much time that the effect of the novel continues), his repentance and an obequinny turnout. The reader's expectations seem to be justified, and still "Crime and Punishment" does not seem to be a boulevard detective in the spirit of Ezhena, whose works were very popular in the days of Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment" is not a judicial, but a socio-philosophical novel, precisely thanks to the complexity and depth of the content, it can be interpreted differently.

In the Soviet times, literary critual attention was paid to the social problems of the work, repeating basically the idea of \u200b\u200bD.I. Pisarev from the article "Fighting for Life" (1868). In the post-Soviet time there were attempts to reduce the content of "crime and punishment" to the foreigners: for a detective intrigue, the question of God is hidden for the moral issue of the crime. This look at the novel is also not new, he expressed V.V. Rosanov at the beginning of the 20th century. It seems that if these extreme points of view are combined, it will turn out to be the most loyal look at the romance itself, and on his idea. It is from these two points of view that the first Skolnikov (1, V) should be analyzed.

It is known that the tragic dream of the main character resembles the poem of N.A.Nekrasov from the cycle "On the weather" (1859). The poet draws a household urban picture: the skinny hood-cripple drags a huge WHO and suddenly stood up, because she has no strength to go further. The drivers grabs the whip and mercilessly goes to Klyach in the rubble, the legs, even in the eyes, then takes it to be full and continues his brutal work:

And I beat her, beat her, beat!

Legs somehow putting wide

All smoking, settled back,

The horse just sighed deeply

And she looked ... (so people look,

Conquering to the wrong attacks).

The "work" of the owner was rewarded: the hood went forward, but somehow sideways, nervously trembling, from the last strength. A street scene was observed with interest different passersby and gave advice to the chase.

Dostoevsky in his novel strengthens the tragity of this scene: in a dream Skolnikova (1, V) Drunk men score a housing to death. The hood in the novel is a small, skinny saving peasant klyach. A completely disgusting spectacle is a driveman who has a name (Molka) and a repulsive portrait: "... young, with thick such necks and fleshy, red, like carrots, face." Drunk-taju, he cruelly, with pleasure Satisfied Savra. Molka helps to seek Klyach two guys with whips, and the unfolded owner screams to them so that they whip in their eyes. The crowd of Kabak with a laugh is watching the whole stage: ".... The cart twigs the cart from all the power, but not only to drag, and even a step, just almost can cope, only with my legs, grind and dies from the strikes of three whips, sleeping on it like peas. " Dostoevsky pumps terrible details: the audience is nurtured, the Molka is beasts and pulls out from the bottom of the clergy. Blowing sticks and whips can not quickly finish the horse: she "hills and twists, twirls from all the last forces in different directions to take out." Drunk Molka gets iron scrap and twisted a groove on the head; His assistants-torture ride to the collapsed horse and finish it.

Nekrasov has only one young girl who observed the beating of a horse from the carriage, the animal regretted:

Here is a face, young, acting,
Here is the handle, - the window opens,
And stroked klyach unhappy
White handle ...

Dostoevsky at the end of the scene from the crowd of the spectators shout no advice, but there are no strings that there is no cross, but only a boy (such sees the splits) runs among the crowd and asks at first some old man, then the father will save the horse. When Savraska falls dead, he runs up to her, kisses her dead head, and then rushes with cams on the Molts, who, who must say, did not even notice this attack.

In the analyzed scene, Dostoevsky emphasizes the ideas necessary for the novel, which in the poem Nekrasov is not. On the one hand, the truth in this scene expresses a weak child. He cannot stop murders, although the soul (and not mind) understands the injustice, the inadmissibility of the rolling over the horse. On the other hand, Dostoevsky puts the philosophical question about the resistance of evil, about the use of force against evil. Such a question is logical to the right to shed blood at all and condemns the author. However, in the described scene, the blood can not be justified by anything, it shines about Misty.

Sleep reveals the character of Skolnikov, who will become a killer tomorrow. The beggar student is a kind and soft person who can compare someone else's unpleasses. Such dreams are not filmed by people who have lost their conscience (Svidrigaylov's sleepmars - about each other) or reconciled with the eternal and universal injustice of world order. The boy rushed to the Molka, and his father, not even trying to intervene in the murder of a horse, behaves indifferent (Savraska still belongs to the Molka) and cowardly: "Drunk, Shalyat, not our business, let's go!". With such a life position, Raskolnikov cannot agree. Where is the way out? Character, mind, desperate family circumstances - all pushes the main hero of the novel on the resistance of evil, but this resistance, according to Dostoevsky, is aimed at a false way: Raskolnikov rejects universal values \u200b\u200bfor the sake of human happiness! Explaining his crime, he says Sona: "Old Nonsense! The old woman is probably a mistake, not in it! The old woman is only a disease ... I wanted to step over ... I didn't kill a person, I killed the principle! " (3, VI). Raskolnikov means that he violated the commandment "not to death!", On which human relations are built from the century. If you cancel this moral principle, people will switch each other, as shown in the last dream of the hero in the epilogue of the novel.

In the dream, Skolnikova about the horse is present several symbolic moments that bind this episode with the further content of the novel. The boy turns out to be a Kabaka, where the killing of Klyachi takes place, by chance: he went to the cemetery with his father to worship the grave of her grandmother and brother and go to church with a green dome. He loved to visit her because of a good priest and a special feeling that was tested by being in her. Thus, a kabac and church as two extremes of human existence are in a dream. Further, in a dream, the murder of Lizaveta is already predicted, which Raskolnikov did not plan, but was forced to make circumstances. The intricameral death of an unfortunate woman in separate details (someone from the crowd shouts by Molka about the Topore) reminds the death of a Sutrasski from sleep: Lizaveta "trembled as a leaf, shallow shock, and convulsions ran throughout her face; Raised her hand, the mouth was revealed, but still did not scream and slowly, the ass, began to move away from it into the angle ... "(1, VII). In other words, Dostoevsky to the crime of Skolnikova shows that the bold ideas of the hero about the superman will necessarily be accompanied by innocent blood. Finally, the image of a tortured horse will arise at the end of the novel in the death of Katerina Ivanovna, who will contact the last words: "Pretty! .. It's time! .. (...) Klyachu sat down! .. trancheled-a-sm!" (5, V).

The dream of a horse was for Raskolnikov as it were caution: the whole future crime is "coded" in this dream, like oak in Zhöld. No wonder when the hero woke up, he immediately exclaimed: "Do I do it?" But Raskolnikova did not stop sleep-warning, and he completely received all the suffering of the killer and disappointment theorist.

Summing up, it should be noted that the first Skolnikov dream in the novel occupies an important place in social, philosophical and psychological grounds. Firstly, in the scene of the killing of the horses, painful impressions of the surrounding life are expressed, severely wounded Solvnikov and giving birth to the legitimate perturbation of any honest person. Dostoevsky's resentment can oppose the cowardly irony of the lyrical hero in Nekrasov, who was published, not interfering, observes the beating of unfortunate klyachi outside.

Secondly, in connection with the scene of a dream, a philosophical question arises to countering world evil. How to fix the world? It is necessary to avoid blood, prevents Dostoevsky, as the path to the ideal is inextricably linked with the ideal himself, the abolition of universal moral principles will lead a person only to a dead end.

Thirdly, the sleep scene proves that in the soul of the hero there is pain for weak and defenseless. Sleep Already at the beginning of the novel indicates that the killer of the old woman of the percentage officers is not an ordinary robber, but the person is an idea capable of action, and to compassion.

Analysis of the episode "Son Skolnikov" on the novel by F. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Description of the Sleep of the Literary Hero - the reception, often used by writers and poets for the greatest disclosure of the image of their character. Pushkin leads Tatyana Larina in her dream to a strange hut, standing in the mysterious forest, opening our Russian soul to us, grew up on fairy tales and betrayal of "Promotional Starny". Goncharov gives a breakdown return to childhood, in a serene paradise of the crushing, devoting him to sleep a Hero whole chapter. In dreams of faith, Pavlovna embodies their utopian dreams Chernyshevsky. The dreams of literary characters bring us closer to them, help to penetrate their inner world, understand the root causes of certain actions. After reading the novel "Crime and Punning" F. M. Dostoevsky, I realized that the understanding of the image of Raskolnikov, his rolling soul would be incomplete without comparing the depth of his subconscious, reflected in the dreams of this hero.

In the "Crime and Punishment" described four sides Rodion Skolnikov, but I want to consider and pro-analyze the first dream, a dream with a hero, after he accepted the final decision to under-tell his theory of "trembling creatures" and "right having" , that is, the decision to kill the old-time stamp. It is afraid of the word "murder", he is per-man asks himself: "... will it be?". The very opportunity to fulfill the conceived imperts him in horror, but, trying to prove to himself that he belongs to the caste of the highest beings, laughing to shed "blood on conscience", the Raskolnikov brave and spurs their prickly thoughts on the salvation of a multitude of Ubi, when he exactly appears in The role of a noble savior. But the dream of Rodion, described by Dostoevsky, negates all the cynical arguments of the hero, from His His His Hanging, helpless in his de-worn soul.

Raskolnikov will dream of his childhood, the native town. Childhood is usually associated with the most carefree period of life, deprived of the need to accept vital decisions, take over all responsibility for their actions. And it's not by chance that it is in childhood that a splitter returns in a dream. Already, this can be judged that the problems of adult life oppress him, he wants to abandon them, not to know them at all. In addition, childhood implies instinctive delimitation of good and evil. Symbolized and the image of the father, with which a small Ro-Dion goes in a dream. After all, the father is traditionally a symbol of protection, self-esteem. Kabak, by whom they pass, and drunk men running out from there is already an example of the real world, the angry hero. One of the flies, Molka, invites the rest of the rolling-Xia on his cart, in which the "small, then savrasy peasant krachononka" is pronounced. Everyone agrees and sit down. Molka beats a horse, in putting it to pull the cart, but because of the giliness, it can not even go. A boy with horror see how Lo-shy "Sing of the eyes, in the very eyes!". Among the creeks, a drunk crowd hears "an ax, what!". That-gda the owner with Ostervement finishes Klyach. Raskolnikov-Child looks at everything that happens in a terrible fear, then in a rustling of pity and the outstanding, the horse rushes, but, alas, too late. The atmosphere around what is happening is hot to the limit. On the one hand, the evil aggression of a pile crowd, on the other - the intolerable despair of the child, on the eyes of which the work is terrible in his cruelty, shaking it soul to the "poor horse". And in the center of everything - the horror and tears of seeking Klyachi. To transfer the expressness of the episode, the writer almost ends with an exclamation mark.

The dream, first of all, shows us the rejection of the murder of Okolnikov. And the whole point of him, at first glance, consists in the disclosure of the true doo-pendler state of the hero, who, waking up, even drawn with a prayer to God: "Lord ... I'll still have my way, and I repent of this damn .. . My dreams! ". However, the student will still fulfill his terrible plan, and here you can see the WTO, hidden, the meaning of the dream. After all, in this dream, as in the real life of Raskolnikov, it is clear about the possibility of disposal of someone else's life - in the given case, the life of a horse. The horse is worthless and useless, by virtue of its weakness, the creature: ".. And Etta's kobylenka, brothers, only my heart is supervised, it would have killed it, and he killed her, for nothing. Just like "the" stupid, meaningless, insignificant, evil, sick old woman, no one needed and, on the contrary, all the harmful, who herself does not know, for which he lives, and which will die with himself. " Her life in the presentation of Skolnikov is equal to the "Life of Versh, Tarakan".

Thus, the first Skolnikov dream, on the same side, opens the hero all the horror of the conceived by him, on the other, pushes him to the execution of pre-steps. But as the plot develops, Dostoevsky leads us to the thoughts about the loyalty of only the first meaning of sleep - the shout of the soul about the inadmissibility of atrocities.

Skolnikov's dreams are semantic and plot supports of the entire novel of Dostoevsky. The first Skolnikov dream dreams to him before the crime, precisely when it fluctuates the decision to make a decision: to kill him or not kill the old-year-older. This dream of childhood Skolnikova. They go to their native little town with their father, after they visited the grave of her grandmother. Next to the cemetery church. Raskolnikov-child with father pass by Kabak.

Immediately we see two spatial points where the hero of Russian literature is rushing: Church and Kabak. More precisely, these two poles of Roman Dostoevsky are holiness and sin. Raskolnikov will also become romance throughout the entire novel between the two points: it will fall deeper into the abyss of sin, then suddenly surprises all the wonders of self-sacrifice and kindness.

Drunk Molka Catcher Brutal scores her bad, old and exhausted horse just because she is unable to pull the cart, where a dozen drunk people from Cabanka sat down for laughter. Molka beats his horse in the eyes of the whip, and then hesitating the fool, entering the rage and face the blood.

The little splitters rushes into the legs of the Molka to protect the unfortunate, scored creature - "horse". He rises to protect the weak, against violence and evil.

"- Sit down, everyone will take! - again the Molka screams, jumping first in the cart, takes the entrance and becomes in front of the front. - Gunnaya grooved with Matvey, he gone from the cart from the cart - and the Kobymenka Etta, brothers, only my heart overslets: it would seem to be, and killed her, the gift of bread eats. I say sitting! Strick! Scrap will go! "And he takes to the hands of a whip, with pleasure getting ready to hover Savrask. (...)

Everyone climbs into Mikkina Telaga with laughter and sharpness. It was noted six, and you can still plant. Take with one woman, thick and ruddy. She is in Kumachah, in kicks with beads, on the legs of cats, clicking nuts and laughs. The circle in the crowd is also laughing, and indeed, how not to laugh: Self-blown kobylenka Yes, there will be a hurt. Two guys in the cart immediately take on the whip to help Molka. It is heard: "Well!", Klyachonka pulls out all the power, but not only to drag, but even a step, just a little bit can cope, only the seeds of the legs, swallows and squatting from the blows of the three whips, sleeping on her like peas. Laughter in the cart and in the crowd doubled, but the Molka is angry and in a rage sneaks with rapid blows to Kobylenka, accurately believes that she will fight.

- Let me and me, brothers! - Shouts one unfolded guy from the crowd.

- Sit down! All sitting! - Screaming Molka, - everyone is lucky. Start!

- And shearse, shears, and no longer knows what to beat from the osterment.

- Daddy, daddy, - he shouts his father, - Daddy, what do they do? Daddy, poor horse beat!

- Let's go, let's go! - Says Father, - Drunk, Shalyat, Fools: Let's go, do not look! - And he wants to take him, but he breaks out of his hands and, not

i remember myself, runs to the horse. But a poor horse is bad. She chips, stops, pulls again, almost falls.

- Seques to death! - Screaming Molka, - I went. Start!

- What is the cross on you, or no, Leshe! - shouts one old man

from the crowd.

- Separate, so that such a horse takes such a fucking, - adds another.

- Wear! - Screaming the third.

- Do not ride! My good! I do what I want. Sit back! All sitting! I want to break to break! ..

Suddenly, the laughter hesitated with a volley and covers everything: the Kobylenka did not bear the rapid strikes and began to fall in impotence. Even the old man could not stand and grinned. And rightfully: Singing the mares of Eanka, and still flashes!

Two guys from the crowd get even on the whip and flew to the horsenate to bring it from the sides. Everyone runs on his part.

- By the face of her, in the eyes of the glory, in the eyes! - Screaming Molka.

- Song, brothers! - Schracts someone from the carts, and everyone in the cart pick. There is a rampant song, bubble bubble, whistling in the chisels. Babenka snaps nuts and laughs.

... He is running down the horses, he runs forward, he sees how her sem in the eyes, in the very eyes! He is crying. Heart rises in it, tears flow. One of the sequers hurts him; He does not feel, he breaks his hands, shouts, rushes to a gray old man with a gray beard, which shakes his head and condemns all that. One woman takes his hand and wants to take effect; But he breaks down and again runs to the horse. That already under the last effort, but once again begins to fall.

- And that those left! - cries in the rage of the Molka. He throws the whip, bent and pulls out a long and thick fool from the bottom of the cart, takes her for the end in both hands and with an effort waving over Savra.

- breaks out! - Scream around.

- My good! - Screaming Mikolka and with all the scope lowers the flaw. Heavy blow is heard.

And the Molka flashes another time, and another blow from all over the scope falls on the back of the unfortunate klyachi. She all sets all the ass, but hits and pulls, pulls from all the last forces in different directions to take out; But from all sides they take it into six whips, and the oglochem raises again and falls for the third time, then in the fourth, dimly, with a scope. Molka in rabies, which can not kill from one strike.

- Lie! - Scream around.

- Now it will break, brothers, here she and the end! - Shouts from the crowd one amateur.

- Her ax, what! To finish it with one, - shouts the third. - Eh, eat those mosquitoes! Disaccurate "The Molka cries furiously, throws a fire, again bends in the cart and pulls out the iron scrap. - Beware!

- He shouts and that there is a strength to sink his poor horse with the scope. Hit collapsed; The kobylenka was hushed up, asslaved, she wanted to pull, but scrap again with all the swing she lies on her back, and she falls to the ground, for sure all four legs were sat down at once.

- Watch! - shouts by Molka and jumps out, as if he does not remember himself, from carts. Several guys, too, red and drunk, grab that it fell - whips, sticks, oglochal, and run to the sinking kobylenka. Molka becomes on the side and starts to beat a scramble in the back. Klyach stretches the face, sighs heavily and dies.

- Distopal! - Scream in the crowd.

- And why did you scroll not going!

- My good! - Screams by Molka, with scrap in hands and with pouring eyes. He stands as if sorry, which is no longer beat.

- Well, really, know, the cross on you! - Many voices are screaming from the crowd.

But the poor boy does not remember himself. With a cry, he breaks through through the crowd to Savraska, wars her dead, bloody muzzle and kisses her, kisses her eyes, on his lips ... then suddenly jumps around and rushes in a frenzy with his fireproofs on the Molt. In this moment, the Father, who has already driven for him, grabs it at last and takes out of the crowd. "

Why is this horse scores by a person named Molka? This is not at all by chance. Already after the murder of the Straightener's old women and Lizavets, the suspicion falls on the Malyar Malki, who picked up a crushed Raskolnikov box with jewels, mortgage stack of the old woman in the chest, and drank find in the Kabaska. This Molka was from Raskolnikov. Before he came to St. Petersburg, he was under the head of the Sacred Elder and followed the path of faith. However, Petersburg "skipped" the Molka, he forgot the covenants of the elder and fell into sin. A, according to the conviction of the splitters, it is better to suffer for a big someone else's sin in order to fully reaplish his own sin. And now the Molka takes guilty for a crime that did not commit. While the Raskolnikov at the time of the murder turns out to be keuting Molki, who brutally kills the horse. Roles in reality, in contrast to sleep, changed places.

So what then is the meaning of the first Sleep Skolnikov? Sleep shows that the splitters are originally kind, that the murder is alien to his nature, that he is ready to stay, let it even a minute to a crime. At the last minute, he can still choose good. Malniary responsibility remains entirely in the hands of a person. God seems to provide a person to choose a deed until the very last second. But the splitters choose evil and makes a crime against himself, against their human nature. That's why even before the murder, the conscience stops Skolnikova, paints the terrible paintings of the bloody murder in a dream, so that the hero refuses his insane thought.

The name of the Skolnikov acquires a symbolic value: the split means split. Even in the surname itself, we see the fight of modernity: people stopped being united, they are split into two halves, they constantly hesitate between good and evil, not knowing what to choose. The meaning of the image of Raskolnikova also "doubles", splits in the eyes of his characters around him. All the heroes of the novel are attracted to him, bring him perverse assessment. According to Svidrigaylov, "Rodion Romanovich has two roads: or bullet in the forehead, or by Vladimirka."

In the future, the remorse of the conscience after the murder and painful doubts about their own theory were detrimental to his at first of a pretty appearance: "Raskolnikov (...) was very pale, scattered and sullen. Outside, he looked like a wounded man or muttering any strong physical pain: his eyebrows were shifted, the lips were compressed, the look was inflamed. "

A number of contradictory events have a number of contradictory events that are somehow associated with a dream of Raskolnikov, a number of contradictory events, which are somehow associated with Skolnikov's dreams.

The first event is "sample". So the Raskolnikov calls his trip to the old-percent-term Alane Ivanovna. He brings her father's silver clock to the mortar, but not because he needs money so much to die with hunger, and in order to check, he will be able to "cross" through blood or can not, that is, he is capable of killing. Having laid the watches of the Father, the Raskolnikov symbolically reverses from a kind: I would hardly approve the son of the son of making a murder (it's not by chance that the name of Rodionova is Rodion; this name he will betray at the time of the murder and "sample"), and committing a crime, he seems Scissors cut off "themselves from people, especially from mother and sister. In a word, during the "sample" the soul of Raskolnikov leans in favor of evil.

Then he meets in a restaurant with a marmalade, who tells him about his daughter Sona. She goes to the panel so that three young children of Marmaladov did not die from hunger. And the marmalands in the meantime he dresses all the money and even asks forty kopecks at the Sonechiki to dwell. Immediately after this event, Raskolnikov receives a letter from the mother. In it, the mother tells about the sister of Skolnikova Dun, who wants to marry a nudge, saving his beloved brother. And the splitters unexpectedly brings Sonya and the Dunya. After all, the Dunya also sacrifice himself. Essentially, she, like Sonya, sells her body for the sake of brother. Raskolnikov does not want to take a similar sacrifice. He sees the murder of the old-year older age as a way out of the situation: "... Eternal Sonchka, while the world is worth!"; "Ah yeah Sonya! What a well, however, how did you manage to dig! And enjoy (...) sworn, and accustomed. To everything, the scoundrel-man gets used to! "

Raskolnikov rejects compassion, humility and sacrifice, choosing a riot. At the same time, in the motives of his crime, the deepest self-deception was laid: to release humanity from harmful old women, the loose money to give the sister and mother, thereby saving the Dunya from the voluptuous nudge and Swidrigailov. Raskolnikov convinces itself in simple "arithmetic", as if, with the help of the death of one "ug of old women", humanity can be seracted.

Finally, before bedtime, the Molka Raskolnikov himself saves a fifteen-year-old drunk girl from a solid master who wanted to take advantage of the fact that she did not think anything. Raskolnikov asks the city to protect the girl, and the Mr. with anger shouts: "Hey, you, Svidrigaylov!" Why Svidrigaylov? Yes, because of the letter of the mother, he learns about the landowner Svidrigaylov, in the house of which the Dunya served as a governess, and at the honor of his sister just killed a voluptuous Svidrigailov. Protecting the girl from a depraved elder, Raskolnikov symbolically protects her sister. So, again makes good. The pendulum in his soul again darted in the opposite direction - to good. Raskolnikov himself appreciates his "sample" as an ugly, disgusting mistake: "Oh God, how all this is disgusting ... And really so horror could come in my head ..." He is ready to retreat from his plan, throw his mistaken, destructive theory from consciousness: " -Od! - He uttered decisively and solemnly, - away Miragi, away the science fears ... There is life! ... - But I have already agreed to live on the arches of space! "

The second Skolnikov dream, rather, not even a dream, and Great is in a state of light and short forgotten. This grind is a few minutes before he goes to a crime. In many ways, the dream of the Raskolnikov mysteriously and strange: it is an oasis in the African desert of Egypt: "The caravan rests, live camels; Circular palm trees are growing with a whole circle; Everyone dine. He also drinks water, straight from the stream, which immediately, at the sides, flows and jumped. And so cool, and wonderful-wonderful such blue water, cold, runs on multi-colored stones and for such a clean sand with gold sequins ... "

Why does Raskolnikov dream of a desert, an oasis, pure transparent water, to the source of which he fell and drinks greedily? This source is exactly the water faith. Raskolnikov and in a second before the crime can stop and fall to the source of pure water, to holiness, return the lost harmony into the soul. But he does not do this, but, on the contrary, as soon as she struck six hours, jumps up and, as if the automatic, goes to murder.

This dream of the desert and oasis resembles the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Three Palmies". It also said about the oasis, clean water, three blooming palm trees. However, nomads drive up to this oasis and three palm trees are dried, destroying the oasis in the desert. Immediately after the second sleep, the splitters in the janner steal an ax, puts it in a loop under his mouse of his summer coat and goes to a crime. Evil wins well. The pendulum in the soul of Raskolnikova again darted against the opposite pole. In Raskolnikov, there are two people: a humanist and individualist.

Contrary to the aesthetic appearance of their theory, the crime of Raskolnikov is monstrously ugly. At the time of the murder, he acts as an individualist. He kills Alain Ivanovna Obukhoma of the Ax (exactly the rock pushes a lifeless hand of Raskolnikov); Izmazing in the blood, the hero cuts the cord with an ax on the chest of old women with two crosses, icon and wallet, wipes bloody hands about the red headset. The merciless logic of the murder forces the Raskolnikov applying in his theory to aestheticism, to druit the topor to the apartment who returned to the apartment, so he revealed her skull to the neck. Raskolnikov accurately enters the taste of the bloody slaughter. But Lizaveta is pregnant. So, the splitters kill the third who has not yet born, but also a person. (Recall that Svidrigaylov also kills three people: poisoning his wife Marfa Petrovna, cums up suicide to them a fourteen-year-old girl and his servant.) If Koch was not frightened and walked down the stairs when Koh and Student Pestrukhin jerked the door of the old woman The interest officers closed from the inside on one hook, then the splitters would kill Koch. Raskolnikov kept the ax, trough from the side of the door. There would be four corpses. In fact, the theory is very far from practice, it is not at all similar to the aesthetically beautiful theory of Skolnikov, created by him in the imagination.

Lost splitters hides under the stone. I crushes that I did not "cross through blood," did not turn out to be "superholes", but I appeared "I am in aesthetic" ("Did I killed the old woman? I killed myself ..."), it suffers because it suffers, because Napoleon would not have suffered because "Forgets the army in Egypt (...) spends half a million people in the Moscow campaign." Raskolnikov does not realize the deadlock of their theory rejecting the unshakable moral law. The hero violated the moral law and fell, since he had a conscience, and she would twist him for the breaking of moral law.

On the other hand, the splitters are magnaniments, noble, responsive, from the last tools helps a sick comrade; Risching by himself, saves children from fire fire, gives maternal money to the Marmaladovy family, protects Sonya from the slander of a nudge; He has a mental checkers, a scientist. Porphyry Petrovich tells the Raskolnikov that he has a "great heart", compares it with the "Sun", with Christian martyrs, for his idea going to execute: "Become the Sun, everyone will see you."

In the theory of Raskolnikov, as in focus, all the contradictory moral and spiritual properties of the hero are concentrated. First of all, according to the plan of Raskolnikova, his theory proves that anyone "scoundrel", and social injustice in the order of things.

With Casuistry, Skolnikova comes into confrontation itself. The sickness of the hero after the murder shows the equality of people before conscience, it is a consequence of conscientiousness, so to speak, the physiological manifestation of the spiritual nature of man. Nastasya's maid mouths ("This blood is shouting in you") the people judge the crime of Skolnikov.

The third Skolnikov dream dreams of him after the crime. The third Skolnikov sleep is directly connected with the torment of the Skolnikov after the murder. This sleep is also preceded by a number of events. Dostoevsky in the novel definitely follows the well-known psychological observation that "the criminal always pulls into a crime scene." Indeed, Raskolnikov comes to the apartment after the murder. In the apartment repairs, the door is open. Raskolnikov, no matter how starting neither by anyone, begins to pull over the call and listen. One of the workers suspiciously looks at the Raskolnikov and calls him a "lifting". The tradesman of the hooks is haunted by the Raskolnikov, which comes from the house of the old women, and shouts to him: "Clearman!"

Here is this dream Skolnikova: "He forgot; It seemed strange to him that he did not remember how he could find himself on the street. Was already a late evening. Twilight thickened, the full moon was all brighter and brighter; But somehow it was especially stuffy in the air. People crowd went through the streets; Craftsmen and busy people diverged home, others walked; It smelled lime, dust, standing water. Raskolniks walked sad and concerned: He remembered very well that he left the house with some intention that it was necessary to do something and hurry, but what exactly was he forgotten. Suddenly he stopped and saw that on the other side of the street, on the sidewalk, there is a person and waving his hand. He went to him across the street, but suddenly this man turned and went on anything did not happen, lowering his head, not turning around and not feeding the species that he called him. "Yes, right, did he call?" - I thought the splitters, but I began to catch up. Not reaching the steps of ten, he suddenly recognized him and - frightened; It was a removal of the trades, in the same bathrobe and also crumpled. Raskolnikov walked out; his heart of his stouch; turned in the alley - he did not turn around everything. "Does he know that I go for him?" - I thought the splitters. The trashman entered the gate of one big house. Raskolnikovs quickly approached the gate and began to look if he would not look like and would not call him? In fact, having passed through the courtyard and already leaving the courtyard, he suddenly turned around and again exactly as she waved him. Raskolnikov immediately passed the doorway, but in the courtyard there was no tradesman. It became, he entered here now on the first staircase. Raskolnikov rushed after him. In fact, two more meaningful, unhurried steps were heard by two stairs. Strange, the staircase was as if acquaintances! Won window in the first floor; Sad and mysteriously passed through the glass moonlight; That's the second floor. Ba! This is the same apartment in which workers smeared ... How did he not recognize next? Steps ahead of the walking man sank: "It became, he stopped or hidden somewhere." Here is the third floor; Will it go further? And what silence there, even scary ... But he went. His noise of his own steps scared and worried. God, like dark! The tradesman, right, here somewhere attached to the corner. BUT! The apartment is reversed the ladder, he thought and entered. The front was very dark and empty, nor the soul, as if everyone was carried out; Quietly, he passed on the living room: the whole room was brightly lined with moonlight; All here is still: chairs, mirror, yellow sofa and pictures within. Huge, round, copper-red month looked directly into the windows. "This is from the month of such silence," the splitters thought, "he, right, now the riddle comes up." He stood and waited, waited for a long time, and the quieter was a month, the stronger his heart stuck, even painfully became. And all silence. Suddenly the instant dry crackle heard, as if he broke the rauchink, and everything was frozen again. The wokeered fly suddenly hit the glass and fell asleep. At the most minute, in the corner, between the small cabinet and the window, he saw as if hanging on the wall salop. "Why is there Salop? "He thought," after all, it was not before ... "He came slowly and guessed that he was hiding behind the salop. He looked cautiously by the Salop hand and saw that there was a chair here, and an old woman was sitting on a chair in a corner, all loose and tilting his head, so he could not see her face, but it was she. He stood above her: "Afraid!" - He thought, quietly released an ax and hit the old woman by the pattern, once and the other. But strange: she did not even move from shock, precisely wooden. He was frightened, bent closer and began to look at her; But she stopped her head even lower. He stuck at all towards the floor and looked at her back in his face, looked and sacrificed: the old woman sat and laughed, "so fled to a quiet, silent laugh, from all his strength, so that he did not hear her. Suddenly it seemed to him that the door from the bedroom was barely abandoned and that there, too, as if laughed and whisper. The rabies overcame him: He began to beat the old woman in his head, but with each blow of the ax, laughter and whisper from the bedroom were heard and more heard, and the old woman was so fat from laughter. He rushed to run, but all the hallway is already full of people, the doors on the stairs are turned out to be ladder, and on the site, on the stairs and go there - all people, head with head, everyone is looking, - but everyone attached and wait, silent ... his heart was shy, The legs do not move, increased ... He wanted to scream and woke up. "

Porfirya Petrovich, having learned about the arrival of Raskolnikov to the place of murder, hiding the Misdenina Kryukov outside the door of the next room, so that during the interrogation of Skolnikov, unexpectedly release the tradesman and implancing Skolnikov. Only an unexpected confluence of circumstances prevented Petrovich's porphyria: Molka took over the crime of Skolnikov - and Petrofirya Petrovich was forced to let go of the Raskolnikov. The tradesman of the hooks, who was sitting outside the door of the investigator's room and all heard, comes to Raskolnikov, falls in front of him on his knees. He wants to repent before the Raskolnikov in the fact that he blamed him in the murder unfairly, believing after the voluntary recognition of the Molka that the Raskolnikov did not commit any crime.

But it will be later, but as long as the Raskolnikov dreams exactly this tradesman of the hooks, who threw it into his face, this is the Terrible Word "Cleverman". So, the Raskolnikov runs behind him in the apartment of the older stakeholders. He dreams of an old woman hiding from him under the salop. Raskolnikov hits it with an ax through all the power, and she just laughs. And suddenly in the room, on the threshold, there are many people, and everyone is looking at Raskolnikov and laugh. Why this motive of laughter is so important to Dostoevsky? Why is the Raskolnikov madly afraid of this public laughter? The thing is that it is most afraid of the world being funny. If his theory is ridiculous, then it is not worth a broken penny. And the Raskolnikov himself, in this case, together with its theory, it turns out not superman, but by the "Esthetic", as he declares about this Sona Marmaladova, admitting the murder.

The third Skolnikov sleep includes repentance mechanism. Raskolnikov between the third and fourth solo splitters looks in the mirror of their "twins": Luzina and Svidrigaylova. As we said, Svidrigaylov kills, like a splitter, three people. In this case, than Svidrigayilov worse than Skolnikov?! It is not by chance, overlapping the secret of Raskolnikov, Svidrigaylov, mocking, says Raskolnikov that they are "one field of the berry," he considers him as if by his fellow in sin, throws the tragic recognition of the hero "overlooking some kind of winking, cheerful rutting."

Luzhin and Svidrigaylov, distorting and angry with his appearance aesthetic theory, force the hero to reconsider the view of the world and man. The theories of the "twins" of Raskolnikov are judged by the Skolnikov itself. The theory of "Reasonable Egoism" of the Luzin, according to Raskolnikov, is fraught with the following: "And bring to the consequences that you are letting preach, and it will come out that people can be cut ..."

Finally, the spore of Porphyry with Raskolnikov (Wed. Fulfillment of Porphyria over how to distinguish "unusual" from "ordinary": "Does clothes here, for example, have a special start, carry something, stamps there, what?. . ") And the words of Sony, immediately cross the Skolnikov's tricky dialectics, force him to stand on the path of repentance:" After all, I only killed him, Sonya, useless, guffish, malicious. " - "This is a person fuck!" - Sonya exclaims.

Sonya reads the Raskolnik to the Gospel Proverb about the resurrection of Lazarus (like Lazari, the hero of "Crime and Punishment" is four days in the "coffin" - Skolnikov Dostoevsky Camork compares with a "coffin"). Sonya gives Raskolnikov his cross, leaving the cigarette cross of the Lisaeth killed by him, with which they exchanged crosses. Thus, Sonya makes it possible to understand Raskolnikov that he killed his sister, because all people are brothers and sisters in Christ. Raskolnikov finers the call of Sony - to go to the square, fall on his knees and repent of all the people: "suffering to accept and redeem themselves ..."

The repentance of Raskolnikov on the square is tragically symbolic, resembles the fate of the ancient prophets, as it is indulging in nationwide. The acquisition of the Raskolnikov faith, the dreams of the new Jerusalem - a long way. The people do not want to believe in the sincerity of repentance of the hero: "I am overhanging! (...) It is in Jerusalem goes, brothers, with a homeland says goodbye to the whole world worshiped, the capital city of St. Petersburg and his soil lies "(Wed. Question Porphyria:" So you still believe in the new Jerusalem? ").

The last dream of Trykhinov does not accidentally dream of Raskolnikov in Easter days, in Holy Week. The fourth Skolnikov Raskolnikov sleep is sick, and in the hospital he dreams of this dream: "He lay in the hospital the entire end of the post and holy. Already recovering, he recalled his dreams when he was still lying in the heat and delight. He was dreaming of illness, as if the whole world was convicted of a sacrifice of some terrible, unheard of and unprecedented by marine ulcer, which comes from the depths of Asia to Europe. Everyone had to die, except for some, very few chosen. There were some new trichins, the creatures of the microscopic, which were unominated in the body of people. But these creatures were perfume gifted by the mind and will. People who took them in themselves became immediately launched and crazy. But never, never people did not consider themselves as smart and unshakable in truth, as they considered infected. Never considered unshakable their sentences, their scientific conclusions, their moral beliefs and beliefs. Whole villages, whole cities and peoples have become infected and mad. Everyone was anxious and did not understand each other, everyone thought that in him in one and the truth was, and suffered, looking at others, he beat himself in his chest, cried and broke his hands. They did not know who and how to judge, could not agree to consider evil that good. They did not know who to blame who would justify. People killed each other in some meaningless malice. They gathered on each other with whole armies, but the army, already in the campaign, suddenly began to distort themselves, the ranks were frustrated, the warriors rushed to each other, whether each other was sanging, biting and fished. In the cities all day beat in Nabat: they were convened, but who calls for something, no one knew that, and everyone was alarm. Left the most ordinary crafts, because everyone offered his thoughts, his amendments, and could not agree; Stopped agriculture. In some places, people flew into the heaps, agreed together on something, did not part, they immediately started something completely different than now they themselves assumed, began to accuse each other, fought and cut. Fires began, hunger began. Everything died everything. The ulcer grew and moved further and further. Only a few people can escape around the world, these were clean and elected, intended to start a new genus of people and a new life, to update and clean the earth, but no one has seen these people anywhere, no one heard their words and voices. "

Raskolnikov at Katorga so until the end and did not repent in his crime. He believes that in vain succumbed to Petrachiy's pressure Petrovich and appeared to the investigator with the obey. It would be better if he committed suicide like Svidrigaylov. He simply did not have enough strength to dare to suicide. For the Raskolnikov, Sonya went to the cautious. But the splitters can not love her. He does not like anyone, as, however, and Him. The convicts hate Skolnikov and, on the contrary, they love Sonya very much. One of the convicts rushed to Skolnikov, wanting to kill him.

What is the theory of Raskolnikova, as not "Trichin", having fallen into him in the soul and forced Skolnikov to think that in him one and in his theory, truth was concluded?! In man can not be truth. According to Dostoevsky, the truth is only God, in Christ. If a person decided that he had a measure of all things, he was able to go to the murder of another like a splitter. He gives himself the right to judge, who is worthy of living, and who to die, who "nasty old woman", which should be pressed, and who can continue to live. These questions decide alone only God, according to Dostoevsky.

Skolnikov's sleep in an epilogue about Trikhines, where the dying mankind was shown, which was shown that the truth was concluded in man, it shows that the splitters are ripe in order to understand the fallacy and danger of their theory. He is ready to repent, and then the world around him changes: Suddenly he sees in the convicts not criminals and animals, but people having a human appearance. And the convicts suddenly begin to treat the robre to Raskolnik. Moreover, until he repented in a crime, he was not able to love anyone at all, including Sonya. After sleeping "Trikhens", he falls in front of her knees, kisses her leg. He is already able to love. Sonya gives him the Gospel, and he wants to open this book of faith, but still slow. However, this is another story - the story of the resurrection of the "fallen man", as Dostoevsky writes in the final.

Skolnikov's dreams are also part of his punishment for a crime. This is included and operating independently of the human conscience mechanism. Conscience broadcasts Raskolnikov these terrible images of dreams and makes him repent of the crime, return to the image of a person who, of course, continues to live in the soul of Raskolnikov. Dostoevsky, forcing the hero to become the Christian path of repentance and rebirth, considers this path the only true for a person.

In the composition of the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" Skolnikov's dreams occupy the most important place, being an integral part of building a work. Dreams in the novel are the reflection of the inner world of the hero, his ideas, theories, thoughts hidden from his consciousness. This is an important component of the novel, which gives the reader the opportunity to penetrate into the inner world of Raskolnikov, understand the essence of his soul itself.

Dreams in psychology

The study of a person's personality is a very subtle science that is balancing between accurate installations and philosophical conclusions. Psychology often operates with such mysterious and ambiguous categories as "consciousness", "unconscious", "psyche". Here, for clarification of a person's actions, his inner world is dominated, hidden sometimes even from the patient himself. He drives his immoral thoughts and feelings deeply inward, I am still confessed to them not only around them, but even myself. This causes a mental imbalance, contributes to the development of neurosis and hysteries.

To solve the state of a person, the true causes of its moral sufferings, psychologists often use hypnosis or breakdown of dreams. It is a dream in psychology - this is the expression of a person unconscious in the psyche, his depressed "I".

Sleep as a reception of psychoanalysis in the novel

Dostoevsky is a very subtle psychologist. He seems to turn inside out the soul of his heroes in front of the reader. But it does not clearly, but gradually, as if drawing a picture in front of the audience, on which everyone should see special patterns. In the work of "Crime and Punishment", a dream is a way to disclose the inner world of Raskolnikov, his experiences, emotions and a doom. Therefore, it is so important to determine the content of Raskolnikov's dreams, their semantic load. It is also necessary in order to figure out both in the novel, and in the identity of the hero.

Church and Kabak

Throughout the work, Rodion Romanovich sees dreams five times. More precisely, three sleep and two semi-breeds occurring on the verge of consciousness and unreality. Skolnikov's dreams, the short content of which allows you to catch the deep meaning of the work, allow the reader to feel the inner contradictions of the hero, its "heavy reflections". This is happening in the case of the first bed, in which the internal struggle of the hero is going to some extent. This is a very important point. This is a dream before the killing of the old woman. It needs to focus on it. This is a system-forming episode, from which, as from a stone, flew into the water, the waves are diverged on each page of the novel.

The first Skolnikov dream is the generation of the painful imagination. He sees him in his "room" after he met a drunken girl on the boulevard. Sleep returns Rodion in distant childhood when he lived in his hometown. Life is so simple, usual and boring, that even on holidays nothing is able to dilute the "sulfur time." Moreover, Dostoevsky's sleep was depicted in gloomy, repulsive tones. The contrast creates only the green dome of the church and the red and blue shirts that belong to drunken men.

In this dream there are two places that are opposed to each other: Cabaccy and church in a cemetery. The church in the cemetery is a specific symbol: how life begins his own man in the church, and ends it in the same place. And Kabak, in turn, is associated with Rodion with anger, lowness, hospitality, drunkenness, mud and depravity of his inhabitants. The fun inhabitants of the Kabaka like the surrounding and the smallest bullies cause only fear and disgust.

And the two of these cores - the Kabak and the Church are not by chance at a short distance from each other. This Dostoevsky wants to say that a person whatever he is disgusting can at any time stop low life and turn to the long-life God. To do this, just need to start a new, "clean" life, life without sins.

Old Children's Nightmare

We now turn out not to the symbols of this sleep, but to the very Rodion, which in a dream plunged into the world of his childhood. He again experiences a nightmare, whose witness was in early childhood: Rodion, along with his father, heads on the cemetery to visit the grave of a small brother who died at 6 months of age. And the path they ran through the zabak. Kabaka stood a breakdown horse, which was harnessed in the cart. A drunk owner of the horse came out of the Kabak and began to invite his buddies to ride on the cart. When the old horse did not move from a place, Micall began to whip it with the whip, which he then changed the scrap. After several blows, the horse dies, and Rodion, seeing it, rushes on him with fists.

Analysis of the first sleep

It is this in the novel "Crime and Punishment" a dream is the most important component of the whole novel. It allows for the first time to see the readers of the murder. Only the murder is not conceived, but real. In the first dream, the meaning is laid, which carries a huge semantic and symbolic load. He clearly demonstrates where the hero has evolved a sense of injustice. This feeling is the generation of the quest and mental suffering of Rodion.

Only one in the work of "Crime and Punishment" Skolnikov's sleep is the millennial experience of oppression and enslave each other. It reflects the cruelty, which is managing the world, and with nothing comparable longing in justice and humanity. This thought with affecting skill and clarity F.M. Dostoevsky was able to show in such a short episode.

Second Sleep Skolnikova

Interestingly, after the Raskolnikov saw the first dream, he no longer sees dreams anymore, except for his visiting vision - a desert, in which there is an oasis with blue water (this is a symbol: blue - color of hope, color of purity). The fact that splitters decides to get drunk from the source, indicates that not all is lost. He can still refuse his "experience", to avoid this terrible experiment, which must confirm his crazy theory that the murder of the "harmful" (bad, gravily) person will certainly bring relief to society and makes the life of good people better.

On the verge of unconscious

In a feverish fit, when the hero is not much concerned about nonsense, the splitters see how the owner of his apartment allegedly beats Ilya Petrovich. It is impossible to allocate this episode that occurred in the second part of the novel, in a separate dream, as it is more "nonsense and auditory hallucinations." Although this to some extent suggests that the hero is to prefers, which will be a "renewent", "outcast", i.e. At the subconscious level, he knows that he is waiting for punishment. But also, perhaps this is the game of the subconscious, which speaks about the desire to destroy another "trembling creature" (hostess of the apartment), which is also like an old-year-older, is not worthy of his theory, live.

Description of the next Sleep Skolnikov

In the third part of the work of Rodion, who was already dealt with Alena Ivanovna (also killing the innocent Lizaven Ivanovna), another dream is dreaming, gradually turning into nonsense. Another dream of Skolnikov is like the first. This is a nightmare: the old woman in a dream is alive, and for fruitless attempts to kill himself, she meets the Raskolnikov laugh, laughter "sinister and unpleasant." Raskolnikov trying to kill her again, but Homon crowd, which is clearly tuned unfriendly and viciously, does not allow him to do a matter. Dostoevsky this shows the torment and throwing the main character.

Psychoanalysis of the author

This dream fully reflects the condition of the hero, which was "was broken," since his experiment showed him that he was not able to overtake through human lives. The laughter of the old woman is laughter over the fact that the Raskolnikov was not "Napoleon", which can easily juggle with human destinies, and an insignificant and funny person. This is a peculiar triumph of evil over failing to destroy the conscience of Raskolnikov. Purely composite this dream is a continuation and development of the reflection of Raskolnikov over its theory, according to which he shared people on the "creatures of trembling" and those who "right". This inability to step over through a person and will bring Rodion to the drawing, to the possibility of "reborn from the ash".

Last Son.

The last in the novel "Crime and Punishment" Skolnikov's dream is another peculiar half-hearth, in which you need to look for hope for the possibility of moving the hero. This dream eliminates Rodion from doubts and searches, so tormented it all the time after the murder. The last Skolnikov dream is a world that should disappear due to illness. As if in this world there are perfumes that are endowed with the mind who possess the will, capable of subordinate to people, making puppets, stand-noted and crazy. And the puppets themselves after infection consider themselves truly smart and unshakable. Infected people kill each other like spiders in a bank. After the third nightmare, Rodion is healed. It becomes moral, physically and psychologically free, healed. And he is ready to follow the advice of Petrophry Petrovich, is ready to become the "Sun". It approaches the threshold for which a new life lies.

In this dream, Raskolnikov looks at his theory with completely different eyes, now he sees that she is inhuman, and regards it already as a dangerous for human race, for all mankind.


Thus, Raskolnikov rethought all his life, cooling its worldview. The main achievement of Skolnikova is his refusal of insolvent theory. His victory is that he was able to get rid of delusions. The hero gradually approached spiritual and moral perfection, i.e. Passed the way, even difficult, painful and filled with suffering, but still clearative and spiritually reviving. It is the suffering of Dostoevsky - this is the path to the present happiness.

Final Accord

The article described the Skolnikov dreams briefly and compressed, but as much as possible, without loss of important points. These dreams are very important in the content of the work. They, as if thread, associate events in the novel. It is the descriptions of dreams that contribute to the fact that the reader is extremely concentrated on the plot of therapy, on the image system that the author introduces. Hero dreams prepare the reader to subsequent scenes and are of great importance for understanding the main ideas of the novel. They are also significant for the work in the artistic and art.

In addition, dreams are very important to help determine the psychological state of Rodion, his feelings and emotions. The author through the dream of the main character conducts an important psychological analysis. Sleeping Skolnikov, in which he sees himself a child, allows us to understand his spiritual well-being. He then tried to compare his aversion to the murder of a horse with sensations from the real murder, which was conceived. Perhaps if he listened to his feelings, he could avoid an internal split, which was the terrible tragedy for him. In addition, the first dream clearly makes it clear to the reader that the splitters are not a disappearance of the people that he is inherent in compassion and the desire to protect the weak. This allows you to look at the "submerged killer" at a different angle.

Dreams in the novel have their own individual functions and moods in each specific episode of the novel, but their general purpose is invariably. The value of Skolnikov's dreams is to reveal the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. The idea that tells us that every person is value, it is impossible to divide people on the "lice" and "useful". The idea that shows that no one has the rights to "make human destinies. The idea, which indicates how difficult the flour of conscience.

Many writers used dreams in their works, but few could achieve what F.M. Dostoevsky. The way it is fine, deeply and at the same time brightly described the psychological state of the character with the help of sleep, strikes not only the average man, but also the true connoisseurs of literature.

/ Dream Skolnikova

Dreams Skolnikova

In his novels, Dostoevsky reveals the complex processes of internal life of heroes, their feelings, emotions, secret desires and fears. In this aspect, characteristics are especially important. However, Dostoevsky's dreams often have a plot-forming value.

Let us try to analyze the dreams and dreams of Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment". The first dream hero sees on the Petrovsky island. In this dream, the childhood of Rodion revives again: along with his father on a festive day, he goes outside the city. Here they see a terrible picture: a young man, a Molka, coming out of the Kabaka, fucking his "skinny ... Savrai Klyachonka", which is not under the power of the unbearable WHO, and then finishing it with iron scrap. Pure Children's Nature of Rodion protests against violence: With cry, he rushes to the scored Savra and kisses her dead bloody face. And then jumps up and rushes with fireplaces on the Molts. Raskolnikov experiences a whole range of various feelings here: horror, fear, pity for the unfortunate horse, malice and hatred of Molka. Sleep this dream is so amazing Rodion, which, waking up, he rents "from his damn dream." Such is the meaning of sleep directly in the external action of the novel. However, the meaning of this sleep is much deeper and significant. First, this dream precedes future events: red shoes of drunken men; red, "like carrots", the face of the Molka; Baba "in Kumachah"; The ax that can be finished with the unfortunate klyche - all this predetermines future murders, hinting at the fact that the blood is overcome. Secondly, the dream of this reflects the painful generation of the hero consciousness. If we remember that the dream is the expression of the subconscious desires and fears of a person, it will turn out that the splitters, afraid of their own desires, still wanted to death scored an unfortunate horse. It turns out that in this dream, the hero feels like a Molka, and a child, clean, the good soul of which is not a cruelty and violence. This splitness, the inconsistency of the Skolnikov nature in the novel is subtly noticed by the deformity. In a conversation with Pulcheria, Alexandrovna Raulumihin notes that Rodion "Gords, gloomy, shift and proud", "cold and insensitive to inhuman", and at the same time - "generous and kind". "For sure in it, two opposite characters are alternately replaced," Rasschin exclaims. On the painful splitness of the Skolnikov also testify the two opposite images from his sleep - Kabak and Church. Kabak is what people are ruined, this is the focus of debauchery, recklessness, evil, is the place where a person often loses his human appearance. Kabak always produced a "unpleasant impression" at Rodion, there was always a crowd, "so they screamed, laughed, they swear ... Ugly and sizzle sang and fought; There are always such drunken and terrible faces with a kabak's circle. " Kabak is a symbol of viciousness and evil. The church in this dream personifies the best that is in human nature. It is characteristic that the Church of Little Rodion loved, he went twice a year with his father and mother for lunch. He liked the vintage image and the old priest, he knew that the memories were served here on his dead grandmother. Cabac and church here, therefore, metaphorically represent the main guidelines of a person in life. It is characteristic that in this dream, the Raskolnikov does not reach the church, does not fall into it, which is also very significant. It delays the scene near the Kabaka.

There is meaningful here and the image of the skinny peasant Savra, which does not withstand the unbearable Neshi. The unfortunate horse is the symbol of the unbearable suffering of all the "humiliated and offended" in the novel, the symbol of hopelessness and a dead end of the Skolnikov, a symbol of the disaster symbol of the marmalade family, the Sony position symbol. With this episode of the Hero's dream, the bitter exclamation of Katerina Ivanovna in front of death: "Klyachu sat! Sleelled-AB! ".

It is significant in this dream and the image of the deceased Father Skolnikov. Father wants to lead Rodion from Kabak, does not tell him to look at the violence. Father here seems to be trying to warn hero from his fatal act. Recalling the mountain, which has comprehended their family, when the brother of Rodion died, the father of Raskolnikova leads him to the cemetery, at the grave of the deceased brother, towards the Church. This is exactly what, in our opinion, the function of the Father Skolnikov in this dream.

In addition, we note the plot-forming role of this dream. It appears as "a peculiar core of the entire novel, its central event. Focusing the energy and strength of all future events, sleep has a formative value for other storylines, "predicts" them (sleep is dreaming in the present time, talks about the past and predicts the future killing of the old woman). The most complete representation of the main roles and functions ("sacrifice", "tormented" and "compassionate" in the terminology of Dostoevsky himself) sets a dream about the murder of a horse as a plot kernel, subject to text deployment, "notes G, Amelin and I. A. Piliers. Indeed, the threads from this dream are drawn throughout the novel. Researchers stand out in the work of the character "Troika", corresponding to the "torching" roles, "victims" and "compassionate". In a dream, the hero is "Molka - a horse - a splitter-child", in real life it is "Raskolnikov - the old woman - Sonya." However, in the third "Three" hero himself acts as a victim. This "Troika" - "Raskolnikov - Porfirya Petrovich - Molka Dementiev". In the development of all plot situations, the same motives sound here. Researchers note that in all three plots, the same text formula is beginning to be deployed - "sorrify" and "volat to the pattern". So, in the dream, the Skolnikova Molka scrap "sobs his poor horse with the scope." Around the same hero kills Alain Ivanovna. "The blow fell in the most thorough ...", "here he struck his whole strength and the other, everything is overall, and all by the pape." The same expressions use Porphyry in a conversation with Rodion. "Well, who, tell me, of all the defendants, even from the very prevailful man, does not know that it, for example, will first stand on unauthorized issues to sleep (according to your lucky expression), and then suddenly and grieved in the very topic, With ... ", - notes the investigator. In another place we read: "I, on the contrary, should be distracted, so you, in the opposite direction, yes, suddenly, like a volat to the palate (according to your expression), and sorrify:" And what, they say, sir, you learned in the apartment killed Do at ten o'clock in the evening, but almost not even at eleven? ".

In addition to dreams, the novel describes three Skolnikov visions, three of its "dreams". Before committing a crime, he sees himself "in some oasis." The caravan rests, peacefully lie camels, there are magnificent palm trees. Nearby rumbles, and "wonderful-wonderful such blue water, cold, runs through multicolored stones and for such a clean with gold sparkles of sand ..." And in these Gresses again denotes the aging generation of the hero consciousness. As notes by B.S. Kondratyev, camel here - a symbol of humility (the Raskolnikov came to accept, renounced the "damn dream of her" after the first sleep), but Palma is "the main symbol of triumph and victory", Egypt is the place where Napoleon forgets the army. Having renounced his ideas in reality, the hero returns to them in a dream, feeling like a winner-Napoleon.

The second vision visits Skolnikov after his crime. It seems to be heard that the quarterly warden Ilya Petrovich is terribly beating him (Skolnikova) an apartment hostess. Vision is exposed to the hidden desire of the Raskolnikov to harm the apartment hostess, the feeling of hatred, the aggression of the hero in relation to it. It was thanks to the apartment hostess, he found himself in the plot, was forced to be explained with the assistant of the quarterly warder, experiencing a deadly feeling of fear and almost never owning himself. But the vision of Skolnikova has a deeper, philosophical aspect. This is a reflection of the painful state of the hero after the murder of the old woman and Lizavets, reflecting his feelings of alienation from their past, from the "former thoughts", "former tasks", "former impressions." The apartment hostess here is obviously a symbol of the past life of Raskolnikov, a symbol of what he loved so much (Hero's relationship story with the daughter of the apartment hostess). Quarterly warden - the figure from his "new" life, which put his crime. In this "new" life, he "as if scissors cut off himself from everyone," and at the same time from his past. Raskolnikov is unbearable in its new position, which in the subconscious it is captured as damage, harm caused by the last hero of him hereby.

The third vision of Raskolnikova occurs after his meeting with a motive, accusing him in murder. The hero will wonder the faces of people from his childhood, the bell tower of the church; "Billiard in one restaurant and some kind of officer at the Billiard, the smell of cigars in a basement tobacco bench, a sawing, a black staircase ... somewhere comes Sunday ringing bells ...". The officer in this vision is the reflection of the actual life impressions of the hero. In front of his crime, Raskolnikov hears a student talking with an officer in the restaurant. The images of this vision themselves are echoing with images from the first sleep of Rodion. There he saw the Kabak and the Church, here - the bell tower of the church, the ringing of the bells and the tavern, the smell of cigars, sipping. The symbolic meaning of these images is preserved here.

The second Solution of Raskolnikov sees after his crime. He dreams that he again goes to the apartment Alena Ivanovna and tries to kill her, but the old woman, as if muddling, poured a quiet, silent laugh. Laughter and whisper hear him in the next room. Skolnikova surrounds suddenly many people - in the hallway, on the site, on the stairs, is silently and waiting, they look at him. Hiring horror, he cannot move and soon awakens. This dream reflects the subconscious desires of the hero. Raskolnikov is illustrated by its position, wanting to open their "secret" to someone, he is hard to carry it in himself. He literally chips in his individualism, seeking to overcome the state of painful alienation from others and himself. That is why in the dream of Skolnikov near him many people. The soul rifles him to the people, he wants community, unity with them. In this dream, the motive of laughter appears, accompanying the hero throughout the novel. After committing the crime, Raskolnikov feels that "he killed himself, not the old woman." This truth is as if opened to people surrounding the hero in a dream. An interesting interpretation of the Sleep Hero offers S.B. Kondratyev. The researcher notes that Laughter in Solution Skolnikova is the "attribute of the invisible presence of Satan," the hero of the demons laughs and tease.

She sees his third dream of the Raskolnikov already at Katorga. In this dream, he, as it were, rethinking the events that occurred, his theory. Raskolnikov seems to be as if the whole world was convicted of "terrible ... by marine ulcer." There were some new microscopic beings, Trikhins, infecting people and making them tricky. Infected not hear and do not understand others, considering only their opinion is absolutely faithful and the only right. Leaving his classes, crafts and agriculture, people kill each other in some meaningless malice. Fires begin, hunger, digest everything around. Only a few people, "clean and elected" can be saved all over the world, but no one has ever seen. " This dream is the extreme embodiment of the individualistic theory of Raskolnikov, showing threatening the results of a detrimental effect on the world and humanity. It is characteristic that individualism is now identified in the consciousness of Rodion with a launion and madness. In fact, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero about strong personalities, Napoleons, which "everything is permitted," is now present to him the disease, madness, turbidity of the mind. Moreover, the spread of this theory around the world is what causes the greatest concerns of Skolnikov. Now the hero is aware that the idea of \u200b\u200bhim is opposed to the human nature, mind, divine world order. Understanding and accepting all this with his soul, the splitters are experiencing moral enlightenment. It is not for nothing after this dream, he begins to realize his love for the Son, who opens his faith in life.

Thus, the dreams and the visions of the Skolnikov in the novel transmit its internal states, feelings, intimate desires and secret fears. Composite dreams often finish future events, become causes of events, drive the plot. Dreams contribute to the mixing of real and mystical alignment plans: new characters grow from dreams of the hero. In addition, the plots in these visions echoes the ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, with the author's assessment of the Raskolnikov idea.

The first Skolnikov dream and his meaning?


Raskolnikov will dream of his childhood, in his hometown. He walks with his father and passes by Kabak, from which drunken men run away. One of them, Molka, invites others to ride not his cart, which is injected "Little, skinny saving peasant krachononka." Men agree and sit down. Molka beats a horse, forcing her pull the cart, but she cannot even go a step due to weakness. Then the owner begins to beat Klyach with distervection and finishing it. Raskolnikov-child at the first moment looks at everything that happens in horror, then rushes to protect the horse, but too late.
The atmosphere of what is happening is hot down by the strongest feelings. On the one hand, it is a malicious, aggressive passion of the detached crowd, on the other - the unbearable despair of little parents, shaking his heart pity for the "poor horse". And in the center of everything - the horror and tears of seeking Klyachi. Not by chance, creating this terrible picture, Dostoevsky uses a lot of exclamation marks.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe episode is the rejection of the murder of man in nature, and in particular, Okolnikov in particular. Before bedtime, hero thinks about the usefulness of the murder of the old-year older age, which has learned his century and "hires" someone else's, but after the splitters wakes up in the cold sweat and horrified from the scene, seen in a dream. This change can be explained by the struggle of the soul and mind, which constantly happens in the main hero. The dreams do not obey the mind, the person is revealed in them, and we see that the murder of disgusting the soul and the heart of Skolnikov. But in the reality of thoughts and care for mother and sister, the desire to prove their theory about "ordinary" and "extraordinary" people in practice prompted to think about the murder and its usefulness, drowning the flour of nature.
Dostoevsky puts his thoughts about the causes of the crime and uninstalistic murder in the first dream of the main character.
The hometown is a symbol of St. Petersburg itself. Kabak, drunken men, suffocating the atmosphere - all these inalienable components of St. Petersburg times of Dostoevsky. The author believes that Petersburg is the cause and partner of the crime of Raskolnikov. The city with its atmosphere, imaginary impasses, cruelty and indifference acts on the main character, involving it in the painful state of excitement. It is this condition that pushes the Raskolnikov to the creation of the theory, which masters him mind and commands themselves.
Sleep the set of threads is associated with what happens later in the reality of the novel. Raskolnikov, shuddering before he conceived, will still kill the old woman and still a covenant, the same helpless and scored as Klyach: she will not dare even raise his hand to protect his face from the killer's ax. Then the dying Katerina Ivanovna will exhale together with a caring blood: "Klyachu was driving! "But the splitters in this strange reality will appear as a executioner as a fraction of a coarse, cruel world, who gave themselves the right to kill, anyway, how: on the arms of the arms, is inventing the theories about strong and weak personalities.
The dream of the main character is described by the author with all the details and resembles the scene from the poem of N. A. Nekrasov "On the weather." Sleep action unfolds consistently, in contrast, for example, from Nicolenka's sleep in the Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", where the events that occur by feverishly replace each other. But the first Skolnikov dream is not the only one: it will follow three more dreams, and each of the four has its meaning. The first dream of the main character played an important role in the further work, since, developing the topic of "punishment" of Skolnikov, Dostoevsky will show that it is in the soul that all the main truths about the attitude of people to each other are stored: "Do not judge," "not kill," " Love your neighbor as yourself. " And punished Raskolnikov will be primarily the fact that his heart will not accept

Elena Anufriev

The dreams are important in the novel. There are practically no boundaries between sleep and reality. The sleep smoothly goes into reality, reality in sleep. When the Raskolnikov sees the Bezanin, who blamed him in the death of the old woman, he perceives him as a dream. This is due to the fact that the reality itself is fantastic in the novel, which contributes to the image of St. Petersburg, its atmosphere of a stuffiness, having a symbolic meaning.

During the novel, Rodion Raskolnikov sees a dream five times. He sees the first dream in his room after meeting with a drunken girl on the boulevard. It is generated by the painful imagination of the hero. The action takes place in the distant childhood Skolnikov. Life in his hometown is so common and sulfur that "time is sulfur", even on a festive day. Yes, and the whole dream is depicted by a writer in the dark colors: "Forests are drawn", "the road is always dusty, and the dust on it is always so black." With dark, gray tone contrasts only the green dome of the church, and only the red and blue shirts of drunken men are joyful stains.

In a dream there are two opposite places: Cabac and church in the cemetery. Kabach in the memory of Rodion Raskolnikova personifies drunkenness, evil, lowness and dirt of his inhabitants. The fun of drunken people does not inspire others, in particular, a little childly, nothing but fear. A little further along the road is the city cemetery, and on it - the church. The coincidence of their location means whatever a person, he will still begin his life in the church and finish it in the same place. The church is not accidental in three steps from the Kabak. This short distance shows that a person at any time can stop his daily life and, turning to God, who will all forgive, start a new, righteous life. This dream is an important part of the novel. In it, the reader first sees the murder, not only conceived, but also implemented.

And after sleeping in the head of Skolnikova, a thought arises: "Yes, really, really, I really take an ax, I will beat the head on my head, I smake a skull. I will slide in the sticky of warm blood, hack the castle, steal and tremble; hide, all blood poured .. with an ax? Lord, really? "Rodion will hardly commit this murder, because his attitude towards violence has changed little since childhood. Despite the past years, he still nourishes disgust to violence, especially for the murder. This dream is the most bright and memorable and bears the greatest semantic load. He clearly reveals the source of the sense of shocked injustice, generated by the quest and the aspirations of the hero. This is one of the most important moments of the novel, in which the millennial experience of enslavement and oppression of some people in a compressed form focused on the other, the age-old cruelty, which has long been held by peace, and passionate longing for justice and humanity, expressed with great skill.

The author's design of dreams Skolnikova What is the meaning of the Skolnikov dreams at the Katorga for the disclosure of the author's plan?


Dreams Skolnikova: Description and Essence
First sleep (Ch. 1, ch. V) Raskolnikov sees shortly before
murder, falling asleep in the bushes in the park after the "sample" and heavy
Meetings with marmalades.
Sleep heavy, painful, exhausting and unusually
Rich symbols:
Raskolnikov-boy loves to go to church,
personifying heavenly origin on earth, that is
Spirituality, moral purity and perfection.
However, the road to the church passes by Kabak, who
The boy does not like; Kabak is that terrible, worldly, earthly,
What is ruined in man man.
In the scene at the Kabaka - the murder of helpless horse the crowd
drunk-smeared splitters trying to protect
Unhappy animal, screaming, crying; Apparently, in his
Nature is not hard, merciless and contempt
To someone else's life, even horsepower alien and possible
Violence over the human person for him is disappearing,
It is significant that after this sink sink
For a long time, dreams do not see.
The position of dreams in the tissue of the novel is finely thought out,
It allows the author to make the necessary accents
in the right places.

Sleep about Africa
This dream also dreamed of Raskolnikov on the eve
Raskolnikov sees Egypt, Oasis, Blue Water,
Multicolored stones, golden sand.
This dream is contrast.
He is opposed to real life Skolnikova -
miserable, colorless, gray. (H, 1, ch. Vi)
Sleep about Ilya Petrovich and the hostess
In delusion after committing a crime of splitters
She sees a dream about Ilya Petrovich, which hits the hostess.
In a dream, the splitters felt fear that perhaps
Behind him came: "Suddenly, the splitters fluttered as a sheet ...
Ilya Petrovich here and hits the hostess ... but it became
And now they will come to him, if so, "because ...
True, all this is from the same ... because of yesterday's ... "
"... fear, like ice, laid his soul, tortured him,
rinsed it ... "
At the same time, even in a dream, he does not take
Nothing to escape, close, do not surrender to the police.
(Part 2, Ch. II)
Dream about laughing old woman
Before the arrival of Svidrigaylov Raskolnikov saw
Deadly dream of the killed older percentage.
In a dream, the Raskolnikov goes to the old woman after
Some kind of mothers, who calls him there.
In the corner, in the living room he discovers a seated old woman.
The old woman laughs.
Raskolnikov strikes the ax, but laughter is only
Raskolnikov rushed to run, but there were people everywhere
On the stairs, in the premises, etc.: "... everyone is looking, -
But everyone attached and wait, silent ...
His heart struggled, legs do not move, increased ...
He wanted to scream and woke up ... "
In a dream, Raskolnikov is experiencing fear that municipal
His reality after the crime.
After the murder of the old woman, the splitters was afraid of shame and
Human court.
He was afraid to be disgraced before the crowd.
This fear was embodied in a dream (Part 3, Ch. Vi)
Sleep about the end of the world
This is the last Skolnikov dream.
Already at the Raskolnikov Kathers once fell ill and got
in hospital.
In a painful delirium, he saw repeated several times
Sleep about the end of the world.
"He dreamed of illness, as if the whole world was convicted
Sacrificing some terrible, unheard and unprecedented
Sea ulcer coming from the depths of Asia to Europe.
Everyone had to die, except for some, very
Few, selected ... "
This last dream will dream of Raskolnikov after the trial,
at Katorga.
Katorga became the beginning of his new life for him, the beginning
Atonement of his sin.
This sleep is the symbol of cleansing and updating the soul
Sleep is very bright and emotional talking about about
active internal work on oneself

Alexander Doronin

Last Skolnikov's sleep occurs already at Katorga. Rodion is seriously ill with typhus, and he dreams of a nightmare.
Peace. People are infected with an unknown disease transmitted by spirits. Everything in the world becomes easily manageable puppets, and people themselves consider themselves high mind and reason. Then the contaminated kill each other, like spiders in the bath.
This dream is a turning point on the life of Skolnikov. After this nightmare, Rodion understands all the inconsistency of his own theory and, one might say, reverses it. The main character is spiritually healed, and begins to live a new life, to live liberated from all the quest, so mutating his whole life. It is here that it appears hope for the redemption of his sin. It is there - at Katorga-Raskolnikov, like Lazari from biblical legends, is resurrected from the dead.
It can also be said that Dostoevsky wanted to show the future filled with people like Rodion, who have their own theory, the same velide and killer. Like Skolnikov.
Simply put, Dostoevsky shows himself, he also passed the boat for his convictions, and subsequently refused them.

... Entering the Kharchevnya, he drank a glass of vodka and ate with some kind of filling the cake. He dared him again on the road. He did not drink vodka for a long time, and she worried a moment, although he had only one wineglass. His legs suddenly alone, and he began to feel a strong calling for sleep. He went home; But having reached the Petrovsky Island, he stopped in complete exhaustion, came down from the road, entered the bushes, fell on the grass and fell asleep at the same moment.

In the painful state of the dreams differ often unusually convex, brightness and emergency similarity with reality. Sometimes a picture of a monstrous, but the situation and the whole process of the entire presentation are at the same time being likely and with such subtle, unexpected, but artistically relevant whole fullness painting with details that they do not reveal to reveal to this very dream, whether it is the same artist, Like Pushkin or Turgenev. Such dreams, painful dreams, always remember and produce a strong impression on the upset and already excited human body.

Scary sleep dreamed of Raskolnikov. His childhood dreamed of him, in their town. He is seven years old and walks on a festive day, in the evening, with his father outside the city. The time is sulfur, the day is suffocating, the terrain is absolutely the same as he survived in his memory: even in his memory it was much more cade than it was now in a dream. The town is worth openly as on the palm, there are no winds; Somewhere very far, on the very edge of the sky, the fishing line drawn. A few steps from the last urban garden stands the Kabak, a big bank, who always made an unpleasant impression on him and even fear when he passed by him, walking with his father. There was always such a crowd, so they screamed, laughed, swear, so ugly and sizzle sang and so often fought; There are always such drunk and terrible faces of Kabaka, having met with them, he crawled close to his father and trembled. Near the Kababa road, the village, always dusty, and the dust on it is always so black. She goes, wriggling, further and the steps in three hundred and envelops the city cemetery to the right. Among the cemetery, the stone church with a green dome, in which he two times a year went with his father and with his mother for lunch, when the memorial goods were served on his grandmother, who had long been dead, and he had never seen. At the same time, they always took them with a bun on a white dish, in a napkin, and Suga was sugar from rice and a raisin embedded in the rice of the cross. He loved this church and an old image in it, the biggest part without salary, and the old priest with a trembling head. Near the grandmother's grave, on which there was a stove, there was a small grave of his little brother, the deceased six months and whom he also did not know at all and could not remember; But he was told that he had a little brother, and he, every time he visited the cemetery, religiously and respectfully baptized over the grave, bowed to her and kissed her. And so dreams: they go with the father on the way to the cemetery and pass by the Kabak; He holds his father by his hand and looks back with fear on the Kabak. A particular circumstance attracts his attention: this time here as if a walk, a crowd of smashed mesh, women, their husbands and all sorts. Everyone is drunk, everyone sing songs, and a clock porch is a cart, but a strange cart. This is one of those large carts that are hardened with large scrap horses and transport goods and wine barrels in them. He always loved to look at these huge scramble horses, long-catch, with thick legs, going calmly, a measuring step and those who carry some whole mountain, at all hopefully, as if they were even easier for them than without anywhere. But now, a strange thing, there was a small, skinny, Savrai peasant, one of those who have seen it often - they saw it - they died sometimes with a high way of firewood or hay, especially if the WHO is stuck in the mud or in a rut, and at the same time they hurt so hurts, they always beat the men whips, sometimes even on the face itself and in the eyes, and he's sorry for him, so it's a pity to look at it that he almost cries, and milf always happened , takes it from the window. But suddenly it becomes very noisy: it's from the Kabak with screams, with songs, with drunk-typny balalaikas big men in red and blue shirts, with Armenians. "Sit down, everyone sit down! - Shouts one, still young, with tough shee and with fleshy, red, like carrots, face, - everyone will take, sit down! " But immediately heels laughter and exclamation:

- Smeak Klyach is lucky!

- Yes, you, Molka, in the mind, or what: Singing the kobynik in such a cart comes!

- And after all, Savrach, then there will be twenty years old, brothers!

- Sit down, everyone will take! - again the Molka screams, jumping first in the cart, takes the entrance and becomes in front of the front. - Gunnaya grooved with Matvey, he gone from the cart from the cart - and the Kobymenka Etta, brothers, only my heart overslets: it would seem to be, and killed her, the gift of bread eats. I say sitting! Strick! Scrap will go! "And he takes to the hands of a whip, with pleasure getting ready to hover Savrask.

- Yes, sit down, what! - laugh in the crowd. - I hear, scriberci will go!

- She will jump, so for ten years, called, did not jump.

- Bars!

- Do not regret, brothers, take any whites, prepare!

- and that! Seques her!

Crime and Punishment. Figyth Film 1969 1 series

Everyone climbs into Mikkina Telaga with laughter and sharpness. It was noted six, and you can still plant. Take with one woman, thick and ruddy. She is in Kumachah, in kicks with beads, on the legs of cats, clicking nuts and laughs. The circle in the crowd is also laughing, and indeed, how not to laugh: Self-blown kobylenka Yes, there will be a hurt. Two guys in the cart immediately take on the whip to help Molka. It is heard: "Well!", Klyachonka pulls out all the power, but not only to drag, but even a step, just a little bit can cope, only the seeds of the legs, swallows and squatting from the blows of the three whips, sleeping on her like peas. Laughter in the cart and in the crowd doubled, but the Molka is angry and in a rage sneaks with rapid blows to Kobylenka, accurately believes that she will fight.

- Let me and me, brothers! - Shouts one unfolded guy from the crowd.

- Sit down! All sitting! - Screaming Molka, - everyone is lucky. Start! - And shearse, shears, and no longer knows what to beat from the osterment.

- Daddy, daddy, - he shouts his father, - Daddy, what do they do? Daddy, poor horse beat!

- Let's go, let's go! - Says Father, - Drunk, Shalyat, Fools: Let's go, don't look! "And he wants to take him, but he breaks out of his hands and, without remembering himself, runs to the horse." But a poor horse is bad. She chips, stops, pulls again, almost falls.

- Seques to death! - Screaming Molka, - I went. Start!

- What is the cross on you, or no, Leshe! - shouts one old man from the crowd.

- Separate, so that such a horse takes such a fucking, - adds another.

- Wear! - Screaming the third.

- Do not ride! My good! I do what I want. Sit back! All sitting! I want to break to break! ..

Suddenly, the laughter hesitated with a volley and covers everything: the Kobylenka did not bear the rapid strikes and began to fall in impotence. Even the old man could not stand and grinned. And rightfully: a sort of falling kobylenka, and still flashes!

Two guys from the crowd get even on the whip and flew to the horsenate to bring it from the sides. Everyone runs on his part.

- By the face of her, in the eyes of the glory, in the eyes! - Screaming Molka.

- Song, brothers! - Schracts someone from the carts, and everyone in the cart pick. There is a rampant song, bubble bubble, whistling in the chisels. Babenka snaps nuts and laughs.

... He is running down the horses, he runs forward, he sees how her sem in the eyes, in the very eyes! He is crying. Heart rises in it, tears flow. One of the sequers hurts him; He does not feel, he breaks his hands, screams, rushes to a gray old man with a gray beard, who shakes his head and condemns all this. One woman takes his hand and wants to take effect; But he breaks down and again runs to the horse. That already under the last effort, but once again begins to fall.

- And that those left! - cries in the rage of the Molka. He throws the whip, bent and pulls out a long and thick fool from the bottom of the cart, takes her for the end in both hands and with an effort waving over Savra.

- breaks out! - Scream around.

- My good! - Screaming Mikolka and with all the scope lowers the flaw. Heavy blow is heard.

And the Molka flashes another time, and another blow from all over the scope falls on the back of the unfortunate klyachi. She all sets all the ass, but hits and pulls, pulls from all the last forces in different directions to take out; But from all sides they take it into six whips, and the oglochem raises again and falls for the third time, then in the fourth, dimly, with a scope. Molka in rabies, which can not kill from one strike.

- Lie! - Scream around.

- Now it will break, brothers, here she and the end! - Shouts from the crowd one amateur.

- Her ax, what! To finish it with one, - shouts the third.

- Eh, eat those mosquitoes! Disaccurate "The Molka cries furiously, throws a fire, again bends in the cart and pulls out the iron scrap. - Beware! - He shouts and that there is a strength to sink his poor horse with the scope. Hit collapsed; The kobylenka was hushed up, asslaved, she wanted to pull, but scrap again with all the swing she lies on her back, and she falls to the ground, for sure all four legs were sat down at once.

- Watch! - shouts by Molka and jumps out, as if he does not remember himself, from carts. Several guys, too, red and drunk, grab that it fell - whips, sticks, oglochal, and run to the sinking kobylenka. Molka becomes the side and starts to beat the scramble in vain on the back. Klyach stretches the face, sighs heavily and dies.

- Distopal! - Scream in the crowd.

- And why did you scroll not going!

- My good! - Screams by Molka, with scrap in hands and with pouring eyes. He stands as if sorry, which is no longer beat.

- Well, really, know, the cross on you! - Many voices are screaming from the crowd.

But the poor boy does not remember himself. With a cry, he breaks through through the crowd to Savraska, wars her dead, bloody muzzle and kisses her, kisses her eyes, on his lips ... then suddenly jumps around and rushes in a frenzy with his fireproofs on the Molt. In this moment, the Father, who has already enjoyed himself after him, grabs it finally and takes out of the crowd.

- Let's go to! let's go to! "He says to him," let's go home! "

- Daddy! For what they ... a poor horse ... killed! "He sobs, but the breath is capturing him, and the words cries come out of his shockful chest.

- Drunk, Shalyat, not our business, let's go! - Says Father. He wars his father with his hands, but his chest is crammed, tested. He wants to translate his breath, scream, and wakes up.

He woke up all in the sweat, with swollen hair, choking, and raised in horror.

"Thank God, it's just a dream! He said, sitting under the tree and deeply translating his breath. - But what is it? I'm not really warmth begins in me: such a muddy dream! "

The whole body it was as if broken; vaguely and dark on the soul. He put his elbows onto the knee and under-with both hands head.

"God! - he exclaimed, - Yes, really, really, I really take an ax, I will hit my head, smoke the skull ... I will slide in sticky, warm blood, hack the castle, steal and tremble; hide, all blood flooded ... with an ax ... Lord, really? "...

His childhood dreamed of him, in their town. - Description of this sleep inspired by autobiographical memories. Dostoevsky could tremble from weakness, Dostoevsky's skinny, in the village, in the manor of the parents, not far from Zaraysk. "Sleeping Skolnikova about the drunk horse" Dostoevsky chose to read in the evening in favor of pedagogical courses March 21, 1880

He is running down the horses - he sees her side of her eyes ... - These lines are echoing with verses of Nekrasov on the same topic: "And according to crying, meek eyes" (from the cycle "On the weather", h. II - "Before Twilight", 1859). Dostoevsky recalls these verses later in the Roman "Brothers Karamazov" (Part 2, Ch. IV, "Riot"). A close motive is also found at V. Hugo ("Melancholy", 1846; publ. - 1856).

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