The story of the romance of "White Acacia Breasta Decity". Again the fragrance is full, the Songsian's Songsian Song is revealed again, the wonderful moon is listening, the worker, the war began: throwing your job, going to go! And as one die in the struggle for it ... Here it seemed white

Music living room. Romance. "White Acacia bunches of fragrant."

I am happy to meet you

Unique and beautiful.

And, it means, I lived in vain ...

Thank you, Magic my romance!

With the authorship of the romance of "White Acacia Breakdja Decuracy" immediately aroused ambiguities. The text of the romance was first published in 1902 in the Gypsy Nights series, without indicating the name of the author of words and music. In the future, the romance was published as a "famous Gypsy Romance" in the editorial office of Varina and musical processing A.M. Zorin, but also Unnamed. The most sustainable version of the authorship of A.A. Pugachev, who owns more than three dozen romances to the music of M.Steinberg, D. Botari and other composers. Music most likely belongs to Zorin.

White acacia bunches fragrant

Again the fragrance is full

In the quiet radiance of the wonderful moon!

Listened to Solovya's song? ..

"Cute, believe me! .. Forever yours."

The youth of life passed

White acacia smell tender,

Believe, do not forget I never ...

White acacia cluster fragrant

Again the fragrance is full

Sticking song again

In a quiet Siagya, Siagani Moon!

Do you remember summer, under the white acacia

Listened to Solovya's song? ..

Quietly whispered to me wonderful, bright:

"Cute, forever, forever yours."

Years have long passed, the passion was cooled,

The youth of life passed

White acacia smell tender,

I do not forget, never forget ...

Gramophone records with the records of the "White Acacia" performed by V. Panina, S. Sergeyeva, M. M., Yu. Morfessey, N. Sverskogo, the gardener brothers quickly spawned it at all corners of Russia.

Romance became more and more popular.

The romance melody went on the basis of the popular song of the First World War "I slept, grandfathers, the war began" (the chorus was added to her in the rhythm of the Mazurki) - during the civilian years, this song was supplemented and redo the anthem of the Denikin volunteer army, which, in his The queue was reborn in the Krasnoarmeysky march "Listen, a worker ...". There were other folk options.

Anthem of the Volunteer Army

Years were rushed ... They went to the history of the events of the First World and Civil Wars. With success (at least a thousand times!) Mkhatovskaya production of "Turbine Days" was held, where the very romance "White Acacia" sounded. The legendary performance was eventually forbidden, despite the fact that Iosif Stalin loved him. The initial romance began to forgot. "White Acacia Flowers Emigration," - Estap Bender, the name of the romance became nominative ... In 1950, the romance was remembered again and included the recognized masters of this genre in their repertoire:

In 1975, the authorities were allowed, although not immediately, Vladimir Basva, the film "Days of Turbines". The director came to Kiev to decide where to shoot certain scenes of the famous Kiev Plays of Master. Basov carefully read the other Roman Bulgakov - "White Guard", introduced into the scenario of the film of the heroes, which are not in the play (for example, Karas). The director imbued with the mood of the work of Bulgakov, the unique atmosphere of the city and turned to his beloved poet songster Mikhail Matusovsky. Here is what the musicologist Evgeny Biryukov writes: "Getting Started by the" Days of Turbine ", Vladimir Pavlovich remembered that in those long-standing times when the play of Bulgakov is the action, in fashion there was a romance" White Acacia Breasta Decity ", whose melody formed the basis of the famous revolutionary Songs "Boldly we will go to battle." The director wanted the themes of these two songs in the picture as a review, an echo, a distant memory of those years, and put such a task before Mikhail Matusovsky and composer of Veniamin Basner. So appeared in the film Two songs. Marshary "The song about the armored speaker" Proletary "outside the film did not come out and widespread sound did not gain, which you will not say about the" romance ", as the poet called the song and the song-reminiscence about the" White Acacia ". Interestingly, in the "song about the armored way" the authors used the motives of the song "Boldly we will go into battle." In addition, Basov asked the poet that the romance was "Kiev, but without mentioning the word Kiev, like Mikhail Bulgakov, although each reader of the" Turbine Days "and the White Guard's Days knows that Mikhail Afanasyevich has always referred to as the city. That is how, with a capital letter. Mikhail Matusovsky brilliantly coped with the task. He, remember, as in his childhood in his native Lugansk, parents sang ancient, still pre-revolutionary romances, offered Basva as the basis of the "White Acacia of the Breasta Decity". The poet specifically came to Kiev, visited Andreevsky descent and "House of Turbines", saw the flowering acacia in the Kiev gardens, "washed with spring rains" ... For the size of the verse, it was possible to use and "Kiev was silent ...", but was silent in the romance City, that is, in essence - Kiev. His mood The poet handed the composer to Veniamin Basnera, who creatively reworked the melody of an old romance, writing an excellent melody, original and, at the same time resembling the previous one.

In some publications, it was necessary to read that in the film there was almost a single journey of the romance, as can be seen, it is not. Romance sounds completely, but with somewhat different from the familiar verses. Almost followed by the premiere of Telefilm Lyudmila, Shenchina arrived at the Geniamine Basner to give for her new songs. The composer suggested a somewhat recycled version of the "White Acacia". Here she is:

Let's listen to the same romance in another performance:

Sticking song again

In the quiet radiance of the wonderful moon!

Do you remember the summer: under the white acacia

Listened to the song Solovya? ...

Quietly whispered to me wonderful, bright:

"Cute, believe me! Forever Yours".

Years have long passed, the passion was cooled,

White acacia smell tender,

Believe, do not forget I never ...



Words V. Chuevsky
Burn, burn, my star,

Gori, starly acting!

You have one cherished,

Others will never be.

Will the night go on the earth clear

But you are alone, my beautiful,

We are burning in the rays gloomy.

Star hopping grace

Star of love magical days,

You will be forever invokining

In my shower thanks mine!

My whole life is izar.

I die - you're over the grave

Burn, burn, my star!



Words P.German
Day and night drops the heart of the affection

Day and night spontaneous head

Day and night excited fairy tale

Your words sound:

I want to love so much. "

Melting beam forgotten sunset

Blue shrouded flowers,

Where are you taken once

Where, in me the dreams of dreams?

Only once in a cold gray evening

I so want to love.


Chrysanthemum beats

Words V.shui
In that garden, where we met with you,

And in my chest bloomed then

Feeling bright tender love ...

Twisted for a long time

Chrysanthemums in the garden

But love all lives

In my heart is a patient.

I devoured our garden, there are no long ago

I wander one, all exhausted.

And involuntary tears roll

Before you a bush of chrysanthemum ...

Twisted for a long time

Chrysanthemums in the garden

But love all lives

In my heart, the patient ...



Words E. Grebenki
Other black, passionate eyes!

The eyes are burning and beautiful!

As I love you! How I'm afraid I am!

Know, I saw you I am in an unkind hour!

Oh, no wonder you are the depths of the dark!

I see mourning in you to my soul,

I see the flame in you, I am victorious:

Burnt on it the heart is poor.

But I'm not sad, I'm not sad.

It is comforting for me fate my:

All that God gave us best in life

I sacrifted with fire eyes!



Words A. Budishchev
Only the evening will show the blue,

Only stars lit the heavens

And black silver frost

Removes the pearls of dew

Take care carefully wicket

And enter the quiet garden, like a shadow.

And the chader on the head is put on.

Where the branches are woven thicker

I invisibly silently

And on the threshold of the arbor

With cute sponges, Chadra will be allowed.


Do not go, stay with me ...

Words M.Poyrina do not leave, stay with me,

It is so gratifying so light.

I kisses a picture

Mouth, and eyes, and man.

Stay with me,

Stay with me!

I love you so long ago.

You i'm caressing fire

And burning, and tired.

Stay with me,

Stay with me!

Flames passion in my chest.

The delight of love is waiting for us with you,

Do not go, do not go.

Stay with me,

Stay with me!

With the authorship of the romance of "White Acacia Breakdja Decuracy" immediately aroused ambiguities. The text of the romance was first published in 1902 in the Gypsy Nights series, without indicating the name of the author of words and music. In the summer of 1903, the St. Petersburg "Notoppy of V.Bessel and Co." in the "Gypsy Songs of N. P. Lensenko" published a romance key "with vocal parthores for the tenor and soprano". In the future, the romance was published as a "famous Gypsy Romance" in the editorial office of Varina and musical processing A.M. Zorin (real cymbal), but also Unnamed. The most sustainable version of the authorship of A.A. Pugachev, who owns more than three dozen romances to the music of M.Steinberg, D. Botari and other composers. Music most likely belongs to Zorin.

Again the fragrance is full
In a quiet radiance, the wonderful moon!

Listened to Solovya's song? ..
"Cute, believe me! .. Forever yours."

The youth of life passed
Believe, do not forget I never ...

1903 year
White acacia cluster fragrant
Again the fragrance is full
Sticking song again
In a quiet Siagya, Siagani Moon!

Do you remember summer, under the white acacia
Listened to Solovya's song? ..
Quietly whispered to me wonderful, bright:
"Cute, forever, forever yours."

Years have long passed, the passion was cooled,
The youth of life passed
White acacia smell tender,
I do not forget, never forget ...

Variant Yu.Morfessey
White acacia branches fragrant
Spring delight,
Salovyina's singer quietly
In pale sparkling, sparkling moon.

Do you remember at night at night of white acacia
Trelli rushed nighting
Gently reaching, you whispered to me, Tomny:
"Believe, forever, forever I am yours"?
Time was allocated, and the old age
We sent the year
But fragrance of pohi acacia
I do not forget, never forget

In some sources, the author of the verses is called Volin-Volsky (his romance is known for M. Sharov's music "Tears My gaze"), and the author of music - M. Sharov or A. Lutsenko.
Gramophone records with the records of the "White Acacia" performed by V. Panina, S. Sergeyeva, M. M., Yu. Morfessey, N. Sverskogo, the gardener brothers quickly spawned it at all corners of Russia.
Romance became more and more popular.

Maria Emskaya

Nikolai Seversky
The romance melody went on the basis of the popular song of the First World War "I slept, grandfathers, the war began" (at the same time it was added chorus in the rhythm of the Mazurka) - during the civilian years, this song was completed and redone in the anthem of the Volunteer Army of Denikin War, which, in turn, reborn in the Krasnoarmeysky march "Listen, worker ...". There were other folk options.
Anthem of the Volunteer Army

I heard grandfathers - the war began to
Throw your business, going to go.

Soon the calculations with the enemies.
We boldly go to the battle by Russia holy
And as one, the blood is young.

That seemed red chains,
With them we will fight to death.
We boldly in battle will go for Russia holy
And as one, the blood is young.

Honor give them military ranks.
We boldly in battle will go for Russia holy
And as one, the blood is a young ..

Russia was flooded alien forces,
The honor is disgraced, the temple is defiled.
We boldly in battle will go for Russia holy
And as one, the blood is young.

From the strength of the unable through the liphet
The honor was defended by Junker and Cadets.
We boldly in battle will go for Russia holy
And as one, the blood is young.

For Russia, the holy "boldly we will go to battle"

Listen, worker, war began:
Throw your business, going to go!

The shells are torn, pulling machine guns,
But they are not afraid of red companies.
Boldly, we will go to battle for the power of the Soviets
And as one die in the struggle for it.

Here it seemed white chains,
With them we will fight to death.
Boldly, we will go to battle for the power of the Soviets
And as one die in the struggle for it.

Eternal memory to the fallen heroes,
Eternal glory to those who live!
Boldly, we will go to battle for the power of the Soviets
And as one die in the struggle for it.

Krappa sa. Alexandrov
Choir BP
Ensemble "Ark"

Years were rushed ... They went to the history of the events of the First World and Civil Wars. With success (at least a thousand times!) Mkhatovskaya production of "Turbine Days" was held, where the very romance "White Acacia" sounded. The legendary performance was eventually forbidden, despite the fact that Iosif Stalin loved him.
The initial romance began to forgot. "White Acacia Flowers Emigration", - Echidnal Ostap Bender, the name of the romance has become a nominal ...
In 1950, the romance was remembered again and included recognized masters of this genre in their repertoire:

Alla Bayanov
George Vinogradov and Peter Medvedev
Nadezhda Obukhov
Boris Shtokolov
In 1975, the authorities were allowed, although not immediately, Vladimir Basva, the film "Days of Turbines". The director came to Kiev to decide where to shoot certain scenes of the famous Kiev Plays of Master. Basov carefully read the other Roman Bulgakov - "White Guard", introduced into the scenario of the film of the heroes, which are not in the play (for example, Karas). The director imbued with the mood of the work of Bulgakov, the unique atmosphere of the city and turned to his beloved poet songster Mikhail Matusovsky.
Here is what the musicologist Evgeny Biryukov writes: "Getting Started by the" Days of Turbine ", Vladimir Pavlovich remembered that in those long-standing times when the play of Bulgakov is the action, in fashion there was a romance" White Acacia Breasta Decity ", whose melody formed the basis of the famous revolutionary Songs "Boldly we will go to battle." The director wanted the themes of these two songs in the picture as a review, an echo, a distant memory of those years, and put such a task before Mikhail Matusovsky and composer of Veniamin Basner. So appeared in the film Two songs. Marshary "The song about the armored speaker" Proletary "outside the film did not come out and widespread sound did not gain, which you will not say about the" romance ", as the poet called the song and the song-reminiscence about the" White Acacia ".
Interestingly, in the "song about the armored way" the authors used the motives of the song "Boldly we will go into battle."
In addition, Basov asked the poet that the romance was "Kiev, but without mentioning the word Kiev, like Mikhail Bulgakov, although each reader of the" Turbine Days "and the White Guard's Days knows that Mikhail Afanasyevich has always referred to as the city. That is how, with a capital letter.
Mikhail Matusovsky brilliantly coped with the task. He, remember, as in his childhood in his native Lugansk, parents sang ancient, still pre-revolutionary romances, offered Basva as the basis of the "White Acacia of the Breasta Decity". The poet specifically came to Kiev, visited Andreevsky descent and "House of Turbines", saw the flowering acacia in the Kiev gardens, "washed with spring rains" ... For the size of the verse, it was possible to use and "Kiev was silent ...", but was silent in the romance City, that is, in essence - Kiev. His mood The poet handed the composer to Veniamin Basnera, who creatively reworked the melody of an old romance, writing an excellent melody, original and, at the same time resembling the previous one.
In some publications, it was necessary to read that a little nail a romance verse sounded in the film, as you can see, it is not. Romance sounds completely, but with somewhat different from the familiar verses.
Almost followed by the premiere of Telefilm Lyudmila, Shenchina arrived at the Geniamine Basner to give for her new songs. The composer suggested a somewhat recycled version of the "White Acacia". Here she is:
I wanted a whole night of the nightingale
The city was silent and silent at home.
White acacia bunches fragrant
Night Nutritioned us crazy.

The garden is all washed was spring rains,
In dark ravines stood water.
God, what we were naive,
How did we young people were then.

Years were rushed, making us gray,
Where is the purity of these branches of living?
Only winter yes blizzard this white
Remind them today about them.

Per hour when the wind rages frantically
I feel with the new force:
White acacia bunches fragrant
Non-return as my youth.
White acacia bunches fragrant
Unique, like my youth.

And the triumphal march of the updated romance began:

Valery Agafonov
Love Isaev
Gennady Stone
Boris Clatinic
Joseph Kobzon
Mikhail Novokhin
Vyacheslav Olkhovsky
Maria Pakhomenko
Lyudmila Shenchina
Leonid Serebrennikov
Eduard Hil
Galina Khomchik
Zhanna Cherkashenko
Anna Shirogenko and Leonid Serebrennikov.
Well, of course, Evgeny Dyatlov.

For some reason, the romance did not sound in the film "White Guard" ...

# D43 // 4DM

White acacia bunch of fragrant ...

Music of an unknown author
Words A. Pugacheva (?)

Again the fragrance is full
In a quiet radiance, the wonderful moon!

Do you remember summer, under the white acacia
Listened to Solovya's song? ..
"Cute, believe me! .. Forever yours."

The youth of life passed
White acacia smell tender,
Believe, do not forget I never ...


For the first time published in 1902 in the "Gypsy Nights" series without specifying the name of the author of words and music. In the future, it was published as a "famous Gypsy Romance" in the editorial office of Varina and musical processing A.M. Zorina, but also unnamed. Nevertheless, it is believed that the text is based on the processing of Pugachev's poem. But in some sources, the author of the text is called Volin-Volsky (it is known for his romance to music M. Sharov "Tears My gaze"), and the author of music - M. Sharov or A. Lutsenko. The most stable is the version of the authorship of Pugachev, which belongs to more than three dozen romances to music M.K. Steinberg, J. de Botari and other romantic composers. Many of these romances entered the repertoire of the most famous pop performers as a "gypsy". The greatest popularity of the romance "White Acacia Breasta Decorated" acquired performed by Yuri Morphessey. Tunes used in the revolutionary song "Boldly we will go to battle." In the twentieth century, folklore options were recorded.

Anthology of the Russian romance. Silver Age / Sost., Preported. and comments. V. Kalugin. M.: Eksmo, 2005.

The romance melody went on the basis of the popular song of the First World War "I slept, grandfathers, the war began" (at the same time it was added chorus in the rhythm of the Mazurka) - during the civil war, its White Guard and Krasnoarmeysian processing were created, including the well-known red song "Boldly we will go to battle!" .

Under the influence of the "White Acacia" poet Matusovsky wrote the text of the romance for the television film "The Days of Turbines" ("Total night the nightingale we looked ...").

Options (2)

White acacia bunches fragrant
Again the fragrance is full
Sticking song again
In a quiet shine, the radiance of the moon.

Do you remember whether in summer under the white acacia
Listened to Solovya's song?
Quietly whispered to me wonderful, bright:
"Cute, forever, forever yours!"

Years have long passed, the passion was cooled,
The youth of life passed ...
White acacia smell tender
I never forget, never forget! ..

Speak me about love: Songbook. Songs and romances. For voice and guitar (piano, synthesizer). SPb.: Composer, 2005.

Vintage Russian romance. 111 masterpieces. For voice and piano. In four releases. Vol. IV. SPb.: Composer St. Petersburg, 2002.

2. White acacia
(Old romance, arr. Yu. Morphassi)

White acacia
Fragrant branches
Spring delight,
Quietly spread
Songsian song
In pale sparks,
Sparks of the moon.

Do you remember at night
The medium of white acacia
Trelli rushed nighting
Gently reaching
You whispered to me, Tomny:
"Believe, forever,
Forever I am yours "?

Time was knocked
And the old age is nothingless
We sent the year
But aroma
Pahuchi acacia
I do not forget
Do not forget never.

From the repertoire of Yuri Morphessey (1882-1957)

The eyes are black: ancient Russian romance. M.: Eksmo, 2004.

In general, the same option, only with the signature of the "Words of A. Volina-Volski" and the comment "Authority allegedly":

White acacia branches fragrant
Feel the delight of spring.
Salovyina's singer quietly
In pale sparkling, sparkling moon.

Do you remember - at night a white acacia
Trelli rushed nightingry?
Gently reaching, you whispered to me, Tomny:
"Believe, forever, forever I am yours!"

Time was allocated, and the old age
We sent the year;
But fragrance of pohi acacia
I never forget, never forget!

The last two lines of the versue are repeated

Burn, burn, my star! / Sost and music. Editor S. V. Pyankova. Smolensk: Rusich, 2004. P. 251-252.

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