Report about the work of Georges Bizet. Brief biography George Bizet

The name of the brilliantly gifted French composer of the second half of the XIX century Georges Bizé (1838-1875) glorified his last essay - Carmen Opera. Bise died 3 months after her failed premiere, without having lived to 37 years and never learning that he created one of the most favorite masterpieces of the world opera repertoire.

Almost all the life of Bizet passed in Paris. Wunderkind, who grew up in a musical family, he already entered the Paris Conservatory at the 10th age. His teachers in the conservatory were the best French musicians and teachers: A. Marmontel (Piano), P. Zimmerman and S. Gunov (theoretical subjects), F. Galevi (composition). Apparently, it was in communicating with the Firomantalem of Gallevy and Charlel Guno, famous masters of the French opera, a persistent interest in the musical theater appeared. In the future, first of all, its main creative achievements will be connected with the theater. He himself spoke about this: "... I need the theater: without him I am nothing."

The individuality of the creative handwriting Bize was brightly manifested by the allies written in conservative years (1848-1857). Among them - the youth symphony of the C-DUR, created in just 17 days, the operetta "Dr. Miracle", marked by the first prize of the competition for the best operetta. Biza has repeatedly bred in other conservative competitions. The most prestigious of them, the big Roman (at the end of the conservatory), gave him the opportunity for three years in Italy, in Rome. In Italy, the comic opera "Don Prokopio" was created, registering Rossini with the "Seville Barber", and a symphonic ode with the choir "Vasco da Gama".

Georges Biza early paid attention as a virtuoso brightnessist. The sulstine is struck by the ease with which he played with a sheet of unfamiliar music, including the most difficult scores. Nevertheless, Bise refused artistic career to devote himself entirely to composer creativity. However, there were difficulties and disappointments on this path. In the conditions of the second empire (1852-70), the musical life of France experienced a crisis. Paris flooded lightweight, entertainment music, in the opera theater dominated the lush performances in the spirit of J. Meyerbera.

Chronic launched forced composerized by ungrateful, routine work to maintain a family. He adjusted and made overlapping of other people's opera scores, wrote inserted rooms and entertainment music, gave private lessons, often working for 16 hours a day. In one of the letters, he admits: "I work like a black man, I am exhausted, I'm literally tearing apart ... I just have a finished loss of it, which turned out mediocre, but you need money. Money, forever money - Circulation! ".

In such difficult conditions, new works were created: the Operas of the Pearls, Pertskrasavitsa (according to the novel of V. Scott), Jamile (on the plot of Poem.Müss), Symphony "Rome", piano plays (among them Children's games »For piano in 4 hands," chromatic concert variations "), songs.

One of the best writings of Georges Bizeta - Music to Drama A. Dodé "Arlezianka" , the plot provisions of which have a lot in common with "Carmen." In both cases, the drama of love and jealousy with tragic junction is played.

Frederi's Son Frederi is passionately in love with Arles - Beauty Arlesian. Young people are engaged, but their wedding is impossible: the relatives of the young man are confident that she changes him. Frederi persuade to marry another girl who loved him for a long time. Frederi agrees, but on the wedding day, he cums suicide, thrown out of the window.

The layout of the play Dodé (1872) was unsuccessful, and the composer made an orchestral suite from the best musical numbers. This includes prelude, Menuet, Adagietto and chime. The second suite, after the death of Biza, was drawn up by his friend, E. Giro. It also four rooms: Pastoral, Intermezzo, Menuet (borrowed from the opera Biza "Perth Beauty") and Farandoll. Both orchestral suite firmly established on the concert stage.

Alexander Cesar Leopold Bizet (1838-1875) - French composer, his work applies to the period of romanticism, wrote play for piano, romances, works for orchestras and opera. The world glory won due to its most famous opera "Carmen".


On October 25, 1838, in the family of Parisian, a teacher of singing, a son was born, who was given by Alexander Cesar Leopold Bizeta. During the baptism, he was unremitted by Georges, he received further fame under this name.

The family where the boy was born was musical. In addition to the fact that Dad taught at school singing, Mom also had a relation to music, she professionally played on the piano. Also, the teacher of singing was Uncle George on the maternal line.

Little Georges loved to make music with his parents. But at the same time, he, the child, so wanted to run on the street and play with children. However, parents decided differently, they did not welcome street entertainment, so at the age of four, Georges had already perfectly understood in the notes and played the piano.


The boy has not yet been fulfilled and ten years old, as he was adopted in the Paris Conservatory. Parents decided to give it to study there, since his musical talent was clearly noticeable. The childhood of George Bize, which practically did not begin.

In the morning in the conservatory of George, the mother was defined. After study, she waited for him, and then every day was repeated to the same scenario: he was fed at home, closed in the room where he should have been playing on the piano. And the boy played on the instrument until he fell asleep behind him from fatigue.

Young Georges tried to resist his mother, he liked the literature so much that he wanted to constantly do it and read a lot of books. But as soon as the mother found him with another book in his hands, then monotonously told: "You're not in vain in a musical family, you will become a musician, not a writer. And outstanding! "

In learning, Georges did not feel difficult, he grabbed everything literally on the fly. During the study, he showed himself a brilliant student in the class of piano at the teacher of the Marmontel A. F, according to the class of compositions in teachers Sh. Gunov, P. Zimmerman, J. F. F. Galevi.

In the Conservatory, Bizet studied for nine years and in 1857 he graduated successfully. Over the years, the young man began to try himself as a composer, he created a lot of musical works, among them there is one symphony, which George wrote in seventeen years, it is still successfully fulfilled by the musicians of the whole world.

In the last year of study, Georges participated in the competition, in which it was necessary to write operetta for one act, he composed Cantatha for the legendary ancient plot and received a prize. Several premiums during the studies of Biza also received a game on the piano and organ.

In the last graduation rate, Georges wrote the operetta "Dr. Miracle". And when released from the Paris Conservatory, he received his most valuable award, the Roman Prize, for Cantatant Klovis and Clotilda. She gave Bizé a great opportunity - to live in Italy for four years and receive a state scholarship.


In 1857, after graduating from a conservatory, Biza went to Italy, where he lived until 1860. He studied the local life, traveled, admired the beauty of nature and visual art, and also paid a lot of time.

For a long time Georges could not decide on a further life path, there was no own topic in music. Over time, Bizet decided to associate the future creativity with the theater. He was very interesting to the premieres of the opera and musical Paris theaters. To some extent it was mercantile, because then in the theater musical world it was easier to succeed.

Years spent in Italy, George then considered the most carefree in his life. He gradually composed, during this time they were written a few plays for the orchestras (they then became part of the symphony suite "Memories of Rome") and symphony-cantata "Vasco da Gama".

But the time of obtaining Italian state scholarships approached the end, George was necessary to return to Paris.

Return to Paris

Upon arrival in the hometown, the Bizet began not the best times, it was not easy to achieve recognition in Paris. He met with Antoine Rudan, who owned the most famous Paris Publishing. Antoine surprised in George surprised: Is that the youngest genius who received a prestigious Roman Prize before him? It was risky to communicate with the novice composer, but I saw that a young man really needs money and he is ready to take any job. Antoine suggested Biza to shift the operas of famous wristwriters for piano.

You have to work with other people's musical works by the day, he also gave private lessons and wrote to order music of a lung genre. The money was paid regularly, but they were constantly lacking. Soon his mother died, and the composer had nervous overvoltage to all other problems, a sharp decline began.

He could greatly earn a living as a pianist, as his friends advised him, but Georges did not seek an easy life path, after all, he completely plunged into writing music.

Creative way

He was still maniling a musical theater, but everything he wrote did not find approval. No one appreciated the comic opera "Don Prokopio". But Georges continued to live in need, work and wait.

In 1863, he composed Opera "Pearl's seekers", her premiere took place, eighteen times the work was put on stage, but then removed from the repertoire. Sleepless nights returned again at work on other people's scores, who were unloved music lessons, poverty. The work for small money, which only enough for not to die with the hunger, took the whole time to bise, there was no time to engage in creativity. The only thing that saved Georges is walking around the evening Paris and visiting the theater, in this he found an outlook, it would seem of the hopeless situation.

The next Opera "Pertsk Beauty" was delivered in 1867, but also did not have success. In 1868, Bize began a creative crisis, problems with health began. From the protracted depression of George saved the marriage in 1869, but after a year he signed up in the National Guard to participate in the Franco-Prussian War, which left his mark on family life, and on health, and on the work of the composer.

Since 1870, Biza returned to writing, one of the other came out his musical works:

  • suite for Piano "Children's Games";
  • romantic One-act Opera Jamile;
  • music to the play "Arlesianka".

However, all these essays were then not successful, despite the fact that in the future they became part of the Gold Foundation of World Symphony Works.

In 1874-1875, Georges worked on Opera to Novella P. Merim "Carmen". Her premiere took place on March 3, 1875. Surprisingly, the opera, recognized by the top of the French realism, by all the world's opera scenes, which became the most popular and favorite work in the history of music, was a fiasco on the day of his premiere.

The failure of his beloved kid led to the tragic end of the composer. Georges Bizé died, and after four months, the enchanting success "Carmen" took place in the Vienna Opera. He never learned that this work a year later put on all the largest scenes of Europe, recognized the top of his creativity that Carmen became the most popular opera in history and in the world.

Personal life

The first love of George was the girl named Giuseppe, he met her in Italy. The young man was so-hot and slightly completely, and his curls were so tightly intertwined on the head that they could not be combed, so the composer himself considered himself not too attractive for representatives of the opposite sex. During a conversation with women, he blinked, quickly spoke, knocked down, his palms swept, and he was very shy all this.

Georges was inxicated by the fact that Giuseppa paid attention to him. But his father sent a letter, where the mother's disease reported. Bizet had to be returned to Paris, he called with him the young bride, but Juseppe could not be so easy to throw and leave to another country. Georges promised to the girl that he would write a couple of comic operas, earned a lot of money, returned to her and they will live like kings. This did not happen, the composer himself barely survived, he was only the memories of the first youthful love.

George was already 28 years old when an experienced woman appeared in his life, who learned his real love. He met her on the train, it was Mogador (Opera Div Lionel, Countess De Shabryan, writer Celeste Vinar). This by 42 years old, a woman became a writer, and her youth passed her in tritons. After a stormy youth, she danced for a long time on stage, and then began to write their novels about life. At the same time, her books were not delayed in Paris stores, Mogador did not mention the society out loud, but everyone knew about this woman in Paris.

The whole bitterness of George drowned into the passion of this woman. He was happy with her, but not long. It was hard to withstand her mood swings when Mogador was in anger, then all its worst and negative qualities wake up. And Biza had too floating soul and delicate taste to make it all. In addition, Mogador Studel, she had problems with finance, and could not help the money Georges, so his love was not needed by this woman. But he could not part with her. Once during the scandal, Mogadan poured on Georges to the eared ice water and kicked out to the street.

The consequence of this was purulent tonsillitis, which was discovered by physicians. With regard to the fact that Georges suffered from childhood with angina and colds, his health worsened even more. The composer was slag, could not speak, but such physical suffers were negligible compared to spiritual. A gap with Mogador, Nishchenskoe existence, a failure in creativity - Bizet approached the state of the deepest depression.

french composer of romanticism period

short biography

Alexander Cesar Leopold Bizeta (FR. Alexandre-César-Léopold Bizet, when baptism got a name Georges., FR. Georges; October 25, 1838, Paris - June 3, 1875, Buval) - French composer of a period of romanticism, the author of orchestral works, romances, piano plays, as well as operas, the most famous of which became Carmen.

He was born on October 25, 1838 in Paris in the family of Teacher's singing Adolf Arman Bizet. He was registered under the name Alexander-Cesar Leopold Bizé, but when baptism received the name of Georges, under which he was known in the future. Originally engaged in music with Mother Anna Leopoldine EME (Ur. Delta). Bizet entered the Paris Conservatory two weeks before he was 10 years old. He was engaged in counterpoint and fugue with P. Zimmerman, as well as with the replacement of it, S. Gunov (later a friend).

Already during study at the Conservatory (1848-1857), Biza tried himself as a composer. During this period, he brilliantly mastered the composer equipment and performing skills. Ferenz Leaf, who heard his piano music in the performance, exclaimed: " My God! I thought it could execute one person - me. But it turns out we are two!».

In 1857, he divided a prize with Charll to the competition organized by Jacques Offenbach, for the operetta "Dr. Miracle" and received the Roman Prize. In the same year, Bizet presented to Kantatu Klovis and Klotilda for the contest, for which the Roman Prize also received, which allowed him to live in Rome for three years, writing music and engaged in his education. The reporting work (writing of which was mandatory for all laureates of the Roman Prize) was the Opera "Don Prokopio". The opera was unknown to the public until 1895, when the composer Sh. Maller published the description of "Don Prokopio", found by him in the archive of the deceased director of the conservatory of the faucer. In 1906, the first opera Bize was delivered at the Monte Carlo Theater in 1906.

With the exception of the period spent in Rome, Bizé lived all his life in Paris. After staying in Rome, he returned to Paris, where he dedicated himself to writing music. In 1863, he wrote Opera "Pearls". In the same period, he wrote "Perth Beauty" (1867), a work for piano "Kids Games" (1870), music to the play of Alfonsida Dodé "Arlesian" (1872). The premiere of "Arlesian" took place on October 11, 1872; Neither the play nor the music of success in the public did not have. The composer made a concert suite from music to Arlezianka. In 1878, P. I. Tchaikovsky wrote N. F. von Mecc: " By the way about freshness in music, I recommend you orchestral suite of the late Bizet "L" Arlesienne ". This is a masterpiece". The second suite on music to the spectral ("pastoral", "Intermezzo", "Menuet", "Farandola") was drawn up by Giro after the death of Bizet.

In 1867, the "Revue Nationale et Etrangère" journal proposed a biz of constant cooperation as a musical browser, the article Bizet overlook the pseudonym of Gaston de Betsy. He also wrote a romantic opera "Jamile" (1870), usually considered as the predecessor "Carmen", and the symphony of C-DUR. Biza himself forgot about her, and did not remember the symphony until 1935, when it was discovered in the conservatory library. The symphony is wonderful with its stylistic similarity with the music of Franz Schubert, which in that period was almost not known in Paris, with the exception, perhaps, several songs. In 1874-1875, the composer worked on Carmen. In the summer of 1874, in Buvalo, the composer finishes the opera, the orchestration of the partitions took only two months. The premiere of the opera took place in the Paris Theater "Opera comedian" on March 3, 1875 and ended with failure. After the premiere, Biza was convinced that the work failed. He died of a heart attack after only three months, not knowing that Carmen would be a pinnacle of his success and forever will enter the number of the most recognizable and popular classic works of the world. P.I. Tchaikovsky, who was a big fan of this opera wrote: "... But here is a Frenchman (who boldly name ingenious), who has all these piquancy and spices not the result of the fiction, but befell the free stream, smooth the hearing and at the same time touched and worry. He seems to say: "... You do not want anything important, grand and strong, you want a pretty, that's a pretty, Joli. Bizet is an artist, giving tribute to the spoils of the tastes of his century, but warmed with true, genuine feeling and inspiration».

Shortly after the "Carmen" setting, Bizet seriously fell ill, and in early June 1875 there was a sudden deterioration, as a result of which he died on June 3 in Buhval. After temporary burial at the Montmartra Cemetery, the Prahi Bizet was transferred to the Cemetery of Per Lashhesis, where many outstanding artists were buried. After the death of his work, with the exception of "Carmen,", in general, they did not receive wide recognition, their manuscripts were distributed or lost, and published versions of works were often revised and changed by other authors. Only after many years of oblivion of his works began to be executed more and more often, and only since the 20th century, Georges Bize's name feared in one row with the names of other outstanding composers. In his 36 years of life, he did not have time to create his own musical school and did not have any explicit students or followers. Premature death Biza at the very beginning of the heyday of his mature creativity is estimated as a significant and inexpressive loss for world classical music.

On June 3, 1869, Georges Bizet was combined with marriage from Geneva Gallevi, the cousin of Louis Galevi - the creator of the musical genre "Operetta". In 1871, George and Genevieve had their only son Jacques, who was subsequently a close friend of Marseil Proust.


  • Municipal Conservatory (FR. CONSERVATOIRE MUNICIPAL DU 20E GEORGES BIZET) In the XX district of Paris, it is his name.
  • In his honor, the Square in Anderlechte is named (Brussels Saglomation).



  • Don Prokopio (Opera Buffa, in Italian, 1858-1859, was delivered 1906, Monte Carlo), there is also an orchestration of Leonid Feinina
  • "Love-artist" (FR. L'Amour Peintre, Libretto Biza, according to J. B. Molore, 1860, not completed, not published)
  • "Guzl Emir" (comic opera, 1861-1862)
  • "Pearl Finder" (Fr. Les Pecheurs de Perles, 1862-1863, Posted by 1863, "Lirik Theater", Paris
  • Ivan IV (1862-1865), set in 1951 in Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux
  • "Nikola Flamel" (1866, fragments)
  • Perth Beauty (Fr. La Jolie Fille du Perth, 1866, Posted by 1867, "Lirik Theater", Paris)
  • "Ful King Cup" (FR. La Coupe du Roi de Thule, 1868, Fragments)
  • Clarissa Gallow (Comic Opera, 1870-1871, Fragments)
  • Calandar (Comic Opera, 1870), Grizeld (Comic Opera, 1870-1871, not completed)
  • "Jamile" (comic opera, 1871, was delivered 1872, the Opera Comic Theater, Paris)
  • "Don Rodrigo" (1873, not finished)
  • "Carmen" (Dramatic Opera, 1873-1874, put 1875, the Opera Comedian Theater, Paris; Recitatives are written by E. Giro, after the death of Bizet, for setting in Vienna, 1875)


  • Anastasia and Dmitry.
  • Malbrugg S'en Va-T-en Guerre, 1867, Ateney Theater, Paris; Bizeta belongs to the 1st action, the other 3 actions - I. E. Legey, E. Jonus, L. Delibi)
  • Sol-Si-Ref-Pyf Pan (1872, Shato D'O, PA)
  • Angel and Tovia (L'Ange et Tobia, circa 1855-1857)
  • Eloise de Montfort (1855-1857)
  • Enchanted Knight (Le Chevalier Enchanté, 1855-1857)
  • Hermine (1855-1857)
  • Virginia's return (Le Retour de Virginie, circa 1855-1857)
  • David (1856)
  • Klovis and Clotilda (1857)
  • Dr. Miracle (1857)
  • Song of Age (Carmen Seculaire, by Horace, 1860)
  • Marriage Prometheus (Les Noces de Promethee, 1867)


  • Ulysses and Tsircea (by Homer, 1859)
  • Vasco da Gama (1859-1860)


  • Genevieve Parisian (1874-1875)

Works for choir and orchestra (or piano)

  • Health Choir (Choeur d'etudiants, male choir, up to 1855)
  • Waltz (C-DUR, 1855)
  • Those DEUM (for soloists, choir and orchestra, 1858)
  • Bayya Bay (Le Golfe de Bahia, for soprano or tenor, choir and piano, about 1865; Music used in the Opera "Ivan Grozny", there is processing for piano)
  • Ave Maria (for the choir and orchestra, the words sh. Granmazhenoy, after 1867)
  • La Chanson du Rouet, for soloist, choir and piano, after 1867), etc.

For choir without accompaniment

  • Saint John from Patmosa (Saint-Jean de Pathmos, for the male choir, the words V. Hugo, 1866)

Works for orchestra

  • Symphony (No. 1, c-dur, youth, 1855, the score published and executed 1935; No. 2, 1859, destroyed by Bizeta)
  • Rome (C-DUR, 1871, originally - Memories of Rome, 1866-1868, executed 1869)
  • Overtures, including Motherland (Patrie, 1873, executed 1874)
  • Suites, including Little Suite (Petite Suite, from Piano Duets Children Games, 1871, performed 1872), Suites from Arlesianka (No. 1, 1872; No. 2, amounted to E. Giro, 1885)
  • Bize Georges (1838-1875), French composer.

    Born on October 25, 1838 in Paris in the family of a teacher of singing. Noticing the musical talent of his son, his father gave him to learn to the Paris Conservatory. Biza brilliantly graduated in 1857 by the class of composition F. Galevi. Already in the graduation rate, they were written by the operetta "Dr. Miracle".

    At the end of the Conservatory, Bizé received a Roman Prize, which gave the right to a long trip for the executed account in Italy to improve skill. In Italy, he composed his first opera "Don Prokopio" (1859).

    Returning to his homeland, Bizet made his debut in the Paris scene Opera "Pearls" (1863). Soon the next opera was created - "Perth Beauty" (1866) on the novel by V. Scott.

    Despite all the musical advantages, the success of the opera did not bring, and in 1867, Biza again turned to the genre of operetta ("Malbruck in the campaign"), and in 1871 he created a new opera - "Jamyle" on the poem A. Musse "Namuna "

    Real fame and glory brought a composer Symphonic music to Drama A. Doda "Arlesianka" (1872); Subsequently, two orchestral suite were compiled from her. After the "Arlesian", Biza appeared to Opera again - in 1875 the famous "Carmen" was written on Novella P. Merim.

    It is now difficult to believe that the work, recognized by the top of the French Opera Realism, by all the opera scenes of the world and became one of the most beloved and popular in the history of music, during the first stage in Paris, did not have success and soon was filmed from the repertoire. The failure of his favorite brainching so worked on the bise, since childhood suffering from heartless heart, which led to the tragic end - he died on June 3, 1875 in Paris.

    After the collapse of the composer in his papers, we found the OPERA score of "Ivan Grozny" (1865), which was first delivered only in 1946

    Bize Georges

    Biography George Bizeta - young years.
    Georges Bizet was born in Paris on October 25, 1838. His full name is Alexander-Cesar Leopold Bizé, but the relatives called him George. Brought up Georges Biza in the atmosphere of love for music: his father and uncle on the motherboard were singing teachers, and the mother played the piano. She became his first music teacher. Tranquate Bize manifested itself at a very early age: from four years he knew notes.
    At the age of ten years, Bizet entered the Paris Conservatory, in which he studied for nine years. Teachers Biza were the most famous musical figures of France: A. Marmontel, P. Zimmerman, composers F. Gallevi and S. Guno. Although Biza himself later admitted that he was much more attracted literature, his musical classes were very successful: in the years of their studies, he wrote a lot of musical writings. Among them became the best product of the symphony created by him in seventeen years, which is successfully fulfilled to this day.
    In the last year of study, Biza composed Cantatat on an ancient legendary plot with which he took part in the competition for writing a single-act operetta, and which received a prize. Also, Biza received a premium on contests on the piano and organ game, and the large Roman award for Cantatant "Klovis and Clotilda" became the largest reward for the time of study, which gave him the opportunity to receive a state scholarship and four-year accommodation in Italy.
    After graduating from the Conservatory, Bizet lived in Italy from 1857 to 1860. There he traveled a lot and engaged in his education, got acquainted with the local life. At that time, the young composer was at a crossroads: he did not find another topic in musical creativity. However, he decided on the form of filing his future works - for this he chose theatrical music. He was interested in the Paris Opera Premieres and Musical Theater, partly from mercantile considerations, as in this area in those times it was easier to succeed.
    During his stay in Italy, Biza wrote the Symphony Cantatant "Vasco da Gama" and several orchestral plays, some of which later entered the Symphony Suite "Memories of Rome". Three years spent in Italy were rather careless time in the biography of Georges Bizet.
    Upon returning to Paris, heavy times began for Biz. Recognition was not so simple, and Biza earned private lessons, wrote music to order in a light genre and worked with other people's writings. Shortly after the arrival of Biza in Paris, his mother died. Permanent overvoltage, sharp declaration of creative forces, accompanying the composer throughout life, caused the brilliant life of the ingenious composer.
    But Biza did not search for light paths to admission. Although he could become an excellent pianist and more quickly succeed on this field, he completely surrendered to composer activities. "I don't want to do anything for external success, gloss, I want to have an idea before starting some thing ..." - so I wrote the Bizis myself about my choice. About the diversity of his creative ideas can be judged by the found unfinished works, which, for their short life, did not have time to bring to the end, such as Ivan Grozny Opera, found only in the 30s of our century.
    In 1863, the premiere of the Opera Biza "Pearl seekers" took place, which, though she asked eighteen performances, did not have much success. Another opera Biza, "Perth Beauty," was written in 1867 and also did not receive the approval of the public. Biza himself was forced to agree with the opinion of critics and survive this crisis moment in his musical career. However, it was in the "pertsk beauty" the first features of the realism of Bizet, who sought to change the style of a comic opera, having endowed it with deep life conflicts and feelings.
    This was followed by a difficult 1868 year in Georges Bizé biography, when he, in addition to serious health problems, experienced a long creative crisis. In 1869, Bizet married his teacher's daughter, Genevieve Galves, and in 1870, during the Franco-Prussian war, Bizet was recorded in the National Guard, which could not not affect the young family and the creative work of the composer.
    Biography George Bizet - Ripe Years.
    The 70s were the heyday of the creative biography of Georges Bizé. In 1871, he again begins to engage in music and composes suite for the Piano "Children's Games".
    Soon Biza composes the one-act romantic opera "Jamile", and in 1872 the premiere of the play of Alfonson Dodé "Arlesian" took place. The music written by Bizet to this play entered the golden Fund of world symphony works and became a new milestone in the creative biography of Bizet. The premieres of these plays were unsuccessful, despite the high advantages of music Bizet. Belose himself believed Opera "Jamile" the beginning of his new path. "Jamile" has become a confirmation of creative maturity Biza. It is believed that this particular work led the composer to his opera masterpiece "Carmen".
    Despite the fact that Carmen was written for setting in the theater of the comic opera, it can be attributed to this genre only formally, since Carmen is, in fact, the musical drama in which the composer managed to vividly draw folk scenes and characters.
    The premiere of "Carmen" took place in 1875 and was unsuccessful that it was very seriously perceived by the composer and greatly influenced his health. "Carmen" was assessed by the time after the death of Biza and was recognized as the top of his work in a year after an unsuccessful premiere. Peter Tchaikovsky called "Carmen to a masterpiece, reflecting" to the strongest musical aspiration of the whole era, "was convinced of the unsuitable time of the popularity of the opera.
    The uniqueness of the creativity of Georges Bizet was expressed not only in the high advantages of his music, but also in a deep understanding of theatrical music.
    Georges Bize died on June 3, 1875 from a heart attack.

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    © Biography Bise Georges. Biography of Georges Biza composer. Biography of musician Bizeta

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