Message about George Biza Brief biography. Georges Biza Interesting Facts

The name of Georges Bize (1838-1875), outstanding! The French composer is familiar with the broadest circles of Soviet listeners, and his wonderful opera "Carmen" has won universal recognition of love.
Music playwrig "Carmen" reflects and artistically summarizes the characteristic of the actual life of the collision, conflicts. Images of work of life, truthful. Opera's heroes - Carmen, Don Hoza, Mikael, Escamilo - ordinary people from the people. They are depicted alive, bright, temperamental paints.

"Carmen" distinguishes a kind of national flavor: Gypsy-Spanish tunes are essentially reproduced by the composer, in general, without borrowing truly folk topics.
The musical language of the opera, its wonderful melodies combine exceptional visibility with high skill; Opera language is democratic and in; That time is truly original.
Georges Bizet is one of the most significant composers of the XIX century.

Biographers Biza unanimously characterize him as a person of a cheerful, heart, sociable, kind and simple companion, gentle to a respectful son. Persistent in the work worked very much and selflessly, Biza willingly found time for a fun party in a friendly circle, for all sorts of funny clauses, jokes.

Georges Bizeta

Fate little baloba biza; He has repeatedly met with a misunderstanding, attacking from professional criticism, in the medium of regulars of theatrical and concert prime minister. But optimism did not leave him, and the biza went ahead, overcoming heavy life tests.
The brilliant composer, an excellent pianist, an excellent, versatile tired musician practitioner (Bizeta, for example, inimitably read the most complex orchestral scores), he was vividly interested in literature and visual art, and, of course, the theater.
Bise was not a consistent supporter of any political flow to the modern France. He was completely alien to legitimist sentiments - the white lilies of Bourbon never attracted him. But he did not attract him and the banner of the bourgeois monarchy Louis Philipp. We do not find it among Napoleon III adherents.
Undoubtedly, the social and political beliefs of Bize were distinguished by the famous vagueness and contradictory. However, the freedom and independence of life judgments and actions of the composer, some of its opposition critical statements to the authorities of the property, at least in the field of art, allow you to count the biza to the people of the democratic camp.

To the world of music, Bizet was introduced from orphanage. He grew up in a musical family: the father was a teacher of singing, the mother was the sister of the famous singer. Tranquate Biza was found quite early, and at nine years, in 1847, he was already a student of the Paris Conservatory.
His successes turned out to be brilliant and in the class of the piano of Professor of the Marmontel and the class of theory and compositions of the professors of Cimmerman and Galevi.
Among Teachers, Bize was young Guno.
How great was a pianistic gift Bizé, how bright his virtuoso capabilities, can be judged by the most interesting testimony of sheet3. Once Bizeta - he was then about thirteen years old - was at the music evening at Galevi in \u200b\u200bthe society of sheet. The leaf introduced those present with the "one of his new and very difficult work, expressing the opinion that only Hans Bübli can fulfill the play of such difficulties.
Bizet approached the tool and, to the surprise of guests, played this play from the leaf, and more so good, which led to the admiration of the author.
In the year of the end of the Conservatory (1857), Bizet receives two awards: the so-called first big
The Roman Prize for Cantatant "Klovis and Clotilda", as well as a prize for the composition of the operetta "Dr. Miracle", the last one on the extra-conservatory competition. During training at the Conservatory, Biza has repeatedly conquered the title of laureate at the executive competitions in piano, the organ and Solfeggio (1849).
The winner of the Roman Prize could spend five years, in order to improve, in Italy and Germany.
Bizet lived in Italy for about three years (1857-1860). He got acquainted with the wealth of immortal classic Italian painting and sculpture with great passion; But the Italian musical impressions of Bize were much paler.
During his stay in Italy, Bizet worked a lot and stubbornly, the composer mastery was strengthened. In Italy, he wrote his first opera (Don Prokopio), in style, close Mozart5 and Rossini6. The Great, Light Genius of Mozart and the magnificent talent of Rossini used in the future in the continued love of Bizé.

In 1860, a severe disease of the mother interrupted the stay of Bizet in Italy. Soon the mother died. Bright and carefree years were behind. Bise was about twenty years. The second half of his brief life began, held by him almost slowly in Paris in continuous and intense labor.
Working inspired and. thoughtfully, the composer quickly reproduced his plans on paper. He presented in detail, then go a different essay before recording.
During the periods, when any circumstances slowed down his work, Biza found consolation in another kind of musical work: for example, he was fond of transcriptions - made arrangements for piano of opera passages, symphony.
From the beginning and until the end of his creative activity, Bizet was distinguished by a high sense of debt and responsibility. He twice took back from the Opera House his works, believing that they were not perfect enough. Bizet was able to extract lessons from individual creative failures.
Among the writings, Bizet has several orchestral, for example, the symphony "Motherland", piano plays and romances. But a genuine vocation of Biza was the opera, the music for the theater.
This area of \u200b\u200bhis creativity was crowned with a brilliant "Carmen", the creation of which constitutes a whole era in opera art.

Of course, the deeply realistic and innovative style "Carmen" could appear only as a result of a significant and complex preceding path.
Bright and Donal Popular Opera "Early" Biza was ordered by his friend Carvalo, the head of the Lyrian Theater, the Opera "Pearls" (1863). The exotic plot prompted Biza to search for fresh paints. The opera affected the sirism inherent in his work. This is evidenced by the famous Tenor Aria Nadir ("in the radiance of the Night Moon") - Aria, which the most famous singers, such as L. V. Sobinov, willingly included in their concert programs. Pearl's seekers showed a very important and valuable advantage of Bizet: his art to write for singers is convenient and effectively.
According to the genre of "pearl seekers" can be attributed to the so-called lyrical opera. In this early, the strokes of the letter characteristic of the latest creatures of Bizet are already scheduled.
The special success of the "pearl seekers" did not have, as in the future, with the emergence of new works of Bizé, the public did not indulge his praise and favor.
Carvalo promoted the writing and production and other opera Bizet - "Perth Beauty" (1867) on the plot of Walter Scott8. Gypsy dance from this opera is close to the Row of Episodes "Carmen". In some opera productions (as well as sometimes in the editions of the score and key), this dance is included in Carmen, in the fourth act after the famous intermission.
In the early 1970s, Bize writes two works, in which his creative maturity is already found: this is a thin on the color of the one-act Opera "Jamile" (on the poem A. Mussse "Namuna") and especially the music to Arlezianka.

Carmen - People's Artist of the USSR N.A. Obukhov

"Arlesianka" - Drama Alfons Dodé. Music Bize to this drama is distinguished by exceptional beauty. Various music numbers were designed to perform between drama scenes, as well as during action. From the best rooms, two orchestral suite for concert performance are drawn up: the first suite of the four rooms has been performed by the Biza himself, and the second, after the death of Bizet, is his close friend, composer Ernest Giro. In Arlezianka, the love of Biza to folk music was very bright: in connection with the plot of drama, Provencal jerseys sound. The processing and development of folk provencal topics are the magnificent march - the first number of the first suite, built in the form of several variations on the invariably repeated melody, and the choir whose music sometimes sounds in the fourth act of "Carmen" (what it was above). The bise is characterized by widespread use in the "Arlezian" of dances and march rhythms. Here and the march, and menuets, and the fast swirl dance of Farandola (also in some productions included at the beginning of the fourth act "Carmen"), and other dance episodes. In Arlesianka, the tendency of Biza to picturesque and software music was affected - this is further detected in the Symphony intermission "Carmen". The program numbers "Arlesian" belong, for example, "ringing" and "pastoral".
And "Jamile" and "Arlezianka" (music for drama) passed in the theater with a modest success. But two orchestral suite from "Arlesian" liked immediately and kept in the concert repertoire to this day.

Mikael - People's Artist of the USSR A.V. Nezhdanova

Music "Carmen" - the last and greatest creation of Bize- composed in 1874. This work saw the light of the ramp in the "comic opera" on March 3, 1875. Exactly three months later, June 3, 1875, without reaching thirty-seven years, Biza died.
There are various assumptions about the early and unexpected death of Biza. Apparently, "the cause of the death of Biza served as an acute stranger.
"Carmen" suffered the fate of most works of Bizet. But if other essays were taken indifferent, then the brilliant "Carmen" of a certain part of the public and criticism was adopted with direct ill-advocacy. A sad role played by the hypocrisy of the aristocratic and bourgeois public, immortalized in the image of the Moliere Tartuf.

Carmen - People's Artist RSFSR M. P. Maksakova

"Carmen" seemed to the opera of too free content shocking the public, even indecent.
The reason for the initial negative responses to "Carmen" was served; Also novelty music and new draws of drama development. It is not at all by chance that the first listeners "Carmen" relatively liked only those numbers that were more familiar to: Toreador's charges, Aria Mikaely. One way or another, but "Carmen" neither at the premiere nor after the first performances did not have success. It could not not affect the biz. Stories have been preserved, as after the premiere "Carmen" Biza in despair wandered around the city a whole night. There is no doubt that heavy, painful experiences, spiritual shocks were one of the reasons for the untimely death Biza.

Georges Biza Brief biography of the French composer is set forth in this article.

Georges Biza Brief Biography

Alexander Cesear Leopold Bizé was born October 25, 1838 In Paris in a musical family. The boy's talent was early found: at the age of four, he already knew all the notes, at the age of nine - entered the famous Parisian conservatory. He possessed a phenomenal hearing, memory, brilliant pianistic and composer data, this was given to admiration for all teachers.

Bise has repeatedly been promoted at conservative competitions, and at the end of the courses in the Conservatory in 1857, he was honored with the right to spend as many as 3 years in Italy, in order to improve. These were years of reinforced creative searches. The composer tried his own forces in various musical genres: he created a symphonic suite, one-act operetta, canta, piano romances and plays. But genuine vocation Biza was a musical theater.

Upon returning from Italy, he wrote Opera "Pearl seekers" (1863 years old) for an exotic plot, telling about the love drama Leyla and Nadir, and after - "Perth Beauty" (1867). Both musical works have not been successful, and the composer continued the intense searches of the new in the work. "I'm going through the crisis," he wrote in those years.

Opera "Jamile" (1872) marked the offensive of his creative maturity - psychological expressiveness is perfectly combined in its music with the brightness of the East Color. Then music was created to Drama A. Dodé "Arlesianka". Opera " Carmen"Was the greatest creative achievement of Biza and at the same time with this swan song. But her premiere ended with failure. He died of a heart attack after only three months, not knowing that Carmen would be a pinnacle of his success and forever will enter the number of the most recognizable and popular classic works of the world.

Bize Georges (1838-1875), French composer.

Born on October 25, 1838 in Paris in the family of a teacher of singing. Noticing the musical talent of his son, his father gave him to learn to the Paris Conservatory. Biza brilliantly graduated in 1857 by the class of composition F. Galevi. Already in the graduation rate, they were written by the operetta "Dr. Miracle".

At the end of the Conservatory, Bizé received a Roman Prize, which gave the right to a long trip for the executed account in Italy to improve skill. In Italy, he composed his first opera "Don Prokopio" (1859).

Returning to his homeland, Bizet made his debut in the Paris scene Opera "Pearls" (1863). Soon the next opera was created - "Perth Beauty" (1866) on the novel by V. Scott.

Despite all the musical advantages, the success of the opera did not bring, and in 1867, Biza again turned to the genre of operetta ("Malbruck in the campaign"), and in 1871 he created a new opera - "Jamyle" on the poem A. Musse "Namuna "

Real fame and glory brought a composer Symphonic music to Drama A. Doda "Arlesianka" (1872); Subsequently, two orchestral suite were compiled from her. After the "Arlesian", Biza appeared to Opera again - in 1875 the famous "Carmen" was written on Novella P. Merim.

It is now difficult to believe that the work, recognized by the top of the French Opera Realism, by all the opera scenes of the world and became one of the most beloved and popular in the history of music, during the first stage in Paris, did not have success and soon was filmed from the repertoire. The failure of his favorite brainching so worked on the bise, since childhood suffering from heartless heart, which led to the tragic end - he died on June 3, 1875 in Paris.

After the death of the composer in his papers, we found the opera "Ivan Grozny" opera (1865), which was first delivered only in 1946. Tchaikovsky first predicted the immortality of the opera "Carmen"


Bizet began working on the opera "Carmen" in 1874. Power in four acts. Libretto A. Meljak and L. Gallevi in \u200b\u200bthe samemen Namella P. America. The first submission of Sost on March 3, 1875 and Paris.


Carmen, Gypsy, a worker of a cigar factory mezzo-soprano

Don Hose, Brigadier Tenor

Escamilo, Toreador Bariton

Dancayro smugglers,
Redendado Barinon

Tsuniga, Captain Bas

Morales, Sergeant Bariton

Mikael, Bride Hose Soprano

Fraask soprano

Mercedes Gypsy, girlfriend Carmen

Lilas-Paddy, Tavern Detercore without singing

Explorer without singing

Officers, soldiers, street boys, female cigar factory, young people, gypsies and gypsies, smugglers, tooreadors, picadors, people.

The action takes place in Spain, around 1820.


On the city square in Seville, the cigar factory has a watchdog post. In a lively crowd, draguns flashed, street boys, female cigar factory with their beloved. Carmen appears. Tempered and brave, she used to rule over everyone. Meeting with Dragun Hose awakens in her passion. Her Khabanner is a song of free love - sounds like a call to Hose, and the flower, thrown to his legs, promises love. The arrival of the bride Jose Mikael for a while makes him forget about the bold gypsy. He remembers his native village, the house, mother, indulges to light dreams. And again Carmen breaks calm. This time it turns out to be a culprit of a quarrel at the factory, and Hose must deliver it to prison. But the spells of gypsies are all-witnesses. Conquered by them, Hose violates the order and helps Carmen run.

In the tavern of Lilas, the fun in full swing. This is the place of secret meetings of smugglers who helps Carmen. Together with the friends of Fraask and Mercedes, she spends leisure in songs and dance. The desired guest of the tavern - Toreador Escamilo. He always cheerful, confident in himself and dare. His life is full of anxiety, the struggle in the arena is dangerous, but a sweet award is the Hero - Glory and Love beauties. Darmest. Visitors leave the tavern. Under the cover of the night, smugglers are going to risky fishery. This time Carmen refuses to go with them. She is waiting for a friend. Hose comes to the tavern, but the joy of their meeting is short-lived. Military Mountain calls for Dragun in the barracks. In his soul, the passion fights a debt. Carmen indigume. A quarrel is brewing between in love. Suddenly, Tsunig appears - the head of Hose, he hopes for the favor of Carmen. In the rustling of jealousy, Hose is exposed to a saber. Military oath is broken, the path to returning to the barracks is cut off. Hose remains with Carmen to start a new life, complete alarms and dangers.

Deaf at night, in the mountains, smugglers staged a halt. With them Carmen and Hose. The quarrel in the tavern is not forgotten. Too great distinction between lovers. Dreaming about the calm life of the peasant, Hose suffers from treason, from longing to the native house. Only passionate love for Carmen holds him in the smuggler camp. But Carmen no longer loves Hoza, the gap between them is inevitable. Something tell her cards? Girlfriends they predicted happiness, only Carmen fate does not promise joy: she read their death sentence in the maps. With deep sorrow, it reflects on the future. Suddenly comes an escamilo - he hurries on a date with Carmen. Hose blocks his way. Jealousy and indignation flare up in the soul of dragoon. Carmen stops the rivals duel. At that moment, Hoze notices Michaela, who, overcoming fear, appeared to the smugglers camp to lead Hose. Hose does not accommodate her words. Only Mikaela news about the deadly disease of the mother forces the Hose to leave Carmen. But the meeting of them is ahead.

Bright sunny day. The area in Seville is full of people. The gathered is looking forward to the start of the battleship. They are noisy and happily welcome the procession of the heroes of the Corrida, headed by a universal favorite escamilo. Welcomes him and Carmen. Her entails a cheerful, brave escamilo. Fraask and Mercedes warn Carmen about the threatening danger: it follows it to Hose. Carmen does not listen to them; It rushes to the circus. Hose stops it. Gently, with love he draws to Carmen. Hose does not believe that she sworn. But the answer Carmen is inexorable: everything is over all over. "Free was born - free and die," she throws proudly in the face of Hose. In a rush of anger, he challenges Carmen. She claims her freedom to death.

"Carmen" is one of the masterpieces of opera art. Music, full of life and light, brightly approves the freedom of human person. Deep truthful drama clashes and conflicts. Opera heroes are discussed juicy, temperamentally, in all the psychological complexity of characters. With great skill, the national Spanish flavor and the situation of the drama is recreated. The power of optimism "Carmen" - in the inextricable internal communications of the heroes and the people.

Interesting facts from the life of the French composer are set forth in this article.

Georges Biza Interesting Facts

Alexander-Cesar Leopold Bizet was born in Paris in 1838. Such a long name was given to him on the honor of famous commander. But the whole world knows him like George Bizet

Family of the future composer was a musical - his father worked as a music teacher, and his mother played a wonderful piano

Already at the nine-year-old age, Georges Bizé demonstrated his extraordinary musical talent, and therefore was enrolled in the Paris Conservatory, despite such a young age. He became a professional composer in 19 years

The top of his musical creativity is the opera "Carmen". But Carmen was not appreciated by the musical world of the time. And only after the death of the composer, his musical works were highly appreciated by the connoisseurs of music and went to the first places in their popularity.

He was in love with Lyionel Lyionel, Opera Diva, writer, countess De Shabryan. She was older than 12 years and despised George Bize in every way, using them when she was comfortable

He was married to Genevieve Galevi, who changed him from Eli Delender, a teacher of the Paris Conservatory. But still a couple had a child - Son Jean

Most of the Music works of Georges Bize became part of the Gold Fund of World Classic Music

After the first not very successful statement of the opera "Carmen", he rushed from despair to swim into the cold waters of the Seine. The next day, the composer fell with a terrible fever. He began to sharply stupid, numb hands and legs. In the afternoon he had a heart attack. The composer died and without surviving four months before the stunning success of "Carmen" in the Vienna Opera, on the 37th year of life

We hope that from this article you learned interesting facts about George Bizet.

french composer of romanticism period

short biography

Alexander Cesar Leopold Bizeta (FR. Alexandre-César-Léopold Bizet, when baptism got a name Georges., FR. Georges; October 25, 1838, Paris - June 3, 1875, Buval) - French composer of a period of romanticism, the author of orchestral works, romances, piano plays, as well as operas, the most famous of which became Carmen.

He was born on October 25, 1838 in Paris in the family of Teacher's singing Adolf Arman Bizet. He was registered under the name Alexander-Cesar Leopold Bizé, but when baptism received the name of Georges, under which he was known in the future. Originally engaged in music with Mother Anna Leopoldine EME (Ur. Delta). Bizet entered the Paris Conservatory two weeks before he was 10 years old. He was engaged in counterpoint and fugue with P. Zimmerman, as well as with the replacement of it, S. Gunov (later a friend).

Already during study at the Conservatory (1848-1857), Biza tried himself as a composer. During this period, he brilliantly mastered the composer equipment and performing skills. Ferenz Leaf, who heard his piano music in the performance, exclaimed: " My God! I thought it could execute one person - me. But it turns out we are two!».

In 1857, he divided a prize with Charll to the competition organized by Jacques Offenbach, for the operetta "Dr. Miracle" and received the Roman Prize. In the same year, Bizet presented to Kantatu Klovis and Klotilda for the contest, for which the Roman Prize also received, which allowed him to live in Rome for three years, writing music and engaged in his education. The reporting work (writing of which was mandatory for all laureates of the Roman Prize) was the Opera "Don Prokopio". The opera was unknown to the public until 1895, when the composer Sh. Maller published the description of "Don Prokopio", found by him in the archive of the deceased director of the conservatory of the faucer. In 1906, the first opera Bize was delivered at the Monte Carlo Theater in 1906.

With the exception of the period spent in Rome, Bizé lived all his life in Paris. After staying in Rome, he returned to Paris, where he dedicated himself to writing music. In 1863, he wrote Opera "Pearls". In the same period, he wrote "Perth Beauty" (1867), a work for piano "Kids Games" (1870), music to the play of Alfonsida Dodé "Arlesian" (1872). The premiere of "Arlesian" took place on October 11, 1872; Neither the play nor the music of success in the public did not have. The composer made a concert suite from music to Arlezianka. In 1878, P. I. Tchaikovsky wrote N. F. von Mecc: " By the way about freshness in music, I recommend you orchestral suite of the late Bizet "L" Arlesienne ". This is a masterpiece". The second suite on music to the spectral ("pastoral", "Intermezzo", "Menuet", "Farandola") was drawn up by Giro after the death of Bizet.

In 1867, the "Revue Nationale et Etrangère" journal proposed a biz of constant cooperation as a musical browser, the article Bizet overlook the pseudonym of Gaston de Betsy. He also wrote a romantic opera "Jamile" (1870), usually considered as the predecessor "Carmen", and the symphony of C-DUR. Biza himself forgot about her, and did not remember the symphony until 1935, when it was discovered in the conservatory library. The symphony is wonderful with its stylistic similarity with the music of Franz Schubert, which in that period was almost not known in Paris, with the exception, perhaps, several songs. In 1874-1875, the composer worked on Carmen. In the summer of 1874, in Buvalo, the composer finishes the opera, the orchestration of the partitions took only two months. The premiere of the opera took place in the Paris Theater "Opera comedian" on March 3, 1875 and ended with failure. After the premiere, Biza was convinced that the work failed. He died of a heart attack after only three months, not knowing that Carmen would be a pinnacle of his success and forever will enter the number of the most recognizable and popular classic works of the world. P.I. Tchaikovsky, who was a big fan of this opera wrote: "... But here is a Frenchman (who boldly name ingenious), who has all these piquancy and spices not the result of the fiction, but befell the free stream, smooth the hearing and at the same time touched and worry. He seems to say: "... You do not want anything important, grand and strong, you want a pretty, that's a pretty, Joli. Bizet is an artist, giving tribute to the spoils of the tastes of his century, but warmed with true, genuine feeling and inspiration».

Shortly after the "Carmen" setting, Bizet seriously fell ill, and in early June 1875 there was a sudden deterioration, as a result of which he died on June 3 in Buhval. After temporary burial at the Montmartra Cemetery, the Prahi Bizet was transferred to the Cemetery of Per Lashhesis, where many outstanding artists were buried. After the death of his work, with the exception of "Carmen,", in general, they did not receive wide recognition, their manuscripts were distributed or lost, and published versions of works were often revised and changed by other authors. Only after many years of oblivion of his works began to be executed more and more often, and only since the 20th century, Georges Bize's name feared in one row with the names of other outstanding composers. In his 36 years of life, he did not have time to create his own musical school and did not have any explicit students or followers. Premature death Biza at the very beginning of the heyday of his mature creativity is estimated as a significant and inexpressive loss for world classical music.

On June 3, 1869, Georges Bizet was combined with marriage from Geneva Gallevi, the cousin of Louis Galevi - the creator of the musical genre "Operetta". In 1871, George and Genevieve had their only son Jacques, who was subsequently a close friend of Marseil Proust.


  • Municipal Conservatory (FR. CONSERVATOIRE MUNICIPAL DU 20E GEORGES BIZET) In the XX district of Paris, it is his name.
  • In his honor, the Square in Anderlechte is named (Brussels Saglomation).



  • Don Prokopio (Opera Buffa, in Italian, 1858-1859, was delivered 1906, Monte Carlo), there is also an orchestration of Leonid Feinina
  • "Love-artist" (FR. L'Amour Peintre, Libretto Biza, according to J. B. Molore, 1860, not completed, not published)
  • "Guzl Emir" (comic opera, 1861-1862)
  • "Pearl Finder" (Fr. Les Pecheurs de Perles, 1862-1863, Posted by 1863, "Lirik Theater", Paris
  • Ivan IV (1862-1865), set in 1951 in Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux
  • "Nikola Flamel" (1866, fragments)
  • Perth Beauty (Fr. La Jolie Fille du Perth, 1866, Posted by 1867, "Lirik Theater", Paris)
  • "Ful King Cup" (FR. La Coupe du Roi de Thule, 1868, Fragments)
  • Clarissa Gallow (Comic Opera, 1870-1871, Fragments)
  • Calandar (Comic Opera, 1870), Grizeld (Comic Opera, 1870-1871, not completed)
  • "Jamile" (comic opera, 1871, was delivered 1872, the Opera Comic Theater, Paris)
  • "Don Rodrigo" (1873, not finished)
  • "Carmen" (Dramatic Opera, 1873-1874, put 1875, the Opera Comedian Theater, Paris; Recitatives are written by E. Giro, after the death of Bizet, for setting in Vienna, 1875)


  • Anastasia and Dmitry
  • Malbrugg S'en Va-T-en Guerre, 1867, Ateney Theater, Paris; Bizeta belongs to the 1st action, the other 3 actions - I. E. Legey, E. Jonus, L. Delibi)
  • Sol-Si-Ref-Pyf Pan (1872, Shato D'O, PA)
  • Angel and Tovia (L'Ange et Tobia, circa 1855-1857)
  • Eloise de Montfort (1855-1857)
  • Enchanted Knight (Le Chevalier Enchanté, 1855-1857)
  • Hermine (1855-1857)
  • Virginia's return (Le Retour de Virginie, circa 1855-1857)
  • David (1856)
  • Klovis and Clotilda (1857)
  • Dr. Miracle (1857)
  • Song of Age (Carmen Seculaire, by Horace, 1860)
  • Marriage Prometheus (Les Noces de Promethee, 1867)


  • Ulysses and Tsircea (by Homer, 1859)
  • Vasco da Gama (1859-1860)


  • Genevieve Parisian (1874-1875)

Works for choir and orchestra (or piano)

  • Health Choir (Choeur d'etudiants, male choir, up to 1855)
  • Waltz (C-DUR, 1855)
  • Those DEUM (for soloists, choir and orchestra, 1858)
  • Bayya Bay (Le Golfe de Bahia, for soprano or tenor, choir and piano, about 1865; Music used in the Opera "Ivan Grozny", there is processing for piano)
  • Ave Maria (for the choir and orchestra, the words sh. Granmazhenoy, after 1867)
  • La Chanson du Rouet, for soloist, choir and piano, after 1867), etc.

For choir without accompaniment

  • Saint John from Patmosa (Saint-Jean de Pathmos, for the male choir, the words V. Hugo, 1866)

Works for orchestra

  • Symphony (No. 1, c-dur, youth, 1855, the score published and executed 1935; No. 2, 1859, destroyed by Bizeta)
  • Rome (C-DUR, 1871, originally - Memories of Rome, 1866-1868, executed 1869)
  • Overtures, including Motherland (Patrie, 1873, executed 1874)
  • Suites, including Little Suite (Petite Suite, from Piano Duets Children Games, 1871, performed 1872), Suites from Arlesianka (No. 1, 1872; No. 2, amounted to E. Giro, 1885)
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