Vocal lessons. Learning to sing right: breathing exercises and voice ligaments

The most important thing in the production of vocals is proper breathing. It is from him who begins training a professional singingserves as a guide to a huge world scenes. If you are wrong vocal technique, then the volley-noilies to work include those muscles that do not work much from nature. Naturally, we later expect unpleasant moments, such as: Spring, Blancacity, Unpleasant aurally The manner "pull out" the flavored and, finally, " breaking voice" Even if vocalist Strongly continues to "wear" bundlesstill with such an approach to vocal Neither scene out of the question. From such ignorance, dissatisfaction is most often happening, dissatisfaction with life. After all, the one who was given by the gift from God in a particular area, he feels "belonging" and is in constant search for its destination. It will continue until a person takes place and does not use his talentwho was given to him at birth, in practice on a full coil.

It is with the right one breathing The performance of the song begins, because it is a support on which all vocal techniqueand therefore we recommend returning to each challenge to the section " birch lessons»To warm up.
In order to grouped into the correct position of the muscle group, we will resort to various types of technicians: the embodiment of your fantasies into reality, playing various scenes. We will influence the mental, physical mechanisms of your body and consciousness to achieve the desired result.
On the very first vocal lessons Use no more seven sounds, gradually expanding range. As mentioned earlier, respiratory control is obligatory. To help in exercises, keep your hand on your stomach or put on the locking rubber belt.

  • During developing Vocal exercises Under the mandatory rules:
  • Keep track of body position. Neck should not be tense and stretched forward. You must be able to relax slightly. During the exercise, only the stomach works. When you take a high note, abdominal muscles They will be more stronger, but a low on the contrary, all this and must feel the fixed hand.

Learning to breathe correctly
Carefully grab your palms stomach. Feel it. Listen. Try to warm your hands every cell. You breathe calmly: inhale-exhale ... inhale-exhale ... The abdominal muscles rise and fall ... calm down. Leave the whole bustle behind and listen to your breathing. Feel every muscle that has abdominal cavities, as she inhale - inflated, and when exhaling - blown away. Speak, it is in a laugh that breathing is more natural to control.
In order to control your breath, without removing your hand from the abdomen, slowly breathe air, while cutting up to four. Do not delay the "peak", slowly exhale, considering it also up to four. If you still feel bad move in stomach, then try to lean forward, clasping the lower back with my hands. This area must inflate and blur. Gradually increase the invoice: inhale - once, two, three, four, five ..., exhalation - times, two, three, four, five ... and so up to 20.

Exercises for alignment vocal
Most often faced with "uneven" reproduction vokala, this is a shiver, shock, twitching, and therefore the following exercises will be directed to alignment and voice formulation.

  • Let's start S. exercises "dog". Conveniently sitting on the chair, clapping on the back, we relax the muscles of the shoulders and neck, put the tongue and try to show a dog more accurately. Make sure that the shoulders did not move, and they worked exclusively and the chest in general.
  • During exercise desirable on belly Wear a corrective belt. It is necessary in order to press Belly worked correctly. It performs a load on the muscles and serves as a kind of simulator. You will feel those muscles that do not function in everyday life, and this will help in this belt. By the way, some think that if you roll up the press, then all sound recovery will be easy. In fact, the opinion is erroneous, specially go to the gym and do not need to play sports. The fact is that on the simulators, the organization of muscles will not be directed to coordinate clean vocal exit, and something else. But if you still support the opinion of the benefits of physical exercise, it is best to do yoga, swimming or medicinal gymnastics. Try log in harmony With your body, feel every cell of your body.
  • Take care of my own posture. It must be correct: back straightThe shoulders are straightened, head in a smooth position. Catching the position can be stuck in the doorway, straightening in the door jam. It is in a flat position, unprinking, vocal cords Work correctly.
  • We relax the neck muscles and slowly turn the head: left-right ... left-right .. and so 10-15 times.
  • Omit carefully the lower part of the jaw down, then also carefully return it to the place, finding proper position. And so: 10-15 times.
  • Pull out lips tube And we begin to move them left-right ... Left-right ... Circular motion clockwise, counterclockwise ... and so 10-15 times.
  • Weakening the tube from the lips and gain in light air. Air from light lips, and not thorny ligaments, we sing "Brrrr"
  • Following the exercise called "monkey". We take a small mirror and begin to "monkey". Complete lips tube, stretch and smile, stretch the bath and get cold, showing two rows of your teeth. Open Rot As widely as possible and we consider all the delights of the language. I pull the tongue and give the shape of the sail, then retract, folding inward. Attract the tongue to the left wall of the cheek, after - to the right, we turn into the tube And bend for the top teeth, after the bottom. If you can not "play" the language, do not work out, do not be discouraged, do what you can not donate.
  • Open as you can wider Roth, now abruptly throw away language, getting her chin, and also sharply draw back. Imagine a frog, catching flies. Exercise do to the feeling of fatigue. Watch to work need muscles, with the right positions you yourself will feel what muscles are needed for vocalAnd what no.
  • We define the following exercise vocal Zevok.. Survey your neck and find Kadyk on it. Carefully graze it and follow his movement. During the conversation or when you shrink saliva, it moves. Mentally fix Lower position, Remember and after doorly his in vocals. In no case do not hold it with your hands! You must control them, and not to force the physical force to obey. Find the right one feeling zevka Best of all in the exercise "Inspection of a doctor", i.e. open the mouthAs when inspection and say "AAA", showing and opening a small tongue.
  • Slightly open Surprised Roth, while doing inhale. You must feel fresh air in the oral cavity. Fix the lower position of Kadyk. This exercise is 10-15 times. Preferably control the whole process in front of the mirror.

Sound brightness exercise

  • Take an exercise from yoga, only in our case we are concentrating not in the frontal part, but in nasal. We spawned the jaws, while the lips are closed and issue a smooth, long sound "MMM". The lower jaw is lowered to a convenient limit.

For the full development of their vocal data And the consolidation of the material can go to the selection. Start with lower songs in songs, choosing for exercises with back vocal.
Choose a suitable song for yourself, learn the words well, feel melody.
After listening to the melody, tapping into the beat, if you even.


Imagine musical instrument: Drums or piano. Imagine how you knock on keys Fingers in Hands rhythm music, or take two pencils and imagine drums, And it is better to imagine yourself a dancer how you famously beat your feet into the beat.

If it's still difficult, then use the special program.

And in conclusion I would like to say: do not hesitate yourself, friends. Do not Clear and do not go on the neighbors. Put in the apartment in all voice power. Do not think that when vocal class You can sing quietly, but if you leave on stage, I drink to the full coil. Will not be so! In which Range You teach vocal cords Work, in such, they will produce a subsequent sound. After all, voice ligaments are alive musical instrument, And the setting of it takes not one year of human life. If you have "delicate" neighbors, then try to negotiate. After all, if one of them lures loudly music Or makes repair, you at this time tolerate. So why don't you at daytime sing loud?
That's all.
Creative success, dear vocalists!

Yours faithfully,
« Creative workshop »

Hi friends! Today we have in the video analysis, the frequent guest of noisy companies by the fire in tent towns, companies going in the evening in the yard of your home somewhere under your window that you may have you, whether your neighbors have watered water from the window at 2 o'clock At least 3 they will get tired of singing songs under the guitar and they will disperse at home. In general, today in our analysis of chord Major. Comfortable appliqué, first position, three open strings, in one word, the dream of a novice guitarist. So go to the development of this dream. Complete base of chords in video format: http://gt.urokimusic.ru

Well, it would seem that everything is so wonderful, the chord of Major is played using three open strings, the applicature of this option is the simplest - raised the fingers on one string after La Minora and we already have Mi major! But why, why climb into the seventh position, put Barre, use one of the most complex applications when all three fingers are near? What for? Yes, for the same reason, according to which a small number of crazy, according to most people, go to conquer Everest risking life and tested their body with incredible loads. To become stronger and body and spirit. As Carlos Castaneda said: "We make ourselves or unhappy or strong, the volume of work is the same." So perceive this application as the next step to a more perfect guitar game! Complete base of chords in video format: http://gt.urokimusic.ru

Hi friends! Today we disassemble the arpeggio for the chord of G Major. The convenient application of this chord allows you to master all the variants of the Arpeggio that are presented in the video, and at the next stage, come up with the options, taking the principle that I use. If you do not want to be limited to studying one chord, but you want to learn how to play all other chords, beating them in the usual way or with the help of Arpeggio, you can access our full video base of chords on the piano. This can be done by passing this link http://vse.urokimusic.ru/.

Good day! Today we disassemble the BB chord. Barth tonality for guitar is not very comfortable, with the exception of re minraul. And Si Barol Major, a bright representative of a large number of barrier tonalities. This chord can be found in the already mentioned re minora, in Sol Minor, to Minor. Less often in the F Minor and La Minor. Chord himself, rather uncomfortable. This sixth position, requires Barre on the sixth Lada. Another version of this chord on the first Lada is just easier. But again with Barre. So we train your fingers and will always be ready for any Barre! Complete base of chords in video format: http://gt.urokimusic.ru

Not every fan of high-quality music was able to visit singing lessons as a child. However, in adulthood, you can also learn to sing from scratch beautifully, easy and quite professional. Today, the doors of numerous musical studios are open for beginner vocalists. Study pop vocals help private tutoring lessons. A person with any starting abilities will be able to choose a convenient way of learning without much difficulty.

Remote development of vocal talent

There are the following reasons that interfere with start learning to sing:

  • tense life rhythm;
  • lack of funds.

Free to study the singing skills will help independent training. Competent book, audio recordings, video lessons will give the necessary basic knowledge about how to reveal the voice, study notes, improve the musical hearing.

The site has a high-quality tutorial of vocal, which was developed by experienced school teachers. The remote vocal course is designed for people who are not able to attend School of singing. The learning method is most simple: you need to choose an exercise, carefully view a video and perform demonstrated tasks, taking into account the recommendations of the teacher.

Self-tutorial on singing is characterized by the following advantages:

  • Classes are held at a convenient moment anywhere. You find the right movie, and then train on the road, business trip, outside the city. The duration of occupation is also determined independently;
  • Educational technique is understandable even to an inexperienced singer. Tutorial of singing from specialists The site contains simple exercises, explained in detail and clearly demonstrated;
  • Training does not require financial costs. You can download torrent for free or do online.

Full-time learning singing

No matter how tempting does not seem self-study, this method there are serious shortcomings. Become a professional performer using exclusively information from the tutorial is impossible, and there are several reasons for this:

  • Inexperienced vocalist is not able to make two cases at the same time: sing and evaluate the effectiveness of your training. Follow the correctness of the performance of training tasks must be a third-party observer with the necessary luggage of knowledge;
  • The work of muscles, larynx, ligaments during the singing process are complex and multifaceted. It is extremely difficult to understand the essence of the action of the singer with the help of textual articles, videos and audio materials.
  • The musical data of each person is unique. Accordingly, the Contractor requires an individual curricula, its own set of training techniques. Without special knowledge, it will not be possible to choose the optimal program.

We recommend teaching video as familiarization with singing art. Also this is a great help for domestic training. It is that, in addition to lessons with a tutor, the student must draw the acquired skills of the house independently. There will be a video of the video recording.

Which will be interesting and useful, first of all, vocal teachers and professional singers. Also on the list there are books addressed to beginner vocalists.

Singing is a very multifaceted and complex process.
Solo singing, singing in a large choir team, singing in a small vocal ensemble, singing without accompaniment, singing with instrumental accompaniment, singing under the backing channel - everywhere there are its subtleties.

Just purely sing and clearly utter text - this is clearly not enough.

disclose the artistic image of the work,
sing emotionally and artistically
Beautifully move in accordance with the tempo and rhythm of music,
combine singing with movement,
use gestures corresponding to the image
be able to cope with excitement at public speeches,
be able to sing in harmony with other performers,
own a variety of performing techniques
be able to work with microphones
Be able to create bright scenic images.

In this list you will find books
about the formulation of the singing voice
about training diction
On the development of musical hearing,
about acting art
About the art of scenic speech.

Here are books

about pop and jazz vocals,
about academic vocals
about singing in church choir
On teaching the singing of children.

Agree that reading books forms thinking, contributes to the creation of a solid theoretical base for successful practical activities, both teachers and performers.

Most books you can find on the site ozon.ru

1. Alchevsky G. A. Breath Tables for singers and their application to the development of basic voices. Tutorial
2. Alexandrova E. I. Director works with a choir. XX century
3. Alexandrova M. E. Acting skill. First lessons (+ DVD -ROM)
4. Barhahatova I. B. Hygiene voices for singers
5. Barhahatova I. B. Putting the voice of the pop vocalist. Method of diagnosing problems. Tutorial
6. Belskaya E. V. Vocal training of students of theatrical specialization. Tutorial
7. Bolotina D. Votor O. Chanting for general singing in the temple
8. Vakkai Nikolo. The practical method of Italian chamber singing. Principles of voice formulation
9. Varlamov A. E. Full School of Singing
10. Vasiliev Yu. A. Diccia. Actual
11. Vasiliev Yu. A. Scenic speech. Rhythms and variations
12. Vasilyev Yu. A. Lagachev D. A. Scenic Speech Lessons. Music and Rhythmic Training
13. Vasilyeva O. V. School of singing. Vocalize for voice accompanied by piano
14. Vasilyeva O. V. Sketch I. V. Vocal-pedagogical repertoire. Reader. Issue 1. Small classic form
15. Verbov A. M. Technique of voice formulation
16. Verbova N. P. Golovina O. M. Urnova V. V. Art of speech
17. Viardo Garcia Polina. Exercises for female voice. Hour of exercise
18. Vinokur G. O. Russian stage pronunciation
19. Vishnyakova T. P. Sokolova T. V. Kresttomatia in practice work with choir
20. Vocals. Brief Dictionary of Terms and Concepts
21. Vocalize of Italian composers and teachers of singing of the XVII-XVIII centuries. For middle vote and piano
22. Garina Zoya. Music Music for Vocalists
23. Garcia Manuel. Tips for singing
24. Gay Julius. German singing school. Tutorial
25. Hippius S. V. Actors. Gymnastics feelings
26. Glinka M. I. Exercises for the improvement of the voice. Social School for Soprano
27. Devo-M. N. Hygiene votes. For artists, teachers, fans of singing, speakers and preachers
28. Gonnarenko N. B. Solo singing. Secrets of vocal skill
29. Gonnarenko N. B. Solo singing lessons. Vocal practice
30. Dayyshe-Zionitskaya M. A. Singing in sensations. Tutorial
31. Dmitriev L. B. Basics of the Vocal Methodology
32. Dmitrievsky G. A. Gorovatiy and the management of the choir. Elementary course
33. Dupre Zhilbert Louis. Art of singing
34. Evseev F. E. School of singing. Theory and practice for all votes
35. Eliseeva-Schmidt E. S. Encyclopedia of choral art
36. Zhuravleva Z. Solovushka. Vocal school for children and adults. Tutorial
37. The meeting F. F. Scientific basis of voice formulations
38. Karyagan A. V. Jazz Vocal. Practical manual for beginners
39. Kovin M. N. The course of the theory of choral church singing. Exercises for the development of voice and hearing choral singers. Management of church choir
40. Koncon Juseppe. School singing from sheet
41. Koroleva T. I. Pereleshin V. Y. Regent Mastery
42. Krestinsky E. Vocaliza
43. Lammerti Giovanni Battista. Technique Belkanto
44. Francesco lamp. Primary theoretical and practical guide to the study of singing
45. Levin Theodore. Music new nomads. Gorl singing in Tuva and beyond
46. \u200b\u200bLeman Lilly. My art sing
47. Lobanova O. Proper breathing, speech and singing. Tutorial
48. Mike Par S. M. Musical rumor, its meaning, nature and features and method of proper development
49. Markesei Matilda. Ten singing lessons. Tutorial
50. Merzlyakova S. I. Learn to sing children. Songs and Exercises for Voice Development
51. Mitrofanova D. A. Italian for vocalists. Phonetics in singing. Tutorial
52. MOND Lisa. Health voices singer
53. Morozov V. Entertaining Bioacoust
54. Morozov V.P. Non-verbal communication. Experimental psychological research
55. Morozov V.P. Secrets of vocal speech
56. Morozov L. N. School of classical vocal
57. Nissen-Saloman Henrietta. School of singing
58. Ogorodnov D. E. Methods of musical and singing education. Tutorial
59. Ossenneva M. S. Samarin V. A. Working with a children's choir
60. Pavlischeva O. P. Voice formulation technique
61. Plugs K. I. Vocal School of Matilda Markesei. Women's voices. Modern look. Pedagogical repertoire
62. Plugs K. I. Vocal Art
63. Plugs K. I. Mechanic singing. Principles of voice formulation
64. Plugs K. I. School of academic vocals from Plugnikov. Tutorial
65. Pellegrini-Cheli Anna Maria. Grammar, or the rules of excellent singing. Teaching manual
66. Spanking I. P. Tips for students
67. Rabotnov L. Basics of physiology and pathology of the voice of singers.
68. Resonant singing and speech technique. Metras masters. Solo, choral singing, stage speech
69. Riggs Set. How to become a star. Audiocol for vocalists
70. Rossi Marie. Vote
71. Rubini Batista Giovanni. 12 Tenor and soprano singing lessons
72. Ruzhiev E. Shekhov V. Voice. Tutorial on vocal
73. Savkova Z. V. Monologue on stage
74. Savkova Z. Amazing Dar of Nature. The voice ruled by the laws of nature is growing and stronger
75. Safronova O. L. Rowing. Reader for vocalists
76. Sicur P. I. Church singing. Preparation of conduits and regents to work with choir
77. Swelkova T. D. Savelyeva Yu. V. Fundamentals of training vocal art
78. Smraukova T. N. Pop-jazz vocal training. Tutorial
79. Solovyov L. Speak freely, creating a perfect voice
80. Solovyova L. Tao Voices. Voice as your tool
81. Sonks S. M. The theory of voice formulations in connection with the physiology of the organs reproducing sound
82. Stanislavsky K. S. Work of the actor over himself
83. St Bleznko A. A. The art of opera singing. Italian vocal school
84. Stoolova G. P. Choral singing. Methods of working with a children's choir
85. Santley Charles. The art of singing and vocal declamination.
86. Tereshchenko T. Church singing
87. Tetrazzyni Louise. How to sing right. Tutorial
88. Torshin A. Bogatyrev V. Training for the actor of the musical theater. Teaching manual
89. Tronina P. L. From the experience of the teacher-vocalist
90. Ulyanov V. Be heard and understood. Technique and speech culture
91. Black E. I. Fundamentals of stage speech. Lancture breathing and voice
92. Chesnocks P. G. Chorus and management of them
93. Chekhov M. A. About the actor technique
94. Shaposhnikov S. Vocal Revelations
95. Shatkovsky city development of musical hearing
96. Shestakova E. Speak beautifully and confident
97. Shklya Yu. The sharp corner of my life. Thoughts of vocalist
98. Enrico Della Sedie. Vocal art
99. Yudin. S. P. Singer and voice. On the methodology and pedagogy of singing
100. Yushmanov V. I. Vocal Technique and its paradoxes

If you plan to perform on a big scene or you just like to sing in the company of friends or loneliness, then you just need to first put your voice.

1. Breathing

Breathing is very important for a proper voice, affecting its strength and expressiveness. If you learn how to correctly manage your breathing, then it will later save you from possible injuries that can be caused by overvoltage of voice ligaments.

Taking into account several exercise complexes, you will learn to control the correct breathing when singing:

  • 1. It is important to learn to control the power of your exhalation. Take for this exercise the pen of any size, and jump on it. Your task is to ensure that all the guns flutter. Now it becomes more complicated: only the tips of the flocks stirred.
  • 2. Now take a light disposable polyethylene bag. Your task is to keep the bag in the air without your breathing, without falling on the floor.
  • 3. Make a deep breath in the mouth, stretching on the exhale "z-zz". Let the sound go from the inside, as if filling out the lungs. When you get the desired sound, experiment with other consonant letters, subsequently adding a vowel "A" to them.

When you sing, your breath should be capacious, but short, but exhale should be slow. It is on the exhalation that sound happens, so it should be smooth and continuous.

2. Resonators

To begin with, we will define what "resonators". As you know, they are part of the voice apparatus, and help to strengthen the sound. Simply put, without resonators, we would not have been able to communicate with each other, because we would not hear our interlocutors.

It is worth noting that the singing sound becomes heard when the air that we exhale from the lungs is trying to break through the closed voice gap. After that, the oscillation of ligaments begins. As a rule, the ability to correctly use the resonators comes gradually - after the singer learn to keep their own singing under control. Subsequently, with the help of this skill you will learn how to direct the sound at the desired point.

Note that it happens to breast and head resonation. In the first case, you provide your vote power and strength, and in the second - the "Flight of the sound" appears, endurance.

Virtually any voice can find a professional sound if its owner learn how to manage its emotional color. Let's decide on which voices in general exist. So, among men - tenor (highest), Bariton, bass. Women's timbres: soprano, mezzo-soprano, alt, contralto.

Alone, you are unlikely to be able to determine how much the timbre - with this task a spectrometer or vocal teacher can cope.

4. Vocal support - what it is

The vocal support can be called singing at which the diaphragm is involved. If there is a vocal support, there is no need for vocal tension of voice ligaments. Having a vocal support, you can sing a few hours in a row, so the future singers will certainly need to develop it.

How to sing on the support?

To be able to sing on a support, practice develop abdominal breathing. Usually people breathe breasts, but if you want to sing on the support, then this can be achieved, only breathing through the stomach. To begin with, put your left hand on the stomach, and the right - on the chest. Now learn to inhale so that the right hand remained fixed, and under the left - it was inflated and the belly was blown away.

Where to start learning

The main thing in this matter does not harm yourself. Remember that in order to have a good voice, it should be done a lot and diligently, and not to wait for quick results. Bundles need training, and immediately cannot be prepared for the execution of the most complex parties. You can know a lot about how to sing right, but if you do not start with training, then all this theory will not mean anything.

You should start with the grinding - do not take the top or bottom notes at once, you will conquer them later, after the reversal of the average range.

Special vocal configuration exercises for singing

The regular repetition of these exercises is positively affected by the ligaments:

  • imagine that I put the throat, while not throwing up my head - instead, slowly turn it out of side to the side. Publish these sounds until you have enough breathing.
  • make a deep breath in the mouth, and when you exhale "soap", at the same time, tapping the pads of the index fingers along the nostrils.
  • let's knock the pillows of the fingers along the upper lip, while making the sounds: "would be" (as far as the breath is enough).
  • now knock your finger pad along the bottom lip, similarly to saying "ZE-ZE-ZE" or "you-you".
  • regular yawns can also be attributed to the category of exercises. With the help of the yawn, the Contractor is easiest to relax the neck and aperture. In order to cause the yawns, just actively imagine it, and also wide open your mouth and breathe.
  • also it will not be superfluous. You should imagine how you grably extrude the air out of the throat, thereby carrying the abdominal muscles, as well as the bottom of the chest - it is those that are recommended when singing.
  • make a light vibration of lips. Slightly squeezing the mouth, blow the air, while singing any song (the lips remain closer). It is important that the throat remains relaxed. Go from low notes to high, and back.
  • if you want to "warm up" the voice, then singing with the mouth will be very useful. This exercises can be done at any time - taking a shower, preparing lunch and so on.

Lessons vocal for beginners

Now almost in any city there are many schools that you will help to put a voice and become a professional singer. If so far you can not decide to start studying with the teacher, then you have online lessons that lead experienced vocalists. Undoubtedly, you can learn a lot of interesting things for yourself and reveal all the singing talents.

Permanent training will help develop a beautiful and pleasant voice

If you do regularly, it will contribute to the development of a strong and beautiful voice. At the same time, it is important not to forget to take care of the bundles! For this, a small and easy massage will help you. Start with a slight pressing with a thumb into the area of \u200b\u200bthe larynx. Massaging the throat in the process of singing, you lay a much smaller load on bundles. This action can be done during the protracted workout.

Songs for voice development

In general, you can sing any song you like and well-known for you, but, of course, it is important to do this in unison with the performer. You can include some kind of musical composition, singer. It will be fine if this occupation you will write down. Then, listening to the resulting entry, try to determine in what few moments you had shortcomings.

How to cut the voice yourself

Start with a simple exercise for the union

Looking in front of the mirror, breathe and when you exhale, pronounce the sounds "and, e, a, oh, y". Repeat the sounds in such a sequence until the breath is enough. Note that the sequence of written letters is important. "And" is the highest frequency, and it is from it that the voting exercise should be proceeded. In turn, with the help of "E" you activate the throat area. "A" involves the chest, and "O" will have an impact on heartfall. Well, finally, we note that "y" involves the lower part of the abdomen. By the way, it is the last sound to pronounce as often as possible if you wish to make your voice lower.

After that, it is necessary to activate the chest and abdomen - for this, closing the mouth, try to pronounce the sound "M". Start quietly, gradually reinforcing pressure. At the end, say this sound so that the voltage in voice ligaments was felt.

Subsequently, go to "P". It is this sound that makes a voice energetically, and has a positive effect on pronunciation. First you need to prepare a little, so that your tongue relaxed a little: lift his tip to the sky, speaking for the upper front teeth, try to "straighten." Exhalation, breath, growl. After that, with expressiveness say: rice, growth, rank, cheese, fence, fence, etc.

Preparation of voice ligaments to singing

Note that simple mint tea can help bundles to prepare for tension - just drink a cup of this warm drink. Also, sharp dishes contribute to ligaments. It is important to use in sufficient water - you can with honey and lemon. It is important not to abuse before singing dairy products, chocolate, alcohol and coffee beverages. Also should be completely eliminated smoking.

Causes of voice loss

Some beginners and experienced singers may encounter such a serious problem as a loss of votes.

We define the main reasons for such a phenomenon:

  • Regular loads on voice ligaments. Such a problem is not only in singers, but also from teachers, actors and people of any professions related to oratory art.
  • Infectious diseases of the larynx.
  • The impact of cold drinks, smoke.
  • Burn (thermal or chemical).
  • Party ligaments.
  • Large tumor.

During the recovery period, once again do not overload the bundles with telephone conversations or performances. By the way, doctors are convinced that the telephone conversation is able to harm even more than living communication. Also try not to go out once again on the cold air, and, of course, eliminate smoking.

How to develop the necessary voice voice

Many people are trying to develop a deeper voice of the voice, in order to give him more sensuality and mysteriousness.

It is not easy to do, but still, with due diligence, everything will turn out:

  • First of all, it is important to learn to breathe a diaphragm, it is capable of making depth to your voice.
  • Pronounce words, try to extract the sounds from the diaphragm.
  • Try to consciously lower your voice. One way is to press the back of the back of the tongue. You will have to find the right position by closing the language. In general, train to undertake the timbre of your voice until it becomes a habit. However, if you have a uncomfortable feeling, it is better to take a little break.

How to learn how to sing well if there is no voice

How to improve existing vocal data

First of all, it is important to track your own shortcomings and try to fix them. This can help your own voice audio records. Do not think that you will be able to determine your skills on the rumor - it is better to use a voice recorder, and if not yet, try to close one ear in singing to hear yourself better.

Do not be too fascinated by singing, if you feel fatigue - in this case, you can only harm in yourself. Please note that if you felt weakness in your stomach, it means that while you have a weak support, but the point will still go to the mountain. Much worse, if you locked in my throat - most likely you overload a bundle, and in this case you should be taken a break. Track these moments.

Many people are convinced that they do not possess the singing talent only because in childhood they did not speak with the songs on the matinee. In fact, after the vocal classes, it is possible to achieve not small heights in singing even to those people who do not care about it in childhood.

If you wish to get into high notes, it is important to train your body. Starting to sing, draw the bottom of the abdomen, relaxing its upper part, thereby providing support to the lower press. Also try not to raise the larynx too high, increasing the tone, in order not to break the voice. Try to control the situation, putting your fingers during singing over the larynx. Over time, you will be able to ensure that the ladies are located at thenime.

Do not look up when singing high notes. Look forward, do not bend the throat, thereby making the sound intense. Note that if you promote a little thumb forward, it will give high notes a brighter sound.

So that the voice was strong - breathe right

Making a breath and exhale, inflated the belly. Make sure you do everything right: attach your palms to the waist (on the sides, closer to the ribs), so that the thumb is on the back, and others on the stomach. Inhaling and exhausted you need to feel like palms diverge and converge.

Perhaps deep breathing still requires serious effort. In this case, lie on the floor with your back, putting the palm on the stomach. Watch then, that if inhaling, exhale, your hands rose and lowered. Shoulders should stay still!

Working with voice - the lessons of the right vocal

If you are planning to visit vocal lessons, it is important to know that you are waiting for them, and the teachers usually pay attention to them:

  • integrated exercises contributing to the development of votes;
  • expansion of the range, study of intonation, voice flexibility;
  • theory and practice of singing;
  • singer breathing;
  • improving diction and articulation;
  • study of the peculiarities of the voice apparatus.

Remember that before you learn to sing, it can leave a lot of time, but this is not a reason for the disorder - prepare in advance for such developments. If you can't learn the singing craft at home, then, by sure, contact your teacher, which will help you find your own perfect sound.

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