How to make your son's birthday. How to celebrate a child's first birthday

If soon you have to celebrate a child's birthday, but you are not ready to entrust a children's holiday to animators or order a program in a children's entertainment center, the whole burden of organizing a children's birthday falls on your shoulders. And it's not even about coming up with a script for the holiday. Much more difficult than organizing contests and buying prizes, it can be to go through different reactions of kids to a children's holiday - from isolation to overexcitation - and not take them to heart.

There is one day in the year that all parents fear. The closer that day comes, the more nervous they become. And then, when it passes, they sigh with relief. But those who have experienced such a day are well aware that in a year it will come again: this is the birthday of the child. One of the biggest adventures in the life of a family, which children look forward to, and adults with understandable fear.

The child has been planning for a long time, maybe for a year, whom to invite to this great holiday. Someone is added to the guest list out of sudden sympathy, then crossed off after much argument, and then often still invited without any further discussion.

The guest list deprives parents of sleep, and they toss and turn in bed for long nights, sighing: “No, we can’t call the whole class and, on top of that, all of his football team!” And from the children's room, meanwhile, a sleepy voice is heard: "And do not forget to call ten neighbors' children ..."

The father in the middle of a football match is distracted from the screen and begins to think about the broken mirror, glasses and TV. The mother dreams of the seams of the leather upholstery of the sofa coming apart after visiting 20 trampoline jumpers. Only people with the strongest nerves are then able to still stick to the original plan of celebrating a children's birthday in their own apartment.

Children understand that celebrating a birthday is fun. They come to visit, have fun and want everything to be the same at home. The child begins to passionately demand his own noisy party, where parents will act as animators, waiters, comforters, guards, mediators in negotiations and tamers of wild animals. What do you need to be prepared for - and what is usually not written about in an article about organizing children's parties?

No birthday? Also normal. Children's birthdays are always associated with disappointments. Expectations are huge: both for children and for parents who have memories of their own childhood birthdays in their heads. The holiday should be perfect, but at some point, the howling birthday boy runs into another room and slams the door. It's annoying, but normal.

Plan, but not everything. Many parents plan the whole evening. Their biggest fear is that the children will get bored if they are not entertained. But if the performances of entertaining parents continue all the time, then this is no longer a children's holiday - the children are spectators in it, not guests.

Planning is very necessary in order to always have something in stock, some blanks that will help calm the raging horde of children, or, conversely, cheer up those who are bored. But it is best if the parents at some point abandon their plans, because the holiday will begin to develop by itself. If, for example, children do not want to interrupt the game and change into fancy dress, then it is worth putting your crafts away until some boring rainy day.

Attention games. Even little fighters need to take a break sometimes. For this, attention games or board games, such as "Poisoned Jelly Beans", are ideal: the name itself attracts, and besides, the game is associated with eating sweets.

Ten sweets or marmalades are placed on the table, one child comes out, and the rest decide which dragee is "poisoned". The child comes back and eats one candy after another until he takes the "poisoned" one. This game is fun for everyone to play.

Someone always cries. During any good game, there is a danger that one of the players will cry. But it is an integral part of the situation, and there is nothing wrong with it. Children are so excited during a birthday party that it is very easy for them to start crying. All games are associated with a lot of emotions - but that's exactly their beauty.

Avoid games for one child. Games should bring guests together as much as possible. If you decide to go the traditional route and invite the children to take turns blindfolded looking for sweets, you will lose: while the elders are busy guiding the movements of one child, the rest of the group is bored. No need to exacerbate what can manifest itself without you.

The most successful scenario. Someday the last birthday you organized will come: they want to celebrate themselves and ask their parents to leave. But in the years that pass before this moment, there will be birthdays that will be easier to manage than others: holidays for toddlers. Until a certain age, everyone will be happy if the parents throw the ball to them, and they themselves remain on the sidelines. In this case, you only need to make soft drinks.

If the children get bored, then football can be changed to a game of detectives. The clues will be in balloons hidden somewhere in the house, and players will have to crack a code that opens a mysterious chest. The kids will love it, and besides, they will enjoy the process of preparation.

Leave him alone. Of course, the child who comes to visit is not in a festive mood, you can try to persuade him to join others or bribe him with sweets. But does it help? Not always. Give your child time to integrate himself into the company. In most cases, this is the best way out. It is clear to him that he is an outsider. Therefore, he feels very bad when the parents of the birthday boy once again say: "What can I do for you?" Children understand perfectly well what they really want to say: "Don't stand with such an expression on your face, play with everyone and don't spoil our mood!"

Jealous brothers and sisters. Naturally, the brother or sister of the birthday boy needs to be explained that his parents understand his feelings and his birthday will also be celebrated, maybe even very soon. Unfortunately, this does not help much during the birthday. You need to tune in to calmness in advance: someone will still roar. That's the way things are. If we feel strong emotions, then tears will always be associated with it.

If you decide to celebrate the birthday of your daughter, who will soon be one year old, you should remember that this celebration should remain unforgettable for both you and your guests. Next year, the baby will not be so funny, somewhat awkward and charmingly touching, so your daughter’s first birthday should be celebrated in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time, and for this you should come up with some kind of themed holiday or organize a neutral party.

It should be understood that the celebration of 1 year is primarily intended for parents, and not for the child. Your baby is unlikely to remember anything from her birthday and will not take any part in it. It is recommended to organize everything in such a way as not to disturb the daily routine of the little birthday girl, especially when it comes to sleep, nutrition and habits.

Scenarios for celebrating the first birthday are practically no different from each other, since a prerequisite for each of them is congratulations from both the child himself and his parents, as well as quizzes and contests.

birthday party invitation

To spend the first birthday, you should not invite a large number of guests, because even a sociable child can be frightened by the crowd, start to get nervous because of the noise and attention of outsiders. Therefore, invite only relatives and closest people.

A hand-made invitation card will remain with the guests as a keepsake of the coming day.

Once you've prepared your guest list, think about invitation cards with the text written in the name of your little happiness. Instead of a signature, you can use a child's handprint. If you will not deal with the distribution of invitations yourself, then send them in advance by mail so that the cards reach the addressees on time. And it is even easier to use e-mail or social networks, since modern technologies allow this. But a hand-made postcard would be preferable, since this way there will be at least some memory of the coming day.

Organization of the first birthday

As you already understood, you should not invite a lot of people to the first birthday, because even the most balanced children can get overexcited from such a protracted celebration. You need to do everything so that your girl, having been with people, can move away from the extra noise to her room, and after the guests leave, go with you to the fresh air. Believe me, an excess of impressions for any child is a serious stress, and out of habit, the baby may even start to act up and cry. And you will have nowhere to go, because your daughter is a lively and active person who, due to her age, cannot express her desires.

Parents often make a huge mistake by buying a huge amount of gifts for their baby's birthday. Try not to rush, buying everything gradually every year, because a large pile of gifts can only make a negative impression on any child, son or daughter. Think carefully before buying something that will please both you and your child. It is better to discuss gift ideas with your relatives and friends in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

What are the customs for the first birthday?

Where are the customs? If you baptized your child, then on the first birthday you must definitely call his godparents. There are also many customs that godparents must adhere to, but the final vote is entirely yours. They must cut their hair in the area of ​​the crown with a cross, as a priest does in church. It is customary to cut at the back of the head, forehead and near the ears. Next, the strands are given to real parents as a keepsake, after which you can cut the baby's hair in the future.

There is also a custom by which you can predict the future of a baby on the day of his birth. To do this, you need to spread the casing with the fur outside or a fur coat, then bring a few things to the child on a large dish to choose from. As such, there are no rules on what to put there, so put what is symbolic:

  • bread (wealth);
  • chocolates (a sign of a cheerful and sweet life);
  • ring (symbolizes a successful marriage);
  • book (symbol of knowledge);
  • garlic (health);
  • woolen ball (means long life);
  • key (independence).

Creating a festive atmosphere

To create a festive atmosphere in the house, there are quite good and original ideas for a birthday. Perhaps the surest option would be to decorate the house with balloons, as they cheer up both adults and children. They can be both ordered through specialized agencies, and attracted to inflate the representatives of the stronger sex. The most popular today are balloon figures, for example, fairy-tale characters, animals, etc. So you will surprise both your daughter and the guests, and what kind of photo shoot will come out ... But more on that later.

To decorate the holiday, you can make a "development calendar" for your daughter.

A good decoration for a holiday that will interest guests can be your daughter's "development calendar". You obviously have a lot of photos from the past year. To do this, you will need felt-tip pens, as well as whatman paper, on it you need to follow the path that your baby has traveled in a year of her life. Important points to note:

  • our first tooth;
  • we started to sit;
  • we started to crawl;
  • our first steps;
  • first anniversary.

Do not forget to make handprints in the place where you indicated that the child began to crawl, and leave footprints from the moment he began to walk. In general, it all depends on your imagination.

And the main decoration of the holiday, of course, will be your little happiness, so take care of beautiful and elegant clothes, while they should be comfortable. For your daughter on her birthday, get a princess crown, paint her make-up, for example, a ladybug or something else on her cheek. Make a crown without an elastic band so that it can be easily put on the head, and put the baby in the most honorable place at the festive table.

What to cook for your daughter's birthday?

Well, how can you celebrate a birthday without delicious dishes and a birthday cake? For adults, in principle, there are no restrictions as such, you can serve anything. You can decorate the table in a children's theme, and similarly arrange sweets, salads. It is better for children to make fruit purees and cottage cheese. You can organize a buffet, cut fruit into small slices, add berries with cookies, juices in bags to the table. By the way, it is better to make a cake on your own - this is a 100% guarantee that it will not contain any harmful additives and other chemicals that have now become the norm in confectionery.

Photo and video shooting

Many parents do not know what is better - a photo or video in honor of the girl's birthday. Of course, it is recommended to shoot a video, but most people argue that it is better to choose both.

Birthday pictures are great, but what could be more interesting than a live video? It will be nice to turn on the video after a couple of years and see how your daughter has changed.

Some may object and say that it is a waste of money to record the celebration of the first year. But a talented videographer will be able to make a short note about this memorable date, while capturing all the main moments of the holiday with suitable music. As a result, you will receive a video that will be pleasant and interesting to watch not only for you, but also for your friends and acquaintances. Many, being delighted with what they saw, will demand the continuation of the banquet.

The main thing is not to be afraid, hire a videographer and a photographer at the same time who work together, and besides, you won’t need to spend a lot of time to bring everyone up to date and share your ideas about the child’s birthday. At the same time, you will get a good number of high-quality photographs and video. Sometimes it can be one person, but due to the large amount of work, you will have to sacrifice something - either the number of photos or the volume of video. By the way, as in the case of guests, try not to stretch the shooting for the whole day so that the child does not get tired.

Remember that you can celebrate the first birthday only once in a lifetime, so try to make the celebration unforgettable, and give your beloved daughter as much love and attention as possible. Try to spend the holiday so that the baby does not feel exhausted by the end of the day, and from time to time take her away from the guests to rest. Well, everything else depends only on you, your idea and imagination.

The first twelve months of a baby's life are so eventful that they fly by unnoticed. And although there are many new achievements ahead, parents will remember this happy year for a long time.

To sum it up, it is necessary to organize a wonderful holiday that will please the guests and not tire the hero of the occasion too much.

Today we will tell you how to properly celebrate a year old child: who to invite, where to celebrate and what to cook.

The celebration of the first birthday is an important event not for the baby, but for his mom and dad. The baby is unlikely to remember anything and will not even be able to take an active part in this event.

Do not forget that the birthday boy is still very small, the noise and the abundance of impressions can tire him.

How to celebrate a year old baby at home?

The best solution is to celebrate the first birthday at home, in a close family circle. In an unfamiliar place, the child may be frightened and capricious, and it is important for parents that the birthday person has a wonderful mood.

Take care of the hero of the occasion - prepare some beautiful outfits (suits for the boy, light dresses for the girl) to change him if he gets dirty.

Do not forget about diapers, because at this age, children are only getting acquainted with the potty, and with such a crowd of people they will be confused and not asked to go to the toilet.

Inviting guests

  1. We do not recommend inviting many guests, because even the most active and sociable toddler will be afraid of the close attention of a large number of people. Of course, his closest relatives will want to congratulate him: grandparents, aunts, uncles and godparents.
  2. When inviting young children, proceed from a simple scheme: the age of the baby plus one. So, for the birthday of a one-year-old child, you can call one or two peers with their parents.
  3. The best time to receive guests is after dinner. A well-sleeping child will be happy to meet visitors, accept gifts, pose for photos and videos.
  4. Once the list is finalized, prepare and send invitation cards to guests. Write a text on behalf of the hero of the day himself, and put the print of a child's hand as a signature. Hand out invitations in person or send them by mail, just be sure to do it in advance.
  5. Stock up on holiday hats and small souvenirs. It can be mugs with the image of a birthday boy, beautiful magnets or key rings in bright packages. When leaving, each guest will take with him a piece of the festive atmosphere.

Apartment decoration

The baby should feel the festive atmosphere in the morning. To make it clear that this day is full of miracles and surprises, you need to decorate the whole house in advance.

  1. The best decoration is balloons of various shapes and sizes: in the form of animals, hearts, the sun. Choose durable balls to avoid unexpected "explosions" and frightened crying. Place soft toys around the apartment, hang up posters with congratulations.
  2. Collect photos taken throughout the year and make a photo newspaper out of whatman paper. It may look like a train with 12 carriages, each with a photograph of a child. Hang in the children's calendar - next to the name of the month, a picture of the baby and his achievement (holds his head, sits, rolls over).
  3. Hang whatman paper, stick some of the best photos on it, make prints of your own and children's palms with paint. Do not forget to put markers, felt-tip pens and colored pencils nearby so that visitors write kind words to the hero of the day.
  4. Create a play corner for invited children. Lay out different toys for children of all ages on the spread carpet. Avoid toys with small parts. In the festive bustle, it is not so easy to keep track of little fidgets.

Festive table

You should not experiment with dishes, so as not to spoil the celebration for the child. No one knows how his body will react to unusual food. Prepare your usual food by beautifully laying it in a new dish.

  1. Be sure to decorate the table in accordance with the children's theme. On the Internet you can find a lot of great ideas: faces and animal figures from vegetables and fruits, curly cuts and much more.
  2. For kids, you can prepare a separate table: put cookies on a dish, cut apples and bananas into small pieces, put bags of juice.
  3. It is better to make a festive cake at home to be sure of its harmlessness. It is easy to prepare: bake a biscuit cake made from natural ingredients. Cut it into two parts and connect the halves with cream from your favorite cottage cheese, adding a little powdered sugar there. Top with fruit jelly and berries. Do not forget to put a decorative candle in the center of the culinary masterpiece.

What to give a baby for 1 year old?

Do not put off shopping until the last moment, so as not to purchase an unnecessary item. Give only what is useful here and now. Relatives may well give clothes and other things for growth.

  1. For a one-year-old girl, get a baby doll, a large doll, a toy stroller, a dollhouse, a set of toy dishes.
  2. But a one-year-old boy will be delighted with a house-tent, a rocking horse, another typewriter, a robot, a teddy bear.
  3. Children of both sexes can safely give wheelchair toys, a home puppet theater, educational toys - a designer, a pyramid.
  4. Clothing made from natural materials and a pot will never be superfluous.

Celebrating a year - the script of the holiday

Be sure to include games and contests for guests in the solemn part of the celebration. Of course, they will be dedicated to the hero of the day. Also, do not forget about children's entertainment and fortune-telling for the future of the baby.

  1. "Who will be the birthday boy?" Include this old custom in the script as well. Lay out various objects in front of the child and give him the opportunity to choose the most attractive. It is believed that by doing this he chooses his future profession and destiny. So, a ball means a long life, a book is considered a symbol of scientific knowledge (becomes a scientist), a ball means serious success in sports, coins promise wealth.
  2. "Karaoke Competition" If you and your loved ones have musical talents and, most importantly, love to sing, organize a competition - divide the guests into two teams and determine which of them knows more children's songs.
  3. "The most ingenious." Puzzle the invitees - ask them to guess the current weight and height of the baby. The winner of the competition will be the one who most accurately guesses the children's parameters. Award a chocolate medal for first place.
  4. "Baby bottle". Prepare two bottles of juice, soda, or mineral water. The rules of the competition are quite simple - you need to suck out the contents at speed.
  5. "What's in the bag?" Connect to competitions and small guests. Place small soft toys in a bag and invite the children to feel and name who they are holding. By the way, adults will also like this fun.

In fact, there are a lot of such entertainments. We talked about only a few competitions, you can come up with your own tasks, start traditions, create solemn customs.

The celebration ends with the traditional removal of the cake. Help the birthday boy blow out the candle, he still won’t be able to do it on his own.

When thinking about how to celebrate a year old child, remember that he may not have enough strength for the whole evening. Therefore, do not be afraid to make adjustments to the script and act according to the mood of the baby.

After the visitors leave, take a walk in the fresh air so that he calms down and sleeps soundly all night.


Happy child 29.05.2016

Dear readers, today we will talk with you about how to celebrate a child's birthday. I think the topic will be of interest to many parents, as well as grandparents. After all, it is not easy to spend such an interesting and memorable day. The columnist Anna Kutyavina will share her thoughts and ideas. I give her the floor.

Hello dear readers of Irina's blog!

Probably every parent dreams of giving their child an unforgettable birthday party. And, if the baby most often meets its first anniversary in a close family circle, generously kissed by grandparents and gifted with suits and rattles, then starting from the second or third birthday, the situation changes. The crumbs, most likely, have friends and comrades on the playground, in the kindergarten or in the development center. And they, too, must be invited to the holiday! And, therefore, mom and dad need to include all their creativity in order to please both the birthday boy and the guests.

Every baby's birthday is different from the previous ones. And it will never happen again. The child will never be three, five, seven years old. However, as well as ten, and seventeen. Only every time we and our children wait for this holiday in different ways. And it is very important for us, as parents, not just to "check in" by hiring an animator on duty for our son or daughter or booking a table at McDonald's, but also to put a piece of our soul into the event. Make the holiday memorable and bright. And, of course, to hear and feel what your child really wants? And not some abstract kid from a smart book or article.

Children's birthday - who is the toastmaster?

With adult holidays, everything seems to be simple. For weddings, anniversaries and corporate parties, we invite professional presenters, DJs or live orchestras, depending on tastes and preferences. The industry of children's celebrations is also filled with a mass of various offers. Here you will find themed parties, quests, and clowning, as they say, "for every taste and color." And even a wallet. There are special event agencies that organize a turnkey holiday at a high level, help you choose and design a room, write a script, hold contests and competitions, and whatever you want. Parents don't have to worry about anything at all. True, and all this will add up to a pretty penny.

You can also choose a more budget option - invite animators to your home. For those who don’t know, animators are specially trained people designed to entertain children. They will come with their costumes, play with the children, and, most likely, the event will be fun and not boring. The payment for such services varies quite a lot - you will have to invest heavily in the "masters" of animation by ordering their services no later than a couple of months before the event. But on the other hand, most likely, there will be no problems during the holiday either - the professionals know their business and know how to communicate with the children's team.

On the other hand, there are quite promising young people who will happily spend a holiday for your baby for very little money. After all, experience on the road is not lying around, you need to work it out. But what if not in real situations? Perhaps not everything in such a holiday will go perfectly and according to plan, but it will be sincere and cozy. What else do kids need?

And, finally, the third option, which, according to the opinion of very many, is not suitable for everyone. This is the organization of a children's holiday by the parents. And, first of all, mothers. The work is not easy, but very creative and blissful. Come up with a script, organize scenery, build costumes, select music and competitions. Do you think that only an experienced presenter can do this? By no means! Mom herself can spend a wonderful holiday for her son or daughter, or better, together with dad. And nothing worse than invited experts.

The only thing, of course, is that it can take quite a lot of time to prepare. But the return from such an event will be greater. And most importantly - you will see the enthusiastic eyes of your child, and rejoice with him.

Child's birthday. Where to begin?

The very first thing to remember is the duration of the event. If you are celebrating a birthday for the first time in the company of your baby's friends, the whole event should not last more than two hours! Even if it seems to you that the children have just “played out”, there are still a lot of contests and fun in store. Remember that calming an overexcited child is not an easy task. Imagine if there are several? This is especially true for toddlers, preschoolers.

Of course, they do not have a conscious desire to "destroy" the apartment, but because of the imperfect system of self-regulation, it is very difficult for them to stop.

Agree in advance with the child how many friends he wants to invite to the holiday? If the baby is completely tiny - 2-3 years old - it may well be that he still has no friends. So, it's time to "start" them. And here mom will help wonderfully by inviting several kids from neighboring families or the children of her girlfriends. Of course, it is desirable that the interests of the children coincide in age - you must admit that two-year-olds and ten-year-olds need different competitions, and indeed a program.

Now it is important to decide where and with whose help the holiday will be organized? The easiest, but at the same time energy-consuming way for mom is to organize a holiday on her own at home. But if you wish, of course, you can have a picnic in nature, a quest in the park or fun gatherings in a cafe. You can invite animators and make a theatrical performance. Or come to a cafe with a children's room, where a young birthday boy with friends can periodically "dump" energy between gatherings and blowing out candles on a cake.

An important point - think about who the children will come with. Quite kids, of course, will require the help and support of their own mothers. Yes, and it will be much easier for you to cope with a fun crowd. But this does not mean that the parents are also guests who sit decorously at the table, and the mother of the birthday boy gives all the best. Be sure to connect the "senior" to organizational issues. Yes, they themselves, most likely, will not mind helping and having fun from the heart. But still, these points should be discussed in advance.

If the kids are already 4 years old or more, most likely the parents will bring them to you and leave them. Do not forget to ask moms and dads what their children like, what they do not accept (and this happens!), if they are allergic to any food products. All this will help you avoid annoying misunderstandings during the holiday and save your nerves.

And, of course, think over the festive table. Yes, we all know that our children like to eat a little different than we do. Or rather, not in that form. So the festive potatoes with meat, Russian salad and jellied fish are unlikely to impress them. But sandwiches with animals laid out of cheese or bacon, boats, multi-colored skewers with vegetables and salads laid out with a “bunny” or “cat” will most likely go with a bang. Again, you need to focus on the age of the children. And don't forget about plenty of drinks - kids always drink a lot. Especially when they are actively moving.

If the child is celebrating a birthday for the first time, do not forget to tell him everything in advance. How will the holiday go, how to behave and what to expect. Remember that kids love predictability and stability! And an unexpected clown and a crowd of guests can not only cheer up, but also scare the young birthday boy. Tell him what will happen and how, how to behave with children, where to put gifts and how to thank for them. How to see off guests after the holiday. It will be great if each child takes with him some small surprise from your family. It may be a trifle, but everyone likes to receive gifts, right?

So, the list of invitees is ready, the menu is drawn up, the contests are thought out. You know everything about the guests, and your baby is already in anticipation of interesting events. It's time to start preparing!

Children's birthday - age features

Toddler 1 to 2 years old

At this age, it is best to organize a holiday in the usual conditions for the baby. But that doesn't mean you can't make something fun and memorable! Everything is quite real!

Before preparing treats, ask the mothers of future guests what children can eat. And prepare a neutral menu, something that everyone can do - cottage cheese cookies, apples, bananas, etc. Most likely, many mothers will bring a snack for their beloved child. This is quite normal, because the children are still very small. And at this age, food is by no means the main component of the holiday. But joyful emotions are a completely different matter.

Preparing entertainment for such little ones is also not difficult - invite them to play with a ball, dance to funny children's songs. Often, such a company will not last more than an hour, keep this in mind. And by all means choose the most suitable time when the children are active and do not want to sleep yet. It is best to organize such a holiday in the morning, at ten o'clock.

Child three to six years old

We all know that at this age, children are very active. They are difficult to organize, and even more difficult to expect that they will leave behind a perfect order. Therefore, prepare mentally in advance that it will take a long time to clean up after the holiday.

For children of this age, it is important that the program has as few "gaps" as possible. Invite an animator, or take on this role yourself. There are a lot of holiday scenarios on the Internet, you can download it without any problems. And, of course, you can make it yourself, taking into account the interests of your baby. You can include soap bubbles, tricks, a small puppet show in the program.

As for food, everything is simple. This age group will not appreciate the feast - cover the buffet table with it. Arrange food that can be eaten without utensils, but simply by taking it with your hand. It can be cheese, fruits, cold cuts, sandwiches, cookies. And, of course, don't forget about the cake, balls and caps for guests.

Children from seven to eleven years old

Such children can already be captivated for a long time, but you have to try. All fun must be truly exciting. Themed parties are best suited: with fairies, pirates, musketeers, favorite cartoon characters. The main thing is to be guided by the interests of your child, and warn his friends on what topic to dress up. And create an appropriate theme at home.

Arrange the first snack, and then you can count on two to three hours of active games. After them, you can also turn on the cartoon corresponding to the topic, and during this time set a sweet table.

Adolescents from twelve to sixteen years old

Right now, your role as a parent will likely be reduced to cooking. The birthday boy is able to organize entertainment and music on his own. The main thing is that there is enough free space for activity. And yet, if a child visited one of his friends for a celebration in a cafe, most likely, a home holiday will no longer seem enough for him. So you will have to look for a compromise solution.

Children's birthday. Ideas

Here are some fun holiday ideas:

  • Quest to search for treasures in the house.
  • A show of tricks that can be done with guests.
  • Festive photo shoot in an interesting place.
  • Mini theater based on a famous fairy tale or cartoon.
  • Creative master class (baking, needlework, depending on the interests and age of children).
  • Sport competitions.
  • Entertainment in the water park.

Of course, each of these areas can be developed at will, or a new one can be invented. All in your hands!

Children's birthday. What can't be forgotten?

And now I would like to focus on some points that are sometimes forgotten. But they are important:

  1. Children, especially small ones, do not know how to give gifts. Organize a warm atmosphere so that the whole process goes smoothly and naturally.
  2. Some children are afraid to participate in competitions. Do not insist and actively pull them, they may want to join later.
  3. Show the children where your toilet is. Children are often embarrassed to ask themselves.
  4. For competitions, prepare a lot of the same prizes. It's easier than later calming down children fighting over a thing they both like.
  5. Help your child remember the whole birthday! So, start from the very beginning. Balloons, cheerful music, mother's songs, sparklers right after waking up - this is what will remain in memory for a long time
  6. Do not try to combine a children's company with an adult. Invite grandparents, aunts and uncles in the evening or on the weekend.

And remember that the main thing is the atmosphere of love and joy. Don't expect the entire scenario to work out 100%. Throw away perfectionism and just have fun and play with your child. And it will be the most wonderful birthday ever!

Happy holiday to you!

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Fabulous life to you! Anna Kutyavina

I thank Anya for all the helpful ideas. We'd love to hear your comments. Share how you spend your children's birthdays.

And for the soul, we will listen today COOKIES. Birthday . Cheerful holiday song cartoon for kids. Great children's song!

see also




    12 Sep 2017 at 14:04


    But it turned out that there is a lot to write about, since the holiday for a two-year-old is significantly different from the celebration of the first birthday of a baby. Therefore, in the article - only about the celebration for the anniversary.

    Where to note?

    The choice of a place for the celebration is entirely up to the parents. A cafe or a children's play complex attracts by the fact that mom does not need to prepare for the holiday, spend time buying groceries and thinking through the scenario.

    But... I could now begin to argue that an unfamiliar place will not please the baby, that it is not known what kind of people go there. Let's not talk about this. To be honest, we don’t have money for a cafe and we celebrate all the holidays at home. If we had money, maybe we would have gone to a children's center, but hardly. I don't have enough heat there.

    Who to call?

    I do not advise calling children of the same age for the first birthday. The company of years has a lot of minuses:

    • Not all children walk a year. Someone unfortunate mother will have to lead the whole evening by the hand.
    • All babies have a different regimen: someone eats, someone sleeps, someone poops.
    • At some point, it is the birthday boy who will cry and demand attention, and the mother will be busy distributing snacks.
    • Different type of food. Some children eat adult food with might and main a year, and someone only eats mother's milk.

    Yes, and other kids will not please the kids in a year. They are more interested with adults or big children. Children may not share toys, be afraid of the owner's dog, or bring the cat to a nervous breakdown.

    Considering what we celebrated at home, the closest people were invited to the celebration of the year of Lisa: godparents, grandparents. And it also turned out to be very difficult. Yes, there was only one small child, but adults had to be entertained as well. My husband and I were literally in the soap. My mother and Lisa's godmother helped, the rest for some reason decided that they were invited to eat.

    This year the holiday was arranged only for Lisa, Andrey, mom and dad. We didn't call anyone.

    What gifts to give?

    In a year, a child does not realize how cool a children's tablet was presented to him! Mom's pot and ladle are the best items for games, no matter where they take place! I propose to give anniversaries:

    • Buzzing, squeaking, driving toys. If the child is not afraid of them.
    • Soft puzzles of any size. Just the perfect thing, where only we didn’t use them - and to lay on the floor and take children aged from one to 36 years old (you should have seen how our dad crawled, inserting all these parts into place!)
    • "Developing" toys: pyramids, mosaics, constructors. For example, the original needle construction kit Sweet Potato is convenient, interesting, the child can fold the figures himself.

    It makes no sense to give clothes to a child, the baby will not appreciate it. If relatives cannot decide on a gift toy, ask them to give money. Then buy whatever you want.

    For one year old, we solemnly presented Liza with a soft doll 30 cm tall. I really wanted the gift to be symbolic, memorable. At first it was just a toy, later the Lucy doll became a close friend of her daughter and even sleeps on a pillow with the baby.

    How to spend a fun holiday?

    Since I always thought that a birthday is for birthday people, we celebrated Lisa's birthday in two stages. The first is directly on the day the girl was born. The second is on the weekends, for adults.

    I thought that this way of celebrating would become a tradition for us, but now I have abandoned this idea. I liked the way the birthday went personally for Lisa.

    We did not inflate the balloons, my daughter is afraid of them. In general, she’s still a boyak, but I don’t consider it necessary to scare her in order to cure her fears and didn’t appreciate what my grandfather brought balls at the weekend, although he was asked not to do this.

    So, what is a holiday without balls, guests and a set table?

    • This is a beautiful outfit for a girl who really looked like a fairy.
    • Bubble.
    • Funny music.
    • Hypoallergenic cake. She cooked herself completely, and baked a biscuit and made a layer of curd from homemade milk.

    And a lot of holiday photos taken by a professional photographer. Yes, the pictures are very necessary, it's nice to look at them for me and Lisa. True, given that the photographer is our dad, no special scenario for shooting was thought out.

    We blew bubbles, ran after the cat with a magic wand with tinsel, laughed and tickled, even blew out the candle on the cake more than once! An hour of such increased attention was enough for the baby, and she simply fell asleep from fatigue.

    Here is a birthday video from another mom:

    I would like to tell a lot more about birthdays about babies, but I will continue in the next article. Subscribe to the blog, do not miss updates! Good mood to you all!

    And for the development of kids, it's time to study " Year-old school"- in it you will find a program of developmental classes for at least six months!

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