Panangin and asparkam compare composition. Comparison of Asparkam and Panangin: which one is better, what is the difference

Panangin is not a dietary supplement, but a medicine based on potassium and magnesium aspartate. It has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, reducing the manifestations of arrhythmia, ischemia, chronic heart failure and other heart rhythm disturbances.

The drug is affordable, has limitations. With the incompatibility of the medications taken, dissatisfaction with price and quality, and other factors, it is useful to know how to replace Panangin, what are the differences and what is better.

The drug is produced by a Hungarian pharmaceutical company, packaged in Russia in the form of ampoules and tablets. New excellent forms - Panangin forte and tablets containing pyridoxine.

According to the instructions for use, Panangin and its structural analogue Asparkam contain potassium and magnesium salts, have the following therapeutic effects:

  • replenishes the deficiency of potassium and magnesium elements necessary for the good functioning of the heart muscle;
  • increases the contractility of the heart;
  • prevents the development of arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • reduces the toxicity of cardiac glycosides (Korglikon, Digoxin) used to treat heart disease;
  • participates in energy metabolism, production of nucleic acids and proteins;
  • reduces heart rate and contractility;
  • anti-ischemic action;
  • reduction in the frequency of numbness of the limbs and convulsions due to a lack of trace elements.

Indications for Panangin's use

With insufficient amounts of magnesium and potassium ions in the body, there is a high risk of developing ischemia, arrhythmias, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and myocardial metabolic disorders.

The drug and structural analogue of Asparkam is used for diseases:

  1. IHD, including angina pectoris, myocardial infarction;
  2. chronic heart failure;
  3. arrhythmia, other cardiac arrhythmias.

Another indication is the prevention of adverse reactions when taking cardiac glycosides.

Panangin - instructions for use

Panangin is a medicine containing vitamins to maintain the heart muscle, regulate its contractility, and prevent arrhythmias. It is available in prescription ampoules for intravenous administration and tablets.

Attention! The original drug and analogue of Asparkam in injections must be administered slowly intravenously. With rapid administration, adverse reactions are possible: bradycardia, fatigue, arrhythmia, pressure decrease, cardiac arrest and other manifestations of hypermagnesemia and hyperkalemia.

Panangin before meals or after

Panangin and Asparkam contain potassium and magnesium salts, which are destroyed by the action of gastric juice. To preserve the substances and the resulting effect, medicines must be drunk after meals.

Panangin and its analogue Asparkam need to drink 1-2 tablets three times a day, preferably in the morning, afternoon and evening. It is impossible to dissolve and chew, take together with alcohol, since alcohol-containing liquids lead to dehydration, removal of fluid from the body and lowering blood pressure, which is a contraindication to the appointment of vitamins. In addition, the use of alcohol is prohibited in diseases in which the drug is used (arrhythmia, coronary heart disease).

If the dosages are exceeded, the original remedy Panangin and Asparkam reduce pressure, pulse, and lead to bradycardia. Does not apply to diuretics. Often prescribed to reduce the negative effects of loop diuretics (Furosemide, Lasix).

Panangin's analogs

The drug is not always prescribed to eliminate arrhythmias, prevent potassium and magnesium deficiency in the body, and prevent night cramps. In the presence of restrictions, adverse reactions, Asparkam and other analogues of Panangin are used. They differ in terms of release and reception, properties, composition.

List of analogueswith average prices in Moscow and producing countries

Analog Release form Price, in rubles Producing country
Panangin tablets 150-185 Hungary or Russia
ampoules 150-200
Panangin forte tablets 340-450
Panangin plus vitamin B6 tablets 345-460
tablets, ampoules 40-70 Russia
metoprolol tablets 15-70 Russia, Belarus, Israel
Preductal capsules 800-1650 France or Russia
tablets 130-400 Germany, Denmark or Russia
Doppelgerz Active Potassium + Magnesium tablets 350-500 Germany
Askorutin tablets 35-65 Russia
Potassium orotate 70-250
Kudesan drops, tablets, oral solution 300-550 Russia
Magnelis tablets 270-600
Magne B6 solution, tablets 360-800 France or Hungary
Magnerot tablets 250-700 Germany, Romania or Russia
injections, capsules 250-800 Latvia


This is an analogue of Panangin and Asparkam, which is released strictly according to the prescription from the group of beta-blockers. Metoprolol eliminates arrhythmia, lowers blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels. Like Panangin, it reduces myocardial oxygen demand. The analogue is used exclusively as prescribed by the doctor, taking into account compatibility with other medicines used.

Panangin plus vitamin B6

A new form of release of the Hungarian drug - Panangin plus vitamins B6, related to dietary supplements. Additionally, the analogue contains vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), unlike conventional panangin. Used to improve the functioning of the nervous system, heart muscle. With prolonged use of the complex according to the instructions, the following effects occur:

  • normalizes the tone of the heart muscle, heart rate and blood pressure;
  • the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • reduces anxiety and increases stress resistance.


French original analogue for redistribution of coronary blood flow and reduction of myocardial oxygen demand. Preductal is often prescribed to the elderly and patients with coronary artery disease. This analogue of Panangin prevents angina attacks - chest pain and discomfort, shortness of breath during exercise and movement. Used as directed by a cardiologist.

Doppelgerz Active Magnesium + Potassium

German supplement for replenishing potassium and magnesium in the body. Unlike Panangin and Asparkam, it contains lower dosages of substances, does not lead to the development of hypermagnesemia and hyperkalemia. As a result of the use of Magnesium and Potassium from Doppelherz, arrhythmia occurs less often, the functionality of the cardiovascular system improves.


Cheap vitamins to replenish ascorbic acid and routine in the body. If you follow the course of Askorutin, the condition of the vessels improves - they become elastic, non-fragile. Reduced risk of bleeding.

Potassium orotate

To improve the metabolism and energy supply of tissues, an analogue of Panangin - Potassium orotate is used. The substitute improves urine excretion, the tolerance of cardiac glycosides, increases the amount of albumin that carries nutrients, especially in conditions of oxygen starvation. Depending on the manufacturer, potassium orotate is available with or without a prescription and is often purchased by athletes.


Depending on the form of release, Kudesan refers to medicines or dietary supplements. It contains ubiquinone and coenzyme Q10. With prolonged use, it improves the body's adaptation to increased physical exertion, oxygen starvation, and stress. Kudesan is used in the recovery period after myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease, by athletes for better results and increased performance.

Panangin or Asparkam - which is better for the heart

Asparkam is an analogue of Panangin, but cheaper, with the same active substance. Produced by Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies. The price of the medicine is 2-5 times lower.

A cheap analogue of Panangin in Russia Asparkam is available in tablet and injection form.

According to cardiologists, it is better to take Panangin for several reasons:

  • investigation of the original drug, clinical trials, proven efficacy;
  • the tablet is coated with a protective coating that prevents premature disintegration and provides greater efficiency;
  • positive feedback from doctors and patients;
  • indications, restrictions on use, adverse reactions and their frequency, interaction with other drugs are written on the basis of clinical trials of Panangin.

Another advantage, due to which Panangin is more effective than Asparkam, is the protection of the tablet from environmental conditions. The medicine is placed in a white jar, which prevents the negative effects of sunlight, moisture, and other factors that destroy the tablets.

The Asparkam tablet is also coated, which, for some manufacturers, is immediately destroyed when the medicine enters the mouth. Excipients that provide production technology and bioavailability differ.

Asparkam is cheaper than Panangin. However, the cost of the original drug is low - up to 200 rubles, depending on the region. If there is a financial opportunity, it is better to purchase a proven Hungarian drug.

Riboxin or Panangin

Riboxin is a cheaper domestic analogue, produced in ampoules and tablets. It helps to improve the metabolism of the heart, reduce myocardial oxygen demand, and stop arrhythmia attacks. Used during surgery on the kidney, protects against ischemia in the absence of blood circulation.

Panangin and its structural analogue Asparkam have a similar effect, they are almost equivalent in action to Riboxin. However, if the arrhythmia is caused by a lack of potassium and magnesium, the drugs cannot be replaced.

Panangin or Cardiomagnyl - which is better for the heart

Cardiomagnyl is a drug for thinning the blood and preventing thrombosis, heart attack, thromboembolism and the treatment of unstable angina. The drug contains acetylsalicylic acid and magnesium hydroxide. The last compound, contrary to common misconceptions, does not make up for magnesium deficiency in the body to prevent and treat arrhythmia. It envelops the gastric mucosa and prevents destruction and irritation by acetylsalicylic acid.

Cardiomagnyl is prescribed after blood donation for clotting. Panangin does not thicken or thin the blood. It has a different action and mechanism, so it can be used together. Another difference is that Cardiomagnyl is prescribed for problems for life, and its substitutes Panangin or Asparkam - courses of 14-21 days.

Panangin or Panangin forte

Panangin forte is an enhanced formula of conventional tablets containing 2 times more potassium and magnesium. Released without a doctor's prescription.

The difference between the regular and enhanced form is in the number of tablets per dose. The usual Panangin is drunk 1-2 tablets, forte - 1 tablet each. Both drugs have the same effect, the cost of the usual is more profitable.

Magnerot or Panangin - which is better

Magnerot contains magnesium orotate. This analogue of Panangin is used for angina pectoris, risk of heart attack, arrhythmia due to magnesium deficiency, spasm and cramps of the calf muscles, arrhythmia and heart failure.

Magnerot tablets contain a large dosage of magnesium - 2 times. However, Panangin is a source of another element - potassium. According to their properties, both drugs are approximately the same and are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor, indications and restrictions.

Panangin or Magnelis B6

Magnelis B6 is a Russian substitute for Magnesium B6 in tablets, consisting of magnesium and pyridoxine. The medication improves the functioning of the nervous system, replenishes magnesium deficiency during pregnancy, taking loop diuretics (Furosemide, Lasix), stress, diet, increased physical and mental stress. Prevents the development of arrhythmias due to magnesium deficiency and night cramps.

Regular Panangin, Forte, and other analogues based on potassium and magnesium are used more often for the heart. They eliminate not only the deficiency of magnesium, but also potassium.

Magnesium B6 or Panangin - which is better

Magnesium B6 is an original drug based on magnesium and pyridoxine. Available in tablets and oral solution for children. Its generic is Magnelis B6.

Unlike Panangin, Magnesium B6 stabilizes the nervous system. Both drugs can be used together.

Mildronate or Panangin

Mildronate is a Latvian drug based on meldonium. The analogue is used for reduced performance, great mental and physical stress. It is prescribed in the elderly and in the presence of a risk of cardiovascular diseases, since it helps the body recover faster, regulates the need for myocardium in oxygen, and increases motor activity.

Mildronate and Panangin are completely different drugs in terms of action and indications, mechanism. Can be used simultaneously in the absence of contraindications.

Panangin is an excellent drug for replenishing magnesium and potassium, preventing and treating arrhythmias. Has good reviews, affordable price. If it is necessary to choose a substitute for Panangin, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist to prevent undesirable actions and interaction reactions of the agents used.

Many cores are wondering what is better Asparkam or Panangin? For patients with cardiovascular diseases who take the latest generation, doctors prescribe drugs that help maintain the electrolyte balance of the human body. These drugs include Panangin and Asparkam.

Composition of medicines

In order to understand how the action of drugs occurs, you need to read the instructions for use. In terms of composition, asparkam and panangin practically do not differ from each other.

These drugs are similar drugs, because. they belong to the same class.

The following table shows the quantitative components of these drugs:

The difference in composition is related to the content of additional substances in the shell of each panangin tablet. This increases the likelihood of individual intolerance to the drug.

Based on the data in the table, the substances contained in the tablets of the drugs in question have the same effect on the body. Doctors do not observe a big difference in the recommendations of medicines. Appointments of cardiologists for both Panangin and Asparkam correspond to a three-time intake of 1-2 tablets per day after or during meals, because. acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract reduces the effectiveness of the drug. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Indications for use and contraindications

When choosing a drug, you should also study their indications for use. Although both drugs are prescribed for almost the same diseases, the indications for the use of panangin are somewhat different from the use of asparkam.

For panangin, the following indications are prescribed in the instructions:

  • heart rhythm disturbances due to potassium deficiency;
  • disturbances in the work of the myocardium in case of toxic poisoning, including medicinal ones;
  • ventricular extrasystole;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • insufficiency of coronary vessels;
  • lack of oxygen supply to the tissues of the body in violation of the heart;
  • lack of potassium after taking diuretics.
  • with a reduced level of magnesium and potassium;
  • in the treatment of arrhythmias;
  • in violation of the work of the heart muscle.

From the above data, it follows that the cheap analogue of Panangin has a smaller spectrum of action.

  • increased levels of potassium or magnesium in the body;
  • urinary retention;
  • increased acidity in the blood;
  • kidney pathology;
  • muscular myasthenia.

Moreover, the contraindications listed in the instructions for panangin are described in much more detail as well as side effects. This suggests that this drug has passed clinical trials and is more researched than its generic.

Drugs are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription, but despite this, you should drink them only as directed by a doctor.

Only a specialist will be able to choose the right medicines, taking into account possible side effects, existing diseases in the patient and their interaction with other prescribed drugs. So if the patient suffers from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then Panangin is considered a more suitable drug for him, which is produced in the form of a dragee and is coated with a special shell.


When taken, there is less effect of the drug on the walls of the stomach. That is why panangin cannot always be replaced. Asparkam is convenient for those people for whom it is difficult to swallow whole tablets. It is more convenient for such patients to grind the Russian substitute.

Drugs are quickly absorbed into the blood, their excretion occurs through the kidneys.

In this case, an overdose of a drug for the work of the heart manifests itself in the form of:

  • pressure reduction;
  • redness of the face;
  • dry mouth;
  • nausea;
  • labored breathing.

What doctors say about hypertension

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Emelyanov G.V.:

I have been treating hypertension for many years. According to statistics, in 89% of cases, hypertension ends with a heart attack or stroke and the death of a person. Approximately two-thirds of patients now die within the first 5 years of disease progression.

The next fact is that it is possible and necessary to bring down the pressure, but this does not cure the disease itself. The only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of hypertension and is also used by cardiologists in their work is this. The drug acts on the cause of the disease, making it possible to completely get rid of hypertension. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation can receive it IS FREE.

Drug differences

In order to understand and determine for yourself which drug is more effective, you should consider their differences. The main difference is the country of origin. Panangin is an imported drug and is produced by a Hungarian company. Asparkam is made in Russia. That is why the last remedy is cheaper than its imported counterpart.

For some patients, a European manufacturer is considered a guarantee of high quality, and they are ready to purchase it at a higher price. The cost of asparkam is several times lower than its counterpart. This drug is available to patients with any wallet: its price for a package of 50 tablets is from 30 rubles. Prices for a similar package of panangin start at 150 rubles.

Panangin can be prescribed for the treatment of small patients. Cardiologists actively use it in pediatrics.

Comparison of panangin and asparkam can be presented in tabular form:

Main characteristics
ManufacturerHungary (Gedeon Richter)Russia
Price (similar packages - 50 tablets)from 150 rub.from 30 rub.
CompoundThere are excipients contained in the shell of the dragee, which allows you to soften the effect on the gastrointestinal tract and not spoil the tooth enamelHigh concentration of components
Indications for useLarger range of appointments. Possibility of use in pediatrics.Fewer indications for use.
PackagePolypropylene bottle, convenient to carry, which can be seen in the photo.In the form of blisters of 10 or 50 pcs.
Important! An agronomist from Barnaul with 8 years of experience in hypertension found an old recipe, set up production and released a remedy that will once and for all save you from problems with pressure ...

Analogues of panagin and asparkam



Panangin and asparkam are not the only drugs used by patients with a lack of potassium and magnesium in the body. Cheap generics are presented in sufficient quantities by our pharmacists.

The following similar preparations are available:

  • potassium magnesium aspartate.

These drugs can be used as substitutes for panangin. You should compare them according to indications and side effects and choose the most suitable for a particular patient.

Another drug for the treatment of heart disease is. Magnesium is included in its composition, as well as in the composition of panagin. But the second component in cardiomagnyl is aspirin, which promotes blood thinning and prevents the formation of blood clots. That is why these drugs cannot be used as a substitute for each other. They are an addition to the treatment prescribed by cardiologists.


Scientific studies on which drug is considered more effective Panangin or its analogues have not been conducted. According to their pharmacological properties, they are identical. Some doctors prefer a foreign drug, believing that European manufacturers are characterized by a more conscientious attitude to the release of medicines than Russian companies that produce a cheap analogue of Panangin. But it is impossible to give a definite answer to the question: what helps better?

Potassium and magnesium are among the substances necessary for the coordinated work of the human body. Their role is especially significant if there are cardiological pathologies. In patients, a completely logical question arises, which is better for the heart: Panangin or Asparkam? With a small amount of these trace elements, doctors prescribe a medicine that makes up for the shortage. Usually it happens exactly Asparkam or Panangin. Both drugs are prescribed by doctors quite often, they have many good reviews among patients and doctors.

The human heart makes more than a hundred thousand contractions every day, pumping several thousand liters. The health of this organ is directly related to the endurance of the whole organism, as well as its performance.

With a persistent lack of potassium and magnesium, the functioning of many important systems is disrupted:

  • the metabolic rate in the myocardium falls, and the state of the arteries depends on this;
  • the rhythm of contractions of the heart is lost;
  • rise in blood pressure;
  • cholesterol is deposited in the vessels involved in the blood supply to the heart.

In addition to the heart itself, these substances, magnesium and potassium, are also responsible for the work and functioning of other muscles. The lack of these substances can lead to convulsions - painful involuntary contractions of muscle tissue.

Potassium ions are one of the important components for the conduction system of the heart and the myocardium itself.. Potassium is responsible for the conduction of impulses and for the normal functioning of cell membranes. It contributes to the delivery of nutrients to the myocardium.

Magnesium intake significantly reduces the risk of stroke. The ions of this trace element are included in several hundred systems of cell enzymes. These enzyme systems are involved in the production of organic compounds.

The optimal combination of magnesium and potassium ions works in a complementary way. Together, they normalize heart rate and blood pressure. The absorption of substances from Panangin and Asparkam when taken orally occurs quite quickly from the intestinal lumen.

Note! The appointment of Asparkam and Panangin is recommended to be carried out together with medications containing vitamin B6.

Before choosing one of the preparations containing the necessary trace elements, it is necessary to analyze the composition, contraindications and other features of the application. It is widely believed that Panangin is more effective, but to what extent this is true, we will consider in detail.

Panangin has been produced for over 50 years by the well-known pharmacological company Gedeon Richter. This is the original drug that was the first to be released to the world market and passed all the necessary tests. Its appointment with myocardial dystrophy and mitral valve prolapse gives an improvement in ECG parameters.

The composition of Panangin and Asparkam has an entry of ingredients, the lack of which adversely affects the work of the heart.

Ions of these substances:

  • contribute to better myocardial metabolism;
  • take part in the work of enzymes;
  • affect myocardial contractility.

Panangin tablets are produced in vials and packed in cardboard boxes. Ampoules are packed into a cardboard form on 10 pieces. In addition to Panangin in the classical dosage, Panangin Forte and Panangin with vitamin B6 are also produced.

Note! The list of contraindications for Panangin is quite large.

Asparkam is often introduced into the therapy for cardio diseases. An analogue of Panangin - Asparkam, is produced by many companies, and has a composition similar to Panangin, and is cheaper.

If we compare Asparkam and Panangin, then the second one is produced only by a Hungarian company, and the first one is produced by many pharmaceutical companies:

Asparkam tablets do not have a protective shell, which somewhat reduces the effectiveness of the drug due to the effect of gastric juice on it.

Asparkam as well as Panangin:

  • gently smoothes arrhythmia;
  • stimulates metabolism in the myocardium;
  • improves blood circulation in the heart;
  • compensates for the lack of essential trace elements.

Comparison by composition

It should be noted that 2 products, Asparkam and Panangin, have a similar composition. The entry of active components in them is similar.

Note! There is no significant difference between the means, and the difference between Asparkam and Panangin concerns only the inclusion of additional ingredients.

"Panangin" or "Asparkam": which is better, reviews, features and composition

Attacks of angina pectoris, the appearance of heart pain, arrhythmias can eventually lead to myocardial infarction. In order to avoid such a development of events, it is necessary to think about possible preventive measures that can, if not cure, then stop such a scenario.

The main cause of heart attacks is insufficient oxygen supply to the myocardium, caused by spasm of tissues and blood vessels. This leads to necrosis of the heart muscle. But with proper treatment, there is a chance to stop tissue necrosis.

As a rule, the complex therapy of cardiovascular diseases includes nitrates (for the relief of ischemic attacks), vasodilators, and vitamin preparations. Not the last place in this list is occupied by preparations of potassium and magnesium salts, "Asparkam" or "Panangin". What's better? And what's the difference?

Just what the doctor ordered

Feeling unwell, discomfort in the chest area, you should consult a doctor. These may not always be symptoms of more serious diseases, but it is worth making sure of this. Having made a cardiogram and not seeing any deviations, except, possibly, arrhythmia, the doctor can prescribe valerian tablets, as well as Panangin or Asparkam.

Cardiovascular drugs with more serious active substances are not always appropriate for such indications. And the patient’s logical question: “why should I do this?” Can lead the doctor into a stupor. After all, it is not customary to deny the need for prescribed therapy.

Please note: for the accuracy of treatment, it is necessary to donate blood for a detailed analysis. This is necessary to exclude a history of hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia. With an excess of potassium and magnesium, treatment with salt preparations is not necessary.

The main indications for treatment with Asparkam and Panangin are the same, since both drugs contain 175 mg of potassium and magnesium aspartate. The exceptions are manufacturing companies: Panangin - Gedeon Richter (Hungary), and Asparkam is produced in many pharmaceutical factories of the former USSR.

Due to their composition, both drugs are the most popular in the pharmaceutical market. The main difference between Panangin and Asparkam is reviews and prices.

  • With a deficiency of potassium and magnesium salts.
  • Atrial ventricular arrhythmias.
  • A multipurpose method of treatment in people who have survived a heart attack.
  • As an additional source of salts when taking digitalis preparations.
  • A source of essential trace elements for poor or dietary nutrition.
  • Source of potassium when taking diuretics.


If you are not satisfied with a consultation with a doctor, the full instructions for Asparkam and Panangin will help you understand when and who needs or is not allowed to take these drugs. If you carefully study the annotation, then there are still differences in contraindications. Their number is much greater in the domestic drug than in its foreign counterpart.

They have only five points in common:

  1. Allergic reactions to the components of the drug.
  2. Blood pressure below 90.
  3. Insufficient nerve conduction in the muscles of the heart.
  4. Addison's disease.
  5. Kidney diseases associated with a malfunction in their work.

Although there are subparagraphs that are not in the instructions for the imported drug. "Asparkam" is contraindicated in:

  • Insufficient urination.
  • Complete absence of urination.

We drink, but be careful

The question of whether potassium and magnesium preparations can be used in patients with gastrointestinal ulcers has been repeatedly discussed. There is no definite answer, since Panangin is produced in a film shell, which gives it a significant advantage over other drugs. Although his instructions clearly indicate such points as careful use in patients with peptic ulcer and intestinal obstruction.

In addition, caution is also necessary when used in patients with acute dehydration due to vomiting or intestinal upset, burns of most of the body.

With caution, reception is also possible in people suffering from various autoimmune diseases associated with abnormalities in the functioning of the facial muscles (myasthenia gravis).

What to drink with?

Do not forget that taking even vitamins can affect the pharmacological properties of drugs. Therefore, you should be careful about what and with what to take.

Studies have been carried out and experts have voiced reviews about "Pananigin" or "Asparkam" - which is better not to take with them. A risk group with possible hyperkalemia in the future is people taking medicines for the treatment of hypertension with a potassium retention effect.

Diuretics of the new generation also tend to retain potassium in the tissues. In the case of their use together with potassium, an increase in the content of this element in the blood is inevitable. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, heparin, antibiotics (Polymexin, Neomycin) are not an exception.

In addition, there is a possibility of poor absorption in the stomach of potassium and magnesium salts while taking tetracycline, iron preparations and sodium fluoride. Their use is possible only if one of the dosage forms is taken no earlier than three hours later.

The difference in the warnings for "Asparkam" and "Panangin" is incompatibility with drugs for anesthesia (the nervous system is inhibited) and muscle relaxants (muscle blockade increases). There is such a warning only for Asparkam.


How scary the word "overdose" sounds! Involuntarily, terrible pictures come to mind about those who did not calculate the dose of a narcotic drug. But not everything is so sad. There should be no lethal outcomes with timely intervention.

  1. The first and most common symptom: a violation of sensitivity in the nerve endings of the arms and legs, a slight tingling, "goosebumps" under the skin. They appear in the event that the limb was squeezed, clamped for a short time.
  2. Second symptom: muscle weakness, slow heartbeat. Both symptoms are characteristic of an excess of potassium in the body, and if first aid is not provided in time, the patient may die from cardiac arrest.
  3. The third symptom: drowsiness associated with a decrease in blood pressure.
  4. The fourth symptom: vomiting, upset stomach and intestines, associated with an excess of magnesium in the body. In addition, there may be a feeling of a metallic taste in the mouth, thirst.
  5. And the simplest, but no less important symptom is skin rashes, with reddening of the skin and increased itching.

How many tablets, who and when to take?

The standard dosage is to take one tablet three times a day, fifteen minutes after meals. The number of tablets per day can be increased to nine, if such treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

The duration of therapy also depends on the doctor.

Pregnant, lactating mothers, drivers and children

Special medical studies on the use of mineral salt preparations in pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted. But there are known cases of using "Asparkam" or "Panangin" by pregnant women. Reviews that it is better or worse tolerated have not been received. The main point is that there was no harm from taking breastfeeding women and expectant mothers.

But we must remember that "Asparkam" involves taking only when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. And "Panangin" is not forbidden to use this category of consumers.

Since drugs do not affect the nervous system, general well-being and reaction rate, drivers are allowed to use them.

Due to the lack of clinical studies on the effect of potassium and magnesium aspartate on the body of children, the use of tablets in pediatric practice is strictly prohibited.

word of mouth

For many consumers, price and reviews play an important role in choosing a drug. Which is better, "Asparkam" or "Panangin", they decide after a heart-to-heart talk with a neighbor or after reading reviews.

Comparing their well-being while taking both drugs, patients noted one big minus of Asparkam: after taking the pill, the patient begins to fall asleep. Although, perhaps, this is one of the individual characteristics of this particular drug.

In general, both drugs are well tolerated, and the result is visible already at the end of the first week of administration. The main difference between these drugs is the price. "Asparkam" costs from thirty to seventy rubles, and "Panangin" - from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and seventy rubles.

What are the doctors talking about?

It is worth noting that experienced cardiologists insist on the correct prescription and use of drugs containing potassium and magnesium aspartate. After all, excessive passion can lead to an excess of potassium in the body, and with it unpleasant side effects.

When asked which is better "Asparkam" or "Panangin", the doctors' reviews are ambiguous. The first of the tips they give to their patients is to take blood for analysis and only then, if it shows a lack of potassium and magnesium salts, take action.

The second tip: the right dosage. Some Internet resources indicate that one tablet of "Panangin" or "Asparkam" is a sufficient dosage for the prevention of hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia. But if you calculate, then the same "Panangin" contains no more than 25 mg of pure potassium in one tablet, with a daily dosage of two grams.

Reading the reviews, which is better, Asparkam or Panangin, pay attention to how much both drugs were taken. Taking one tablet a day is akin to harmless ascorbic acid with sugar, unless, of course, you have diabetes.

Third advice: compatibility with other drugs prescribed for the treatment of arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, etc. ACE inhibitors, sartans, aldosterone antagonists contribute to potassium retention in the body. Together with long-term use of "Asparkam" and "Panangin" can lead to its overabundance in the body.

If you still have not decided what to use for treatment - Pananigin or Asparkam, instructions, reviews, prices and analogues of salt preparations are always at your service. Having carefully studied all the nuances, as well as the opinion of doctors, you can easily understand which of these drugs is more suitable.

Comparison of Asparkam and Panangin: which one is better, what is the difference

From this article you will learn: Panangin or Asparkam - which will be better, is there any significant difference between these two drugs.

Panangin and asparkam belong to the drugs that are used when there is a lack of potassium and magnesium in the body. Both of these drugs have an almost identical composition, differing only in minor characteristics. Their main differences are the manufacturer and price.

Comparative analysis of the composition

The main substances responsible for the pharmacological action of drugs are potassium and magnesium. These trace elements play an important role in the human body.

Table. Composition comparison

As can be seen from the table, the amount of active ingredients (magnesium and potassium ions) in drugs is identical. The differences relate only to excipients that do not affect the pharmacological properties of these drugs.

Another feature of Panangin is the presence of a film membrane in it, which protects the teeth and gastric mucosa from damage by the drug. Therefore, there is an opinion that it suits people with gastritis or peptic ulcer well.


The main differences between these two drugs are their manufacturers and price.

Panangin is produced only by the pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter (Hungary).

Asparkam is manufactured by many domestic and foreign companies, such as Biosintez OJSC (Russia), Zdorovye (Ukraine), Medisorb (Russia), Pharmstandard-Leksredstva (Russia), Marbiopharm (Russia), Medisorb (Russia), etc.

On average, panangin tablets or ampoules are 2-3 times more expensive than similar asparkam preparations.

Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter

So what is better - asparkam or panangin? In the medical environment, there is an opinion that of these two drugs, Panangin deserves more trust. However, scientific studies comparing the efficacy and safety of these drugs have not been conducted.

The composition of both drugs is almost identical, and the active substances are simple chemical compounds. That is, there cannot be big differences in pharmacological and pharmacodynamic properties between them. Therefore, many doctors still believe that these drugs should be identical.

Why do doctors give preference to panangin? The point is more confidence in the European manufacturer and quality control, which is used by the company "Gedeon Richter". Some of the doctors even believe that domestic companies that manufacture asparkam are not entirely conscientious in the production of medicines, so the real composition of this drug may not correspond to the declared one.

Panangin and Asparkam - the same thing?

Good day, dear readers, today we will talk about which of the drugs is better, Asparkam or Panangin. Full instructions for them are under the links, but here we will disassemble them into small components, look for similarities and differences, study their strengths and weaknesses, who can use them and who cannot. We will also briefly go through their instructions for similarity, determine which drug is the original and which is the analogue, go through the pricing policy and decide for ourselves once and for all the question: “Which drug is better?”.

On my blog, I collect the most relevant and useful information from other sources, I hope my site will help you and you will find the right path in life. Be healthy!

What do drugs have in common

To understand how equivalent the replacement of one drug with another, general points should be highlighted.

  1. The composition of the preparations contains two main components: potassium and magnesium. Due to this medicine, they perform their main function - they compensate for the deficiency of trace elements.
  2. Indications for use are the same: heart failure, coronary heart disease, insufficient intake of potassium and magnesium in the body, arrhythmias, intake or overdose of cardiac glycosides.
  3. Potassium and magnesium are involved in the contraction of not only the muscle tissue of the heart, but also other muscles. Deficiency of these trace elements leads to involuntary contraction of muscle fibers, often painful. Therefore, both drugs can be used as anticonvulsants.
  4. Forms of release - tablets, but there are also solutions for intravenous administration.
  5. Take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day after meals.
  6. Both are over-the-counter drugs.

Indications for use

Analogues of drugs

The main analogue of "Panangin" is the pharmaceutical agent "Panangin Forte". The medicine with the prefix "forte" has an enhanced effect, since the active ingredients in its composition are in high doses. If it is impossible to use the described medicines, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

What is included in Panangin

  • potassium aspartate 158 mg;
  • magnesium aspartate 140 mg;
  • other ingredients: colloidal anhydrous silica, povidone, magnesium stearate, talc, corn starch, potato starch, titanium dioxide, macrogol 6000, eutragit E.

1 tablet contains 158 mg of anhydrous potassium aspartate (corresponding to 36.2 mg of potassium), 140 mg of anhydrous magnesium aspartate (corresponding to 11.8 mg of magnesium). It should be noted that Panangin tablets are film-coated.

Potassium and magnesium ions, as important intracellular cations, are involved in the work of a number of enzymes, in the process of binding macromolecules to subcellular elements, and in the mechanism of muscle contraction at the molecular level. The ratio of extra- and intracellular concentrations of potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium ions affects the contractility of the myocardium. Aspartate as an endogenous substance is a carrier of potassium and magnesium ions; has a pronounced affinity for cells, its salts undergo dissociation only to a small extent. As a result, ions penetrate into the intracellular space in the form of complex compounds. Magnesium aspartate and potassium aspartate improve myocardial metabolism.

What is included in Asparkam

1 tablet contains magnesium aspartate 175 mg (0.175 g), potassium aspartate 175 mg (0.175 g). Additional (auxiliary) substances: corn starch, polysorbate-80, calcium stearate, talc.

Asparkam refers to drugs that regulate metabolic processes. The mechanism of action is associated with the property of Asparaginate to carry magnesium and potassium ions into the intracellular space and their participation in metabolic processes. Asparkam eliminates electrolyte imbalance, magnesium and potassium deficiency, reduces myocardial excitability and conductivity, has a moderate antiarrhythmic effect, improves myocardial metabolism and coronary circulation, and also reduces myocardial sensitivity to cardiac glycosides and their toxicity. Mg2 + ions activate Na +, K + -ATPase, in connection with which the intracellular concentration of Na + ions decreases and the flow of K + ions into cells increases. With a decrease in the concentration of Na + ions inside the cell, the exchange of Na + and Ca 2+ ions in the smooth muscles of the vessels is inhibited, which leads to their relaxation. Ions K + stimulate the synthesis of ATP, glycogen, proteins, acetylcholine. Ions K + and Mg2 + support the polarization of cell membranes. Asparaginate is a carrier of K + and Mg2 + ions and promotes their entry into the intracellular space. Entering the cells, aspartate is also included in the metabolic processes, promotes the synthesis of amino acids, amino acids, nucleotides, nitrogen-containing lipids, and corrects energy metabolism disorders in ischemic myocardium.

Most often - in 90% of cases - Asparkam is prescribed as an adjuvant therapy for chronic heart diseases. With prolonged use, it is required to control the level of potassium and magnesium in the blood, and constant monitoring of electrolyte homeostasis and ECG data is also necessary. Asparkam as a preparation containing potassium and magnesium should be used with caution in patients with myasthenia gravis; in conditions that can lead to hyperkalemia, such as acute dehydration, widespread tissue damage, in particular with severe burns. For this category of patients, it is recommended to regularly examine the concentration of electrolytes in the blood serum.

Asparkam should not be given to patients with gastroduodenal ulcers or obstruction.

The effect of drugs on the body

Panangin and its analogue Asparkam are used to prevent the development of hypokalemia in a patient, as well as to maintain a normal electrolyte balance in the body, which is very important in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

These include:

  • heart failure, including in the postinfarction period;
  • angina;
  • arrhythmia, including ventricular;
  • myocardial infarction.

It is best to combine the intake of any of the above drugs with vitamin B6, as its action improves the absorption of magnesium salts. Panangin and Asparkam are used according to the same scheme: 1 tablet per day, preferably taken after meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, after which a break of 1 month is required.

List of contraindications:

  • kidney failure;
  • high concentration of magnesium and calcium in the body (hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia);
  • cardiogenic shock, Addison's disease.

A complete list of contraindications can be clarified by studying the official instructions for the use of drugs.

List of possible side effects:

  1. When using high doses of the above drugs, dyspeptic disorders may occur.
  2. Panangin and Asparkam are very easily absorbed into the blood and excreted by the kidneys. However, there may be cases of overdose associated with an excess of the concentration of potassium or magnesium ions in the blood. It manifests itself in the form of a decrease in pressure, redness of the face, nausea, convulsions and breathing problems. Treatment of overdose is symptomatic.
  3. Joint use with potassium-sparing diuretics, beta-blockers, cyclosporines, ACE inhibitors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs significantly increases the possibility of an overdose of calcium ions, which can lead to heart rhythm failure.
  4. Taking potassium-containing drugs together with glucocorticosteroids contributes to the normalization of the electrolyte balance, the violation of which is caused by glucocorticosteroids. Due to the normalization of potassium concentration, the negative effects of cardiac glycosides are reduced.
  5. Normalization of the magnesium balance reduces the negative effects of eneomycin, polymyxin B and streptomycin. Anesthetics contribute to an increase in the inhibitory effect of magnesium-containing drugs on the central nervous system. Co-administration with atracuronium and suxamethonium increases the risk of neuromuscular blockade.

Features of panangin

The drug is produced by the Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter. This combination of trace elements was created in the late fifties of the last century by this very company. Therefore, Panangin is an original drug that has stood the test of time.

Numerous studies have been conducted proving the effectiveness of Panangin, for example, in myocardial dystrophy. At the same time, ECG parameters significantly improved. It has been proven to be beneficial for the heart in mitral valve prolapse. The studies were carried out in children. After the use of Panangin, there was a decrease in the prolapse (bulging) of the mitral valve folds and the degree of regurgitation - the reverse reflux of blood.

The tablet itself is different from its counterpart.

  1. The tablet is coated with a protective shell. This reduces the effect of hydrochloric acid on the main active ingredients.
  2. The content of magnesium aspartate is 140 mg, potassium aspartate - 158 mg.
  3. There are auxiliary components in the core itself, such as silicon dioxide, corn and potato starch, povidone, magnesium stearate, talc.

The annotation contains an impressive list of contraindications, in addition to those indicated for asparkam:

  • atrioventricular blockade of any degree;
  • Addison's disease;
  • amino acid metabolism disorders;
  • cardiogenic shock;
  • acute metabolic acidosis;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • excess magnesium in the body;
  • hemolysis;
  • dehydration.

The description of side effects is also very detailed for Panangin. This is rarely found in the annotation to asparkam, if any. This indicates that the drug has been investigated. All possible consequences of its reception are taken into account.

Possible violations of the heart: atrioventricular blockade, extrasystoles. The digestive system may respond to the drug in the form of nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and frequent loose stools.

Symptoms of dyspepsia can also be a manifestation of an overdose of potassium, which is also characterized by impaired sensitivity. An excess of magnesium makes itself felt by reddening of the face, decreased pressure, thirst, respiratory depression and reflexes, convulsions.

Tablets are placed in plastic bottles of 50 pieces. The price is quite affordable. You can buy a package of panangin for 145 rubles. The drug helps, as evidenced by the numerous positive reviews of doctors and patients.

Features of asparkam

Tablets have their own characteristics:

  1. There is no shell, so the active substances, even after eating, are exposed to the action of gastric juice, which reduces their effectiveness.
  2. One tablet contains 175 mg of potassium and magnesium in the form of aspartate.
  3. The tablet usually contains no other components, which reduces the likelihood of individual intolerance. The exception is "Asparkam avexima", the composition of which is a bit like the original drug.

The package may contain from 10 to 100 tablets, which allows you to choose a more convenient option. The packaging itself can be contoured without cells or cells, there are also polymer jars. Not all manufacturers provide detailed instructions for use. In some cases, it is absent altogether.

The price is affordable, starts from 8 rubles for 10 tablets. A package containing 50 tablets can be purchased for 50 rubles. Reviews of people who took the drug for various indications are positive. Therefore, the medicine works.

What is better anyway?

From the point of view of the effectiveness of the dissolving effect on renal calculi, there is no difference whether to take Asparkam or Panangin, since in their chemical composition these are completely identical drugs, only slightly different in dosage and form of release.

  • Panangin dragee (coated tablets) 50 pcs. packaged.
  • 1 dragee Panangin contains potassium aspartate 158 mg, magnesium aspartate 140 mg (K +
  • Asparkam tablets 350 mg, 10 or 50 pcs. packaged.
  • 1 Asparkam tablet contains 175 mg of potassium aspartate and 175 mg of magnesium aspartate.
  • Panangin is a somewhat more expensive imported analogue of Asparkam. Panangin tablets are easier to swallow because they are coated with a protective shell. Does not damage tooth enamel.

    The choice of drug in this case depends on the method of administration. So, if you prefer to grind the tablets before use and take them with food, it is more convenient to use Asparkam, and if you intend to swallow the tablets whole, use Panangin, produced in the form of a dragee. In addition, Panangin is preferable for gastric and duodenal ulcers, entrocolitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, it must be understood that after dissolving the protective shell, the drug will still come into contact with the walls of the stomach and intestines, therefore, in case of gastrointestinal diseases, care should be taken and these drugs should be taken during or after meals.

    Both drugs have a number of contraindications, such as:

    1. severe renal dysfunction (with acute and chronic kidney failure);
    2. insufficient urination;
    3. elevated levels of potassium or magnesium in the blood (hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia);
    4. atrioventricular blockade of 2-3 degrees with normokalemia;
    5. damage to red blood cells (hemolysis);
    6. adrenal insufficiency;
    7. shock state;
    8. acute acidosis of the blood;
    9. dehydration;
    10. severe Myasthenia gravis (myasthenia gravis);
    11. treatment, accompanied by a delay in excretion of potassium from the body.

    In addition, when taking these drugs, serious side effects are possible, so before taking them, you should carefully study the instructions and consult with your doctor.

    As you understand, the dissolution of kidney stones with these drugs is, so to speak, a “folk” method, since both of them are designed to restore electrolyte balance in hypokalemia caused by the use of diuretics (saluretics - dichlothiazide, furosemide, ethacrynic acid, indapamide, oxodoline, etc. ), or deficiency of potassium or magnesium, which has various causes.

    As part of combination therapy, these drugs are used for:

    • angina;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • heart failure;
    • cardiac arrhythmias (including with arrhythmias caused by an overdose of cardiac glycosides, with paroxysmal arrhythmia, ventricular extrasystole).

    When taking drugs, it is necessary to additionally consume vitamin B6, since magnesium is absorbed by the body only in the presence of this vitamin.

    As for the dosage, to dissolve stones in the kidneys and ureters, we recommend taking no more than 1 tablet of Asparkam or Panangin per day (preferably with the last meal) for one month, then you need to take a break for a month, after which you can repeat the course.

    The price of drugs

    Undoubtedly, the pricing policy depends on the particular pharmacy where the drug is sold. However, Asparkam is an almost social drug - in any case, it is available to the widest sections of the population. So, in Ukrainian pharmacies, 10 tablets of the drug (a plate) can be bought for 2-3 hryvnias (5-10 rubles), while Panangin is sold in bottles of 50 tablets at a bottle price of 90 UAH (230 rubles), but the manufacturer is positioned as a new generation drug, an improved version of Asparkam. What to believe and what conclusions to draw, everyone decides for himself.

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    Panangin and Asparkam: what is the difference and what is better for the heart?

    Many cores are wondering what is better Asparkam or Panangin? For patients with cardiovascular diseases taking the latest generation of antihypertensive drugs, doctors prescribe drugs that help maintain the electrolyte balance of the human body. These drugs include Panangin and Asparkam.

    Composition of medicines

    In order to understand how the action of drugs occurs, you need to read the instructions for use. In terms of composition, asparkam and panangin practically do not differ from each other.

    These drugs are similar drugs, because. they belong to the same class.

    The following table shows the quantitative components of these drugs:

    The difference in composition is related to the content of additional substances in the shell of each panangin tablet. This increases the likelihood of individual intolerance to the drug.

    Based on the data in the table, the substances contained in the tablets of the drugs in question have the same effect on the body. Doctors do not observe a big difference in the recommendations of medicines. Appointments of cardiologists for both Panangin and Asparkam correspond to a three-time intake of 1-2 tablets per day after or during meals, because. acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract reduces the effectiveness of the drug. The course of treatment is 30 days.

    Indications for use and contraindications

    When choosing a drug, you should also study their indications for use. Although both drugs are prescribed for almost the same diseases, the indications for the use of panangin are somewhat different from the use of asparkam.

    For panangin, the following indications are prescribed in the instructions:

    • heart rhythm disturbances due to potassium deficiency;
    • disturbances in the work of the myocardium in case of toxic poisoning, including medicinal ones;
    • ventricular extrasystole;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • insufficiency of coronary vessels;
    • lack of oxygen supply to the tissues of the body in violation of the heart;
    • lack of potassium after taking diuretics.
    • with a reduced level of magnesium and potassium;
    • in the treatment of arrhythmias;
    • in violation of the work of the heart muscle.
    • increased levels of potassium or magnesium in the body;
    • urinary retention;
    • increased acidity in the blood;
    • kidney pathology;
    • muscular myasthenia.

    Moreover, the contraindications listed in the instructions for panangin are described in much more detail as well as side effects. This suggests that this drug has passed clinical trials and is more researched than its generic.

    Drugs are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription, but despite this, you should drink them only as directed by a doctor.

    Only a specialist will be able to choose the right medicines, taking into account possible side effects, existing diseases in the patient and their interaction with other prescribed drugs. So if the patient suffers from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then Panangin is considered a more suitable drug for him, which is produced in the form of a dragee and is coated with a special shell.


    When taken, there is less effect of the drug on the walls of the stomach. That is why panangin cannot always be replaced. Asparkam is convenient for those people for whom it is difficult to swallow whole tablets. It is more convenient for such patients to grind the Russian substitute.

    Drugs are quickly absorbed into the blood, their excretion occurs through the kidneys.

    In this case, an overdose of a drug for the work of the heart manifests itself in the form of:

    • pressure reduction;
    • redness of the face;
    • dry mouth;
    • nausea;
    • labored breathing.

    Drug differences

    In order to understand and determine for yourself which drug is more effective, you should consider their differences. The main difference is the country of origin. Panangin is an imported drug and is produced by a Hungarian company. Asparkam is made in Russia. That is why the last remedy is cheaper than its imported counterpart.

    For some patients, a European manufacturer is considered a guarantee of high quality, and they are ready to purchase it at a higher price. The cost of asparkam is several times lower than its counterpart. This drug is available to patients with any wallet: its price for a package of 50 tablets is from 30 rubles. Prices for a similar package of panangin start at 150 rubles.

    Panangin can be prescribed for the treatment of small patients. Cardiologists actively use it in pediatrics.

    Comparison of panangin and asparkam can be presented in tabular form:

    The article is based on materials from sites:,,,,

    A deficiency of magnesium and potassium ions has an extremely negative effect on the work of the heart and the whole organism as a whole. The pharmaceutical industry produces special preparations to make up for the lack of these substances. Panangin or Asparkam: which is better for convulsions, heart rhythm disturbances, stimulates metabolic processes more effectively?

    Panangin and Asparkam: what's the difference?

    Both drugs are similar in composition and have the same indications for taking. However, there are certain differences between them. You can learn more about them from the instructions for use, having studied the composition and other important characteristics.

    According to the qualitative composition, Panangin and Asparkam preparations do not have significant differences. Both contain two active components - magnesium and potassium in the chemical form of asparaginates. The quantitative composition of drugs varies.

    • tablets - 175 mg of potassium and magnesium;
    • solution for intravenous infusion - 45.2 mg and 40 mg / ml, respectively.
    • tablets - 158 mg of potassium, 140 mg of magnesium;
    • tablets with vitamin B 6 - the same proportions plus 0.6 mg of pyridoxine;
    • Panangin-forte tablets - 316 and 280 mg, respectively;
    • solution for injection into a vein - 45.2 mg of potassium, 40 mg of magnesium per 1 ml.

    Mechanism of action

    Since these drugs are practically the same in composition, the principle of action of their active components should be considered.

    • Magnesium is an active participant in various chemical reactions in the body. With its help, proteins and fats are synthesized, bone tissue is built, calcium metabolism is regulated, nerve impulses are conducted, energy is produced and muscles contract. The latter factor is very important for the normal functioning of the heart and vascular tone. Magnesium provides rhythmic contraction of the heart muscle and relaxation of the vascular wall, normalizing blood pressure.
    • Potassium is essential for conducting electrochemical impulses in cells. So it affects the muscle contractions of blood vessels and the heart, their rhythm and frequency. Together with sodium ions, it regulates the water-electrolyte balance. In addition, potassium is needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Taking drugs with it stabilizes the heart rate and blood pressure.

    In tablets Panangin Plus there is an additional active ingredient - pyridoxine (aka vitamin B 6). It is important for cell reproduction and growth, as it is involved in the synthesis of RNA and DNA (genetic information transfer factors). Pyridoxine also takes part in the metabolic process, improves the functioning of the brain and peripheral nervous system. Especially important is its role in the prevention of atherosclerosis (narrowing of the lumen of the arteries) and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

    Since there is no difference in composition, Asparkam and Panangin are used in the same cases:

    • myocardial infarction (partial necrosis of the muscle tissue of the heart due to a violation of its blood supply);
    • heart failure;
    • lack of potassium and magnesium in the body;
    • deficiency of these elements in the diet;
    • treatment with cardiac glycosides (as an adjunct).


    Common for Asparkam and Panangin:

    • hypersensitivity to drugs;
    • Addison's disease - deficiency of adrenal hormones;
    • renal and adrenal insufficiency;
    • urinary disorders (anuria, oliguria);
    • atrioventricular blockade (impaired electrical conduction in the heart);
    • cardiogenic shock (severe left ventricular heart failure);
    • very low blood pressure - arterial hypotension;
    • excess potassium with magnesium - hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia, respectively;
    • myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness) in severe form;
    • hemolysis - destruction of red blood cells;
    • violation of amino acid metabolism.

    Panangin tablets with vitamin B 6 are also contraindicated in pregnant women. All other types of medicine for expectant mothers can be taken, but only with the permission of the doctor and under his control.

    In the instructions for the use of Asparkam, dehydration and acidosis (high acidity) of the blood additionally appear as contraindications.

    Side effects

    The probable negative reactions of the body to taking Panangin and Asparkam are also basically the same:

    • dry mouth;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • stomach ache;
    • stomach and intestinal bleeding, ulcers;
    • diarrhea;
    • flatulence (increased gas formation);
    • dizziness, increased fatigue;
    • sensation of heat;
    • violations of cardiac activity and vascular tone;
    • pressure reduction;
    • hyperkalemia;
    • muscle weakness;
    • thrombosis (blockage) of veins;
    • increased sweating;
    • skin itching.

    Release form and price

    Panangin is a product of the Hungarian company Gedeon Richter, which can be purchased at the following prices:

    • tablets, 50 pcs. - 145 rubles;
    • Forte, 60 pcs. - 344 rubles;
    • Plus vitamin B 6, 60 pcs. - 320 rubles;
    • solution in 10 ml ampoules, 5 pcs. - 160 rubles.

    Asparkam is also produced in two dosage forms by different Russian pharmaceutical companies:

    • tablets, 20 pcs. - 48 rubles;
    • 56 pieces - 80-81 rubles;
    • 60 pieces - 52 rubles;
    • solution in 400 ml vials, 12 pcs. - 1284 rubles.

    Panangin or Asparkam - which is better for the heart?

    Each of the drugs, despite the fact that they are analogues, has its own advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of Asparkam:

    • higher dosage (compared to conventional Panangin), that is, the drug acts more efficiently;
    • no restrictions on use during pregnancy;
    • much more affordable cost.
    • a solid European manufacturer, which guarantees the high quality of the drug;
    • the presence of an enteric coating in tablets (the drug does not irritate the stomach);
    • two dosage options;
    • the presence of tablets with pyridoxine, which increases their effectiveness.

    The main (and largely determining the choice of patients) difference between Panangin and domestic Asparkam is the price. Since the Russian medicine is much cheaper and practically does not differ from the imported analogue, most often they buy it. But you need to take into account the circumstances in which it is better to take Hungarian pills. So, Panangin Forte is preferable for convulsions and severe magnesium deficiency with potassium due to the increased dosage. If there are problems with the stomach, especially hyperacidity, tablets in Panangin due to the enteric coating are much less likely to cause adverse reactions (abdominal pain, nausea and other manifestations of dyspepsia).

    Asparkam or Panangin - which is better: reviews

    How ordinary people evaluate these drugs:

    Anastasia, 27 years old: “For a long time I took Asparkam for convulsions and arrhythmias. The pills are cheap and effective, but still switched to Panangin. It is much less irritating to the stomach and is generally gentler.”

    Tatyana, 53 years old: “I have been drinking Panangin for a long time, because of heart failure, it helps very well. But there is not always enough money, so sometimes I replace these pills with Asparkam. Our medicine is not worse, but the stomach hurts after it.

    Anatoly, 48 years old: “After a heart attack, I have to constantly take magnesium with potassium. I chose Asparkam for myself, although the doctor recommended Panangin. It works well, I did not notice any side effects. ”

    Asparkam or Panangin - which is better: reviews of doctors

    Belova N. I., therapist: “Over the years of practice, I found out for myself that these drugs are not inferior to each other in terms of effectiveness. But I still recommend Panangin to patients with diseases of the digestive tract. ”

    Sokolov E.V., cardiologist: “Of course, Asparkam is cheaper, but I insist on taking Panangin. Domestic tablets, besides not having an enteric form, do not inspire confidence.

    Specialists most often prescribe Panangin to patients for two reasons:

    • this drug is produced by a reputable European company, respectively, the quality is guaranteed;
    • enteric-coated tablets are less irritating to the digestive organs, which is especially important for people with gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa).

    However, if the Hungarian drug is not suitable for the price, and Asparkam is well tolerated and there are no specific stomach problems, the doctor may recommend a Russian remedy.

    What are the differences and what is better panangin or asparkam?

    Dear and respected friends and guests of the blog! I welcome you, and I am glad that you turned to me for information “Panangin or asparkam: what is better for the heart”. I will not disappoint you: from the article you will learn the main differences, advantages and disadvantages of both drugs, and, of course, the main question will be revealed - which is better. The article provides objective information, but I also reserve the right to express my subjective opinion at the end of the article. Let's get started.

    Various heart diseases (ischemic disease, for example, heart failure) or problems with the “main muscle of the body” (arrhythmias, micronutrient deficiencies) are caused by a lack of potassium and magnesium in the body, which help to contract heart tissue. No not like this. The lack of these minerals is only one of the reasons for the development of heart disease, but far from ordinary: it occurs all the time.

    So, asparkam and panangin, due to their composition, make up for the missing amount of magnesium and potassium so that the heart works better. But we still have to identify the leader.

    What common?

    Both of these drugs, so to speak, are built on potassium and magnesium - this is the basis of the foundations of medicines for the heart. Both of these drugs can be administered orally (tablet form, which we drink with water) and through injections (injections).

    Asparkam, based on reviews on the Web and reviews of my fellow athletes, is a pretty good way to heal your heart or support it, help you work with heavy physical exertion. As for panangin, there are no less positive reviews on the Internet than asparkam, but in the community of athletes this drug is used much less frequently. Much.

    Athletes are guided by the following principle: why pay "triple way" if a simple means is enough. Not every athlete has heart diseases that need to be treated (which Panangin does better with), but everyone wants to help their heart (which, in principle, asparkam does well). See, I'm already hinting at some of the differences between these drugs.

    What is the difference?

    Well, first of all, the country of origin. Asparkam is produced by the countries of the former Soviet Union (Ukraine, Russia) - this is, as it were, our, domestic drug. Panangin is a foreign, bourgeois drug (Hungary), which in some aspects is better than its “brother”.

    Foreign friends have always focused on quality (and this is manifested in almost everything, not only in pharmacy), but our compatriots - on accessibility for everyone, cheapness, and more or less acceptable quality, which, in general, is what happens.

    Simply put, panangin is better and more effective, asparkam is cheaper, but not too inferior in its effect on the heart.

    Tell me more? Our drug is not coated with any protective shell: gastric juice dissolves the active ingredients, and only the remains reach the heart, which, by and large, is enough. Plus - due to the low cost, a domestic product can be taken more often. Hungarian panangin is coated: the active substances are almost completely delivered by the blood to the heart, where they begin their work. Such a tool should be used less often.

    Another difference that I talk about throughout the article is the price. Foreign analogue is many times more expensive than ours. Not two, not three, but more. Moreover, injections themselves are more expensive than pills. And if asparkam has a difference of 2-3 times, then panangin has 3-4 times the total amount. In short, you have to spend.

    The volume of the main active ingredients (potassium and magnesium) in a foreign drug is almost twice as large as in ours: 300 mg versus 175, respectively. In addition, our pharmacological product is pure potassium and magnesium, while the European product also contains many excipients such as silicon dioxide, povidone, talc and magnesium stearate.

    On the basis of all this, Panangin opens up an impressive list of contraindications and side effects, while Asparkam has nothing at all. Here's a foreign analogue for you.

    In short, at first glance, a foreign medicine for the heart is better, but this is only at first glance: it is more effective, but it is more expensive, it has more contraindications. In addition, the use of asparkam by athletes on an ongoing basis allows you to maintain the heart, while the regular use of panangin can cause an overdose of the main trace elements or have unforeseen side effects.

    So which is better for the heart?

    If we are talking about treatment, then Panangin is certainly the leader, although asparkam is not far behind: they can also be successfully treated. When it comes to use in sports, then asparkam comes out ahead. In addition, money decides a lot: someone simply cannot afford to buy expensive medicines, and domestic pharmacy allows this.

    My opinion is obvious. Well, if you have additional questions, then ask them in the comments. Or write which medicine you prefer. Do you have friends on social networks? Share this information with them: I think it will be useful to them. And do not forget to subscribe to blog updates yourself - here you can always find useful and reliable information. All healthy and strong hearts, bye.

    Panangin's analogs

    Panangin is not a dietary supplement, but a medicine based on potassium and magnesium aspartate. It has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, reducing the manifestations of arrhythmia, ischemia, chronic heart failure and other heart rhythm disturbances.

    The drug is affordable, has limitations. With the incompatibility of the medications taken, dissatisfaction with price and quality, and other factors, it is useful to know how to replace Panangin, what are the differences and what is better.

    pharmachologic effect

    The drug is produced by a Hungarian pharmaceutical company, packaged in Russia in the form of ampoules and tablets. New excellent forms - Panangin forte and tablets containing pyridoxine.

    According to the instructions for use, Panangin and its structural analogue Asparkam contain potassium and magnesium salts, have the following therapeutic effects:

    • replenishes the deficiency of potassium and magnesium elements necessary for the good functioning of the heart muscle;
    • increases the contractility of the heart;
    • prevents the development of arrhythmia, tachycardia;
    • reduces the toxicity of cardiac glycosides (Korglikon, Digoxin) used to treat heart disease;
    • participates in energy metabolism, production of nucleic acids and proteins;
    • reduces heart rate and contractility;
    • anti-ischemic action;
    • reduction in the frequency of numbness of the limbs and convulsions due to a lack of trace elements.

    Indications for Panangin's use

    With insufficient amounts of magnesium and potassium ions in the body, there is a high risk of developing ischemia, arrhythmias, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and myocardial metabolic disorders.

    The drug and structural analogue of Asparkam is used for diseases:

    1. IHD, including angina pectoris, myocardial infarction;
    2. chronic heart failure;
    3. arrhythmia, other cardiac arrhythmias.

    Another indication is the prevention of adverse reactions when taking cardiac glycosides.

    Panangin - instructions for use

    Panangin is a medicine containing vitamins to maintain the heart muscle, regulate its contractility, and prevent arrhythmias. It is available in prescription ampoules for intravenous administration and tablets.

    Attention! The original drug and analogue of Asparkam in injections must be administered slowly intravenously. With rapid administration, adverse reactions are possible: bradycardia, fatigue, arrhythmia, pressure decrease, cardiac arrest and other manifestations of hypermagnesemia and hyperkalemia.

    Panangin before meals or after

    Panangin and Asparkam contain potassium and magnesium salts, which are destroyed by the action of gastric juice. To preserve the substances and the resulting effect, medicines must be drunk after meals.

    Panangin and its analogue Asparkam need to drink 1-2 tablets three times a day, preferably in the morning, afternoon and evening. It is impossible to dissolve and chew, take together with alcohol, since alcohol-containing liquids lead to dehydration, removal of fluid from the body and lowering blood pressure, which is a contraindication to the appointment of vitamins. In addition, the use of alcohol is prohibited in diseases in which the drug is used (arrhythmia, coronary heart disease).

    If the dosages are exceeded, the original remedy Panangin and Asparkam reduce pressure, pulse, and lead to bradycardia. Does not apply to diuretics. Often prescribed to reduce the negative effects of loop diuretics (Furosemide, Lasix).

    Panangin's analogs

    The drug is not always prescribed to eliminate arrhythmias, prevent potassium and magnesium deficiency in the body, and prevent night cramps. In the presence of restrictions, adverse reactions, Asparkam and other analogues of Panangin are used. They differ in terms of release and reception, properties, composition.

    List of analogues with average prices in Moscow and producing countries


    This is an analogue of Panangin and Asparkam, which is released strictly according to the prescription from the group of beta-blockers. Metoprolol eliminates arrhythmia, lowers blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels. Like Panangin, it reduces myocardial oxygen demand. The analogue is used exclusively as prescribed by the doctor, taking into account compatibility with other medicines used.

    Panangin plus vitamin B6

    A new form of release of the Hungarian drug - Panangin plus vitamins B6, related to dietary supplements. Additionally, the analogue contains vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), unlike conventional panangin. Used to improve the functioning of the nervous system, heart muscle. With prolonged use of the complex according to the instructions, the following effects occur:

    • normalizes the tone of the heart muscle, heart rate and blood pressure;
    • the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced;
    • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
    • reduces anxiety and increases stress resistance.

    French original analogue for redistribution of coronary blood flow and reduction of myocardial oxygen demand. Preductal is often prescribed to the elderly and patients with coronary artery disease. This analogue of Panangin prevents angina attacks - chest pain and discomfort, shortness of breath during exercise and movement. Used as directed by a cardiologist.

    Doppelgerz Active Magnesium + Potassium

    German supplement for replenishing potassium and magnesium in the body. Unlike Panangin and Asparkam, it contains lower dosages of substances, does not lead to the development of hypermagnesemia and hyperkalemia. As a result of the use of Magnesium and Potassium from Doppelherz, arrhythmia occurs less often, the functionality of the cardiovascular system improves.

    Cheap vitamins to replenish ascorbic acid and routine in the body. If you follow the course of Askorutin, the condition of the vessels improves - they become elastic, non-fragile. Reduced risk of bleeding.

    Potassium orotate

    To improve the metabolism and energy supply of tissues, an analogue of Panangin - Potassium orotate is used. The substitute improves urine excretion, the tolerance of cardiac glycosides, increases the amount of albumin that carries nutrients, especially in conditions of oxygen starvation. Depending on the manufacturer, potassium orotate is available with or without a prescription and is often purchased by athletes.

    Depending on the form of release, Kudesan refers to medicines or dietary supplements. It contains ubiquinone and coenzyme Q10. With prolonged use, it improves the body's adaptation to increased physical exertion, oxygen starvation, and stress. Kudesan is used in the recovery period after myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease, by athletes for better results and increased performance.

    Panangin or Asparkam - which is better for the heart

    Asparkam is an analogue of Panangin, but cheaper, with the same active substance. Produced by Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies. The price of the medicine is 2-5 times lower.

    A cheap analogue of Panangin in Russia Asparkam is available in tablet and injection form.

    According to cardiologists, it is better to take Panangin for several reasons:

    • investigation of the original drug, clinical trials, proven efficacy;
    • the tablet is coated with a protective coating that prevents premature disintegration and provides greater efficiency;
    • positive feedback from doctors and patients;
    • indications, restrictions on use, adverse reactions and their frequency, interaction with other drugs are written on the basis of clinical trials of Panangin.

    Another advantage, due to which Panangin is more effective than Asparkam, is the protection of the tablet from environmental conditions. The medicine is placed in a white jar, which prevents the negative effects of sunlight, moisture, and other factors that destroy the tablets.

    The Asparkam tablet is also coated, which, for some manufacturers, is immediately destroyed when the medicine enters the mouth. Excipients that provide production technology and bioavailability differ.

    Asparkam is cheaper than Panangin. However, the cost of the original drug is low - up to 200 rubles, depending on the region. If there is a financial opportunity, it is better to purchase a proven Hungarian drug.

    Riboxin or Panangin

    Riboxin is a cheaper domestic analogue, produced in ampoules and tablets. It helps to improve the metabolism of the heart, reduce myocardial oxygen demand, and stop arrhythmia attacks. Used during surgery on the kidney, protects against ischemia in the absence of blood circulation.

    Panangin and its structural analogue Asparkam have a similar effect, they are almost equivalent in action to Riboxin. However, if the arrhythmia is caused by a lack of potassium and magnesium, the drugs cannot be replaced.

    Panangin or Cardiomagnyl - which is better for the heart

    Cardiomagnyl is a drug for thinning the blood and preventing thrombosis, heart attack, thromboembolism and the treatment of unstable angina. The drug contains acetylsalicylic acid and magnesium hydroxide. The last compound, contrary to common misconceptions, does not make up for magnesium deficiency in the body to prevent and treat arrhythmia. It envelops the gastric mucosa and prevents destruction and irritation by acetylsalicylic acid.

    Cardiomagnyl is prescribed after blood donation for clotting. Panangin does not thicken or thin the blood. It has a different action and mechanism, so it can be used together. Another difference is that Cardiomagnyl is prescribed for problems for life, and its substitutes Panangin or Asparkam - courses of 14-21 days.

    Panangin or Panangin forte

    Panangin forte is an enhanced formula of conventional tablets containing 2 times more potassium and magnesium. Released without a doctor's prescription.

    The difference between the regular and enhanced form is in the number of tablets per dose. The usual Panangin is drunk 1-2 tablets, forte - 1 tablet each. Both drugs have the same effect, the cost of the usual is more profitable.

    Magnerot or Panangin - which is better

    Magnerot contains magnesium orotate. This analogue of Panangin is used for angina pectoris, risk of heart attack, arrhythmia due to magnesium deficiency, spasm and cramps of the calf muscles, arrhythmia and heart failure.

    Magnerot tablets contain a large dosage of magnesium - 2 times. However, Panangin is a source of another element - potassium. According to their properties, both drugs are approximately the same and are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor, indications and restrictions.

    Panangin or Magnelis B6

    Magnelis B6 is a Russian substitute for Magnesium B6 in tablets, consisting of magnesium and pyridoxine. The medication improves the functioning of the nervous system, replenishes magnesium deficiency during pregnancy, taking loop diuretics (Furosemide, Lasix), stress, diet, increased physical and mental stress. Prevents the development of arrhythmias due to magnesium deficiency and night cramps.

    Regular Panangin, Forte, and other analogues based on potassium and magnesium are used more often for the heart. They eliminate not only the deficiency of magnesium, but also potassium.

    Magnesium B6 or Panangin - which is better

    Magnesium B6 is an original drug based on magnesium and pyridoxine. Available in tablets and oral solution for children. Its generic is Magnelis B6.

    Unlike Panangin, Magnesium B6 stabilizes the nervous system. Both drugs can be used together.

    Mildronate or Panangin

    Mildronate is a Latvian drug based on meldonium. The analogue is used for reduced performance, great mental and physical stress. It is prescribed in the elderly and in the presence of a risk of cardiovascular diseases, since it helps the body recover faster, regulates the need for myocardium in oxygen, and increases motor activity.

    Mildronate and Panangin are completely different drugs in terms of action and indications, mechanism. Can be used simultaneously in the absence of contraindications.

    Panangin is an excellent drug for replenishing magnesium and potassium, preventing and treating arrhythmias. Has good reviews, affordable price. If it is necessary to choose a substitute for Panangin, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist to prevent undesirable actions and interaction reactions of the agents used.

    What to choose: Panangin or Asparkam?

    Panangin and Asparkam are prescribed for the treatment of diseases and abnormalities in the work of the heart muscle. Despite a similar range of indications, there are significant differences between medications that you need to be aware of in order to opt for one of them.

    Panangin and Asparkam are prescribed for the treatment of diseases and abnormalities in the work of the heart muscle.

    Characteristics of Panangin

    The composition of the drug is represented by 2 main components - potassium and magnesium aspartate. The amount of magnesium is 140 mg, potassium - 158 mg. Produced in the form of coated tablets. Indications for appointment:

    • heart rhythm disturbances;
    • failure of the rhythm of the heart muscle caused by an insufficient concentration of potassium;
    • extrasystole of the cardiac ventricle;
    • development of coronary insufficiency;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • insufficient concentration of potassium in the blood against the background of long-term use of diuretic drugs.
    • Addison's disease;
    • amino acid metabolism disorders;
    • metabolic type acidosis during an exacerbation;
    • myasthenia gravis;
    • excess concentration of magnesium in the blood;
    • dehydration;
    • hemolysis.

    Panangin is prescribed for failure of the rhythm of the heart muscle caused by an insufficient concentration of potassium.

    The list of side effects in Panangin is extensive, but the likelihood of their occurrence in the absence of contraindications and compliance with the dose is extremely small.

    Gastrointestinal disorders may occur: nausea and vomiting, pain and discomfort in the abdomen and stomach.

    If, due to taking the medication, the concentration of magnesium in the blood increases, allergic reactions on the skin (rashes and redness), lowering blood pressure, constant thirst, less often convulsions are possible.

    Characteristics of Asparkam

    Release form - tablets, without shell. In one tablet, potassium and magnesium aspartate are contained in equal amounts - 175 mg each. There are no other additional substances, which reduces the likelihood that the patient has an individual intolerance to them. Accordingly, there are fewer contraindications to taking this medication. Indications for use:

    • hypomagnesemia;
    • malfunctions of the heart muscle;
    • development of hypoglycemia;
    • after ventricular arrhythmia (as a normalizing agent).

    As a preventive measure, Asparkam is prescribed if the patient has poor tolerance to drugs that have a cardiotonic and antiarrhythmic effect.

    Contraindications to the use of Asparkam are minor - the presence of liver failure in acute or chronic form. During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed only if there are special indications for this, and also if the positive result from taking it exceeds the risks of adverse symptoms.

    Comparison of drugs

    Comparison of both means helps to determine which one is more effective in each individual case, but it is forbidden to make a decision to replace one drug with another on your own.

    Asparkam is prescribed if the patient has poor tolerance to drugs that have a cardiotonic and antiarrhythmic effect.

    Medicines have many common characteristics:

    1. The similarity of the compositions: made on the basis of magnesium and potassium. Compensate for the insufficient concentration of these substances in the blood, which is necessary in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
    2. They have the same mechanism of action - they contribute to the improvement of metabolic processes. The active components carry potassium and magnesium ions to the cells, in which they take an active part in biological processes. Eliminate such disorders as electrolyte imbalance, potassium-magnesium deficiency, reduce the degree of conduction of the heart myocardium.
    3. Indications for use - insufficient concentration of potassium or magnesium, cardiac ischemia, cardiac arrhythmia. They can be prescribed for symptomatic therapy if the patient has an overdose of drugs from the pharmacological group of glycosides.
    4. Forms of release - tablets, are also available in the form of solutions for intravenous injection.
    5. The standard dosage is the same - from 1 to 2 tablets per 1 dose, 3 times a day. The dosage for intramuscular injections and infusions is selected individually.
    6. They are freely available in pharmacies, you do not need to provide a prescription from a doctor.
    7. It must be taken either directly with food or immediately after the main meal. If you break this rule and take both drugs on an empty stomach, people with duodenal ulcers or stomach ulcers and other pathologies of the digestive system may experience pain in the abdomen.

    What is the difference?

    Medications have significant differences:

    1. Various manufacturers. Asparkam is a domestic remedy, the second drug is produced by a Hungarian pharmacological company.
    2. Panangin contains additional substances that make up the shell of the tablets, so this remedy is considered milder for the digestive system.
    3. Panangin has no age restrictions for use. The tool is often used in pediatric practice, unlike Asparkam, which should not be given to children.
    4. The list of indications for use in Panangin is much longer.
    5. Asparkam, due to the fact that the tablet does not have a shell, does not have such a contraindication as individual intolerance, therefore this medicine is considered safer and harmless to the body. The presence of corn and potato starch in Panangin can cause an allergic reaction in the patient.
    6. Panangin has passed all the necessary clinical studies and is better studied in terms of side effects and contraindications, unlike Asparkam.

    What is cheaper?

    Asparkam is sold in packs with a different number of tablets - 10 and 50 pcs. The cost fluctuates within 100 rubles. Panangin will cost several times more - from 300 rubles. and higher. A higher price is not an indicator of better quality, but is due to the fact that Panangin is produced abroad, import costs are invested in its price.

    Which is better - Panangin or Asparkam?

    The choice of one or another means is individual. Panangin is better for those patients who have a normal swallowing reflex. If there is a deviation in this function, it is preferable to take Asparkam, which, due to the lack of a shell on the tablets, can be thoroughly crushed and the resulting powder swallowed with a sufficient amount of liquid.

    The effectiveness of both means is the same. When choosing this or that drug, it is necessary to focus on the presence of contraindications. Many patients, when choosing almost identical products, are guided primarily by cost.

    Despite the fact that the effectiveness of medicines is the same, many patients prefer Panangin, although it costs more, but people believe that foreign production is the key to better quality.

    For heart

    In the treatment of heart disease, drugs are equally effective. It will be better only that to which the patient will not have contraindications.

    From convulsions

    If heart disease or deficiency of certain trace elements is accompanied by frequent and pronounced convulsive muscle contractions, Panangin should be preferred, because. it contains magnesium, which contributes to the elimination of convulsions, is higher than in Asparkam.

    Can Panangin be replaced by Asparkam?

    Asparkam and Panangin are analogues. The substitute is prescribed only by the attending physician, taking into account contraindications and drug tolerance. The combination of both drugs at the same time is prohibited, because. this will lead to a rapid increase in the concentration of potassium with magnesium in the blood, which will cause the development of unwanted side symptoms.

    Doctors' opinion

    Angelina, 42 years old, cardiologist, Moscow: “Asparkam is a Panangin generic. Most patients give preference to Panangin, because. it is produced abroad and has passed all clinical trials. If there are no contraindications to Asparkam and it is well tolerated by the body, I prescribe it. In terms of action and effectiveness, both drugs are the same.

    Vladimir, 53 years old, cardiologist, Saratov: “I prescribe Panangin to patients in cases where they have diseases of the digestive system that require a more careful attitude to the mucous organs, and there are frequent convulsions. Convulsive muscle contractions are more actively eliminated due to the fact that the magnesium content in it is slightly higher. In all other cases, you can replace an expensive drug with a more price-friendly Asparkam.”

    The main substances responsible for the pharmacological action of drugs are potassium and magnesium. These trace elements play an important role in the human body.

    Table. Composition comparison

    Substance Panangin in tabletsAsparkam in tabletsPanangin in solutionAsparkam in solution
    Potassium aspartate158 mg175 mg45.2 mg/ml45.2 mg/ml
    Magnesium Aspartate140 mg175 mg40 mg/ml40 mg/ml
    In terms of potassium ions36.2 mg36.2 mg10.33 mg/ml10.33 mg/ml
    In terms of magnesium ions11.8 mg11.8 mg3.37mg/ml3.37mg/ml
    ExcipientsColloidal silicon dioxide, povidone, magnesium stearate, talc, corn and potato starch, macrogol, titanium dioxide, methacrynic acid copolymerPotato or corn starch, talc, calcium stearate, tween-80Water for injectionsWater for injection, sorbitol

    As can be seen from the table, the amount of active ingredients (magnesium and potassium ions) in drugs is identical. The differences relate only to excipients that do not affect the pharmacological properties of these drugs.

    Another feature of Panangin is the presence of a film membrane in it, which protects the teeth and gastric mucosa from damage by the drug. Therefore, there is an opinion that it suits people with gastritis or peptic ulcer well.


    The main differences between these two drugs are their manufacturers and price.

    Panangin is produced only by the pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter (Hungary).

    Asparkam is manufactured by many domestic and foreign companies, such as Biosintez OJSC (Russia), Zdorovye (Ukraine), Medisorb (Russia), Pharmstandard-Leksredstva (Russia), Marbiopharm (Russia), Medisorb (Russia), etc.

    On average, panangin tablets or ampoules are 2-3 times more expensive than similar asparkam preparations.

    Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter

    Indications for use and contraindications

    When choosing a drug, you should also study their indications for use. Although both drugs are prescribed for almost the same diseases, the indications for the use of panangin are somewhat different from the use of asparkam.

    For panangin, the following indications are prescribed in the instructions:

    • heart rhythm disturbances due to potassium deficiency;
    • disturbances in the work of the myocardium in case of toxic poisoning, including medicinal ones;
    • ventricular extrasystole;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • insufficiency of coronary vessels;
    • lack of oxygen supply to the tissues of the body in violation of the heart;
    • lack of potassium after taking diuretics.
    • with a reduced level of magnesium and potassium;
    • in the treatment of arrhythmias;
    • in violation of the work of the heart muscle.

    From the above data, it follows that the cheap analogue of Panangin has a smaller spectrum of action.

    • increased levels of potassium or magnesium in the body;
    • urinary retention;
    • increased acidity in the blood;
    • kidney pathology;
    • muscular myasthenia.

    Moreover, the contraindications listed in the instructions for panangin are described much more closely, as well as side effects. This suggests that this drug has passed clinical trials and is more researched than its generic.

    Drugs are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription, but despite this, you should drink them only as directed by a doctor.

    Only a specialist will be able to choose the right medicines, taking into account possible side effects, existing diseases in the patient and their interaction with other prescribed drugs. So if the patient suffers from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then Panangin is considered a more suitable drug for him, which is produced in the form of a dragee and is coated with a special shell.


    When taken, there is less effect of the drug on the walls of the stomach. That is why panangin cannot always be replaced. Asparkam is convenient for those people for whom it is difficult to swallow whole tablets. It is more convenient for such patients to grind the Russian substitute.

    Drugs are quickly absorbed into the blood, their excretion occurs through the kidneys.

    In this case, an overdose of a drug for the work of the heart manifests itself in the form of:

    • pressure reduction;
    • redness of the face;
    • dry mouth;
    • nausea;
    • labored breathing.

    Panangin has been produced for over 50 years by the well-known pharmacological company Gedeon Richter. This is the original drug that was the first to be released to the world market and passed all the necessary tests. Its appointment with myocardial dystrophy and mitral valve prolapse gives an improvement in ECG parameters.

    The composition of Panangin and Asparkam has an entry of ingredients, the lack of which adversely affects the work of the heart.

    Ions of these substances:

    • contribute to better myocardial metabolism;
    • take part in the work of enzymes;
    • affect myocardial contractility.

    Panangin tablets are produced in vials and packed in cardboard boxes. Ampoules are packed into a cardboard form on 10 pieces. In addition to Panangin in the classical dosage, Panangin Forte and Panangin with vitamin B6 are also produced.

    Note! The list of contraindications for Panangin is quite large.

    Features of asparkam

    There are a lot of manufacturers of the drug under this name. These are Russian, Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies: Pharmstandard, Mediasorb, Lugansk CPP, Biosynthesis and many others. No one can guarantee the quality of the drug. Clinical studies have not been conducted.

    Tablets have their own characteristics:

    1. There is no shell, so the active substances, even after eating, are exposed to the action of gastric juice, which reduces their effectiveness.
    2. One tablet contains 175 mg of potassium and magnesium in the form of aspartate.
    3. The tablet usually contains no other components, which reduces the likelihood of individual intolerance. The exception is "Asparkam avexima", the composition of which is a bit like the original drug.

    The package may contain from 10 to 100 tablets, which allows you to choose a more convenient option. The packaging itself can be contoured without cells or cells, there are also polymer jars. Not all manufacturers provide detailed instructions for use. In some cases, it is absent altogether.

    Of the contraindications, only acute and chronic renal failure, as well as an excess of potassium in the body, are listed. Of the side effects, dyspeptic disorders are indicated: nausea, burning in the upper abdomen. Caution is recommended during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

    The price is affordable, starts from 8 rubles for 10 tablets. A package containing 50 tablets can be purchased for 50 rubles. Reviews of people who took the drug for various indications are positive. Therefore, the medicine works.

    Pregnant, lactating mothers, drivers and children

    Special medical studies on the use of mineral salt preparations in pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted. But there are known cases of using "Asparkam" or "Panangin" by pregnant women. Reviews that it is better or worse tolerated have not been received. The main point is that there was no harm from taking breastfeeding women and expectant mothers.

    But we must remember that "Asparkam" involves taking only when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. And "Panangin" is not forbidden to use this category of consumers.

    Since drugs do not affect the nervous system, general well-being and reaction rate, drivers are allowed to use them.

    Due to the lack of clinical studies on the effect of potassium and magnesium aspartate on the body of children, the use of tablets in pediatric practice is strictly prohibited.

    The effect of drugs on the body

    Panangin and its analogue Asparkam are used to prevent the development of hypokalemia in a patient, as well as to maintain a normal electrolyte balance in the body, which is very important in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

    These include:

    • heart failure, including in the postinfarction period;
    • angina;
    • arrhythmia, including ventricular;
    • myocardial infarction.

    It is best to combine the intake of any of the above drugs with vitamin B6, as its action improves the absorption of magnesium salts. Panangin and Asparkam are used according to the same scheme: 1 tablet per day, preferably taken after meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, after which a break of 1 month is required.

    List of contraindications:

    • kidney failure;
    • high concentration of magnesium and calcium in the body (hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia);
    • cardiogenic shock, Addison's disease.

    A complete list of contraindications can be clarified by studying the official instructions for the use of drugs.

    List of possible side effects:

    1. When using high doses of the above drugs, dyspeptic disorders may occur.
    2. Panangin and Asparkam are very easily absorbed into the blood and excreted by the kidneys. However, there may be cases of overdose associated with an excess of the concentration of potassium or magnesium ions in the blood. It manifests itself in the form of a decrease in pressure, redness of the face, nausea, convulsions and breathing problems. Treatment of overdose is symptomatic.
    3. Joint use with potassium-sparing diuretics, beta-blockers, cyclosporines, ACE inhibitors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs significantly increases the possibility of an overdose of calcium ions, which can lead to heart rhythm failure.
    4. Taking potassium-containing drugs together with glucocorticosteroids contributes to the normalization of the electrolyte balance, the violation of which is caused by glucocorticosteroids. Due to the normalization of potassium concentration, the negative effects of cardiac glycosides are reduced.
    5. Normalization of the magnesium balance reduces the negative effects of eneomycin, polymyxin B and streptomycin. Anesthetics contribute to an increase in the inhibitory effect of magnesium-containing drugs on the central nervous system. Co-administration with atracuronium and suxamethonium increases the risk of neuromuscular blockade.

    Instructions for use of the solution

    Asparkam and Panangin in the form of solutions are prescribed only for diseases, and never for prevention. If, for example, athletes need to increase the endurance of the heart muscle, they are prescribed medication in the form of tablets. It is generally accepted that Panangin is more effective, but Asparkam's solution is also used quite often.

    The solution can be administered intravenously in two ways:

    • with the help of a dropper - drip;
    • from a syringe - jet.

    In the absence of a dropper solution, an injection diluted in the required proportion can be used. Intravenously, the solution is administered during treatment in a hospital in the form of a dropper or as injections. The proportion of the drug for administration: a five percent glucose solution (50 or 100 ml) and 10 ml of Panangin.

    After a few hours (4-6), you can re-insert the drip if necessary. Usually, the injection method of administering the drug is part of a complex of measures for the treatment of the patient.

    For treatment, a dosage of 20 ml can be prescribed with Asparkam's solution, administered no more than 2 times a day. Most often, such therapy is prescribed for 5 days.

    Ampoules should be opened immediately before use. Asparkam solution mixed with saline or 5% dextrose solution should be injected from the syringe carefully and slowly.

    Note! If the solution intended for administration looks heterogeneous, cloudy, it should not be administered.


    How scary the word "overdose" sounds! Involuntarily, terrible pictures come to mind about those who did not calculate the dose of a narcotic drug. But not everything is so sad. There should be no lethal outcomes with timely intervention.

    1. The first and most common symptom: a violation of sensitivity in the nerve endings of the arms and legs, a slight tingling, "goosebumps" under the skin. They appear in the event that the limb was squeezed, clamped for a short time.
    2. Second symptom: muscle weakness, slow heartbeat. Both symptoms are characteristic of an excess of potassium in the body, and if first aid is not provided in time, the patient may die from cardiac arrest.
    3. The third symptom: drowsiness associated with a decrease in blood pressure.
    4. The fourth symptom: vomiting, upset stomach and intestines, associated with an excess of magnesium in the body. In addition, there may be a feeling of a metallic taste in the mouth, thirst.
    5. And the simplest, but no less important symptom is skin rashes, with reddening of the skin and increased itching.

    Analogues of panagin and asparkam


    Panangin and asparkam are not the only drugs used by patients with a lack of potassium and magnesium in the body. Cheap generics are presented in sufficient quantities by our pharmacists.

    The following similar preparations are available:

    • potassium magnesium aspartate.

    These drugs can be used as substitutes for panangin. You should compare them according to indications and side effects and choose the most suitable for a particular patient.

    Another drug for the treatment of heart disease is cardiomagnyl. Magnesium is included in its composition, as well as in the composition of panagin. But the second component in cardiomagnyl is aspirin, which promotes blood thinning and prevents the formation of blood clots. That is why these drugs cannot be used as a substitute for each other. They are an addition to the treatment prescribed by cardiologists.


    Scientific studies on which drug is considered more effective Panangin or its analogues have not been conducted. According to their pharmacological properties, they are identical. Some doctors prefer a foreign drug, believing that European manufacturers are characterized by a more conscientious attitude to the release of medicines than Russian companies that produce a cheap analogue of Panangin. But a definite answer to the question: what helps better - it is impossible to give.

    How many tablets, who and when to take?

    The standard dosage is to take one tablet three times a day, fifteen minutes after meals. The number of tablets per day can be increased to nine, if such treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

    The duration of therapy also depends on the doctor.

    What is better anyway?

    From the point of view of the effectiveness of the dissolving effect on renal calculi, there is no difference whether to take Asparkam or Panangin, since in their chemical composition these are completely identical drugs, only slightly different in dosage and form of release.

    • Panangin dragee (coated tablets) 50 pcs. packaged.
    • 1 dragee Panangin contains potassium aspartate 158 mg, magnesium aspartate 140 mg (K+ ~ 36 mg; Mg++ ~ 12 mg).
    • Asparkam tablets 350 mg, 10 or 50 pcs. packaged.
    • 1 Asparkam tablet contains 175 mg of potassium aspartate and 175 mg of magnesium aspartate.

    Panangin is a somewhat more expensive imported analogue of Asparkam. Panangin tablets are easier to swallow because they are coated with a protective shell. Does not damage tooth enamel.

    The choice of drug in this case depends on the method of administration. So, if you prefer to grind the tablets before use and take them with food, it is more convenient to use Asparkam, and if you intend to swallow the tablets whole, use Panangin, produced in the form of a dragee. In addition, Panangin is preferable for gastric and duodenal ulcers, entrocolitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, it must be understood that after dissolving the protective shell, the drug will still come into contact with the walls of the stomach and intestines, therefore, in case of gastrointestinal diseases, care should be taken and these drugs should be taken during or after meals.

    Both drugs have a number of contraindications, such as:

    1. severe renal dysfunction (with acute and chronic kidney failure);
    2. insufficient urination;
    3. elevated levels of potassium or magnesium in the blood (hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia);
    4. atrioventricular blockade of 2-3 degrees with normokalemia;
    5. damage to red blood cells (hemolysis);
    6. adrenal insufficiency;
    7. shock state;
    8. acute acidosis of the blood;
    9. dehydration;
    10. severe Myasthenia gravis (myasthenia gravis);
    11. treatment, accompanied by a delay in excretion of potassium from the body.

    In addition, when taking these drugs, serious side effects are possible, so before taking them, you should carefully study the instructions and consult with your doctor.

    As you understand, the dissolution of kidney stones with these drugs is, so to speak, a “folk” method, since both of them are designed to restore electrolyte balance in hypokalemia caused by the use of diuretics (saluretics - dichlothiazide, furosemide, ethacrynic acid, indapamide, oxodoline, etc. ), or deficiency of potassium or magnesium, which has various causes.

    As part of combination therapy, these drugs are used for:

    • angina;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • heart failure;
    • cardiac arrhythmias (including with arrhythmias caused by an overdose of cardiac glycosides, with paroxysmal arrhythmia, ventricular extrasystole).

    When taking drugs, it is necessary to additionally consume vitamin B6, since magnesium is absorbed by the body only in the presence of this vitamin.

    As for the dosage, to dissolve stones in the kidneys and ureters, we recommend taking no more than 1 tablet of Asparkam or Panangin per day (preferably with the last meal) for one month, then you need to take a break for a month, after which you can repeat the course.

    word of mouth

    For many consumers, price and reviews play an important role in choosing a drug. Which is better, "Asparkam" or "Panangin", they decide after a heart-to-heart talk with a neighbor or after reading reviews.

    Comparing their well-being while taking both drugs, patients noted one big minus of Asparkam: after taking the pill, the patient begins to fall asleep. Although, perhaps, this is one of the individual characteristics of this particular drug.

    In general, both drugs are well tolerated, and the result is visible already at the end of the first week of administration. The main difference between these drugs is the price. "Asparkam" costs from thirty to seventy rubles, and "Panangin" - from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and seventy rubles.

    We drink, but be careful

    The question of whether potassium and magnesium preparations can be used in patients with gastrointestinal ulcers has been repeatedly discussed. There is no definite answer, since Panangin is produced in a film shell, which gives it a significant advantage over other drugs. Although his instructions clearly indicate such points as careful use in patients with peptic ulcer and intestinal obstruction.

    In addition, caution is also necessary when used in patients with acute dehydration due to vomiting or intestinal upset, burns of most of the body.

    With caution, reception is also possible in people suffering from various autoimmune diseases associated with abnormalities in the functioning of the facial muscles (myasthenia gravis).

    Indications for use

    When are medications prescribed?
    Cardiac arrhythmias associated with potassium deficiency in the bloodHypomagnesemia
    Failure of the heart rhythm due to poisoning of the body with pharmaceutical drugsDysfunction of the heart muscle
    Ventricular extrasystolehypokalemia
    coronary insufficiencyAfter ventricular arrhythmia to normalize the heart rhythm
    myocardial infarctionPoor tolerance to chemicals that have cardiotonic and antiarrhythmic effects
    Lack of potassium in the blood caused by taking diuretics that increase the excretion of Na and Cl ions
    Insufficient supply of oxygen to the tissues of the heart

    Comparison by composition

    It should be noted that 2 products, Asparkam and Panangin, have a similar composition. The entry of active components in them is similar.

    Note! There is no significant difference between the means, and the difference between Asparkam and Panangin concerns only the inclusion of additional ingredients.

    Comparison of the form of solutions

    Magnesium Aspartate

    The difference in composition concerns only additional components.

    Potassium Aspartate

    Potassium ions in terms of

    Magnesium ions in terms of

    Comparison of tablets

    The tablet form contains a similar composition for both drugs. The nuance regarding Panangin is the presence of a special shell on the tablets. Such a coating is necessary to protect the gastric mucosa from exposure to the components of the drug. When choosing a medicine for people with gastrointestinal pathologies, it is better to prefer Panangin than its counterpart Asparkam. This preference is due to the fact that Asparkam does not have such a shell.

    Magnesium aspartate

    Potassium Aspartate

    Potassium ions

    Magnesium ions

    Additional substances

    • Talc
    • Starch Calcium stearate, etc. (components may vary depending on the manufacturer)
    • Starch
    • silicon dioxide
    • Talc
    • Magnesium stearate, etc.


    It is possible to replace Panangin with Asparkam during therapy, as well as other drugs:

    • Pamaton;
    • Aspangin.

    Comparison of drugs

    Country of manufacture of the drug

    Russia Ukraine

    Solution price, rub.

    From 80 for 10 ampoules

    From 150 for 5 ampoules

    The price of tablets, rub.

    From 45 for 50 pcs.

    From 150 for 50 pcs.

    The tablets have a special protective shell

    The main ingredients contain both magnesium and potassium.

    Treatment of pediatric patients

    Use during pregnancy

    When the appointment is justified

    Excretion from the body

    Release of tablets without a prescription

    Appearance on the drug market




    Drug differences

    In order to understand and determine for yourself which drug is more effective, you should consider their differences. The main difference is the country of origin. Panangin is an imported drug and is produced by a Hungarian company. Asparkam is made in Russia. That is why the last remedy is cheaper than its imported counterpart.

    For some patients, a European manufacturer is considered a guarantee of high quality, and they are ready to purchase it at a higher price. The cost of asparkam is several times lower than its counterpart. This drug is available to patients with any wallet: its price for a package of 50 tablets is from 30 rubles. Prices for a similar package of panangin start at 150 rubles.

    Panangin can be prescribed for the treatment of small patients. Cardiologists actively use it in pediatrics.

    Comparison of panangin and asparkam can be presented in tabular form:

    Main indicatorsPananginAsparkam
    ManufacturerHungary (Gedeon Richter)Russia
    Price (similar packages - 50 tablets)from 150 rub.from 30 rub.
    CompoundThere are excipients contained in the shell of the dragee, which allows you to soften the effect on the gastrointestinal tract and not spoil the tooth enamelHigh concentration of components
    Indications for useLarger range of appointments. Possibility of use in pediatrics.Fewer indications for use.
    PackagePolypropylene bottle, convenient to carry, which can be seen in the photo.In the form of blisters of 10 or 50 pcs.

    What to drink with?

    Do not forget that taking even vitamins can affect the pharmacological properties of drugs. Therefore, you should be careful about what and with what to take.

    Studies have been carried out and experts have voiced reviews about "Pananigin" or "Asparkam" - which is better not to take with them. A risk group with possible hyperkalemia in the future is people taking medicines for the treatment of hypertension with a potassium retention effect.

    Diuretics of the new generation also tend to retain potassium in the tissues. In the case of their use together with potassium, an increase in the content of this element in the blood is inevitable. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, heparin, antibiotics (Polymexin, Neomycin) are not an exception.

    In addition, there is a possibility of poor absorption in the stomach of potassium and magnesium salts while taking tetracycline, iron preparations and sodium fluoride. Their use is possible only if one of the dosage forms is taken no earlier than three hours later.

    The difference in the warnings for "Asparkam" and "Panangin" is incompatibility with drugs for anesthesia (the nervous system is inhibited) and muscle relaxants (muscle blockade increases). There is such a warning only for Asparkam.

    What is included in Asparkam

    1 tablet contains magnesium aspartate 175 mg (0.175 g), potassium aspartate 175 mg (0.175 g). Additional (auxiliary) substances: corn starch, polysorbate-80, calcium stearate, talc.

    Asparkam refers to drugs that regulate metabolic processes. The mechanism of action is associated with the property of Asparaginate to carry magnesium and potassium ions into the intracellular space and their participation in metabolic processes. Asparkam eliminates electrolyte imbalance, magnesium and potassium deficiency, reduces myocardial excitability and conductivity, has a moderate antiarrhythmic effect, improves myocardial metabolism and coronary circulation, and also reduces myocardial sensitivity to cardiac glycosides and their toxicity. Mg2 + ions activate Na +, K + -ATPase, in connection with which the intracellular concentration of Na + ions decreases and the flow of K + ions into cells increases. With a decrease in the concentration of Na + ions inside the cell, the exchange of Na + and Ca 2+ ions in the smooth muscles of the vessels is inhibited, which leads to their relaxation. Ions K + stimulate the synthesis of ATP, glycogen, proteins, acetylcholine. Ions K + and Mg2 + support the polarization of cell membranes. Asparaginate is a carrier of K + and Mg2 + ions and promotes their entry into the intracellular space. Entering the cells, aspartate is also included in the metabolic processes, promotes the synthesis of amino acids, amino acids, nucleotides, nitrogen-containing lipids, and corrects energy metabolism disorders in ischemic myocardium.

    Most often - in 90% of cases - Asparkam is prescribed as an adjuvant therapy for chronic heart diseases. With prolonged use, it is required to control the level of potassium and magnesium in the blood, and constant monitoring of electrolyte homeostasis and ECG data is also necessary. Asparkam as a preparation containing potassium and magnesium should be used with caution in patients with myasthenia gravis; in conditions that can lead to hyperkalemia, such as acute dehydration, widespread tissue damage, in particular with severe burns. For this category of patients, it is recommended to regularly examine the concentration of electrolytes in the blood serum.

    Asparkam should not be given to patients with gastroduodenal ulcers or obstruction.

    Instructions for the use of tablets

    When taken orally, Asparkam or Panangin is prescribed 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.. Reception is carried out a quarter of an hour after eating. The course of therapy is usually 4 weeks, after which they take a break for a month. After such a pause, according to indications, if necessary, the drug is repeated.

    For the purpose of treatment, the patient is prescribed 2 tablets at a time three times a day. To prevent a lack of magnesium and potassium, as well as athletes are prescribed to take 1 tablet three times a day. The maximum daily dosage is 6 tablets of Asparkam or its equivalent.

    For children, the dosage of Asparkam is selected individually, taking into account the age of the patient and the characteristics of the state of health. From 16 years old - adult dosage: one tablet 3 times a day.

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