Bobryatina baked in the oven. Badger meat: useful properties How much badger meat costs

You can cook many delicious dishes from badger meat. In addition, badger meat is considered one of the healthiest. If you want to treat your family to badger stew, then start cooking by cutting it into small pieces. Fry badger meat with the addition of various vegetables: carrots, potatoes, celery, rutabagas. To do this, take 100 g of liquid honey, badger fat, grated lemon, including zest. If honey is not available, melted chocolate will do. You can add spices for fish. Leave the fillet for half an hour to marinate. Cut the salmon into pieces with bones five centimeters thick, and the white fish into four pieces. Chop the chicken thighs along with the bones. Sea cocktail is a mixture of octopuses, squids, mussels, shrimps and many other delicious sea creatures. We present you the recipe for a delicious sea cocktail with fried vegetables. Quiche with vegetables will appeal to many due to the crispy dough and the most delicate filling.

Badger meat: useful properties

When using the wrong methods of extraction, killing the badger and processing the carcass, the meat really tastes terrible. Special mention deserves such a product as badger liver. This method of cooking allows you to maximize the beneficial properties of badger meat. Steaming is also considered safe from this point of view, but such recipes are not popular, since badger meat turns out to be dry and tough. But frying the meat of this animal is not worth it. Not only does it turn out not tasty, but even most of the nutrients are simply destroyed under the influence of high temperature.

The most exotic of his dishes was a large horseshoe (a type of bat), which he said tasted like gray squirrel meat - if that tells you anything. Boyt, a 66-year-old retiree from Cornwall, insists that eating such animals is not dangerous to health if they are properly butchered and cooked. There was nothing on it that would somehow indicate its owner, although it was of excellent fatness, so I took it home and ate it. It tasted exactly like a good lamb."

I want to tell you about my experience of eating badgers - whose meat - I don’t like it very much - is very fatty. However, there are exceptions - I'm not talking about vodka - about the excess fat of badgers .. The first badger I ate was just like that - I didn’t have to heat the fat from it. Well, I was deprived of such prejudices - I turn off the road, shake the badger out of the skin - and eat potatoes. It was unpleasant for me when the peasants brought a meat dish for hunting, we ate it with vodka, and then declared - this is a badger!

We put the badger meat separated from fat in a vat of salted water for four to five hours, in nature, for eight to twelve hours at home. If you already have a butchered badger. Marinade: boil water, add vinegar or vinegar essence. You can cook it differently, but this is the most acceptable recipe.

Cabbage and meat are ingredients that are often found in recipes for the preparation of traditional dishes of many peoples. And not in vain. After all, cabbage is a very healthy vegetable, rich in vitamins and minerals. What a product familiar to us is cabbage, but we are used to cooking borscht from it, and nothing more. This fragrant, tasty, beautiful dish is found in the cuisines of many nations and enjoys well-deserved popularity. Meat is a product from which you can make a huge variety of delicious dishes. Among them there are those that are not widespread, but very interesting and easy to prepare.

Factors affecting the benefits and taste of the product

They must be clean and healthy, otherwise, neither meat nor fat from a badger can be used for food or for medicinal purposes. Everyone has their own diet. You probably what kind of game have not tried? You have a huge + for the work done, nah, even a few pluses + for hunting; + for cutting and processing meat; + soaking, marinating and boiling, well, and + for the end result. I don’t understand why “it’s a pity for the bird”, among us there are at least vegetarians on the site, how does a badger differ from a chicken, for example? How much you need to cook a poor badger, and wet, and boil, and smoke.

Due to the long torment of the animal, the meat has a specific smell and unnecessary density. Because of this, the taste characteristics of badger meat will suffer, and the severity of beneficial properties will decrease. If you spend a lot of time transporting and storing badger meat, then even after a long heat treatment, the product will be tough. The same factor must be taken into account when buying a carcass from a hunter. The processing time here can also be different - from 1.5 to 3 hours. True, you won’t have to count on a pronounced benefit here, many vitamins will simply collapse. Thirdly, this type of processing does not guarantee the complete elimination of harmful components that are sometimes found in the tissues of wild animals.

The chemical composition of badger meat is so balanced that it does not harm a person, even if consumed in large volumes. Unfortunately, even thorough heat treatment does not always guarantee that pathogens will be rendered harmless. Meat should not be consumed constantly. In case of any unusual reactions to the use of products, you should consult a doctor to exclude the possibility of negative consequences.

In its composition, the solar pumpkin contains many nutrients, which certainly puts it in a special position among other healthy vegetables growing in our beds. The benefits of honey have long been proven by scientists, and a huge number of people were able to evaluate it for themselves. Numerous properties are due to the presence of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. The main thing is to eat this delicacy correctly so as not to harm the body. Useful products are necessary for strengthening health, losing weight and getting rid of various problems in the body.

How to make Meat Hee How to make Meat Hee Meat hee is an easy-to-make Korean dish. Despite its exotic origin, meat heh does not require any special products, except, perhaps, soy sauce, without which it is almost impossible to make Asian food.

Often, people who have tried a product refer to its specific taste and pungent aroma. But the violation of the technology of extraction and processing will spoil the product irrevocably. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary for youth and beauty. The ratio of all elements is balanced, so there is no need to be afraid of oversaturation and hypervitaminosis.

People who want to try the meat of this forest animal are sure to wonder if it is possible to eat the meat of a wild badger that eats everything. Secondly, it is the omnivorous property that gives meat a huge benefit.

Share your experience, absorb the experience of other hunters, communicate, invite friends! Post photos in albums, add stories from hunts, offer hunting equipment (just create a topic for this), ask questions to fellow countrymen. The rest of the cooking process, I repeat, is the same as with beef.

A skilled marksman is one who can hit any target he sees, no matter the situation. A master is one who can use the capabilities of his rifle.” What matters is not which roads we choose, but what chooses these roads inside of us. A good person is not the one who does not do nasty things, but the one who does not enjoy it. Most importantly, this product is, as it were, canned food.

On trend:

    First of all, of course, trim the badger meat from fat. I will tell you that even if you like fat, it is still advisable to trim badger meat from fat. Fat smells very bad and does not taste good. The meat must be soaked, as badger meat is very cruel. Soak the meat for 6-10 hours. After all this, you need to cut the meat into pieces. Then fry the badger meat in a pan or you can stew the badger meat in the microwave.

    My relatives like to hunt and then they cook various game dishes. I've never even tried it, so I can't say what badger tastes like. After all, meat is already sold in the store, and it is a pity to kill animals, which are already few in the forest, and become an accomplice in their destruction.

    About that is badger meat dangerous to eat, then it's true. Badger meat must first be checked in the laboratory for any worms, some species of them do not die even during heat treatment, and for all sorts of contagious diseases called zoonoses.

    Here are some zoonotic diseases transmitted to humans from untested wild animal meat:

    — Trichinells

    – Echinococcosis

    You can still pick up salmonella, anthrax and other bacterial infections.

    Now directly about the method of cooking badger meat. You can smoke it, there is a recipe for which, in addition to the meat itself, you will need the following ingredients (based on half the carcass):

    Now the process of cooking badger meat:

  • Badger meat.

    Disagree with the answer above. Badger meat very much resembles beef, and if it is cooked correctly, you will get a dish that you will lick your fingers.

    Before cooking, the meat must be trimmed of fat, it is fat that has an unpleasant taste and smell, and not meat. But the first thing to do is to test badger meat for a disease called trichinosis.

    It is advisable to soak the meat overnight, then it will cook faster and will not be dry, since badger meat itself is tough.

    We cut the soaked meat in portions, fry with spices, chop tomatoes coarsely, and put all this in a goose dish. dilute the bouillon cube in half a liter of water, add a little tomato paste, two tablespoons of sour cream and pour the meat.

    We put it in the oven for an hour and a half, at 160 degrees.

    Sprinkle with fresh cilantro before serving.

    Meatballs in tomato sauce are also delicious.

  • Badger meat must be tested in the laboratory before cooking. Only after that you can start cooking.

    It tastes a bit like wild boar meat. And, like wild boar meat, it is recommended to soak it in cold water before cooking.

    They cook anything from it - goulash, meatballs, basics. I like the recipe for making a badger in a slow cooker: firstly, it is very simple - you throw everything you have into the slow cooker - meat, onions, spices, you can add a little bit of carrots, peppers, eggplants and cook for 40-60 minutes.

    The pieces are soft, they already develop and you don’t need to mess around.

Badger is a rare prey for modern hunters. This is due to many reasons, but the main ones, as a rule, are the difficulty of hunting for an animal and the specific taste of its meat. Many fans of alternative medicine and folk remedies have heard of badger fat, but there is practically no information about the meat of this animal.

meanwhile, in terms of its beneficial properties, badger meat is almost as good as fat, and gastronomic characteristics make it possible to classify it as a delicacy product. It should be noted here that the widespread opinion about the poor quality and specific, unpleasant taste of badger meat is erroneous. When using the wrong methods of extraction, killing the badger and processing the carcass, the meat really tastes terrible. But if everything is done correctly, then from such meat you can cook a wonderful roast or stew.

Composition of badger meat

First of all, it is necessary to note the high content of vitamins A and E, which help to strengthen the immune system and are involved in the production of collagen, a substance that slows down the aging process of human cells.

Also present in badger meat are all B vitamins - from B2 to B12. Their influence on the metabolic process, as well as the importance for the normalization of the body's water balance, can hardly be overestimated. They are also actively involved in hematopoiesis, without which the normal functioning of the muscles is impossible.

Another important element is vitamin K, the lack of which negatively affects blood clotting. In large quantities, badger meat contains unsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the human cardiovascular system.

Special mention deserves such a product as badger liver.. Since ancient times, this remedy has been used to treat fractures. Now scientists have confirmed that the badger's liver, indeed, contains substances that contribute to the rapid restoration of damaged bone tissue.

Production period

Speaking about the usefulness of badger meat, one should take into account its lifestyle. This animal is omnivorous, feeds on small animals and plant foods, and in winter falls into hibernation, which lasts about 5 months. That's why in autumn, the mass of an adult badger can reach 40 kilograms, while in meat and fat a huge amount of nutrients is found that the animal will need during a long suspended animation in the hole.

It is this circumstance that explains such a rich composition and beneficial properties of badger meat. , which largely depend on the time of year when this animal was mined. The highest biological value is characteristic of this product in the autumn period., and a badger caught in the spring, immediately after emerging from hibernation, will be of little use.

What else determines the benefits of badger meat

The beneficial properties of badger meat fully depend not only on the time of its extraction, but also on the method used by the hunter. The observance of certain rules for processing the carcass of an animal is also important.

So, it is not recommended to catch a badger with a trap or noose. The long torment of the animal does not affect the quality of its meat in the best way. The most correct thing would be to take the animal directly in the hole, alive and, as they say, warm. The complexity of this method of hunting lies in the fact that you have to use dogs that can pretty much beat the animal. In this case, not only the appearance of the carcass and the skin deteriorates, but also the internal organs are damaged. As a result, undesirable elements can get into the meat from the bladder or gallbladder, and this will spoil the taste and greatly reduce the beneficial properties of the meat.

For the same reason, hunters very carefully remove the skin and butcher the carcass with particular attention to the groin area. This should be done immediately after mining. If badger meat turned out to be tough and unpleasant in taste, then most often the reason for this is the long transportation of an already dead, but not butchered beast in the trunk of a car. Therefore, if you want the beneficial properties of badger meat to be preserved as best as possible, you should not delay its processing.

Benefits depending on the method of preparation

The benefits and harms of meat also depend on the method of its preparation. It would be best to boil the carcass of a badger, after cutting it into portioned pieces, which should not be too small. This method of cooking allows you to maximize the beneficial properties of badger meat. Steaming is also considered safe from this point of view, but such recipes are not popular, since badger meat turns out to be dry and tough.

Fans of second courses are advised to stew badger with vegetables. But fry the meat of this animal is not worth it. Not only does it turn out not tasty, but even most of the nutrients are simply destroyed under the influence of high temperature. But if you want to taste the fried badger at all costs, then before placing the meat in the pan, you need to boil it slightly. This will help to partially preserve the beneficial properties of the product.

And finally, an important note. The meat of wild animals, including badger, must be checked for the presence of trichinella before use. These are the causative agents of helminthic disease, which occurs in a very acute form.

Be sure to read:

Every self-respecting hunter knows for sure that the meat of wild animals is tasty and healthy. From it you can cook many dishes that are qualitatively superior to chicken, pork and beef. We know about the extraordinary healing properties of wild meat and fat, everyone knows that beaver streams are used to treat joints, and badger fat heals stomach ulcers, it is not without reason that it is popularly called "ulcer". Badger can be cooked in the oven, oven, on the fire, and it tastes like the meat of a young bull.

Let's start cooking the badger...

Before proceeding with direct cooking, the badger must be checked at the sanitary and epidemiological station for the presence of trichinosis. In the spring, male animals are often infected with this type of infection, which can harm human health even after heat treatment. Next, we proceed to butchering the carcass. When you remove the skin, carefully inspect its inside, on which there may be tapeworms, they are washed under running water, and then scalded with boiling water. If you do not see the worms with the naked eye, treat the carcass with boiling water anyway.
If the meat sticks to your hands a little, then the badger is old, it needs to be cooked longer than usual.

To cook badger meat at home, you will need vegetables: onions, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, fennel, parsley or celery root, Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts, as well as honey for spicy taste, sugar, salt, spices.

Badger Recipes

First, all animal fat should be removed, as it has a very sharp specific smell. It is used exclusively for medical purposes and is not eaten. In order to make the dish tasty, it is better to use the meat of a healthy young badger.

Fried badger

  1. The meat needs to be cut into small cubes, for this, after cutting the carcass, you need to hold it for 30-40 minutes in the freezer: the meat will be cut into beautiful and even slices.
  2. Fry carrots and onions in a pan (3-4 carrots and 2 onions are needed per 1 kg of meat), at the end of frying, add a few potatoes, cut into circles.
  3. To get a vegetable side dish, you can separately sprout Brussels sprouts and put them in a dish at the end of frying vegetables.
  4. We fry the meat separately from the side dish, for about 15-20 minutes in a well-heated pan under the lid. It should be salted and peppered.
  5. When the vegetables are covered with a golden crust, put the meat in a common pan, mix and give another 10 minutes to make it a little softer and more tender.
  6. Put fennel and parsnips in the stew after cooking, before serving the dish to the table.
How to cook a badger in the oven

To surprise guests with something interesting and tasty, you should cook a badger in the oven. Before starting, the badger is soaked for 10 hours, changing the water every hour so that the specific smell goes away.

  1. We cut the meat into small pieces, add each one, add seasoning and spices to taste, put the meat on parchment or foil.
  2. On the sides we put carrots, which should give the dish sweetness, a little celery and slices of fresh pineapple.
  3. The contents should be wrapped tightly in foil and placed in the oven for 45 minutes. The dish should be cooked in the oven at 180°C.
  4. When time is running out, unfold the foil and pour honey over the meat so that the badger in the oven acquires a slightly tart taste and piquant aroma.
Badger soup

Cabbage goes well with wild meat. For soup, take Chinese cabbage, as it is softer, 1 onion, 2 carrots, 2 tbsp. l. butter, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, parsley and celery root.

Vegetable ingredients are finely chopped with a knife or on a coarse grater and put together in a saucepan, salted meat should be fried with chicory in olive oil. When the vegetables are half cooked, put the fried meat in a saucepan, melt the butter at the end of cooking and add to the soup for taste. Badger meat resembles young beef, it quickly boils soft if it is first soaked in cold water.

Probably everyone knows or at least heard about the healing properties of badger fat. It is used for problems with the musculoskeletal system and the muscular system. Fat relieves the inflammatory process and eliminates pain. At the same time, few people know that badger meat is characterized by a high content of vitamins and minerals necessary for normal human life. At the same time, you need to learn how to cook it properly in order to get the maximum benefit for the body. Next, we will take a closer look at how to cook badger meat at home.

In order for the dish to turn out not only healthy, but also tasty during cooking, you need to remember two important rules:

- As you know, badger has healing fat, which must be removed before cooking meat. Fat negatively affects the taste of dishes due to its specific smell. Fat is removed and used to treat various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

We will consider the main badger dishes recipes below. Everything is very simple and even a beginner can easily cope with this task.

Braised badger meat

- Carefully remove fat.

- Cut the prepared meat into portioned pieces

- Deep fry over high heat until golden brown.

Also on the topic: How to cook a pie with meat and cabbage?

- Separately fry the onions and carrots.

- Add the vegetables to the meat and add to the meat broth.

- Simmer until done.

- You can add any vegetables, such as cabbage or potatoes.

- Add spices to taste.

Baked badger meat

Before roasting the meat, it is recommended to marinate it thoroughly. As you know, badger meat, especially old, is very tough. Therefore, you need to use ingredients with acid to prepare the marinade.

Each hostess has her own unique recipe for cooking meat, a marinade for a classic barbecue is suitable. At the same time, experts recommend soaking the meat for a day in dry wine, then add spices to taste, wrap in foil and bake for up to 4 hours in the oven. The foil is essential for the meat to retain its juiciness and softness.

Badger meat ragout

- In order for the meat to be tender and juicy, it is recommended to soak it overnight in salted water.

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