Concentrated feed for rabbits. How, why and in what form to give wheat rabbits? Is it possible rabbits wheat bran

The main feed for rabbits vegetable. They must contain all the necessary substances for animals: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals.

Water. Some rabbit-fans do not sing rabbits. It is not right. With a lack of fluid, the animals are poorly digested by food, they decrease their appetite, the general state is worse. A particularly important need for water feels a nursing rabbit, which, with milk, highlights a significant amount of fluid. The lack of water is often caused by the eating rabbit. A big need for water and growing young.

Another thing is that, depending on the firing water feed, you can give more or less. In the summer, when rabbits get a lot of green and juicy feeds, the need for water decreases, but does not disappear: the rabbits still drink water anyway.

In the fall, when feeding a large number of juicy feeds, rabbits sometimes there is a disorder of digestion. In such cases, it is necessary to reduce the cottage of juicy feed and introduce a hay to the diet or increase the number of concentrates. Many water is contained in beets, carrots, silos, watermelons, cucumbers and other juicy feeds.

In the winter and earlyness, periods when rabbits get dry food, water in drinking should be all the time. If the conditions of the content of rabbits are such that the water freezes, it must be pouring it into the drinkers immediately after feeding rabbits by concentrates. In winter, it is better to eat rabbits with warm water, it does not require additional costs of internal heat to warming. If there is no possibility in winter time to rolling rabbits after each feeding, pure snow are put in the drinkers, rabbits are well eaten and satisfy the need for water. Snow, of course, does not contain minerals that are in water, but damage to the health of rabbits from the lack of water will be much more than from the lack of a certain amount of minerals obtained with water. With full feeding, the rabbits receive all minerals with feeds and mineral feeders.

Feed and preparation for feeding. Green feed grass, fresh tree shoots and leaves are needed by rabbits from early spring to deep autumn. Including in the diet of green feed, you can almost double reduce the number of grain feeds. Products from such rabbits will cost much cheaper.

For feeding rabbits, not so much seeded, how much wild herbs, and, than a variety of herbs, the better the rabbits eat them. With a big appetite, rabbits eat dandelion, plantain, wormwood, oat field and garden, yarrow, Ivan-tea, buckwheel, coast, drink, drinking, sorrel horse, toll, shepherd bag, clover, mouse peas, support and other wild-growing herbs. But the feeding is needed to alternate or give in the form of grassmes. Lucerne, Vica, Peas and other legumes are introduced into the diet little by little so as not to cause a bowel disease. It is better to feed them into a mixture with cereal. It is not recommended to feed rabbits all the time and the same herb; It is noticed, for example, that rabbits, which are fed only with dandelions, are noticeably lagging behind in growth. Rabbits are well eating the tops of carrots, beets, leaves and cabbage, rhubarb, and others, but all this should be given little.

The earliest green forage-nettle. It can be collected as soon as it appears. Plants are cut into small pieces (2-3 cm), put in a pan and poured boiling water. After the nettle crustures, it is squeezed with a small amount of feed or bran and chilled by rabbits. You can move the nickname with boiled softened potatoes and fervent. Such a mixture also sprinkled with bran, cooled and fed rabbits. From this feed, rabbits are well corrected, the younger is growing rapidly, and the nursing module increases the amount of milk.
The nettle can be harvested: it is dried into the shade for this) and are used after being used. Keep dry nettle is best in any table bags, drawers, as it will easily crumble, and the most valuable part of the plant is lost - leaflets.

The roys of the dusty are used as a juicy feed, which are harvested with spring harrowing fields. Before feeding them are washed from the ground.

Young sunflower-before flowering rabbits eaten well, during the flowering period, his eaten decreases, the benefits of the feeding of such a sunflower is small: it is poorly digested.
Good feed, especially for sleeping rabbits, - rhubarb.

Rabbits love the woodcut: Fresh latitive branches of hardwood serve as a good addition to the main diet. Best animals eat linden branches, aspen, willow, acacia. It is not recommended to feed more than 200 g per day to one rabbit branch of oak, alder, hazel, elm, since they contain tubinous substances. From coniferous breeds in winter, you can feed juniper, chevy fir and pine.

Special preparation Green feed do not require. Of course, it is impossible to give dirty food: a contaminated top of vegetable crops are necessarily washed in clean water and distributed, well shook water. The beet bar, which has a relaxing effect, is sprinkled with a small amount of ground chalk.

Herb, winding or covered with mold, can not give rabbits. If it happened to the absence, the digestion disorder appeared, give fresh, somewhat buntied grass and as binding feed-leaves of oak, wormwood, chamomile.

Not all plants for rabbits are harmless. It is impossible to give them such plants like Boligols, Duram, Belen, Sparking, Lily of the Lily, Voroniye Eyes, Liberalness, Vekh, Poisonous, Buttercore, Chemuritsa, Mokha. In short, if there is no confidence that the plant is harmless, it is better not to give him rabbits or give a little some, less valuable animals.

Rough feed is mandatory in the winter diet of rabbits. They are necessary for proper digestion. But according to the ability to digest the coarse feed rabbits significantly inferior to the cow's ruminant animal, goat, sheep. Therefore, feeding rabbits with one hay is wrong, they will not be enough. According to one female (without young), approximately 40 kg of hay are bought.

Hay for rabbits should be small, well-designed, diverse through botanical composition. Lately coarse hay, especially cereal, rabbits eat badly twice less than a good soft hay. When feeding well, the bunnies and mineral substances are obtained by the damping hay of rabbits.

Prepared hay to flowering or at the beginning of the flowering of plants. The grass dried quickly, peeling under a canopy. The hay must be green, with a pleasant smell.

For better feeding, hay can be crushed, soak in warm water. After hay cutting soften, the water is drained, the feed sprinkle with flour. Such a hay can be given once a day.

Straw for rabbits-bad feed. It is better to eat a pea straw, cluttered than the straw of cereal crops. With good storage, oatstowing eats better than a bad swamp hay.
Good eating rabbits pomegun legumes. However, if the meakin contains many earthy residues, it is impossible to feed it.

A good addition to the winter diet is a branch feed, harvested in May-July. If you failed to prepare for rabbits of the hay, you can use brooms, prepared in summer as a coarse feed. But such feeding can only be allowed in extreme cases. With harvested in winter branches, especially aspen, rabbits eat a good bark. Coniferous branches in winter, as a source of vitamins, you can feed up to 150 g per day with an adult rabbit. When feeding branches, the rabbits are less than the cells.

Juicy feed is needed by rabbits at any time of the year. The best of them is carrots, beets, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin. Rabbits can give the crust of watermelon, pumpkins, melons. It is especially useful to carrots rabbits. It is given primarily females, males in the period of concern. Fresh cabbage and red beets give carefully, little by little, so as not to cause digestive disorders. Many rabbits are successfully fed by the Rabbits of Pantsaw Kuussika, animals are well eaten both the green tops of this culture and root.

As a juicy feed in the winter, you can give a sauerkravel: 150-200 g per day an adult rabbit and no more than 100 g of young people. For the best eating sauer cabbage sprinkle with mild food.

If the silage is blank in the household, it can be fed and rabbits, in the same quantities as the sauer cabbage. Teaching to these feeds is carried out gradually, starting with small quantities. With the simultaneous feeding of the corlubneplodes to the rabbit silos get used to the bad. For rabbits, it is good to prepare, as well as for a pig, combined silage from carrots with tops, legumes and boiled potatoes taken about equal amounts.

Before feeding, the juicy feed is cleaned from the ground, the coroneklublods are best to wash well. They give them raw, but the free roots are boiled, and the carrots are thawing and give raw. Potatoes useful to feed in boiled form (so it is better digested), but in small quantities it can be given in the raw form. So that potatoes and vegetables have eaten, they are cut before distributing.
The grain feed is the most nutritious feed, which is why they are called concentrates. They should be fed after preliminary preparation so that they are not only less lost when eating, but also better digested. In short, it is necessary to spend grain feed.
Grain feed should be fed in crushed form, so it is more convenient to mix them to boiled potatoes, use for the sprinkle of the hay, sauerkraut, silo. If crushed grain is given separately from other feed, it is slightly moistened with salted water.

The best grain feed for rabbits of all ages-Oats. Most often it is fed in dry form. But for the diversity of the diet, especially during the fattening period, the Oats is better poured into a slightly salted water or fry. Frequently eating rabbits and barley.

Solid grains of peas, corn, Vica, lentil 2-3 hours shook out. Corn grain, poor protein, it is better to give with grain crops.

The most fulfilled feed for the feed, consisting of a grain of several species and the necessary mineral and vitamin supplements. When buying a feed, you need to find out for which kind of animal it is cooked. It is impossible to feed rabbits with a bird feeder, as it is harmful for them: they add crushed shell, small pebbles and other impurities. You can feed the feed, cooked for cattle, pigs.

Compound feed and bran feed the same way as crushed grain. Wheat bran give main rabbits on fattening. Rye bran feed only in small quantities. In order not to reduce the familiarity of other feeds and do not cause digestive disorders, the young people give no more than 30-50 g bran per day per animal, and the rabbits of 1-2 months of age do not give them at all.
Acorns, chestnuts are used for feeding rabbits. Adult rabbit eats up to 50 g of dry acorns per day. They are also used with digestion disorders as pinching food. Dried acorns can be cleaned from the peel and grind, although rabbits eat them well and integer. Teach them rabbits gradually.

Kitchen waste make up a significant part of the diet of rabbits. As part of a wet mixture, they are given the remains of porridge, potatoes, pasta, on low-fat soups make wet mixes. Food waste feed only fresh to 200 g per day to one rabbit.

When using food residues, it is very convenient to mix them with feed, bran, adding a good haeted torch or ground hay there, to form this mixture into briquettes from small to large potatoes depending on the age of rabbits, dry them in the oven or in the oven for 20- 30 minutes and feed one briquette for one briquette to one feeding. You need to make such briquettes for one day. Uncursted briquettes Store until the next feeding in the refrigerator. Food mixers prepared in this way are not only well eaten rabbits, but also contribute to the economical spending of feed.

The remaining bread crusts are dried, highly dried crusts (crots) in front of the feeding slightly discharged or crushed into small pieces and even crumbs. Such feed rabbits eat well. An adult rabbit is given by 50-60 g of bread crusts per day, young man-to 25-30 g. Fresh bread is not recommended, it can cause a bowel blossom.

Potato cleaning, residues of vegetables are fed with raw or boiled, but thoroughly washed.
Rabbits with a big appetite eat apples, rowan, cucumbers, turnips and other vegetables and fruits.
Mineral feeds include table salt, chalk, bone flour. Salt feed with concentrates, moisturizing them with salted water, chalk or bone flour is added to soft feed, the beets are sprinkled with chalk. The better the quality of the main feed and what they are more diverse, the less you need to give mineral feed.

As a vitamin feed, a good hay of the shadow drying is used in winter, glowed grain, carrots, chew and others.

Exemplary diet for rabbits. For normal growth, high fertilization and fertility rabbits should receive a variety of feed. Both undercurrent and stubble is harmful. Therefore, we recommend to adhere to the lied rations even well eaten feed is best normalized. In tab. The limit norms of feed feeding are given, i.e. the amount of feed that eats the rabbit in combination with other feeds without prejudice to health.

film group winter in summer
snow juicy feed concentrates salt, chalk grass conc. stern salt, chalk
Male and female during rest 150 150 40 1 600-700 30 1
Male 150 200 55 1 800 40 1
Supka Sukrol 175 200 60 1 800 40-50 1
Young suburban female covered at the age of 4-7 months 250 300 70 1 900 50-60 1
Safety females: first half of the supply 200 300-400 85-90 1,5 1200 60-70 1,5
the second half of the supply is additionally on each rabbit) 12 30 7 - 80 6 -
Young men:
1-2 months old 50 100-150 35 0,5 300 20 0,5
3-4 100 300 55 0,6 500 45 0,5
5-7 150 350 75 1 600 55 1
rabbits on fattening 150 500 80 1 700 70 1
feed Adult rabbits weighing 3-4 kg Young young (month)
at rest during suburbanity during the pitch 1-2 3-4 5-7
green grass 800 1000 2000 300 700 1000
boiled 250 200 350 75 200 300
raw 150 150 150 50 100 200
carrot 300 400 500 200 400 500
beet, TurnipS. 300 300 400 75 200 300
cappy leaves 400 400 600 300 600 600
vegetable waste 200 250 300 - 100 200
hay 200 175 300 50 100 150
deciduous 100 100 150 50 100 125
coniferous 150 150 150 50 100 200
corn 50 100 140 50 75 100
grain legume 40 60 100 20 40 60
grain passenger 10 15 20 5 8 10
compound feed 50 100 140 50 80 100
bran 50 60 100 - 30 50
Fools, shrots (with the exception of cotton) 10 25 30 10 15 20
milk - 50 100 30 - -
meat-toward flour 5 10 20 3 7 10
kitchen Waste
bread crusts 50 60 60 - 25 30
kashi. 200 200 200 30 50 100
glue 50 50 50 - 20 30

The males in the period of rest and females after the junk of the young before the preparatory period for the concentrates are fading less than during the remaining periods. So not only save concentrates, but also prevent obesity. In the period of rest, males and females give more hay, branches, vegetable waste. During the preparation for the incision, the number of concentrates in the form of mixtures increases, in the winter they feed the red carrots in the winter, and in the summer they increase the cottage.

Females during the period of sucrosesti, especially in the second half, somewhat reduce the amount of coarse feed. At this time, increase the cottage of mineral and vitamin feed. The rabbit milk contains up to 20% fat, 15% protein, about 2% sugar, up to 2.5% mineral substances. To form such a high-quality product, many good, lung, varied feeds are required. Therefore, only benign foods during the entire period of sucking are given.

Their quality is especially paying attention to when rabbits begin to leave the nest. So that the female had a lot of milk, increase the number of roots. Concentrated feed should be diverse.

In the second half of the suction to the main rate, concentrates and other feeds are added depending on the number of rabbits. After the selection of young, these supplements from the diet of females are excluded. Usually rabbit take away from females at the age of 45 days. In the first days, the rabbit feed the same foods that they received, being under the uterus. Then gradually begin to translate them to other feeds. Rabbits at the age of 1-2 months are not recommended to give vegetable waste, potato cleaning, coarse hay, straw, flap green feed. These feeds can cause digestion disorder in young animals.

This is because the digestive organs rabbit are not yet adapted to digest the larger quantities, especially rough. Locking rabbits are fed with green grass, good bean hay, oats, feed, boobish potatoes with a small amount of bran, red carrots, feed beet. The wet feed is distributed to rabbits 1-2 times in SuTKN with such a calculation so that they are eaten for 1-1.5 hours, otherwise they can score, and freeze. Dry feed can be distributed for several days. But for this it is necessary to equip the self-corns, of which the feed is not scattered.

You can feed only rabbits in the last 10 days of fattening with grain feeds. For each adult female for a year, it is necessary to harvest grain feeds of 32 kg, on the male - 17 kg; potatoes, respectively, 40 and 36 kg; haya-42 and 32 kg. On each rabbit from 20 days to 4.5 months, approximately 30% of the need for an adult rabbit is required. A rabbit night animal, in a wild state, it feeds at night and early in the morning. Therefore, at night, rabbits in the feed must have enough feed. It is most convenient to give a large number of green grass for the night, hay, a branch feed.

The feed rabbits of all ages give only benign. It is necessary to observe the permanent feeding mode. A hung rabbit is thrown into food, and this can lead to digestion disorder. When feeding in the same and the same hours, animals not only eat more, and better absorb feed nutrients. Flooded feed rabbit eats badly.

Therefore, the feeders should be so as to avoid throwing feed. The feeding of rabbits of grass is beginning as early as possible in the spring, the summer feeding is moving gradually. In the first days they give no more than 50 g of green grass a day of young people and 100 g adult animal. It is transferred to the full norm for 7-8 days. When feeding the roots, the transition of Pa Summer Feeding can be carried out faster. If rabbits are already accustomed to fresh grass, it can even be mocked. Herb, covered, have not recommended. The number of green grass depends on the presence in the diet of other feed: when growing rabbits without concentrates, the sump female can eat 2 kg of grass per day.

In order not to translate in vain food, he is distributed in such a quantity so that the rabbits eat everything completely. To increase the eternity, small herbs are fed primarily. With the appearance of cases of digestion disorders, the giving fresh grass is significantly reduced and give leaves of oak, chamomile, wormwood, yaw leaves and shoots. Sugar, which causes digestion disorder is formed in the starch frozen potato. You can feed such potatoes only after pro-cooking.

In the frozen carrot of such a process, it does not occur, therefore it is given after thawing in water in the raw form. All new feeds begin to feed in small portions, gradually increasing the norm. It is especially important to comply with this requirement when feeding fresh beet trees, trousers, cabbage leaves. They are injected into the diet, starting with 20 g of young people and with 50 g adult rabbits. The tops give a day at no more than a third of the foaming green feed.

If the digestion disorder appears, the feeding of the bunnies stop. The feed is distributed only in the feeders: with the distribution of feed to the floor, most of them are in waste. Food, not eaten by rabbits, is removed from the feeders and do not give it again. If the remnants are not contaminated, green grass can be dried on the hay.

When feeding rabbits, their individual characteristics and tastes should be taken into account. Some animals are well eating dry grain and do not eat wet or honeycomb, others prefer cabbage bars, etc. In individual farms, where the length of rabbits is small, it is not difficult to study these features and tastes and take them into account when feeding. This not only accelerates the growth and development of rabbits, increase their productivity, but will allow much more economical to spend the feed. Feeding mode. The rabbit has a single-chamber stomach with a capacity of 180-200 ml, and grows quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to feed it often.

With a free approach to feed, an adult rabbit eats up to 30 times a day, and the young comes to the stern more often. Like other animals, rabbits quickly get used to a certain routine of the day, it produces a conditional reflex. Under his influence in the clock of feeding, a significant amount of gastric juice stands out even before the feed enters the stomach. It provides enhanced feed digestion and the best growth of rabbits with a smaller feed flow rate. In other words, strict adherence to the routine of the day is equivalent to more economical spending feed. Safety rabbits and youngsters up to 2.5 months of age feed at least four times a day, the remaining 2-3 times.

You can adhere to such a routine of the day: three-time feeding in winter-at 8 o'clock half of the daily rate of concentrates and half of the daily rate of the hay; in 12 hours and daily rate of rooteplood; At 17, the remaining concentrates, hay and additionally branch food.

Three-year feeding in summer: at 6 o'clock half of the daily rate of concentrates and the third part of the grass; at 15 hours and third of the daily grass rate; In 19 hours and other concentrates, grass, branches.

Four-time feeding: at 6 o'clock third part of the concentrates, the fourth part of the grass (hay-winter); at 11 o'clock third part of the concentrates (or slightly dried bread crusts), grass-summer, rootfields - winter; In 16 hours and half the rate of grass-summer, hay and root-in winter; In 19 hours and other concentrates, grass or hay, branches on the night.

If necessary, nursing females are additionally fed at 10-11 pm. Rabbit fattening. The most intensively rabbits grow to four months old, in 8-9 months their growth ends. Rabbits older than four months grow slowly, spending much more feeds on the same weight than young to four months. Therefore, it is more profitable to hammer rabbits on a four-month meat.

Rabbits refill well: usually for fattening enough 30-40 days.

Because when slaughters, rabbits receive not only meat, but also skins, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the hair cover by the time of the slaughter. Rabbit skin, scored during molting, continuing in the sock, fur quickly wipes.

The slaughter of rabbits at four months old is just ensuring the skin with a finished molt: the first molting of the young ends precisely to this age. The second molting ends to 6-8 months. Therefore, if you need to get fatty carcasses, the fattenings of young rabbits begin in 4-4.5-month old, to six months, when the second molting end, the rabbit could be scored. The timing of molts depend not only on age, but also from the quality of feed, seasons of birth, other conditions. Therefore, before the reason it is necessary to check the degree of molting. To do this, swell the fur on the Ogzka (rear of the body): if the skin is light, then the molting is mainly completed.

The color of the skin of white rabbits during molting does not change, the state of the molt is determined by them by the state of the hair: the rabbits ending with the molt, the fur smooth, shiny, clean. The most thick fur in rabbits is in the winter period - from November to March, of course, provided that the link ended. For better fattening rabbits, they are seeded alone in a darkened cell. When the content in group cells, they are crushed worse. The quality of the skins that may be damaged during fights are worse. If still feeding rabbits have to be kept in group cells, you need to reveal the scarily animals and plant them. For group content, they are selected the same on the floor, age and weight of rabbits, placing them 3-4 heads into one cell.

In the fattening of young rabbits, if the feed is well eaten, the composition can often be changed. If the feed rate is low, it is necessary to change their set. In the first 10 days fattening rabbits reduce the cottage of the hay and increase the number of concentrates. The best feed during this period: corn, oats, barley, gentle windows, wheat, bread crusts. As additives to concentrates, you use young grass, carrots, leaves and cabbage knockers, acorns. In the next 10 days, rabbits receive feeds that contribute to intensive fat deposition: corn grain, oats, barley, boiled, slightly salted potatoes in a mixture with bran.

In the last 10 days, the fattening rabbits are fed so that they eat the maximum amount of feed. It is possible to achieve this by the feeding of aromatic herbal-dope, parsley, celery and others. Simultaneously give various concentrates, their composition is often changed.

Rough feed feed gramnogo. The best feed in this period-boiled potatoes with feed. It is useful to give cabbage, trouser, tour pack, carrots. Otakov can be considered complete when rabbits are tested fat deposits in the field of withers and pakhs, and the spinal vertebra do not succeed; A well fattened rabbit becomes rounded shape, fur on it is smooth, shiny.

The success of the breeding of any type of animal at home is not only in their correct, but also how correctly the power is poured for them.

This also applies to rabbits. The correctly selected diet for these animals provides the flow of the components necessary for their normal development.

Rabbit rabbits prefer such methods as feeding rabbits according to the method of Goldiukhina or Yukhnov.

This is due to the fact that the grain has a nutritional capacity, as well as a high content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Such a diet is needed by animals in any season, especially in winter, when a lack of juicy feeds is especially manifested.

If the diet consists only of vegetables and hay, they slowly gain weight, and the quality of meat will be extremely low.

The grain is quickly absorbed in the body, which protects animals from diseases of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract. In addition, the grain can be bought almost without problems at an affordable price.

Rabbit products prefer such types of grain crops:

  • Oats. This variety of grain is characterized by high nutritional value. The time does not contribute to the fat formation. The composition of oats includes a large amount of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Due to this, animals do not arise problems with the metabolic process. It should also be noted that the oats grain has a positive effect on the reproductive function of rabbits.
  • Corn. Grain has a high indicator of energy value, which contributes to the rapid rodent weight set. In the corn, it contains carbohydrates, vitamin E, as well as fats. It belongs to the rapid types of grain, especially if it is pre-crushed.
  • Wheat. The grain includes proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins B and e, fats. Especially actively wheat is used to feed rabbits during the period of active animal growth. Due to this, they quickly gain weight.
  • Barley. This type of grain crop is most often used to feed young people who have rapid growth. Due to the fact that barley contains choline and lysine, rabbits do not suffer from diseases of the digestive system. But do not forget that a large number of barley grains, which enters the diet, adversely affects the reproductive function of females and males.

Grain crops should be approximately 50-60% of the total diet of rabbits.

Method of Zolotukhina

Few of the rabbit breeders are not familiar with such a method as feeding rabbits by grain according to the Golden method, the video of which is presented below:

The peculiarity of this technique is that rabbits are fed up both cloud and dry grain. For example:

  • Females of animals that are not used for fertilization, it is recommended to give oats solid and dry.
  • Before the start of the pairing process, as well as before childbirth, females are best feeding the previously chopped barley grain.
  • Grown rabbits that are already starting to eat on their own, perfectly eating Oats smelled. In order to correctly fervent barley, it must be poured into a bucket and pour boiling water. After that, add 1 spoonful salt in the bucket and mix well, cover the bucket with a lid and leave approximately 4 -5 hours.
  • Grinding corn can only be given after they are 4 months from the genus.
  • The males who have already reached puberty, it is recommended to feed the mixture of oats grain and barley with a small addition of corn. Such a mixture has a positive effect on the reproductive function of animals.

The use of this technique allows minimizing the level of rodent diseases, and also provides a quick weight gain.

Yukhnova method

Articles are quite popular, the author of which is Alexander Yukhnov - the famous rabbit breed and inventor. In them, the author provides detailed recommendations on the method of feeding animals, schemes comfortable for animal cells and cream.

Feeding rabbits grain according to the Yukhnov method is a new and progressive technique. Its essence lies in the fact that the author recommends cooking mixtures for feeding on its own, adhering to certain parameters:

The basic ration of rodents includes barley (16%), Oats (20%), wheat (8%), corn (10%), sunflower cake (15%), wheat bran (13%), salt (1%), Mel (1%), grass flour (16%).

Feed mixture for females and males, which are not used for the case, consists of such components: barley (10%), Oats (25%), cake (6%), bran (15%), salt (1%), chalk ( 1%), grass flour (42%).

Based on many years of experience, A. Yukhnov argues that this method of feeding not only contributes to the rapid growth and reproduction of animals, but also helps to preserve the livestock healthy and reproductively capable.

Feeding rabbits:Rabbit breeding. How to organize feeding rabbits ...
When creating a feed base for rabbits, it should be borne in mind that at 1 kg of the bridge, with broiler of their cultivation, 3-3,9 feed units are consumed.
On rabbit tribal referred farms with the sale of young people in two - three months old - 4.5-4,8 feed units.
On the farms of meat and eye directions with the implementation of young people at the age of three and a half - six months - 6-9 feed units.

For every 100 females when growing from each of them at least 25-30 rabbits, during the implementation of them in two - four-month age, it takes a year with a mixed feed: a hay of about 150cs, herbs - 700, grains, bran, cakes - 350, root-roots - 120 , silo - 100, salts - 2, bone meat flour or chalk - 6c; With dry feeding with complete feed mixtures: herbal flour - 210c, grains - 120, bran - 75, cakes and shrots - 110, meat-like flour - 6, yeast - 5, salt - 2 cs.
For every 100 females (basic) when growing from them, 27 rabbits are required on average: concentrates - 255c, hay -131, rootpodes - 39, herbs -579c. Per 1 kg of live weight - 4.5 feed units.

For the normal development of rabbits and obtaining the maximum amount of products to this animal, as well as other feeds with the content of all the necessary organisms of substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins and, of course, water. I must say that rabbits have particularly increased requirements for full feeding. This is explained by the exceptional intensity of their reproduction - for the year, one female can give 30-40 rabbits - and increased meal - rabbits for four months of life 40 times increase their original weight.

In the summer the main feeds for rabbits are green feed. They contain a sufficient amount of lung proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. From the herbs of natural meadows and pastures, especially useful to rabbits: rank meadow, donel, mouse peas, dandelion, cuff, toll, midge, Ivan tea, plantain, yarrow, pyrhem, wormwood, mattal and other cereals. From seeded herbs, they are especially recommended: alfalfa, clover, peas, siedell, soybean, vika, rank sowing, sunflower, corn, sorghum, sulfice, millet, oats and other cereals, as well as horses and lupine beans.

Rabbits eat well weeds - nettle, Swan, reckon, burdock, coolant and tops of beets, carrots and turnips.
They feed them and trimming fruit trees and vineyards. In the spring, when rabbits begin to give green food, it should be remembered that animals cannot immediately feed a lot of herbs; Its quantity in the first days of feeding should not exceed 50g on the head per day. Gradually, within 10-15 days, its daily rate increases for females to 1-1.5 kg, for youngsters - up to 250-600 g.

With abundant feeding with green feeds at night rabbits, it is recommended to give freshly dry hay instead of grass.
The long-term feeding of animals in one type of green feed, even a beloved rabbit, leads to the loss of appetite, deterioration of edage and digestibility, which, in turn, leads to a lack of any necessary substances in their organism. You should not give them wet or heated grass and especially carefully need to ensure that herbicides or pesticides do not get along with herbicides.

Rabbitodes should know that some plants, especially with wetlands, poisonous and feeding of such herbs can cause rabbits with great harm, especially in the spring, when rabbits, stuck in fresh grass, without disassembled, eagerly eat it. In such plants, the poison does not disappear during drying, and during the soul of green feed. It also needs careful control.

Most harmful to rabbits such herbs such as anemone, scarce, poisonous and burning buttercup, marsh bowl, bias, cleaning, wrestler. They contain sinyl acid and protoanemonic. No less poisonous: poppy, custody, mustard, radish field, coup, milestone. Poisonous, Boligols, Oermers, Duman, Belladonna, Panlar, Belena, Chemeritsa, Arannik, Bellen, Lily of the Lily, Voroniye, Landwill, John's wort, Okopnik, purple.

In addition to grass, by half replacing its daily rate, rabbits are very useful to give fresh branches of acacia, flashes, aspen, willow. Not bad they eat fresh birch branches, oak, alder, maple and poplar.
In winter, one of the main feed for rabbits is hay, hay flour rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.

Rabbits are good to give Senage; In this stern, almost all nutrients and vitamins contained in the grass are preserved. This is facilitated by a short-term drying of bevelled grass within 4 hours and proper storage of it in a crushed and compressed form in trenches under the film.

In winter, rabbits feed the female bulls, aspen, birch. The fresh branches of coniferous trees occupy a special place in their winter feeding; For rabbits, this is an additional source of vitamins: 1 kg of pine needles contains 60 mg of carotene.

In winter, they are also given corneklubneproducts: sugar and feed beets (tables of varieties are better to avoid), potatoes, mainly boiled, in a mixture with concentrates, carrots, tours, Topinamban and cabbage. Feed cabbage is especially useful. This feed, as you know, contains a large number of lung carbohydrates and vitamins, it is well eaten and digested by the animal organism. In addition, it helps to increase the dairy of females.

Belococcal cabbage in a large number of rabbits is better not to give, since sometimes it causes a bloating. In the south of the country, rabbits feed feed watermelon, pumpkin and stern melon.
It is also good for them with a silage of carrots embedded in a solid form between the layers of chopped and saline cabbage sheet. To such a juicy stern, if it is still twisted with concentrates, rabbits have a special addiction.

Juicy feed rabbits give 300-400 g per day on an adult head and 100-200 g on the head of young. Concentrated feed in the diet of rabbits occupy one of the most permanent places, they are given at any time of the year, they are richer in carbohydrates, protein and fat.

Grain rabbits love good, with a pleasant smell, without sharpness and mold. The feeding of grain, affected by fungi, can lead to an animal padege.
Oats and corn feed the rabbits in an unprepared form, barley and grains of legumes (peas, soy) - crushed, and acory - gluhable, linen seed are given in the form of a decoction.

Feed rabbits with more wheat bran (rich in phosphorus and vitamins of the group B), linen and sunflower cake (rich in fat, protein and vitamins of the group B) and shrots, which differ from the cakes with a smaller fat content. They are fed in crushed or benched form in a mixture with other concentrates or boiled potatoes of 60-120 g per day on an adult head and 50-100 g on the head of young.

Rabbs give a rocky or dry reverse, pointer, serum. Rabbot and lactating females get cottage cheese.
In the composition of rabbits, it is desirable to introduce meat, meat and bone, blood or fish flour (contain a lot of protein, fat); They feed them for 10-20 g on the head per day.

On the feed rabbits, you can use fresh beams of canteens, bakeries, give gradually dried bread.
Daily, the rabbit should receive: a cooking salt-1-2 g, bone flour or chalk-1 g, vitamin feed and preparations: fish oil, PABK, animal sterol, yeast, cholinhloride or Betaine hydrochloride.

And finally, a very good feed for rabbits can be called a feed. Rabbits give all the feed, except bird. By nutritional value, the feed is higher than the feed, of which it consists. Compound feed contains a more complete protein and a sufficient amount of minerals.

Currently, feed plants produce a feed-made feed, enriched with vitamins and antibiotics. They contain at least 110-120 feed units in 1kg feed, 120-140 g of digestible protein and no more than 10-12% crude fiber (Table 1).

Table 1. Compution Feed Computers (% of Weight)


For rabbits

For rabbit

For laboratory rabbits

recipe number 92-1.

recipe number 91-1

recipe number 91-1 (modifications)

recipe number 92-2 (fattening)

recipe number 122-1.

Barley or corn

Peas, fish, meat flour

Wheat bran

Cake, stern sunflower, soy, hemp

Fish flour

Yeast feed

Bone flour

Note. Each 100 g of feed contains 310-315 kcal, 13-14% of the digestible protein and 5-9% crude fiber.

In recent years, in many farms go to feeding rabbits by complete granular feeds. These feeds are prepared according to recipes calculated for the most rational feeding of rabbits after their deposits, at the earliest age and on fattening, tribal rabbits, sucrolny and lactating females (Table 2, 3).

Table 2. Full Granulated Feed Compounds (% of Weight)

Ingredients For rabbits
recipe number 90-1.
For rabbits in broiler cultivation
recipe number 90-1 (modifications)
For laboratory rabbits
recipe number 122-2
Herbal flour 25 40 30
Oats. 21 - 16
Barley 20 30 25
Peas 5 8 5
Sweets or Shrots Sunflower, soy 10 10 15
Bone or fish meal - 1,4 8
Wheat bran 12 5 -
Yeast feed - 2 1
Molasses, Patoka 5,5 2,5 -
Salt cook 0,5 0,3 -
Feed phosphate - 0,8 -
a piece of chalk 1 - -

Note. In every 100g, the feed contains an average of about 300 kcal, 12% digest protein and 12-16% crude fiber.

Table 3. Recipe pc-90-1 (full granulated feed for disembulating young rabbits from 30 to 135 days

Note. 1 ton of the feed is added: vitamin A - 3 million k. E.; Vitamin D - 80 thousand k. e.; vitamin E - 7.5 g; carbon dioxide manganese - 25 g; sulfate iron - 100 g; Cank carbon dioxide - 14 g and copper carbon dioxide - 3 g
In winter, in addition to granulated feed, rabbits, especially adult, should give a small amount of good hay or branches, and in the summer grass.
Feeding norms and rabbit diet. Rounds for rabbits must at minimum costs to ensure high productivity. They are based on the basis of normal feeding, taking into account the total nutrition of feed, expressed in feed units, as well as digestibility of feed and the amount of nutrients in them (Table 4).

Table 4. Rubbing coefficients of some feeds in rabbits (%)

Note. The digested amount of feed, expressed as a percentage of the whole feed eaten, is called the digestibility coefficient.

The scientific research institute of fur animal and rabbit breeding is developed daily diet for rabbits, providing intensive growth of young and high productivity of females. These diet contain an increased amount of concentrated feed, due to which their total nutritional is significantly increased.

Sukrol, lactating females and young people up to four-month-old concentrates are given in the amount of 65-80% of the total nutability of the diet, juicy feed-10-15 and coarse-15-20%. The lactating rabbit requires feed 3 times more than the female alone. With such a type of feeding and introducing into the diet of feed rich in protein (cake, meal, fish flour), the amount of protein per 100 g of feed units should be 12-17 g (Table 5.6).

Table 5. Feeding standards and approximate daily diet (g) for rabbits with mixed feeding.
The ratio of feed in nutrition: concentrates - 65%, coarse - 20%, juicy - 15%.

of the year


at 100g food

Out of












For females and males during the preparation period
to the income

For females of sucrolny

For females lactating from the 1st to the 10th

For females lactating from the 11th to the 20th

For females lactating from the 21st to the 30th

The main feeds for rabbits in spring, summer and autumn are green feed. All herbs eating pets are suitable for rabbits. With a special hunting rabbits eaten herbs with a bitter taste (dandelion, wormwood, yarrow, wild rowan, etc.). From the sowing herbs in the first place in nutrition and eternity are bean: clover, Vika, Lucerne, as well as sweet lupine.

For feeding rabbits, almost all meadow and forest herbs can be used. Early spring is suitable nettle, burdock, sick, tall, etc.

In summer, the range of green feed is significantly increased. During this period, rabbit feed wild weeds: drinking together with roots, rents, wild radiation, dandelion, as well as waste from weeding gardens. As a green feed, it is possible to use the tops of the CornChublublodov. Will eagerly eat rabbits from the top of the carrots, which can be asked to be introduced. The beets, the tournament and potatoes should be given carefully, not more than once a day and when diarrhea appears to immediately exclude from the diet. Bottom, feeding rabbits, should be pure from soil and dirt.

Effectively used in rabbit feed and white cabbage.

Using green feed, you should always remember the danger of poisoning to poisonous herbs. The most dangerous for rabbits VEX is poisonous, Boligol, Belen, Durma, Voroniye, the Major Lily of the Lily of the Lily, the bustling, the wrestler, Celebrel, the vystimanka, Chemeritsa, a lack of junk, sketch. These plants feed rabbits can not. Unknown and unverified plants need to be used carefully and introduce them into a diet with proven feeds. Do not give suspicious and unknown vegetable feed on the skinny stomach.

Rough feed (hay, spring straw, wood branches) are asked rabbits from autumn. More willingly rabbits eat the hay of a small dispenser of sudokov's good drying, wiki, clover, Seretelli, alfalfa. You can use hay from meadow and forest dispersion, cleaned at the beginning of flowering of the main herbs. The hay rabbits feed in the autumn-winter period before the appearance of the first greenery. Rabbits are poorly digested by fiber, so special requirements are presented to the Seine. It should be a good quality, green, with a large amount of leaves, fragrant smell. It is not allowed to have mold and dust in the hay.

From other coarse feeds for rabbits, you can use Solol Oat, millet, barley. The straw of winter rye and wheat are absolutely not suitable in food.

Wood branches should be added to the grass and in the summer, which warns the cage of rabbit cells. The best of all rabbits eat the branches of acacia, linden, aspen, the rocket box, oak branches due to the presence of tuning substances in them, cause constipation, so more than 100 - 150 g adult rabbit is not recommended for them. For the same reasons in small quantities, the branches of alder and hazel branches. In the fall and in winter you can feed juniper and ate chew. In winter, rabbits eat the birch of summer and winter blanks and branches of other trees.

The preparation of wood branches can be held in the summer and winter. Moreover, in the branches of the summer billet, rabbits eat the sheet mainly, in the winter blank - bark. You can not feed the bunnies branches of elder, wolf berries that contain poisonous substances. The branch feed is better to harvest in June-July, when the desired branches contain the greatest amount of nutrients. The branch of 0.5 - 1 cm thick is suitable for a branch of a thickness of 0.5 - 1 cm. Cut branches are associated with loose brooms and hang under a canopy or in attics.

From the coroneklubneplodov, the best for rabbits are carrots, sugar beets, potatoes, tours. Carrots can be given rabbits without any restriction. Other root roots should be normalized, as they can cause digestion disorder, especially in young people. All roots are fed in raw form, potatoes in boiled and cheese. Red dining room beets and canteen leaves need to be given in small quantities, as they cause diarrhea and bloating.

Silos rabbits can be fed in large quantities. This is especially important for nursing females that need milk-rod food. Silo in the winter allows you to reduce the number of corlubneplodes and hay in the diet.

Silos feed no later than 3 - 4 hours after his notch. For rapidly childly, rabbits to eating silo is recommended to be given in the morning on an empty stomach, starting with a 50 g of an adult rabbit gradually increasing the dose until 400 g. It is not recommended to give Silos with subrolound females in the second pregnancy period. Taking out the young, should be accustomed to silage eating back in a sump period.

In farms and the rabbit breeders of fans, the silo can be prepared in large wooden barrels1x per 100 - 300 kg. For silators, any light-capable cultures containing a lot of sugar - corn, cabbage sheet, carrots, sugar beets and her tops, and its tops, can be used in a mixture with well-silo crops. For silance, crushed plants are placed by layers in a barrel and well tumped. On top of the green mass lay polyethylene film, sawdust and smear clay. When the cracks appear in clay, they are again smeared.

Rabbits eat all types of concentrated feeds both in whole and in a grinding form, but they are most willing to eat Oats, which adult rabbits can be poured to 150 - 200 g per day. All grain feed with a solid shell, with the exception of oats, should be given in crushed or operated to a soft state. The grains of the leguminous adult rabbit give no more than 40 - 100 g per day due to the fact that they can cause the bloating and constipation. Rabbits can feed the acorns and seeds of weeds. Currently concentrated feed are bran, especially wheat. Buds are best given in a mixture with cortelectors, silage, romal, mezg, or used to squeeze small feed, which are pre-wetted with hot water. In winter rations, the number of bran with young people can reach up to 30 g per day.

The best view of concentrates are Compound feed. They include the most appropriate set of feed in a crushed, well digeantly. In the feeds there must be sufficient protein, vitamins and minerals. It is impossible rabbits to give a feed for a bird, designed for the bird, since the latter contain glass and shells. There are special granular and scattering feeds for rabbits.

Rabbit, fans, farmers and farms, located near the cities, feed rabbits and food waste (pieces of bread, porridge, noodles, soups, potato cleaning, cutting cabbage, watermelon crusts, pumpkins). Food waste must be fresh and do not contain sand impurities, dirt, etc. Potato cleaning should be given in the boiled form after draining the water in which they were cooked. Bread waste is better to store and feed in the form of crackers. If the nutritional waste is too liquid, they are fed into the mixture with flour, bran and feeds. An adult rabbit should be given food waste not more than 200 g per day.

From the feed of animal origin, rabbits can give milk, reverse, serum, meat, meat-bearing, blood and fish flour. Whole milk gives weak, exhausted animals, especially the young people - at 25 - 30 g per day, as well as sick and depleted nursing females - up to 100 g per day. The meat and bone, fish, blood flour is useful to give young 3 - 5 g, and adult rabbits, sucroll and nursing females - from 5 to 10 g per day.

A particularly important need for mineral feed is experiencing growing young, pregnant and lactating females. Therefore, throughout the year, rabbits should be given a table salt - adult animals of 1 - 1.5 g, and young people at 0.5 - 1.0 g on the head per day. The table salt is dissolved in water and wet the concentrated feed, grass and other feed. Bone flour and chalk at the rate of 1 - 2 g per head are given from autumn to spring. Bone flour can be prepared at home by burning bones in the furnace to such a state that when they put a hand, they will crumble. After that, they need to be crowned and stored in a dry place.

Vitamin feeding in the summer during feeding rabbits herbs is not needed. In winter and early spring, it is desirable to introduce into the diet of rabbits of vitamin supplements that give them based on the attached instructions, activity and age of animals. It is good to introduce a vitaminized fish oil in a dose of 1 g adults and 0.3 - 0.5 g of young people, sucrole females on the head per day. Pregnant females and rabbits during the preparation of them are useful to the fear of a gentle grain of 10-20 g on the head per day. This feeding provides rabbits with vitamins A and E.

The rationing of feeding rabbits is carried out depending on the living mass, age and biological state (peace, pregnancy, growth and development of young). The nutritional of winter rations should be 10 - 15% higher than summer. This is due to the fact that in winter, with the most common external cellular content, rabbits lose a lot of heat, to compensate for which it is necessary to consume a greater amount of feed. Based on the norms of feeding and feed, which the economy has, is compiled by rations. The diet should include a variety, well-eaten and cost-effective feed.

The main indicator of the correctness of the diet is the health, growth and productivity of rabbits. In the event of diarrhea, the slowdown in the growth and development of young people must, first of all, analyze the diet by eliminating suspicious feeds. It is also necessary to take into account and observe the limit daches of feed, the deviation from which causes various violations in the rabbits organism.

In the preparation of rations, deviations from the norm within 10 - 15% in one direction or another are allowed.

Special attention should be paid to feeding males in the eventual period. The quality and amount of sperm depends on its level, and, consequently, the fertility of females. For pregnant females, it is necessary to introduce all benign foods, as well as animal feed and mineral feeding, lactating females are mandatory juicy and concentrated (milk-angry) feed. It is important to introduce into the diet of animal feed.

Young people teach to various feeds from 17 - 20 days, and from 3 - 4 months old rabbits put on fattening. The fattening is also subject to unfinished old males and rabbit colts.

Rubble rabbits contain 4 - 5 heads in ordinary cells. The fattening is divided into preparatory 5-7 days, the main 8-10 days and the final 7 - 10 days of the periods. In the first period, rabbits are involved in feeds and a diet with the addition of 50% of concentrated feed above the normal norm. In the second period, the amount of coarse feed decreases and the amount of boiled potatoes with bran increases. In the third period, the dose of coarse feed decreases to a minimum, concentrates increase, and spicy plants are included in the diet to increase the appetite: celery, parsley, dill, cumin, etc.

The daily rate for rabbits located on fattening is an average of 200 g of feed units and 17 - 18 g of digestible protein. It is advisable to introduce 40 g of a drop-off milk into the diet, which can be used to prepare a porridge.

Feed rabbits 3 times a day. With the correct fattening, the rabbits give up to 300 - 500 g of fat, whose deposition occurs mainly in the field of kidneys, gladies and blades.

The feeding technique of rabbits is the correct alternation of the feed feed. In winter, it is better to give a hay in the morning and in the evening, juicy feed - at noon, concentrates - 3 times a day with uniform portions. In the summer - green feed and concentrates three or four times a day evenly. Saw rabbits before feeding in the winter once, in the summer - in the morning and at noon. In winter, it is desirable to warm water.

If you are a novice farmer and do not know whether you need to feed rabbits wheat, then you need to understand that this grain culture is rich in useful substances that rodents are vital. But first will have to learn the rules of feeding.

Benefit and harm

Wheat contains a large amount of carbohydrates (up to 75%), proteins, fats, protein, dietary fiber, vitamins E, K, B, C, A, as well as a group of minerals - phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron, potassium, manganese, Magnesium and sodium. Therefore, it has such properties:

  • fills the body with energy;
  • normalizes the work of the digestive system;
  • accelerates metabolism;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • cleans the vessels from cholesterol;
  • removes harmful substances;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • promotes the correct distribution of nutrients in the body.

Thus, consuming this cereal culture, the rabbit will grow healthy and energetic. But not only its useful properties are famous for wheat. It turns out that the grains are extremely important for rodents, as they contain abrasive particles, thanks to which the teeth are stepping, which, in turn, warns their too rapid growth and the emergence of such pathologies as Malocca.

The dietary value of the grain is 360 kcal / 100 grams, so you need to strictly observe the dosage. Otherwise, the crown develops obesity, which will negatively affect the functioning of the internal organs.

If you break the animal of wheat, you can harm him:

  1. Wheat contains gluten, which in large quantities leads to a meteorism (bloating).
  2. In grain, absolutely all vitamins and trace elements are not contained, so if you do not diversify the menu and feed the pet only wheat, then the imbalance of the beneficial substances occurs. More about what vitamins you need rabbits and from which products to take them - read.
  3. Under the overdose, the absorption of minerals is blocked by the body, since phytates (antitristers) are present in the cereal.

How to give wheat rabbits?

Wheat grain refers to food culture, which is used everywhere for many centuries, but rabbits began to enter into food relatively recently - several decades ago. Applied in different form - cheese, sprouted, stealed, hammer, etc.

In cheese

Raw grains are accepted simultaneously with other feeds, such as feed, grain mixture. Wheat can be crushed or add in general. But its number should not exceed 30% of the entire mass of the grain scene. There is an exception - when it is carried out intensive fattening, it adds another 10%. Many little rabbits give wheat in the form of bran, mixing them with potatoes or greens.

Raw grains are considered coarse food, so they are injected with rabbits carefully - initially grains are crushed and give in small quantities, but over time they increase the portion and add to the general mixture as a whole.

In a steady video

If wheat grain is taking steaming, a poorly digestible fiber is disappeared from it, so the product is absorbed much easier. You can steer grain as a whole or crushed form:

  • purchase into the tank 1 part of the grain;
  • pour the "steep" boiling water (2 parts);
  • add a table (on the grain bucket - 1st art. l.);
  • tightly cover with a lid;
  • leave to appease for 5 hours.

Rabbits really like the taste of fermented wheat, which is sealed in the same way, but with the introduction of bakery yeast to a mixture (there should be a maximum of 2% of the total mass). This method of stepping is called yeast.

In a gentle video

Wheat in germinated form prefer not only animals, but also people, because it contains a shock amount of vitamins. It can be considered a full vitamin additive.

When you need to give a germinated wheat:

  • during lactation;
  • during the hatching rabbit, especially in front of the worst;
  • immediately after birth.

How to germinate wheat for rabbits?

Wheat germination - step-by-step instructions:

  • prelate the best grains;
  • rinse them under a large amount of water;
  • lay out in the container;
  • fill with water, which has room temperature;
  • leave it in heat for 24 hours;
  • during this time, empty grains will float on the surface to be removed from the mass;
  • drain the water;
  • spread the swollen grains on a flat tank (baking tray, pallet, etc.) in 1-2 layers;
  • cover the wetted cloth;
  • leave in a warm place;
  • a few days later, sprouts will appear in the grains, after which they can be fed to the races.

Rules that need to strictly follow:

  1. Do not exhaust the large volume at once, since germinated grains are spoiled over time, molds. It is enough to make a blank for 2-4 days.
  2. Carefully inspect wheat before soaking. It should be in perfect condition - without mold elements.
  3. The grain should not be overly dried (a maximum of 12 months after collecting).
  4. Do not use too raw wheat.

Combination of wheat with other feeds

As it became known, it is impossible to feed rabbits only wheat, so it combines with others.

If grains are crushed or ground, they are added to feed, green grass, potatoes and other vegetables. You can make a grain with such cultures:

  1. Corn It has a lot of carbohydrates, calcium, protein and fat. It is considered very useful, but it is added to food in small quantities, as the culture leads to obesity. Before adding to the mixture, you need to separate each grain from the patch.
  2. Barley Especially useful for rodent digestive system. It normalizes the functionality of the gastrointestinal organs, eliminates constipation and contributes to the body weight set. Before consumption it is important to grind the grains, because they are covered with a film.
  3. Oats. rich in pantothenic acid, which is necessary for the production of offspring. Culture is considered high-calorie, but, despite this, rabbits are not gaining excess weight.

So that the power is maximally balanced, adhere to such a scheme for combining grain crops:

Wheat refers to a valuable concentrated foose, which is necessary to rabbits, but in a certain dosage. Do not forget, except the fodder mixtures, for the full nutrition of the eared pets to enter daily into the diet of the branches, plants, vegetables and fruits.

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