An explored train driver in St. Petersburg was taught six years old in the Orenburg school. Machinist blown in the subway train: I have two children, the main thing is that the family is not worried! "He accepted the only right decision."

The driver of the St. Petersburg Metro is Alexander Cavery, who ruled the train, where April 3, told reporters about the incident. For the decision not to stop the composition and bring it to the station Kaverin will submit to the award.

As the Passengers of the Choir reported a cotton and why there was a confusion when the train arrived at the station, - "Paper" He recorded the story of the driver about the terrorist attack from the broadcast on the "Fontanka".

Alexander Cavery


I think I will not inform anything new, since the media spoke about it. Cotton occurred, dusting. I contacted the dispatcher, at this point there were incomprehensible communication messages "Passenger - Machinist" - everyone said at the same time. I also informed the dispatcher about this.

I made a decision on the instructions, as applied in such cases, on the output of the composition at the station. He walked without slowing down.

They understood what happened, after stopping the composition literally for a minute. In this place [at the station] there is a linear item "Technological Institute", where there were three instructor driver, whom I called the sound signal, they immediately came out. The backup machinists also came out to assist.

At first, the passengers of the first wagon were a little brought to the best task. When the doors opened so that the passengers could go out, then immediately from the passengers of the first wagon it became clear to us that the cotton had occurred somewhere in the first car. They all in one voice claimed it. Therefore, for a minute there was a tasy. But then the instructor went according to the composition and it became clear that the explosion had happened further (in the third car - approx. "Paper").

I acted according to the instructions and according to the directions of the dispatcher. At that time, there was no time to think about fear - it was necessary to work. Panic was not. Believe me when the first car opens, the passengers stood and the choir was explained what happened - they did not even come out of the carriage.

This is not the first terrorist act, and the explosions were already, so I think smart heads have developed smart instructions. I had to withdraw the train to the station that I did.

I have been working as a driver in the metro already 15th year. I started from a technical school, before the 4th, 3rd, then the 2nd class. Now I am a 1st class engineer.

I want to note another moment: yesterday I could not come home - dear journalists were on duty on the landing. I have a family, I have children juvenile. At 11 o'clock the wife called and wanted to figure out something. I did not spend the night at home because of this.

On Tuesday, the driver blown in St. Petersburg Train Alexander Caveryan met with journalists and told that he had to go through the terrible minutes. According to him, "there was no time to think about fear, it was necessary to work." As previously reported in the press service of the St. Petersburg Metro, for the salvation of people, Alexander Caverein will be presented in the state award.

50-year-old Alexander Caverein, who has been working as a driver for 15 years, has been known for the whole country yesterday. Thanks to its excerpt, they managed to save people who were in a blown train. Back on Monday, representatives of the Investigative Committee reported that the driver acted correctly. He decided not to stop after the explosion and brought the fused car to the "techno," where the wounded immediately began to assist.

If he did differently, the victims could be much larger. True, Alexander Cavery himself does not see heroism in his act and says that he just did his job.

I acted exclusively according to the instructions, intelligent heads developed smart instructions. And at that moment there was no time about fear, it was necessary to work. Panic was not, - he said to journalists. - Among the passengers, I also did not watch panic. Everyone tried to offer their help and the choir were explained by the metro employees what happened.

According to the Metro rules, the emergency composition in the case of emergency should be delivered to the nearest station.

According to the employee, the subway, immediately after the terrorist attack, it was even not clear where he had occurred. It was originally assumed that the explosion thundered in the first train car.

There were contradictory signals from this carriage. It was possible to establish exactly what happened, it was possible only after about a minute after the emergency range was reached by the Station Institute, Alexander Caveryn explained.

At first, cotton was heard in the car, after which "incomprehensible communication reports" Passenger-Machinist "began to receive, when everyone was spoken in all cars at the same time."

After such a tragic end of the working day and the hardest stress, the driver never managed to get home, because numerous journalists were already waiting for him on the staircase.

I could not come home. Already duty (journalists. - Izvestia) on the staircase. I have a family, I have little children, "Alexander Caveryn posted. - At about 11 pm, the reporters called the door and tried to figure out something that scared the spouse very much. Well, it's just ugly in this situation. I did not spend the night at home because of this. I did not go to the family, did not go to the children.

On Tuesday, the driver was a day off. From the subway after what happened, he was not going to dismiss and ready to go to work as soon as such a team from leadership. The head of the subway, Vladimir Harugin, who was present at the meeting with journalists, avoided the direct answer to the question when the subordinate will go to work. But he made it clear that, in principle, nothing prevents this.

According to him, the fact that an explosion occurred in the car, the metro staff learned only after stopping the composition

Moscow. April, 4. Site - After the explosion, the passengers did not create a panic in the train of the Petersburg metro, the composition reached the next station without a slowdown, the train driver told reporters on Tuesday, in which the explosion occurred on April 3, Alexander Cavery.

"There was a cotton and dusting. I contacted the dispatcher and informed him about the situation. At that moment, incomprehensible communication reports were taken by the" passenger-driver ". At the same time, everyone spoke in all cars, which I also told the dispatcher and made a decision according to the instructions for Actions in such cases that were specifically designed in the metro. I decided to derive the composition at the station, since the composition was without a slowdown, "Kaverin said.

According to him, that an explosion occurred in the car, the metro officers learned only after stopping the composition.

"It has successfully turned out in the sense that in this place (where the explosion occurred - IF) is the linear item" Technological Institute ", where there were three instructor driver at this moment, which I called the sound signal, they immediately came out. Reserve machinists also They came out to help. Naturally, the doors immediately opened in the wagons so that the passengers could go out, "the driver said.

"I acted according to the instructions in accordance with the instructions of the dispatchers. At that moment, there was no time about fear, it was not necessary to work. Panic was not. When the doors of the first car opened, all the passengers stood and the choir explained what happened, did not even come out of the car. They said What happened cotton. In this situation, I had to withdraw the train to the station, which I did. After the composition of the composition continued, "he said.

The 50-year-old Cavery also told that it has a lot of work experience in the subway. "I have been working as a driver in the metropolitan for 15 years. I started with a technical school, was a fourth-class engineer, then the third, then second class. Now I am a first-class engineer and a senior engineer on the line-up," he explained.

Earlier in the Investigative Committee A, whose actions helped prevent greater number of victims. "The explosion occurred on the range between the stations, but the driver took an absolutely correct decision not to stop the train, reaching the station, which made it possible to immediately begin evacuation and assistance to the victim," said in the TCR.

On Monday, around 14:40 in the train station on the Metro station "Technological Institute" and "Sennaya Square" in St. Petersburg, there was an explosion of an unspecified explosive device with a capacity of 200-300 grams in TNT equivalent. As a result of the explosion (11 in place and three in the hospital), 49 passengers were injured.

In addition, an unexploded explosive device was found at the Vosstaniya Square station. It was neutralized by experts.

According to the latest data, there is a native of the city of Osh (south of Kyrgyzstan), and now a citizen of Russia Akbarzhon Jalilov is born in 1995.

Metro employees accurately performed job descriptions and saved many lives. We will call them names.

Inspector Albert Sibirsky discovered an explosive device at the station "Square of the uprising". This bomb did not explode. Attendant at the Station Institute of Technology, Nina Shmeleva, the first came to help the wounded. The driver of the blown train Alexander Caveryin for the fraction of a second accepted the only right decision - to bring the composition of the tunnel. Alexander Caveryin told our correspondent that while no one said.

Life in the city is gradually normalized. Metropolitan opened today on time. All lines, without exception. During the day, several stations were closed due to incomplete items. But after experts were convinced that they were safe, the movement of trains was rapidly restored. And now the subway is working as usual. Ground transport also runs on its schedule. Traffic - standard day for this time.

Of course, security measures have strengthened: the number of police outfits increased by about twice. But in general today was the usual working day.

The film crew found the heroes of yesterday: Alexander Caveryin - a driver of the very composition, Nina Shmelev - a duty officer at the Station Institute. These are amazingly modest people. It is said that both came in the subway 15 years ago. Stated with students, achieved high qualifications.

And immediately ask - well, what are the heroes we are. But in order to adopt the only correct decision, to organize evacuation and assistance to the wounded in the situation in which they probably turned out to be a special, will and courage.

"" Do you understand that you committed a heroic act? " I say: "I made a job." The first impression was that something happened to the carriage equipment, with the workshop of some fire extinguisher powder, which we have. Because the dustiness went, it was incomprehensible - cotton and dusting. While I have reported, I began to receive messages about the communication "Passenger-Machinist", but it was impossible to understand them, because everything was said - in every car two conversions. At the same time, the composition continues to move. At this point I pay attention to the fact that there are no obstacles to the mirrors to move the composition of the composition that he goes. I reported that I would travel to the station "Technological Institute", since at that moment the station was already visible, "said the driver.

Question: If the composition was stopped, it would be almost impossible to move it? "

"You imagine a closed space, roughly speaking, a pipe, in which the composition is worth. On the one hand, the contact rail is not to pass. Evacuate in this situation only one side of the banquette. Six cars. Imagine how much time is it? Cotton occurred. The explosion means it may be fire, and who will stew? If the composition stopped - one driver. The solution is only one thing - if possible, bring the composition to the station, "the driver said.

"The train to us has already arrived not that is strongly chosen, but as a bubble. When I came running, there was a little bit smoking. Machinists have grown. The fire itself was not, just smoke. Many people were not confused, helped others, because there was a lot of blood. Someone took people from the car, someone checked, breathing or not. Everything is nice. When I rang on duty, she immediately called "ambulance". She said that you need a lot of "fast," because the explosion. To be honest, I did not cry. It's now I have tears in my eyes, I don't feel very well, because, let's say, today it only reached me, that this is the deepest tragedy for everyone, "Nina Shmeleva said at the station" Technological Institute ".

There is another hero - inspector in the station "Vosstaniya Square". He found the second explosive device. Thanks to his vigilance, the bomb never worked, the explosive engineers were neutralized. The name of the inspector is Albert Siberian. Together with Nina Shmeleva and Alexander Kaverin, he will go to Moscow at night, they were presented to state awards. And on behalf of Petersburgers we still speak. Thank you!

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