Microbiological research on chlamydia by PCR. How to pass the tests on chlamydia trachomatis chlamydia: smears and scaffolds on PCR, Nasba, blood for ELISA

Infection occurs when sexual intercourse, in a contact-household method. Chlamydia is an infection caused by the bacteria of the type chlamydia trachomatis.

In 90% of cases, the disease amazes the urinary system. What tests are for chlamydia in women and what is their accuracy? Let's figure it out together.

What types of biomaterial research on chlamydia is?

When bacteria are actively multiplied, the local immunity of women weakens. Reducing protective reactions leads to concomitant diseases and complications.

Methods of diagnosis of chlamydia in women:

  • express test;
  • smear on flora;
  • polymer chain reaction;
  • immunochromatographic analysis;
  • immunoformal (immunomorphological);
  • cytoscopic (reef, face method);
  • cultural method (bacteriological sowing).

Each method of diagnosis has its own characteristics to collect material and prepare for research.

Watch the video on the methods of diagnosis of chlamydia:

Immunochromatographic analysis (IHA)

Express test is carried out to identify infection. It is sold in a pharmacy. The manufacturer indicates that the accuracy of the method is 75%. However, practice shows only 20-50% of coincidences with medical diagnostics. If the result is positive, the test does not exempt from additional analyzes in the clinic. Following the results of IH, the doctor will not be able to prescribe treatment.

How to determine chlamydia in a woman with an immunochromatographic way? For analysis use urine or mucus from the vagina. A cooked biomaterial is applied to the test indicator. Before collecting sample, manufacturers recommend:

  • within 2 hours not to empty the bladder;
  • on the eve of the test you can not drenching;
  • do not use vaginal candles and cream a few days before testing.

Otherwise, the accuracy of the result will remain in question. All you need to carry out the test is in the set along with detailed instructions for use.

There are no contraindications to conduct express test.

This method is used after sexual intercourse with a random partner Or with suspicious selections from sex tract.

The method is based on the principle of immune chromatography.

The advantages of IHA:

  • the ability to spend the test at home;
  • fast result;
  • special equipment is required to identify infection;

Most doctors consider this method of empty money, because Treatment is appointed according to the results of laboratory research.

How do the smear on the flora?

With a gynecological examination, a woman is taking 3 smear on the flora:

  • from the urethra;
  • vagina;
  • cervix.

How is the analysis on chlamydia in women in this way? Selection particles are collected by a special brush. The procedure is unpleasant, but painless. For the detection of chlamydia, bacteriological sowing of the material is carried out. The usual study under the microscope will not determine the causative agent of infection.

The study unmistakably determines the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitals. The probability of revealing chlamydia this method is only 15%. The smear takes along with other diagnostic methods.

If the woman took antibiotics, and with the reception of the latter tablet did not pass a month, the analysis is not carried out. Preparations kill part of bacteria. The remaining chlamydia is temporarily inactive. The disease occurs in a hidden form.

Pluses of the method:

  • the analysis is carried out for free in the state clinic;
  • allows you to identify accompanying pathologies.

We offer you a video about how to take a smear on the flora on chlamydia:

Polymer chain reaction (PCR)

The most reliable methods. Research accuracy reaches 100%. The false result is only in the wrong collection and processing of the material. This method prefers most specialists. If the result is positive, there should be no doubt about chlamydia.

Material for analysis:

  • scraping of upper cells of mucous membranes;
  • urine, with symptoms of damage to the infection of the urethra;
  • blood - antibodies to chlamydia can be present in it.

If the doctor gave direction on urine analysis, give the first morning portion. The volume of the material is 20-30 ml.

The study by PCR is carried out 1-2 days. This method is preferred in the diagnosis of the disease.

PCR analysis video:

How to identify with an immunoformal method (ELISA)?

  • allows you to detect microorganisms in the blood for 10-20 days of infection;
  • determines the form of the disease - acute or chronic;
  • indicates the activation of poorly treated chlamydia;
  • removes antibodies to other types of chlamydia, not only to genital.

ELISA complements PCR. These two analyzes are carried out together. ELISA also takes to check the treatment. According to the results of the test, it is not always clear whether a person is sick at the moment or infection has been transferred earlier.

How to prepare for the surcharge of antibodies:

Immunofluorescence reaction (reef)

In some clinics, such an analysis is called a cytoscopic disease method.

The study of the material is carried out under fluorescent microscope. If there are chlamydia in cells, a glow is observed. Microorganisms resemble the form of an asterisk. The probability of error is 50%.

The method is rarely used, because Easy to confuse chlamydia with other bacteria groups. Most often they are confused with staphylococci. Plays a role and human factor. If the analysis conducts an experienced doctor, the accuracy of the result increases significantly.

How to diagnose with bacterial sowing?

And how is the analysis of chlamydia for women with bacterial sowing? For a study, a woman is taking a smear. The assembled material is placed in a nutrient medium. The result is estimated after 6-8 days. If there are chlamydia in the smear, during this period of time they will multiply and will be visible as a laboratory manner. The authenticity of the result is 100%.

After the detection of bacteria, they conduct a study of their properties and a period of vital activity in the patient's body.

Sowing is rare due to labor intensity and high cost. Bacterial sowing recommended:

  • in case of medical and legal conflicts;
  • for the diagnosis of chlamydia in virgins;
  • with suspected infection in the mouth or in the rectum.

How to prepare for delivery?

For the reliability of the result, a woman must comply with the rules of preparation:

The preparation rules apply to all diagnostic methods.. If the woman was recently treated with antibiotics or local antibacterial agents, the analysis is carried out later.

Pregnant women are subject to all rules except recommendations on the menstrual cycle days.

Attempts by self-treatment lead to the transition of the disease into the chronic stage. Treatment complex, based on the reception of several existing tools that require the right combination. Otherwise, therapy will not give the result or lead to complications.

Bole detail how to properly prepare for the analysis, you will tell you the doctor:


In the norm of chlamydia in a smear of a woman should not be. The table below shows the possible results of analyzes and their decoding:

Name Decoding results After how many days is ready analysis Price in Rubble
PCR- No chlamydia,

Chlamydia detected

1-2 250-300
IFA- antibodies have not been detected

+/- Doubtful, there is a small amount of antibodies

Antibodies are detected

2-3 450-500
FIF.- Antigens bacteria are not detected (negative result)

Antigens found (chlamydia is)

2-3 350-400
Sowing- Growth is not observed, there is no chlamydia,

Growth is, chlamydia found

6-8 1000
Express test2 strips - chlamydia is,

1 strip - chlamydia no

10 minutes300
Cytological method- chlamydia in cells were not detected,

Chlamydia detected

2-3 450

What is the method of diagnosing to choose?

How to donate analysis on chlamydia in women and what is the diagnostic method to choose? This solves your attending physician.

But the most accurate studies:

  • bacterial sowing.

These same methods will fit to assess the effectiveness of treatment. An important nuance - PCR does not make sense to pass if the month has not passed from the reception of the last tablet antibiotics. After conducting priority studies, the doctor compares the results. If necessary, appoint additional diagnostic methods.

When the main analyzes show the presence of chlamydia in cells, other types of research are not prescribed. But if the data contradict each other is advisable to undergo additional analyzes.

One diagnostic diagram of chlamydia, specialists do not adhere to. The analysis is usually 3-5 ways. Such a variety allows you to assign proper treatment, eliminate false conclusions.

In the diagnosis of chlamydia from all existing methods, the PCR method is recognized as significantly. * The method of polymerase chain reaction for the diagnosis of chlamydia has a sensitivity of 98-100%.

Advantages of PCR diagnosis during chlamydia

1. Direct definition of chlamydia in the biomaterial.

A number of methods used in the diagnosis of chlamydia, for example, the IFA method, reveals only antibodies and / or antigens of the pathogen, which is not direct confirmation of chlamydial infection, and indicates only its availability.

The polymerase chain reaction method (PCR method) is a molecular biological method, which is aimed at identifying the DNA fragments specific for chlamydium and directly indicates the presence of infection.

2. High specificity.

The specificity of the PCR method in the diagnosis of chlamydia reaches 100%. This fact is due to the fact that a fragment of DNA, genetic material of chlamydia is detected in the biomaterial being analyzed. DNA is an integral part of any microorganism and cannot exist outside the pathogen, except for the use of antibacterial drugs when the DNA of the pathogen can be determined during the month.

This cannot be said about the immunological methods of analysis, in which there are often false-positive reactions due to cross-reactive antibodies and antigens.

3. High sensitivity.

To perform PCR analysis, there is sufficient presence in biomaterial of single cells of chlamydia. Analytical sensitivity of PCR analysis of 10-100 cells in the biomaterial, when other cells have 103-105 cells (microscpic, bacteriological methods).

Existing routine methods for diagnosing chlamydial infection - microscopic, immunological, bacteriological - do not allow the causative agent in 20-40% of infected persons, while the PCR method allows you to identify chlamydia in almost 100% of patients.

4. Universality of the PCR method.

Along with the detection of DNA of chlamydia in the studied biomaterial, the PCR method allows you to simultaneously detect several pathogens, for example, trichomonade, gonococcus, etc.

5. The speed of obtaining the result.

The analysis of the PCR analysis is fully automated, which allows obtaining results into the most optimal deadlines, and, as a result, makes it possible to get rapid and efficient treatment.

6. Diagnosis of latent and sluggish forms of chlamydia.

The urogenital chlamydial infection is distinguished by asymptomatic flow, for example, more than 70% of women chlamydia proceeds asymptomatic. Therefore, earlier routine diagnostic methods did not allow to identify this infection. In recent years, there is more cases of the disease in the wide use of the PCR method in clinical practice.

Chlamydia: Features

The uncomplicated form of chlamydious infection proceeds in men more often in the form of inflammation of the urethra (urethritis), in women in the form of mucous-purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical cervical (cervicitis), urethra (urethritis).

Preferably, the urogenital chlamydious infection flows in a low-shimptic form and begins to manifest themselves at the stage of complications.

For the full diagnosis of urogenital chlamydia, the PCR method takes the scrapets from the urethra, urine, the secret of the prostate gland in men, and scraping from the cervical canal, the vagina in women.

Common complications of urogenital chlamydia include:

  • orchoepididimitis, epidididitis, prostatitis, stricture of urethra;
  • cystitis,
  • Walk (inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis organs);
  • erosive changes of the cervix;
  • infertility.

Possible complications of chlamydia when distributed beyond the urogenital tract:

  • chlamydial conjustivitis;
  • chlamydial pharyngitis;
  • chlamydial hepatitis
  • reuters' disease (combining the defeat of urinary organs, joints and confunctions); Washed disease of specific etiology.

Conducting PCR diagnostics of chlamydial infection is relevant for patients:

  • for preventive examination;
  • with characteristic complaints or a confirmed diagnosis of sexually transmitted disease;
  • when planning pregnancy;
  • examination of pregnant women;
  • with a burdened obstetric and gynecological history;
  • with suspected urogenital chlamydia;
  • before operational interventions on the genital organs and the organs of the small pelvis;
  • with suspected conjunctivitis, arthritis of chlamydial etiology.

In CMD laboratories for PCR research, there is best equipment and highly qualified personnel. At all stages of PCR studies - from taking biomaterial to issuing a ready-made result - all the requirements of quality management are complied than completely excluding the ingress of foreign genetic material and obtaining a false positive result.

Chlamydial infection is a disease transmitted through sexual contacts. The cunning of this "infection" is that it does not show itself clear symptoms and it is difficult to reveal it. But in the untreated form, chlamydia becomes the cause of secondary female diseases and leads to and unbearable.

An ordinary vaginal smear or urethra is not able to detect the causative agent of chlamydia. Chlamydia live and breed inside other cells, so they are not available for most familiar analyzes.

How do PCR analysis do in chlamydia?

For the diagnosis of chlamydia, a whole range of laboratory studies is used, the most important of which is the analysis of PCR. The method of polymerase chain reaction with high accuracy detects the presence of chlamydia in the body based on the DNA of the cells of biological material.

The PCR method reveals not only actively breeding in the acute stage of the disease, but also hidden chronic chlamydia.

How do PCR smear on chlamydia?

The examination of the patient's venous blood is often taken on the study, but most often in women's consultations, fence the fence separated from the genital tract. Analysis takes no earlier than 3 days after the end of menstruation. Material for analysis is taken in the form of a smear of vagina, urethra, cervix. After the scope of a woman, a woman may occur during urination, small bloody discharges are allowed.

Analysis of chlamydia in women is studied by the PCR technique, detecting with high accuracy the presence and concentration of malicious bacteria in the body based on DNA of biomaterial cell research.

Analysis on chlamydia in women is an important study. After all, chlamydial infection is not just a disease that is transmitted through sexual proximity, but also such a cunning disease capable of the development of primary infertility or the usual misfortune of the fetus.

Studies conducted by the PCR technique are made in order to diagnose infections, provoking the following viruses, like mycoplasma, ureaplasm, chlamydia and others. To examine the presence of chlamydia and other infectious diseases, it is necessary to donate blood for tests, smears on bacteriological sowing or scraping.

If you pass the smear to sowing or scraping, then chlamydia, as the most insidious disease that transmitted during sexual contacts may not be found. After all, atypical bacteria, as chlamydia, multiply and concentrate inside other cells of the body. That is why such a disease, such as chlamydia (and ureaplasm), is practically not identified with research within the framework of the usual analyzes.

The period of incubation development of chlamydia to the definition of pronounced symptoms lasts up to 3 weeks. It is during this time that the infection has time to integrate into the cell cage, both in men and women. The diagnosis of PCR allows you to reveal the virus earlier and do not give to such an excitator as ureaplasm.

When the body is already captured by the disease, the following symptoms are manifested in men:

  • this is a watering of a muddy color;
  • morning selection from the urethra;
  • itching and signs of burning in urination;
  • the overall state of weakness with an increase in body temperature;
  • isolation with bleeding impurities when urination and even observed such as bleeding ejaculation.

Signs of disease chlamydia in women is:

  • the presence of unpleasant smell of genitals;
  • yellowish discharge of the mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • itching and unpleasant burning in the process of urination;
  • weakness of well-being with a slight increase in temperature.

Such pathogens of infections, as chlamydia and ureaplasm, are dangerous because they can show weak symptoms for detection, and over time to disappear. The launched form of activity in the body of pathogens, like chlamydia and ureaplasm, leads to the affix of the internal organs, both in men and women.

Analysis on chlamydia - methods for identifying chlamydia for men and women

Diagnose chlamydia is permissible using a laboratory research method where the biomaterial is taken for work. There are a number of methods for identifying causative agents of chlamydia and ureaplasm:

  • (This genetically biological study of the methods of polymerase chain reaction) reveals with 100% accuracy of malicious bodies in the biomaterial of the type of acaaplasm, chlamydia and others.
  • Bacteriological culture examination, this is where it takes material on sowing for growing, detecting and identifying bacteria (chlamydia, ureaplasm and others) in a special nutrient medium.
  • ELISA (this is an immunoassay analysis) must be passed to identify the antibodies to the identified pathogen.
  • Reef (immunofluorescent microscopy) - Analysis that needs to be passed to thoroughly to identify chlamydia.

Highly sensitive method for determining the organism of the causative agent of chlamydia - PCR in chlamydia. How to pass this analysis and why? Among the venereal diseases characteristic of men and women, it is this infection that is the most common. Timely surrender analysis allows you to identify infection and prevent complications.

What is it about

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) invented in the 1970s. Improving technologies increased the accuracy of the result. The method is highly sensitive, so it will show the DNA of the causative agent even with small sample volumes. For this reason, PCR on chlamydia is preferable than antibodies. When conducting a study on chlamydia, conditions are artificially creating conditions in which the infection is multiplied, growing up to volumes that allow visual definition. The technique does not lose efficiency even in the case when the pathogen grows slowly.

Clamedia trachomatis chlamydia provoked, but the course of the disease does not affect the quality of life for a long time, and the changes do not notice. Those few signs that are manifested in sluggish processes, patients ignore or confuse with other disorders. PCR in chlamydia accurately establishes whether infection occurred and how large the scale of the lesion.

Material for a laboratory manner - scraping taken from the urethra, cervix. Hemotest, other research options are accurate in 20% of cases. The correct result is obtained only with PCR.

Chlamydia: Features

PCR as a method for diagnosing chlamydial infection is distributed since the 90s. The specifics of the technology in identifying the pathogen inhabit the other cell. But antibodies widely used in determining a number of diseases are not always able to determine the presence of intracellular infection.

Without treatment, chlamydia provokes secondary diseases of the female reproductive system, the inability to endure the fruit and conceive the child.

  1. genital infections;
  2. ornithosis;
  3. diseases of the respiratory system.

Chlamydia is distributed in humans and animals. For example, cats suffer from eyes, gastrointestinal tract. Diagnosed with the same polymerase reaction.

Among people are the most common form provoked by genital pathogens. Chlamydia provokes violations of the urinary system, leads to the development of inflammatory processes in the pelvis cavity and the formation of adhesions.

Characteristic complications in women:

  • endocervicitis;
  • urethritis;
  • arthritis;
  • sunflow in the pelvis cavity;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • frequent miscarriages;
  • infertility.

Men are watching:

  1. cystitis;
  2. proctitis;
  3. prostatitis.


The smear on chlamydia by the PCR method is a precise method of determination, is the causative agent in the body. Microscopic technology involves obtaining biological material and further reproduction in laboratory conditions.

The polymerase chain reaction is carried out upon receipt:

  • bias from urethra;
  • secret prostate;
  • smear from the cervix;
  • vagina fabrics.

At home, the polymerase reaction is carried out using an express test. Acquire such a pharmacy, biological material - urine. The accuracy of this option is less than laboratory research on chlamydia, but with a positive result there is no doubt - it's time to go to the doctor.

Before analysis

Preparation for the leasing of biomaterial is the guarantee of the accuracy of the result. Remember, at least a method and effective, non-compliance with the recommendations leads to an incorrect result.

Preparatory measures:

  1. 1-3 days before the delivery of biomaterials exclude sexual contacts;
  2. the last urination occurs 3-4 hours before the fence of the material;
  3. analysis on chlamydia is passed 3-4 days after the cessation of menstrual bleeding;
  4. unacceptable scripture 24 hours before a visit to the doctor;
  5. exception of medicines (primarily antibiotics), except by the doctor registered, 7 days before the delivery of biomaterial.

Features of the polymerase chain reaction

Analysis of PCR in chlamydia in the laboratory is carried out on different biomaterials. If the fabrics of the genital organs, the urination system were used, now doctors give an accurate diagnosis of saliva, seed fluid, urine. The fence is made by a universal probe using gynecological mirrors.

Taking the analysis on chlamydia by the PCR method, the working tool is placed in a protected capacity, filled with transport liquid, sealed tightly. Why is it necessary? The reaction is highly sensitive, specific and accurate, so unacceptable penetration of alien bacteria, infections and viruses. In the study of the materials obtained in the laboratory, part of DNA is distinguished by chlamydia. The result is prepared for 6-8 hours. Accuracy and speed are guaranteed by automation of the laboratory process.

Advantages of PCR in chlamydia

Select polymerase reaction due to:

  • speed of obtaining results;
  • identifying hidden infections;
  • versatility;
  • sensitivity;
  • the ability to identify DNA pathogen.


Is it possible to pass PCR on chlamydia when entering the fetus? How to hand out biomaterials in a "interesting situation"? Technology coincides with applicable women. Doctors recommend to undergo a study at the child planning stage, but there are situations when the need arises after conception.

During pregnancy, the analysis on chlamydia makes it possible to find out whether the danger of infection of the mother and the child is great at the same time. There is an opinion that the beamaterial fence harms the fetus. This is a stereotype that does not have any reason. The smear is obtained from the cervix. At the same time, the working instrument of the gynecologist (probe, the mirror) does not fall into the uterus, it does not harm the oily bubble. The process is safe, painless.


Compared to methods using antibodies, PCR indicates various infections, including hidden, asymptomatic. The use of polymerase reaction diagnoses:

  1. hepatitis B, C;
  2. chlamydia;
  3. mycoplasma genitalium;
  4. tuberculosis;
  5. herpes;
  6. helicobacteriosis;
  7. mononucleosis of infectious origin;
  8. trichomoniasis.


PCR in chlamydia gives one of two results:

  • Negative when the material does not contain infectious traces.
  • Positive. It is possible even in the case when antibodies under other studies have shown the absence of pathogen. This is explained by the sensitivity of the technology. This result indicates the presence of infection in the studied cells. The result is qualitative, you can not do about the number of conclusions.

With a positive result, the doctor determines how to clarify the diagnosis and what treatment is required.


Laboratory material is obtained by a plastic probe or a gynecological brush. The obtained substances are collected into a conical hermetic one-and-andded dollar tube, fill the unoccupied space with a pinkish medium.

Disposable vestries, sterile. Materials for research on chlamydia are obtained from the urethra, cervix. It is unacceptable that the smear contains blood, so the scraping take carefully.

The study of biomaterial is made by amplification. The process gives the exact result for 6-8 hours. In this case, the DNA sequence is copied due to DNA polymerase. At each cycle, the primer is introduced. Cooling cycles provide temperature regime.

High sensitivity is the advantage of PCR on chlamydia in comparison with ELISA and immunofluorescent research.

The reaction takes place in three stages:

  1. an increase in temperature to 94 ° C turns the DNA molecule into single-chain (denaturation);
  2. short synthetic fragments with specified areas of protein chains (annealing) are associated;
  3. new DNAs are synthesized when heated to 70-72 ° C (polymerization).

Accuracy is guaranteed by the exception of cross reactions.

Summing up

Despite the prevalence and danger of chlamydia, PCR identifies the disease in active and latent form. It is recommended to make a study at the first symptoms of infection and after the treatment of the disease.

Feel free to go to the doctor, suspecting sex infections! For a woman, especially for the future mother, it is important to follow health and in a timely manner to contact the clinic. Remember, the launched chlamydia leads to serious lesions of organs and infertility. Passing the analysis by the PCR method, the woman not only finds out the presence of chlamydia in the body, but also receives accurate data on other pathogens, including hidden.

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