Losses in periods and campaigns of war. Great Patriotic War June 22 November 18, 1942

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 - war of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics against invading the Soviet territory of Nazi Germany and its European allies (Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Finland, Croatia). The most important component of the Second World War, which ended in the unconditional surrender of the Armed Forces of Germany.

Patriotic War - this is a war in which his fatherland protects not only the army, but also all, regardless of the estate and position in society, the people (People's militia, partisan movement, underground organizations ...)

Clockwise, starting from the upper left corner -

  • soviet IL-2 attack aircraft in the sky over Berlin,
  • german tank "Tiger" in the Kursk battle,
  • german bombers JU 87 (Winter 1943-1944),
  • examination of the Soviet Jews by the soldiers of the Ainzatz group,
  • Wilhelm Keitel signs the act of surrender of Germany,
  • soviet troops in the battle for Stalingrad

The Second World War. Military actions from 06.22.1941 - to 11/18/1942

Map of hostilities 1941-1942

Nazi Germany, hoping for a strategy of a lightning war ( "blitzkrieg" ), prepared an aggression plan against the Soviet Union, which received code name "Directive number 21. Plan" Barbarossa "(Fall Barbarossa, in honor of the King of Germany and the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire of Friedrich I Barbarossa, Ser XII B) Its implementation has begun during the eponymous operations "Barbarossa" , Completed which is assumed to the autumn dishthele. In the war against the USSR there was a goal

  • eliminate the Soviet state
  • take possession of his riches
  • physically destroy the main part of the population and "Germanizing" territory of the country up to the Urals (the "OST" plan)

December 18, 1940, Hitler signed Directive No. 21 (Barbarossa Operation) About preparation for war against the Soviet Union, starting with the instructions: "... The German armed forces must be ready to break Soviet Russia during a short-term campaign before the war against England is completed."The armed forces of Germany was the task "Drag the Soviet Russia during the same short-term campaign"what was supposed to use all Ground Forces with the exception of those that performed occupying functions in Europe, as well as approximately Two thirds of the Air Force and a small part of the Navy. Retractuous operations with deep and rapid promotion of tank wedges The German army had to destroy the Soviet troops in the western part of the USSR and prevent the waste of combat-ready parts into the country's depths. In the future, quickly pursuing the enemy, the German troops should have achieved the line, from where the Soviet aviation would not be able to make the raids on the third Reich. The ultimate goal of the campaign is to enter the line Arkhangelsk - Volga - Astrakhan,creating there, in case of need, the conditions of the German Air Force for "Impact on Soviet Industrial Centers in the Urals"

The German leadership proceeded from the need to ensure the defeat of Soviet troops throughout the front line. As a result of the conceived grandiose "border battle", the USSR should not have anything except 30-40 reserve divisions. This goal was supposed to achieve the onset throughout the front. The main operational directions were recognized:

  • Moscow (Army Group "Center", Commander-in-Chief Fedor Background Bone (on the front 500 km focused (50 German divisions and 2 German brigades, supported by the 2nd air fleet on June 22, 1941 Total number 1.453.200 soldiers and officers, 1700 tanks, 910 aircraft, 3000 guns,)

  • Kiev (Group of Army "South", Commander-in-chief HerDon Rundstedt (on the front 1250 km, 44 German, 13 Romanian divisions, 9 Romanian and 4 Hungarian brigades, which were supported by the 4th air fleet and Romanian aviation, 1508500 soldiers and officers, 1144 tanks, 16008 guns and mortars, 1829 samrelov)

  • Baltic Direction (Army Group North, Commander-in-Chief Wilhelm Josef Franz Ritter von Leeb (290 km on the front focused 29 divisions with the support of the 1st air fleet, 793.000 people - 6 tank and motorized divisions, 646 tanks, 435 combat aircraft, 1200 guns.) I had a task to provide the Northern Flang Group. "Center", grab the Baltic States, Leningrad and establish contact with Finnish troops.

In accordance with the Barbarossa plan, in the extreme north, the enemy norway's army as part of six divisions, including two Finnish, total number of about 150 thousand people. Had the task to attack the USSR from the north to Murmansk direction (Capture of Murmansk and Murmansk Railway)

The total number of divisions of the first strategic echelon, taking into account the Finnish, Hungarian and Romanian troops, was 157 divisions, of which 17 tank and 13 motorized, and 18 brigades. (5.5 million soldiers, about 4,300 tanks, about 5,000 aircraft)

On the eighth day German troops should have come out On the line of Kaunas - Baranovichi - Lviv - Mogilev-Podolsky.

On the twentieth days Wars they should have captured The territory and reach the frontier: Dnipro (to the area of \u200b\u200bsouth of Kiev) - Mozyr - Rogachev - Orsha - Vitebsk - Great Luki - South Pskov - South Pärnu.

After that, there was a pause Twenty-days lasting, during which it was assumed to focus and regroup the compounds, give rest of the troops and prepare a new supply base. On the fortieth day of the war, the second phase of the offensive was to begin. In the course of it was scheduled to capture Moscow, Leningrad and Donbass.

On the dawn June 22, 1941 . german army Having collapsed with all his power to Soviet land. Began The Great Patriotic War , the war of the Soviet people with the German fascist invaders continued 1418 days and nights . At the front, stupid from Barents to the Black Seas, with both sides in different periods of war at the same time fought from 8 million to 13 million people It was used 6 thousand to 20 thousand tanks and assault implements, OT. 85 thousand to 165 thousand guns and mortars, OT. 7 thousand to 19 thousand aircraft.
June 22, 1941 to Germany joined Romania, Italy, June 23 - Slovakia, June 25 - Finland, June 27 - Hungary, June 30 - Croatia, August 16 - Norway.

Take part in war against the USSR within "The pan-European hike
against Bolshevism "
near 2 million people of 15 European countries (more than half a million - Romanian army, almost 400 thousand - Hungarian troops, more than 200 thousand - Italian troops). Of these during the war years, it was formed 59 divisions, 23 brigades, several separate regiments, legions and battalions. Many of them wore names on state and nationality and served in them exclusively volunteers:

  • Blue Division - Spain
  • "Vallonia" - The division was French, Spanish and Walloon volunteers, and Wallonov was the majority.
  • "Galina" - Ukrainians
  • "Bohemia and Moravia" - Czechs from Moravia and Bohemia
  • "Viking" - Volunteers from the Netherlands, Belgium and Scandinavian countries
  • "DENMARK" - Dane
  • "Langemeark" - Flemish volunteers
  • Nordland - Dutch and Scandinavian volunteers
  • "NEXTERAND" - Dutch collaborators who fled to Germany after the extension of the Allies of Holland.
  • "French infantry regiment 638"Since 1943, he was united with the newly organized "French Division of SS" Charleman " - French people.

The implementation of the Barbaross Plan began at dawn on June 22, 1941 g. widely powerful bombers from the air of the largest industrial and strategic centers, as well as the onset of the Ground Forces of Germany and its allies. throughout the European border of the USSR (for 4.5 thousand km) . On the first day, German aviation bombed 66 airfields and destroyed 1200 Soviet aircraft. Behind 3 weeks Wars Red Army lost about a million soldiers and officers , out of which 724 thousand They captured (half a year in captivity 3.9 million servicemen). Germans destroyed 6.5 thousand Tanks, 3.5 thousand aircraft.

Already second day of war Germans captured Kaunas and Vilnius . June 28. Pal. MinskJuly 9 - Pskov, July 16 - Chisinau, Riga, Smolensk, White Church

The catastrophe was so obvious that even the German generals themselves believed in the inevitable defeat of the USSR in the very near future, and July 16 Chaired by Hitler was held meeting of the military and civilian leaders of Germany on the issue of reorganization of the USSR .

Summing up the first phase of the Barbarossa operation, July 3, 1941, the head of the German General Staff of the Ground Forces Franz Galder Recorded in his diary:

From left to right: V.Bruhich, A.Gitler, F. Galder

« In general, it can be said that the task of the defeat of the main forces of the Russian land army before Western Dnipro is fulfilled ... Therefore, there will be no exaggeration to say that the campaign against Russia has been won within 14 days. Of course, it is not finished yet. The huge length of the territory and the stubborn resistance of the enemy using all means will fade our forces for many weeks. ... When we enhance the Western Dvina and Dnipro, it will be not so much about the defeat of the enemy's armed forces, how much to pick up his industrial areas from the opponent and not give him opportunities using the giant power of its industry and inexhaustible human resources, create new armed Forces. As soon as the war in the east proceeds from the phase of the defeat of the armed forces of the enemy to the phase of economic suppression of the enemy, the further tasks of the war against England will appear on the first plan ... "

Adolf Gitler I try to put myself in the opponent's position. Almost he has already lost war. It is good that we defeated the tank and military air forces of the Russians at the very beginning. Russians will not be able to restore them anymore»

The rapid offensive of the German troops on the Soviet front and their success in the summer campaign were explained by many factors of an objective and subjective nature:

  • Germany had significant economic and military-strategic advantages.
  1. For the application of the Soviet Union, it used not only its own, but also the resources of the allied, dependent and occupied countries of Europe. Germany and its allies exceeded the USSR in human resources - they worked with the conquered peoples of Europe in total 400 million human. While the entire population of the USSR was 197 million people.
  2. Hitler's command and troops had experience in conducting modern war and wide offensive operations accumulated at the first stage of World War II.
  3. Technical equipment of the Wehrmacht (tanks, aviation, means of communication, etc.) significantly Exceeded Soviet in mobility and maneuverability.
  • The Soviet Union, despite the efforts attached during the third five-year plan, did not complete his preparation for war.

The country, suffering huge deprivation, preparing for war - Defense spending in the period 1939-1941. rose three times; In the eastern regions, the construction of doubles enterprises was deployed; In 1940, a transition on an eight-hour working day and a seven-day working week was carried out, laws were adopted for criminal liability for being late for work and prohibit the transition to another place of work, that is, the residents of the city actually attached to their enterprise and to their farm residents of the village Switched to military operation.

  1. The re-equipment of the Red Army was not completed.

USSR clearly caught with the transfer of industry on military rails: in Germany this process began in 1934 , and in the USSR - only in 1939 In addition, on the eve of the war, the Soviet Armed Forces were in the stage of organizational and technical restructuring, which led to the unparallence of parts by weapons and communications.Soviet inventors for the beginning of the war have developed tanks T-34 and Kv., Airplanes Yak-1. and IL-2. And others, but their production began only in early 1941.and the bulk of our tank and aircraft parks remained technically obsolete.

2. In accordance with the doctrine about the readiness of the Red Army "In someone else's land, protect your land" The necessary measures were not taken to prepare the country's infrastructure for long-term defensive actions. The enemy in a short period of time captured huge material and technical resources focused in the border districts, and used them against the USSR.

3. The largest miscalculation of Stalin I.V. It turned out to be his disbelief at the beginning of the war in the summer of 1941. Stalin and his entourage was believed to believe that Germany will not lead the war on two frontsBy ignoring the reports of diplomats and scouts.

In their "Memories and reflections" Zhukov noted:

"Matching and analyzing all the conversations that I.V. Stalina in my presence in the circle of people close to him, I came to a firm conviction: the danger of war with fascist Germany and all his thoughts and actions were permeated with one desire - avoid war Or delay the deadlines for its start and confidence that he will succeed. "

Your confidence is that in 1941 attacks can not expect Stalin reinforced two arguments:

  • at first- Germany bogged down in war with England, and Hitler always opposed the war on two fronts;
  • secondly- USSR managed to exclude the ally of Germany Japan, signing with her April 13, 1941 Non-Shaken Pact.

Zhukov noted that from now on Stalin put the goal in no way provoke Germany:

"He believed that if we would lead extremely cautious politics and not to give the Germans to unleash the war, we would fulfill our obligations, wars could be avoided or, as a last resort, delay it."

4. The command of the Wehrmacht was better prepared for war. As a result of mass repression in the USSR, most personnel commanders were physically destroyed - from the level of the regiment to the level of Marshal Soviet Union (up to 40 thousand). By the summer of 1941, about 75% of the army team composition were less than a year, about 85% - younger than 35 years. Such losses were impossible to fill in a short time. At a meeting of the RCKA governing line in December 1940, V. N. Kurdyumov said: "The last check conducted by the infantry inspector showed that from 225 commanders of the regimentsattracted to collect, only 25 people were completed by the Military School, the other two hundred people are people who graduated from the courses of younger lieutenants and come from stock. " In general, by the beginning of the war only 7% of commanders had higher education, before 37% have not passed the full course of training even in medium military schools.

But the war in the east accepted a completely unexpected character for the Germans.

Franz Galder - Military Worker of Germany, Colonel-General. Head of the General Staff of the Land Forces of the Wehrmacht in 1938-1942

June 24 1941. general Galder Made a record in my diary: "It should be noted the perseverance of Russian compounds in battle. There were cases when the garrisons of women blew themselves together with Dotami, not wanting to give up. " A little bit later, June 29 He writes: "Information from the front confirm that the Russians are fighting everywhere until the last cartridge... The stubborn resistance of the Russians forces us to fight for all the rules of our combat charters. In Poland and in the West, we could afford well-known liberties. Now it is already unacceptable. "

"It became completely obvious that a way of doing the fighting and the fighting spirit of the enemy, As well as the geographical conditions of this country, were quite unlike thosewith whom the Germans met in previous "lightning wars" who led to the success of the whole world ",

Let us give the statements of the authors of the FRG . "Despite unsatisfactory weapons and supply, - writes P. Gusoni In his book "Red Army", - The Red Army fought for his homeland, as a rule, stubbornly and fiercely. There was no case so that whole areas of the front stopped resistance, panic outbreak almost always managed to repay. " I.Dek One of the chapters of his book "Road through a thousand deaths" called "Only the dead Russians do not shoot." He writes about the "extreme resistance of the Soviet troops in the area of \u200b\u200bSmolensk," "Cities, in front of which all conquerors in their path to Moscow were forced to stop"

From the book Robert Kershou "1941 by the eyes of the Germans" :
"During the attack, we came across a light Russian tank T-26, we immediately clicked directly from 37 mm. When we began to approach, from Luke Tower leaned out the Russian belt and opened the shooting of the gun on us. Soon it turned out that he was without legs, they tear them away when the tank was shot down. And, despite this, he walled on our gun! "

After the successful breakthrough of the border defense, the 3rd battalion of the 18th Infantry Regiment of the Center for Army Center, which had 800 people, was fired by a division of 5 soldiers. "I did not expect anything like this, - recognized commander of the battalion Major Nehyhof His battalion doctor. "This is the purest suicide to attack the strength of the battalion five fighters."

"On the Eastern Front, I met people who can be called a special race. Already the first attack turned on the battle not for life, but for death. " / Tanker 12th Tank Division Hans Becker/

"In such a way you just do not believe, until you see with your own eyes. Soldiers of the Red Army, even burning alive, continued to shoot from the haweling houses. " / Officer of the 7th Tank Division/

Cross-border battles 1941. - The fighting of the Soviet troops of the cover and border troops June 22-29, 1941 (The ending time of border battles is quite conditional) in the initial period of the Great Patriotic War in the border areas of the USSR in the territory of Lithuania, the southern part of Latvia, Belarus and Western Ukraine against German troops. They unfolded simultaneously in the North-West, Western and south-western strategic directions.

AT end of June - the first half of July 1941 Large defensive border battles unfolded the most famous moments of the border battle:

Defense of the Brest Fortress

According to the plan of the German command, the fortress followed to master 12 o'clock in the first day of war. By June 22, 1941 in about 9 thousand people were stationed fortress , not counting family members (300 families of servicemen). WITH the German side storming the fortress was charged with the 45th Infantry Division (about 17 thousand people) In cooperation with parts of neighboring compounds (31st and 34th infantry divisions of the 12th Army Corps of the 4th German Army). By the evening June 24 The Germans mastered the Volyn and Terespol fortification, and the remnants of the latter garrison, realizing the inability to hold on, at night crossed the Citadel. Thus, the defense focused in Kobrin Strengthening and Citadel. On Kobrinsky strengthening by this time all defenders (about 400 people under the command of Major Peter Mikhailovich Gavrilova) Focus in East Forte. Daily defenders of the fortress had to beat 7-8 attacks, and flamers were used. June 26, the last plot of defense of the Citadel near the triparter gate, June 29 - East Fort . Organized fortress defense on it ended - only isolated groups and single fighters remained. Wehrmacht losses amounted to 1121 people. Killed and wounded (453/668), which is 7% of the staffing of the division (5 percent of the total losses of the Hitler's army on the entire Soviet-German front for the first week of the war).

Inscriptions on the walls of the Brest FortressSurroundings of Soviet troops in the area of \u200b\u200bBelostoka and Minsk

Belostok-Minsk battle - The name of the cross-border battle in the central section of the Soviet-German front during the Great Patriotic War June 22 - July 8, 1941. As a result of the battle, the main forces of the Soviet Western Front were surrounded and were crushed, June 28. German troops took Minsk.

Tank battle in the district of Rivne-Lutsk Brody.

Battle for Dubno-Lutsk Brody - One of the largest tank battles of the Second World War, held from June 23 to June 30, 1941. It took part in it five Machiorpos of RKKKA (2803 tanks) Southwestern Front against four German tank divisions (585 tanks) Wehrmacht of the Army Group "South", combined in the first tank group. Subsequently, the battle joined the battle one RKKA Tank Division (325 Tanks) and one Wehrmacht Tank Division (143 Tank). In this way, in the counter tank battle, 3128 Soviet and 728 German tanks (+ 71 German assault guns) were agreed (+ 71)

Losses on June 30, 1941, South-Western Front: 2648 tanks (85%) against German 260 cars. And if the Germans had the opportunity to repair their cars and had trophies (using them under white crosses), then Soviet losses were irretrievable. For 15 days of war, losses amounted to: 4381 tank out of 5826.

The shock connections of the South-Western Front to carry out a single offensive could not. The actions of Soviet carpons have been drove to isolated counterattacks in different directions. The result of the counterdovern was the delay for the week of the occurrence of the 1st tank group of Claysta and the breakdown of the opponent's plans to break through to Kiev and surround the 6th, 12th and 26th Arms of the South-Western Front in the Lviv ledge. The German command, by competent leadership, managed to reflect the Soviet counterdaddar and defeat the armies of the South-Western Front.

Smolensk Battle

Smolensk Battle - defensive and offensive actions July 10 - September 10, 1941 At the first stage of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Against the German troops of the Army Center "Center".

Counting Central smolensko-Moscow direction Impact the main thing, the German command is of great importance attached to the seizure of the city Smolensk .

2-month Smolensk Battle starting July 10, 1941 became the largest battle of the first months of the war, during which Hitler's plans began to collapse "blitzkrieg" .

The enemy had double superiority in humans, artillery and aircraft , nearly quadruple - in tanks .

But the resistance of the Soviet troops and the local population made it possible not only to sow the forces of the Center for the Army Center, but also to retaliate in the area of \u200b\u200bBobruisk .

July 15 The Germans broke into the southern part of the city, but the fights inside Smolensk continued 2 weeks.
In these fights 4 The best divisions were first awarded the title of Guards.

Under Smolensky, his fighting baptism was received "Katyusha" , three volley who stopped the opponent's offensive for the whole day (Once surrounded, the soldiers undermined their reactive installations).

Stubborn resistance of the Soviet parts so exhausted the Germans that July 30. Hitler was forced to order the army group "Center" Stop offensive and go to defense.

Taking advantage of this September 5 troops Reserve Front. Heading with Zhukov took the first offensive operation and, breaking through the defense of the Germans, liberated Yelny ( "Yelninskaya Operation" ).

Yelninskaya operation - offensive operation of troops of the 24th army of the backup front (Major General K. I. Rakutin), carried out August 30 - September 8in the course of the Smolensk battle of 1941 in order to eliminate the "Elninsky protrusion".

  • From Germany: 4th Army - 78th, 292nd, 268th, 7th Infantry Divisions.
    In total, about 70 thousand soldiers and officers, 500 guns and mortars of the caliber of 75 mm and above and about 40 tanks.
    Just about 70,000 people 40 tanks and 500 guns.

Losses: ~ 45 000 - 47,000 people (general, including wounded).

  • By the USSR: 24th Army - 19th, 100th, 106th, 107th, 120th, 303th and 309th Infantry Divisions, 6th Rifle Division of People's Militus, 103rd Motorized Division, 102nd and 105th tank divisions, as well as 10 corpus artpolkov.
    Just at the beginning of the operation of about 60,000 people, 35 tanks and 800 guns.

Losses: ~ 31,853 people (10701 - irretrievable losses, 21152 - injuries and sanitary losses).

10 September, With the transition of the Soviet troops to the defense, the 2-month Smolensk battle was completed.

Kiev Operation (1941)

large-scale battle of the Red Army and Wehrmacht in July - September 1941 during the Great Patriotic War. With the German side, the group of Army "South" was participated in the battle under the command of Field Marshal Rundstedta, as well as the 2nd tank group and the 2nd Army from the Center for the Center for the Center, with the Soviet - troops of the South-Western Front under the command of General Colonel M. P. Kirponosa as part of the five general-official armies and the Pin Flotilius by the command of the counter-admiral D. D. Rogacheva, under the general guidance of Marshal Soviet Soviet. M. Budyanny.

Kiev boiler

Defeat near Kiev has become a heavy blow to the Red Army. On September 1, as part of the South-Western Front, without front reserves, spare parts and rear, there were 752-760 thousand people, 3923 guns and mortars, 114 tanks and 167 combat aircraft. By the time of the environment in the boiler, 452.7 thousand people, 2642 guns, 1225 mortars, 64 tanks were found. According to German data, 665 thousand people were taken captured near Kiev by September 24. According to the data published in 1993, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Soviet losses amounted to over 700 thousand people, of which 627.8 thousand are irretrievably.

Odessa defense (August 5 - October 16, 1941)

Defense Odessa soviet troops in August-October 1941 - one of the few operations of the Red Army, during which the Soviet troops, yielding to the enemy in numbers, inflicted his losses more severely than they suffered . Although as a result of this operation, the Soviet troops passed the position of the enemy - but by order of the highest command. The defenders of the city for more than 73 days fastened from the walls of Odessa fourth Romanian army.

Already on August 13, the Romanian-German troops came to the Black Sea Eastern Odessa and completely blocked Odessa from Sushi, finally cutting it off from the troops of the South Front. At the end of August, the enemy's troops broke through to the Dnieper on the plot from Kremenchug to Kherson. Odessa was in a deep enemy rear. But resistance lasted until October. It should be emphasized that the city was not entitled to the enemy or bring them storm, moreover: at the end of September, the defenders of Odessa, strengthened by fresh personnel division and artillery, caused Construdar and pushed the opponents from the city in the eastern sector. The position of the defendants was estimated as stable. But continue to keep the bridgehead so remote from the big earth, in fact the island is deeply in the midst of the territory captured by the enemy it was hard and inappropriate. The city did not have any natural, neither artificial strengthening lines, stood practically in a clean field, water supply and in peace times was a problem ...

To understand the success of defense, it is enough to analyze the numbers. According to official data, the forces of the parties were:

  • USSR - 35 thousand people at the beginning of the defense and 86 thousand at the end; Losses of Soviet troops: 41 thousand people (16 thousand killed and missing, 25 thousand wounded)
  • Romania and Germany - 340 thousand people. Losses with enemy - 92 thousand people (29 thousand killed and missing, 63 thousand wounded).

On September 30, the Supreme Commanding rate decided to use the troops of the Odessa defensive area to enhance the defense of the Crimea.

Since On October 16, all the existing troops (about 86 thousand people), a part of the civilian population (more than 15 thousand people), part of the civilian population (more than 15 thousand people) were exported by ships and vessels of the Black Sea Fleet ships and vessels from the city.a significant amount of weapons and combat technology.

About 40 thousand inhabitants of the city went to the catacombs and continued to resist until the city's full release of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, April 10, 1944.

Defense of Leningrad

(September 8, 1941 -January 27, 1944)

Lost from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944 (the blockade ring was broken on January 18, 1943) - 872 days. ... After the breakthrough the blockade of the siege of Leningrad, enemy troops and the fleet lasted until September 1944.

By the beginning of the battle in the troops of the Northern and North-Western fronts and in the Baltic Fleet, there were 540 thousand people, 5,000 guns and mortars, about 700 tanks (of which 646 lungs), 235 combat aircraft and 19 combat ships of the main classes.

The opponent had 810 thousand people, 5300 guns and mortars, 440 tanks, 1,200 combat aircraft.

In prepared at the rate of Hitler theses of the report "On the Blocade of Leningrad" dated September 21, it was indicated:

  • "... b) First, we block Leningrad (hermetically) and destroy the city, if possible, artillery and aviation ...
  • d) the remains of the "garrison of the fortress" will remain there for the winter. In the spring we will penetrate into the city ... We will take out everything that the living remained, in the depths of Russia or take captive, you will thank Leningrad with the Earth and give the area of \u200b\u200bthe north of Finland. "

Performing your plan, the Hitler's command carried out bombing and shelling of the city ( during the period of the battle for Leningrad in the city, about 150 thousand shells were released and 102,520 inelenses were reset and 4653 FUGAS, AVIABS).

By the end of September 1941, the front on the southwestern and southern approaches to Leningrad stabilized. The enemy's plan for the seizure of Leningrad was crashing, and this led to himself and disrupting the opponent's intentions to turn the main forces of the North Army Group for the attack on Moscow.

Leningrad blocade - pain and death

Memories of the blockade of Leningrad peoplewho survived her, their letters and diaries open us a terrible picture. A terrible hunger hit the city. Money and jewelry depreciated. Evacuation began in the fall of 1941, but only in January 1942 it became possible to bring a large number of people, mostly women and children, across the road of life. In bakery, where daily pie was issued, there were huge queues. In addition to hunger blood Leningrad Other disasters attacked: very frosty winters, sometimes the thermometer column descended to - 40 degrees. End fuel and frozen water pipes - the city remained without light, and drinking water. Another misfortune for the deposited city of the first blockade roots became rats. They not only destroyed food reserves, but also all sorts of infections. People died, and they did not have time to bury, the corpses lay straight on the streets. There were cases of cannibalism and robes

Diary of the Leningrad Girl Tanya Savicheva with records of the death of all members of her family. Tanya herself also died from progressive dystrophy shortly after the blockade. Her girl's diary was shown in the Nuremberg process

Everyone remembers the poems Olga Bergholts "125 blockade grams with fire and blood in half,", But not many know where this expression came from. From a real case. When the driver was found on the road of life, to break them and repair a broken car.

And it was like this: on the whole go
Machine rear ass.
Shopefully jumped, chauffeur on ice.
- Well, it is - the engine of the Labor.
Repair for five minutes, trifle.
This breakdown is not a threat
Yes, do not break anything in any way:
They are on the steering wheel dried frost.
Slightly disperse - it will take again.
Stand? And bread? Other wait?
And bread - two tons? He will save
Sixteen thousand Leningradsev.
And here - in gasoline hands he
Mocked, set them from the motor,
and quickly moved repair
In the blazing hand of the chauffeur.
Forward! Like a whisk of blisters,
Specified to the mittens of the palm.
But he will deliver bread, will arrive
To bakery to dawn.
Sixteen thousand mothers
soldering will get at the dawn -
one hundred twenty five blockade grams
With fire and blood in half.

The road of life

Defense Sevastopol

(October 1941 - July 4, 1942)

Defense of Sevastopol. 1942 (A. A. Deineka)

Heroic 250-day defense of Sevastopol (October 1941 - July 4, 1942) sought a significant part of the German troops. The city departed the 11th German army under the command of General E. Manstein.

Erich von Manstein

The defense of Sevastopol lasted almost a year and had several main stages:

  • The first offensive of the Germans;
  • The second offensive of the Germans;
  • The period of the clutch in January-May 1942;
  • The third onset of the Germans.

On October 25, 1941, German troops broke through the defense line of the Soviet Army and moved towards the Crimea with a view to take the peninsula in the shortest possible time. Soviet command at the same time began to retreat towards Kerch, from where part of the army later crossed the Kuban. The remaining part of the Soviet troops began to discharge towards Sevastopol to protect the city. The Germans pursued both parts of the Soviet Army, and also sent another detachment directly to Sevastopol into circulation of the Russian army to surround the city and capture it.

By November 1941, there were about 20 thousand Soviet troops in Sevastopol, and since November 5, the first clashes between the Germans and the Soviet army on the distant approaches to the city began.

The first offensive of the Germans to Sevastopol

On November 11, several German divisions attacked Soviet troops at approaches to the city, but they met serious resistance - fierce battles continued until the 21st. During the battles, the Germans managed to move into several kilometers in two directions at once, and the front boundary was set 12 kilometers from Sevastopol.

After that, both army engaged in strengthening their composition, reinforcements arrived to the Soviet troops, and the Germans focused their attention in other territories of Crimea. As a result, by November 16, the peninsula, except Sevastopol, was captured by German troops. Hitler decided to "finish" Sevastopol and all the free armies moved to the city.

The second offensive of the Germans to Sevastopol

The new attack was scheduled for November 27, but due to a number of problems, it took place only on December 17, 1941. The Germans attacked the Soviet front and fierce battles began again, as a result of which the German army was able to win the advantage and advance to the city.

On December 19, the Soviet command reports that the defense no longer remains forces and the city will not last even up to the 20th, but contrary to forecasts the army was able to resist up until November 21, when the subsoil arrived.

For two weeks, the Germans were able to move the front line on average by 10 kilometers, which meant that they practically came close to the city.

January-May 1942

It was a relatively quiet period, the battles took place only small, local importance, as the German troops went to the east of the Crimean Peninsula, and the Soviet army replenished their detachments with new divisions at this time.

The third offensive of the Germans to Sevastopol

On May 18, the Soviet resistance in the east of Crimea was completely destroyed, and the German army focused on Sevastopol again. It was necessary to capture the city in the near future - artillery was tightened to the border.

On June 2, the assaults of Sevastopol began simultaneously from Earth and air, part of the German army distracted the enemy in the east, and the part participated directly in the assault.

By June 17, the north of Sevastopol was captured, as well as part of the south. By June 29, the Germans entered the city, and the battles continued there.

On July 1, 1942, Sevastopol was completely captured by the Germans, and the remains of the Soviet Army went to Chersonesos, expecting that they were evacuated from there. For a few more days there were fights in Chersonese, no one evacuated the army, and the soldiers were shortly captured or killed.

Losses and results

The defense of Sevastopol entered the story as an example of the courage of Soviet soldiers, as well as one of the most severe and prolonged operations of the first period of war. Despite the resistance, the city was taken, which meant that and the whole Crimea moved to Germany. Hitler got a very favorable position, and the Soviet command was forced to admit that it actually lost Ukraine.

General loss of Soviet troops for the entire period of the defense of Sevastopol from October 30, 1941 to the beginning of July 1942 amounted to 200 481 people, of which irrevocable losses - 156,880 people, sanitary - 43,601 people.

For 250 days of the siege of the city 1 1 The German army lost the killed, who died from the Russian Academy of Sciences and those killed from accidents and accidents of 60 thousand people and 240 thousand. Among the sanitary losses. This is as much as all German Armed Forces lost during the seizure of Western Europe and the Balkans in the period from September 1, 1939 to May 15, 1941.

Stubborn resistance of the Red Army in the summer - in the fall of 1941, the Hitler's plan of the lightning war was reduced. At the same time, the capture of the fascist command to the fall of 1941. The huge territory of the USSR with its most important industrial centers and grain areas was a serious loss for the Soviet Union.

The Great Patriotic War - War of the USSR with Germany and its allies in the years and with Japan in 1945; Composite part of World War II.

From the point of view of the leadership of Nazi Germany, the War from the USSR was inevitable. The communist regime was considered as alien, and at the same time able to strike at any time. Only a quick defeat of the USSR gave the Germans to ensure the domination of the European continent. In addition, he opened them access to rich industrial and agricultural regions of Eastern Europe.

At the same time, as some historians consider, Stalin himself, at the end of 1939, made a decision on the proactive attack on Germany in the summer of 1941. On June 15, Soviet troops began a strategic deployment and nomination to the Western border. According to one version, it was done in order to strike on Romania and the Poland occupied by the Germans, according to another, to frighten the Hitler and make him abandon the plans for the attack on the USSR.

First period of war (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942)

The first stage of the German offensive (June 22 - July 10, 1941)

On June 22, Germany began a war against the USSR; On the same day, Italy and Romania joined her, June 23 - Slovakia, June 26 - Finland, June 27 - Hungary. The German invasion caught the Soviet troops by surprise; On the very first day, a significant part of ammunition, fuel and military equipment was destroyed; The Germans managed to ensure complete domination in the air. During the battles on June 23-25, the main forces of the Western Front were broken. The Brest fortress was kept until July 20. On June 28, the Germans took the capital of Belarus and closed the ring of the environment, in which eleven divisions fell. On June 29, German-Finnish troops have made an offensive in the Polarian to Murmansk, Kandalaksha and Louch, but could not move deep into the Soviet territory.

On June 22, the USSR was mobilized by military-ridicated born in 1905-1918, from the first days of the war, a mass record of volunteers was launched. On June 23, an emergency authority of the highest military department was created to lead military actions in the USSR - the rate of the chief command, and also occurred the maximum centralization of military and political power in the hands of Stalin.

On June 22, the British Prime Minister W. Herchill spoke on the radio with a statement about the support of the USSR in his fight against Hitlerism. On June 23, the State Department of the United States welcomed the efforts of the Soviet people to reflect the German invasion, and on June 24, the US President F. Mostwelt promised to provide the USSR with all sorts of help.

On July 18, the Soviet leadership decided to organize the partisan movement in the occupied and rhymerous areas, which has acquired a wide scale in the second half of the year.

In the summer, in the summer of 1941, about 10 million people were evacuated to the east. and more than 1,350 large enterprises. Militarization of the economy became rigid and energetic measures; All material resources of the country mobilized for military needs.

The main reason for the defeats of the Red Army, despite its quantitative and often high-quality (T-34 and square tanks) technical superiority, has become weak training of an ordinary and officer composition, a low level of operation of military equipment and the lack of experience in the troops of major military operations in the context of modern war . A considerable role was played by repression against the highest command in 1937-1940.

The second stage of the German offensive (July 10 - September 30, 1941)

On July 10, Finnish troops launched an offensive and on September 1, the 23rd Soviet army at the Karelian Isthmus departed to the line of the old state border held to the Finnish war 1939-1940. By October 10, the front stabilized in the turn of Kesset - Ukhta - Rugozero - Medvezhiegorsk - Oz. - R. Svir. The enemy could not cut the paths of European Russia with the northern ports.

On July 10, the North Army Group began an offensive on the Leningrad and Tallinn directions. August 15 Palp Novgorod, August 21 - Gatchina. On August 30, the Germans reached the Neva, cut the railway communication with the city, and on September 8, they took Shlisselburg and closed the ring of blockades around Leningrad. Only the tough measures of the new commander of the Leningrad Front G.K.zhukov allowed to stop the enemy by September 26.

July 16, the 4th Romanian army took Chisinau; The defense of Odessa lasted for about two months. Soviet troops left the city only in the first half of October. In early September, Guderian forced the gums and September 7 captured Konotop ("Konotop breakthrough"). The surroundings fell five Soviet armies; The number of prisoners was 665 thousand. In the hands of the Germans turned out to be left banking Ukraine; The path to Donbass was opened; Soviet troops in the Crimea turned out to be cut off from the main forces.

Defeats on the fronts prompted the bid to publish on August 16 Order No. 270, qualifying all soldiers and officers who were captured as traitors and deserters; Their families were deprived of state support and subject to reference.

The third stage of the German offensive (September 30 - December 5, 1941)

On September 30, the Center for the Center "Center" began operations on the seizure of Moscow ("Typhoon"). On October 3, the Guderian tanks broke into the eagle and went on the road to Moscow. On October 6-8, all three armies of the Bryansky front were surrounded by South Bryansk, and the main forces of the reserve (19th, 20th, 24th and 32th Army) are west of Vyazma; The Germans captured 664 thousand prisoners and more than 1,200 tanks. But the promotion of the 2nd tank group of the Wehrmacht on Tula was torn to the resistance of the brigade M.E. Katukov under Mtsensky; The 4th tank group occupied Yukhnov and rushed to Maloyaroslave, but was detained with the beggar of Podolsk cadets (October 6-10); Autumn dismotence also slowed down the pace of German offensive.

On October 10, the Germans struck on the right wing of the backup front (renamed to the West Front); On October 12, the 9th Army took possession of the old man, and on October 14 - Rzhev. October 19 in Moscow was declared a siege. On October 29, Guderian tried to take Tula, but was removed with big losses. In early November, the new commander of the Western Front of Zhukov was an incredible tension of all forces and permanent counterattacks, despite the huge losses in the lively strength and technology, to stop the Germans and in other directions.

On September 27, the Germans broke through the defense line of the South Front. Most of the Donbass was in the hands of Germans. During the successful counteroffensive troops of the South Front, Rostov was released on November 29, and the Germans were discarded to R. Mius.

In the second half of October, the 11th German army broke through in Crimea and in mid-November seized almost the entire peninsula. Soviet troops managed to keep only Sevastopol.

Countessing the Red Army near Moscow (December 5, 1941 - January 7, 1942)

On December 5-6, the Kalininsky, Western and South-West Fronts moved to offensive actions in the North-West and South-Western directions. Successful promotion of Soviet troops forced Hitler on December 8 to give the Directive on the transition to defense throughout the front line. On December 18, the troops of the Western Front began the offensive in the central direction. As a result, by the beginning of the year, the Germans were discarded 100-250 km to the west. There was a threat to coverage of the Center for the Center of the Center from the North and South. The strategic initiative passed to the Red Army.

The success of the operation near Moscow prompted the bid to decide on the transition to the overall offensive all over the front from the Lake Ladoga to Crimea. Offensive operations of the Soviet troops in December 1941 - April 1942 led to a significant change in the military-strategic situation on the Soviet-German front: the Germans were discarded from Moscow, the Moscow, part of the Kalinin, Oryol and Smolensk regions was released. The psychological fracture took place among the soldiers and the civilian population: the faith was strengthened in victory, the myth of the invincibility of the Wehrmacht collapsed. The collapse of the plan of the lightning war gave rise to doubts in the successful outcome of the war both at the German military-political leadership and the ordinary Germans.

Lyuban Operation (January 13 - June 25)

Lyuban operation was aimed at breakthrough the blockade of Leningrad. On January 13, the forces of the Volkhovsky and Leningrad fronts began the offensive in several directions, planning to connect to Lyuban and surround the miracle enemy grouping. On March 19, the Germans inflicted Consturdar, cutting off the 2nd shock army from the rest of the Volkhov Front. Soviet troops have repeatedly tried to discard her and resume the offensive. On May 21, the rate decided to decorate her, but on June 6, the Germans completely closed the ring of the environment. On June 20, the soldiers and officers received an order to get out of the environment on their own, but it was possible to make only a little (according to different estimates, from 6 to 16 thousand people); Commander A.A.Vlasov surrendered.

Military actions in May-November 1942

By defeating the Crimean front (almost 200 thousand people fell in captivity), the Germans occupied Kerch on May 16, and in early July - Sevastopol. On May 12, the troops of the South-Western Front and the Southern Front took an offensive to Kharkov. For several days, it developed successfully, however, the Germans were divided by the 9th Army on May 19, throwing it for the Seversky Donets, reached the rear to the advancing Soviet troops and they took them in ticks on May 23; The number of prisoners reached 240 thousand. On June 28-30, a German offensive against the left wing of the Bryansky and the right wing of the South-Western Front began. On July 8, the Germans captured Voronezh and reached the middle Don. By July 22, the 1st and 4th Tank Army reached the southern Don. On July 24, Rostov-on-Don was taken.

Under the conditions of a military catastrophe in the south, Stalin, July 28, issued an order No. 227 "Neither step back", which provided for the harsh punishment for the retreat without specifying over, progress times to combat self-leaving positions, penalty units for action on the most dangerous areas of the front. On the basis of this order during the war years, about 1 million servicemen were convicted, 160 thousand were shot, and 400 thousand sent to the penalty numbers.

On July 25, the Germans forced Don and rushed to the south. In mid-August, the Germans established control of almost all passages of the central part of the Chief Caucasus Range. On the Grozny direction, the Germans took Nalchik on October 29, to take Ordzhonikidze and the Terrible did not succeed, and in mid-November their further promotion was stopped.

On August 16, German troops launched an offensive on Stalingrad. September 13 began fighting in Stalingrad. In the second half of October - the first half of November the Germans seized a significant part of the city, but they could not break the resistance to defending themselves.

By mid-November, the Germans established control over the Right Bank of Don and mostly of the Northern Caucasus, but did not reach their strategic goals - to break through in the Volga region and the Transcaucasia. This was prevented by the counterdads of the Red Army in other directions (Rzhevskaya meat grinder, a tank battle between teeth and pocket, etc.), which, although not crowned with success, nevertheless did not allow the command of the Wehrmacht to transfer reserves to the south.

The second period of the war (November 19, 1942 - December 31, 1943): a radical fracture

Victory under Stalingrad (November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943)

On November 19, part of the South-Western Front broke through the defense of the 3rd Romanian army and on November 21, five Romanian divisions were taken to the ticks (Saturn Operation). On November 23, the divisions of the two fronts were united by the Soviet and surrounded the Stalingrad grouping of the enemy.

On December 16, the Troops of the Voronezh and South-Western Fronts began the operation "Small Saturn" on the middle Don, defeated the 8th Italian army, on January 26, the 6th Army was dissected into two parts. January 31, the southern group headed by F. Paulyus, February 2 - North; 91 thousand people were captured. Stalingrad Battle, despite the large losses of the Soviet troops, became the beginning of a radical fracture in the Great Patriotic War. Wehrmacht suffered the largest defeat and lost the strategic initiative. Japan and Turkey refused the intention to join the war on the side of Germany.

Economic lift and transition to the offensive in the central direction

By this time there was a fracture and in the sphere of the Soviet Military Economy. Already in winter, 1941/1942 managed to stop the decline in mechanical engineering. Since March, the lifting of ferrous metallurgy has begun, from the second half of 1942 - energy and fuel industry. To the top there was an obvious economic advantage of the USSR over Germany.

In November 1942 - January 1943, the Red Army passed on the offensive in the central direction.

Mars (Rzhevskaya-Sychevskaya) was operated with the aim of eliminating the Rzhev-Vyazemsky bridgehead. The joints of the Western Front made their way through the Rzhev's Railway - Sychevka and made a raid on enemy reasons, but significant losses and lack of tanks, guns and ammunition forced them to stop, but this operation did not allow the Germans to transfer part of the forces from the central direction to Stalingrad.

Liberation of the North Caucasus (January 1 - February 12, 1943)

On January 1-3, an operation began to release the North Caucasus and Elevation of Don. On January 3, Mozdok was released, January 10-11 - Kislovodsk, Mineralnye Vody, Essentuki and Pyatigorsk, January 21 - Stavropol. On January 24, the Germans passed Armavir, January 30 - Tikhoretsk. On February 4, the Black Sea Fleet landed the landing in the Myshaco district of South Novorossiysk. February 12 was taken by Krasnodar. However, the lack of forces prevented by the Soviet troops to surround the North Caucasian grouping of the enemy.

Breakthrough Blockads of Leningrad (January 12-30 1943)

Fearing the environments of the main forces of the Center for the Army Center on the Rzhevsk-Vyazemsky Bridgehead, the German command has begun on March 1 to their systematic diversion. On March 2, parts of Kalininsky and Western fronts began the persecution of the enemy. March 3, Rzhev was released, March 6 - Gzhatsk, March 12 - Vyazma.

January-March 1943 Campaign, despite a number of failures, led to the liberation of a huge territory (the North Caucasus, lowerland of Don, Voroshilovgradskaya, Voronezh, Kursk region, part of Belgorod, Smolensk and Kalinin regions). The blockade of Leningrad was broken, eliminated the Demyansky and Rzhev-Vyazemsky protrusions. The control over the Volga and Don is restored. Wehrmacht suffered huge losses (approx. 1.2 million people). The depletion of human resources forced the Nazi leadership to hold the total mobilization of the elders (over 46 years) and younger ages (16-17 years).

From winter 1942/1943, a guerrilla movement in the German rear was an important military factor. Partisans caused serious damage to the German army, destroying live strength, exploding warehouses and echelons, violating the system of communications. The largest operations were the raids of the detachment M.I. Naumova in Kursk, Sumy, Poltava, Kirovograd, Odessa, Vinnitsa, Kiev and Zhytomyr (February-March 1943) and detachment S.A. Kovpaka in Rivne, Zhytomyr and Kiev regions (February-May 1943).

Defensive battle on Kursk Arc (July 5-23, 1943)

The command of the Wehrmacht has developed a "Citadel" surrounding the strong grouping of the Red Army on a Kursk ledge through counter tank strikes from the north and south; In case of success, it was planned to carry out the operation of Panther to defeat the South-Western Front. However, Soviet intelligence solved the ideas of the Germans, and in April-June, a powerful defensive system of eight rubles was created on the Kursk ledge.

On July 5, the 9th German army began an offensive to Kursk from the north, and the 4th tank army - from the south. On the northern flank, on July 10, the Germans switched to defense. On the southern wing, the Tank Columns of the Wehrmacht was reached on July 12, they were stopped, but by July 23, the Troops of the Voronezh and Steppe, they discarded them on the initial frontiers. Operation "Citadel" failed.

The overall onset of the Red Army in the second half of 1943 (July 12 - December 24, 1943). Liberation of the Left Bank of Ukraine

On July 12, parts of the Western and Bryansky fronts broke through German defense at Zhilkovo and Novosil, by August 18, Soviet troops were cleared of an enemy an Orlovsky ledge.

By September 22, part of the south-western front was discarded the Germans for the Dnieper and went on the approach to Dnepropetrovsk (now Dnipro) and Zaporizhia; The connections of the South Front occupied Taganrog, on September 8 Stalino (now Donetsk), September 10 - Mariupol; The result of the operation was the liberation of Donbass.

On August 3, the troops of Voronezh and Steppe fronts in several places broke through the defense of the Army Group "South" and on August 5, Belgorod were seized. August 23, Kharkov was taken.

On September 25, by flank strikes from the south and north, the troops of the Western Front seized Smolensk and by the beginning of October entered the territory of Belarus.

On August 26, the Central, Voronezh and Steppe Fronts began to implement the Chernihiv-Poltava operation. The troops of the central front broke through the defense of the enemy south of Sevsk and August 27 took the city; September 13 reached the Dnieper on the Loev site - Kiev. Parts of the Voronezh Front went to the Dnieper on the section Kiev - Cherkasy. The compounds of the steppe approached the Dnieper on the Cherkasy section - Verkhnedneprovsk. As a result, the Germans lost almost all of the left-bank bank. At the end of September, Soviet troops in several places forced Dnieper and captured 23 bridgeheads on his right bank.

On September 1, the troops of the Bryansky front were overcamed the Line of Defense of the Wehrmacht "Hagen" and occupied Bryansk, by October 3, the Red Army came out on the line of coolant rivers in East Belarus.

On September 9, the North Caucasian Front in cooperation with the Black Sea Fleet and the Azov military flotilla began an offensive on the Taman Peninsula. Spreading the Blue Line, the Soviet troops of September 16 were taken by Novorossiysk, and by October 9 completely cleaned the peninsula from the Germans.

On October 10, the South-Western Front began the operation on the elimination of the Zaporizhia section and on October 14, Zaporizhzh masted.

October 11, Voronezh (from October 20 - 1st Ukrainian) Front began a Kiev operation. After two unsuccessful attempts to take the capital of Ukraine with an attack from the south (from the Bukrin Bridgehead), it was decided to apply the main blow from the north (from the Litezka Bridgehead). November 1, in order to distract the attention of the enemy, the 27th and 40th Army moved to Kiev from the Bukrin Bridgehead, and on November 3, the impact grouping of the 1st Ukrainian Front suddenly attacked him from the Litezarm and broke through German defense. November 6, Kiev was released.

On November 13, the Germans, tightening the reserves, took a counteroffensive against the 1st Ukrainian front in the Zhytomyr direction in order to repel Kiev and restore defense on the Dnieper. But the Red Army kept on the right bank of the Dnieper the extensive strategic Kiev bridgehead.

For the period of hostilities from June 1 to December 31, the Wehrmacht suffered huge losses (1 million 413 thousand people), which he was already unable to fully compensate. A significant part of the USSR territory occupied in 1941-1942 was released. The plans of the German command to entrust themselves at the Dnieper borders failed. Conditions were created to expand the Germans from the Right Bank of Ukraine.

The third period of the war (December 24, 1943 - May 11, 1945): German defeat

After a series of failures during the whole of 1943, the German command refused to attempt to intercept the strategic initiative and switched to tough defense. The main task of the Wehrmacht in the north was prevented by a breakthrough of the Red Army to the Baltic States and Eastern Prussia, in the center to the border with Poland, and in the south to Dnestra and Carpathians. Soviet military leadership set the goal of the Winter-Spring campaign to defeat the German troops on extreme flanks - on the right bank of Ukraine and Leningrad.

Liberation of the Right Bank of Ukraine and Crimea

On December 24, 1943, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front began an offensive in the Western and South-Western directions (Zhytomyr-Berdichevsky operation). Only at the cost of a large voltage of forces and significant losses, the Germans managed to stop Soviet troops on the Sarna line - Polonnaya - Kazatin - Zhashkov. On January 5-6, parts of the 2nd Ukrainian Front struck at the Kirovograd direction and on January 8, were mastered by Kirovograd, but on January 10 were forced to stop the offensive. The Germans did not allow the connections of the troops of both fronts and were able to keep Korsun-Shevchenkovsky ledge, who created a threat to Kiev from the south.

On January 24, the 1st and 2nd Ukrainian fronts launched a joint operation by defeating the Korsun-Shevchensk enemy grouping. On January 28, the 6th and 5th Guards Tank Arms joined the Zvenigorodka and closed the ring of the environment. On January 30, Kanev was taken, February 14 - Corsun-Shevchenkovsky. February 17, the elimination of "boiler" ended; More than 18 thousand soldiers of the Wehrmacht fell into captivity.

On January 27, parts of the 1st Ukrainian Front struck from the Sarn region in the Lutsk-Rovno direction. On January 30, the onset of troops of the 3rd and 4th Ukrainian fronts on Nikopol bridgehead began. Overcoming the fierce resistance of the enemy, on February 8, they mastered Nikopolem, February 22 - Krivoy Horn and by February 29 came to R. Ingulets.

As a result of the winter campaign, 1943/1944, the Germans were finally discarded from the Dnieper. In an effort to implement a strategic breakthrough to the boundaries of Romania and prevent the Wehrmachut to entrenched on the Rivers of South Bug, Dniester and Prut, the rate developed a plan for the environment and defeat of the South Army Group on Right Bank Ukraine by the coordinated strike of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts .

The final chord of the spring operation in the south was the expulsion of the Germans from the Crimea. On May 7-9, the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front, with the support of the Black Sea Fleet, the assault was taken by Sevastopol, and by May 12 defeated the remains of the 17th Army who fled to Chersonese.

Leningrad-Novgorod Operation of the Red Army (January 14 - March 1, 1944)

On January 14, the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov Fronts launched the offensive to the south of Leningrad and near Novgorod. Applying the 18th German Army defeat and pushing it to the meadow, they freed the Novgorod on January 20. In early February, part of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts went on the approach to Narva, Gdow and the meadow; On February 4, they took Gdov, February 12 - meadow. The threat of the environment forced the 18th Army hastily retreat to the southwest. On February 17, the 2nd Baltic Front carried out a series of shocks against the 16th German army on the r. In early March, the Red Army reached the defensive line of Panther (Narva - the Church of Oz. - Pskov - Island); Most of the Leningrad and Kalinin oblast was released.

Military actions in the central direction in December 1943 - April 1944

As the tasks of the winter offensive of the 1st Baltic, Western and Belarusian fronts, the rate set the troops to the entrance to POLOTSK - Lötel - Mogilev - bird and liberation of Eastern Belarus.

In December 1943 - February 1944, the 1st SDF took three attempts to master Vitebsk, which did not lead to the take of the city, but extremely exhausted the forces of the enemy. There were no success and offensive actions of the ZF in the Orsha on February 22-25 and March 5-9, 1944.

On the Mozyrian direction, the Belarusian front (BelF) began a strong blow to the flanks of the 2nd German army, but thanks to the rush retreat, she managed to avoid the environment. The lack of effort prevented by the Soviet troops to surround and destroy the Bobruisk grouping of the enemy, and on February 26, the offensive was stopped. Educated February 17 at the junction of the 1st Ukrainian and Belarusian (from February 24 of the 1st Belorussky) Fronts The 2nd Belarusian Front began on March 15, the Polesk Operation in order to capture the Covel and breakthrough to Brest. Soviet troops were surrounded by Kovel, but on March 23, the Germans defeated Construdar and on 4 April, the Kovel group was released.

Thus, in the central direction during the Winter-Spring Campaign, 1944, the Red Army could not achieve the goals set in front of it; On April 15, she moved to defense.

An offensive in Karelia (June 10 - August 9, 1944). FINLAND output from war

After the loss of most of the occupied territory of the USSR, the main task of the Wehrmacht began to prevent the Red Army to Europe and not lose its allies. That is why the Soviet military political leadership, failed in attempts to achieve a peaceful agreement with Finland in February-April 1944, decided to start a summer campaign of the year by hitting the north.

On June 10, 1944, Lenf's troops, with the support of the Baltic Fleet, launched an offensive on the Karelian Isthmus, as a result, controlled over the White Sea-Baltic Canal and a strategically important Kirovsky railway, connecting Murmansk with European Russia. By the beginning of August, Soviet troops liberated all the occupied territory east of the Ladoga; In the area of \u200b\u200bKoougl, they went to the Finnish border. The victim defeat, Finland, on August 25, joined negotiations from the USSR. On September 4, she broke the relationship with Berlin and stopped hostilities, on September 15 declared a war of Germany, and on September 19 he concluded a truce with the countries of the Anti-Hitler coalition. The length of the Soviet-German front decreased by a third. This allowed the Red Army to release significant forces for operations in other directions.

Liberation of Belarus (June 23 - Beginning of August 1944)

Successes in Karelia prompted the bet to carry out a large-scale operation by defeating the enemy in the central direction by the forces of the Three Belarusian and 1st Baltic fronts (Operation "Bagration"), which became the main event of the summer-autumn campaign 1944.

The overall offensive of Soviet troops began on June 23-24. The coordinated blow of the 1st BC and the right wing of the 3rd BF ended on June 26-27 by the liberation of Vitebsk and the environment of five German divisions. On June 26, part of the 1st BF took Zhlobin, the June 27-29 was surrounded and destroyed the bobruisk grouping of the enemy, and on June 29, Bobruisk was released. As a result of the rapid offensive of the three Belarusian fronts, an attempt at the German command was raised to organize a line of defense on Berezine; On July 3, the troops of the 1st and 3rd BF broke into Minsk and took the 4th German army in the ticks (liquidated by July 11).

The German front began to collapse. The compounds of the 1st SBFF on July 4 were taken by Polotsk and, moving downstream of Western Dvina, joined the territory of Latvia and Lithuania, reached the coast of the Gulf of Riga, cutting off the "North" armies deployed in the rest of the Wehrmacht's forces. Parts of the right wing of the 3rd BF, on June 28, taking the leprenel, in early July broke into the valley of the river. Vilia (Nyaris), August 17th came to the border of East Prussia.

The troops of the left wing of the 3rd BF, making a rapid throw from Minsk, July 3, took Lida, on July 16, together with the 2nd BF - Grodno and at the end of July approached the northeast protrusion of the Polish border. The 2nd BF, coming to the southwest, on July 27 she mastered Belostok and displaced the Germans for R.Narev. Parts of the right wing of the 1st BF, having freed Baranovichi on July 8, and on July 14, Pinsk, at the end of July they reached Western Bug and reached the central section of the Soviet-Polish border; July 28 was taken Brest.

As a result of the operation "Bagration", Belarus was liberated, most of Lithuania and part of Latvia. The possibility of occurrence in Eastern Prussia and Poland has opened.

Liberation of Western Ukraine and an offensive in Eastern Poland (July 13 - August 29, 1944)

Trying to stop the promotion of Soviet troops in Belarus, the command of the Wehrmacht was forced to move there to compound from the rest of the Soviet-German front. This facilitated the operation of the Red Army in other directions. On July 13-14, the onset of the 1st Ukrainian Front began in Western Ukraine. Already on July 17, they crossed the USSR state border and entered into Southeast Poland.

On July 18, the left wing of the 1st BF launched an offensive under the jetty. At the end of July, they came to Prague (Right-Bank Masonry Warsaw), which was received only on September 14. In early August, the German resistance sharply increased, and the promotion of the Red Army was stopped. Because of this, the Soviet command could not provide the necessary assistance to breaking over August 1 in the Polish capital uprising under the leadership of the Army Craiova, and by the beginning of October it was brutally suppressed by the Wehrmacht.

Offensive in Eastern Carpathians (September 8 - October 28, 1944)

After the occupation in the summer of 1941, Estonia Tallinn Mitre. Alexander (Paulus) announced the department from the ROC of Estonian parishes (the Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church was created on the initiative of Alexander (Paulus) in 1923, in 1941, the bought repentance in the sin of the split). In October 1941, the Belarusian Church was created at the insistence of the German General Commissioner of Belarus. However, he headed her in San Metropolitan Minsk and Belarusian Panteleimon (Rozhnovsky) retained canonical communication with the patriarchal locomotive miter. Sergius (Stragor). After violent sending to peace in June 1942, the Metropolitan of Panteleimon's Metropolitan was his successor to Archbishop Filofey (Narco), also refused to adversely proclaim the National Autochefal Church.

Considering the patriotic position of the Patriarch of the Met Patriarchal. Sergius (Stragor), German authorities initially prevented the activities of those priests and parishes that stated their belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate. Over time, the German authorities have become more tolerant to treat the communities of the Moscow Patriarchate. According to the occupiers, these communities only in words declared their loyalty to the Moscow Center, but in reality were ready to assist the German army in the destruction of the atheistic Soviet state.

On the occupied territory, thousands of chosets, Kirch, prayerful houses of various Protestant directions (primarily Lutheran and Pentecostal) resumed their activities. This process was particularly active in the territory of the Baltic, in the Vitebsk, Gomel, Mogilev regions of Belarus, in the Dnipropetrovsk, Zhytomyr, Zaporizhia, Kiev, Voroshilovgrad, Poltava regions of Ukraine, in the Rostov, Smolensk regions of the RSFSR.

The religious factor was taken into account when planning internal policies in the areas of the traditional spread of Islam, primarily in the Crimea and in the Caucasus. German propaganda declared respect for the values \u200b\u200bof Islam, presented the occupation as the liberation of peoples from the Bolshevik Godless Iea, guaranteed the creation of conditions for the revival of Islam. The invaders willingly walked to the opening of mosques in almost every village "Muslim regions", provided to the Muslim clergy the opportunity through the radio and the seal to contact the believer. On the entire occupied territory, where Muslims lived, the posts of Mulle and Senior Mullee were restored, the rights and privileges of which were equated to the heads of cities and settlements.

In the formation of special units from among the prisoners of war of the Red Army, a particular attention was paid to a confessional affiliation: if the "Army of General Vlasov" was mainly sent representatives of the peoples who traditionally confessed Christianity, then in such formations as "Turkestan Legion", "Idel-Ural", directed representatives of the "Islamic" nations.

"Liberalism" of the German authorities spread not to all religions. Many communities were on the verge of destroying, for example, in one Dvinsk were destroyed almost all of the Synagogue operating before the war, up to 14 thousand Jews were shot. Most of the gospel Christian Baptists who found themselves in the occupied territory were also destroyed or dispersed by the authorities.

Forced under the onslaught of Soviet troops to leave the occupied territories, the German-fascist invaders exported the litrogenous objects, icons, paintings, books, products from precious metals from prayer buildings.

According to the far part of the emergency state commission on establishing and investigating the atrocities of the German-fascist invaders, on the occupied territory were completely destroyed, 1670 Orthodox churches, 69 chapels, 237 chosets, 532 synagogues, 4 mosques and 254 other prayer buildings were looted or desecrated. Among the fascists destroyed or desecrated, there were priceless monuments of history, culture and architecture, incl. Related to the XI-XVII centuries, in Novgorod, Chernigov, Smolensk, Polotsk, Kiev, Pskov. Many prayerful buildings were redone the invaders in prison, barracks, stables, garages.

Position and patriotic activities of the ROC during the war

June 22, 1941 Patriarchal Metroblist Miter. Sergius (Shergorodsky) amounted to "Message to the shepherds and the Pasomov of the Christ Orthodox Church," which revealed the anti-Christian essence of fascism and urged believers to defense. In his letters to the Patriarchate, believers reported on the universally started voluntary charges of donations for the needs of the front and defense of the country.

After the death of Patriarch, Sergius, according to his testament, a miter joined the rights of the site of the Patriarcharchy Patriarch. Alexy (Simansky), unanimously elected at the last meeting of the Local Cathedral on January 31-February 1945 by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The Cathedral was attended by Patriarchs Alexandrian Christopher II, Antioch Alexander III and Georgian Callistast (Qinzedze), representatives of the Constantinople, Jerusalem, Serbian and Romanian patriarchs.

In 1945, the so-called Estonian schism was overcome, the Orthodox parishes and the clergy of Estonia were taken to communicate with the ROC.

Patriotic activities of communities of other denominations and religions

Immediately after the beginning of the war, the leaders of almost all religious associations of the USSR supported the liberation struggle of the country's peoples against the German-fascist aggressor. Turning to believers with patriotic messages, they called on decent to fulfill their religious and civil debt to defend the Fatherland, to provide all possible material assistance to the needs of the front and rear. The leaders of most religious associations of the USSR condemned those representatives of the clergy, which consciously switched to the side of the enemy, helped to impacted the "new order" in the occupied territory.

The head of the Russian Old Believers Belokrinitsky hierarchy archite. Irinarh (Parfinov) In the Christmas Epistle of 1942, urged Old Believers, a considerable number of which was fought on the fronts, to fully serve in the Red Army and oppose the enemy in the occupied territory in the ranks of the partisans. In May 1942, the heads of the Unions of Baptists and Evangelical Christians appealed to the beliefs; In the appeal, the danger of fascism "for the Gospel's business" was reflected and contained a call for "brothers and sisters in Christ" to perform "their duty to God and before the Motherland", being "the best warriors at the front and the best workers in the rear." Baptist communities were engaged in linen, collecting clothes and other things for warriors and families of the dead, helped in care of the wounded and sick in hospitals, guarded orphans in orphanages. The funds collected in the Baptist communities was built a sanitary aircraft "Mercy Samaritan" to export in the rear of serious soldiers. Repeatedly with patriotic appeals was the leader of the update A. I. Vited.

Regarding a number of other religious associations, the state policy during the war remained invariable. First of all, it concerned the "anti-state, anti-Soviet and isoor sects", to the number of which the Dukhobors were attributed

  • M. I. Odintsov. Religious organizations in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War // Orthodox encyclopedia, vol. 7, p. 407-415
    • http://www.pavenc.ru/text/150063.html

    22.6.1941 – Germany without a declaration of war attacked the USSR. On the side of Hitler - Hungary, Italy, Romania, Finland.

    Plan "Barbarossa": Before winter, capture important centers, to reach the line Arkhangelsk - Volga - Astrakhan. Strategic installation in blitzkrieg.

    The fascist block is 4.5 million army, 4.4 thousand aircraft, 4 thousand tanks and assault guns, 39 thousand guns and mortars.

    z group of armies " North"(Feldmarshal General Leeb, East Prussia): destroy Soviet troops in the Baltic States, seize ports on the Baltic Sea and Leningrad.

    z group " Center"(The most powerful, Mr side): On Minsk, then - to Smolensk and Moscow.

    z group " South"(Mr. Rundstedt): Western Ukraine, to reach the Dnieper, to come to the southeast.

    Immediately they opposed Western border troops.

    At the main directions - at 3 - 4 times more from the fascists, in the places of the main strike - even more.

    Hammer's appeal to the people: "Our right thing. The enemy will be broken. Victory will be ours!"

    22.6.1941 – universal mobilization of military-ridicated. Fronts:

    W Northwest (General Kuznetsov)

    W Western (General Pavlov)

    W Southwest (Lieutenant-General Kirponos)

    23.6.1941 – Headset rate (with 8.1941 - The bid of the Supreme Command), Stalin. 8.1942 - His daily and night ass became G. K. Zhukov.

    24.6.1941 – North Front (Popov)

    25.6.1941 – Southern Front (Tyulenev)

    30.6.1941 – State Defense Committee (GKO). Stalin.

    All the same, the moused here was Stalin.

    The first aggressors met border outposts.

    Defense of the Brest Fortress - Major Gavrilov, Captain Zubachev, Regiment Commissioner Fomin. Almost a month defended.

    Most border divisions of the fascists caught surprise. The troops were in summer camps since May. Aviation - on basic airfields è Easy target. Artillery - on landfills, far from divisions. Only the Northern, Baltic and Black Sea Fleet in high combat readiness.

    Fascists - according to plan. At first, he achieved complete domination in the air (open airfields), bombarded the headquarters, railway jits, distant cities. So violated the transport system, the tanks went to the ram to Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev.

    22.6.1941 – order the opponent, break into neighboring territories. But at the end of June everyone understood that it was impossible, and ordered to move to strategic defense. Trenches, trenches, rsiva, barbed wire, blockage. Goals -

    "Understand the strike forces of the enemy

    "Decide their trained personnel and military equipment

    "Win time to create the necessary reserves to lead to a root transfer

    22.6.1941 – 8.1941: the fascists lost 190 thousand people (2 times more than 2 years of war in Europe).

    End of 6.1941 -"North" broke through the defense line SZ front.

    7.1941 - with battles left Baltic.

    9.1941 – german tank troops came to Lake Ladoga (cut off Leningrad from Sushi). Zhukov was appointed commander of the Leningrad Front. Dropped the enemy from the nearest outskirts. The beginning of the blockade of Leningrad.

    End of 6.1941 -Exactly - Dubno - Brody: the largest tank battle at the initial stage (more than 2 thousand tanks on both sides). The Soviet army did not receive a fuel on time. Leaving lions.

    Southwest Front.

    9.1941 – Kiev is captured by the fascists. Kirponos died. Almost 700 thousand redarmeys in captivity.

    10.1941 – the Germans took Odessa.

    Seen Sevastopol.

    11.1941 – released to Rostov-on-Don.

    Western Front.

    Start 7.1941 -the tank groups of the German troops were surrounded and defeated about 30 RKKE divisions near Minsk. Breakthrough to Smolensk.

    Smolensk battle under Ors: For the first time, Katyusha was applied to the enemy panic.

    30.8.1941 – operation of underwear (beetles). The first offensive of the Soviet troops. Full defeat of 10 tank and infantry divisions of the enemy è 4-M divisions assigned the title of Guards.

    Mid 9.1941 -pal Smolensk. Hitler described from happiness, gathered about half of the personnel and aircraft and ¾ tanks on the Eastern Front for the last throw to Moscow.

    30.9.1941 – the offensive of the fascist troops to Moscow. Kalinin (Tver), Mozhaisk, Maloyaroslavets were taken.

    10.10.1941 – the head of the Western Front - Zhukov, withdrawing from Leningrad. All and all began to evacuate from Moscow. Panic.

    20.10.1941 – Moscow on siege. Who sowed the troubled - shot without hump and investigation. Shelves and divisions of folk militia. Incredible efforts of the enemy stopped.

    7.11.1941 – parade of troops on Red Square. Lifting the moral spirit of the Red Army.

    15.11.1941 – the second offensive to Moscow. Heroic defense, not passed.

    5. – 6.12.1941 – soviet troops switched to counteroffensive near Moscow. Natisk Soviet Army to 4.1942, the enemy is discarded at 100 - 250 km from the capital. Finally buried Blitzkrieg plan. Turkey and Japan did not fought in Russia.

    Spring-summer 1942:General Staff offered a deep defense plan. He was supported by Zhukov, but Stalin stated that there was nothing to wait for the weather by the sea, and it was necessary to arrange a fracture. We expected the main onset of the Wehrmacht again to Moscow. And Hitler was going to hit south, master the Caucasus, go to the Volga, capture Stalingrad, Astrakhan and only then move to Moscow and Leningrad.

    Spring 1942 -USSR reached advantage in tanks

    5.1942 – soviet troops began to step in Crimea and under Kharkov. Heavy defeat.

    7.1942 – pal Sevastopol, donbass, Ukraine, south of Russia occupied.

    Stalney Stalingrad began (the goal is to cut the Volga).

    RKKKA suited è dropped discipline, panic.

    28.7.1942 – order number 227. "Not one step back!":restore iron discipline, in the rear of unstable divisions - barrier detachments: Panickers to shoot in place.

    9.1942 – Vasilevsky (head of the General Staff) and Zhukov began to plan an offensive under Stalingrad. 2 stages: break through the defense of the enemy + create a powerful external ring of the environment, destroy the troops of the enemy, if they do not accept ultimatum about the delivery. UZ FRONT (Vatutin), Donskoy (Rokossovsky), Stalingrad (Eremenko). Accelerated Equipment of the Red Army. By the end of the year, Russians became more guns, mortars and aircraft.

    Similar information.

    Plan "Barbarossa". Solution and Ratio of Force

    on the eve of the war.

    On December 5, 1940, Hitler took the final decision to start a war with the USSR, confirmed on December 18, "Directive 21". By the beginning of 1941, a detailed plan of hostilities "Barbarossa" was developed. It was designed for a "lightning war" and was based on agreed actions of four army groups:

    finland (commanded German General von Ditle and Finnish Feldmarshal Mannerheim) - was aimed at Murmansk, Belomih, and Ladoga;

    "North" (Commander - General Field Marshal V. Leeb; The goal is to destroy the Soviet troops in the Baltic States, seize ports in the Baltic Sea and Leningrad) - to Leningrad;

    "Center" (under the command of General-Feldmarshal F. Boca; The purpose is an offensive to Minsk, then - to Smolensk and Moscow) - to Moscow;

    "South" (com. General Field Marshal G. Rundstedt; The goal is to go to the Dnieper and deploy an offensive in the southeast) - to the occupation of Ukraine.

    Germany put forward to 5.5 million soldiers and officers against the USSR, the USSR could oppose it only 2.7 million people.

    Stages of the Great Patriotic War.

    The whole course of hostilities is usually divided into three periods:

    3) the periodization period of the USSR and the defeat of fascist Germany (1944 - May 9, 1945). The participation of the USSR in World War II continued by the period of Soviet-Japanese war (August 9 - September 2, 1945).

    The beginning of the war.

    The war began on the morning of June 22, 1941 by bombing from the air and the onset of land forces. On the first day, German aviation broke 66 airfields and destroyed 1,200 Soviet aircraft.

    On the first day of the war, three fronts were formed on the basis of the border military districts: the North-West (Commander - General F.I. Kuznetsov), West (under the command of General D.G. Pavlova) and South-West (Commander - General M. P. Kirponos). On June 24, the fourth - the Northern Front (under the command of General M.M. Popova).

    On June 23, the post of chief command is established, transformed in August in the bid of the Supreme Command. He headed her Stalin.

    On June 29, 1941, a martial law was introduced in the country. The next day, the State Defense Committee (GKO) was created, which officially became the highest body of state and military authorities. The Chairman of GKO was appointed I.V. Stalin. Gko also entered V.M. Molotov, G.M. Malenkov, L.P. Beria, and later - N.A. Voznesensky, L.M. Kaganovich, N.A. Bulganan.

    Military lesions 1941. - 1942 yearandthemthe reasons.

    In the first three weeks of the war, 28 Soviet divisions were completely defeated, 72 - more than half. German troops advanced by 300 - 600 km deep in Soviet territory, occupying Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Right-Bank Ukraine, almost all of Moldova.

    The Soviet side tried to organize confrudars at the end of June - in the area Rivne, Dubno. Brody, in July - on the Llephel and Bobruian directions, in the areas of Soltsy - Berdichev and South of Kiev. In the area of \u200b\u200bSmolensk, Soviet troops kept defense from July 16 to August 15, which created a strategic and psychological delay in the implementation of the plan "Lightning War".

    On August 23, Hitler demanded not only the takes of Moscow, but also mastering the resources of Ukraine and the Caucasus. The offensive on the flanks was rapidly developed. Tikhvin and Vyborg were taken in the north-west; September 9 Leningrad blocked. In southwest, on September 19, Kiev was surrounded by about 650 thousand people. Taking Kiev, the Germans launched an offensive to the Donbass and Crimea and on November 3 came to Sevastopol.

    Despite visible successes, in the first five weeks of the war, the German army lost about 200 thousand people (twice as many as two years of war in Europe), over 1.5 thousand tanks and 1 thousand airplanes. But the Soviet side carried huge losses: up to 5 million people with prisoners, killed and injured, a significant part of military equipment.

    Among the causes of the defeat of the Red Army at the beginning of the war, the mains were:

    1) the military-economic potential of Germany, which used the resources of almost all Western Europe, significantly exceeded the military-economic potential of the USSR;

    2) The Hitler's army was unmobilized, had two-year experience in conducting modern war, while the professional level of Soviet troops, especially team composition, after mass repression in the army decreased;

    3) major miscalculations of the Soviet leadership in military equipment - in particular, the underestimation of the role of mechanized compounds, outdated ideas about ways of conducting war in the initial period;

    4) Stalin's miscalculations and its surroundings in the analysis of the international situation, in determining the deadlines of the possible start of war, which led to suddenness of the opponent's attack.

    Moscow battle. Spring offensive.

    The central event of the first period of war was the battle for Moscow.

    Under the common name "Battle for Moscow", defensive (September 30 - December 5, 1941) and offensive (December 5, 1941 - April 20, 1942) Operations conducted by the western troops (I.S. Koniev, from October 10 - G. K.Zhukov), reserve (S.M. Buden). Bryansk (A.I. Eremenko), Kalininsky (I.S. Konev) and South-Western (S.K. Tymoshenko) fronts.

    On September 24, the command of the Center for the Center "Center" was made by the latest adjustments to the Typhoon operation plan - the onset of Moscow, the first line of Soviet defense was torn on line between Rzhev and Vyazma on October 5; October 6, Bryansk fell. For several days, a German offensive was detained the second line of defense - under Mozhaisk. On October 10, the commander of the Western Front was appointed Zhukov. On October 12, the Germans took Kaluga, October 14 - Kalinin.

    On November 16, the offensive of the fascists is resumed: by the end of November - the beginning of December they manage to go to the Moscow-Volga Channel, to force it (5 December, Khimki is busy), to force the river Nara north and south of Naro-Fominsk, approach Kashira, but it was not possible to move further. Operation "Typhoon" failed, the plan "Lightning War" was converted; On December 6, the troops of the Kalininsky, Western and right wing of the South-Western fronts moved to counteroffensive. Kaluga, Eagle, Kalinin were returned, in some areas of the front Promotion reached 120 kilometers only for December. However, next month, the counteroffensive was exhausted, and by March 1942 the front stabilized on the lines of the Great Luki - Gzhatsk - Kirov, Oka.

    On April 8, the order was given to the offensive in the calculation that the Wehrmacht quickly spends his strength. However, from April to October 1942, the Red Army suffered a number of serious lesions. Even dramatically developed events in the south-west direction. On June 28, Mastering the strategic initiative, the Germans switched to the offensive of Eastern Kursk, seeking to surround and destroy the troops of Bryansky and then south-western and southern fronts. On July 2, the Soviet line of defense was broken at the junction of the Bryansky and South-Western fronts, and on July 15, between Don and Seversk Donets, the second line of defense was broken. On July 24, Soviet troops left Rostov and moved away for Don.

    In August, the Germans made an offensive in the Caucasian direction - on August 5, they occupied Stavropol, the 11th - Krasnodar, the 14th - Novorossiysk. Thus, despite the failure of the plan of the "Lightning War", the big losses of the Germans and the variable success of the battles, the military campaigns of 1941, the year - the summer of 1942, in general, for the USSR unsuccessfully developed, and the turn in the war will occur only in the summer of 1943.

    a) Smolensk Battle (July 10 - September 10, 1941)

    After the capture of Minsk, the enemy rushed to the Dnieper, where he assumed with powerful tank wedges to launch the West Front, surround the main grouping of the Soviet troops in the Smolensk area and open the way to Moscow. In early July 1941, the 2nd tank group of Guderian forced the Dnieper and, breaking through the defense of the 13th Army of General F.N. Remezov, rushed to Smolensk. The 3rd Gota Tank Group was seized by Vitebsk and surrounded the troops of the 16th (M. Lukin), 19th (I. Konev) and the 20th (P. Kurochkin) of the Commissar Army. And on July 16, the enemy entered Smolensk. The fall in this ancient Russian city, which was traditionally considered the key of Moscow, was very seriously perceived by I.V. Stalin, who demanded to remove S.K. Tymoshenko from the post commander of the front and give it under the court of the military tribunal, but under the influence of the weighty arguments G.K. Zhukov replaced the anger to mercy and left S.K. Tymoshenko in his post.

    July 20, 1941 by personal indication I.V. Stalin from the reserve bet on the Western Front was transferred to 20 rifle divisions, which were part of the five army groups under the command of Generals KK Rokossovsky, V.A. Khomenko, S.A. Kalinina, V.Ya. Kachalova and I.I. Maslennikova. According to the plan of the bet, these army groups were to have a series of powerful confruders from the Yartsevo-Roslavl district to defeat the advanced parts of the Wehrmacht and release Smolensk. However, it was not possible to solve the task, since after a few days the enemy surrounded the Army Group of Lieutenant General V.Ya. Kachalova and captured Roslavl and Yelni. But the further promotion of the enemy to Dorunoguzh was stopped by the troops of the 24th Army of Major General K.I. Racutina, who created a reliable line of defense on its front site.

    As a result of fierce fighting, parts of the 16th and 20th armies were able to break out of the environment, which south of Yartsevo came to the right bank of the Dnieper and, having connected with the main forces of the Western Front, went to defense of the great Luki - Yartsevo - Krichev - Zhlobin. Thus, the first stage of Smolensky battle was completed, during which the enemy did not achieve their goals and was forced to move to strategic defense.

    Resistant resistance of the parts of the Red Army in the Smolensk-Moscow direction and the discussion of the plan for further actions on the Eastern Front was the cause of tough disagreements in the highest military leadership of the Wehrmacht. A. Hitler himself who held the post of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Wehrmacht, Head of the High Command of the Wehrmacht (OKV) of Field Marshal V. Keitel and the head of the operational management of OKV Colonel General A. Yoodle believed that in the established setting it was necessary to temporarily suspend the offensive of the Army Group "And to focus the main efforts in the defeat of the troops of the South-Western Front, defended Kiev. The head of the Land Forces of the Wehrmacht Feldmarshal V. Brahich and the head of the General Staff of the Ground Force (OK), Colonel-General F. Galder, on the contrary, believed that the offensive should be continued on the central section of the front, and not spray the impact forces of the Wehrmacht to solve less important local tasks. This "discussion" ended with the victory of A. Hitler, who has suspended its directives No. 33 and No. 34, has suspended the offensive of the Center for the Center's armies and set the task as soon as possible to defeat Soviet troops in the southern strategic direction and master Kiev.

    b) Kyiv's defense (July 10 - September 19, 1941)

    At the end of July 1941, the situation at the southern section of the front was sharply complicated. During the fierce fighting, the opponent significantly fastened the troops of the 5th (M. Potapov), 6th (I. Muzychenko), 9th (Ya. Cherevichenko), 12th (P. Pedelin) and the 26th (F. Kostenko) Army of the Southern and South-Western Fronts and came out to Odessa, Zaporizhia, Dnepropetrovsk and Kremenchugu. A particularly dangerous situation was in the lower course of the Dnieper, where the enemy created large bridgeheads and began the concentration of its troops for further strikes in Kiev.

    In this dangerous atmosphere, which threatened to turn around the catastrophe for the Soviet troops, General Army G.K. Zhukov suggested I.V. Stalin: 1) Immediately leave Kiev, to take the southwestern front troops to the left bank of the Dnieper and create a new line of defense on the river; 2) Conduct a large offensive operation in the area of \u200b\u200bYelni to eliminate the resulting protrusion, which created a real threat to hitting the capital from the south-west direction. The proposal for the delivery of Kiev caused a sharply negative reaction of the supreme, which perfectly understood that the fall in the capital of Soviet Ukraine would have a huge political resonance worldwide. As a result between G.K. Zhukov and I.V. Stalin there was a rough swing, which ended with the removal of G.K. Zhukova from the post of the Chief of the General Staff and the appointment of Marshal B.M. to this post Shaposhnikova. However, on the evening of July 29, I.V. Stalin changed anger to mercy and offered G.K. Zhukov heading the troops of a new backup front, which was to prepare and conduct an offensive operation of sub-tree.

    The enemy, continuing his offensive in the southern direction, captured Krivoy Rog, Kirovograd, Nikolaev, completely blocked Odessa, surrounded the troops of the 6th general army and captured her commander of General I.N. Muzychenko. This circumstance made the rate of VGK on August 16, 1941 to take the famous order No. 270, according to which all fighters and commanders who fell or captured by the enemy were announced by the enemies of the people, and their families were sent off and deprivation of all social benefits and benefits ( certificates) for the entire period of war. The same order ordered to shoot at the place of all deserters and panties, despite their previous merits, positions and titles. In the period of the Gorbachev Perestroika, the fault for the adoption of this order was found in I.V. Stalin, because, according to a number of authors (A. Merzalov, M. Semiryaga), such pathological cruelty was immanently inherent in Stalinism. However, if you look at the original of this order, it is possible to consider the signatures of all the then members of the TGK - I.V. on it. Stalin, V.M. Molotova, K.E. Voroshilova, S.M. Budenny, B.M. Shaposhnikova, S.K. Tymoshenko and G.K. Zhukov.

    On August 19, by decision of the rate, the Bryansk front was formed led by Colonel-General A.I. Eremenko, the main tasks of which were to become:

    1) the cover of the right flank of the troops of the southwestern front from the possible flank strike of the enemy from the Priluki region - Konotop;

    2) defeat the 2nd tank group of Guderian;

    3) creating a reliable cover on distant approaches to Moscow from the Oryol-Tula direction.

    On August 30, the troops of the 24th (K. Rakutin) and the 43rd (D. Seleznev) of the backup front armies began to implement the Yelninsky offensive operation, which ended on September 8, the full defeat of the five divisions of the 4th Army of Field Marshal G. Klev and the liquidation of the extremely dangerous For Moscow, the Yelninsky Bridgehead. In the domestic historical science, the operation of Salney has always been evaluated as the first major offensive operation of the first period of war, which had not only a large military-tactical, but also a huge moral and psychological meaning. However, in Western historiography (D. Baoff, N. Vert), the opinion is still dominant that the fights of the sub town have a small tactical success, which was consciously advertised by Soviet propaganda.

    In early September 1941, the situation in the southern section of the front sharply aggravated, where the military-political leadership of the south-west direction - Marshal S.M. Budyan and N.S. Khrushchev almost completely lost control over the operational situation:

    a) the troops of the Bryansky Front (A.I. Eremenko) so could not fulfill the task. Part 2 of the 2nd Tank Group (Guderian) and the 2nd Field Army (Schobert) of the Wehrmacht, making a major maneuver, deeply wedged into the location of the South-Western Front in the Chernigov area - Konotop.

    b) the troops of the South Front (I.V. Tyulenev) under the pressure of the superior forces of the 17th field army (R. Ruoff) and the 1st tank group (E. Kleista) were forced to leave Zaporizhia, Dnepropetrovsk and Kremenchug and move away to the left bank Dnipro.

    c) the troops of the South-Western Front (M.P. Kirponos), carrying huge losses, continued with great difficulty to restrain the onslaught of the 6th field army (V. Reichenau), who was advancing in the Kiev direction.

    In the setting, the rate appointed a new commander of the south-west direction Marshal S.K. Tymoshenko and ordered to start the troop of the south-western front for a new defense line to the Psel River. However, on September 12, the enemy by the 1st Tank Group E. Kleista, by going to the offensive with the Kremenchug bridgehead, broke through the defense of the 38th army of General-Major N.V. Feclenko and began to move rapidly to Kiev. In the same direction, the advanced parts of the 2nd tank group of Guderian rushed from the Konotop Union, which on September 15 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Lochwitz, the ring of the surroundings of Soviet troops were closed. As a result of these tragic events in the environment, parts and compounds of the 5th (M. Potapov), 21st (V. Kuznetsov), 26th (F. Kostenko), 37th (A. Vlasov) and the 38th (N. Feklenko) Army, a total number of 450 thousand soldiers and.

    Embed from a fiery bag was very few: more than 100 thousand soldiers and, including the commander of the front Colonel General M.P. Kirponos and Head of the headquarters of the Front General Major V.I. Upikov, accepted heroic death, and more than 300 thousand soldiers and were captured. On September 19, 1941, the advanced parts of the 6th Field Army of Feldmarshal V. Reichenau took Kiev, the fall of which was a heavy blow to the whole country.

    c) Leningrad defense (August 30 - September 20, 1941).

    In July - the first half of August 1941 during the fierce fighting, the opponent occupied the territory of Latvia, Lithuania and a significant part of Estonia, moved the fighting on the territory of the Leningrad Region of the RSFSR. In such a critical situation in Leningrad, the Commission of the GCO and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) as part of V.M. was urgently sent Molotova, G.M. Malenkova, A.N. Kosygin and N.G. Kuznetsova, which was prescribed to urgently take all necessary measures for the defense of the city.

    The position on the front continued to deteriorate rapidly: neither the authoritative commission, nor the leadership of the Leningrad Front (M.M. Popov) could not organize a worthy enemy, and already on August 30, the enemy's troops came to the Neva. In early September 1941, on the orders of the rate of the Leningrad Front, the Marshal K.E. Voroshilov, however, and this decision could not affect the change in the situation for the better. Moreover, on September 8, the enemy, breaking down to the Lake Ladoga, captured Shlisselburg and closed the ring of the land blockade around the city. In this situation on September 10, according to the personal indication I.V. Stalin in Leningrad flew out a new commander of the Leningrad Front General Army G.K. Zhukov, to whom the supreme gave the extremely tight indication of the city of the enemy not to take.

    In mid-September, the advanced parts of the 18th field army of Field Marshal E. Manstein moved to the offensive in Pulkovsky altitudes and reached the Uritsk region. In the current situation G.K. Zhukov urgently transferred to the location of the 42nd army of Major General I.I. Fedyuninsky Required reserves and ordered the commander of the 54th Army Marshal G.I. Kulik immediately begin an offensive at Moscow State University. However, during the Sinyavinian offensive operation, the Soviet troops could not fulfill the task and discard the city from the southeastern direction.

    The opponent forces of six infantry and tank divisions tried to break through the defense of our troops at the junction of the 42nd and 55th armies. In such a critical situation G.K. Zhukov gave orders to the teamar of the 8th Army General V.I. Shcherbakov Apply a powerful flank strike along the counterpart of the enemy, which forced the Germans to urgently transfer part of forces and funds to the Peterhof destination. For a whole week, the enemy tried to break the resistance of the Soviet troops under Pulkovo, Kolpino and Peterhof, but all his attempts were in vain, and on September 26, he moved to defense at all sites of the Leningrad Front.

    Leningrad himself and his closest suburbs fell into the most severe land blockade (867 days), which became not only the tragic, but also the heroic page in the history of the whole of the Great Patriotic War. The failure of the operation on the seizure of Leningrad was extremely seriously perceived by A. Hitler, who soon dismissed Field Marshal V. Leeb from his post and in January 1942 appointed the New Commander of the North Army Group of Feldmarshal G. Küchler.

    2. Moscow Battle (September 30, 1941 - April 20, 1942)

    a) the defense of Moscow (September 30 - December 5-6, 1941)

    On September 6, 1941, A. Hitler signed Directive No. 35 on the transition of the Center for the Center for the Center for the general attack on Moscow. In accordance with the Typhoon Operation Plan, the main elements of which were developed in the spring of 1941, the impact group of the Wehrmacht, which was to take the Soviet capital, consisted of the 2nd (M. Wehs), 4th (Kulve) and 9th (A. Strauss) of the field armies, the 2nd (Guderian), the 3rd (Goth) and the 4th (E. Göpner) of the Tank Groups and the 2nd Air Fleet of Field Marshal A. Kesselring. The total number of German troops aimed at Moscow was 76 infantry, motorized and tank divisions, more than 1,200 tanks and 1,100 aircraft. Such a powerful grouping of the enemy was created quite consciously, since A. Hitler's taking to Moscow and his generals associated the end of the entire Eastern campaign. On September 24, a concluding meeting was held in Smolensk in the headquarters of the Center for the Center, which the final plan and the timing of the operation were fully agreed.

    The troops of the Army Army Group on distant approaches to the capital were opposed by the troops of three Soviet fronts:

    West Front (Colonel-General I.S. Konev) as part of the 16th (K. Rokossovsky), 19th (M. Lukin), 20th (F. Ershakov), 21st (V. Kuznetsov), 22nd (V. Yushkevich) and the 30th (V. Khomenko) of the general-official armies were defended by the 350-kilometer front of the Ostodkov.

    Reserve Front (Marshal S.M. Budyanny) as part of the 24th (K. Rakutin), 29th (I. Maslennikov), 31st (V. Dolmatov), \u200b\u200b32nd (S. Vishnevsky), 43- Y (P. Advisors) and the 49th (I. Zakharkin) of the general-official armies were partially located in the rear of the Western Front, and partially held 120-kilometer defense in the first echelone of Yelny - Franovka.

    Bryansk Front (Colonel-General A.I. Eremenko) as part of the 3rd (Ya. Crazer), 13th (A. Gorodynansky) and the 50th (M. Petrov) of the General Army and the Operational Group of General A.N. Ermakova kept the defense on the left bank of the gums in the Franovsky district - Putivl.

    The total number of three Soviet fronts, defended Moscow, was 83 rifle and 9 cavalry divisions, 10 tank brigades, about 1000 tanks and 670 aircraft.

    On September 30, 1941, the opponent forces of the 2nd Tank Group (Guderian) and the 2nd Field Army (M. Wehs) switched to the offensive against the troops of the Bryansky Front and, breaking through the defense of the 13th and 50th armies, took the eagle , Bryansk, chrome and, cutting the main communications of the front, put his troops into the conditions of the operational environment. The Orlovsk-Bryansk defensive operation of the Soviet troops began, which lasted until the end of October 1941

    On October 2, the 4th tank group of General E. Göpner and the 4th field army of Feldmarshal G. Klev, who, breaking up the defenses of the 19th, 24th, 32nd and 43rd armies of Western and backup fronts , captured Hill-Zhirkovsky, Spas-Demensk and Yukhnov. As a result of this breakthrough, the troops of the five Soviet armies were under the threat of the environment. In this situation, the BTC rate ordered urgently to take the troops of these armies to the Rzhevian-Vyazemsky defensive line. However, on October 6, the enemy west of Vyazma surrounded the parts and compounds of the 16th, 19th, 20th, 24th and 32nd armies of the total number of 660 thousand soldiers and.

    According to a number of historians (A. Isaev, L. Lopukhovsky), the reasons for such a planic development of events were not only a significant superiority of the enemy in a living force and military equipment, but also large miscalculations in the leadership of the Soviet troops from the front-line, army and divisional command link.

    In these disturbing days, according to a number of historians (N. Pavlenko, A. Samsonov), I.V. Stalin gave an indication of the Commissar of the internal affairs of the USSR L.P. Beria "Conduct on your channels the possibility of imprisoning with the Germans of the New Brest world."The Bulgarian Ambassador P. Stamenov made an intermediary in these negotiations, but his mission was not crowned with success, since the Higher Imperial Guide refused to conduct any negotiations, believing that the Soviet Union had already lost the war. However, it seems that this version, born in the years of Gorbachev Perestroika, on the wave of extremely aggressive antistaline propaganda, is based on not very reliable sources, in particular, the memoirs of the former chief of the 4th administration of the MGB of the USSR Lieutenant General P.A. Sudplatova.

    Meanwhile, the enemy continued the implementation of the Typhoon plan: the 2nd tank group of Wehrmacht moved to the offensive in the Tula direction, the 2nd field army began to defeat the Soviet troops in the Vyazemsky boiler, the 4th tank group and the 4th field army of the Wehrmacht Steel It is rapid to move on Mozhaisk and Volokolamsk directions, and the 3rd tank group and the 9th field army moved to the offensive in the Kalinin direction.

    October 9, at the indication I.V. Stalin at the headquarters of the Western Front arrived a bid and GKO Commission consisting of V.M. Molotova, K.E. Voroshilova and A.M. Vasilevsky, who was entrusted to deal with the reasons for such a deplorable development of the situation at the front and take urgent and tough measures for its correction. According to the results of its work, the Commission proposed:

    1) Combine the troops of Western and backup fronts to a single Western Front and appoint a new front of the General Army General G.K. Zhukova;

    2) The former commander of the Western Front of General Polovnik I.S. Konev give the court of the military tribunal. However, by the personal request of G.K. Zhukova The last decision of the commission was canceled I.V. Stalin.

    On October 10, the Supreme Commander signed an order for the appointment of G.K. Zhukov Commander of the United Western Front. His first deputy, on his recommendation, was appointed Colonel-General I.S. Konev, Lieutenant General V.D. Stacked Sokolovsky, and a member of the FRONT Military Council was approved by N.A. Bulganan.

    The situation at the front developed as follows: a) the troops of the 3rd, 13th and 50th armies of the Bryansky front, after severe and bloody battles only in late October were able to escape from the environment and organized to move away to the Tula Defense line; b) The troops of the 19th, 20th, 24th and 32nd armies of the Western Front, having won the significant forces of the enemy, desperately tried to break away from the environment. There are huge losses, they were able to escape from the Vyazemsky boiler very few parts and connections. The main part of the troops or died in unequal battles with the enemy, or, as a commander of the surrounded grouping, Lieutenant General M.F. Lukin, captured.

    According to the military (G.K. Zhukov, B.M. Shaposhnikov, A.M. Vasilevsky) and the testimony of historians (A.M. Samsonov, V. Anfilov), the bloody battle near Vyazma became an extremely important factor in the victorious completion of the whole Moscow battle. In this, the most tragic period of the battle near Moscow (October 6-15, 1941), surrounded by the troops of the four Soviet armies, having won the twenty-eight enemy divisions, allowed to create a new line of defense around the capital.

    On October 12, the Western Front Military Council, conscious that it will not be able to create a solid line of defense around Moscow, decided to close the five main directions to the capital. On the Mozhaisk direction was focused on the 5th Army General Major D.D. Lelyushenko, on Volokolamsk - 16th Army General Lieutenant K.K. Rokossovsky, on Naro-Fominsky - 33rd Army General Lieutenant M.G. Efremova, on Maloyaroslava - 43th Army Lieutenant General S.D. Akimov and Kaluga - 49th Army General Lieutenant I.G. Zakharkina.

    The pompmy, despite the huge losses, continued persistently move forward: October 12, the advanced parts of the Wehrmacht captured Kaluga and Rzhev, and on October 14, the enemy mastered Kalinin. In this situation, the rate decided to create a new Kalinin front in the North-Western approaches to the capital as part of the 22nd (V. Vostarukhov), the 29th (I. Maslennikov), the 30th (V. Khomenko) and the 31st ( V. Yushkevich) Communal Armies. Commander Front was appointed Colonel-General I.S. Konev, and the headquarters of the front was Major General I.I. Ivanov.

    On October 15-16, the opponent forces of the 3rd tank group of Colonel General Gota and the 9th field army of Colonel-General A. Straus began an offensive on Torzhok, however was stopped on the approaches to the city and forced to move onto the defense on this section of the Front . The heavier situation was formed in the southwestern and western directions, where on October 16-20, the opponent, breaking through the defense of our troops, captured Borovsk, Maloyaroslavets, Mozhaisk, Volokolamsk and Naro-Fominsk.

    In these disturbing days, on October 15, 1941, GKO decides on evacuation from the capital of almost all government agencies, including most drug addicts, the presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Central Committee of the CPSU (b), TGK bets and the LDKA General Staff, as well as Members and candidates for members of the Politburo Central Committee - V.M. Molotova, K.E. Voroshilova, L.M. Kaganovich, M.I. Kalinina, A.A. Andreeva and N.A. Voznesensky, who was ordained to create in Arzamas and Kuibyshev parallel bodies of party-state power and the management of the country in case of falling Moscow. On October 19, 1941, a siege situation was introduced in the capital in the capital and the Commandant hour was established.

    Recently, the issue has been actively discussed in historical literature, Li I.V. was gathered Stalin gives Moscow. Most historians (A. Samsonov) believe that such plans were allowed, but hardly seriously discussed by the highest leadership of the country. Their opponents (A. Merzalov, M. Seven) are confident that I.V. Stalin not only allowed Moscow, but also accepted a specific decision about it. However, with no specific facts and good evidence of their "scientific discovery", our home-grown anti-strongers have not been presented. These historians are also confident that the acute situation at the front in October 1941 created favorable conditions and made the necessary displacement I.V. Stalin from all his posts, which, undoubtedly, would have a beneficial effect on the further course and the outcome of the whole war, but neither in the situation of the leader, nor in the Central Committee of CPS (b) there were not fundamental and competent people. Let us leave without commenting this regular passage of sales of consumer party historians and will define only one rhetorical issue: if surrounded by I.V. Stalin and in the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) did not find fundamental and competent people, then who could actually lead the country during the Military Liphetheye years ...

    At the end of October 1941, the enemy, reaching small tactical success in Tula, Volokolamsky and Naro-Fominsky directions, unexpectedly ceased the offensive operations and moved to strategic defense over the entire front line, which stabilized Ostadkov - Kalinin - Dmitrov - Naro-Fominsk - Dmitrov Mtsensk - Aleksin.

    The unexpected stopping of the German offensive allowed the celebrations on the anniversary of the Great October in Moscow, which had an exceptionally important moral and psychological significance. On November 6, a solemn meeting was held at the metro station Mayakovskaya, and on November 7, a parade of the Moscow garrison troops and the current army, who accepted Marshal S.M. Budy. On this parade with software speech, I.V. Stalin, which for the first time, the resulting class and ideological prejudices, turned to the image of "our great ancestors", the defenders of the Fatherland, who were to inspire the soldiers of the Red Army in the defeat of the enemy - Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minina, Dmitry Pozharskoye, Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov.

    In the Center for the Army "Center" the development of a new plan of the offensive to Moscow, which received the code name "Moscow Cannes" was completed. According to the new plan developed by the headquarters of the OKB (V. Keitel), the troops of the Wehrmacht should have created a double ring of the environment around the Soviet capital:

    1) The inner ring, the boundaries of which came close to the boundaries of the city, was supposed to close the forces of the 4th tank group of General Colonel E. Göpner and the 4th Field Army of Feld Marshal in Kejig;

    2) The outer ring, the borders of which were held along the Klin-Noginsk - Kolomna line, were to close the troops of the 2nd and 3rd tank groups of General Colonel G. Guderian and General Tank Forces of the city of Reganardt.

    On November 13, 1941, a meeting of the highest team composition of the Land Forces of the Wehrmacht was held in Orsha, in which the head of the Land Marshal V. Brahich, Head of the General Staff, General Colonel, F. Galder, Commander of the Army Center Feld Marshal F. Bok and headquarters of the headquarters of the Army Army, North and South General Colonel-General A. Greiphenberg, G. Brennek and E. Zodenstern. Most of the participants of this meeting spoke out against the plan of the universal offensive proposed by the headquarters of the OKB. But at the same time, almost all generals agreed that before the winter, it is necessary to master the Soviet capital at any cost.

    On the northern approaches to the capital, where the defense was kept the troops of the 16th (K. Rokossovsky) and the 30th (D. Lelyushenko) of the armies, the 9th field army of General A. Straus and the 3rd and 4th tank passed on the offensive groups of generals of the city of Reanardt and E. Göpner;

    From the south-western (Tula) direction, which was defended by the troops of the 49th (I. Zakharkin) and the 50th (I. Boldin) of the armies, the offensive began the troops of the 2nd tank group of the Colonel General G. Guderian and the 2nd field Army Colonel-General M. Wehs.

    In the central section of the front, where the troops of the 5th (L. Govorov), 33rd (M. Efremov) and the 43rd (K. Golubev) of the armies were defended, the main blow to the capital was applied to the capital of Feld Marshal. .

    Within two weeks, the enemy, carrying huge losses in the lively strength and technique, managed to seize the wedge, Solnechnogorsk, Yahroma, Red Polyana, Kryukovo and a number of other settlements on the North-Western approaches to Moscow, which has achieved the greatest success. In other areas of the front, its achievements were much more modest: the enemy failed to capture Zvenigorod, Tula, Kashira, Serpukhov, Naro-Fominsk, Elets and other settlements in the West and South-Western destinations from Moscow. In this situation, on December 3, 1941, Field Marshal F. Side was forced to give an order about the transition of his troops to defense over the entire front line, which stabilized at the turn of Kalinin - Dmitrov - Yakhroma - Kryukovo - Zvenigorod - Naro-Fominsk - Tula - Epifan - Elets .

    b) counteroffensive near Moscow (December 5-6, 1941 - April 20, 1942)

    5-6 December 1941 on the order of the TSG Troops' order of the Kalininsky (I.S. Konev), Western (G.K. Zhukov) and the South-Western (S.K. Tymoshenko) of the fronts moved to counteroffensive over the entire front line from Kalinin To Yelets. In this first, the largest offensive operation of the initial period of the Great Patriotic War was attended by troops of 13-general army, which successfully conducted six local offensive operations, which were victoriously ending with the full defeat of the advanced parts and connections of the Center for the Center for Moscow:

    On the Kalinin front, the troops of the 22nd, 29th and 31st armies held a Kalinin offensive operation (December 1941 - January 1942);

    On the Western Front, the troops of the 1st shock, the 5th, 16th and 20th armies held a Klin-Solnechnogo offensive operation (December 1941); Troops 33rd and 43rd armies - Naro-Fomain offensive operation (December 1941), and troops 10th, 49th and 50th armies - Tula (December 1941) and Kaluga (December 1941 . - January 1942) offensive operations;

    On the south-western front, the troops of the 3rd and 13th armies held an elec offensive operation.

    The first ten days of continuous conrtudars of the Red Army were so unexpected for the enemy that he was forced to constantly go to new defensive frontiers, leaving one settlement after another. A. Hitler, who came to rage from the deplorable development of events near Moscow, already in mid-December 1941, he sent several dozen Field Marshals and LEDs of Wehrmacht, including V. Brahich, F. Boca and G. Guderian.

    By the beginning of January 1942, Soviet troops, defeating the shock connections of the Center for the Center for the Center, discarded the enemy by 100-250 kilometers from the capital and liberated hundreds of settlements in Moscow, Kalininskaya, Tula and Kaluga regions, including Kalinin, Klin, Solnechnogorsk , Volokolamsk, Kaluga, Tarusa, Maloyaroslavets, Belev, Mosalsk, Sukhinichi and other cities. By January 7, 1942, by the end of the first stage of the offensive operation near Moscow, the front line stabilized at the turn of Rzhev - Volokolamsk - Ruza - Mosalsk - Belev - Mtsensk - Novosil.

    In Soviet historiography (A. Samsonov, V. Anfimov), the completion of the Moscow battle was traditionally related by April 20, 1942, when the active offensive actions of the Soviet troops were discontinued against the Center for the Center for the Army along the entire front line from Demyansk to Lyudinovo. In the years of restructuring and in the post-Soviet period, a number of authors (V. Karpov) questioned the legitimacy of this date, stating that the end of the Moscow battle should be dated January 1942, since further offensive operations in the central section of the front developed in line with the famous Stalinist Plan On the universal offensive throughout the Soviet-German front. In our opinion, regardless of the development of the situation on other fronts of the Great Patriotic War, it should still recognize that the second stage of the offensive operation near Moscow, which began on January 8-10, was indeed ended on April 20, 1942

    In foreign and domestic historiography (A. Hillagruber, A. Samsonov, V. Anfimov) The Moscow battle is traditionally attached to:

    The victory near Moscow finally buried the Blitzkrieg strategy, which was so calculated by A. Hitler and his generals in their global plans to conquer world domination;

    In the fields near Moscow, the myth of the invincible of the German army was completely debunked, which suffered the first major defeat for all the time of war from September 1939;

    The Moscow battle marked the beginning of a rootary transfer during World War II and created favorable conditions for the start of the indigenous fracture in the Great Patriotic War.

    Do not be discounted and huge losses of the Center for Army Center in human resources, military equipment and weapons. In various sources, historical research and journalistic articles, there are conflicting information on this expense, including completely fantastic figures (D. Volkogonov, B. Sokolov, L. Lopukhovsky, Yu. Kavarchik), which have nothing to do with the real position of things. At the moment, the most believable is the information of those authors (A. Samsonov, Krivosheev), which evaluate general losses of the Wehrmacht in 450-460 thousand people, 2340 tanks and 1390 aircraft.

    a) Stalin's plan of the military campaign for 1942

    On January 5, 1942, a joint meeting of the NGK and GKO rates took place, at which the plan for further actions was discussed on the Soviet-German front in the winter-spring 1942. I.V. Stalin, highly appreciated the successful course of an offensive operation near Moscow, said that the main goal of the new military campaign should be the universal offensive of the Soviet troops over the entire front line from Barents to the Black Seas.

    The troops of the Leningrad (M.S. Hozin) and Volkhovsky (K.A. Meretkov) of the fronts in cooperation with the Baltic Fleet (V.F. Tributz) was tasked to defeat the main forces of the North Army Group and fully discard Leningrad.

    The army of the North-West Front (P.A. Kurochkin) had to be applied from the Ostashkov district - Demyansk a powerful blow to parts and units of the enemy at the junction of the Army Groups and North.

    The troops of Kalininsky (I.S. Konev) and the Western (G.K. Zhukov) of the fronts was tasked with the task of continuing the offensive operation in the central section of the front and defeat the main forces of the Center for the Center for the Center in Rzhev - Vyazma - Smolensk.

    The troops of the South-Western (F.Ya. Kostenko) and the South (R.Y. Malinovsky) of the fronts were to defeat the main forces of the South Army Group, to release the left-bank and entrenched on the right bank of the Dnieper.

    Caucasian Front's troops (D.T. Kozlov) in cooperation with parts and connections of the Black Sea Fleet (F.S. Oktyabrsky) were to fully release the Crimean Peninsula and remove the siege of Sevastopol.

    Offer I.V. Stalin about a universal offensive on the front was fully supported by Marshali K.E. Voroshilov and S.K. Tymoshenko. More-less against the Stalinist Plan Deputy Chairman of the SNK of the USSR N.A. Voznesensky, Head of the General Staff of the Red Army Marshal B.M. Shaposhnikov and commander of the Western Front General Army G.K. Zhukov. Their arguments were as follows:

    1) An offensive can be continued only in the central section of the Soviet-German front, where as a result of successful counterdads near Moscow, the opponent is completely demoralized and unable to provide decent resistance to the Soviet troops.

    2) On the other sections of the Soviet-German front, go to strategic defense, since:

    a) there are no objective operational and tactical prerequisites for the successful crossing of offensive operations;

    b) the country's military-industrial complex is not yet able to produce the necessary amount of weapons and ammunition for the simultaneous conduct of several large offensive operations on the entire Soviet-German front.

    These arguments were not taken into account by the majority of members of the GKO and the bet, and I.V. Stalin in categorical form insisted on the approval of the plan of the military campaign proposed by him in 1942, which in the end practically failed and ended with a major defeat of Soviet troops, especially in the south-western strategic direction. Another serious miscalculation of the leader was that he fully trusted the leadership of military intelligence, headed by Major General A.P. Panfilov, gave an order to transfer to the Western Front of significant military reserves and military equipment from other strategic directions and fronts. In this case, the fateful role was played by the fact that Soviet intelligence officers got "on the fishing officer" of the German military intelligence - "Abver", headed by Admiral F. Kanaris, the agents of which were able to convince them that in the spring of 1942 a new general attack on the codewa The name "Kremlin".

    b) Military operations at the front in the winter - in the summer of 1942

    At the end of December 1941, the implementation of a number of local offensive operations began, the implementation of a number of local offensive operations began, which at the first stage had tactical success.

    During the Kerch-Feodosian landing operation (December 1941 - January 1942), the troops of the Transcaucasian Front (D.T. Kozlov), freed the eastern part of the Kerch Peninsula, not only prevented the real threat to the invasion of the German troops on the North Caucasus, but also created Comfortable bridgehead for the complete liberation of the Crimean Peninsula from the enemy.

    During Toropetsko-Holmskaya (January - February 1942) and Demyanskaya (January - May 1942) of offensive operations of the Kalininsky troops (I.S. Konev) and the North-Western (PA Kurochkin) of fronts, defeating advanced parts The 9th (V. Model) and the 16th (E. Bush) of the Wehrmacht's field armies were moved forward to 200-300 kilometers and an old Russa RUSSA was published - the Great Luki.

    In the course of these operations, the plan of VGK rates were implemented to the maximum extent, but the remaining offensive operations were either completely failed, or had a slight tactical success.

    During the Lyuban offensive operation (January - April 1942), the troops of Volkhovsky (KA Metskov) and Leningradsky (MS Hozin) of the fronts were not able to realize the tasks set, and the 2nd percussion (A. Vlasov) And the 59th (I. Galanin) The Common Army of the Volkhov Front switched to forced defense.

    During the Rzhevsk-Vyazhamic and Sychevsky-Vyazemsky offensive operations, which were held in January - April 1942 by the forces of the Thirteen All-Army Army of the General Command of the Western Troops (G.K. Zhukov), the main operational and tactical goals, in particular, the liberation of Rzhev and Vyazma and were not achieved. At the same time, during heavy bloody fighting, Soviet troops managed to significantly move forward by 100-200 kilometers and, successfully completing the Moscow offensive operation, to consolidate at the turn of Veligiz - Demidovo - White - Sychevka - Nelidovo - Gzhatsk - Yukhnov - Lyudinovo. It should be noted that in the course of these operations, the troops of the 29th (V. Shvetsov) of the Kalininsky Army and the 33rd (M. Efremov) of the Army of the Western Front were also included in Rzhevma.

    Recently, within the framework of the large-scale information war against our country, a number of acaged authors (V. Melnikov, V. Safir, F. Sverdlov, S. Mikheenkov) began to very actively to dwelling the issue of the so-called "Vyazemically disaster" of April 1942, in Which tragically died by the teamar of the 33rd Army, Lieutenant General M.G. Efremov, who, being wounded while trying to exit the environment, shot himself due to the threat to be captured. Naturally, our "patriots" laid the whole guilt for the surroundings of the Soviet troops near Vyazma and the death of Comandarm 33rd on the commander of the Western Front of the General Army General Zhukova, who allegedly disliked the challenge commander and consciously observed the death of his army. However, the analysis of real documents suggests that wines for the "Vyazemsky catastrophe" lies equally at all, including at the rate of VGC, which, in fact, authorized the Rzhev-Lyazemic operation itself.

    During the Barventkovsko-Lozovsky offensive operation, which was held in January 1942, the southern troops (R.Ya. Malinovsky) and the south-western (F.Y. Kostenko) of the fronts, moving forward by 90-100 kilometers, and could not fulfill The tasks of the liberation of Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkov and Poltava.

    In May - June 1942, the opponent managed to achieve significant operational and tactical success in various sites of the Soviet-German front, which significantly complicated the situation of Soviet troops, especially in the south-western strategic direction.

    In the first half of May 1942, the troops of the 11th field army of Field Marshal E. Manstein, breaking through the defense of the 44th (S. Chernyak), 47th (K. Kolganov) and the 51st (V. Lvov) of the Army of the Crimean Front, Captured Kerch and forced the remnants of Soviet troops hastily retreating the Taman Peninsula. The results of this military catastrophe, the wines for which entirely lies with the representative of the PBGC Colonel-General L.Z. Mehlis and Commander of the Crimean Front General Lieutenant D.V. Kozlov, turned out to be huge:

    a) German troops on the shoulders of the retreating Soviet parts broke into the Caucasus;

    b) Soviet troops were forced to leave the symbol of Russian military glory - Sevastopol, the heroic defense of which continued for almost a year.

    On May 12, 1942, on the initiative of the chief command of the South-Western Troops (S.K. Timoshenko, N.S. Khrushchev, I.K. Bagramyan) began the Kharkiv offensive operation. And although the leadership of the General Staff of the Republic of Redek, in particular, Marshal B.M. Shaposhnikov and Colonel-General A.M. Vasilevsky, in a cautious form, opposed a large-scale offensive operation in this strategic direction, I.V. Stalin, K.E. Voroshilov and other members of the GKO and rates initially supported this frank adventure, the authors of which were S.K. Tymoshenko and N.S. Khrushchev.

    In accordance with the plan of the operation, the troops of the 6th (A. Gorodynansky), 21st (V. Gordov), 28th (D. Ryabyshev) and the 38th (D. Ryabyshev) passed from the Volchansk region. . Moskalenko) Army of the South-Western Front. Initially, their offensive developed relatively successfully, and to the outcome of the fifth day of battles, breaking through the defense of the 6th field army of Colonel-General F. Paulus, they advanced by 25-50 kilometers. But already on May 17, quite unexpectedly from the area of \u200b\u200bKramatorsk and Slavyansk, according to the troops of the 9th (P. Kozlov) and the 57th (K. Podloss) of the arms of the South Front of Lieutenant General R.Ya. Malinovsky was inflicted a powerful tank blow from the group of the "Claysthe" armies.

    In the current situation, the new chief of the General Staff of the Red Army General-Colonel A.M. Vasilevsky suggested I.V. Stalin immediately stop the offensive of the troops of the South-Western Front and turn the troops of the 6th Army of Lieutenant General A.M. Gorodensky and front-line operational group of Lieutenant L.V. Bobkin to eliminate the extremely dangerous enemy breakthrough in the southern front strip. However, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Only on May 19 gave permission to go to defense over the entire front line, but it was too late. On May 23, the advanced parts of the 6th Field Army and the Kleist armies group were connected to the south of Balakleia and surrounded the troops of the 6th and 57th armies. In the course of fierce fights, which continued on May 24-29, 1942, most of the Soviet troops could not escape from the environment and many fighters and commanders fell by the death of brave on the battlefield, including the Deputy Commander of the South-Western Front Lieutenant General .I. Kostenko and Commander L.V. Bobkin, A.M. Gorodynansky and K.P. Poles.

    In the second half of June 1942, the troops of the 59th (I. Korovnikov) and the 2nd shock (A. Vlasov) of the Army of the Volkhov Front (K.A. Meretkov), heroically fighting the enemy in the area of \u200b\u200bLyuban, were surrounded and almost completely Locked the superior forces of the 18th field army of Colonel-General of Lindeman. Commander of the 2nd Shock Army Lieutenant General A.A. Vlasov voluntarily surrendered and, by going to the service to the enemy, headed the so-called Russian liberation army (ROA), forever stained his immentable disgrace before the memory of the living and fallen heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

    At the end of June - early July 1942, during the Voronezh-Donbass defensive operation, the troops of Bryansky (FI Golikov), South-Western (S.K. Tymoshenko) and South (R.Y. Malinovsky) fronts, carrying huge losses Departed by 150-400 kilometers deep into the country and left the opponent with the whole territory of Donbass and the Rostov region of the RSFSR.

    4. First stage of the Stalingrad Battle: Defense of Stalingrad (July 17, November 18, 1942)

    In April 1942, A. Hitler signed Directive No. 41, in which the main strategic task of the German Armed Forces on the Summer Campaign of 1942 was determined - destruction of Soviet troops in the southern strategic direction and mastering the Caucasus, which was the most important oil region of the world.

    To this end, in early July 1942, the "South" armies group was divided into two parts. The Army Group "A" as part of the 11th and 17th field armies of the Wehrmacht, the 8th Italian Army and the 1st Tank Army under the general command of Field Marshal V. Sheet was to apply the main blow to the Caucasian strategic direction. The group of armies "B" as part of the 2nd and 4th field armies of the Wehrmacht, the 2nd Hungarian army and the 4th tank army under the general command of Field Marshal F. Boca applied auxiliary blow to the Stalingrad direction. In total, an enemy focused on the southern sector of the Soviet-German front of the Soviet-German front: more than 900 thousand soldiers and 1,200 tanks, 1,650 aircraft and more than 17,000 guns.

    In the southern strategic direction, the defense was kept the troops of two Soviet fronts.

    The Caucasian direction defended the troops of the North Caucasian front under the command of Marshal S.M. Buddy. The composition of this front was part of the compounds of the five general-official armies: the 12th (A. Grechko) and the 37th (P. Kozlov) of the army defended the Stavropol direction, and the 18th (F. Kamkov), 47th ( Cats) and the 56th (A. Razhov) of the army - the Krasnodar direction.

    The Stalingrad direction defended the troops of the Stalingrad Front under the command of General Lieutenant V.N. Gordov, which included 21st (A. Danilov), 62nd (V. Kolpakchi), 63rd (V. Kuznetsov) and 64th (V. Chuikov) of the hostworm army.

    On July 17, 1942, the enemy switched to the offensive throughout the front line and already on July 26, breaking through the defense of the 62nd Army, reached the don's radiation and created a real threat to the environment of the troops of the Stalingrad Front. In this critical situation on July 28, 1942, signed by I.V. Stalin came out famous order No. 227 "Neither step back!", In accordance with which:

    1) for the manifested cowardice, desertion and unauthorized loss of combat positions at the front introduced the death penalty;

    2) In parts and connections of front-line subordination, penalty companies and penalty battalions for the ordinary and officer composition of the Red Army, which were constantly on the most dangerous areas of advanced, were created;

    3) In the rear of all unstable parts and compounds of the current army, special barrier detachments were created, which, in the case of panic flight from an advanced position, had the legal right to open fire on defeat on retreating fighters and commanders of the Red Army.

    It is necessary to emphasize the fact that, as all serious military historians (Y. Rubtsov) were established, Zagratrydryadi consisted of fighters of the same military units and compounds, and not from the NKVD troops, what they particularly like to teach our notebook liberals and antistalinists (A. Merzalov , M. Solonin, Popov).

    In modern liberal journalism and literature, the publication of this order is presented as the most fun proof of the crime of the Stalinist regime during the war years. If you have historically to evaluate this order, then it should be recognized that it has played an extremely important role in the further development of events at the front and put an end to the panic escape of a number of our military units with advanced positions.

    By the beginning of August 1942, a temporary lull of the Soviet-German front came on the South Soviet-German front, which made it possible to carry out the necessary organizational events. In particular, on August 5, two new troops were created on the basis of the Stalingrad Front: the Stalingrad Front as part of the 21st (A. Danilov), 62nd (V. Kolpakchi) and 63rd (V. Kuznetsov) of general-official, 4- Tankova (V. Kryuchenkin) and the 1st air (S. Khudyakov) armies, and the southeastern front as part of the 51st (T. Kolomiets), 57th (F. Tolbukhin) and 64th (M. Shumilov) of the general and 8th air (T. Khryukin) armies. Lieutenant General V.N. was appointed commander of the Stalingrad Front Gordov, and Southeast Front headed Colonel-General A.I. Eremenko. However, on August 9, the BGK rate redeemed the Stalingrad Front Colonel General A.I. Eremenko and sent a member of the GKO member to the host area, secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) G.M. Malenkov.

    Despite the heroic resistance of the troops of the North Caucasian Front (SM, Budyanny), the enemy seized Maykop, Krasnodar, Armavir, Stavropol and began to move rapidly to the foothills of the Grand Caucasian Range.

    On August 19, the troops of the 6th field army F. Paulus and the 4th tank army Gota began a new offensive in the Stalingrad direction, and to the outcome on August 23, without resistant to the defense of the 62nd Army, the north of Stalingrad came to the Volga, forming an operational corridor between Forces of two Soviet fronts. In the current situation, the BTC rate ordered to eliminate this corridor, but the repeated efforts of the troops of the 1st Guards (K. Moskalenko), the 24th (D. Kozlov) and the 66th (R. Malinovsky) armies were not crowned with success. On September 12, 1942, the enemy entered Stalingrad, where fierce street fighting began.

    At the Caucasian Theater of Combat Actions, thanks to the heroic resistance of the troops of the Transcaucasian Front (Ya.T. Cherevichenko), the opponent could not master the large Caucasian ridge. Affected by this circumstance, A. Hitler, who perfectly understood the importance of the Grozny and Baku oil for the further move of the war, was resigned by Field Marshal V. Sheet and laid the command of the Army Group "A". At the same time, the head of the General Staff of the Land Forces of the Wehrmacht, Colonel-General F. Galder, was retired and the Colonel-General K. Zeicler was appointed in his place.

    From mid-September to mid-November 1942, the troops of the 62nd and 64th armies of the Stalingrad Front under the command of General Lieutenant V.I. Chuikova and Major General M.S. Shumilova was heroically defended every span of the Volga land. Street battles in Stalingrad were extremely cruel and bloody character, especially at a strategically important height - Mamaev Kurgan, who repeatedly passed from hand to hand. The heroic defense of the Volzhskaya stronghold, whoed the basic forces of the enemy, allowed the BGC rate to develop and hold the Stalingrad offensive operation, which marked the beginning of the indigenous flight during the whole of the Great Patriotic War.

    5. Creating an antihytler coalition (July 1941 - July 1942)

    In Western (Barnes, Ch. Tensill, R. Parkinson) and Russian liberal historiography (M. Semiryaga) there is a false idea that the process of creating the anti-Hitler coalition of the Allied Power has begun in September 1939, that is, from the moment of principle World War II. At the same time, the Soviet Union, which in August 1939 was forced to sign the "nonsense pact" with Germany, according to these authors, was originally not opposed to Germany, but its military ally and only in June 1941, after the beginning of the Great Patriotic War He was forced to go to the camp of civilized nations, alone fought with the brown plague of Nazism.

    This kind of approval, especially characteristic of modern liberals, which always served the political interests of home-grown westerns and Russophobes, are completely inconsistent with real historical facts.

    1) firstly, About any serious antihytler coalition before the beginning of the entry of the Soviet Union to the second world war speech did not go, and it could not go. This coalition simply did not exist because:

    a) Former Munich, the militants not only led a very strange war with the German aggressor, but also, according to the testimony of authoritative authors (V. Falin), did not even be developed in the first six months of war of serious military operations against Nazi Germany.

    b) Almost all potential members of the anti-fascist bloc - France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Denmark and Norway, with the exception of Greece, Yugoslavia and the United Kingdom, by July 1940 were occupied by the German armed forces. Many British politicians had close working contacts with many influential Nazis, in particular, the chapter "Abver" by V. Kanaris and the Minister of Industry and Trade Ya. Shakht.

    c) The United States of America and did not quite understand the scale of Hitler aggression in Europe, and until time, without giving them serious importance, they announced their "neutrality". Moreover, as I installed Professor V.M. Falin, in May 1940 US President F. Roosevelt led secret negotiations with the Prime Minister of Canada M. King for a rush to relocate the British fleet to the State of the British Commonwealth until England capitulated before the Third Reich.

    d) a more eloquent fact of the lack of a real anti-Hitler coalition is the mission of the Personal Representative of US President S. Welleles to London, Paris, Rome and Berlin, who took place in February - March 1940. During his mission, the presidential envoy was seriously discussed with N. Chamberlain, . Reyno, B. Mussolini and the Nazi leaders - A. Hitler, R. Hesse, G. Gering, I. Ribbentropom and A. Wezsecker, the question of the conclusion of a peace treaty and recognition of the majority of territorial acquisitions of Germany over the past two years. Only after the failure of the "Mission S. Welles" President of the USA F.D. Roosevelt abandoned the policy of pacifying Germany and proclaimed a new course in the foreign policy of his country. However, even after the announcement of this course, only a year later, in March 1941, the US Congress, to break the powerful resistance of the "isolationists", whose unlawful leaders were the Secretary of State K. Hel, the head of the CIU J. Domazes and the ex-President G. Gouver, took The famous Law on Land Liza.

    e) the remaining powers of the European continent either announced their neutrality (Switzerland and Sweden), or became military satellites of Germany - Italy, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Finland.

    2) Secondly, Only after the start of the Great Patriotic War, when the Soviet Union was the victim of the fascist aggression, real conditions and prerequisites arose to create a real antihytler coalition of the United Nations of America, Australia, Asia and Europe.

    In domestic historiography, the process of creating an antihygler coalition is traditionally divided into two main stages:

    22-24 June 1941, i.e., in fact, immediately after the attack of fascist Germany on the Soviet Union, United Kingdom Prime Minister Winston Churchill and US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt made official statements about the support of the Soviet Union in his struggle against fascist Germany and her military allies. Legal registration of the antihytler coalition began only on July 12, 1941, when, according to the results of the negotiations between the People's Commissar of the USSR, V.M. The first English-Soviet agreement "On joint actions of the governments of the USSR and the UK governments in the war against Germany" was signed by the UK Molotov and Ambassador of the United Kingdom in the USSR S. Kripps, where it was about the provision of mutual assistance in the fight against the aggressor and to refuse any separate contracts with him. A little later, similar agreements were signed by the Ambassador of the USSR in United Kingdom I.M. Main with the leaders of the Emigrant Governments of Poland and Czechoslovakia in London V. Sikorsky and E. Benevem.

    In the second half of July 1941 I.V. Stalin addressed a personal message to the head of the British government of W. Churchill with a proposal to create a second front in Europe in the north of France or in Norway, but it was immediately rejected. Then the important negotiations of I.V. Stalin and V.M. Molotov with a personal representative of US President Gopkins, on which the principles of interaction between the two countries were agreed and decided to convene a meeting to study the strategic interests of the three world powers in the conditions of war.

    In August 1941, the leaders of the United Kingdom and the United States on board the English Linkura Prince Wales near Newfoundland signed the famous "Atlantic Charter", in which the basic principles of warfare against the aggressor and the post-war device of the world were proclaimed, to which Soviet joined in September 1941 Union.

    In early September 1941 I.V. Stalin immediately appealed to W. Churchill with a request to open the second front in Europe in the north of France or in the Balkans, which could delay several dozen enemy divisions from the eastern front. However, this time a non-communal refusal was obtained in Moscow.

    September 29 - October 1, 1941, the Moscow Conference of Representatives of the USSR (V.M. Molotov), \u200b\u200bUSA (A. Harriman) and Great Britain (W. Borverbruck) was held, in which the head of the Soviet government I.V. took part in Stalin. At this conference, making sure that the Soviet Union was able to provide real opposition to the German military machine, all questions about mutual supply and the use of material resources of three countries in the war against German were positively solved. In particular, the United Kingdom and the United States have committed its obligations to supply 500 tanks into the Soviet Union for 500 tanks, 400 aircraft and other military equipment and weapons, and the USSR expressed his readiness to provide themselves with the coalition themselves commodity resources and materials.

    At the end of October 1941, F.D. Roosevelt reported I.V. Stalin about the decision of the American government to provide the USSR an interest-free loan in the amount of one billion dollars, and already at the beginning of November with his decree he spread the action of the Law on Lena Liza to the Soviet Union. In early December 1941 after the official US entry into the second world war, the government F.D. Roosevelt passed to more decisive and active actions. January 1, 1942 at the International Conference in Washington twenty-six states of the world, including the USSR, USA, United Kingdom, Canada, India, China, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Yugoslavia, signed the "Declaration of the United Nations" in which were the most important obligations of the countries participating in the antihytler coalition among themselves are enshrined:

    1) to consume all its resources until the complete defeat of the members of the "Triple Covenant" - Germany, Italy, Japan and their military allies - Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Finland;

    2) Actively cooperate on all issues and not to conclude separate agreements or peace agreements with these countries.

    In April 1942, I.V. Stalin and F.D. Roosevelt exchanged messages in which it was about the need to convene a new conference of the three great powers on the opening of the second front in Europe. On May 26, 1942, the heads of the USSR foreign policy departments and the UK V.M. Molotov and A. Eden signed an agreement in London against the war against the fascist Germany and its military allies, as well as on cooperation and interaction of the two countries after the end of the war. And on June 11, 1942 in Washington Ambassador of the USSR M.M. Litvinov and US Secretary of State K. Hel's signed an agreement between the two countries in which the basic principles of mutual assistance in the fight against the aggressor were enshrined and the US commitments for military supplies in the USSR, carried out under the Land Liza program. The signing of these agreements was of paramount importance for the further transfer of the war, as they legally issued the military-political union of the three great powers in the fight against Nazism and militarism.

    At the same time, the leaders of the United Kingdom and the United States continued to lead a double game. At the end of July 1942, at the London Negotiations, they signed an agreement that was fully contrary to the interests of most countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition: the creation of the second front in Europe was again postponed indefinitely, but it was decided to start active hostilities of the Anglo-American troops in North Africa . Although in May 1942 during V.M. Molotova in the US President F.D. Roosevelt, Head of the Joint Committee of Headquarters, General J. Marshall and Head of Naval Forces Admiral E. King assured the Soviet Commissar that they "Very wishing to open the second front in Europe in 1942."

    On August 12-15, 1942, the Moscow Meeting of the Government of the USSR (I.V. Stalin), Great Britain (U. Churchill) and the representative of US President (A. Harriman), at which the British Prime Minister reiterated that the Allies would not be able to objectively Reasons to open the second front in Europe in 1942

    6. The ideology of the German Nazism and Nazi occupation regime on the territory of the USSR

    The policy of Nazi leaders in relation to the USSR determined their isoorest desire to first eliminate the Soviet Union as the first socialist state, then dismember it, and then do the physical destruction of millions of Russians, Maloros, Belarusians and other peoples of our country. Purified in this way, up to the Urals of the Earth, it was planned to immediately settle with German colonists. Although at first the main goal of the Nazis was by no means the realization of the delusional idea of \u200b\u200bthe racial "cleaning" of mankind, developed by ideologists of European racism and Eugene F. Galton, J. Gobino and H.S. Chamberlain, and capture at any cost, using the most inhuman methods, "living space for the Aryan race" in the east and conquest of world domination. Therefore, this war was initially presented as "the struggle for living space for the German nation" and justified the false thesis that the Germans turned out to be the only people on earth deprived of the living space necessary to him.

    This policy has fully responded to the interests of all German elites who have long been tolerated with regard to Europe aggressive imperial plans, including, including conquest and colonization of all Eastern Europe, up to the Urals and the Caucasus. The Nazi version of the Racial Theory (A. Rosenberg, K. Meyer-Hetling) was a significant impact on the goals of German aggression and occupation), which in practice turned into mass killings and extermination of entire peoples. The racist assessment of the "Leninsky-Stalin Communism" and the Soviet state as the "World Jewish Bolshevism", as well as the combination of anti-Semitism with anti-communism was not only an instrument of Nazi propaganda, but also an integral part of the program of German national socialism. The combination of these components and determined the nature of the war of Hitler Germany against the USSR as a war of destruction, led to genocide against European Jews and the destruction of millions of Slavs, primarily the Russian people.

    German General G. Thomas, the former head of the Military Management and Armament Department of the Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht (OKV), reported on the interrogation in Nuremberg, that one of the leaders of the German Reich, Reichs Marshal G. Gering in November 1940 called him the following reasons that prompted A. Hitler to attack the Soviet Union:

    1) the Bolsheviks on us sooner or later still attack, so their industry must be destroyed before they are ready for war;

    2) War against England will last longer than we expected, so in order to ensure food the population of the Middle Europe, we need rich Ukrainian crops;

    3) We need to break through to the Caucasus to master the Caucasian oil areas, since without them it is impossible to maintain large-scale air war against England and America.

    Therefore, in early June 1941 at a meeting of the Eldenburg Economic Staff, General G. Thomas, justifying his main task to ensure "The speedy use of the economic potential of Russia, in particular in the food and fuel sector," Rely on the arguments called to him G. Gering.

    The German campaign against the USSR from the very beginning was very different from the war that the Germans led against other European countries, both for their goals and on the methods of combat operations and occupation policies. These methods and goals were inhuman and contradicted all the norms of international law and the rules of warfare. Many archival documents indicate that at the preparatory stage to war against the USSR, Hitler Germany, along with the intentions of conquering in the east of Europe, "living space", that is, to acquire sources of industrial and agricultural raw materials, the area of \u200b\u200bsales of goods and huge spaces for the settlement of the Germans, and others pursued far-reaching goals. Thirty years old, that is, during the life of one generation, it was planned to destroy all the Jews, the Communists and the intelligentsia, and the number of local, mainly Slavic, the population significantly reduced by means of consciously organized hunger, mass deportations, forced work, and so on. Remaining in Alive was to become an ilota, that is, the slaves of German colonialists. Barbarossa plan has expected to produce military occupation of Soviet territory in the Arkhangelsk - Astrakhan Soviet territory, then at the time to hold a distracting policy of "survival" of this gigantic space, and only then start its methodical colonization and destruction of most local people.

    With the time of the Nuremberg process over the main German military criminals in historiography, disputes do not subscribe about who are personally responsible for the production of criminal political goals in the war against the USSR, for the mass crimes committed by the Wehrmacht during hostilities, and for the crimes of the German occupying authorities. The main thing is, if the German political leadership is trying to submit the German political leadership, that is, A. Hitler, G. Gimmler, J. Goebbels, G. Gering, R. Heydrich and others. At the same time, the responsibility of all the command and staff instances of the Wehrmacht - from the Supreme Commands of the Armed Forces (OKS), the Supreme Commander of the Ground Forces (OK) and the command of the Army Groups to the command to the command of individual armies and divisions, to district, urban and rural commandants - often either rejected or rejected or consciously understood. At the same time, refer to the subordinate position of the military and limited their competences. There are also statements that the actions of the Wehrmacht were dictated by the "military necessity", since they were determined, on the one hand, the directives, responsibility for the publication of which lies solely on A. Hitler, and on the other, were only a response to the actions of the Red Army and Soviet partisans. To justify countless crimes against prisoners of war, civilians and persons who occupied high posts in the Soviet party and military leadership, which were committed by the Wehrmacht on the captured territory of the USSR, are trying to refers to the fact that the "military utilitarianism" allegedly had no alternative.

    Moreover, in modern historiography, the idea is increasingly carried out that the German military did not consider this war on the destruction as a means of achieving world domination of Germany, and that their views and actions were not inherent racism. But after 1945, a huge number of archival documents relating to both the preparation and Germany of the war against the USSR were published, who convincingly prove the inconsistency of attempts to remove the crimes from the Wehrmacht. All these documents eloquently testify that it was the military instances that formulated the main objectives of the blockade of Leningrad and determined the nature of the German occupying policy in the Leningrad region. Therefore, huge victims among civilians in the occupied territories, among the military personnel of the RKKK, who came to German captors, and the Soviet partisans were a direct consequence of the conscious refusal of the Wehrmacht from complying with the established rules for warning war and the norms of international law.

    The fundamental documents characterizing the goals of Germany in the war against the USSR and the methods of achieving these goals used by it are published in numerous documentary editions and in serious scientific works. It follows from them that already in the preparation of the first operational development of the Barbaross Plan, in particular, the projects of the generals of G. Greiphenberg, E. Marx, B. Lossberg and F. Paulus, created in July - November 1940, German General Stratekeys were guided by , what the main goal of the war against the USSR is the establishment of a "German living space". Moreover, the headquarters of the operational leadership of OKM Colonel-General A. Yodell directly wrote that after the elimination of the Jewish-Bolshevik regime, it was necessary to resolutely prevent themselves to ensure that Russia emerged on the site of Bolshevik Russia. Note that all these ideas were formulated by the Wehrmacht General Long before, in March 1941, A. Hitler invited all the highest generals to the imperial office and directly told him that "The war against Soviet Russia should lead to complete destruction."

    The overwhelming majority of the highest ranks of the Wehrmacht adopted this indication of the Fuhrer and with the beginning of the fighting was consistently guided by them. As part of this, A. Hitler's instructions in April - May 1941 in the General Staff, under the guidance of Colonel-General V. Galder, orders "On the establishment of a military occupation regime", "On the activities of special pride-teams and special security police groups and SD "," On military jurisdiction "and others. The last order made it possible to produce mass executions of civilians in the territory of the USSR and liberated the representatives of the Wehrmacht from any responsibility for their crimes committed against the civilian local population in the occupied territory. Within the framework of this indication by the highest command instances of the Wehrmacht in June 1941, the notorious "order of commissioners" was published, according to which all political commissioners and political workers of the Red Army followed "In principle to destroy in place with the help of weapons." In parallel with orders for the conduct of war on the destruction, published by military instances on the eve of the attacks on the USSR, various civil and semi-binding agencies and institutions, which were subordinate to Gimmler and G. Goring, developed policy makers on economic exploitation and total looting of the entire territory of the USSR. In addition, the nearest and subsequent goals of the occupation policy of the German authorities in the USSR were formulated in a number of fundamental documents of Nazi leaders, for example, in the sadly famous "green folder" and "OST", where the main goals of the German Nazism were held: the colonization of the territories of Eastern Europe , extermination, onbirth and the transformation of the peoples of Eastern European countries in slaves of the Third Reich. The well-known Isoor Plan "Ost" was developed, mainly by the main management of imperial security (RSH) under the personal leadership of his "leaders" R. Heydrich (1939-1942), and then G. Himmler (1942-1945) and was approved by A. Hitler at the end of May 1940. The full text of this plan has not been found, but the documents associated with it allow you to restore its main provisions. In particular, he provided for the physical destruction of 30 million and eviction from the places of traditional residence over 50 million Russian, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Polyakov, Czechs and other Slavic peoples in Western Siberia, to the North Caucasus, South America and Even Africa. The liberated territories have planned to settle 10 million ethnic Germans, and the remaining population forced to numb and turn into slaves. At the same time, it was supposed to create specially protected military settlements for the indigenous population, forcibly limiting the fertility "Neochoralov", replace the national language to German and eliminate the entire system of secondary and higher education in the national language.

    At most of the territories undergoing occupation, the invaders were introduced for all Soviet citizens aged 18 to 45 years (for the Jews - from 18 to 60 years) a tough labor service, for refusing and evasion of which, non-fulfillment of any orders of civil and military authorities, The slightest disobedience of them, resistance to robbery and violence, assistance to partisans, membership in the Communist Party and the Komsomol, belonging to Jewish nationality and simply, without reason, there were mass executions, execution hanging, beating and torture with fatal exodus, imprisonment in concentration camp, etc.

    Repressions on the part of the fascist invaders were primarily the Slavs, Jews and Gypsies, as well as all other "defective peoples". In Belarus, every fourth resident was destroyed, and in Ukraine every sixth died. In the occupied territories, the death camps on the type of the sadly famous concentration camp "Curdgof" (Salaspils), where, according to general estimates, about 5 million Soviet citizens died. In total, in the occupied territory was at least 7.5 million peaceful Soviet citizens deliberately exterminated. Huge human resources damage occurred as a result of the violent hijacking of the able-bodied part of the population of the occupied territories for forced work in Germany and other European countries included in the third Reich. Of the total number of Soviet citizens, forcibly exported to work in Germany, are almost 5.3 million people, after the end of the war, about 2.6 million people were repatriated to their homeland, they did not return to their homeland and became emigrants - just over 450 thousand people, And the remaining 2 million 170 thousand people or died, or died in captivity.

    Fearing that the three Slavic Soviet republics will be a constant source of threats for German itself, the Hitler's leadership considered extremely dangerous to provide these territories any form of national statehood. It was planned that the coming to the third Reich territory will be included in its composition, in particular, Western Belarus will become an integral part of Eastern Prussia, and Western Ukraine will be part of a special Polish Governor-General, and special rejuncture will be created in the rest of the European part of the USSR.

    Already at the end of July 1941, at the direction of the Fuhrer, Reichskisariat "Ostlata" was created, which included Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Northern Belarus and part of the Leningrad and Pskov regions of the RSFSR. The head of this Reichskyissariat was appointed Gaulyuter G. Lose, the residence of which was Riga. At the beginning of September 1941, the New Order of the German Fuhrer was created by Reikhskyissariat "Ukraine", which included Volyn, Galicia, Podolia, Polesie and Crimea. The chapter of this Reichskyissariat was appointed Gaulyaiter E. Koh, whose residence was exactly. As you move forward, it was also intended to create the Caucasus Reich Initiates and Moscow, but, as you know, these crazy plans of Hitler's invaders suffered a complete collapse.

    All Reikhskyissariats were divided into general commissariants, which, in turn, were divided into regional commissariats. The area consisted of several districts headed by Ober-Burgomistraces, and the district was from the areas led by the council. In each area there was seven or eight volosts, which were led by the volost elders - burgomistra, and in all villages and villages, the German authorities were appointed elders from among local residents. Control over the work of the civil authorities on the territory of all Reikhskyissariats was entrusted to the Ministry on the affairs of the occupied eastern regions, which was led by one of the main ideologues of the German Nazism A. Rosenberg.

    In those occupied territories, which were part of the rear areas of the Army grouping of the Wehrmacht, all power focused in the hands of the military command. At the head of the military administration, an apartment general of the Main Commander of the Ground Forces (OKS), General of Artillery, E. Wagner, who was directly subordinate to the commander of the Rolls of Army Groups. In the rear districts of the armies, the administrative authorities were in the hands of the commandants of the rear districts, and the leaders of the primary bodies of the military occupation administration were field commandants and chiefs of garrisons. The order in the rear districts of troops and the protection of objects was provided by special security divisions, as well as police and various special formations. In the occupied territory, the Divisions of the Gestapo, ORPO, SD, SS, and other special services of the German Reich, in particular, operational groups and police formations, parts of Waffen-SS and Ainsambroups (Military Squadors of Death), which were intended to monitor the local population, to deal with resistance occupying authorities and carry out indicative punitive stocks. In addition, in a number of districts, the occupation authorities created profascular combat formations, unions and organizations from Soviet prisoners of war and locally inhabitants. Of course, they did not seriously affect the situation at the front, but were a significant force in the hands of the Wehrmacht and the occupying authorities in the fight against the active participants of the anti-fascist resistance.

    One of the main tasks of the occupying administration was personal record of the entire population in order to combat saboteurs, partisans and labor organization. All movements from cities and settlements were allowed only on special pass issued in local commands, and only during the daytime. At the same time, the mandatory registration of local residents was introduced, which for a certain period of identification certificates were issued, where, in addition to photography and information about the place and date of birth, the external data of its owner was indicated: growth, hair color and eyes, special signs, etc.

    In addition, mass executions and the destruction of residents of whole villages and villages were widely used to eliminate the entire population of the occupied territories. The symbols of the Germans of German invaders were the Belarusian village of Khatyn, where in March 1943 German and Ukrainian (Bandera) punishers from the 201st Schuzmishtaf battalion, formed on the basis of Natigal battalions (R. Shukhevich) and "Roland" (E. Bearing) Alibly burned all its inhabitants, including breast and juvenile children, as well as the Kiev Babi Yar, in which more than 100 thousand people were shot. Millions of civilian citizens were performed, shot alive into the ground alive, threw in the trunks of the mines, littered in the shrubs, stirred by car gases, kept in concentration camps and reservations. Many people have lost their lives for the simple shelting and treatment of red-Armenians, reading and distributing Soviet leaflets, reports of Soviet radio or simply on suspicion of disloyalty to the occupying authorities. Naturally, all these atrocities of Nazis soon caused a powerful folk protest, visibly manifested in a powerful partisan movement throughout the occupied territory, especially in Belarus and Ukraine.

    7. Partisan movement in the occupied territory

    An outstanding role in the period of the Great Patriotic War was played by a partisan movement, which embraced a significant part of the occupied territory of the country, primarily Belarus, Ukraine, Bryansk, Smolensk, Pskov, Leningrad and other areas of the RSFSR. The main tasks of the partisan movement were first set out in the joint directive of the USSR SCC and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "party and Soviet organizations of the front-line regions" and in the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On the organization of the fight against the rear of the German troops", which were accepted shortly after the start Wars - June 29 and July 18, 1941. In these policy documents, the main tasks of the Soviet and party bodies in the fight against the German-fascist invaders in the occupied territories were immediately formulated. "In engaged in the enemy areas, create partisan detachments and sabotage groups to combat parts of the enemy army, to incite the partisan war everywhere and everywhere, for explosion of bridges, roads, telephone and telegraph communications, arson of warehouses and so on. In the captured areas, create unbearable conditions for the enemy and all of his accomplices, pursue and destroy them at every step, disrupt all their events. For the leadership of all this activity in advance, under the responsibility of the first secretaries of the Commands and Districtcommen, to create reliable underground cells and custody apartments from the best people in every city, district center, a working village, railway station, in the state farms and collective farms. "In addition, the most important directions of the struggle in the rear of the enemy, including the total destruction of the railway compositions and paths, were formulated in the orders of the People's Commissar of the USSR I.V. Stalin "On the tasks of the partisan movement", which was signed by him on September 5, 1942

    At the initial stage of war, the enemy was played a special role in the formation and deployment of the partisan movement in the rear of the enemy, which was headed by a young, but very experienced Chekist-Diversian Lieutenant General P.A. Sudoplatov. This control included a separate motorized rifle brigade of the special purpose of the NKVD of the USSR Colonel M.F. Orlova, from which small mobile reconnaissance and sabotage detachments were formed, thrown into the rear of the enemy, which, as a rule, turned into large partisan detachments, brigades and connections. Initially, the partisans were in service, mainly lightweight firearms - machine guns, manual machine guns, rifles and carbines, but then many detachments and connections have acquired mortars and machine guns, and a row of them are even field artillery. All persons who join the partisan formations took a special partisan oath, and in the detachments themselves, a strict military discipline was established, the violation of which was punishable by the laws of military time

    In May 1942, under the auspices of the TGC rate, the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement (CSPD) was created, which was headed by the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus, Lieutenant General P.K. Ponomarenko. In the structure of CSSPs there were two departments. CSWPD reconcidation was responsible for the establishment of new military compounds of the enemy arriving at the front, regrouping of troops, the state and work of communications of the enemy, controlling its activities for the preparation of protective and defensive borders, deployment and relocation of airfields and warehouses of ammunition, the number and combat capability of field and security Parts, as well as a political and economic situation in the occupied territory of the USSR. The operational department of the CCTP led the battle activities of partisan compounds both through the relevant headquarters of the partisan movement and directly. In addition, the Operational Division was engaged in the creation of raid partisan compounds and detachments, refusal of organizational and sabotage groups and re-forming partisan compounds, determined them new areas of activity and put them combat missions, and also dealt with the control of orders of the head of the CSTP.

    In operational relations, all Republican and regional headquarters of the partisan movement were obeyed, which were headed by secretaries or members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Allied Republics, the Oryolov, Obmaoms, the Gorms and the District Party. In particular, the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement headed the personnel chaskist, deputy. Heads of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR General Major TA. Rodarkach, Belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement - secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus General Major P.Z. Kalinin, and the Lithuanian headquarters of the partisan movement - the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Lithuania A.Yu. SNCHCUS. The creation of headquarters of the partisan movement, as well as reliable communication channels of partisan detachments and compounds from the "Big Earth", attached to the partisan movement a much more organized nature, which allowed the partisans to coordinate the actions on the regular Red Army along a large scale.

    In September 1942, the position of the commander-in-chief of the partisan movement was established, which a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Marshal K.E. was appointed Voroshilov, and the central headquarters of the partisan movement was reconnected by him. In November 1942, the newly minted partisan commander introduced a proposal to establish a regular partisan army in the rear of the German troops of the regular partisan army in the rear. However, after studying this issue, its proposal was rejected, and in May 1943 the post of Glavkom, the partisan movement was abolished. From now on, the central headquarters of the partisan movement, which included Lieutenant-General PK Ponomarenko, NKVD NKVD Ussr General Major V.T. Sergienko and Head of Radio Removal Management GRU But the USSR Major General T.F. Korneev, was again directly subordinate to the rate of VGK and personally I.V. Stalin.

    Initially, in 1941-1942, the main tactical unit of Soviet partisans was the partisan detachment, which became one of the main organizational structures during the war years and the most common combat unit of all partisan formations. In its intended purpose, all partisan detachments were shared on ordinary (unitary), special (intelligence and sabotage), cavalry, artillery, marching, staff, reserve and local self-defense. As a rule, these detachments had 35-90 person sizes and shared on two or three combat groups. The first partisan detachments were called at the location of the deployment (Pututl, Shepetovsky, Pinsk) or by the name and nicknames of the commander (Otrada "Batysh Mina", the "Bati" squid "), and a little later, they began to give the names of Soviet leaders, famous Soviet commander and legendary Heroes of Revolution and Civil War, for example, Partisanian Otrades them. CM. Kirov, a separate partisan playground. ON THE. Shchers, 3rd partisan detachment. GK Zhukova, 2nd partisan detachment. V.P. Chkalova, etc. The most large and effective partisan detachments that destroyed tens of thousands of German occupiers, thousands of units of military equipment and hundreds of tons of ammunition, food and forage, were partisan detachments and diversion-intelligence groups "Winners" (D.N. Medvedev) , "For the Motherland" (I.M. Bovkun), "Patriot" (A.S. Azonchik), "Sokol" (K.P. Orlovsky), "Hunters" (on Prokopyuk), "Second" (N.Vv . Zebnitsky), "Combat" (V.L. Nezludov), "Local" (S.A. Vaupshasov), "Help" (B.L. Galushkin) and others whose commanders were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

    Then many detachments began to unite into partisan brigades and compounds with a number of several hundred to several thousand fighters. The partisan brigade became the main organizational form of partisan formations around the fall of 1942 and usually consisted of 4-8 detachments (battalions) depending on their number. Many of them included cavalry divisions, artillery, mortar and machine guns, companies and batteries (divisions) in their composition. The number of partisan brigades was constantly fluctuated from several hundred to several thousand fighters. The management of the Brigade usually consisted of the commander, commissioner, headquarters head, deputy intelligence commander, sabotage officers, assistant commander to ensure, head of the medical service and deputy commissioner for the Komsomol. In most teams, there were pile rods or communication platforms, security, radio station, underground printing house, many have their own hospitals, workshops on the repair of weapons and property, frequency platforms, landing platforms for aircraft, etc. Among the most efficient brigades whose commanders The heroes of the Soviet Union were the Chesnikskaya partisan brigade (F.F. Dubrovsky), Minsk partisan brigade "Uncle Kolya" (P.G. Lopatin), 3rd Latvian partisan brigade (O.P. Oshkaln), 123rd partisanskaya Brigade (FI Pavlovsky), partisan brigade "Folk Avengers" (Pokrovsky), partisan brigade "Elusive" (M.S. Prudnikov), partisan brigade "Zheleznyak" (I.F. Zheleznyak), Partizanskaya Brigade them. D.E. Kravtsova (M.I. Duka) and many others.

    In the same period, several famous partisan compounds appeared - the similarity of the entire partisan armies, built on the principle of large military compounds of the operational and tactical link, who were headed by such legendary commanders awarded the general ranks, as twice the heroes of the Soviet Union S.A. Kovpak (Sumy Partisan Union) and A.F. Fedorov (Chernihiv-Volyn Parisan Union), Heroes of the Soviet Union A.N. Saburov (Zhytomyr partisan compound), D.V. Emplutin (Bryansk partisan compound), p.p. Verchigor (First Ukrainian Partisan Division), M.I. Naumov (United Cavalry Connection), V.Z. Korzh (Pinsky partisan compound), R.N. Machulsky (Minsk partisan compound), I.P. Kozhar (Gomel partisan compound) and others.

    In addition, tens of thousands of Soviet patriots were struggled against the occupants in the composition of numerous underground committees and groups, the work of which was led by the Kurkoma, Committee, Public and District Party. Many of the leaders of these underground committees fell by death by brave and were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, including the first secretary of the Kharkiv underground committee KP (b) in I.I. Bakulin, the secretaries of the Zhytomyr underground committee KP (b) in A.D. Boroday, I.F. Bugaychenko and G.I. Shelushkov, secretary of the Dnipropetrovsk underground committee KP (b) at N.I. Machines, Secretary of the Minsk Underground Gorm Party KP (b) B I.P. Kazinets, Head of Vinnitsa City Underground Parkanization I.V. Bevz, Secretary of the Kiev Underground Raythom of KP (b) at A.S. Pirogovsky, Secretary of the Vilnius Underground Public Corporation KP (b) L Yu.T. Vitas, secretary of the Nezhinsky underground committee of the VLKSM Ya.P. Batyuk, Secretary of the Riga Underground Committee VLKSM I.Ya. Sudmale, members of the headquarters of the legendary Krasnodon's underground organization "Young Guard" O.V. Koshevoy, s.g. Tyulenyn, I.A. Earth farms, um Gromova and L.G. Shevtsova and many others.

    The main elements of the partisan struggle with the fascist invaders were:

    1) sabotage and destruction of the infrastructure of the enemy (rail war, the destruction of communication lines, poisoning and destruction of water pipes, etc.);

    2) the destruction of warehouses of ammunition, equipment, fuel and food, attack on the headquarters and other military institutions in the rear of the enemy and the destruction of the material part at the opponent's airfields;

    3) reconnaissance and agent work in the rear of the German military units, the police and the civil administration of Rekhomissariatsov;

    4) the destruction of the living force of the enemy and the physical elimination of traitors (collaborators) and the heads of the occupation authorities;

    5) restoration and preservation of institutions of Soviet power, party agitation and propaganda in the occupied territory of the country;

    6) accurate awareness of the regular military units of the RKKKA and the Soviet command about the location, number and movement of the enemy's troops, etc.

    The peak of the partisan movement fell on the period of the root fracture during the war, and since June 1943, the actions of many partisan detachments, brigades and compounds have become organized and became part of the largest general-official operations, for example, the legendary operations "Rail War" (August - September 1943 .) And "Concert" (September - October 1943) in the territory of the Leningrad, Kalininsky, Smolensk, Oryol, Belgorod, Kharkov, Sumy, Chernihiv, Gomel, Vitebsk and other areas, the direct organization and conducting the "grandfather of the Soviet special forces" Colonel I.G. Starins.

    By the beginning of 1944, about 1,100 partisan detachments, brigades and compounds of the total number of over 180 thousand were operating in the occupied territory, which over the years of war destroyed more than 600,000 soldiers and the Wehrmacht, 4,000 tanks, more than 1,000 aircraft and allowed over 20,000 Echelons with live strength and technology of the enemy. Soviet saboteurs and underground workers managed to liquidate many leaders of the Third Reich. In particular, the legendary intelligence officer - Diversian N.I. Kuznetsov personally destroyed the highest officials of the "Ukraine" Reich Survey of General G. Gel and Obrafürera A. Futus, Vice-Governor of Galicia Doctor O. Baur and Commander of the 740th Connection of the Eastern Batalionalov General Major General M. Ilgen, and brave-headed debades MB Osipova, E.G. Mazanik and N.V. Troyan was eliminated by General Commissioner of Belarus V. Cuba.

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