The second cycle after childbirth. Menstruation cycle after childbirth

When menstruation begins after childbirth

Behind a heavy test - childbirth. Finally, a long period of waiting for its appearance was completed, and here you are connected to him. A young mother is completely immersed in concerns about a child, and the first - six months-a year of his life, she may not pay attention to his own health. She does not even think about, for example, when the first one should come menstruation after childbirth. She simply not before that.

Meanwhile, it is necessary to follow yourself and contact the doctor with any suspected diseases. After all, a child, his well-being and development are directly dependent on the health of the mother. If you have no time to think about yourself - think about him.

One of the main female health indicators is regular menstruation with moderate blood loss. ? What will they be? What if there are no long ago, and for what reasons can it happen?

  • When the first menstruation must begin after delivery
  • Terms of restoration of the menstrual cycle
    • Natural childbirth
    • Cesarean section
  • How to distinguish from bleeding
  • Could be the first menstruation 1-3 months after childbirth when influencing breastfeeding
  • Changing the nature of the menstrual cycle, secretions

First menstruation after childbirth

Among women there is the following opinion: the discharges that are for a long time after the birth of the child, and there is the first menstruation.

But it is not. The first 1.5 months go Lochi. At first they are very abundant, require the use of special gaskets. By 30 days become scarce and may be simply yellowish bals. - These are bloody bunches, from which the cutting uterus is released. At this time, the uterus is one solid bleeding wound, and she takes time to heal.

Then in the norm of Lochi stop, and a woman does not feel the "charms" of menstrual bleeding for some time.

Restoration of menstruation after childbirth Depends on many factors. Main - presence or absence of breastfeeding.

Why after giving birth no monthly? If a woman feeds the baby with breasts, the level of two hormones is growing in her body:

  • oxytocin;

The first "serves" milk, helping the child to suck it from the Milky Duks. He "answers" for the attachment of the mother to the kid.

But the second protrudes the ovulation blocker. When this hormone is much - the production is suppressed:

  • FSH (hormone responsible for the ripening of the dominant follicle);
  • LG (hormone regulating ovulation and "tracking" for).

It comes time to ripen the dominant follicle - and prolactin does not give this process to implement. Here is the reason for the lack of menstruation: after all, menstruation occurs after ovulation, when the unnecessary egg generated is derived from the body.

During pregnancy and childbirth, many systems and organs of women are subject to significant changes. And for recovery takes some time - from 6 to 8 weeks. However, this does not fully apply to the chest and the sexual system. It will require much more time to complete return to the original state and normalization of the menstrual cycle.

After childbirth, the endocrine system of women actively produces a prolactin hormone, which stimulates the production of milk. At the same time, it suppresses the cyclic process of producing eggs.

The restoration of the menstruation cycle after delivery is the hormonal process and its speed is associated with the speed of recovery of the hormonal background after delivery. And this, in turn, directly depends on how it happens.

Menstruation cycle after childbirth depending on the type of breaming of a child:

  • if a woman feeds the child with an exclusively breastfeeding, and does it on demand at any time of the day and night, the monthly cycle after childbirth is restored only by the end of the first year of the child's life - by the end of the lactation period;
  • with the introduction of the feeding, when the child is no longer so actively feeding on breasts, the menstrual cycle can recover before - until the end of lactation;
  • in the case when the child's breastfeeding from the very beginning, the menstrual cycle after delivery is restored to 3-4 months;
  • if the woman does not feed the child at all, the ovulation is restored by 10-12 week after the birth of the baby.

As we can see, the period of restoration of the menstrual cycle depends not as much on how childbirth - naturally, or with the help of cesarean, how much from the method of feeding a child.

It is possible to talk about the restoration of the menstrual cycle only after the arrival of the first real menstruations (not to be confused with the disheve of the loyal). But here you should not expect that menstruation immediately become regular - after childbirth, the cycle is usually knocked down. The disruption of the menstruation cycle after childbirth and the irregular cycle in the first few months after the start of menstruation is a normal phenomenon.

Menstrual cycle failure after childbirth is associated with hormonal rearrangements in the body. Monthly can go 2 times a month or linger for several days. Be that as it may, the cycle is changing after childbirth. And it is largely due to continuing feeding.

But it is restored after a certain time. This time is individually for every woman, someone has a complete recovery process takes 1-2 months, someone has a cycle for another six months. But, in the end, everything "stands out" and will come to normal.

The nature of the menstrual discharge can change the nature of menstrual discharge - sometimes after childbirth, the woman notes that there were previously uncomfortable for the sensations of menstruation, completely painless. This may be due to the fact that the woman had pregnancy, which made it difficult for blood outflow. After pregnancy and childbirth, this defect has changed or disappeared at all, so pain during menstruation no longer bother.

Sometimes after delivery, monthly becomes more abundant. This is due to the experienced stress and loads, including the nervous and endocrine system. And this is the cause of changes in the number of secretions. You can solve the problem due to a full-fledged stay and nutrition.

And remember that the restoration of the menstruation cycle is not only a physiological, but also a psychological process. Therefore, we are less worried about this, because every organism is individual. If you do not stand provoke a nervous disorder in the postpartum period, the monthly cycle will be restored earlier. If there are doubts and questions, please contact the gynecologist.

The restoration of the cycle after childbirth is a physiological process that speaks about returning to the norm of female health. Not all the reproductive system works well, therefore menstruation proceed with complications and failures.

Norms and recovery time

During the toasting of the fetus, the body completely changes, affecting the internal systems. The birth of a child and the normalization of the cycle represent the process of leakage of women's bodies to a premented state.

The resumption of the menstruation cycle is divided into two stages:

  1. the ovaries begin to produce estrogen, the inner layer of the uterus will swell, and the process of ovulation is launched;
  2. the egg cell moves in the uterine pipes, falling into the uterus for further fertilization.

Menstruation, or blood extraction, is because the egg cell is not fertilized and the endometrium is rejected by the organism. Normally, bleeding continues up to 7 days, the volume of the lost fluid does not exceed 150 ml.

The deadlines for the beginning of the first menstruation in the postpartum period depend on the physiological characteristics of the body, lactation, the number of previous births, age. In no breastfeeding women, monthly beginnings begin 6-8 weeks after the birth of a baby.

Symptoms of the restoration of the monthly cycle after delivery:

  • pulling light sensations in the region of the uterus;
  • menstruation from 3 to 5 days;
  • allocations have a scarlet shade;
  • the volume of blood loss is not more than 80 ml for the entire period of menstruation.

The duration of the cycle on average ranges from 21 to 35 days. The body is restored in different ways, but the main thing is that the deadlines do not exceed the norm.

Possible deviations and complications

The recovery rate of menstruation depends on age, lifestyle and breastfeeding. The feminine has complications for menstruation, as well as their complete absence.

Why not restore the cycle of menstruation:

  1. age older than 30 years;
  2. a large number of previous pregnancies and childbirth;
  3. pathology of the genital organs;
  4. incorrect postpartum mode;
  5. inflammatory processes.

In women, the cycle is normalized during the lactation period after the introduction of the first dust. This is due to the fact that the amount of breastfeeding decreases and the body begins to return to the former mode of operation.

Complications when the cycle is installed:

  • irregularity;
  • duration more than 6 days;
  • big blood loss;
  • severe pains;
  • hyperprolactinemia;
  • menorragia;
  • postpartum hypocituitarism;
  • disorders of ovarian functions.

Failures in the menstrual cycle often lead to the fact that the bleeding lasts more than 6 days. Prolonged monthly talks about the uterus, inflammatory processes, endometriosis. Big blood loss, over 150 ml, is not the norm. You can define the deviation if the gaskets are not enough for 5 hours.

Paints in the region of the uterus and the abdomen are called Algodismenorye. When restoring the cycle in women, pain is associated with generic stress, inflammation of the genital organs, a reduction in the uterus.
Menorragia is a disease in which monthly last 10 days. At the same time, the woman loses a large amount of blood.

Postpartum hypocituitarism appears due to vessel spasms. The disease is manifested by the strongest blood loss in the volume of more than one liter. Hyperprolactinemia is expressed in an irregular menstruation cycle under the influence of an increased level of prolactin.

Signs of deviations and regulations

Deviations from the norm during the recovery period of the female organism are associated with inflammatory processes, the exacerbation of chronic diseases. Unstable menstruation or its absence are serious failures in the reproductive system.

After how much periods are restored after delivery? Normally, in nursing breasts, menstruation women begin when lactation ended or entered into the diet of the child. With artificial feeding, the body of the woman in labor returns to the normal mode in the first six months.

Signs when the menstruation cycle is not restored:

  • lack of menstruation during lactation;
  • short or long-term menstruation;
  • severe pain in the region of the uterus;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • mood swings.

These signs talk about failures in the work of the female sexual system. The reason for the complete absence of menstruation becomes unplanned early pregnancy. Even when breastfeeding, you need to use contraceptive methods.

Can a cycle of menstruation come down after childbirth? In the postpartum period, the regularity of menstruation varies. The number of days often exceeds the one that was in a premium time. In the middle cycle takes from 21 to 30 days.

How to restore the cycle after childbirth:

  1. respect recreation and sleep mode;
  2. avoid stress;
  3. observe the discharge from the vagina during lactation;
  4. spend more time in the fresh air;
  5. follow the recommendations of the doctor.

Menstruation with breastfeeding comes after half a year. During this period, it is necessary to take care of health, and when a failure and deviations are detected in a timely manner to take treatment.

Cycle with feeding

When the menstrual cycle is restored after delivery, we can talk about the return of the female organism into normal mode. The period of setting monthly depends on whether the baby feeds the baby's breast or not.

Baby feeding is three species:

  1. breast
  2. artificial;
  3. mixed.

In breastfeeding in the body of a nursing mother, the prolactin hormone is produced. It affects the ovaries and does not give egg cells to fertilize. In exceptional cases, monthly during lactation occurs after 1-2 months.

In case of artificial feeding, when the baby eats the milk mixtures, the cycle is restored immediately after the discharge of the selection is a loy. On average, this happens by the end of the second month. Prolactin is not produced by the body and the uterus, returning to the old sizes, begins the reproductive function.

In mixed feeding, menstruation should be recovered after childbirth from 2 to 4 months. The natural process is associated with hormonal changes, the presence of pathologies and chronic diseases.

Some women have long restored monthly after childbirth because of Shihan's syndrome. Such a deviation appears if there was a big blood loss in childly. Reducing the blood pressure that occurred for this reason leads to the death of pituitary cells. The reproductive system does not function and monthly occurs significantly later. Regardless of the feeding method, the woman must follow the body. It is recommended to avoid stress, take vitamins for nursing mothers.

Cycle after cesarean section

Cesarean section is carried out in case of complicated pregnancy. With rapid restoration and healing of seams, monthly arrive at the time limit. But with complications after childbirth, there may be a failure of menstruation.

The healing of the uterus, accompanied by a loan separation, lasts about 1.5 months. The restoration of the menstrual cycle in the absence of pathologies depends on the feeding of the baby. During the period of lactation after 6 months or more, with artificial feeding - in 2 months.

Violation of the menstruation cycle after delivery is frequent phenomenon in gynecology and requires timely treatment. The most frequent complications that lead to deviations in menstruation are inflammatory processes and bleeding. The infection affects the functioning of the genital organs and disrupts the fertilization of the egg.

The absence of periods after cesarean causes diseases such as endometritis, hematoma, placental polyp. Pathologies are accompanied by pain in the region of the uterus, webly discharge from the vagina.

To avoid adverse consequences and quickly restore the menstrual cycle after childbirth, you need to carefully care for the seams, observe personal hygiene. The operation requires a lot of strength from the woman in labor, so you need to get enough sleep well and eat right.

The monthly failure after childbirth is often associated with how the birth of a baby passed. In case of cesarean section, it is impossible to say for what time the cycle is restored, since the operation affects the entire body.

If after the operation, the monthly, the woman should pay attention to the quality and amount of discharge, the presence of pulling pains, general well-being. Surgical intervention requires the body more forces to restore and return to normal mode.

Folk Methods and Physical

People's methods for restoring menstruation are used with caution. This is especially true of those women who feed their breasts. Medicinal herbs are able to cause allergic reactions and baby poisoning.

Popular folk methods:

  1. broth wormwood. For cooking, 30 grams of dried grass are taken, 250 ml of boiling water is poured and 4 hours are allowed. Cold decoction is filtering and drink 50 ml three times a day;
  2. effective tea from leisse leaves. The handful of dried grass is poured with boiling water in a glass, give time to brew and drink. Per day is permitted no more than 500 ml of tea;
  3. with long bleeding, if the woman does not breastfeed, use the tincture of water pepper. On a glass of alcohol or good vodka take 200 grams of pepper. The tincture is kept in a dark room one month and then take on the floor of a teaspoon three times a day before meals.

The restoration of the function of the reproductive organs after the birth of a child helps an active lifestyle. Physical exertion can be started a month after natural genera, and two after the cesarean sections.

For nursing moms are suitable:

  • breathing exercises;
  • yoga;
  • swimming pool;
  • light dances;
  • walking.

It is impossible to overload the body, physical exertion should be lightweight, without jumps and dumbbells. Optimally engaged three times a week for 40 minutes.

In the complex with an active way to restore the cycle will help thermal procedures. It is a feet for legs with a chamomile or essential oils. The postpartum massage is effective in periods of menstruation, as it turns out pressure on the uterus.

Medical and operational treatment

Menstruation violation is associated with hormonal failure in the postpartum period. In the absence of monthly gynecologists prescribe drugs. Contraceptive tools, for example, Yarina or Zhinin, are aimed at correction and normalization of the cycle.

To generate progesterone use duphaston tablets. The dosage is determined by the attending physician according to an individual reception scheme. According to the instructions, the drug begin to take from 11 days cycle, 20 mg twice a day.

Candles of the uremines help in the treatment of hormonal failures. It is used to eliminate endometriosis and uterine misa. Active substances reduce estrogen production. Vaginal candles are used once a day before bedtime.

Vitamin and mineral complexes support the work of the body of a nursing mother. Accepted courses to six months. Vitamins are necessary for a woman, since with maternal milk trace elements go to the infant.

Often use homeopathic remedies, they belong to the pulsytalla. The drug affects the work of the genital organs. A complex means is considered quite effective in violation of the cycle. It has a short course of treatment - no more than 7 days.

In special cases, operational intervention is applied. When changing in layers, endometrials are made of scraping. If tumors are found, laparotomy operation is needed. Recovery after surgical treatment will be longer.

The postpartum period is considered sufficiently difficult for the female organism. The restoration of the menstrual cycle is accompanied by failures, complications and side symptoms. With abundant bleeding, absence of monthly and strong pain, urgent inspection and treatment is required. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and compliance with postpartum hygiene rules will allow the feminine organism to return to the former rhythm of work.

Young mothers are always wondering when monthly years begin after childbirth. During the recovery of the cycle, it can change the length, the periods often acquire another character, intensity, duration becomes more or less painful than before pregnancy. Often it is the norm, but in some cases the consultation of the gynecologist is required.

Bleeding in the postpartum period

Postpartum bleeding, or suckers, - cleansing the wound surface, which is formed at the site of separated fetal shells and placenta. They last during the entire period of restoration of the inner surface of the uterus.

At this time, the uterus is particularly vulnerable to infection, so hygienic gaskets should be changed and monitor the character of the selection. Maximum, they are expressed within 3 days after childbirth, and then gradually weaken.

Sometimes such sections are completely stopped literally every other day. This is due to blood delay in the uterine cavity (), which leads to an increase in the risk of infection. In this case, the doctor's help is needed.

Normally, the purification of the uterus after the process of natural labor continues from 30 to 45 days. After surgery, it may increase this time, which is explained by the formation of a scar and a longer healing.

How to distinguish between bleeding after childbirth?

Lochi gradually change their character. By the end of the 1st week, they become lighter, after 2 weeks acquire a mucosa. Within a month, blood can appear in them, but its number is minor. Usually a woman easily distinguishes this process from menstruation. There should be at least 2 weeks between the cessation of the loyalty and the beginning of the first menstruation. In case of doubt it is better to turn to the gynecologist or at least start using barrier contraception that protects the uterus from infections.

Start of menstruation

There are no menstruation during pregnancy. This is a natural protective mechanism for preserving the fetus, which is regulated by hormones. After childbirth, the restoration of the normal hormonal status of a woman begins. It lasts within a month if breastfeeding is not started.

When should monthly begin after delivery?

This period is determined primarily by the type of breaming of a child: natural or artificial. The production of breast milk occurs under the action of the hormone of the prolactin pituitary. It is he who suppresses the growth of an egg in the ovary during lactation. The level of estrogen does not grow, so the monthly breastfeeding begin, on average 2 months after childbirth, more often when feeding "by the clock".

In many young moms, this gap is lengthened to six months or more, especially when feeding "on demand". In very rare cases when preserving breastfeeding, even periodic, women note that they have no monthly, and sometimes longer. In such cases, it is necessary to regularly use contraception, and if necessary, to do a pregnancy test. It is also necessary to consult with a doctor to eliminate hyperprolactinemia.

In case of artificial feeding from birth, the duration of the cycle is restored in a month - one and a half. At this time there arises and, so that a new pregnancy is possible.

When a child eats only breast milk, all this time in a woman may not be menstruation. In this case, the first menstruation after delivery will begin during the first half of the year after the end of the lactation "on demand" or the administration of the feeding. However, this is not necessary, and even during the period of breastfeeding menstruation can be recovered.

With mixed feeding (from a bottle and natural way), the restoration of menstruation is developing faster, within 4 months after delivery.

How long is the monthly period in the postpartum period?

Often the first menstruation is very abundant. There may be strong discharge, monthly blood clots. If you have to change the gasket after every hour, you should seek your doctor for help: it may be a symptom of the beginning bleeding. Subsequent periods usually acquire a normal character.

In other cases, in the first months, irregular separating sections appear in women. This is characteristic of breastfeeding, when prolactin synthesis gradually decreases.

Additional factors affecting the speed of restoration of the normal cycle:

  • difficulties in care for the child, lack of sleep, lack of help of relatives;
  • unhealthy nutrition;
  • too young age mom or late childbirth;
  • concomitant diseases (diabetes, asthma and others), especially requiring hormone therapy;
  • complications after childbirth, for example, shyhan syndrome.

Changes in menstrual cycles

Irregular periods are often preserved for several cycles after delivery. These changes should not be permanent. For 1-2 months, the cycle normally returns to the prenatal characteristics or a little varies by duration.

  • Scooty monthly normally can be during the initial 2-3 cycles, especially if mixed feeding is used.
  • During the first cycles after delivery, on the contrary, some women have abundant monthly. It may be a normal phenomenon, but if menstruation does not become common in the nearest cycle, you need to consult a gynecologist.
  • The regularity of menstrual secretion is disturbed, that is, the cycle is knocked down.
  • Painful periods may occur, even if the woman has never complained about the pain. The reason for this - infection, too much reduction in the uterine wall. In most cases, on the contrary, the period painful to pregnancy become normal. This is caused by the normalization of the location of the uterus in the body cavity.
  • Part of women develops or its precursors: nausea, swelling, dizziness, emotional changes before month.

Causes of postpartum changes in menstruation

Delayed monthly after delivery appears under the influence of a changing level of hormones:

  • secretion in the hypophysies of prolactin, helps to highlight breast milk and overwhelming ovulation;
  • suppression under the action of prolactin producing estrogen, which leads to irregular menstruation or their complete absence during breastfeeding (lactation amenorrhea).

When a child eats only with maternal milk, and "on demand", and not "by the clock", and the woman has half a year after delivery there are no monthly - this is the norm.

After the occurrence of menstruation, it is desirable to start using contraception. Although breastfeeding reduces the likelihood of conception, it is still possible. For example, if monthly after delivery began, and then disappeared, the most likely reason for this is re-pregnancy. It should also be remembered that ovulation occurs before the start of menstrual bleeding. Therefore, pregnancy is completely possible even before the first menstruation. If a woman is worried about why there are no menstrual bleeding for a long time, you must first make a home test for pregnancy, and then turn to the gynecologist. Perhaps you will need consultation of the endocrinologist.

It is not necessary after the occurrence of the menstrual cycle to give up feeding with breast milk. Monthly do not change its quality. It happens that the child eats badly in these days, mapping, refuses his chest. This is usually due to the emotional violations of a woman, its experiences on the quality of feeding.

During menstrual bleeding, the sensitivity of nipples can increase, feeding becomes painful. To reduce such sensations, it is recommended before you give the baby breasts, massage it, warm, apply a warm compress to the nipples. It is necessary to follow the purity of the chest and the axillary region. At the menstruation, the composition of sweat changes, and the baby feels differently in a different way. It can be another cause of difficulty feeding.

Irregular monthly

What to do if the menstrual cycle has become irregular:

  1. In the first months of the postpartum recovery period should not panic. In most cases, this is the option of the norm. Each woman has a cycle normalization individually, usually during the first months of renewing menstrual bleeding. Irregularity is more likely to have breastfeeding women.
  2. To restore the normal function of all organs and systems, you need about 2 months. Balance in the endocrine system comes later, especially if breastfeeding is used. Therefore, a woman can feel quite healthy, but it will have a lack of menstruation.
  3. Pay attention to the irregular cycle only through 3 cycles. This may be associated with an inflammatory process, or a tumor of genital organs. The delay of the second monthly is not dangerous, unless it is connected with re-pregnancy.

If any doubts, it is better to consult a gynecologist, to take diagnostics in a timely manner and proceed to treatment.

Cycle after the pathological course of pregnancy or childbirth

Menstruation after frozen pregnancy is not restored immediately. Only from part of women regular bleeding appear in a month. In most cases, the violation of the hormonal background, which led to the interruption of pregnancy causes the irregularity of the cycle.

After interrupting the frozen pregnancy or abortion, the first menstruation occurs within 45 days. If this did not happen, the woman should seek help to the gynecologist.

To eliminate such reasons for amenorrhea, as the remaining part of the fetal egg in the uterus or inflammation, 10 days after the cessation of frozen or normal pregnancy, it is necessary to pass an ultrasound.

The first menstrual discharge after starts from 25 to 40 days after its completion. If they started earlier, it is likely that this uterine bleeding, which requires access to the doctor. The delay of more than 40 days also requires consultation at the gynecologist. If the disease caused severe stress in a woman, the norm is considered to eliminate the recovery time of up to 2 months.

Menstruation after surgery is restored in the same way as after normal genera. During lactation, menstruation do not come for six months. In case of artificial feeding, there are no menstruation for 3 months or even less. Both with physiological and during childbirth, the cesarean sections in the small part of the women did not restore the cycle during the year. If another pathology is not detected, it is considered the norm.

In the first few months after frozen, intrauterine pregnancy or cesarean, the cycle can be irregular. Subsequently, its duration may change compared to the former. But in the normal place it is at least 21 days and no more than 35 days. Menstruation continues from 3 to 7 days.

Pathology of menstruation

Sometimes bleeding, which began in a woman after childbirth, are pathological. At the same time, there should not be a few cycles so that they returned to, but immediately contact the doctor.

  • A sudden cessation of postpartum discharge is a sign of the fester of the uterus or, clusters of the loyal in the uterine cavity - the Lochiometers.
  • Scooty periods for 3 cycles and more. Perhaps they are a symptom of hormonal disorders, shyhan or endometritis syndrome.
  • The irregularity of menstruation in six months after its recovery, a break between bloody discharges for more than 3 months. Most often accompanies the pathology of the ovaries.
  • Too abundant bleeding for 2 or more cycles, especially after the surgical method of the delivery or interruption of pregnancy. They are often caused by the fabrics of the fetal shells remaining on the walls of the uterus.
  • The duration of menstruation more than a week, which is accompanied by weakness, dizziness.
  • The appearance of abdominal pain, fever, unpleasant smell, changing the color of vaginal discharge - a sign of a tumor or infection.
  • Maching stains before and after the monthly - probable symptom of endometriosis or inflammatory disease.
  • Itching in the vagina, an admixture of cotton seals - a sign.
  • Bleeding twice a month, persistent for more than 3 cycles.

In all listed cases, the gynecologist is needed.

Sometimes, despite the apparent health of women, menstruation at the right time does not occur. This may be a symptom of the complication of childbirth - Shihan's syndrome. It occurs with strong bleeding during childbirth, during which blood pressure is dramatically reduced. As a result, the death of the pituitary cells is the main body regulating the function of the reproductive system.

The first sign of this disease is the lack of postpartum lactation. Normally, in the absence of milk, monthly appear after 1.5-2 months. However, with shyhan syndrome, gonadotropic hormone deficits arises. The ripening of the egg in the ovary is disturbed, there is no ovulation, there are no menstrual bleeding. Therefore, if the woman has no milk, and then the cycle is not restored, she needs to be urgently consulted with a doctor. The effects of shyhan syndrome - adrenal insufficiency, which is accompanied by frequent infectious diseases and a general decrease in the body's resistance to various stress.

There is a reverse problem -. This condition is caused by an increase in the production of prolactin in the pituitary after the end of lactation. This hormone depresses the development of an egg, causes anointing, violates the normal thickening of the endometrium in the first phase of the cycle. Its excess leads to the absence of menstruation against the background of the ongoing synthesis of milk.

The main causes of hyperprolactinemia are pituiteance adenoma, gynecological diseases, ovarian polycystic diseases.

When a woman is healthy, the cycle is normally restored. To avoid possible failures, you need to perform some simple recommendations:

  1. To give the body the opportunity to restore the synthesis of hormones faster, you need to fully eat. Many fruits, vegetables, whole cereals and water combined with regular exercise - an effective method of recovery of hormonal balance. The menu should have dairy products, cottage cheese, meat. After consulting a doctor, you can take multivitamins for nursing mothers.
  2. Not to accept . They can change the hormonal background, and cause unpredictable changes in the cycle. If a woman is sexually active, it is better to use condoms or other non-coronal contraception methods.
  3. Madely organize your own mode. If the baby sleeps badly at night, you need to try to get enough sleep during the day. Do not give up any help of loved ones. A good physical condition of a woman will help her to recover faster.
  4. In the presence of chronic diseases (diabetes, the pathology of the thyroid gland, anemia and others) it is necessary to visit the relevant specialist and adjust treatment.

The menstrual cycle is one of the manifestations of a complex biological process in the body of a woman who are characterized by cyclic changes in the function of not only the sexual (reproductive) system, but also the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine and other organism systems.

If we speak more specifically, the menstrual cycle is a period of time from one day one to the first day of the next menstruation. The duration of the menstrual cycle differs from different women, but on average hesitates from 21 to 35 days. It is important that the duration of the menstrual cycle in a woman is always about the same - such a cycle is considered regular.

Each normal menstrual cycle is the preparation of a woman's body to pregnancy and consists of several phases:

During first phasethe ovaries produced a hormone estrogen, which contributes to the swelling of the inner layer of the uterus, and in the ovaries ripens the follicle (the bubble in which the egg cell). Then ovulation is happening - the ripe follicle bursts and the egg takes out of it in the abdominal cavity.

In second phasethe egg begins to move in the uterine pipes in the uterus, ready for fertilization. This process lasts on average three days, if during this time fertilization did not happen, the egg cell perishes. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the ovaries are mainly produced by a hormone progesterone, thanks to which the endometrium (inner layer of the uterus) is preparing to take a fertilized egg.

If no fertilization occurred, the endometrium begins to turn back, which is due to a sharp decline in progesterone. Blood discharge begin - menstruation. Menstruation is the bloody selection from the genital paths of a woman, the first day of which marks the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. Normal menstruation lasts 3-7 days and at the same time 50-150 ml of blood is lost.

During pregnancy in the body of the future mother, changes are occurring associated with hormonal perestroika, which are aimed at preserving pregnancy, which causes physiological amenorrhea (lack of menstruation).

Menstrual Recovery Sequence

After the birth of a child, the work of all the domestic secretion glands, as well as all other organs and systems returns to its pre-heated state. These important changes begin with the moment of expulsion of the lane and continue approximately 6-8 weeks. During this time, important physiological processes are committed in the body of the woman: there are almost all changes that arose in connection with pregnancy and childbirth in the genitals, endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular and other systems; The formation and flourishing of the function of the mammary glands is occurring, which is necessary for breastfeeding.

The normal menstrual cycle is a coordinated mechanism for the operation of the ovaries and the uterus, so the process of restoring the work of these organs is inseparable from each other. The process of involution (reverse development) of the uterus occurs quickly. As a result of the contractile activity of the muscles, the size of the uterus is reduced. During the first 10-12 days after childbirth, the bottom of the uterus is descended daily by approximately 1 cm. By the end of the 6-8th week after labor, the magnitude of the uterus corresponds to the size of a non-empty uterus (it can be even less in nursing). Thus, the mass of the uterus by the end of the first week decreases more than half (350-400 g), and by the end of the postpartum period is 50-60 g. The internal zev and the cervical channel are also quickly formed. By the 10th day after childbirth, the channel is fully formed, but the outer zev pass even for the tip of the finger. The closure of the outer mouth is completely completed at the 3rd week after delivery, and it acquires a sliding form (before childbirth, the cervical channel has a cylindrical shape).

The speed of involution may depend on a number of reasons: the general condition, age of women, the features of the course of pregnancy and childbirth, breastfeeding, etc. Involution can be slowed down in the following cases:

  • at the weakened and many times giving birth women
  • from primordin older than 30 years old
  • after pathological labor,
  • with incorrect mode in the postpartum period.

After separating the placenta and the birth of the lane, the mucosa is a wound surface. The restoration of the inner surface of the uterus ends usually by the 9-10th day, the restoration of the mucous membrane of the uterus - on the 6-7th week, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe placental site - at the 8th week after delivery. In the process of healing the inner surface of the uterus, postpartum discharges appear - Lochi. Their character over the postpartum period changes. The character of the loyalty during the postpartum period is changing in accordance with the processes of purification and healing of the inner surface of the uterus:

  • in the first days of Lochi, along with disintegrating particles of the inner envelope, the uterus contain a significant bleeding of blood;
  • from the 3-4th day of Lochi, the character of the serous-succulent fluid is acquired - pinkish-yellowish;
  • by the 10th day of Lochi, they become light, liquid, without blood impurities, their number gradually decreases;
  • from the 3rd week, they become scarce (contain a mix of mucus from the cable channel);
  • at the 5-6th week of excretion from the uterus stop.

The total number of succeeds The first 8 days of the postpartum period reaches 500-1400 g, they have a specific smell of heavy leaves.

With a slow reverse development of the uterus, the release of the loh is delayed, the blood flow is kept longer. When blocking the inner domestic blood clot or as a result, the magnifier of the uterus may occur a cluster of succeeds in the uterine cavity - the LociMera. Blood accumulated in the uterus serves as a nutrient medium for the development of microbes, such a state requires treatment - the use of drugs that reduce the uterus or along with it still washing the uterine cavity.

In the postpartum period, ovaries are also subject to significant changes. The inverse development of the yellow body ends, which existed in the ovary during pregnancy in the place of the egg, published in the abdominal cavity, fertilized later in the pipe. The hormonal function of the ovaries is restored completely, and the ripening of follicles - bubbles containing egg cells begins, i.e. Regenerate normal menstrual cycle.

Terms of restoration of the menstrual cycle

Most non-impatient women on the 6-8th week after childbirth comes menstruation. In nursing women, mostly menstruation does not have several months or all the time of breastfeeding, although some of them have a menstrual function, it is renewed shortly after the end of the postpartum period, that is, 6-8 weeks after delivery. It is not necessary to look for no norm nor pathology, since the period for the restoration of the menstrual cycle after the birth of each woman is individual. This is due, as a rule, with lactation. The fact is that after childbirth in the body, the woman is produced by prolactin hormone, which stimulates the production of milk in the female body. At the same time, prolactin suppresses the formation of hormones in the ovaries, and, therefore, prevents the ripening of the egg and ovulation - the exit of the egg from the ovary.

If the baby is entirely in breastfeeding, that is, it is powered only by breast milk, then the menstrual cycle in his mother is often restored after the start of the administration of the feeding. If the child is on mixed feeding, that is, in addition to breast milk in the diet, the baby includes mixtures, then the menstrual cycle is restored after 3-4 months. In case of artificial feeding, when the kid receives only a dairy mixture, menstruation is restored, as a rule, by the second month after delivery.

First menstruation after childbirth

The first menstruation after childbirth is more often "anoint": the follicle (the bubble in which the egg is located) ripen, but ovulation - the exit of the egg from the ovary does not occur. The follicle is exposed to reverse development, and at this time the decay and rejection of the mucous membrane of the uterus begin - menstrual bleeding. In the future, the ovulation process is renewed, and the menstrual function is completely restored. However, the onset of ovulation and pregnancy is possible during the first months after childbirth.

Many factors such as are influenced by the restoration of menstrual function:

  • pregnancy and complications of childbirth,
  • the age of women, proper and full nutrition,
  • compliance with the mode of sleep and rest
  • the presence of chronic diseases
  • nervous mental condition and many other factors.

Possible complications after childbirth

What problems arise in young mothers when restoring menstrual function?

The regularity of the menstrual cycle:after generic menstruation, it can be regularly regular, but can be installed for 4-6 months, that is, during this period, the gaps between them can vary somewhat, differ from each other by more than 3 days. But, if 4-6 months after the first postpartum menstruation, the cycle remains irregular, then it has been leaving the doctor's appeal.

Duration menstrualcycleafter childbirth, it may change. So, if the cycle is 21 or 31 days or 31, then the likelihood is that after delivery, its duration will become average, for example 25 days.

Menstruation duration,that is, bloody discharge should be 3-5 days. Too short (1-2 days) and, moreover, too long menstruation may be evidence of any pathology - moma of the uterus (benign tumor), endometriosis - diseases in which the inner layer of the endometrium uterus is growing in uncharacteristic places.

Volumemenstrualdischargeit can be 50-150 ml, too small, as well as too much the amount of menstrual blood can also be evidence of gynecological diseases. Although in the first few months after the first postpartum menstruation, some deviations may be, but they should still fit the framework of the physiological norm: so, in the busiest days of one medium gasket, it should be enough for 4-5 hours.

Continuous mozhulibloody issuesat the beginning or at the end of menstruation, they are also a reason for appealing to the doctor, since it is more often indicated by endometriosis, inflammatory diseases - endometritis (inflammation of the inner membrane of the uterus), etc.

Sometimes menstruation is accompanied by pain.They may be caused by the general immaturity of the body, the psychological features concomitant inflammatory processes arising after delivery, strong muscle contractions of the uterus walls. If the painful sensations are such that they concern a woman during menstruation, force it to repeatedly take painkillers, antispasmodic drugs, violate the normal rhythm of life, such a state is called algodismenoryeand requires a doctor consultation.

Although often after childbirth, the opposite happens, that is, if menstruation was painful before pregnancy, then after childbirth, they pass easily and without pain. This is due to the fact that the pain can be caused by a certain position of the uterus - the bend of the uterus of the Zada, after the breeding of the uterus becomes a normal position.

During menstruation often chronic inflammatory diseases are exacerbated- endometritis (inflammation of the uterus), salpingooforites (inflammation of appendages). At the same time there are significant pain at the bottom of the abdomen, the selection can become very abundant, with an unpleasant, uncharacteristic odor. To follow the presence or absence of these symptoms should be especially necessary if inflammatory complications were observed after delivery.

Some women complain about the so-called premenstrual syndrome.This condition manifested not just irritability, poor mood or tears leaning, but a whole complex of symptoms. Among them: loading and soreness of the chest, headache, fluid delay in the body and swelling, joint pain, allergic manifestations, scattered attention, insomnia.

There are many versions regarding the causes of the development of premenstrual syndrome, but there is no single reason underlying it, therefore there is no specific drug that would cure it completely. If a woman is concerned with such symptoms, you should consult with a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

After childbirth, especially complicated (bleeding, heavy gestosis with severe edema, a significant increase in blood pressure, up to the development of convulsive syndrome, the so-called eclampsia), there may be violations of the ovarian function, which are associated with a violation of the central regulation - regulation of the production of pituitary hormones (inner gland secretion in the brain). At the same time, the development of eggs in the ovaries is disturbed, hormonal changes arise and, as a result, disruption of menstruation in the form of delays, which can be changed. With such manifestations, it is necessary to resort to the help of specialists.

Young mother is important to know that pregnancy can come in the absence of normal menstruation. This is because ovulation begins on average two weeks earlier than menstruation comes. Therefore, in order not to be before the fact of unplanned pregnancy, it is necessary at the first reception at the doctor after giving birth to discuss contraception issues or consult about it before delivery.

Restoration of the menstrual function after cesarean sections

Complicated childbirth can also lead to various menstruation violations. In this regard, it particularly wants to note the peculiarities of the restoration of the menstrual function in women after the cesarean section. Menstruation they come, as a rule, on the same deadlines as after ordinary delivery. However, with complications in the postoperative period, the menstrual function can not long be restored due to a longer period of the involution of the uterus due to the presence of a seam, as well as a longer process of normalizing the ovarian function in infectious complications. Most likely, in this case you will need consultation of the gynecologist, which will select the necessary therapy.

After the birth of the baby, the young mother increases the burden on the endocrine and nervous system. When breastfeeding, the need for vitamins, minerals and microelements, which are necessary to the proper functioning of the ovaries and the production of hormones are increasing. With their disadvantage, such problems as scarce or painful menstruation may occur. Therefore, women after childbirth are recommended to take multivitamins with a microelements complex for nursing mothers and full nutrition, including dairy products, meat, vegetables and fruits.

In addition, care for the newborn takes a lot of strength and time from a young mother, while it must be remembered that the lack of full night sleep, the lack of sleep can lead to increased fatigue, weakness, sometimes even to depressive states, which also negatively affect the formation of the menstrual function; In this connection, it is necessary to make your own regime so that the young mother has time to relax during the day, if possible, keep the night time for a full-fledged holiday.

As mentioned above, the presence of chronic diseases can also negatively affect the formation of the menstrual function, especially the disease of the endocrine system (thyroid gland, diabetes, etc.). Therefore, in the postpartum period, it is necessary to correct these diseases in cooperation with specialists, which will avoid disorders of the menstrual cycle.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the restoration of the normal menstrual function after delivery is one of the main conditions for the future health of the woman. Therefore, any problems associated with its violations should be solved in conjunction with the doctor.

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