2 hypodynamia. Physical inactivity in children: causes, signs, consequences, treatment

Physical inactivity (insufficient mobility) is a pathological condition that develops with a significant limitation of physical activity and leads to dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal and respiratory tract, etc.

Source: simptomer.ru

Mobility is a natural property of a person, which lies in his ability to carry out vigorous activity. The main functions of motor activity are:

  • maintaining homeostasis;
  • maintaining the tone of muscles, blood vessels, and with them the normal functioning of the body;
  • development of individual abilities and properties;
  • achievement of a high effect of motor activity (sports, labor skills).

As a result of technological progress since the beginning of the last century, the share of physical labor in human life has decreased by 150–200 times. At the same time, mortality from cardiovascular pathologies increased by about 6 times. The prevalence of physical inactivity is increasing due to urbanization, mechanization and automation of labor activity and everyday life, the increasing role of communication media in modern society. According to some studies, an increase in physical activity leads to a decrease in the incidence rate by about 45%.

With timely measures taken, the prognosis is favorable, most of the pathological changes caused by physical inactivity due to an unhealthy lifestyle are reversible.

Causes and risk factors

Hypodynamia can be caused by objective reasons, for example, disability, severe and prolonged illness. But in most cases, it is associated with improper organization of lifestyle or sedentary work.

The main risk factors for the development of physical inactivity include:

  • insufficient physical activity;
  • excess body weight;
  • psychological disorders;
  • somatic diseases;
  • genetic factors;
  • birth trauma;
  • bad habits.

Forms of hypodynamia

There are such main forms of hypodynamia:

  • hypoergia - lack of total range of motion and their number;
  • hypokinesia - lack of variety of movements;
  • hypotension is a lack of quality of movements and their intensity.

Symptoms of hypodynamia

Symptoms of hypodynamia appear gradually. These include increasing fatigue, fatigue, decreased performance, sleep disturbances, increased causeless nervousness, regular headaches of varying intensity, increased risk of fractures, weight gain, shortness of breath with little physical exertion, back pain. Women may develop anorgasmia, men may develop erectile dysfunction.

Due to insufficient physical activity, strength indicators decrease, muscle volume and mass decrease, neuroreflex connections are disrupted, which can lead to the development of vegetovascular dystonia, depressive states. With a long course of the pathological process, the bone mass gradually decreases, as a result of which the functions of the spine and joints are impaired. Due to the weakening of the ligamentous apparatus, intervertebral hernias occur. In patients with physical inactivity, as a rule, there is an increase in heart rate both during physical exertion and at rest, as well as an increase in blood pressure.

Source: simptomer.ru

Correction of the pathological condition, in addition to a gradual increase in physical activity, includes physiotherapy, massage, and diet therapy.

Features of the course of hypodynamia in children

Hypodynamia in children can be manifested by drowsiness, lethargy, mental decline, physical developmental delay, obesity, refusal to communicate and play with other children, poor school performance, and the development of mental disorders.


Diagnosis of hypodynamia is based on data obtained during the collection of complaints and anamnesis. In order to determine the severity of the developed complications, they resort to an objective examination of the patient, as well as instrumental (X-ray examination, ultrasound diagnostics, computed tomography, etc.) and laboratory (general blood and urine tests, biochemical blood tests, etc.) studies, the volume of which is determined by the existing pathology.


With hypodynamia, which has developed against the background of a somatic disease, treatment of the underlying pathological process is first required. It is also necessary to eliminate the unfavorable factors that contributed to the development of hypodynamia.

Correction of the pathological condition, in addition to a gradual increase in physical activity, includes physiotherapeutic methods, massage, diet therapy. To restore the functions of organs and systems of the body during hypodynamia, it is recommended:

  • physiotherapy exercises - you should start with it, especially with physical inactivity that has developed against the background of somatic diseases;
  • aerobic physical activity (fast walking, running, badminton, tennis, skiing);
  • strength exercises;
  • stretching exercises for muscles and ligaments.

With physical inactivity, which has developed against the background of psychological problems, it is recommended to work with a psychologist or psychotherapist. Children, as well as adults, are recommended outdoor games, sports or dancing, and tourism.

According to some studies, an increase in physical activity leads to a decrease in the incidence rate by about 45%.

Surprisingly, in our age of a huge flow of rapidly changing information and high speeds, civilized humanity is literally dying from a lack of movement - hypodynamia. In the process of civilization development, hard physical labor was replaced by the work of machines and devices, and now people do not need to expend much effort to get their daily bread. It would seem, what is wrong with this? But this is where the trap is hidden, or, if you like, a time bomb. Even the nearest store, many go only by car. One of the common activities is the absorption of food in front of the TV, and often lying down.

We do not even try to entertain ourselves - our beloved, by giving this right to television. Too lazy to even go to the theater. And really, it is worth thinking about when was the last visit to the theater or a walk in the forest or park?

Consequences of hypodynamia and obesity

Physicians have long established that one of the risk factors is insufficient physical activity - physical inactivity. It causes premature aging, metabolism slows down, weight increases, which leads to the development of various diseases. With a sedentary lifestyle, the symptoms of approaching old age occur much earlier and intensify every day. This is manifested by the decline of physical strength and the depletion of intellectual abilities.

The human body works on the principle of an energy-saving system - unclaimed functions gradually fade away: we do not strain the brain - we become dumber, we do not strain our muscles - we weaken. Movement is food for the muscles of the human body. Without this “nutrition”, the muscles will quickly atrophy. The harm to physical inactivity for health lies in the fact that muscle mass decreases, and the fat layer, on the contrary, increases. This leads to obesity, but it is dangerous not only in itself.

Motor activity is a biologically determined necessity, the neglect of which leads not only to flabbiness and sagging of the skin, loss of an attractive figure, but also to the development of diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system. The fat layer accumulated in the abdominal cavity begins to interfere with the movement of the diaphragm, reducing the respiratory excursion of the chest, the heart is covered with fat, which prevents its contractile movements, depending on the degree of obesity, the size of the heart may also change (exceeding the norm can be up to 2 times) etc.;
  • respiratory functions are disturbed, lung volume decreases, metabolic processes in the lungs become difficult - people with a lot of weight often suffer from acute respiratory infections, bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • the musculoskeletal system suffers, the spine is bent, stoop occurs, the chest becomes narrow and hollow, coordination of movements is disturbed, muscle and vascular tone decreases, pains appear in the limbs, various parts of the spine;
  • there is an overload of the gastrointestinal tract, and as a result, its anatomy changes, the secretory function increases and, as a result, gastritis, hemorrhoids, and chronic colitis develop;
  • the liver, pancreas are affected;
  • blood clotting increases;
  • impotence develops in men, infertility is diagnosed in women in 50% of cases, menstrual irregularities are possible;
  • metabolism is disturbed, the necessary substances begin to be actively excreted from the body - phosphorus, calcium, iron, nitrogen, sulfur and others.

The human body has a large reserve. In daily activities, only 35% of its functionality is used. Unused functions without training gradually atrophy, as a result of which the reserves of the body are depleted, and the person loses the ability to adapt to changing living conditions. The lack of systematic physical activity leads to the fact that already at the age of 12-13 years, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems begin to age.

The harm of physical inactivity for health lies in the fact that, simultaneously with a decrease in physical performance, resistance to extreme influences decreases - oxygen starvation, a sharp change in atmospheric pressure, cold, heat. Regular physical activity supports the immune system, which allows the body to resist even the development of cancer.

Hypokinetic disorders are a whole complex of disorders, including significant negative changes at all levels of the body's activity, resulting from a decrease in physical activity. The consequences of physical inactivity are insomnia, lethargy, drowsiness, bad mood, weakening of cognitive abilities, especially memory and attention, increased irritability, aggressiveness, and a decrease in overall physical activity.

Physical inactivity is a pathological condition that is characterized by a violation of almost all functions of the human body (respiratory, digestive, hematopoietic and circulatory functions). All this happens for one reason - a decrease in motor activity. As a result, the contractility of muscle structures is significantly reduced.

Just one century ago, clinicians rarely heard about cases of physical inactivity. But now the prevalence of the disease is growing every day. The main reason for this is the automation and urbanization of labor. Previously, people made more physical effort in the workplace, but now most of the people sit in offices and their physical activity is significantly reduced.

It can also be said that hypodynamia is a direct consequence of the liberation of a person from physical labor. Nature itself previously programmed each individual to obtain food for himself and labor activity. But now it's all much easier. As a result, hypodynamia leads to metabolic disorders, a decrease in tissue blood supply, as well as to the progression of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Mechanism of progression

Due to the decrease or lack of physical activity, the muscle structures in the human body gradually weaken. In severe cases, they even atrophy. Endurance and strength are reduced, neuro-reflex connections are disrupted. These pathological processes entail progression and. Also, against the background of all this, metabolism suffers greatly, and a sick person is rapidly gaining weight.

It is worth noting that atrophy of muscle structures is not the most dangerous thing that can happen with physical inactivity. Pathological changes in bone structures are gradually observed. As a result, , and progresses. If hypodynamia is not cured, then even the development of and is possible. The consequences of hypodynamia include violations of the functioning of the digestive tract and. It is also worth noting that such a disease affects the state of the endocrine system. A sick person may develop insulin resistance, and. All this becomes the reason that a person's life is reduced by several years.


Symptoms of the disease appear gradually. It is not difficult to identify their presence, since as the pathology progresses, they become more pronounced. Symptoms of hypodynamia include:

  • constant fatigue;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • increased nervousness for no apparent reason;
  • frequent fractures;
  • insomnia;
  • headache of varying degrees of intensity;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • obesity;
  • lack of orgasm.

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Physical inactivity in the early stages of its progression will not be difficult to cure, but if it continues to develop, then it will not be easy to eliminate its consequences.

Therapeutic measures

If symptoms of pathology appear, it is necessary to visit a competent specialist for diagnosis. This is necessary, since the symptoms of physical inactivity are not specific and may indicate the progression of other ailments. The course of treatment is developed based on the degree of development of the disease, as well as the general condition of the patient.

Before treating the disease, it is necessary to eliminate the true cause, which led to hypodynamia. The treatment plan is usually aimed at eliminating the consequences of pathology (obesity, increased blood pressure, sexual dysfunction, etc.).


In order not to treat hypodynamia, it is necessary to start carrying out preventive measures as early as possible. Prevention of hypodynamia is not something difficult. The main thing is to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise and increase physical activity.

Prevention of hypodynamia:

  • walking;
  • alternation of mental and physical activity;
  • charger;
  • long walks in the fresh air;
  • swimming;
  • normalization of the diet.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Chronic fatigue syndrome (abbr. CFS) is a condition in which there is mental and physical weakness due to unknown factors and lasting from six months or more. Chronic fatigue syndrome, the symptoms of which are supposed to be associated to some extent with infectious diseases, is also closely related to the accelerated pace of life of the population and the increased information flow that literally falls on a person for their subsequent perception.

Apathy is a mental disorder in which a person does not show interest in work, any activities, does not want to do anything and, in general, is indifferent to life. Such a state very often comes into a person's life imperceptibly, since it does not manifest itself as pain symptoms - a person may simply not notice deviations in mood, since absolutely any life process, and most often their combination, can become the causes of apathy.

In recent times, along with many negative demographic phenomena (a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in mortality, a decrease in life expectancy), there has been an increase in manifestations of physiological immaturity. The child is born full-term, with normal weight and body length, but functionally not mature enough. This is manifested in his reduced motor activity, muscle weakness (hypotension), fatigue, reduced resistance to colds and infectious diseases (decreased immunity), weak and unstable emotional reactions, and a weak type of nervous system. The result of physiological immaturity is the insufficient development of physical qualities and skills, obesity, the development of myopia, curvature of the spine, flat feet, and childhood injuries. These phenomena leave their mark on the whole subsequent life of a person. They lead to a delay in sexual development (infantilism) in adolescence, to a decrease in physical and mental performance in adulthood, and to early aging of the elderly.

The fight against manifestations of physiological immaturity cannot be reduced to pharmacological actions, psychological or pedagogical measures. The main necessary means of countering this phenomenon is increased motor activity. This is the path to longevity and a healthy lifestyle.

The development of mass physical culture and sports not only ensure health and increase efficiency, but also promotes filling leisure and diverting the population, especially adolescents, from bad habits - smoking alcoholism and drug addiction.

To do this, it is necessary to overcome the population's low need for physical education. Sports achievements of outstanding athletes inspire large masses of people and contribute to their involvement in systematic sports activities. Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of modern Olympism, rightly noted: in order for 100 people to go in for physical culture, 50 people need to go in for sports; in order for 50 people to play sports, you need 20 people to be highly qualified athletes, and for this you need 5 people to be able to show amazing achievements.

1.3. Dosing loads in certain forms of physical education during the day, week, year

In the previous chapter, general issues of normalizing loads in physical education and sports were considered.

In this chapter, we will talk about particular aspects of the normalization of loads performed by schoolchildren in the main forms of physical education, and about the complex normalization of loads during the day, week, year.

1.3.1. Dosing loads in physical education lessons

The development and maintenance of the motor qualities of students is carried out at physical education lessons, during independent training, during training in sports circles and sections, in clubs, on hiking trips, etc.

The effectiveness of these classes in achieving and maintaining the standard level of physical fitness is largely determined by the rational structure and normalization of loads.

Most students do not play sports. Therefore, it is at the lessons of physical culture that they should receive the necessary dose of developing loads.

The proper load parameters that must be performed at each physical education lesson are shown in Table 1 (see Appendix 1). As can be seen from the table, it takes about 45 minutes to develop the basic motor qualities to the normative level, and about 30 minutes to maintain them at the normative level. However, it is practically impossible to allocate so much time, since in the lesson, in addition to the development of motor qualities, other tasks should be solved. Therefore, in a physical education lesson, certain methodological techniques can be used, giving, as it were, additional time reserves.

Power loads in the developmental volume can be performed mainly in the lessons of the gymnastics section, and in the supporting volumes - in the classes dedicated to athletics, sports and outdoor games.

The load on speed-strength qualities in athletics, in games can contribute to the development of endurance under the condition of a sufficiently high average heart rate (above 120 bpm) and dexterity with complex coordination movements.

Performing loads with these provisions in mind allows you to achieve sufficient STE for all qualities in 20-25 minutes, and the rest of the lesson can be used to solve other problems.

Thus, such qualities as endurance, agility, speed-strength were effectively developed at the lesson, and the level of strength of the main muscle groups was maintained, as well as the program material on athletics was mastered.

1.4. The impact of insufficient physical activity on the human body

In the central nervous system, hypokinesia and hypodynamia cause the loss of many intercentral relationships, primarily due to impaired conduction of excitation in interneuronal synapses, i.e. asynapsia occurs. At the same time, the mental and emotional sphere changes, the functioning of sensory systems worsens. Damage to the brain's movement control systems leads to deterioration in the coordination of motor acts, there are errors in the addressing of motor commands, the inability to assess the current state of the muscles and make corrections to the action programs.

Some degenerative phenomena are noted in the motor apparatus, reflecting atrophy of muscle fibers- Decrease in weight and volume of muscles, their contractile properties. The blood supply to the muscles, energy exchange is deteriorating. There is a drop in muscle strength, accuracy, speed and endurance at work (especially static endurance). During locomotion, oscillations of the common center of mass increase, which sharply reduces the effectiveness of Movements when walking and running.

Respiration with insufficient physical activity is characterized by a decrease in VC, depth of respiration, minute volume of respiration and maximum pulmonary ventilation. Dramatically increase oxygen demand and oxygen debt during work. The basal metabolic rate goes down.

The activity of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. Atrophy of the heart muscle occurs, myocardial nutrition worsens. As a result, coronary heart disease develops. A decrease in the volume of the heart leads to lower values ​​of cardiac output (decrease in systolic and minute blood volume). In this case, the heart rate increases both at rest and during physical exertion.

Weakened skeletal muscles cannot adequately promote venous return. The insufficiency or complete absence of their cuts practically eliminates the work "muscle pump", facilitating blood flow from the lower extremities to the heart against gravity. The loss of help from these "peripheral hearts" makes it even more difficult for the heart to pump blood. Time

blood circulation increases markedly. The amount of circulating blood decreases.

With low physical exertion and a small increase in the depth of breathing during work, it almost does not help blood flow and "respiratory pump" since the suction action of the reduced pressure of the chest cavity and the work of the diaphragm are negligible. All these consequences of reduced physical activity are causing a huge increase in cardiovascular diseases in the modern world.

In the endocrine system, there is a decrease in the functions of the endocrine glands, the production of their hormones decreases.

In cases of akinesia, the most profound lesions of the body occur, and there is smoothing daily biorhythms fluctuations in heart rate, body temperature and other functions.

Chapter 2. Hypokinesia, physical inactivity and their effect on the human body

2. 1. Hypokinesia, physical inactivity and their effect on the human body

The decrease in physical activity in the conditions of modern life, on the one hand, and the insufficient development of mass forms of physical culture among the population, on the other hand, lead to the deterioration of various functions and the appearance of negative states of the human body.

2.1.1. The concepts of hypokinesia and hypodynamia

To ensure the normal functioning of the human body, sufficient activity of skeletal muscles is necessary. The work of the muscular apparatus contributes to the development of the brain and the establishment of intercentral and intersensory relationships. Motor activity increases energy production and heat generation, improves the functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular and other body systems. Insufficiency of movements disrupts the normal operation of all systems and causes the appearance of special conditions - hypokinesia and hypodynamia.

Hypokinesia - is decreased activity. It may be associated with the physiological immaturity of the body, with special working conditions in a confined space, with certain diseases, and other reasons. In some cases (plaster cast, bed rest) may be complete lack of movement or akinesia, which is even more difficult for the body to tolerate.

There is also a close concept - hypodynamia. This decrease in muscle effort when movements are carried out, but with extremely low loads on the muscular apparatus. In both cases, the skeletal muscles are completely underloaded. There is a huge lack of biological need for movement, which sharply reduces the functional state and performance of the body.

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Physical activity is necessary for every person, but people often forget about it. In the modern world, the problem of lack of movement has become very relevant, because the lifestyle that most people lead excludes physical activity.

Constant movement around the city in a car, work in the office, preference for passive rest to active - all this does not contribute to improving health, but on the contrary, leads to such a disease as physical inactivity.

What is it and how to avoid this problem, we will now consider in our article.

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Characteristics of the disease

Physical inactivity is a violation of the functions of the body, due to low physical activity and a decrease in the strength of muscle contraction.

Physical inactivity is not officially recognized as a disease, but it leads to many health problems and diseases. Doctors around the world pay a lot of attention to this problem, as it affects more and more people every year. Physical inactivity is a consequence of the fact that people move little, and the lack of movement is the cause of this problem.

What is the danger of lack of movement

  1. There is a violation of the functions of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems.
  2. Muscles atrophy, strength and endurance decrease.
  3. There are disturbances in the activity of the nervous system. Adynamia develops and there may be nervous disorders.
  4. Progressive decrease in bone mass, which leads to the development of diseases such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis.
  5. Bones become brittle, leading to frequent fractures.
  6. Physical inactivity leads to diseases of the cardiovascular (ischemic heart disease, hypertension) and respiratory systems (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia), as well as problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Intestinal disorders, nausea, rectal diseases, pancreatitis are possible.
  8. Lung volume and ventilation may decrease.
  9. It negatively affects the endocrine system, in particular, the production of the hormone insulin.
  10. It also has a bad effect on the work of the brain - a person feels constant weakness, insomnia, memory impairment, deterioration in performance.

All this leads to a deterioration in the quality of life, as well as its duration. But the most important thing is that a person cannot understand what are the causes of all these disorders and diseases, and they are very simple - maintaining an immobile lifestyle and lack of physical activity.


The main cause of development is the lack of movement and human activity.

In the modern world, everything is done for the greater comfort of people, and “more comfort” means doing everything so that a person shows as little physical activity as possible.

An adult spends most of his time at work. Mostly office work, that is, there is a minimum of active movement. Schoolchildren spend time at school, where they sit at their desks for half a day in class, and then another half an evening for homework. And at the same time, people are so tired that the best rest for them will be sitting at home watching TV or sitting at the computer. A person is simply too lazy to go outside and take a walk, ride a bike or rollerblade for an hour or two.

Of course, it happens that a person due to certain circumstances (for example, illness) cannot lead an active lifestyle. But even in such cases, the patient needs movement. Only with the permission of the doctor.

Who is susceptible to disease

Physical inactivity affects people whose work does not involve physical activity and schoolchildren who are constantly forced to sit at their desks. Also those who lead an active virtual life. Such people are more interested in life on the Internet than in reality.

Preschool children are also often affected. Often, parents do not have the time or desire to engage and play with them, so it is easier for them to put their child to watch a cartoon or let them play games on a tablet.

Signs of hypodynamia

  • Constant fatigue and lethargy;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • bad mood, irritability;
  • malaise, drowsiness;
  • appetite decreases;
  • decrease in performance.

If you feel these signs in yourself, then you should think about your activity and how much time you spend in the fresh air.

Hypodynamia has a bad effect on the functioning of the brain, which causes headaches, an unstable emotional state, and poor sleep. An increase in appetite can also be a sign of this disease, and since a person begins to eat a lot, while moving little, obesity develops, which can lead to poor metabolism and atherosclerosis.


It is necessary to treat the disease with movement. But the difficulty is that hypodynamia is not a disease as such. In most cases, the diseases caused by it need treatment. In this case, you should consult an experienced doctor.

The consequences can be different: both feeling unwell, and brittle bones or severe obesity.

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