Healthy foods for heart disease. Diet for heart disease: a balanced diet for successful treatment

  • improve blood circulation;
  • normalization of the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, liver;
  • normalization of the metabolic process in the body due to the removal of accumulated metabolic products from it;
  • sparing of the organs of the cardiovascular, digestive system, kidneys.

Therapeutic diet No. 10 A is characterized by a decrease in the energy value of food with a decrease in the content of proteins, carbohydrates and, in a special degree, fats. The amount of sodium and liquid is also sharply limited. Salt is not used in cooking, bread is also allowed to be consumed exclusively salt-free. Strict restrictions have been introduced on the content in the diet of products that excite the cardiovascular and nervous systems, irritate the liver and kidneys, burden the stomach and intestines, and contribute to flatulence. This refers to foods rich in extractives, fiber, cholesterol, fats, etc. It is recommended to consume sufficient amounts of foods with potassium, foods that alkalize the body (dairy products, fruits and vegetables). Food is rubbed and boiled, giving it a sour or sweet taste, aroma. They eat in small portions. It is forbidden to consume fried foods, cold and hot foods. Recommended 6 meals a day.

The chemical composition of the therapeutic diet No. 10 A

  • 60 g of proteins, 60-70% of which are animals;
  • 50 g of fats, 20-25% of which are vegetable;
  • 300 g of carbohydrates, of which 70-80 g are sugar and other sweets;
  • 0.6-0.7 l of liquid.

Therapeutic diet No. 10 A has an energy value of 1800-1900 calories.

Bread, flour products

You can use dried salt-free wheat bread of the first and second grade and croutons from it. Unsavory cookies are allowed. You can eat 150 g per day.

It is forbidden to consume fresh and other types of bread, baked goods.


Soups are generally excluded or prescribed 200 g of milk soup or soup on vegetable broth with pureed cereals and vegetables.

Meat and poultry

You can eat boiled pureed or chopped beef, veal, rabbit meat, chicken, turkey. Meat must be lean.

Fatty and sinewy meat is not allowed to eat. Pork, lamb, duck, goose, sausages, smoked and canned foods are also prohibited.


Lean fish can be boiled in pieces or chopped.

Therapeutic diet No. 10 A prohibits the consumption of fatty types of salted, smoked fish, canned food, caviar.


It is allowed to drink milk, but only if it does not provoke flatulence. You can also eat fresh grated cottage cheese and dishes from it: soufflé, creams, pastes. The consumption of kefir, acidophilus, curdled milk is recommended. Sour cream can be added to dishes.

Cheese is prohibited.


A maximum of 1 per day is allowed as part of a steam omelet or added to meals.

Fried eggs are prohibited.


You can eat porridge on the water with milk. It is also allowed to consume semolina soufflé, mashed rice, oatmeal and buckwheat groats, boiled vermicelli.

Millet, barley, pearl barley, legumes are not allowed to eat.


It is recommended to consume boiled and mashed carrots, beets, cauliflower, pumpkins, zucchini in the form of mashed potatoes, soufflés, baked meatballs and other dishes. Boiled potatoes in the form of mashed potatoes, ripe raw tomatoes, parsley, which should be added to dishes, are also allowed in limited quantities.

All other vegetables are prohibited.

Snacks are prohibited.

fruits, sweet

It is recommended to consume ripe soft fruits and berries in their raw form, soaked dried apricots, apricots, prunes and compotes from them, baked or mashed fresh apples. Compotes, jelly, mousses, jelly, sambuki, milk jelly and jelly are allowed to eat. Sugar, honey, jam, marmalade and marshmallows are allowed.

Fruits containing coarse fiber and characterized by hard skin are prohibited. You can not eat grapes, chocolate and cream products.

Sauces, spices

Sauces can be prepared with water, vegetable broth, milk. It is allowed to cook which is allowed with tomato, fruit juices, citric acid. Sweet and sour fruit and vegetable sauces are allowed. Vanillin, cinnamon and bay leaf are allowed.

It is forbidden to consume sauces on meat, fish, mushroom broths, fatty sauces, horseradish, pepper, mustard.


It is allowed to use weak tea with the addition of lemon, milk, coffee drinks, fresh vegetable and fruit juices, rosehip broth.

It is forbidden to use natural coffee, cocoa, grape juice, carbonated drinks, kvass.

A healthy and well-chosen diet is an important factor in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

A healthy diet and lifestyle can reduce your risk of:

Heart disease - such as heart attacks and strokes;
- conditions or symptoms that lead to heart disease, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity;
- other chronic health problems, such as type 2 diabetes. .

- Fruits and vegetables. Most fruits and vegetables are an important part of a heart-healthy diet. They are good sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Most of them are low in fat, calories, sodium (salt) and cholesterol (or cholesterol - this is an organic compound, a natural fatty alcohol found in the cell membranes of most living organisms. Cholesterol is insoluble in water, it dissolves in fats and organic solvents. About 80% of cholesterol is produced by the body itself - the liver, intestines, kidneys, adrenal glands, gonads), the remaining 20% ​​comes from food. Cholesterol is necessary for the production of vitamin D and the production of steroid hormones by the adrenal glands - cortisol, aldosterone, female and male sex hormones estrogens, progesterone and testosterone. Plays an important role in the activity of brain synapses and the immune system, including protection against cancer). We recommend eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

- grains and cereals.Dietitians recommend eating lean foods such as bread, cereals, crackers, rice, pasta, and starchy vegetables (eg, peas, potatoes, corn, beans). These foods are high in vitamins, iron, fiber, minerals, complex carbohydrates, and low in fat and bad cholesterol.

Eat six or more servings of grains a day, including and especially whole grains. However, be careful not to consume too many grains: this will contribute to rapid weight gain.
Avoid the consumption of baked goods - such as loaves, rolls, cheese crackers, croissants, as well as cream sauces for pasta and pureed soups.

- Consuming healthy protein. Meat, poultry, seafood, peas, lentils, nuts, and eggs are good sources of protein, B vitamins, iron, and other vitamins and minerals.

If the patient suffers from cardiovascular diseases, he should avoid the consumption of duck, goose, beef steak, cuts of meat with a high fat content, organ meats - such as kidneys, liver, spleen, lungs, heart and meat products - such as sausage, hot- Great Danes and all high-fat meats.

Consume no more than 150-200 g of cooked meat, poultry and fish daily. One serving of these foods should be on a plate about the size of a plastic card.
Eat two servings of fish per week.

- Separation of all visible fat from the meat before cooking. Baking the meat, lightly browning it, steaming it, boiling it, or cooking it in the microwave is much better than frying it.

For the main first course, use less meat or let the meat be lean, in portions, several times a week. Use less meat to reduce the overall fat content of the food.
Use turkey, skinless chicken or fish, or lean red meat to reduce the amount of saturated fat in your diet. Sometimes you can eat 85 grams of lean red meat.

Try to use no more than three or four egg yolks per week, including eggs used in cooking.

Minimize or avoid organ meats (including beef, pork, or lamb liver) and shellfish (such as shrimp and lobster).

Milk and other dairy products are a good source of protein, calcium, vitamins: niacin, riboflavin, A and D. It is useful to use skimmed or 1% milk. Cheese, yogurt, buttermilk (a by-product of milk processing obtained from the production of butter from cow's milk; a concentrate of biologically active and deficient substances) should be low in fat or fat free.

- Fats, oils, and cholesterol. A diet high in saturated fat causes bad cholesterol to build up in the arteries (blood vessels). Cholesterol can cause clogged or blocked arteries. This puts the patient at risk of heart attack, stroke and other serious health problems. We strongly recommend avoiding or limiting foods high in saturated fat in your diet.

Foods high in saturated fat are animal products such as butter, cheese, whole cow's milk, ice cream, sour cream, lard, and fatty meats such as bacon or many parts of lamb.
Some vegetable oils (coconut, palm, etc.) also contain saturated fats. These fats remain solid at room temperature.

Use no more than 5-8 teaspoons of fats or oils per day for salads, hot meals, and baked goods. You need to eat no more than 300 mg of cholesterol per day (one egg yolk contains an average of 213 mg of cholesterol). Some fats are better than others, but you should still use them in moderation.

- Margarine and butter. It is better to choose soft or liquid margarine (from liquid vegetable oil as the first ingredient). Better yet, choose "light" margarines that list water as the first ingredient. This margarine is better than saturated fats.
Avoid hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats (you need to read the ingredients on the label and do not take products containing such fats).

Trans fatty acids are unhealthy fats that cause vegetable oil to harden. They are often used to keep food fresh for a long time and for cooking in cafes and fast food restaurants.

Trans fats can raise the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Trans fats can also lower your “good” cholesterol levels.
We strongly recommend avoiding fried foods, store-bought baked goods (donuts, cookies, crackers), processed foods, and hard margarines.

It is helpful to consult a nutritionist. We recommend cores to maintain their "ideal" body weight and try to balance the number of calories that are consumed every day. The patient can ask the nutritionist questions about what kind of food would be most acceptable and healthy for him. We advise all people suffering from cardiovascular disease to limit their intake of foods that are high in calories or low in nutrients, including sugary drinks, jams and sweets that contain a lot of sugar.
You need to eat no more than 2400 mg of sodium (edible salt) per day. You can cut back on salt by reducing the amount of salt you add to food at the table. It's also good to limit salt in cooked foods - for example, canned vegetables, fish and soups, cured meats, and some frozen meals. Always check food labels for sodium (salt) content per serving.

Hearts need to eliminate alcohol from the diet or at least significantly reduce its consumption.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels have become so widespread that all adults need to know how to eat. The diet can be used not only as a treatment, but also for preventive purposes.

Heart disease occurs according to a certain type of pathology. What matters is the work of the centers of the brain, adaptation to external stimuli, the level of biochemical processes in the body, which provides the necessary supply of energy for the work of the heart. For vessels, wall tone, good elasticity, coordinated contraction and relaxation, integrity and impossibility of leakage of the liquid part of the blood are important.

Nutrition in cardiovascular diseases has great advantages over drugs. It provides the body with everything it needs naturally.

When is a special diet needed?

Even a healthy person is obliged to monitor nutrition. Overeating, long breaks in eating, a load of spicy or salty foods change the internal balance, lead to a breakdown in the digestive process, at least accompanied by discomfort.

With vascular and heart diseases, the whole body suffers, as blood circulation is disturbed. Atherosclerosis begins to develop early, it is detected already at the age of 40. The further course is accompanied by hypertension, damage to the coronary and cerebral vessels, renal arteries.

Myocarditis often complicates acute infectious diseases in children and adults. The course of rheumatic fever is difficult to predict. The beginning of the formation of heart disease is not detected immediately.

The diet cannot completely cure the patient, but is obliged to compensate for the costs of the body for its recovery. It should be used already in the initial (hidden) stages of the disease with minimal symptoms.

Cauliflower has beneficial properties, and white cabbage causes flatulence

Purpose of the diet

  • provide the body with the missing energy;
  • prevent the spread of atherosclerosis;
  • improve the tone of the vascular bed;
  • normalize disturbed protein and lipid metabolism;
  • organize the delivery of electrolytes to maintain the correct heart rhythm, the strength of heart contractions.

Table No. 10 is used in such conditions:

  • congenital and acquired defects;
  • hypertension;
  • myocardial infarction and chronic ischemic disease;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • signs of heart failure.

For each disease there are changes and additions, but the general requirements must be observed at all times.

General characteristics and table rules No. 10

Appropriate diets include permitted and exclude prohibited foods, regulate the methods of cooking, the established frequency of meals.

Unlike other tables, restrictions apply to fluids, salty and spicy foods, nervous system irritants, and renal blood flow.

The mode should include:

  • five meals a day in small portions;
  • the prohibition of long breaks and overeating, late dinner;
  • evening meal should be completed 3 hours before bedtime.

When cooking and culinary processing, frying, smoking should be avoided. Only the cooking method is used, simmering, steaming is possible.

The use of a simple double boiler in the household will solve nutritional problems

Daily ration products should contain:

  • protein - 90 g, of which 50 g - animal origin;
  • fats - 80 g, including 25 g of vegetable origin;
  • carbohydrates - 400 g;
  • provide calorie content of 2500–2700 Kcal;
  • a complete set of vitamins;
  • salt - no more than 5 g, provided that dishes are prepared without salt;
  • liquid - up to 1.5 liters.

What can you eat?

Dishes of table number 10 are prepared from permitted products. These include:

  • First courses - soups from vegetables with cereals, dairy, purely vegetable (for example, beetroot), hated broths from fish and meat, for a single dose, the volume is half a serving, with severe edema, soups are excluded.
  • Meat of low-fat varieties (beef, veal), poultry (chicken, turkey) are prepared boiled, chopped (meatballs, meatballs, meatballs), baking is allowed.
  • Low-fat boiled fish in the form of cutlets.
  • Animal fat provides butter - 20 g each, vegetable oil - 30 g per day.
  • Chicken eggs - up to four per week, soft-boiled or in the form of a steam omelet.
  • Buckwheat porridge, boiled oatmeal and casseroles, semolina porridge with reduced weight.
  • Pasta in a casserole, a side dish for meat.
  • From dairy products, fat-free kefir, fermented baked milk, low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream only for dressing soups, unsalted hard cheese are allowed.
  • Vegetables - beets, cauliflower, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, greens, salads, vinaigrette are shown.
  • Sauces and gravies should only be prepared with vegetable broth and milk.
  • Fresh fruits and berries, compotes, squeezed juice, dried fruits.
  • Bakery products - yesterday's baking, dried slices, mainly from rye flour or rye-wheat, with bran, flax or sunflower seeds, dry cookies, crackers - up to 150 g per day.
  • For drinking, you can brew weak green or black tea, chicory, prepare rosehip broth, herbal teas with lemon balm and mint, drink mineral water only after the release of gas bubbles.

What is restricted or prohibited?

Dietary restrictions are associated with the undesirable effect of certain foods:

  • dishes from beans, spinach, lentils, peas, mushrooms, radish, cabbage, radish, sorrel cause an increase in the diaphragm due to bloating;
  • sweets, grape juice, sweets, jam contribute to weight gain, so they are recommended to be replaced with honey.

Harmful products for diseases of the heart and blood vessels are completely prohibited. These include:

  • sweet rolls, bread, pastries;
  • all fried, smoked, salty and spicy foods and dishes;
  • fatty rich broths, soups with the addition of beans, peas, mushrooms;
  • fatty meat (including duck and goose), fish, kidneys;
  • soft and processed types of cheeses, sour cream, full-fat milk, cottage cheese, high-fat kefir, ice cream, mayonnaise;
  • pickled and pickled vegetables, legumes, cabbage, radish;
  • sweets, chocolate and sweets;
  • strong tea, coffee, sweet sparkling water, alcohol.

Seafood goes well with greens, lemon, which further increases their value.

What are the options for table number 10?

Nutritionists make small changes to the diet of table No. 10 depending on the specific pathology of the patient. In this case, it is necessary to comply with all the rules and requirements of nutrition.

Diet 10a:

  • It is prescribed for heart failure, starting from the second stage. It promotes the removal of fluid, unloads blood circulation, and helps the heart.
  • Calorie content is reduced to 2000 kcal, the total volume of liquid is up to 600 ml.
  • First courses, bread products are prohibited, the amount of fat and protein decreases, the proportion of products containing potassium, calcium and magnesium increases.
  • The diet is six times.

Diet 10b:

  • used to treat patients with rheumatism with low activity of the inflammatory process;
  • increased the proportion of animal proteins and fats;
  • allowed up to 1.5 liters of liquid;
  • vegetables and fruits are included fresh in salads, juices;
  • caloric content of the diet - 2600 Kcal;
  • six meals a day.

Diet 10s:
The main indication is atherosclerotic damage to the vessels of the heart, brain, aorta, cardiosclerosis, hypertension.


  • Significant restriction of animal fat and easily digestible carbohydrates with a normal amount of protein.
  • The inclusion in the diet of foods with polyunsaturated fatty acids, lipotropic substances.
  • In the diet of vegetables and fruits in the amount of at least 0.4 kg per day, it is allowed to snack on fruits and salads between meals.
  • Seafood dishes are obligatory (squid, shrimps, sea fish, cabbage).
  • The amount of liquid - no more than 1 liter.

For people with normal weight, calorie content up to 2500 kcal is calculated, with excess weight - 2000 with fasting days.

Diet 10g:

  • indicated for arterial hypertension;
  • characterized by a significant reduction in salt (2 g per day), the use of seafood, vitamins, potassium and magnesium;
  • daily calorie content - up to 2700 Kcal.

It is more convenient to drink in bed from special drinking bowls or with the help of straws for a cocktail

Diet 10i:

  • is prescribed to patients with acute myocardial infarction;
  • products that stimulate intestinal motility, myocardial healing are included;
  • everything that causes flatulence of the abdomen is excluded;
  • dishes are prepared semi-liquid, without salt;
  • low calorie;
  • the first 2 days the patient drinks 7 times a day half a glass of green tea, fruit decoction, warm rosehip infusion;
  • from the third day, liquid dishes are added - half a portion of soup, porridge, mashed meat. At the same time, calorie content is not more than 1200 Kcal.

After 2 weeks, the diet expands, the calorie content increases to 1600, the liquid - up to 1 liter, you can give dishes in an unmashed form. Then the patient is transferred to table 10c with the obligatory use of fish and seafood.

The above list of diets for cardiovascular diseases shows the possibility of sufficiently high-quality nutrition even in conditions of restrictions. The total caloric content, the amount of salt and water may change as the patient recovers and restores motor activity. Their use can be discussed with the attending physician.

However, the principles of cooking, the attitude to the volume of liquid, fatty foods remains unchanged for life. You should accustom yourself to such a diet from the age of 40. It is much more convenient to use it for preventive purposes, and not with an advanced form of the disease.

Greetings, readers!

The phrase "cardiovascular disease" has long ceased to frighten. Most people are so used to these words sounding like a siren everywhere that they simply stop responding to them correctly. More precisely, they stopped responding at all. But at the same time, the statistics are relentless. So, cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death for most people on the planet. No other disease causes such a level of mortality among the population in any country. Although there is a clear pattern - the higher the level of per capita income in the country and the higher the food culture, the lower the number of people with these terrible ailments. This suggests a logical conclusion that nutrition in cardiovascular diseases plays a key role. Let's figure out what is the role of what we eat for our body and why proper nutrition can be a panacea for the most terrible heart diseases.

What is a heart?

The heart muscle carries out the function of moving blood through the vessels and delivering it to all organs of our body.

Nutrition for long-term heart disease plays an important role. The more fatty high-calorie foods, sweets, fast food and fried delicacies in our diet, the more our heart pump suffers and undergoes arrhythmia.

Causes of the disease:

  1. Blockage of the coronary arteries. It arises from the fact that some plaques form on the walls of the arteries, which either narrow the lumen in the vessel or completely close it. This disrupts the normal circulation of blood in the body and lowers the heart rhythm, arrhythmia occurs. Plaques can collapse and form blood clots;
  2. Inflammation of the coronary vessels of the circulatory system. This phenomenon leads to:
  3. Smoking;
  4. Obesity and unhealthy foods;
  5. Hormonal disorders.
  6. Lack of physical activity and stress. Paired with poor irregular nutrition and uncontrolled medication, not only frequent arrhythmias can occur, but also chronic heart failure.

Of course, this is an incomplete list of causes of cardiac arrhythmias. But this is a complete list of what the average person has full influence over. By eliminating them, the risk of falling into the number of cases falls several times. But even if a person is diagnosed with any heart disease, its course can be controlled with the help of special diets, eating the right foods. Adhering to a special diet can minimize the effects of the disease.

Potassium deficiency is the cause of arrhythmia

In medicine, she has proven herself well. The bottom line is that potassium is a regulator of heart rate in the body. Its chronic deficiency can even lead to cardiac arrest. The nature of this phenomenon is quite simple. So, the heart muscle - the myocardium, like other muscles of our body, can swell, under the influence of a lack of potassium and an excess of sodium (it is a potassium antagonist substance), fluid retention in the body begins, which causes swelling of the cells. The heart suffers greatly from this and primarily reacts with a symptom of arrhythmia, and in advanced cases - heart failure.

To exclude such an outcome of events, you just need to consume a sufficient amount of potassium. Products in which it is present in large quantities:

  • Cabbage;
  • Bananas;
  • Nuts;
  • Buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal;
  • Jacket potatoes;
  • Dried fruits.

If a lack of potassium is found in the body, it can be replenished with a potassium diet, which is compiled to promote the health of the heart muscle. Daily meal option:

Products from which a healthy menu will consist should be as fresh as possible. No need to use frozen meat. The diet also consists of limiting the intake of salt, which is harmful for heart disease. . There are other equally effective diets for other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Coronary disease and other heart diseases - signs, nature, nutrition

Among the most common diseases, ischemic disease occupies the first place. Most often, it manifests itself in the form of atherosclerosis and coronary insufficiency. The danger of coronary disease lies in the fact that a person does not feel an ailment, but at any time such ignorance can lead to a myocardial infarction (the second most common disease of the heart muscle). Also, a manifestation of the disease is hypertension or high blood pressure. If this ailment is not diagnosed in time, the body can suffer irreversible consequences in the form of disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems, deterioration of vision, performance, and, finally, to a stroke, which in many cases is fatal.

Common symptoms of heart disease

The worst thing is that all diseases of the blood vessels that lead to heart disease are asymptomatic. A person may not attach importance to arrhythmia and feel the first bells of more serious diseases. So, if you feel:

  • Prolonged discomfort or pain symptoms in the chest is a possible sign of myocardial infarction;
  • Sensations of pain in the left forearm, arm, jaw, radiating to the back, can also mean a heart attack;
  • Sudden weakness in the face, numbness of any part of the body, difficulty in visual abilities can signal a stroke;
  • Dizziness, sudden loss of coordination, severe headache also indicate the possibility of a stroke.
  • A rapid heartbeat that occurs suddenly and also passes quickly may indicate tachycardia;
  • Shortness of breath, rapid breathing, increased fatigue are signs of arrhythmia.

Diet for heart disease

Must include: wheat bread from 1 or 2 grade flour, vegetable and milk soups, non-fat boiled or baked meat, non-fat sea and river fish, milk, dairy products, hard cheese, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as after heat treatment, vegetable oil.

Excluded products: very fresh bread, rich dough, strong meat and fish broths. You can not legumes, fatty meat, offal, canned food, smoked sausages, fatty and salted fish. Salted and pickled vegetables, as well as radishes, onions, mushrooms are undesirable. You do not need to use spicy snacks, fish caviar, strong teas, coffee, infusions.

Remembering such simple foods and principles in nutrition, you need to form your daily diet. The most interesting thing is that the diet is simple in practice, and sticking to such a regimen for heart disease is not difficult at all and is very healthy for the body as a whole. You can lose weight, which, of course, will only improve self-esteem, mood and bring all body systems into working order. It is very reminiscent of baby food.

Sample menu for the week


Morning: milk buckwheat porridge, green tea.

Lunch: soft-boiled egg.

Dinner: vegetable soup, baked meat on a vegetable pillow, fruit jelly.

afternoon tea: banana.

Dinner: mashed potatoes, fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil.

2 hours before bed: a glass of kefir

Morning: milk oatmeal with dried apricots, herbal tea.

Second breakfast: a handful of sour-milk cheese.

Dinner: soup on the second chicken broth, mashed potatoes with corn grits with gravy, fruit drink.

afternoon tea: milkshake with banana.

Dinner: stewed fish with sour cream, warm salad with pumpkin, carrots, dressed with olive oil.

2 hours before bed: a glass of yogurt without fillers

Morning: steamed omelet, black tea (weak).

Lunch: baked apple.

Dinner: cabbage soup, steamed potato pancakes with meatballs, compote.

afternoon tea: cottage cheese casserole

Dinner: macaroni and cheese casserole, beetroot salad with nuts.

2 hours before bed: kissel

Morning: semolina porridge with milk, coffee drink with milk.

Lunch: grated carrots with honey or sugar.

Dinner: beetroot, baked potato with turkey breast and zucchini, juice.

afternoon tea: fruit salad with low-fat sour cream.

Dinner: steamed buckwheat cutlets, cabbage salad and greens.

2 hours before bed: 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese

Morning: pumpkin porridge, boiled egg.

Lunch: kissel

Dinner: soup with noodles, stewed cabbage with prunes and veal steak, compote.

afternoon tea: baked apples.

Dinner: corn porridge with fish cutlet and vegetable sauce, salad with tomatoes and cucumbers.

2 hours before bed: dried herbal tea

Morning: muesli with dried fruits on water with oil, herbal tea.

Lunch: cottage cheese pudding.

Dinner: soup with pearl barley and sour cream, stewed potatoes with bell pepper, jelly.

Afternoon snack: yogurt

Dinner: zucchini casserole with minced chicken, vinaigrette.

2 hours before bed: a glass of kefir

Morning: rice milk porridge, green tea.

Lunch: the vinaigrette.

Dinner: potato-carrot soup-puree with sour cream, rice with vegetables, fruit drink.

Afternoon snack: fruit salad.

Dinner: pasta with meatballs in tomato sauce, seasonal vegetable salad with olive oil.

2 hours before bed: yogurt
Every day

- Light exercise in the morning in the form of a charge;

- long walks in the fresh air;

- walking at a fast pace for at least an hour throughout the day;

- a strict diet prescribed by a doctor for any kind of heart disease.

It is important to understand that a diet for any cardiovascular disease is simply necessary. Knowing about the disease and understanding its essence are two completely different things. By adhering to simple rules, a nutrition system and physical activity during an illness, you can not only minimize the consequences of an illness, but often forget about a sick heart forever.

The relationship between lifestyle, in particular, human nutrition and diseases has long been proven. Nutritionists have developed a large number of diets for various health disorders.

One of them is diet number 10, for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

The purpose and principles of nutrition, the main types of diets

The nutrition scheme in accordance with diet No. 10 is designed in such a way as to improve blood circulation processes, while providing the cells of the body with the necessary biologically active substances and energy.

In addition, food should not be too heavy or high-calorie, it is bad for the heart and blood vessels, and disrupts the kidneys.

There are several subspecies of diet No. 10, which are used for various diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The most common of them:

There are general rules for all subcategories of diet No. 10. Let's consider them in more detail.

General rules

A person suffering from any violation of the cardiovascular system should adhere to the following rules for eating:

Here is a list of foods that should be consumed according to this diet.

What should you eat?

In order to restore and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the following foods and dishes are recommended:

The consumption of potatoes and cabbage is allowed in limited quantities.

Feedback from our reader - Alina Mezentseva

I recently read an article that talks about the natural cream "Bee Spas Chestnut" for the treatment of varicose veins and cleaning blood vessels from blood clots. With the help of this cream, you can FOREVER cure VARICOSIS, eliminate pain, improve blood circulation, increase the tone of the veins, quickly restore the walls of blood vessels, clean and restore varicose veins at home.

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered one package. I noticed the changes in a week: the pain went away, the legs stopped "buzzing" and swelling, and after 2 weeks the venous cones began to decrease. Try it and you, and if anyone is interested, then below is a link to the article.

What foods can't be eaten?

The consumption of the following foods will have a bad effect on the patient's well-being:

Also, do not consume more than 5 glasses of fluid per day.

Approximate daily diet for scheme No. 10

With cardiovascular disorders, you need to eat little, but often. As a rule, the menu is compiled for 5-6 meals per day.

These rules are general for patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Consider the features of nutrition in different types of diseases.

Power scheme 10a

This diet is prescribed for disorders in the circulatory system. Its purpose is to normalize the functioning of the circulatory system and kidneys, as well as improve water and electrolyte metabolism.

For the treatment of VARICOSIS and cleaning blood vessels from blood clots, Elena Malysheva recommends a new method based on Cream of Varicose Veins cream. It contains 8 useful medicinal plants that are extremely effective in the treatment of VARICOSIS. In this case, only natural ingredients are used, no chemicals and hormones!

To the general rules of nutrition for diseases of the vessels and the heart, the features of the patient's diet, necessary for this disease, are added:

The daily diet with a diet of 10a can be the following dishes:

Diet 10c: rules for compiling a daily diet

Indications for this diet are vascular atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension.

The purpose of the diet is to reduce the rate of development of atherosclerotic changes and restore lipid metabolism in the body.

In addition to the general rules, following this type of diet requires:

Approximate composition of the daily diet:

Diet 10i: when is it necessary and how should one eat?

This type of diet is prescribed to patients in the acute period of myocardial infarction. Compliance with this diet is necessary for the normalization of cardiac processes and bowel function.

The main requirements for the nutrition of such patients are:

The approximate diet of a patient with myocardial infarction consists of such dishes;

Diet 10i is indicated only in the first 7 days after myocardial infarction, then the patient is transferred to the 10c diet.

People with cardiovascular disease should remember that dieting is not a one-time event, but a way of life. This will improve the condition and avoid exacerbations of the disease.


Have you ever tried to get rid of VARICOSIS? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And of course, you know firsthand what it is:

  • feeling of heaviness in the legs, tingling ...
  • swelling of the legs, worse in the evening, swollen veins...
  • bumps on the veins of the arms and legs ...

Now answer the question: does it suit you? Can ALL THESE SYMPTOMS be tolerated? And how much effort, money and time have you already "leaked" for ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later the SITUATION WILL aggravate and the only way out will be only surgical intervention!

That's right - it's time to start ending this problem! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with the head of the Institute of Phlebology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation - V. M. Semenov, in which he revealed the secret of a penny method of treating varicose veins and complete restoration of blood vessels. Read interview...

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