How to wear a back corset: detailed instructions. How To Wear a Lumbosacral Corset How To Wear a Corset

Vertebral pathologies do not pass without leaving a trace for the body. After completing a course of complex treatment, preventive measures have to be carried out for the rest of your life.

The patient's condition directly depends on how timely all the necessary measures were taken.

Modern medicine offers effective methods of therapy that allow you to cope with the symptoms of the disease with minimal consequences.

One of them is the use of special orthopedic structures - corsets, which not only correct posture, but also treat serious defects of the spinal column.

When and how to wear spine corsets? These issues should be guided not by an independent decision, but by the recommendations of specialists.

Under what conditions are orthopedic structures used?

The appropriateness of the use of corsets is determined by the attending physician. They are used under the following conditions:

  • The development of an acute attack, accompanied by severe pain syndrome as a result of pinching of the nerve roots.
  • on the spine.
  • Injuries that caused the displacement of the vertebral segments.
  • Diseases that have caused impaired posture (scoliosis).
  • Prolonged static position of the vertebrae (sedentary work, driving a car, long time on your feet).

Corsets can have varying degrees of rigidity. Soft elastic and tiring homework, medium-hard ones are needed to correct impaired posture and treat uncomplicated forms of vertebral pathologies, hard ones - to stabilize diseased vertebrae after severe deformations and injuries.

How to use?

In order not to harm the body, orthopedic corsets should be used correctly, taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. Patients may notice that a few minutes after the belt has been fixed on the body, severe discomfort occurs in the spine. How long can a corset be worn? On the first day, it is enough to put on the product for 15-20 minutes. Each subsequent day, this time interval increases by 5 minutes.
  2. How to wear a corset? Tighten the fasteners in a standing position, straightening your shoulders, straightening your back.
  3. Do not tighten the fasteners, which is force. This negatively affects blood circulation, the work of internal organs and causes pain. The straightened vertebrae are not yet "accustomed" to their new position - it takes time. First, the straps or Velcro are fastened so that the belt does not put pressure on the spinal column. Every 2-3 days, the tension of the fasteners increases by 0.5-1 cm.
  4. It is not allowed to use a corset for more than 6 hours in a row.
  5. When resting at night, the belt must be removed.
  6. Some people, trying to ensure that the orthopedic structure is not noticed by strangers, begin to put it on their naked body. This can cause skin irritation and excessive sweating. It is better if the corset is fixed over cotton underwear. The moisture will be absorbed into the fabric, and the delicate skin will not rub against the hard parts of the product.

The materials from which the orthopedic product is made can be easily cleaned by rinsing with water with a detergent composition that does not contain irritating substances. You can use baby soap. Corsets dry just as quickly.

Some people, having felt the life-saving relief of using a corset, start wearing it all the time and make a big mistake.

The muscle girdle, having lost the load, ceases to perform its function. Muscles weaken, atrophy, and in the back, when the corset is removed, discomfort occurs.

Patients in this case again turn to the help of an orthopedic structure. This cannot be done. As mentioned above, wearing a belt should be limited to a certain time period.

Along the way, it is necessary to perform gentle exercises to maintain muscle tone and relieve spasms from tense muscles in the area of \u200b\u200bdamaged vertebrae.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please see your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

The human spine is capable of withstanding very high loads, but only if this part of the skeleton is not damaged in any way. In the event of various back diseases, simple movements bring pain and discomfort to a person, therefore, for the speedy restoration of the functions of the spinal column, doctors prescribe wearing a special corset. Such devices allow you to keep the spine in an upright position and minimize the load on it. In order to understand how to properly dress and wear a spine corset, you must first understand the features of the device and the scope of these orthopedic products.

It is very important to choose a corset for posture at a time when pathological changes in the spine have not become too significant. It is especially dangerous to miss such a period in adolescence, when the human skeleton is just being formed.

To correct posture in the early stages of scoliosis, special bandages are used to eliminate degenerative changes in the spinal discs. There are two types of such devices:

  1. The elastic bandage allows you to restore posture at an early stage of the onset of pathology. Usually an elastic bandage does not contain rigid inserts and does not cause discomfort when worn. Despite the fact that such devices consist of a bandage that is applied to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe spine, wearing such a product for a long time is not recommended due to the possible weakening of the muscular system of the back.
  2. The rigid bandage consists of plates that firmly fix the spine in an upright position. Such a corset is used for serious damage to the spinal discs (fractures, hernia). The device performs a supporting function and is used only during an exacerbation of the disease, so that the patient can perform his usual daily work without pain. The duration of wearing such a product should not exceed 4-7 hours a day, otherwise the back muscles may atrophy, which will lead to even greater problems with the spine.

Wearing a corset with a hernia of the spine is necessary only on the recommendation of a doctor. Self-medication for such serious pathologies can lead to disastrous results.

When stooping, it is also necessary to use special support devices. Curvature of posture leads to such unpleasant manifestations as: dizziness, fatigue, pain symptoms. But even a properly selected bandage is not able to completely relieve a person of various types of complications and diseases of this part of the skeleton - only a comprehensive treatment can have a positive effect on the pathological process.

With prolonged use of orthopedic products, muscle tone decreases, and, as a result, the load on the vertebrae only increases. To prevent this, it is necessary to use a set of therapeutic measures aimed at relieving not only the pain syndrome, but also at restoring the muscle tone of the back (gymnastics, exercise therapy, and so on).

How to choose a lumbosacral brace

In order to choose the right bandage for the lumbar region, you need to know the degree of spinal disorder. If the patient is in severe pain, then wearing a back brace is necessary when performing any work.

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After surgery, in the rehabilitation stage, wearing a rigid corset is prescribed, which must be correctly sized. During the period of using the orthopedic product, the patient should not feel discomfort or pain, and if they are available, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and select the correct size of the product. Since long-term wearing of such a device can even lead to the patient's disability. Before purchasing a bandage, it is necessary to measure the circumference of the lower back. In most cases, it is by this parameter that the corset of the right size is selected.

The type of product must be selected by the attending physician. The material from which the device is made is also of great importance. The most suitable option is to use knitwear in the manufacture of corsets. Such products provide minimal thickening in clothes and allow everyone to feel comfortable.

How to wear a corset correctly

Before starting to wear a posture corset, you should make sure that it is the correct size (the marking is usually applied to the top of the product). In most cases, you can put on a corset yourself and you should do it in this order:

  1. a bandage with a rigid surface is applied to the back and fixed on the chest with Velcro;
  2. the two straps are thrown over the shoulders, wound back crosswise and then secured with a locking mechanism in the front.

Tight bandages for the spine are put on in such images, and sometimes the help of a loved one is needed to put on the corset correctly. If the orthopedic product is of a lightweight type, then it is enough to thread your hands into the straps of such a bandage and put it on like a T-shirt (such a corset is also securely fixed in front).

Doctors recommend wearing a lumbosacral corset for those people who do hard work, spend a lot of time driving a car, exercise intensively, or have recently had surgery on the lumbar spine.

As in the case of the bandage for the sternum spine, the lumbosacral corset must be worn only during the period of time when work is being done that causes significant loads on this part of the spinal column. Long-term use of such a bandage is undesirable. During the period of wearing an orthopedic product, it is necessary to take medications that have a regenerating effect on the spine, as well as to engage in physiotherapy exercises.

How to wear a lumbosacral corset correctly

When wearing this type of product, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • sleeping in a corset is strictly prohibited;
  • it is not recommended to wear a corset for more than 6 hours a day without urgent need;
  • if there is no pain, then wear the product only when performing hard work;
  • do not fasten the bandage too tightly, otherwise the blood circulation of the squeezed area may be impaired;
  • to eliminate the likelihood of rubbing the body with a bandage, it is necessary to wear it on underwear in cotton.

If you follow the necessary recommendations, then the use of a lumbosacral corset will reduce pain during the period of exacerbation of various radiculitis, and during the period of rehabilitation after surgery, it will reduce the time required to restore the musculoskeletal system.

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Hello dear guests of the site! When the first signs of trouble with the spine appear, it is necessary to address them.

After all, an even posture is not only an attractive appearance, but also health. Curvatures can provoke all kinds of diseases of the spine.

To remove this condition, medical devices are used. So let's find out how to wear a posture corset. Before choosing a particular model, it is recommended to consult a podiatrist.

How to choose the right corset

First, let's figure out how to choose a corrector. These devices come in three varieties. The easiest option is elastic models consisting of rubberized elements.

They cover the back in the central part and hold the corset with fasteners. The magnetic one is equipped not only with a supporting back, but also with magnets. Electronic posture correctors have a compact software mechanism that regulates the state of the back.

When choosing a corset, the degree of rigidity matters. Soft products are used to protect against posture problems early in the disease.

Semi-rigid models are equipped with spring mechanisms that help to straighten a slight stoop. Wearing them is recommended for adults for the treatment of kyphotic back, and for children with scoliosis.
Hard correctors are relevant for complex violations. The devices are equipped with plastic and metal supports.

There are thoracic correctors and constructions for the lumbosacral spine, which are used for second degree scoliosis.

Corrective models are used for severe painful sensations. For example, with exacerbation of a hernia of the spine.

When choosing a belt, you need to pay attention to the following components:

  1. Material. The use of the corrector should not cause irritation on the skin.
  2. Safety. All elements with increased rigidity should not come into contact with body parts.
  3. Adjustment. The chosen device should be well secured to the body and the belts should not be twisted. Convenient attachment with shoulder straps.

The size of the corset must be selected by the attending physician. Corrective devices are not a guarantee of kyphosis, scoliosis, or slouching.

They are effective when combined with exercise and physical therapy. It is important to work on the muscle corset. The development of the long back muscles allows for better results for good posture.

Swimming is great for muscle tone. Swimming, tennis and classical dancing are worth considering. Using a functional device, you can straighten your back, but you will have to take care of maintaining the achieved result.

If the muscles are weakened, they will not be able to support the spine normally and after a while it will return to its original state.

How to put on a corset

Learn how to put on corrective devices. Each corset model has its own method of application. The belt is worn directly on the body or on thin underwear.

The back corset is fixed at the waist, just like a school backpack. The belt should not press on the body, and the tightenings should be loose or tangled. With strong fixation, discomfort often appears, especially at first.

How to wear a posture corset

Now let's find out how to wear a posture corrector correctly.

There are some general rules to keep in mind:

  1. Bandages or a lumbar support corset should be worn every day.
  2. The course of treatment should be long. 3 to 6-7 months.
  3. Tension adjustment is made taking into account individual feelings.
  4. Orthopedic devices can be worn during the day and must be disposed of at night. During sleep, joints need to be well relaxed.
  5. The belt is recommended for wearing during various activities.

Posture correction is achieved only with regular use of the device. It is worn for up to an hour a day, and then the duration of use is increased.

What sensations should be while wearing

For the first couple of days, when wearing the sacral spine device, there is a slight fatigue in the muscles. Minor aching sensations can be considered a normal condition.

Much depends on how you wear the posture corrector. If painful sensations arise when using the device, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How much to wear a posture corrector?

Now let's find out how much to wear a posture corset. For any violations in the lumbar or thoracic spine, devices with a rigid structure are used.

But it is forbidden to walk in such equipment all the time. For prevention purposes, this device is used for 30 minutes a day, and then the time increases to 3-5 hours.

A full correction is made in 3-6 months of regular use. If the device is prescribed by an orthopedist, it must be worn in compliance with medical recommendations.
How much to wear a corset after spinal surgery should be told by the attending physician.

How to care for a corrector

Corrective devices require little maintenance. They need to be kept clean. In case of contamination, such things are washed by hand and at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees.

Do not use bleach products. You need to wring out with your hands and without twisting. The products are dried in the unfolded state on a dryer or on a towel.

I hope my review has helped you learn how to properly wear a spine corset and how to care for it.

A few simple tips on how to properly wear a neck or back brace will help people with spinal cord injuries avoid unnecessary problems. The current orthopedic brace has its own history - it is a descendant of the medieval item of women's toilet and warming medical pads on the lower back. In previous centuries, ladies with the help of corset underwear successfully corrected their figure, achieving a thin waist that was fashionable in those days and correcting the shortcomings of their posture.

People with vertebral hernias warmed the lower back with special belts made of dog or sheep wool. Today, the old homemade belt perfectly replaces the orthopedic lumbar corrector. Such a bandage not only warms the injured back, but also partially relieves the muscles, allowing the damaged tissues to recover safely.

Varieties of medical corsets

Modern orthopedic products are of different types depending on the place of use, degree of rigidity and functional purpose. A distinctive feature is also the size of the product.

At the site of application to the damaged part of the spine, an orthopedic bandage is:

  • lumbar;
  • cervical;
  • thoracolumbar;
  • sacro-lumbar.

According to the degree of rigidity, the corset is semi-rigid and rigid. Thanks to the rigid bandage, the injured vertebrae are protected from re-displacement. Such a corrector qualitatively compensates for the functions of the supporting muscles in the area of \u200b\u200binjury and significantly reduces the rehabilitation time for patients with an injured spine. A rigid bandage is prescribed after serious traumatic injuries or in the postoperative period.

The semi-rigid corrector is recommended for everyday wear for people with chronic spinal problems. Such patients should wear a semi-rigid bandage while driving, lifting loads, carrying heavy loads, during other physical activities. This orthopedic corrector has a massaging and warming effect on the damaged area. It reliably fixes the injured spine, relieving the muscles and preventing them from overstraining.

According to the purpose, the orthopedic bandage is subdivided into corrective and fixing.

The function of corrective products is to correct defects in the spine and maintain it.

Fixing corsets are designed to tightly fix the damaged spinal section, removing all the load from it. They are recommended to be worn only for a short period of the recovery period.

General rules for using the product

When appointing a bandage to a patient, the doctor will give recommendations on how to choose a corset and how to wear it correctly. Before purchasing, you must determine the parameters and type of product. When choosing a Shants collar, the height of the corset must match the length of the patient's neck.

Correctly sized thoracolumbar or thoracic correctors are essential for the effective performance of the medical brace. It happens that the size of the patient's body does not fit into the scope of manufactured products. Then, focusing on the exact size, you can order the manufacture of the product according to individual measurements.

An improperly sized lumbar corset can adversely affect a person's health. With a lumbar hernia, overtightening the injured area with the brace can compress blood vessels and disrupt the blood supply to nearby tissues.

There are general rules for wearing a corset.

  1. It is recommended that the patient first wear a medical bandage for 20-30 minutes to allow the muscles to gradually adapt to the appearance of an orthopedic assistant.
  2. A corset should not be worn for more than six hours during the day.
  3. Do not fasten the corrector too tight or too loosely.
  4. The corset must be removed at night.
  5. It is better to wear the bandage not on the naked body so that it does not chafe the skin.

It is important to remember that the bandage is a temporary measure. It will not replace a person with his own trained muscles and ligaments. As soon as the time of wearing the corset determined by the doctor ends, you need to do the natural strengthening of your body: swimming, yoga, therapeutic exercises.

How to wear different types of orthopedic braces

In addition to the general rules for wearing medical corsets, there are specific recommendations for the use of various types of products. The neck collar is adjusted to fit comfortably on the patient's neck. The neck corset is fixed directly on the body using Velcro or laces. The neck brace should not squeeze the neck and interfere with breathing. When the medical collar is of the correct size and selected correctly, the chin fits comfortably in it in a special recess, the patient does not experience uncomfortable sensations, changes in blood pressure or symptoms of dizziness.

The back of the head and chin are firmly supported in a properly fitted Philadelphia corset collar, made of 12mm Plastazot. When the neck is immobilized with such a bandage, the mobility of the stretching and abducting muscles is reliably limited, rotational and lateral movements are partially blocked.

A back corset is best worn over underwear. It must be worn for hard work, prolonged physical exertion, back pain of a radiculitis or osteochondrosis nature. An overly tightened orthopedic lumbar brace will put pressure on the navel area. An insufficiently tight corset will roll around the body of a person and will not be able to fulfill its intended purpose - to support the spine. According to the wearing rules, the upper border of the bandage should be adjacent to the lumbar zone, and the lower border - to the upper part of the pelvis.

For women, a lumbar corset should be selected taking into account the anatomical features of the structure of the female figure.

Chest-lumbar correctors designed to correct posture should be worn for 2-3 hours, then be sure to give your back a rest. At first, the belts of the corset must be fastened in a slightly loosened mode. Every 4-5 days, the tension of the belts should be gradually increased so that the spine consistently, step by step, gets used to the new straightened position.

Corsets of this type should not be worn during physical exertion, jogging and other sports, or other active activities - this can lead to a serious overload of the body.

When using a medical corset, it must be periodically washed in the soft wash mode, placing it in a cover. Can be washed with warm water and soap, relying on the exact recommendations of a particular manufacturer.

In the case of some back problems, as well as as a rehabilitation measure after surgery, a spine brace is used. It is an effective remedy that allows you to keep your back straight, relieves stress and fatigue and promotes gradual posture correction. However, the therapeutic effect is possible only if it is worn correctly.

Before you figure out how to properly wear a corset for different areas of the back, you should familiarize yourself with all the possible types of models. Each of them is designed for its own case.

The simplest classification is based on the back section for which the corrector is intended:

  • lumbar;
  • chest;
  • cervical;
  • sacral.

It is very important to consider how tough the device is - all corsets are made specifically for specific purposes:

  1. A rigid back brace is used only in case of severe injuries or for postoperative recovery when particularly strong compression is required.
  2. Semi-rigid is intended for patients with long-standing posture disorders or diseases of the spine that are chronic in nature. The advantage of the device is that it creates a massage effect, due to which the back relaxes, pain and fatigue symptoms disappear.

Depending on medical purposes, all corsets are divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Corrective - used for treatment.
  2. Fixing - provide constant support for the back due to sufficiently hard squeezing. In fact, these are rigid corsets - they are worn only for postoperative recovery and rehabilitation of the back after injuries.

A spine corset is also often called a posture corrector.

Its therapeutic effect is complex:

  1. Unloading the back muscles, thereby relieving fatigue syndrome and pain.
  2. Correcting posture by keeping the bones in the correct position at all times.
  3. Improving blood supply to the bones of the spine and back muscles.

Wearing an orthopedic corset is also useful because it warms up the back, and in this sense, the action of the corrector is similar to the effect of wool belts that are worn on the lower back.

Wearing a corrector is indicated in the following cases:

  • postoperative recovery after surgical interventions in any part of the spine;
  • injuries, bruises, fractures that have caused damage or displacement of the bones of the spine;
  • during pregnancy, when the bones are subjected to constant increased stress;
  • hernia in any part of the spine;
  • wrong lifestyle associated with a long working day in one position;
  • severe back fatigue due to constant stress on it;
  • any posture disorders (lordosis, scoliosis, kyphosis).

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, you need to learn a few rules about how to wear a corset, how to put it on - on clothes or on the body, whether it is possible to sleep in it, etc.

Among the important conditions for how to wear an orthopedic corset, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the following nuances:

  • how to wear a corset correctly;
  • how many hours a day should you wear it;
  • whether it is possible to sleep in a corset, and in what cases.

Very often, patients begin to feel relief already a few days after wearing, and as a result, they abuse the corrector for too long, believing that this will give an even greater effect. Other errors are related to the fact that the device is worn on a naked body, as a result of which it rubs, skin rashes, allergic reactions, etc. appear.

To avoid these phenomena, you need to immediately take into account a number of simple rules:

  1. You need to put on a back corset only on clothes. First, you should put on a thin T-shirt made of cotton fabrics, and already on top of it the device itself.
  2. You can only wear it while standing. When putting on, you need to stand upright, your shoulders need to be straightened and not slouched.
  3. You need to tighten all the fasteners, but not very much: you need to focus on your feelings and not overtighten the fasteners.
  4. At first, you can fix obviously weakly, and increase the tension force gradually: twice a week, tighten the straps by another 1 cm. This way you can ensure gradual addiction.
  5. It is very important to know how long you can wear an orthopedic corrector. The very first session should not exceed 20 minutes - after that, the device is no longer put on that day.
  6. Then there is an increase in this time by 5-10 minutes every day to form a habit. Experience shows that the patient begins to feel comfortable already after 10-15 days from the beginning of wearing.
  7. The term increases gradually, but the maximum wearing time should not exceed 6 hours.
  8. Sleeping in a corset is not permitted. The body relaxes naturally during sleep, so no additional tools are needed for this.
  9. It is prohibited to go in for sports, run, dance and perform other active movements in a corset - it is intended only for passive wearing.

For the rest, be sure to listen to the doctor's recommendations, especially if wearing the device is indicated after surgery or recovery from injuries.

IMPORTANT - The use of a brace is just one measure of back therapy. Wearing should be used in combination with other types of treatment. Sports activities, swimming, therapeutic physical exercises, which are also agreed with the doctor, are perfect.

It is imperative to monitor the correct wearing of the device at all stages of its use.

It is very easy to do this:

  1. First of all, it is important to focus on your sensations - if discomfort arises, the back no longer relaxes, but strains, then something is clearly going wrong. Either relieve tension or reduce daily wear.
  2. If rashes, itching, allergic reactions occur, you can take a break for 1-2 days, take a shower more often and always wear a corrector only over a T-shirt made of natural fabric.
  3. To understand if the device is worn correctly, you can simply stand in front of the mirror, in which you can see the full-length reflection. If the back is straight and the shoulders are as wide as possible, and the posture looks correct, everything is in order.
  4. You can also assess the correctness of dressing by leaning your whole back against the wall: If the points of contact are on the back of the head, shoulder blades and buttocks, then the corrector is dressed correctly.


If a therapeutic effect is not observed for a long time, the back gets tired, and you feel discomfort, you need to consult a doctor - perhaps you should change the corset.

Corset care rules

The instructions for the corset always provide rules for caring for it.

They are mostly very simple:

  1. First of all, after the end of wearing it, you always need to straighten it and keep it only in this form until the next session.
  2. Washing is done only by hand using ordinary powder in warm water (no more than 38 ° C). Do not use bleach.
  3. It is prohibited to iron the corrector.
  4. The fabric of the corrector can only be squeezed out by hand and very carefully - you cannot twist it: you just need to let the water drain and dry.

Wearing a corset is an effective measure of treatment, but only if the patient consciously chooses the device and also follows the rules for its use.

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