Logic tests for assessing thinking. Features and signs of abstract thinking tests on abstract logical thinking

General adopted typology of thinking represents such as abstract. A fundamental difference from other types is characterized only by human form: in animals who are inherent in other, this type is not expressed. In this article we learn what abstract thinking and what features it gives a person, as well as present a number of exercises on its development.

Forms of abstract thinking

A distinctive feature of this type of thinking is the three components - the concept, judgment, conclusion. In order to understand what this appearance is, it is necessary to clarify its forms in detail.


It is a form that reflects the subject as one or a group of features. At the same time, each sign must be significant and reasonable. The concept is expressed by the phrase or word: "Dog", "Snow", "Siegyglazaya Woman", "Asbiturine Polytechnic University", etc.


This form that deny or confirms the subject, the world, the situation is some phrase. At the same time, judgment has 2 types - simple and complex. The first, for example, sounds like this: "The dog nibbles a bone." The second is somewhat in another form: "The girl got up, the bench was empty." Note that the second type has a narrative form of a proposal.


It is in the form, which from one judgment or group will summarize, presenting a new judgment. This form is the foundation of abstract logical thinking.

Signs of abstract logical thinking

There are the main signs of this form of thinking, which most fully reflect its essence:
  • the ability to operate with concepts, a group and criteria that do not exist in the real world;
  • generalizations and analysis;
  • systematization of received information;
  • the necessity of direct interaction with the outside world to identify its patterns;
  • construction of causal relationships, creating abstract models of any processes.

The concept of "abstract thinking" takes root in logic, which, in turn, comes from China, India and Greece. According to historical facts, it can be assumed that the logic base was laid about 4 in. BC. It happened almost simultaneously at different points of the globe, which only emphasizes the importance of abstractions and logical reasoning to explore any subject, situation or peace.

Logic is a section of philosophy that is a science on reasoning, laws, rules for eliminating the right conclusions about the object that are subject to study.

Thus, abstract thinking is the main tool of logic, because Allows you to abstract from the material, and build a chain of conclusions. Note that, unlike other sciences, the logic developed and develops throughout the history of our world, from the moment of the appearance of a person.

Presentation: "Definition of thinking type"

Application of abstractions

Abstract thinking begins to develop at a childhood from 5 to 7 years. Up to this age, children use other forms of thinking:

  1. from birth - clear-effective;
  2. from one and a half years - specifically subject.

It should be noted that the above forms of the concept of "abstract thinking" remain with a person for life, because Help to establish contact with the surrounding reality, regardless of age. But only an abstract type of thinking is the foundation of the training process, the ability of the world's knowledge as a whole, as well as for any conscious activity. The most striking example of such activities is science. The basis of any science is the collection and systematization of the knowledge gained.

Despite the fact that in many situations such processes are based on the functions of observation of material objects and phenomena, the foundation of scientific tools - analysis, synthesis, generalization, development of the conceptual apparatus, etc. - Is abstract thinking.

However, in everyday life, abstract logical thinking plays not the last role. At the expense of it, a person is capable not only to establish links between events, to summarize and distribute experience, but also build a common picture of the world.

Diagnosis and development of the ability to think abstract

To determine the severity of abstract thinking, it suffices to pass a special test that are quite varied:

  • Test on. A positive result is the prevalence of abstract-logical thinking. Such tests are created in the form of questionnaires in which you need to choose the closest assertion to you, or be based in the pictures, i.e. Working with images.
  • Tests for identifying causal relationships. The essence of the tasks of such tests as follows: the initial conditions are given, from which it is necessary to make a logically correct output. Often, such tests are used as the terminology of non-existent words in order to identify the level of removal of the person and the ability to abstract from specific details.
  • Tests built on the analysis of the proposed combinations of words. In this case, it is necessary to identify regularity, due to which various words are combined, and distribute it to other phrases.

Logic training and ability to think abstract

Due to the fact that abstract thinking is accumulated quality, it should be developed. The most optimal time for the beginning of such training is the early age. It is determined by the fact that children have increased levels of susceptibility to new information and is more flexible. With age, these properties are somewhat lost, because The person has already accepted certain patterns of behavior and worldview. However, an adult man with sufficient perseverance can develop its abstract-logical skills and effectively engage them in everyday and labor life.

By choosing multiple tests for passing, you can easily determine what types of exercises will be most effective: if the training is hardening, it means that they should begin with this.

Choosing light exercises does not make sense, because Thinking will remain at the same level.

The most optimal option for the start of classes for both children and adults are intelligence and smelting tasks. Usually they are presented in the form of obvious facts, but having an incorrect decision. The subject, solving the task, should identify the implicit relationships between the source data and formulate the right answer.

In addition, you can use questions and tasks from any dough as exercises.

The ability to generalize and systematize knowledge gives us a powerful tool for knowledge of the world. Unlike animals and primitive people, we have a unique resource that can use for a wider and in-depth understanding of reality: the laws of the Universe, social connections and, ultimately, themselves.

Logical tests are a group of tests that checks the skills of candidates in solving problems of logical thinking. You may be asked to pass logic tests When receiving various vacancies, mostly requiring the ability to solve not standard or the tasks of a high level of logical thinking.

The best way to prepare for tests is a practice, since it provides an opportunity to study on errors and increase the result with each attempt, at the same time used to the timer and testing format.

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Logic tests for free

Logical Thinking Test Contains 15 questions. Questions consist of symbol tables. In each question, one of the characters missed. Your task is to determine which of the proposed options is best suited to the place of the missed symbol.

Each question contains 12 possible options for answers, of which only one is correct. There is no common limit on the test, but exactly 60 seconds are given to the solution of each issue.

Logic tests with answers

Pass free logical tests. To do this, select the option and click on the Start button on the next page. Answers will be available free after the test is completed.

Logic tasks of dough

Figures are located in a logical sequence. What image should be on scratch?

Rule 1: In each column from top to bottom, the set of characters is shifted each time to one element right. Possible options for answers B1 and B4.

Rule 2: In each column from top to bottom, the darkened element alternately occupies the opposite position of the previous one.

Thus, the only correct version of the response B1.

How to successfully go through a logical test online?

Despite the fact that each test estimates certain logical thinking skills, there are a number of tips that can be applied to a general increase in test results. Here is a list of useful tips and recommendations for solving tests for logic:

1. Try to keep calm. The logical test can be a fairly nervous test, especially if its decision is limited. Practice on trial versions, sleep well the day before, breathe exactly and freely during the test, it will help you calm the nerves and do everything possible on the day of the test.

2. Carefully examine the test. Studying as much questions as possible will allow you to immerse yourself in the test, understand what types of logic and thinking are needed to solve it and make sure that your knowledge and skills are enough. This will allow you to reduce the solution time, and increase efficiency.

3. If the employer has appointed you a test for logic, then try to clarify what type of logical thinking will be evaluated. Due to their sets, this information will be very useful when preparing for test.

Seductive thinking

The deductive method of thinking makes it possible to make private conclusions based on the general rule or principle. Tests for measurement evaluate candidate skills lead logical arguments and justify the conclusions on the basis of available information. Employers, more often than others, use a verbal numeric test to assess the deductive way of thinking.

Abstract thinking

Abstract or abstract logical thinking allows you to find non-standard ways to solve problems. Tests Evaluating this type of thinking usually consist of a series of images that hide a certain sequence or rule, or may consist of tasks to find missed elements.

Creative thinking

Fashionable thinking is a special form of abstract thinking. Tests Measuring the ability data, usually contain flowcharts and diagrams that consist of source data and results. Candidates in the process of passing this test require the impact of the source data on the result.

Critical thinking

Critical thinking tests belong to the varieties of verbal tests and evaluate the skills of using various types of thinking when evaluating arguments, assumptions and conclusions.

Logic tests when taking a job

Companies publishers call logical tests in different ways. The generally accepted name "Test on Logic" is used Talent Q. The remaining publishers call them tests for figurative, abstract or logical thinking. A good advice will clarify the person who assigns you a test, his name and ask for a few examples. This will give a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe upcoming testing.

1. Talent Q Test on logic.The main feature of the Talent Q test is that it is adaptive. The complexity of each next question is determined by the response result to the previous one. Thus, the level of dough complexity changes dynamically, which makes it possible to evaluate logical thinking faster. Try to go through logical tests for free to check your abilities.

2. KENEXA Test for logical thinking. This style test is very similar to the SHL inductive test test. It also requires to determine the following figure in the sequence based on the movements of the elements. Usually kenexa gives 20 minutes to solve 24 questions from their dough on logic.

3. Test is equal. The test consists of symbol tables, called progressive matrices are equal to a specific rule. There are two levels of difficulty: advanced (23 questions, 42 minutes) and standard (28 questions, 47 minutes).

Preparation for tests for logical thinking

Logical thinking is divided into a wide number of species, which causes the diversity of tests used to evaluate it. The presence of an idea of \u200b\u200bvarious skills and types of logical thinking and understanding which one will be evaluated - an important step in preparing for a test for logic.

On DigitalTests you can pass for logical tests with answers, as well as inductive tests for figurative and abstract thinking. Practice will allow you to raise your skills. In our groups in social networks you will find a detailed description of the solution of each question, which will help in preparing for upcoming testing.

And finally, good luck to you - we believe in you.

You are offered 20 words of words, the relationship between which is built on abstract connections. As answers, 6 words of words are given. After you determine the relationship between words in the pair, you need to find a similar a few words from the 6 replies offered in the options.

Without the ability to see images and situations "in the head", a modern person can not do, and we give the opportunity right now to take a test for abstract thinking online to understand if you have it. It does not expect anything difficult - it is necessary to simply perform several tasks and get in a few moment results. The system automatically calculates points and shows whether you are able to visualize or develop this skill. Additional attention is required. Even the testing process itself will become a kind of training, so it makes sense to make several attempts, trying various checks.

So you can understand your mistakes, we suggest a test for abstract thinking with answers. Studying how it was necessary to answer, you will understand the principle of presenting one or another information using brain capabilities. Improving this ability, you will be able to make the right decisions faster, increase productivity, to analyze and act in unforeseen situations, improve logical abilities.

Signs of abstract thinking determined by tests

Thanks to the tests in pictures or text form, it is possible to detect a number of characteristic abstract thinking of manifestations:
  • identify the laws of the world without direct contact;
  • the formation of causal relationships and the preparation of forecasts based on visualization of available data;
  • analysis skills, generalizations and ability to work with objects and events that do not exist in reality;
  • drawing up models of all sorts of processes with the establishment of internal relationships;
  • operational systematization of information.
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