Features of the first monthly after childbirth and the influence of their female organism. Monthly after delivery: Actual information for women after childbirth When the menstrual cycle resumes

After the woman became a happy mother, one of the important aspects for its body, is the restoration of the menstrual cycle. It should be understood that it is waiting for a woman during this period, and what dangers of tait it, it would seem, a wonderful time, when the most difficult already behind and on the horizon, a woman looms the problems of a household and psychological character when the strongest desire is to sleep well.

The menstrual cycle is the most complicated biological process in the body of each woman, which in addition to the reproductive function affects the heart, nerves and hormonal system. If it is simpler, then menstruation is the period between the end of one and the beginning of another menstruation. Despite the fact that the cycle frequency for all is individual, but on average, it is from twenty-one to thirty five days. An important criterion of the menstrual cycle is not the duration between the end of one and the beginning of the next, but equal gap, then the cycle can be called regular. Menstruation is the preparation of all Women's systems to conceive and dry out the fetus, and is divided into steps.

In the first stage, the ovaries begin to produce estrogens that increase the uterus in size. In the ovaries begin the ripening of follicles (capsules in which eggs are stored). After a certain time, ovulation occurs, while the follicle reaches maturity and bursts, releaseing a ripened egg in the abdominal cavity.

In the second stage, the egg cell starts to walk in the uterine tubes, preparing for fertilization. The second phase lasts three days, and if the egg cell did not have time to fertilize, it will soon die. In the second stage of the cycle, the ovarian hormones begin to produce - progesterone, helping the endometrium to prepare for the appearance of a fertilized egg in the uterus.

In this case, if the egg cell is not fertilized, it will lead to the dying of the inner layer of the uterus, from an insufficient amount of progesterone. There are bleeding, which are menstruation. The first day of selection appearance is considered the beginning of a new cycle of menstruation. Normal menstruation lasts from three to seven days. During this period, the female organism loses up to one hundred fifty milliliters of bloody discharges.

When a woman puts out a child, a number of amazing hormonal changes appear, helping to keep the fruit. Menstruation stops and, even the immune system of the mother does not attack the fruit, which is essentially a foreign body!

From the moment the child appears to the light, the operation of all internal organs and glands normalizes, which leads to the return of the previous state. Such processes begin after the kid appeared on the light and continues until the eighth week. During this time, the female organism is in the recovery stage. All necessary changes occur, all systems are returned to the previous state. Lactation is being established, by receiving milk for the baby in the dairy glands. For the ovaries, the formation and establishment of a menstrual process is the main, enough task. The restoration of these organs occurs simultaneously. The uterus will recover relatively long. Due to the abbreviations of the muscular structure, the uterus can decrease to the usual state, and to the eighth week, the state of the uterus will come to normal, which was before pregnancy. About two weeks after the exploitation of the fetus, the uterke will go to the day for ten millimeters. Interestingly, during the feeding period, the size of the uterus can be less than the usual, the same size that was before conception planning. A week later from the date of birth, it decreases in volume in twice, and at the end of the postpartum period its mass is about sixty grams. In the same way rapidly returned to the initial forms of the inner sin and neck of the uterus. Two weeks later, the cervical canal will be fully coming into normal shape. And the beings of the second week will not have time to form, and will remain open on the marigold. Throughout the third week, the beings close and becomes slightly.

The restoration of the menstrual cycle will depend on the following factors as: the general health of the body of a woman, age changes, pregnancy and childbirth and breastfeeding can also affect rehabilitation. Also, the rehabilitation of a woman from the moment of birth can slow down:

  • in repeated or large mothers
  • from primordin, whose age is more than thirty
  • in pathology with impaired childbirth
  • with violations of the mode of the postpartum period

After the period of removal of the fetus and the last, including the placenta, the uterus remains temporarily injured. The restoration of the inner surface of the uterus occurs for the tenth day, the restoration of the mucous membrane - to the sixth - seventh week, and in the area where the placenta was attached - on the eighth week after delivery. In the process of healing the organ, there are allocations in the form of clots and blood, they are called lochia. Their form and quantity changes in the process of regeneration of uterine tissues throughout the postpartum period:

  • at the very beginning, in the first days, Lochi contain a large amount of blood;
  • on the fourth day, the blood mucus is externally similar to Sucrovitsa, and have pink or yellow;
  • for the tenth day, the selection becomes light, more watery, there is no slightest admission of blood, gradually declining;
  • by the end of the third week, they practically disappear, and most of the selection contains mucus from the cervical channel;
  • by the end of the sixth week, all sorts of separation from the uterus are completely stopped.

They have an unpleasant smell of the lady of foliage and for the period of elimination, their number can be a half kilogram.

Factors affecting complications in the postpartum period

Menstruation can begin painfully. Perhaps these pains are caused by the depletion of the body, psychological postpartum problems and inflammations that began immediately after delivery. If the pain is strong and upset by the normal rhythm of the woman born, break the sleep, force the reception of antispasmodic agents, then this is a condition called Algodismenorya. In this situation, you need to consult a doctor.

In the postpartum period, the so-called back effect may begin when the baby "these days" passed with an unbearable pain after childbirth, disappears. Perhaps, before childbirth, the uterus was in such a position at which the nerve endings were attached, and after the birth of the child, women's organs changed the positions and pressure on the area of \u200b\u200bnerve endings ended.

When menstruation increases the likelihood of uterine inflammation and appendages. With inflammation, the pain in the small pelvis, and the discharge becomes much more, and are usually accompanied by an unpleasant odor. You need to follow signs of inflammation.

Some fencers complain about the premenstrual syndrome, it is due to the ranks of symptoms, such as breast loading. Strong migraine, swelling, rheumatoid pains and even allergies.

The reasons for the appearance of this syndrome are unclear and there is no medicine from it. The only way to shoot symptoms and wait for it to pass.

After complex labor, or even worse with pathology, possibly the incorrect functioning of the ovaries.

But you never need to forget that the girl becomes pregnant and in the absence of discharge and with excellent lactation. It happens, because ovulation begins two weeks before menstruation!

Restoration of the cycle after cesarean sections

Another actual question is the restoration of the menstrual cycle after the cesarean section. Monthly people in such moms occur during the same time as in women who gave birth to naturally. There is a big risk of menstruation delay due to the scar on the uterus. In this case, you need to undergo treatment from the gynecologist and it is observed regularly.

After childbirth, the woman increases the load on all organism systems. To restore menstruation with breastfeeding, a person needs more vitamin. Mom loses calcium, and they are necessary for its proper operation of the body and the organs of the small pelvis, to restore the hormonal background. With a lack of vitamin minerals and trace elements, it is not necessary to talk about normal menstrual cycles. Therefore, the woman most often appoints vitamin and mineral complexes and full nutrition.

The rehabilitation of the body can influence the problems of the endocrine nature, which are possible from any person, and which he may not suspect for years. These diseases can exacerbate immediately after delivery. In the first months of the life of the baby, as soon as the mother with the child is discharged from the maternity hospital, you need to pay attention to the possible problems of the thyroid gland and the lymphatic system.

After how much is the cycle restored after delivery?

Having studied the physiology of the body, the ripening processes of the egg and much more, it is necessary to remember that everyone has completely different organism, what is suitable for one, is not suitable for the second. The process of restoring a cycle occurs in all differently. An optional monthly will begin when breastfeeding cancellation. In some moms, feeding can continue for more than a year, and menstruation will begin immediately after the end of the postpartum period. This period lasts forty-two days, during this time the uterus will fully restore, by that time ovulation can occur. Therefore, in order to know about it, you can buy a test for ovulation. Even if you feed the breast and monthly until it goes, in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy, it is important to be protected, since ovulation could have already happened. But while you feed the child with milk, it is too early to use hormonal contraceptives. Be carefull!

What to do to restore the menstrual cycle?

To restore the cycle after childbirth, you need to stick to simple rules. Remember that when a woman feels great and does not bother her, "these days" from her begin on time and pass without problems, and the restoration of the body is faster, and that the woman's cycle is restored as quickly as possible:

  1. Provide normal proper nutrition and sufficient water. Multivitamine complexes for mothers will be perfect.
  2. Be sure to perform at least the simplest sets of exercises. With the help of exercises, the hormonal balance is normalized.
  3. You need to try to effectively form the mode.
  4. With chronic diseases (especially an endocrine system) you need to fight immediately. It is necessary to contact a specialist who will appoint correct and effective treatment.

When performing physical exertion, it is important not to overdo it. Fatigue can aggravate and delay the restoration of the body. On the contrary, the load should help the body faster to come into shape, strengthen health. With the help of an experienced trainer, you need to choose exercises that increase the tone of the small pelvis organs. For example, the exercise of the bike can be performed within a week after childbirth, as it will help to reduce the uterus faster.

Food for restoring menstruation

Many women are concerned about how to restore monthly after childbirth. To restore the cycle, products are needed with omega - 3 acids, which are contained in fish, more precisely, fish oil. The richest source of these polyunsaturated fatty acids is linseed oil. A total tablespoon per day on an empty stomach or with the addition of a hormonal failure for several weeks. High protein products will also help, these are dairy products, low-fat meat, cheese, eggs, legumes, nuts. The most pleasant addition to this list will be black chocolate, which also increases the level of estrogen, but it should be careful, with breastfeeding, chocolate can cause allergies to the baby. They will help raise the level of estrogen and establish hormonal balance products containing vitamin D. for example, tuna, cod liver, egg yolks. Even staying in the sun stimulates the production of this vitamin and can positively affect the process of recovery of the cycle. No less useful products with vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E. But it is worth remembering the diet assigned to doctors during breastfeeding period, since some products containing these vitamins can be allergens that cause diathesis, allergic in the baby .

To improve the functions of ovaries and the speedy recovery of the cycle, traditional medicine will help. An improvement in the state after the admission of phytoestrogens, which are contained in such plants, like: wormwood, sage, oregano. Herbs are brewed as tea, but it is very important to begin phytotherapy only by appointing a doctor. Since herbs are also medications, and have contraindications. Herbal estrogens will help the body more gently improve their functions, unlike medication hormone therapy. The main thing is to accept the recipe, in those doses that the doctor recommended.

Also, insulin can affect the process of restoring the cycle, here it is necessary, on the contrary, to exclude insulin products (sweets, flour, potatoes, white rice).

In no case, it is impossible to forget that care for the newborn takes all the time on vacation and the power of the newly minted mother. Be sure to take into account all the difficulties with which the mother will come in subsequently. This can even lead to a change in mood and mental state, which will definitely affect the formation of a female function. Psychological state plays an important role in restoring the menstrual cycle. Postpartum depression, fatigue, drowsiness knocks down a hormonal balance. Make friends with a gynecologist, be sure to attend a doctor once every six months, even if nothing bothers, cysts and erosion may not give themselves to know. New Mom need to try to find time for at least a short vacation in the day. Try to return to the right way of living, namely, take the right nutrition, do physical exertion, stimulating the organs of a small pelvis, do not be nervous, get joy from motherhood and be healthy!

Restoration of the cycle after childbirth - video

Despite all the joy of motherhood, the pregnancy often delivers strong discomfort women, so after childbirth, young mothers try to restore their body as soon as possible and return to a normal lifestyle. The resumption of the menstrual cycle after childbirth is considered the main sign that in a short time, the female body will begin to work in full force.

Experienced specialists argue that each woman inherine must own information on the restoration of menstruation after delivery. This will help her fully observe the state of his health and avoid various complications.

When the menstrual cycle resumes after delivery

The occurrence of pregnancy for a time blocks the menstrual cycle of a woman, so throughout the entire period of the child's launcher, the future mother may not experience inconvenience due to the onset of "critical" days. During pregnancy, the work of the whole organism changes, hormonal changes occur, which stop menstruation in order to preserve the lives of the fetus.

After the appearance of crumbs into the light, the internal organs of women begin to work in the same mode, and after a while, monthly resumes completely renewed. The speed of recovery of the cycle after delivery directly depends on the individual characteristics of the mother and how the pregnancy passed.

In most cases, monthly resumes when the woman begins the child's lure. This is due to the fact that during breastfeeding, its body is actively developing a hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the amount and quality of breast milk. Prolactin suppresses the function of the ovaries, so during breastfeeding period, women are completely absent. Often the menstrual cycle is restored in approximately six months after the birth of crumbs.

However, there are exceptions. Monthly may appear much earlier, if the guinea for the objective reasons was forced to abandon breastfeeding. If, after the birth of a baby, the mother combined breast milk with special mixtures for infants, the restoration of the cycle after delivery occurs 3-4 months after the end of pregnancy. A woman who could not independently feed the kid from the moment of birth may notice the resumption of menstruation in the first 2 months after delivery.

How to speed up the restoration of the cycle after childbirth

It is worth noting that the resumption of menstruals after the birth of the baby is a sure sign that the body began to fully work fully after delivery. To speed up the recovery process and get back to a full-fledged lifestyle, a woman should:

  • Monitor sleep and rest mode. Excessive fatigue can negatively affect the work of the whole organism and on the quality of breast milk, so, despite the greater loading, try to find time for sleep and rest;
  • Adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. Useful products help the body to restore the cycle after childbirth, therefore, in the diet of a nursing mother, products such as boiled meat, fresh vegetables and fruits must prevail;
  • Monitor your emotional state. After completion of pregnancy, many women begin to suffer from postpartum depression. In order not to become a hostage stress, try more to walk in the fresh air, more often communicate with close people and regularly receive positive emotions.

Disturbance of the cycle after childbirth

In some cases, the menstrual function in a young mother is not renewed even after the beginning of the child's dust. Doctors argue that this is a fairly common phenomenon with which more than 40% of women are constantly facing. Often this is due to some hormonal failures arising in the body of a nursing mother after the birth of a child. Disturbance of the cycle after childbirth can be a serious problem, so at the first symptoms of the disease should be immediately applied to the gynecologist.

The most common cause of the impairment of the menstrual function is the elevated level of the hormone prolactin after the beginning of the dust. Since the hormone does not give fully operating the ovaries, the menstrual cycle cannot stabilize. This problem can be easily solved if you consult with your doctor on time. In such cases, special preparations are prescribed to patients, which reduce the level of prolactin and restore the operation of the ovaries.

Monthly may also be lined if a young mother will not properly follow their health in the postpartum period. Strong stress, improper nutrition and presence of bad habits are the most common causes of the cycle disorders after delivery.

When menstruation begins after childbirth

Behind a heavy test - childbirth. Finally, a long period of waiting for its appearance was completed, and here you are connected to him. A young mother is completely immersed in concerns about a child, and the first - six months-a year of his life, she may not pay attention to his own health. She does not even think about, for example, when the first one should come menstruation after childbirth. She simply not before that.

Meanwhile, it is necessary to follow yourself and contact the doctor with any suspected diseases. After all, a child, his well-being and development are directly dependent on the health of the mother. If you have no time to think about yourself - think about him.

One of the main female health indicators is regular menstruation with moderate blood loss. ? What will they be? What if there are no long ago, and for what reasons can it happen?

  • When the first menstruation must begin after delivery
  • Terms of restoration of the menstrual cycle
    • Natural childbirth
    • Cesarean section
  • How to distinguish from bleeding
  • Could be the first menstruation 1-3 months after childbirth when influencing breastfeeding
  • Changing the nature of the menstrual cycle, secretions

First menstruation after childbirth

Among women there is the following opinion: the discharges that are for a long time after the birth of the child, and there is the first menstruation.

But it is not. The first 1.5 months go Lochi. At first they are very abundant, require the use of special gaskets. By 30 days become scarce and may be simply yellowish bals. - These are bloody bunches, from which the cutting uterus is released. At this time, the uterus is one solid bleeding wound, and she takes time to heal.

Then in the norm of Lochi stop, and a woman does not feel the "charms" of menstrual bleeding for some time.

Restoration of menstruation after childbirth Depends on many factors. Main - presence or absence of breastfeeding.

Why after giving birth no monthly? If a woman feeds the baby with breasts, the level of two hormones is growing in her body:

  • oxytocin;

The first "serves" milk, helping the child to suck it from the Milky Duks. He "answers" for the attachment of the mother to the kid.

But the second protrudes the ovulation blocker. When this hormone is much - the production is suppressed:

  • FSH (hormone responsible for the ripening of the dominant follicle);
  • LG (hormone regulating ovulation and "tracking" for).

It comes time to ripen the dominant follicle - and prolactin does not give this process to implement. Here is the reason for the lack of menstruation: after all, menstruation occurs after ovulation, when the unnecessary egg generated is derived from the body.

One of the huge advantages of pregnancy and lactation period, which will appreciate every woman, is that temporarily can relax from menstruation. Of course, all the duration of the absence of menstruation after childbirth depends on the characteristics of the physiology. Someone has a menstrual cycle restored in a year or more, others return in normal after a couple of months. What does it affect and how to change the periods themselves?

A little about menstruation and menstrual cycle

To understand how and when the recovery of the cycle after delivery, it is necessary to be in the nature of the menstruation itself - the physiological process in the body of a woman of reproductive age. The first monthly marks the beginning of puberty and restructuring of all systems.

Menstrual selection should go monthly. The standard duration of the cycle is 21-35 days. 28 days are considered an ideal interval between menstrual bleeding. The regular cycle passes in the same dates every month with deviations of 1-2 days in both directions.

4 phases of the menstrual cycle are isolated:

  1. Ovulatory. The process of ripening the egg, which, after ovulation, goes into the uterine tube and moves to the uterus. Three days she is ready for fertilization. After this time, not being fertilized, it dies.
  2. Lutein, or phase of a yellow body. It lasts 13-14 days. The actively developing the secret, which ensures the fastening of the fertilized egg on the inner wall of the uterus.
  3. Follicular. This is directly the period of menstruation when the decrease in progesterone production and endometrial rejection leads to blood secretions. This phase lasts 3-7 days, and the woman loses 30-50 (but not more than 80) ml of blood.

Why does not occur during pregnancy?

In the period of the lutein phase of the menstrual cycle, as a result of a successful conception, the yellow body begins to produce progesterone until the formation of the placenta, which is subsequently responsible for the production of hormones. Hormonal restructuring is necessary to preserve the fetus. In the same period, a woman has physiological amenorrhea, in other words, the absence of menstruation.

The reason why there is no monthly physiology during pregnancy, the physiology of the female body is served. In fact, thanks to such discharge, an egg removal is carried out, which was not fertilized, and the endometrium to which it should be attached in the event of a successful conception. When the woman pregnant, the need to get rid of them disappears.

Postpartum allocations (Lochi): What do how much do you look like?

Do not confuse postpartum blood discharge, they are also called lochia, with a cycle restoration. In this way, the injured surface was purified in the postpartum period formed in the place where the fruit shells and the placenta were separated. This process goes while the inner uterine surface is restored. It usually takes 30-45 days after the natural delivery and a little more, if there was a cesarean section.

Lochi gradually change their character. They are most abundant in the first three days after childbirth. Then there are their gradual decrease. For 5-7 days, they acquire a lighter shade, and after 2 weeks become mucous membranes. Sometimes the presence of blood is possible in the discharge, but it is slightly. The minimum period of time between the termination of the succeeds and when the first monthly after delivery comes, should be two weeks.

When first come monthly after the delivery?

The most frequently asked question from the newly birth of women - after how much after the birth begins monthly. The recovery of the cycle is very individual, and how long it can last, does not depend on one factor. When menstruation starts after childbirth, it is determined by the type of feeding.

If a woman feeds baby breasts

A great influence on how to quickly come monthly after the appearance of a baby on the light, has breastfeeding. The longer feeds the baby's baby breast milk on demand and without dust, the later menstruation appear. Monthly can go 4-6 months later. It is quite normal if they begin only a year later.

The cause of such a long delay is the production of a hormone prolactin. He is responsible for lactation in a woman. Also, the hormone performs and the second function, namely, suppresses the development of an egg, because of which there are no monthly, as there is nothing to go out.

Despite this, breastfeeding is not a 100 percent guarantee that the woman will not get pregnant again. According to statistics, in 15% of those who gave birth during regular breastfeeding, a menstrual cycle is restored for 3-4 months.

If the lactation is missing or stopped very early

In the modern world, artificial feeding is often practiced. Some moms on their own will, others, due to certain health problems, cease to feed the baby with breast milk. Regardless of what caused the reason for the transition to milk mixtures, milk generation stops and lactation ends.

As a result, the hormone prolactin also gradually ceases to be produced, nothing slows down the development of a new egg, and monthly can start after 8 weeks after stopping lactation. However, other options, both more and more and later, the beginning of menstruation are possible.

If the baby is on mixed feeding

Another possible option feeding a child is mixed feeding. It lies in alternating breast milk and children's milk mixtures. Often, such feeding is chosen if a woman lacks milk to fully satisfy the needs of the baby. Lactation ends not as sharply, as with solely artificial feeding, so a woman can expect the monthly to come for nine-sixteen weeks after the delivery. Such a term is also due to the reduction in the development of prolactin and the termination of its action to the ovaries.

Is it affecting the arrival of the monthly type of delivery?

In addition to the question of how many monthly periods are restored after childbirth, many are interested in whether it affects this process, as the delivery itself has passed. Regardless of whether the woman gave birth to a natural way or she was made by a cesarean section, the menstrual cycle after childbirth will come to the norm equally. In case of breastfeeding, menstruation will not come at least six months, with artificial - the first menstruation after childbirth may begin after 3 months and even earlier.

A small number of women faces that after delivery, the restoration of menstruals takes a whole year and more. Without other pathological processes, such a long term is also considered the norm, and it is not related to the fact that the baby appeared on the light, or by surgical intervention.

Does the menstrual cycle change the woman who born?

After genera, the menstrual cycle often changes the changes. This applies not only to the deadlines, which are the usual monthly, but also other aspects of the process. Irregular to generic menstruation can then start walking like a clock, and, on the contrary, regular - to get down. Recovery can cause new sensations, including painful. Selection, their color, abundance, too, can change. The reasons why this happens, lies in the body and its work.

Duration of menstruation and actual cycle

After entering the feed or transition to the mixture, the start of the monthly menstruation is not far off. Special changes are not observed in this process. As for the duration of the cycle and the duration of the allocations themselves, they remain as they were before pregnancy.

Deviations from familiar norms may be present in the first 2-3 cycles while recovery is being restored. The interval between bleeding during this period is able to decrease, so and increase, but slightly. Also, menstruation itself can be just a couple of days or, on the contrary, stretch out for a week, which also does not go beyond normal. Over time, the cycle and the course of menstruation should return to the usual channel. Only if after three cycles it remains irregular, you should go to the gynecologist to clarify the cause and elimination of the problem.

Character of discharge

At the recovery stage, changes can be changed not only by the time frame, but also the nature of the allocations themselves from the vagina. They are able to become scarce or abundant. The latter should not scare a woman if such discharge go for about a week, and the change of pads occurs no more than once 2-3 times a day (but not more than 5). Signs of bleeding, requiring immediate medical care, are:

  • duration more than 10 days;
  • scarlet or brown selection color;
  • raising temperature;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • tachycardia;
  • weakness.

In addition to changes in the volume of discharge, the blood clots may appear in them. This is also normal and suggests that the process of restoring endometrial in the uterus has not yet ended.

Feeling before and during menstruation

The sensations that the woman experienced before and during menstruation to pregnancy are capable of changing. As before, the harbingers of bleeding after childbirth are:

  • pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • deterioration or mood swings;
  • headache.

It happens that the woman ceases to experience painful and unpleasant feeling before and during menstruation. This happens when a hormonal background or a uterus is leveled after the delivery and return to the previous state is reduced less painful than before.

As for the direct course of menstruation, it may be accompanied by:

  • pools;
  • edema;
  • nausea attacks;
  • dizziness;
  • emotional instability.

If the pain is so strong, which is required to take painkillers, it is better not to postpone consultation with the gynecologist. Possible cause - algodismenorrhea caused by hormonal disorders.

In fact, the doctor's advice is necessary?

It happens that menstruation that begins after childbirth takes a pathological nature. This requires a mandatory visit to the gynecologist, as independently without his help the cycle of menstruation to restore after childbirth will not be possible.

Among the manifestations serving the reason for the campaign to the doctor, the following are distinguished:

  • Allocations in the postpartum period have stopped sharply. It can signal the fate or a focus when Lochi accumulates in the uterus.
  • Three or more cycles in a row after the generation of the selection are very scanty. They are caused by hormonal disorders.
  • Irregular monthly, which go with big breaks (up to 3 months) six months after childbirth. Explained to problems with ovaries.
  • Abundant periods of more than 2 cycles. Their cause is the fabrics of the fruit shells, which remained in the fallopian walls.
  • Menstruation that lasts more than a week. At the same time she is accompanied by weakness and dizziness.
  • If after delivery, painful periods begin, accompanied by heat, unpleasant odor and change in the color of the selection, it signals the presence of a tumor or infection.
  • The appearance of car traces before and after menstruation. Symptoms of endometriosis or inflammation.
  • Monthly one month after childbirth. Because of the Lohi, lasting 20-40 days, such an early menstruation is impossible. Strengthening of bleeding indicates the presence of a blood clot in the uterus that is not able to exit, as a result of which inflammation begins. Usually the problem is solved by scraping.
  • Itching and cottage allocations. Explicit symptoms of thrush.
  • Bleeding twice a month, repeating 3 cycles and more.

One of the main indicators of women's health is the menstrual cycle. After childbirth, the recovery of the cycle is of particular importance. Therefore, when and how the first monthly days after childbirth and how much they go, you can determine whether there are no hidden postpartum complications, learn about the restoration of the body and find out whether everything is normal with health in a young mother.

First time after delivery

Many young mothers mistakenly believe that postpartum bleeding are the first after pregnancy with menstruation. This is completely incorrect. After the completion of the generic activity, the uterus begins to actively shrink, pushing out the remains of blood and bunches. These allocations in the first days are abundant. Later loh, so-called postpartum allocations, gradually decrease. Blood becomes less and the sixth week after the birth of the baby Lochi stop.

Monthly after childbirth will go much later. When menstruation starts after childbirth, and how much they will go, causing every young mother. The restoration time of the menstrual cycle is individually for each mom. If you are breastfeeding, then menstruation is not until half a year after delivery. If for some reason you feed the child with children's mixtures, monthly a month after childbirth is not a deviation.

Critical days after childbirth are very different from ordinary menstruation. It is for this reason that women may not even understand that menstruation began. Allocations are scanty, more fodder. Go first menstruation can 2-3 days.

Features of the recovery of cycles

The first monthly after childbirth come at the moment when the level of lactation hormone is reduced. While the hormone level is high, no menstruation. This hormone is called prolactin, and it is he who is responsible for the production of breast milk and the suppression of ovulation. It is precisely because of the high content of prolactin during breastfeeding of menstruation, no up to a year after delivery. It is worth considering that in order to use breastfeeding as contraception needs to feed the child on demand. It is impossible to roaming and dope the baby, use nipples and bottles. Feeding at night is required.

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