Elrond and Galadriel. Elrond – Hugo Weaving

And the Third Age. It was at the Council convened by Elrond that the decision was made to destroy the One Ring in order to overthrow the Dark Lord Sauron. Elrond Half-elf chose the immortality of the Elves and left Middle-earth at the end of the Third Age, but left his beloved daughter Arwen there, for such was her choice.

Elrond and his twin brother Elros were born 58 years before the end of the First Age. There is no single chronology of the First Age, but according to one of the versions ( "The Tale of Years" in The History of Middle-earth, vol. XI, The War of the Jewels) Elrond and Elros were born in 532, and the First Age ended in 590. Other chronologies differ.

The father of Elrond and Elros was Eärendil the Sailor, and his mother was Elwing. Eärendil was also a Half-elf: his mother, Idril, was from the line of Elves, and his father, Tuor, was a Man. Elwing's mother was from the Elf family, and her father Dior was the son of Beren - the Mortal - and Luthien - the daughter of the Elf and Maya. Thus, Elrond and Elros are descended from both Men and Elves, and are considered Half-elves, or Peredil (sind. Peredhil).

Elrond and Elros were born in Middle-earth. They lived at the mouth of Sirion, on the southwest coast of Beleriand. While Earendil traveled across the Sea, the sons of Feanor attacked the Havens of Sirion, wanting to take possession of the Silmaril, which belonged to Elwing. Elrond and Elros were captured. Feanor's son Maglor took pity on them and spared their lives. It is said that he took care of the children and raised them for a while. Although according to another version, the twins were left by their captors in a cave behind a waterfall, where they were later found alive and unharmed.

Elwing escaped with the Silmaril and found Earendil's ship. Despair seized them because of the loss of their children, and they did not return to Middle-earth. Together they reached the Undying Lands, and Eärendil asked the help of the Valar in the war against Morgoth. At the end of the First Age, the Host of the Valar defeated Morgoth in the War of Wrath.

The Dunedain were few, they became a wandering people and lived in isolation. The leaders of the Dunedain were brought up in Rivendell, and there Elrond kept the relics of the House of Isildur: the Scepter of Annuminas, Elendilmir, the Ring of Barahir and the fragments of Narsil.

In 2463, the White Council was formed in response to the threat of a dark force that settled in Dol Guldur in Mirkwood. Elrond was a member of the White Council along with Galadriel, Cirdan, Gandalf the Gray and Saruman the White, who became the head of the Council.

In 2509 Elrond's wife Celebrian was captured by the Orcs at the Crimson Horn Pass on their way to Lothlórien. Orcs tortured her and wounded her with a poisoned dagger before her sons, Elladan and Elrohir, managed to find and save their mother. Elrond managed to heal the wounds, but fear and memories tormented Celebrian, she could no longer find joy in Middle-earth. Therefore, in 2510, Celebrian left Middle-earth and went beyond the Sea to the Undying Lands.

The White Council met again in 2851. Gandalf visited Dol Guldur, and found out that the dark power is Sauron himself, and the Mage called on the White Council to attack him. But Saruman convinced the Council that the One Ring had been taken to the Sea, from whence it could not be returned, and that without it Sauron could not regain his former power. The council agreed to wait and watch, but Elrond was seized with apprehension.

“Nevertheless, I feel that the One Ring will be found, and then there will be war again, and with that war the Age will end. And it will end in a second darkness, unless some accident saves us, which I cannot foresee. The Silmarillion: "Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age" p. 301

In 2933, Elrond took two-year-old Aragorn to his house after the Orcs killed the boy's father. Aragorn was the sixteenth Leader of the Dunedain, but Elrond did not reveal his origin to him for a long time and called him Estel, which means "Hope". Elrond loved Aragorn like a son.

In June 2941, Gandalf came to the house of Elrond in the company of thirteen Dwarfs and one Hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. Elrond recognized the swords found by Gandalf and Thorin as Glamdring and Orcrist. He also discovered secret moon runes on the map of the Lonely Mountain, which pointed the way to a hidden door.

Later that year the White Council met and it was decided to attack Dol Guldur. The necromancer was expelled, but the very next year he secretly settled in Mordor. And in 2951, Sauron openly declared himself. The White Council learned that he was looking for the One Ring, but Saruman lied and convinced them that the Ring was forever lost at the bottom of the Sea, where Sauron could never find it.

When Aragorn was 20 years old, Elrond told him that he was Isildur's heir. Elrond was pleased that Aragorn had grown strong and noble. He saw that in time Aragorn would become stronger both in body and spirit. Elrond gave Aragorn the fragments of Narsil and the Ring of Barahir, but kept the scepter of Annuminas, which was the sign of royalty in the Northern Kingdom, for the time being, because Aragorn was not yet ready to become King.

At that time, Elrond's daughter Arwen came to Rivendell to visit her father, and Aragorn fell in love with her as soon as he saw her. Elrond guessed this, and was worried, because he knew that if Arwen married Aragorn, she would have to choose the fate of Men and give up immortality, and then he would forever part with his daughter.

“But Arwen, my beloved daughter, will not have to choose if you, Aragorn, son of Arathorn, do not come between us. And then one of us, me or you, will face a bitter parting that will last until the end of the world. You still don't understand what you want from me." Appendix A of The Lord of the Rings: "The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen" p. 340

Aragorn and Arwen got engaged in 2980. When Elrond found out about this, he was saddened and spoke about it for the last time with Aragorn.

“My son, the time is coming when hope will fade away, and then almost everything is hidden from me. And now a shadow lies between us. Perhaps it was destined that through my loss the royal family would be reborn. Therefore, although I love you, I will say this: Arwen Undomiel will not sacrifice his immortality for less. She will not be the bride of any Mortal but the King of Arnor and Gondor. And then even victory will bring me only grief and parting, but you - hope and joy. Alas, my son! I'm afraid that Arwen The Fate of Men may seem too hard." Appendix A of The Lord of the Rings: "The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen," p. 342

In 3002 Bilbo settled in Rivendell as Elrond's guest, and in 3009 Elrond asked Arwen to return home from Lothlórien. East of the Misty Mountains, as Sauron's power grew, so did the danger.

On October 8, 3018, news came to Rivendell from Gildor Inglorion that Frodo Baggins was heading there, pursued by the Nazgul. The next day Glorfindel was sent to look for Frodo. The Hobbit was pursued as far as the Ford of Bruinen, and on October 20, Elrond caused a flood that washed away the Nazgul. Their horses drowned, they lost their form and were forced to return to Mordor empty and shapeless.

When Gandalf offered to go to the Black Gate to give Frodo a chance to complete his search, the sons of Elrond replied that their father had given the same advice. Elladan and Elrohir marched with the Host of the West and fought at the Battle of the Morannon on March 25, 3019 until the Ring was destroyed and the realm of Sauron fell.

Aragorn's coronation took place on May 1, and on the same day Elrond and Arwen left Rivendell. They arrived in Minas Tirith on Midyear Eve. Elrond gave Aragorn the Scepter of Annuminas, symbolizing the dignity of King Arnor, and gave his consent to his marriage to Arwen. The wedding of Aragorn and Arwen took place on Mid Year's Day.

After the burial of King Theoden of Rohan, Elrond and Arwen climbed into the hills that were near Edoras. There they said goodbye to each other, for this was their last meeting. Elrond had to leave Middle-earth with the Elves and go to the Undying Lands, while Arwen chose the Fate of Men and remained in Middle-earth. The choice of Elladan and Elrohir is unknown, but the sons of Elrond remained in Middle-earth for some time during the Fourth Age.

Elrond returned to Rivendell with Gandalf and the Hobbits. When Frodo went home, Elrond blessed him. Elrond knew that Frodo was too deeply wounded to find peace in Middle-earth. He said that Frodo would find him in the autumn in the woods of the Shire.

On September 22, 3021, Elrond met Frodo in the Shire, and the Ringbearers set out on their Last Journey to the Gray Havens. Elrond had lived in Middle-earth for 6520 years, and it was time for him to leave. On September 29, Elrond boarded a ship sailing across the Sea to the Undying Lands, where he again met his wife Celebrian.

Additional sources:

The Silmarillion: "Of the Voyage of Earendil" tells of the capture of Elrond and Elros while "Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age" has further information on Elrond's role in the Third Age.

The History of Middle-earth, vol. XI, The War of the Jewels: "The Tale of Years" p. 348-49 gives varying dates of the birth of Elrond and Elros and also mentions that they were twins.

The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien: Letter #211 tells the story of Elrond and Elros being left in a cave behind a waterfall.

Unfinished Tales: "The History of Galadriel and Celeborn" tells about Elrond leading a force to Eregion to fight Sauron and the Council in 1701 where Elrond was appointed Gil-galad's vice-regent.

Appendix A of The Lord of the Rings: "The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen" discusses Elrond's acceptance of Aragorn as a foster son and his thoughts on the romance between Aragorn and his daughter.

Important dates

First Age:

The dates of the First Age are inaccurate. Here the dates are given according to the "Tale of the Years" of the XI volume of the "History of Middle-earth". Other chronologies differ.

532 - the birth of Elrond and Elros.

538 Elrond and Elros are captured by Maglor son of Feanor.

545-587 - War of Wrath against Morgoth.

590 Morgoth is banished from the world. The First Age has ended.

Second Age:

1 - Gil-galad and Elrond settled in Lindon.

32 - Elrond's brother Elros became the first King of Numenor.

442 - death of Elros.

1200 Gil-galad and Elrond forbid Sauron from entering Lindon.

circa 1500 - The Elven Smiths of Eregion, with the help of Sauron, begin making the Rings of Power.

circa 1590 - The Three Rings of the Elves are created.

circa 1600 - Sauron forged the One Ring.

1693 - the beginning of the war between Sauron and the Elves. The Three Rings are hidden.

1695 - Sauron invades Eriador. Elrond leads an army against him.

1697 - Sauron's troops ravaged Eregion. Elrond retreated and founded a hidden settlement called Rivendell.

1699 - Sauron captures Eriador.

1700 - Sauron's attack is repelled with the help of Numenor.

1701 - Elrond appointed governor of Gil-galad, Rivendell becomes stronghold of the Elves in Eriador. Perhaps then Elrond received Vilya.

3430 - The Last Union of Men and Elves is concluded.

3431 - The troops of the Last Alliance gather in Rivendell.

3434 War of the Last Alliance begins. Sauron is defeated at the Battle of the Fields of Dagorlad, and the Siege of Barad-dur begins.

3441 Sauron is defeated. Gil-galad and Elendil died. Elrond and Cirdan advise Isildur to destroy the One Ring, but he refuses. The Second Age has ended.

Third Age:

2 - the death of Isildur. The One Ring is lost.

3 - fragments of Narsil brought to Rivendell.

109 - Elrond marries Celebrian.

130 Birth of Elrond's sons Elladan and Elrohir.

241 Birth of Elrond's daughter Arwen.

circa 1300 - The Lord of the Nazgul founded the kingdom of Angmar.

1409 Elrond helps the Dunedain repel Angmar.

1975 - The Lord of the Nazgul is defeated at the Battle of Fornost.

1976 - Elrond receives the relics of the House of Isildur for safekeeping.

2463 - The White Council is created. Elrond is one of its members.

2509 - Celebrian captured by orcs. Elladan and Elrohir saved her, Elrond healed her wounds, but the memories continued to torment the woman.

2510 - Celebrian decides to leave Middle-earth and sails to the Undying Lands.

2851 - Gandalf convinces the White Council to attack Sauron in Dol Guldur, but Saruman gains the upper hand. Elrond is overwhelmed with forebodings.

2933 - After Arathorn died, Elrond took Aragorn to raise

2941 June - Gandalf, Thorin and his companions arrived in Rivendell, including Bilbo Baggins at the end of summer - beginning of autumn - the White Council meets again, they attack Dol Guldur. Sauron is banished.

2942 Sauron secretly returns to Mordor.

2951 - Sauron declares himself openly. Elrond reveals to Aragorn that he is Isildur's Heir. Aragorn falls in love with Arwen.

2953 - The White Council met for the last time. Sauron lies and convinces them that the Ring is lost at the bottom of the Sea.

2980 - Aragorn and Arwen are engaged. Elrond says that he will consent to the marriage only if Aragorn becomes King of Arnor and Gondor.

3002 - Bilbo settled in Rivendell as a guest of Elrond.

3009 - Elrond asks Arwen to return to Rivendell because the threat of Mordor is growing.

October 8 - Elrond receives word that Frodo is on his way to Rivendell, pursued by the Nazgul. October 9 - Glorfindel sets out to look for Frodo. October 18 - Gandalf arrives at Rivendell. October 20 - Elrond raises a flood against the Nazgul. Wounded Frodo is brought to Rivendell. October 23 - Elrond finds a fragment of a Morgul blade and retrieves it. October 24 - Frodo woke up. October 25 - Council of Elrond. December 18 - Elrond names the members of the Brotherhood. December 25 - The Fellowship leaves Rivendell.

February - Elladan and Elrohir travel south with the Dunedain. May 1 - Aragorn's coronation. Elrond and Arwen leave Rivendell. May 20 - Elrond and Arwen arrive in Lothlórien. May 27 - Elrond and Arwen leave Lothlórien. June 14 - Elrond and Arwen meet Elladan and Elrohir and travel to Edoras. June 16 - They leave for Gondor. Midsummer's Eve - Elrond and Arwen arrive in Minas Tirith. Elrond hands Aragorn the Scepter of Annuminas. Midsummer Day - the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen. July 22 - Elrond leaves Minas Tirith with the funeral procession of King Theoden. 10 August – Elrond attends Theoden's funeral. August 14 - Arwen and Elrond say goodbye and part forever. August 22 - Elrond says goodbye to Aragorn and leaves for Rivendell. October 5 - Elrond blessed Frodo.

September 22 - Elrond and Galadriel meet Frodo in the Shire. September 29 - Elrond sailed across the Sea to the Undying Lands, and there he met Celebrian again.



Elrond's name means "Vault of the Stars". Word el means "star". Word rond means "vault, vaulted roof", it was also used in the meaning of "firmament"

The Silmarillion - Index and "Appendix - Elements in Quenya and Sindarin Names" Letter #345

Another interpretation of Elrond's name is Elf of the Cave, because it was said that he was found in a cave after he was captured by the sons of Feanor. Word el can also mean "Elf" (People of the Stars), and the word rond used in the meaning of "cave".

Letter #211

Elerondo (Elerondo):

Variant of Elrond's name in Quenya. The name itself is not given in the texts, but it can be reconstructed from Arwen's patronymic - Elerondiel, "Elrond's daughter".

Parma Eldaramberon #17 p. 56

Half-elf (Half-elven):

Elrond was called the Half-elf because both Elves and Men were his ancestors. And so he could choose which race to belong to.

Peredel / Peredil (Peredhel / Peredhil):

Elvish equivalent of the word Half-elf. Peredhel- units number, Peredhil- pl. number. Element per means "half". Word edhel means "Elf"; pl. number - edhil.

The Silmarillion - Index (under Half-elven) and "Appendix - Elements in Quenya and Sindarin Names" (under edhel).


Gil-galad appointed Elrond as his steward in Eriador in 1701 of the Second Age.

Lord of Rivendell:

Elrond founded Rivendell in 1697 of the Second Age and lived there until the end of the Third Age.

Master Elrond:

Elrond was often addressed by Master Elrond as a sign of respect and because he was the keeper of wisdom and lore.


On the father's side:

On the mother's side:


The name Elrond in most Russian translations is transliterated as "Elrond", however, according to Appendix D To Lord of the Rings, "l" undergoes some palatalization after "e" and "e". Therefore, the correct spelling and pronunciation of this name is Elrond.

And the Third Age. It was at the Council convened by Elrond that the decision was made to destroy the One Ring in order to overthrow the Dark Lord Sauron. Elrond Half-elf chose the immortality of the Elves and left Middle-earth at the end of the Third Age, but left his beloved daughter Arwen there, for such was her choice.

Elrond and his twin brother Elros were born 58 years before the end of the First Age. There is no single chronology of the First Age, but according to one of the versions ( "The Tale of Years" in The History of Middle-earth, vol. XI, The War of the Jewels) Elrond and Elros were born in 532, and the First Age ended in 590. Other chronologies differ.

The father of Elrond and Elros was Eärendil the Sailor, and his mother was Elwing. Eärendil was also a Half-elf: his mother, Idril, was from the line of Elves, and his father, Tuor, was a Man. Elwing's mother was from the Elf family, and her father Dior was the son of Beren - the Mortal - and Luthien - the daughter of the Elf and Maya. Thus, Elrond and Elros are descended from both Men and Elves, and are considered Half-elves, or Peredil (sind. Peredhil).

Elrond and Elros were born in Middle-earth. They lived at the mouth of Sirion, on the southwest coast of Beleriand. While Earendil traveled across the Sea, the sons of Feanor attacked the Havens of Sirion, wanting to take possession of the Silmaril, which belonged to Elwing. Elrond and Elros were captured. Feanor's son Maglor took pity on them and spared their lives. It is said that he took care of the children and raised them for a while. Although according to another version, the twins were left by their captors in a cave behind a waterfall, where they were later found alive and unharmed.

Elwing escaped with the Silmaril and found Earendil's ship. Despair seized them because of the loss of their children, and they did not return to Middle-earth. Together they reached the Undying Lands, and Eärendil asked the help of the Valar in the war against Morgoth. At the end of the First Age, the Host of the Valar defeated Morgoth in the War of Wrath.

The Dunedain were few, they became a wandering people and lived in isolation. The leaders of the Dunedain were brought up in Rivendell, and there Elrond kept the relics of the House of Isildur: the Scepter of Annuminas, Elendilmir, the Ring of Barahir and the fragments of Narsil.

In 2463, the White Council was formed in response to the threat of a dark force that settled in Dol Guldur in Mirkwood. Elrond was a member of the White Council along with Galadriel, Cirdan, Gandalf the Gray and Saruman the White, who became the head of the Council.

In 2509 Elrond's wife Celebrian was captured by the Orcs at the Crimson Horn Pass on their way to Lothlórien. Orcs tortured her and wounded her with a poisoned dagger before her sons, Elladan and Elrohir, managed to find and save their mother. Elrond managed to heal the wounds, but fear and memories tormented Celebrian, she could no longer find joy in Middle-earth. Therefore, in 2510, Celebrian left Middle-earth and went beyond the Sea to the Undying Lands.

The White Council met again in 2851. Gandalf visited Dol Guldur, and found out that the dark power is Sauron himself, and the Mage called on the White Council to attack him. But Saruman convinced the Council that the One Ring had been taken to the Sea, from whence it could not be returned, and that without it Sauron could not regain his former power. The council agreed to wait and watch, but Elrond was seized with apprehension.

“Nevertheless, I feel that the One Ring will be found, and then there will be war again, and with that war the Age will end. And it will end in a second darkness, unless some accident saves us, which I cannot foresee. The Silmarillion: "Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age" p. 301

In 2933, Elrond took two-year-old Aragorn to his house after the Orcs killed the boy's father. Aragorn was the sixteenth Leader of the Dunedain, but Elrond did not reveal his origin to him for a long time and called him Estel, which means "Hope". Elrond loved Aragorn like a son.

In June 2941, Gandalf came to the house of Elrond in the company of thirteen Dwarfs and one Hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. Elrond recognized the swords found by Gandalf and Thorin as Glamdring and Orcrist. He also discovered secret moon runes on the map of the Lonely Mountain, which pointed the way to a hidden door.

Later that year the White Council met and it was decided to attack Dol Guldur. The necromancer was expelled, but the very next year he secretly settled in Mordor. And in 2951, Sauron openly declared himself. The White Council learned that he was looking for the One Ring, but Saruman lied and convinced them that the Ring was forever lost at the bottom of the Sea, where Sauron could never find it.

When Aragorn was 20 years old, Elrond told him that he was Isildur's heir. Elrond was pleased that Aragorn had grown strong and noble. He saw that in time Aragorn would become stronger both in body and spirit. Elrond gave Aragorn the fragments of Narsil and the Ring of Barahir, but kept the scepter of Annuminas, which was the sign of royalty in the Northern Kingdom, for the time being, because Aragorn was not yet ready to become King.

At that time, Elrond's daughter Arwen came to Rivendell to visit her father, and Aragorn fell in love with her as soon as he saw her. Elrond guessed this, and was worried, because he knew that if Arwen married Aragorn, she would have to choose the fate of Men and give up immortality, and then he would forever part with his daughter.

“But Arwen, my beloved daughter, will not have to choose if you, Aragorn, son of Arathorn, do not come between us. And then one of us, me or you, will face a bitter parting that will last until the end of the world. You still don't understand what you want from me." Appendix A of The Lord of the Rings: "The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen" p. 340

Aragorn and Arwen got engaged in 2980. When Elrond found out about this, he was saddened and spoke about it for the last time with Aragorn.

“My son, the time is coming when hope will fade away, and then almost everything is hidden from me. And now a shadow lies between us. Perhaps it was destined that through my loss the royal family would be reborn. Therefore, although I love you, I will say this: Arwen Undomiel will not sacrifice his immortality for less. She will not be the bride of any Mortal but the King of Arnor and Gondor. And then even victory will bring me only grief and parting, but you - hope and joy. Alas, my son! I'm afraid that Arwen The Fate of Men may seem too hard." Appendix A of The Lord of the Rings: "The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen," p. 342

In 3002 Bilbo settled in Rivendell as Elrond's guest, and in 3009 Elrond asked Arwen to return home from Lothlórien. East of the Misty Mountains, as Sauron's power grew, so did the danger.

On October 8, 3018, news came to Rivendell from Gildor Inglorion that Frodo Baggins was heading there, pursued by the Nazgul. The next day Glorfindel was sent to look for Frodo. The Hobbit was pursued as far as the Ford of Bruinen, and on October 20, Elrond caused a flood that washed away the Nazgul. Their horses drowned, they lost their form and were forced to return to Mordor empty and shapeless.

When Gandalf offered to go to the Black Gate to give Frodo a chance to complete his search, the sons of Elrond replied that their father had given the same advice. Elladan and Elrohir marched with the Host of the West and fought at the Battle of the Morannon on March 25, 3019 until the Ring was destroyed and the realm of Sauron fell.

Aragorn's coronation took place on May 1, and on the same day Elrond and Arwen left Rivendell. They arrived in Minas Tirith on Midyear Eve. Elrond gave Aragorn the Scepter of Annuminas, symbolizing the dignity of King Arnor, and gave his consent to his marriage to Arwen. The wedding of Aragorn and Arwen took place on Mid Year's Day.

After the burial of King Theoden of Rohan, Elrond and Arwen climbed into the hills that were near Edoras. There they said goodbye to each other, for this was their last meeting. Elrond had to leave Middle-earth with the Elves and go to the Undying Lands, while Arwen chose the Fate of Men and remained in Middle-earth. The choice of Elladan and Elrohir is unknown, but the sons of Elrond remained in Middle-earth for some time during the Fourth Age.

Elrond returned to Rivendell with Gandalf and the Hobbits. When Frodo went home, Elrond blessed him. Elrond knew that Frodo was too deeply wounded to find peace in Middle-earth. He said that Frodo would find him in the autumn in the woods of the Shire.

On September 22, 3021, Elrond met Frodo in the Shire, and the Ringbearers set out on their Last Journey to the Gray Havens. Elrond had lived in Middle-earth for 6520 years, and it was time for him to leave. On September 29, Elrond boarded a ship sailing across the Sea to the Undying Lands, where he again met his wife Celebrian.

Additional sources:

The Silmarillion: "Of the Voyage of Earendil" tells of the capture of Elrond and Elros while "Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age" has further information on Elrond's role in the Third Age.

The History of Middle-earth, vol. XI, The War of the Jewels: "The Tale of Years" p. 348-49 gives varying dates of the birth of Elrond and Elros and also mentions that they were twins.

The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien: Letter #211 tells the story of Elrond and Elros being left in a cave behind a waterfall.

Unfinished Tales: "The History of Galadriel and Celeborn" tells about Elrond leading a force to Eregion to fight Sauron and the Council in 1701 where Elrond was appointed Gil-galad's vice-regent.

Appendix A of The Lord of the Rings: "The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen" discusses Elrond's acceptance of Aragorn as a foster son and his thoughts on the romance between Aragorn and his daughter.

Important dates

First Age:

The dates of the First Age are inaccurate. Here the dates are given according to the "Tale of the Years" of the XI volume of the "History of Middle-earth". Other chronologies differ.

532 - the birth of Elrond and Elros.

538 Elrond and Elros are captured by Maglor son of Feanor.

545-587 - War of Wrath against Morgoth.

590 Morgoth is banished from the world. The First Age has ended.

Second Age:

1 - Gil-galad and Elrond settled in Lindon.

32 - Elrond's brother Elros became the first King of Numenor.

442 - death of Elros.

1200 Gil-galad and Elrond forbid Sauron from entering Lindon.

circa 1500 - The Elven Smiths of Eregion, with the help of Sauron, begin making the Rings of Power.

circa 1590 - The Three Rings of the Elves are created.

circa 1600 - Sauron forged the One Ring.

1693 - the beginning of the war between Sauron and the Elves. The Three Rings are hidden.

1695 - Sauron invades Eriador. Elrond leads an army against him.

1697 - Sauron's troops ravaged Eregion. Elrond retreated and founded a hidden settlement called Rivendell.

1699 - Sauron captures Eriador.

1700 - Sauron's attack is repelled with the help of Numenor.

1701 - Elrond appointed governor of Gil-galad, Rivendell becomes stronghold of the Elves in Eriador. Perhaps then Elrond received Vilya.

3430 - The Last Union of Men and Elves is concluded.

3431 - The troops of the Last Alliance gather in Rivendell.

3434 War of the Last Alliance begins. Sauron is defeated at the Battle of the Fields of Dagorlad, and the Siege of Barad-dur begins.

3441 Sauron is defeated. Gil-galad and Elendil died. Elrond and Cirdan advise Isildur to destroy the One Ring, but he refuses. The Second Age has ended.

Third Age:

2 - the death of Isildur. The One Ring is lost.

3 - fragments of Narsil brought to Rivendell.

109 - Elrond marries Celebrian.

130 Birth of Elrond's sons Elladan and Elrohir.

241 Birth of Elrond's daughter Arwen.

circa 1300 - The Lord of the Nazgul founded the kingdom of Angmar.

1409 Elrond helps the Dunedain repel Angmar.

1975 - The Lord of the Nazgul is defeated at the Battle of Fornost.

1976 - Elrond receives the relics of the House of Isildur for safekeeping.

2463 - The White Council is created. Elrond is one of its members.

2509 - Celebrian captured by orcs. Elladan and Elrohir saved her, Elrond healed her wounds, but the memories continued to torment the woman.

2510 - Celebrian decides to leave Middle-earth and sails to the Undying Lands.

2851 - Gandalf convinces the White Council to attack Sauron in Dol Guldur, but Saruman gains the upper hand. Elrond is overwhelmed with forebodings.

2933 - After Arathorn died, Elrond took Aragorn to raise

2941 June - Gandalf, Thorin and his companions arrived in Rivendell, including Bilbo Baggins at the end of summer - beginning of autumn - the White Council meets again, they attack Dol Guldur. Sauron is banished.

2942 Sauron secretly returns to Mordor.

2951 - Sauron declares himself openly. Elrond reveals to Aragorn that he is Isildur's Heir. Aragorn falls in love with Arwen.

2953 - The White Council met for the last time. Sauron lies and convinces them that the Ring is lost at the bottom of the Sea.

2980 - Aragorn and Arwen are engaged. Elrond says that he will consent to the marriage only if Aragorn becomes King of Arnor and Gondor.

3002 - Bilbo settled in Rivendell as a guest of Elrond.

3009 - Elrond asks Arwen to return to Rivendell because the threat of Mordor is growing.

October 8 - Elrond receives word that Frodo is on his way to Rivendell, pursued by the Nazgul. October 9 - Glorfindel sets out to look for Frodo. October 18 - Gandalf arrives at Rivendell. October 20 - Elrond raises a flood against the Nazgul. Wounded Frodo is brought to Rivendell. October 23 - Elrond finds a fragment of a Morgul blade and retrieves it. October 24 - Frodo woke up. October 25 - Council of Elrond. December 18 - Elrond names the members of the Brotherhood. December 25 - The Fellowship leaves Rivendell.

February - Elladan and Elrohir travel south with the Dunedain. May 1 - Aragorn's coronation. Elrond and Arwen leave Rivendell. May 20 - Elrond and Arwen arrive in Lothlórien. May 27 - Elrond and Arwen leave Lothlórien. June 14 - Elrond and Arwen meet Elladan and Elrohir and travel to Edoras. June 16 - They leave for Gondor. Midsummer's Eve - Elrond and Arwen arrive in Minas Tirith. Elrond hands Aragorn the Scepter of Annuminas. Midsummer Day - the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen. July 22 - Elrond leaves Minas Tirith with the funeral procession of King Theoden. 10 August – Elrond attends Theoden's funeral. August 14 - Arwen and Elrond say goodbye and part forever. August 22 - Elrond says goodbye to Aragorn and leaves for Rivendell. October 5 - Elrond blessed Frodo.

September 22 - Elrond and Galadriel meet Frodo in the Shire. September 29 - Elrond sailed across the Sea to the Undying Lands, and there he met Celebrian again.



Elrond's name means "Vault of the Stars". Word el means "star". Word rond means "vault, vaulted roof", it was also used in the meaning of "firmament"

The Silmarillion - Index and "Appendix - Elements in Quenya and Sindarin Names" Letter #345

Another interpretation of Elrond's name is Elf of the Cave, because it was said that he was found in a cave after he was captured by the sons of Feanor. Word el can also mean "Elf" (People of the Stars), and the word rond used in the meaning of "cave".

Letter #211

Elerondo (Elerondo):

Variant of Elrond's name in Quenya. The name itself is not given in the texts, but it can be reconstructed from Arwen's patronymic - Elerondiel, "Elrond's daughter".

Parma Eldaramberon #17 p. 56

Half-elf (Half-elven):

Elrond was called the Half-elf because both Elves and Men were his ancestors. And so he could choose which race to belong to.

Peredel / Peredil (Peredhel / Peredhil):

Elvish equivalent of the word Half-elf. Peredhel- units number, Peredhil- pl. number. Element per means "half". Word edhel means "Elf"; pl. number - edhil.

The Silmarillion - Index (under Half-elven) and "Appendix - Elements in Quenya and Sindarin Names" (under edhel).


Gil-galad appointed Elrond as his steward in Eriador in 1701 of the Second Age.

Lord of Rivendell:

Elrond founded Rivendell in 1697 of the Second Age and lived there until the end of the Third Age.

Master Elrond:

Elrond was often addressed by Master Elrond as a sign of respect and because he was the keeper of wisdom and lore.


On the father's side:

On the mother's side:


The name Elrond in most Russian translations is transliterated as "Elrond", however, according to Appendix D To Lord of the Rings, "l" undergoes some palatalization after "e" and "e". Therefore, the correct spelling and pronunciation of this name is Elrond.

Daria Tatarkova

Premiered yesterday the last part of the epic adaptation of The Hobbit - The Battle of the Five Armies. Over the past fifteen years, Peter Jackson, along with excellent actors, has created a completely separate image of Middle-earth. No matter how Tolkien's fans imagine the imaginary world of his works and the characters inhabiting it, it cannot be denied that without the films of the New Zealand director, he would have been much poorer. The main characters of the new trilogy are dwarfs and a hobbit, but viewers continue to be lured by more elegant characters: for example, Jackson inserted Legolas into the arrangement of the book, where, in fact, there is no hero. We decided to recall all the elves from the films of Peter Jackson and find out who is the coolest and who is not.


elf, mistress of Lorien

Galadriel is one of the most important characters in the history of Middle-earth. The daughter of kings, she was one of those who led the rebellion of the elves and led them away from Valinor. Tolkien described her as "the greatest elf" and the most powerful and beautiful of those left in Middle-earth at the time of the events of The Lord of the Rings. With a gradual understanding of the true nature of her past, all her actions became a kind of atonement for sins. The help she rendered to the Brotherhood is an excellent illustration of this. Despite the fact that her pride would never allow the heroine to possess the ring of omnipotence, she shows real strength of character by acknowledging this and refusing it. Galadriel can read the minds of other beings and see into their souls. She lived an incredibly long life, becoming a witness and a feasible participant in Tolkien's imaginary world - at the time of her last mention, the elf was seven thousand years old.


half-elf, daughter of Elrond, queen of Gondor

Evening star Arwen Undomiel was out of sight in the books. Tolkien dignified it with a passing description and vaguely identified it as Aragorn's motivation in his campaign to save Middle-earth. In the film - and I would like to believe that without screenwriters Francis Walsh and Philippa Boyens it could not have done here - Arwen becomes no less courageous than her husband - the future king. Replacing the elf Glorfindel, she herself saves Frodo from the Nazgul, delivering him to his father in Rivendell. Arwen is present in all films, but not as a motivating prize, but as a catalyst for the fate of Aragorn. Without her self-sacrifice and decision to stay, the processes that would then lead the forces of good and Aragorn to victory would not have started. The final decision of the elf to be with her husband is partly saturated with bitterness: she is forever forced to say goodbye to her family and her people, who completely left Middle-earth. In the book, after her husband died and the children grew up, she went to the forests of Lorien and decided not to live anymore, thereby falling into the halls of the dead in Valinor.


Elf, son of Thranduil, Prince of Mirkwood

Legolas became something of a Middle-earth rock star thanks to the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. Jackson, along with Bloom, came up with new levels of swagger for him, about which there could be no talk in the book. For example, on a shield, like on a surf, he slides down the stairs and at the same time fires a burst of arrows - there is no need to even explain anything. Despite the fact that the original spirit of the book character in the films was preserved in full, the impudence inherent in youth (by elven standards) and Jacksonian humor provided this incarnation of the Prince of Mirkwood with an army of devoted fans almost instantly. At the same time, Legolas inherited from his father a dislike for gnomes and a family temper.

His presence in the new part looks, of course, somehow quite awkward. Bloom looks more like the beefier uncle of the boy who was in the 2000s, and computer rejuvenation completely turns him into a wax figure. One gets the feeling that he is out of place there, like an escaped exhibit of Madame Tussauds, who unexpectedly got on the set. Nevertheless, we are proud of Legolas for the fact that he was able to outgrow his father's influence and, despite centuries of hostility, his best friend is a dwarf, whom, according to Tolkien, he even took with him to Valinor.


half-elf, lord of Rivendell

Elrond was not exactly an elf, if you look strictly. Both his parents, Eärendil and Elwing, came from the unions of elves and men, so Elrond was given the choice between the fate of an elf and a man. Unlike his twin brother Elros, who settled on the second option and eventually founded the human kingdom of Numenor, Elrond decided to become an elf. In Jackson's films, the role of Elrond went to Hugo Weaving, and if at first the audience poked a finger at him and shouted - “this is Agent Smith”, by the end of the 2000s, any associations with The Matrix evaporated.

As in the books, Elrond appears as one of the wisest elves in Middle-earth, who really cares about the fate of the rest of the inhabitants of his world. He lived for several thousand years, having managed to take part in the war against Sauron long before the events of The Lord of the Rings. In addition, Elrond had the gift of foresight and elven telepathy, which in the film, even the vast distances were not a hindrance. On top of all that has been said, Elrond was entrusted with the most powerful of the elven rings Vilya - so, frankly, there is practically no one to compete with him.


elf from Mirkwood

This elf was invented specifically for the films, and if you think that the story of the relationship between Arwen and Aragorn was complicated, then what can we say about Tauriel, who fell in love with a dwarf. Tolkien did not allow himself such liberties: for him, the union of elves and people was something incredibly tragic, and there were only three of them in the entire history of Middle-earth. In the on-screen "The Hobbit", the difference, even external, let's be frank, between elves and dwarves (at least this one) is not so cardinal, and Tauriel Kili's chosen one could well pass for an elf, provided there are ears and no bristles. To top it all, Tauriel rebelled against her king and, contrary to orders, went to help the dwarves fight off the orcs. As a captain of the guard, she knows how to fight no worse than any man, and besides, she guarded the lands of Mirkwood, feeling, unlike the rest, that the dark forces are thickening, no matter what Thranduil says.


elf, captain of the guards of Lorien

One of the chiefs of the guards of Lorien, Haldir in the book was the guide of the Fellowship through Lorien when they reached the domain of Galadriel. Jackson decided to give the elf a much more significant role, thereby turning him from a casual acquaintance into a tragic figure of an important moment in the relationship between humans and elves. In The Two Towers, Haldir is shown as the captain of the squad that the elves sent to help in the defense of Helm's Deep. The unexpected decision not to leave people in trouble, even though, most likely, they are sent to their death, helped to strengthen the belief that the peoples will still be able to rally their forces in the fight against a common evil. The relationship between Haldir and Aragorn is shown as more of a friendship, with a hint that the two may have known each other before. Haldir is killed in battle by an orc sword.


elf, lord of Lorien

Celeborn is a uniquely positive character, and the most boring of all. Little is known about him, and he became famous for being the husband of Galadriel. Despite the status of one of the wisest elves in Middle-earth, Celeborn always remains somewhere on the sidelines and has no direct relation to what is happening - accordingly, he appears very little in films. In the books, unlike the last film in the first trilogy, he was the last elf to leave Middle-earth, and with him the last living memory of them.


elf king of Mirkwood

Thranduil, King of the Wood Elves, is an incredibly proud character whose arrogance has played tricks on him more than once. Unlike the rest, he appears in The Hobbit, which makes him one of the first elves of Tolkien who once saw the light, then, however, without a name. In the film version, quite a lot of attention is paid to the forest king, simply because it would be impossible to resist and not use such a character. For his grand entrance, Thranduil, played by Lee Pace, chose a huge deer with branching antlers - such an exit in a split second tells us quite a lot about a character who loves to show off.

Thranduil himself brought his relationship with the dwarves to an alarming strain because of his complexes about wealth and gems, which he was always short of. In the film, the aggressiveness and greed of the king put him on a par with villains rather than allies. With all the sins of Thranduil, nevertheless, he will side with the people and the dwarves in the Battle of the Five Armies against the orcs. In the future, his son Legolas, whom he will send to Rivendell during the events of The Lord of the Rings, drew attention to himself.


Elf of Rivendell

Figwit is the most stupid, but perhaps the funniest character in the entire list of screen adaptations of elves. Judge for yourself: his name is actually an abbreviation of the phrase "Frodo is grea... who is THAT?!?" So the hero of the third plan of the Jackson ring trilogy was called, of course, not by the director himself, but by a trio of Wellington documentary filmmakers who later shot the film of the same name about the Figwit phenomenon. A stupid name is better than none - so you can at least somehow identify it, after all, “elf from the retinue” does not mean anything at all. One could forget about him, like about any other nameless elf, if not for the actor who played him. Bret McKenzie is one half of Flight of the Conchords, the comedy duo Brett and Jamaine, who made their HBO series about them conquering New York. Despite the fact that Mackenzie is not recognizable at first glance, vigilant fans still managed to make out him.

In the first film, Figwit sat on the board, but after the hilarious buzz surrounding the character, Jackson decided to give him a whole line in the third film. He says only one phrase: “Lady Arwen, we cannot delay! My lady!" (seriously, just that), which did not stop him from earning his fan base and becoming a regular fanfiction hero of all sorts. In The Hobbit, Mackenzie played another elf from Rivendell - Lindir, the right hand of Elrond himself.

Elrond is a descendant of the most noble elven families. He was born in 532 in Beleriand, in the Havens of Sirion, founded by refugees from lost Gondolin. His father is the illustrious Eärendil the Sailor, son of Tuor and Idril, daughter of King Turgon of Gondolin, son of Fingolfin, son of the Firstborn King of the Noldor Finwe. And Elrond's mother was Elwing the Fair, daughter of Dior, son of Beren and Luthien, daughter of the Firstborn King Elwe Thingol and Maya Melian. The tragic and sublime story of Beren and Luthien touched the hearts of all elves without exception, and an act more important than the brilliantly executed mission of Eärendil could hardly be found in Middle-earth. Elrond, like his brother Elros, was free to choose for himself which people to belong to. Elros chose the lot of people, and from him went the dynasty of the kings of Numenor, and Elrond became an elf, king of the secret elven settlement of Imladris, or Rivendell in the Misty Mountains.

By the time of the birth of Elrond, the days of the former heyday and power of the elves were already beginning to decline: the mighty Doriath fell, Nargothrond was destroyed, and the beautiful Gondolin lay in ruins ... times and scattered. Tuor and Idril went to sea and did not return, and Eärendil, father of Elrond, did not find peace in his heart: he dreamed of finding his parents, and also sailing to Valinor and asking for help from the immortal Valar. He managed to get help, the War of Wrath ended with the victory of the forces of light.

But little Elrond and Elros were in for another ordeal. While their father was at sea, the settlement was attacked by Maedhros and Maglor, wanting to take the Silmarils of Beren and Luthien from Elwing. There was a fierce battle, cities died in fire, many elves died, and Elwing, seeing that there was no hope, threw herself into the sea with the Silmaril on her chest. The boys, however, did not die: Maglor took them to himself, treated them well and even became attached to them later, but the children no longer saw their parents. Then Maglor and Maedhros died because of their insanely terrible oath. Morgoth was defeated and most of the elves returned to Valinor.

Elven ruler

Elrond remained in Beleriand with Gil-galad, king of the remaining Noldor. He was his herald and squire. With him, he participated in the siege of Barad-Dur, where Sauron was defeated, Gil-galad and Elendil were killed, and the One Ring was recaptured. After the death of Gil-galad, Elrond founded the settlement of Rivendell in the hidden valley of the Bruinen at the Western Foot of the Misty Mountains. There Elrond lived with his wife Celebrian, daughter Celeborn and Galadriel, sons Elladan and Elrohir, and daughter Arwen Undomiel. All the sons of the leaders of the northern Dúnedain were brought up in Rivendell, including Aragorn Telkontar, the future king of Gondor and Arnor Elessar.

White Council
(artist A, Eismann)

Elrond ruled his people very wisely and skillfully. For many hundreds of years, the enemies did not learn about the location of Rivendell. Meanwhile, he was not at all separated from the surrounding world; on the contrary, everyone who was in trouble and need could hope to receive shelter, help, information and practical advice here. The house of Elrond was nicknamed the Last Home Refuge. Indeed, all those for whom there was no other shelter could receive shelter here. Here Bilbo stopped with the dwarves on the way to Erebor, and the wounded Frodo came here, pursued by the Nazgul. Elrond maintained close relations with the elves of the Gray Havens and Lorien, and it is clear that it was he who took responsibility for issues common to all Middle-earth elves and important decisions: it is no coincidence that the White Council takes place in Rivendell.

Wisdom and magic

Elrond and the map of the dwarves
(frame from the cartoon "The Hobbit", 1977)

Elrond is said to be very wise. Indeed, in Rivendell a lot of information has been collected on all areas of knowledge that are available in Middle-earth: historical chronicles, elven ballads and legends of ancient days, records in all known languages ​​... Elrond is perfectly oriented in all this, as well as in all modern events. To Bilbo and the dwarves, he easily read the ancient map of Thror in a long forgotten language, also encrypted with lunar runes. We also see how wisely and carefully Elrond conducts the Council. It is not even immediately noticeable that it is Elrond who presides over it, but the Council is held exactly according to his plan, logically, neatly and carefully, without unnecessary disputes and fuss. Like any elf, Elrond avoids direct advice, and never insists on his opinion. Conducting the Council, he no longer doubts his decision whom to send with the Ring. But he did not say anything to push the candidate to this decision, he patiently waited for the decision to mature and become his own for the custodian. I must say that, taking such a paradoxical and illogical, at first glance, decision, Elrond demonstrated not logic and common sense, but the highest wisdom. Subsequent events confirmed his paradoxical correctness.

Elrond teaching Aragorn how to heal**

In addition to outstanding erudition and wisdom, Elrond possessed many amazing abilities and unusual skills. He can command the forces of nature. Elrond instantly increased the water level in Bruinen several times as soon as the Nazgûl entered the river. Moreover, he instantly learned about it, being at a considerable distance from the river. Elrond is a skilled healer. He managed to save Frodo: when the hobbit was already on the verge of death, Elrond performed an operation on him without a cut, with one force of spirit he took out a poisoned blade, which had almost reached the heart, and eliminated the devastating consequences of poisoning. And Frodo recovered. It was from Elrond that Aragorn received his healing skills. It can be assumed that the gathering of Council members at the right time was not accidental - and then we have to admit that Elrond could somehow influence the likelihood of events or participated in the planning of the Council together with the Valar.

We do not see Elrond's personal magical instrument, although we do not see him at work at all. However, it is known that Gil-galad left him the most powerful of the three Elven rings - Vilya, the ring of Air, blue with sapphire. If we consider that there is a parallel between the Elven rings and the Silmarils, then the son of Eärendil, who delivered the main Silmaril to Valinor, is a very suitable keeper for the ring of Air (Rings of wisdom and knowledge). And, of course, Vilya helped Elrond keep Rivendell clean and pristine and increased the guardian's wisdom. No wonder all the countries of Middle-earth were rumored that Rivendell was strong in wisdom, and not in military might.

War of the Ring

Elrond did not participate in the battles. True, his sons, Elladan and Elrohir, participated in them. But it was Elrond who equipped the detachment of guardians: he prepared everything necessary, planned the route, approved the composition of the detachment, and organized a thorough preliminary reconnaissance. And, of course, it is difficult to overestimate the inspiring influence of Arwen: it was Elrond who decided that only the King of Gondor and Arnor could get the hand of Arwen, if she wanted to.


Two years after the War of the Rings, Elrond, along with other Elven ring-bearers, as well as Frodo and Bilbo, boarded a ship in the Gray Havens and set off for Valinor. His wife Celebrien had been waiting there for a long time. He must have been waiting for the events of the War of the Ring for a long time, realizing that his participation would be required - Elrond had a prophetic gift, which probably also helped him Vilya. So he must have been glad, having completed his most important mission and convinced of the success of the reign of King Elessar, to go to other shores, to other tasks, to his relatives and loved ones.

(translated by Z. Bobyr)
Tolkien J.R.R. The Hobbit, or Journey back and forth (translated by M. Kamenkovich, S. Stepanova)
Tolkien J.R.R. The Hobbit, or Journey back and forth (translated by V. Matorina)
Tolkien J.R.R. The Hobbit, or the Journey There and Back (translated by N. Prokhorova)
Tolkien J.R.R. The Hobbit, or the Journey There and Back (translated by N. Rakhmanova)
Tolkien J.R.R. Lord of the Rings
Tolkien J.R.R. Lord of the Rings. Part 1. The Fellowship of the Ring
Tolkien J.R.R. Lord of the Rings. Part 1. Commonwealth of the Ring (translated by V. Matorina)
Tolkien J.R.R. Lord of the Rings. Part 1. Keepers (translated by V. Muravyov, A. Kistyakovsky)
Tolkien J.R.R. Lord of the Rings. Part 2. Two towers
Tolkien J.R.R. Lord of the Rings. Part 2. Two fortresses (translated by N. Grigorieva, V. Grushetsky)
Tolkien J.R.R. Lord of the Rings. Part 2. Two strongholds (translated by V. Matorina)
Tolkien J.R.R. Lord of the Rings. Part 3. The return of the sovereign (translated by V. Volkovsky)
(translated by N. Grigorieva, V. Grushetsky)
Tolkien J.R.R. Lord of the Rings. Part 3. Return of the King (translated by V. Matorina)
Tolkien J.R.R. The Silmarillion (translated by Z. Bobyr)
Tolkien J.R.R. The Silmarillion (translated by N. Grigorieva, V. Grushetsky)

Audio versions

Tolkien J.R.R. The Hobbit, or Journey back and forth (read by L. Gulko)

In the year 534 of the First Age, Earendil the Sailor went to Valinor for help against Morgoth, and after 4 years the sons of Feanor Maedhros and Maglor attacked the Havens of Sirion, wanting to take possession of the Silmaril, which belonged to Elwing. Elrond and Elros were captured. Maglor took pity on them and spared their lives. It is said that he took care of the children and raised them for a while. Although, according to another version, the twins were left by their captors in a cave behind a waterfall, where they were later found alive and unharmed. Elwing, however, escaped with the Silmaril and, in the form of a bird, found Earendil's ship. Despair seized them because of the loss of their children, and they did not return to Middle-earth. Together they reached the Undying Lands and Eärendil asked the help of the Valar in the war against Morgoth.

At the end of the First Age, the Host of the Valar, supported by the Elves of Valinor and Earendil himself, defeated Morgoth in the War of Wrath. Vala Manwe decreed that Eärendil and Elwing, as well as their children Elrond and Elros, must choose which race to belong to - Elves or Men. Earendil and Elwing chose the Elf race and stayed in the Undying Lands. Elros chose the fate of Men and became mortal. He became the first King of Numenor, and from him descend the Kings of Numenor and the rulers of Gondor and Arnor, including Aragorn (Elessar). Elros lived 500 years and died in 442 of the Second Age. Elrond chose the fate of the Elves. He became immortal and could go beyond the Sea to the Undying Lands, but chose to remain in Middle-earth with the High King of the Noldor, Gil-galad. They both settled in Lindon, a land west of the Blue Mountains that was part of Beleriand before it was destroyed in the War of Wrath. Morgoth's servant Sauron survived the War of Wrath, and around the year 1200 of the Second Age appeared among the Elves in fair guise and immediately tried to gain their trust. Gil-galad and Elrond did not recognize him, but they did not trust him and forbade him to appear in Lindon.

Against the warnings of Lord Lindon and Elrond, the Elven Smiths of Eregion accepted Sauron and around 1500 began to forge the Rings of Power under his direction. Around 1600, Sauron forged the One Ring in secret to rule over the others, and Celebrimbor, king of Eregion and grandson of Feanor, realized that he had been deceived. However, Celebrimbor himself hid the Three Rings of the Elves from Sauron, giving Vilya, the Ring of Air, to Gil-galad.

After Sauron's army invaded Eregion, killed Celebrimbor, and closed the gates of Moria in the middle of the Second Age, Elrond founded the stronghold of Imladris, which the people called Rivendell. This fortress became the main Elven settlement of the Noldor in Eriador, and Elrond himself was appointed by Gil-galad as the High King's steward in Eriador. The surviving inhabitants of Eregion and the remnants of the elven army sent by Gil-galad to help Eregion remained in the settlement. Soon Rivendell itself was besieged by the army of Sauron, and the siege was lifted only after the defeat of the main forces of Sauron by the Numenoreans. In the days of the Third Age, after the death of Gil-galad, Elrond gathered in Imladris many elves and other powerful and wise representatives of the peoples of Middle-earth. There he kept the memory of the past and the beautiful. Throughout the Third Age, Elrond continued to provide assistance to the Heirs of Isildur, who were his relatives, as they were descended from his brother Elros. Elrond knew that one day a descendant of Elendil would play a decisive role in the fate of Middle-earth.

Along with Gil-galad and Elendil, Elrond participated in the War of the Last Alliance (Second Age). In the year 109 of the Third Age, Elrond married Celebrian, daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn. Their twin sons Elladan and Elrohir were born in 130, their daughter Arwen in 241. The children of the lord of Rivendell were faced with the same choice as he had once - to belong to the race of Elves or Men, but they could postpone for a long time own choice. Around 1300, the Head of the Nazgûl appeared in Eriador and founded the kingdom of Angmar. Then Rivendell was besieged for some time by the allies of Angmar. In 1409, the forces of the Witch King attacked the lands of the fragmented Arnor. Elrond brought aid from Rivendell and Lothlórien, joining forces with Cirdan the Shipwright of the Gray Havens. Finally, in 1975, the leader of the Nazgûl retreated to Mordor after the Battle of Fornost, which involved an army from Rivendell led by Glorfindel. In 2509 Elrond's wife Celebrian was captured by the Orcs at the Crimson Horn Pass on their way to Lothlórien. Orcs tortured her and wounded her with a poisoned dagger before her sons, Elladan and Elrohir, managed to find and save their mother. Elrond managed to heal the wounds of his wife, but fear and memories tormented Celebrian, and she could no longer find joy in Middle-earth. Therefore, in 2510, she left Middle-earth and went beyond the Sea to the Undying Lands.

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