How to pickle red caviar at home. How to quickly and easily salt black caviar: recipes for any cuisine Salting black caviar at home

Today we will talk with you how to salt / salt fish caviar at home, caviar with pike, pink salmon, trout and black caviar. Recipes on how to pickle caviar of pink salmon and other fish.

How to pickle caviar

Pike caviar is quite large compared to other varieties of river fish and salted caviar turns out to be very tasty if you follow all the simple rules for salting it at home. And how to pickle pike caviar ?

There are several common recipes for salting pike caviar, and in order to do this, you need to have the right kind of fish with caviar, then gut it and start salting. From the very beginning, everything is washed with running water, then the film is carefully torn and the caviar is wiped through a colander or sieve with a coarse mesh. We boil water, in a volume exceeding the mass of caviar by one and a half times, then add salt to the water to taste, but do not oversalt, since this will be the brine for caviar. Pour the caviar with the prepared brine, mix everything thoroughly and keep it in it for about 20 minutes, after which such caviar for consumption can be safely stored in the refrigerator.

The second recipe for salting pike caviar

For the second recipe for salting pike caviar, you will need 300 gr. pike caviar: salt, a deep bowl, 1.5 liters of boiling water, a fork, a colander, cheesecloth and a tablespoon.

From the gutted fish, you need to get the caviar and put it in a bowl of boiled water, rip the caviar bags, without removing the film, stir the caviar with a fork for 3-5 minutes. If a film remains on the fork, remove it until all the eggs are separated from each other and have a light yellow color, and then drain the water.

Now, after hot water, it is necessary to fill the entire contents with cold water and mix everything thoroughly again and so drain and pour in new and clean water until the water becomes completely clean with caviar. At the same time, the remnants of the film are carefully removed, and the eggs should settle to the bottom of the bowl, the floating caviar must be removed along with water. After thorough filtration, the water must be drained and the caviar must be dried. To do this, you need gauze and a colander, gauze spread to the bottom, then the caviar is poured out, after which the gauze must be taken in your hand and collected, carefully squeezing the water so as not to crush the eggs. When there is almost no water, the caviar can simply be spread on something flat and allowed to dry out a little.

After all the preparatory stages, you can start how to salt the caviar from under the pike. To do this, you need to take iodized fine salt, then put the caviar in a bowl, gradually add salt to taste, a little vegetable oil and gently stir with a tablespoon very gently. The caviar absorbs salt well and after that it swells a little, becomes larger. It is necessary not to regret the time spent and to do everything neatly, carefully and without haste. Foam may form at the end of the process, which is normal.

Now you can start packing caviar into jars, but do not fill them to the very edge. Put the jars in the refrigerator and start using it in 6 hours. Ready-made pike caviar according to the recipe will be a real delicacy of amazing taste.

Pink salmon (red)

And so the following recipe for how to salt pink salmon caviar, read and apply. We need to properly salt pink salmon caviar at home. Very often, when buying this type of fish, it comes across with caviar, which is not suitable for frying, since it turns out to be tough and pale, and is great for salting.
One of the main rules of the recipe is how to salt pink salmon caviar, so that water does not get into the caviar before you start salting it.

The first thing to do is to carefully separate the film from the caviar, which is very simple and easy to do. You need to take cheesecloth in two layers and put caviar on it, and put two deep plates or small bowls next to it. Pour boiling water into one of the containers, and cold water into the other. It is good to collect the edges of the gauze in your hand and lower it into the caviar in boiling water, constantly stirring the contents in boiling water for 1 minute, then remove from the boiling water and immerse in cold water. After all these manipulations, the film becomes boiled, and the pink salmon caviar begins to separate from the film itself, but not all caviar is completely separated, therefore, using a fork or spoon, the remaining caviar must be completely separated.

Then a brine solution is prepared, for which it is necessary to boil 2 times more water than the caviar, and after it cools down a little, you need to put peeled raw potatoes on the bottom of the container with water, then salt the water until the potatoes float to the surface of the water.

Wait until the water has cooled completely and only then can the caviar be immersed in the brine, keeping it in the solution for up to 10 minutes, so that the caviar stays longer and better. After that, the caviar is carefully transferred into a colander and remains until all the solution has drained off, and then laid out on a towel or napkin to dry completely. The taste of the finished product depends on moisture; the less moisture is left, the tastier the caviar.

Ready salted caviar with pink salmon can be put into sterilized jars and a small layer of olive or corn oil can be added on top, put in the refrigerator, and after 5 hours you can eat it.

A very quick recipe for salting pink salmon caviar is to prepare a hot brine of 70-80 C (for 1 liter of water, 1.5 tablespoons of salt) and dip the caviar in a film into it. Let stand for 10-15 minutes, gently stirring occasionally, and then remove and rub through a sieve or colander, collect the separated caviar with a spoon, put it in a jar, add a little vegetable oil and after an hour the caviar can be served. Pike caviar can be salted in the same way.


Such trout caviar can be easily salted at home, and it will be even tastier than ready-made from the supermarket. And so simple recipe for salting trout caviar. It's simple. We read below.

To do this, you need to take trout caviar and pour boiling water over it, then gently rub it through a sieve or in gauze, separating it from the film, but so that the eggs remain intact. After the washed caviar, transfer to a bowl or plate and add about 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, preferably sea salt and stir until foam forms. You can add a little sugar, but this is a matter of taste, you need to mix it for 10 minutes. Put the caviar in jars, put it in the refrigerator and after 12 hours the caviar is ready for use, but according to this recipe, you don't need to leave the caviar for a long time.

There is another recipe according to which you can salt trout caviar. The first preparatory stage is the same as in the first recipe. The caviar, already wiped and peeled from the film, is dipped into brine (water 1l, salt 50g and 15g sugar) for 15 minutes so that it is well salted. A sufficient amount of salt prevents the caviar from the appearance of microorganisms in it and, penetrating into the eggs, the salt extracts the remaining moisture from them, which will protect it from rapid deterioration. The minimum percentage of salt in caviar should be at least 4%. Now the caviar is thrown into a colander so that the brine is gone and dried. The finished product is placed in jars after 2 hours, the caviar can be served.

Sevruga, sturgeon, beluga, sterlet

Recipes on how to pickle black caviar with beluga or other marine fish. This family includes stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, beluga, sterlet and others, and the size of the eggs depends on the type of fish, but the largest black caviar is the beluga caviar. In order to cook salted black caviar from the listed types of fish, it is necessary to have the fish itself with caviar, which must be very carefully removed from the belly of the fish and cleaned of adhering entrails. Then you can proceed to release from the film, rub it gently through a sieve with a coarse mesh, leaving the eggs intact. It is necessary to stir until a natural brine is formed, with proper salting, the eggs are whole and separate from each other. If the caviar turned out to be lightly salted, then you should not keep it for a long time, but it is better to eat it faster so that it does not deteriorate. And so how to pickle black caviar yourself if you have never done it.

If the fish is very fresh and only caught, then it can be salted right at the joints, and then spread out for airing so that it dries out. Then release from the film, remove all streaks and mucus, separate carefully with a pusher, which gives the eggs density and a special taste, acquired as a result of drying with saturated fresh and salty sturgeon fat.

Black beluga caviar is salted very simply without the use of brine. It is enough to take fine salt from 5 to 15% of the weight of fish roe, it all depends on the taste. Mix thoroughly and carefully and put in clean and dry sterilized jars, close tightly with a lid and refrigerate for 5 hours, after which the caviar will be ready for use.

Caviar has rightfully earned the love of many people. In addition to its taste, it has a lot of useful properties. Each egg is a storehouse of proteins, minerals, vitamins, as well as such important elements as phosphorus and iron. Protein is absorbed by the body better than proteins in meat products.

The risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system is reduced, and vision is improved.

Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that everything is good in moderation. Excessive consumption of salty foods leads to metabolic disorders. And sandwiches with caviar and butter are heavy food for our stomach. For the benefits to outweigh the harm, you need to use a top quality product.

Now there is such a situation that not every family can afford such a delicacy more often than on holidays. To correct the injustice, to save a little, you can take care of the ambassador at home. After reading the article, you will see that it is not difficult.

Red or black?

First, let's understand the terminology. Black caviar is called sturgeon caviar (beluga, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, thorn). Red - salmon (taimen, pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon, trout).

Fish selection

One of the most important conditions for obtaining a quality product is the selection of excellent ingredients. This also applies to fish.

We take not gutted carcasses of females. Usually, sturgeon and salmon are caught during spawning, so caviar will be in most of the purchased fish. Pay attention to appearance, smell and shelf life.

Defrosting fish should take place in two stages: we transfer it to the refrigerator, and after a while we thaw it at room temperature. After evisceration, we move on to the tedious, but important work - cleaning the caviar from the roe.

What are "yastiki" and why clean caviar from them?

The ovaries are called two film sacs in which the egg is located. If you are too lazy and do not remove them, then the caviar will taste bitter.

Carefully, trying not to damage the eggs, remove the film. Then fill with water (cold), and start stirring clockwise. The most convenient tool for this is a simple wooden stick. The rest of the film is wound on a stick. We discard the resulting mass on a double cheesecloth placed in a colander. Let's wait a little so that the water is glass. In the meantime, let's get down to preparing the marinade.


An unusual word hides a simple pickle. Moreover, "simple" in the literal sense, consists of only three ingredients - water, salt and sugar.

The amount of water should be twice the volume of caviar. Dissolve two tablespoons of salt and two tea sugars. The resulting solution is boiled. Let it cool a little.

Well, now we turn directly to the salting.

Salt red caviar

Fill with brine, leave for twenty minutes, then put it back on cheesecloth, let it dry a little (it usually takes a couple of hours).

It is best to transfer the finished product to sterilized jars greased with olive oil. Put away in the cold. The delicacy is ready to eat in three hours.

Salt caviar - the first way

We put the prepared (cleared of ovaries) caviar in an enamel bowl. For salting, the choice of salt is very important. We take very small ones - the smaller the diameter of the grains, the better the caviar will be. The salt ratio should not exceed five percent by weight. We put it in glass jars.

Salt caviar - the second way

Caviar, although not as beautiful in appearance as granular, has a rich taste. With this option of salting, the film is not removed. Rinse with a sieve, sprinkle with salt and leave for a day. Soon the eggs will be covered with a film of salt. Then grind in a mortar until smooth, to which spicy brine is often added. The mixture is covered with a lid with a load and infused for twelve hours.


Caviar should not be frozen, but should only be stored in the refrigerator. Consume an open can within five days.

How to salt red, black, pike caviar at home.

Recall that we have already considered it correctly, with video examples, check out.

The first recipe for how to pickle pike caviar

In order to pickle pike caviar, you will need, directly, the caviar itself, which must be gutted from the pike and wiped in a colander, and some ingredients, which will be discussed later. First you need to boil the water. Water must be taken in such a way that its volume exceeds the amount of caviar by one and a half times. Now it is very important to prepare the pickling brine itself. It is, in principle, very simple to prepare - you need to add salt to boiled water. It must be added to taste, but it is still important not to overdo it with the amount of salt.

Pour the pike caviar with the prepared brine and mix everything thoroughly. If the process is extended to twenty minutes, then such caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for a very long time.

The second recipe for how to salt caviar with pike

How to salt pike caviar at home.

To salt pike caviar in this option, you will need:

1.300 grams of caviar.
2. One and a half liters of boiling water.
3. Salt.
4. Deep bowl.
5. Colander.
6. Fork.
7. A tablespoon.
8. Gauze.

Now you need to remove the caviar from the fish and place it in a bowl of boiled water. Take a fork in your hands and start ripping open the holes without removing the film. Stir the caviar thoroughly for three or five minutes. If large traces of film remain on the fork, discard it aside. Almost all eggs should separate from each other. The appearance of the eggs should be light yellow. When you have thoroughly kneaded and separated, the water must be drained.

After you have drained the hot water, you need to pour cold water into the bowl and stir the caviar again. The water should be drained and poured until the caviar is in absolutely clean water. Now, stirring the caviar a little, try to remove any remaining film. Stir again. The eggs should settle to the bottom. What remains to float is necessary to drain. Thoroughly filter all caviar so that it and the water are perfectly clean. After you have achieved the desired result, you need to dry the caviar. To do this, take a colander and place cheesecloth on the bottom. Pour all the caviar into a colander, take the cheesecloth in your hand and try to gently squeeze the caviar, but do not crush it - your goal is only to dry it. After a few squeezes, you should feel the gauze dry slightly - you can put it on the table and unfold it.

Now we proceed to the most important step - to salting caviar. To do this, take iodized fine salt. Transfer the caviar back to the cheesecloth bowl and start adding salt to taste. The salt should be added gradually - a small amount of salt, light stirring, and so on several times. Stir very gently with a tablespoon. The process can take five minutes or more. The main thing in this business is thoroughness and accuracy.

If, after you've finished salting the caviar, foam forms on it - don't worry - this is quite normal. Start packing the caviar into the container. It's best to take a few small jars for this. Stack the caviar, not reaching the top, five or ten millimeters. In principle, the caviar is already ready for use, but still it should be kept for at least six hours in the refrigerator.

How to pickle pink salmon caviar (red) at home

How to salt pink salmon caviar at home.

In order to properly pickle pink salmon caviar, you need to know a very important rule - exclude any contact with water before pickling.

First of all, carefully separate the top film from the caviar. You can do this with a fork or with your hands - there is no particular difficulty here. Now prepare the brine solution. To do this, it is necessary to boil the water, where the water should be twice as much as the caviar. After the water boils, turn off the heat and let it cool slightly. After that, take one peeled potato and put it on the bottom of a container with water, start adding some salt to the water. During the salting of water, it is also necessary to stir it, when the potatoes float, you can stop salting.

Let the water cool completely. And only after that you can dip the caviar into this solution. Soak the caviar in water for about seven minutes, if you are going to store it for a longer time, then soak it for up to ten minutes. After the necessary time has passed, discard the caviar in a colander and let the water drain completely. Then transfer the caviar to a towel prepared in advance so that it can dry out. Remember that the less moisture the caviar has, the tastier it will be.

How to salt trout caviar

How to salt trout caviar correctly at home.

If you want to taste the unforgettable taste of red caviar, you can, of course, buy it in the store, but it will be much better and tastier if you salt the red caviar at home. In principle, there is nothing complicated here, and the result is simply amazing.

First you need to get the caviar from the trout. Then release it from the film. Many professionals do this with a fork, but it will be very difficult not to damage the eggs if this is the first time. An easier way can be to separate the film with ordinary boiled water. To do this, you need to take hot enough water, but so that its temperature is acceptable to your hands. Dip the eggs with caviar into the water, and use your fingers to peel off the eggs from the film. Do this very carefully and carefully, because there should be more whole eggs than damaged and burst ones, then the result will exceed all expectations.

After you are done with cleaning, rinse the caviar several times in cold water and you can start salting.

You can pickle caviar using only salt, or a mixture of sugar and salt. For salting trout caviar, it is best to take sea salt, but if there is none, then choose rock salt. The amount of salt should be approximately 50 or 70 grams per liter of water. If you add sugar, you need two parts of the mixture to be salt and one part sugar.

When you have made the mixture, added it to the water, you can dip the caviar into it. Leave for about fifteen minutes so that it is salted, and discard in a colander, then dry. Transfer to a glass jar and let sit for two hours. After this time, you can taste the caviar.

How to salt black caviar

How to salt black caviar at home, with your own hands, so that it is delicious.

For salting black caviar, you will need:

1. Caviar of sturgeon, beluga, sterlet or stellate sturgeon.
2. Salt.

First you need to remove the caviar from the fish. Without damaging the films. After that, clean it from the adhered insides, and only then release the caviar from the film. Place the caviar in a bowl and gently separate the eggs with your fingers, stirring. Then sprinkle the caviar with fine salt. It all depends on your tastes, you can take a ratio of 5% salt depending on the weight of the fish, 10% or 15% - the maximum ratio. Mix thoroughly and put in sterilized jars, close the lid, put in the refrigerator for five hours.

It is important to know in order to deliciously pickle caviar:

It is very important to know which caviar should be soaked before salting and which should not. As for black caviar, it is generally recommended to salt it without the use of brine. But if you want to use just such a method, then you should know that the use of brine is suitable in cases of salting roe and ternary caviar, but it is best to salt pressed caviar with dry salt. Now you know how to salt the caviar of the most common fish - pike, pink salmon, red fish, black caviar, red trout caviar, etc. Good luck.

The owners have always had red caviar on the table as a sign of financial well-being. This product does not lose its relevance. How to salt red caviar at home? In fact, the process is not time consuming, the most important thing is to purchase a fish carcass with caviar.

How to pickle red caviar at home deliciously and quickly

A homemade delicacy can be no worse than a purchased one. Therefore, it is important to buy a fresh product and follow the cooking technology. It is better to choose fish from the salmon order with red meat.

Since most stores sell fish frozen, the question arises whether it is possible to salt caviar from frozen pink salmon? It is possible, but the carcass is carefully defrosted beforehand.


  • pink salmon caviar - 400 - 500 grams;
  • purified water - 1 liter;
  • white sugar - 1.5 dessert spoons;
  • rock salt - exactly 5 teaspoons;
  • seasoning for fish - optional.


  1. The first step is to defrost the fish carcass naturally. First place the fish in the refrigerator, then defrost it in the kitchen at normal temperature. Carefully cut the abdomen with a knife, starting from the lower rear fin. Get the main ingredient.
  2. Now it is important to separate the eggs from the films. You can do this with your hands, tearing the bag apart. Place them in warm clean water to quickly separate the excess from the eggs. Stir slowly in a circle with a wooden skewer. The film comes off well. Strain the contents through a sieve, dry on a cloth towel.
  3. How to salt pink salmon caviar at home? Next, boil the brine, it is also called brine. Boil the indicated amount of liquid, stir a portion of table salt and sugar. The salty brine prevents the eggs from sticking to each other. Cool the liquid and pour the resulting brine into a container for caviar for half an hour.
  4. The last step is to strain the eggs through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Then place them in a dry glass jar. Now wondering whether it is possible to pickle caviar from frozen pink salmon, it is not difficult to repeat this recipe. However, the shelf life of the delicacy on the refrigerator shelf should not exceed 4 days.

How to salt red caviar at home: dry salting method

The dry cooking method involves mixing salt directly with the processed eggs. The shelf life is significantly increased with this technology up to 2-3 weeks. If you manage to use fresh fish, then the taste will pleasantly surprise. So, how to salt red fish at home.


  • table salt - 1 large spoon;
  • fresh caviar - 600 grams;
  • refined oil - ΒΌ glass;
  • water from the filter - approximately 1 liter.


  1. Remove the caviar from the cut fish. Cut the foil and immerse the ingredient in a container of warm water. While stirring in one direction, remove the separated film.
  2. Then take out a sieve and strain the ingredients. Crushed eggs and pieces of film remain on the walls, remove them manually. Leave the caviar in a strainer or cheesecloth to drain excess liquid.
  3. At this time, cook the brine. Boil water on the stove, add sugar and salt. Dip a sieve with caviar into boiling concentrated brine. Hold for no more than 30 seconds, then remove from the liquid. It happens that the hostess salted pink salmon caviar, what should I do? Then it is enough to put the salted ingredient in ordinary clean water for 2 minutes. Then drain the water by adding a spoonful of vegetable oil.
  4. When the eggs are thermally processed in salted boiling water, put them in an enamel container. So that they do not stick together, spread should be gradually, in small portions. Add rock salt, mix with a thin skewer. Pour in the specified amount of sunflower oil.
  5. Next, pour boiling water over glass jars. Dishes are required sterile. Pack the workpieces into containers, tighten the lid thoroughly. Keep on a refrigerator shelf.

How to salt red pink salmon caviar correctly: the express method without hassle

If you want to surprise your guests with a homemade delicacy, use the express method. It is advisable to use the ingredient fresh or chilled. The degree of salting is adjusted to taste. Serve the finished dish on sandwiches, or decorate the salad with them. How to pickle red salmon caviar at home is tasty and quick, read below.


  • table salt - 1 kilogram;
  • any refined oil to taste;
  • red caviar - 1 kilogram;
  • filtered water - 3.5 liters.


  1. Carefully separate the caviar from the films. Carefully tear off the base film, place the ingredient in purified warm water. You can stir with a fork or other long object. It is important not to crush the eggs. Strain the eggs through cheesecloth. Remove remnants of films.
  2. It's time to prepare a salty solution. Pour the required amount of liquid into a saucepan, let it boil. You need to add salt directly to boiling water. Cook for a couple of minutes, remove from the stove. How to quickly salt red caviar: immerse the prepared peeled components in hot brine for 15 minutes. The longer the components are in the liquid, the more salt the finished product will absorb.
  3. After the specified time, drain the water through cheesecloth. Spread the eggs on a dry towel. They should dry for 2 hours. To prevent the ingredients from sticking together, add a spoonful of olive oil. It is not difficult to lubricate them with a clean palm.
  4. At this time, sterilize the jars and lids with boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Put the finished delicacy in a glass container, seal with sterile lids. Use the proven method of how to quickly pickle red caviar at home.

How to salt red chum salmon caviar with the addition of vegetable oil

Chum salmon caviar is an expensive delicacy product. Homemade pickling does not involve the addition of preservatives. It is important that a ready-made snack is much cheaper than in a store. Before you know how to pickle red caviar at home, you should first choose a female carcass. The female has a rounded head. Males have pronounced predatory external features.

When buying chilled fish, you should look at the gills. A deep red or pink color is indicative of freshness. If the carcass has black fins and an unpleasant smell, then the fish should be discarded. Caviar cannot be used either.


  • fresh caviar - 0.5 kilograms;
  • rock salt - 450 grams;
  • drinking water - 2 liters;
  • sunflower oil - half a glass


  1. Defrost chum salmon naturally. Then carefully incise the abdomen from the side of the posterior lower fin. In this case, it is important not to damage the eggs with eggs. Gut the fish, get the caviar. Tear the foil bag or yasty carefully.
  2. Next, clean the eggs from the films. A universal method is to immerse them in a container of warm water, stirring in a circle. Then the liquid is poured through clean gauze, the debris and crushed eggs are removed. While the ingredients are drying, it's time to cook brine.
  3. The brine will turn out to be quite concentrated and strong. Then the caviar will be well salted and its shelf life will increase. Pour a couple of liters of water into a container, stir 1.5 full large tablespoons of table salt. Put the mass on fire. After boiling, add 450 grams of salt again. The brine does not need to be cooked for a long time, 3-4 minutes will be enough.
  4. After the specified time, turn off the gas, let the brine on the stove cool down. Immerse prepared clean caviar in salted brine for 60 - 90 minutes. Then strain the contents of the dish through cheesecloth. Let the water drain completely.
  5. At this time, start sterilizing cans. This can be done in the oven or with hot steam. Boil the lids. When the ingredient dries, transfer it to a deep bowl, add the vegetable oil. Corn oil or olive oil is also good. It is recommended to stir with a wooden spoon so that the caviar does not oxidize and does not stick to the device.
  6. Pack red caviar into prepared sterile containers, seal the lids tightly. A delicious homemade delicacy for the winter can be consumed. The workpieces are stored at a temperature of +3 - 5 degrees. The maximum shelf life is 2 months.

How to pickle red salmon caviar at home: a proven method with lemon

You can taste the fish delicacy a couple of hours after cooking. The method is designed for a short shelf life of the product. At the salting stage, you can season the main ingredients with various spices. Some gourmets even prefer adding cream or fresh onions. So, how to pickle red salmon caviar with lemon.


  • lean oil - half a glass;
  • red caviar - 0.5 kilograms;
  • coarse table salt - 1 large spoon;
  • lemon - 1 medium fruit;
  • dill - optional.


  1. Butcher the fish, get the caviar. Clean the ingredient from the plastic bag, place in a bowl with warm water. Stir gently with a wooden skewer, remove the film. Then throw the contents of the dishes onto a sieve.
  2. Put the prepared caviar in a large plate. At the same stage, salt and season with chopped black pepper to taste. Squeeze the juice of fresh lemon into a plate, pour in a whole spoonful of vegetable oil. Mix the mixture gently and cover with a lid.
  3. Then the ingredients should be infused in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. During this time, the caviar should be salted. Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped dill. How to salt pink salmon caviar with lemon juice - now just using this recipe. The taste of the dish is exquisite with a pleasant aroma. Treat yourself and your family to a homemade delicacy!

Today, not a single festive event is complete without appetizers with red caviar, so if you still do not know how to salt red caviar at home, you are losing a lot. Making salting yourself, you save a lot, especially since store-bought caviar is much inferior to homemade delicacy. Therefore, it's time to get acquainted with how to salt caviar and please yourself and your loved ones.

Caviar preparation

Before you learn how to salt black caviar, or any other, you need to carefully prepare it, or free it from the film - caviar. To do this, you need caviar in a yastyk in a saucepan or colander, pour hot water and carefully collect the films on a wooden spoon or fork. If you got it frozen, you should first defrost it - the slower you do this, the more chances that the eggs will not deteriorate. First, keep the caviar in the refrigerator, and then at room temperature. Also remember: for salting, you need at least 100-150 grams of caviar.

If, for example, you do not know how to salt sterlet caviar, the presented method is perfect for you. Its difference from the method presented above is that the brine is prepared not only with salt, but also supplemented with sugar. So, for each liter of water, you need about 50-80 grams of salt, while sugar should be exactly half as much. Bring the water to a boil, add sugar and salt, and then cool. Only then can you pour the solution over the caviar. As in the first case, its amount should be twice the volume of caviar. The eggs are infused in the solution for 15 minutes. After that, the water is drained, the eggs are dried, placed in jars and cooled. The shelf life of such caviar is not limited.

On December 6, a cargo board with food was sent to the cosmonauts on board the ISS. Among them there was no caviar, which had previously been sent to them annually for the New Year. I personally decided to personally correct this injustice, and collected black caviar as a gift for the astronauts. Further, the caviar will be sent to Roskosmos, from where it will be delivered to the ISS from [...]

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