The course of history as a system of training tasks. Abdulaev E.N.

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Abdulaev Enver Clmutinovich

editor-in-Chief Journal "Teaching History in School"


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Activity approach

In teaching history within

Requirements of the new Standard

What are the main stages of formulation of a learning task and implementing it on the basis of an activity approach?

S __________________________________________________________

Annotation: The author of the article on the basis of the new generation standard clearly defines as meta-reported results of studying history in the basic school, the formation of students in students as the ability to consciously organize and regulate their activities.

Keywords: competence and activity process, systematic, general modeling, initial contradictions, wording, planning, organization of training activities.

The standard of a new generation exists, puzzles, sets questions. If you try to identify the basic methodological innovations of the standard of a new generation, then, first of all, there are attention to two principles, two approaches to the organization of the educational process - competence and operational. In the section "Characteristics of the content of the main general education on the history" of an explanatory note to the exemplary program on history of 5 -9 classes, it is said that "the content of the training of schoolchildren on the history of basic general education is determined taking into account the activity and competent approaches, in the interaction of categories" Knowledge ", Relationships "," Activities ". It is envisaged both mastering key knowledge, skills, ways of activity and willingness to apply them to solve practical, including new tasks. " As part of this article, we want to dwell on the implementation of an activity approach in teaching history courses at school.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe activity approach as the principle of organizing the educational process, in our opinion, suggests its systemality, i.e., the introduction of individual, private creative issues into the training process, exercises and tasks do not lead to the implementation of this approach. The program clearly defines as meta-certificate results of studying history in the main school. Formation of students in students as "the ability to consciously organize and regulate their activities." (Sample programs

on educational subjects. History 5-9 classes. M.2010, p. 6). What can serve as the basis for creating a system of training activities? In my opinion, the basis of the methodical design of this approach may be the formulation and implementation of a system of educational tasks for the studied course of history. Under the teaching task, we understand the problem, that is, the question containing an internal contradiction, which the student sends all the necessary knowledge under the course under study or the topic and gets the opportunity to develop. It is also possible to distinguish a number of features, the functions of the learning task.

First, the learning task should localize the material studied and the activities related to its study. So on the question: "What does it mean to study this course or topic?" We assume the answer: "It means solving a certain problem formulated for this topic or course." In the journal "Teaching History at School", we considered a system of educational tasks at the rate of the history of Russia of the twentieth century. (See A. Yu. Morozov "Course of Russia's history of the twentieth century as a system of educational tasks" PIS 2009, №№ 1-5) This material can serve as an illustration to the above thesis.

Secondly, the learning task must be universal, that is, its decision is impossible without mastering the entire volume of knowledge under the course studied or topic. For example, the problem "Why did the Bolsheviks be able to take and keep power?" Not applicable as an educational task at the rate of the history of the entire twentieth century, but it may well serve as a teaching task to the topic "Russia in the period 1917-1921"

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Thirdly, the educational task should provide objective motivation and to form its own idea of \u200b\u200blearning activities on the subject ("to study the story means to put and look for solving certain problems").

Since the training task is a rod of the methodological design of the course under study, it is necessary to designate it in such a capacity and it is from it to be repelled when organizing training activities. In connection with these, the following stages of the formulation of the educational task and the implementation on its basis of the activity approach are possible.

First stage: general modeling.

At this stage, our task is to show the entire course or theme "From a bird's eye view." We show students the entire material to be studied, and then we concentrate their attention on individual details that students are perceived in relationships comprehensively. When modeling, it is possible to use two options. The first is a preliminary generalization unit when the horizontal is postponed, vertically the main problems or areas of activity, which are a classification of content, and on their intersection there are basic events or phenomena of the topic of the topic or course. This technion is dedicated to the material in the journal "Teaching History in School" (see V. V. Sukhov "Blocks of the preliminary generalization (by the decade of concept)" PIS 2004 No. 9). The second is a creative or figurative modeling, when an image is in the form of a model. For example, in the topic "Rus between East and West" as such a model, the following scheme may appear:

Commentary scheme:

At the beginning of the XIII century, fragmented Russia is attacked by Mongols from the East and German Crusaders and Swedish knights from the West. The war with the Mongols is completed by the defeat of Russian principalities and establishing the dependence of Russia from the Golden Horde formed by the Bathiema State, and the attacks from the West were repulsed and the expansion was stopped.

Second Stage: Isolation of the original contradiction or intrigue.

At this stage, we carry out the primary generalization of the material and form the basis for the formulation of a learning task. The initial contradiction may have both external and internal character. Under an external character, I understand the option when the contradiction is formulated when comparing two different topics or courses. The internal contradiction is formulated on the basis of the direct content of the studied course or theme. For example, having studied the basic events of the troubled time, it is possible to formulate a contradiction between the two provisions: A. Russia in the Epoch of Dischauses was subjected to all destructive impacts that the state could have been subjected at the time. B., despite this, the state, survived and overcame the confusion. In the topic "Rus between East and West", you can draw the attention of students on the contradiction between the results of the struggle of Russian principalities with the invasion of the Mongols (Russia almost a quarter of millennia is dependent on the Horde) and the reflection of the aggression of the Swedes and Crusaders (the expansion of the West managed to stop). As an example of the formulation of intrigues, it is possible to bring intrigue to the topic of the "Epoch of Palace Dobors": Peter I dies, not having time to write the wills and leaving on a sheet of paper only two words "to give everything ..." after Peter ruled 6 emperors and empress. How to invent whose name from the list of its followers Peter would put in the will? In the case of intrigue, we already in the second stage smoothly go to step by the third.

Third Stage: The wording of the educational task and educational planning.

Based on the initial contradiction or intrigue, we derive the wording of the learning task, which, as a rule, is a question in nature. Continuing the topic of troubled times, we give an example of such a task: "Why could Russia overcome the confusion?" In the topic of "Russia between the East and the West" mentioned above, the question will be the question "Why is fragmented Russia conquered East and could reflect the attack from the West?". At the same stage, there is a preliminary planning of training activities, which is a system of logically related issues. For example, in the topic "Rus between East and West" we allocate three main questions:

1. What was the Russian principalities in the period of fragmentation on the eve of the invasion?

2. What were the enemies of Russia, respectively, Knights and Mongols?

3. What is the difference between the fight against the Mongolian invasion and the invasion resistance from the West?

In the framework of the questions raised, we turn to the next, fourth stage.

Experiment and innovation at school 2012/2

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Fourth stage: organization of training activities.

At this stage, we are as part of the issues of questions, we offer students to implement learning assignments that have a certain motivation, algorithm and a system for fixing the result. In this case, the concept of learning tasks coincides with the concept formulated in the article

E. N. Belsky "Development of educational tasks on history" (PISH 2007 No. 10). For the response to the first question, students must collect data on the largest specific centers in the table:

Forms of Feroshrya Rasiamnity

\\ L g1. Fertile Land W / V J Ya.T0gr0The Ways-Sh--

JL__l i z.t.t. strong external BPAIA

^ 4. Strong Central Power ^

"S \\ khaw-eo, criteria ^. Novgorod Earth Lordimiro-Suzalavskiy Prince Galico-Volyn Principality Kiev Principality

I. Geographicals KDIP and suitable conditions

Tsanyati residents (farm)

J. Social Structure (detention)

J. Political development


We divide the second question to a series of questions that students must answer using both the material already studied (course history of the Middle Ages, the 6th grade) and the new information contained in the textbook or in the teacher's story:

What are the goals of crusades?

What types of weapons and tactical techniques used crusaders?

Why did the Mongol Empire arose?

What is the cause of victories of Mongols?

What is common between the enemies of Russia in the East and in the West?

In order to answer the third point-Question of the plan. Students must gradually explore the course of events in the East (the invasion of Batiya to the northeast and South Rus) and in the West (seizure of the Baltic States, the Nevskaya Battle, the Ice Battleship, Personality and the activities of Prince Alexander Nevsky ). After study, it is necessary to try to allocate the features of the events and analyze them. The results of the analysis and will lead to students, as shows the testing of work with this approach within the framework of this topic on the solution of the task set.

Thus, implemented in this option an activity approach allows us to organize systemic learning activities in the course of which students will be focused on to produce and explore all the most important information within the framework of this topic and apply it to solve the problems that will, in our opinion, contribute to the formation of their The ability to apply historical knowledge and solve the creative tasks given in the framework of the requirements of the new standard.


1. Verbicksky A.A. Competence approach: problems and conditions of implementation. // Innovative projects and programs in education. - 2009. - №2.

2. Verbicksky A.A. The grounds for the introduction of a competent-weak approach to education // Municipal Education: Innovation and Experiment. - 2009. - №3.

3. Sidenko A.S. Guide to the site of the federal state educational standard of the second generation: the main functions and content. // Innovative projects and programs in education. - 2010. - №2

4. Sidenko A.S. Master class: "Innovative activities of the teacher in the conditions of introducing the second-generation GEF" // Municipal Education: Innovation and Experiment - 2010. - №4.

5. Chernyshevich V.A. Contextual activity approach to analyzing the problems of the educational process. // Innovative projects and programs in education. - 2011. - №2.

6. Shibayeva S.N. Implementation of training cooperation within the competence approach. // Municipal Education: Innovation and Experiment. - 2011. - №2.

Experiment and innovation at school 2012/2

  • Yu.A. Ovchinnikov, V.T. Ivanov
    For the cycle of work on the creation of a new class of membrane bioregulators and the study of the molecular basics of ion transport through membranes, 1978
  • M.N. Kolosov, E.D. Sverdlov
    For the cycle of work in the field of molecular biology, 1984

State Prizes of the USSR and the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology

  • Yu.A. Ovchinnikov, E.D. Sverdlov, V.M. Lipkin, N.N. Moodyanov, G.S. Monastic and others.
    Per cycle of work on the structure and genetics of RNA polymerase, 1982
  • VC. Antonov, etc.
    For the cycle of work "Chemical Basics of Biological Catalysis", 1984
  • V.F. Bystrov, V.T. Ivanov, V.I. Zetlin, E.V. Grishin and others.
    For the cycle of work "Neurotoxins as a tool for the study of molecular mechanisms for generating a nervous impulse", 1985
  • LD Bergelson, E.V. Dyatovitskaya, Yu.G. Molotkovsky and others.
    For the cycle of works 1965-1983. "Structure and lipid functions", 1985
  • N.G. Abdulaev, etc.
    For the cycle of work on the study of transmembrane ion channels, 1986
  • Yu.A. Ovchinnikov, E.D. Sverdlov, N.N. Modenov, N.A. Aldanova, G.S. Monastic, N.E. BROUDE, N.V. Vladimirov, K.N. Dzhanzhugazyan, K.E. Petrukhin, Yu.A. Ushkarev et al.
    For the work "Molecular genetic foundations of the organization of active transport systems of ions of the cell", 1989
  • V.P. Demushkin
    For the creation of elements of special equipment, 1991
  • MP Bricks, D.A. Long and others.
    For the work "The principles of the structural organization of proteins and their application to the design of new protein molecules: theory and experiment", 1999
  • A.A. Forman and others.
    For the work of "Correction in Chemistry and Technology", 2000
  • R.V. Petrov et al.
    For the work "Conjugated polymer subunit immunogens and vaccines", 2001
  • E.D. Sverdlov, S.A. Lukyanov
    For the development and implementation of a complex of technologies for analyzing the structure and functions of complex genomes, 2015

Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology

  • V.T. Ivanov, TM Andronova, M.V. Bezrukov, V.P. Malkova, A.I. Miroshnikov, V.A. Nesmeyanov, Yu. A. Ovchinnikov, L. I. Rostovtseva, I. B. Sorokina, etc.
    For the development and creation of biotechnological production of the new immunocorgicing drug, 1996
  • R.V. Petrov, A.A. Mikhailova, L.A. Fonin et al.
    For the development, introduction into industrial production and clinical practice of a new type of immunocorgrating drugs of peptide nature: a tactualin and myelopida, 1997
  • V.G. Korosko, G.S. Monastic and others.
    For the development of the technology of obtaining the substance of Interferon Alpha 2B recombinant human, ready-made medicines based on it and the introduction of them into medical practice, 2000
  • A.A. Mikhailova, L.A. Fonina
    For the cycle of experimental and clinical studies in the field of biotherapy and immunodiagnostics of malignant neoplasms, 2005
  • A.I. Miroshnikov, D.I. Bairimashvili, A.A. Zinchenko, V.T. Ivanov, S.A. KOSAREV, T.I. Kostromin, N.V. Sizova, V.A. Lasman, V.G. Korosko and others.
    For the creation of production and the introduction into the practice of domestic health care of the human engineering insulin, 2005

Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education

  • V.T. Ivanov, T.V. Ovchinnikova et al.
    For the creation of scientific and practical development "Russian innovative educational and scientific complex for training in the field of biotechnology" for educational institutions of higher professional education, 2007

Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation "Gratitude to the President of Russia"

  • T.I. Sorkin, 2010

Prize of Leninsky Komsomol

  • E.V. Grishin, A.P. Kiselev, V.M. Lipkin, N.N. Modenov et al.
    For work on the primary structure of cytoplasmic aspartate aminotransferase, 1975

Big Gold Medal named after M.V. Lomonosova Ran.

  • V.T. Ivanov
    For an outstanding contribution to the development of bioorganic chemistry, 2010

Gold medal named after V.A. Engelgardt Ran.

  • E.D. Sverdlov
    For the cycle of works "Structural, functional and evolutionary analysis of genomes of pro- and eukaryotes, including a person: Development of a methodological foundation and ways to use results in medicine", 2014

Medal of the CRSSA Institute

  • A.G. Gabibov
    For contribution to the development of biochemistry and medical toxicology, 2013

Medal of the European Academy

  • A.O. Chugunov
    For the work "Computer modeling of the structure and functions of biomembranes and membrane proteins", 2013
  • A.A. Polyansky
    For the work "In Silico Analysis of the structural and functional aspects of the dimmerization of transmembrane domains of Bitopic proteins", 2014
  • MA Turchaninova
    For the work "Analysis of repertoires of T-cell receptors using emulsion PCR with reverse transcription and massive sequencing",

Prizes of the USSR Academy of Sciences and wounds named MM Shemyakina

  • Yu.A. Ovchinnikov
    For the cycle of works "Research in the field of chemistry of protein", 1980
  • M.N. Kolosov, V.G. Korosko, V.N. Dobrynin.
    For the cycle of works 19771982 "Synthesis of artificial genes", 1983
  • N.G. Abdulaev
    For the work of "Bioorganic Chemistry Rhodopsinov", 1983
  • V.F. Bystrov, A.S. Arsenyev
    For the cycle of work "Study of the structure and functions of membrane peptides and proteins by the NMR spectrometry method", 1993
  • V.P. Teeth
    For the work "Polymer materials for biology and biotechnology", 1998
  • IN AND. Zetlin
    For the cycle of articles "α-Conotoxins tools for research of nicotine receptors and the basis for creating new diagnostic and medicines", 2010
  • CM. Deev
    Per cycle of work "Supramolecular agents for tera content" "Supramolecular agents for tera content", 2016

Prize wounds named Yu.A. Ovchinnikova and Name Gold Medal

  • V.T. Ivanov Golden Medal RAS. Yu. A. Ovchinnikova
    For the cycle of work "Peptide preparations for medicine and veterinary medicine", 1992
  • E.V. Grishin
    For the work "Molecular base of interaction of natural toxins with cell membrane", 1994
  • V.M. Lipkin
    For the cycle of works "Molecular mechanisms of phototransduction: phosphodiesterase TsGMF and Rekoverin", 1997
  • S.A Lukyanov
    For the work "Fluorescent proteins: search, research and use in biotechnology", 2006

RAS Prize named after A.N. Baha

  • V.V. Meranzhinov
    For the work "Structure and mechanisms of Folding fibrillary superspiral proteins", 1999

Prize wounds name A.O. Kovalevsky

  • A.G. Zarays
    For the work "Home-focused class genes ANF. Regulators of the early development of the brain of vertebrates ", 2006

Prize wound names I.I. Mechnikov

  • CM. Deev
    For the cycle of work "Recombinant antibodies and their derivatives for aimedic effect on tumor cells", 2014

Prize wound name named A.A. Baeva

  • MP Bricks
    For the work cycle "Recombinant proteins as a modern tool for structural biology, biophysics and molecular biology", 2016

International Nanotechnology Prize Rusnanoprise

  • S.A. Lukyanov
    For the work "Fluorescent proteins: search, research and use in biotechnology", 2012

Prize named after L.S. Lahiri

  • Yu.N. Utkin
    For merits in the studies of natural poisons and toxins, 2014

Presidential Prize in Science and Innovation for Young Scientists

  • D.M. Chudakov
    For the development of genetically encoded fluorescent markers for visualizing objects and processes in biomedical research, 2012
  • MP Nikitin
    For the development of "smart" nanomaterials of a new generation for biomedical use and the development of the fundamental basics of autonomous biomolecular computing systems for tera content, 2017

Moscow Government Prize with young scientists

  • A.A. Buzdin
    For the cycle of works on the creation of a system of large-scale analysis of the gene expression "OnCOFINDER", 2016
  • A.A. Vasilevsky, A.I. Kuzmenkov, K.S. Kudryashova
    For the study of the diversity of natural blockers of potassium channels and the creation of molecular instruments for fundamental research and screening systems based on them, 2016
  • MA Shlepleko, I.V. Shelukhina, D.S. Kudryavtsev
    For the development of methods of biotechnology and analysis of mechanisms of pharmacologically promising ligands of human neuroreceptors, 2016
  • A.S. Mishin, K.S. Sargsyan
    For the development of reporter systems for fluorescent labeling proteins in living cells, 2017
  • K.S. Mineev
    For the study of the spatial structure of cell receptors with one transmembrane segment, 2018
  • Ya.A. Lomakin, A.A. Belogurov, A.V. Stepanov
    For the work of the first original domestic therapeutic agent for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, 2018

Heds of wounds for young scientists and students with a prize

  • A.A. Buzdin
    For the work "Full-hegeneous identification of mobile elements specific to human DNA", 2003
  • D.M. Chudakov
    For the work "Fluorescent and photoctivable fluorescent proteins", 2004
  • OF. Mamedov
    For the work "Identification of insertion variability of retro-elements in the genome of a person and primates", 2005
  • A.S. Paramonov, Z.O. Shenkarev, E.N. Lucmanova
    For the work "Structure and molecular mechanisms of interaction of biologically active peptides with membranes of cells and membrane receptors", 2010
  • A.M. Bogdanov
    For the work "Light-dependent redox reactions with the participation of green fluorescent proteins: fundamental and applied aspects", 2010
  • MP Nikitin
    For the work "Multifunctional nanoparticles based on the Barnase-Barstar protein module and methods to study their behavior in vivo.", 2011
  • IN. Shipunov
    For the work "A comprehensive study of multifunctional supramolecular complexes, controlled by eukaryotes acting on cells in order to create effective terrain agents," 2017

Title: EGE. Workshop on history. Preparation for execution 2 (B).

History workshop is focused on the preparation of secondary school students for successful surrender of a single state exam.
The book contains a detailed analysis of all types of tasks of part 2 (b), more than 120 test tasks in to test each type of tasks on the material of the entire school exchange rate of Russia, as well as answers to all tasks.
Workshop is focused on classes during the school year, but if necessary, will allow as soon as possible, directly a few days before the exam, identify gaps in the knowledge of the student and work out the tasks in which Most errors are allowed.
The book is designed to teachers of history, parents, tutoring, as well as high school students.

The easiest way to dial the maximum score in part 2 (b) is to know the correct answer. Part B unlike part with does not imply active and large-scale operating of the knowledge base, almost does not imply transform actual information into a set of theses or more or less broad historical generalizations. With the exception, perhaps, working with a text fragment, part in can be performed almost mechanically. Indeed, it may be easier than to build a chronological sequence of events of the Northern War in the event that it is well presenting its stages like on land and at sea?! You just need to know, and that's it! And what if you do not have knowledge to answer the question? Or is there, but they are not enough? However, if the student does not have the necessary information, this does not mean that he does not know anything at all. It is likely that he has some other information, some other knowledge of some other period. This is what you need to be guided when performing the tasks of the part in a single exam: we do not know the correct answer, but we try to bring it out, attracting other knowledge we have.
We proceed from the following position: the student has some knowledge of the subject. Perhaps episodic and disparates received not in the lessons, but as a result of Internet surfing, on the forums and in communities. In a single picture, they are not lined up, the plot historical canvase does not form, but these units of information can help come to the correct answer. Information may be different, and sources of information are the most incredible.

Introduction 4.
Collapse all types of tasks of part 2 (b) 9
Tasks for the restoration of chronological sequence (BL, B5, B15) 9
Tasks for determining the characteristic features (facts) of the historical period (phenomena), three of six (B2, B6, B9, B12) 15
Tasks for the correlation of two rows of information (VZ, B7, BIO, B13) 22
Tasks for analyzing a historical source / historiographic text (B4, B8, BLL, B14) 30
Tasks for self-preparation 37
Exercise tasks of level B. Set 1 37
The history of Russia from antiquity to the end of the XVI century. (early XVII century) 37
History of Russia XVII-XVIII BB 42
Russia in the XIX in 46
Russia in the XX - early XXI in 49
Exercise tasks of level B. Set 2 60
The history of Russia from antiquity to the end of the XVI century. (early XVII century) 60
History of Russia XVII-XVIII BB 65
Russia in the XIX in 71
Russia in the XX - early XXI in 76
Answers 84.
Exercise tasks of level B. Set 1 84
Exercise tasks of level B. Set 2 86
Description of the shape of the Unified State Exam 88
Removing from instructions for filling forms 88

Free download e-book in a convenient format, see and read:
Download the book of the exam. Workshop on history. Preparation for execution 2 (B). Abdulaev E.N., Morozov A.Yu., Puchkov P.A. 2011 -, fast and free download.

  • EGE, practice workshop, preparation for the implementation of part 2 (B), Abdulaev E.N., Morozov A.Yu., Puchkov PA, 2011
  • OGE, cartographic workshop on the history of Russia XX-beginning of the XXI century, 9-11 classes, Morozov A.Yu., Abdulaev E.N., Scriskov O.V., 2016
  • OGE, cartographic workshop on the history of Russia, XIX-beginning of the 20th century, 9-11 classes, Morozov A.Yu., Abdulaev E.N., Scriskov O.V., 2015
  • OGE, cartographic workshop on the history of Russia from ancient times until the end of the XVIII century, 9-11 classes, Morozov A.Yu., Abdulaev E.N., Scrisykov O.V., 2016

Russian historical society, which I was invited as the editor-in-chief of the journal "Teaching History in School". So, alas, it happened that attempts to organize a professional community of history teachers from the bottom and make the Association of History and Social Teachers Association by the authority capable of presenting the interests and views of a truly broad teacher community, to organize it and really influence the decision taken in the professional field, were not crowned with success. I will not analyze the reasons for this sad, but largely a natural phenomenon. As a rule, solutions for important professional issues that significantly affect the work of the masses of teachers and methodologists forced to perform them are accepted upstairsand the professional community is only placed before the decision taken. By virtue of the current practice, it would be very interesting to hear the opinion verkhovfor a number of essential issues, for which I decided to use the invitation and visit Rio Session. I certainly, the historical part of the speeches was curious, and I listened with interest and great attention to A. G. Zvyagintseva about the Nuremberg process, to the 70th anniversary of which Rio meeting is confined. But as a teacher and methodologist, I was more interested in the assessment of the educational activities of the Company, with a brief report on which academician A. O. Chubaryan acted.

One of the main merit of Rio is the development of X (historical and cultural standard on the history of the Fatherland).

It is planned to carry out a joint history of the conference (expanded meeting) of the History and Social Science of the Conference (Expanded Meeting) on \u200b\u200bthe results of the year of teaching.

The plans - assistance to the Ministry of Education and Science in improving the educational process (a discussion of a new concept for social science was mentioned), as well as improving higher education programs.

I really waited for the continuation of the educational topic, but His, alas, did not follow. Questions in education that relate to Rio, much more than answers. But there was no information that interests me. I will try to list the questions, the answers to which I was hoping to get, but I did not hear.

Question about X. He was raised in the speech by A. O. Chubaryan, but his miser lighting gave rise to only new questions. With Iks for domestic history there are many problems. Significant, I would say, overwhelming, part of the practitioners consider X the history of the history strongly overloaded and unrealized in teaching. This, in my opinion, is because the compilation of X are primarily engaged in the historians, and teachers, methodologists, teachers, that is, those who should implement it are usually or are in second roles, or at all are delduled to side Nevertheless, it is important to understand one psychological moment. The fact is that historians go in their work "from private to general," from the details restoring a holistic picture of a historical period or phenomenon. For them, superman, it is extremely difficult for them to abandon them, and the teacher is in its work from the already existing common picture, which he must form in his student heads. Particular for him is not so important and significant. And where the historian will write ten private, the teacher is enough two or three. But the last word - for historians, and from this and the "overload of the standard" occurs. It is necessary to take into account the availability of a regional lobby, for which the "honor of honor, valor and heroism" is inserting heroes into the X X " And for the future, it should be borne in mind that the discussion of the ISS on the history with a real account of the opinions of the teacher's community may result in recognition of the fact that in the current form it is unrealized, and it needs to be significantly reduced (and change programs), or significantly increase the number of hours to teach Stories at school. It would be interesting to know the opinion of Rio on this issue in advance: is it ready to change the format of developing ICSs or is ready to make an initiative (and consistently achieve its execution by the Ministry of Education) to increase the number of hours to teach history? By the way, nothing was said neither about the problems with the development of the ICS on social science, nor about the colossal problems with the ECS on the general history, which initially said one of the participants in the meeting on their discussion, were simply monstrous. In general, in recent times, a sad tendency is increasingly observed: programs, canes and other important documents for the educational sphere are made absolutely not those who should be implemented in classes and audiences. And it seriously affects the quality and content of documents, and decisions taken on them. Declarations should be supported by practical solutions, and in our professional community there is no general point of view on what a systemic and activity approach in learning history in practice, and how it should be implemented in specific programs and textbooks. However, about textbooks just below. In addition, in his speech, A. O. Chubaryan said that Rio was going to sum up the results of the first year of teaching on the ECS jointly with the Association of Teachers of History and Soclishment, which also causes a reasonable question about which empirical materials and research would be based on this discussion . It is desirable to hear the answer to this question not on the opening day of the relevant conference and meeting. Taking this opportunity, I want to say that our Journal "Teaching History at School" is ready to publish practical-oriented materials on this topic.

The question of the interaction of Rio and the Association of History Teachers is largely related to the previous issue. At the last, III Congress of the Association, it was planned to create permanent working groups for a number of relevant problems for the teacher community. This was written above, the problem of the participation of the professional teacher's community in the development of the ICS, the problem of controlling the development and improvement of the Kimov EGE on history, the problem of developing and approbating textbooks of the new generation and a number of other, no less relevant problems. However, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating working groups was not implemented in practice. This, in my opinion, deprives both Rio and the professional community of teachers of the opportunity to interact promptly and take into account the opinion not only by historians, but also practicing teachers and methodologists. However, the problems of the interaction of Rio with the Association of History and Social Teachers Association also did not have a word. But after all, it is teachers who are allocated a multidropriate function of implementation in the practice of many historical concepts and projects.

So called hard questionsstories. The Institute of Universal History, together with GAUGN and the Association of History Teachers, began to implement a fairly powerful project aimed at scientific and methodological development of problematic issues in the framework of the new ICS, which could assist teachers in teaching. A number of distant benefits developed by historical scientists and methodologists together are released. However, work on this project made it possible to accumulate experience that has identiced not only achievements, but also problems in this area, which concern primarily the interaction of historians and methodologists within the framework of this project, as well as circulation of available benefits and options for their broad approbation. In solving these problems, the role of Rio with its capabilities is difficult to overestimate.

One of the most important and most painful questions is the question of the three new lineups of the textbooks on the history of the developed and manufactured by the publishing houses "Enlightenment", Drop and the Russian Word. Looking through the materials to the general meeting of the Russian historical society, received before the meeting, I read a very interested phrase: "Following the approbation of new textbooks at school, the Rio Commission decided to recommend the line of textbooks edited by Academician A. V. Torkunova (i.e. textbooks Publishing house "Enlightenment") as a textbook Rio. " Given the fact that the textbook of "Enlightenment" (as well as the textbooks of the two other publishers made to the publication of history textbooks) were repeatedly criticized by the professional community, which is understandable and explained, and the testing and its criteria and format remained unknown for most of the professional Communities, I would like to know more in more detail, on the basis of what Rio did the choice in favor of the textbook edited by A. V. Torkunova, which is the co-chair of the Russian historical society? The question is important and relevant when and how the licensing of new textbooks will be licensed, which are preparing publishers. The authors and methodologists have repeatedly raised the issue of providing publishing houses for a larger period of time to develop and on the transfer of tough licensing time, but, unfortunately, the problem of textbooks remained beyond the performance, and the format of the meeting did not provide for the opportunity to ask questions, and even more so arrange a discussion. The questions "in the sidelines" only confirmed that the decision of Rio on the textbook of "Enlightenment" was accepted, but it was not possible to achieve details. The problem of textbooks is also complicated by the fact that from a methodological point of view (which by default or other, unknown reasons to me are beyond the discussion of Rio), they only formally correspond to the principles that are laid in the FGOS of the new generation and it may seriously reduce their role in solving the problem of modernizing historical education. Formulate the opinion what tutorial of a new generationnot only from the point of view of the content, but also from the point of view of the technique, now, in my opinion, it is necessary. Since Rio is involved in the examination of textbooks, its position and opinion on this issue would also be interested to know.

In conclusion, I want to say that, understanding what an important role is played by Rio in the organization and development of historical and social science and decision-making in its framework, it would be very wable to see new opportunities for more intense, and most importantly, productive dialogue between the Russian historical society and the rest of the professional community.

What is X Equal? Reflections of the MEETING OF RHS

ABDULLAEV Enver N.. - Chief Editor of the Journal "Prepodavanie Istorii V SHKOLE" (MOSCOW)

Abdulaev E. N., 2016

Abdulaev Enver Clmutinovich - chief editor of the magazine "Teaching History at School" (Moscow); [Email Protected]

The course of history is considered as a unified system of solving educational tasks. This author's approach to studying history provides a schoolboy the opportunity to actively participate in the process of knowledge, allows you to work out interest in the subject studied. The basis of the approach is a learning problem containing an internal contradiction. In the process of solving the educational task, the student performs a certain algorithm of academic actions, studies the required volume of material. Thus, not only educational, but also developing learning goals. The main structural elements of the learning process becomes:
1. Total modeling
To solve thematic learning tasks, the preliminary generalization blocks are used as an indicative basis of actions, in which the most important events and phenomena of the period are shown using characters.

(For details, see Fomin C.A. Materials for preparation for the EEE on the topic "Russia in 1917-1921" // Teaching history in school. - 2007. - № 10 - pp. 50)

& NBSRegually Possible View Model is an image
(Figure Pact Molotov - Ribbentrop)

(For more details, see Abdulaev E.N., Morozov A.Yu. Second World War in the school course of history // Teaching history in school. - 2009. - № 7 - pp. 15)

2.Pust of contradictions in the content or search of intrigues
It can be an external (comparison of two topics) or internal contradictions (as an example, a lesson can be given on the topic "Rus between East and West"). The wording of the problem (tasks): Why are fragmented Russian principalities and the lands were able to resist the west and conquered the east?

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