Description of the devil tarot card. Tarot Card Meaning - Devil

The Devil Tarot card is one of the most controversial. This is the personification of the dark side of man: abuse of power, dependence on money and carnal pleasures, greed. But sometimes the card also symbolizes something favorable, depending on the alignment. Let's talk about meaning in detail.

Combination with other cards

The meaning of the Devil can change if in the layout it fell out with other arcana:

  1. Jester - you are heavily addicted to bad habits.
  2. Magician - a person is influenced by black magic, his fate is connected with the souls of deceased relatives.
  3. High Priestess - you have been damaged or evil eyed.
  4. Empress - become victims of financial fraud.
  5. Emperor - you will find yourself embroiled in unseemly deeds, as a result of which there will be problems with the law.
  6. Hierophant - a person whose opinion you trust, gives false information.
  7. Lovers - you and your partner are connected only by sexual craving, you are not destined for each other by fate.
  8. Chariot - to experience moral or physical violence. Often talks about relationships with a tyrant.
  9. Strength - defeat bad habits.
  10. Hermit - you feel lonely, but you yourself have driven yourself into such a state.
  11. Wheel of Fortune - addiction to alcohol.
  12. Justice - problems with the law.
  13. Hanged - as a result of your actions, an innocent person will suffer.
  14. Death - the work begun will end in complete failure.
  15. Moderation - under the influence of alcohol, do something that will cause major trouble.
  16. Tower - you will be embroiled in financial fraud.
  17. Star - hope for the best will disappear.
  18. The moon is the loss of materially valuable things.
  19. Sun - a long-standing secret will be revealed, because of which your reputation will suffer.
  20. Court - a loved one will not help in a difficult situation.
  21. The world is an indulgence, liberation from past sins.

The Devil card changes interpretation when paired with wands:

  • Ace - you are in a subordinate, dependent position.
  • 2 - the presence of ill-wishers, enemies.
  • 3 - a series of minor troubles is coming.
  • 4 - discord and conflicts in the family.
  • 5 - be physically abused.
  • 6 - a loved one lies.
  • 7 - stop abusing your power.
  • 8 - rape.
  • 9 - you are surrounded by insincere people.
  • 10 - power spoils you.
  • Page - the decision you are leaning towards is wrong.
  • Knight - there is no sense of duty and responsibility.
  • The queen is a symbol of despondency and depression.
  • King - a thirst for money, which overshadows the mind.

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In the money plan

In the monetary scenario, the “devilish” card indicates the state of work affairs, relationships with business partners and everything else related to the financial component of life.

For example:

  • It falls out at a time when in the professional field it is necessary to pass a test of strength. This is a key time on which further career development will depend.
  • Indicates that you are out of place. The work brings neither financial nor moral satisfaction, the boss and colleagues are only annoying.
  • Because of the greed, you will have to give up most of your beliefs and moral values. It is worth stopping and considering whether the game is worth the candle. In pursuit of money, you risk losing something very important and truly valuable.
  • Very often, the Devil falls out when a person is tempted to do something unseemly, counting on big profits. It is important to restrain yourself and not betray your beliefs, otherwise you risk "earning" a huge karmic debt that will poison your whole future life.

15 lasso seems to warn: it's time to take control of emotions, otherwise you will ruin your life. Dependence on something or someone is always bad. The payoff for a solid jackpot may later turn out to be too huge.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

✚ "One card" layout

General value

Such a card indicates the ignorance of a person, his vices, self-deception and sins. The devil tells a man that he is at a disadvantage and that this is only his fault. The card encourages a person to stop, think about what he did wrong, and try to correct the mistake. The devil can also say that it is time for the fortuneteller to part with bad addictions, sins and gain self-control.


This lasso indicates the unbridled feelings, passions. The card says that this is a painful relationship, the break of which will bring a lot of suffering to a person. Arcana can also denote intimacy, reaching perversion. The fortuneteller is bored with traditional intimacy and is looking for new sensations.


There shouldn't be any health issues. However, a healthy lifestyle and medical examination will not be superfluous.


The card promises profit. Most likely, this will be additional income. However, the lasso can also portend unexpected, easy profits, for example, winning the lottery or casino. The card promises temporary success, but there will be no trouble in the near future. In addition, the lasso may portend an office romance.

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✚ For the future

The devil is a symbol of temptation, prohibition and other carnal pleasures. This is a hint that you are too material about your life, do not let emotions take over the mind. It hinders the development of your destiny. But do not commit rash actions related to work or personal life. So you can lose your job or a loved one. Remember that it is better to have a tit in your hands than a pie in the sky. Do not chase ghostly ideas, try to gain the ability to perceive the surrounding reality more realistically. This will help you make the right choice even in the most stressful situation. Sudden changes can damage your future and even your health.

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✚ Relationships

If the Devil fell out during fortune-telling on relationships that are taking place now, then this card does not mean anything good. One of the partners, most likely, has cooled off sexually towards the other, which led to treason on the part of the cooled one, which means that the separation is not far off.

If the card falls out when divining for a lonely person, then a meeting with a person with whom it will be possible to build a very stormy and passionate relationship is possible.

However, one must understand that the basis of the relationship will be, rather, sex than spiritual understanding.

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✚ For today

You are dominated by emotions and a desire to dominate, which prevents you from making the right decisions; you are on the wrong path. You need to take control of your emotions in order to be successful. You are under a strong influence from some tyrant and dominant that needs to be changed for your own good. Addiction also applies to health: drugs, alcoholism, anorexia, etc. The work prepares for you a test of the strength and strength of your moral values. Passionate relationships are waiting for you ahead, and if you are already in them, then take a closer look - your partner can cheat on you!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

It personifies the lack of moderation, dependence on one's own desires, self-destruction and indulgence in vices. The devil in the layout almost always has a negative message, but he also personifies art, creativity, as a rule, their dark side, the spirit of decadence and decadence.

In the layouts for the future, the Devil falls to obstacles in the implementation of plans, something may go wrong due to the lack of will or dependencies of the questioner. Perhaps a person who is deeply gambling or suffering from drug addiction will get in the way.

In work, it means obstacles, unsuccessful deals, deceit, possibly violations of the law.

In love, the Devil falls to betrayal or indicates an unhealthy dependence on a partner.

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✚ What does he think of me

A tarot card that can open your eyes to the person who is next to you in a different way. Do you consider him a decent, honest, cordial and kind person? This is a big misconception that needs to be dispelled as soon as possible. Your partner is a cruel, cunning person who is constantly looking for selfish components in life. He is trying to deceive you, for this he uses love that he does not feel for you. Convince yourself of this and dot in such relationships. Most importantly, start thinking, take care only of yourself.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On desire

Don't be afraid of your weaknesses. Stop worrying about the injustice that reigns around. Many problems are simply far-fetched and there are actually fewer of them than it seems. Learn to accept others and yourself as they are, stop blaming yourself for your every misconduct. Hence the solution to most problems. Take a closer look at reality, get to know your shadow side. As for the rest, you have begun liberation from shackles and glamours. With a little more effort at this stage, your desires in the future will begin to fulfill themselves.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

The dark past leaves an imprint on the present. Possible dependence on people or alcohol, drugs. The situation cannot be controlled. Hear the warning about temptations. Manipulation and suppression of personality are not excluded.

At the same time, success awaits in situations related to trade, casinos, and deceit. But it's better not to ignore the rules. Rethink your behavior - the path is now wrong. Take your feet!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

Vicious relationships based only on sexual attraction and material gain. This is the significance of the Devil card. Most likely, such a connection will not last long, because needs appear and disappear as quickly as possible, and the connection collapses after them. It is clear that if we are talking about a wedding, then only by calculation, it’s not worth talking about any love.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

Nations are subject to his power, and only a few are able to resist. Fear of him maintains his power. The genius of evil will captivate the one who is ready to submit.

Human weaknesses overcome and limit. To get rid of vices, to overcome dependence, softness, not to submit to passions - this is the only key that can free you from the captivity of the dark side.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

Your partner cannot be called a pure, sincere, serious person. Perhaps your relationship is based on sex and base passions. They can be unpromising and even dangerous. You should completely reconsider your attitude towards the male sex and towards yourself, meet your fears. It is possible that you are being used and manipulated. All acquaintances with the opposite sex, most likely, will end in deception and disappointment. Be extremely careful.

A full description of the map is available at

Direct position

The lasso has a bad meaning and indicates that a person is not able to keep the situation under control, and because of this, he incurs a lot of trouble. The Devil card says that a person stumbled, and his actions led to self-destruction and degradation. The card warns that you should not indulge your weaknesses and follow their lead. Even carnal strength can be called self-indulgence. A person under the influence of this card will obey someone or depend on someone.

It just won't lead to anything good. Some kind of personality will appear in the environment, which will have power over him, depriving him of his freedom and a fulfilling life. Also, the card can also mean that a person is tormented by his dark past, and he is dependent on him. The Devil card can easily lead a person astray, it shows how he plays with fire. In life, strong hobbies may appear that will harm duties, and because of passion, a person will lose his conscience.

Reversed position

An inverted tarot card has a positive meaning. Man is completely liberated from fear and dependence. He overcomes obstacles and gets rid of illusions thanks to inner strength. He does not indulge his weaknesses, he shows resistance to the overwhelming personality. He casts off all fetters and removes obstacles.

A person can act as a deceiver and a seducer. And everything that will happen in his life can be called a real catastrophe and exposure. He can be inhuman, indecisive and unyielding, often abusing his power.

The Devil card characterizes temptations that a person deliberately forgets about or simply does not want to recognize them. And this behavior leads to the most unexpected consequences. You should not avoid something forbidden, you just need to take it for granted and that's it. Time will pass, and the forbidden temptation will remain in the past.

Devil: Meaning in love and relationships

Direct position

The lasso symbolizes strong relationships. Family marriage is based solely on carnal attraction with the person who does not deserve it. This is not about sincere feelings and romance, only attraction is meant.

It is also possible that a marriage of convenience, because words of love and promises of fidelity are often replaced by a desire to get all material goods, and its owner can be completely deleted from your life. His attractive appearance, teasing flirting, sensual passion, solid promises - all these are his cunning tricks. The card warns that the person is playing with fire.

Reversed position

The relationship provides for the sweetness of one partner and the strength of the second. One is a despot who subtly mocks his partner, possibly blackmailing him with weaknesses. This can be expressed by the phrases: “I can’t live without you in this life”, “I won’t survive this”, “If you leave, I will do something with myself. The second unwittingly or voluntarily becomes a victim. He tolerates everything, agrees and obeys his partner.

An inverted card indicates that a person has achieved another person thanks to a love plot. Such an alliance, of course, cannot be called equal. In such an alliance, one partner pushes the other.

Devil: Meaning in Situation and Question

Direct position

The map in the situation indicates intrigues, corrupt practices and illegal transactions. The devil speaks of a tempting offer when a person is ready to commit an illegal or immoral act. It is possible that a person will find sources of income hidden from others. It is not surprising if a person under the influence of the Devil card finds himself in a mafia group.

The situation simply forces him to act in bad faith, which he will later regret. The unseemly meaning of the card may be associated with black magic, fraud. The environment will always give him bad advice.
Reversed position

The negative influence of the lasso in the situation. Man is completely powerless and has no right to vote. You will have to face despotic bosses or serious problems in life. Perhaps it will be possible to get rid of this difficult situation, but this will not happen soon enough. If you do not resist someone else's evil and vice, then this may indicate devastating consequences.

Under the influence of the card, a person will pass a test of strength. But most often there will be situations when a person falls into submission, but it will not be easy to get out of the circumstances. A person will not be able to do as he wants, because in his professional activity he will face failure and a fatal combination of circumstances.

Devil: Card Meaning of the Day

On this day, a person will see the shadow side of his character. Perhaps someone will lead a person astray and direct him to an unseemly act, or maybe he will completely change his principles.

It is possible that there is some inner motivation that a person did not even suspect or simply thought that he had overcome everything for a long time. You can’t suppress this impulse in yourself, you shouldn’t blame yourself, throw the blame on others. It is necessary to find the reason for this impulse. A person has to go through many trials, but rather, temptations. And most importantly, that he did not rise above others.

Evil and injustice must be fought. After all, if a person has not yet gone too far, something can be changed and corrected. Even if a person has committed a completely bad deed, then he has a unique opportunity to change himself and take the right path for self-improvement. The trap in which the person found himself, he arranged it for himself.

It is necessary to take a closer look at reality, or maybe you are a victim and live in the slavery of another person. Or vice versa, you use your position and influence on another person, whom you simply manipulate. It doesn’t matter, you can’t use your position, just as well act as a victim.

Devil: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands cups swords Pentacles

Addiction to bad habits

Ace of Wands


Ace of Cups

Everyone will be rewarded according to merit

Ace of swords

Coding for alcoholism

Ace of Pentacles

State Loss

Working with the souls of the dead, black magic

King of Wands


King of Cups


King of swords

King of Pentacles


Queen of Wands


Queen of Cups


queen of swords


Queen of Pentacles

Fallen woman



Knight of Wands


Knight of Cups

Lack of inspiration

Knight of Swords

Knight of Pentacles



Illegal activities

Page of Wands

You are making the wrong decision

Page of Cups

Sexual dissatisfaction

Page of swords

Page of Pentacles

young rake

False prophet

Two of Wands

They are plotting for you

Two of Cups

Union Restoration

Two of Swords

Showing interest in someone

Two of Pentacles

bad news


Relationships are based on lust

Three of Wands

Too much trouble

Three of Cups

Denial of laws

Three of Swords

Three of Pentacles

The death of a child


Moral or physical abuse

Four of Wands

Quarrels in the family

Four of Cups

Drug addict

Four of Swords


Four of Pentacles

Accident with a female representative

Fight bad habits

Five of Wands

physical pain

Five of Cups

Thirst for funds, pursuit of pleasure

Five of Swords

Five of Pentacles



You are to blame for your loneliness

Six of Wands

We are being deceived

Six of Cups

You can't change anything

Basic values

  • Positive: Passion.
  • Negative: Satiation.
  • Key words: instinct, sexual attraction, impulse, uncontrollable emotions, charm, charm, selfishness.
  • Number: the number "15" is the result of multiplying 5 by 3; can also mean 5 feelings that are reflected in the three worlds: physical, intellectual and spiritual. According to St. Paul in his Epistle to the Galatians, 15 is also the number of the fruits of sin.
  • Description of the lasso: a monster with goat horns and bat wings settled on a pedestal. In one hand it holds a torch. On his head is an inverted five-pointed star. In front of him are chained naked men and women.


  • Horns: represent the connection between the divine and earthly worlds, but in this case they indicate how ideas are transformed into animal power.
  • Five Pointed Star: An inverted pentacle symbolizes energies used for material purposes.
  • Bat Wings: Indicates a cunning nature.
  • Torch: symbolizes physical vitality and the flame of passions.
  • Man and woman: symbolize Adam and Eve, expelled from Paradise, as well as the danger of following the temptation.
  • Tail: A bunch of grapes and a torch are symbols of the creative energy inherent in the lower forces and instincts.

The general meaning of the lasso Devil

The devil has a divine nature, but excessive pride and a lust for power have corrupted him. He personifies human vices: anger, laziness, voluptuousness, greed, gluttony, envy and pride. At the same time, the Devil shows that the dark side lurks in each of us and even in the deities. The energy of the Devil is so strong that it can become destructive and enslave the one who touches it. This energy is dangerous, but with its conscious use and purification by spiritual sources, it can be transformed into an inexhaustible resource for creativity. The essence of the Arcana is that you need to accept your instincts and deeply explore your most dark and animal side. It is not necessary to suppress passions: the most healthy way to get rid of them is to direct them into the channel of creative activity that elevates the spirit and expands the boundaries of consciousness. Silent submission to one's own desires and pleasures can lead to both destruction and enlightenment. In the modern interpretation of the Arcana "Devil" is mainly considered a positive card. The instincts he expresses, or rather the hidden feelings that we used to call the term "subconscious", are no longer regarded as a hostile force from which we must protect ourselves. They are rather associated with the "dark side" or "shadow", which, however, are natural components of the human psyche.

Iconography of Arcana Tarot 15 - Devil

Extended meanings

Personal life

  • Love. Sexual attraction is the path that leads to love, but for frivolous people this path is dangerous.
  • Job. It is necessary to remove unfit workers and put the responsibility on capable people.
  • Money. Direct your energy in one single direction, and you will receive tangible profits.


  • Result. Instincts, desires and passions move the world, but they must not take over.
  • Recommendation. You don't have to look at what others are doing to justify your own course of action.
  • Implementation time. It will take one year for the cycle to end and the next to begin.

Soul and psyche

  • Self-esteem. Curbing the instincts is like holding the beast too long. you have to let your energies out.
  • Meditation. Where does bad end and good begin? This is a teacher who has too many limitations.
  • Spirituality. Evil must not be crushed, it must be overcome. without the dark side, we cannot be complete.

Esoteric meaning

  • Kabbalah. The letter "Samekh" is reminiscent of the serpent ouroboros, which is forever eating its own tail.
  • Alchemy. It is a "great astral agent", thanks to which the adept revives the spark hidden in himself.
  • Astrology. Capricorn. the winter solstice expresses the vitality of nature that cannot be suppressed.

Each tarot arcan has a specific meaning. Depending on the question and the position of the card, it can be positive or negative. The Devil is not the best lasso. He embodies various temptations and human vices. This is a symbol of the animal part of the human essence and its shadow side. But do not be upset, any map is just from one state to another.

General plot

In traditional decks based on the drawings of Rider-Waite, the card depicts the lord of Hell himself - the Devil. He looks like a red horned monster. A pentagram is drawn between its horns. One of his hands holds a torch, the other is raised. In front of him are two naked figures - male and female. Some tarologists believe that these are Adam and Eve. Their faces do not express any negative emotions. On the contrary, they are content with their fate.

The central figure of the lasso is the supreme demon. It looks like a goat that stands on its hind legs. Satan sits on a black stone cube. Its wings are similar to those of bats. A mixture of several animals means a violation of the natural order, turning everything upside down. It's like a violent symbiosis. From the point of view of interpretation, these are manifestations of a violation of any laws and it is not about legal ones. All over the world there are laws of balance, divine, etc.

Satan's face is twisted into a grimace. This is the embodiment of the desire to destroy everything, the thirst for suffering and torment. Wings are a menacing element.

Man and woman become victims of their vices. They are chained to the cube and this symbolizes their weakness in front of passions. They cannot get away from the negative aspects of their personalities, vices, weaknesses. The lovers look at each other with delight, and meanwhile the demon brings a lit torch to their backs. They risk burning in lust and vice.

The pentagram is the Star of David. It consists of two triangles and has different meanings. This is a reflection of heaven and earth, the four elements, male and female principles, etc.

The devil covers the star with his back, thereby depriving people of the opportunity to pay attention to the laws of the universe.

In the Egyptian Tarot, Typhon is depicted instead of Satan. He is the incarnation of Set, the god of evil. But he is still wise and helped Ra in battle. The Dragon deck uses the Apoc serpent. He was the personification of chaos and darkness, and it was Ra who defeated him.

Basic meaning


  • Materialism.
  • Refusal.
  • Temptation.
  • Fear.
  • Hate.
  • Devil.
  • Satan.
  • Violence.
  • Bandage.
  • Sexual aggression.
  • worldly desire.
  • Ignorance.
  • Blindness.
  • Deception.
  • Impotence.
  • Unusual sexual interests.

The classic interpretation of the lasso Devil - the querent does not keep the situation under control and this threatens him with a number of troubles. He either already stands on the path of degradation and destruction of himself, or he will do so in the near future. A person too often goes on about his weaknesses, indulges his whims. Sometimes this is a sign that the questioner is abusing power.

It's worth knowing:

In some cases, the card indicates the presence of dependence on someone.

The card makes a person behave atypically, harming himself, but at the same time the person himself is sure that he is doing himself good. The interpretation of this lasso is not the easiest thing, since all tarologists attribute different meanings to it:

  • fear;
  • instincts;
  • dark past.

All this can be combined under one thesis: the querent is in a situation of dependence on someone or something. Often this is an obsession that drives you crazy and deprives you of your mind. The devil gives direct advice: change your mind, get back on the right path.

Personal level

The questioner is obsessed, but the scale of this may be different. In any case, strong feelings or obsessions cover him. All this has a devastating effect on the individual. If we consider the appearance of the lasso on a spiritual level, then a person will have to face the shadow part of his personality. This is an ordeal, as not everyone can accept their involutionary side.

Features of manifestation:

  • evil intentions;
  • perspectives are not considered;
  • actions at random.

A person makes every effort to realize his desire. It seems to him that everything is about to change. All he has to do is take control of the person and everything will be fine. This is the main trap of the Devil. This card is always accompanied by introspection and weak will.


In a bad scenario, the lasso indicates that the querent will become a slave to his base habits. For example, he becomes addicted to comfort and endlessly buys luxury items.

Some tarologists do not agree with the negative interpretations of the lasso. They believe that it just means some kind of test or exam. If you pass it consciously, then life will change for the better, there will be changes at the level of personality. Plus, a person learns to deal with temptations.

Work questions

In professional matters, the card has two different meanings. Rarely, she indicates the need to pass some kind of test for career growth. Much more often, it becomes the embodiment of the fact that a person fell into slavery to someone. He's either under a lot of pressure, or he's addicted. The situation often forces him to act atypically.

There is a high probability of becoming a victim of compromising evidence or clever manipulation.

The lasso rarely becomes an indicator of open persecution, most often it does not manifest itself in any way. The team can be nice and friendly. Querent will be involved in dubious affairs, dark deals. Sometimes getting easy money. A person becomes obsessed with them and tries to repeat it.

Arkan sometimes points to a real workologist.

The very concept of dishonest deeds is interpreted very broadly. Advertising, to some extent, is also the epitome of deception. Fraud, false courses, etc. pass through the lasso. Sometimes the card portends failure in business.

If we consider the Devil in a more spiritual sense, then in the course of the test of strength, all the moral convictions of a person will be tested. He will be tempted by money, power or career growth. The peculiarity of this card is that all dark deeds are carefully veiled.

For those who are looking for work, the lasso also does not bode well. A person runs the risk of becoming a victim of deception or manipulation. One-day firms, shadow deals, etc.

In terms of finances, the lasso is quite positive, the answer is unequivocal: there will be money. But how they will be obtained is another question. This card serves as an indicator of venality, the ability to profit and cunning manipulation. But she warns of the possibility of degradation.

Meaning in love and relationships

Relationships go according to the Devil and what else! However, often they are not happy. The card usually becomes an indicator of betrayal when a person is tempted by an unfree partner and he completely loses his head in an effort to master the desired object.

At this time, the querent cannot adequately assess the partner, his essence. The chart runs obsession with sex, finances, and other forms of addiction. In such a connection, a person betrays his principles and does not remember them. To some extent, various sexual anomalies may appear.

After the questioner achieves what he wants, even if it is only sex, he will begin to be tormented by the feeling "it would be better if this did not happen." To some extent, this is also an experience, but over time, the querent will begin to visit the thoughts “it was possible to do without it.”

The devil beckons with flirting, games, promises. For an established union, he presents tests in the form of lust, despotism and other events. In some cases, the lasso becomes a divorce. In its course, all the unpleasant sides of the union will be exposed, all dirty linen will be thrown out.

Reversed Position

In the reverse position, the Devil loses its negative meaning. A person seems to understand all aspects of his life. He is ready to change for the better, get rid of illusions and doubts. The viciousness of the existing connection stands before him in all its glory, and the querent can break it.

This is not yet a full-fledged victory, only the beginning of the journey. But the questioner is ready to fight his weaknesses, the shadow personality and consciously suppress it. On the spiritual plane, an insight descended on him that any material things are beneficial to nothing in front of the non-material sphere. There is no longer any desire to earn money, get power or a partner at any cost.

However, the card also has a negative meaning in reverse. First of all, she points out that a large number of the actions of the questioner are made from selfish motives. The influence of greed is also not excluded. You have to make a choice between finances and personal happiness.


Perhaps the querent is under someone's influence.

In order to get rid of depression, you will need to make every effort to get rid of the "chains". The card warns that the questioner risks becoming a victim of strange sexual relationships.

If a person behaves in the spirit of a lasso (an experienced seducer, a swindler, etc.), then he will be exposed and answered for his actions.

Health Issues

Not the most favorable card for health issues. In some cases, it is after exposure to black magic and the lasso may indicate damage or other curses.

The traditional interpretation of the Devil is health problems that are caused by bad habits. Alcohol, smoking, drugs - all this negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. Overeating is also at risk for obesity and related problems, such as diabetes. Lovers of sexual relations are threatened with venereal diseases.

The direct advice of the card is to stop indulging your whims and resist them. Life is hard to change, but it's worth it. This will help you set a goal and achieve it.

Sometimes the lasso suggests stopping and reflecting on what a person has turned his life into. Is she supposed to be like this? It's time to start making some changes.

At the level of consciousness, the querent finally understands his unsightly side and acknowledges it. To some extent, this is an acquaintance with a sense of shame. This is not necessarily something that people condemn, but rather something that confuses a person. In any case, this becomes the basis for discussion. Such thoughts become an occasion for spiritual growth and healing of spiritual wounds.

Card Combinations

By itself, the Devil is not an easy card. It confronts a person with many things. Another neighborhood with certain cards can change the meaning of the alignment. So when the Jester appears, the querent runs the risk of acquiring a vice that will lead him to mental problems. Often this means drugs or alcohol. Something will interfere with a person next to the Magician. This is not only all sorts of addictions, but also some kind of sensuality for another person. Sometimes under this combination they see a dark magician who manipulates the questioner.

Major Arcana

The popess (in some decks the High Priestess) warns not only of the dangers of black magic, but also of strong sexual temptation. Moreover, the threat will come from a woman. The Empress is an indicator of shadow income. Often she becomes the significator of a lady who conducts her affairs in a dishonest manner. The emperor has a similar meaning, only the female figure is replaced by a male one. Often this is an indication of a criminal leader.

The Hierophant, along with the Devil, appear in situations where the querent is taught the wrong thing. This is a map of false prophets and teachers. A hell of a mixture gives a combination with the Lovers - there will be relationships, but their basis is hatred for each other or sex. The prospect of such an alliance is obvious.

The Lord of Hell removes all the positive power of the Chariot - therefore, no matter how hard the querent strives, his goal remains unattainable. With the advent of the Force, the fight against temptation and other vices becomes more difficult. A person is struggling with addiction and time will tell whether he will emerge victorious from the fight. The hermit warns that if the querent continues to indulge in vices, he will be alone.

The Wheel of Fortune often comes across in layouts and, when next to the Devil, indicates the presence of a gambling addiction. It takes serious forms and can threaten his life and bring serious material losses.

The Tower testifies to a completely fatal state of affairs. The cause of its destruction will be vice. The man himself created the situation and is now watching how everything collapses. Often this combination indicates a financial pyramid.

Minor Arcana

With different suits, the lasso manifests itself in different ways. Next to the ace of wands, its sexual manifestation is enhanced. The questioner will be under the influence of a voluptuary and a provocateur. To some extent, he can be described as a person who is very eager for sex. Neighborhood with a deuce increases the likelihood of becoming a victim of intrigue and intrigue. Troika brings even more problems. The position of the slave is evidenced by the seven.

The situation is no better with the suit of cups. Ace indicates some kind of unhealthy relationship that does not bring anything good. Two indicates vicious relationships and false promises. Three becomes an indicator that a person spends too much time in idleness. 6 of Cups indicates a person who has had addiction problems in the past. But 7 cups already indicates the risk of becoming an alcoholic or drug addict.

The suit of swords by and large denotes various bad people. The killer goes by ten, but the envious people go through the page. The Queen of Swords becomes an indicator of hypocrites. The king, on the other hand, indicates a person who is obsessed with a lust for power and is not embarrassed by any moral principles.

Prophecy of the Order of the Golden Dawn

  • materiality;
  • temptation;
  • obsession;
  • deception;
  • mistrust;
  • sexuality;
  • strength;
  • cunning;
  • devilry.

Associated symbols are the sovereignty and beauty of the material (and therefore false brilliance). Salt acting through Capricorn on the Lord of the Gates of Matter, the Child of the forces of Time.

Although this card represents the productive energy of life, it is also the limits within which manifested life must work. Therefore, the meanings of Liability, Liability, and Restrictions apply.

In matters of employment, hard work, where a person must remain in the profession with little hope of leaving it for a while.

In business, the economy and success are under current conditions, but strength and growth are depicted. In a relationship there is sexual attraction, sexual activity, karmic connections, sexual harassment.

Often the questioner will deal with greed in others, or himself, and only concern for himself. Here it is necessary to warn that you need to take care of yourself. The Devil card also suggests that a person must learn to master his own power and master himself and his environment.

card affirmation: I am my own master, I am the master of my life.

Divination by Tarot cards is the most widespread among other divinatory practices. These cards have a deep meaning and many shades. The meaning of the tarot card The Devil in a relationship varies depending on the position and related cards.

Card meaning

The Devil card belongs to the Major Arcana and is under the XV number from XXII. Outwardly, it is an image of the Devil, in whose power are a man and a woman. They symbolize obedient puppets, doom, resignation to the inevitable future. The general meaning of the card is the struggle with the Light, destruction, depravity of the soul and body.

The devil commands his captives, if he laughs - they laugh too, if he cries - grief overtakes them too.

Like any other tarot card, it has two positions:

  • direct;
  • inverted.

In the upright position, the main meanings reflect the material aspects of life, limited consciousness, temptation and vices. It is a symbol of the dark side of the soul.

In an inverted form, the Devil does not lose its negative connotation. If in direct form it is powerless greed, which is silent, then inverted it is an abuse of power in an attempt to achieve what you want. Weak will is transformed into apathy, and minor troubles - into the threat of a serious illness, panic before the unknown and causeless horror.

It is also important what the Devil falls out with in the scenario. If it falls out with positive arcana, then all troubles are reduced to minor inconsistencies that can cause only a short-term fright, but not globally affect fate.

Meaning in divination for love

In the sphere of personal relationships, the fall of this card symbolizes the depravity of relationships, a union based on lust and passion.

In a direct position, it often has a designation of the dependence of one spouse on the other financially or in everyday life. The desire to enter into a marriage of convenience, where behind the words of love and assurances of sincerity lies a thirst for profit.

This lasso often has a connection with the sphere of intimate relationships and means indulging lust, betrayal, love affairs without obligations. This is especially pronounced in combination with the Lovers card.

You can interpret the inverted Devil card in the Tarot for relationships as the incompatibility of partners in the spiritual or physical plane. It is a symbol of a deadlocked relationship. A sign of the dominance of one partner over another. In combination with the Magus card, it indicates the compulsion of relationships, the use of tricks and tricks to achieve the desired result.

Value in divination for relationships

The Devil card can describe dozens of scenarios for the development of relationships. They have combining values:

  1. Obsession.
  2. object of desire.
  3. A threat.
  4. Lust.
  5. Cruelty.


Obsession with an idea, person or material good, reaching insanity, up to losing touch with reality. Making someone or something a fetish, a necessity, a daily need. The inability to take possession of this destroys the personality and pushes to rash acts.

object of desire

Idealization of the object of desire, belief in its exclusivity, unusualness. The inability to adequately assess the actions of a person or the need to acquire a thing.

A threat

Coercion of one side against the other. Emotional pressure and blackmail. Violence against a person to satisfy their own base desires.

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