Lee chlamydia from a woman to a man are transmitted. How chlamydia is transmitted

Every year, the chlamydia is infected about 100 million people from around the world. According to numerous research and WHO data, chlamydial infection is considered the most common pathology, which is transmitted through sexual contact. This is due to the almost inconspicuous course of the disease and the long-term existence of bacteria in the body without pronounced symptoms.

Most often, the infection of chlamydia occurs when sex contacts. Also infection with chlamydia is possible through the household, air-drip and contact path.

Domestic chlamydia is transmitted, which there are methods for transmitting chlamydial infection and how to avoid infection with chlamydias - talk about this in the article.

Methods of infection of chlamydia

Depending on the state of the immune system, the nature and characteristics of the infection, chlamydia has the following paths of infection:

Sex Path

This is the most common method of infection with chlamydial infection, which is found in 70-90% of cases. Unprotected vaginal, anal or oral intimate proximity lead to the fact that a carrier of an infection, which may not suspect a disease, infects its sexual partners. With a single sexual act, the probability of infection with a virus is more than 60%. Through the mucous membranes of the lower departments of the urogenital system, the rectum, the oral oily cavity penetrate into the human body, after which, together with lymph or blood, apply to other organs and functional systems.

Household Way

Is it possible to get infected with chlamydia in a household? There are no officially confirmed medicine on this issue. However, some studies have shown that chlamydia is capable of stored on household items during the day (cloth, toilet lid, etc.) and penetrate the body of a healthy person. In this case, the temperature of the room should be within 18-20 degrees. Therefore, the probability of infection with chlamydia in everyday life is still present.

Mostly household chlamydia affects the mucous eye and organs of the urogenital system. Chlamydial infection is resistant to the effects of the external environment, therefore, with the sharing of personal hygiene and life, mass infection may occur. Also infection is possible through water in public souls, pools, water bodies.

Contact Path

Contact infection with chlamydia occurs through the uterus in the following situations:

  • Surgical interruption of pregnancy;
  • Installation of intrauterine contraceptive (NMS);
  • Using the blade of the blade (in such a way, men are preferably infected).

Also, chlamydia can fall into the uterine cavity together with spermatozoa from an infected partner.


Chlamydial infection can penetrate the body through the lungs. In this case, the disease has an epidemic or sporadic (non-permanent) character. Most often, the following types of chlamydia are transmitted in this way:

  • Chlamydophila pneumoniae - from an infected person, hitting the lungs and bronchi;
  • Chlamydophila ABORTUS - through the meat of an infected animal, through dust;
  • Chlamydophila Felis - through injuries applied by an infected cat;
  • Chlamydophila Psittaci - from birds.

Another of the common ways of infection with chlamydia - from the mother of the newborn child, which suffered a disease during the begging.

Finding into the human body, the virus provokes the development of inflammatory bladder processes, prostate and testicles, as well as female and male infertility. If an infected woman has a pregnancy against the background of infection, its progression leads to the unbearable of the fetus. With repeated infection with chlamydia, the risk of adverse effects increases.

How to avoid infection with chlamydia

Since most often chlamydia is transmitted through sexual contact, a sure way to avoid infection - have a permanent sexual partner. However, there are its nuances in it - the partner may have other intimate links or be infected before your acquaintance.

Fully secure yourself with the help of barrier contraception means (condom) is impossible. Through a condom, chlamydia is not transmitted, but there are other ways to infect infection when using this contraceptive:

  • Some use a condom solely before ejaculation, and not during the entire sexual contact;
  • The contraceptive is worn directly before the sexual act. At the same time, the infection can hit the bed during the preliminary caress (preludes);
  • Damage to the condom;
  • Misuse;
  • Repeated application.

Visiting the pools or public showers, you need to use only your hygiene objects (towel, washcloth, soap.

Unlike sexual and oral, household chlamydia is less common. If you adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and use individual means for mucous geometals, mouth and eyes, the risk of infection with chlamydia is significantly reduced.

Having found the appearance of the first signs of infection with chlamydia - contact a venereologist, which by means of laboratory diagnostics will determine the type of infection and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Attention! This article is posted exclusively for informational purposes and under any circumstances is not scientific material or medical advice and cannot serve as a replacement for full-time consultation with a professional doctor. For diagnostics, diagnosis and treatment assignment, contact qualified doctors!

Number of readings: 2684 Publication date: 03.10.2017

One of the cunning venereal diseases Modernity is considered chlamydosis. This title he received for ensuring that in most cases practically asymptomatic, gradually hitting the urinary system or respiratory organs, eyes. It is common that this infection can be infected exclusively by sexually. But not everything is so simple. It is important to know how chlamydia is passed to secure yourself from this ailment.

Many people infected with chlamydia do not even know about it. Considering yourself healthy and without making any treatment, they continue to infect other people. The beginning of the disease can proceed absolutely asymptomatic and express themselves only in a month, and then not in all cases.

To protect yourself and those surrounding from infection with chlamydia, it is necessary to treat its body very carefully, carefully listens to its slightest deviations from the usual norm. If at least one feature is detected, you should urgently visit the doctor and pass the necessary tests to either exclude chlamydia, or begin immediate treatment. TO the main symptoms of chlamydia in women relate:

No less unpleasant symptoms have chlamydia in men. How this infection is transmitted in sexual means, should know each and be attentive to signs of illness:

  • burning and itching when urination or immediately after it;
  • general oppressed state;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • election of urine with blood impurities and pus.

Even in the absence of treatment, after a while, these signs may disappear. But the disease itself will disappear, going into a chronic form. It threatens very unpleasant consequences in the life of an infected person. And in men, and women can form spikes, which will subsequently remind themselves with stupid pains at the bottom of the abdomen, pathological discharges from the genital tract. In addition, multiplying in the body, chlamydia can strike the organs of hearing, vision, breathing.

Having amazed female reproductive organs, the infection is pierced in Fallopiev pipes, generating an inflammatory process into them and clogging them. This leads to the fact that during ovulation, the egg cell can not fall into the uterine cavity, therefore, fertilization becomes impossible.

Therefore, it is so important to have an idea what chlamydia is. The transmission paths of the infection should also not be ignored.

Sexual path of infection

Different paths of transfer of chlamydial infection are known. The most common method of infection with chlamydia - through unprotected sex with an infected partner. With one-time contact, chlamydia is transmitted to about 60% of cases, during repeated - 100%.

Most of the risk of infection with sexual infection are subject to people with low immunity. In this case, the virus is almost instantly introduced into human cells. The strong immune system will not give infections to develop rapidly, thereby smoothing the possible symptoms of the disease. But in any case, infected without proper treatment and protection will be a distributor of chlamydia.

Infection is also possible with oral and anal contact. In such cases, its impact is even more pernicious, as the infection affects the intestines and respiratory organs.

The use of condoms during sexual contacts significantly reduces the risk of infection. But with any of its defect or incorrect use, the infection remains almost inevitable.

The most reliable way to protect against chlamydia is to avoid indiscriminate sexual relations and the presence of a permanent sexual partner.

Air-drip path of infection

It is also important to know how to be infected with chlamydia airborne droplets. This kind of chlamydia is called chlamydia pneumoniae and causes pneumonia. But these cases are very rare, as in the sputum and oral cavity there is a small concentration of bacteria.

However, the infection can be transferred through a kiss under the condition of the presence of a wound, cracks and damaged gums in the oral cavity and a weak immune system.

Mother's infection to the child

At birth baby can get infected with chlamydia from motherBy contacting with her fellow ways. In this case, the eyes and the nasopharynx of the newborn are most often affected, which when the light appears to look glued and inflamed. But if the mother received the right care and was under the supervision of doctors, then if it has such a disease, it is preferable to cesarean.

The most dangerous for the fetus is the intranatal path of infection with chlamydia, which means infection in the womb. The whole pregnancy child is under the protection of the placenta, which does not miss bacteria and infection to it. But with the pathology of the placenta, it can no longer provide a small person with all the necessary protection. With this infection, all mucous unborn kids are affected: eyes, nasopharynx, genitals and respiratory organs. In addition, the swallow infected by the oily water, the gastrointestinal tract occurs.

In case of intranatal infection, the risk of intrauterine fetal death is extremely high.

Most people are interested in the question whether chlamydia is transmitted by the household. In some cases, this is quite possible. Very cunning and hidden such infection as chlamydia. As is transmitted to everyday life, it is necessary to know everyone. Although chlamydial bacteria is almost not viable on dry or cool air, they can exist long enough in a wet and warm environment.

If someone from family members has chlamydia, the household path of infection may include infection through personal care objects. Therefore, it is always necessary to use only your toothbrush, towel and razor.

In bedtime and on the clothes of an infected person can also remain chlamydia. The household transmission path of infection in this case is to use other people's personal belongings and bed linen. It can also occur with a sexual act when using a condom. The contact itself was protected, but an infection remained to bed.

Many are afraid to become infected with chlamydial infection when visiting the pool or bathing in water bodies. This fear is not justified, since in a large amount of water, the concentration of bacteria is very small, so infection can not happen.

In order not to infect chlamydia, you need to remember the risks of infection with this infection and the methods of its transfer. It is also necessary to be regularly examined for the presence of chlamydial infection in order to identify the disease in time and take measures to cure.

The only manifestation of which is urogenital chlamydia, there are still other nosological forms of this disease. These, in particular, refers to respiratory chlamydia. This disease is caused by three types of chlamydia, namely Chlamydia Trachomatis, Chlamydia Pneumoniae and Chlamydia Psittaci. For each subspecies of microorganisms are characterized by their own paths of transmission of the disease.

The most frequent paths of the transpactor of respiratory chlamydia are:
1. airborne droplet;
2. infection from the mother's patient;
3. contact-household path;
4. Contact with sick birds ( both wild and homely).

Air-drip path.

This transmission path is that pathogenic microorganisms located on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract of a patient of a person are allocated to the environment in the form of aerosols. This happens when talking, sneezing or cough. Chlamydia is relatively unstable in the external environment, but in microscopic drops of mucus and sputum they can be maintained up to 5 days. A healthy person is infected with air inhaling with such drops. After entering the respiratory tract, chlamydia is beginning to multiply on the mucous membrane, to which they have affinity. This leads to a specific pathological process - chlamydial pneumonia, bronchitis or other forms of respiratory chlamydia. The airborne transmission path is characteristic mainly for Chlamydia Pneumoniae. Chlamydia trachomatis, the main causative agent of urogenital chlamydia, is very common in society, this way is not transmitted.

Infection of newborns from a sick mother.

According to some data, the infection of the fetus and the transfer of chlamydia to the child from the patient of the mother occurs approximately 50% of cases. Especially high risk of infection, if the infection has risen from the lower departments of the urogenital system in the uterus. Then, during passing through the labor paths, aspiration may occur ( switching) The child of the amusement waters. In this case, in contaminated newborns often arises chlamydial conjunctivitis, flowing in parallel with a sharp respiratory disease ( Orz). This transmission path is characteristic of Chlamydia trachomatis, which without adequate and timely treatment often develops in the uterus cavity.

Contact and household transfer path.

This path of infection is quite rare, since chlamydia, which have fallen with drops of mucus on item, quickly die. However, there are research data that confirm that at a certain temperature ( 18 - 19 degrees) Chlamydia is able to survive in the external environment up to five days. But infection of a healthy person is unlikely to infection with the same respiratory form of the disease, since the pathogen can almost not get into the lungs. Often in such cases bacteria fall on the mucous membrane of the eye, causing chlamydial conjunctivitis.

Contact with infected birds.

Chlamydia, which can be infected with birds, is often called ornithosis or psitactozy, as the causative agent of infection is Chlamydia Psittaci. An infection is transmitted when inhaled dust containing pathogenic microorganisms, or with direct contact with sick birds. A person whose disease is caused by this type of chlamydia, does not represent the danger of infection for others.

Thus, the transmission paths of respiratory chlamydia are largely determined by the subspecies of chlamydia caused by the disease. Sources of illness also differ.

Sources of infection in the case of respiratory chlamydia can be:

  • Man, patient chlamydial pneumonia or bronchitis , It is a source of infection both during the period of sickness of the disease, when the most pronounced clinical picture and in the incubation period, when the symptoms of the disease have not yet been manifested. In both cases, in exhaled air contains a sufficient number of microorganisms for infecting others. Moreover, the state when a person is already infected in the incubation period is considered more dangerous, since the patient is not isolated and continues to be among healthy people, exposing their risk of infection with chlamydia.
  • Bacteriamaker. Unlike urogenital chlamydia, for which the carriage is not typical, respiratory chlamydia can spread by some people without harming their health. In this case, chlamydia inhabit the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, but do not cause diseases, or it passes asphymatically. These people distinguish the bacteria of the pathogen into the external environment and represent a significant danger to others.
  • Patients wild and poultry. In birds chlamydia is caused by Chlamydia Psittaci bacterium. People who work on poultry farms and farmers are more often affected by risk. The causative agent enters the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract with dust particles. Gradually, it colonizes bronchi, bronchioles and other structures in the lungs, causing an inflammatory process.
In general, however, cases of respiratory chlamydia are found not often, as chlamydia, which have fallen into an external environment, which is unfavorable for their livelihoods, die very quickly. Therefore, for infection with respiratory chlamydia, very close and long-term contact with a sick person is needed. The risk of infection in closed rooms, which were not ventilated for a long time. If there is at least one patient a person or a carrier of respiratory chlamydia in this room, then a large number of pathogenic microorganisms can accumulate in the air.

Given the short probability of infection and the relatively low prevalence of respiratory chlamydia in society, completely healthy people are rarely infected. Most often, the disease is striking those who have immunity weakened.

The risk group of infection with respiratory chlamydia includes:

  • Children who have no immunity have yet formed completely , Therefore, it is not able to protect the body from infection.
  • Elderly people Since with age protective forces of the body decrease. First of all, this is due to the decrease in antibody products, which is why they are more susceptible to infections.
  • People with diseases of the immune system (HIV-infected, cancer patients).
Most often, respiratory chlamydia is recorded in spring and autumn. This is due to the fact that it was at this time that the body is most weakened and susceptible to infection. In the summer and in winter, the adverse ambient temperature practically eliminates the possibility of infection with air-droplet. In order to reduce the likelihood of infection in the spring and autumn, it is necessary to pay attention to the methods of prophylaxis.

Prevention of respiratory chlamydia is reduced to the following measures:

  • insulation of patients with respiratory chlamydia;
  • avoiding contact with wild and poultry, which are a potential source of chlamydial infection;
  • use of personal protective equipment ( masks);
  • airing and disinfection of the room and objects with which the patient has inkledged;
  • strengthening general immunity.

After being infected with chlamydia, no symptoms are manifested for a long time. Only with a weakening of the immune system can appear certain signs, thanks to which you can learn about the presence of an infectious process in the human body. This infectious process is a bit similar to HIV infection.

The clinical picture of the development of the disease is conditionally divided into three key categories, among which it is distinguished: the stage of infection, the stage of development of clinical signs of the infectious disease, the stage of development of basic complications and consequences. In the early threshers of infection, the clinical manifestations of the disease are practically completely not completely manifested, in this cunningness and danger of this disease. The first clinical manifestations of this disease include a slight or intense pronounced itch in the field of external genitalia, difficulties with the emptying of the bladder (this can be both difficulties with full-fledged micakes and too frequent visits to the toilet, which are complemented by soreness or discomfort).

The symptoms of this infectious disease in men and women differ in many ways from each other. The presence of an infectious process from representatives of a strong half of the population can be suspected by such signs:

  1. The presence of inflammatory processes in the pieces of eggs and the appendages of the testicles.
  2. The feeling of strong pain, cutting and burning in the micake process.
  3. Various dysfunctions in quantitative or qualitative indicators of seed fluid, premature ejaculation.
  4. The development of erectile dysfunction, deterioration of sexual attraction.
  5. In the absence of treatment, the development of secondary infectious processes and various violations in the functions of the reproductive system organs are possible.
  6. In the morning there appear vitreous separation from the urethra, the first drop of urine can be very muddy.
  7. Some men appear bleeding at the end of urination or with ejaculation.
  8. Patients feel weak, can slightly increase the temperature indicator.
It is very important to see the doctor as early as possible.

In the absence of adequate medical intervention, there are gradually a man develops hazardous consequences in the form of inflammation of the prostate gland, difficulties with the conception of the child. Such consequences in very launched cases may be irreversible. therefore It is very important to see the doctor as early as possible., at the stage of the appearance of discomfort, in this case the treatment will be rapidly (no more than two weeks, complications will be able to prevent).

If a woman is infected (regardless of the path or source of infection), most often this destructive process is accompanied by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  1. The presence of intensively pronounced burning sensations or painful sensations in the urethra plot, which become more pronounced when visiting the toilet.
  2. The inflammatory process on the surface of the cervix, it is accompanied by the appearance of painful sensations at the bottom of the abdomen, specific disclosures, intensively pronounced itching in the field of genitals.
  3. In the launched situations, bloody discharges from the vagina can appear.
  4. There is a general deterioration of the body's condition, the indicators of the body temperature increase (and if in the early stages they can be subfebrile, then with the development of the infectious process, they can become febrile), severe weakness, deterioration of disability appears.
  5. Due to the body intoxication, periodic nausea, which is not associated with diseases of the digestive system organs, may appear in the body's pathogenic microorganisms.
  6. Initially, the separation of the mucous, they have a pronounced unpleasant odor and yellowish tint.

To prevent the development of negative consequences and complications, it is very important to visit the doctor as early as possible. A woman should visit the gynecologist or venereologist, a man needs to be contacted to a venereologist or urologist in the presence of the most first negative symptoms and discomfort.

Even in the absence of a competent approach in the treatment, all the above clinical signs may disappear after several weeks later. But at the same time the disease does not disappear anywhere, it goes into a chronic form. At the same time, chlamydia act on the immune system, on the one hand, causing it to weaken, and on the other - as if configuring it against some tissues of the body. At the same time, various damage to the internal organs, articular cells and organs of vision begin.

How chlamydia is transmitted

How are chlamydia are transmitted, how can I get a cunning ailment? Chlamydia infection routes are divided into the following categories:

  1. Sex way.
  2. Vertical.
  3. Domestic.

Most often, infection occurs during sexual contacts and from mother to child. But cases of consumer transfer infection are infrequent, since in most cases the pathogenic microorganisms are not viable in the external environment.

Chlamydia is transmitted by sexual path

How do women infect and how can a man infect? General transmission paths. In this case, Chlamydia trachomatis in men and women is introduced into the body in different ways at different speeds. Different transmission paths. If the pathogens are found in the urethre or in the vagina in women, it means that the method of infection is vaginal contact. If the presence of sticks of chlamydia trachohatis is noted in the rectum, this means that the transmission of them occurred during anal sex, but if the infection is found on the surface of the respiratory organs or on the mucous membrane of the organs of the vision, it means that the sticks were transferred from a sick person to healthy through contact. It is important to note that with the development of urogenital chlamydia in men, men's transfer such as oral or anal are inherent only for representatives of sexual minorities, they practically do not meet them.

Provided from such a way to transfer chlamydial infection to a woman and a man using various ways. The most cardinal of them (and unlikely) is a complete refusal of sexual contacts. But you can also protect other methods. For example, if the partner is permanent, if with sexual contacts, barrier contraceptives are constantly used, if not changed or has not changed its sexual partner, it is possible to protect against the danger of infection not only by this ailment, but also from other sexually transmitted diseases, including from immunodeficiency.

What other way can be infected? Sick pregnant woman can transmit a disease to a newborn baby. In this case, the disease transmitted not through blood or placenta, since the placenta in this case is a reliable barrier that protects the baby in the womb. Only in isolated cases, if there is a breakfod water leakage, a disease can pass. The methods of infection of the child in this case are generic activities when the kid passes through the generic paths of the mother. At the same time, the child is defeated by no organs of the urogenital system, but the organs of the respiratory system and eye.

The household method of infection occurs infrequently. But certain sources of infection are not excluded. In the presence of favorable conditions for the causative agent in the external environment, it can maintain its viability over two days.

Can I have sex with chlamydia

Is it possible to have sex with chlamydia? Sex during chlamydia and with other types of STI or STPPs are unacceptable. Why can not sex in treatment and is there any restrictions? Since it is possible to get infection from the first time during the genital contact. During treatment in the human body, a certain amount of pathogen is preserved, so it is not recommended to have sex in treatment.

If the therapy is carried out for too long and it is impossible to refrain from intimate proximity, on the instructions of the attending physician you can come into contact, but about understandably use barrier methods of contraception And during sex, do not combine anal, vaginal and oral penetration. This will help to exclude the sexual path of transmission to this partner, which is already healthy, or is in the stage of cure.

Does the condom protect against chlamydia

Does the condom protect against chlamydia? Is it transmitted through a condom? Chlamydia is often diagnosed disease, the transmission is most often carried out during intimate proximity. Since the epithelium, which wipes the human-lining man, has a high similarity with the membrane structures of the causative agent, the proper use of the condom is eliminated by penetration of chlamydia to the surface of the mucous membranes of healthy sexual partners. In this case, the condom reliably protects from the STD.

But in some situations, the infection is still possible: if the condom is used incorrectly (in this case, chlamydia is transmitted through a condom), with not fully protected contact, the household transmission path of infection, the extragenital forms of infection.

Is it possible to get infected with chlamydia through oral sex

Is it possible to infect chlamydia through oral sex? Oral chlamydia proceeds differently than sex. When oral sex in the presence of the disease, it is easily transmitted. It is affected by the throat. After the transmission orally (blowjob or cunilling), the pathogen affects the oral cavity. The pharyngitis develops, then the disease is spreading with blood flow and lymph current. The respiratory system is affected, pneumonia can develop, joints are affected, liver, eyes.

Therefore, answering the question - whether it is transmitted during oral sex, it is possible to obtain a disease with oral sex, it can be said that even when using a condom of one hundred percent protection against chlamydia there will be no.

Is it possible to infect chlamydia for household

Picking up the infection by consumer through common use of toiletries with a sick person

Is it possible to get infected by the household? Is it possible to infect chlamydia in the pool or when visiting other public places with multiple cluster of the people. It is possible to pick up the infection by the household, through common use of toiletries with a sick person. This is a towel, a toine toilet, personal belongings of the patient, visiting the bath, sauna, swimming pool, swimming in the sea. The possibility of obtaining household chlamydia is explained by the fact that some time the causative agent can maintain its viability in the external environment.

How many pathoral microorganisms live on the subjects? In the external environment, in the presence of favorable conditions, chlamydia can live for another two days. Therefore, answering the question - it is possible to get infected by sexually, we can say that it is possible to get chlamydia by a household way if there were previously "left" the sick person. But there are other ways to obtain an infection by the household. For example, both men and women who do not have sex connections on the side can get infection by contacting patients with birds or animals. In this case, the disease proceeds in the form of ornithosis, the causative agent of which is one of the subspecies of chlamydia, which are detected in more than 130 species of feathery. To get sick, it is not necessary to be a nice bird. It is enough to continuously contact with infected excrement, feathers or a fortune, breathing out their particles or forget to wash your hands after cleaning pernate. You can also get caught from cats in bite or scratches.

From mother to child

When breastfeeding is carried out, chlamydia from the nursing mother is not transmitted by the newborn through the milk. But at the same time there is a risk of transmission of pathogen's children through a contact-household path.

Theoretically, it is possible to get chlamydia through saliva and through a kiss

Is chlamydia transmitted through kisses

Is chlamydia transmitted through kisses? Is it possible to get infected with chlamydia through kisses? Theoretically, it is possible to get chlamydia through saliva and through a kiss. But in this case, it is possible to get sick in this case, only if a sufficient number of microorganisms contain in saliva. In this case, it is necessary to kiss for a long time, immediately swallowed saliva of an infected person.

Is it possible to masturbate with chlamydia

Is it possible to masturbate with chlamydia? Onanism is possible only if a person has an inflammatory process on the surface of the mucous membrane during masturbation. Otherwise, artificial irritation of the genital organs will cause damage to the integrity of the mucous membrane, since inflamed fabrics lose elasticity, they can easily damage them.

Anal path of infection


Can be transferred to chlamydia with air-droplet. But this is possible very rarely, it is generally possible to infect with the microorganism of Chlamydia Pneumoniae, but it is not a venereal disease, but pneumonia.

How to diagnose and treat

The disease should only be treated after a previously conducted examination. Treatment methods include such activities: restoration of the operation of the organs of the digestion, cleaning of the liver, the reception of enzymes, the reception of antibacterial drugs, the use of rectal and vaginal suppositories, the reception of immunostimulants. The treatment is necessarily undergoing both sexual partners.


How can I get infected with chlamydia?

Infection can occur with any form of sexual contact: oral, genital, anal. Therefore, the only opportunity to protect yourself from infection is the storage of loyalty to its sexual partner or the correct use of reliable means of protection.

Infected with chlamydia with each unprotected sexual contact occurs on average in quarters. However, women are more susceptible to this infection, because the likelihood of their infection is higher.

Vertical path of transmission of infection. At this type of infection, the transfer of chlamydia occurs during childbirth - during the period of the newborn through the generic paths of the woman. Intricular fetal infection during pregnancy is currently not identified.

Symptoms of chlamydia

Chlamydia develops in stages. As a rule, the evolution of the disease occurs in three stages: infection, the stage of clinical manifestations, the stage of development of complications. Consider each symptom separately.
Infection - occurs at the time of transmission of infection. As a rule, infection occurs with unprotected sexual contact. In the first days, no pathological symptoms or new sensations may not be. However, in the first week there may be an unexpected itch in the field of mucous genital organs or the urethra. As a rule, this meager symptomatic does not allow to suspect chlamydia.

Clinical manifestations - more often this stage of the disease is manifested by the increase in the symptoms of urethritis.

Manifestations of chlamydia in women

Ureteritis - at the same time, the inflammation of the urination channel is increasingly concerned. Each urination may be accompanied by a torment and soreness. In the intervals between urination, threads and unpleasant sensations in the urethra decrease, but are preserved.

Cervicitis - inflammation of the cervical channel. This condition may be accompanied by a soreness at the bottom of the abdomen, bleeding in the intermenstrument period, painful sensations in genital sexual contact.

Digitizes pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass. In this case, the pain increases sharply every time in defecation. In some cases, pathological mucous-purulent discharge can be observed from the anal opening.

Pharyngitis - with ox inflammation there is a soreness when swallowing, the edema of the mucous membrane. In some cases, mucous-purulent discharge is detected on the surface of the mucous.

Manifestations of chlamydia in men

Ureteritis is manifested by burning and sickness when urination. However, the long presence of urethritis in men can cause the formation of scar tissue and the narrowing of the lumen. Therefore, treatment of chlamydial urethritis should be timely and adequate.

Inflammation of eggs and appendages of testicles (orchoepididimitis) - manifests itself with an increase in the sizes of the egg and its appendage. Inflammation of these organs is accompanied by severe pain, local inflammation. The consequences of the orchoepidimitimitam can be men's infertility, and reducing testosterone levels.

Prostatitis - with this lesion, inflammation of the prostate gland occurs. The defeat of this organ occurs a few weeks after infection during the upward promotion of infection by urinary tracts. With inflammation of the prostate, a number of felt changes occur: pain in the crotch area, difficult to urination, a decrease in the libido, an increase in the selection from the urethra. In the case of a long process, there is a violation of the structure of the fabrics of the prostate, which disrupts the process of forming sperm and can cause male infertility.

Methods of laboratory diagnostics of chlamydia

The diagnosis of chlamydial infection of the genital organs is a rather complex problem. The complexity of the detection of this pathogenic microorganism is associated with the peculiarities of its livelihoods and operation. First of all, it should be noted that chlamydia is an intracellular microorganism. This means that chlamydia is able to penetrate the cells and live in the host cell. The cells of the hosts most often are the cells of the epithelium of the mucous membranes of genitals of men and women. It is with such an intracellular form of life that numerous recurrences of chronic diseases of the urogenic organs are associated. That is, chlamydia is maintained inside the cells, and when favorable conditions occur for it, again comes out of the host cell, causing aggravation of the chronic inflammatory process.

Numerous attempts to treat chronic urinary infections, including those caused by chlamydia, lead to chronizing the process and the emergence of sustainable forms of pathogenic microorganism. Very often, together with chlamydial infection, other infections caused by conditionally pathogenic microorganisms are combined. Conditional pathogenic microorganisms are present in the human body and normally, however, with a decrease in immune defense, the development of infectious inflammatory diseases is capable of causeing. The decrease in immune protection can be caused by the various factors, including chronic persistent intracellular chlamydia.

So, conventionally, all methods of diagnosis of chlamydia can be divided according to the principles based on a method or another. To date, the following methods are used:

  • express tests
  • smear
  • immune fluorescence reaction (reef)
  • serological Methods (Complement Binding Reaction - RSK)
  • immuno enzyme analysis (ELISA)
  • cultural method (bacteriological sowing)
  • DNA methods (polymerase chain reaction - PCR, ligase chain reaction - LHTs, transcriptional amplification - that, DNA probation method)
Consider each of the methods in more detail. To date, it is impossible to allocate the best method of diagnosis of chlamydia, since each of the methods has advantages and disadvantages. And to maximize the effectiveness of the identification of pathogenic microorganism - chlamydia - methods are to combine the most suitable methods in a particular clinical situation.

Express tests -

Express tests or mini-tests are sold in pharmacies and are intended for use at home. The basis of express tests of diagnostics is the method of immune chromatography. That is, when chlamydia gets into a sensitive part of the test device, microorganisms are associated with antibodies and paint the test strip. Thus, with a positive result, two painted strips are visible in the reading window. Such tests are carried out quickly, are not expensive, but they can only serve as a guideline. The sensitivity of these tests varies within 20-50%. That is, the probability of detection of chlamydia, provided that it really is, is not more than 20-50%. Thus, it is impossible to trust the result of express test. If a person has suspicions that infection has occurred in chlamydia, it is necessary to contact a specialist doctor and take a full-fledged examination.

Smear with mucosa (microscopy) - advantages and disadvantages of the method

Where do smear take and how to get it right?
Under the concept of a smear, we mean the study under the microscope of the separated genital and urinary tract of men and women. In women, smear take from the walls of the vagina, from the cervix and from the outer opening of the urethra. Men take a stroke from the urethra or explore the secret of prostate. The study of the secret of the prostate in men is necessary, since the ureasual channel of men is much longer female, and chlamydia can be in the upper part of the urethra. When the microorganism is in the upper part of the urine channel of the man, it does not fall on the smear, because the smear is taken from the bottom of the urethra. When the Secretary of Prostate, existing chlamydia, localized in various hard-to-reach parts of the urethra, washed off by the secret of the prostate and fall on the smear.

It should be remembered that for research on chlamydia it is necessary to take a scraping from the organs of the urinary tract. This must be done because chlamydia is intracellular microorganisms, and the cells in which chlamydia live on the smear on the smear.

The sensitivity of the method, dignity and disadvantages
This method is quite old, but did not lose its relevance. Microscopic storing of the smear is quite simple in execution, not expensive and fast. However, the sensitivity of this method in relation to the detection of chlamydial infection is low, and is only 15-30%. However, it is not necessary to neglect even this method. Since in the smear you can recognize a picture of a chronic inflammatory process and suspect the presence of chlamydial infection. The number of leukocytes in the smear in the presence of chronic chlamydial infection is normal or somewhat enlarged.

Immune fluorescence reaction (reef)advantages and disadvantages of the method

The immune fluorescence reaction is a very complex and time-consuming method. Conducting this method requires high qualifications of a laboratory doctor, the presence of complex equipment - a fluorescent microscope and special reagents. To carry out the reaction of the immune fluorescence, the strokes from the urethra are painted with special fluorescent dyes. As a result, chlamydia in a smear look luminous. Under the condition of sufficient personnel qualifications and the correct take-off for diagnosis, the immune fluorescence method is very accurate and sensitive. Many professionals use this method to confirm chlamydia. However, today, the number of professionals capable of using this method is low, therefore its sensitivity is assessed at 70%. This is due to the fact that not only chlamydia, but also staphylococci, and streptococci, and other conditionally pathogenic microorganisms can be stained with fluorescent dyes. Discern what microorganism was painted with a luminous dye, only a highly professional doctor can.

It is necessary to remember that the revealed chlamydia in a smear by the immunofluorescence reaction method can be alive or dead, which remained after treatment, and the body has not yet managed to dispose of them. The disadvantages of the immunofluorescence reaction also include the fact that it detects only one kind of chlamydia. However, this circumstance could be overcome by developing appropriate fluorescent reagents. But today, with the development of science and technology, there are other methods that were also successfully applied to the diagnosis of chlamydia.

The undisputed advantage of the immunofluorescence reaction method should be attributed to the high speed of execution - no longer than one hour. Due to this circumstance, the method of immunofluorescence reaction can be recommended to carry out rapid or rapid diagnosis on chlamydia detection.
However, it should be remembered that for the detection of chlamydia, it is necessary not simply separated by the urinary organs, and the scraping from these organs so that the media cells of the chlamydia fall into the studied material.

Serological Methods (Complement Binding Reaction) Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Most often, a standard serological method is used to diagnose chlamydial infection - the complement binding response (RSK). For this reaction, special antibodies are used, which are associated with chlamydia. These complexes of chlamydia + antibody are identified. This group of methods is very simple in execution, is carried out very quickly, but gives a high frequency of false positive results. This means that chlamydia is found where they are not. Due to this circumstance, the sensitivity and specificity of the method of low. Serological methods are generally miniminalized to detect acute infection, since the concentration of chlamydial antigens is low. However, the complement binding reaction can be used as a screening test when a comprehensive and fast examination is required for a wide range of pathogens of various infectious diseases. For serological methods, venous blood is taken, in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Immuno enzyme analysis (ELISA)advantages and disadvantages of the method

The method of immunooperment analysis is detected by the microorganism itself - chlamydia, and antibodies to chlamydia. Antihamdia antibodies can be three classes - IgG, IgM, IGA. In this case, antibodies are detected in blood or in the separated genital organs. The indisputable advantage of the method is its ability to identify the sharpness of the process, that is, find out whether the infection is acute, chronic or relapse poorly treated. The lack of a method is low sensitivity - only 60%. Also, the disadvantages include the possibility of detection of infection only 20-30 days after infection. Such a gap from the moment of infection to the possibility of detecting chlamydial infection by the method of enzyme immunoassay is due to the fact that antibodies are just formed by 20-30 days from the moment of the development of the infectious inflammatory process.

However, this method is rather simple and inexpensive. At the same time, the likelihood of false positive results is high. This means that the infection is detected where it is not. To date, the World Health Organization has not made an immuno-immunimal analysis method into the list of the most informative methods for identifying chlamydia. Despite this circumstance, many laboratories perform this technique.
DNA Diagnostic Methods: PCR Study, DNA Probe, Ligase Chain Reaction - Dignity and Disadvantages of Methods
What methods refer to DNA diagnostics methods?
These methods show the genetic material of chlamydia in the separated urinary organs of men and women. The methods of DNA diagnostics include - polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a ligazine chain reaction (LCR), a DNA probes and transcriptional amplification method (TA).

Polymerase chain reaction method Very sensitive - up to 99%. However, it requires a specially equipped PCR laboratory and highly qualified personnel. When conducting PCR, sterility should be observed at all stages - from the fence of the material to the steps of the analysis itself. Since the ingress of someone else's genetic material in the sample at any stage can lead to the appearance of false-positive results. For PCR, special sets of reagents of various manufacturers are used. Different manufacturers sensitivity and specificity of sets may vary. To date, the most sensitive PCR sets for the diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections are considered Roche.

For accurate diagnostics, the scrapets are taken from the urinary organs, since otherwise the genetic material of chlamydia may not fall into the studied biological sample.

The PCR method is currently actively improving and implemented, therefore its new modifications are constantly appearing. It is dependent on the method modifying the method and the time that is spent on the analysis. Typically, this time is from one day to 3-4 hours.

If there were doubts about the reliability of the PCR analysis, it is usually recommended to undergo an examination by another method or to pass a repeated analysis for PCR diagnostics after a short period of time (month, three months, etc.).

DNA probes Also highly specific, however, less sensitive than PCR. The DNA Probe method is uninformative when identifying chronic chlamydial infection. The greatest sensitivity method of DNA probes has in the presence of chlamydial infection in the cervical channel in women. In this case, its sensitivity exceeds both the culture method and an immunoferment analysis.

Ligase chain reaction - New and highly efficient method for identifying chlamydial infection. The method of ligase chain reaction can be identified chlamydia in the urine in women. Sensitivity and specificity are very high - 95% and 100%, respectively. The method of a ligase chain reaction exceeds all other methods, including culture, in its sensitivity and specificity. Also, for the method of a ligase chain reaction, there is no need for a special fence of the material for analysis, as it is possible to collect just urine. However, the method is very laborious, requires highly qualified personnel and a specially equipped laboratory.

Transcriptional amplification method is in development. However, its sensitivity and specificity will be very high. This method can be a new "gold standard".
In general, all DNA diagnostics methods are very accurate and informative. Unfortunately, the mass implementation of these methods is currently impossible, due to the lack of professionals and expensive equipment for laboratories. Therefore, DNA diagnostic methods can be found only in large medical centers or specialized laboratories.

Cultural method (bacteriological sowing) Advantages and disadvantages of the method

This method is the longest and time consuming. The essence of bacteriological sowing is that a man or female separated from the urogenital organs is sown to a special nutrient medium. This nutrient medium is strictly specific, that is, only chlamydia is growing on this environment. Further, the sown material is placed for several days in a special incubator, where the necessary conditions for the growth of the culture of microorganism are supported. If chlamyidia is present in the seed separated organs, it will grow in the form of special colonies that will be visible on the surface of the nutrient medium.

The advantage of the culture method is that it does not give false positive results. That is, if the result of the culture method is positive, then chlamydia is undoubtedly present in the human body. Also, with the help of the culture method, the sensitivity of the microorganism towards antibiotics is determined. That is, they reveal exactly what antibiotic will become detrimental precisely for chlamydia, which inhabit the body of this particular person. It should be known that the sensitivity of the microorganism to antibiotics is strictly individually. This means that chlamydia of one sexual partner may die from the action of one antibiotic, and the clamydide of the second sexual partner will be able to die under the influence of a completely different antibacterial drug.

The disadvantage of the culture method is its duration - a few days, labor intensity and high cost. For bacteriological sowing, it is necessary to have a special equipped laboratory (as well as for PCR), highly qualified personnel and expensive culture media.
For the culture method it is extremely important to correctly take biological material for sowing. For the fence, special tools are used, which scrape part of the epithelial cells of the urinary organs, since chlamydia live in these cells.

Due to the exceptional specificity of bacteriological sowing, this method calls the "gold standard" in identifying various infections, including chlamydia.

To date, the most sensitive and specific methods for the detection of chlamydial infection are considered the culture method, the PCR method, the LCD method and the one. We would add here and the method of immunofluorescence reaction, but only in the hands of high-class professionals.

When can chlamydia be considered cured?

In order to determine the effectiveness of the treatment, it is necessary to conduct a special diagnosis after the course of treatment.

Tetracycline - This drug in the treatment of chlamydia is prescribed in a dosage of 500 mg four times a day. The course of treatment can be 7-14 days.
Doxycycline - applied in a dosage of 100 mg twice a day. The course of treatment is also 7-14 days.
Azitromycin - the first reception of the drug in the dosage 1 gr. Next, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 500 mg once during the day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
Erythromycin - 500 mg. Twice a day for 10 days
Midcamicine - 400 mg. Three times in time for 10 days.
Offlsacin - 200mg per day for 9 days.

In antibacterial treatment, it is important to carry out a full-fledged examination of the patient before appointing treatment - this will avoid serious complications and side effects. Only the attending physician can adequately assign a treatment regimension and control the effectiveness of the therapy. Therefore, self-medication during chlamydia is unacceptable, as it can cause significant harm to your health.

Stimulation of immunity

First of all, the normalization of immunity is achieved due to the reduction of neuropsychic loads, the rational routine of the day. A significant impact on the body has an active lifestyle, rational food and a positive attitude.

However, in the treatment of infectious inflammatory process, these recommendations are complemented by the appointment of immunostimulating drugs:
vitamins from the antioxidant group (A, C, E). These vitamins reduce the toxic effects of infectious agents on the body. Timely and adequate quantitatively entry into the organism of these vitamins contributes to the active restoration of damaged tissues.

Immunal - This preparation of vegetable origin stimulates the activity of immune cells. Due to this, the processes of elimination of infection from the body and the restoration of damaged tissues occur more.
Immunostimulating therapy is appointed by the attending physician on an individually scheme. The use of these drugs is possible only after the elimination of possible contraindications.

Prevention of chlamydia

The best prevention of chlamydia is avoiding factors that can lead to infection.
Reducing the number of sexual partners. Meanous sexual communications repeatedly increase the risk of infection.
With random sexual links, it is necessary to use a condom.
In the event that the storage of marital loyalty is impossible or your permanent sexual partner does not cause confidence, then the annual bacteriological and serological examination on infections transmitted by sexual means is necessary.
In the event that you have chlamydia, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment.
During the treatment period, all sorts of sex should be stopped. Using a condom does not provide 100% security guarantee. Oral or anal sexual contacts are dangerous in relation to infection with chlamydia at least the genital.
After a full-fledged course of treatment, it is necessary to carry out a mandatory diagnosis of cure. Only after the exclusion of chlamydial infection, it is possible to discontinue treatment and resume sexual contacts.

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